
Poptropica Cheats & Walkthroughs

2013.01.08 22:31 pkjohnson17 Poptropica Cheats & Walkthroughs

This subreddit was made for everyone to share cheats, guides, walkthroughs, and news related to the online game Poptropica!

2024.05.17 06:38 The_Fox_39 Where is the, "Export Data," button?

Where is the, submitted by The_Fox_39 to Poptropica [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:33 The_Fox_39 How do I get the store clothing items on Flashpoint

I've been using this link to follow instructions on how to get store items, and I put in the 4 digit numbers in new store strings like it says, but when I go into the game, the items are there, but the character displayed on the card it just wearing a white shirt and I can't customize any more than the hair style, which all appear to be completely wrong. Also, I am sometimes unable to open up the store items list when after I access it once, but this might just be a one time glitch. What do I do to get the store items accessible? Also, how do I export my data from Poptropica. I can't find the, "Export Data," button anywhere.
submitted by The_Fox_39 to Poptropica [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:55 Poptropica4Kids Poptropica for Kids website

Hello, I would like Poptropica to get updated on Coolmath Games. Don't forget to have Coolmath ban new animations from Poptropica. Here's the Poptropica for Kids website: https://www.poptropica4kids.com/
submitted by Poptropica4Kids to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:24 drop-of-honey [PC/WEB] [circa 2008-2012] online game/MMO

This is a shot in the dark because I have shockingly little information about the game.
My sibling and I have a vague memory of playing a game when we were in elementary/middle school. Things we know about the game:
  1. You could interact with other players in real time and send/receive items.
  2. The part we remember occurs in a very bright, but not super colorful, room/hall/lobby. Best comparison I can come up with is the dream-like train station in the last Harry Potter movie, which I know sounds really weird.
  3. It’s not 2D or pixel art.
It would have been around the same time we were playing things like Poptropica, Webkinz, Club Penguin, Millsberry.com, etc. but it’s none of those and I think my kid-brain thought the game was “more mature.”
I know this is like nothing to go off of so I won’t be surprised if we don’t get it but can’t think of a better place but here!
submitted by drop-of-honey to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:56 Mission-Comfort-2621 [TOMT][GAME][2000's] A game about taking care of a stick-figure like character

So I'm about to turn 18 in June. For the first few years of my life, I remember playing a lot of flash games. Fire boy and Water girl, GoGirlGames, YOLO, 5 Minutes to Kill Yourself, Poptropica, etc. But there is this one game thats slipping my mind. It was on cool math games (I think? The websites blur together in my mind) and it was very simple. A stick-figure or featureless figure is sick, and you have to nurse it back to health. There was one or two meters, a bed, a fireplace or a stove, and some other things I'm not remembering. I could never get past about 30 seconds before the thing died. However, I was very young, so I'm thinking maybe I could beat it since I'm older now. Can anyone help me remember this game? here's a picture I drew to maybe help jog some memories (bear with me I did this on my chromebook while also having the poorest memory of this game)
submitted by Mission-Comfort-2621 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 09:38 NoStatistician5639 Can't play Poptropica no more :( any help?

Can't play Poptropica no more :( any help? submitted by NoStatistician5639 to Poptropica [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 18:44 Emotional-Link-8302 I miss it 🥺

I miss it 🥺 submitted by Emotional-Link-8302 to OlderGenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:41 jillibean- I miss it 🥺

I miss it 🥺 submitted by jillibean- to CozyGamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:38 SadisticGoose You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me

You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
(This has been my favorite Taylor trend lately)
submitted by SadisticGoose to YouBelongWithMemes [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 18:10 Rambunctiousjiggler Finale! Thanks for watching my Greg canvas (LINKS TO LLBS IN THE DESC.)

Finale! Thanks for watching my Greg canvas (LINKS TO LLBS IN THE DESC.)
Book Greg, Movie Greg, Disney+ Greg, Awesome Friendly Kid Greg, Long Haul Greg, and Poptropica Greg (by Jeff Kinney)
25 years later, Rich and famous, and 75 years later Greg (by jugdeggrogs) Link: Diary Of a Wimpy Kid: 25 Years Later - Imgur , Imgurhttps://imgur.com › uZIuo00Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rich and Famous, https://www.reddit.com/LodedDipes/r7DskN3buc
Overflowing Greg (by u/Gaybime) Link: https://www.reddit.comGaybime/s/e0PIhYaynx or check out u/Theheroisme4’s readings on youtube (the steam smythe)
Dysfunctional Perspective Greg (by u/ABitchWhoMakesShit) Link: https://www.reddit.comABitchWhoMakesShit/s/G15q1umUMr
No Nut November Greg (by u/SwagHawk42) Link: https://www.reddit.comSwagHawk42/s/7ZqHsVSqdb or check out a reading on yt
Greg vs. High School Greg (by me) Link: https://www.reddit.comRambunctiousjiggles/Zk6WOro4qa or check the steam smythe’s reading on yt
Bound By Blood Greg (by u/Mystricks4l) Link: https://www.reddit.comMystricks4l/s/jk2Aj8762i
Bachelorverse Greg (by u/CorvoAttano4444) Link: https://www.reddit.comCorvoAttano4444/s/YAZw3HzFDf
Nice Guy Greg (by u/MisterMystery5086) Link: https://www.reddit.comMisterMystery5086/s/VRqfz04mW6 or check out the steam smythe’s reading
Greg’s first edge Greg (by u/Advertisingreddit) Link: https://www.reddit.comAdvertisingreddit/s/au3W1HcAj6
Greg Gets A Girlfriend Greta (by kermit) Link: Diary of a wimpy kid: greg gets a girlfriend. Full length fan-fictionYouTube · The steam smytheNov 9, 2023
Greg Goes To Vietnam Greg Link: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Greg Goes To Vietnam (Fan-Fiction)YouTube · AverageWimpyKidEnjoyerDec 8, 2021
Greg And The Ballistic Missile Greg (by BT_Evelon and Bearmam123) Link: https://www.reddit.com/LodedDipes/Gt9J5Mc9Bc
Gregoria ((by lodeddiper all together)(but my main design is from u/HighMena) Link: https://www.reddit.com/LodedDipes/jQR9pgWjU7
Broken Beyond Repair Greg (by u/Abby31_) Link: https://www.reddit.comAbby31_/s/TQc0Stsm30
Dark Web and Breaking Point Greg (by u/Johnwasnever) Link: https://johnwasnever.carrd.co/
Joker Greg (by El_Mas_Chin_Gun) Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a1iQWF3S54E
Yogurtverse Greg (by IcyOpportunity9) Link: https://www.reddit.comIcyOpportunity9/s/rtti7ZRzKi
Plainview Noir Greg (by oaa2288) Link: https://imgur.com/gallery/EZrOZlv
Gregnancy Greg Link: Diary of Wimpy Kid: Greg and Holly - A Teen Gregnancy StoryYouTube · R3alHumanOct 22, 2022
Rich and Famous Greg Link: Imgurhttps://imgur.com › uZIuo00Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rich and Famous
Diaryganronpa Greg (by Stevert9) Link: https://www.reddit.comStevert9/s/G64iR1Pam0
  1. Big Nate
  2. Movie Greg
  3. Dysfunctional Perspective Greg
  4. Book Greg
  5. Diaryganronpa Greg
  6. Nice Guy Greg
  7. Awesome Friendly Kid Greg
  8. Breaking Point Greg
  9. Plainview Noir Greg
  10. Joker Greg
  11. Greg Gets a Girlfriend Greta
  12. Bound By Blood Greg
  13. Overflowing Greg
  14. Broken Beyond Repair Greg
  15. Greg vs. High School Greg
  16. Bachelorverse Greg
  17. Rich and Famous Greg
  18. 75 Years Later Greg
  19. 25 years later Greg
  20. Dark Web Trilogy Greg
  21. Yogurtverse Greg
  22. Gregs First Edge Greg
  23. Gregoria
  24. Greg Goes To Vietnam
  25. Disney+ Greg
  26. No Nut November Greg
  27. Greg and the ballistic missile Greg
  28. Gregnant Greg
  29. Long Haul movie Greg 29.Poptropica Greg
submitted by Rambunctiousjiggler to LodedDiper [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 06:22 Lost-Leader5939 More Monster High ASG's

More Monster High ASG's
PT.2 of the MH ASG recovery Project I've been working on, these 3 were from the first Monster High AD, but I decided to put them in a separate post just due to the fact that they are exactly "main character outfits", but just like the ones that didn't have hair, I fully fleshed out these ones too to look like actual backgrounders at MH, the hair is an MH hair too (it's a very generic one lol) also the T-Shirt I gave the Scaris fashion bag as a sneak peak of what's next 😉. Hope you all enjoy
PT.1 is here:https://www.reddit.com/Poptropica/s/lxd3qhi2OH
submitted by Lost-Leader5939 to Poptropica [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 08:34 KrishMortyJunior I miss Dimension Bros

I miss Dimension Bros submitted by KrishMortyJunior to Poptropica [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 08:02 Goofy_goober374 Official Pop News: Poptropica to be hosted by CoolMathGames starting in a few months. Still unclear if this decision will impact the Steam Library.

Official Pop News: Poptropica to be hosted by CoolMathGames starting in a few months. Still unclear if this decision will impact the Steam Library. submitted by Goofy_goober374 to u/Goofy_goober374 [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 04:34 Amazing_Rise_6233 When was the first time you used the internet?

First time I had access to a computer was when I was about 5 years old but they were just used for CD ROM games. I first had access to the internet at about 7 years old when I first discovered YouTube and websites like Nick.com or Cartoonnetwork.com. And even Neopets and Poptropica.
submitted by Amazing_Rise_6233 to OlderGenZ [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 22:07 LABARATI_ flashpoint store items help

flashpoint store items help
for flashpoint infinity poptropica, does anyone know how to add costume sfws files to the game for store items?
i figure I did something wrong cause i got this
submitted by LABARATI_ to Poptropica [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 03:15 emma2195 The game won't open can someone tell me what's wrong and how to fix it?

The game won't open can someone tell me what's wrong and how to fix it? submitted by emma2195 to FlashpointArchive [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 00:17 Pale-Humor-5461 Using Poptropica in flashpoint- MacOS

Alright besties, instead of doing my homework I have decided it is the best time to post my tutorial for running Poptropica in flashpoint since most of the tutorials I have seen have been posted a while ago.
Before I start I just wanted to go ahead and mention that it did take me a while to get this up and running. I'm not sure if it's because I'm stupid or I don't follow instructions very well but the game has been running fine for days now. I ran into a lot of problems my first few times and before I got it up and running sometimes I would give up for days but allas I used my big brain and here we are.
Like another poster I saw it took me hours to figure out what was up. I looked at multiple tutorials but since flashpoint is made for windows I had to see if maybe I could still use the instructions made anyway. I'm going to go ahead and link the websites/ posts I used in this post and link them according to my instructions as well.
Done rambling so lets get started:
Step 1: Download flashpoint following the instructions in this link. If you have troubleshooting this link will also be your best friend. https://flashpointarchive.org/datahub/Mac_Support . BEFORE YOU DOWNLOAD IT make sure to read the compatibility section. Depending on the compatibility you may need to download the older version or update waterfox.
I think I'm just stupid but it took me a while to figure out how to check what version of MacOS I have so just incase I'll explain how to check it. At the top of ur mac screen there should be the apple logo. Click on it and choose "about this Mac". Now tada, on the section that says MacOS there should be a name and number. Mine for example is Sonoma 14.3.1. Now once you know what version of MacOS you have follow the instructions on the coulomb corresponding.
If you have sonoma like me or ventura womp womp you have an extra step, waterfox needs an update. Once you have flashpoint downloaded, DON'T OPEN THE APP JUST YET, open the FPSoftware folder in the flashpoint folder. You should see the waterfox icon in it already but like I said we need an update so what ur ganna do is use this link https://classic.waterfox.net/ to update ur waterfox. When the app is finished downloading there should be a little window that pops up. DONT ADD THE WATERFOX TO YOUR APPLICATIONS. Drag the updated waterfox icon into the FPSoftware folder and replace it.
After ur done updating waterfox you can open up flashpoint. Yay!
Step 2: When you open up flashpoint go ahead and look up poptropica. When you look it up theres this wizard thing that pops up idk why but it's obviously not that one. Once you click on poptropica there should be a download button. DONT CLICK ON IT ITS USLESS. What you're going to do is download the AS2 version of poptropica. AS3 doesn't work on Mac, you can go ahead and try and use it but I'm telling you, youll be looking at a loading screen foeva.
I'm going to go ahead and link the legacy support I used to download AS2, https://flashpointarchive.org/datahub/Legacy_Poptropica_Support but don't worry I will also link the zip file here too. https://archive.org/download/poptropica-gamezips/AS2/83e1b5e7-4282-4bbd-868e-dcfa965e4abf.zip
Remember, only AS2, which is the older version of poptropica only works on mac sadly. If you can somehow get AS3 to work on mac be my guest tho, and then please show me how.
Step 3: once you have your AS2 zip downloaded go ahead and click on the "open game data browser" at the bottom of the little poptropica screenshot that shows in the flashpoint page. As you may see, there are 2 data packs available, but sadly, these are of no use to Mac users, so feel free to just delete those, you won't need them anyway. Now that those data packs are out of the way click on the import data button on the data pack tab. Go ahead and find your AS2 zip file and import it into the data pack. Now just to make sure, make sure the active button is green next to the file you imported.
Step 4: Go ahead and close out that little tab, BUT DON'T OPEN UP THE GAME JUST YET. There's one thing left to do. You have to configure the browser link so that when the app opens you aren't just looking at a blank screen. This took me a bit to figure out since in most instructions it said to configure the browser and I would just be like ? wdym but eventually I figured it out.
What you're going to do is you're going to go into "Config" in flashpoint. I think, once again, I am blind because I could not find this section for my life, but don't worry, it's just in the little row next to "Home" and "games". Alright, once you find it, click on it and enable editing.
After you enable editing a little pencil next to the name poptropica should show up, click on it. Once it's open, go ahead and look for launch command. This is what people mean by configuring the browser, and it sounds harder than it looks. What youre going to do is delete the link thats there because its useless and instead copy this link, http://www.poptropica.com/base.php and paste it in the the launch command. This launch command is the one that runs AS2. If you have another launch command you found make sure it isn't for the AS3 version because you will run into a whole blank screen.
Once you update the launch command SAVE YOUR CHANGES by clicking the little checkmark and now finally you can click the amazing download/play button and enjoy your game.
Like I mentioned before, this took me multiple tries, 20 open tabs, and disappointment to finally run this game. My first attempt just flat out didn't work. My second attempt ended in a blank screen. My third attempt I was able to run the game for a day and when I closed it out and tried to return to it the game wouldn't load. AND FINALLY, on my fourth try, it WORKED, has been working and hasn't abandoned me for 4 days now.
Obviously there are going to be some bugs, sometimes the page fails on me and I get so scared bc I'm like "This is it, I'm ganna have to redownload it" but I refresh the page and everything is cool beans. On some islands, there will be little quirks like on counterfeit island, if you encounter the painter in the street don't click on print the painting bc it will freeze up and it wouldn't let me close the tab for like 20 min.
I feel like I'm rambling now but I truly hope my instructions help and work for you guys. I loved this game as a little girl and it brought me so much joy being able to figure out how to get back to it so I hope it'll be the same for you guys.

submitted by Pale-Humor-5461 to Poptropica [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 15:25 Separate-Effort3640 I modified the Flashpoint Curation to use Clean Flash Player

I modified the Flashpoint Curation to use Clean Flash Player submitted by Separate-Effort3640 to FlashpointArchive [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 06:35 Artist_Nerd_99 [TOMT][WEBSITE][2000s] Flash game website I can't remember the name of

When I was in Elementary school there was this one flash game site everyone played on all the time and would fight over the iMacs for during indoor recess. This was around 2005-2009 in America specifically. The problem is I'm really unsure what website this was because I've never been able to find it again, even though it's probably defunct now. This site seemed to have 3 different areas, one that lead to Poptropica, one that lead to a board game style game with educational mini games, and one that lead to a list of flash games specifically based on movies made by Warner Brothers and Sony. I specifically remember the movie games because this is where me and most of my classmates usually spent our time on. Two games I remember in great detail from this site because of their popularity were a game based on Happy Feet called Sink or Swim which was a side scrolling game where you controlled a penguin to eat fish while avoiding icebergs, and a point and click game based on one of the live action Scooby Doo movies where if you clicked on a Egyptian Sarcophagus it would play a jumpscare (a post with gameplay of this one circulated twitter a bit bc my sibling sent me a clip of it maybe a year ago). Other games I remember that weren't as popular were a Stuart Little maze game(?) where you avoided the family cat and this Bizarre Ant Bully game where you would try to make a frog throw up by feeding it items because it ate one of your friends but I could never figure this one out.
This is not CoolMath Games, Webkinz, Neopets, Club Penguin, Cartoon Network .com, or Nick .com, and the website definitely didn't have any edgy gory content either which was common on a lot of flash game sites during that era because the teachers monitored us closely. Tbh I just want to find this site because I've never heard anyone talk about it despite it being such a popular site at my school specifically.
submitted by Artist_Nerd_99 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 22:45 appl3cr1spy Flashpoint error (Mac)

Flashpoint error (Mac)
I got this error when I tried downloading Poptropica. Is there any way to fix this?

submitted by appl3cr1spy to FlashpointArchive [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 05:41 triescheyeniinja Old credentials on Steam?

I’ve played Poptropica since I was a kid and loved the old islands and how it used to run.
They have recently moved to coolmathgames.com and my old credentials work there (even though I can’t see my old medallion collection :( which sucks).
I see that Steam has Poptropica for $19.99 but I’m wondering if I buy that version with some of the older islands can I still login with my old credentials? Or would I have to make a new account and start from scratch?
submitted by triescheyeniinja to Poptropica [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 19:25 ilovepemguins Island not complete

Island not complete
I finished mythology island and it’s not fully finished progress wise. I don’t know how to fix it and it’s kinda irritating haha
submitted by ilovepemguins to Poptropica [link] [comments]
