T slot aluminum

Functional 3D Printing

2014.02.03 15:37 ShadowRam Functional 3D Printing

A community dedicated to share and discuss 3D prints that have a specific, practical function or use in everyday life.

2011.08.06 18:54 WillThePickle 🏜️ /𝗿/𝗕𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀𝟮 - Borderlands 2 Reddit !

The Borderlands 2 Reddit. Post and discuss anything related to Borderlands 2.

2020.01.04 09:47 andrewprime1 Extrudedaluminum

A community dedicated to projects and questions about using T-Slotted Extruded Aluminum.

2024.05.19 18:07 Tazmango17 Keyboard f1 issue

I have a go Pavillion Gaming Gaming Laptop 15z-e000
F1 key repeatedly clicking even after keyboard driver reinstall and windows reinstall. Along with straight up removing the key connect. Making me think it’s a hardware issue.
Past issue: one of my Rams slots went bad, and now I can’t have ram in one of the slots otherwise, my computer repeatedly crashes.
submitted by Tazmango17 to computer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:59 IM_THE_SAM Please Help

I just started playing Minecraft Java Edition this morning. I've always played Bedrock Edition. I figured out how to install shaders and mods. I've been trying to increase my performance because there are occasional jitters and buffers while playing. I downloaded a good bit of mods and now my world is crashing. I'm not sure what the problem is someone that knows more than I do, please help.
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// My bad.
Time: 2024-05-19 11:54:20
Description: Exception ticking world
org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.MixinTransformerError: An unexpected critical error was encountered
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins(MixinProcessor.java:392) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClass(MixinTransformer.java:250) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.service.modlauncher.MixinTransformationHandler.processClass(MixinTransformationHandler.java:131) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinLaunchPluginLegacy.processClass(MixinLaunchPluginLegacy.java:131) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.serviceapi.ILaunchPluginService.processClassWithFlags(ILaunchPluginService.java:142) \~\[modlauncher-10.1.2.jar:10.1.2\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchPluginHandler.offerClassNodeToPlugins(LaunchPluginHandler.java:91) \~\[modlauncher-10.1.2.jar:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.ClassTransformer.transform(ClassTransformer.java:107) \~\[modlauncher-10.1.2.jar:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.TransformingClassLoader.maybeTransformClassBytes(TransformingClassLoader.java:44) \~\[modlauncher-10.1.2.jar:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.securemodules.SecureModuleClassLoader.readerToClass(SecureModuleClassLoader.java:473) \~\[securemodules-2.2.10.jar!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.securemodules.SecureModuleClassLoader.findClass(SecureModuleClassLoader.java:399) \~\[securemodules-2.2.10.jar!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.securemodules.SecureModuleClassLoader.loadClass(SecureModuleClassLoader.java:415) \~\[securemodules-2.2.10.jar!/:?\] {} at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:525) \~\[?:?\] {} at net.minecraft.world.entity.ai.behavior.VillagerGoalPackages.m\_24607\_(VillagerGoalPackages.java:231) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager.m\_35424\_(Villager.java:184) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager.m\_8075\_(Villager.java:157) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.entity.LivingEntity.(LivingEntity.java:244) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,re:computing\_frames,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:alloc.enum\_values.living\_entity.LivingEntityMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.collisions.unpushable\_cramming.LivingEntityMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.fast\_elytra\_check.LivingEntityMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.fast\_hand\_swing.LivingEntityMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.fast\_powder\_snow\_check.LivingEntityMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.skip\_equipment\_change\_check.LivingEntityMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.world.entity.Mob.(Mob.java:142) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.inactive\_navigations.MobMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.skip\_equipment\_change\_check.MobMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.world.entity.PathfinderMob.(PathfinderMob.java:16) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.entity.AgeableMob.(AgeableMob.java:29) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.AbstractVillager.(AbstractVillager.java:49) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager.(Villager.java:140) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager.(Villager.java:136) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.entity.EntityType.m\_20615\_(EntityType.java:530) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.entity.EntityType.m\_185996\_(EntityType.java:535) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at java.util.Optional.map(Optional.java:260) \~\[?:?\] {re:mixin} at net.minecraft.world.entity.EntityType.m\_20642\_(EntityType.java:534) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.templatesystem.StructureTemplate.m\_74543\_(StructureTemplate.java:444) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.templatesystem.StructureTemplate.addEntitiesToWorld(StructureTemplate.java:427) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.templatesystem.StructureTemplate.m\_230328\_(StructureTemplate.java:337) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.pools.SinglePoolElement.m\_213695\_(SinglePoolElement.java:134) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.PoolElementStructurePiece.m\_226509\_(PoolElementStructurePiece.java:89) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.PoolElementStructurePiece.m\_213694\_(PoolElementStructurePiece.java:85) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.StructureStart.m\_226850\_(StructureStart.java:90) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkGenerator.m\_223080\_(ChunkGenerator.java:320) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.forEach(ImmutableList.java:422) \~\[guava-32.1.2-jre.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin} at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkGenerator.m\_213609\_(ChunkGenerator.java:319) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkStatus.m\_279978\_(ChunkStatus.java:108) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B} at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkStatus$SimpleGenerationTask.m\_214024\_(ChunkStatus.java:309) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkStatus.m\_280308\_(ChunkStatus.java:252) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B} at net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkMap.lambda$chunkGenerate$27(ChunkMap.java:793) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default} at com.mojang.datafixers.util.Either$Left.map(Either.java:38) \~\[datafixerupper-6.0.8.jar!/:?\] {} at net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkMap.lambda$chunkGenerate$29(ChunkMap.java:780) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default} at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniCompose.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:1150) \~\[?:?\] {} at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$Completion.run(CompletableFuture.java:482) \~\[?:?\] {} at net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkTaskPriorityQueueSorter.m\_143188\_(ChunkTaskPriorityQueueSorter.java:62) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.util.thread.ProcessorMailbox.m\_18759\_(ProcessorMailbox.java:91) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.util.thread.ProcessorMailbox.m\_18747\_(ProcessorMailbox.java:146) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.util.thread.ProcessorMailbox.run(ProcessorMailbox.java:102) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask$RunnableExecuteAction.exec(ForkJoinTask.java:1395) \~\[?:?\] {} at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(ForkJoinTask.java:373) \~\[?:?\] {} at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec(ForkJoinPool.java:1182) \~\[?:?\] {} at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan(ForkJoinPool.java:1655) \~\[?:?\] {re:computing\_frames} at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool.java:1622) \~\[?:?\] {re:computing\_frames} at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread.run(ForkJoinWorkerThread.java:165) \~\[?:?\] {} 
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.throwables.MixinApplyError: Mixin [canary.mixins.json:ai.poi.tasks.LocateHidingPlaceMixin] from phase [DEFAULT] in config [canary.mixins.json] FAILED during APPLY
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.handleMixinError(MixinProcessor.java:636) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.handleMixinApplyError(MixinProcessor.java:588) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins(MixinProcessor.java:379) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} ... 53 more 
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException: Critical injection failure: u/Redirect annotation on redirect could not find any targets matching 'lambda$create$5' or 'm_289100_' in net.minecraft.world.entity.ai.behavior.LocateHidingPlace. Using refmap canary.refmap.json [PREINJECT Applicator Phase -> canary.mixins.json:ai.poi.tasks.LocateHidingPlaceMixin -> Prepare Injections -> -> redirect$zzk000$redirect(Lnet/minecraft/world/entity/ai/village/poi/PoiManager;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;Lnet/minecraft/world/entity/ai/village/poi/PoiManager$Occupancy;Lnet/minecraft/core/BlockPos;ILnet/minecraft/util/RandomSource;)Ljava/util/Optional; -> Parse]
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.struct.InjectionInfo.validateTargets(InjectionInfo.java:656) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.struct.InjectionInfo.findTargets(InjectionInfo.java:587) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.struct.InjectionInfo.readAnnotation(InjectionInfo.java:330) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.struct.InjectionInfo.(InjectionInfo.java:316) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.struct.InjectionInfo.(InjectionInfo.java:308) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.struct.RedirectInjectionInfo.(RedirectInjectionInfo.java:44) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at jdk.internal.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor61.newInstance(Unknown Source) \~\[?:?\] {} at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45) \~\[?:?\] {} at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller(Constructor.java:499) \~\[?:?\] {} at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:480) \~\[?:?\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.struct.InjectionInfo$InjectorEntry.create(InjectionInfo.java:149) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.struct.InjectionInfo.parse(InjectionInfo.java:708) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTargetContext.prepareInjections(MixinTargetContext.java:1311) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.prepareInjections(MixinApplicatorStandard.java:1042) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.applyMixin(MixinApplicatorStandard.java:393) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinApplicatorStandard.apply(MixinApplicatorStandard.java:325) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.apply(TargetClassContext.java:383) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.TargetClassContext.applyMixins(TargetClassContext.java:365) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins(MixinProcessor.java:363) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} ... 53 more 
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
Thread: Server thread
Suspected Mods: NONE
at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinProcessor.applyMixins(MixinProcessor.java:392) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.MixinTransformer.transformClass(MixinTransformer.java:250) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.service.modlauncher.MixinTransformationHandler.processClass(MixinTransformationHandler.java:131) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinLaunchPluginLegacy.processClass(MixinLaunchPluginLegacy.java:131) \~\[mixin-0.8.5.jar:0.8.5+Jenkins-b310.git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.serviceapi.ILaunchPluginService.processClassWithFlags(ILaunchPluginService.java:142) \~\[modlauncher-10.1.2.jar:10.1.2\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchPluginHandler.offerClassNodeToPlugins(LaunchPluginHandler.java:91) \~\[modlauncher-10.1.2.jar:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.ClassTransformer.transform(ClassTransformer.java:107) \~\[modlauncher-10.1.2.jar:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.TransformingClassLoader.maybeTransformClassBytes(TransformingClassLoader.java:44) \~\[modlauncher-10.1.2.jar:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.securemodules.SecureModuleClassLoader.readerToClass(SecureModuleClassLoader.java:473) \~\[securemodules-2.2.10.jar!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.securemodules.SecureModuleClassLoader.findClass(SecureModuleClassLoader.java:399) \~\[securemodules-2.2.10.jar!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.securemodules.SecureModuleClassLoader.loadClass(SecureModuleClassLoader.java:415) \~\[securemodules-2.2.10.jar!/:?\] {} at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:525) \~\[?:?\] {} at net.minecraft.world.entity.ai.behavior.VillagerGoalPackages.m\_24607\_(VillagerGoalPackages.java:231) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager.m\_35424\_(Villager.java:184) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager.m\_8075\_(Villager.java:157) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.entity.LivingEntity.(LivingEntity.java:244) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,re:computing\_frames,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:alloc.enum\_values.living\_entity.LivingEntityMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.collisions.unpushable\_cramming.LivingEntityMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.fast\_elytra\_check.LivingEntityMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.fast\_hand\_swing.LivingEntityMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.fast\_powder\_snow\_check.LivingEntityMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.skip\_equipment\_change\_check.LivingEntityMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.world.entity.Mob.(Mob.java:142) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.inactive\_navigations.MobMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.skip\_equipment\_change\_check.MobMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.world.entity.PathfinderMob.(PathfinderMob.java:16) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.entity.AgeableMob.(AgeableMob.java:29) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.AbstractVillager.(AbstractVillager.java:49) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager.(Villager.java:140) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager.(Villager.java:136) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.entity.EntityType.m\_20615\_(EntityType.java:530) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.entity.EntityType.m\_185996\_(EntityType.java:535) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at java.util.Optional.map(Optional.java:260) \~\[?:?\] {re:mixin} at net.minecraft.world.entity.EntityType.m\_20642\_(EntityType.java:534) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector,re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.templatesystem.StructureTemplate.m\_74543\_(StructureTemplate.java:444) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.templatesystem.StructureTemplate.addEntitiesToWorld(StructureTemplate.java:427) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.templatesystem.StructureTemplate.m\_230328\_(StructureTemplate.java:337) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading,xf:fml:forge:forge\_method\_redirector} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.pools.SinglePoolElement.m\_213695\_(SinglePoolElement.java:134) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.PoolElementStructurePiece.m\_226509\_(PoolElementStructurePiece.java:89) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.PoolElementStructurePiece.m\_213694\_(PoolElementStructurePiece.java:85) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.structure.StructureStart.m\_226850\_(StructureStart.java:90) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkGenerator.m\_223080\_(ChunkGenerator.java:320) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.forEach(ImmutableList.java:422) \~\[guava-32.1.2-jre.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin} at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkGenerator.m\_213609\_(ChunkGenerator.java:319) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkStatus.m\_279978\_(ChunkStatus.java:108) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B} at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkStatus$SimpleGenerationTask.m\_214024\_(ChunkStatus.java:309) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.ChunkStatus.m\_280308\_(ChunkStatus.java:252) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B} at net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkMap.lambda$chunkGenerate$27(ChunkMap.java:793) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default} at com.mojang.datafixers.util.Either$Left.map(Either.java:38) \~\[datafixerupper-6.0.8.jar!/:?\] {} at net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkMap.lambda$chunkGenerate$29(ChunkMap.java:780) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default} at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniCompose.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:1150) \~\[?:?\] {} at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$Completion.run(CompletableFuture.java:482) \~\[?:?\] {} at net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkTaskPriorityQueueSorter.m\_143188\_(ChunkTaskPriorityQueueSorter.java:62) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.util.thread.ProcessorMailbox.m\_18759\_(ProcessorMailbox.java:91) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraft.util.thread.ProcessorMailbox.m\_18747\_(ProcessorMailbox.java:146) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading} 
-- Affected level --
All players: 1 total; \[ServerPlayer\['IM\_THE\_SAM'/75, l='ServerLevel\[:)\]', x=2480.03, y=146.23, z=1153.84\]\] Chunk stats: 27933 Level dimension: minecraft:overworld Level spawn location: World: (0,66,0), Section: (at 0,2,0 in 0,4,0; chunk contains blocks 0,-64,0 to 15,319,15), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,-64,0 to 511,319,511) Level time: 40684 game time, 73274 day time Level name: :) Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false Level weather: Rain time: 67548 (now: false), thunder time: 9364 (now: true) Known server brands: forge Removed feature flags: Level was modded: true Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil Loaded entity count: 301 
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.m\_6026\_(ServerLevel.java:1509) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:alloc.chunk\_random.ServerLevelMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:chunk.replace\_streams.ServerLevelMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:entity.inactive\_navigations.ServerLevelMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:profiler.ServerLevelMixin,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:util.accessors.ServerLevelAccessor,pl:mixin:APP:canary.mixins.json:world.block\_entity\_ticking.sleeping.ServerLevelMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.m\_5703\_(MinecraftServer.java:952) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B} at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.m\_5705\_(MinecraftServer.java:837) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B} at net.minecraft.client.server.IntegratedServer.m\_5705\_(IntegratedServer.java:129) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:classloading,xf:OptiFine:default} at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.m\_130011\_(MinecraftServer.java:673) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B} at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.m\_206580\_(MinecraftServer.java:256) \~\[forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B} at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) \~\[?:?\] {re:mixin} 
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.20.4 Minecraft Version ID: 1.20.4 Operating System: Windows 11 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 17.0.8, Microsoft Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft Memory: 655399912 bytes (625 MiB) / 2147483648 bytes (2048 MiB) up to 2147483648 bytes (2048 MiB) CPUs: 12 Processor Vendor: GenuineIntel Processor Name: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400 @ 2.60GHz Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 167 Stepping 1 Microarchitecture: Rocket Lake Frequency (GHz): 2.59 Number of physical packages: 1 Number of physical CPUs: 6 Number of logical CPUs: 12 Graphics card #0 name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Graphics card #0 vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de) Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 4095.00 Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x2489 Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion= Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 8192.00 Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.40 Memory slot #0 type: DDR4 Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 8192.00 Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.40 Memory slot #1 type: DDR4 Virtual memory max (MB): 31599.39 Virtual memory used (MB): 14193.93 Swap memory total (MB): 15360.00 Swap memory used (MB): 159.08 JVM Flags: 9 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance\_javaw.exe\_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M Server Running: true Player Count: 1 / 8; \[ServerPlayer\['IM\_THE\_SAM'/75, l='ServerLevel\[:)\]', x=2480.03, y=146.23, z=1153.84\]\] Data Packs: vanilla, mod:terralith, mod:forge (incompatible), mod:mousetweaks (incompatible), mod:t\_and\_t, mod:geckolib (incompatible), mod:clumps (incompatible), mod:cristellib (incompatible), mod:entityculling (incompatible), mod:canary (incompatible), mod:fallingtree (incompatible) Enabled Feature Flags: minecraft:vanilla World Generation: Experimental Type: Integrated Server (map\_client.txt) Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'forge'; Server brand changed to 'forge' Launched Version: 1.20.4-forge-49.0.50 OptiFine Version: OptiFine\_1.20.4\_HD\_U\_I7 OptiFine Build: 20240317-172634 Render Distance Chunks: 16 Mipmaps: 4 Anisotropic Filtering: 1 Antialiasing: 0 Multitexture: false Shaders: BSL\_v8.2.09p1.zip OpenGlVersion: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 528.02 OpenGlRenderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGlVendor: NVIDIA Corporation CpuCount: 12 ModLauncher: 10.1.2 ModLauncher launch target: forge\_client ModLauncher naming: srg ModLauncher services: / slf4jfixer PLUGINSERVICE / runtimedistcleaner PLUGINSERVICE / runtime\_enum\_extender PLUGINSERVICE / object\_holder\_definalize PLUGINSERVICE / capability\_token\_subclass PLUGINSERVICE / accesstransformer PLUGINSERVICE / eventbus PLUGINSERVICE / mixin PLUGINSERVICE / OptiFine TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE / fml TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE / mixin TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE FML Language Providers: minecraft@1.0 lowcodefml@49 javafml@49.0.50 Mod List: Terralith\_1.20\_v2.5.1.jar Terralith terralith 2.5.1 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-client.jar Minecraft minecraft 1.20.4 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE entityculling-forge-1.6.4-mc1.20.4.jar EntityCulling entityculling 1.6.4 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE canary-mc1.20.4-0.3.3.jar Canary canary 0.3.3 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE FallingTree-1.20.4- FallingTree fallingtree DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE MouseTweaks-forge-mc1.20.2-2.26.jar Mouse Tweaks mousetweaks 2.26 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE forge-1.20.4-49.0.50-universal.jar Forge forge 49.0.50 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE t\_and\_t- Towns and Towers t\_and\_t 1.12.1 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE geckolib-forge-1.20.4-4.4.4.jar GeckoLib 4 geckolib 4.4.4 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Clumps-forge-1.20.4- Clumps clumps DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE cristellib-1.2.2-forge.jar Cristel Lib cristellib 1.2.2 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Crash Report UUID: 66846349-41d4-4cf2-8d20-f22f013f6aa7 FML: 0.0 Forge: net.minecraftforge:49.0.50 
submitted by IM_THE_SAM to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:59 Penisnocchio What do you think was the logical explanation for Top Gun: Maverick not getting nominated for cinematography?

Going from favorite to win and nominated for almost every big precursor to not making the cut. It’s sort of easier to see this with something like The Batman or First Man, but TGM was an insanely popular best picture nominee whose biggest praise was for the flying sequences, they had nothing to lose leaving it out. People mostly blamed Bardo and Empire of Light for being lame movies nobody cared about, but TÁR was clearly the surprise nominee that shoved Miranda out. And don’t get me wrong, love TÁR getting the recognition, but considering the movie was already getting 5 major nominations and it wasn’t a strong precursor presence, it didn’t necessarily need the cinematography nod over the movie everyone knew to be a guaranteed slot. You could say this was just the snobby cinematography branch picking the artsy movie over the blockbuster, but considering Dune just won it doesn’t seem like a time for blockbuster bias, plus Hoffmeister meant having 3 newcomers in the category which is somewhat out of character considering this last year there were 0. I’m sure All Quiet would still have won, but the omission of TGM, The Batman and like a dozen other beloved movies that never had a shot, and the category being filled with movies fans were mostly ambivalent about, made the category that year seem like a dud.
submitted by Penisnocchio to oscarrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:58 Polarglance Cannot turn on with 2 Kingston Fury's installed

I just purchased a used HP Omen 25L Intel Core I5-13400F and it came with 2 Kingston Fury Beast DDR5 drives. One of them was plugged in and one wasn't. I brought it home and installed the second one but then the computer wouldn't turn on. I unplugged the one I had installed and the computer booted just fine. I then changed the slot the second one was in and ran into the same problem with every extra slot. Is there a reason this is happening? I would like to use the second one to give the computer more RAM but it wouldn't even power on. For further information I software reset it when I received it so all the drivers & Windows are fully up to date. The drive that is currently in is in the second slot from the left. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
submitted by Polarglance to HPOmen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:54 User_Bloxio99 Um anyone wanna offer?

Um anyone wanna offer? submitted by User_Bloxio99 to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:45 dc041 AMITA For calling out my manager for listening to me in the bathroom?

I 22M have been working at my Sephora for 2 years since February. Recently I got on a new medication that makes me dehydrated so I’m constantly needing to go to the back and get water (because we can’t keep water on stage🤷) and, in turn, I have to go to the bathroom a lot approximately once every 1-2 hours throughout my 8 hr shifts. I have told my store manager and 3 other members of leadership. I also have maintained the top sales tier and have been ranked #3 in sales in my store.
The other day I was working with a new manager that had been working with me since I was hired but was recently promoted to leadership. During her CEL slot I asked to grab water, during this water break she went over the walkie to ask how it was going and I said “great” and went back out on the floor. I didn’t think anything of that interaction I just assumed they needed me on the floor, but when I came back out the store was relatively empty. An hour passes and I need to use the restroom. (Unfortunately for the reader I must preface that this was a number 2 and my stomach was going through it this day) I go to the bathroom and I’m doing what needs to be done and after a couple minutes go by, the CEL (different one because there’s been a zone change) asks if I can grab something from back stock when I’m done. I said yes once I finish up using the restroom. Then, I hear the loudest bangs (approx 5) on the door with nothing verbal following. I said hello? Very confused. And when I say it was loud it was heard on the floor by my co workers and I assume the 5-10 clients in the store.
I left the bathroom and went up to the first CEL who has now shifted back to skincare for the remainder of the hour and asked if she knocked on the door of the bathroom. I didn’t accuse her of doing it, I didn’t show any attitude, I was honestly in shock that it even happened still and just wanted some information or at least to tell her that someone just banged on the door. She looks and me and I can tell she’s very upset and said “yes I did” I asked why and she said I was being selfish and many members of my team have noticed that I keep taking water breaks and going to the bathroom. I told her I was having stomach problems this day because I didn’t want to look her in her eyes on the SALES FLOOR and tell her I was shitting my brains out. She said “do you need to go home?” In a threatening way so I asked why she was being so hostile🤭. Because up till this point I was very polite but now she’s trying to assert dominance and I’m a gay man raised in the south with a very quick mouth, so I wasn’t gonna let her get away with this. She asked if we needed to go talk to our store manager and I asked “do we?”. She walked away as did I.
A couple minutes pass and I’m still a little shaken up by being disturbed in the bathroom and I just feel like the issue isn’t resolved so I went to my store managers office to tell her about what just happened to get her opinion. After getting in the office the other manager walks in and sits with us. (Idgaf) I’ll say everything I’m about to to her face, I just didn’t want the environment to be hostile. I explain what happened and just said that the bottom line is that banging on the door while I was in the restroom was inappropriate and I wanted to make sure that that’s not something they stand by and it won’t happen again. Idgaf about anyone gettting written up, calling hr, getting someone fired. I just simply don’t care enough for any of that to happen. I do care about being comfortable when I need to shit. It gets worse.
The manager then tells my boss that when I took my water break earlier in the day she timed me and said it took me 10mins…10 mins is a very long time, if she would’ve said 5mins I would’ve been shocked but when she said 10 I was so taken a back because it’s a flat out lie and now I’m defending myself over that, and shocker my store manager believed her over me. Then she brought up how she asked me how my water break was going and she said that when I replied with “great” after 10mins that that was extremely disrespectful and childish…THEN she told me that she was LISTENING TO ME IN THE BATHROOM AND SHE HEARD ME SPEAKING. Keep in mind the only time I spoke was when I went over the walky to tell the 2nd CEL that I could grab the item once I’m done. (I’m assuming my manager didn’t have her walky on and thought I was on my phone speaking????) now my store manager is completely on her side and we’re not even discussing how inappropriate it is to bang on the bathroom door. I’m starting to get pretty uncomfortable now just because I know she was listening to me shit.
At this point it’s my store manager and my manager against me. They’re threatening to write me up (idgaf) for insubordination because I brought up the issue on the sales floor. I switch up and I say what needs to be said to get out of this situation because I know I’m not gonna win this battle. I apologize to both of them (very convincingly I might add) and told them I apologize for being so disrespectful and in the future I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again. (Idgaf) After, it was time to get to work (in more ways than one🤭). I basically tell every one of my coworkers the situation stating the facts and being unbiased because I still had a voice in the back of my head telling me I was wrong and they were right, but many of my coworkers over heard the whole interaction and they felt that I was right and they were just trying to cover their asses so I don’t go to HR. Even tho idgaf enough to do that.
Now, things are very awkward between me and that manager. Me and my store manager are chill bc I know she was being influenced. At the end of the day I decided to let it go. I was in my feels too because me and my manager have been really close up till this point and it suprises me how angry she got. Like I could tell she’s been wanting to say these things to me for a long time. I’ve realized that when someone has an issue with you at Sephora their not gonna tell you, their gonna suppress it until it builds up and they explode on you bc they’re all fake. And if you work here you know what I mean, the language, the way we have to talk, the way we interact on the walky is very phony and I’m just not like that. Idk I still love my job and the drama keeps it interesting, but am I the asshole?
submitted by dc041 to SephoraWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:19 Tadashiio Low FPS on Max Settings with good Specs

Heya everyone!
I hope it is the right sub to ask this. Hope you can help me.
When i install a game i always check the recommended specifications and my PC surpasses them but i got still low fps on max settings. I don‘t rellay know why. Latest example is the pc version of Ghost of Tsushima.
Following my specs:
I7 12700K
RTX 3060 TI
32 GB DDR4 RAM @ 3200 MHz dual slot
Windows 10 64 Bit
SSD Samsung 980 Pro
Is there a general setting in windows to fix it or does it depend on the optimization of the game itself?
Thank you in advance!
submitted by Tadashiio to pcgamingtechsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:15 Haunting-Charge-8699 If I have a token multiplier on the field, and I Incubate 3, do I make 2 incubator tokens with 3 +1+1 counters on them?

I have been playing and messing around with the Growing Threat precon lately, helmed by [[Brimaz, Blight of Oreskos]]. I have been thinking about slotting in [[Anointed Procession]] but I’m unsure of this interaction. I asked my playgroup and here is what they have agreed on.
Anointed procession would make me create double the amount of incubator tokens, however, only one would have the counters on it. Anointed Procession does not say counters so nothing created with it will have the counters. Therefore, as soon as I transformed the incubators WITHOUT counters, they would become 0/0 Phyrexian artifact creatures and die instantly.
The way I see it is this,
If something says I incubate 3 and I have anointed procession on the field, I would just incubate 3 twice. Anointed procession says if an effect would create one or more tokens under your control, you create twice that many of those tokens instead. So if I would incubate 3 then I would just incubate 3 twice?
I have looked up the ruling and googled this question but I haven’t been able to find an actual answer. Just stuff saying that when my incubator tokens transform they aren’t counting as creatures entering the battlefield and stuff like that.
Please let me know what the correct ruling is if anyone knows
submitted by Haunting-Charge-8699 to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:04 PlutoJones42 Need PvE or PvP Squads?

We have been a gaming community for over four years now, and have tons of cool folks to kick it and play games with. We are mostly NA with a handful of EU folks. This is an 18+ server. Come chat and make some friends!
We are Tarkov-centric, but have people playing all kinds of different stuff together, from Age of Empires to Civ to Dungeons and Dragons. Just a large handful of old dudes playing video games. We are mostly 20-50 year old dudes. Real great group of folks.
A lot of people are bored and waiting for the wipe. We’ve still got folks raiding, and we’ve been having some good fun with PvE mode as well. Good practice for rushing through quests when we wipe!
Any experience level is welcome. We have tons of extremely experienced players that are available to answer questions, just ask in the general chat!
Don’t be shy, get in and meet some people! Best way to meet people is to hop into the LFG voice channels or join a squad with an open slot.
Drop in, drop a line, and let’s drop some PMCs!
submitted by PlutoJones42 to EFT_LFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:03 TheStatsProff Turnitin Instructor (no-repository) AI Checker Available

We’re excited to assist you in ensuring the quality and originality of your academic work. Here are some key points about our service:
  1. Availability: We currently have few slots remaining, so act quickly to secure your spot!
  2. Secure Account Setting: Your peace of mind is our priority. Our account setup is no-repository, which means that nothing is stored in any database. Rest assured that your papers remain confidential.
  3. Pricing: We have 4 options.
Payment is handled securely through PayPal.
How It Works:
  1. [Email](mailto:PROFESSORROXXY@GMAIL.COM) us and let us know which package suits you.
  2. Each scan you GET 2 Comprehensive Reports:
If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to send us a message through our official [Email](mailto:PROFESSORROXXY@GMAIL.COM) .
submitted by TheStatsProff to TurnitinAI_detector [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:00 e2kay Is my GPU dead?

Hey y’all, I just finished my first build and as I boot it on I got an A9 error code on my motherboard (Asus z790 e strix). I immediately noticed the GPU (Asus Dual OC RTX 4070) led and fans weren’t powering on. I tried many different PSU connectors (6+2 pins) and nothing seems to work. I tried putting it on the other two available Pcie slots and the same thing happened. I’ve connected a displayport cable to the gpu itself and when I boot it up it’s still able to display the BIOS screen and I can play around with settings but the GPU itself isn’t detected in my settings. I’ve checked each Pcie slot and I have even set them to Gen 4 and still no detection. I tried turning it on without an 8-pin connector and the GPU itself has a red led indicating not enough power, but once I connect the 8-pin it’s gone. My last bet is that it’s a BIOS issue with compatibility but I’m not sure the likelihood it’s that over a defective card. Is my GPU dead/defective? TIA!
submitted by e2kay to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:56 Mrbthebandicoot7 I Might have done something wrong on my ps5.

Ok so I bought crash bandicoot 4 IAT for ps5. (Keep in mind I bought & downloaded the ps4 and the analog version.) so I bought and downloaded the digital version. But there were probably 3 or more slots/add-ons and it said download all. I accidentally clicked the ps4 version and it downloaded and it won’t let me go back. Did I do anything wrong?
submitted by Mrbthebandicoot7 to crashbandicoot [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:53 Zealousideal_Put_489 Trying to run DVI, HDMI, or DP out from PC.. into a Widescreen HD CRT with S-Video, Component, and AV inputs ONLY

Ok so I've googled a lot. Most of the results for this use-case say "jUsT pLug It InTo ThE HdMi On Ur CrT..." But I do not have an HDMI or DVI port on this TV.
The HD 16:9 CRT I just picked up only has S-Video, Component, and AV inputs. No HDMI or DVI built in anywhere.
I am trying to output from my emulation PC in my living room. I could put an older GPU in it, but I would sacrifice a lot of performance and things like shaders and scaling effects, so that is not an option in this case.. It only has one PCI slot that I can use. It was a POS terminal for UPS or something and it has a really arbitrary and proprietary motherboard. Can't fit another card in it.
The GPU which is a GTX 950 SC has:
*DisplayPort *DVI (I don't remember if it's DVI-D or what, but if anyone needs info, pls reply lol) *HDMI
What is my best option here?
Is S-Video going to look better than Component? I believe there's HDMI - to - Component connectors out there, but if S-Video looks better, (not sure,) what adapters do I need?
Trying to also minimize input delay! I might attempt to play FPS games on this... lol. And for what it is, it has almost no noticeable input delay, so that's pretty nice!
TV itself is an Insignia NS-30HTV!
Thank you!
Edit: And yeah I'm trying to output in anywhere between 540-1080i, so I don't need it to scale the output in theory!
submitted by Zealousideal_Put_489 to crtgaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:45 Due_Veterinarian2179 Missing gloves and sword ?

There is one slot of swords that i don’t have (i completed roguerunner) and also gloves slot can someone tell me how to get them
submitted by Due_Veterinarian2179 to GhostRunner [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:43 formerly_Puz Versatility upgrades

I've been playing this game for about 4 months and put in around 120 hours in that time. I love it, it's the first shooter I've actually enjoyed playing frequently since CoD MW2.
I cannot help but feel, however, that there's some things that could be done, especially to heavy weapons call-downs, that would improve gameplay, or simply make each system more versatile or interesting to play with.
So I give you a rough idea of so-called "Versitility upgrades"
Airburst Rocket Launcher: HEAT Submunitions- reduces submunition count by 50% in favor of larger anti-armor submunition (Medium armor)
Thermobaric Warhead: Replaced submunitions with a single, powerful high-explosive Incendiary warhead (DoT, deploys a small AoE burning similar to Incendiary impact with a primary blast similar in size to an impact grenade)
SAPHE munitions: Reduces armor penetration for an increase to area of effect explosive
Enhance Combat Optic: Increases FoV and zoom for increased ADS time
Anti-Material Rifle
SLAP: Removes all HE damage and decreases damage overall in favor of firing a sub-caliber tungsten sabot (Highest penetration available)
Magazine Webbing: increases reload capacity by 50%
Arc Thrower:
Flux capacitor: Reduces cool-down between firing for the cost of reduced range
Amplitude Modulation: Modifications to electric wave forms allow longer ranges at the cost of reduced damage
Overclocking: Modification dramatically increases damage at the risk of overcharging coils, resulting in massive static discharge.
Expendable Anti-Tank:
PLOS Warhead: reduces units per call in to 1 in exchange for a guided missile unit
Payload warhead: Deploys a chemical agent in lieu of a HEAT munitions
Pressure Tank: Replaces backpack slot with a large capacity fuel tank, giving the equivalent of a full load of spare tanks
High-Pressure lines: increases range by 50%, but reduces period of fire by 50%
Laser Cannon:
Liquid Helium coolant: increases duration of firing by 25%, reduces cooldown by 25%, but reduces damage by 25%
Focusing Lense: Increases damage by 25%, but reduces firing duration by 25%.
Vertical Foregrip: Adds a foregrip to reduce muzzle climb at the cost of reduced capacity
Improved feed pawls: Titanium feed pawls and modifications of the gas system allows for longer belts at the cost of a lower rate of fire. 500 round capacity, 1 reload requiring the player to remain in place; locked to 700rpm
Machine Gun:
Commando Box: Allows the Machine Gun to be loaded on the move at the cost of reduced ammunition capacity (75rnd link, 3 reloads)
Assaulters Pack: Replaces the belt mechanism with a powered backpack which holds 450rnds of ammunition
Heavy Machine Gun:
Assaulters Pack: Replaces the belt with a power-feed backpack (200rnd capacity)
Hydraulic Buffer Mechanism: Internal upgrades create a continuous Recoil mechanism, reducing recoil, but lowering Rate of Fire
Grenade Launcher:
SAPHEI Grenades: Semi-Armor Piercing High Explosive Incendiary warheads Increases damage against armored targets and gives a chance to apply Incendiary effect at the cost of AoE effect and reduced damage against non-armored targets
HEDP Warhead: High Explosive/Dual Purpose Warheads increase damage against armored targets at the cost of lower explosive payload
Flechettes: Replaces conventional HE grenades with a flechette warhead, offering medium armor penetration and a wide spread
SACLOS guidance: Removes IR Guidance and Lock for a Semi-Active Command Line of Sight missile, which tracks point of aim
Kinetic Kill Vehicle: Replaces explosive Payload with a solid warhead and more efficient fuel, giving the missile armor-piercing ability (High damage, high pen, no splash, cannot kill fabs or bug holes)
Rail Cannon:
Gallium Capacitors: Removes charge time, but fixes railgun at 60% power
Heavy Slug: Requires full charge, firing a significantly heavier slug for greater damage and penetration
Quasar Cannon:
Regenerative Coils: Recovers heat-energy to be used to fire more rapidly, at the cost of power (25% damage reduction, returns fire rate to pre-nerf)
Saftey Override beam: Allows the Quasar to fire a continuous wave in case of emergency, but forces unit to a long cool-down (2.5sec firing phase for a 45 second cool-down)
Recoilless Rifle:
White Phosphorus Warhead: Fires an Incendiary mixture, coving a wide area in smoke and fire at the cost of no armor penetration and a smaller primary blast
EMS warhead: Creates a static field (similar in size to the EMS Mortar)
Eagle Strafing Run:
Chain Guns: Large caliber chain-guns fire more powerful munitions at the cost of lower ammunition capacity. Greater AoE and damage, reduces cooldown counts to 2 (3 with upgrade)
Gun pods: Adds two gunpods to hardpoints in lieu of bombs (Increases damage, denies player ability to deploy other eagle strategies, +2 uses)
Eagle Airstrike:
Guided Bomb Unit: Deploys Three bombs which automatically target objectives and the largest enemies in the area.
Mixed Muniton Payload: Deploys Two HE, Two Cluster, one Napalm/Chem, and one EMS strike.
Eagle Rocket strike:
LOX rocket: Deploys a very high-speed Rocket able to destroy all but the most hardened targets (Hellbomb objectives) but lacks explosive Payload.
HE-FRAG warhead: Removes Armor penetration for greater AoE effect
Air-to-Air Sortee: Replaces ground attack with IR guided missiles for Airborne threats (4 rockets)
Eagle Cluster Bomb:
DICM munitions: Lower AoE and reduced munitions count for medium armor penetration
Mixed Munitions Payload: Mixed Muniton Payload: Deploys one HE, four Cluster, one Napalm/Chem/EMS.
Eagle Napalm/Smoke:
Mixed Muniton Payload: Deploys EMS in conjunction with Napalm/Smoke (50/50 split)
Eagle 500kg:
Air-Burst fuzing: The 500kg Bomb now detonates at altitude, at the expense of limited damage to heavily armored foes (can not destroy objectives)
Eagle Hellbomb: Deploys a fuzed NUX-223 Hellbomb. Eagle must resupply after deployment.
These upgrades could cost Requisition slips and samples to unlock; say, 5000 req slips and 5-10 samples of the Common or Rare variations depending on potential level of unity or level of unlock of the actual systems.
While this list isn't comprehensive, I feel it gets the idea; most of these are based on real-world equivalence of weapon systems or similar proposals of munitions and weapons.
Apologies for lack of illustrations. Thank you!
submitted by formerly_Puz to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:40 DoinkMachine47 [Recruiting] Storm Chasers #2L82GRJYQ 1000+ Trophies Clan Level 8

Hi, Storm Chasers is looking to fill out the last 10ish player slots. Me and my brother made this clan back in April last year, and our main focus for the clan is to relax and have fun while engaging in regular activities such as clan games, clan wars and clan capital raids. While we obviously want to play for the wins when it comes to clan wars etc. our main drive is to have fun and simply enjoy the game with the community. Every town hall is welcome, whether you’re rushed or not it doesn’t matter, come have fun!
submitted by DoinkMachine47 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:34 Terrible-Drawer8232 i think i have been used as a money mule. need help asap.

i saw a girl advertise that she was doing brokered slots. for example she’d post £60.10 would get me £700. so i invested in this as it seemed legit. she sent me email confirmations and everything to prove the funds and the slots going through. however she said that it would be a 3/4h max payout however it’s been 1 week? she then proceeded to tell me to send her £70 then £80 then another £60. i asked why and she said that it’s to make sure that when i get the funds my account doesn’t close. i thought nothing of it and sent the money because she had sent me email confirmations before i thought it was all legit then she sent me £60.05 and told me to send it back to her. my bank contacted me and said that i need to verify these funds. i’ve contacted her and asked her for verification and she’s ignoring me completely. i’m just a student at university and wanted to clear some debt and make some extra money. please help me as i have no idea what to do. do i tell the bank the whole truth?
submitted by Terrible-Drawer8232 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:27 Ok-Classic4475 [Recruiting] Ket Kingz #2LJV08CR8 TH13+ and above International English Language

[Recruiting] Ket Kingz TH13+ and above International English Language CW / CWL / CG / CR
• Clan Name: ( Ket Kingz ) #2LJV08CR8
Ket Kingz https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2LJV08CR8
Link - https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2LJV08CR8
• Clan level: 13
• Clan War League: Crystal League 1
• Clan Games: Tier VI
• Capital Peak: Level 9
• Clan Location: International
• Chat Language: English
• Minimum required Town Hall Level: 13+
• Member count: 31/50
We are a group of relaxed, chilled and friendly returned players that want to have fun in all clan activities. However, we do try hard so that everyone can have maximum rewards. Chat and donation are active. Feel free to join us!
Clan rules:
1). Have a laugh
2). Elder & Co Leader are earned, so please don’t beg otherwise it will wind people up
3). Participate actively in clan wars, clan war league, capital raids and clan games.
4). Try your best in CW / CWL. Doesn't matter if we win/lose, learn from mistakes and play better next time.
5). Ask questions when unsure.
6). Play the game actively, chill vibes 24/7.
7). INACTIVE for 7 days w/o valid reason, not using attacks in weekly CR and CW/CWL = KICK. This opens up available slots for more active players.
8). Mention if you want to be in war or want to start a war.
9). Indicate in Player Profile Preferences for opting in/out of clan wars and we will swap accordingly.
What we are looking for:
+ Town Hall 13 users and up.
+ Active clan members for all clan activities!!
+ New / veteran / tryhard players are all welcome! Experienced players are a plus!
+ No minimum trophy requirement!
+ Players that genuinely want to stay and have a laugh
+ ACTIVE players only. We need players that are willing to do ALL content daily & weekly.
+ Don’t particularly want rushed townhall, but if your active constantly, we will allow it
Additional Information:
> Clan wars will be started constantly every 2 days, actively. If break is required, do sound off.
> Indicate in Player Profile Preferences for opting in/out of clan wars and we will swap accordingly.
> Do check our clan profile for player TH levels. TH14s / TH15s / TH16s will be prio'ed for CWL.
> Let us know if you have any suggestions or concerns. Your input matters.
> Worry less and apply now!!
submitted by Ok-Classic4475 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:26 tft_xilao Enduring Elder 4 Snipers. Auto-win 6 Snipers. 900 LP Sniper King Guide!

Enduring Elder 4 Snipers. Auto-win 6 Snipers. 900 LP Sniper King Guide!
Remember to subscribe our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CNTFT

I have obtained full authorization to repost from the author
  • Xiaoyu who is famous content creator on CN server
  • Carelessd who is Challenge Player on NA server


This guide is based on insights from carelessd, who has a score of 953. He has been consistently playing 4-6 Snipers and has his own strategies for free LP and winning games.


Comp Tier

carelessd believes that transitioning to 6 Snipers guarantees a top 2 finish (S tier), but 4 Snipers only ranks A+ tier for free LP. There are three major issues with 4 Snipers.
  1. In TFT, 4 Snipers have a hard time against Duelists. If Ashe and Lee Sin are on the same side with equal quality, it’s a loss. Only if they are on opposite sides and you switch more units, can you minimize health loss. But 6 Snipers are different. With enough quality, 6 Snipers can instantly kill Ashe and Lee Sin even if they are on the same side.
  2. Currently, TFT is in a phase where Lillia has been nerfed. So, even without Emblems, 4 Snipers are highly contested. In a meta with many similar compositions, you must jump to level 8 by round 4-1 to secure key units. If you can’t secure them, you’re out.
  3. Ashe without Guinsoo's Rageblade is useless. Having the unit without the item is still a loss.

Optimal Starting Conditions

Transition to 6 Snipers and 4 Wardens (ultimate goal is first place) > Transition to 6 Wardens and 4 Snipers (ultimate goal is to fight for first place) > No transition but have Guinsoo's Rageblade + 2-star Jax/2-star Rek'Sai/high-star 3 Storyweaver (ultimate goal is to win streak and secure a spot in the final rounds).

Auto-win 6 Snipers

Transition to 6 Snipers Build: 5 Snipers + Sniper Emblem Nautilus + 3 other Wardens
Target Development: Reach level 9 with all 2-star units, and depending on the cards you get, aim to upgrade Aphelios, Amumu, and Illaoi to 3-star.
Transition to 6 Wardens Build: Drop Kog'Maw from the Snipers, give the Warden Emblem to Senna to activate 6 Wardens.

Enduring Elder 4 Snipers

Fixed Level 8: 4 Wardens and 4 Snipers
Flexible Slot at Level 9: Add Annie for 2 Invokers, Lillia for 3 Mythic and 2 Invokers, or if Sett isn’t available, you can switch to 2 Wardens with Ornn and Udyr for 2 Behemoths.
Other Variations: Add Hwei for 3 Mythic, replace Sett with Jax and Udyr for 3 Inkshadow (swap Kog'Maw for Senna), add Syndra for 3 Fated and 2 Arcanists (only if Aphelios is 3-star), or add Lissandra with double mana items (for games with Porcelain Emblem).
What is Enduring Elder: You play 4 Snipers only if you have Guinsoo's Rageblade and a 2-star frontline. The goal is to preserve more health and economy to reach level 8, and roll for 1~2-star Ashe. In the mid-game, you will struggle against equally strong Duelists. Position yourself to target the squishy units on the enemy team, switch units as needed, and trade your health to reduce your competition's health. As competitors die, you reach level 9 with all 2-star units for free LP. This is Enduring Elder.

Recommended Items

Main Carry Ashe: Guinsoo's Rageblade + Last Whisper + Hextech Gunblade
Secondary Carry Aphelios: Infinity Edge + Last WhispeRed/Guinsoo's Rageblade/Other general AD items (only one of Ashe or Aphelios should have Last Whisper, as Aphelios has 20% armor reduction, and Last Whisper has 30% armor reduction, which does not stack).
Must-build Tank Item: Amumu's Redemption, place him in the center to heal the tanks on either side.
Optional Tank Items: Amumu, Illaoi, Nautilus—whichever reaches 2-star first should be given a full set of tank items. If you have Thief's Gloves, they can also be given to the secondary tank.

Recommended Augments

Highly Recommended:
  • Sniper Emblem (to activate 6 Snipers)
  • Best Friends (increases armor and attack speed)
  • Long Shot (focus for Snipers)
  • Pumping Up (increases team attack speed, Prismatic > Gold)
  • New Recruit (adds crucial small traits and allows using Neeko to make 2-star Ashe/3-star Aphelios)
  • Sleight of Hand (provides more Thief's Gloves for secondary tanks and carries).
Generally Recommended:
  • Harmacist (sustain for backline Snipers)
  • Band of Thieves (directly equips secondary tanks and carries)
  • Unified Resistance (increases resistances)
  • Tiny, but Deadly (increases attack speed, if Pumping Up is not available).

Stages 2-3

Transition with Storyweavers: Garen can pair with Jax, and later with Illaoi and Amumu to form 2/4 Wardens. Sivir + Quickshot can smoothly transition to 2/4 Snipers.
Ghostly Snipers is another transition: Equip Senna with Ashe's items. A crucial condition is starting with Guinsoo's Rageblade or a bow, otherwise it's not viable.
For High-Level Player: Carelessd offers another solution for 4 Snipers. If you dare to go for Fortune , you'll surpass your competitors. With high-quality front and backline at level 9, and no 3-star 4-cost monsters from opponents, winning becomes possible.

Stages 4-5

Jump to level 8 by round 4-1 to secure Ashe. Replace Senna's items, and roll to get everything else to 2-star. Wardens don't necessarily have to be 4; it can be 3 Wardens + Annie, or simply a 2-star Ornn. The main focus is to stabilize health and push to level 9.
Keep Aphelios: The team can't rely solely on Ashe for damage. If Aphelios can reach 3-star, he becomes the best secondary carry.

Me——Master player in EUW. Not with the most skillful play style but still trying to having fun: https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/autochess%20xjdrtf-EUW/set10
submitted by tft_xilao to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:12 Big_Ad_1239 scholarship deets

batch ‘24 grad and im contemplating if i shld go for dlsu but i have questions ab it:
if i happen to pass the scholarship, can i shift? (i passed but got redirected), and can i apply even if i didn’t make pa-reserve my slot?
i rly need financial grant kasi we don’t have enough to pay for their fees :( if i don’t pass po ba the scholarship, when i shift after term 3 — are there still scholarship opportunities?
thank u to anyone who would answer huhu as an overthinking girlie !
submitted by Big_Ad_1239 to dlsu [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:39 Rieju0311 W:Q50C25vats Fixer h: all on the right

W:Q50C25vats Fixer h: all on the right submitted by Rieju0311 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:27 marionas7 [Store] Low to High Tier Rifles/Pistols

♦ Mainly interested in trades, but willing to sell on 3rd party markets.
♦ Below is a list of items I have at the moment. I constantly trade, so the list might be outdated and I might have new items.
♦ Buyouts are in cash and they are a reference point to know how much I want for my items in a trade.
♦ Offers is the fastest way to contact me and get a response, but feel free to add me to friends.
Trade Link Steam Profile
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
AK-47 Wild Lotus Well-Worn 0.4242 4x Keyd Stars (Holo) Katowice 2015. Click me $4,920 Tradable
AK-47 Gold Arabesque Minimal Wear 0.1268 Xyp9x, dupreeh, device, karrigan all in (Foil) from Cologne 2015. Click me $2,900 Tradable
AK-47 Case Hardened Battle-Scarred 0.7915 #179. Tier 1 blue gem. Click me $3,030 Tradable
AK-47 Case Hardened Minimal Wear 0.1200 #760. Golden booty. Click me $2,680 Tradable
StatTrak™ AK-47 Wasteland Rebel Factory New 0.0661 4x Fnatic (Holo) Katowice 2015. 1 out of 7, only one FN. Click me $1,200 Tradable
AK-47 Fire Serpent Minimal Wear 0.1468 - Click me $1,075 Tradable
AK-47 Fire Serpent Field-Tested 0.1468 Virtus.Pro (Holo) Stockholm 2021 on wood and 3x FURIA (Holo) Antwerp 2022. Click me $840 Tradable
AK-47 Hydroponic Field-Tested 0.2267 4x Drug War Veteran. Click me $765 Tradable
AK-47 Hydroponic Field-Tested 0.3442 2x T Rush (Holo) and 2x Rush 4x20 (Holo). Click me $725 Tradable
AK-47 Case Hardened Field-Tested 0.3105 #752. Tier 2 blue gem. 4x FURIA (Holo) Paris 2023. Click me $490 Tradable
AK-47 Fire Serpent Battle-Scarred 0.5924 Firestarter (Holo) on wood and 3x FURIA (Holo) Antwerp 2022. Click me $465 Tradable
StatTrak™ AK-47 Vulcan Field-Tested 0.2112 2x Cloud9 (Holo) MLG Columbus 2016 and a Cloud9 G2A Katowice 2015. Click me $390 Tradable
AK-47 Case Hardened Well-Worn 0.4451 #627. Tier 2 blue gem. Ninjas in Pyjamas (Holo) Katowice 2015 on wood and ScreaM (Foil) Cologne 2015 next to it. Click me $350 Tradable
StatTrak™ AK-47 Bloodsport Factory New 0.0373 MOUZ (Gold) Paris 2023 on wood and 3x MOUZ (Holo) Paris 2023. Click me $260 Tradable
AK-47 Panthera onca Factory New 0.0676 - Click me $250 Tradable
AK-47 Vulcan Field-Tested 0.3795 4x Cloud9 (Glitter) Antwerp 2022. Click me $180 Tradable
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
AWP Medusa Minimal Wear 0.1047 3x Crown (Foil). Click me $3,325 Tradable
AWP Medusa Minimal Wear 0.1449 4x Luminosity Gaming (Holo) MLG Columbus 2016. Click me $2,780 Tradable
AWP The Prince Field-Tested 0.2499 - Click me $2,125 Tradable
AWP The Prince Field-Tested 0.2661 - Click me $2,125 Tradable
AWP Medusa Battle-Scarred 0.5170 Luminosity Gaming (Holo) MLG Columbus 2016 on scope. Click me $1,725 Tradable
AWP Fade Factory New 0.0680 99.2% Faded. 4x Battle Scarred (Holo). Click me $1,100 Tradable
AWP Fade Factory New 0.0602 98.0% Faded. Click me $1,015 Tradable
StatTrak™ AWP Oni Taiji Factory New 0.0698 GuardiaN (Foil) Atlanta 2017 on the 4th slot. Click me $790 Tradable
StatTrak™ AWP Lightning Strike Factory New 0.0114 Dragon Lore (Foil) on the scope. Click me $750 Tradable
AWP Blackiimov Battle-Scarred 0.9499 4x junior (Gold) Antwerp 2022. Click me $185 Tradable
AWP Graphite Factory New 0.0260 Howling Dawn on 2nd slot. Click me $175 Tradable
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
M4A1-S Printstream Factory New 0.0667 4x Flipsid3 Tactics (Holo) Atlanta 2017. Click me $450 Tradable
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Hyper Beast Factory New 0.0087 - Click me $435 Tradable
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Printstream Minimal Wear 0.1424 4x Natus Vincere (Holo) Stockholm 2021. Click me $365 Tradable
M4A1-S Printstream Minimal Wear 0.0790 4x Evil Geniuses (Holo) Stockholm 2021. Click me $215 Tradable
M4A1-S Printstream Minimal Wear 0.0811 3x G2 Esports Stockholm 2021. Click me $195 Tradable
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
M4A4 Poseidon Minimal Wear 0.0761 - Click me $840 Tradable
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
AUG Hot Rod Factory New 0.0312 Reason Gaming (Holo) Katowice 2014 on 4th slot. Click me $1,550 Tradable
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
StatTrak™ USP-S Printstream Factory New 0.0699 - Click me $225 Tradable
USP-S Whiteout Factory New 0.0643 4x Entropiq (Foil) Stockholm 2021. Click me $205 Tradable
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler Emerald Factory New 0.0238 4x Cloud9 (Holo) MLG Columbus 2016. Click me $605 Tradable
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler Emerald Factory New 0.0695 - Click me $510 Tradable
StatTrak™ Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo Factory New 0.0347 mousesports (Holo) Katowice 2014 above mag. Click me $435 Tradable
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler Emerald Field-Tested 0.3503 - Click me $140 Tradable
Trade Link Steam Profile
submitted by marionas7 to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]
