Imagenes lourdes munguia en h

Cuales son las cualidades que debe tener una mujer para que un hombre quiera darle lo mejor?

2024.06.02 15:17 Trustingtheway Cuales son las cualidades que debe tener una mujer para que un hombre quiera darle lo mejor?

He llegado a la conclusión de que no existen hombres tacaños, sino mujeres incorrectas. Creo que un hombre siempre estará dispuesto a invertir en una mujer que le interese y le guste en todo sentido, sin preocuparse por cuánto gasta. Algunas mujeres proyectan la imagen de tener todo resuelto en la vida, de ser muy independientes o de no necesitar nada, lo que puede hacer que el hombre no se esfuerce en invertir en ellas o complacerlas. Me genera curiosidad saber qué es lo que tiene la "mujer ideal" que hace que los hombres sientan la necesidad de darle lo mejor.
submitted by Trustingtheway to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:15 Trustingtheway Cuales son las cualidades que debe tener una mujer para que un hombre quiera darle lo mejor ¿?

He llegado a la conclusión de que no existen hombres tacaños, sino mujeres incorrectas. Creo que un hombre siempre estará dispuesto a invertir en una mujer que le interese y le guste en todo sentido, sin preocuparse por cuánto gasta. Algunas mujeres proyectan la imagen de tener todo resuelto en la vida, de ser muy independientes o de no necesitar nada, lo que puede hacer que el hombre no se esfuerce en invertir en ellas o complacerlas. Me genera curiosidad saber qué es lo que tiene la "mujer ideal" que hace que los hombres sientan la necesidad de darle lo mejor.
submitted by Trustingtheway to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:07 Imaginary-Pin-1030 Szulokrol valo levalas, de gondoskodas roluk - hogyan?

Tldr: azoktol kerdezem, akiknek szoros(abb) viszonya van a szuleivel. Mit jelent ilyen esetben (tehat amikor szereted oket es szoros a viszonyotok) a szulokrol valo levalas? Hogyan lehet (kell-e) nekik segiteni, terhet levenni, de megis a sajat eletunket elni?
30 vagyok. Sokfele csalad, szulo-gyerek kapcsolat, csaladmodell van. Azoktol kerdeznem, akiknek kozeli, szoros kapcsolata van a csaladjukkal. En tobbgeneracios hazban nottem fel (nagyszulok-szulok-en), ezert valahogy az lett a mindsetem, hogy a szuleinknek segiteni kell. Nalunk mindig mindenki szamithatott egymasra tobbe kevesbe. Nagyon szeretem oket, jo es bizalmi a kapcsolatunk. Ugyanakkor szorongo tipus vagyok, es ahogy idosodnek, eljonnek egeszsegugyi problemak, apukam pl hetente jar korhazba es nem tul jo a prognozisa. Anyukammal gyerekkorom ota nagyon szoros a kapcsolatom, es felnottkent latom, mennyire egyedul van, mennyire torekeny, cipel mindent a hatan mert apukam elegge nem vesz reszt akar csak egyszeri dolgok megoldasaban sem (pl szerelot hivni). Illetve nagymamam is sokat terheli ot. En is ezt tettem, amig ki nem derultek nala is eü problemak. Ott van nagyim, oriasi elniakarassal de mindig panaszkodik valamire, mondja hogy itt a veg es mindig elszomorit. Azt vettem eszre, hogy atvaltoztam “problemamegoldova” a csaladban, barmi tortenik, meg akarom oldani, meg akarom oket menteni. Rendkivul szorongok az eü dolgaik miatt. Annyira aggodom ertuk, hogy folyamatos stresszben vagyok. A parkapcsolatomban, munkaban sem tudok jelen lenni, mert kozben aggodom ertuk, vagy elszomorit hha nincsenek jol, es felek a jovotol. A pszichologus velemenye h ignoralnom kene oket, de ezt nem tudom megtenni, hisz szeretem oket es sokszor tenylrg meg tufok ugy oldani dolgokat, ahogy ok nem. Azt is latom h a sajat eletem kozben leepul. Hogyan legyek felnott, mi az egeszseges gondoskodas, bevonodas?
submitted by Imaginary-Pin-1030 to tanulommagam [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:46 chokowo La vida de un pajero (copiado de y para steam)

La vida de un pajero es sencilla en muchos aspectos. Arriesgamos poco y tenemos poder sobre aquellos que ofrecen su trabajo y su servicio a nuestro juicio. Preferimos las críticas negativas, que son divertidas de escribir y de leer. Pero la triste verdad que debemos afrontar es que en el gran orden de las cosas, cualquier basura tiene más significado que lo que deja ver nuestra crítica.
Pero hay ocasiones en que el pajero realmente se arriesga, al descubrir y salir en defensa de algo nuevo. El mundo suele ser cruel con los nuevos pajines y con las nuevas creaciones. Lo nuevo necesita amigos. Anoche experimenté algo nuevo, un extraordinario juego NSFW de un desarrollador singular e inesperado. Decir que su arte y contenido H han desafiado mis prejuicios sobre el buen hentai, subestimaría a la realidad. En realidad sacudieron los cimientos de mi mundo.
En el pasado, jamás oculté mi desdén por el lema de los juegos NSFW mediocres "Soy un juego porno, pajeate o vete al diablo”. Pero, al fin me doy cuenta de lo que quisieron decir en realidad: No cualquiera puede convertirse en un gran pajero, pero un gran pajero puede provenir de cualquier lado. Es difícil imaginar un origen más humilde que el del pajero con revistas AVON, pajero que ahora paga sus juegos NSFW y tiene una suscripción de Brazzers, y que, en opinión de este pajero veterano, este no es nada menos que el mejor juego NSFW de Steam.
submitted by chokowo to copypasta_es [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:42 reneme My Keybase proof [reddit:reneme = keybase:reneme] (GmYPER9U9-1vh0oQptpDNPc7uTVXMpg0HfRtoIijwFg)

Keybase proof

I am:
-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- owF1U2toXEUU3s2DxKAlCNpQrdIrSIQY53XnsT8ElVo0ilprNVpZZu6cyV6y2U3v btOUNtroIkQRC41CEI1RsakGSyARTX9oVVAItKWplGJL0RSl+keqNSrWOjcYEdF7 f8yD75zzfd85s+eK+kxz9tHxpu2XRl9py86fMxm3pTC8MzBluyPI7Qx6YXmBooVK Nd8b2yAXIEwQQ4A5hARZQWzEnIsoASIIUtQBZk4w6WQEhoiQKxSFgksB6S8pJpEi SAcdgYtLPZD0J3Gp6tPaCFFCQqrAeaAghoG2oY1CrRwSQjinmLJY+sBCuZJGeHJG V6AzLvs7f8gv0/sP/ApvhB1XoCQg4plLi0yICBgdcunPXoO0YcgoFkZjw6gBCiCY lUhHfkUQsmXe25bTUW8BoRSUtooLqbV0THFkqQUkGFYpsAJJSfeBRydQAr8Z6gj6 IOktQj4pl6uptVE1TgFYYEEpQVJ6ebpSyPdBVfs4Z0QEFrjCyhlOHReKS4MN4oQZ LIkioSHKdwAhAMqc4o76noQh9kItCM+iAltL5SBHQiFDTrinkMBAuRfS6pW4x7tW CXKPBRBRjD8qEsoJYO2rKuARsV4YtUrLUCgGTlLpCPieex+BEgpSitAbSQVyErng 8aG0XjIQR8vp/xZvbVz9P0OqO/rTi+1g8n+F5k1csn44fMQAJJW4XPIGeeS/vFK4 I4DB/jiBfJwi0ilD/usI+r3CtOPKjwFC2BjCteGOyEhFCrAgkTHgOMUUIQsODGKS UWbBYj/GGjRVCKT7h3nc89Q9Pqd3rKSr2xJPvWUkSxsy2ebM2qvXNZyqDx58denb ZOa7L06tPKjGuvQ1ZVoua125ufKtpkvJuu7nNk1PNp3/5c3a5IfHp9uL9R+33bNR H/hysHBb6weqbmqtOmk23NH5ZO1dfv3wxoeGkruT7vmF14dmmifuXTq5OHEn3Tvz 2VjD3rdP3E9f2I3aNt1s59ffMHl8bvD5A28cHNv1yMye0f1T175nV/+UpVsPDZ4f rttSu2vuGn5r1xn2/tSh+mdnT39+Ve2PJ1Y/Y3Lywmhrl+w8M7Jm3/jE0XeOPKAe vu/swoufvtTY+M3v557+avG68Rs/yW24uHhThzu7qu7or6t+nP7565GnZruPzba0 H5k7Xbv8wq4TtxSWZrt40cW/sTWHb99MXl6AyrHvR9sP/nC4d/drg2KM1S6un9ln si3wJw== =cwhB -----END PGP MESSAGE----- 
submitted by reneme to KeybaseProofs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:42 Nestledrink [Megathread] GeForce At Computex 2024: Project G-Assist AI Assistant, Star Wars Outlaws Adds DLSS 3.5, SFF-Ready Unveiled, ComfyUI Acceleration, And More

[Megathread] GeForce At Computex 2024: Project G-Assist AI Assistant, Star Wars Outlaws Adds DLSS 3.5, SFF-Ready Unveiled, ComfyUI Acceleration, And More

Overview of NVIDIA GeForce Computex 2024 Announcement

Introducing Project G-Assist: A Preview of How AI Assistants Can Enhance Games & Apps

  • NVIDIA is exhibiting Project G-Assist at Computex 2024. This is an RTX powered AI assistant technology demo that provides context-aware help for PC games and apps
  • Project G-Assist can provide in-gaming assistance, share useful system information, configure settings to increase performance and power efficiency, and much more
  • Video Link:

Build Small, Play Big – Introducing SFF-Ready Enthusiast GeForce Cards & Compatible Cases

  • Partnership with graphics card and case manufacturers to make component choice simpler by introducing a new guideline called SFF-Ready Enthusiast GeForce Cards and Compatible Cases.
  • Manufacturer product pages and listings on global retailers will soon be updated with text labeling graphics cards that meet the guideline as “SFF-Ready Enthusiast GeForce Cards”, and cases as being “Compatible with SFF-Ready Enthusiast GeForce Cards”, instantly identifying parts that fit together and allowing you to buy and build an SFF system with confidence.
  • Video Link:
  • SFF-Ready Enthusiast GeForce Cards
    • SFF-Ready Enthusiast GeForce Cards are RTX 4070 or higher with the following dimensions:
      • 151mm maximum height including power cable bend radius
      • 304mm maximum length
      • 40mm or 2.5 slots maximum depth
    • As of June 2nd, 2024, there are 36 GeForce RTX 40 series enthusiast graphics card that meet the SFF-Ready guideline from NVIDIA and AIB partners with more being announced during Computex 2024.
    • Full list in the article
  • Cases Compatible with SFF-Ready Enthusiast GeForce Cards
    • Cases compatible with SFF-Ready Enthusiast GeForce Cards must have enough space to fit any SFF-Ready Enthusiast GeForce Card and manufacturer's bundled power connector along with other necessary components of a PC
      • 154.5mm clearance is required from either a motherboard or riser PCB to the side or top case panel
      • 312mm in clearance length including the graphics card and extender
    • Full list in the article

DLSS 3.5 With Ray Reconstruction Coming To Star Wars Outlaws & Marvel Rivals Gets A DLSS 3 Upgrade

NVIDIA ACE Digital Humans Coming To RTX AI PCs

NVIDIA today announced the general availability of NVIDIA ACE generative AI microservices to accelerate the next wave of digital humans, as well as new generative AI breakthroughs coming soon to the platform.
The suite of NVIDIA ACE digital human generative AI technologies now generally available includes:
  • NVIDIA Riva ASR, TTS and NMT — for automatic speech recognition, text-to-speech conversion and translation
  • NVIDIA Nemotron LLM — for language understanding and contextual response generation
  • NVIDIA Audio2Face — for realistic facial animation based on audio tracks
  • NVIDIA Omniverse RTX — for real-time, path-traced realistic skin and hair
Newly announced technologies include:
  • NVIDIA Audio2Gesture — for generating body gestures based on audio tracks, available soon
  • NVIDIA Nemotron-3 4.5B — a new small language model (SLM) purpose-built for low-latency, on-device RTX AI PC inference

NVIDIA RTX Remix to Open Source Creator Toolkit

  • Open Source of RTX Remix Toolkit, alongside powerful new REST API, will make it faster and easier to remaster classic games.
  • In June, NVIDIA will open source the RTX Remix Toolkit, enhancing modding with new asset capabilities and AI Texture Tools, and integrate it with other tools via a REST API and an SDK to expand its use beyond classic DirectX 8 and 9 games.
  • Video Link:

NVIDIA App Beta Update Adds AV1 Recording & One-Click Performance Tuning

  • 120 FPS AV1 Recording Enhances Your Videos
    • Leverages 8th Generation NVENC on GeForce RTX 40 series to offer AV1 encoding
    • Enhances video quality by 40% without using extra disk space
    • Allows recording at 120 FPS
    • Higher quality at the same bit rates compared to H.264
    • Video Link:
  • Performance Panel & One-Click Automatic GPU Tuning
    • The NVIDIA app allows GeForce RTX desktop and laptop owners to optimize their GPU performance through a Performance Panel with one-click automatic tuning and manual adjustments, enhancing system capabilities.
  • In-Game Overlay Updates
    • Improved the user interface for Photo Mode, improving the way you can add filters for your photos.
    • Furthermore, we've simplified the process to exit the overlay - Instead of pressing "escape," you can also now simply click outside of the menu to close it.
    • We’ve also added GPU power in the Statistics section, enabling you to track usage in-game and in the app.

GeForce Rewards: Get PC Game Pass Free For 3 Months, Starting June 4th

  • NVIDIA Partnered with Xbox to give GeForce gamers 3 months of access to PC Game Pass for free, starting June 4th!
  • How to claim the PC Game Pass GeForce Reward. starting June 4th:
  1. Create an NVIDIA Account
  2. If you created an account previously, head here and check you’re enrolled in GeForce Rewards
  3. Download and install GeForce Experience or the NVIDIA app beta. Or alternatively access GeForce NOW Rewards and follow the steps listed at the link
  4. Open either GeForce Experience or the NVIDIA app beta with a GeForce GTX 10 Series or newer desktop PC or laptop
  5. Login to your NVIDIA Account within your chosen app
  6. Click on the Redeem section
  7. Select the PC Game Pass GeForce Reward, starting June 4th at 6am
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions

Reference Links

Video Links
Star Wars™ Outlaws DLSS 3.5 World Premiere Link Here
Marvel Rivals 4K Gameplay with DLSS 3 and NVIDIA Reflex Link Here
Build Small. Play Big. SFF-Ready Enthusiast GeForce Cards and Compatible Cases Link Here
Project G-Assist Your AI Assistant For Games & Apps Link Here
Record Your Gameplay at 120fps in AV1! NVIDIA app Beta Link Here
RTX Remix Remaster the Classics with RTX with 1,000s of AI Models via ComfyUI Link Here
Multiply Your AI Performance with NVIDIA GeForce RTX AI PCs Link Here
Generate Images Faster with Stable Diffusion and RTX Link Here

submitted by Nestledrink to nvidia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:40 vishy_swaz I’ve been feeling a lot of nostalgia for Fry’s Electronics. I miss it so much!

I’ve been feeling a lot of nostalgia for Fry’s Electronics. I miss it so much!
Fry’s was the epitome of electronics stores! I have so many fond memories of shopping there as a teenager. Most times my friends and I would just go to look at all the cool stuff they had because we didn’t have any cash. Sometimes we’d get high in the parking lot before hand, that made it even more fun! Each one had a different theme on the front of the store, ours looked like a piano.
The subwoofer room in the car audio department was epic. They always had it preloaded with good tracks to test all the subs.
The console gaming section had the GameCube, PS2, and Xbox at that time. 😂
The PC parts section was always a favorite.
The extra long “impulse section” as you walk to the registers was great. They had a huge magazine selection too, more than anywhere else!
I remember buying a Sony Discman from there. Got all my parts for my first custom PC from from there too. I kinda romanticize the experience now. The interior was almost overwhelming sometimes.
Thanks for all the great memories, Fry’s! 😅
submitted by vishy_swaz to Millennials [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:32 Imaginary-Pin-1030 Szulokrol valo levalas, de megis gondoskodas roluk - hogyan?

Tldr: azoktol kerdezem, akiknek szoros(abb) viszonya van a szuleivel. Mit jelent ilyen esetben (tehat amikor szereted oket es szoros a viszonyotok) a szulokrol valo levalas? Hogyan lehet (kell-e) nekik segiteni, terhet levenni, de megis a sajat eletunket elni?
30 vagyok. Sokfele csalad, szulo-gyerek kapcsolat, csaladmodell van. Azoktol kerdeznem, akiknek kozeli, szoros kapcsolata van a csaladjukkal. En tobbgeneracios hazban nottem fel (nagyszulok-szulok-en), ezert valahogy az lett a mindsetem, hogy a szuleinknek segiteni kell. Nalunk mindig mindenki szamithatott egymasra tobbe kevesbe. Nagyon szeretem oket, jo es bizalmi a kapcsolatunk. Ugyanakkor szorongo tipus vagyok, es ahogy idosodnek, eljonnek egeszsegugyi problemak, apukam pl hetente jar korhazba es nem tul jo a prognozisa. Anyukammal gyerekkorom ota nagyon szoros a kapcsolatom, es felnottkent latom, mennyire egyedul van, mennyire torekeny, cipel mindent a hatan mert apukam elegge nem vesz reszt akar csak egyszeri dolgok megoldasaban sem (pl szerelot hivni). Illetve nagymamam is sokat terheli ot. En is ezt tettem, amig ki nem derultek nala is eü problemak. Ott van nagyim, oriasi elniakarassal de mindig panaszkodik valamire, mondja hogy itt a veg es mindig elszomorit. Azt vettem eszre, hogy atvaltoztam “problemamegoldova” a csaladban, barmi tortenik, meg akarom oldani, meg akarom oket menteni. Rendkivul szorongok az eü dolgaik miatt. Annyira aggodom ertuk, hogy folyamatos stresszben vagyok. A parkapcsolatomban, munkaban sem tudok jelen lenni, mert kozben aggodom ertuk, vagy elszomorit hha nincsenek jol, es felek a jovotol. A pszichologus velemenye h ignoralnom kene oket, de ezt nem tudom megtenni, hisz szeretem oket es sokszor tenylrg meg tufok ugy oldani dolgokat, ahogy ok nem. Azt is latom h a sajat eletem kozben leepul. Hogyan legyek felnott, mi az egeszseges gondoskodas, bevonodas?
submitted by Imaginary-Pin-1030 to askhungary [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:32 International_Sun356 Paradox does not want Christian Emperor of China

Paradox does not want Christian Emperor of China
I managed to expand this much. However, if I did not convert to Christianity I could have expanded way more. I had to spawn Orthodox zealots and they burnt my country to the ground before converting. Normally I would have been fine, but I was the emperor of China so It took many decades before I could do anything. Why does paradox not allow Confucian nations to convert to Christianity easily?
submitted by International_Sun356 to eu4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:26 Soul_Sleepwhale Rare Atom vs. Top Esports / LPL 2024 Summer Placements - Week 1 - Group C / Post-Match Discussion


Official page Leaguepedia Liquipedia New to LoL

Rare Atom 0-2 Top Esports

RA Leaguepedia Liquipedia TES Leaguepedia Liquipedia Website Twitter


Winner: Top Esports in 29m MVP: Creme (1) Game Breakdown Player Stats
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
RA lucian ashe varus twistedfate viego 46.3k 10 0 None
TES kalista rumble ivern ziggs kaisa 63.6k 25 11 M1 H2 HT3 I4 B5 I6
RA 10-25-22 vs 25-10-66 TES
Xiaoxu skarner 2 0-5-7 TOP 6-3-8 4 mordekaiser 369
Xiaohao lillia 2 1-5-5 JNG 5-2-14 3 xinzhao Tian
VicLa tristana 1 3-7-3 MID 7-2-14 1 hwei Creme
Assum kogmaw 3 6-3-1 BOT 6-2-16 1 senna JackeyLove
Jwei rell 3 0-5-6 SUP 1-1-14 2 ornn Meiko


Winner: Top Esports in 21m MVP: Meiko (1) Game Breakdown Player Stats
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
TES senna hwei nautilus sejuani maokai 47.4k 14 9 M2 H3 C4
RA lucian skarner tristana lillia nidalee 33.3k 4 0 CT1
TES 14-5-26 vs 4-14-6 RA
369 twistedfate 3 3-0-7 TOP 1-4-0 3 ksante Xiaoxu
Tian taliyah 3 4-3-2 JNG 1-2-2 4 ivern Xiaohao
Creme corki 1 4-2-5 MID 2-3-1 2 yone VicLa
JackeyLove ziggs 2 1-0-5 BOT 0-1-1 1 varus Assum
Meiko leona 2 2-0-7 SUP 0-4-2 1 ashe Jwei
Patch 14.10 - Fearless draft
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
submitted by Soul_Sleepwhale to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:14 maluco_x The State of global Piracy - May 2024

🏴‍☠️ AHOY fellow pirates and welcome to the state of global piracy for May 2024! ARRR! 🏴‍☠️
Please let me know if you have ideas about interesting stats, I'll see if I can make it happen. This was also posted in lemmy.
Enjoy the numbers!


I have a total of 77 sections in my PreDB. The sections in here are combined/simplified for a better overview. Numbers in braces are the values from the previous month.
total (prev/change) section
16.982 (19.710 / -14%) TV (HD)
16.435 (12.849 / 28%) MP3
5.735 (5.773 / -0.7%) XXX
5.269 (4.683 / 13%) FLAC
3.501 (3.133 / 12%) EBOOK
2.165 (2.895 / -25%) MOViES (HD)
1.290 (1.357 / -5%) DOCU
1.141 (1.726 / -34%) ANiME
1.016 (2.475 / -59%) TV (SD)
742 (1.482 / -50%) SPORTS
562 (596 / -6%) GAMES (PC)
525 (710 / -26%) APPS
422 (426 / -0.9%) GAMES (CONSOLE)
377 (580 / -35%) MOViES (SD)
203 (165 / 23%) BOOKWARE
187 (280 / -33%) MViD
82 (43 / 91%) ABOOK
7 (7 / 0.0%) OTHER
Total: 56.641 (58.878)


The sections in here are combined/simplified for a better overview, same as above.
Pos. Total (prev/change) Pos. change Group Section
1. 2.705 (2.516 / +8%) ↑ +1 WRB XXX
2. 2.697 (2.542 / +6%) ↓ -1 PTC FLAC,MP3
3. 2.693 (2.210 / +22%) ~ AFO FLAC,MP3
4. 2.428 (621 / +291%) ↑ +16 BABAS FLAC,MP3
5. 1.322 (1.773 / -25%) ~ NEUROSiS MOViES (HD),TV (HD)
6. 1.319 (1.078 / +22%) ↑ +4 AMB3R MOViES (HD),TV (HD),TV (SD)
7. 1.210 (1.792 / -32%) ↓ -3 LEWD XXX
8. 1.144 (571 / +100%) ↑ +15 OBZEN FLAC
9. 1.092 (1.206 / -9%) ↓ -1 EDITH MOViES (HD),SPORTS,TV (HD)
10. 1.068 (964 / +11%) ↑ +1 ZzZz MP3
11. 970 (201 / +383%) ↑ +59 XTC_iNT MP3
12. 946 (827 / +14%) ↑ +2 21A1 EBOOK
13. 941 (1.323 / -29%) ↓ -7 FLAME MOViES (HD),MOViES (SD),TV (HD),TV (SD)
14. 932 (424 / +120%) ↑ +22 Narcos XXX
15. 881 (1.146 / -23%) ↓ -6 CBFM MOViES (HD),TV (HD)
16. 817 (0) ↑ + New AZR DOCU,MOViES (HD),TV (HD)
17. 782 (644 / +21%) ↑ +2 CTO EBOOK
18. 738 (750 / -2%) ↓ -2 RAGEMP3 MP3
19. 709 (569 / +25%) ↑ +5 ENRiCH FLAC,MP3
20. 671 (468 / +43%) ↑ +10 FiH MP3


nuked (total/percentage) group
28 (2.693 / 1%) AFO
10 (340 / 3%) TRIPEL
8 (122 / 7%) HiggsBoson
7 (149 / 5%) RiLE
7 (18 / 39%) DrMARIO
6 (18 / 33%) NewDoctorWhoDis
5 (1.319 / 0.4%) AMB3R
5 (462 / 1%) BitBook
4 (49 / 8%) ESG
3 (110 / 3%) COS
3 (1.144 / 0.3%) OBZEN
3 (12 / 25%) AGROMASH
3 (2.428 / 0.1%) BABAS
3 (16 / 19%) COOLHD
3 (200 / 2%) XTC
3 (56 / 5%) UPRiSiNG
2 (34 / 6%) DETAiLS
2 (31 / 6%) OLDTiME
2 (11 / 18%) XME
2 (27 / 7%) GUACAMOLE


The sections in here are combined/simplified for a better overview, same as above.
total section
42 MP3
38 TV (HD)
25 MOViES (HD)
2 TV (SD)


From the 56.641 scene releases, only 41.286 of them had file + size information.
They total to: 61.35 TB (64.335.146 MB) in 726 thousand files (726.261).
No idea about the size of the missing information, so the real value should be much higher.



  • Only Scene Release Groups, no p2p or individuals.
  • Powered by
submitted by maluco_x to Piracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:08 TheVega1917 ¿Cómo configuro mi pc gamer?

Banda me podrían ayudar con mi pc, tiene 2 semanas que la arme y funciona muy bien pero está lenta en el inicio y a la hora de abrir un juego está súper rápida pero al cerrarlo de nuevo se pone lenta y creo que es porque reduce su capacidad para no consumir mucha energía pero ya cheque h no está en modo de ahorro y nose si es normal o debo de moverle algo…. Tengo un ryzer 7 7800x3D y una gracias Rx 7800xt
submitted by TheVega1917 to u/TheVega1917 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:04 GL62 Vérifier le fonctionnement d'un ballon

Vérifier le fonctionnement d'un ballon
Bonjour tout le monde J'ai de l'eau tiède et j'ai donc l'impression que mon ballon est en carafe Qu'est ce que je peux verifier à mon niveau ? Merci d'avance, bon dimanche
submitted by GL62 to brico [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:02 BPBAttacks9 MAY 2024 -- LIST OF PIT BULL ATTACKS/FATALITIES (ongoing)

This is a list of pit bull attacks and fatalities documented by the media and on social media for the month of May 2024. This list will be edited throughout the month and after as new incidents are reported.
Due to the high volume of attacks and Reddit's character limit, social media attacks will now be documented separately below but will still be included in the overall monthly totals.

May 1

May 2

May 3

May 4

May 5

May 6

May 7

May 8

May 9

May 10

May 11

May 12

May 13

May 14

May 15

May 16

May 17

May 18

May 19

May 20

May 21

May 22

May 23

May 24

May 25

May 26

May 27

May 28

May 29

May 30

May 31

Unconfirmed Dates


May 1

submitted by BPBAttacks9 to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:43 _elliebelle_ New Releases - Saturday 01 & Sunday 02 Jun

New Releases - Saturday 01 & Sunday 02 Jun

MM Romance

Kindle Unlimited
Kobo Plus

Other Queer Romance

Kindle Unlimited
Kobo Plus


MM Romance
No new releases.
submitted by _elliebelle_ to MM_RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:07 CanadianSneakerNut Hot Finds - June 2, 2024

If you see something I still need to post, please post it below.

Jordan 1 Low OG Metallic Silver

Nike Air Max 1 '86 OG Camo Light Lemon Twist

Nike Air Foamposite One Light Orewood Brown

Nike SB Dunk Low Classic Green - Restock

New Balance 993 MiUSA Teddy Santis Sea Salt Black

Puma Forever Skepta Black Iridescent

Nike Dunk Low Medium Curry (2021/2024)

New Balance 550 White Slate Grey

Jordan 2/3 White Black

ASICS Gel-1130 Dark Neptune

New Balance KAWHI 4 Grey Day (2024)

Nike Dunk Low Next Nature Dusty Cactus (Women's)

Jordan 1 Low SE Chlorophyll

Nike Air Max 1 SC Sail

Nike Air Max Plus Drift Midnight Navy Total Orange

Nike Air Zoom Spiridon Cage 2 Metallic Silver

Nike Air Max 1 Platinum Tint Dark Obsidian

Nike Air Force 1 Low Resort and Sport

Follow us on Instagram for more sneaker raffle and release information

submitted by CanadianSneakerNut to CanadianSneakerNut [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:59 Aggravating_Cut5562 MOBO not detecting SSD (ASRock AB350 Pro4; SSD Lexar NM620 1TB M.2 2280 PCI-E x4 Gen3 NVMe)

MOBO not detecting SSD (ASRock AB350 Pro4; SSD Lexar NM620 1TB M.2 2280 PCI-E x4 Gen3 NVMe)
First of, i'm really clueless about any of this. I just hope I bought a compatible SSD.
I have an older PC:
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
MOBO: ASRock AB350 Pro4
GPU: GTX 1060 6GB
BIOS ver. P4.70
So, as mentioned in the title, I have an older MOBO (ASRock AB350 Pro4), I ran out of storage space, so I bought a SSD Lexar NM620 1TB M.2 2280 PCI-E x4 Gen3 NVMe.
Did I make an error in assuming the SSD is compatible with the mobo?
Here are the MOBO specs:
Here is the layout:
And the socket info:
The SSD is connected to the M2.1 socket.
I can't find the SSD in the BIOS or via disk management, and I have no idea why. Have I connected it wrongly?
Could it be an issue with the BIOS? Is my BIOS too old? Do I have to upgrade it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
PS. English is not my native language, I apologize for any mistakes.
submitted by Aggravating_Cut5562 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:47 Soul_Sleepwhale Team WE vs. Royal Never Give Up / LPL 2024 Summer Placements - Week 1 - Group B / Post-Match Discussion


Official page Leaguepedia Liquipedia New to LoL

Team WE 2-0 Royal Never Give Up

WE Leaguepedia Liquipedia Website Twitter Facebook RNG Leaguepedia Liquipedia Website Twitter Facebook YouTube


Winner: Team WE in 25m MVP: Wayward (1) Game Breakdown Player Stats
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
WE viego lillia taliyah karthus brand 50.3k 10 9 H3 B5 C6
RNG rumble ashe hwei kalista draven 37.3k 1 0 M1 CT2 C4
WE 10-1-34 vs 1-10-2 RNG
Wayward skarner 1 3-0-5 TOP 0-3-0 4 ksante Zdz
Heng maokai 2 1-0-9 JNG 0-2-1 3 diana Wei
FoFo tristana 2 3-0-7 MID 0-2-0 2 jayce Tangyuan
LP lucian 3 3-1-3 BOT 1-1-0 1 varus huanfeng
Mark nami 3 0-0-10 SUP 0-2-1 1 nautilus Ming


Winner: Team WE in 39m MVP: FoFo (1) Game Breakdown Player Stats
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
RNG nautilus rumble jayce leona camille 71.1k 6 6 I2 HT4 B6 B8
WE viego skarner lillia twistedfate draven 72.8k 13 8 C1 H3 HT5 HT7 HT9
RNG 6-13-13 vs 13-6-23 WE
Zdz renekton 3 0-3-1 TOP 1-1-3 4 jax Wayward
Wei karthus 2 1-2-3 JNG 6-2-2 2 nidalee Heng
Tangyuan tristana 2 2-2-2 MID 6-1-5 1 hwei FoFo
huanfeng ashe 1 3-3-2 BOT 0-2-6 1 kalista LP
Ming alistar 3 0-3-5 SUP 0-0-7 3 blitzcrank Mark
Patch 14.10 - Fearless draft
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
submitted by Soul_Sleepwhale to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:24 SosigMode Wtf did I just wake up to?

Wtf did I just wake up to?
The worst part is that samsung won't even offer me a repair unless I pay 100$. I just done with this Company icl cuz what is this?
submitted by SosigMode to oneui [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:21 rklein19823k WaNnA hEaR aBoUt My WeEkEnD?

WaNnA hEaR aBoUt My WeEkEnD? submitted by rklein19823k to depressionmemes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:19 Hamson777 Quel statut pour une boutique avec plusieurs créateurs ?

Bonjour, j'ai/on a besoin d'aide pour choisir le statut juridique de notre boutique (en ligne + marchés physiques). En gros on est 5 créateurs différents, voulant vendre plein de trucs d'artisanat différents (peluches, prints, objets en cuir...), dans la même petite boutique en tant que hobby, donc pas dans l'objectif d'en vivre. On cherche un statut pas trop lourd administrativement et qui nous coûte pas trop cher. On a déjà regardé le statut d'association décrite comme une association de promotion d'artisanat amateur et professionnel, mais on ne sait pas si on doit se déclarer chacun en tant qu'auto entrepreneur. Est-ce-que cette idée est viable et légale surtout si on veut se redistribuer l'argent gagné au nom de l'association ? Ou est-ce qu'un autre statut serait plus approprié dans notre situation ?
submitted by Hamson777 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:15 Kergie1968 Wah?

Im surprised noone has come up with this nick…😂😂😂
submitted by Kergie1968 to GGPoker [link] [comments]