Where can i get chinatown wars rom

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

2010.06.20 16:24 Star Wars: The Clone Wars

A subreddit to discuss anything about Star Wars: The Clone Wars, whether that be the two TV shows, The Bad Batch, or the event itself. Reddit-wide rules apply.

2015.09.16 09:42 whangadude Maps without New Zealand on them

Maps without New Zealand on them. This place is all about the meme and fact about how we're missing from so many maps. it's not that serious. Please don't post a Risk board, it's done too often.

2011.12.27 16:50 Hulde Colorization - The colorization of old black & white photos

[/Colorization] is a subreddit that is dedicated to sharing black and white photos that you have colorized. Colorization can be very time-consuming but the results are often amazing. We offer information and experience on how to colorize old photos.

2024.06.07 21:43 DroughtCook47 Could any of this have triggered her? She has diagnosed ocd and did share this but she never let me know how I could help. I let her know how she had hurt me after making me wait 2 weeks to know if she really wanted to call things off so she called my therapist…

I(28f) started dating someone in March and she (27f) just gotten out of a 6 year relationship in January. She has diagnosed ocd but wouldn’t tell me much when I asked her how I could support her. Which I was okay with because we were still getting to know each other. She had brought up a some doubts and I had too but we were doing great at calming each other and giving reassurance. She eventually asked me if I thought we were going to fast and if we should slow down. I had a lot going on and I reacted from an insecure place and I know I shouldn't have. I said "yeah.... but I don't want to spend time with someone if they don't see us working out long term" to which she took me saying I don't want her to waste my time. I admit I could have worded that better / mediated my own emotions better. She even said once "you communicate in such a healthy way and it's going to take me a while to get used it and change my own neural pathways" I know she's been through a lot and she's still going through some heavy stuff right now.
I apologized and asked if we could problem solve but she said she was overwhelmed and needed space. So I said that's so okay let's maybe start a shared notes app so that you can read what i have to say and respond on your own time? She agreed. 2 weeks passed and nothing. I asked her "hey can we touch base on this? We don't have to have the whole conversation right now" and she said "yeah give me a day" then the next day she sends me all the reasons we won't work out because I've hurt her and made her feel like a sex object when I honestly thought she liked our dynamics. I would have had no problem changing if she would have told me. She worded it heavily and it hurt but I was just thankful she was communicating with me and I was so sad she was feeling this way. So I try to convince her “hey I’m willing to compromise and meet you where you are. I see potential on us and I don’t want to walk away. I’d like to work through this” to which she freaked out and told me “I’m too overwhelmed and I can’t talk and you can delete my number and tell me fuck off and hate me” to which I responded with “I don’t feel any of those things but please take some time to yourself” I wrote more in the shared note admitting to my mistakes and how sorry I was and how willing I am to keep learning with her. She made me wait another 2 weeks before telling me she doesn’t see a relationship being a healthy thing for us.
We talked a bit more about her reasons and I was hurt. I said things I shouldn’t have like “I was clearly too much for you. There’s no way your 6 year relationship isn’t playing a role here on top of our own things.” Then she said I was being unkind. And she said my sudden switches from being so kind and sweet to just done with her were “scary as hell” I agree I should have regulated better but I was coming to terms with the fact that I was just a rebound. And that she literally drove out to go see a friend, got to my place at 10pm, then we slept pretty early and she left in the morning to see another friends and only spent about an hour with me. She lives 2 hours away from my location. I felt used…. I tried not to and to regulate but I felt so used.
So I messaged her after having said goodbye (see screen shots) telling her how she’d hurt me.
Then she called my therapist. I feel so violated. Everyone I’ve talked to about it said it was crossing a line. It felt like she was using all of my mental health things I’ve opened up to her about as a weapon against me. From the anger issues to depression and the self loathing issues I barely talk about with anyone other than 2 friends and my therapist.
I had therapy earlier today and she told me she’s not received a call… and that she’s under no obligation to protect her privacy. That she didn’t say who she was just that there “was a threat” and that they were unsure if they meant a threat to themselves or a threat of me to me? Everyone was confused.
I definitely felt like it was way too good to be true at first with how much attention she was giving me.
Can someone validate that what I did wasn’t wrong? That a break up is 2 people still working together ?
My main question- can anyone see my behavior triggering anything that may have been an ocd related issue ? I don’t plan on speaking her ever again but I do plan to date again. I’d like to know what I could have done better but I know better than asking her lol
submitted by DroughtCook47 to OCDJournal [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:43 ASalvaro Bitcoin not pending yet on Coinbase

Hi guys i was sent bitcoin to Coinbase about 9 hours ago and it still says pending on blockchain
now i understand it can take awhile to get confirmations but this is the 1st time where it doesn't
say that its pending on my Coinbase account...it doesnt show anything about the transaction..here is the info..is there anything that could be delaying the transaction?
submitted by ASalvaro to BitcoinBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:43 ollyjackson953 How do I [26M] have a productive conversation with my girlfriend [35F] about a potentially dealbreaker problem?

tl;dr: My girlfriend is a workaholic and our romantic time together is often dominated by her work life. It used to be that we'd get periods of downtime when I'd get to feel more romantic with her so it was fine but since January it's been nonstop and every period of downtime gets sabotaged or cancelled for some reason. This keeps happening and it is becoming a dealbreaker for me. But there have been 2 incidents in the past 3 months where I tried to explain how this was a problem for me and it went terribly and now I feel hemmed up and like I don't know how to express or navigate this stuff or how serious it is to her.
I [26M] have been with my girlfriend [35F] for 18 months. It's been by far my best relationship but if there's been a core problem it's been my girlfriend's work life completely drowning out our relationship. We work at the same company but she's more senior than me and has a much higher workload (we work in different departments so she's not my boss).
This became an issue around 8-9 months in and then has progressively gotten worse and worse since then. Since January it's been so hard to find time to date, and our sex life tanked for a while. We spend loads of time together but it's not intentional romantic time - my girlfriend will often be working while I'm there or else we use our conversations to game out her week or work situations, or we just cuddle and fall asleep watching something together rather than really connecting.
Throughout our relationship we've been extremely supportive of one another, always listening and on the other's team. But really special romantic downtime has been progressively harder to come by.
What I have noticed in the past few months is that I have consistently said 'I can get through this really tough time for my girlfriend and just be supportive because we'll have real, genuine intentional time at x point in future, at that point we'll have consistent connection again'. In January, I said to myself that after my girlfriend's huge project wrapped up in April, then we'd get to spend time together. We work at the same company and this was the first time we had worked really closely together.
April rolled around and my girlfriend was so burned out from the project that she needed space and distance. This was the first and only time that this has happened and I think it's because we worked together really closely - we've both since agreed we shouldn't do it again. I shouldn't be tied up in her desire to get space and distance from work.
I was okay to give her that space and distance because I knew we had May. May was another very lowkey month before things got really busy again. It also felt crucial for me. We're both taking holiday and/or working internationally a lot over the Summer so May felt really important to really feel connected again and have consistent quality time together again.
The end of April and early May really felt good and we were on the right track. But then around mid-May some really crazy unforeseen stuff happened at our company and we were back into crisis mode. The exact same dynamic kicked in of me just having to give blanket support while losing out on all the more romantic elements of our relationship, while telling myself 'Okay, once we're both back from our Summers in August, then we can get real intentional time together'.
I don't know how to have a productive conversation with my girlfriend about this. She feels super powerless to take distance and space from her work life because her career is by far the most important thing to her in the world. Even when she tries to take space, if things are busy she can't actually relax so she just gets anxious and stressed by trying - even stuff like meditating together often doesn't help.
We have talked about this frequently throughout our entire relationship, and generally we are able to at least set intentions for quality time. But communication has become harder in the past couple of months. There have been 2 incidents since May where I tried to express a need for her to be more present with me and to feel more romantically valued, and it did not go well - leading to her getting extremely upset about feeling like she's not enough for me and how she can barely meet her own needs to be a healthy person let alone someone else's. Both times she broke down crying and told me that when things are like this at work she needs 'blanket support' from me.
I don't think I framed it either time in a critical way, I tried to be as gentle and delicate and constructive as possible and it still went terribly and led to her effectively shutting me down. This hasn't been the case every time we've spoken about this, but such a terrible reaction on these two occasions has really stuck with me and hurts.
The experience of these two incidents has made me terrified of speaking to her about my needs. I am finding it harder than ever to directly say to her that I need her and that it's hard for me when during all our time together it feels like there is sky high pressure around her work. She is so good at giving me time to listen to my more general problems, and I feel able to talk to her about most things. But giving me time to just have real intentional time and have fun and be romantic together is much harder for her, as is talking about that specific issue.
So now I'm in a situation where I don't know how to talk to her about this in a way that feels productive and doesn't just make me shut down more and make me find it harder to express vulnerabilities. I really thought that once August came around, we would get a month to have really positive experiences that would rebuild trust and we could really practice having these conversations before things went crazy again in September.
Today, I just found out she has been called to stay abroad for all of August for work. And now I'm in the same situation, of when she gets back it'll be busy again and we'll have lost out on this whole month of time that was meant to be for us. I feel crushed and because we're not even in the same place at the moment I don't know what to do with these feelings.
We have a call scheduled tomorrow where I want to talk about it. But this is a dealbreaker for me now and I don't know how to communicate that because I struggle even to communicate that this is a problem at all when there is the potential for her reaction to be so negative. I cannot continue if we're not going to get a real, genuine, meaningful period of time where work is so dominant.
Either that or we need to be able to do at least one date each week where work truly doesn't feel like it's dominating us. Truthfully, I don't think that's something my girlfriend has it in her to change right now. Her schedule doesn't allow time for the therapy it'd require to change those thought habits and create a greater barrier between work and life. And even when we've done longer dates in times of high pressure work (that were more than just like a quick 30 minute drink/dinner), she just gets manic and anxious and it's unpleasant.
Honestly, I can take this high-pressure work thing if I get periods where it's not like that. That's why the first 8-10 months of our relationship worked so well. It'd get crazy for her and it made me happy to support her through that, but crucially it'd then calm down and we'd really feel connected to one another again. I just want that back, I'm okay with how insane her life gets and actually like supporting her but I just need these periods of downtime. Right now it could even end up being a full year without downtime now that August is out of the picture - the fall is going to be pretty hard. So I am genuinely evaluating if I want to stay in the relationship, but I don't know how to have that conversation and convey that this issue is that serious for me without potentially provoking a terrible reaction in my girlfriend that completely stops us from having a productive conversation about it.
Any advice on how I can navigate this would be very deeply appreciated.
submitted by ollyjackson953 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:43 scootimus-the1st SPLACH TWIN: A Premium Dual Motor Budget Scooter – SPLACH Bike

SPLACH TWIN: A Premium Dual Motor Budget Scooter – SPLACH Bike
Hey peeps, just came across this and it locks pretty amazing for the price/specs ratio! It's cheaper than a kukirin g-booster, better specs, much better quality motors, they have 40nm torque each, where the average mid price dual scooters motors are usually 2* 28nM... And it gets to top speed in 4 secs.. Only 28mph so 45kph, but I think that's probably suited to your average scooter guy anyway... And as has been mentioned constantly, having that extra power is the main reason people get fast scooters.. But this seems to have the availability of power even without it being a fast scooter. By the way, just the other day I commented on how I thought some dude was trying to drum up sales for a specific company... But seriously I'm pretty impressed and thought it worth mentioning... It says it's been reduced by 50% which I know when these scoot companies have sales, they boost the original price so they can present a WOW factor in its price reduction but like I said this is truly great value... Only thing is the 8.5 inch tires, so top speed is within a sensible range. I do hope the fitting of bigger tires isn't difficult.. Cuz my thought is, even at low speeds, 10 inch should be mandatory... Anyway what are your thoughts? And primarily as I just mentioned, do you think that Xiaomi mi3 size scooter tires are no longer acceptable?
submitted by scootimus-the1st to ElectricScooters [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 stormiDaze999 Does anyone know where I can find replacement pieces like cythes and scale plates for my statues or will I need to get Mami all ew statues,?

Does anyone know where I can find replacement pieces like cythes and scale plates for my statues or will I need to get Mami all ew statues,? submitted by stormiDaze999 to SantaMuerte [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 ThrowRA262738 IRL Progress, RPG like 4-8 member party, new profiles, fairly social.

Hey all, I’m just putting this post out here to gauge potential interest a 4 to 8 member party where we all start from scratch. My sort of vision is that we would have 1-2 of each class depending on our total party members, where it would be fairly personal so we can keep each other accountable.
IE: one member saying “Hey [insert Party member], I saw you took a lot of damage from the boss, did you procrastinate doing your flashcards again?!? If not no worries, and you got this, we’re all in your corner and I know you’ll crush it today!”
If we were all to be kinda tight knit like this I feel like we’d hopefully get some good work done irl!
I am currently in a party that is a mix of high and low level players, and have found that it’s quite challenging to satisfied both end of the spectrum as many players want to do as many quests as possible in a day, where as others (like myself) would prefer the boss battles be somewhat challenging and take 2-4 days or something around that time.
I want to emphasize here that if we were to do something like this, the party wouldn’t be trying to speed run the game, leveling, or quests, but more so have us members having to work for these things.
I’m really hopeful that I find some like-minded people, so comment on this post or shoot me a DM if you think you may be interested or have any questions!
submitted by ThrowRA262738 to habitica [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 Dreadsin No, no one wants to move to your shitty rural/suburban area

I see a lot of discussions online where people are talking about the price of housing in their city or greater metro area, and how it’s ridiculous and unsustainable. We simply need to build more. then you know there’s that _one fucking guy_…
well why don’t you just move to a rural area? It’s very cheap in (middle of nowhere, Iowa). I live here and it’s great
First of all, what the fuck would I do for work when I get there exactly? I’m a fuckin software engineer. “Oh just get a remote job!”, bro, everyone wants a remote job. They’re RARE. and even if you do get one, there’s a chance they cancel remote at any moment. It literally happened to me
Also I don’t wanna fucking live a lifestyle like that. At all. I think New York City isn’t even dense, I would describe it as “comfortable”. I would lose my fucking mind in a rural area. I’m single and I’m 32. Who tf am I supposed to meet somewhere like that? One of the three single women in a 50 mile radius, who I won’t even get along with?
I didn’t work hard and get a college degree and work overtime for years to sit in a house with nothing tf around it and stare at a completely empty lawn until I lose my mind
And why are you guys even suggesting this? Aren’t these the same people who say “don’t California my Texas”? Bro. The solution is to make housing in California so people who want that lifestyle can live there, not try to forcefully convert city people into a rural/suburban lifestyle
submitted by Dreadsin to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 butterflydreamer2 I got my diagnosis now what?

Hi I am new here. F 25 . Looking for help. Today I got my diagnosis from a clinical office. I have bipolar disorder 1. I am very new to this. They are prescribing me Lexapro 10 MG & Abilify 5MG. To give a background quick topic I have PTSD, depression, and anxiety. I was sexually molested as a child growing up, grew up in an abusive home, and whole lot of shit. I recently went through a break up (Jan, 2024. She broke up with me) and my ex had BPD. I also have fear of abandonment and I tend to have episodes whenever I am in high stress or depressed. I tend to get way more depressed and I have a hard time to open or communicate with my feelings when I feel like my feelings don’t matter. I tend to bottle up a lot of my emotions to the point I will have an episode or suicidal thoughts/ attempts would happen. I also have trouble with believe the good positive comments that are towards to me and I feel like it’s a lie. Example “I love you” or “you are doing a great job at work!” And my brain won’t accept that, not sure why.I have been with my therapist for 4 years and she recommended me with medications, so she referred me to the clinical crisis office. At first the office said I much have signs of BPD(I also had an ex who have BPD , it’s interesting lol) but now it’s Bipolar Disorder 1. So I am afraid of taking the medications, can someone tell me the two medications I will be taking have side effects? Is it bad or does it help? I need some advice where do I go from here and how can I get better?
submitted by butterflydreamer2 to bipolar1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 Muted-Measurement-74 i (21M) have no idea what to do with my friend (22F) .. please help me?

im sorry this might be a long story but i just need help im almost crying typing this
so let's go back to 2021 and imet a girl in college somehow and we spent a year being good friends pretty much online vibing other than hi bye like we'd spend 3-4 hours texting eachother on average everyday and to start with (1) and usually i like spending time offline and she doesn't really go out often and on a random day which is after an academic year of our college she went somewhere with her other college friends and i just felt jealous and left out like was i not her friend .. etc etc but i obv didn't talk to her about it too much coz it's just my problem i can't open up that much even though it upset me really bad
then we started spending time offline at college during our practical classes etc etc it was amazing and i liked it very much our vibe was so good we both liked it too much it was going going and after 3 months .. she says she likes someone i don't know how serious it was but she kept saying it's a joke and yeah she's not really the type to like people that easy which low-key just gives me a clue of how much time she spent with that other guy anyway she said that and then i started realising i actually like this girl i mean i just didn't like how she likes some guy there were other girls that i was talking to at college simple friends etc etc but i never felt jealous with any of them and this one girl who i talked to a lot after this girl also liked someone and i was so happy for her but it wasn't the same with this girl let's call her J and i obv just struggled to let her know that i like her i ended up doing it and just got rejected by her she just didn't expect that it seems anyway after this slowly she just started realising she likes me too and if there's anything she likes me more than that other guy and then our lives just continued to move on
meanwhile i had issues with her coz she'd do something with others and id be jealous she'd never ever do anything with me these things they existed since the first fight that i mentioned earlier (1) so during these fights she'd NEVER understand what the problem is coz she says she just understand getting jealous and my ass can't open up too much so we'd also fight for days she'd also go out with the guy that she liked before again .. it just upsets me
all these kept happening and somehow we just got closer to eachother i liked her more each day irrespective of those issues i had issues in the sense .. they were just never solved and she never did anything ever that i asked for or that she'd do with others all she'd do is just stay with me .. listen and say sorry i appreciate it tho they were still hurting me a lot along with the fact that she doesn't want to get into a relationship with me meanwhile i feel disrespected, left out, more and more anyway i survived and just liked her more each day
eventually i just started getting tired and didn't want to fight as much after asking for millions of things i just decided to not ask for anything coz she'd do nothing anyway and if she can she'd rather do it with her other friends and it'd upset me too bad so i just entered a phase where i got exhausted and stopped fighting as much etc etc if sth upsets me id just tell her and stop no more stretching and obv there'll be a lot of things that'd upset me coz i like her im the type to get jealous but we're not in a relationship so id have so many problems .. just making me upset id still just let her know and shut up
now coming to her pov she likes me she likes being friends with me .. she'd like to be close friends with me forever she just doesn't want to commit she doesn't want to commit to anyone she stopped talking to the guy that she liked too she just doesn't want a relationship and she says it has nothing to do with me coz she clearly likes me and i see it too but as she's not ready to be in a relationship with me .. idk how serious it is .. but yeah she definitely likes me too much too and she says with all the issues i had she didn't mean to hurt me but for me she never never did anything i asked for and would just make me feel jealous at this point we'd also text for 6 hours a day after spending at college and we'd also talk on the phone
okay and thennnn on a random day (beginning of a month) she went somewhere with his guy friend from school and shared lunch with him but i was waiting with my whole heart to do it with her and at this point it just made me feel too upset but like i said i was exhausted and i just didn't talk to her well about it .. just ignored it after telling her i didn't like it and she didn't like how im ignoring things .. she says she doesn't like it .. but my point was there's no use talking about it
(end of the same month) she also entertains if i like some other girl tell her about the girl etc etc and on a random day i told her i like someone (let's say k) as a joke and she knows it too .. it's our vibe .. and then when k girl texts me id tell J hey k is texting me .. our vibe is nice etc etc etc i exaggerated all those things coz it was just entertaining and never gave the k girls identity after a few days J just got to know that i was exaggerating most parts of it and she said no friend does that bs and she got mad at me again i was in my exhausted state and i said it was harmless anyway and i just did it coz it was entertaining and besides that i was thinking about how i wish she would question me if i got close to someone and tell her im not close to her it's just a random person but no it's reverse .. she is just mad at me coz i was exaggerating my stories and told her i like her, we vibe a lot and shit so i just didn't wanna fight obv and id just want to escape so id wake up normal and talk to her and she'd get extra mad coz i ignored it the night before
those type of fights kept repeating over and over where one of us would have a small problem but id just be overwhelmed to deal with it and would wanna leave and she wouldn't like it and we keep stretching it and fight fight fight
and nowwww we're here where i like her and feel like if we're not going to be in a relationship this is not worth it at all so we should just chill and be friends and not even spend as much time together low-key just live our lives and talk to eachother just in real life or at random times
but sheeee she is more attached to me and she doesn't like it when I talk this way .. she'd say why'd i be in a relationship with you if this is how you treat me .. if this is how you leave and not fight with me i have no idea how to process that like what did i do .. i genuinely just got exhausted and all i do is when i don't like something she says or does .. I'd say it and leave for a couple hours .. and come back normal which in my brain it's like I JUST CANNOT FIGHT WITH YOU so let me just live but she HATES it she hates how I'd wanna leave and just come back normal without addressing
okay buuuut will she be in a relationship with me? NO she says so coz why'd someone be exclusive with someone that does shit like leaving and not want to fight
and coming to our vibe it's amazing trust me on average we spent 5+ hours everyday since day 1 of our friendship like one day 10 hours to 2 hours one day 2 would be minimum and we like eachother we're clearly sexually comfortable with eachother even though we haven't done anything with eachother actually but i just know it and i don't want to give those details here and we can be good together if it works
but now it's EXTREMELY overwhelming we'd fight every 3 days once and im totally exhausted i just feel like we're not in a relationship what am i fighting for but she says if you can't fight how do i get into a relationship with you
i don't really know if anyyyyyyyyyybody would read this and help me but if you do id really really appreciate it i will be so glad to listen to you people who's tryna help me with how to fix this or what should i even do
and even if i fight now or be sweet nice she won't get into a relationship with me anytime soon i mean .. just no commitment anytime soon then i feel like so do i still put all my efforts again in absolutely nothing? i mean what if she doesn't want me after 2 years after this or sth let's say
and im really sorry if the way i typed this story is dumb i won't know what the screenplay would look like to you guys
pls help me out guys
submitted by Muted-Measurement-74 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:42 Strange_Street1658 2014 Journey Battery light on Dash?!

I just purchased this car 2 years ago from a used lot with only 60,000 miles on it. It worked great until last September there was this issue where it would randomly turn off and die? Turns out there was a loose cable on the battery. No problem, fixed that! Then comes November, I’m driving and all the sudden my car starts making this whistling noise and my battery dash light comes on and the car dies within 10 mins of driving ( thank god I was close to home) turns out it was the alternator! Fixed it, no problem! Now fast forward to yesterday ( June 6th ) I’m driving and everything’s normal, I had my AC and radio on and all the sudden my radio turns off. I turned it back on and didn’t think much of it. 30 mins later I’m driving to get my kids from school and the battery light on the dash turns on. I panic because last time it died so soon! I turned the AC and Radio off and turned the whole car off when I got to their school. The car turned on and we made it home , no battery light on. Well this morning I’m going to take them to their last day of school and there is no battery light until I go to pick them up and I didn’t have the AC or Radio on?! Can someone please help me??
submitted by Strange_Street1658 to CarHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:41 throwaway124235444 I'm not sure how to move forward. Should I stay, or should I hope he changes? 18F 18M

I have no idea if this relationship can move forward or not. We started off as a FWB situation in last year (JUL23) or so, went official around Dec 2023. Ever since then, he's been immature and extremely emotionally unintelligent, he cheated on me 3 months into the relationship during my birthday, (downloaded a dating app, got the girls snaps and wanked to their nudes) etc. as well as sending them pictures of himself and whatnot. I stayed, his explanation seemed sincere at the time and I could somewhat understand the reason. We were going through a rough patch and he believed we were going to end things so he jumped ahead to not get hurt. Shitty, inexcusable but - ok, I see. We then had a strict no-clubbing without your S/O rule which he broke a month after that after making me stay up until 3AM whilst he walked home & accidentally admitted he'd been clubbing with his friends. He also recently lied about starting up smoking again when we'd quit together 5 months ago. Also failed to plan our 6 month anniversary because he forgot after I begged him to because I always plan things. That, along with a bunch of things such as minor lying, lying about porn, lying about porn when I found it in his history, general shouting which he refuses to stop because it's "just what he's like with his friends" (he knows this triggers me, I have BPD - he also refused to acknowledge this until 4 months into the relationship when he finally decided to read up about it after I was begging for months).
However, I am happy around him generally - he's smart and kind when he wants to be. His family is lovely and when I'm with him, it's lovely - but I'm not sure what it'll be like when we go off to uni. I can't stand arguing over small or big things all the time because he has so little respect for me. If he cant grow up, and keeps promising to change with nothing to show for it - where does that leave me?
I don't know how to get through to him, I don't know how to help. I just want this to work out because I really love him and he's treated me better than anyone has.
submitted by throwaway124235444 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:41 ottocreed [Wars of Liberation] - Chapter 1

In many AFN nations, a conspiracy theory arose about the potential of all Reich Pakt nations controlling their whole populations through microchips. With the recent rise in this theory, the Alliance chose a man for the job. His name is Zane Johnson, he is a WW3 and Second American Civil War veteran. Now a part of the US Army in Exile he was chosen by the AFN to go to Russia and work on this new US-Russian operation to reveal the truth about the microchips. But first Zane has to help the Russians with something.
Zane is in his room sleeping as he has the same nightmare he has had for many years now. A nightmare about his fiance Natalie Garcia, whom he met while in the army during WW3. In the nightmare he sees her being taken hostage after the surrender of loyalist forces. A nightmare where he not only lost his country but also the love of his life. He then hears her “Zane do something please, help me” but Zane then says to her “I’ll come back for you I promise.” Seeing her again and freeing her alongside the people oppressed by the GAE are two huge reasons he stayed with the US Army in Exile.
He wakes up at the right moment as he hears his phone ring. He picks it up and it's the General Secretary of the Alliance of Free Nations. “General Zane Johnson, we need you for this mission this mission can and would be the beginning of the liberation the world needs.” Zane then says “What exactly is this mission you say?” The General Secretary then says “The Russian Liberation Front has found something but wants the help of the US Government in Exile so we chose you and some of your former war buddies to come along but first you have to help take down a warlord that has started an insurgency, it is the Omsk Soviet Republic they have recently begun a huge insurgency and plan to expand it, we have also been cut off from Eastern Siberia as many states began to join them” Zane said, “Yeah I’ve heard about the Omsk Insurgency. It seems like not all countries have benefited from the Convention on World Restoration, I’ll be heading to HQ just give me a second, and I’ll be there as soon as possible.” Zane says as he hangs up the phone and processes the dream he recently had again. He sits there in his bed as his hands cover his face, feeling the same feeling of regret knowing he couldn't do anything without getting himself arrested by the Empire. Still remembering the transition period where the states that were left of the former US during the war as they enjoyed their last days of freedom, many TV networks and radio stations talking about the fall of the United States and the hope for a great peace in the states after the reunification under the imperial banner.
There was one message that played during this time. It stated, “The United States of America has fallen after June 5, 2021, the former loyalist states will be under the rule of the Greater American Empire, peace has come but at a sad cost, you have until June 4 to leave the nation if you wish too after that you won't be able to, Thank you for living the American Dream.” Which is actually how he ended up in Australia where he currently resides.
He then finally leaves the bed as he gets his uniform on. The thoughts run through his head as his flashbacks from both wars come back to him. All he wishes is to put the uniform up and just settle down with his fiance after marrying her but the Empire robbed the life he wanted. He heads to his car the car begins to drive itself as the AI sees that Zane isn't in a good state mentally. The car drives to the alliance's main headquarters in Sydney as the plan gets discussed.
Zane walks into the headquarters as a Free Russian diplomat greets him. “To a new era of Russian and American relations,” says the diplomat as he shakes hands with Zane “A new era for a brighter future and a free world,” says Zane before going inside and beginning to discuss the plans. The General Secretary explains “Here's how everything is going to go. First, we're going to get you and the ambassador over to Kazan, from there you will meet up with your forces, and then the invasion of Neo-Soviet Omsk can begin, the end goal is to restore order before a potential invasion of Moskovien.”
“Sounds great I’ll go whenever the transport is ready,” Zane says as the Free Russian Ambassador says “The plane is waiting for us” Both Zane and the Ambassador then go to the plane. The flight is good for a few hours but then something happens as they fly into Russia. They both hear a sound coming closer and closer then a loud explosion is heard.
submitted by ottocreed to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:41 Early-retirement-420 We have already won the hardest part of the battle

Hello fellow apes,
I am a recent lurker and first time poster. I never used reddit until FFIE so I started about 2 weeks ago and I wanted to a simple bull case for FFIE that will hopefully help put others at ease going into the weekend with what we are accomplishing. This is not financial advice because I'm not a professional, I'm just a pothead trying to retire early. But I will try to provide my logic on why we're winning.
First, I love the community of apes. The enthusiasm, memes, and updates are incredible. We should all support each other because we have fellow ape brothers and sisters who bought in at 3.68, and we want them to see financial freedom too. I hope you were able to bring your average down as I did since I bought pretty high (on weed and in price).
Second, there are a few reasons we're winning:
  1. We have a CEO and company that respects their major shareholders (which is us because we own most of the float). They've been releasing more content lately, which helps us gain more exposure and we have the greatest community of apes to spread the word.
  2. We have hedge funds betting on FFIE to fail, and they're doing so unsuccessfully thus far. They have failed to drive the share price down back to 4 cents (it wasn't that long ago that the price was there) and have some FTDs (failure-to-delivers) back because they're on the SHO list.
  3. Time is on our side. This is the important one because I think this is where most people get it incorrect.
Why is time on our side? All of the data comes from https://fintel.io/ss/us/ffie
  1. We own the float, which means hedge funds need to borrow shares to short it. You can see they borrowed about 3-4~ million today.
  2. Hedge funds need to pay interest on those shares. Currently the interest has been about 11% on average the past 2 weeks.
  3. If they do not own any shares, they will always need to borrow.
  4. If we are holding/buying and the word is spreading, the share price will increase. They also need to return FTDs they haven't paid from the previous month, which will also increase the price.
  5. If the share price increases, the cost to borrow the shares will increase drastically. For some stocks out there right now, the cost to borrow is in the 100% range. Check out SMFL on fintel for an extreme case.
  6. In time, we will bleed them out. They might buy 3-4 million shares at 11%, but are they willing to buy that many at 30%, 50%, 100% or more?
Think about interest on credit cards or student loans. We all hate to pay them. But the hedge funds are paying them on these shares, and they will continue to because we own the float and have been doing such a great job. The hardest part of the battle is done, all we need to do is lead other apes to financial freedom, hold our belief in FFIE, and give it some time.
The only mistake I see fellow apes making is buying options with a too early expiration date. It would just be better to buy shares or later expiry date options because we do not decide when FFIE goes up drastically. Hedge funds will decide when they close their positions because it costs too much or the time runs out.
Also, please let's not judge others for when they decide what their financial freedom is. WS (or the queen of FFIE) mentioned she was just here when it pops off, and if that allows her financial freedom, we should support our fellow apes brothers and sisters in what they decide is right for them.
We are doing incredible. We are winning, and we will win. Just give it some time.
Have a great weekend apes.
submitted by Early-retirement-420 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:41 Mountain_Version8469 Zero progress and feeling devastated :(

I really don’t know what more I’m suppose to do and I feel devasted. I was so sure I had positive ovulation symptoms a couple of weeks ago and was anticipating a period this week. But not even a single drop of blood in sight. So I went to get my blood test done yesterday…. And it hasn’t changed at all since my initial blood test at the start of recovery (January). In April I was so hopeful because my FSH, LH, estradiol all went up. But yesterday’s results I’m right back to where I started. Super low FSH LH estradiol and progesterone.
I’m so lost and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I gained so much weight and none of my clothes fit me anymore. I’m eating constantly and cut out all my exercises. How can I have made zero progress in the many months of trying? Did anyone experience the same thing and how did you recover? My husband and I really want to try for a baby this year. I’m seeing my gyne tomorrow but I’m 100% sure she is going to put me on HRT, which I’m against because I don’t want to be messing up my hormones even more.
Anyone experienced the same thing and have recovered? 😭
submitted by Mountain_Version8469 to Amenorrhearecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:41 Ordinary_Bike_4801 Help me I bought kontakt but appears to be only the demo I´m I missing something

Hello comunity, I´m a newbie with kontakt 7. I just bought it for 150$, the add said it had more than 300 instruments but when I open it in native access I find out is the basic version, the one that says "player" on it that I read is the demo version. the webpage invites me to download some minor stuff and I don´´t see where can I get all the rest.
submitted by Ordinary_Bike_4801 to kontakt [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:40 AntsyBoarder Husband is trying to “motivate” me but it’s making me feel awful

My partner and I had our first baby 8 weeks ago and we've been incredibly busy even since. Obviously busy with the baby, but in addition to that, we are planning a wedding, we sold our house, bought a new house and moved about an hour away. So in these 8 weeks, we've been doing things non stop- packing, staging our house to sell, moving, dealing with the banks, meeting wedding planners, etc. A lot of this work has fallen to me specifically because my partner returned to work when baby boy was 3 weeks old and he works long hours so I was taking on the brunt of meeting with realtors, doing walkthroughs, going over inspections, filling out applications as well as touring daycares and enrolling our son for when I return to work in a few weeks.
Summed up, it's been busy and hectic during a time where I've also been physically healing and emotionally a little all over the place with postpartum hormones. In addition, I'm not getting a ton of sleep because I take the night wakes by myself every night and baby boy is waking up 2-3 times a night on a good night, 5-6 times on a bad night. I'm doing fine (I don't think there's any concern for PPA/PPD) but obviously I'm not at my best physically, emotionally or mentally (is anyone at 8 weeks PP?! lol).
However, my husband talks a lot about "getting me motivated" and will push me to do things like go to the gym, go for a run, find a side hustle, etc. He says it's because he knows I always feel better when I do these things, which is true, but I've tried explaining that right now if I have an hour to myself (if grandparents take LO or he is napping or whatever) that my immediate thought is not "how can I be most productive right now?!" Like if I get any amount of free time, I might take a walk or I might go to the gym, but I also might just lay on the couch or watch reality tv. But when he says "do you want to go to the gym while the baby is asleep?", if I say no, he'll will kind of wrinkle his nose and be like "why not?! Come on, get up, get moving, get motivated!" Like everything in my life has changed drastically over the past two months and I'm exhausted, that's why I don't want to go to the gym?? Or think about starting a side hustle?? Or start painting our walls?? Or whatever else he suggests. And it's making me feel awful and lazy for not wanting to fill every second of my day with "productivity." But whenever I bring this up and try to explain it, he says he's just trying to get me up and moving to help me not fall into the baby blues. I don't know how to convince him that sometimes it's not the baby blues talking, sometimes I just need to rest and I'm going insane!!
submitted by AntsyBoarder to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:40 lost_library_book [Oversharing Husband and the Periods of DOOM] My husband keeps telling other people about my periods

I AM NOT OOP. OOP IS u/BabyBaconBits
Originally posted on relationships
Content warning: blood
1 update - medium-ish
Original Post (recovered with rareddit) - June 4th, 2024
Update - June 6th, 2024
My husband keeps telling other people about my periods
I (31F) am married to my wonderful husband (35M). We have also recently become first-time parents to our beautiful baby.
My husband is pretty much perfect in every single way...except for one, recurrent issue. He keeps telling other people very sensitive information about my gynecological health. Examples of this include: - Telling his mother details about my menstrual cycle - Telling his male boss when I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids - Specifying exactly what kind of doctor's appointment we are going to (IUD insertion) when asking his mother to babysit for us
I have told him that him sharing this kind of sensitive information about what is going on in my pants bothers me, and he has apologized every time. This morning though, he did it AGAIN.
I had a very severe first postpartum period last night, so bad that the health line nurse recommended we call 911. It was so bad, I was almost fainting from blood loss. I refused to go to the hospital, but my husband took the day off work to stay home and look after me and the baby today. I am still feeling weak and dizzy today, so I appreciated this.
HOWEVER, this morning over breakfast, my husband mentioned that he had explained why he wasn't at work to a male coworker over text. As in, he had described exactly what was going on with me, my fibroid issue, the bleeding, everything. Bear in mind that I have never even met this male coworker, and certainly wouldn't have shared this kind of information with him of my own volition.
I got upset, my husband apologized, familiar scenario yet again. I get it, he feels good commiserating about my admittedly very stressful and difficult to manage 'lady problems' with his married coworkers and his mom. It helps him cope, especially after a night spent trying to decide whether I need to be rushed to the emergency room. Still, I AM NOT COMFORTABLE with strangers (or his mother!) knowing the details of what's currently happening in my poor, malfunctioning uterus.
So, am I justified in getting increasingly more irritated and upset with my husband every time I find out that's he's been discussing my gyno issues with other people, even though he says it helps him decompress/explain absences from work?
How should I handle this situation?
Tldr: My husband keeps telling people details about my period problems. Am I justified in being upset, even when he's supporting me through these issues?
Edit: My husband is not autistic, nor does he have ADHD. Normally he is quite good about not sharing something once I tell him the subject is off-limits. For some reason, he just doesn't seem to be able to get on board with the idea that anyone should find this kind of information embarrassing or invasive.
Relevant Comments
[Comments are quite varied. Many are very harsh about husband, some mention reddit classic of divorce. A number of commenters helpfully advise OOP to start telling everyone that her husband has ED, diarrhea, shits his pants, etc. ]
OOP has a conversation thread with MadameWaste
Jesus, these comments. If he needs to talk to someone so badly HE should see a therapist.
Your medical information is literally that, yours. It's a breach of trust to talk about it without your permission.
If this was a post about a wife constantly talking to her female coworker and father about her husband's quick ejaculation or impotence, I'm sure people would be defending him. Father-in-law casually bringing up his medical issues, "Hey champ, heard you're having a little problem downstairs. Don't worry, my plumbing ain't what it used to be." Yeah, I'm sure that seems totally okay.
That is EXACTLY what this feels like! 😂😅🥲 My MIL has literally tried to bring up the volume of my period flow and make recommendations regarding it, after my husband over-shared with her. To say this made me uncomfortable is the understatement of the year. And the thought of his male coworkers knowing similar details makes me want to crawl into a hole and grow moss. 😶‍🌫️
I would never be able to go to a work event if my husband told his coworkers about my vagina in any way, and I'm not a very prudish person at all. I just feel like your personal health issues are your own unless YOU choose to disclose them. That's literally why HIPAA* laws exist in the first place.
That's what I told my husband this morning; that I am officially never going to any of his work events, if this information about my gynecological health has been shared around his office. He seemed startled, but also kind of like it was starting to click just how unhappy I was that his coworkers are privy to my personal info.
I totally get it, I would feel prejudged and so exposed. Like a specimen on a table. In a room full of strangers who know intimate details about my genitals. That's some horror movie shit, honestly lol.
YES. THIS. EXACTLY THIS!!! jumping and waving and pointing at this comment THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL, and I just wish there was some way for my husband to vent and process his feelings without spilling the scariest and most vulnerable moments of my intimate health to total strangers/my lacking-in-boundaries MIL. 😵‍💫
Update - 2 days later
Okay. Wow. My original post devolved into a mess of...something.
So first of all, a few extra things to clarify:
The suggestions on my original post ranged from helpful (clarify boundaries, seek support, see the issue from both perspectives) to, frankly, toxic and abusive (spread his personal medical information around publically, berate him, insult him, leave him in the dark about my health status, and my personal favourite, threaten to leave him).
Y'all, this man literally does everything and more for me. He held me through serious prenatal/postpartum depression, drove me back and forth across the city to seek help for my issues, sits up with me at midnight on the bathroom floor to ensure that my bleeding eventually stops during an episode, stays home with me when I'm anemic to watch over both me and our baby, changes diapers, cooks me food, lets me dictate the pace of our postpartum sex life, checks that I'm taking my meds, does all the heavy-lifting housework, tells me he loves me, reassures me, comforts me...
Does this give him a free pass to discuss my gynecological issues in public? No.
So, he and I sat down yesterday and established clear rules. He officially has my permission to discuss my Lady Problems with the one other lady of importance in his life...his mom. It helps him process after a scary episode (he admitted to crying out of fear for my safety after I finally fell asleep following the latest bloodbath), and his mom is our biggest support.
As for work, he is to say that "My wife is struggling with postpartum medical issues." No less, no more. If his boss needs further info, we will have my midwife draw up a doctor's note. My husband agreed to this, apologized, we kissed and made up. I also promised to remember to take my iron pills. Because anemia.
As for me, I learned a valuable less here. Be careful soliciting advice from the internet, because everyone will bring their own baggage to the issue. It's a little concerning how quickly so many people will figuratively advocate for flogging a loving husband in the public square, just because he's not handling a single issue perfectly. 💔
Thank you to everyone who gave constructive, thoughtful advice.
tldr: My husband and I talked, clearly established boundaries, kissed and made up. Reddit is nuts.
Relevant Comments
Didn’t you mention that you did all of that before? And that he again and again ignored your wishes?
While I had grumbled and expressed that I didn't like other people knowing about my gyno issues, I hadn't actually laid down clear Yes/No boundaries and established a script that my husband could use.
Now my husband knows exactly who he can and cannot discuss my issues with, and what to say to people whom he cannot elaborate with.
Good. Let’s hope he understands this time.
I stand with my advice to not tell him anything till he learns. But also to tell him that you would do the same to him and to see how he reacts/would like it. Not that you really should tell people about his problems.
I'm glad you've found a solution you are happy with. But please, talk to your doctor about iron infusions. Supplements are fine for normal anemia, not for people with chronic bleeding conditions like this!
Thanks for the reminder! I actually did get a series of IV iron infusions in the final weeks of my pregnancy, because my anemic fainting was to the point where my husband couldn't leave me unsupervised. 😱 Might be time to go in for another infusion...
Some commenters feel called out and have some thoughts about that
Redditor A
You also this audaciously rude in person, or do you keep your “oh my you broken people” schtick to Reddit? Those people were outraged on your behalf, god forbid.
Just say thank you for the free advice you got from the internets that solved the issue you couldn’t on your own, OP.
Redditor B
This post is so weird. I’m sorry you found it so upsetting that people were upset and worried for you. They came to that conclusion based on your own description of your husband’s completely inappropriate behavior. But you’re right, everybody else is the problem, not you, not your husband who talks about your vagina to his boss. That’s totally normal, respectful husband behavior!
Redditor C
Wow. The way you viciously attack and judge well-meaning strangers on this platform is appalling. Ok, Karen. We get it. Your clueless husband is not abusive and in fact he's a downright saint 😵‍💫.
Marked concluded per OOP.
If you have comments, keep them HERE. DO NOT brigade over to the original post to comment. DO NOT harass the OOP with dms or replies.
Remember- stay safe and rotate your tires every 5,000 miles or per manufacturer recommendations.
submitted by lost_library_book to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:40 breastmilkfabricator i need HELP

i’m a stay at home mom to a 15 month old son. since my son was born, he has just been the most intolerant baby i have ever met in my entire life. 1) “sleep regression” is not a thing for him. he has never had a phase where we were able to put him to sleep easily or quickly - he has always fought his sleep. we’ve been co-sleeping since he was about 6 months (something i never intended to do, but literally gave up because that was the ONLY way we could get him to fall asleep and both his dad & i were terribly sleep deprived) 2) he just does. not. stop. screaming. i don’t think i’ve ever heard him whine or cry normally. he just screams all day long, for any reason. it’s his default cry. i’m being so literal - every time he cries it sounds like he broke something. 3) he is majorly attached to me to the point where i can’t do ANY day to day tasks without him screaming for the entire duration of whatever i’m doing. (i feel like it’s important to note that when this happens he’s in a gated baby proof area across the room and even times where i’m in his sight range this happens) i have sensory issues and anxiety, i simply just cannot physically handle the screaming, so i just stay within 10 ft of him and focus on him all day long so that he won’t scream. but because of this - my house is an absolute wreck, and i’m neglecting my hygiene and mental health. i just feel like i have no room or energy for anything but him. i feel completely desperate to figure out how to find balance with a kid that seems to consume your entire being (obviously not on purpose but thats how it feels). i was taught when i became a new parent that if his needs are met & he is safe in their crib and i need to step away to catch my breath, that’s okay because you have to make sure your head is on straight to properly take care of your kid, but i feel i do this too often because i dont feel equipped to handle the screaming and complete lack of personal space. i also read a lot about how letting your child cry raises their cortisol levels and stresses them so everytime i have to step away i just think of this and feel this immense guilt. i love my kid so freaking much i just want to be a better mom for him, but i have been trying for over a year and i genuinely cant figure out how to manage this . i have told people like his doctor & my mom what is going on and how much we are struggling but i’m scared they don’t realize i’m not exaggerating to make it sound crazy or something, this is every day life for us and i literally feel like i’m drowning. his doctor said he probably just has a “loud personality” , so i have been trying to get help to get help for my sensory issues so i can just deal with this better but of course, that’s a difficult process and takes time. this is so messy and long i’m sorry but i’d appreciate any advice thank you so much
submitted by breastmilkfabricator to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:40 MrBublee_YT Listened to NO HANDS today. Oof

I'm going to get the negatives out of the way before delving into the positives:
I understand that they were going for a club vibe for most of their songs, but constant one-line chorus' does not good listening make. It doesn't make it interesting when Joey says the song title 4 times and then back into the next verse. I feel bad as a songwriter when I write 2 songs in the same key, multiple songs where the chorus' are the same? No, thanks.
I'd love it, I'd really love it if they flexed their respective pens at any point in the album. I think the fact that they're putting out music so quickly is really starting to wear on them, and I don't blame them for it, that's how the industry is nowadays, but it's taking its pound of flesh from the two of them. Very predictable lines, which is in their spirit, but they were still clever with it in PUNK TACTICS, these are really simple AAAA rhyme schemes, not even multi-syllabic, not many entendres. They're going for simple music, which is fine, but Kendrick just proved that you can make a club banger with wordplay. I'm not saying that they should be on par with Dot, but it just shows that they don't have to be lazy with the quality of their music, even though they're the opposite with the quantity of it.
That is all of the negatives that I have, though. Now for the positives!
The PRODUCTION on some of these is such a level up. As I said, they're going for club bangers, and the beats on them deliver massively. Next time I go clubbing, I'm slipping 5 euro to the DJ and asking him to put on BUSSIT. The bass on it and others is just amazing.
Brae is levelling up, and we love to see it. Not lyrically, but vocally, I'm loving his cadence. I still think Joey is "bigger" between the two, but Brae's not really the sidekick anymore.
Those are all my thoughts. Thank you, come again.
submitted by MrBublee_YT to JoeyValence [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:39 HesitantHoopoe Tired of criticism and haram police.

Hey guys, first time posting after a long time lurking.
I know I shouldn’t be coming on to make a post with heightened emotions but I wanted to hear about everyone’s experience with the ‘haram police’. I’m trying to sleep the stress off but the sleep isn’t taking me.
I want to start with that I’d like to think that I’m a good Muslim sister. I’m supportive and empathic and do my best to be a good friend. I pray my salah, fast, give zakat. I dress properly and do not wear revealing clothes, don’t drink, smoke, do drugs or go party etc, just shy and try to keep to myself but I am chatty icl maybe that’s my downfall.
I also don’t bark at people for doing haram because I feel it’s not my right you know? I probably have loads of flaws myself and point fingers to myself first and god forgive me for saying this but I wonder why our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters and hijabis are quick to make you feel like shit because you’re not an ultra conservative salafi?
I’ve been criticised growing up about EVERYTHING and sick to my core of it. I totally shut down with anxiety when I have to deal with this bs. How do you guys (if you do) deal with this kinda stuff? Does being “too liberal”, as I was told by a niqabi friend for talking to the cashier, equate to being haram?
What is ‘too’ liberal and what’s ‘too’ conservative? Where would we draw the line?
The hijab thing is what’s pissing me off right now. A few times during a walk in the city centre, I got some random dawah dude telling me to wear hijab. The hijabi aunties telling me to wear hijab. The hijabi sisters looking me up and down disgusted at me for not wearing hijab, while she’s wearing a turban style one with a tight ass abaya where I can see her buttcrack. Basically I’m an outsider to a club for not wearing hijab. I’ve isolated myself because of this and completely stopped making “sister friends“.
Then there’s the haram police. Recently in some prayer chat I’m in is being flooded with long paragraphs that sending emojis is haram. There’s always a new fatwah of something being haram. One of my salafi cousins pissing me off telling me I need a mahram for things she did too (moving out and partially umrah), for her everything is haram… and don’t get me started with the one hijabi friend we all have who gives you shit and haram police’s you for every little thing, like jokes you make and how you pray, only for her to one day take her hijab off and forget all of that above ^.
I’m in the uk. Epicentre of salafism where even the non Muslims, who know a little of Islam, question ‘why I’m not like them’. That I don’t wear hijab and why do I happily mingle with everyone etc. I understands this because for them, they’re curious and I’m the only Muslim they know personally and thus become the source of their information (I work in a white/ non Muslim dominated area).
I’m feeling super emotional and vulnerable so no hate pls, be nice. I understand this is coming off against hijabis and it’s not, I have some revert sister friends who struggle to wear it as they live in places where it’s tough so I support them. My real sadness is coming from the haram police because sometimes I can barely speak without their comments. For instance, I recently had something major happen to me and I mentioned that a week leading up to it, I sensed something was wrong. We all get intuitive feelings right? Then this *** brother tells me it’s haram to think like that and prophet said to be positive and such feelings yada yada yada.
I want some advice basically on how to navigate being in Europe with ultra conservative folk everywhere that’s now taking over the world. Not that it’s a bad thing but the constant belittling and criticism is getting to me. I feel sick and think that I’m in the wrong and if so, what do I do? I love Islam but the people … not so much.
Rant over, I hate ranting but I guess I need someone to give me a pat on the shoulder and tell me I’m not alone.
Gonna go cry to my mom now lol.
submitted by HesitantHoopoe to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:39 BettySpaghettyStan PCOS - only abnormal lab is testosterone

I have been diagnosed with PCOS for 3 years now. I just had my 3rd baby and I'm 4 months postpartum. My body was healing "normally" (as normal as it can with PCOS) and then took a steep nosedive this month. We tested my hormones and did a thyroid panel. The only abnormal findings are:
High total testosterone
Low free testosterone
I've been taking ovasitol for two months now and my body I'd getting worse. I eat a vegetarian diet, but I eat High protein (not soy though) every meal. I don't eat sweets, I don't drink caffeine, and I rarely drink alcohol.
Would this fall under adrenal PCOS even if my DHEA is normal? I cannot lose even a lb of weight no matter what I do. I'm currently 40 lbs over where I once was and physically feel terrible. Have bad acne, hair loss worse than it should be, oily skin, anxiety, etc.
I meet my new endo in a few weeks, but idk what to do. I want to fix this without medication if possible, but I feel so stuck.
submitted by BettySpaghettyStan to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:39 marinegamer12 I hate my father and his side of my family

I 16M, and my brother 15M live with my father 37M and it is a living hell. My brother and I are in a group chat with our mother who was kicked out of our property thanks to my father with their ongoing divorce. Their divorce started basically because of my father's binge drinking and he would begin to lash out at my mom and just act useless and be deplorable. The sad thing is, is he thinks he can spend money to buy me and my brother's love (Fortnite cards, video games, etc). He even pretends to be sugar sweet when in reality he sends my mom horrible messages basically demeaning her as a human being. He always needs to be in control, like with money, clothes you wear (if they're dirty or not), and what you do in your day to day life. As I'm writing this he invited people to this "cookout" with relatives from his side we resent, (uncle, aunt, cousin, and grandma). He also texted me saying "Yeah, I really can't, bud. I have my bosses out here and I need to impress them." when I asked if they could tone things down. He also has a disabled brother with autism who is non-verbal, and cant do anything for himself, (clothing himself, bathing, etc), and he, and my grandma just leaves him in the house whenever he has guests, completely disregarding his needs. Not only that, he gets mileage checks to take him places, but all he's ever at is his home because he doesn't take him anywhere. I barely use Reddit, I've talked to my mom about reporting him to the police for what he's doing to me and my brother emotionally, but I know if I were to do that, I'd be in foster care, and I don't want that at all. He has made Facebook statuses about women he'd like to have sexual intercourse with, while he was married to my mom, and he completely disregarded their marriage together at times. He treats me and my brother like we're toddlers for no reason, even though I'm 16 and he's 15, he hasn't worked a day in his life; when he was married to my mom, he'd usually dump his brother on her, and make her watch him even though it's his job. My mom now lives multiple towns away because of his antics of all of these factors, I have a high reputation in the small town I live in, I played football and basketball for my high school, and pretty much anyone in my town knows my name. Anytime halftime would come around playing football, he'd sneak away to go drink beer. This isn't the NFL, you can't be drinking at a high school football game. I'm thinking of starting over, and moving down to where my mom is at, train for football and basketball, get a part time job to pay for a car and my probationary license, and graduate in a different high school because that's what my father has caused me to think like. I've even had thought's of suicide because of how he treats my family; a year prior to all of this my grandfather died of leukemia, and he puts all of his drinking on that, he claims he's never done it before that, but he's asked me for so many years to fetch him beers. You know the "When son won't fetch me beers" meme? I don't even find it funny because of what feels like trauma hits me. It gets worse, he even said I'd be a good bartender even though I hated dropping everything I'm doing to fetch him beers. Some nights it got so bad, I'd have to give him two at one time. He has also talked behind my mom's back to her parents, and now they won't even talk to her. But enough about my father, let's talk about my "relatives".
First: My grandma. She is just as if not worse than him. She is a narcissist, she does Christmas as bribery for putting up with her narcissism, and if you don't do anything her way, she takes a present away. Not only that, but she hated my mom for many years as well (underpaying her, kept her away from my disabled uncle, etc). She is also very disgusting, she pees and poops in her pants, and doesn't bother to change. She laughs it off, like it's a big game, and sits in it. Her and my father died laughing as I was holding their closet door shut trying not to get scratched by their cat they pick on as well. She condones homophobia, racism, and transphobia, she always thinks you're lying when something needs to get done with her life. She claims to be a Christian, when in reality she cherry-picks The Bible. She also has disowned my transgender cousin who identifies as male, saying how "it's the devil's work on why he's transgender".
Second: My uncle. He is a failure. He has 5 children, 4 of them are with his current wife (my aunt) and they all hate him. He cut off his first born daughter and grandchild, only God knows why, he drinks, he says racist slurs, he pretty much discriminates everybody, and his opinion always needs to be heard, and it's usually about politics. He also disowned my cousin who happens to be transgender, which is makes him a horrible uncle to him
Third: My aunt. She is such a backstabber, she literally can't say anything to your face, she can't discipline her kids, she's a failure of a mother, together, her and her husband (my uncle) go bar hopping to let their kids (my cousins) "raise themselves" and she claims my mom has abused my uncle while taking care of him in place of my father. She, like my uncle, and grandmother, have also disowned my transgender cousin, and misgender him on the daily and dead-name him.
Last but certainly not least: My cousin, (a different cousin). She is a recently graduated high school student and has her whole life ahead of her, but instead rather tries to spy on my mom, and try to "relate" to me and my brother, when there's nothing to relate to only that her parents are divorced as well. Young and impressionable, but decides to throw her life away for alcohol and parties.
So in conclusion, my father's side of the family are hateful, bigoted, and live by their own rules based on their narcissism. They don't care if you're disabled or not, they don't care if you have a different opinion because it's always wrong and they're always right. You can't do anything, wear anything unless it's father approved, and you can't buy anything within a certain budget because he has to control money as well. My grandma has to have Christmas AKA the bribery for her narcissism and is probably worse than my father in terms of bigotry; disowning my transgender cousin, and cherry picks Bible verses on her day to day life.
submitted by marinegamer12 to offmychest [link] [comments]
