Shaiya extreme

I've been seeking a new MMORPG (Coming from Neverwinter)

2024.03.15 17:37 Xedachi I've been seeking a new MMORPG (Coming from Neverwinter)

Hello, I'm looking to find a new MMORPG, as someone that enjoyed Skyrim and has played a few MMORPG's in the past on PC such as Shaiya Online, Eudemons Online, Conquer Online, TERA, and many more. I however don't have access to a good PC to be able to play ESO, and many of the MMORPG's on PC that are released today, I do however have a Xbox Series X, I've played Warframe on the Xbox but I'm really seeking a game similar to let's say Shaiya Online, a game I really enjoyed in the past but unfortunately now it's dead and it was released in 2007 so it's very outdated.
With all of that said, I jumped into Neverwinter, and unfortunately after almost 800 hours in-game I've decided to jump ship and find another home, the main reason for doing this is the fact that the game requires you to spend an exceedingly long time to get your 100% mount and companion bolster (You need 10 Mythic Mounts & 10 Mythic Companions to get a bonus of 9,000 IL, which I obtained after roughly 700 hours of game time, pumping another 100 hours in trying to balance stats at 83,000 IL to even be able to find a 5 stack to run end-game dungeons.
The Neverwinter game cycle includes: 3-4 months end-game grinding for end-game gear in the new module update for them to release a new module with new content which is amazing until you realise there's new gear, the item level is out of control (upwards of 90,000 now) upon the release of a new module your previous gear is extremely outdated and the only relevant dungeon in the game is the new one released in the next module leaving all previous content, weapons, and armour obsolete.
Now I'm considering ESO, but first I'd like to know what the low-mid-end game leveling is like, is the PvP active? Sadly in Neverwinter nobody ever PvP'd, you'd sit in queues for 8+ hours and it wouldn't pop. What's the end-game cycle like? do they consistantly render your character useless upon a new update and expect you to spend months farming for new gear to even have a sliver of hope to run new content? I'm definitely more of a dungeon delver and enjoy PvE mostly, going for all of the achievements etc so what's that experience like?
After my experience with previous MMORPG's especially my most recent one, I'm worried about investing my time into another MMORPG. I'll also be on Xbox, I'm pretty sure it's not crossplay so what's the activity like on Xbox, and what's the toxicity like? When it came to Neverwinter you would never find a group without at least a couple of toxic elite players that will s*** down your throat the moment you make a single mistake.
I have a lot of questions that all stem from my past experience of MMORPG's and what I fear delving into another MMORPG, I guess I'm just trying to find the perfect balance, a game I can play for years to come, without feeling punished every time a new DLC/Update is released.
submitted by Xedachi to elderscrollsonline [link] [comments]

2023.12.15 15:35 Logical_Squirrel8970 When people talk about old school MMOs, they seemingly always leave out all the anime MMOs that were out.

Whenever you hear old school, things like EverQuest and Ultima are brought up. Sometimes Dark age of Camelot or Vanilla WoW.
The MMOs I grew up with were completely different but still old school in my eyes. Games like:
There were so, so many. Thats just off the top of my head but if you want more examples basically just look at old MMOhut videos from the Omer era. It's cool seeing all that gaming history archived.
Anyway, this post shouldn't be taken as an "us vs them". I don't want to compare the two genres of games, I just want to shed light on some older games that are pretty old school as well.
And yes, anime MMOs were very pay to win there's no denying that. But if one of the most important aspects of an MMO is the social experience, than old school anime MMOs really shine here. The communities in these games were usually extremely friendly and talkative.
submitted by Logical_Squirrel8970 to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2023.12.09 00:34 GamingExecutive Shaiya Challenge Phase Two.

Shaiya Challenge Phase Two.
I resume the grind hunting these mobs. Players should repeat these to gather materials to invest in their equipment or sell at the auction.
Shaiya Monsters and Locations.
This is your first boss fight. Cobolt Captain is 4 levels higher. Extra levels gives it 30 percent damage reduction on top of its base stats. Cobolt also gains additional melee damage. As you can see ... V^V Cobolt was no match for my build. Honestly, this one is easy.
Shaiya Boss Mob and Locations.
Players should be getting an idea of what stats are useful for their class, or their desires to customize their playing styles. If you still have difficulty here, then you might want to reconsider your build options.
Shaiya Monsters and Locations

If you haven't notice, all monsters ,so far, only do normal attacks. They possess no skills. Here, their elementals give them an additional 25 percent damage reduction on top of their 40 percent. Their attacks also increase. I've felt a bit of pain here, and my stamina drained. I find myself sitting to recover often. I only use normal attacks on them, but I won't pressure you with that metric.
Shaiya Elemental Monsters and Locations.

Argilla Ruin's guardians. The warrior ,at 7+ higher levels, cuts your suffering damage by another half. These are easy to grind on because they have extremely low damage capabilities, but it's a lesson on your limits without improvements to your equipment.
Shaiya Elemental Mobs and Locations
At the end of this stage, you should be level 14. You should return to Gliter, sell all you don't want to the auction or internal inventory, collect , at least, 231,000 coppers(2.31 silvers) in sales. You want that much to purchase your new levels 8 to 14 equipment and accessories. It's better to sell essential resources at auction.
Shaiya's Auction Symbol

These are equipment and accessory merchants you want to visit after completing phase two with required coppers.
Shaiya Merchant NPCs
My avatar.
Avatar Level 14

Shaiya Challenge 1 , Shaiya Challenge 3
Shaiya Challenge Main
Fawkes Games
submitted by GamingExecutive to Shaiya_Free_to_Play [link] [comments]

2020.01.27 14:17 adams_enior New to BDO both love and hate it..

So il elaborate, after playing many many mmorpgs over the years, WoW, Perfect world, forsaken world, Shaiya, ESO, nothing has been as different but also strange as BDO.
I bought yesterday on steam sale, and firstly cant seem to find a key which many other users have reported, although i have managed to claim the 3 item packs from the explorers pack via redeem, but not sure where i can find them?
Secondly, is it me or is the levelling extremely fast / easy? I at level 15 now and i kid you not ive had about 2 hours of gameplay. Im playing as a mystic too btw which seems incredibly OP, like ive not lost more than 10 of my 360hp, even if i just stand next to imps and take loads of hits.
Also is there a way to properly set up controller for pc as when i logged back in today it forgot all my keybindings i added for maps, skils etc and had to reset, does anyone else have this issue?
But yeah love the combat compared to ESO which felt like weapon were cardboard cutouts and graphics are incredible and demanding for my PC ^-^
I guess its a very steep learning curve and 2 plays in too soon to say much, just want to see my pet and horse tbf.. Any advice or pointers would be much appreciated :-)
submitted by adams_enior to blackdesertonline [link] [comments]

2018.04.20 17:38 LMGDiVa This game needs a way for F2P players to directly Perm unlock or unlock a champion for an extended period. This is a critical point for F2P games.

I have been playing Free To Play(F2P) MMOGs/Online games for more than half my life time.(15+ years)
If it was F2P or had a F2P Closed/Open Beta, you name it, I probably have played it.
Everything from S4 League, to ROSE online, Thang Online, Prius, Iris, Tales Runner, Cabal, Shaiya, Rubies of Eventide, WildStar, Vindictus, TERA, League of Legends, Dota, you get the idea.
If it had a F2P variant, there is a high probability I played it.
Now I want idSoftware to Understand this suggestion does not affect me. I already have 2 complete accounts. This post is not for me or directly related to personal interests. For me, it doesn't matter if this was implimented or not, but it does affect me indirectly, by improving player retention and giving players a simple carrot on a stick(Skinner box) to retain them in games.
What matters the most here is that Players are Content, especially in a game that is purely and utterly designed about PVP.
Without players you do not have a game, without a player base, Quake Champions does not work.
There for this Change is CRUCIAL, and is not some minor convenience QoL change, or "Wouldn't it be nice if..." suggestion.
This comes from more than 15 years of being a f2p game player on both the spending no money and being a whale sides of things.
It is extremely important that this change happens.
What this game needs is a direct path to allow a player to Permanently, or Extended Period unlock a champion without ever paying real life money for it.
Personally I suggest 150K~200K Favor for a permanent unlock. If you account for about 650 favor given a match, that's around 230+ matches played to unlock 1 character. Around 38 hours of in match time to unlock a character. A little under 500 hours played to unlock the entire roster we have right now.
That is NOT calculating possible time needed to spend favor on Rentals, nor the Daily Challenges.
A huge amount of Free To Play MMORPGs and MMOGs do this specifically for the reasons I stated in the clause above. It is a positive usage of the skinner box method.
Lets look at a few examples:
Tales Runner: This game has quite a history and before it was shutdown due to developer greed(long story), it was actually a very popular game for the time frame.
And Tales Runner had specific characters with their own stats, and these characters could be unlocked for the in game currency.
But it also had an extra element to this. There was equipment creation and pets that allowed players to buy repairs and food for and stack it up over time.
Basically a player could outright buy a character for the ingame currency and give that character a set of equipment, then buy out immense amounts of time for repairs and pet food, as to not have to worry about upkeeping things for a while.
But The characters were outright unlockable for Ingame earned Currency.
BattleRite: Battlerite is very similar to Quake Champions in terms of business model, down to the champ pack, and hero rentals, Lootboxes but with one critical Difference, If you gather enough Battle Toekns you can outright buy a Hero from the shop.(The equivilent of Favor in this game). Battletokens let you buy Heroes and Basic Lootboxes. Battlerite doesnt let you rent heroes but they do let you Demo them. It takes quite some time to unlock a hero, but it does slowly but assuredly let you unlock the roster.
League of Legends: League of Legends offers to let players buy champions outright with money, just like QC is doing. But they also(At least for the 7 years that I played it before quitting) have Influence Points, which are simply awarded at the end of a match, and you collected them up and spent them on champions or rune pages, runes, and many other things.
In essence, in LoL, if you play the game you can slowly, but surely unlock champions. It used to cost 6300ip for brand new ones, and 4800 or less for much older ones, and after a year or 2 they'd start reducing the price of older released champions.
At the end of the day, in my 7 year span of playing LoL, I unlocked every single female character on the roster, and a variety of male characters, and robots.
Realistically speaking I could never unlock the entire roster, but that was never really the goal anyways. It was simply to get the characters I wanted.
I unlocked over 40 characters in 7 years.
Dota 2: Why is dota so important here when the game automatically gives you all the heroes unlocked completely? Dota is the ultimate team based PVP game when it comes to terms of balance and fairness. Valve believes that LoL's pay to unlock faster method is pay to win. I don't necessarily agree with them, but I definitely do understand how they can make that judgement. It seems fair, and appropriate to call LoL and HOTS pay to win compared to their game.
Dota relies on a lot of things to keep it's game generating income, but keeping heroes away from players is not one of them.
There are plenty more examples of said systems, but this post is turning into a short Novel, and I think I've made a good point here.
Another important Detail to include.
Many MMORPGs and MMOGs give players the means to pay for Cash Shop Items simply by playing the game.
Blade and Soul for example, will hand out Venture Tokens which can be made into Hongmoon Coins. These without a subscription will give a player the equivilent of 81 NCSOFT points. about 80cents worth in the cash shop.
I used these personally to unlock inventory and storage space.
In WildStar, there was a drop system called Omnibits, where anytime you killed a Mob, it would trigger a chance to drop an omnibit. These omnibits allowed you to buy anything with very few exceptions, in the cash shop.
The power of unlocking something for free in a F2P game is an extremely powerful and reliable factor for the developers and players of the game to retain players, and give them something to work towards.
A lot of F2P players love being able to get things for free, and it will often give them a sense of accomplisment for working hard and achieving a reasonable and direct goal, and some even feel like they've successfully cheated the developers out of money.
Quake Champions could heavily benifit from this, Full Champion pack players AND F2P players benefit from this design, and it's something that QC shouldn't launch without.
TL;DR, add a system to the game that lets players unlock champs permanently for a high price, so it gives them a carrot on a stick and they have a reason to stay in games. Probably for a lot of favor.
Player are Content, Retains players, blah blah. You get the idea.
submitted by LMGDiVa to QuakeChampions [link] [comments]

2018.04.15 01:27 PastelUniverse Looking for a good MMO suggestion for 2018

Hey, gamers, long time browser of this MMO community. I share many of your opinions about recent MMOs, and I'm just wondering what your go-to game is and what MMOs are keeping you interested nowadays. As far as my tastes, I'm looking for a non-p2w open world MMORPG with fluid combat and a strong, extremely large, friendly community.
As far as my tastes, I have an opinion on a few recent MMOs.
Guardian Hunter is shit. StarCraft Universe is shit. Ironsight is shit. Star Citizen is shit. Anime Pirates is shit. Final Fantasy Record Keeper is shit. Alganon is shit. is shit. Seal Online is shit. Brave Trials is shit. Second Life is shit. Moonlight Online is shit. Lingshan Romance is shit. Paragon is shit. Tiger Knight Empire War is shit. Star Ocean: Anamnesis is shit. Tiny Mighty Heroes Unite is shit. Caravan Stories is shit. OrbusVR Will Be Holding A Free Open Alpha Test This Weekend is shit. Chronicles Of Eidola is shit. Echo of Soul is shit. is shit. Pokemon GO is shit. PangYa is shit. Sphere 3 is shit. Dungeon Hero is shit. LEGO Worlds is shit. MachineCraft is shit. Dragon Oath 3D is shit. The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot is shit. Infinite Crisis is shit. Dauntless is shit. Astro Lords: Oort Cloud is shit. Secret of the Solstice is shit. Clash Royale is shit. Goddess Kiss is shit. Age of Conan is shit. Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag is shit. World of Antra is shit. Gear Up is shit. Conquer Online is shit. Azera Iron Heart is shit. Albion Online is shit. Dragon Nest is shit. RF Online is shit. Navy Field 2 is shit. NosTale is shit. Aberoth is shit. Might and Magic: Duel of Champions is shit. Alliance of Valiant Arms is shit. Atom Fishing 2 Champions is shit. Need for Speed World is shit. SpellKnights is shit. EXAVA is shit. MicroVolts is shit. Sudden Attack 2 is shit. Age of Ascent is shit. Uncharted Waters Online is shit. Tribal Wars 2 is shit. Romero's Aftermath is shit. Logres: Japanese RPG is shit. The Agency is shit. Durango is shit. Shadowgun: Deadzone is shit. Destiny of Ancient Kingdoms is shit. is shit. Dragon of Legends is shit. Revelation Online is shit. Anarchy Online is shit. Zezenia Online is shit. CrossFire is shit. Monster Strike is shit. KurtzPel is shit. Versus: Battle of the Gladiator is shit. The Repopulation is shit. Valnir Rok is shit. Karos Returns is shit. EverQuest Next is shit. Knights and Dragons is shit. Wild Terra is shit. Shadow of Kingdoms is shit. Forsaken World is shit. Audition Online is shit. Fractured is shit. Soldiers Inc. Rucoy Online is shit. The Tale of Lost City is shit. Cast and Conquer is shit. Blast Breaker Online is shit. DarkEden 2 is shit. Journey To The West is shit. Avalon Lords is shit. Golden Rush is shit. Heavy Metal Machines is shit. Luna Online is shit. Asphalt Xtreme is shit. Heroes Evolved is shit. Shardbound is shit. Peria Chronicles is shit. Tale of Toast is shit. Steel Ocean is shit. Ship Of Heroes is shit. Realm Zero is shit. Final Fire is shit. Stellar Overload is shit. Dark Summoner is shit. Riding Out is shit. Maestia is shit. is shit. Angels Online is shit. Tempest is shit. is shit. Tactical Intervention is shit. Trove is shit. Cloud Nine is shit. Divergence: Online is shit. Heroes Wanted is shit. Game of Dice is shit. Dirty Bomb is shit. Devilian Mobile is shit. Saga of Lucimia is shit. Avabel Online is shit. Emporea: Realms of War and Magic is shit. Firefall is shit. Dungeon Crash is shit. Project Gorgon is shit. Double Action is shit. Duelyst is shit. Stellacept Online is shit. Dark Nexus Arena is shit. Heroes of the Storm is shit. Mortal Online is shit. Dropzone is shit. is shit. Soul Hunters is shit. Crazy Killer is shit. Genesis A.D. Fortnite is shit. Total War Battles: Kingdom is shit. Rust is shit. GWENT is shit. Justice is shit. Voyage Century Online is shit. Light of Aiaran is shit. Juggernaut Wars is shit. Zems is shit. Pirates Treasure Hunters is shit. CrushMon is shit. Star Wars Uprising is shit. Felspire is shit. Take Thy Throne is shit. Mount Shu Chronicles is shit. EverQuest 2 is shit. Tales of Pirates is shit. The Aetherlight is shit. Ar:piel is shit. Might and Magic Heroes Online is shit. Foxhole is shit. Era Zero is shit. Burstfire is shit. Eternal Dream is shit. Pandum is shit. Mobile Legends is shit. H1Z1 is shit. Record Of Lodoss War Online is shit. Smite Rivals is shit. Krosmaster Arena is shit. Deceit is shit. Empire Revenant is shit. Riders Of Icarus is shit. The Alchemist Code is shit. Total Clash is shit. Exos Saga is shit. Pirates: Tides of Fortune is shit. EvilBane: Reboot is shit. is shit. Order and Chaos Online is shit. Final Fantasy XI is shit. Shores of Hazeron is shit. Rend is shit. ArcheBlade is shit. Pi Story is shit. Metin2 is shit. March Of War: Face Off is shit. Trinium Wars is shit. Decksplash is shit. Soldier Front 2 is shit. UFO Online: Invasion is shit. ChronoBlade is shit. Fire Emblem Heroes is shit. Warspear Online is shit. Maguss is shit. ROKH is shit. Livelock is shit. The SKIES is shit. Rainbow Saga is shit. Insurgency is shit. Fishing Planet is shit. Champions Online is shit. Atlantica Online is shit. Twin Saga is shit. SkySaga is shit. Elsword Online is shit. is shit. Fantasy War Tactics R is shit. Wonder5 Masters is shit. Arena Masters is shit. Celtic Heroes is shit. Lucent Heart is shit. Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is shit. World of Speed is shit. Black Desert Online is shit. Taichi Panda is shit. Path of Exile is shit. Project Zomboid is shit. Cyphers is shit. Eternity Warriors 4 is shit. The Elder Scrolls: Legends is shit. Ultimate Weapon is shit. Therian Saga is shit. Escape From Tarkov is shit. ELOA is shit. is shit. Grim Dawn is shit. Overwatch is shit. Stormfall: Age of War is shit. Dogma: Eternal Night is shit. is shit. Pathfinder Online is shit. Killing Floor 2 is shit. Islet Online is shit. Archlord 2 is shit. Solstice Arena is shit. Requiem: Memento Mori is shit. Sugar Rush is shit. Immune is shit. The Imperial Realm: Miranda is shit. Monkey King Online is shit. Age of Cavemen is shit. Orcs Must Die Unchained is shit. Mobius Final Fantasy is shit. Brawlout is shit. Heroes of the Banner is shit. Mirage: Arcane Warfare is shit. World of Warplanes is shit. Run and Fire is shit. Astral Heroes is shit. La Tale is shit. Age of Ishtaria is shit. Torn City is shit. TASTEE: Lethal Tactics is shit. Shooting Girl is shit. World of Fishing is shit. Star Realms is shit. Novus AEterno is shit. Knights Saga is shit. Star Trek Bridge Crew is shit. Els: Evolution is shit. Savage Hunt Dragon's Prophet is shit. Garlock Online is shit. TheWave is shit. Dungeon Fighter Online 3on3 FreeStyle is shit. Areal is shit. Starbreak is shit. Pokémon Duel is shit. Ninelives is shit. Loadout is shit. Seven Sword Second is shit. is shit. ArcheAge is shit. Love Dance is shit. Diablo 3 is shit. LoveBeat is shit. Khan: Absolute Power is shit. Heroes and Generals is shit. Rose Online is shit. Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies is shit. Pathfinder Adventures is shit. Spirit Lords is shit. Pocket Legends is shit. One Piece Thousand Storm is shit. Ragnarok: Path of Heroes is shit. Darkfall: Rise of Agon is shit. Rusty Hearts is shit. King of Avalon is shit. Rumble Fighter is shit. Soul of the Ultimate Nation is shit. Mabinogi Duel is shit. Stormthrone is shit. Fantasy Earth: Zero is shit. Life is Feudal is shit. Chaos Chronicle is shit. Flyff Legacy is shit. Mabinogi Mobile is shit. Izanagi Online is shit. Piercing Blow is shit. School of Chaos Online is shit. Lineage 2: Revolution is shit. is shit. Eternity Warriors 3 is shit. Pool Nation FX is shit. Icarus-M is shit. Severed World is shit. Heroes of Order and Chaos is shit. Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is shit. World of Prandis is shit. Global Agenda: Free Agent is shit. Extra Dimensional War is shit. Blitz Brigade is shit. Games of Glory is shit. Dragon Blaze is shit. Myth War 2 is shit. Eternal Arena is shit. is shit. Dragons and Titans is shit. Tera is shit. Line of Sight is shit. Gunslingers is shit. Angel Stone is shit. SAO's Legend is shit. Infestation: The New Z is shit. Ryzom is shit. Heroes In the Sky is shit. LawBreakers is shit. Depth is shit. is shit. Infinity Wars is shit. Aranock Online is shit. Laplace is shit. Age Of Heroes VR is shit. GunZ 2: The Second Duel is shit. is shit. Galaxy Control is shit. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is shit. Warframe is shit. Dungeon Hunter 5 is shit. Pixel Survival Craft Game is shit. Killbot is shit. Continent of the Ninth Seal is shit. MapleBlitzX is shit. MapleStory is shit. Energy Heroes is shit. Iruna Online is shit. Dragon Awaken is shit. Copia is shit. Blade and Soul: Hongmoon Rising is shit. Thanatos: The Dragon Chaser is shit. League of Legends is shit. Neverwinter is shit. Spirit Tales is shit. World of Warcraft is shit. Sword Coast Legends is shit. Dragon Revolt is shit. Gladiators Online is shit. Hex is shit. Legends of Aria is shit. Enlisted is shit. Bounty Hounds Online is shit. Victory: The Age of Racing is shit. is shit. Divine Storm is shit. Dark War is shit. Forza Horizon 3 is shit. Eco is shit. Stellar Stars is shit. Granblue Fantasy is shit. KWAAN is shit. Hunter Online is shit. MapleStory M is shit. Anno Online is shit. Legacy of Discord is shit. Lost Sector is shit. is shit. Holodrive is shit. Arena of Fate is shit. Wizard Online is shit. War Dragons is shit. Erebus 2 is shit. Arcane Online is shit. My Lands: Black Gem Hunting is shit. Rise of Darkness is shit. Starlight Legend is shit. Wakfu Raiders is shit. WarRock is shit. Blacklight: Retribution is shit. Lineage Red Knights is shit. Spirit Guardian is shit. Urban Rivals is shit. Chrono Wars is shit. Game of Thrones: Conquest is shit. Soccer Manager is shit. Game of War is shit. Wincars Racer is shit. is shit. Kings and Heroes is shit. is shit. Fighters Club is shit. AdventureQuest Worlds is shit. Bit Heroes is shit. Mage and Minions is shit. EVE Online is shit. Luna: Moonlight Thieves is shit. Auto Battle is shit. Kanpani Girls is shit. MixMaster Online is shit. Brick Force is shit. Strife is shit. Summoners War is shit. Gulong Heroes is shit. GunZ: The Duel is shit. Rising Fire is shit. Magicka: Wizard Wars is shit. MyWorld is shit. Cubic Castles is shit. is shit. Winterfrost Legacy is shit. Sins of a Dark Age is shit. Day of Infamy is shit. Berserk: The Cataclysm is shit. ARK: Survival of the Fittest is shit. Angeldust is shit. Smash Up is shit. Rodinia War is shit. Moonrise is shit. GOCCO of War is shit. One Piece Online is shit. Battle Battalions is shit. HeroWarz is shit. ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution is shit. is shit. Celestial Dynasty is shit. OrbusVR is shit. Eternal Lands is shit. Cosmic League is shit. World of Tanks is shit. Champions of Regnum is shit. Heroes of the Dungeon is shit. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is shit. Secret World Legends is shit. Conan Exiles is shit. Fantasica is shit. Titanfall 2 is shit. Global Adventures is shit. is shit. Heroes of Newerth is shit. Dragon Quest X is shit. Bots is shit. Team Fortress 2 is shit. Rail Nation is shit. Argo is shit. Astellia is shit. Ether Saga Odyssey is shit. Once Heroes is shit. Antraxx is shit. Ace Online is shit. Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine is shit. Spellgear is shit. Fantasy Tales Online is shit. Elemental Heroes is shit. Magic Duels: Origins is shit. Chronicles of Elyria is shit. Savage Resurrection is shit. Sparta: War of Empires is shit. Windward is shit. Dead Maze is shit. Lineage is shit. High Octane Drift is shit. Becoming Preta is shit. Guns and Robots is shit. Scarlet Blade is shit. Unturned is shit. Wizard101 is shit. Rocket League is shit. iStorm is shit. Outcast Odyssey is shit. SamuTale is shit. Lord of the Rings Online is shit. is shit. Combat Arms: Line of Sight is shit. is shit. Rogalia is shit. Eternal Fate is shit. MapleStory 2 is shit. Boundel is shit. Thang Online is shit. Big Farm is shit. Sacred Saga Online is shit. PlanetSide 2 is shit. Royal Quest is shit. Elite Dangerous is shit. Dead By Daylight is shit. Mad World is shit. Empire: Four Kingdoms is shit. Brave Frontier is shit. is shit. Seven Knights is shit. Red Crucible: Firestorm is shit. Verdun is shit. Arcfall is shit. Astro Empires is shit. Zenonia S: Rifts in Time is shit. The Matrix Online is shit. Mu Online is shit. Perfect World is shit. Unison League is shit. Battleline: Steel Warfare is shit. EpicDuel is shit. Thirteen Souls is shit. Radical Heights is shit. Shattered Skies is shit. Rift is shit. Horizon Source is shit. Breakaway is shit. Wind of Luck: Arena is shit. One Piece Treasure Cruise is shit. Monster Hunter Online is shit. Master X Master is shit. Dynasty Warriors Mobile is shit. Armored Warfare is shit. Vainglory is shit. Eudemons Online is shit. Dark Age of Camelot is shit. Hawken is shit. Dragon's Dogma Online is shit. Eagle: Fantasy Golf is shit. Heroes of Shadow Guard is shit. Elder Scrolls Online is shit. City of Heroes is shit. War Thunder is shit. CosmicBreak Adventures is shit. is shit. Dawn of the Immortals is shit. Call of Champions is shit. is shit. Star Crusade is shit. Final Fantasy XIV is shit. One Tower is shit. Hearthstone is shit. Arma 3 is shit. Rise of Incarnates is shit. Summoner's Legion is shit. Huxley: The Dystopia is shit. Warmode is shit. Clash of Avatars is shit. is shit. Tank Fighter 2 is shit. Metal Reaper Online is shit. Wolf Team is shit. Soccer Spirits is shit. Rohan: Blood Feud is shit. Contra Hero Returns is shit. Blade and Soul Mobile is shit. Legend of Edda is shit. Spellweaver is shit. The Infinite Black is shit. is shit. Dragon Project is shit. Travian: Kingdoms is shit. TOME: Immortal Arena is shit. sZone Online is shit. Guardian Stone is shit. Savage Lands is shit. Aura Kingdom is shit. Ultramegon is shit. Exteel is shit. Grand Fantasia is shit. Forsaken Legends is shit. Darkwind: War on Wheels is shit. Dynasty Warriors: Unleashed is shit. Cabal 2 is shit. is shit. is shit. GunFleet is shit. is shit. Rules of Survival is shit. is shit. Gods and Idols is shit. Heroes of Dire is shit. Mission Against Terror is shit. Fable Legends is shit. Dark and Light is shit. Divine Souls is shit. Genesis Online is shit. DomiNations is shit. Fistful of Frags is shit. Metal War Online is shit. Card Hunter is shit. Legend of Ares is shit. Dofus Touch is shit. War Rage is shit. is shit. is shit. Ragnarok Spear of Odin is shit. Combat Arms is shit. LuckCatchers is shit. Grand Chase M is shit. is shit. Deformers is shit. Voodoo is shit. Moonlight Blade is shit. Fragmented is shit. Victory Command is shit. Travian is shit. The Culling is shit. Linkrealms is shit. Wonderland Online is shit. Titan Siege is shit. Crown of the Gods is shit. Kinetik is shit. is shit. Nosgoth is shit. Honkai Impact is shit. Hellgate is shit. Lost Saga is shit. Of Kings and Men is shit. Planetary Annihilation is shit. Tales Runner is shit. Traverse is shit. Battlerite is shit. Habbo is shit. Pandora Saga is shit. Crush Online is shit. Tree of Savior Mobile Remake is shit. Sacrament is shit. DarkOrbit is shit. Crusaders Quest is shit. Left 4 Dead 2 is shit. Scions of Fate is shit. Terraria is shit. Ran Online is shit. Million Arthur is shit. Legend Knight is shit. Call of Duty Online is shit. Empyrion - Galactic Survival is shit. Arena of Valor is shit. Imperia Online is shit. Marvel Future Fight is shit. Tanki X is shit. Natural Selection 2 is shit. EVE Valkyrie is shit. Steep is shit. King's Command is shit. Dungeons and Dragons Online is shit. Puzzle and Dragons is shit. Heroes of Incredible Tales is shit. Pox Nora is shit. Iron Knights is shit. Black Gold Online is shit. Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide is shit. Gloria Victis is shit. Rune Story is shit. Warhold is shit. War Of Rights is shit. Dungeon Fighter Spirit is shit. Ashes of Creation is shit. Civilization 6 is shit. Pirates of the Burning Sea is shit. Tyto Online is shit. Wartune is shit. Forgotten Myths is shit. Ikariam is shit. Ys Online is shit. Cards and Castles is shit. OZ Chrono Chronicle is shit. Salem is shit. Warhammer Online is shit. BattleStick is shit. Lords Mobile is shit. is shit. The Division is shit. Earthrise is shit. Toram Online is shit. Ark: Survival Evolved is shit. Asker Online is shit. Omega Zodiac is shit. Knight Slinger is shit. Lord's Road is shit. First Earth is shit. Born to Fire is shit. Fate/Grand Order is shit. is shit. Battlefield Play4Free is shit. Darkeden is shit. Nightfalls is shit. Gigantic is shit. Ragnorium is shit. DK Online is shit. Shot Online is shit. Demon Seals Mobile is shit. 4Story is shit. Wanderlust Adventures is shit. CrimeCraft: GangWars is shit. PUBG Mobile is shit. Kuboom is shit. Ghost Recon Phantoms is shit. Saga is shit. VEGA Conflict is shit. Project 100 is shit. Order and Chaos 2 is shit. GodsWar Online is shit. Hurtworld is shit. Grand Chase is shit. Fallen Earth is shit. First Assault is shit. is shit. is shit. SolForge is shit. World of Warships is shit. is shit. Final Fantasy The Awakening is shit. Soul Saver Online is shit. Evoker is shit. Deadwalk: The Last War is shit. Realm of the Mad God is shit. Days of War is shit. Nords: Heroes of the North is shit. Lineage War is shit. RPG MO is shit. Hellion is shit. Lineage 2: Blood Oath is shit. Tome Of The Sun is shit. Crazy Busters is shit. Erectus The Game is shit. Kal Online is shit. RuneScape is shit. Stash is shit. Ascend: Hand of Kul is shit. ArcheAge Begins is shit. EndWar Online is shit. is shit. Onigiri is shit. Onmyoji is shit. Pirate101 is shit. Euro Fishing is shit. Kingdom Warriors is shit. Kingdom Under Fire 2 is shit. For Honor is shit. GetAmped 2 is shit. Blockade 3D is shit. Pocket MapleStory is shit. SINoALICE is shit. Devilian is shit. Dark Era is shit. Areeb World is shit. One Piece Online 2 is shit. Battle Carnival is shit. FreeStyle 2: Street Basketball is shit. Parabellum is shit. Table Tennis Manager is shit. is shit. Emil Chronicle Online is shit. Black Desert Mobile is shit. Fable Fortune is shit. Codename CURE is shit. Mytheon is shit. Knight's Fable is shit. Grepolis is shit. Flyff Fly For Fun is shit. Digimon Heroes is shit. Brawl of Ages is shit. The World of Magic is shit. Eldevin is shit. Crowfall is shit. OGame is shit. Stronghold Kingdoms is shit. Legion of Heroes is shit. is shit. Battle Breakers is shit. PAYDAY 2 is shit. Time Of Dragons is shit. Total War: ARENA is shit. Aika Online is shit. Faxion Online is shit. Heroes of SoulCraft is shit. Endless Gods is shit. Asheron's Call is shit. Chronicle: Runescape Legends is shit. Crossout is shit. Fantage is shit. Evolve Stage 2 is shit. Bloodline Champions is shit. UberStrike is shit. Rohan 2 is shit. Heroes of Card War is shit. Power Rangers Legacy Wars is shit. Rappelz is shit. Galaxy Legend is shit. Dreadnought is shit. MU: Origin is shit. Shadowverse is shit. Lost Ark is shit. Faeria is shit. WildStar is shit. League of Angels 2 is shit. is shit. Shadowgun Legends is shit. KanColle is shit. Digimon Masters Online is shit. Star Sonata 2 is shit. SNOW is shit. Shroud of the Avatar is shit. Figureheads is shit. Dragon Nest Mobile is shit. Guild Wars 2 is shit. Z Fighters is shit. Cabal Online is shit. Metal Gear Survive is shit. TechWars Online is shit. Blade 2 is shit. AirMech is shit. EZ PZ RPG is shit. is shit. America's Army: Proving Grounds is shit. Worlds Adrift is shit. is shit. Forge of Gods is shit. Spiral Knights is shit. is shit. Dynasty War is shit. Avorion is shit. League of Angels - Fire Raiders is shit. Robocraft is shit. FusionFall is shit. Granado Espada is shit. is shit. Asda Global is shit. Wurm Online is shit. Chaos Heroes Online is shit. Voxelnauts is shit. Veterans Online is shit. GoVenture World is shit. Battleborn is shit. Fiesta Online is shit. Brawlhalla is shit. Atulos Online is shit. World of Warships Blitz is shit. Ragnarok Online 2 is shit. Ashen Empires is shit. EverQuest is shit. Jumpgate Evolution is shit. Zula is shit. Last Man Standing is shit. Spellsouls is shit. is shit. is shit. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is shit. MU Ignition is shit. Lamentosa is shit. Allods Online is shit. Talisman Online is shit. Goddess: Primal Chaos is shit. Dragomon Hunter is shit. Luminary: Rise of the GoonZu is shit. Steam Hammer is shit. Heavy Gear Assault is shit. Rakion is shit. League Of Maidens is shit. No More Room In Hell is shit. Dark Age Wars is shit. Survival Project is shit. ONRAID is shit. ADEN is shit. Dragon Oath is shit. Soul Worker is shit. Heavenstrike Rivals is shit. is shit. Arcane Legends is shit. Divided We Fall is shit. is shit. Aion is shit. Civilization Online is shit. Rising Thunder is shit. Aurcus Online is shit. Galactic Junk League is shit. Otherland is shit. Nidia is shit. Grand Sphere is shit. PVZ: Garden Warfare 2 is shit. Candy Crush Soda Saga is shit. Darkfall: New Dawn is shit. Planet of Heroes is shit. S4 League is shit. 7 Days to Die is shit. Chain Chronicle is shit. Wakfu is shit. Eternal is shit. Red Stone Online is shit. CRY is shit. Forge Of Glory is shit. Battalion 1944 is shit. Tibia is shit. BRAIN / OUT is shit. FreeStyle Baseball 2 is shit. Heroes of Skyrealm is shit. Tree of Life is shit. Metro Conflict: The Origin is shit. Grimm: Dark Legacy is shit. Shakes and Fidget is shit. Tactical Craft Online is shit. Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire is shit. Nexus TK is shit. King's Raid is shit. Darkness Reborn is shit. Quake Champions is shit. Blade and Soul is shit. Overpower is shit. Destiny 2 is shit. Million Arthur VR is shit. Zoids Field of Rebellion is shit. Shadowbound is shit. BLEACH Brave Souls is shit. KABOUNCE is shit. Skyforge is shit. Raiders of the Broken Planet is shit. Survarium is shit. Silkroad-R is shit. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is shit. Ever, Jane is shit. Blackwake is shit. Elysian War is shit. Infinity: Battlescape is shit. Dreamland Online is shit. Runes of Magic is shit. Ragnarok Mobile is shit. The Sims Online is shit. Shaiya is shit. Priston Tale is shit. Project Powder is shit. Nova Genesis is shit. Ragnarok Journey is shit. Cross Eternal is shit. Dead Island: Epidemic is shit. Ragnarok Online is shit. Camelot Unchained is shit. Operation 7 II is shit. Siegelord is shit. Age of Wushu is shit. Valiance Online is shit. Supernova is shit. 90 Minute Fever is shit. Bless is shit. TDP4: Team Battle is shit. is shit. League of Angels - Paradise Land is shit. Guardians of Ember is shit. FreeStyle Football is shit. Thunder Fleet is shit. Bierzerkers is shit. Warrior is shit. is shit. Dungeon Defenders II is shit. Twelve Sky 2 is shit. The War of Genesis 4 Online is shit. Knight Online is shit. Pirate King Online is shit. DayZ is shit. Gunbound is shit. Smite is shit. Forsaken World Mobile is shit. Imperial Hero 2 is shit. Win That War! is shit. Portal Knights is shit. The Secret World is shit. theHunter is shit. Kingdom Wars is shit. Zeon is shit. Dino D-Day is shit. Undefeated Legend is shit. Wild Buster is shit. Mabinogi is shit. Neo Steam is shit. Lineage M is shit. Operation: New Earth is shit. is shit. is shit. Teeworlds is shit. MechWarrior Online is shit. Ascent: Infinite Realm is shit. Farm Heroes Saga is shit. Clash of Kings is shit. Knights Chronicle is shit. Entropia Universe is shit. Path of War is shit. Darkstar Risen is shit. Castle Of Legends is shit. Dogs Of War Online is shit. Levorium: Rise of Empires is shit. Dual Universe is shit. is shit. Nebula Online is shit. Sea of Thieves is shit. Impulse of War is shit. Starbound is shit. is shit. Premium Pool is shit. Gods Origin Online is shit. Star Trek Online is shit. Zombies Monsters Robots is shit. Flower Knight Girl is shit. Star Wars: Force Arena is shit. RaiderZ is shit. Happy Wars is shit. Guardians Of Divinity is shit. Grimoire: Manastorm is shit. The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt is shit. Absolver is shit. Afterpulse is shit. PLAYERUNKNOWN's Battlegrounds is shit. Swordsman Online is shit. Smash+Grab is shit. 5Street is shit. Flame X Blaze is shit. MonsterMMORPG is shit. is shit. Bleach Online is shit. Don't Starve Together is shit. The Cleansing is shit. Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is shit. Touch Online is shit. Villagers and Heroes is shit. Eternal Chaos is shit. is shit. Boundless is shit. Kingdom Rift is shit. Dying Light is shit. Jade Dynasty is shit. is shit. Pumpkin Online is shit. Mobile Strike is shit. Lifeless is shit. Crystal Saga 2 is shit. God Eater Online is shit. Valiant Force is shit. Last Day on Earth: Survival is shit. SD Gundam Capsule Fighter is shit. Star Conflict is shit. TrainCrasher is shit. Hero's Song is shit. Kingdom Hearts Union X is shit. Blade: Sword of Elysion is shit. MageRealm is shit. is shit. Titan Quest is shit. Battle of the Immortals is shit. Sword Of Shadows is shit. Dofus is shit. The Exiled is shit. Dekaron is shit. Defiance is shit. Pirate Crusaders is shit. Winning Putt is shit. Medal Masters is shit. War of the Immortals is shit. The Settlers Online is shit. Star Wars: Battlefront is shit. WarBirds Dogfights 2016 is shit. Revival is shit. is shit. Metal Assault is shit. Atlas Reactor is shit. Blades and Rings is shit. Star Wars: The Old Republic is shit. Guardian Codex is shit. Age of Magic is shit. Naval Action is shit. Kritika: The White Knights is shit. AdventureQuest 3D is shit. Phantasy Star Online 2 is shit. Dragon Pals is shit. Orion is shit. Naruto Online is shit. Elvenar is shit. Drakensang Online is shit. Heroes of Scene is shit. Hired Ops is shit. Transport Empire is shit. Vikings: War of Clans is shit. 4Story M is shit. Throne: Kingdom At War is shit. Beyond The Destiny is shit. Otogi: Spirit Agents is shit. Warside is shit. The Black Death is shit. Florensia is shit. Crusaders Of Light is shit. Star Legends is shit. MU Legend is shit. Dragon Ball Z Online is shit. is shit. Tree of Savior is shit. Edengrad is shit. Epic Card Battle is shit. Roblox is shit. Graal Online Classic is shit. Marvel Contest of Champions is shit. Chivalry is shit. Flyff All Stars is shit. Dragon Saga is shit. Kritika Online is shit. Star Wars Galaxies is shit. Critical Ops is shit. Dream of Mirror Online is shit. Stationeers is shit. Pangaea: New World is shit. Forge of Empires is shit. Project Genom is shit. Hero of Magic is shit. Unlimited Ninja Naruto is shit. BattleSouls is shit. League of Angels is shit. Meadow is shit. Ghost Recon Wildlands is shit. Battlefield Heroes is shit. Lineage 2 is shit. Land of Glory is shit. Loong: Dragonblood is shit. Hounds Online is shit. is shit. Kingdom Of Loot is shit. is shit. Mobile Suit Gundam Online is shit. Spartan Wars is shit. BattleCry is shit. Closers is shit. Blackshot is shit. is shit. Hyper Universe is shit. Titanfall: Frontline is shit. Krosmaga is shit. Aion: Legions of War is shit. Alchemia Story is shit. Black Squad is shit. Total Domination is shit. WAR7 is shit. Aura Kingdom Goddess of the Beginning is shit. ASTA Online is shit. Soldier Front is shit. Unreal Tournament is shit. Star Trek: Alien Domain is shit. Wild West Online is shit. Ultima Online is shit. Elemental Kingdoms is shit. The Amazing Eternals is shit. Twilight Spirits is shit. Zone4 is shit. Chaos Online is shit. Legends of Honor is shit. Block N Load is shit. Lord of Vermilion Arena is shit. Monster Super League is shit. Dota 2 is shit. Fruit Warriors is shit. Evolution: Battle for Utopia is shit. Tactile Wars is shit. Smite Tactics is shit. Marvel Heroes is shit. is shit. Lineage Eternal is shit. Orake is shit. 9Dragons is shit. Project Dynasty Warriors is shit. Prime World is shit. Warface is shit. Age of Wushu Dynasty is shit. is shit. Dragon Nest 2 Legend is shit. Monster Hunter: World is shit. Landmark is shit. Eden Eternal is shit. Vindictus is shit. World of Tanks Blitz is shit. Warhammer 40000: Eternal Crusade is shit. Tribes: Ascend is shit. Transformers Online is shit. Aima is shit. Phantom Chaser is shit. Truck Nation is shit. Last Chaos is shit. Order of Battle: World War II is shit. DC Universe Online is shit. Unknown Heroes is shit. Osiris: New Dawn is shit. Tabula Rasa is shit. Creativerse is shit. Tartaros Online is shit. APB Reloaded is shit. Clash of Clans is shit. Triad Wars is shit. Cabals: Magic and Battle Cards is shit. Legend of Mir is shit. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is shit. Sword of Chaos is shit. Cloud Pirates is shit. Invasion: World War 3 is shit. AllStar Manga Heroes is shit. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is shit. Paladins is shit. Legion TD 2 is shit. Music Man Online is shit. is shit.
I hope that helps you guys know what MMO to suggest. Let me know if you need any additional information.
submitted by PastelUniverse to Gamingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2017.11.27 13:28 -Valic- [Rival Wings] Advanced Tactics Guide


So with the release of this new pvp mode, while some people have the basics down, I notice some still struggle on getting kills or making the most out of situations they're presented with. I thought that rather than whining at people in parties, I could just write a guide based on my experience as a hardcore pvper from Aion, Shaiya, and other lesser known titles that incorporate the same tactics. This guide will cover optimal ways to use mechanics, situations we all come across and how to deal with them, as well as some strategies to abuse and use to your advantage. If you're not familiar with any acronyms used, you may want to refer to this post for clarity.

The Initial Push

This can make or break a group depending on how bad they fatigue from losing/winning control of the middle section. The initial push to the center leads to not just control of the generator, but control of the fastest spawning canisters on the map as compared to those in the northern and southern positions. At the start of the game, EVERYONE should try to aim to get control of at least the generator and fend off anyone trying to obtain CE. It takes a lot of dps to fend off healers and to keep other players from taking control of the generator but it's worth it to keep the opponent from gaining a steady supply of CE to push with and to get your own team's mechs pushed out. This push leads into the follow situations belows.
All these damn healers, I can't take middle!
A common issue in FF14's pvp is that healers are very dangerous assets. However there's appropriate ways to handle them given enough players cooperation. Healers by themselves can be defeated in one of two ways but both require teamwork and coordination to work.
1. Burn through their healing potency. Healers have great heals; but we have stuns, silences, and even healing reduction debuffs that we can apply and burn them together with. They can only withstand so much and keep themselves healed uninterrupted for so long. With enough pressure on a target, they can go down easily which will force them to heal themselves instead of other players and cause the opponent to lose one of their sources of defending the middle. Keep in mind multiple healers can heal each other when everyone's focusing on one alone, which leads to way number 2.
2. Tanks/Dps can each take a healer to distract from doing their jobs. So long as someone is forcing a healer to drain their MP, waste heals on themselves, or stun/silencing/etc, they won't be able to keep up with the rest of the team. If you're a tank, your primary objective is to keep a healer as annoyed as possible. Drag them out of range of who they're healing, apply a healing potency debuff to their target, apply it to them to make it harder for them to recover! Stun/Silence in moderation and try to use it once their hp starts dropping a bit so they feel pressed to heal. DPS serve this function similarly in different ways. BLM's for example can deal mass damage, sleep, or slow them to prevent them from keeping up with the group and cause focus on themselves. A nation divided cannot stand after all, and if all the healers are trying to keep themselves alive too much to where they can't focus on the rest of their team...Then the odds get overwhelming for all our dps being alive taking out their team.
All it takes is some "interacting"
Believe it or not, while everyone else is fighting... you can still touch the generator and take it or at least turn it off for the enemy team. This is useful even if you're failing to do so too. This forces pressure on opponent's to worry about keeping YOU busy instead of doing what they should be doing to remove the opposing team. Hiding behind the generator and interacting forces someone to keep off a target and focus on them to keep the generator from becoming active. If you see everyone's busy and don't see you're taking any damage, you could attempt to take it or keep helping apply dps to healers as stated above.
Okay we have the middle, now what?
Several things should be happening by this point. Someone from each team needs to go grab a mech asap as you reach 50 CE, some may choose to grab the basement's supply of CE below mid, and some may choose to focus on mammets. At this point ou can have ranged dps stay at the edge of the basement to snipe anyone trying to recover some CE to counter the fact that they lost the middle generator. Or go down their yourself and take some CE and kill some opponents to get some early soaring stacks for your team. Mid push is an excellent way to get a lead in that damage buff and CE, make it count!
We didn't get mid and our team wiped...
Most importantly, don't let fatigue set in. You may have lost mid for now but there's MANY games that have won despite this or that recovered it. Don't give up that easily. You have a few options at this point. The enemy likely has enough CE to start pushing out oppressors and your team may not have enough CE. Decide to either make another alliance wide push for mid and quickly grab basement CE, or split some groups to north, south, and the basement to obtain more CE. You will then want to decide how to push, where, and how to counter the opponent's armada.
While we were taking mid, they were pushing on foot with mammets and gathering CE form north and south!
This isn't too much of a concern either. While it can provide a nice looking lead, the amount of CE you'll gain for every alliance by holding mid and the CE's int he basement will vastly outweigh their forces. Choose to get a cruise chaser to fend these noble souls off or ignore them and get to pushing. It's only really bad when they push enough to actually take down a tower, so either make sure to fend them off on foot and kill a few mammets to keep them off the tower... or get a mech to clear the path. So long as you aren't stalking one player the whole match with a mech. Keeping the mid and having players clear out underneath will have them starved for CE trying to defend against your upcoming pushes. That said, it could be smart to send 1-2 to the other CE collecting locations to prevent them from recovering any mechs to make your push(es) easier. However all of this leads into the next section, regarding mechs.

Optimal Mech Usage

This will cover how to use mechs in an offensive manner, the following section after will cover how to defend against them. Some minor notes to remember is that if your team has mid control and your team is at 100 max CE without a mech, GET ONE. You're wasting CE by leaving yourselves at max and not using it while the generator is active. Use the return function to grab one and make a strategy that will force their hand.
Mammets - Believe it or not, these lil guys are more useful than people give them credit for. They detonate when they reach a towecore and deal a nice chunk of damage. They also provide up to 10 CE for enough damage done to one. More importantly, they make an unsuspecting team neglect to notice them until they start seeing a tower is missing half it's hp. Mammets can be used as a form of "pressure" to the opponent team. People will recognize you're wreaking havoc on their team and will need to divert forces to defend. Whether on foot or mechs, this will cause them to either waste CE to get a mech and wipe you, or make healers/dps have to spread/scatter just to deal with you. This form of pressure is uncommon enough that some can sneak by taking towers with a good few on foot pushing. This is very acceptable once people have mechs pushing one of the lanes, as they may have all their attention diverted to the giant mechs instead of these lil explosive bastards. Even if you don't get mammets to their tower, you're getting CE for your team and pushing their mammets back some as well. If you're on the way to pushing mid, maybe slip a dot or some attacks as you pass em by too. Just a lil damage on one can actually be very helpful when they're pushing each other.
Cruise Chaser - These guys are made of glass but can really hurt. However some don't acknowledge what their skillset is actually useful for. Chasers are very flimsy by themselves and even a single player can destroy one easily if you get distracted by them. Their TRUE purpose is to take down other mechs and help clear the masses. Hotbar skill one is just an instant cone swipe that doesn't do very much damage to players at all, so it's not worth spending energy. You should only ever use that skill on mechs or very VERY weakened players roaming around as a quick killer. The laser sword aoe (hotbar 2) is this mech's glory and pride. It does a TON of damage both to players and to mechs in a large cone but has a bit of a cooldown. You never want to use this on healers when you're alone, they can heal themselves back easily and you'll be wasting energy for naught. This skill is best used when you position the target in the middle of the cone or when other chasers/brutes are helping aoe as well. It becomes a pressure maker, and more importantly helps you push targets off of your team's oppressors. You should always prioritize taking chasers to kill enemy mechs over players, force their CE to get wasted and make them focus on trying to take you out. NEVER stand alone against a group, as mechs cannot be healed and chaser is extremely squishy. An optimal way to use it's 2nd skill is use laser sword to force enemy's back in positions, or to where they cannot approach the oppressor, as well as to push enemy oppressors back away. The third skill is similar in that it provides a pressure zone for players to force moving. It's a circular aoe that takes a while before it's noticable, so a good strategy is to use this in unison with laser sword. Rather than stacking aoe's on top of one another, you can plant one behind the enemy (far in front of your laser sword's cone) and immediately laser sword. This forces movement to either be hit by one of the attacks or completely bail entirely. Chaser is all about pressure, it's not a mech you should bring solo or go rogue with ever. Not often should you ever have to replenish your energy through CE considering how flimsy they are but if you have over 75% your hp and you have over 75+ CE waiting, you may as well use it to keep the fight up. It's strongly recommended that chasers pair up with other mechs to help that pressure control, no matter if you're pushing or defending. Even better with those on foot that can help keep opponent's off you and distracted.
Oppressor - Chasers win skirmishes, Oppressors win wars. On the outside, Oppressor is just a towecore killer with only two usable skills. A weak steam knock back and a missile for towers/cores. It does no damage to players and NEVER should you waste energy/time launching a missile at anything other than towers/cores. Steam for when you find players on foot attacking you. Otherwise, you're to keep moving either through lanes, on the bottom floor through mid, or any way you can make it to a towecore safely. The secret to oppressors is that they force the opponent's movement/strategy to change. The moment one of these are set out, everyone needs to waste CE or people on foot just to kill one... or so they think. This scatters forces across the map, and is very useful to pop these out down both lanes at once to spread the enemy's forces. This can provide your alliance an opening to take back control of the middle generator or make a reliable push. Either way, it's all about the pressure this puts on the opponent to defend instead of attacking. Your steam knockback can be used to knock people off the lane bridges for some mitigation/kills as well. Always be escorted, either on foot or with a mech. People think they can't help if they're on foot and don't have a mech.... this couldn't be farther from the truth. You can kill opponent's or even keep them busy to help our oppressor push further or even kill a tower with another missile or two. The key is PRESSURE. the more time they spend trying to take you down, the less time they're defending another area in the map, and it's up to you to figure out where that is to take full advantage of it. Keep that in mind with mammets and chasers as mentioned earlier, along with mid and etc CE accumulation. You should never go through the middle section as an oppressor as the steam cannons can easily wipe you out with your slow walking speed. You can avoid them by going far north/south and staying off the lanes while launching missiles at cores/towers. NEVER take an oppressor down a road a brute justice is at... this is suicide...however you can bring them to empty ends while a brute is up to force their mech's movement if you have a lead in CE. Again, pressure... diverting forces, keeping their attention off where they should be. If you spawn one of these mechs, you're responsible for it's hp, which means you should always try to go with protection or a route you think you are safe or can provide the opponent some worry. You're a first priority threat to winning matches... until brutes come in.
Brute Justice - You only get two of these total, one for every tower you have destroyed on your side. Brutes are designed for the purpose of either defending hard, or helping a push and shouldn't go rogue. They're very powerful but have a very specific purpose in this mode depending on who's in the lead and can handle both players, mechs, and even towers/cores. First their skills. Hotkey 1 is a VERY WIDE flamethrower cone, hotbar 2 is a small circle aoe stun rocket punch, hotbar 3 is a laser with a VERY LONG vertical radius. Killing players is easy, take a rocket punch to stun one, then apply either the laser or flamethrower at them for an immediate kill. the flamethrower is good but does no damage to towers/cores, it works similar to chaser's cone aoe in terms of pressure. Rocket punch is a spammable skills and can damage cores/towers pretty nicely, not as much as an oppressor but enough to matter. The laser causes a huge knockback to anything that even survives it and immense damage to players, mechs, and cores. It's line of sight is longer than a machinist's LB and makes to be a deadly weapon in the two lanes. Your purpose as a brute justice is to defend that now fallen tower from players pushing for the core or making for the other tower, BUT NOT ALONE. Brutes can still die from players and chasers, and will not respawn... you should never try to push yourself to a tower in one or go alone as it will result in your death and a wasted powerful weapon. If your team is being pressured hard, these guys are your chance at redemption to get back into the game, make them count and don't focus on single players. Your prime targets are still mechs and defending crucial points in the battle. However if you're in the lead with CE and a good push going forward to their core/towers, a brute can help defend oppressors really well and also rocket punch towers/cores for more damage. Just keep in mind not they're not as fast as chasers and players can attempt to damage you, so don't get too far into danger thinking you're a god on the battlefield for killing a healer. A good brute justice will stay alive long enough to actually require a refill on their energy supply using CE.
Steam Cannons - these go so poorly neglected that it makes me sad. While they're more for defense, you can click spots immediately in front of your cannon's view to deal mass damage or even keep opponent's at bay as support. Even if the opponent hasn't made it to your core and can't make it through your tower areas, simply laying these aoe's down tells the player "nah uh uh!". This forces players to retreat to their own base in pvp or just be unable to climb toward your core. You're not invincible however, as ranged dps can get you from below, and etc can creep behind your cannon or even in front of it to damage you. IT'S OKAY TO LEAVE THE CANNON IF YOU'RE UNDER ATTACK. If no one is helping defend you, then why not help get the person attacking you int he cannon... off the base? No reason to try using the cannon reticle on yourself. Use steam cannons to take down any players or oppressors trying to sneak through mid or make pushes into the mid generator. If mammets are closing in past the point of the tower, fire on them too and get them back in line. Doing so gets your team CE remember.

Defending Against Mechs

Small note, it's okay to die if you're doing damage to a mech. Mechs can't heal, so any % you take off a chaser, oppressor, or even a brute justice is a well worth cause if it results in your towers/cores safety and them having to spend more CE. Don't be afraid of any of them, but don't be stupid about them either.
Mammets - These only attack other mammets, towers, and cores. That said, there's two types, a mage that deals high damage, and a lil tank that keeps attention. I've found that taking out the mages first is just the same physics as it would be in regular pvp or even in pve. Taking out the mages yourself can give you the full 10 CE and also will allow your mammets to take less damage when trying to reach a towecore.
Cruise Chasers - you know their attacks, and their swipes can't do too much damage to worry about. they're always more scared of you than you think. Their only real damaging skill is that large cone and circle aoe which both can easily be dodged by staying to the middle of their mech. Standing right underneath a chasers means if they laser sword, they're stuck in animation while you can get behind them and attack. The time they use for the circular aoe is time you can use to dps it considering it's delay. The main key to watch is when a chaser starts backing up at high speed. They're either A. preparing to get you in the middle of their laser sword cone, or B. realizing theyr'e wasting time trying to kill you when they should be killing a mech. We want to make sure B doesn't happen, keep annoying them and wasting their time however you can. If they're at a low %, they're not going to be of much use defending their oppressors or killing ours will they? Every bit counts.
Oppressors - These big boys are hard to take down with so much hp and are hard to keep up with if you're a melee without some form of range when they use that steam attack. However, they're useless alone and any damage you apply is still worth while, you can even apply debuffs on them like DRK's sole survivor to do more damage. This can also help chasers take them down more easily. Primarily you will want to either grab a steam cannon if they're in range, get a chaser or brute justice, or swarm on foot to kill an oppressor. Chances are, they're not alone though, so remember that SOMEONE has to keep that chasebrute busy or dead. Your priorities will be the oppressor at all costs but a damaged chaser will give you more room to attack, as will a damaged brute justice. I'll just say now that as a BLM, RDM, BARD, and DRK, I've alone killed an oppressor that decided to go solo in an attempt to make pressure on our team. Just remember your tools and their weaknesses, in oppressors case... speed, mobility, and damaging power. Try to stay in front of them at all times, so if they do use the steam attack, they'll just push you in the direction they're headed... NEVER stand on their sides on the lanes or you're gonna say hi to the ground very soon.
Brute Justice - These are deadly in very good hands and can be difficult to kill one that knows how to properly take down players. You'll typically require mechs to do damage to them but that's not to say you can't deal damage to them when they're busy trying to kill mechs. At very least, you can help waste their CE by having them expend flamethrowers/lasers trying to kill you. They're a lot of effort to kill and take a while but using oppressors to force their attention can be vital in getting a push off in another lane if you don't think they'll go down. They're not as fast as chasers so you can abuse pathways on the map to make them have a hard time keeping up with your pushes. Taking several chasers is a good way to wipe a brute, and luring them into steam cannon range is even better.
Steam Cannons - As mentioned above, they have two sweet spots you can kill a steam cannon pilot from. directly below or directly on them. Your real goal isn't only to kill them but to keep them from focusing on anything else. The more slick in dodging their fire and getting their attention you are, the more your team survives in pushing their side. Otherwise you will NEVER want to be in the middle lake section or on the lanes, that's asking to be shot at. If you're at the core on foot, you can actually hide behind the tower and dance around it on the ledge as well.

Lane Control

In this mode, there are two main lanes that provide the easiest access for oppressors to get to your towers as well as mammets. They are NOT the only routes you can take though, which means you should open your map and remember further north/south or even through the middle are viable options as well.
Pushing the North Tower
The north lanes are unique in that they're high bridges with no frames to keep you from falling off. MCH's, WHM's, and Oppressors go on a field day because of this ability to knock people off ledges with little to no effort. So always keep your positioning in the center or not tot he side of one of these. It also has a direct lead into the generator core that can prove troublesome for people trying to push if the opponent has the generator. Typically it means there's a few on foot that can easily come take your oppressor down, but this can be used to your advantage to take the mid as well. There's also of course the path along the upper north that leads into cliffs that spiral up to towers. These can a nifty way to get people off lanes and safe from being pushed off, but the cliff that spirals upwards can let ranged damage dealers snipe you with ease. Remember the lake has some CE canisters you can pick up too along the way.
Pushing the South Tower
The south tower is unique in that it provides some high grounds for ranged dealers to safely snipe from along the lanes. Whether they're taking down mammets, other mechs, or helping snipe the mid section's basement, this road can be very dangerous or very useful. If you're making a mass push together, you should always have someone up on the ledges to abuse range, otherwise you should head further south behind the buildings. Most aren't willing to go through the buildings just to mechs, this leaves two openings for mechs to enter from or wait at. However if they do go through the buildings, a ranged dps can just as easily take advantage of the high grounds. There may be CE along the lower path as well, so be sure to take advantage of it if you're lacking or see your team's mech is ready to go down.
Pushing a core
This is when the game gets hectic with brute justices all over the place, mid either has too many people or too few, and time is running short. Ultimately, any oppressors will want to stay off the main lanes to not get fire from steam cannons and any dps with a limit break ready should use it on the core. Players as a unit can damage a core just as much as mammets/oppressors can. Chasers don't do too much and wouldn't be worth sacrificing to try helping damage a core. Brute Justice's rocket punch and laser is very useful in taking down towers. If there's less than 5 minutes on the clock remaining, this is when you should focus a plan together to either send out all your mechs for a final push, or get all your players together for the same. Whether you're in the lead or not is a variable on whether you should try for pushing the core or not. If you have a tower still up and your core is safe, you can probably push through the standing tower's lane easily at least until time runs out. If everyone's towers are down and the cores are close to tied... It's either time to defend with every fiber of your being using mechs/steam cannons and pressure oppressor distractions.... or time for an all out assault at the core. On foot, in a mech, doesn't matter.. touch their core until time runs out if you have nothing to lose.
Defending a Tower
Most players won't go further than the tower, making steam cannons nearly useless unless someone's going through the middle section. That said, make sure mammets are kept in line and away as they can provide some nasty chunks off your towers along with the players attack. Chasers should stick around here and players should abuse the buff that you're given while standing near a tower. Brute Justices if there is one should also help defend that tower with their lives. So long as a single tower stands, your core is safe, meaning that the other lane will be useless to them. It will likely require the opponent team to do a full head on push to take the remaining tower, use that to your advantage to make pushes on the other lane with oppressors. Divert their forces or focus all of your forces into that standing tower's lane.
Defending the Core
Your core is vulnerable to anything that so much as touches it. Steam cannons, chasers, brute justices, should all keep their eyes peeled for mechs and any stray targets trying to sneak in. Oppressors should be attempting to push a safe route to help pressure the opponent's forces into moving their attention instead of on the core. Players on foot should be damaging enemy mechs and making sure their CE never runs below 50. Where they get their CE supply is dependent on the groups, so long as someone always has a mech out to defend with at all times. It's not a bad idea to have one member or two get CE while another keeps pumping out mechs to defend with.


1.Mechs can't take fall damage. Abuse this on the north lane since players will take damage trying to chase you. Can even lead to baiting players into an aoe if done right.
2.You're not a slave for being told what to do or how to cooperate with your team. Doing what someone says or even leading the way for the team is a joint effort that can lead to victory. Going your own path doing your own things will lead to salt and losses. Communicate, don't go rogue or or alone without communicating to your team your plan and if you can get support.
3.Just because you're in an Oppressor and providing pressure on the opponent in the form of a push, it doesn't make it a good reason to dive into a field of fire. Meaning, if you want to use oppressors to pressure the opponent, fine... But don't walk directly into their mechs, cannons, and etc or you're just wasting your team's CE for nothing. THINK about the route you will take and how it will help, how you can stay alive, and what good you can provide safely based on what you have access to.
4. If you see anything besides a healer with 10 soaring stacks and you're either in a mech or they're about to die... it's not a bad idea to take them out so your team can get their soaring stacks and weaken their team some. Remember that soaring stacks give better healing potency too, killing a dps with 10 stacks means a healer somewhere is that much closer to death.
5. Don't spread negativity. Not just is it bad in general but the more time you spend typing complaints than relaying actually helpful advice/strategy is more time the opponent is using to their advantage. Don't get mad at someone for relaying orders/instructions/happenings either. Just work with the team and you may find victory around the corner.
6. Don't spam the chat with macros. If they didn't see it t he first time, they're only going to block you when you send it 5 more extra times. Once is enough and spamming multiple instances of it can actually be reported to a GM. Be helpful in relays but don't be annoying about it. Only adds to fatigue.
7. Remember that there is a PVP tab in party finder, you can make premades to include a healetank or whatever you find most useful.
8. This mode is all about pressure, thinking how your opponent plans to go, and strategy. That said, knowing your class's rotations for pvp and ways to disable targets is VERY much welcomed. Don't forget to get some practice in the wolves den, frontlines, the feast, or etc modes.
9. If your team is at 100 CE and owns the middle, make it useful. Refill your mech's skills if they're still at a good proportion of hp. Get another mech if it's dying soon, just never sit on 100 CE unless you don't have mid or you literally have nothing to spend CE on and you're just wrecking everything/everyone flawlessly.
10. Healers in other alliances can heal people in other groups. In some cases where a party doesn't have one, it may be helpful to support their group some while they cannot on their own. Especially if they're tanks or something that can help mitigate damage you're taking.
11. Have fun. It's still just a game, and plenty of people do want to win and get that mount achievement. However, just because you lost doesn't make it the end of the world or time to argue at people. Try your best, it's all anyone can ask for and say GG/ty at the end of your matches.
If you'd like to contribute, add anything I missed, or help me fix any flaws in any of this, it's greatly appreciated. I look forward to seeing the evolution of this mode when everyone gets their bearings of how it works. I'm loving it so far and it gives me the excitement and hardcore feelings pvp used to give me back in other mmo's.
submitted by -Valic- to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2014.11.24 21:56 BodomsChild Open World PVP Zones: Yay or Nay?

First let me say that I do not want all or any current zones to be PVP areas. I like the game and zones just how they are. With that said let's continue...
How do you all feel about open world PVP zones? I think it would add a great deal of interest in PVP as well as the game as a whole. Let's face it, the PVP we have now is extremely boring or extremely unplayable all while not feeling like true PVP in the rewards sense.
I have only played a couple other MMO's but one that stood out in the PVP department was Shaiya...a relatively obscure MMO that was pay-to-gear. The PVP in that game however I thought was very fun being open world in certain zones. It allows much more depth in PVP as you never know how many people are on the other side, if they're hiding along a mountain range and you can't see them, etc.
Pros - More challenging/tactical for those seriously interested in PVP - Grows interest in PVP as a whole within FFXIV - Risk/Reward types of battle (they can implement penalties for dying/rewards for killing) - Open-world PVP builds (people sign on to mainly PVP) become more common
Cons - Takes away resources from developing other parts of the game - Not everyone is interested in PVP - Open-world PVP builds: this could take away from the pool of PVE players - The anger that comes from people being competitive in open world settings would make certain people on the server notorious or famous
With Frontlines only having 1 map (a very boring near-circular map with reused building structures no less) and only being able to play "hold this position", I feel like there is a lot of room for improvement. What are your thoughts?
submitted by BodomsChild to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2013.01.25 20:32 zeomatrix [NA]-[WorldDominance]-[LF EVERYONE]-[CASUAL/Competitive]

Teamspeak: port / pass not necessary Website :
World Dominance gaming is a new, up and rising gaming community that welcomes all. We are currently looking for League of Legends members to increase the population of our LoL division.
About us/history:
World Dominance as a name has a rather long history. Dating back a few years, it was once an extremely large gaming community. Due to negligence of past-leadership, the clan fell apart. The official recount of said events can be viewed on our forums:
Click here!
However, we are done looking at the past. Moving forward, World Dominance ( has been steadily recruiting / building infrastructure for the past 3 months. We are fully committed to bringing this clan back to the heights at which it rightfully belongs.
Viewable on our website, , we have a listing of our game servers on the right. Rankings are climbing higher and higher, and we’d love to have YOUR help making this clan the beast we know it can be 
Our requirements:
Here at wD Gaming, we are specifically looking for players that are willing to participate in the community! Our LoL division is designed to accommodate different types of League players.
In LoL, you have the player who enjoys playing with other people, and some casual, friendly, gaming. A lot of competitive communities do not cater to this type of player. We do! On average, we currently have 5-10 LoL players doing 5v5 normals nightly.
Also in LoL, you have the hardcore, competitive gamer that wants a team. Not just a team. A unit. A cohesive, teamwork / skill-oriented UNIT. Because as any such gamer will know, skill alone does not make a 2200 Ranked 5v5 team. Chemistry, teamwork, communication, pure skill, ‘in-depth game knowledge’. These are all things that make up a professional League of Legends team. We cater to this player extensively as well.
Or perhaps you’re somewhere in the grey zone between these two types of players. That’s fine too! There’s a place for everyone here at wD Gaming!
Got friends? Love playing LoL every night with them? We love to accommodate groups of applicants as well! Our community has very reasonable requirements / bylaws to accommodate all types of gamers.
Why should I join wD? Great question! Here’s why:
We currently have 100+ registered users across multiple divisions. Roughly 60 of those are active. Daily hangout with our extensive and diverse community. An extremely welcoming community. Great place to have some fun! We are active in many time zones as well! EST , CST, MST, PST are our main zones (North America). Lots of latenight gamers as well! Teamspeak 3 server with constant slot increases: League of Legends mentoring by our 1800+ players. IT related advice / services. Very skilled designers / developers / repair technicians in-house.
What are wD Gaming’s expansion plans?
We are planning to organize weekly tournaments with prizes going to the winning team. (ex. 100-200$ of RP) In-house scrims every second day, randomizing the teams and playing just for the fun of it Custom game modes that we are planning to create. (Ex- Modified versions of ARAM, Teemo Hunt, etc.)
What differentiates wD Gaming from the myriad of other communities out there?
We are currently in the process of developing a premium subscription-based donation system. Our professional developer is approaching the middle of his development-cycle. This system will be implemented with a strict NO to the ‘pay-to-win’ philosophy (RE: Combat Arms, Shaiya, etc etc). At the same time, members who help to support wD Gaming with our many associated costs of running, will be compensated quite handsomely in comparison to similar communities.
Our clan members are (for the most part, RE: Diversity! :P) extremely friendly / accommodating people who love gaming. Although, even if you’re a quiet person who just wants to game and not be bothered, we work with that too! We’ve got lots of quiet gaming channels to accommodate that! We have extremely active administrators for all of our divisions / servers. We go out of our way to help new and existing members alike!
Competitive LoL in wD Gaming:
Now that I’ve been over how warm and fuzz and awesome our community is, let me get to the serious competitive aspect. Looking for a team? Think you’re the best ADC in your elo? Well that’s great! However, we are recruiting for a variety of personality traits, not just skill. Review the list below to see if you’d be a good fit:
Skilled Teamwork / Chemistry Overall knowledge of game mechanics +1700 ELO (We use a mix of Top Rating / Current Rating to satisfy this requirement) Activity. We practice / scrim daily.
That being said, our only currently open spot on our main team is Jungle. Although, with enough interest we will most definitely manage multiple teams. The ELO requirements is non-negotiable and at full admin discretion.
With league of legends season 3 adding the new top 32 teams, the possibilities are endless, and with strong communication and mechanics, anyone with the proper requirements can make it up there!
When teams are formed, we will also be looking into signing them up to tournaments with cash prizes, and LAN’s depending on geographic locations / cost.
submitted by zeomatrix to TeamRedditTeams [link] [comments]

2013.01.24 20:17 zeomatrix [NA]-[World Dominance Gaming]-[LF EVERYONE!]-[Casual/Competative] port / pass not necessary Website :
World Dominance gaming is a new, up and rising gaming community that welcomes all. We are currently looking for League of Legends members to increase the population of our LoL division.
About us/history:
World Dominance as a name has a rather long history. Dating back a few years, it was once an extremely large gaming community. Due to negligence of past-leadership, the clan fell apart. The official recount of said events can be viewed on our forums:
Click here!
However, we are done looking at the past. Moving forward, World Dominance ( has been steadily recruiting / building infrastructure for the past 3 months. We are fully committed to bringing this clan back to the heights at which it rightfully belongs.
Viewable on our website, , we have a listing of our game servers on the right. Rankings are climbing higher and higher, and we’d love to have YOUR help making this clan the beast we know it can be 
Our requirements:
Here at wD Gaming, we are specifically looking for players that are willing to participate in the community! Our LoL division is designed to accommodate different types of League players.
In LoL, you have the player who enjoys playing with other people, and some casual, friendly, gaming. A lot of competitive communities do not cater to this type of player. We do! On average, we currently have 5-10 LoL players doing 5v5 normals nightly.
Also in LoL, you have the hardcore, competitive gamer that wants a team. Not just a team. A unit. A cohesive, teamwork / skill-oriented UNIT. Because as any such gamer will know, skill alone does not make a 2200 Ranked 5v5 team. Chemistry, teamwork, communication, pure skill, ‘in-depth game knowledge’. These are all things that make up a professional League of Legends team. We cater to this player extensively as well.
Or perhaps you’re somewhere in the grey zone between these two types of players. That’s fine too! There’s a place for everyone here at wD Gaming!
Got friends? Love playing LoL every night with them? We love to accommodate groups of applicants as well! Our community has very reasonable requirements / bylaws to accommodate all types of gamers.
Why should I join wD? Great question! Here’s why:
We currently have 100+ registered users across multiple divisions. Roughly 60 of those are active. Daily hangout with our extensive and diverse community. An extremely welcoming community. Great place to have some fun! We are active in many time zones as well! EST , CST, MST, PST are our main zones (North America). Lots of latenight gamers as well! Teamspeak 3 server with constant slot increases: League of Legends mentoring by our 1800+ players. IT related advice / services. Very skilled designers / developers / repair technicians in-house.
What are wD Gaming’s expansion plans?
We are planning to organize weekly tournaments with prizes going to the winning team. (ex. 100-200$ of RP) In-house scrims every second day, randomizing the teams and playing just for the fun of it Custom game modes that we are planning to create. (Ex- Modified versions of ARAM, Teemo Hunt, etc.)
What differentiates wD Gaming from the myriad of other communities out there?
We are currently in the process of developing a premium subscription-based donation system. Our professional developer is approaching the middle of his development-cycle. This system will be implemented with a strict NO to the ‘pay-to-win’ philosophy (RE: Combat Arms, Shaiya, etc etc). At the same time, members who help to support wD Gaming with our many associated costs of running, will be compensated quite handsomely in comparison to similar communities.
Our clan members are (for the most part, RE: Diversity! :P) extremely friendly / accommodating people who love gaming. Although, even if you’re a quiet person who just wants to game and not be bothered, we work with that too! We’ve got lots of quiet gaming channels to accommodate that! We have extremely active administrators for all of our divisions / servers. We go out of our way to help new and existing members alike!
Competitive LoL in wD Gaming:
Now that I’ve been over how warm and fuzz and awesome our community is, let me get to the serious competitive aspect. Looking for a team? Think you’re the best ADC in your elo? Well that’s great! However, we are recruiting for a variety of personality traits, not just skill. Review the list below to see if you’d be a good fit:
Skilled Teamwork / Chemistry Overall knowledge of game mechanics +1700 ELO (We use a mix of Top Rating / Current Rating to satisfy this requirement) Activity. We practice / scrim daily.
That being said, our only currently open spot on our main team is Jungle. Although, with enough interest we will most definitely manage multiple teams. The ELO requirements is non-negotiable and at full admin discretion.
With league of legends season 3 adding the new top 32 teams, the possibilities are endless, and with strong communication and mechanics, anyone with the proper requirements can make it up there!
When teams are formed, we will also be looking into signing them up to tournaments with cash prizes, and LAN’s depending on geographic locations / cost.
submitted by zeomatrix to TeamRedditTeams [link] [comments]

2013.01.23 15:28 zeomatrix [NA]-[World Dominance Gaming]-[LF EVERYONE]-[Casual/Competitive]

Teamspeak: port / pass not necessary Website :
World Dominance gaming is a new, up and rising gaming community that welcomes all. We are currently looking for League of Legends members to increase the population of our LoL division.
About us/history:
World Dominance as a name has a rather long history. Dating back a few years, it was once an extremely large gaming community. Due to negligence of past-leadership, the clan fell apart. The official recount of said events can be viewed on our forums:
Click here!
However, we are done looking at the past. Moving forward, World Dominance ( has been steadily recruiting / building infrastructure for the past 3 months. We are fully committed to bringing this clan back to the heights at which it rightfully belongs.
Viewable on our website, , we have a listing of our game servers on the right. Rankings are climbing higher and higher, and we’d love to have YOUR help making this clan the beast we know it can be 
Our requirements:
Here at wD Gaming, we are specifically looking for players that are willing to participate in the community! Our LoL division is designed to accommodate different types of League players.
In LoL, you have the player who enjoys playing with other people, and some casual, friendly, gaming. A lot of competitive communities do not cater to this type of player. We do! On average, we currently have 5-10 LoL players doing 5v5 normals nightly.
Also in LoL, you have the hardcore, competitive gamer that wants a team. Not just a team. A unit. A cohesive, teamwork / skill-oriented UNIT. Because as any such gamer will know, skill alone does not make a 2200 Ranked 5v5 team. Chemistry, teamwork, communication, pure skill, ‘in-depth game knowledge’. These are all things that make up a professional League of Legends team. We cater to this player extensively as well.
Or perhaps you’re somewhere in the grey zone between these two types of players. That’s fine too! There’s a place for everyone here at wD Gaming!
Got friends? Love playing LoL every night with them? We love to accommodate groups of applicants as well! Our community has very reasonable requirements / bylaws to accommodate all types of gamers.
Why should I join wD? Great question! Here’s why:
We currently have 100+ registered users across multiple divisions. Roughly 60 of those are active. Daily hangout with our extensive and diverse community. An extremely welcoming community. Great place to have some fun! We are active in many time zones as well! EST , CST, MST, PST are our main zones (North America). Lots of latenight gamers as well! Teamspeak 3 server with constant slot increases: League of Legends mentoring by our 1800+ players. IT related advice / services. Very skilled designers / developers / repair technicians in-house.
What are wD Gaming’s expansion plans?
We are planning to organize weekly tournaments with prizes going to the winning team. (ex. 100-200$ of RP) In-house scrims every second day, randomizing the teams and playing just for the fun of it Custom game modes that we are planning to create. (Ex- Modified versions of ARAM, Teemo Hunt, etc.)
What differentiates wD Gaming from the myriad of other communities out there?
We are currently in the process of developing a premium subscription-based donation system. Our professional developer is approaching the middle of his development-cycle. This system will be implemented with a strict NO to the ‘pay-to-win’ philosophy (RE: Combat Arms, Shaiya, etc etc). At the same time, members who help to support wD Gaming with our many associated costs of running, will be compensated quite handsomely in comparison to similar communities.
Our clan members are (for the most part, RE: Diversity! :P) extremely friendly / accommodating people who love gaming. Although, even if you’re a quiet person who just wants to game and not be bothered, we work with that too! We’ve got lots of quiet gaming channels to accommodate that! We have extremely active administrators for all of our divisions / servers. We go out of our way to help new and existing members alike!
Competitive LoL in wD Gaming:
Now that I’ve been over how warm and fuzz and awesome our community is, let me get to the serious competitive aspect. Looking for a team? Think you’re the best ADC in your elo? Well that’s great! However, we are recruiting for a variety of personality traits, not just skill. Review the list below to see if you’d be a good fit:
Skilled Teamwork / Chemistry Overall knowledge of game mechanics +1700 ELO (We use a mix of Top Rating / Current Rating to satisfy this requirement) Activity. We practice / scrim daily.
That being said, our only currently open spot on our main team is Jungle. Although, with enough interest we will most definitely manage multiple teams. The ELO requirements is non-negotiable and at full admin discretion.
With league of legends season 3 adding the new top 32 teams, the possibilities are endless, and with strong communication and mechanics, anyone with the proper requirements can make it up there!
When teams are formed, we will also be looking into signing them up to tournaments with cash prizes, and LAN’s depending on geographic locations / cost.
submitted by zeomatrix to TeamRedditTeams [link] [comments]

2013.01.23 00:20 zeomatrix [NA]-[World Dominance Gaming] - [LF EVERYONE]-[Casual/competitive]

Teamspeak: port / pass not necessary Website :
World Dominance gaming is a new, up and rising gaming community that welcomes all. We are currently looking for League of Legends members to increase the population of our LoL division.
About us/history:
World Dominance as a name has a rather long history. Dating back a few years, it was once an extremely large gaming community. Due to negligence of past-leadership, the clan fell apart. The official recount of said events can be viewed on our forums:
Click here!
However, we are done looking at the past. Moving forward, World Dominance ( has been steadily recruiting / building infrastructure for the past 3 months. We are fully committed to bringing this clan back to the heights at which it rightfully belongs.
Viewable on our website, , we have a listing of our game servers on the right. Rankings are climbing higher and higher, and we’d love to have YOUR help making this clan the beast we know it can be 
Our requirements:
Here at wD Gaming, we are specifically looking for players that are willing to participate in the community! Our LoL division is designed to accommodate different types of League players.
In LoL, you have the player who enjoys playing with other people, and some casual, friendly, gaming. A lot of competitive communities do not cater to this type of player. We do! On average, we currently have 5-10 LoL players doing 5v5 normals nightly.
Also in LoL, you have the hardcore, competitive gamer that wants a team. Not just a team. A unit. A cohesive, teamwork / skill-oriented UNIT. Because as any such gamer will know, skill alone does not make a 2200 Ranked 5v5 team. Chemistry, teamwork, communication, pure skill, ‘in-depth game knowledge’. These are all things that make up a professional League of Legends team. We cater to this player extensively as well.
Or perhaps you’re somewhere in the grey zone between these two types of players. That’s fine too! There’s a place for everyone here at wD Gaming!
Got friends? Love playing LoL every night with them? We love to accommodate groups of applicants as well! Our community has very reasonable requirements / bylaws to accommodate all types of gamers.
Why should I join wD? Great question! Here’s why:
We currently have 100+ registered users across multiple divisions. Roughly 60 of those are active. Daily hangout with our extensive and diverse community. An extremely welcoming community. Great place to have some fun! We are active in many time zones as well! EST , CST, MST, PST are our main zones (North America). Lots of latenight gamers as well! Teamspeak 3 server with constant slot increases: League of Legends mentoring by our 1800+ players. IT related advice / services. Very skilled designers / developers / repair technicians in-house.
What are wD Gaming’s expansion plans?
We are planning to organize weekly tournaments with prizes going to the winning team. (ex. 100-200$ of RP) In-house scrims every second day, randomizing the teams and playing just for the fun of it Custom game modes that we are planning to create. (Ex- Modified versions of ARAM, Teemo Hunt, etc.)
What differentiates wD Gaming from the myriad of other communities out there?
We are currently in the process of developing a premium subscription-based donation system. Our professional developer is approaching the middle of his development-cycle. This system will be implemented with a strict NO to the ‘pay-to-win’ philosophy (RE: Combat Arms, Shaiya, etc etc). At the same time, members who help to support wD Gaming with our many associated costs of running, will be compensated quite handsomely in comparison to similar communities.
Our clan members are (for the most part, RE: Diversity! :P) extremely friendly / accommodating people who love gaming. Although, even if you’re a quiet person who just wants to game and not be bothered, we work with that too! We’ve got lots of quiet gaming channels to accommodate that! We have extremely active administrators for all of our divisions / servers. We go out of our way to help new and existing members alike!
Competitive LoL in wD Gaming:
Now that I’ve been over how warm and fuzz and awesome our community is, let me get to the serious competitive aspect. Looking for a team? Think you’re the best ADC in your elo? Well that’s great! However, we are recruiting for a variety of personality traits, not just skill. Review the list below to see if you’d be a good fit:
Skilled Teamwork / Chemistry Overall knowledge of game mechanics +1700 ELO (We use a mix of Top Rating / Current Rating to satisfy this requirement) Activity. We practice / scrim daily.
That being said, our only currently open spot on our main team is Jungle. Although, with enough interest we will most definitely manage multiple teams. The ELO requirements is non-negotiable and at full admin discretion.
With league of legends season 3 adding the new top 32 teams, the possibilities are endless, and with strong communication and mechanics, anyone with the proper requirements can make it up there!
When teams are formed, we will also be looking into signing them up to tournaments with cash prizes, and LAN’s depending on geographic locations / cost.
submitted by zeomatrix to TeamRedditTeams [link] [comments]