Short story of darangan

Share your short works of literature.

2009.01.14 04:29 Share your short works of literature.

Welcome to the Reddit short story hub. Write your short stories - flash fiction, microfiction, Twitterature, etc - and get user cheers and productive criticism. No external links allowed, this is for Redditors by Redditors on Reddit. No adult-themed material, this isn't the subreddit for that.

2014.03.06 00:54 selfabortion Two-Sentence Horror Stories: Bite-sized scares.

Give us your scariest story in two sentences (or less)!

2013.11.18 21:46 epicunicorn8165 Scary/horror/ghost stories

Subreddit for Horror Stories

2024.05.14 09:38 Cream-Sun-Girl I accidentally fucked my brother 19[f]

It was a couple of weeks ago. So, I had a friend over for the night, and long story short, we ended up naked in my bed, fooling around. Basically, we were just playing with each other's tits and touching each other a bit. Well, my brother walked in on us, and my friend and I joked about sex. They had already had sex. I knew they wouldn't be able to go anywhere else while our parents were nearby, so I threw a blanket over our heads and told them to hurry up. In the end, I covered for my friend. We were fumbling around, trying to get untangled, when I felt him climb onto the bed, and a second later I felt his cock press against my pussy and slide inside. He moved fast and hard, and all I could do was moan. My friend widened his eyes, looked at me, and said he picked the wrong girl. She peeled the blanket off of us so he could see, and he watched me as I came. I don't know why, but he started coming too. He only shot a little bit into me before pulling out, the rest landing on my ass. We all agreed not to say anything, as it was an accident. A few minutes later, I watched them fuck, and it was pretty hot. I keep thinking about it and I don't understand why it turns me on so much.
submitted by Cream-Sun-Girl to DesahogoyConfesiones [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:36 Idkanymorrr Just had a dream about the guy who catfished me a year ago. Help.

So to make a long and painful story short, I was deceived by a guy for 8 months. Fake pictures, probably fake backstory, fake everything. I was so dumb and fucking naive that I drove 4 hours to his hometown only to be left stranded when he never showed up. I was in shambles, emotionally fucked up beyond repair. Eventually through trials, coming out to my family and friends, and a lot of awkward hookups later, I got with my boyfriend of 7 months. He’s amazing, kind, and loving. But I keep coming back to the thought of Adam, the catfish. The last time I dreamed of him was last year the night he stranded me. I dreamt about him texting me saying it was all going to be ok. Yeah, sappy and sad. This time, he had come back and we were actually together. But of course. That’s not happening. Can someone please help me somehow block him out or figure out the root of the problem?
submitted by Idkanymorrr to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:32 GhostTheWitch Girl that is interested not showing interest.

So long story short, my mom, set me up with this girl (19) that works and she met at a grocery store, I'm 22 btw, apparantly from what my mom said, she showed her a picture of myself and she immediately found me really attractive, she told my mom that she would like to get to know me, and my mom gave her my number and she gave me hers, she hesitantly told my mom that I made sure I text her.
Now my dumbass is here texting her, but she seems to not show interest, this girl is literally my type, she is a dime piece, I texted her on saturday, she responded a couple minutes later, but after my second text at 9PM she took hours to reply, answered at 1AM, look I understand because she was out with her friends, she even miscalled me at 3AM, next day, I send her a message and took a couple hours to respond but then my next text she took 6 hours to respond but then at night she would take a couple minutes to respond.
Look I'm not being needy, Im not being weird, I'm being nice, she laughes at some texts, she doesn't seem to be dry, but it's like idk maybe show a little more interest, maybe she is shy idk, I think she is quite busy, Im not saying for us to be texting 24/7 no, but you get the jist.
I found it was the right time even though we haven't texted a lot and yesterday at night I texted her, I told her to let's meet up this weekend and see each other, she still has to respond she was online, she didn't answer, she got home from work and it was late which I could understand idk.
submitted by GhostTheWitch to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:31 LaudatesOmnesLadies A big thank you and a small update

Hi 👋! I posted back in November (can’t manage to link right now but it’s on my page) and figured an update was in order.
Long story short: a few days after my post I had a mental break down, got diagnosed with severe stress reaction (whatever that means) got sick leave for the rest of my pregnancy, and the doctors realized I needed to regulate my antidepressants because of my pregnancy. My increased blood volume diluted the medicine and I was in withdrawal, and I started to feel better when the dose was raised. Husband had a semi breakdown short after this. He cried in my arms for an evening, spoke to his boss and workplace, and made arrangements to cut down a little on work time. My daughter arrived at the end of January, and it felt like all the sadness, worry and anxiety left me with the final push, and when I held her for the first time it was like the sun rose again after half a year of night time. Everything suddenly fell back into place and made sense again. She is absolutely perfect, strong and healthy and I’m over the moon! After daughter was born husband started counseling, right now it’s only through phone once a month but it’s a start.
Most of all, I want to thank you all for being there during a tough time. Your comments, messages, advice and kind words meant so much to me, more than I can possibly express. I wasn’t able to respond to much at all, as I was too exhausted and overwhelmed to express myself in words, and English isn’t my first language. But I just want to say thank you to everyone! The kindness, understanding and solidarity in this sub is really something else! Thank you guys. I really mean it ❤️
submitted by LaudatesOmnesLadies to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:27 ratbutenby 20/F/USA ISO Long-Term Penpal!

Hello there! I’ve been wanting a penpal for as long as I could remember, and I’ve finally mustered up the bravery to actually find one.
A little about me: I’m currently out of school, but I plan to go back when I can afford to. I’m currently hiding in the great Pacific Northwest. My main hobbies are coffee and tea, but I also partake in leathercraft, 3D printing, cooking, photography, and TTRPGs (like D&D). I dabble in video games and movies. I also enjoy writing (mostly fantasy), and I was once an avid reader but have fallen out in the last two years. I’m trying to re-learn how to pick up a novel, though, and would love someone to talk about books, both academically and some casual fan-banter. I have a dark secret.
I would also LOVE someone with whom we could potentially send each other short stories, or maybe even a chapter a letter for a longer one. Poetry would be great, too, really just any creative writing.
I love giving gifts! Nothing big, just a trinket here and there, maybe a picture of something I liked or a small piece of art I thought you might enjoy. And lots of stickers.
I’m open to pals of any age, any location, and all walks of life. I would prefer to send a few emails back and forth before disclosing my address, but after that, I’d love to stay your penpal for time immemorial! I hope to one day have a shoebox full of old letters, a brain full of memories, and an old friend or two who I can trust to keep my mailbox full.
Feel free to DM me, send an interesting bug fact or an album you really love. Let’s build something awesome from ink and paper.
submitted by ratbutenby to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:25 heyomeatballs My sister is learning that none of it was true

My poor sister. She's my half sister, and she was unfortunately raised by nMom/egg donor. I was raised by my father and learned to spot egg donor's crap early in life. My sister was not as lucky. nMom had a solid 20 years to fully brainwash her and control the narrative and she's only just coming out of it now.
I was forced to move in with nMom, her husband, and their two kids when I was a teenager and my sister and I really bonded. I started "pranking" her by picking up her phone whenever she put it down and changing the language to one we don't speak, then putting it back. nMom thought it was funny until sister successfully used my "prank" as a reason to keep her phone locked, and not share the passcode with anyone as I proved I could watch over their shoulders and get the code that way. I was kicked out shortly after sis started questioning egg donor on some things, I went NC, and the world went back to how nMom wanted it. Sis and I lost touch.
Fast forward to now and sis is also NC with our egg donor and in a very healthy relationship with a nice man who convinced her to go to therapy. We reconnected. And started talking about the lies, specifically the ones nMom told sis and others that are so easily disproved.
nMom lied about her blood type. Who does that? She desperately wants to be or have a special medical case and told my sister she was AB- because she heard somewhere it was the rarest type. Sis and both have health problems, so between the info our doctors got from us and us knowing our own blood types and our fathers' blood types, nMom couldn't have AB- blood, unless she adopted or stole us. Since we both look identical to her and each other, we're pretty confident she just lied to sis. For some fucking reason. (We also called her father to confirm. She's O+)
Sis was told that my father cheated on nMom and that caused their divorce. They split because my father caught her cheating, which resulted in a child. The date (and result) of the paternity test and their divorce pretty clearly states what happened.
nMom tried to spin a story about her not getting custody of me because everyone ganged up on her and she had no choice. I showed Sis how to find court records from my hometown online and she found the dates nMom was in jail for kidnapping me and neglecting the affair baby, who was later taken away by the state and adopted out. The custody case for me ended with nMom voluntarily signing away all rights to me to avoid more jail time.
Apparently nMom also tried to claim that she voluntarily gave up Affair Baby as a teen mom and then got pregnant with me and married my father. I'm a little speechless at this one, but I guess she wanted to paint herself as a tragic victim who did the right thing for her daughters by giving one up and letting my dad take me. The truth is I'm the baby she got pregnant with as a teen, and she and my dad divorced because of Affair Baby, who was born 18 months after me. Affair Baby was removed from her custody due to neglect. I'm not sure how she hoped to keep this lie up.
Sis wasn't even told about Affair Baby until nMom randomly mentioned it to a friend in front of Sis and tried to spin the above story. Sis was 12 at the time and shocked. nMom fed her a ton of lies about the situation. I've put her in contact with the woman Affair Baby grew into via social media (she has a lovely family; we chat once or twice a year) so that's getting worked through.
When sis started dating, nMom's version of a sex talk was to horrify her with tales of nMom being bullied in school because she was pregnant. She persevered and graduated just in time to have me and/or Affair Baby, but it was hard and sis should learn from her mistakes and be smarter. I don't talk to our grandmother, but sis was able to reach out and grandma confirmed nMom dropped out of high school to marry my father and have me.
There's a lot more, but one that was really hard for us both to get through was The Night I Left. nMom told Sis I just left for no reason and they didn't hear from me again for years. Truth is, nMom kicked me out on my birthday because I caught her in a lie and called her out on it. And, as I later found out, she'd heard Sis asking me if she could go with me when I moved out. nMom convinced Sis I just didn't want Sis moving in with me so I'd moved out and ghosted them all. I was homeless for 2 months.
It was a very long, exhausting conversation to have with my sister. In the end she burst into tears and said "Sis... I think my whole life has been a lie."
She's got a hard journey ahead of her, and helping her through it is stirring up some stuff I thought I'd gotten over by now. Thanks for letting me vent.
submitted by heyomeatballs to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:19 solid-blue Starlink functional even though not officially working?

Hello all, this summer we are coming to Greenland and will work for a non-profit organization. Long story short, we are going to be in some remote locations where Starlink would be extremely useful also for safety reasons, weather forecasts etc (we have used it in other countries). I am aware that it is not officially allowed/working in Greenland, however we will be in locations where the state company does not offer any kind of connectivity so we are not taking away from their business. We'll be happy to buy the local SIM cards and use those while in locations with coverage. So the question is, does Starlink still work? Is it widely used? And do you know if there are plans to get it completely banned in the country? There are lots of countries where Starlink internet officially is not allowed and it still works, however there are countries (like Turkey) where it is completely geofenced and will not work. We do have a secondary satellite communications system (Iridium), however it is much slower and more expensive.
submitted by solid-blue to greenland [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:17 No_Read_1320 I (20M)still worry about what my (20F) gf did in the past with influence from her toxic best friend.?

Hello, I have a problem with some things that my gf used to do when she was still friends with her female best friend.
I wanna keep this short but I gotta go back to when we met 7 months ago. She had this toxic friend which she was very close with. I mean very close. My did not really have many friends outside of her best friend and thus she listened to a lot of shit she told her that its right to do.
A couple of things that stand out that made me feel kinda bad, is that when we started dating she used to tell her that I am not worth it. Also her best friend had a bf, a friend of mine from college, I forgot to mention, so it was kind of an 4 people relationship cause the toxic girl wanted us to hangout 24/7 with them, even sleep all the time in the same house.
Now that it’s clear I want to point out the things that made me feel bad, my gf used to call me ‘this guy’ through text instead of just mentioning me by my name, which I find a little disrespectful, also she cursed me one time, not badly but still. She sometimes when we were together, all 4 of us, her friend was being ignored by my friend, so she always wanted to take my gf away from me so we dont get to sit one next to the other or talk between us,and my gf did just followed her “orders” everytime. And the thing that was the worst for me is that, the day we met, we met randomly through mutual friends on a monday night at my gf house. Prior to that, she and her best friend had a ‘date’’ in the same day but in the morning with 2 boys. My gf did not like the guy she went out with and she didnt want to go out again with him, but her friend wanted to pursue the other guy and pressured my gf to text the guy my gf went out with, to meet again, all 4 of them. So that was before I met her, a few hours before. But after we met, after a couple days, this guy texted my gf to go out again, and the toxic friend told her to day yes, so they can all go out again because the toxic friend wanted to pursue the other guy, but didn’t want to go alone so she insisted on all 4 of them going,and my gf texted him back saying they could go out again sometime, all 4 of them.I do believe her not wantig to because she was not interested in that guy, but her friend pressured her to do it.
And when I pointed out these things to her now she says she is really sorry, and I want to believe that her friend influenced her to do this shit. Because she did the same with her bf(my friend) she treated him like shit.
Now I want to believe her because her friend was really toxic, i cant describe in words but trust me, i got to know her and she was a piece of trash. You could not even talk to her to tell her if something was wrong because she would either start crying or making a big ass scandal. She was horrible to be with.
Fast forward and after about 4 months there was a big scandal between all of us and my gf ditched her best friend for me, cause her friend really didnt like me and told her she spent way too much time with me and not with her. So long story short, she chose me and we are really happy together and things go so well.
And we communicate all the time and we talked about these things, and like I said she is sorry for what she did, but I dont know what to do. Is she really sorry, should I fully trust her from now on? I need some advice please, Thank you for reading and sorry if this was too long.
submitted by No_Read_1320 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:12 No_Read_1320 I (20M)still worry about what my (20F) gf did in the past with influence from her toxic best friend.?

Hello, I have a problem with some things that my gf used to do when she was still friends with her female best friend.
I wanna keep this short but I gotta go back to when we met 7 months ago. She had this toxic friend which she was very close with. I mean very close. My did not really have many friends outside of her best friend and thus she listened to a lot of shit she told her that its right to do.
A couple of things that stand out that made me feel kinda bad, is that when we started dating she used to tell her that I am not worth it. Also her best friend had a bf, a friend of mine from college, I forgot to mention, so it was kind of an 4 people relationship cause the toxic girl wanted us to hangout 24/7 with them, even sleep all the time in the same house.
Now that it’s clear I want to point out the things that made me feel bad, my gf used to call me ‘this guy’ through text instead of just mentioning me by my name, which I find a little disrespectful, also she cursed me one time, not badly but still. She sometimes when we were together, all 4 of us, her friend was being ignored by my friend, so she always wanted to take my gf away from me so we dont get to sit one next to the other or talk between us,and my gf did just followed her “orders” everytime. And the thing that was the worst for me is that, the day we met, we met randomly through mutual friends on a monday night at my gf house. Prior to that, she and her best friend had a ‘date’’ in the same day but in the morning with 2 boys. My gf did not like the guy she went out with and she didnt want to go out again with him, but her friend wanted to pursue the other guy and pressured my gf to text the guy my gf went out with, to meet again, all 4 of them. So that was before I met her, a few hours before. But after we met, after a couple days, this guy texted my gf to go out again, and the toxic friend told her to day yes, so they can all go out again because the toxic friend wanted to pursue the other guy, but didn’t want to go alone so she insisted on all 4 of them going,and my gf texted him back saying they could go out again sometime, all 4 of them.I do believe her not wantig to because she was not interested in that guy, but her friend pressured her to do it.
And when I pointed out these things to her now she says she is really sorry, and I want to believe that her friend influenced her to do this shit. Because she did the same with her bf(my friend) she treated him like shit.
Now I want to believe her because her friend was really toxic, i cant describe in words but trust me, i got to know her and she was a piece of trash. You could not even talk to her to tell her if something was wrong because she would either start crying or making a big ass scandal. She was horrible to be with.
Fast forward and after about 4 months there was a big scandal between all of us and my gf ditched her best friend for me, cause her friend really didnt like me and told her she spent way too much time with me and not with her. So long story short, she chose me and we are really happy together and things go so well.
And we communicate all the time and we talked about these things, and like I said she is sorry for what she did, but I dont know what to do. Is she really sorry, should I fully trust her from now on? I need some advice please, Thank you for reading and sorry if this was too long.
submitted by No_Read_1320 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:07 Personal_Respond6879 Need help/advice…please!!

Hi all,
I’ve posted in another sub-Reddit group (Lymphoma) before but I’ll give a short back story. My dad’s (64M) going through his third relapsed DLBCL Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma treatment and has been put on a combination therapy of Bendamustine and Polatuzumab Vedotin.
Now, due to complications, he’s been given the two drugs separately (1 cycle in 2 weeks) and has currently only finished 2 cycles.
However, since things never go smooth for his treatment, he developed a Staphylococcus aureus cough infection and has been taking Levofloxacin + Linezolid for the past 10 days. His cough had gotten a bit better until today, when he’s been coughing every 10 mins, with phlegm. Moreover, we are so scared for him because he’s been having very low blood cell counts:
Platelets: 20,000-30,000/cu mm Hemoglobin: 7.6 gm/dL Lymphocytes: 6% Neutrophils: 90% T3: 61 ng/dL TSH: 8.50 uIU/mL Creatinine: 2.1 mg/dL
Overall, he is in a very frail and low energy state. His oncologist has postponed his chemo because of his weak state and kidney issues. He said he might do a platelet infusion if the counts go below 20,000. My dad’s also been taking Eltrombopag for platelet production, among other million medications.
We are just very frustrated and scared for my dad. Some days it feels like he is getting better and the other days, my heart wrenches to see him get worse. I don’t wanna lose him. Please someone help or give any advice on what this condition could be 😭😭
He is also not a candidate for Bone marrow transplant because of his general weak health condition and his age.
His platelets just won’t go up and it’s been 5 days that they just won’t deviate beyond this range.
Please let me know if someone else had the same experience!!
submitted by Personal_Respond6879 to AskMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:04 Personal_Respond6879 Need help/advice…please!!!

Hi all,
I’ve posted in another sub-Reddit group (Lymphoma) before but I’ll give a short back story. My dad’s (64M) going through his third relapsed DLBCL Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma treatment and has been put on a combination therapy of Bendamustine and Polatuzumab Vedotin.
Now, due to complications, he’s been given the two drugs separately (1 cycle in 2 weeks) and has currently only finished 2 cycles.
However, since things never go smooth for his treatment, he developed a Staphylococcus aureus cough infection and has been taking Levofloxacin + Linezolid for the past 10 days. His cough had gotten a bit better until today, when he’s been coughing every 10 mins, with phlegm. Moreover, we are so scared for him because he’s been having very low blood cell counts:
Platelets: 20,000-30,000/cu mm Hemoglobin: 7.6 gm/dL Lymphocytes: 6% Neutrophils: 90% T3: 61 ng/dL TSH: 8.50 uIU/mL Creatinine: 2.1 mg/dL
Overall, he is in a very frail and low energy state. His oncologist has postponed his chemo because of his weak state and kidney issues. He said he might do a platelet infusion if the counts go below 20,000. My dad’s also been taking Eltrombopag for platelet production, among other million medications.
We are just very frustrated and scared for my dad. Some days it feels like he is getting better and the other days, my heart wrenches to see him get worse. I don’t wanna lose him. Please someone help or give any advice on what this condition could be 😭😭
submitted by Personal_Respond6879 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:03 Low-Independent2590 Is it time to cut ties?

My in-laws live a few towns over from us. To make a long story short, my husband and I have had to set up some personal boundaries that they are not very happy about. Since then, they have been giving us the cold shoulder. My husband has reached out a few times with no response. I know it really hurts his feelings that his parents are acting like this towards him. He eventually stopped reached out because it seemed like it was a lost cause and has been very troubling to him emotionally. It’s been almost 6 months where we haven’t heard anything from them.
With Mother’s Day this last weekend, he decided he would try again. He sent my MIL a card in the mail beforehand and on the day of, he sent a text, in the morning, wishing her a happy Mother’s Day and had tried twice to call her, within the day, to which she didn’t respond. I even sent her a happy Mother’s Day message as well that went ignored. Just short of randomly showing up on their doorstep, we really did try to reach out. So we figured, there’s not much more he can do if they’re not willing to also make an effort.
Fast forward to today: MIL calls my husband and just rails into him about how dare he not spend Mother’s Day with her and there’s nothing he can do that will fix the pain he caused from ignoring her. They talked for over an hour, to which she mostly just tried to guilt trip him by bringing up events that happened within the past 6 months that he missed because he didn’t care to be a part of their lives, and how he never calls, and we never see them. And I’m thinking, first of all, there are several times where he has intentionally tried to reach out and we never heard from them. Second of all, relationships should go both ways and they put all of the responsibility of maintaining it on his shoulders. If they wanted us at certain events, why weren’t we told about them?
It was a very unproductive conversation and now he is more distraught than he was when we just didn’t talk to them. He doesn’t want to cut ties with them but it’s feeling like it’s coming to that stage of the relationship to me if this is how it’s going to be.
Any suggestions on how to handle this and what our next steps should be?
submitted by Low-Independent2590 to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 Beligerent-vagrant A single lone krork is discovered on an uninhabited world. Who finds him and what happens?

I’m working on a short story about this and wanted to see what you guys came up with. In mine a tech priest looking into a strange energy signature finds him, along with a single ultramarine escort and a psyker. The encounter goes from a tense stand-off to the marine on the floor pretty quick. And the long conversation that follows ends with the priest and his retinue leaving having vowed to tell no one. The marine out of respect and a confidence that the krork is trapped there. The priest because the tech is beyond him (it’s the krorks armor) and the psyker having a new subliminal urge to lead orks to the planet. As the krork was under the assumption he was the last. But now he sees a new battle. And must prepare.
But nonetheless. How would you do this story?
submitted by Beligerent-vagrant to 40kOrkScience [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:59 Torta951 Cousin assaulted tj cop

To make a long story short, my cousin ended up assaulting a cop. He was outside of his house with some friends and some sort of altercation occurred. Cops came out and things escalated. He ended up kicking one of the cops. They didn’t take him in but they threatened him that they know where he lives and what he drives. How concerned should he be?
submitted by Torta951 to tijuana [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:57 Johnsharara1 I love akira and shin interactions

I love akira and shin interactions
A super underrated friendship in the whole story imo.
We see them mainly interact during the JCC arc and I like how Suzuki made it so shin was the one to ease Akira of the tension she was having being in a new environment where everyone who has enrolled has been training for years if not decades.
Ofc she would feel abit out of place and it was fairly obvious with how Extremely anxious she was at the beginning of the arc, but then we start to see her less anxious, more positive and taking initiative to help shin to get info on the jcc database .
When Akira gets a conclusion to her current revenge quest, I would love if she continued being an important character so I can add to my collection of Akira and shin interactions but a man can only dream🫡
(Quick side note. I’ve noticed Shin is quite the social butterfly when it comes to the younger side characters.) -Lu -the Sakamoto family -heisuke -seba -Akira -amane -mufuyu -Toramura
He practically formed strong bonds with these in a relatively short amount of time
submitted by Johnsharara1 to SakamotoDays [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:55 batt84 Handling irregular availability

Greetings, Travelers.
My group struggles with scheduling, to the point where our last session was at least half a year ago. Long story short, the players want to improve the situation and commit to a biweekly schedule.
Except one player who can't schedule regular sessions reliably due to a pretty inconsistent work schedule. She doesn't want the party to miss out because of her, but she wants to be included whenever she can, ideally continuing her Tiefling Bard.
All the players at my table are new, and I as GM have not that much experience. I am comfortable with writing a character out and back into the story for a prolonged absence and have done so very successfully before, but I don't know if I can keep this up with irregular attendance on a session by session basis. I also don't feel very comfortable with me taking control of the character in her place, as I have seen in podcasts.
Do you have any advice for me on how best to handle the situation?
submitted by batt84 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:54 OdetteSL TTC and TSH has gone from 3.8 to 5.5 in two weeks

Hello! To cut a long story short I’ve always had long cycles (69 days as a teen, 100 days when I came off BC and now with myo-inositol it ranges from 25-50 days). I have a huge family history of hashimotos/hypothyroidism, and a TSH level ranging anywhere from 3.1-5.8. All other thyroid results (T3, T4, free T3/T4, antibodies) are all normal. I have always been diagnosed as “subclinical” hypothyroidism so no one has wanted to treat it.
Last year I did some pre-pregnancy tests and my thyroid came back at 3.8. My GP didn’t indicate any issues with this at the time, so we started TTC in December. 2 weeks ago I redid my thyroid panel and got 3.9, and my GP has now said that getting pregnant and staying pregnant will be extremely difficult at my level and has suggested 50mcg of levothyroxine and a retest on my TSH. I retested yesterday, and in two weeks my TSH has risen to 5.4.
My mum (hashimotos) is against me using levothyroxine as she said once I start taking it, my body won’t produce thyroxine anymore and I’ll be stuck on it for life.
My questions are: is a jump from 3.9 to 5.4 even possible/ normal in 2 weeks? What can even cause such a huge jump? Last time I was that high I had major symptoms but at the moment I’m fine (Iron is high, Vit D is fine, no weight gain, no new stress)
Secondly, is it correct that going on thyroxine will create a life long dependence ? It’s something I’m taking seriously as we are trying to have a baby but as I’m subclinical I’m hesitant to go on a medication that could potentially life long.
submitted by OdetteSL to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:54 suwandy Ex-Manager badmouth me behind my back

For context, I was laid-off from my position at one of the large banks in Australia after 2.5 years. In my time, I have what I thought was a great relationship with my manager and each time we had our regular monthly catch ups I asked for feedback and shared anything that I may have struggled with. I felt that she was someone who listened to my concerns and often took action whenever I raised anything that I needed her help or action-ed. All in all, I deeply appreciated her as a manager and never had a single conversation where I received any form of negative feedback. Until she did this.
After I got the news of my position being cut (almost six months ago), I immediately reached out to my networks and recruiters and applied for jobs like my life depended on it. I also asked her to be my referee if she wouldn't mind and she agreed.
Interestingly, within one month, one recruiter reached out and told me that my bank is advertising for a role that would fit my profile in another department within the bank. It will be in a space where I wouldn't work closely with my previous department.
The recruiter asked for the names of my previous managers as the new hiring manager requested it and I obviously mentioned her name, quite excitedly. One week later, he came back to me, quite bewildered. Long story short, my manager had mentioned to him (and the new hiring manager) that she didn't think I would be a good fit for the role. She said that I require too much supervision, that I did not have enough confidence and that I basically my skills were not strong enough for the position (even though the position was nearly identical to what I was doing in her team).
I was shell-shocked and wasn't sure what / why this was the feedback. I worked with her for at least two years and I did not receive any form of feedback at all from her despite me regularly seeking one. Even my recruiter was shocked and told me, why didn't this come up in any of our catch-ups. She presented herself as someone who seemed to be kind, have strong empathy and supportive. I was devastated and felt betrayed. Now I don't know whether I can trust any managers at all.
submitted by suwandy to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:45 Exotic_Football_2251 I’m so F****** lost.

I don’t even know where to begin. 26F. I have had a lot go on in my life (not to short anyone else, because life is screwed). I’m just going to tell my story because I don’t know what else to do. As I’m telling this story please keep in mind, I don’t have all of the information and I’ve been kind of surviving up until this point. When I was 3-8 months old my father packed me and the dog up, and left my mother without telling her while she was at work back in 1997(Florida to Pennsylvania). having no idea because I was an infant, going in to toddler my dad loved the crap out of me. I felt safe, and cared for. My dad ended up sending me to a catholic school for 1st- 5th. started growing and realized that I have a difficultly keeping concentrated, was way friendler than everyone. @ 9 years old he had me speak to my mother for the first time and all she said was mean shit about him and I cried and hung up.
I had noticed my dad started to grow aggravated with me, and would say some down right mean shit. Not let me have my own personality, Embarrassed me by writing mean shit about what I did wrong on sticky notes and would tell me to keep in on my shirt all day at school. Back me into corners like he was a big bully if I didn’t do things right/his way. He through a birthday party for me when I was 11 and then was like “look at how nobody showed up” when he was most likely the reason they didn’t. Before sixth grade started, he moved us back down to Florida. So from catholic school to public. I noticed bigger changes in him and it was a complete 180 for me, going from a religious school to a public. It was like there was no longer the happiness in him and he would pick on me and bully me, when I started going to public schools I was bullied as well there. I would come home from school crying and he stated “I’ll give you a reason to cry”. Would be very physically abusive. Would even threaten to send me to my mothers which I was scared of because of the mean shit she said when I was 9. He sent me to another girls mom to learn about “women things”- literally just how to shave my f**** legs. I eventually went to the schools therapist in 6th grade and tried to tell them what was going on without getting my dad in trouble or him hearing about it and doing something worse, that didn’t happen. I guess I blacked out most of my memory’s about things because of the way I needed to cope but I remember writing him letters and begging him to talk to me because he started just not speaking to me at all, would leave me at home while he worked and told me to lock the doors and hide. I eventually tried to disconnect from it all in my head to go with the motions. Eventually before 8th grade started we moved up to Maryland and moved in with my cousins because he had claimed he lost a lot of money in Florida( in recent years he told me the school was trying to get him charged for the things I said back then to the therapist.) we became more distant because he wasn’t very friendly and would hide in the basement. Moved into my god parents house because eventually he had enough issues with my cousins he didn’t want to be “there problem” anymore. We became more distant as he would just hide in there basement as well, I’d go down there just to talk with him and he’d just be this mean person I didn’t know anymore. Still being a very emotionally abusive person. I got arrested 3 months before graduation because I had weed and cigarettes at school.
When I was 18 I moved into my 2nd boyfriend’s house. Not a good idea looking back at it because it was totally a trap house and I had no clue what I was doing there.(drugs) that’s what I was doing. He had no clue & didn’t care to notice. A lot of co-dependence was there because I stayed there for 4 years.
In 2018 (I was 18 at this point) he was going delirious for about 4-5days and would tell me stuff like take my stuff, I’m going to die ect. Wouldn’t let me take him to the hospital, just wanted to die, thank god my god mother was there when he collapsed and had a ambulance come and get him, he went into a diabetic coma it lasted for 1.5 months or so, he came out of it and basically told me he should’ve died and that he wanted to.
That made things worse mentally for me, I did a lot of fucked up things in the 4 years I was with the boy I was doing drugs with, he also was very physically abusing, as so was I at this point. We broke up and I did everything I could not to go back to living with my father who ended up with enough money to buy a place in my name. I ended up living there for a while and nothing good came from it.
A lot of drinking and boyfriends and dumb shit happened and I was completely out of it until I got a DWI in late 2019. Really woke me up. I started wanting better for myself, knowing I could just didn’t know how. I got into YET ANOTHER RELATIONSHIP, and thought it was good for me, two years in we decided we were going to buy a home (23 years old at this point) we bought it and a lot was wrong with the house and clearly the boy I bought it with because he was into a really odd kink, had girls in his phone, and would not introduce me to his female friends. On top of that he did not doing ANYTHING to help me fix the home. A year into owning the home I broke up with him and lost my job. I was depressed for 7-8 months, got another job and about 1.5 years after the break up someone came up to me and asked me on a date. (I still lived with my ex in the house we own). (I was completely honest with him and up front about everything.)
He has shown me grace, kindness, and compassion. He had shown me a whole new perspective in life. He also had gone through a really traumatic past. Starting of the relationship was rough, I was feral and he gets defensive really easy. We have stuck this thing out and I am 7 months in therapy and he just had his first session in years today. I would like to consider this success. I just changed therapist because the one I had been going to wasn’t as good as I would’ve liked them to be. We are now 1.5 years in, and I’m still trying to figure myself out and currently won’t hear from the new therapist until the 21st of may. I’m struggling mentally but not half as bad as I used to. I guess I’m just looking for new perspectives and some positive words at this point. My boyfriend and I are on opposite schedules for the next 2.5 months and I can tell I’m still very co-dependent, in my head I’m hoping his new therapist doesn’t tell him we are not right for each other. I’m so full of stress and trauma it’s crazy. I don’t even know who I am or if I fully feel happy in any situation.
Any kind words would help. Sorry for the all over the place read.
submitted by Exotic_Football_2251 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:43 stellaxxxs Bleeding- normal or not?…

I’m going to cut a long story short… stomach cramps for quite some days but nothing too intense! The bleeding started as one extremely heavy gush like a tap had been switched on but since then it’s just turned to spotting… Is this normal? I expected to have blood continue to gush out and lots of clots!
submitted by stellaxxxs to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:43 advancedautismabc Exploring Developmental Play: 10 Autism-Inclusive Ideas

Play is a fundamental aspect of childhood development, fostering creativity, social skills, and cognitive growth. For children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), however, engaging in play activities can present unique challenges. In this article, we'll explore 10 autism-inclusive play ideas designed to promote development and provide enjoyable experiences for children on the autism spectrum.
Sensory Play
Sensory play engages the senses and can be particularly beneficial for children with autism who may have sensory processing differences. Consider setting up sensory bins filled with materials like rice, sand, water beads, or textured fabrics. Encourage exploration and experimentation with different textures, smells, and tactile sensations to stimulate the senses and promote sensory integration.
Pretend Play
Pretend play offers opportunities for imaginative expression and social interaction. Create a dress-up corner with costumes and props, or set up a pretend kitchen with play food and utensils. Encourage children to role-play different scenarios, such as cooking a meal, going on a pretend adventure, or acting out everyday activities. Pretend play can help develop language skills, creativity, and social understanding.
Visual Supports
Many children with autism benefit from visual supports to enhance communication and understanding. Incorporate visual supports into play activities by using picture schedules, visual timers, or visual cue cards to provide structure and predictability. Visual supports can help children navigate transitions, follow routines, and comprehend expectations, promoting independence and reducing anxiety.
Structured Games
Structured games with clear rules and expectations can provide opportunities for learning and social interaction. Choose games that are simple, repetitive, and easy to understand, such as matching games, board games with visual cues, or turn-taking activities. Structured games can help children develop important skills like turn-taking, sharing, and following directions, while also providing opportunities for fun and enjoyment.
Movement Activities
Physical activity is essential for promoting gross motor skills, coordination, and body awareness. Plan movement activities that cater to the interests and preferences of children with autism, such as yoga, dancing, or obstacle courses. Provide sensory-friendly spaces with options for proprioceptive input, such as crash pads, trampolines, or therapy swings. Movement activities not only support physical development but also help regulate sensory processing and promote emotional well-being.
Nature Exploration
Nature offers a rich sensory environment filled with opportunities for exploration and discovery. Take children on nature walks to observe plants, animals, and natural landscapes. Encourage hands-on exploration by collecting leaves, rocks, or shells, and incorporating them into sensory activities or crafts. Nature exploration fosters curiosity, appreciation for the environment, and connections with the natural world.
Art and Creativity
Art activities provide a creative outlet for self-expression and can be adapted to accommodate the needs of children with autism. Offer a variety of art materials and techniques, such as painting, drawing, collage, or sculpting. Focus on process-oriented art rather than product-focused outcomes, allowing children to explore materials freely and express themselves without pressure. Art activities support fine motor skills, creativity, and sensory exploration.
Social Stories
Social stories are short narratives that describe social situations, concepts, or expectations in a structured and visual format. Create social stories related to play activities, such as going to a playground, attending a birthday party, or participating in group games. Use simple language, clear visuals, and personalized details to help children understand what to expect and how to navigate social interactions. Social stories can reduce anxiety, improve social skills, and enhance participation in play activities.
Technology-Based Play
Technology can be a valuable tool for engaging children with autism and supporting their development. Explore interactive apps, educational games, or virtual reality experiences that cater to the interests and learning styles of children with autism. Use technology-based play activities to target specific skills, such as communication, academic concepts, or social skills, while also providing engaging and motivating experiences.
Joint Attention Activities
Joint attention refers to the ability to share attention with others and coordinate attention between objects, people, and events. Plan activities that promote joint attention, such as building with blocks, playing with toys that require turn-taking, or engaging in interactive games like peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake. Use prompts, modeling, and reinforcement to encourage children to attend to and interact with others, fostering social engagement and communication skills.
If you're seeking aba therapy for autism virginia beach,va, look no further! Our dedicated team offers comprehensive Applied Behavior Analysis services tailored to meet the individual needs of children and adults on the autism spectrum. With a focus on evidence-based interventions and personalized treatment plans, we are committed to helping individuals with autism reach their full potential and thrive in all aspects of life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you and your family on the journey towards growth and success.
Play is a powerful vehicle for promoting development, fostering social connections, and enriching the lives of children with autism. By incorporating autism-inclusive play ideas into everyday activities, we can create meaningful opportunities for learning, growth, and enjoyment. Whether through sensory exploration, imaginative play, structured games, or nature adventures, every play experience has the potential to unlock new possibilities and support the unique strengths and needs of children on the autism spectrum. Let's continue to explore, create, and play together, building a more inclusive and enriching world for all children.
submitted by advancedautismabc to u/advancedautismabc [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:41 No-Pilot-1252 First time reaching cycle 172, need help with base build/ventilation and oxygen please :)

So Ive played ONI off and on for years now but never so in depth. Long story short this is my best run so far and I had a few questions in hopes you all could help me with them. This is my current base design and all that I have going on.
My main question is my base design, Im currently in the process of changing a few things inside of it hence the weird building going on but how is the basic set up so far? Im having a issue getting gasses out or around my base. Ive never gotten to the point in the game where oxygen was such a huge issue. I cant seem to circulate my base well enough with it. How do i go about pumping gasses in and out? Whats the best way to do so? Ive done a lot of research but I keep getting high pressure faults on my ventilation outputs. Other then the gas issue Ive had a few issues here and there with resources such as, water, ore, and power has been a pain. I have been just refilling my water tank with other water near or around my base. Ore I just go mine out best I can. Power im just having trouble wrapping my mind around. I dont understand the transformers. I have 3 of them with power wires going up each side of my base but I dont get there point.
Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated :) Critique my base design and add whatever input necessary if you think it will help. Thank you!
submitted by No-Pilot-1252 to Oxygennotincluded [link] [comments]