Follow up letter for medical assistant


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2024.05.14 01:02 WTF_Conservatives Update: There is violence happening in my co-parents home. But I can't confirm it happens with my daughter there. Do I report?

Hi all,
This is an update to the following thread:
I wish I had a happier update but after submitting this I did a public record request for the incident in 2021 and got the police report.
In 2021 my co-parents live in boyfriend broke into the home of an ex girlfriend with a gun. The ex was with her current partner at the time. He proceeded to beat both of them with the gun.
He then racked a round into the chamber and placed it against the head of the ex before beating the man some more. The man wound up have a skull fracture and had to be life flighted to the nearest hospital. The woman had a fractured hand and lacerations on her face.
I talked to my co-parent about this. She told me that in 2021 all that happened was her partner found another man in his bed and beat the man. I showed her the police report showing her what he had actually done and she said she wasn't aware of the gun being involved, of him pointing the gun at them or of the girl also being beat. She also downplayed the domestic violence incidents that had happened between her and the guy. She told me it was actually all her fault and she regrets calling the police.
I asked her, now that she knows these things, if she will be exposing our daughter to this man. And she said yes, because she loved him and knows he would never hurt our daughter.
I met with an attorney to formulate a plan to get my daughter away from this guy. We had a meeting today about it.
And the attorney basically said there is nothing that can be done because everything was dismissed. In the incident in 2021, the man was beat so badly that he sustained brain damage and did not remember the event. The ex later got back with the guy and refused to assist in prosecution. So there was no way to prosecute.
And my co-parents charges against him were all dropped by her. So right now... These count for absolutely nothing and can't be used in court. And because none of the events happened around our daughter yet, they aren't really an issue.
She told me that since we each have 50% custody already, there isn't much to be done. And there is currently nothing I can do to keep this guy away from my daughter.
I basically have to wait until he points a gun at my daughter and my daughter's mom or beats my daughter before I can take any kind of action. And even if he beats mom in front of my daughter, if I report it to CPS and CPS fails to substantiate because my daughter has been coached not to talk about this guy... Then it could make me look bad.
So basically... My daughter is living in an abusive home filled with firearms with a guy that beats her mom and has came just a couple of pounds of trigger pressure away from murdering a previous partner.
And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.
submitted by WTF_Conservatives to CPS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:01 SelectionLazy2722 New to the club, 37 years late.

Hello, I've been lurking this sub for several months now while trying to secure a family doctor and I just wanted to share some of my experience.
After attending the ER a couple of times last October, beleiving I had been having strange seizures episodes at work and struggling with loss of memory, I finally have confirmation. After a 3 hour, sleep deprived eeg, at age 37, i have confirmed "grade 4, genetic generilized epileptic tendencies,"... no doubts, I have been managing this my entire life.
My family doctor is trying to bump up my neurology appointment so I can start medications as soon as possible. I was also recently diagnosed with Graves Disease and will be completing a sleep apnea test due to symptoms and a genetic predisposition to that as well. Its been a hell of a journey and I wouldn't say im happy but I am grateful to finally have an explanation for many, many of my odd life experiences and struggles.
I have been learning for the first time, that they sometimes manifest as vocal automatisms and are followed by posticle amnesia, so thats fun. I don't go unconscious or fall, but I have no clue what has been said. If they happen in clusters I loose memory not only of the seizure event, but also the entire day. Social interactions can generally confuse me and I have always tended to avoid them, I'm a typical introvert, though I have always worked customer service roles, somehow. I have also been an on and off insomniac my entire life, and have always struggled with chronic fatigue and excessive day time sleepiness. This confirmation explains so friggen much.
I hope that medication will help me be more normal, and am hoping that they don't take my license ... please not for long, if it has to be :( Time will tell, fuck that part is going to suck. Thanks for listening.
submitted by SelectionLazy2722 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:00 ClipperSmith Want to improve your running technique? Get a jump rope.

Here is an article I recently published on my Substack. If you'd rather read (or listen to an audio version) it outside of Reddit, you can do so here.
Why jump rope isn’t already touted as a leading running drill tool is completely beyond me. But then again…
I'm by no means an "experienced runner"—having started running in 2021 at the age of 34. So, at the time of this writing, about 3 years.
Despite this, I managed to silver-medal my age group in my first race ever.
And it was a 10k. And I was wearing barefoot-shoes.
And I had only been running before that race for about 3 months.
How the heck did I manage to pull this off?
The answer eluded me for a while. Then I remembered—ah, I’ve been jumping rope nearly every day for 2 years.
But how do those connect?
But first, why the heck would some guy start jumping rope at age 32?
About 2 years before I started running, I took up jump rope really just as a fun outdoor hobby.
Even though I was pretty inactive and a bit overweight, that’s not the reason I started skippin’.
One day, I came across some footage of boxer Lulu Hawton doing some jump rope training.
In addition to her seemingly effortless rope handling skills and rhythmic footwork, what caught my eye was a giant grin that spread across her face about 45 seconds into the video. While she was probably skipping to warm up for a match or a training session, something was abundantly clear.
She was having a blast.
And this was from a prize fighter! None of the usual boxer mean-mugging—she looked more like a kid on a carousel.
So, after buying a $10 jump rope on Amazon, I took to the driveway in my swim trunks (yes, I was so inactive, I didn’t own gym shorts).
And…whoo, did I suck.
After a few months of making puddles of sweat in my driveway as well as wheezing sounds so loud that I’m surprised the neighbors didn’t whistle EMS, I eventually got pretty decent at it.
And I lost about 45 pounds in 6 months—probably also from making some lifestyle changes merely to make jump rope less of a slog. Not the original plan, but hey, not too shabby.
After about a year, I found myself constructively critiquing other people’s beginner jump rope videos.
But how did that turn into running?
Though jumping rope is inherently enjoyable, 30-minute skipping sessions of staring at the wall without something in your headphones can be a bit drab.
One fateful day, about 2 years into being student of the jump rope, I began listening to the book Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall.
Even before I got to the end of the book, running—just like jump rope— sounded fun**.**
Yeah, I know that sounds counterintuitive—unless you’ve read the book.
“I knew aerobic exercise was a powerful antidepressant, but I hadn’t realized it could be so profoundly mood stabilizing and — I hate to use the word — meditative. If you don’t have answers to your problems after a four-hour run, you ain’t getting them.”
Ok, ok—I’ll bite.
I proceeded to dive into all of the normal “Couch to 5k” running programs I could find and took my jump rope to a nearby park with a 1k walking path—sprinkling in running between jump rope sessions.
But something wasn’t adding up.
There was a lot of advice about walk-running to build endurance until one could run a block, two blocks, a mile.
Not to brag, but I wasn’t experiencing most beginner snags.
**“Ah, I know why—**I did most of my newbie wind-sucking two years ago!”
This isn’t to say I wasn’t still periodically sucking wind but after two years of consistent boxer skips and double-unders, getting gassed felt like part of the fun and not a medical emergency.
I also felt much springier than the average beginning runner—able to run for miles all over the city in the most minimal of footwear.
And so, I tried my hand at my first race—a donut-themed 10k. And silvered in my age group.
(Ok, there was only two of us…but my time was still respectable. 😂)
Running became an amazingly freeing activity, like getting my driver’s license for my legs.
But I still didn’t understand why running was coming easier to me than the average newcomer.
Digging still deeper, I unearthed another exciting revelation—this time from multi-decade sub-3-hour Boston Marathon runner and one of the foremost running experts on the planet, Dr. Mark Cucuzzella.
“Running with a jump rope is also an amazingly simple drill for posture, balance, and rhythm.”
In other words—form. Overall technique.
Digging a little keeper and experimenting on myself, I discovered just how similar proper running technique and proper jump rope technique were.
Both require:
And so many other commonalities. The list unraveled before me on every run.
And like running, without proper technique, jumping rope just doesn’t work—though the consequences are different.
For a jump roper, due to the lower impact, the risk of injury is quite minimal.
Most newbie rope slingers will report sore calves, slightly tender Achilles tendons, and the odd shin splint if they go full Rocky at it. No need to worry, though—most of these injuries see themselves out as the skipper becomes more experienced.
However, for runners, the injury story is more severe.
The next time you’re at a park with a good path, take a seat on a bench and watch the runners. See if you can spot folks reaching far out in front of them with straightened legs—smashing heels into the pavement.
This style of running results in everything from screaming knees, plantar fasciitis, lower back pain, to hips issues.
But why do all of these occur to new runners, but rarely to new jump ropers?
Most new runners commit a major physiological no-no when they begin their running journey: they treat running like fast, aggressive, airborne walking.
“Well, what is it supposed to be?”
Synchronized jumping.
Simply put, proper running is nothing more than a series of coordinated single leg jumps through space with each landing compressing the springs for the next stride.
To compare this synchronized jumping to the aggressive airborne walking of heel-led running, you can test these in just a few seconds.
Step 1: Stand up.
Step 2: Kick off your shoes.
Step 3: Jump up and down three times.
How did you land?
Probably on your mid-foot, knee bent slightly, with your weight stacked above your pelvis.
And did you use your compressed “leg springs” to launch you into the following two jumps?
Oddly enough, if you were to add a jump rope to this, you would on your way to spinning side swings like Lulu Hawton.
If you were to take this same technique one foot at a time moving forward, you would be running in a way that increases speed, preserves stamina (springs!), and drastically decreases your likelihood of injury.
Let’s try the same test with a few tweaks.
This time, jump, but land on your heels.
Your knees probably remained fairly straight and you felt the impact in your ankles, knees, hips, and possibly even your lower back.
Now, imagine attempting to jump rope this way.
It simply doesn’t work.
Not only would there be no second jump due to the lack of spring but the pain would stop you in your tracks—even in cushioned shoes.
But if jump rope technique and proper running technique are nearly identical, what are aggressive heel landings doing in running?
While a jump roper landing on their heels would resemble Frankenstein’s monster in an express lane to an orthopedist, this is how many people perform the aggressive airborne walk—aka, a heel-striking, over-striding run.
But why do we run this way? Well, our shoes let us get away with it.
Thick heel cushioning and a bit of forward momentum do a great job of masking the pain of repeated blows against every joint up the chain—for a while, anyway. Eventually, the chickens come home to roost in the form of stress fractures, meniscus tears, plantar fasciitis, “runner’s knee,” IT-band syndrome, and more.
Not to brag (and maybe to knock on some wood), I have never experienced any of these injuries in my three years of running.
Is this because I’m some kind of running genius with all of the cheat codes? Haha, I wish! It’s simply sheer luck that I started out with jumping rope before running—an activity that shares the same injury-preventing techniques.
So, are the shoes totally to blame? No.
It is possible to run with proper form in shoes with raised, cushioned heels. But it’s not as easy.
When your heel is totally cushioned, you will be able to run with a heel strike in the same way you can hit your head against a brick wall while wearing a football helmet. And in both instances, it will eventually become less about the forces outside of the foam and more about the forces inside the cushion against each other that do the most damage.
“So, how can getting a jump rope help me become a better runner?”
Jump rope is a tremendous training tool for runners for the same reason why running barefoot can also be helpful—the feedback is immediate.
Though running with inefficient and injurious form is possible, the feedback from doing so isn’t so immediate. When it comes to jumping rope, however, you won’t get through too many skips if you don’t learn to utilize the springs in your legs. The rope doesn’t pull punches.
So, get a rope and get started.
If you’re new to jump rope, I would recommend acquiring two pieces of equipment.
Firstly, find a jump rope with a little bit, but not too much, weight to it. The weight will help you feel the position of the rope during it’s entire rotation and remain in better sync with your wrist spins
My favorite rope for this purpose is a 7mm PVC model called the Hererope, which costs a whopping $15. If you find this to be too thick or heavy, a cheap 5mm PVC model will work as well.
Secondly, to protect your rope and provide a nice jumping surface, I would recommend a large foam-rubber exercise mat. My favorite is a massive 78” mat for $32—which is probably the cheapest jump rope mat you will find.
When it comes to footwear, barefoot is ideal. This will help strengthen and mobilize your feet—including your likely overly-supported neglected arches.
And just how does one begin to jump rope?
Start with short seasons hopping with both feet—maybe 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest. Aim for minimal muscular activation, instead, using the recoil of your tendons and ligaments for suspension and launch as much as possible.
From jumping with both feet, move onto learning an alternating leg bounce—essentially a jog skip. Right, left, right, left—all while keeping an imaginary belt level with the horizon.
By now, you’re essentially running in place with an extremely efficient technique.
Now, apply your jump rope skills to your running!
This is going to seem quite bizarre, but it is possible (and even beneficial) to take your jump rope for a run.
And there you have it!
You may find it quite helpful to return to this drill once or twice a week. Also if you find your form slipping a bit or becoming slugging mid-run, feel free to skip imaginary rope to try to correct your technique mid-stride. It will restore lightness and springiness to your running.
I still find myself bringing my wrists to my pockets and spinning imaginary jump rope handles if I feel my technique is collapsing a bit or if my running is becoming less springy.
And remember, most importantly—have fun. 👍
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submitted by ClipperSmith to beginnerrunning [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:00 WTF_Conservatives Update: AIW for not respecting my exes privacy and doing an investigation on her partner, who shares the home with our 10 year old daughter?

Hi all,
This is an update to the following thread:
I wish I had a happier update but after submitting this I did a public record request for the incident in 2021 and got the police report.
In 2021 my co-parents live in boyfriend broke into the home of an ex girlfriend with a gun. The ex was with her current partner at the time. He proceeded to beat both of them with the gun.
He then racked a round into the chamber and placed it against the head of the ex before beating the man some more. The man wound up have a skull fracture and had to be life flighted to the nearest hospital. The woman had a fractured hand and lacerations on her face.
I talked to my co-parent about this. She told me that in 2021 all that happened was her partner found another man in his bed and beat the man. I showed her the police report showing her what he had actually done and she said she wasn't aware of the gun being involved, of him pointing the gun at them or of the girl also being beat. She also downplayed the domestic violence incidents that had happened between her and the guy. She told me it was actually all her fault and she regrets calling the police.
I asked her, now that she knows these things, if she will be exposing our daughter to this man. And she said yes, because she loved him and knows he would never hurt our daughter.
I met with an attorney to formulate a plan to get my daughter away from this guy. We had a meeting today about it.
And the attorney basically said there is nothing that can be done because everything was dismissed. In the incident in 2021, the man was beat so badly that he sustained brain damage and did not remember the event. The ex later got back with the guy and refused to assist in prosecution. So there was no way to prosecute.
And my co-parents charges against him were all dropped by her. So right now... These count for absolutely nothing and can't be used in court. And because none of the events happened around our daughter yet, they aren't really an issue.
She told me that since we each have 50% custody already, there isn't much to be done. And there is currently nothing I can do to keep this guy away from my daughter.
I basically have to wait until he points a gun at my daughter and my daughter's mom or beats my daughter before I can take any kind of action. And even if he beats mom in front of my daughter, if I report it to CPS and CPS fails to substantiate because my daughter has been coached not to talk about this guy... Then it could make me look bad.
So basically... My daughter is living in an abusive home filled with firearms with a guy that beats her mom and has came just a couple of pounds of trigger pressure away from murdering a previous partner.
And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.
submitted by WTF_Conservatives to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:56 Throwawayforextras I 28f had a panic attack yesterday and now my best friend 25f is upset with me - how do I fix this?

So I'm 28f and she is 25f and we've been close friends for a year and a half or so, and moved in together in December.
TW: suicide/self harm
Everything was really great and remains (to my knowledge) totally fine in terms of our living situation. We have opposite schedules, she has a serious bf and lots of close friends so she's rarely even home. I, on the other hand, am on the spectrum and while I do well I don't really have a lot of friends and none of them are that close. A lot of people like me but everyone seems to have their own circles that I just don't fit into.
The first few months she (I'll call her Sophie) and I still hung out like we used to, I was invited to parties with her friends/bf, a lot of the people in her group join later or by proxy of another person so I really felt comfortable and welcome. I don't like text her friends or anything but we get along when we're all together.
The past two months, for no reasons I know, I haven't had a full conversation with Sophie. She never comes home except drunk super late, never invites me out when she's going out casually, never follows up when I ask if she wants to go do xyz. If she is home when I am she's in her room watching family guy until she leaves. I chalked it up to busyness and social exhaustion even if I was feeling increasingly lonely, and let it go.
Yesterday was a really bad day for me. I'm off my meds because I'm too broke to afford them right now, my abusive estranged father is on his death bed, and I've recently had to go NC with my mom. Mother's day kinda just broke me. I was sobbing in bed all morning and had to miss work because I could not stop. I was hyperventilating and having suicidal thoughts.
Sophie had to work but she did see me and asked if I wanted to just chill and watch a movie when she got home from work and I agreed that it would be a nice distraction. I did share with her that I was having harmful thoughts as she is my closest friend, my emergency contact, and she goes through it too. A friend of hers was hospitalized for self harm just a few months back and she was so great with her so I felt it was okay to tell her and helped hold myself accountable.
5pm hits and she texts me saying that she forgot about a prior hangout she had scheduled and she'd be home but really late. I was admittedly internally upset but I didn't say anything to her about it and went on with my breakdown alone. I did text a few people I'm kinda friends with but they were all busy.
Later in the night, maybe 9ish, my mom texted me passive aggressively about mother's day and I somehow spiraled further. I searched my apartment up and down for something to hurt myself with that wasn't one of Sophie's kitchen knifes but could only find a dull blade of my own and they didn't do very much.
The attempt to SH failing made me feel really stupid and I just went back to hyperventilating alone again.
At midnight I texted Sophie very casually to ask if she was coming home because I could use a talk but made it clear that I knew she was out and about and she didn’t have to I was just anxious and wondering what to expect.
Her reply.. confused me.
She basically told me she was triggered (no explanation why) and wasn't coming home. I apologized for triggering her and said it was okay, just to let me know what not to do in the future so I could avoid doing that again with a heart. She didn't respond.
This morning I was worried she maybe thought I was being passive aggressive and didn't want there to be a misunderstanding so I texted her and clarified that I was being genuine, that the last thing I wanted was to upset her or overwhelm her. She replied wuth an oddly cold message saying it was okay and she didn't think I was being rude.
So, conversation started and me feeling increasingly like I've done something horribly wrong, I ask if she wants to talk later in the week, not even necessarily about this but just in general because I miss talking with her. I also said I understood if she didn't want that and just wanted space, and asked that she please just tell me if she wants me to back off or if I was overwhelming her. She knows I'm autistic and really struggle reading emotions (also who can over text?) so I do sometimes need them communicated clearly.
She said a chat later in the week would be great.
Before I left for work this morning, I wrote on my side of our shared whiteboard that we're always making jokes on "to-do: salvage friendship." I guess this was stupid but I thought it would be jokey tension relief.
While I was at work today I got a very very long message from Sophie saying I was overwhelming her and she wasn't going to tell me but what I wrote on the whiteboard made her "uncomfortable in our shared living space" and even more overwhelmed.
I apologized and thanked her for telling me she was overwhelmed, and I did point out that I really didn't know what I was doing wrong in her eyes and I would have stopped messaging her altogether if I had known that it was worsening things. In my mind I was trying to make sure we were okay, that there wasn't some random thing I did that I could fix of I just knew about it. I wasn't spamming her by any means, I was mostly only replying when she replied and trying to gauge where we were at because she was not telling me.
So now I'm a confused mess of frustrated and terrified and sad. I gave her multiple chances where I flat out asked if I was overwhelming her and she would reply but not answer that question. I understand avoiding it, I do it too sometimes, but I feel like I'm somehow taking the blame for her not just... telling me when I asked. I'm ashamed that I'm suddenly jealous of her dropping everything for her other friends whenever they need it when she's just overwhelmed by me. I'm terrified that I'll lose my best friend; frankly I'm terrified that I'm already in the process of losing her. I'm sad and I just don't know what to do.
I know I have blame here, I should've been better about inferring from coldness in the texts, I probably shouldn't have told her I was suicidal (I just I thought you were supposed to tell people who you love about that stuff when you don't really wanna be thinking it), I should have just dealt with all of this on my own like I did before Sophie. I know it isn't fair for her to be my only close friend, but I am very aware of that and I try really really hard not to lean on her a lot.
I could just use some advice about our talk later this week so it isn't just me blubbering and apologizing and asking how I can be better. Before anyone says it, I have full intentions to get back on my meds as soon as I can also pay rent and have them. Unfortunately housing takes slight priority. As for any therapy, I don't have health insurance and I can't afford it. I make too much money for any support or low income programs but I pay over $800/month in medical bills from when I had insurance that make it so I can't afford anything but the government doesn't care. I am a huge proponent of therapy - I went from non-verbal to fully verbal 8 years ago because of CBT, it changed my life - I just don't have access.
I guess I'm mostly looking for outside takes. What I did wrong, primarily, because while I don't think I was doing things perfectly I can't seem to pinpoint the thing I did that tipped the scales exactly. Also advice on what to say/how to say things better? I try to be very very clear with what I say to the point of overexplaining sometimes because I want to make sure my meaning gets across properly, but while I thought this was considerate it seems to be backfiring on me.
submitted by Throwawayforextras to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:56 WTF_Conservatives Update: AIO by doing a deep-dive investigation on my co-parents partner that lives in her home with our child?

Hi all,
This is an update to the following thread:
I wish I had a happier update but after submitting this I did a public record request for the incident in 2021 and got the police report.
In 2021 my co-parents live in boyfriend broke into the home of an ex girlfriend with a gun. The ex was with her current partner at the time. He proceeded to beat both of them with the gun.
He then racked a round into the chamber and placed it against the head of the ex before beating the man some more. The man wound up have a skull fracture and had to be life flighted to the nearest hospital. The woman had a fractured hand and lacerations on her face.
I talked to my co-parent about this. She told me that in 2021 all that happened was her partner found another man in his bed and beat the man. I showed her the police report showing her what he had actually done and she said she wasn't aware of the gun being involved, of him pointing the gun at them or of the girl also being beat. She also downplayed the domestic violence incidents that had happened between her and the guy. She told me it was actually all her fault and she regrets calling the police.
I asked her, now that she knows these things, if she will be exposing our daughter to this man. And she said yes, because she loved him and knows he would never hurt our daughter.
I met with an attorney to formulate a plan to get my daughter away from this guy. We had a meeting today about it.
And the attorney basically said there is nothing that can be done because everything was dismissed. In the incident in 2021, the man was beat so badly that he sustained brain damage and did not remember the event. The ex later got back with the guy and refused to assist in prosecution. So there was no way to prosecute.
And my co-parents charges against him were all dropped by her. So right now... These count for absolutely nothing and can't be used in court. And because none of the events happened around our daughter yet, they aren't really an issue.
She told me that since we each have 50% custody already, there isn't much to be done. And there is currently nothing I can do to keep this guy away from my daughter.
I basically have to wait until he points a gun at my daughter and my daughter's mom or beats my daughter before I can take any kind of action. And even if he beats mom in front of my daughter, if I report it to CPS and CPS fails to substantiate because my daughter has been coached not to talk about this guy... Then it could make me look bad.
So basically... My daughter is living in an abusive home filled with firearms with a guy that beats her mom and has came just a couple of pounds of trigger pressure away from murdering a previous partner.
And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.
submitted by WTF_Conservatives to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:54 WTF_Conservatives Update: AITAH by not respecting my exes privacy and doing an investigation on her partner, who shares the home with our 10 year old daughter?

Hi all,
This is an update to the following thread:
I wish I had a happier update but after submitting this I did a public record request for the incident in 2021 and got the police report.
In 2021 my co-parents live in boyfriend broke into the home of an ex girlfriend with a gun. The ex was with her current partner at the time. He proceeded to beat both of them with the gun.
He then racked a round into the chamber and placed it against the head of the ex before beating the man some more. The man wound up have a skull fracture and had to be life flighted to the nearest hospital. The woman had a fractured hand and lacerations on her face.
I talked to my co-parent about this. She told me that in 2021 all that happened was her partner found another man in his bed and beat the man. I showed her the police report showing her what he had actually done and she said she wasn't aware of the gun being involved, of him pointing the gun at them or of the girl also being beat. She also downplayed the domestic violence incidents that had happened between her and the guy. She told me it was actually all her fault and she regrets calling the police.
I asked her, now that she knows these things, if she will be exposing our daughter to this man. And she said yes, because she loved him and knows he would never hurt our daughter.
I met with an attorney to formulate a plan to get my daughter away from this guy. We had a meeting today about it.
And the attorney basically said there is nothing that can be done because everything was dismissed. In the incident in 2021, the man was beat so badly that he sustained brain damage and did not remember the event. The ex later got back with the guy and refused to assist in prosecution. So there was no way to prosecute.
And my co-parents charges against him were all dropped by her. So right now... These count for absolutely nothing and can't be used in court. And because none of the events happened around our daughter yet, they aren't really an issue.
She told me that since we each have 50% custody already, there isn't much to be done. And there is currently nothing I can do to keep this guy away from my daughter.
I basically have to wait until he points a gun at my daughter and my daughter's mom or beats my daughter before I can take any kind of action. And even if he beats mom in front of my daughter, if I report it to CPS and CPS fails to substantiate because my daughter has been coached not to talk about this guy... Then it could make me look bad.
So basically... My daughter is living in an abusive home filled with firearms with a guy that beats her mom and has came just a couple of pounds of trigger pressure away from murdering a previous partner.
And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.
submitted by WTF_Conservatives to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:53 burnerback9 Should I consider adoption?

Hey guys
I'm 5 months pregnant and due in September. I'm a 23 YO girl who just got out of homelessness. I am in credit card debt, my score falls more and more each day, and I suffer from a range of mental illnesses (Depression, bipolar -doctors suspect, still need tests ran to confirm -ADHD, OCD, and anxiety)
I just got back into school, and I'm getting used to "being a student" again. Surprisingly, I'm doing very well - I actually graduated with the top of my class back in high school, so academics are something that have always come easy to me. As far as employment, I work an extremely part time job as of now and barely get any hours in. Before I went back to school, I was a notorious job hopper, mostly due to personal life reasons but a few reasons being job performance and anger out bursts + rage quitting at work.
before discovering how dysfunctional and incapable of fitting into society I was - it has always been a dream of mine to be a mom. I feel like I come from a very broken and estranged family, so being able to find/create a family of my own has always been the goal.
I have calmed down and started working on myself a few months before discovering I was pregnant. I plan on getting on medication as soon as my son arrives and I am actively looking for CBT therapists to hopefully help me become functional again. My patience has gotten better and my anger issues are also improving.
When I was a homeless dancer, I was on drugs (coke, alcohol, adderall, and made some wreckless and impulsive decisions, especially concerning my sexual safety). I slept with 4 guys, but all wore condoms except 2. I would have to request a paternity test from both of them to confirm who the father is, but the guy I really suspect is a long time FWB I had long before becoming homeless. I slept with him to get coke.
That should tell you enough about the mental aptitude of me and the father. He's actually in a good place financially and could help out with co-parenting but he's made it clear he doesn't want to be a father and even told me to go get an abortion even though I'm 5 months in.
I don't want to be associated with either of those two guys after my son is born.
I can't even afford my OBGYN visits - I have to figure out how to meet the deductible for my insurance company or I have to call an adoption agency and find a family who's willing to cover my labor and OBGYN appointments. I also heard horror stories of new borns being taken from their birth mother immediately after labor and I already know myself and know I wouldn't handle a situation like that. I would like to have AT LEAST 30 minutes of holding my baby or spending a few days in the hospital with him before he's taken from me.
I've convinced myself that if I were to put my son up for adoption, he would come back in my life but that is no guarantee. I'm convinced my financial situation will improve though, and I do think my mental health will be a lot better within the next 5 years but those are no guarantee either. With or without my child, I want to improve my life and I can feel myself never going back to what I was before. My plans are to get a job working assistant admin by next year since I'll have my associates, pay my credit card debt off, and by the time I graduate with my bachelor's, I hope I can land a better paying admin job.
I already know once my son is here, and if I have to give him up for adoption, I'll live everyday with a bitter and broken heart. I was already kind of detached and cold and felt so spiteful and bitter about the world before he came, when I have to give him up, I know I'll be hurt yet again by the world, but at the same time I would love with soooo much relief knowing he's in the hands of a loving two parent home with all the resources he needs. And if something happens with the adoption/foster care system, I pray I'll be in a better financial situation by then and let him come back home.
submitted by burnerback9 to birthparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:53 bobrewer_ LONGING LETTERS

Red brick castles stacked the suburban streets. Divided by side yards and dogs barking. The sun laid crisp over the spliced horizon, spilling yolk over the withering lawns.
Henry waited in his lawn chair beside the mailbox. As his body had taken recent liberties, he'd remained fit from his army training. His throat rumbled as he checked his silver watch. Finally, the postman flushed the corner, and stumbled to Henry's curb, to his bag, then to his letter.
"'re late, Lenny," Henry pulled his readers.
Lenny, the paperboy, regained his choppy breath. Coke-bottle glasses stored his tortoise eyes. They surveyed the concrete corridor they called Gerben Street, "I'm sorry, Mr. Bronson, I really am. I never meant to keep you waiting... I'm sorry, Henry."
Henry didn't answer the boy, tore the envelope with ape's elegance. Pranced the script of his lover's ink. The letter had traveled from Paris, France, skidded the black waves of the Atlantic Ocean, hitched buses, bikes, and buggies, all to kiss the smooth of Henry's palms.
The words were from his lover, Amélie, he'd met at war in an escapade to Bordeaux. It was here he'd kissed her cherry cheeks, and they'd made love only a year before.
Amélie talked of finer things, life and love and silver tastes. She yearned for Henry, and hadn't taken a lover since. Sleeping all alone, cold as the sleepy ocean in between them.
Those four letters, strung together. Followed by that name, that haunted, horrible, beautiful name. The music of Henry's life, a distant harp in a sway of windy trees.
Henry spent all night beneath a dancing candle. Scribbling, nixing, finding the perfect words. Rifling through Shakespeare, and Plath, and Wilde. It was at the page's end, Henry wrote, what he knew he'd write in the weeks and weeks before:
"Oh, Amélie, won't you visit me? Here in the States? I know you don't like the food. I don't either, but with each other, me with you, and you with me, we'll ever, never notice."
He entered the post office that morning, and his reply was off to France. The weeks and weeks had passed again, crawling to November's end. Henry waited by that same mailbox, and waited, and waited, but nothing arrived in the days after.
He entered the post office that cold evening, and met the clerk, who's eyes tired with crescent glints. Henry demanded his mail be delivered to him, scolding the patient clerk, providing his address thereafter.
The clerk, a powdered, faded beauty of a woman, "we had a change in paperboys. We're putting a new employee on that route by Gerben Street."
"Oh no, that's a shame," Henry dampened. He enjoyed the paperboy, Lenny, and his weekly company. He'd felt shame for their final, frustrated exchange. The clerk retreated to a backroom, and returned with a letter from France.
Henry couldn't help himself. He ripped and ripped the note naked. Read the first and fourth and tens of lines.
"There isn't a night I don't think of you. I wander stars wondering if you do too. Your touch, your breath, your arms. I receive the memory fondly in a summer's dream, and I don't forget a word you've said along the way. I love you, Henry Bronson. And this ocean, though far and wide, won't stop the heart from sailing. Because our children will know silver dreams too, and what parents we'd be to not make them true. You are the love of my life. The music of my night.
I'll arrive in Savannah on the evening of Christmas Eve.
The words strummed his chest. Henry rose his eyes to the world anew, because Amélie, his beloved Amélie——was coming to visit at last.
Henry was paralyzed in weeks to come. His lawn, unattended, his sink, stacked with dishes. He stared his only photo of Amélie, smiling at her blushed eyes for hours and hours and hours. In this love he'd been born again, a new meaning in every little thing.
It was finally time——Christmas Eve. Snow peppered the sheets of the crystal tarmac. Henry entered the airport, propelled by the stride of anxious confidence. He coursed the halls, until he'd arrived at the final gate:
Minutes became years, years decades. He walked to the bar and asked for a glass of water. Flushed his throat with fretting sips, and noticed the custodian who mopped spilled coffee. A familiar face, though, Henry couldn't pin him. He approached, and to his surprise, it was the old paperboy, Lenny.
They shared a laugh and began to catch up. Henry's eyes flirting with the gate:
Lenny rambled, "they canned me without warning, right before the holidays. I've struggled to make due, but——I guess it's all worked out okay," he paused, "funny enough——I was en route to deliver on your street before I got the call. Gerben Street, right?"
Henry's heart thumped like a derby horse. He glanced the snow that flaked the window.
"Yeah, Gerben."
"Gerben, yeah, I thought I remembered," Lenny nodded, "you know, Mr. Bronson, I think I left your letter in my backpack, actually. Would you like me to check?"
Lenny was off, and as he left, Frenchmen, women, and decadent Americans flooded the gate's entrance. Pulling luggage, sighing stretches, lending hugs. Henry watched carefully for his cherry, silver dream. To each face, he paid his attention. Lenny nudged Henry, handed over the envelope.
"Thanks," Henry took the note, "Merry Christmas... I'll see you around, I hope."
"Sure," Lenny shuddered in embarrassment. His somber step parted from Henry, he replied with a mumbled, "Merry Christmas."
In the later minutes, Henry didn't see Amélie, or even a confused resemblance. He waited till the plane was empty, till the Spain-bound passengers began to board. He even checked the desk, where a pretty-faced lady exclaimed, "no Amélie here, I'm sorry." With great disappointment, Henry exited the airport, never leaving the sight of his fluttered feet.
Even for Henry, a man of hope and perseverance, it was too hard not to cry. He hailed a taxi, directed the driver with snotty tremble, and soon enough, he was home in his red brick house, at home where the houses stacked the streets, and the streets tickled with frost.
In that dark room, where Henry wrote Amélie, was where the music died. Where the wind had swallowed the galloped harp. Henry cried, cursed himself a fool. A fool, a fool, a fool. He'd hoped as a child, now damned a hopeless recluse. His sorrow turned to confusion, confusion to frustration, frustration to rage anew.
He leapt from his chair, struck a match, lit a wick, plucked a pen, placed his paper, and before the ink would paint the page, before he'd damn Amélie to Hell, her and her cherry cheeks, he remembered the letter the paperboy had given him.
Henry removed the crumpled letter from his coat, peeled the stick of the envelope. Slipped the letter from its sleeve, pulled his readers, and began to prance the ink in reading.
Amélie, again, talked of finer things. Gifts, and gods, and golden fountains.
She couldn't wait any longer, to meet her beloved Henry.
She couldn't sleep another night, with this space between.
The black waves, the buses, bikes and buggies. All the things from her to he.
It should not wait. No, it could not wait any longer.
Henry dabbed his eyes clear and clean, as he read the final words:
"Henry, oh, Henry, I never meant to keep you waiting. You never quite knew what you meant to me."
Henry lowered his eyes to the page's end, to the bottom of the longing letter:
Yours Truly,
submitted by bobrewer_ to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:52 SjSports Moving to Sydney advice

Hey everyone,
I’m moving to Sydney from London at the end of August, having received my TSS 482 visa for a role in audit. I’m hoping to sort as much out as possible before moving in order for the move to be as smooth as possible for me. I was hoping to get some help with the following questions in relation to Sydney/Australia in general:
  1. What bank would you recommend I open an account with? CBA, ING, ANZ, and HSBC seem to be the most popular online.
  2. What are the best areas to move to? I’ll be working in Circular Quay, and was hoping to be around the Darlinghurst area, or elsewhere in the inner-city. Also, what is the standard rent in this area?
  3. Given I’d be moving to Sydney hardly knowing anyone, would it be better for me to find a shared house through Flatmates?
  4. Also, what are the best ways to meet new people and make friends?
  5. What are the best Private Medical Insurance providers, and can I sign up to one before moving?
  6. Am I able to apply for a Tax File Number before moving, or is it better to wait until I get there?
  7. How easy is it to obtain an Australian drivers license, given I have a UK license (and can easily obtain an International license)?
  8. Which network provider should I sign up with in terms of a phone contract?
  9. What is the public transport in Sydney like? Do they run until late?
  10. How expensive are groceries and furniture?
  11. Is there anything else I should know/any other advice that could be provided?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated 😊
submitted by SjSports to AskAnAustralian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:47 NoEnergy5597 Why the *#$+ can't I beat to be a hero?

I was going through all the VR challenges following optinoobs guides and others posts and seeing that rulers/bonds is the hardest and once you do that, to be a hero is just a "victory lap" because it's so easy. Alright then so why am i struggling so much on this shit? I one shot both rulers and bonds and I'm on attempt... Idk 15 at this point on to be a hero and it's genuinely just starting to suck the life out of me to finish the games platinum. I'm so fucking close and THIS is what is holding me up? The supposed easiest VR mission and I'm getting creamed time and time again while following the guide step by step to the letter and bad RNG is getting me nearly every damn time on quite a few of these different fights...
I've made it to Odin once and it unfortunately fell apart and in 10 or so tries I have yet to get back to Odin either dieing to the jabberwocky/Alex/Bahamut.
What the fuck dude. How is this the easy one lol? Zack felt far more useful than Sephiroth in Bonds and for some reason the timing of some bosses during "critical moments" in a fight tends to vary slightly to the point that if RNG can straight up kill your run...
Anyone got any advice aside from "taking a break" because I've already taken a break and just came back because I want it to be DONE. 280 hours in this game and I'm basically right at the finish line and this is what's stopping me...
submitted by NoEnergy5597 to FF7Rebirth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:47 Randy_Giles1880 Second time husband has been caught cheating.

The first time, he was on tinder only put pictures with his body showing (he is in great shape) he was on tinder for a year and a half and only met up with one person on the side of the road, at night, going on a run. It took a year for me to ever be intimate with him again. Just recently, these past three months I have finally felt content and I was hopeful for our marriage. I told him I forgive him fully and never loved him more. We have been through a lot of traumatic things together and asked to never hurt me again.
An old friend of mine messaged me a few days ago, with a tinder profile of my husband. This time 7 photos of him fighting and shirtless and in his underwear showing his face. She matched him and she asked about me, he unmatched her. I confronted him he said. That we do not have enough sex and he wanted more and he was only 30% sure he was going to follow through with it and was only on it 4 days before getting caught. He did not try to cheat on me when we had no sex for a year. Suddenly I start having sex with him again and he said it made him want more. I just had a major surgery 4 months ago for a rare compression. I also have more health issues and another medical procedure coming up.
We have a young child together who is very clingy. My husband works 46-50 hour weeks. But we have gotten a lot of financial help from my father’s money who died 3 weeks before my son was born. So he isn’t the only one that contributes to our household. He even had to take my car because he didn’t want to pay to fix his. But still I am grateful and praise him for his hard work. When he gets home, I have eveything taken care of, dinner made so he can just relax for an hour and then we have to get ready for bed. Our child is about to start kindergarten, I told him it will be easier to have some time together then. I also have taught our son to read, write, add, subtract, and he knows his multiplications already before even going to school. I put a lot of my energy into our child. I quit drinking and smoking when I found out I was pregnant and never touched it again. I understand what it’s like to have an itch. I just never acted on mine.
Unfortunately, our sex life is not the greatest. Mostly it consists of oral and hand jobs at most 5 times a week. They are short lived as my son will ask for me. I’m still scared of penetration since he gave me an sti last time that spread to my reproductive organs. But I have had it. I feel like he would cheat regardless, but I still feel at fault. We had a long talk where I got him to stop saying if we had more he would not of looked to cheat, that it was about variety that’s what it was about last time. He also thought if he scratched the itch and actually had a good experience sleeping with other people that he would be able to stop thinking about it. I told him it would do the opposite as when he cheated the last time he had issues getting hard with me.
I feel like an idiot typing this out. He’s a good father. I don’t think I can ever trust him again. Divorce is not an option for me. He now agrees with me and says he is happy he got caught now because he would have made things worse. I can’t help feeling that some of it is my fault though. That I am not giving enough. I asked how much he would need then to not cheat and he said “every day, I don’t know.” And he said it has to be vaginal sex. He can’t even give me straight answers. I don’t think he could have sex everyday with his work schedule and a girl on tinder, but who knows. I don’t know what I’m asking after. Just if anyone can decipher this mess and give me some sort of advice on how to come to terms with this situation.
submitted by Randy_Giles1880 to LifeAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:46 cute_physics_guy The only good thing of X-Men 97 was it got me interested in X-Men again.

Begin rant:
I read X-Men in the 90s, I got a ton of backissues back then, and I ended up having hundreds of comics that I still have today. I got out of it a couple of times, when Age of Apocalypse came along, I thought they really cancelled all of the main series, and I was pretty upset. A few years later, I found out that was only temporary, so I started collecting again until around the time of "The New X-Men" which had poor art, bad storylines, and they killed some of my favorite characters like Colossus and Psylocke.
I was really excited for X-Men 97, until I saw the first trailer...... where it had Gambit riding Wolverine like a lawn mower and charging his claws.
That was one of the dumbest scenes I had ever seen, something that a 10 year old would come up with, and they actually animated it. In that retcon they gave Wolverine super strength so a 6'5'' man could stand on top of him and it didn't phase his running, and they gave him invincibility so his claws exploding didn't hurt him at all.
From what I can tell the whole series is like that, power retcon after power retcon, story retcon after story retcon, fanboy after fanboy going "nO thAt's bAdaSS." One of the reasons the X-Men was interesting is that they didn't just keep on giving them new powers back in the 70s-90s, sure it happened occasionally, but most of the time it was finding new ways to use their powers. Like when Colossus fought Juggernaught, Juggernaught gets him into a hold, and to escape Colossus reverts to his smaller human form to slip out and then changes again. They didn't do this stand on a running Wolverine b/s.
I had a discussion in another form of I thought of one of the stupidest things they could do and I said "next, since Cyclops can now push himself back with backblast, they will have him flying around like Banshee", and a user responded "that sounds pretty badass". I didn't even know how to respond to someone liking the stupid idea I proposed.
BACK IN MY DAY.... there would have been a bunch of letters to Marvel appearing in X-Mail saying "STOP DOING THIS STUPID STUFF", but now days there's a mindless cult following eating every stupid retcon up like it's the most brilliant thing ever.
The only good thing I can see that came from that series was it actually got me interested in X-Men again. Now with all the digital comics, I can actually go back and read stories that I couldn't buy back in the day.
End rant.
submitted by cute_physics_guy to FuckMarvel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:39 CAPTNBALLS Am I Gifted?

So I am not sure if I have abilities others don't or if I am more sensitive than the average person,
Background, I grew up in a haunted house but never experienced anything really outside of feeling like someone may be watching me, I had heard from other family what they had experienced when I was too young to remember.
As I got older I have always been different from most, however I have some mental issues, bipolar,ptsd,anxiety,addiction
I've always had vary vivid dreams from a young age, as I've gotten older I was very depressed and stuck to myself being homeschooled after the fith grade, I got into drugs at 17 and became addicted to various substances plus my mental illness went wild, however I no longer take substances outside of cannabis and mushrooms. I'm also as stable as I can been on medications.
As I moved out of the house at 13 to another I would get nightmares being in the old house and I would be getting tormented by spirits, It started as just a haunted house trying to scare me, then I got mad because of the occurrence and would be in a vivid dream taunting it, never really winning it would laugh or only show itself when it wanted to not me.
In my dreams I will see my loved ones like normal but be able to tell that isn't them and will notice and then my dreams get weird and I either wake up or try to get away, I'm aware now and don't get them as often but it was terrifying at a point.
I got into reading the satanic bible, lucifieran bible and necronomicon, at one point, during this I had a vivid dream I wasn't on this planet and went to a place that was dark with odd terain and glowing green water, however I had a dream I was going into a church and instead of a normal pastor it was a demonic one and had a cloak over his face , I had a rosary with a bone and gave it to him, accepting that I don't have power in my dreams and am sorry for taunting the spirits in my reoccurring nightmares, it went down to know I only have them rarely and know what's going on everytime it happens again.
During my addictions I have experienced sleep paralysis and it was terrifying, like a demonic smoke figure in a cloak looking at me feeding of the fear,
I have had my aunt pass and visit me in my dreams, I have had my grandpa pass and visit me in my dreams, I didn't get to say goodbye, and got closure in my dream, I woke up feeling like the hug was real.
I knew the night before my grandpa passed he was going to had a gut feeling but I decided not to follow that instinct, next morning I woke up to uncle banging the door however my dream was a old guy in a room that didn't have anything, just sitting infront of me no conversation, woke up and my grandpa was gone, feel it was him but didn't wanna show me it was him yet.
Anymore my nightmares if I have them are usually still in the old house and has to do with a spirit trying to take the shape of my loved ones, I have never seen the spirit responsible, only felt it in my dreams and heard laughs when I try to be more powerful than it.
Not super long ago I had a dream a tornado was coming for me at my current house, we had stroms not super long after and while it wasn't my house it hit 30 minutes away from me and my girlfriends step dads house got hit.
I feel like I am sensitive to energy, I can sense the feelings of being watched at times, getting goosebumps and hair standing up not due to the cold but somthing around, especially when I talk to people or give them tarot card readings, I can end up with my hairs standing or goosebumps if the conversation felt like it resonates with me.
I have an amazing relationship with my girlfriend, we I belive are twin flames, so similar, almost like we can read eachothers minds at times and say the same things at the same time often or can guess what she's about to say at times, but I also feel whenever her energy shifts and so does she if mine shifts.
I can sense if a person is good or bad, I can also at times sense somthing bad a long time in advance before it actually happens. Unfortunately.
One of the best new experiences I have had was taking mushrooms with my girlfriend for healing, I do it somewhat often, helped with grief , addictions, mental health, spirituality,
It brings us closer together and helps us both to heal, I didn't know it was possible but we managed to be able to use our energy on eachother while tripping and have what feels like full on sex without any touching involved, it can last for a long time too, this has happened the last 3-4 times we have tripped once we discovered how to tap into each other's minds. It's almost better than having actual sex, I feel like we leave our bodies and full on merge together as one during this time.
Now this is were it gets weird , a few days back we went to a place in amish country and once inside I noticed it felt off, however to not waste money and with everyone posting such good reviews figured we would stay and take mushrooms for healing as we do about once every month - 2 months,
I had the feeling in this house that the loft and basement were bad places to be, like being watched and feeling like there was somthing in this house, not sure what but something the first floor felt the best but still uneasy,
We had grabbed a clock from downstairs, plugged things into this one outlet next to the stairs and clock prior to taking mushrooms, they were charging, clock worked. Outlet worked, downstairs had a weird sad vibe to it ,weird musty smell also Sulphur smells randomly and even the water smelled like Sulphur there was a hornet in the toilet when we got there and had to flush it, also was 2 stains on the cieling in basement, not sure if it was water leak or if someone may have passed in the house and it soaked thru the ceiling of basement.
We wanted to paint eachother as we took the mushrooms, we did this until they started to kick in and once they kicked in we went and started fear and loathing in lost vegas, once I started getting closed eye visuals and working on my innerwork, my girlfriend felt like she wanted to go downstairs to lay in bed,
We stayed in bed holding eachother , bonding, eventually tuning into eachothers energy having sex without actually having it, then we couldn't hold back anymore and actually had sex, however we stayed down there until the trip wore off, it was about 3 am and everything switched on us.
She was feeling really sad and like she wanted to leave this place, I felt like I was being watched down there and somthing bad had happened in the past, I went to go upstairs was kinda afraid to alone but eventually went upstairs because she wouldn't at the time, tried to charge my phone and the outlet and clock didn't work anymore, I had been talking about leaving the house because she was feeling targeted and I felt like it didn't like either of us but like it wanted to feed off her if she went to sleep.
We went upstairs at a point and when I was asking if there were spirit's in the house and that if so I meant no disrespect and will only be staying until we could leave in the morning safely, as I would talk about the spirits seemed like my girlfriend would feel sick, same as being in the bed, very sad while downstairs.
I opened a bible and it was weird it didn't even feel like real paper , it also was moving by itself somewhat like working against me or moving for me to point out things, the clock on the wall was moving way faster than normal after this,
I tried getting her to leave , I didn't want to stay anylonger but knew we had to wait until sunlight atleast, she fell asleep and I was sitting next to her in this erie basement, had to turn the fan on because felt like if it was quiet I would loose it, what's not normal is the fact that she went to sleep and didn't really move, make sounds or anything like usual. I felt like I could hear people upstairs as she was asleep, almost like music was playing or a man signing and it was on repeat it would come and go, such low volume but also loud , the fan in the mix didn't help but I didn't wanna hear it anylouder.
I ended up trying to sleep and kinda did for a few hours but no dream I was hoping I would have a vivid dream of what happened in this house.
In the morning got our stuff packed up and left, before leaving I had used a ghost box. Told the spirit we were about to leave and as my girlfriend was going to the car it talked, then when she came back inside I left the ghostbox going and it talked while we were both there. I told it that we are leaving and this is your house but you are not welcome to come with us. Right as I opened the door I got a whiff of sulphur and as we left the house sulphur smell followed for a while.
Went to a shop got sage, used it before we got home, then yesterday unpacked from our trip and I made the joke about hopefully nothing came back with us from there. I went fishing and used the scissors from the house, i forgot to put them back so I have them. I saged our room, bags, clothes and once I found it left it outside in our burn barrel, didn't wanna risk it being in the house.
Last night we should have gotten good rest tho and we did not so I wonder if it had to do with those scissors coming from that house. 🤔
Anyways, long story but honest opinion would be helpful and on top of that if theres a way to strengthen my senses and all that would love to know!
submitted by CAPTNBALLS to BabyWitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:38 Agile-Shower-9055 Get me a "white" agent

Today is my last day at work. My company works as a 3rd party administrator that assist employer and employee regarding their benefits.
I have this member calling why their benefits was terminated and I told the member because they did not pay for April that's why account was termed. I advised them they can request for a reinstatement but needs to send a letter for appeal, not guaranteed. The employee and his spouse started yelling at me saying they paid April and they used their credit card to pay which I told them "that's not possible since the website doesn't accept cc/debit card but must linked their bank from a checking/savings account to pay". Again, they continued yelling that they paid and while they are checking their bank for charges they started being racist saying I am not in the US and wanted to speak to someone state side. I told them I am in TX and they said I am lying and they need my home address so they can verify if I am within the US which I told them I am not providing my home address. For context, I am an immigrant. I can communicate well in English but you can still hear the accent. These people asked for a Manager and said "your Manager better be white" which I told them my manager is not white but she is Mexican. They got even more mad and started cussing me out and wanted to speak to someone "we wanted to speak to someone who's white and our kind because they understand us better than immigrants like you" their words.
They eventually hang up and said I wasted their time.
I am so done with this, my next job doesn't require speaking to people over the phone so I am excited.
submitted by Agile-Shower-9055 to talesfromcallcenters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:35 Such-Page-5563 Storage unit

I need emergency assistance with my Storage payment. I have my stuff stored in a friend of mine's garage. I lost my parents house in 2021 and the reason why because me taking over the house payment was unexpected I lost my mother and father in 2019 my mother was sick so we was prepared for her death but not my father he was diagnosed with cancer in 2018 and passed away March 2019 and then my mother followed July 2019 I was a caregiver for my mother for two years so I took a huge pay cut stay home but at that didn't matter to me I wouldn't change that for anything but when my father passed away I had to take over things that I wasn't prepared for and still was taking care of my mother I tried my best to keep up with the house but it fell through so I lost the house September 2021. Due to the setback of me being home with my mother it was hard for me to get back on track especially losing my parents so close together. So what I'm getting at is in September of 2021 when I lost the home I had a friend of mine let me store my personal belongings and lots of my parents' personal belongings in his shed because I could not afford to get a storage unit I still can't afford it. In April he came to me with some unexpected news but he wasn't prepared for either his daughter was going through a divorce and she needed to store her stuff in the shed so I had to get my stuff out with that being said I had to find a storage unit still expensive for me but I can't afford to lose my stuff and I had to leave a lot of stuff behind because I couldn't fit it in the storage unit. The reason why I'm behind on my storage unit in February there was money stolen out of my bank with some online transactions in the amount of $2,000 dollars so therefore identity theft I canceled my card and I'm waiting on my new card to arrive and I knew what day it was coming because I had it expedited so on the day that the card arrived I was out running some errands I get home to check the mail and there's no card so I quickly get on my phone call the bank and ask them where my card is and they said what do you mean it's been activated and there's been two $500 withdrawals and $50 varo charge. I was so Furious and confused on what in the hell is going. So the bank tells me all I need to do fill out some paperwork and the investigation that could take up to 90 days so I do all that about a week later I called check on the status of the situation and I now have to go down and make a police report so I did that and I still have not received my money, that's why my storage unit is behind I have a lien on my storage unit I kept in contact with them about this and they were okay with it and now they're saying that there's nothing they can do so at the end of June if I do it will be going up for auction sometime in July and I do not want to lose what I have left it would be greatly appreciated if someone can find it in their heart to help me there's a lot of memories in that storage unit. I'll show police report you can even call the police station I have the police officer's name who I made the report and if anyone's willing to help me the payments could directly go to the storage unit so you know it's going for a good cause. Thank you in advance have a blessed day!
submitted by Such-Page-5563 to pleasehelpmewith [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:34 Moss-on-a-rock School email?

I’m going to Guelph next year and recently set up my school email. I was just wondering if it has some kind of character limit? It’s the first letter of my first name followed by my last name, but the last letter is missing. I worry that only the last letter being missing is going to cause a lot of confusion (including people misspelling/mispronouncing my name). Is it possible for this to be changed?
submitted by Moss-on-a-rock to uoguelph [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:34 Rosehus12 Why my MD asked me to follow up with NP ?

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. I had my first visit with a GI medical doctor at Cleveland Clinic to get an evaluation for my long history of Crohn's condition, he requested MRI and colonoscopy and he asked to follow up with NP to discuss the results.
My question is, why did he ask me to discuss the results with an NP instead of him? My condition is complex but in remission and I need a doctor to make the right decision and how I'll continue treatment, especially that I'm a new patient for him, I only had one office visit with him.
I'm assuming that MDs supervise NPs about the results and they "tell them" offline if the patient needs specific treatment or not because they're busy and the NP is helping. Or do MDs leave all the decision making to the NP?
submitted by Rosehus12 to Noctor [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:28 MJonesBYU Reasonable billing for Dry Eyes?

I have dry eyes, it was found in a prior visit. In this follow up the OD ordered did a tear test, it's 50% blocked for both eyes.
Ordered prescription eye drops to help (but optional), or OTC lubricant + hot pad.
At beginning the did basic eye chart, and for the combined services i just got a bill with the code 99214 with a "level 4" note and 92285.
Just checking. seems excessive to me as it's not urgent to the OR, nor was it a discovered problem in the appt. But not a medical coder. Hoping you can share insight. Thanks!
submitted by MJonesBYU to CodingandBilling [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:19 Agreeable_Salad7448 Apostle Paul vs Prophet Muhammad

DISCLAIMER: This respectful and civil debate is oriented towards muslims. For the sake of the moderators time and also the readers I will only list 5 problems I've found. But don't worry I have 20 more to post if this post has more traffic!
According to the Quran, Jesus was a prophet of Islam, his followers were Muslims and the gospel is the inspired preserved authoritative word of Allah. But when we go to our earliest records, we find Jesus claiming to be the Divine Son of God who would die on the cross for sins and rise from the dead. Jesus followers proclaimed him as their Risen Lord, the gospel that Christians have been reading for nearly 2,000 years tells us that "Anyone who claims to be a prophet, rejects Jesus death, resurrection and deity is a false prophet and an antichrist" - 1 John 2:22, a verse to remember.
Problem 1. Earlier Records for Paul's Life than for Muhammad's Life - Our records of Paul's life are much earlier than our records of Muhammad's life. And here I don't just mean that Paul came centuries before Muhammad and so we have earlier sources for Paul's life, I mean that when we talk about the teachings and deeds of Paul the biographical sources we use are much closer to the events they report than the biographical sources we use when we talk about the teachings and deeds of Muhammad. Our earliest biographical sources on Paul were written during the lifetime of Paul. The book of Acts for example was written in the early 60s before Paul was martyred, and it was written by a traveling companion of Paul who was an eyewitness to many of the details he reports. We also have numerous letters written by Paul himself. Our earliest detailed biographical source on Muhammad is the sirah (biographical literature), especially the work of Ibn Ishaq (d. 768) which was written more than a century after Muhammad's death. And we don't even have what Ibn Ishaq actually wrote. We have an Abridged version that was sanitized by a later scholar and we shouldn't forget that many Muslims don't trust Ibn Ishaq. When Muslims quote stories about Muhammad, they're usually getting their information from sources like Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, which were written two centuries after the time of Muhammad.
Problem 1.1. But it gets worse... The main reason for composing works like Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim was that Muslims were composing so many false stories about Muhammad, people didn't know what to believe. Scholars like Bukari decided that they needed to collect stories they thought were accurate in order to distinguish them from the ever increasing supply of false narrations. Now if Muslims during the time of Bukhari were inventing stories about Muhammad, what about the generation before that, and the generation before that..? And the generation before that? Two centuries is a lot of time to make things up, that's why it's always good to have sources written within the lifetime of the person you want to know about or at least within the lifetimes of the eyewitnesses. When we learn about Paul we learn about him through first generation eyewitness accounts. When we learn about Muhammad, we learn about him through late sources written by people who didn't know him, whose parents didn't know him and whose grandparents didn't know him. People who were fishing for historical facts in a sea of fabrication and deception. A few years ago the crumbling historical foundations for the life of Muhammad led the Islamic scholar Muhammad Sven Kalisch to conclude that Muhammad probably never existed. I don't agree with Dr Kalisch's conclusion about Muhammad's existence, but when even Muslim Scholars are starting to recognize how difficult it's become to take Muslim sources seriously our confidence in the historical Muhammad vanishes.
Problem 2. Paul Was a brillian scholar; Muhammad Was Not - The Apostle Paul was a brilliant scholar who defended his views in Athens, the intellectual capital of the ancient world, and in other major cities. He had discussions with the Stoic and Epicurian philosophers of his day and he could quote their sources to them. Even Anthony Flu, one of the 20th Century's most impressive critics of Christianity, said that the Apostle Paul possessed a first class philosophical mind. Muhammad by contrast was an illiterate 7th Century Caravan Trader. Now being an illiterate 7th Century Caravan Trader doesn't make you wrong, just as being a brilliant scholar doesn't make you right. But when we're dealing with claims about history and theology and various other topics having some sort of education helps. Not having an education leaves you open to obviously false revelations because you don't know enough to recognize them as false. This is why we find Muhammad telling his followers that Dhul-Qarnain traveled so far west he found the place where the sun sets, and that stars are missile that Allah uses to shoot demons, and that semen is formed between the backbone and the ribs. These are exactly the sort of absurdities we would expect from someone who has no clue what he's talking about, and who therefore has no clue whether his revelations line up with reality.
Problem 3. Paul knew the Old Testament; Muhammad Did Not - The Apostle Paul was a Pharisee who studied under Rabban Gamaliel II, one of the greatest Jewish rabbis of the first century. Paul knew the Old Testament inside and out which is why he quotes the Old Testament so frequently in his writings. This is important because Jesus claimed to fulfill a variety of Old Testament prophecies and you can't really examine this claim if you don't know what the Old Testament says. Muhammad was almost completely ignorant of the Old Testament because his knowledge of the Jewish scriptures was limited to what he heard in conversations. Not surprisingly despite Muhammad's numerous interactions with Jews in Arabia the Quran contains very few quotations from the Old Testament. Due to his ignorance of the scriptures Muhammad couldn't tell the difference between stories that were in the Torah and therefore divine revelation and stories from later Jewish writings and commentaries some of which were so late and so obviously fabricated they weren't far beyond the level of bedtime stories. Imagine how amusing it must be for someone who specializes in Jewish literature, to read the Quran and find so many fables being presented to Muslims as Revelation. Cain being taught how to bury the dead by a raven (al-Ma`idah (The Table, The Table Spread) 5:31), Solomon listening to a speech by an ant (Surah An-Naml - 15-25). But Muhammad just didn't know enough to distinguish scripture from non-scripture. Muhammad's ignorance of the Old Testament is also noteworthy because, like Jesus, he claimed to fulfill Old Testament prophecies. If Muhammad had been more knowledgeable of the Torah, he would have known that he couldn't possibly be a prophet for numerous reasons. For instance:
Problem 3.1 Muslim sources report that Muhammad once delivered what are now called "The Satanic Verses" to his followers. These verses promoted prayers to three pagan goddesses, Al-Lat and Al-'Uzza and Manat (Surah 53:19-20). Muhammad bowed down in honor of these polytheistic verses and his followers bowed down with him. But a little later Gabriel confronted Muhammad about his sin, Muhammad confessed in the history of AT-TABARI 6:111. So Muhammad admitted that he delivered a revelation that didn't really come from God. Why is this important? Well in Deuteronomy 18:20 "God declares but a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods is to be put to death".
Problem 3.2 Muslims claim that they respect Moses, but if Muhammad had delivered "The Satanic Verses" during the time of Moses, Moses would have ordered the people to pick up stones and stone him to death as the most obvious false prophet in history. Muhammad didn't realize this due to his lack of familiarity with the Jewish scriptures.
Problem 4. Paul Was a Contemporary of Jesus Muhammad was not - The apostle Paul was a contemporary of Jesus and he spent much of his time in first century Israel, this put Paul in a perfect position to gain accurate historical information about Jesus. If you want reliable information about a person it's pretty helpful being a member of the person's own generation. And Paul was right there. Muhammad was born more than half a millennium after Jesus death in a completely different country. Since he couldn't read, apart from Divine Revelation his knowledge of Jesus was limited to whatever stories were popular in 7th Century Arabia. This is why when we read the Quran we find so many stories about Jesus that are known to be forgeries. Mary giving birth under a palm tree Surah Maryam - 16-26, Jesus preaching when he was still a baby Surat Maryam [19:29-34], Jesus giving life to clay birds Surah Al-Ma'idah - 110. We know where these stories come from, and they don't come from the first century.
Problem 5. Paul Spoke the Relevant Lanugaes Muhammad Didn't - The Apostle Paul was fluent in Hebrew Aramaic and Greek. All of the languages necessary for understanding the Old Testament, the claims of Jesus and the earliest Christian writings. Muhammad couldn't speak any of the relevant languages so any attempt to understand the Old Testament, the claims of Jesus, or the earliest Christian writings would have required the help of interpreters. I normally wouldn't bring this up as a problem, but since Muslims are obsessed with reading the Quran in the original Arabic, we can only assume that the writings of Moses, the teachings of Jesus and the writings of Jesus followers can only be understood in the original languages. Paul could do that, Muhammad couldn't. Muhammad's ignorance of the original languages leads to further problems: For example the Quran refers to the book revealed through, Jesus as the "Injil", but the Arabic word Injil is ultimately derived from the Greek word "Evangelion" meaning good news. So according to the Quran the book, revealed through Jesus was written in Greek, this makes absolutely no sense if Jesus was only sent to his fellow Jews as Islam claims, but it makes perfect sense if Jesus message was for the rest of the world as well since Greek was the international language of the time. Interestingly the New Testament gospels were written in Greek, exactly what we would expect given the quran's use of the term Injil, but quite unexpected given Muhammad's notion of Jesus life and mission, not to mention Muhammad's conviction that Revelations can't be translated. Quite hypocritical indeed.
submitted by Agreeable_Salad7448 to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:18 Middle_Throwaway2244 Ex harassing me and my family for 5 years

I dated my ex boyfriend for a year and a half between 2018-2019. He is 17 years my senior and has some diagnosed mental disorders. I was young and truly believe I was groomed by him. During the period we were together, I also worked for him at his small business. Our relationship was unhealthy to say the least.
We had an incident one night (summer 2019) where he grabbed me by the throat, and pushed me against a wall. After that traumatic incident, things about our relationship changed and I wanted it to end. I had told him I didn't want a relationship with him but he insisted on continuing to see me and try to win me back. I continued to see him but less frequently, and officially ended things on January 2020, when I told him I no longer wanted to see him anymore. I was living at my family's house at the time. After that, he started flooding me with text messages and emails begging me to reconsider. He told me he would commit suicide because of our breakup. He also refused to return my things that were left in his apartment. I tried keeping things cordial for 6 months by answering texts, being nice, and assuring him we can keep in touch. By the summer of 2020, I had enough of the daily calls and texts and told him I needed a break from communication. That's when things started getting bad.
He started sending me gifts using my parent's address (he must have gotten the address through an Amazon account). I texted him telling him that I did not want anything sent to my family's house but he never listened. He also would message me on different numbers pretending to be someone else, make up stories about him committing suicide, to see my reaction. At this point, I blocked him and all the numbers he would message me on.
The first police report I opened was on 2022 when he sent me the following message:
"I am moving several explicit photos of you on work laptop because I need space on the USB drive. There isn't a password on the laptop and all of the team can use it but I don't think they'll notice it there. It's not my fault if it gets hacked and released on the internet. That isn't my problem anymore. If you have any objection to this you can message me."
The police said his wording doesn't constitute "revenge porn" since he didn't post it, he just moved it to another device. I also filed a PFA/restraining order against him at that time. He has never been served since he doesn't have a trackable address and regularly leaves the country for work and spends months outside the country at a time.
Things continue to escalate between 2022-now as he sends letters addressed to my father with embarrassing and intimate details about our relationship, packages with lingerie and my things, and pictures of me drinking (my family is very conservative and he knows this). I continue to take these letters and packages to the police station, but I feel like nothing has been done to stop the harassment. He has caused so much torment in my life. I'm paranoid all the time. I feel depressed and isolated. I just want it to stop.
I have a temporary PFA that's valid for another year but I am unsure how to serve him since he continues to leave the country and no one knows when he get's back. Is there a Constable or professional I can hire to serve him papers? What kind of lawyer can I hire to help me? I was thinking of maybe suing his company as well? I'm in the Pennsylvania area. Any advice and recommendation is really appreciated.
submitted by Middle_Throwaway2244 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:18 throwawayacc7829 Complex Inheritance Situation in Kentucky:

I’m grappling with a complicated inheritance issue here in Kentucky and could use some informed guidance. I’m lined up to speak with a local attorney, but I hoped to get some preliminary advice from this knowledgeable community.
Here's the background:
Given these factors, especially the lack of a will and my father and uncle’s claims, I'm trying to understand the best path forward to ensure the house can be transferred to me as my step-grandmother wishes, without falling into the hands of creditors or being forced into sale by my father or uncle.
Do they have any valid claims under Kentucky law that would enable them to demand their "cut" of the estate? And if so, is there a way to navigate or mitigate these claims in favor of honoring my step-grandmother's intentions?
It should be noted when my grandfather passed away in 2008, and at that time, my dad negotiated with my step-grandmother to pay $10,000 to my biological grandmother to buy out her share and transfer the house solely into my step-grandmother's name. Which it is today.
Any advice on how to proceed, legal mechanisms that might protect the property, or insights into Kentucky's inheritance laws in this context would be immensely helpful. Thanks so much for your time and assistance.
submitted by throwawayacc7829 to legaladvice [link] [comments]