Customize graffiti

[FOR HIRE] Cartoon Style Character designs,: Mascots, Fanart, OCs open for commissions! Starting at $40

2024.06.07 16:17 CZeroArt [FOR HIRE] Cartoon Style Character designs,: Mascots, Fanart, OCs open for commissions! Starting at $40

Hi, I'm Czero, a passionate illustrator specializing in unique doodle illustrations that blend a cartoon aesthetic with graffiti flair. My art brings vibrant and dynamic energy to every project, whether you're looking for custom artwork, personalized merchandise, or eye-catching digital content. Here´s more of my portfolio:
Feel free to send me a DM If you're interested.
Let's create something amazing together!
submitted by CZeroArt to artistforhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:15 Krash0001 Virtual Roleplay ImmersiveRP Custom Clothing Custom Gangs & MCs Hiring PD & EMS Streamer Friendly

Virtual Roleplay ImmersiveRP Custom Clothing Custom Gangs & MCs Hiring PD & EMS Streamer Friendly
Virtual Roleplay is an FiveM Server that is community driven and all inclusive. We strive for immersive roleplay at every turn and we're always looking for more content creators and players to fill our city streets. We are looking for all types of role-players from Civilians, Criminals, State Police, Medical Services, and more! If you run a gang or a motorcycle club we support full integration whether lore friendly or not!
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2024.06.07 00:15 Krash0001 Virtual Roleplay ImmersiveRP Custom Clothing Custom Gangs & MCs Hiring PD & EMS Streamer Friendly

Virtual Roleplay ImmersiveRP Custom Clothing Custom Gangs & MCs Hiring PD & EMS Streamer Friendly
Virtual Roleplay is an FiveM Server that is community driven and all inclusive. We strive for immersive roleplay at every turn and we're always looking for more content creators and players to fill our city streets. We are looking for all types of role-players from Civilians, Criminals, State Police, Medical Services, and more! If you run a gang or a motorcycle club we support full integration whether lore friendly or not!
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Civilian Jobs
  • Construction Worker - Supports Teams of 4 - Make real-time changes to San Andreas as you work on construction sites.
  • Mining Worker - Supports Teams of 4 - Make real time changes to the tunnels underneath your new headquarters
  • Lumber Worker - Supports Teams of 4 - Get real interaction with your lumber yard and have a group of friends work together to accomplish the big payday.
  • Electrician Job - Supports Teams of 2 - Run around solving San Andreas' power problems as a duo!
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Immersive Lumber Job
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Custom Vehicles & Custom Non-Lore Gang Graffiti
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Custom State Police Uniforms & Liveries
Custom Gang & MC Integration
  • We can support custom gangs, graffiti sprays, MLOs, clothing & more! Simply join our discord for more information!
submitted by Krash0001 to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:15 Krash0001 Virtual Roleplay ImmersiveRP Custom Clothing Custom Gangs & MCs Hiring PD & EMS Streamer Friendly

Virtual Roleplay ImmersiveRP Custom Clothing Custom Gangs & MCs Hiring PD & EMS Streamer Friendly
Virtual Roleplay is an FiveM Server that is community driven and all inclusive. We strive for immersive roleplay at every turn and we're always looking for more content creators and players to fill our city streets. We are looking for all types of role-players from Civilians, Criminals, State Police, Medical Services, and more! If you run a gang or a motorcycle club we support full integration whether lore friendly or not!
Join Our Discord Today;
Civilian Jobs
  • Construction Worker - Supports Teams of 4 - Make real-time changes to San Andreas as you work on construction sites.
  • Mining Worker - Supports Teams of 4 - Make real time changes to the tunnels underneath your new headquarters
  • Lumber Worker - Supports Teams of 4 - Get real interaction with your lumber yard and have a group of friends work together to accomplish the big payday.
  • Electrician Job - Supports Teams of 2 - Run around solving San Andreas' power problems as a duo!
  • Garbage Worker
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Immersive Lumber Job
  • Illegal Activities
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  • Fleeca Bank Robbery
  • Vehicle Boosting (Low & High Level)
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  • Illegal Racing
  • Meth & Weed Production / Selling & More
Custom Vehicles & Custom Non-Lore Gang Graffiti
Whitelisted Jobs
  • San Andreas State Police
  • San Andreas Medical Services
  • Vanilla Unicorn
  • Burgershot & More!
Custom State Police Uniforms & Liveries
Custom Gang & MC Integration
  • We can support custom gangs, graffiti sprays, MLOs, clothing & more! Simply join our discord for more information!
submitted by Krash0001 to FiveMAdvertisement [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 01:00 Bonjonsie The Jonsie Burrows: Help Wanted 2 Part 8.9

And so it seems, he's the best pirate I've ever seen... again.
Previous part: 8.6.
Oh my gosh! This Vanny and Vanessa revelation is so exciting! The amount of ripples this one discovery causes is massive! This means every single thing we've been theorizing about since Security Breach was released can be flipped on its head. This might even eclipse my discovery of who killed Bonnie! I can't stop thinking about it!
Speaking of Bonnie though, this part has officially surpassed Ruin's Bonnie Bowl multi-part analysis and has become the longest part ever! Because of that very reason, I'm going to save more of the Double-V talk until after we clear Foxy Log Ride Route B. That way, we can talk as much as we want without worrying about getting back to Help Wanted 2. Plus there are still things in this minigame that need to be discussed.
Back to our unregularly scheduled series!

You were back in the restaurant. But unlike any other time when you would've been filled with relief or accomplishment after completing a task, you've felt nothing but confusion. Sure, you had some easy tasks but none were without dangers.
Something wasn't quite right.
But before you made your next move, a voice spoke up, accompanied by a mystical tune. "Something has changed. A message for you near the..."
Immediately, your head snapped to your left in alarm so fast that you thought you might have pulled something in your neck. There was no in here with you before. No one was supposed to be here.
But as your heart pounded your chest from the inside, your eyes zeroed in on the cabinet stationed on the left side of the restaurant, the out-of-order Mystic Hippo Booth. You've honestly forgotten about it. (Thanks makes two of us!)
The Hippo animatronic that was once slouched over and powered off, now stared at you, as it spoke again.
"In the skies above."
With that being her last words, Mystic Hippo had shut down once again before you stopped at its booth. What was that about? You looked around her booth, but nothing was out of place and she didn't turn on again.
Yet her words echoed in your head as you thought deeply about them. A message? From whom? But wait, what was she saying in the end? In the skies above...
Out of habit, your hand came to your chin as you pondered the meaning of her words, slightly tilting your head upwards in the process. Yet, it's thanks to this habit that you had spotted something above you on the ceiling.
Tilting your head all the way up, you took in what looked to be graffiti of Helpy sticking to a purple background with blue blast shapes surrounding him and his stomach.

Whyyyyy?! Why can't I escape from Vanny?! I'm not trying to be funny here, I legitimately wasn't planning on talking about her until after we finished the alternate route in Foxy's Log Ride. But the game itself seems to have other ideas about what I should do first!
Fine. But we're only talking about her involvement in this game for now.
Okay, as I said before, Vanny is the one behind these "messages" for Jeremy. We can tell this with true certainty by using what we've learned about her from Ruin, and Security Breach now that I'm thinking about it.
Vanny has a knack of drawing on the wall. Whether it's writing her signature, drawing her face, or whatever comes to her mind at any given moment, she uses the wall as her canvas to express her imagination.
Why there are certain colors that we can associate with being connected to her, namely, yellow, red, black, and blue. None except purple has been a constant representative of her since her debut game and her unseen presence in its DLC. In both Security Breach and Ruin we can find different graffiti of hers that uses the color purple.
So, upon encountering hints marked by various drawings over a purple background in Help Wanted 2, and following all of them to get an exclusive ending showing you giving Glitchtrap over to Vanny herself. It becomes very apparent that she is the one behind these hints.
This is all linked without using the fact that her cut dialogue in Help Wanted indicates this very thing, for those who might believe I'm getting this from that. I'll state this once again, in case some forgot or are new to this series, I do not use cut content as evidence to prove things, merely to suggest that Scott and Steel Wool did include it before cutting it.
However, I believe this might be the first time where they cut something but still kept enough things of it to imply that it's there. And there's nothing to contradict, disprove, or even suggest that Vanny's not the one behind these hints, as she alone benefits from having Jeremy retrieve the memory dolls and play Princess Quest 4.
But other than that, this new information adds something new to the discussion of Vanny, as it turns out I was actually mistaken about something I mentioned in Ruin concerning the "yellow brick road" in the Daycare.
I previously credited the yellow splatter on the boxes, which led to the Golden Moon plushie in the AR world, to Glitchtrap. At that time, I believed that Vanny was incapable of affecting the Network in such a manner. Help Wanted 2, however, went out of its way to prove such a notion wrong in the biggest way possible. Literally.
Vanny is not just capable of interacting with the network, she can be in it too. Readers of my Ruin deep dive or even my "Prove It!" series might've clocked in on one of the most interesting things presented in the secret Vanny ending of Help Wanted 2 and made the shocking connection. Vanny is gigantic.
For those confused about why this is something to be shocked about, I'll help tell you exactly why this is so shocking. Previously in my Ruin series, I had noted how interesting the unknown entity, or M.X.E.S., had appeared giant in only one area in the Pizzaplex, the Upper East Server room.
No other area in the DLC has M.X.E.S. changing his size to get to Cassie, which means that it is only in a server room that he appears differently to someone wearing the Security Mask. And M.X.E.S. as we know, is a digital entity.
Are you starting to catch on?
The Consequences ending of Help Wanted 2, takes place in an unknown server room. Not only that, but Vanny herself seems to be a digital entity.
How is this possible?
Honestly, after the Double-V revelation, I'm kinda relooking over everything we previously knew about Vanny, so I'm a bit reluctant to give a definite answer here. However, my knowledge from my Ruin analysis might be enough to point us in the general direction of the correct answer.
One of my favorite discoveries during my deep dive into that DLC was uncovering the secret in Vanny's room. I won't go too deeply into it here, so to keep things short. You can read it here. But on that wall above the vent, exiting her room in the AR world, we come across this curious image of an altered enemy from the Princess Quest.
This altered design of this enemy doesn't exist in Princess Quest at all. This is because it's trying to reflect its real-world counterpart, Vanny. But in my excitement over that discovery, I didn't do what I was supposed to do. Look deeper into what this altered enemy meant.
Because for the very first time, we have hard evidence of a Glitchtrap replica! Not only that, thanks to Help Wanted 2's Consequences ending, we also now have hard evidence of a rebellious replica!
All enemies in the Princess Quest games, besides Grimm Foxy, are coming from and connected to the Glitchtrap Amalgam we see at the end of the first Princess Quest. We can tell this by how the enemies all share the same appearance of a rabbit, with some even sharing the tear stains motif.
So if the alter enemy on Vanny's wall in the AR world spawned from Glitchtrap, and the same enemy represents Vanny herself, it means that Vanny, at least some part of her, is a Glitchtrap replicant!
Or something along those lines. Like I said before, I need to take another look at Vanny's lore within the games as the idea of the replicants also came from hers, Jeremy's, and Tape Girl's situation within Help Wanted and the teasers of Security Breach.
That doesn't mean the idea was wrong in itself, just that it might've been faulty by being based on misinformation. Something I've noticed about Vanny in Security Breach and was helped by Gregory's description of "Dancing Rabbit Lady." is that she behaves oddly whenever we see her. Not her way of talking, but her way of chasing Gregory or even moving when she spawns in.
Sometimes it looks natural, other times it looks unnatural to very unnatural. Almost like Vanny's being controlled, but from what I've discovered so far, that doesn't seem to be the case for her. Of course, the dancing part is a clear sign of Glitchtrap's influence over her, as one of the most noticeable things that's entirely unique to Glitchtrap rather than Afton is that he dances.
So is Vanny being controlled or influenced by Glitchtrap? This a question we'll dive deeper into after Foxy's Log Ride, as I believe anything else we could talk about could wait after we go through the alternate route.
Oh wait! I had a thought that maybe Mystic Hippo was some kind of puppet mouthpiece for Vanny to communicate with Jeremy without rousing Glitchtrap's suspicion of her double cross. There's no feasible way I could prove that right now though and I don't it has any merit. But it's an interesting idea that I'll search for any evidence for as we continue further into the game.

Walking back to the computer in the middle of the restaurant, your mind buzzed with thoughts about the "message" on the ceiling. When you first got here, You looked around the entire place, so you knew it definitely wasn't there before.
Someone was trying to tell you something, Mystic Hippo said as much, but who exactly? You searched your mind for an answer, but the only one that came to mind was the most unlikely. No, there had to be someone else.
Setting aside your mysterious contact, your mind instead focused on their "message" and what it could mean. Rack your brain for a bit, before it supplied an unexpected answer. The blue blast shapes... You've seen them before and rather recently. In the Captn. Foxy's Log Ride!
You've also seen some Helpi cutouts in there too! Maybe you've got to shoot at them when you come across them as you can't exactly get out of the ride. Well you could, but you get the feeling that it might not end well for you if you do.
Anyway, this only confirmed the feeling you had after completing that task. You definitely missed something! And the only way to find out is to play it again.
But as you made it to the computer and were about to click on the Ticket Booth folder, something in the corner of your eye drew your attention. On your left, there was always a single-leg stand purple tray table, but there was nothing on it besides a golden Faz-Token. Except now, there was something familiar right next to it.
(Whoops, I forgot the mention the Faz-Tokens in the very first part of the series. To be fair, the tokens don't become relevant until we meet Candy Cadet. Speaking of which, I wonder if there's some connection between the Faz-Tokens in this game and the ones in Ruin.
Let's see, you get 11 Faz-Token in HW2 and exactly 11 to hear all of Candy Candet's story and you get 7 tokens in Ruin but only need 5 to listen to the complete story. Hmm... I thought you didn't use all of the HW2 Faz-Tokens on Candy Candet so the ones in Ruin would've been the leftovers but that doesn't seem right.
Wait! Reverse that, and five coins is exactly the amount needed to hear the first Candy Cadet story! I'm not sure if that means anything or If it's just a coincidence, but I won't know until I take a closer look at that story!)

It was the Log Ride Shooter prize you got from the "GAME WON!" void. Picking it up, you gave it a once-over as an infectious thought claimed your mind. Does it work?
You outstretched your arm to your left took aim at the innocent floating blue balloon and squeezed the trigger. That same purple ball you've seen fly out of the toy gun in Cptn. Foxy's Log Ride, now flew out here, as it hurled itself at the blue balloon before bouncing off it.
The balloon proved to be an immovable object against the very much stoppable force, as it didn't move a single inch after being hit. These must be some very sturdy balloons.
Knowing nothing else to do with the Log Ride Shooter, you placed it back on the purple tray table. You then returned to the computer, navigated back to the Ticket Booth folder, and clicked on Capt. Foxy's Log Ride.
Finally, you clicked on TUTORIAL and drifted off into the darkness, where once you could see again, you found yourself in the Tutorial void. After you gave yourself a moment to prepare mentally, you pressed the "START" button for Capt. Foxy's Log Ride adventure once again.

But before we start that, I almost forgot to mention some things, mainly about what the lobby looks like now that I've found a video showing an unlit view. Oh, and it's from a video where they had beat the game already, so still no video of what the starting main lobby looks like.
As I mentioned in Part 1, there are three tables on your left, three on your right, and one directly behind you, making a total of seven tables, with each having a blue balloon. But now that the darkness is gone, I can see
that I was right in that each table holds a different amount of chairs.
There are only two sets for the number of chairs at a table, 5 and 6. From your left and going down, it's 5,6,5. For the table behind you, it's 6, and for the tables to your right going down, it's 6,5,6. So it looks like this.
5 YOU 6
6 5
5 6 6
Or if you prefer a picture, I've got this screenshot which I probably should've used to show you all this in the first place, but hey, at least I could make that neat thing above.
But anyway, the two numbers, 5 and 6 can easily be a connection to the missing kids + Charlie. But just because something is easy, it doesn't mean it's correct. So other than being a maybe-reference, what if there's something if we add the number of chairs together?
The number of chairs of 5 at a table: 15
The number of chairs of 6 at a table: 24
The total number of chairs: 39
Nah, I don't think the numbers mean anything either. Let's move on as I already see some interesting items on the table we can discuss. It looks like we don't need to wonder where Jeremy's getting those purple party items in the "GAME WON" void anything longer! They're coming from the main lobby!
Well, the cup and plate at least appear to be coming from here, no clue where the party cone hat is coming from. But still, this answers the question of where the party that Jeremy has been invited to by Glitchtrap.
The party is here.
Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place, the FNAF 6 Pizzeria.
Wow, here's an interesting thing I've just now realized, Jeremy is rebuilding the FNAF 6 Pizzeria the entire time in Help Wanted 2. But not in the real world, he's rebuilding it in the Network.
Why? I think I might know.
This is something I've been thinking about after the Double-V revelation, it's somewhat related to it, but more of a knock-on effect from it. But with the help of Help Wanted 2, I'm starting to think that Glitchtrap is not all there.
What I mean is that William Afton isn't all there. Let me explain some things first. I went over this before, but it's nice to get a refresher as I haven't talked about Glitchtrap in a while.
Okay, I just looked through my Ruin series, including my Ruin "Prove It!" series, and wow! I barely talked about the Glitchtrap = William Afton or not, thing going on with him. That's weird, I'm pretty sure I talked about that whole thing somewhere...
Anyway, let's keep this short. The last I talked about this, I said that Glitchtrap is not William Afton but an advanced Mimic based on him through the development of Help Wanted. However now, I am of a different belief.
Glitchtrap is still not William Afton, or rather not him completely. I think what pushed me into that side of the fence of him being a Mimic Afton was that I was too focused on the introduction of the Mimic and its origins that eventually led to Glitchtrap's birth, that I neglected to look closer at his William side.
But with Help Wanted 2 introductions of the memory dolls, my brief deep dive into the original Help Wanted, and the Double-V revelation, I've noticed something that I think is a piece of a puzzle to Glitchtrap and something else.
I'll hopefully explain it more after Foxy Log Ride, the other thing I still need to mention, and the continued Vanny talk. But William Afton after the events of Ultimate Custom Night might not have fully transferred over to Glitchtrap. Or rather that there was little left of the one called William Afton, just mere fragments of his memories for Glitchtrap to develop from, leaving the Mimic side of him to fill in the gaps with its origins.
Giving us this digital entity that's not quite one or the other, but gathering the memories of both all the same. But that's all for now as there's one more thing of interest before we move on, the colored items on the tables. Besides there being utensils on the tables, this choice of colors for the plastic cups and plates piqued my interest.
Other than purple, there's red, blue, and green. How many plates and cups, of course, depends on how many chairs are at one table. So, ignoring that since you all have that screenshot I took, I'll tally up the number of colored plates and cups according to one color.
Purple: 10
Blue: 11
Green: 10
Red: 11
Red and Blue are tied and so are Purple and Green, which coincidentally are the partners for the table. Red is always across from Blue and Purple is always across from Green. More than that, the pairs seemed to exchange colored cups from one table to the next.
So counting it up.
Tables where the plates and cups match: 4
Tables where the plates and cups are switched with their partners: 3
Hmm... Yep, I got nothing. Well, actually if were going with Jeremy being purple, we could maybe use this to predict how many people Glitchtrap has infected. But I'm not sure about that, as I would use purple for Vanny and blue for Jeremy. Hmm...
Let's work with this real quick. If purple is for Jeremy, blue must be for Gregory, which leaves Vanny and someone else as the last remaining colors. But what color fits Vanny? Could we use the spray paints in Ruin as the clue? She uses Purple, Blue, Black, and Red.
So Red is Vanny. That just leaves green for either Glitchtrap or the mysterious CEO. Since Glitchtrap is the host for the party he could be excluded, leaving green for the CEO of Fazbear Entertainment. Green could also mean greed too, so it could fit.
But Green is one of Glitchtrap's signature colors, and just because he is the host, it doesn't he can't take part in the party himself. But that doesn't sound right, William Afton in all his appearances in the series always seemed to lurk around the parties not necessarily be in them. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it... is Glitchtrap trying to recreate the missing children incident inside the network?!
Not literally, but like, trying to recreate the crime scene, Afton's murderous playground, the location where it all happened. I don't know, maybe this means something or maybe it doesn't. I can't tell for sure with lacking information. Maybe will find something later to help piece this together.
Now let's start the minigame!

You were back in the log seat with the sound of water splashing around in the starting area for the ride. Ctpn. Foxy spoke, but it was the same speech you had heard the first time you came here, so you ignored him. Instead, you played around with the hand cannon and shot randomly at things to pass the time.
Luckily for you, your shots landed on the example board behind Foxy showing you what color of the five targets gives you the most points. It seems whoever designed this ride sneakily put real targets on that board. Giving you a quick 250 points before the ride even starts.
Though you didn't see the blast shape up there on the example board, you believe that they were the secret target in this ride. But the time for patience has run out as your log seat began to move forward and the double doors in front of you opened.
Once past them, you went into the first target area quickly, shooting at targets and searching for those blue blast shapes. But unlike the former, there were no signs of the latter, and soon enough you were past that area and onto the second.
But it's toward the end of the second area that you spotted something that tugged at your curiosity. There was a cutout of a pirate-themed Helpy pointing towards the exit of the area in the right corner in this last section of the area. You saw it the first time you were here and thought nothing of it.
Yet now... On the whim of a stray thought, you pointed your hand cannon and shot at the Helpy cutout. A sharp *ding* chimed out from it as if you had hit one of the colored targets, it spun around until Helpy was pointing in the opposite direction accompanied by the sound of shifting machinery.
Soon the lights began to flicker before finally giving out, and the sound of electricity was heard from some place nearby as your ride moved through the water in the darkness. The lights and the sound of electricity were normal as it happened the first time you went through here. It simply meant you were heading to the next location.
But as the lights came back on and you saw where you were, you immediately knew that this time, the ride was going to be different from the first as the familiar small tunnel that once had a sun on the left side of a half-circular board between two clouds on either side of it, now had the full moon on the right side of the half-circular board between two darken clouds with a third cloud was slightly hidden in the darkness of the tunnel.
And oddly, you noted, The dark clouds were depicted with two bats flying on them, unlike the two birds from before. It was like you flipped a switch and now everything was the opposite. From right to left, birds to bats, day to night, sun to moon.
(Now here's why I originally changed my mind to start writing the streamlined details of the Foxy Log Ride minigame. This right here clicked in my mind when I was watching multiple playthroughs of this game. If you take into account both routes you take here, then it's almost like you're personally switching the persona of the Daycare Attendant. At least in the Network.
Considering, who we meet later on in this alternate route here, there might be some merit to that. But the question on my mind though is why is he appearing here in this particular minigame? I believe, I may have an answer to that, which coincidentally, ties back into the other thing that I'll talk about after completing this minigame.
For now, I want to know if this scarecrow is really the same Moon as the carousel minigame.)
Soon you passed through this new area into darkness, before you found yourself a brand new never-before-seen room with lots of targets to shoot. The water up ahead strangely, had purple mixed into it. (I didn't mention this before but you can actually see the purple mixed water if you look behind you before you enter the Sun & Moon tunnel after leaving the second area in the minigame.)
To your surprise, you heard Captain Foxy's voice speaking up from some hidden speaker in the darkness. "It be recommended for ye to stay on the approved route."
A little further up ahead, you saw that a wall had a weird purple texture to it that had you wondering what exactly was going on. But it's only a little bit further that saw something that made you forget all about it.
A burst of familiar laughter came from an unfamiliar figure in front of a purple backlight high above on a bridge over the double doors to the next area. Was that Moon?! No, it can't be. He was a bit a ways from where you were, but you could tell that his face mask was orange not white or yellow like the two personas of the Daycare Attendant and his eyes glowed yellow along with his mouth.
Not taking any chances, you shot at him with your hand cannon to seemingly no effect as his head just spun in place before he disappeared as your ride came under the bridge and into the next area.

So far there's nothing to suggest that this is indeed Moon and not some variant of him besides his laughter, and just because he sounds like him doesn't mean it is him... Actually, it does now that I think about it!
When Scott makes different variants of already existing animatronics such as the Halloween-themed FNAF4 gang he gives them all a unique voice compared to their normal counterpart. Except when the variants are actually the evolutions of that existing animatronics.
Basically, it's the difference between Nightmare Chica and Jack-O-Chica and Circus Baby and Scrap Baby. One is actually a different character based on another, while the other is a continuation of the other.
So the fact that Jack-O-Moon sounds exactly like regular Daycare Attendant Moon means that they are one and the same, or a continuation of each other. But who came first? If my soon-to-be-discussed th— Ya know what, now's actually the perfect time to discuss that!
Okay, what I wanted to talk about in these past few Parts is what this minigame, or really this entire folder is representing as I've already pointed out the fact that the Staff Only folder gives hints about and represents Pizzeria Simulator.
So, if you've missed out on what I've been saying in these last few parts, or if you've just been ignoring me, let me catch you up! There's a certain game that's been getting a lot of attention from me, Help Wanted. Now, am I saying that this minigame represents that game? Surprisingly, no. The Ticket Booth folder actually represents its DLC specifically, the Curse of Dreadbear!
Yes, you read that right, the DLC instead of the entire game! It's weird, but if you take a look at each and everything that happens in the two carousel minigames and the Foxy Log ride minigame. A bunch of stuff connects directly and only to Curse of Dreadbear rather than just Help Wanted in its entirety.
In the Carousel minigame, the haystack and lamps are a nod to the Corn Maze minigame. Captn. Foxy's Log Ride is a reference to the original Foxy Pirate Ride from the DLC, plus you can even hear CoD's main theme music in one of its areas. Lastly, Jack-O-Moon himself is a clear reference to the Halloween theme of the entire DLC.
As you can see, there's absolutely nothing here pointing toward the original Help Wanted instead of Curse of Dreadbear. So what does all of this have to do with Jack-O-Moon?
It all has to do with the question I asked. If Jack-O-Moon and Daycare Attendant Moon are the same character, then who came first? This would've been a difficult question to answer if I hadn't done my brief analysis of Help Wanted and found the brand-new discovery in it.
But since I did, I know with confidence that Jack-O-Moon was the first iteration of Moon.
The Curse of Dread and its final minigame, Corn Maze, references, with repetition I might add, one and only one date, 1983. The Fall of that year to be exact.
So if there was a question of who came first between the two, then no doubt, it would be the one who's actually dressed in a Fall attire. After all, Halloween takes place in the Fall of October.
It makes sense that Jack-O-Moon came first as it answers one particular detail that most theorists noticed about the Daycare Attendant in Ruin. He has the exact same style of teeth as The Mimic.
This also answers the question of why Glitchtrap wants the Moon persona to stick around when others try to get rid of him. He's another relic from the past.
However, whether Moon was actually Jack-O-Moon or went by another name back in 1983 is unknown to me. And I've got nothing besides the Daycare's teeth to even suggest that he was designed the same way as he is now back then either. So hopefully that will be answered in the future.
Oh, and one more thing! I don't believe William or Henry had created Jack-O-Moon. I believe that since he has the same style of teeth as the Mimic then he must've been created by the same creator too, Edwin Murray.
Now, let's see what Jack-O-Moon has in store for us.

Next time! Luckily, I managed to catch myself seriously going over the limit for a Reddit post this time. So now you all don't have to wait for this to be posted on Friday! Too bad you're going to have to wait until then for the next part (I'm praying I can get it out by that time), because as I said before, this Part is absolutely stuffed with things. The most stuffed, a Part should reasonably be stuffed!
Hopefully, I won't find more things here!
submitted by Bonjonsie to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:48 Xerrrrxes ⚠️ Attention Criminal Masterminds! ⚠️ Attention Gangs Looking for new home! ⚠️ 75k starter bonus⚠️

Project Nova has just launched, and we need you to bring chaos to the streets! The PD is strong, but we need more skilled criminals to challenge their authority.
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Welcome to Project Nova, an immersive gaming community where you can dominate the underworld and forge your own path in the city's criminal scene. Here's what Project Nova has in store for you:

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Whether you want to build an empire from the ground up, dominate the criminal scene, or engage in high-stakes heists, there’s a place for you in Project Nova. Join us now and experience the ultimate criminal life!
submitted by Xerrrrxes to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:03 micktalian The Gardens of Deathworlders (Part 75)

Part 75 Newport Station (Part 1) (Part 74)
[Support me of Ko-fi so I can get some character art commissioned and totally not buy a bunch of gundams and toys for my dog]
Today was finally the day. It had only been two months since Mik had fired up his experimental faster than light drive, launched himself, Sarah, and his two companion animals thousands of lightyears from Sol, and properly Ascended the human species onto the galactic stage. Where the Nishnabe Confederacy, the descendants from a group of humans abducted from the Eastern Woodlands of North America roughly twelve-hundred years ago, had already made a name for themselves in a relatively small region of space, they had done so in a very inconspicuous manner. Until just eight and half weeks ago, those Native Americans living in space had gone out of their way to leave space in galactic history for their kin back in their homeworld. However, after over a millennia of waiting only to discover the sorry state that much of humanity was currently in, they were ready to move forward with or without the rest of their species. Today wasn't just the day that the first people from Sol would get to see the wonderful world their cousins living among the stars had created for themselves, it was the day the Nishnabe no longer felt the need to hold themselves back.
“Not gonna lie, I wish there was a bridge ‘r somethin’ so we could see this station from the outside while we’re dockin’.”
As Mik, a few dozen other people from Earth and Mars, and quite a few more representing a several species stood in the primary docking bay of UHDF DS-1, many of the more fanciful among them couldn't help but feel a slight tinge of disappointment in how nonchalant this process seemed. Though all of them were still amazed by the technological majesty of the vessel they were currently on, there were a few souls who would have appreciated a transparent viewport through which they could view the truly massive station and the verdant planet below.
“What's up with you wanting glass on spaceships, Mik?” Tens asked while letting out a huffing laugh and rolling his eyes. “You of all people should know how dangerous that is.”
“It don't gotta be silicon ‘r nothin’ like that. Hell, even a big ol’ TV screen would be good enough. Just somethin’ to see outside with, yah know?”
“We could take your new shuttle to the surface later instead of taking the elevator down.” Binko chimed but received a quick pinch and harsh glare from his wife who was standing next to him. “Ou! Oh, wait! My love, you haven't been inside Mik's new shuttle yet, have you? You will love it!”
“Yeah, come with us, Tarki! The cockpit's ‘uge an’ hella comfy!” There wasn't even a shred of hesitation in Mik's voice as he made the offer. “I tell yah what, that thang's an even smoother ride than Binko's shuttle. An’ don't worry, I already seen what that baby's capable of, so I won't ask Binko to fly like an ass. I really just wanna see what this station looks like from the outside an’ what the planet looks like from orbit, yah know. We can even just do a short flight around the station ‘r somethin’ like that.”
“Shkegpewn is quite beautiful from above… And I could go for a short and slow flight.” Though Tarki was warming up to the idea, there was still a particular concern nagging at the back of her mind. “I am just trying to minimize the amount of high acceleration I expose myself to at the moment, so I would prefer not to go down to the surface unless I absolutely have to.”
“A’right, that's cool with me.” The bearded Martian felt no urge to question the golden avian and was simply happy that he didn't have to ask around to find another pilot and co-pilot to fly his shuttle for him. “We're droppin’ in my mechs tomorrow, anyways. I can have plenty o’ fun flyin’ ‘round then!”
“I still can't believe you spend almost a hundred million credits each on those mechs, Mik.” Despite Tens's growing infatuation with Mik's extensively customized BD-9s, he couldn't help but balk at the price tag. “And I can't believe you let him spend that much, Hompta! How much of that did you take as commission, huh?”
“Hey! Mik here offered a million per suit produced as a design fee.” Hompta’s squeaky and high voice held a clearly offended inflection. “But me and my team accepted ten million as a flat rate. And he fully owns the license, so he could easily make that back if he found a buyer willing to pay for ten at ninety million each.”
“Hompta, no one's going to buy that design.” Tens shot his furry little Kyim’ayik friend a harsh glare then quickly redirected his attention back to Mik. “No offense, niji. Your mechs are great and all! But you could’ve accomplished ninety percent of their capabilities with half the cost. You didn't need those reactors.”
“Wouldn't’ve been able to reach orbit without ‘em! ‘Sides, most of the cost o’ those is cuz o’ their compactness.” The burly, bearded man retorted with a deep chuckle then quickly glanced around the rather packed docking bay. “Say, how long's this supposed to take? I thought yah said the dockin’ process was only a few minutes, Tens?”
“Probably another minute or so. You'll know when we're docked when that red light turns green and the doors start to open.” The deeply sarcastic tone of the Nishnabe warrior's voice immediately sparked some snickering from various people in the group while drawing a jokingly harsh glare from the Martian professor. “But seriously though, don't get too excited. This is one of the Militia docking bays in the shipyard section, not a civilian one. It isn't as fancy and done up as the bay we docked into on Ten'yiosh Station. And we'll have to take a tram to get to the garden section.”
“Does that mean we will be able to watch how your people build their spaceships, Tens?” Skol interjected while carefully examining something on his tablet. “I was looking at the station map and it looks like we are docking in a port near where a line ship is being built.”
“You'd have to ask Msko for authorization but I don't see why not.” As soon as Tens gave his answer, the short, tattoo covered man's eyes quickly scanned the room. “He's over by those two American Generals.”
“Thank you!” Without skipping a beat, Skol immediately started heading towards the far end of the bay he had been pointed towards. “If I'm not back in a few minutes, I'll call you guys later.”
“Have fun!” Mik, TJ, and Kiera simultaneously waved off their rather short friend while rolling their eyes before the former turned to the latter. “Y'all ain't gonna ditch me for some space battleship, are yah?”
“Nah, I wanna see this orbital garden, man!” TJ announced with a deep and infectious chuckle. “From what I've seen on the Nishnabe Web, it's like the Redwoods at ChaosU but more tropical and with dozens of stories worth of arboreal structures. I am dying to see it with my own eyes.”
“I mean, I was invited to an Intergovernmental Council meeting, but that ain't till dinner time. We got a few hours before- Oh! Hey, look! That light turned green!”
Tens had been right about the docking bay that the cohort of humans from Sol entered Newport Station through, it wasn't particularly exciting. Unlike the port on Ten'yiosh Station where holographic advertisements were visible the moment a person stepped off their ship, this portion of Newport Station was obviously not intended for the public. The ceilings, floors, and walls were lined with simple and unadorned gray and white polymer paneling. Though the function over form aesthetic, advanced construction materials, and shockingly large and wide open spaces were certainly impressive in their own ways, it wasn't until the congregation had made their way to the tram system which would take them to their various destinations that anything recognizably Nishnabe was present.
Where the military docking bay was plain, lacking in any unnecessary comforts, and even had the artificially sterile smell of a specialized clean room, the tram system was the exact opposite. Crossing the airlock threshold into a chamber reminiscent of a subway station was like stepping into a whole new world. The modest and rather vanilla paneling had been covered in graffiti like murals, there were plush seats lined in ornately pattern fabrics, and a faint but pleasant aroma that carried with it notes of sweet blossoming flowers and bright pines. While there were no holographic advertisements showcasing various products and where to get them, the ceiling that hung two dozen meters overhead bore a near perfect three-dimensional recreation of a slightly cloudy mid-summer morning. And when the doors to the tram car finally opened with the soft chime of a bell, the people from Sol were starting to get increasingly excited.
Though there were still no advertisements, something the public transit on Ten'yiosh had in spades, the car that Mik and his group found themselves in was lined with holographic projectors all the same. Instead, as the various beings stepped foot into this tram, they were surrounded by what looked like a forest, all calming sounds of wind through leaves, the pleasant smells of diverse flora, and the subtle but noticeable warmth included. Within just a few short steps, they had gone from a clean but painfully artificial environment to one which seemed almost organic. And when the doors closed, if it weren’t for wood-facade polymer floor paneling, the rooms of comfortable seats of diverse styles and sizes, and the doorways that dotted the tram car, the people from Sol could have believed they were already in the heart of Shkegpewen's orbital garden.
After a few minutes of odd yet quite respectful silence, the doors once again opened and the people of Earth and Mars were utterly dumbstruck by what they saw. Stepping out into the open disembarkation area felt like stepping onto the surface of a verdant planet untarnished by the careless industrialization that had devastated Earth. In the minds of those born and raised on the cradle of humanity, the only thing telling them they weren't in the middle of a terrestrial forest was that they only felt about two-thirds of their Earthly weight. To the Martians who had spent time in the grove of Redwoods planted in the center of Aram Chaos colony, they couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity towards the truly massive sequoia-like trees that now surrounded them. As all eyes from Sol slowly made their way up, they saw a dozen stories worth of primarily wooden structures built onto and suspended between the network of hundred meter tall evergreens as high as the eye could see. Finally, peeking through the dense foliage far above their heads hung a holographic approximation of the sky so distant and realistic that even the most discerning eye wouldn't be able to tell it was artificial. The only thing that gave away the fact that this was an orbital garden set inside the spin section of a space station was the ever so slight upward curvature of the ground that was only barely perceptible by looking off in the distance between the thick network of trees.
“What do y'all think?” Tens asked the three Martians that were still accompanying him, all of whom were now staring with wide eyes and low hanging jaws.
“Hol’ up.” Mik could pull his eyes away from the housing, shops, and various buildings, platforms, and walkways that connected each and every tree like a massive spider web. “Brain's not brainin’...”
“Did y'all literally just cut out a section of forest from the planet and drop it in a space station?” Though TJ was likewise still locked on the forest, his mechanical eyes were focused more on the flora than the structures built between them. “Like, those trees look old, man! And I don't mean just a few hundred years old.”
“I'm pretty sure it was a bit more complicated than that but…” Tens looked towards the Hi-Koth standing behind the gobsmacked Martians for support. “I think that's how they did it. Bani could probably tell you more, though.”
“If I remember this station's history correctly, that was actually the first use of the orbital elevator.” As Banitek began the explanation, Mik, TJ, and Kiera continued staring but now with more curiosity as opposed to just utter shock. “When the twenty-third generation started work on the elevator’s anchor, they needed to clear out a few square kilometers worth of forest on Shkegpewen. But instead of just cutting it all down, they built a massive floating island in the bay, dug down to bedrock where the anchor now sits, and used a bunch of heavy machinery to carefully transplant the forest onto the island. Then, after the twenty-sixth generation finished the initial section of the station and connected it to the anchor, they started hauling up everything they had put on the island. Now, we just allow the forest to naturally expand as we add more garden area to the station. There were a lot of Hi-Koth and Kyim’ayik involved with this project too, which is actually when my ancestors immigrated here. That’s why there's so much traditional Hi-Koth architecture on display.”
“This is your people’s traditional form of architecture?!?” Kiera blurted out with a chuckle. “Y'all really are just giant Ewoks, ain’t yah?”
“What's an E-wok?” Bani asked with a perplexed expression written on his massive, short nosed, and fur covered face.
“Eh, don't worry about it.” Kiera shot a quick glance towards Hompta and let a soft smirk spread across her lips. “But I gotta show y'all the Star Wars movies some time. They're really old, but I like ‘em. Anyways, this’s enough staring. Let's go check it out!”
“Yeah, I would love to see the lake while we're at it!” TJ added while allowing his mechanical eyes to fall towards a stream that flowed into the treeline before disappearing behind the goliath pillars of red-tinted wood. “I'm wearing swim trunks under my pants so I'm ready to take a swim!”
“You can swim?!?” The furry little Kyim’ayik man balked at the massive and mostly metal human.
“Of course I can!” TJ's deep and booming voice had a clearly offended tone for a split second before he remembered that Hompta was, in fact, not from Sol and had no context for why his question could be seen as derogatory. “We have quite a few swimming pools, ponds, and even a couple lakes on Mars. And, yes, my cybernetics can be submerged and are water tight up to about fifty meters in depth. I'll start sinking if I stop swimming, but I can hold my breath for about ten minutes.”
“In that case, you need to come check out the aquatic housing my people built!” Hompta simply assumed a cyborg would have issues with water but was now all smiles upon hearing that the man could hold his breath for so long. “The major buildings do have surface entrances, but my house is one of the ones that's only accessible underwater.”
“Like a beaver lodge?” As soon as TJ asked the question, it was Hompta’s turn to sound perturbed.
“No! Not like a rodent nest! Our housing is clean, well-built, and definitely not something rodents could make!”
“Hompta, ‘ave yah ever seen a beaver before?” Mik shot a cheeky wink towards the being who, in his mind, bore a striking resemblance to the aforementioned aquatic rodents.
“No, but Kyim’ayik are considered mustelids, not rodents! We're gdedek, not mekek!”
“I'll show yah some pictures some time.” The bearded professor retorted while rolling his eyes before motioning with his hands to beckon the group forward into the garden. “But, anyways, let's get to it! I wanna see yahr jet-bike, Tens!”
“I wanna see the lake!” TJ declared while the group began walking down the stone path that led into trees.
“I wanna see the shopping!” Kiera countered.
“First…” A baritone but quite feminine voice cut in as Atxika finally interjected herself in the conversation. “Tens, my sweet, I believe there was somewhere specific we are supposed to go to first. And you know what will happen if we don't.”
“Thanks for reminding me, my love!” There was a sudden panic in Tens's voice which also appeared in the expressions on Binko, Hompta, and Banitek's faces. “We'll do whatever y'all want after we go see goko.”
“Yahr grandma?” Mik's incredulous question immediately elicited a few harsh glares. “I mean, yeah, sure, I'd love to meet yahr nokmes. I just wish I woulda known so I coulda brought somethin’ for ‘er. All I got on me's some sema and bud.”
“I will always accept mno-wdeme'we as a gift, young man.” As if by magic, an elderly yet quite intimidating woman seemed to appear out of thin air besides a massive tree trunk next to the group. “Now, come here. Let me take a good look at you, noseme. I never thought I would live long enough to see this day and I wish to know the man who reunited our species.”
submitted by micktalian to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:00 cowpilotgradeA Tokyo (and surrounds) Travel Tips after May trip

Recently got back from a trip to Japan in May. Primarily Tokyo + surrounding 1-day trips (Kamakura, Enoshima, Hakone, Nikko). Given how much JapanTravelTips and JapanTravel have assisted me with prepping for my trip, it's now time to share some tips that I've learnt myself!
Some stuff you may have read up on before, but hopefully some new things as well.
Transport Tips:
Eki Stamp/Goshuin:
Food/Drink tips:
Money Tips:
Other location-specific tips:
Other Tips:
Hope some of these tips help out on your next trip to Japan! :) I'm already planning my second trip (did Tokyo and surrounds, so planning Osaka/Kyoto and surrounds) and will be happily browsing this subreddit!
submitted by cowpilotgradeA to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:45 IRUN888 Lucilla translated operator profile and voice lines

[Combat experience] No combat experience [Origin] Aegir [Birthday] November 3rd [Race] Aegir [Height] 166cm [infection status] Refer to the medical test report , confirmed as non-infected.
[Physical Strength] Standard [Mobility] Standard [Physiological Endurance] Standard [Tactical Planning] Standard [Combat Skill] Standard [Originium Adaptability] Defective
Lucilla, a native of Aegir, is affiliated with the Facilities Management Office of the Institute of Technology and serves as a dome administrator and ocean current surveyor in the dome system. After Aegir established contact with the mainland, Lucilla cooperated with Rhodes Island out of personal interest and came from time to time for cultural exchanges. She is currently registered as a cooperative operator of Rhodes Island.
The results of the imaging test showed that the internal organs of the operator were clearly outlined and no abnormal shadows were seen. The detection of Originium particles in the circulatory system showed no abnormality. There were no signs of Oripathy.
[Cel—Originium Assimilation] 0% Operator Lucilla showed no signs of being infected by Originium.
[Blood Originium Crystal Density] 0.006u/L Operator Lucilla showed a strong interest in Originium technology and frequently came into contact with Originium after coming to Rhodes Island. "To be honest, I'm not worried at all. Lucilla’s protective measures are extremely well done, even a little too much. Every time she appears in the workshop, she wears different protective equipment, sometimes a strange umbrella with wriggling tentacles, sometimes a beautiful bubble with brilliant colours... In short, there are so many tricks. I don't understand why she has to change her protective method every time, but she does. She looks like she's enjoying it...Oh, does she still not understand what Oripathy means?"
[Rhode Island dormitory night chat record 1] "Hey, stop eating your fake dumplings with cheese and come here to help me." "What can make you so anxious?" "That new girl who came here recently. , seems to be an Aegir from the sea. I don’t know why, but she always takes the initiative to talk to me. "It’s really a miracle that someone wants to talk to you ." "What did she always say?" She was talking to me about my hometown city, asking me about its appearance, my memories there, and what that city meant to me. Then, she also talked about her home under the sea and what she did. The whole city's experience of projecting the starry sky on the dome, and her experience of directing the ocean current fountain performance at the Water Vein Center..." "You don't think she likes you, do you?" "No, no, how is that possible? I can’t understand why she wants to talk to me about this?” “You have to ask her, don’t ask me! In Siracusa, if someone inquires about my hometown like this, I will think that she wants to destroy my whole family. "
[Rhode Island Dormitory Night Chat Record 2] "Save me." "What happened?" "Guess what? She said she saw the words on my clothes and thought my expression was very strange. It was interesting, so I came to chat. She said that she must have very sincere emotions, very exquisite ideas, and very touching stories, and she was very eager to let everyone know, so she used clothes to express them, right? Is it a special art form on land to turn itself into a carrier of expression..." "Then did you tell her that your 'I♥Longmen' cultural shirt was actually a price reduction in a supermarket? You still have five identical ones?" "I told you, I don't think I can hide it from her. I guess she will never talk to me again."
[Night Chat Record in Rhode Island Dormitory 3] "I do. I’m hopeful.” “Huh?” “I met her in the cafeteria today. She was wearing the ‘I♥Rhode Island’ hat that was sold by the logistics department during the previous team building event, and she was smiling and waving to me!”
A terrifying legend about a ghost spreads in Rhode Island. It is said that every few months, ghosts will appear on Rhode Island, glowing with strange light under the pale night lights at midnight, and disappearing as soon as they get close. The places where ghosts have stayed usually leave a special "ghost mark", which is a simple but incomprehensible pattern with various colors and a weak fluorescence. The mark usually disappears within an hour of being sighted. Some operators firmly believe that "ghost marks" originate from an undiscovered supernatural culture, and borrow Myrtle‘s flags to drape around their bodies, trying to get closer to ghosts by pretending to be ghosts. Another operator firmly believed that it was a contact mark left by a hostile force trying to infiltrate Rhode Island, so he wrote at least three emails to Dr. Kal’tsit every day to emphasize the danger. There are also operators who firmly believe that it is a form of artistic expression of an unknown civilization. They work every day to copy the "ghost mark" and have established a society dedicated to appreciating its artistic value.
[Voice Record from the Personnel Department] "So, it's you?" "Ahem, it's not me." "Every few months, I come to Rhode Island to stay for a period of time, and the time of each stay coincides with the time of the ghost sighting report. Leaving the dormitory in the middle of the night and wandering around the ship, leaving obscure marks on the walls of the corridors... There is no one else, Miss Lucilla." "Eh - you investigated too carefully... " My mailbox is almost overflowing with requests to investigate ghosts! Some want to be a ghost with you, some want to make a spy movie with you, and the most enthusiastic one wants to talk to you all night about art..." ...Did you use any special Aegir painting techniques?" "I did learn relevant professional techniques at the Visual Art Creation Institute..." "That's great, then you can go and give it to me in person." The staff of the Ghost Mark Appreciation Club explained their creative ideas, and I finally no longer had to listen to their lengthy retelling of the appreciation reports. " But 'Ghost Mark' is really just lines and colors daubed casually, and there is no creative idea to talk about." You do it unconsciously in the dark..." "I don't understand. You have obviously learned professional skills." " Just for scribbling?" "Yes." "...Okay. How should I explain to those fanatical operatives that this is the truth from the investigation..." "You don't have to tell them the truth." "Huh? " " Although my unintentional graffiti is far from being called art, wouldn't it be great if they could inspire all kinds of imagination among the operators? This is the practical value of art. Oh, if it can help a few children with unhealthy schedules. It would be better if you go back to sleep."
Not long after arriving in Rhode Island, Lucilla submitted an application to participate in field missions to the Field Service Department. According to convention, people like her who have no experience, lack of training, and whose personal expertise has nothing to do with the mission content should not be approved to participate in field missions. However, I don’t know what trick she used, but she was finally allowed to accompany the team to the Rim Billiton Wilderness. Although she was not assigned a specific task, Lucilla was busy on her own after arriving at the scene. Ten minutes later, while the accompanying catastrophe messenger was still calibrating the instrument, she had already begun to report unusual swirling airflow activities in the distance. The messenger confirmed that it was indeed a catastrophe cloud that was taking shape. Afterwards, when asked why he could predict natural disasters so quickly and accurately without relevant knowledge, Lucilla smiled and pointed to the sky: "Just rely on your intuition. Look, there are scary clouds in the sky, don't they?" In fact, it's like the waves on the sea?"
[Voice Recording] "Every Aegorir has a different understanding of the ocean. I'm not talking about emotional sustenance like 'hometown' or 'hometown', nor is it like 'hometown' or 'hometown'. Utilitarian labels such as resources and "wealth", but, for example, I think the sea is a particularly active giant animal. It is because its limbs and organs are always moving around that I need to constantly map ocean currents. " After I got ashore, I discovered that the atmosphere and the ocean have many similarities. Regardless of the concentration changes of gas components, or the flow direction and velocity of wind... they are all very similar. It was probably another big, active animal, only softer and brighter. So, the essence of this planet may be several huge animals holding a hot core together, right? "...Unscientific?...The sea is just a mixture of water and minerals? Of course I know this. Our ancestors knew the physical essence of the ocean when they first took shape thousands of years ago. But, if you think about it this way, doesn't it make everything seem strange and scary? When the volcanic energy station went out, I once thought about whether the sea was actually just a heavy, dark, meaningless mass of salt water. .....That was the only time in my life that I was afraid of the sea.”
[Excerpt from development plan evaluation materials] The work results submitted by Lucilla—whether data, reports, or plans—are extremely complex, mixed with a large number of fantasies that may seem serious but are highly lacking in feasibility. Here are just a few examples: research on the possibility of the whisker-shaped biomonitoring unit on the dome acting as an itch scratcher; research on the taste changes and principles of the dome's color developer (also known as "ink") when it changes color; research on the deposition on the outer layer of the dome The shapes and patterns of excreta produced by marine organisms. In order not to affect the docking efficiency, we communicated with Lucila, and she agreed to streamline the content of the work she submitted. After that, Lucilla began to regularly organize the whims that sprouted in his work and life into projects and send them to the heads of various institutions of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Technology. These whims are still highly unfeasible, but a few heads of institutions said they were inspired by them and found new research directions.
[Notes of Deep Sea Cultist Cassia] A new person was transferred to the post, named Lucilla. She used to work in the dome system. It seems that she applied for the transfer because she could not bear the mental pressure. It is hard to believe that such a fragile person caused Pabos to be transferred. catch. ... The vacancy Lucilla filled was created by the suicide of the former administrator. The occurrence of suicide cases is a precursor to the collapse of the country, which proves that the war with the seaborne is eroding people's freedom to create value. I'm afraid that in more than ten years, the new generation of Agor people will only be worth fighting against the seaborne. As for this Luciilla, she probably won't last long. ... Well, Lucilla doesn't behave like a mentally broken person, her mind is surprisingly active - even when they are eating together, she will suddenly start to search with interest materials that can switch between solid and liquid states at any time have led me to discuss the possibility of deforming tableware; or to study the difference in the sounds of ingredients when they are chewed, and to try to incorporate hearing into the eating experience... What a weird thing. … I’m starting to understand why Lucilla didn’t break down. Most of the time, her endless weird ideas are really useless, but the more useless they are, the more serious she is. She seemed to feel that these useless whims were as worthy of attention as the practical means of fighting seaborne. Perhaps it is this concept that allows her to maintain vigorous creativity at all times, instead of gradually becoming numb on a narrow path. I really want to regard her behavior as a futile struggle, but to be honest, if all Aegir people could be like her, Aegir would not be as fragile as it is now, and we would not have to... ....Oh, what a pity.
[Voice Recording] "...Why am I thinking about this? What are you asking about? Of course it's because it's interesting."
[Voice record of the Development Planning Institute: Assessor ■■■■■ and Assessor ■■■■] "Lucilla applied for transfer out of the dome system? What's the reason?" "...'Fear of heights'. Alas, what is she trying to escape with this excuse? What do you think, did we misjudge at the time, and she is actually not suitable for working in the dome system?" "Don't forget, the duties of dome managers and ocean current surveyors did not include monitoring and recording sea behavior. It's not that she is not suitable for this position, she just hasn't been able to accept that the dome she has longed for since childhood has irreversibly become Aegir’s eyes to observe the sea."
[Voice record of the Development Planning Institute: Assessor ■■■■■ and Lucilla] "After a systematic evaluation, the Development Planning Institute believes that you are very suitable to return to the dome system. But in the end, we hope you can answer one more question-what do you think is the root cause of your fear of heights?" "Ah! Sorry, I'm actually... ahem, not afraid of heights. When I was on the dome, I never even looked down. There were too many things worth paying attention to on the dome, so how could I have the time to look down... Oh, by the way, I recently saw the traces left on the dome by the sea monsters when they invaded the city before. I am considering reversely utilizing the sea monsters' ability to penetrate sealing materials to develop a luring sea monster trap..." "Welcome back to the dome system."
Voice Lines:
Appoint Assistant
Organising materials? Shouldn't this kind of work be left to "little handys"? ...Okay, I can do it myself. It's quite interesting to have a chance to chat with you, Doctor.
Conversation 1
There are still ten minutes until a massive influx of ocean current data arrives. Next, I spend four minutes preparing the ink, five minutes setting up the equipment, and forty-five seconds to doodle. Fifteen seconds left? Of course I leave it to you to take off your hood. What is the difference between drawing a faceless model and drawing a rock?
Conversation 2
The Aegir people's schedule is not affected by day and night. Artists often only sleep once every fifty hours when they are inspired. As for me, I'm pretty much like you, except I fall asleep at sunrise. Phew, it's eight o'clock, I'm sleepy - why are you yawning too?
Conversation 3
Aegir is unwilling to simulate a personality on a machine, so why do I still like chatting with robot operators? Because it's fun. Also, in order to prevent the cognitive module from being overloaded by my chat, I have has already started to tackle the tough issues. If there is a breakthrough, then it will be considered a contribution.
Conversation after promotion 1
After the channel was opened, there were many strange sea creatures outside the dome, which was really annoying. But without joking, my duty is to observe and record, and to reserve enough data for the complete elimination of seaborne. The more ostentatious those guys are, the more I have to keep an eye on them. (Upgrade to Elite 1 to view)
Conversation after promotion 2
When the city evacuated and darkness approached, I was so scared that I unconsciously painted two strokes on the dome. It wasn't until I returned to the dome recently that I saw that what I drew was a smiling face - and I suddenly realized that I should have faced the darkness with a smile long ago.(Upgrade to Elite 2 to view)
Talk 1 after trust is improved
There used to be a lovely cluster of algae outside the dome. No matter how turbulent the ocean current was, it would only sway quietly according to its own rhythm. I have always wanted to raise a cluster, stir the water with my hands, and see how calm it is... Doctor, you are very similar to it. (Increase trust to 40% to view)
Talk 2 after trust is improved
I used dome technology to transform this public umbrella so that it can adjust its shape and transparency, and monitor temperature and humidity. But the engineering department felt that the equipment was overqualified and said that the wrist-shaped monitoring unit on it was scary and asked me to change it back. It was really - by the way, do you have an umbrella? Can you exchange it with me? (Increase trust to 100% to view)
Talk 3 after trust is improved
"Evening Light on the Seabed", a volcanic energy station that once illuminated the seafloor with a red glow... When the war is over, come with me to see it. Even if it has fallen into slumber under the seaborne’s carpet of bacteria, you will definitely come with me to wake it up without changing your mind, right? (Increase trust to 200% to view)
Warm reminder, if I doze off while working, my face will become my drawing board...are I really asleep? Little Handy, raise the temperature in the office by two degrees. It's not fun at all if the Doctor catches a cold.
Operators report
Hello, I'm from Aegir...huh? Staring at the bottle on my waist, could it be that I want to take a sip? It's not impossible, but please be responsible for the consequences of drinking ink.
Watch combat records
Doctor, please pause for a moment and show me the back of this person... Huh? Can you only see one side of the video?
Elite promotion 1
Promotion? Am I really doing that well? you just like working with me? (Upgrade to Elite Stage 1 to view)
Elite promotion 2
Promoted again? What's the reason? "particularly" accurate action suggestions based on the movement of ocean currents. Any more? Well, I used my expertise in equipment maintenance. Why did it stop? Go ahead and praise me, I'm listening. (Upgrade to Elite Stage 2 to view)
Join the team
Do you want me to collect data or maintain the dome? neither? You are also good at creating surprises.
appoint captain
If you want me to be the captain, you have to pick some interesting team members for me.
Take action
Everyone just follow me. If you are afraid of not recognizing someone, you can remember the colour of the ink bottle on my body.
The action begins
It's a wave!
Select operator 1
Take your time, don't rush, it won't be good if you make a mistake in the rush.
Select operator 2
Just say it, I'm listening.
Deployment 1
I've arrived at the scene, and the direction of the current is—well, it's a mess.
Deployment 2
It's really time to teach these lawless guys a lesson.
In combat 1
Where is the guy who disturbs the current?
In combat 2
Close your eyes and feel the rhythm of the waves...then you've been fooled.
In combat 3
Look at you, you've been splashed with ink again, haven't you?
In combat 4
Say something. It would be too sad to sink to the bottom of the sea without a word.
Complete difficult actions
Defeating a strong enemy is of course worth the joy, but you should also remember to look up from time to time and look at the scenery above you - it's beautiful.
3 stars
The plan was completed meticulously, which is very good. The Facilities Management Office likes people like you.
End stage without 3 stars
There is a small error, but it has little impact. I'll stay and troubleshoot.
Stage failed
I know the trial and error process is painful. But if you continue to be so depressed, will I have to do the next round of work by myself?
Stationed facilities
"Little handy", turn on the light for me - not here? Okay, let me find where the switch is...
It’s been too long since you tapped me on the head?
trust tap
Use whatever ink you like. As for the surveyor - don't touch it.
new year wishes
Curious about my schedule today? Let me see my work schedule—huh? Not working on the first day of the new year. Do mainlanders still have this custom? So weird. Well, let me carefully arrange today's schedule... The first one is to accompany the doctor to pick out a New Year's gift.
You are so happy, what bad things have you done?
Anniversary celebration
If you don't go live with other people, what are you reading here? Well, it's in foreign words, I can't understand it... So, doctor, you tell me what's in the book, and I'll tell you what's in it. How about telling you the patterns and meanings seen in the lines and spaces that make up the words?
submitted by IRUN888 to arknights [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:05 NotJamesdamit Fuckface + Stevie Tomato's = BANNED.

According to someone who claims to be in the know. Upon Fuckface's return to Florida he will politely be asked to take his business elsewhere and that he is not welcome at Stevie Tomato's. Fuckface's little sham about bathroom graffiti has its consequences. The business has received numerous calls about the alleged graffiti, fake reviews, and to top it off people have been calling, and stopping by to see if they can catch Fuckface there. Apparently, management has watched YT videos of Fuckface's rants and also scrolled through DA posts. They do not want the bullshit that follows Fuckface around to interfere with their business and possibly cause the loss of customers and revenue. Can you blame them.
submitted by NotJamesdamit to DabblersAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:31 Xerrrrxes ⚠️ Attention Criminal Masterminds! ⚠️ Attention Gangs Looking for new home! ⚠️ 75k starter bonus⚠️

Project Nova has just launched, and we need you to bring chaos to the streets! The PD is strong, but we need more skilled criminals to challenge their authority.
Join the Project Nova Underworld Today! 🚀
Welcome to Project Nova, an immersive gaming community where you can dominate the underworld and forge your own path in the city's criminal scene. Here's what Project Nova has in store for you:

🚗 Rule the Streets

👕 Stand Out

🏚️ Master House Robberies

👑 Dominate the Underworld

💊 Thrive in the Underground Economy

🔫 Arm Yourself

🏡 Secure Your Hideout

🛠️ Supportive Community

🌈 Inclusivity at its Core

🔨 Diverse Job Opportunities

Engage in Dynamic Conflict

Ready to Rise to Power?

Don’t miss out on the chance to become a notorious figure in Project Nova’s underworld. Click here to join our Discord server and start your criminal adventure today!
Whether you want to build an empire from the ground up, dominate the criminal scene, or engage in high-stakes heists, there’s a place for you in Project Nova. Join us now and experience the ultimate criminal life!
submitted by Xerrrrxes to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:14 Fine-Cod-7959 ⚠️ Attention Criminal Masterminds! ⚠️ Attention Gangs Looking for new home! ⚠️ 75k starter bonus⚠️

⚠️ Attention Criminal Masterminds! ⚠️ Attention Gangs Looking for new home! ⚠️ 75k starter bonus⚠️
Project Nova has just launched, and we need you to bring chaos to the streets! The PD is strong, but we need more skilled criminals to challenge their authority.
Join the Project Nova Underworld Today! 🚀
Welcome to Project Nova, an immersive gaming community where you can dominate the underworld and forge your own path in the city's criminal scene. Here's what Project Nova has in store for you:

🚗 Rule the Streets

  • Epic Vehicle Selection: Choose from over 800 custom, lore-friendly vehicles. Customize your ride with full Dyno systems, engine swaps, and more to make it truly yours.

👕 Stand Out

  • Custom Clothing: Express your unique criminal identity with our extensive array of custom clothing options.

🏚️ Master House Robberies

  • In-Depth House Robbery System: Break into homes, bypass security systems, and make off with valuable loot. Each house offers different challenges and rewards.
  • Strategic Planning: Scope out targets, plan your heist, and execute with precision. The better your strategy, the bigger the payout.
  • Unique Items and Rare Loot: Find exclusive items that can be sold or used to enhance your criminal operations.

👑 Dominate the Underworld

  • Organized Gang System: Rise through the ranks, lead your crew, and engage in adrenaline-pumping turf wars to assert your dominance in the city's underworld.
  • Gang Operations: Run complex operations, from extortion and racketeering to money laundering and smuggling.

💊 Thrive in the Underground Economy

  • Drug Trade: Manufacture, distribute, and control the city's supply of narcotics. From meth labs to cocaine shipments, the drug trade is your ticket to immense wealth.
  • Gun Running: Smuggle and distribute illegal firearms. Supply other criminals or use the firepower to defend your turf.
  • High-Stakes Heists: Plan and execute daring heists, from bank robberies to armored truck hits. The bigger the risk, the greater the reward.

🔫 Arm Yourself

  • Craft Your Arsenal: Create over 100 weapons tailored to your criminal needs. From handguns to heavy artillery, equip yourself for any situation.

🏡 Secure Your Hideout

  • Real Estate System: Turn any building into your perfect criminal hideout or headquarters. Safehouses are crucial for storing loot and planning operations.

🛠️ Supportive Community

  • Dedicated Staff: Our team is committed to providing you with the best possible experience, ensuring your criminal journey in Project Nova is smooth and exciting.

🌈 Inclusivity at its Core

  • Diverse Community: We celebrate diversity and welcome criminals of all backgrounds and genders.

🔨 Diverse Job Opportunities

  • Taxi Driver 🚕: Earn money by transporting citizens around the city safely.
  • Mining ⛏️: Delve into the mines to extract valuable resources and sell them for profit.
  • Towing 🚛: Help keep the streets clear by towing abandoned or illegally parked vehicles.
  • Much More: From delivery jobs to fishing, there are many ways to make a living while plotting your next big score.

Engage in Dynamic Conflict

  • Turf Wars and Graffiti Tagging: Fight for supremacy in the city streets through intense and thrilling turf battles.

Ready to Rise to Power?

Don’t miss out on the chance to become a notorious figure in Project Nova’s underworld. Click here to join our Discord server and start your criminal adventure today!
Whether you want to build an empire from the ground up, dominate the criminal scene, or engage in high-stakes heists, there’s a place for you in Project Nova. Join us now and experience the ultimate criminal life!
submitted by Fine-Cod-7959 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]


Join the Project Nova Community Today! 🚀
Welcome to Project Nova, an immersive gaming community like no other. Dive into an expansive world where you shape your own destiny and forge alliances in the heat of intense battles both physical and mental, Project nova was built with players on
👕 Customize Your Style: Stand out with our extensive array of custom clothing options, allowing you to express your unique identity.
🚗 Explore with Freedom: Roam the city streets in style with our diverse selection of over 100 vehicles, each waiting for your command all lore friendly, we also offer a very in depth mechanic system to take your vehicle to the next level and make it yours fully. From full Dyno systems, to engine swapping plus so much more.
👑 Establish Your Dominance: Rise through the ranks and assert your crew's dominance in the city's underworld with our organized gang system and adrenaline-pumping turf wars.
🌈 Inclusivity at its Core: We celebrate diversity and welcome players of all backgrounds and genders to our vibrant community.
💼 Entrepreneurial Ventures: Build your empire from the ground up with player-owned businesses, turning your dreams into reality in our bustling cityscape. Turning any building into your business if you can think it we can do it!!
🏡 Find Your Sanctuary: Discover the perfect abode in our diverse neighborhoods, each offering its own unique charm and atmosphere. With our lovely Real estate system any building into your sanctuary.
💊 Navigate the Underworld: Delve into the depths of the underground economy with extremely in depth criminal system, from drug creation and distribution, gun running, heists and much more to explore.
🔫 Craft Your Arsenal: wether you’re a criminal or a law abiding citizen everyone needs a firearm in Los santos, you have the ability to craft over 100 weapons to fit your needs and aspirations
🛠️ Dedicated Support: Our passionate staff is committed to providing you with the best possible experience, ensuring your journey in Project Nova is nothing short of easy, fun, and exciting!
Ready to embark on your adventure? Join our Discord server and begin your journey in Project Nova today!
Join the Ranks: Whether you're drawn to the thrill of law enforcement, the rush of running a prospering criminal enterprise, the heroism of firefighting, the excitement of entrepreneurship, or the pursuit of justice in legal practice, there's a role for you in Project Nova. Join us as we expand our ranks and embark on thrilling new adventures together.
Engage in Dynamic Conflict: Immerse yourself in heart-pounding turf battles and adrenaline-fueled graffiti tagging as you fight for supremacy in the city streets.
Protect and Serve: Step into the shoes of a dedicated law enforcement officer or firefighter, equipped with top-of-the-line gear and unwavering dedication to keeping our city safe.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to become part of something extraordinary. Join Project Nova today and experience gaming like never before!
submitted by TvPBloodbeard to FiveMServers [link] [comments]


Join the Project Nova Community Today! 🚀
Welcome to Project Nova, an immersive gaming community like no other. Dive into an expansive world where you shape your own destiny and forge alliances in the heat of intense battles both physical and mental, Project nova was built with players on
👕 Customize Your Style: Stand out with our extensive array of custom clothing options, allowing you to express your unique identity.
🚗 Explore with Freedom: Roam the city streets in style with our diverse selection of over 100 vehicles, each waiting for your command all lore friendly, we also offer a very in depth mechanic system to take your vehicle to the next level and make it yours fully. From full Dyno systems, to engine swapping plus so much more.
👑 Establish Your Dominance: Rise through the ranks and assert your crew's dominance in the city's underworld with our organized gang system and adrenaline-pumping turf wars.
🌈 Inclusivity at its Core: We celebrate diversity and welcome players of all backgrounds and genders to our vibrant community.
💼 Entrepreneurial Ventures: Build your empire from the ground up with player-owned businesses, turning your dreams into reality in our bustling cityscape. Turning any building into your business if you can think it we can do it!!
🏡 Find Your Sanctuary: Discover the perfect abode in our diverse neighborhoods, each offering its own unique charm and atmosphere. With our lovely Real estate system any building into your sanctuary.
💊 Navigate the Underworld: Delve into the depths of the underground economy with extremely in depth criminal system, from drug creation and distribution, gun running, heists and much more to explore.
🔫 Craft Your Arsenal: wether you’re a criminal or a law abiding citizen everyone needs a firearm in Los santos, you have the ability to craft over 100 weapons to fit your needs and aspirations
🛠️ Dedicated Support: Our passionate staff is committed to providing you with the best possible experience, ensuring your journey in Project Nova is nothing short of easy, fun, and exciting!
Ready to embark on your adventure? Join our Discord server and begin your journey in Project Nova today!
Join the Ranks: Whether you're drawn to the thrill of law enforcement, the rush of running a prospering criminal enterprise, the heroism of firefighting, the excitement of entrepreneurship, or the pursuit of justice in legal practice, there's a role for you in Project Nova. Join us as we expand our ranks and embark on thrilling new adventures together.
Engage in Dynamic Conflict: Immerse yourself in heart-pounding turf battles and adrenaline-fueled graffiti tagging as you fight for supremacy in the city streets.
Protect and Serve: Step into the shoes of a dedicated law enforcement officer or firefighter, equipped with top-of-the-line gear and unwavering dedication to keeping our city safe.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to become part of something extraordinary. Join Project Nova today and experience gaming like never before!
submitted by TvPBloodbeard to GTAVRP [link] [comments]


Join the Project Nova Community Today! 🚀
Welcome to Project Nova, an immersive gaming community like no other. Dive into an expansive world where you shape your own destiny and forge alliances in the heat of intense battles both physical and mental, Project nova was built with players on
👕 Customize Your Style: Stand out with our extensive array of custom clothing options, allowing you to express your unique identity.
🚗 Explore with Freedom: Roam the city streets in style with our diverse selection of over 100 vehicles, each waiting for your command all lore friendly, we also offer a very in depth mechanic system to take your vehicle to the next level and make it yours fully. From full Dyno systems, to engine swapping plus so much more.
👑 Establish Your Dominance: Rise through the ranks and assert your crew's dominance in the city's underworld with our organized gang system and adrenaline-pumping turf wars.
🌈 Inclusivity at its Core: We celebrate diversity and welcome players of all backgrounds and genders to our vibrant community.
💼 Entrepreneurial Ventures: Build your empire from the ground up with player-owned businesses, turning your dreams into reality in our bustling cityscape. Turning any building into your business if you can think it we can do it!!
🏡 Find Your Sanctuary: Discover the perfect abode in our diverse neighborhoods, each offering its own unique charm and atmosphere. With our lovely Real estate system any building into your sanctuary.
💊 Navigate the Underworld: Delve into the depths of the underground economy with extremely in depth criminal system, from drug creation and distribution, gun running, heists and much more to explore.
🔫 Craft Your Arsenal: wether you’re a criminal or a law abiding citizen everyone needs a firearm in Los santos, you have the ability to craft over 100 weapons to fit your needs and aspirations
🛠️ Dedicated Support: Our passionate staff is committed to providing you with the best possible experience, ensuring your journey in Project Nova is nothing short of easy, fun, and exciting!
Ready to embark on your adventure? Join our Discord server and begin your journey in Project Nova today!
Join the Ranks: Whether you're drawn to the thrill of law enforcement, the rush of running a prospering criminal enterprise, the heroism of firefighting, the excitement of entrepreneurship, or the pursuit of justice in legal practice, there's a role for you in Project Nova. Join us as we expand our ranks and embark on thrilling new adventures together.
Engage in Dynamic Conflict: Immerse yourself in heart-pounding turf battles and adrenaline-fueled graffiti tagging as you fight for supremacy in the city streets.
Protect and Serve: Step into the shoes of a dedicated law enforcement officer or firefighter, equipped with top-of-the-line gear and unwavering dedication to keeping our city safe.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to become part of something extraordinary. Join Project Nova today and experience gaming like never before!
submitted by TvPBloodbeard to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 03:46 Freefall1821 I think I quit or got fired I don’t know yet.

I have a few subway shirts and I wanna customize them to say some graffiti or scratch off a part and put some hate stuff. Idk, I need some ideas and I need some help on what to use.
submitted by Freefall1821 to QuitMyDayJ0b [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 02:35 Lucifer_Mrnngstr The Birth of a Hero: A Spider-Man Story - OUT NOW

The Birth of a Hero: A Spider-Man Story - OUT NOW
Hey, everyone!
Immensely happy to announce that, after almost a year of working on it, my first feature fan edit is finally ready and available.
Synopsis: After discovering a mysterious briefcase left by his father, adolescent Peter Parker embarks on a quest to uncover the truth about his parents' disappearance, further complicating his life as he deals with newfound superpowers, his first love and, most importantly, growing up.
"The Birth of a Hero: A Spider-Man Story" is a retelling of the most infamous chapter in the web-slinger's cinematic history that aims to remove most of the superheroics in order to create a more emotionally grounded narrative about Peter Parker finding his place in the world.
Full Cut List: - Added FE disclaimer and logo - Replaced Marvel logo with the MCU Phase 2 version - Added a custom title card - Used Amazing 2’s version of Richard telling Peter to “be good” before leaving and the following shot of Peter staring into his reflection; retained Amazing 1’s “Dad?” - Rescored Peter at school with “The Calling - Unstoppable”; slightly trimmed the scene to match the new music - Cut a quick flashback when Peter is shuffling through the briefcase - Painstakingly edited the Oscorp internship add so that it just says “Internship Enrollment” (credit goes to lantern51 for inspiring this change) - Cut Peter talking to the Oscorp desk lady, now he just grabs his badge and goes in - Obviously cut Rodrigo being ridiculously dragged away by security - Cut any mentions of Peter stealing the badge during his talk with Gwen - Rescored Peter’s chaotic morning after he gets bitten with “MCR – I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” (it’s corny, I know, but it works so well) - Added Peter building the wall of clues from Amazing 2 after he visits Connors; rescored the scene with “There For Tomorrow - Pages”; added the photoshoot flashback (again from Amazing 2) to the ending of the scene, replacing “Do I have to lose you too?”; slightly trimmed it to remove any references to Roosevelt, the calculator and Gwen - Rescored the skateboarding montage with “Finger Eleven – One Thing” - Cut Connors showing Peter around Oscorp and dumping exposition on the Ganali device - Moved Ratha firing Connors to after Peter storms out; used a nighttime exterior shot of Oscorp tower from Amazing 2 to make the transition smoother; slightly trimmed the end of the scene to remove a continuity error with future changes - Used the alternate version of Ben’s death; rescored Peter sitting on the streetlamp before Ben gets shot with “Yellowcard – Empty Apartment” (it sounds like he’s listening to it through headphones); rebuilt foley for that same moment - Added “Connors’ Condolences” deleted scene - Intercut Peter deciding to go hunt Ben’s killer with Connors’ mirror hand moment and him injecting himself with the serum (“We must be greater than what we suffer.”, yet neither of them follows that advice); added a sunset shot of Oscorp tower at the beginning (taken from later in the film) to help everything flow better - Cut the quick flash of the star tattoo when Peter is holding the thug over the ledge - Intercut Peter falling into the boxing ring with Connors waking up in the sewers; added a quick flash of the Lizard (and his scream) to the latter (taken from scenes later in the film) - Rescored the “Becoming Spider-Man” montage with “Hoobastank – Crawling in the Dark”; cut Peter testing his web shooters in broad daylight (“Kinda defeats the purpose of the whole anonymous superhero thing.”); some additional trims here and there; restored the full first-person p.o.v shot; cut the ending where Spidey stands on a rooftop, the ending of the f.-p. shot now transitions to… - May telling Peter the truth about his parents from Amazing 2 (rescored with Amazing 1 and Netflix Daredevil score); cut mentions of Norman Osborn and Peter being in college - Added a nighttime NY shot for a better transition between the last scene and the car thief scene - Cut Peter and May’s argument after the car thief scene, instead, a new scene has been created using shots from earlier in the film, in which Peter quietly walks in, tucks May in and cries; this fades to another new scene, in which Peter visits Ben’s grave (used footage from Amazing 2 and Raimi 2, rebuilt foley); after this added Peter destroying the wall of clues, intercut it with flashbacks to the opening and cut the calculator and Roosevelt; all of this is set to “Simple Plan - Perfect” - Added “Going Away” deleted scene (my idea here is that Richard leaving Peter is paralleled with Connors leaving his son); reframed a couple of shots to hide Connors’ green screen hand - Scored Peter walking down the school hallway before Gwen bumps into him with “3doorsdown – Let Me Go” - Stitched up all bits of Connors documenting all the changes he’s going through from when Spider-Man goes into the sewers to find him as one continuous scene and added it after Gwen asks Peter over; rescored for better flow - Obviously cut Connors waking up with his new hand and catching a cab to chase Ratha - Cut the shot of the ripped in half taxi at the start of the bridge scene for continuity reasons - Created a new scene, in which the police arrest Connors (used shots from the original climax of the film and the “Help Me” deleted scene); rebuilt foley - The rest of the film has been entirely reworked so that it’s less bombastic and a more emotionally grounded ending is created; the scenes proceed as follows: 1) Exterior shot of Midtown High (taken from the school fight; rebuilt foley) 2) Peter and Gwen on the football court talking about his powers; recut the dialogue to match the new continuity; cut Peter bending the goal post; rescored with Insomniac Spider-Man score 3) The mid-credits scene; cut the Gentleman entirely, now it’s just Connors alone in his cell 4) The famous “Peter Meets his Dad” deleted scene from Amazing 2; added a “Two Weeks Later” title card at the start; recut dialogue to remove mentions of Gwen’s death; rescored the second half with Netflix Daredevil score; added a neat new twist at the end 5) Peter listens to Ben’s voice message; the final shot of the film is now Peter looking at the Spidey graffiti; rescored with “Incubus – Drive” (that also carries into the main on-ends) - Rearranged the main on-ends and rescored the rest of the credits
Anyone whose curiosity is piqued can send me a pm, I have both MEGA and Drive links.
submitted by Lucifer_Mrnngstr to fanedits [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:38 Fair_Lingonberry7375 Join a developing server that embraces everyone. All roles such as PD, EMS, DOJ, and many whitelist jobs available

Join the Offshore Roleplay Community Today!
Welcome to Offshore Roleplay, an immersive gaming community like no other. Dive into an fully custom city with custom vehicles, scripts and so much more with a loving and devoted staff team and in house devs!
Customize Your Style: Stand out with our extensive array of custom clothing options, allowing you to express your unique identity.
Explore with Freedom: Roam the city streets in style with our diverse selection of over 100 vehicles, each waiting for your command all lore friendly, we also offer a very in depth mechanic system to take your vehicle to the next level and make it yours fully. From full Dyno systems, to engine swapping plus so much more.
Establish Your Dominance: Rise through the ranks and assert your crew's dominance in the city's underworld with our organized gang system and adrenaline-pumping turf wars.
Inclusivity at its Core: We celebrate diversity and welcome players of all backgrounds and genders to our vibrant community.
Entrepreneurial Ventures: Build your empire from the ground up with player-owned businesses, turning your dreams into reality in our bustling cityscape. Turning any building into your business if you can think it we can do it!!
Find Your Sanctuary: Discover the perfect abode in our diverse neighborhoods, each offering its own unique charm and atmosphere. With our lovely Real estate system, any building into your sanctuary.
Navigate the Underworld: Delve into the depths of the underground economy with extremely in depth criminal system, from drug creation and distribution, gun running, heists and much more to explore.
[12:34 PM]
Craft Your Arsenal: whether you’re a criminal or a law abiding citizen everyone needs a firearm in Los santos, you have the ability to craft over 100 weapons to fit your needs and aspirations
Dedicated Support: Our passionate staff is committed to providing you with the best possible experience, ensuring your journey in Offshore is nothing short of easy, fun, and exciting!
Ready to embark on your adventure? Click to join our Discord server and begin your journey in Offshore today!
Join the Ranks: Whether you're drawn to the thrill of law enforcement,the rush of running a prospering criminal enterprise, the heroism of firefighting, the excitement of entrepreneurship, or the pursuit of justice in legal practice, there's a role for you in Offshore. Join us as we expand our ranks and embark on thrilling new adventures together.
Engage in Dynamic Conflict: Immerse yourself in heart-pounding turf battles and adrenaline-fueled graffiti tagging as you fight for supremacy in the city streets.
Protect and Serve: Step into the shoes of a dedicated law enforcement officer or firefighter, equipped with top-of-the-line gear and unwavering dedication to keeping our city safe.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to become part of something extraordinary. Join Offshore today and experience gaming like never before!
submitted by Fair_Lingonberry7375 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:59 seventubas I have seen a lot of posts about inappropriate elimination lately and I may have a information that can help.

I wrote this to copy and paste for people when they asked but decided to make a post for this as well.
Here is a general write up that I use to help people with these issues. It hasn't been customized to your question specifically, so not everything will apply. I do try to make this as comprehensive as possible, so it is very long but it's all important information that you need to resolve these issues. I update this response as I learn new things, that may help people with this issue. My writing isn't great and I know that. I apologize. Know that I am always reading though this find errors and improve ease of readability. So while it is annoying, know that this is a known issue I am I am actively working on it.
First things to consider
If your cat isn't fixed you don't know if you have an issue and are very unlikely to resolve it until you get them fixed. Their hormones will send a message to their brain to say to urine mark or even fully pee to establish that they live there.
Is this cat declawed? If they are this is a different issue. You need work this out in your vet appointment I will mention in a minute.
Are they a hybrid breed? If so getting them fixed and following the steps below may help the issue but it is unlikely to resolve it. It's one of the added wild traits that get added when you create a hybrid from a wild and domestic cat. It's highly unlikely to resolve completely as you cannot fight instinct. I recommend talking with other people's with Hybrids or the breeder or the animal shelter you got the cat from for more indepth information as I am not super knowledgeable on hybrid cats.
It could be a medical problem.
Rule out a medical cause by going to the vet. If they need to be fixed, fix them. Have the vet give your cat a thorough exam and run tests to confirm or rule out a medical cause. If this cat is declawed have the vet examine the declawed paws. To confirm or rule out a physical issue where is the cat is avoiding the litter box because of sore paws.
Once that cat is fixed and and medical or physical cause is ruled out you can be reasonably sure this is a behavioral problem.
So what do we do?
Negative reinforcement doesnt work with cats (any animal, especially cats) cats would naturally live in colonies of other cats without a hierarchy of authority. Because they lack the concept of authority. Everything with cats needs to be mutually beneficial. Every time you ask something of your cat, know they are wanting to know what's in it for them. They aren't being rude. That's completely appropriate for a cat. If you ask something of them, make it benefit them.
This is a house hold wide problem If you have a home where you have a pet that your refer to a single persons pet. Put a stop to that. It's everyones pet, working together to solve this with the cat and not against the designated "owner" for them to fix it. Everyone needs to do their part.
If you think of cats as a 'low maintenance' pet it's time to reevaluate your thinking. There is no such thing. All pets have needs, When their needs go unaddressed, we run into problems with our pets.
Firstly, let's look at the litter box environment
Make sure you have 1 more litter box then you have cats in your home. Don't put them side by side in 'litter box station' spread then out through your home. Unless you can prove that your cat prefers to pee in one type litter and poop in a different type. If that is that case you need one more litter station then cats in your home.
Scoop your litter daily. This is very important.
Ensure your litter box is NOT hooded, automatic (eg. a litter robot) or tucked away in a DIY litter box cabnaint. We see far more litter box issues popup among cats that use a hooded, automatic litter boxes or in cabnaints. They are not worth it. BUT your simple litter box should be large. Placement is important, you want to place it where they won't feel like there is potential for a blind ambush, remember that yes cats are predators, but they are also prey and while your cat is in one of his most vulnerable positions they find themselves in, the litter box, you need to veiw them as prey. Make sure there nothing your cat may find scary in the room. You maybe need to get down to their level to look for threats. Remember that threats could be sounds, smells, pictures of cats even a hose as it may look like a snake. If you have a collar camera put it to use and see how your cat views the space. Additionally if there is a noticeable temperature change in the room with the litter move it as that could be discouraging your cat
Evaluate the type of type of litter.
Try different types of litter, avoid crystals litter or scented litter cats dont like those. there is a time and place for all other litter types including sand, try them and see if you can establish a preference. Prioritize clumping litters over non clumping litter in your trials. Remove any air fresheners from the room where there is a litter box. It may be best to keep at least one litter box containing your old litter and the second box a new litter. Until you know that your cat will use the new litter and if they like it.
Cats have litter depth preferences, expirment with different depths of litter. To establish their preference.
Remember your cat is doing to a huge favor by using an litter box. So do them a favor and make the experience as pleasant as possible.
Multi Cat Homes
Never assume you only have one cat peeing. As cats will add their pee, when they smell other cat urine as a way of saying I live here too, and to create or maintain group smell. Think of it as graffiti. So in multi cat homes , get all your cats checked by the vet you may think one cat is the problem when they are making graffiti and you have another cat with a medical issue causing them to eliminate inappropriately.
The Phantom Urinator
It's possible, though not highly likely, that your cat isn't the original perpetrator of the urinating... Your cat may be simply making graffiti and it could be that a cat who previously lived in your home (maybe before you even moved in). Was the inappropriate eliminator, and it was not properly clean up. Your cat is just adding their personal signature to the territory.
The Stress Induced Urinator.
If there is a pattern to your cat peeing it could be that they are trying to tell you something. If it's along an outside wall, keep an eye out in that part of the yard. It could be that there is another cat invading your yard . The pee is in this case a stress cats was of saying this is mine, mine, mine and you can't have it. You may have to put up deterrents to get the cats out of your yard. You may need to set up a camera in order to catch the intruder.
The I just missed my litterbox problem.
This cat that goes up to the litterbox but doesn't quite have the best aim and it lands on the floor. probably doesn't like their litterbox set up. Most likely the type of litter or size of litterbox. You need to spend extra attention to your cats litter box set up and make it just right for your cat.
The Work That Needs to be done,
Please note: its to be done by your entire household, as if this is a family pet it's everyone responsibility. It should only all fall on you if you live alone. And even then maybe invite a friend to help you out for some of these steps.
To start you need the following items
a UV black light flash light
Two colours of painters tape,
An enzymatic cleaner designed for cat urine.
Wand toys with many different things to hunt
Log book / calendar (physical or digital)
You will also need the following changes
Switch your cat to be a meal feed cat if you are currently a free feeder.
Spread your cats resources around your home to spread your cats scent, and feeling of belonging.
If you have any forbidden rooms for the cat. (I don't recommend forbidden spaces, but I also don't know your situation) Start letting them in there once a week with supervision to explore it.
Wait for your home to be dark.. close the curtains and blinds to make it darker and use your UV light to hunt for urine hunt through your entire house. If you have rooms that your cat isn't allowed in, check those rooms too as your cat may be a phantom Urinator scenario When you find some cleaning up with the enzymatic cleaner and use one colour of your painters tape. That colour indicates old urine that may not even be from your cat or any of your cats.
Remember you will know if the urine is old under the black light, as the brighter is shines the newer it is.
From here every time you find a new spot clean it up with the cleaner and mark it with the other colour of painters tape to indicate you know for sure this is at least one of your current cats. Over time you will get a lot of data points look for a pattern.
Every time it happens log it in your book with a date and time... The time it happens or the time it was found. But track if it was the time it happened or the time it was found..track every detail of what was going on in your house that day no matter how insignificant it seems.. also track the date of the litter was last cleaned at the time of the incident. Again look for patterns on your notes.
This will tell you a lot and you maybe be able to relate it back to one of the above scenarios.. The cat may also be indicating their preference for the type of litter type they may prefer, by peeing on certain types of objects. Look at everything as a potential clue.
When there is inappropriate elimination , there is a feeling of insecurity in your cat, the way to build confidence and security is the next part of the work.
Start meal feeding- if after 30- 60minutes after the meal was put down the dishes Should be emptied if not you are over feeding reduce portion size. Have frequent meal times I do 3. 3-5 probably best, but 2 works as well, if that's all you can do then great. The more frequently you are feeding the smaller the meals should be.
Prior to feed your cats play with them with wand toys using Jackson Galaxys 'boil and Simmer' method instructions can be found on his YouTube channel..if you have children get them to take turns doing this Kids are great at playing with cats and it's good to get them involved plus it burns up their energy.
For your cat this will help work through their prey drive, regulate their energy spike to time that work for your home and build your cats confidence as well improve their relationship with the territory.
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