Breath ritalin

Order of Meds?

2024.05.11 16:30 shapeshiftingSinner Order of Meds?

(Question is in bold because I gave a lot of context.)
So I started propranolol/beta blockers(10mg that I take 3x a day, he originally said to start with 2 but to go up if I feel I need it. I'm prescribed the 3x daily already, though- and on the first day when I tried two, I felt my heart rate spike again after the second dose hit its' half life, so I moved to 3.)
Just started these on Wednesday, after seeing a cardiologist & being diagnosed with "Disorder of the Autonomic Nervous System- Unspecified". (I will hopefully be getting a TTT soon to narrow it down, but one of the receptionists said that I had to wait to be called about that one... I suspect it's HyperPOTS, personally. But rn it's just ~unspecified~ dysautonomia.)
I also have ADHD, and have been taking stims(ritalin) for that for over a year now, that is also 10mg that I take 3x a day.
((The stim does not significantly affect my heart rate, though. I've struggled with the high heart rate & blood pressure since I was 7 or 8 years old, 15-16 years ago, I just kept getting dismissed because of things like "You're young, you're just out of shape. Exercise." or "Do breathing exercises." or any other invalidating excuses they could find not to treat me, that were near impossible DUE to the condition I had remaining untreated.))
So; I've been staggering when I take them, because I feel like taking both at once might impair how they work? I've been taking my ritalin first, and then an hour later I'll take the propranolol.
My questions are -- Do I need to be doing this at all? Should I do it in the other order? Should I be putting more/less time in between them?
I'm nervous to call, because not only is my cardio out of the office for a couple weeks- But also last time I had a question, the receptionist was really rude & tried hanging up on me. (The next receptionist was kind and when I mentioned this experience, she apologized and said she thinks she knows who it was- But now I'm still nervous that I'm gonna get that rude lady again... I did have someone suggest to call the pharmacist and ask, I might end up doing that.)
These aren't the only meds I'm taking- I also take Buspirone 15mg 3x Daily, Lamictal Xr 50mg 1x Daily, and Mirtazapine 22mg (1.5 15mg Pills) 1x Daily. Along with a few supplements, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin D, and Calcium.
I also have a genetic resistance to SSRIs. I tried several in my teen & young adult(younger adult? I still count as a young adult I guess. I'm 23 now.) years. I know those are first option for mental health & also an option for dysautonomia- But they are not an option for me at all due to genetics.
I know the buspar & mirtazapine are also supposed to lower heart rate, and ritalin spikes it in some people- But I'd guess that I'd probably be doing pretty bad by now if they were interacting in a bad way?
But I'm not doing bad at all- This is the closest to normal my heart rate has been (highest it got going up stairs yesterday was 120! Usually it's 150-160. I also didn't get an adrenaline dump when I responded to an online comment, which is a first for me), and this is the ABSOLUTE BEST that my mental health has EVER been!
I just want to make sure I'm getting the full positive affect I possibly can from my medications, and that I'm doing my best to avoid any potential complications.
submitted by shapeshiftingSinner to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 02:45 pururun_kyupi My journey to this point

Mine was prescription ritalin induced. Physical withdrawal symptoms lasted for 3 months. My sympathic nervous system was overly active for this time. Night terrors, insomnia, freezing, sweating, racing heart (pulse over 120 without doing anything), hyperventilation, uncontrollable tremors, intense brain zaps, being easily startled etc etc. . I had two windows of almost complete reversal in december. One time when I had covid followed by high fever and dehydration and was treated with electrolytes and tylenol. Second time slowly emerged from the 20th on to not have that freezing and my tremors anymore. Felt more comfortable and contained. I should have had my period on the 24th but didn‘t, my cycle was prolonged with 35 days in total. From the 26-29th my breathing deepened and I had a clearer head, on the 29th my feelings came rushing back a little lasting from 5pm to about 9am. Since then I haven‘t had a window of improvement. Only most of my physical symptoms then disappeared. My heart rate normalized and my tremors completely stopped. From the start on I did feel some dopamine here and then still, but since these physical symptoms resolved in january it got less and less. Alongside all of this I had a UTI for 7 months which I was finally able to heal 3 weeks ago. I took lexapro for 3 years and completely stopped almost 2 weeks ago now. My main symptoms are constant drowsiness, constant high pitched tinnitus, paper pale skin, barely breathing and barely being able to move. I feel like a zombie. I frequently get breakdowns of despair and cry and scream. With my last bit of energy. I can barely bring myself to cry, it‘s exhausting. From being easily startled nothing really startles me anymore. I feel no adrenaline. I barely sweat. My heart rate barely changes. This is scary. I want to be my overly emotional self again. I want to feel love torwards my pets again. I want to feel content lying down. Taking a break. Actually being able to distract myself. I‘m only 18, turning 19 in a few weeks. This already took 8 months of my life.
submitted by pururun_kyupi to anhedonia [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 11:41 penguintree8 Should I go to the ER if I think I had a heart attack like more than 24 hours ago? I’m honestly not sure and I’m scared

24F, no history of heart disease but have mental health issues, slight asthma and my dad died of a heart attack at 61, I take ADHD medications almost daily (Ritalin)
I’m doing drugs sometimes and drink alcohol occasionally as well as occasionally smoke. So 2 days ago I visited a friend and we did Ketamine and drank some alcohol (not much) and at some point I started feeling dizzy as hell and like I’m about to lose consciousness. I lay down but 5 minutes later jumped up because I suddenly had this tight, stabbing sensation in my chest that hurt, and it lasted only a few seconds but previous to that I had pressure on my chest and felt like I had trouble breathing, which continued after this stabbing sensation. My mind screamed “IM HAVING A HEART ATTACK & SHOULD GO TO THE ER IMMEDIATELY, DO IT YOU DUMBASS!!” but I didn’t because I was ashamed af of myself cuz I had just two weeks ago or so called an ambulance because I thought I’m having a heart attack (being completely sober), and they did a “small” EKG and said everything is fine
But today I’m feeling weak and weird and have weird sensations in my chest and I’m seriously scared now that I really had a heart attack but my dumbass just didn’t go to the fucking ER bc I don’t know!! I’m stupid.
I have health anxiety too and my worst fear literally is to have a heart attack and now I can’t really tell whether I had one or not & thinking about going to the ER to get a proper EKG and blood tests done and I’m scared
submitted by penguintree8 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 07:47 Noobsaibot123 Girlfriend family have schizophrenic gene in family, my family wants me to reconsider her twice

Hello. I've been worried for a period whether i(28) should i continue with my girlfriend(24) or no.
Some info:
1) her brother had a psychosis episode 2 years ago, he smoked cannabis alot and after the psychosis episode blood tests showed it had Ritalin in it ( a drug used to treat adhd). And got diagnosed to be Schizophrenic.
He doesn't interact with anybody from many years ago long before the episode, he never worked in his life , he just watches Netflix all day in his room, drinks 2 big cokes everyday. smokes 2 packs cigrettes, eats and sleeps, he has been going like this for 10+ years, and doesn't conversate more than 5 seconds even with his family members.
2) her cousin is schizophrenic diagnsoed.
3) her father is literally crazy from very long time(but not diagnosed because he refuses to get checked). Having a conservation with him is impossible he keeps shouting and angry for no reason. He fights with everybody, he keeps screaming everywhere in the work, at home, in the streets. He attacks his family members physically and verbally and always always angry at home. He got kicked from his work in the medical field because he fought the managers and people everywhere, and now he hasnt been working dor 3 years and does'nt want to work forever (hes 61). Thr present situation is that he's locking himself in a room drinking alcohol non stop, for a year, and on empty stomach, he grabs a slice of plain bread once every 2 days and his medical condition is completly mess. Hypertension, breathing problems, problems in the liver, swelled and blue feet and many counts on.
Me and my family have been arguing and fighting for 2 months , they are telling me to reconsider having a relaionship with my girlfriend because chances our kids to be Schziphrenic is high.
My girlfriend have been so nice for me and we had a beautiful relationship for 4 years ago and we really love each other.
Me personally about myself im not the most mentally stable person, i have anxiety here and there, i have my own little ocd, i get mood swings from time to time but i know how to cope with it.
My quesion can we talk chances our kids will be schizophrenic ? Known that her brother and cousin are Schizophrenic diagnosed, and his dad is complete crazy?
submitted by Noobsaibot123 to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 18:12 YikesItsConnor I made a big oopsie

What the title says... I've been taking Ritalin for about 2 months after being late diagnosed(at 18) in January and I love it! I feel like an actual person for once and my creativity has come back after being pretty much gone for years. Talked to my psych about trying Adderall before committing to Ritalin XR because I know some people do better on one or the other. Yesterday I took 10mg of Adderall for the first time and wasn't satisfied with the results. My psych told me I could play around with the dose to find what works best, so I thought I'd try 20mg because I've done it with Ritalin and been fine.
BIG MISTAKE! I feel absolutely awful. My heart feels like it's racing even though it's not. I feel like I'm gonna throw up without being nauseous(like my diaphragm has that feeling you get right before you vomit). I'm having to consciously breathe and my chest feels so heavy. My head is spinning. My whole body feels HEAVY and when I tried to pick up my glass of tea, I almost dropped it.
It's like a bad high and I hate it so much. Luckily I'm not taking XR, so I'll be fine in a few hours, but I feel like I'm gonna die lmao. I'm a huge hypochondriac so I feel like a lot of my heart and wanting to vomit could possibly be anxiety as well. I'm very grateful that I still live at home and my mom works from home because I would've lost it if she wasn't here.
Any funny stories of this happening to any of y'all? I'd love to commiserate with y'all while I feel like ASS.
submitted by YikesItsConnor to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 16:48 pururun_kyupi 9-MBC for upregulating dopamine receptors in stratium?

I can almost fully say that my anhedonia is caused by downregulation of dopamine receptors in the stratium, which have a hard time recovering for these past 7 months. It was caused by ritalin (retard). After only 2 weeks of taking 5mg I noticed a similar state for a couple of hours I am dealing with these past 7 months. Only that time I slept it off and it was gone in the morning. Then I made the mistake and build up a tolerance. Took it for a few days, then took a break in between until I couldn’t feel any side effects and any effects at all, so I met my absolute doom and took 10mg with adverse panic reactions for 4 days. I thought if I could pull through it would go away as well but it just got worse and worse. I completely stopped then, and that‘s when my sympathic nervous system completely got thrown off as well as when my anhedonia set in. I was having uncontrollable tremors, hyperventilating, sweating and freezing, dissociative episodes, intense insomnia, barely sleeping, night terrors, nausea etc etc. eventually these intense reactions of sympathic nervous system calmed down in January. My anhedonia is very much present, though. As well as the constant drowsiness and tinnitus. In contrast to me being easily started then, now I barely have any reactions. I barely breathe. I can‘t think. The only thing that has worked shortly was when I was on birth control for a week. Estrogen can have good effects on all sorts of dopamine functioning. I noticed my movements being more coordinated. My breathing was deeper. I felt more comfortable in my body. I felt comfortable while lying in my bed. My face got redder. I finally gained a little weight. I stopped after a week because I got really nauseous. And three days later got a strong bleeding, even though I had my period 1 week prior. Though, I barely bled and had this weird shedding white skin clumps mostly except for blood. I will get that checked out properly with my gyno. As well as treat my uti which has been accompanied by all of this these past 7 months. Perhaps it is also a reason why I‘m still freezing and why I‘m so pale all the time. I look dead.
submitted by pururun_kyupi to anhedonia [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 00:22 hopeless-romantica My mom abused me and no one knows to this day

I was the product of a toxic marriage turned divorce; the third of four children who my mom got sole custody of when I was in first grade. I've spent the better part of my 20's grappling with the demons of my childhood and now that I'm the age my mother was after she had her last child I still can't believe no one ever caught on to what happened to us growing up.
If I had to distill how my mother made me feel growing up, it would be that not only did she regret having me, she aimed each and every day to punish me for her own regret. On the outside she was exceptional at keeping up appearances. To my teachers, coaches, neighbors and relatives she was like a super mom, raising 4 perfect kids on her own. Never a hair out of place, never a problem to be found. We were well-behaved kids, good at sports, straight A's in school, and all working by the time we were teenagers. Other parents would ooh and ahh at her saying "you're amazing, how do you do it??" Nothing made my blood boil more than hearing my mom receive the praise she did for my success growing up, because I knew the truth of what was really happening at home.
I'll preface this by saying my older sister and I had a very different experience growing up than my eldest brother and youngest sister did. My mom treated them completely differently than the two of us in the middle. They lived by different rules and expectations, they received a different level of love and affection, and they were exempt from most if not all of the abuse that we had to endure. With all that being said, they still watched us be treated the way we were, at times participating, and I think that ended up messing them up just as much as we were messed up by being the targets of her wrath.
So what was it like growing up in my house? Here's a general idea, including but not limited to:
  1. Alarms installed on all windows and doors on 24/7
  2. We were not allowed to come or go without explicit permission and giving extensive detail about who what where when and why, with strict timelines for departure and return. We were rarely granted permission to hang out with friends, no going to parties ever, and no friends allowed over.
  3. Phones (that we each had to pay the monthly bill for) had to be slid under her bedroom door by 10pm every night and she had to know our passwords
  4. Food was strictly controlled and monitored; we had to ask permission to eat and dinner every single night was broccoli and salad. If we refused to eat or did not eat fast enough, spicy salsa would be poured on our food, a timer would be put on and we would be expected to clear our plates before the time elapsed or expect further punishment.
  5. My chores revolved around being my mother's personal servant; making her bed every morning, taking out the trash in her room every day, bringing her water every night so on and so forth.
  6. If I ever talked back, I would have my phone confiscated for 2 weeks or more at a time.
  7. We were regularly screamed at, spanked with a belt, hit, slapped, and had our hair pulled if we did anything out of line. My hands have several scars from her "accidentally" slamming the car door on my fingers more than once. Another thing I used to hate more than anything was going to the grocery store with my mom; she would walk with me in front, leading me down the aisles with her hand death-gripping the back of my neck.
  8. If we did not get straight A's we were punished, phones confiscated and grounded indefinitely.
  9. In fourth grade my teacher told my mom to take me to an eye doctor after she noticed I was squinting a lot in her class. My mom told her I was just acting because my friend had gotten glasses recently and I wanted some too. Eventually when I did end up finally seeing an eye doctor it was determined my vision was severely stunted, and even when the doctor showed my mom X-rays of my deformed eyeballs she still asked, "And you're sure there's no chance she's making this up?"
  10. We were sent to gymnastics for 4 hours a day, 3 days a week and my mom refused to send anything with us to eat but a peanut butter and honey sandwich even though we hated them. My sister and I would scrounge for change under the vending machines in the gym lobby until we found enough quarters to buy a snack, proceed to hide in the bathroom, eat it together and then wash out our mouths just in case our mom happened to be waiting in the lobby when we walked out.
  11. We were on our own for breakfast and lunch and were strictly prohibited from ever ordering lunch at school-- she had somehow convinced us that if we did she would find out and we would be done for so I spent many years not having a real meal until dinner.
  12. I was force fed 60-80 milligrams of Ritalin a day because it made me quiet and compliant despite it destroying my appetite and contributing to deep depression. Did I mention my mom dated the doctor who was writing those prescriptions for many many years?
  13. We were mocked and body shamed if we tried to wear anything my mom deemed inappropriate and as soon as we were old enough to be interested in boys, she put us on a horrible horrible birth control shot called depo-provera (if you know you know). Another of her favorite forms of punishment was confiscating clothes, makeup, and hair products so we would have to go to school embarrassed about our appearance.
  14. My brother would regularly terrorize us as well, hitting and punching us with no intervention or repercussion from my mom. There were a couple times he chased me around the house with a loaded gun, and another time he pinned me down and forced wasabi down my throat. One time he punched my sister so hard her entire upper arm was covered in bruises and when a concerned teacher flagged it at school my sister was forced to lie and say a box fell on her at work. This was the same math teacher I always suspected let me cheat on his tests so that I could get the grades necessary to avoid getting in trouble at home.
  15. Toward the end of high school my sister had developed bulimia and began self-harming by burning herself with our curling iron. I confronted my mom and told her if she didn't get her help I was going to tell someone at school everything that was happening at home. My mom agreed to take her to a therapist but what I didn't find out until recently was that my mom took her to one singular appointment, stayed in the room with them the entire time and told the doctor my sister was a pathological liar.
  16. My mom both enjoyed humiliating us and forcing us to vouch for her lies to other people. She would share embarrassing personal details or stories to friends and family in front of us because our discomfort amused her, and she would regularly force us to back up her lies to other people in order get out of things or serve a personal agenda, no matter how stress-inducing it was for us.
There's a lot more I could write about but this is just a taste of what I experienced growing up. There was the overt physical violence and anecdotal evidence for abuse, and then there was all the subliminal, psychological, and emotional trauma that was felt rather than seen, and was as unavoidable as the air I was breathing. Walking on eggshells around the house, spending hours isolated in my bedroom, my heart pounding when I'd hear the garage door open when she came home from work, the way she would lick her bottom lip and smile right before something bad would happen. My mom never told me explicitly that she didn't love me, I think in her own twisted way she probably does, but she sure made me feel unlovable. And unfortunately that planted a deep deep seed of self-hatred that I've spent many many years working hard to uproot. The worst part of all of it was that there was never really any redemption, justice or even a simple apology. Everything was swept under the rug and by all accounts my mom is still praised to this day for being an exceptional mother. My sister is the only person in my family I can talk to about any of this, and my mom and 2 other siblings still pretend nothing ever happened to this day.
I am lucky that I'm a resilient person and I was able to eventually get away from that environment. I didn't really start to find peace or freedom until the day after I graduated from high school when I boarded a flight and moved as far away from home as I could.. but even to this day, 10 years later, I'm still haunted by memories when I go back to that house. I've carried the her secrets with me for so long — a part of me wishes I was brave enough to confront her about everything now that she can't hurt me; stand up for myself now because no one stood up for me then ya know?
submitted by hopeless-romantica to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 18:44 ZucchiniFluffy Vyvanse side effects

I've recently been diagnosed with ADHD and have been trialling medication... Started off on Ritalin for 3 weeks (18mg, 27mg and then 36mg) but I just found myself feeling so tired and emotional all the time. I've now switched to Vyvanse. Week 1 was 30mg and tbh, I didn't feel any different, just more tired than usual. Week 2 I've jumped up to 50mg and have been on this dose for 5 days now. Its helped almost every single one of my ADHD symptoms and in general, I feel so so happy with how I'm feeling so far. It's such a relief. Most of my side effects have been "normal", like dry mouth, feeling hottesweating more, difficulty sleeping etc. But I'm now experiencing chest pain, tingling/numb feeling in predominantly my left arm, but sometimes both, heart palpitations and difficulty breathing (like, I can still breathe, but I just feel like I can't catch my breath even while resting? Like an anxiety attack). These symptoms only present in the evening and morning before I take my tablet again. I am really overweight as a byproduct of ADHD symptoms and a difficult pregnancy/postpartum (I'm 5'6 female and Weigh 160kg). I have been actively trying to lose weight and exercise more, so I don't need anyone to tell me I need to do this, but it's just for context😅 I do also have health anxiety, so I know I'll be super aware of my symptoms etc, but are these side effects normal? Should I be concerned? Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening? I really really don't want to have to come off this medication as its helping me so much Thanks in advance!
submitted by ZucchiniFluffy to ADHDmeds [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 18:43 ZucchiniFluffy Vyvanse side effects

I've recently been diagnosed with ADHD and have been trialling medication... Started off on Ritalin for 3 weeks (18mg, 27mg and then 36mg) but I just found myself feeling so tired and emotional all the time. I've now switched to Vyvanse. Week 1 was 30mg and tbh, I didn't feel any different, just more tired than usual. Week 2 I've jumped up to 50mg and have been on this dose for 5 days now. Its helped almost every single one of my ADHD symptoms and in general, I feel so so happy with how I'm feeling so far. It's such a relief. Most of my side effects have been "normal", like dry mouth, feeling hottesweating more, difficulty sleeping etc. But I'm now experiencing chest pain, tingling/numb feeling in predominantly my left arm, but sometimes both, heart palpitations and difficulty breathing (like, I can still breathe, but I just feel like I can't catch my breath even while resting? Like an anxiety attack). These symptoms only present in the evening and morning before I take my tablet again. I am really overweight as a byproduct of ADHD symptoms and a difficult pregnancy/postpartum (I'm 5'6 female and Weigh 160kg). I have been actively trying to lose weight and exercise more, so I don't need anyone to tell me I need to do this, but it's just for context😅 I do also have health anxiety, so I know I'll be super aware of my symptoms etc, but are these side effects normal? Should I be concerned? Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening? I really really don't want to have to come off this medication as its helping me so much Thanks in advance!
submitted by ZucchiniFluffy to AdultADHDSupportGroup [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 15:41 GoddlessDeathBirth69 All the texts I've written in the last 3 months

I was a dead kid since birth/
Only screamed around mad at/
The world and mama had an alcohol problem/
So she couldn’t bother and it turned/
The house was a wreck, clouds bove’ my head/
Were I slept, everything burned, but my mama/
Told: Life goes harder, but it’s my urge,/
that you have no problems/
My father had a coma, cuz of attempted suicide/
He was rejected, so did I/
My mama gave me to adoption, cuz I was too stressful/
To keep me was not an option, what a fucking asshole/
Elected and selected, childhood was like an electric chai
Then got rejected, why should I fucking care?/
Well I found a family, that didn’t gave me to the adoption cente
They were in Tennessee, a crossing,/
it was the only damn option for me to have a/
A nice life, I’m a menace see?/
So I didn’t know what agony, would set this free/
Every day punched in the ugly belly/
Fucked up, for things I couldn’t handle, he?/
Not cocked just wanna go away, from these menaces, deem/
To kill myself, chill down I tell/
A crown just fell, deep inside the clouds/
Ma mama and ma father shouts/
It charges harder, but just don’t bothe
Be loud, the problems make ya stronge
But then it all fades away/
I just destruct myself, think of killing myself/
Filling coke, I just tell, how disturbed I felt, man/
And feel now, deep clouds coming out/
Shady, like I was back then/
Called out crazy, then end them/
Lazy, cuz I didn’t drugged myself daily/
Well I fucked myself daily/
That’s the reason, why no lady wanna help me/
I was mad at them, cuz they couldn’t save me/
Ran at an club with a knife, fucked for my life/
Went shortly out, it was so corny like I/
Was drunk and high and a dumb line of coke was involved/
She stuttered and cried, cuz I toke 9 lines, felt better than/
Life, stabbed her twice, like in a damn freak show/
She screamed loud, I punched (Shut your damn mouth!)
In this moment, it seemed out, like, fuck it’s all round/
Motherfucker’s around, I’m an Idiot/
No release like I slammed her at a bridge/
Now I stand there like this/
Damn I am pissed/
Theres no excuse mo for this, pitch/
Now the clouds are finally gone/
The Godfather, move like this Tom Sawyer, don’t bother too tight, a haunt for ya/
Gun shots right to his shoulder, a dumb farmer, cops wanna/
That I go outa my car, go mama, should a dude like me/
Who choose Ideas with no drama, should be sued by police/
See trough these seats, being tortured by low waterboarding/
Go trough his D.N.A, see him day by day/
Take way to much MDA and MDMA/
Next see me pay for coke and ecstasy/
Hennessy, it’s destiny fucking majesty/
Actually it’s the same we’re okay/
See today, I lost myself/
It’s only the damn Y.M.C.A/
Burn Churches, earn murderous curses, but you know it’s all worthless/
Wanna see me turn shirtless, go to a jerk circle or hear a god damn verse case/
Everything will turn grey and it deems, that you see me on the streets, hey/
You notice that you take cocaine and went sent raped to a slaughte
You’ve been tortured on every corner, there’s a door o
A corridor plus add a fucked up drug addict/
Fuck habits, you need to follow the white rabbit/
It seems underneath, there’s a rubbed, blood-infused carpet/
The corridor’s full of crap, rats and traps, it’s rushed/
With thug magic, clocks banging, the slaughter comes/
His shot gun and his Glocks hanging/
„You don’t need to do that!“ „But I can it“/
His daughter packs your head with a god damn canon/
His father shaves you dead, you see black, red and a violet carpet/
But you ain’t dead instead, you see them laughing at your cracked/
Abandoned scattered body parts/
Mix cyanide with white, with no license, I rewind timeless/
Classics, tired why? Ya’ll get an ass kick to the Matrix/
I remind, that I was full of panic, cuz of this madness/
By the second time, I went schizophrenic, it’s epic/
At the third time, I try a bite of magic mushrooms (fuck damn it)/
I arrive to higher minds, so I can die alright, an addict banging/
Whores, till they drive insane to dryer life, rambling through pleasuring/
Liar grounds, till they lie around and are dying out, a habit of letting/
Violence try around with kids, so it can press the average menace/
Into madness, I allow myself to introduce you to the real world/
Call me god or you all fall three blocks, I mean it seriously/
All these cops try to poorly upset me off into prison/
Listen, while I’m in the Park hanging with hot women/
You pissing cock is just jacking off to your own sibling/
While I’m bars rapping, you just shut up, that’s my god damn wisdom/
Or it goes with a lot of shots from this Winston, like this Hannibal or is it this/
Charles Manson, are you safe up in Prison with that fucked up cannibalistic Prick?/
Cars, Action, drifting in a large mansion is this Gods answer or is this/
A jaw cracking incident, motherfuckers listening/
All passion into this crime, not innocent, so why should I give a cent/
To these cop slashing niggas then, I don’t give a damn track bout them/
It’s unsetting, dip that in, try and not mention it, is it that hard?/
One shot, time stops, he’s bleeding, crawling, paranoid, android/
Call him Steven Hawking, peeling on his head, throw it at the carpet/
Now you never see him walking ever again, this wanna be Steven Hawking
This was just a little corny story, in the middle morning I gon’ tell more, don’t worry/
It was a little boring introduction to my world, ooh, why you’re screaming, my fist is bluffing/
Didn’t heard? Do I need to kick buckets or are you fucking turned? See It’s my urge that you have fun/
Rum with Tablets, it isn’t madness, motherfucking Faggots do it everywhere, I also had it/
Now you’re only a rumbling, tumbling doll of flesh, wrap, dead rape her, till her fucking breast/
Is plumping down her legs, man, I’m glad back, throw her dead visage in the packed garage/
Damn I’m dark, run over her with ma car, not sober, it’s not over, oh my god/
God’s dead, I shot in his head, with a shotgun instead of an Colt or an AK, no revenge, mam, thanks, man/
I go barehanded, fuck knife like stars of the YNC/
Thug life, I’m a masterclass rhyme MC, with a dark memory/
Death isn’t the penalty, then when, I would definitely be laying back on the street/
Put me in a mental hospital, I’m so gentle confident, back from release/
Don’t text me or speak, I preach my own peace, a piece of bones, see?/
That’s the only note I reveal, so shut off or you go packed in my lunchbox/
With overdosed hoes, this is not, where the fun stops, this is where the cum comes/
At the cocked crotch from central cee, between my mental health it’ s so empty see?/
Doin’ ecstasy, radically, LSD, Hennessy, easily it’s my penalty, later me’s sleeping/
On all the corpses I killed, on all the forces I build, on all the distortions I could break/
Doin’ my job as a taxi driver, on these messy tires, I see daily many liars/
Who try to don’t be petty bitters, but cash just blinds us, I see/
Nasty minors, who sell their body for some penny’s I’da try/
And don’t be a pessimistic writer, but this is the reality, let’s rewind us/
To the time up, I was a mindfucked, social worke
Put a potion Valium worth a million to mild children/
Then they move like stop motion, further with no distortion, building/
Them to machines, with no emotions, a sea and an ocean/
Couldn’t clean these evil distortions, easily worse abortion/
At home my mom’s there, she can’t live alone, cuz of more chromosomes/
Seeing TV, she sees me, asks: „How was it?“/
Out of it, I try to explain, she remains silent asks: „Why you complain?“/
Mom, don’t blame, day by day I’m feeling ashamed, see these people grey/
I say: „Bye, mom!“, then it all fades away, now I’m here/
In L.A, with a Taxi day by day, see these maniacs day by day/
Thinking what could it be, when I stayed the same day by day/
Put a gun onto your forehead, blow it go back, dope at/
Jennifer Lopez, a predator, but before bed, I had sex with your corpse back/
Then choke at the janitor, who stole crack, go packed with gold round my neck/
At the door, show’s back, you can’t kill me I was born dead, throw tec, so mad/
Shoot at hoes and editors, they’re so ass small like Lanniste
They’re only competitors for the smoke and predator, even the pope recognize me/
Cuz I chocked, cracked and wrapped him and then fed the poor, with bread full of wet cement/
Even the president remembers me, cuz I was attacking him daily, throw twenty babies/
Scream „Allah Akbar“ at the party, motherfucker, pop a pill then kill the police/
Then the whole NYPD in one release, fill till I bomb the whole city, (shit did it)/
Then I take the chain saw, give Hannibal Lecter a cannibal lecture, then brains fall/
All over the screen, you can scream, but it’s too kafkaesk, fuck the rest of this ass/
Sado Maso Rap, they just suck at best, what do you think, I’ve a fucked relapse?/
Yes, I had, mad, not your special guest, peer pressure down your ass/
The cloud’s dead over those, call it Heath Ledger, I beat rappers alphabetical, it’s a mean hange
It never ever seems better, but he’s at the top, screaming with real measure/
11.06 per line
Kick a bat, then choke down the slick cigarette/
Then spit it back, to you quitter ass and your Pinterest friends/
Don’t give a cent, my silhouette is picking them/
Is shitting them, is mixing Molly and/
Sips a bag crack and when they scream: „Shit, what’s that?“
Just say did I ask, kick your quitter ass back to the middle west/
Pick a guest, then I go to your nipple flesh, tickle that/
Slick a bread, then the cigarette falls to the pick up left/
Mister Bad kicks tha TEC, with a snap/
Never relapse or better be back, with bigger cash, come with me!/
Kiss ma ass, I’ma blow up like ken park, that sicko’s back/
I don’t show up, my friend calls, he’s really mad/
You greedy ass, didn’t need to kill the family/
Oh majesty, I’m a nice being man, but I can go really anxious/
Back then the TV went crazy, after the daily mass shooting in the cathedral/
But a needle fix’s it, pop the praline, what can I say, I’m just a ghost in a shell/
Between hoax and truth, there’s nowhere to tell, I’m only a small beetle/
But I can be a Star prior, my hair is on fire, Lennon, Cartney, can’t wait to retire/
Explosive Jihadist, a bit retarded, but fuck it, I’m with passion/
Fuck gravity, it’s only the inception, never give up,(Rick Astley)/
Better think of killing yourself (be big as they) in the spotlight, one mic, chilling in hotel/
From dusk till dawn, the guns are drawn, fuck the law, I got the claw/
Shot and saw, how he stutters, moans, then bust it all, over floo
A nightmare in halloween, right there’s the gasoline, burn MC’s/
Turn a sea into a blood realm, like kill bill/
Fight till we are gonna be enemies, no fantasy/
I’m the devil, nasty ecstasy, got me through it radically/
Better leave, or me’s gonna ram heavy metal/
Through your shattered knees, my system’s down/
I’d miss him now, but my fist is out, it is out/
First victim, was a pissing clown, I turned him in/
To a whipping hound, everything else was burned liquid/
With around second victim was just dripping down/
I couldn’t slit him down, what shall I do with him now, bitten out/
His wistful pounds of eyes, let’s kick a round (why?)/
Then his wrist and roundhead, do I bore you now, how?/
It’s around, a bit so loud, then I kicked him out/
Barking, starving, now you know what’s gonna happen with you now/
(Shoutout to EM), I’m to real, to pay and take a bit of tha vaccine/
But I’d keep scream for lean like rage against tha machine/
Ritalin, take the rest I’m a fiend, cold demon/
For no reason, I keep screaming, but nobody’s hearing/
Nose piercing, clean earring, a fiend fearing/
The police, but no panic, I’m Batman, with Magic Mush and Xanax/
Rapid, I slash them, choke with mo plastic than Kim Kardashian/
Tragic, like Manson, but I’m still mo bombastic, than an Afghan/
A package of crack in the back van, schizophrenic and desperate/
What’s my message at man, the message, don’t do crack, man/
An addict, slash an, panic bringer like tha clan then/
Climatic, banned and classic, like tha fuckin’ west then/
My eyes are blurred out, got that beetlebum/
Fight for my parklife, burned out, onto being busted away/
I try to write, but it turns out, after Song 2, I’m feeling numb/
Reading off the script, beat a cop, need a coffee and a TV/
They type bite, to earn loud our respect, wannabe Gotti, hehe/
Write, write, there purged sound is like mine, perplexed/
But still why, try, mock me and my CD, let’s see/
Who sells three times easily more copies after release/
Cocky, my knees bleed, but I’m taking this/
For forty of these fucked up braindead kids, who think they’re life is just a safe less miss/
Due to my wife, who is missed, this angel shit hits, locked off, dude do a mayhem, bitch/
It ain’t a risk, dude, try, got off, make a diss, then piss on this god/
Who thinks a thug can’t safe a chick, highlight this/
Boom take that risk, dawg, ask why I’d pick this shit miserable life/
Ooh, I just like this braindead shit, cuz I’m breaking this/
And everyone, anyone, so I’m taking this/
Break tha barrier, then marry a lady, ahh, don’t think I’m crazie
Go think fo yo Area 51,bury a body, in ma territorial/
I’d come, go soon to his burial with cult leaders and coke dealers/
Make, take gold Midas, Judas, go through as pope/
Toke coke then I do Jonestown, sold out, no mind reade
But a sight see ah and a Volkswagen, yo I’d go Bin Laden/
Those bros both been nodding for a week, borders release/
Keep these G’s or we make yo daughter fall asleep/
Deep cuts in my guts, need time off, bite off the Adams apple/
But God sucks, got that canon to handle, bust off/
Us nuts, fuck off, no interruption/
Destruction is the option, ends with concussion/
Busting, bend and popping, cocking again to Theseus/
We need us, thus we’d grow alone like these fetus/
Blow, no release, book the holy/
So we’d see us Mesias/
Parties, rave again on my Harley Davidson, sometimes AIDS a friend/
May call me cray again, horny, rape again, In my flight, basement again/
Inner piece, gainst’ my sinner enemies a.k.a whack MCs/
Where there best release’s a dead EP, got COPD/
Dealt, throw these weed blunts, it keeps fun, craving fo crystal/
Wes Craven nightmare, right there’s the pistol/
Baking, taking, I’m paired with missiles/
My tight mission is to befrei women with terrorism/
Parking with the BMW, see banned Gs starving in distance/
Wishing for their fantasy fiction, now in the packed alley with em/
Robbing, bombing my new edition, right blew the prisons kitchen/
Don’t be bitching, I keep reality with em/
Gunnin’ yo quarters to yo bum head, summon monsters like Lovecraft/
Come in it doesn’t cost ya, be real partners, ask god man right? Let’s spot man/
With small cottages, confident rebellion/
Call cops again, prepare gun/
I’m back from coffin, with TEC and complete London/
Snipe, pack pockets, beat strangers, caretakers/
Gotta beat these white boys, right choice like Tom MacDonald/
Dears, hear’s my voice, I choose, Zeus, Bruce, bump a vortex up/
My godlike fortress, you’re dead, nor cap, neck in the noose/
Whose the best gainst’ the soviets, get got it/
Mass monstrous, badass ain’t gains conscience/
Take, rape, no colon, go all in, fight like Parkinson, gun, come/
Dot com, none comma, bomb another summe
Brother I gotta, don’t cry momma, gon’ buy nother’/
Call me Columbine shot, ya, Osama shut up, bruh or me’s/
Choke, bite off ya neck, no respect, yo/
Don’t go yo perplexed, yo, that’s rap, yo/
Relax, go breath fresh air, so we won’t beef, that’s fair?/
Everyone hates me, stigmatize every little line/
Don’t take me serious, won’t sympathize, cuz of the bitch I’m like/
That I serve no purpose, I disturb the church and turn for the worthless/
It’s like a jerk circle, yo won’t come out, so yo won’t gon’ shout/
Your urge for the servants, blow, even if they won’t allow/
Burst their surface, beat em, go so loud, murdering, kill, till they surrende
Go stack ya, furthering, your letter to America/
They say, my music is horrific shit, what can I say, I got that politic, Tic/
It ain’t newish that this is for these false bitching kids/
Who would blew this all for pimping bitches or sniffing coke with no interest/
Thanks to bitch ass parents, who destroy the thing that, they love/
Say may sound way off topic, but what if something you enjoy/
And keeps you alive gets raid off your hands, yeah that’s bad/
Next day you can’t sleep, can’t get outta bed, think about suicide, the room is tight/
That’s fact, you release evil, even if the rules deny, lay relapse/
That’s fucked up, so I won’t shut up, till yo bastards, get the answers/
9 to 5, you won’t age, don’t be to late, I got the aggression of these motherfucking two dogs caged/
I am lined in this game, say my name, my impression is that you won’t change/
Buy and bite this chain, you don’t got too much to pay, only the pain of dudes depression, you got days/
They may be crashing, remained brains, why you fail, to leave the mansion, bro you got ways/
Get your fat ass out of this rap shit, it is not to late, it gets drastic, bro you got ways/
You ain’t god, this is not Beyonce, this is basically the worst shit, since the world trade/
Now the question is:
I raid the page from your petty rapers/
20 days later, the blood infects/
My eyes get black, plenty ways of destruction/
My stuff’s like a concussion, it keeps you quite down, my hound/
Mofucka’s dying, cuz of the street or overdose/
I’m lying, cuz these gods see me as over those/
I did Tupac, and trade, Biggie, and AIDS/
New thugs say, damn is he cray/
Fucker, Cop shooter, got numerous super stars/
In my basement, that’s that statement, you are/
Crashed in that car, where’s your face men/
Take that with humor, dawg/
Nuke a city, is it pretty, I’m patient/
I like agony, panicky screaming/
At that top of my alive lungs/
I need a shot gun, right Pun/
See these run, I clutch, my crotch/
CD’s, blunts, bleeding locked/
Please leave me, I’m done/
And than the bomb explodes/
Life goal
And I got bombs in my palms, right, broad/
I might got to crash the trade, when I fucking escalate/
Second day high school, ejaculate and I was high, ooh/
Escalade, that’s my life choose, why you try to/
Get me off, ooh, you blind you/
Ask the god, he’s just like you/
Now his head hanged off, so rewind to/
The day I wanted to be Manson, is your mind blew/
I dream of fashion and compassion, scream for a big ass mansion/
But I can’t comprehend that, there are plenty corpses under my bed/
Can’t force them to get back, I actually got no problems I’m just sad/
But everything awesome, I just need a needle and a glass/
(What’s your life goal) To become the biggest psycho/
You can’t end it, why so, get the next menace on yours wife phone/
I don’t think of hope, I’m an misanthrope/
Just shut up, when I fucking slit yo throat, oh/
(What’s with your family) Fucked travesty/
Actually fuck fame, the redroom is shinning, there’s another life here/
I just grew in time in with a father that didn’t like me/
I’m not suicidal, I just don’t got an Idea/
To what to do, me’s crying with my pills, I mean/
Drugs fucked up, kills my will to get a life, see/
But likely, it’s my psyche, think that I just unalive myself with cyanide, see?/
That’s my life goal/
Hey, remember me, I relapsed from these motherfucking Sedatives/
But back with a brand new EP, three weeks passed from the last release/
And I’m sober like a Tool track, who’s back/
Slap Winona Ryder, with a broom and/
She screams like a Duet or Duvet, (boah) I’m a wild cobra bite
Sniff air, while Coka piper, I’m no more nicer, to crack-bitches/
Had have no interest, smoke dope with imaginary friends then/
For instance with Lincoln in the cemetery, it’s back/
Cops want the pisstest, but I’d shot zig zag, cuz I’m not in that/
Instead shock Amis fussy, what do you want from me/
Money aka the devils lunch meal, the channels love me/
For the terrorists son breed, funny?/
Yeah, coming out loud like Pompeji, blow up like Chris Cornell/
In this hotel, it goes well, now down town, I’m drowned, walker it’s okay/
I take these blunts, my engaging gun to shake G’s on/
I rape for fun, I’m like K Dot, but/
I got my influence from Nine Inch Nails and Naked Lunch/
My wife is baked next to the angel dust/
I’m half awake and this bitch hurts to much like paper cuts/
I’m shaking thus, I ain’t stop, till I get bigger than the mayor got/
Yeah, the player God, make ya suck cock for a stupid spot/
The musics off, cuz drug abuse and cops are fools/
Boom it knocks with shots from the thug for the youth/
Nor the truth, I still gon’ refuse your number like a jew/
Thunder I knew, ignore the Zeus, he still needs to pay his dues, hey/
Bomber jacket, fuck the planet, that’s the new wave/
Don’t got an motherfucking plan and, just Xanax and Kool Aid/
It’s too late, Doomsday, my suit, hey, is still holy like an Afghan/
Here’s the Trash can for today/
So, first things first, I write my verse on Autopilot/
Then Burst a church, like the white clan, I got the license/
Murder purge with a tight motorcycle/
Chase Barbara Streisand, I promise, I kill ya’ll with kindness/
All remind this, I’m the best MC, you can’t get this/
The next release’s coming, it gets massive/
My tracks like Leprosy, you can’t stand, bitch/
I’m passive, right my penalty would be that I can’t rap shit/
The DEA sees me with haze, taking MDA or MDMA/
He, he, hey, while I slam beat damn fakes/
Fucker, Anthony’s over, I just smoke petty smokers/
Like Marijuana on a stoner, at the time relatively sobe
And the big three is relatively over, cuz it’s only me Big BIG/
I have PTSD and Drake has AIDS and HIV, ahh/
Remember Ex/Pornstar and I can tell X Pornstar that you ass called, ahh/
Now your son’s a sad mourner, cuz you had no prevention, but a blue pill, ahh/
Who kills your Jackson 5 hype, cuz like everyone was better at your prime, ahh/
Overshadowed by a clone of a clone, ahh/
Eyo and yes it is correct, I am a criminal
Perhaps, no cap my van is full off chemicals
But my fans are like a drop dead overdose, quite minimal
God, I guess I am back like Tom MacDonald on the subliminal
Mimic filled with circumorbital rings, because of Morphin and Gin
And I’m like Jack Kevorkians twin as you see me with often absinthe
Good Morning I’m in, moaning cuz it’s
To boring to think, how to solve my problems with binge drinking
I move demonic within the chronic Porsche like Clint Eastwood
My logic is this, I hope my life becomes a comic with this brief cook
I’m iconic, this is no feel good nor beat hook, I just wanna deal coke and beat hoes
I move Schizo due to these blows, my eyes are only beer, shows
Completely detox, me’s free blocks with three Glocks
He shots, then he’s off from beating these cops, free money shots
Mollys drop, call me god, he’s on the knock out
He drops loud, bombs blaow, he’s gone now
My eyes on the long south, pistols like Raekwon
Like I shot out missiles with Napalm, try slice permissions with fake songs
My lines gon’ pow like I go smoke crystal and haze on, fucker
Bullet proof vest, Pull it who’s back, Full sniff, do crack
Pitbulls with rabies, bitches and daisy nugget
Fuck it like Hailie and MGK, I’m dead, crazy, got it
My pockets wide with shady profit, bitch make me fuck it
I’m off kicked like bits from a daily gun click
submitted by GoddlessDeathBirth69 to u/GoddlessDeathBirth69 [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 10:16 ZucchiniFluffy Side effects increasing to 50mg

I've recently been diagnosed with ADHD and have been trialling medication... Started off on Ritalin for 3 weeks (18mg, 27mg and then 36mg) but I just found myself feeling so tired and emotional all the time. I've now switched to Vyvanse. Week 1 was 30mg and tbh, I didn't feel any different, just more tired than usual. Week 2 I've jumped up to 50mg and have been on this dose for 5 days now. Its helped almost every single one of my ADHD symptoms and in general, I feel so so happy with how I'm feeling so far. It's such a relief. Most of my side effects have been "normal", like dry mouth, feeling hottesweating more, difficulty sleeping etc. But I'm now experiencing chest pain, tingling/numb feeling in predominantly my left arm, but sometimes both, heart palpitations and difficulty breathing (like, I can still breathe, but I just feel like I can't catch my breath even while resting? Like an anxiety attack). These symptoms only present in the evening and morning before I take my tablet again. I am really overweight as a byproduct of ADHD symptoms and a difficult pregnancy/postpartum (I'm 5'6 female and Weigh 160kg). I have been actively trying to lose weight and exercise more, so I don't need anyone to tell me I need to do this, but it's just for context😅 I do also have health anxiety, so I know I'll be super aware of my symptoms etc, but are these side effects normal? Should I be concerned? Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening? I really really don't want to have to come off this medication as its helping me so much Thanks in advance!
submitted by ZucchiniFluffy to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 13:15 pururun_kyupi Please help.

Prescription use ritalin (5-10mg) over the course of 2 months lead to severe Anhedonia. I also had extreme reactions to that small amount, even after the effects should have worn off. I noticed slight Anhedonia after taking it 2 weeks when the effects wore off in the evening. Tremors and tinnitus, drowsiness, sweating, fast heartbeat and insomnia continued to worsen. I stopped in end of September. Since then I‘ve had severe Anhedonia. My main symptoms beside that are constant drowsiness and tinnitus on both ears, sometimes switching in intensity on ear to the other. Not just that but a overly active sympathic nervous system in the first 3 months also. Frequent freezing, sweating, fast heartbeat, hypervigilance, insomnia, night terrors, tremors etc etc. The overly active sympathic nervous system cooled off and lead to complete shutdown. I barely breathe, my heartbeat barely changes, no more tremors, no thoughts, nothing startles me. I feel completely unfazed and like my brain is under anesthesia. No thoughts. Before Ritalin I was eager and motivated at every little thing. That is completely gone. I can‘t even lie comfortably in my bed. I still have insomnia because there isn’t that feeling of pleasure when drowsing off. I was given benzos at seperate times but they didn’t seem to kick in. Only when I‘m really engrossed (hyperfixated) in something or have severe sleep deprivation, I feel some dopamine kicking back in. The last time I felt complete relief from my anhedonia was in December on two different days. It was in the nighttime and unfortunately subsided again slowly when I was waking up. I felt motivated again, could sleep peacefully, happy thoughts. Then in February I didn‘t have nightly terrors anymore. I slept about 7 hours a night. But I haven‘t felt any dopamine in that month at all. I started excessively masturbatig but that seemed to be the problem. When I went to a acute psychiatric clinic for about 2 weeks for my insomnia I didn‘t masturbate anymore and felt some dopamine trying to come back again. I‘m just perplexed why it takes so long for my dopamine receptors to normalize again. Perhaps there are nutrient defiencies which ritalin exacerbated? I‘m letting ferritin, vitamin d and perhaps zinc and magnesium tested. I‘m also finally tapering off Escitalopram which I‘ve been on for 3 years. I wanted to stop more than a year ago. I‘ve heard ssri deplete over time, that was probably why my adhd symptoms got worse and worse. I‘ve only taken 5mg these past 2 years, but if I try to completely stop there, I get intense brain zaps, so now I‘m on 2,5mg for over a week now. Still having brainzaps, but way less severe. Please tell me what I can do. This already took away over 6 months of my life. I‘ve tried Memantine these past 3 weeks and it helped slightly but not enough. I stopped taking it 2 days ago. I heard Amantadine works better on DRD2 receptors, maybe that‘s worth a try? L-tyrosine? Vitamin B6? L-Dopa? I don‘t want to make anymore mistakes.
submitted by pururun_kyupi to anhedonia [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 17:54 Chance_Republic_9172 Curious!

I am curious to know how many people were already on Bupropion prior to getting Contrave, or adding Naltrexone. The reason I am curious is that I am seeing a lot of people, unfortunately, having horrible side effects. I am sure that will happen regardless in some instances, however, I wonder if you start bupropion first and have been taking it a while, if it helps the side effects. As we all know, these drugs change the chemistry in our brains, and beginning two different medications that work differently in the brain, may exacerbate some side effects you may normally not have. I have taken Bupropion for the better part of 5 years to keep my depression at bay. Prior to that I took Lexapro, which was AHHHMAZING, but I gained 30 lbs on it, so I went back to bupropion. I had been successful on Bupropion prior to that, so that's why I went back. Anywho... I am just wondering if building the bupropion up in your system first may help curb the side effects. I may be totally wrong, but was curious nonetheless.
I started Contrave yesterday. I am currently on 150mg of bupropion, which I will stop once I reach the per day cap my doctor suggested. I also take methylphenidate (Ritalin) 20 mg twice a day for my ADHD. Bupropion didn't help my inattentive ADHD symptoms. Yesterday after my first dose, I was nauseous. Not horribly, but enough to notice sitting at my desk. So, I ate some oatmeal and the nausea went away. Today I ate prior to my dose and haven't had any nausea, thank goodness!
Last night, eating dinner, I did notice I was really uninterested in eating. It was delicious, but I got about halfway through and stopped. WHAT?!?! WHAT IS THIS SORCERY??? Listen, as I have read through these posts, I know a lot of you can relate to the food noise in our brains. "Better eat the whole thing, don't want to leave anything behind" "better finish so you won't be hungry later" "i am starving" I could go on and on. Last night, I experienced uninterrupted thoughts about food that were actually reasonable. "Ok, this is delicious, but I am really not hungry anymore". BAM, fork down, done. I have no idea if this is really the medicine, or just me being hopeful, but the normal me would've scarfed the whole plate of food down without thinking twice... maybe not even taking a breath lol. So, I am pretty excited about it.
submitted by Chance_Republic_9172 to Contrave [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 18:16 The-Sonne Venting: Received my diagnosis a long time ago, but just now acknowledging it

I've been active in this sub since diagnosis, but I'm still not sure if it's ADHD or some after effect of a brain injury. The psych doctor had me take a test on a computer.
Adderall seems to make the focus issues much worse. As in, a random hyperfocus comes up (instead of what needs to be done) and then becomes a complete obsession until the med wears off. I hate it. So, I've been on it but it doesn't help so I don't take it or remember to.
They tried giving me Ritalin but I noticed no difference on it instead of without it.
Basically I'm just frustrated, and the emotions can get really weird sometimes. They also said PTSD so it might be that.
Counseling hasn't really helped, after trying several different counselors and therapists. They just tell me to "breathe", relax etc. They don't seem to understand that just basic life duties seem like too much. And I mean just taking care of myself. (Oh yeah, also chronic pain). Not to mention anything "above and beyond" basic functioning, like career related to better my professional life, etc.
I'm just so over this. I hate feeling exhausted etc. I'm not a failure, but I do feel stuck.
submitted by The-Sonne to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 18:03 WarriorMum777 Thoughts on biphentin?? Concerned and worried

Hi! Hope you’re well.
So I’ve been having a lot of trouble with my almost 7y/o autistic son. He is somewhat verbal, seems fine intellectually, has a fair bit of energy and is actually drawn to stimulation, but he is impossibly stubborn, quick to anger and aggression, and has OCD.
After trying to deal with it without medication, we decided to go the medication route out of desperation. The paediatrician wasn’t booking until July (?). But, the secretary could sense my despair and said she’d talk to the doctor (since he already knows the situation as we saw him a few weeks prior).
She called me a couple days later to tell me he was prescribing my son biphentin. I assumed this was one of the only two anti psychotics that I’ve read about on here and online, and was like, okay great! I of course then looked it up, because the name wasn’t familiar in all my research, and found out it’s actually Ritalin, a stimulant for ADHD.
I read on and discover it can make OCD symptoms worse, and CAUSE agitation and irritability, “ESPECIALLY in autism”. I was shocked. These are the things we are trying to remedy. He doesn’t even have issues with focus… so we are really confused. I have adhd, ocd AND autism, so while I’m not a doctor, I have some experience with these things.
And I’m terrified to try it. I don’t see how he even needs it? If anything, it sounds like it will make things worse. Anyone have experience taking this drug to treat aggression, anger, and ocd?
If you’re curious….. I’ll try to summarize the things we are facing…
I haven’t left the house (except for taking him to the park which often ends in him pushing other children for playing with this one musical toy and me being traumatized), or done anything enjoyable for myself since September 2023, when he was in a summer camp geared towards children with autism. We could luckily afford that since it wasn’t technically therapy. (Before this, I still barely did anything for myself since like 2019 except for in the 3-4 hour window he’d be at school.)
After summer camp ended, he started off school in September 2023 surprisingly well (he’s always had some issues with school because of his anger, ocd and stubbornness), but quickly they just started sending him home any time he was upset, and again pressured me into coming to get him, and since I am unable to work because I need to be home for him, and because I am a bit of a doormat, I did cave in and pick him up. I thought since he started off the year well and since at the time he was recovering from an eye infection and was recently sick, that it was just a phase…
Well that turned into him using it as a way to go home to be with me (he is very attached to me). He would literally go to the office and trash it, push teachers, etc….. so, now he doesn’t even go to school… :(
The school only tells me recently that they don’t actually have the staff or necessary rooms and resources to accommodate him in these situations. So it was hopeless from the start. Why wouldn’t they mention that? Anyway, at this point we are waiting to see if he will be accepted into a specialized school but there’s limited spaces (I’m in Canada btw).
The other issues…
No one I know is able and willing to babysit him. He destroys the house and gets very aggressive if I leave the house without him. My parents can’t handle it and so as a result, even if they did watch him out of the kindness of their hearts, I can’t enjoy myself when I’m out, knowing what’s going on at home. My mom has a short fuse so it causes me a lot of anxiety. And my “partner” won’t do it because he just can’t even handle him for 5 minutes. So, like I am DESPERATE. Hence going the medication route.
The third and biggest issue is his OCD regarding his one and only sibling, my son who is about to be 15 for reference. We don’t understand it exactly, but my 15yo can’t even leave his room without chaos erupting. From what we can understand, my 7yo very suddenly needs a specific video to be playing on his iPad if his brother comes out. It’s a Diana and Roma video, which he has become obsessed with ever since he has been not allowed at school to see his friends.
If he can’t find the video within 2 seconds he loses his mind. If my 15yo goes to the bathroom first, he loses his mind. If my 15yo is out of his room and my 7yo decides he doesn’t want him to be anymore, he loses his mind. We try to just get him used to it and get my 15yo to stay out despite the melt down, but it just results in prolonged chaos, bruises, a trashed house, and all of us in a very fragile mental state.
It’s very concerning because my 15yo is already suffering from anxiety and depression, and now he can’t even leave his room without causing a scene. I told him he could live with my parents, but he really just wants to be with me, which I understand. I tried to tell my 7yo to take deep breaths, or to leave the room find some quiet, but he is stubborn and literally doesn’t listen to any suggestions I have.
Anyway I tried to make it short lol there’s a lot more. Just wanted to provide context!
TLDR: My autistic 7yo was prescribed Ritalin for his anger, aggression and OCD. I feel like this is backwards and I’m wondering if anyone has experience with this drug (biphentin).
submitted by WarriorMum777 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 16:31 Old_Sweet_3834 How to stop worrying about health? Especially heart?

So, around 2 years ago after a virus and taking Ritalin I noticed my heart rate was high whenever I would eat or stand up for too long + palpitations. Of course, I became worried and went to the doctor who did an ECG and noticed my heart rate was 150.
So I was sent to the hospital were I got a blood test, chest Xray, echo-cardiogram and an ecg, which all came back fine. The cardiologist performing the echo was very nice and said my heart was fine, but still advised to get a holter monitor.
So ultimately I was sent home and made to wear a holter monitor for a day. I had the same symptoms which they said was picked up on the holter but said it was within "normal sinus rhythm" so they said they did not need to perform any other tests.
However, to this day the symptoms persist and I worry that i will get a heart attack from how fast it can beat at times. My doctor suspected POTS and I do to, but for some reason I can't reassure myself that everything is okay.
Another issue I now have is breathing, which my doctor listened to my chest and said it was fine, but I have been eating a very bad diet so I'm wondering if this is causing some sort of vitamin deficiency. I did test low for vitamin D and was given supplements but that was months ago. I barley leave the house due to my heart and breathing issues.
How can I just accept what the hospital and my doctor said without my brain coming to all sorts of conclusions?
submitted by Old_Sweet_3834 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 06:56 Ill-Elk8728 Salt and Vyvanse/Dex side effects/effectiveness - are they linked (Migraine, shortness of breath, brain fog are the main symptoms on discussion)

(F28) I've been on Vyvanse and Dextroamphetamine for 1 year now and have had a whole range of side effects - including the ones listed as "rare"
These are the side effects (I've only listed relevant ones for this discussion, there are many more)
Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, chest pain, brain fog, memory retention issues (beyond working memory), frequent verbal recall failure, frequent verbal cluttering, potential sleep apnea (I've woken up gasping for breath overnight a lot, especially when I started and each time I went up a dose - but i havent been tested), I no longer dream overnight, muscle cramping, tinnitus episodes, sporadic episodes of blocked ears unrelated to altitude or infection, ocular issues (eye control and dryness), easy bruising, increased bleeding and increased gum bleeding.
My doctor has been unconcerned about the chest issues despite the urgency on the label. Considering the reduced efficacy over the last 6 months, we have decided the cons outweigh the pros for Vyvanse and we are changing my prescription to Ritalin.
very recently, I've noticed a trend that all my chest symptoms and potentially other side effects are mostly present when I've eaten a salty meal. My heart has been tested (X-ray and ecg) and my blood pressure is within a normal range, although it creeps up to be borderline elevated in the middle of the day when I am peaking on the medication. I know that salt is associated with blood pressure and water retention. Is it possible that I have a salt sensitivity that is rapidly/temporarily elevating my blood pressure, and paired with the medication is causing the shortness of breath?
if anyone else is having these symptoms, have you noticed this correlation? do any professionals have an opinion?
my doctors don't have an answer without positive test results, and I don't want to discontinue the medication if my side effects are only causing temporary discomfort rather than long-term damage. Does anyone want to weigh in?
submitted by Ill-Elk8728 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 21:47 Fearless-Dingo-3932 Tight chest, moderate difficulty breathing on Amlodipine

Hi Team,
Over the past 6months or so I have been prescribed meds for ongoing hypertension. Started on 5mg Perindorpil, which did not have much of an effect. Then 5mg Perindopril and 5mg Amlodopine. Now I'm on 5mg Perindopril and 10mg Amlodipine.

At some point during this process, I began having some difficulty swallowing, followed by a tight chest (it feels like a small child is sitting on my chest) and difficulty breathing. I had also been under a considerable amount of sustained stress professionally, and my mental health was in the toilet. I have taken a month off of work to deal with the burnout aspect, but the tight chest and breathing (which me and doctor had thought to be more likely to be related to stress) has persisted.

After reading up on Amlodopine is seems like there is a good chance this could be causing the side effects mentioned above. Does anyone have experience re this?

Of course I will speak again with my doc, but he was pretty sure that the bp meds were not the cause.

I have also recently started on Ritalin for ADHD (prescribed recently after chest issues started) and tramadol for an ongoing injury.


submitted by Fearless-Dingo-3932 to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 20:28 majestic_flamingo Is it possible to get a false positive on the MSLT?

I (29F) am doubting my narcolepsy diagnosis.
The case for narcolepsy: - I’ve been exhausted my whole life. - I dream a lot and wake up tired. - I consistently need 8.5-10 hours of sleep; sometimes more, but never less. Anything less than that and I cannot function. - I went into REM on the overnight sleep study and all 5 naps of the MSLT from 90 seconds to 12 minutes. - I’ve experienced something like cataplexy when extremely stressed/overwhelmed/panicking for a period of several years. It started my senior year of college, a few years after I developed panic attacks.
The case against: - It appears I am also neurodivergent, and the perpetual exhaustion and sleeping longer hours can also be a symptom of that. - I’m introverted, adding to the above. - I don’t randomly fall asleep during the day. I may have waves of more intense exhaustion, but it’s usually more mental than physical. Isolating myself and wasting time on my phone is how I get through these waves. I think I take naps as often as a non-PWN. - I’ve tried Provigil, Nuvigil, Adderall, Vyvanse, Ritalin, Xyrem, Wakix, Xywav, and probably other things that I’m forgetting right now, and none of them helped (most of them gave me awful side effects). - My situation stumped my sleep doctors. My first sleep appt consisted of the head of neurology at a prestigious academic hospital + an experienced family doctor + a resident; it took 2 hours, and 20 minutes of it was them sitting in silence scratching their heads. The neurologist said “It doesn’t seem like typical narcolepsy or cataplexy, but your sleep study results seem clear…” - The “cataplexy” usually only happens on the tail end of panic attacks (when I’m hyperventilating) or passionate sex (when I’m super out of breath). I can’t use my lungs when it happens. It doesn’t exactly feel like my muscles suddenly going slack… it’s more like my brain getting overwhelmed and forcing me to chill for a bit, like it’s anxiety- or oxygen-related? It also hasn’t happened in a few years now. From what I understand, cataplexy doesn’t just go away? - Only one minor episode of sleep paralysis/hallucinations. I didn’t have the weight on my chest or anything though.
TL;DR: my narcolepsy and cataplexy symptoms don’t line up neatly, and I think I might be experiencing mental health symptoms instead.
submitted by majestic_flamingo to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 16:18 Thedailybee I feel like I'm just doomed (Med rant)

I started an SSRI a week and a half ago and I'm only on the half-dose until the two week mark. But I already am feeling like this is not going to work out. I'm chronically burned out and it feels like it's just getting worse. I had a meltdown in January that I feel like genuinely set me back and I feel dramatic saying that but I've not really felt "normal" since. I mean don't get me wrong, I think it's definitely helping the general anxiety I just have. the horrible pit of anxiety I've been waking up to for the past two weeks has become a flutter and I don't think I've had as many anxious thoughts surrounding my partner as I had been having.
But oh my god I am so overwhelmed like all of the time now?? and exhausted. Pretty much if I have to leave the house I can forget about getting anything else done that day. and by bed time I'm so overstimulated I barely want to be touched and I LOVE touch. I've just been way more dysregulated and sensory issues are on 10. Like violent visuals in my brain because my partner is breathing too loud. Or the visceral urge to GAG when he's kissing around my ears, which is something I normally like. But kissing also feels icky like half the time now. Sex in general. Sometimes I really really want it but like only for a few minutes and then I'm like okay get tf off of me i'm going to get violent. Which also is not typical at all for me. Also frustration tolerance! I have very little of it. My short fuse feels even shorter. My appetite has been wonky as well (which has been a burnout theme for me). I've been having a hard time with things I don't normally struggle with. Like some mornings I can't brush my teeth or wash my face before I go to work ( I walk dogs and don't see people so no one has to see my stank butt) and I can only brush then after I come home and shower. Transitions are more stressful and i'm finding that the days that I don't leave the house are the only days I can actually accomplish more than one or two household/"admin" (computer stuff) tasks. Any day I have to leave the house I don't have the spoons for much else, even emails or texts. I just lay around scrolling and self-medicating maryj hoping that if I rest enough, I will have the energy to do something else.
Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions and this is normal and I just have to take longer to adjust? but I'm just already sick of this medication journey. I wish there was a more clear cut way to know what will actually help rather than a guessing game with a dr who I don't feel like is even really listening to me :) This is the 3rd medication that has made me feel "more" autistic (and I don't think it's the medication itself because I've been on the same birth control & ritalin before and never experienced any of this?) . I don't understand why there isn't more research and education on autistic brains/bodies and what medications will do the good stuff without making the bad stuff worse?? Especially with burnout. I just want to be able to function
submitted by Thedailybee to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 17:36 Chuckytuesday Shortness of breath from stimulants

I have been getting shortness of breath for over a year. All my ECGs and other checkups have come back ok so there is no underlying health issue.
I am a mouth breather & suffer from anxiety. When i slow down my breathing or do physical activity, it helps alot.
All stimulants make it worse, from too much coffee to redbull. Modafinil makes it worse too. Stimulants seem to have a really strong effect on my nervous system. As my digestive system also seems to be affected.
I am starting ritalin soon, i expect that will have the same effect.
Can anybody give me some advice on how best to deal with this?
My prescription is 10mg at 8am and another 10mg at 12 noon.
Is it best to wait it out for my body to get used to it for side effects to subside or start at a lower dose?
I am not in my home country so i dont have access to a GP.
submitted by Chuckytuesday to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 17:32 Maleficent_Ad9448 Taking Concerta, cant sleep. I've read other threads, nothing really works. pls help.

Hello hello, I have been taking concreta (not generic) for a couple months now (after stopping ritalin for over 3 years) It's been great, I can focus, I can work, my creativity is more focused, all great positive results unlike the hell i lived through taking ritalin for years. HOWEVER! I CANT SLEEP. I dont take sleeping pills cause my metal health reacts pretty bad to that, melatonin I am not comfortable with, but i do take magnesium before bed. It helps some days a little, but not most. I also work long hours and struggle to find energy to work out so have resorted to walking for about an hour, I'll meditate, breathing exercises and pray too before bed but I still cant sleep. The worst part honestly is that Im not productive during those hours, I'm mind is in full crash mode, I try to do extra work, read, watch the news but i dont absorb ANYTHING! I end up staring at the ceiling or have episodes from the office play in the background but the theme song and pams voice are starting to trigger past traumas.
I'll admit I have a lot on my mind these days and i see no therapist but i dont spend my nights overthinking and Ive become somewhat better at dealing with shi2, so I dont think thats the problem but I thought context.
Also! I used to smoke weed a lot but stopped a couple weeks back, i lowered my "dosage" only smoked at night right before bed, it's been like 2 weeks of not a single puff. Ive stopped it before, usually cold turkey or whatever the phrase is and just had intense dreams no insomnia.
I did have insomnia towards the end of my ritalin era, paranoia too blah blah blah i am a little worried this may head there (doesn't feel like insomnia now) and I should stop talking concrete but I cant afford that cause then my productivity dips ill go back to freelancing and I dont want to do that, im so thankful that Im working my dream job now. (although i find it wildly interesting there's a lot of work my ADHD brain refuses to do)
Also, I heard vitamin C works, but that tends to give me energy!
Tip for others: taking magnesium the night before has been helping me with my concerta jitters, restlessness and numbness in fingers. I also noticed I dont feel super overwhelmed and frantic during the day. just an observation!
i miss dreaming and waking up not feeling dreadful.
submitted by Maleficent_Ad9448 to Concerta [link] [comments]