Boy rap group names


2015.02.14 11:17 hutch991 MONSTA X

This subreddit is dedicated to the K-pop boy group MONSTA X (몬스타엑스), under Starship Entertainment. They debuted on May 14, 2015 with the mini album Trespass.

2009.09.01 14:15 andreal The Legend of Zelda

/Zelda is the unofficial hub for anything and everything The Legend of Zelda - the iconic Nintendo series. Feel free to share news, reviews, opinions, fan art, humour, videos, or anything else Zelda. For fans, by fans.

2016.03.23 06:58 gbinasia RPDR DRAMA


2024.04.28 23:08 MedicinalPsycho a story idea thats been bouncing around my mind.

this is mainly to see if my idea has any merit, ive been sitting infront of white pages too long and dont know if its worth realy getting into writing these are my most finished parts because my ADHD has bounced back on them the most if you want more i can see about dropping what bits and pieces i have in the discussion
chapter 1: As Elise and Atlas navigated the dense forest, a sudden tearing noise sliced through the air, chilling them to the bone. Startled, Atlas grasped Elise's shoulder, his expression filled with curiosity. he suggested investigating the source of the disturbance. Pushing through the underbrush, they stumbled upon a peculiar tear in the fabric of space, revealing a group of otherworldly creatures.
One of the creatures emerged fully, its gaze fixating on the two children. With dread sinking in, Atlas acted swiftly, shoving Elise out of harm's way as the creature lunged towards them. The impact sent Atlas reeling, and he found himself being dragged towards the tear. Frozen in fear, Elise watched helplessly until a surge of determination coursed through her.
Ignoring her trembling hands, she seized her basket of berries, smashing it over the creature's back. In response, the creature turned its attention to her, striking her with a forceful blow. As Atlas regained his footing, he armed himself with a sickle, positioning himself defensively between Elise and the creature.
Their desperate struggle continued, with Atlas narrowly avoiding the creature's attacks. However, a moment of distraction proved costly as the creature struck Atlas, sending him crashing into a tree. Elise's cries pierced the chaos as she witnessed her brother's fall, her heart pounding with terror.
The creature, undeterred, focused its aggression on Elise, inflicting a devastating blow that fractured her leg. With a firm grip on her, it began dragging her towards the rift, leaving Atlas helpless to intervene. In his final moments of consciousness, Atlas glimpsed a glimmer of hope as an arrow pierced the creature's neck, and darkness descended upon him.
Saved by the hunters from their village, Elise and Atlas survived the harrowing encounter, the echoes of the tearing sound fading into the night, leaving behind a haunting reminder of the dangers lurking in the shadows.
chapter ?: As the fight against the mages raged on, Atlas could feel his body weakening. He had already taken down three of the giant ogre-like mages, but he could feel his magical reserves dwindling. Meanwhile, Elise was holding her own against her three opponents, but the mages were proving to be formidable adversaries.
Suddenly, one of the mages broke away from the fight and flew towards the party members, preparing a powerful magic artifact. Atlas knew that he had to act quickly, but he was blocked by the second mage, who used wind magic to throw him back towards Elise. But Elise was quick on her feet and used her own wind magic to redirect Atlas into the blind spot of the third mage.
Atlas took advantage of the situation and decapitated the third mage with his sword. But before he could make his way to the mage with the artifact, it had already activated. Atlas knew that he couldn't stop the attack, so he threw himself between the artifact and his party members.
As the attack hit, Atlas felt his body disintegrating. But he could hear a voice in the back of his head, urging him to get out of there. It was the voice of his sister, who had always been protective of him. But Atlas ignored her plea and instead imagined all of his strength flowing into her.
As he closed his eyes, he saw a dim golden aura surrounding him. The aura mixed with the red and black light from the attack, and Atlas's spirit absorbed the massive spell. He defied the laws of the universe and directed all of the power into one thought: "Elise better make it out of this alive."
In that moment, Atlas sacrificed himself for the sake of his party members and the world. But his spirit lived on, infused with all the love and compassion he had for his sister.
chapter ?: Elise walked slowly towards the pile of dust where her brother once stood. She kneeled down and reached out, picking up a small metal plate with an inscription from Atlas. "I saw death yesterday on my watch, I know I won't make it out of this fight," Elise read out loud, her voice breaking slightly. "I know you will hurt for a long time, but I don't want you to get lost. Become the pillar for the future, find a husband, and please carry on. I love you - Atlas."
Elise closed her eyes and held the metal plate close to her chest. Tears didn't come, but her heart felt shattered. She stood up in a daze and began walking with a blank expression, passing through the many battlefields that had taken the lives of her party members.
As she walked, a small gremlin monster suddenly jumped out and stabbed her in the shoulder, the point of the dagger poking out the Front, its tip glistening red. Elise turned slashed the creature's throat, still with the dagger lodged in her shoulder.
For three days and nights, Elise walked without stopping until she finally arrived at the capital, dagger still in her shoulder. The guards at the gate tried to stop her, but they froze up when they met her eyes and let her pass. Elise then made her way to the palace where the royal guards tried to stop her but also let her pass when they realized who she was.
Elise finally stood before the king and explained what had happened in the fight and how the others had fought honorably. Only after her audience with the king and when she returned to her and Atlas's room did she finally let her emotions out, falling to her knees and crying uncontrollably.
Days passed, and Elise didn't leave her room. She remained isolated, feeling the pain of losing her brother and the others. However, one day, she decided to leave the room and go for a walk around the city. As she walked, she heard someone calling her name.
its still a work in progress, my ADHD mind jumps from scene to scene without properly finishing any. the story focuses of Elise and Atlas as there world changes, the "main" world is like our medieval age knights kings and farmers and another world with the slight change that it has magic, and the creatures from that world studied magic instead of science and are now having issues with resources and land, instead of looking up to the stars and going to other planets they use magic to find another earth and are trying to invade it
all thats gets explained in 3 or so half finished chapters, but the main story is gona be Elise and Atlas learning to make use of the limited magic that seeps into their world when the rifts open and trying to stop the creatures from destroying their world, creating adventurer guilds and teaching magic/ how to fight these creatures, in a fight to defend the capital Atlas intercepts a massive spell, and through a way i have yet to properly explain grants his sister immortality,
submitted by MedicinalPsycho to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:07 PippinOtter VTuber Group Name Ideas ✨️

I plan on creating a new VTuber group that anyone can join - however I am struggling with names! I would love something friendship or dreamy themed. I had the idea of VDreams but that was taken & VTomo is already a group.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! 🩵✨️
submitted by PippinOtter to VirtualYoutubers [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:07 EEcko2658 why does roblox allow this?

why does roblox allow this? submitted by EEcko2658 to u/EEcko2658 [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:07 Gatortheskater96 Unexpected possibly true or still unexplained YouTube video I cannot find Definitely Mysterious

It was a found footage. Possibly from a VHS Tape. Also possibly happened around 1988 somehow that date sticks out to me. But maybe not? I think it was like a group of 3-4 boys and they were exploring something in the dark and they were never found again. Like it actually happened not a “found footage” hoax. I watched it on YouTube one time. I wanted to research more into it. If anyone knows what I’m talking about id be very happy to find it. I’ve been looking on YouTube I cant find it. So I thought I would ask.
submitted by Gatortheskater96 to InternetMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:05 Delicious_Text7898 Boy or girl?

Boy or girl?
Meet Enigma! I have been trying to figure out if Enigma is a girl or a boy for MONTHS (there’s a reason I chose the name Enigma) and I finally got a picture I think will help. I’m thinking boy?
submitted by Delicious_Text7898 to AquaticSnails [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:05 delifissek Does multiple goroutines sending to a channel that only one goroutine receives from create a bottleneck? Is it better to pass data from multiple goroutines to one goroutine to access and write to files or using mutex and accessing from each goroutine?

I have a folder of multiple files. Each file has warying length lines. The goal is to read each line and depending on the first cahracter, put it in a foldefile named with that character. To optimize this I created a goroutine for each of the files first. Each goroutine reads the files line by line and creates a pair that consists of the path of the file it will be written to and the line itself. Then it is sent to a channel that all the other goroutines also send to. Then with a range over the channel, I receive all the pairs.
What I wnat to ask is does this process blocks the sender goroutines for a significant time beacuse there is only one receiver and multiple senders?
Is there a better aproach to this to make it faster?

type data struct { key string value string 
func ProcessFile(entry fs.DirEntry, Index string, Processed string, Unprocessed string, wg *sync.WaitGroup, channel chan<- data) { defer wg.Done() file, err := os.Open(Unprocessed + "/" + entry.Name()) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("there was an error during access to a file in the directory : %v \n", err) } var m data // struct with key and value strings. Holds the path of the target file and the line to be written scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) for scanner.Scan() { line := scanner.Text() alphanumeric := regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$") isAlphanumeric := alphanumeric.MatchString(string(line[0])) path := Index + "/symbol" md5hash := md5.Sum([]byte(line)) sha1hash := sha1.Sum([]byte(line)) sha256hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(line)) if isAlphanumeric { path = Index + "/" + string(line[0]) } if _, err := os.Stat(path); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) { err := os.Mkdir(path, os.ModePerm) if err != nil { log.Println(err) } } m.key = path m.value = line + " " + hex.EncodeToString(md5hash[:]) + " " + hex.EncodeToString(sha1hash[:]) + " " + hex.EncodeToString(sha256hash[:]) + " " + entry.Name() + "\n" channel <- m } file.Close() err2 := os.Rename(Unprocessed+"/"+entry.Name(), Processed+"/"+entry.Name()) if err2 != nil { fmt.Printf("there was an error deleting the file : %v \n", err2) } 

main func
func main() { pwd, _ := os.Getwd() Unprocessed := pwd + "/Unprocessed-Passwords" Processed := pwd + "/Processed" Index := pwd + "/Index" files, err := os.Open(Unprocessed) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("there was an error during opening of the Unprocessed-Passwords directory : %v \n", err) } defer files.Close() fileInfos, err := files.ReadDir(-1) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("there was an error during access to the directory : %v \n", err) } wg := sync.WaitGroup{} channel := make(chan data) for i, entry := range fileInfos { wg.Add(1) fmt.Printf("goroutine: %v \n file: %v \n ----Started----- \n", i, entry.Name()) go ProcessFile(entry, Index, Processed, Unprocessed, &wg, channel) } go func() { wg.Wait() close(channel) }() m := make(map[string]map[string]bool) for item := range channel { m[item.key] = make(map[string]bool) fmt.Printf("\n\nchannel output \nkey: %v \nvalue: %v \n", item.key, item.value) m[item.key][item.value] = true } var wg2 sync.WaitGroup for key, value := range m { wg2.Add(1) go func(key string, value map[string]bool) { WriteToIndex(key, value) wg2.Done() }(key, value) } wg2.Wait() 

submitted by delifissek to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:03 Gatortheskater96 [TOMT] YouTube video

It was a found footage. Possibly from a VHS Tape. Also possibly happened around 1988 somehow that date sticks out to me. But maybe not? I think it was like a group of 3-4 boys and they were exploring something in the dark and they were never found again. Like it actually happened not a “found footage” hoax. I watched it on YouTube one time. I wanted to research more into it. If anyone knows what I’m talking about id be very happy to find it. I’ve been looking on YouTube I cant find it. So I thought I would ask.
submitted by Gatortheskater96 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:02 OneFall2614 The Boys FiveM Official - Seeking New Members, Staff, Media, and Department Supervisors TODAY!! (New Server opening SOON (Already Up For Existing Members))

Hello all, my name is Devin and I am one of the owners of 'The Boys' community. I can start off by letting you know what made me decide to co-create a server. I joined various whitelisted and non-whitelisted communities in hope to find the perfect place to balance real life experience and the fun that we often find ourselves having in-game. I wanted to find a community where the civ-base utilize their imagination to interact with LEOs on a as close to realistic bases as possible. A community that the LEOs pushed themselves to act professional and for everyone to work cohesively to create RP scenarios that we all enjoyed together.
Now let me tell you a little bit about the server and our server structure. We have three owners, so that high priority issues can be voted on at an ownership level and there be a majority rule. At the time of writing ownership does not receive payment from any of the server donations and all donations received go to a community account for use in server upkeep and development. We have 3 management personnel, and 7 directors who oversee area specific operations. Currently we have three general law enforcement agencies. These consist of the following: Los Santos Police Department, Blaine County Sheriff's Department, and San Andreas Highway Patrol. We also have plans to open township departments for Sandy Shores, Paleto Bay, and Grapeseed, however that will come when we believe the player base is ready. We also have the Los Santos Fire Department which at the time of writing, is over our EMS and Dispatch services as well. However, when the timing is right, we may separate them into Los Santos AMR and San Andreas 911-Telecommunications. We have a dedicated staff team that run their own Law Enforcement Agency (FBI), we decided this was the best course of action so that staff members wouldn't integrate across the community and later have issues with members alleging that the staff members were abusing powers. They do not do typical traffic stops unless 911-Dispatch calls them out. They typically only participate in high threat SWAT calls and Investigations while on patrol as staffing is the highest priority and we do not plan on diluting our server population with staff members. We offer donation subscriptions with various perks such as houses, personal LEO vehicles with custom liveries, CIV personal vehicles, and vehicle packs. Our County and city units utilize red/blue lighting, and our state units utilize blue/white lighting. The ownership team gathers community input on big decisions through a voting system. We are all inclusive, as we offer a safe roleplay environment for all people no matter their race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.
We are currently looking for members to join our departments as higher-ranking supervisors to prepare for incoming department prospects. This is for every department, LEO, CIV, and Staff. If you are at all interested, we would love to bring you in to join the team.
submitted by OneFall2614 to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:02 broadly Final 2023 Rookie WR Grades

The time has finally come! After months of adjusting inputs and waiting and more adjusting inputs, I can post my final RB and WR rookie grades for the 2024 class. If you're not familiar with what I do here, you can find my historical grades for WR here: grades. The grades are posted there class-by-class as well as all together so you can see how these guys stack up historically. This will be a long post but, if I can say so, one I think worth giving your time to. You can just scroll down to the grades but you'll get more out of it if you take the 15 minutes.

Normally I'd wait and post the strongemore interesting of the classes between running back and receiver, but this time just gonna get straight to the one everyone wants to hear about the most. Also, for those that have been following along for a while, you'll see I've added the 2016 class. This was previously unseen data for my process and I'm happy with the results.

Before we get to the rankings a couple notes on process and some justification for the grades: The grades cover almost every WR drafted since 2016 and a small selection of other guys I've been randomly interested in grading. They use a combination of competition and experience adjusted production metrics, size and athleticism inputs, professional film grades, and NFL draft capital. The grades are technically out of 4 though it is possible to exceed 4 though nobody has ever done it. I do not include any analysis of landing spot in the grades. I only include things I can quantify and repeat year over year. These grades correlate with fantasy PPG across a player's first two years in the league more strongly than both NFL draft capital and rookie draft ADP. They do not correlate as well as RB but it's close. I have a little less certainty about projecting WRs for fantasy and so this is built into the grades. WRs tend to score a little lower than RBs because of this. The tiers are historical tiers (not class by class) break down like this:
These tiers are meant to be used in conjunction with ADP to provide rough guides on how to approach exposure each year. This is a crucially important point. If you miss this, you've missed much of the power of the grades. 1* are generational WRs. These are 98th percentile and up. Across all the WR's I've graded only Ja'Marr Chase, Amari Cooper, Calvin Johnson have reached this level...until this year. These are essentially perfect prospects. You should be prioritizing drafting these players any chance you get at market value during rookie drafts and then keep your ear to the ground for any decrease in value going forward through the first half of their rookie season. I've done some work on how early you should look to cut bait on rookie WRs and the data suggests that it's a lot earlier than most would think. For players of this quality, I would break that rule and look at a miserable first 3-4 games as a signal to buy rather than sell.
1 are elite WRs. They are everything you could reasonably ask for in a WR prospect but lack the over-the-top profile of the generational guys. Over 50% of these players have hit at least one WR1 season (PPG, I always use PPG). With a couple more (Garrett Wilson and Drake London), I suspect it's only a matter of time. These again are priority buys who you're always targeting at cost in rookie drafts and want as much exposure as possible when ADP places them in the late 1st, early 2nd especially. I don't know if I'd look to buy given a very poor first 4 games, but would at least kick tires to see if the price had sufficiently dropped. Usually it does not. 2 are upside WRs. These are still players you usually target in rookie drafts but typically are flawed in one way or another whether it be relatively poor draft capital, incomplete production profile, relatively limited physical traits/abilities, or a bit of multiple things. This is where we see the first hit rate cliff but there are still multiple multi-year WR1s here. Sometimes guys in this tier end up going mid-2nd or later in rookie drafts. When that happens, you want an enormous exposure. 3 are draftable WRs. These are the players you look to take dart throws on in round 3 and 4 of rookie drafts. "Draftable" does not mean "draftable at any price" and these guys often do end up overpriced (Laquon Treadwell, Henry Ruggs, Terrace Marshall, Denzel Mims, etc.). That said, the best use of this tier is to identify your late round dart throw types. 4 are avoid WRs. These are poor WR prospects who in some cases have enough going on in their profile to get pushed into the 2nd or even 1st round of rookie drafts (Dante Pettis, Mecole Hardman, Parris Campbell, Kadarius Toney, Andy Isabella). These are always avoids at that price and are not favored as late round dart throws compared with previous tiers. There are very few hits in the history of this tier.

5 are ignore WRs. These are players that you just do not bother with at all. They are deeply flawed prospects that have very few hits since 2016. If you want to try finding the next Puka Nacua, I would suggest looking in the tiers above.

Now on to some generalities about the class:
You may have seen my post about this class in historical context here here where I glowed about this class. Well that was before the NFL draft, film grade adjustments, and a final sweep of the math to make sure everything was correct. After all of this, I ended up lower on the class overall. This is a fine class of receivers overall though not at the historic level from top to bottom that you may have seen touted. In historical context it is tied for the highest average grade of the top 3 since 2016, is fourth over that time in terms of average of the next 5, and is third over that time in terms of average of the top 12. The class is highlighted by 2 1* tier "generational" prospects in Marvin Harrison Jr. and Malik Nabers. In this sense alone, this class is historic as from 2016-2023, only one receiver (Ja'Marr Chase) profiled at that level. These two alone are a big reason whey this class comes in 3rd since 2016 in average grade of the top 12. Some would have a third in Rome Odunze at or near this level, but that's not how things ended up for me. More on that later.

Where the class falters compared to expectation is in it's depth. There are good players don't get me wrong but losing Troy Franklin from the upside tier hurt quite a bit and the adjustments for most players in at least draftable tier and up were mostly to deduct from their grades.

Now for just the grades. Remember, you can (and very much should) check out where these guys sit historically in the link I provided above. Putting these players into historical context is really a big part of what these grades are all about. Here is that link again. If you skipped the intro stuff a reminder that these grades are out of 4 and that the tiers are historical tiers. They indicate where a player fits in with almost every WR drafted since 2016 + a few here and there.
Finally, again note that these grades are meant to be used in conjunction with ADP. "Draftable" for example only literally means "draftable" if the price is right. I am considering releasing a supplementary kind of "draft guide" sketch this year to really make sure I get this point across.
Rom Grade (x/4) Historical Tier
Marvin Harrison Jr. 3.85 1* - Generational
Malik Nabers 3.75 1*
Rome Odunze 3.1 2 - Upside
Xavier Worthy 2.9 2
Brian Thomas Jr. 2.9 2
Keon Coleman 2.7 2
Rickey Pearsall 2.3 3 - Draftable
Troy Franklin 2.25 3
Adonai Mitchell 2.1 3
Jermaine Burton 1.85 4 - Avoid
Ladd McConkey 1.8 4
Devontez Walker 1.8 4
Xavier Legette 1.75 4
Jacob Cowing 1.7 4
Ja'Lynn Polk 1.55 4
Roman Wilson 1.55 4
Malik Washington 1.5 4
Malachi Corely 1.4 4
Anthony Gould 1.4 4
Javon Baker 1.3 4
Bub Means 1.25 4
Luke McCaffrey 1.2 4
Jalen McMillan 1.15 4
Jamari Thrash 1.15 4
Cornelius Johsnon 1.15 4
Ainias Smith .9 5 - Ignore
Johnny Wilson .8 5
Devaughn Vele .75 5
Tejhaun Plamer .65 5
Brendon Rice .6 5
Tahj Wilson .6 5
Jha'Quan Jackson .55 5
Jordan Whittington .55 5
Casey Washington .45 5
Now a few quick notes on some players I find particularly interesting.
Troy Franklin
Oh how the mighty have fallen. If you look at my post-combine grades, you'll notice that Franklin is much, much lower here than he was there. It shouldn't surprise anyone to learn that his fall in the NFL draft is the main driver of his likewise tumble in my own rankings.
I'm not out all the way out though. He still ends up as an at least draftable player due in large part to a very strong production profile and decent professional film grades. When you spend as much time looking at this data as I have, you start to notice little eccentricities jumping out at you. One of these "themes" that interests me the most is the little cluster of players from grade 2.35 to 2.25 historically who got to that range despite draft capital outside the first 3 rounds.
This is the qualifying list of guys:
  • Pharoah Cooper
  • Equanimeous St. Brown
  • Amon-Ra St. Brown
  • Stefon Diggs
  • Gabe Davis
  • Antonio Brown
  • Troy Franklin
  • Demarcus Robinson
  • Malachi Dupree
This is a much better little group of players than it has any right to be given how they all grade out and where they were selected in the NFL draft. This list contains 3 massive, league-winning, kind of hits and another guy (Gabe) that had a moment in the NFL strong enough to drive a top 15 market valuation at one point.
Every name in this list had a strong production profile including an early breakout. Every name in this list declared early. Historically there's data now within my process to I think meaningfully say that 2.35-2.25 is where these elite production+early declare profiles that for whatever reason are faded by the NFL tend to populate. I'm not saying he's going to end up Antonio Brown but there is a lot to like still when you look at him holistically.
Long story short, I will have a lot of Troy Franklin assuming his NFL tumble ends up making him available anywhere near late 2nd. There's still a lot to like, he fits into an interesting "archetype" historically, and he got drafted to a spot with a depth-chart open for the taking playing alongside his college QB.
Rome Odunze
I am not low on Rome Odunze.
I think about a third of the people that see all this work will essentially boil it down to "lol he's low on Odunze". That's not the case.
He's a 91st percentile prospect for me historically. He's rubbing shoulders with the likes of Devonta Smith, Chris Godwin, and Brandon Aiyuk historically. That's very good. It's just not Malik Nabers good. I think this probably isn't a soapbox I need to get on much anymore now that it seems the Odunze = Nabers talk has died down a bit after the draft but I would say that more than anything my point here is to implore anyone reading this to not draft Odunze over Nabers.
He's a fine prospect. It's, in my estimation, malpractice to draft him over Mailk Nabers specifically. It's a lesser crime to pay a large price to jump up from BTJ or Worthy to sang Odunze but not something I will be doing personally. I imagine my exposure to Odunze will be fairly small and that it will come in exactly the spots where it's he and JJ McCarthy available and I can't trade the pick.
Ladd McConkey, Malachi Corely, Ja'Lynn Polk, Xavier Legette, Adonai Mitchell
Now these players you can say I'm low on. Their holistic profiles are just not very good at all.
Again, this is all relative to cost. I'm never paying a 1st for these players. In the likely ADP range where these guys end up, I'm going to be favoring Keon Coleman, trade backs to grab Troy Franklin, or maybe Trey Benson if he's there.
It's wise to bake in the possibility that you're wrong on a player by getting exposure to players you are low on when ADP allows. In instances where I'm on the clock and one of these guys has slipped significantly and there are no players I massively prefer, I will grab a share to account for some likelihood these guys end up better than how they grade out. Usually those situations are so rare that I end up with just about enough to satisfy that "hedge".
Jermaine Burton
I want some despite what the grade says. That's it lol. Nothing having to do with the grades obviously but a there's enough stuff outside what goes into these that I'm intrigued and the price should be right where I'm not having to pass on anyone that's clearly better very often. Maybe I'll sacrifice one Troy Franklin in a spot just to satisfy the curiosity.
Well that's it! If you read this far, thanks as always. As usual I love to answer comments and questions so ask away.
Next up, running backs!
submitted by broadly to DynastyFF [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:02 MedicinalPsycho [f] a story thats been bouncing around my head for awhile

chapter 1: As Elise and Atlas navigated the dense forest, a sudden tearing noise sliced through the air, chilling them to the bone. Startled, Atlas grasped Elise's shoulder, his expression filled with curiosity. he suggested investigating the source of the disturbance. Pushing through the underbrush, they stumbled upon a peculiar tear in the fabric of space, revealing a group of otherworldly creatures.
One of the creatures emerged fully, its gaze fixating on the two children. With dread sinking in, Atlas acted swiftly, shoving Elise out of harm's way as the creature lunged towards them. The impact sent Atlas reeling, and he found himself being dragged towards the tear. Frozen in fear, Elise watched helplessly until a surge of determination coursed through her.
Ignoring her trembling hands, she seized her basket of berries, smashing it over the creature's back. In response, the creature turned its attention to her, striking her with a forceful blow. As Atlas regained his footing, he armed himself with a sickle, positioning himself defensively between Elise and the creature.
Their desperate struggle continued, with Atlas narrowly avoiding the creature's attacks. However, a moment of distraction proved costly as the creature struck Atlas, sending him crashing into a tree. Elise's cries pierced the chaos as she witnessed her brother's fall, her heart pounding with terror.
The creature, undeterred, focused its aggression on Elise, inflicting a devastating blow that fractured her leg. With a firm grip on her, it began dragging her towards the rift, leaving Atlas helpless to intervene. In his final moments of consciousness, Atlas glimpsed a glimmer of hope as an arrow pierced the creature's neck, and darkness descended upon him.
Saved by the hunters from their village, Elise and Atlas survived the harrowing encounter, the echoes of the tearing sound fading into the night, leaving behind a haunting reminder of the dangers lurking in the shadows.
chapter ?: As the fight against the mages raged on, Atlas could feel his body weakening. He had already taken down three of the giant ogre-like mages, but he could feel his magical reserves dwindling. Meanwhile, Elise was holding her own against her three opponents, but the mages were proving to be formidable adversaries.
Suddenly, one of the mages broke away from the fight and flew towards the party members, preparing a powerful magic artifact. Atlas knew that he had to act quickly, but he was blocked by the second mage, who used wind magic to throw him back towards Elise. But Elise was quick on her feet and used her own wind magic to redirect Atlas into the blind spot of the third mage.
Atlas took advantage of the situation and decapitated the third mage with his sword. But before he could make his way to the mage with the artifact, it had already activated. Atlas knew that he couldn't stop the attack, so he threw himself between the artifact and his party members.
As the attack hit, Atlas felt his body disintegrating. But he could hear a voice in the back of his head, urging him to get out of there. It was the voice of his sister, who had always been protective of him. But Atlas ignored her plea and instead imagined all of his strength flowing into her.
As he closed his eyes, he saw a dim golden aura surrounding him. The aura mixed with the red and black light from the attack, and Atlas's spirit absorbed the massive spell. He defied the laws of the universe and directed all of the power into one thought: "Elise better make it out of this alive."
In that moment, Atlas sacrificed himself for the sake of his party members and the world. But his spirit lived on, infused with all the love and compassion he had for his sister.
chapter ?: Elise walked slowly towards the pile of dust where her brother once stood. She kneeled down and reached out, picking up a small metal plate with an inscription from Atlas. "I saw death yesterday on my watch, I know I won't make it out of this fight," Elise read out loud, her voice breaking slightly. "I know you will hurt for a long time, but I don't want you to get lost. Become the pillar for the future, find a husband, and please carry on. I love you - Atlas."
Elise closed her eyes and held the metal plate close to her chest. Tears didn't come, but her heart felt shattered. She stood up in a daze and began walking with a blank expression, passing through the many battlefields that had taken the lives of her party members.
As she walked, a small gremlin monster suddenly jumped out and stabbed her in the shoulder, the point of the dagger poking out the Front, its tip glistening red. Elise turned slashed the creature's throat, still with the dagger lodged in her shoulder.
For three days and nights, Elise walked without stopping until she finally arrived at the capital, dagger still in her shoulder. The guards at the gate tried to stop her, but they froze up when they met her eyes and let her pass. Elise then made her way to the palace where the royal guards tried to stop her but also let her pass when they realized who she was.
Elise finally stood before the king and explained what had happened in the fight and how the others had fought honorably. Only after her audience with the king and when she returned to her and Atlas's room did she finally let her emotions out, falling to her knees and crying uncontrollably.
Days passed, and Elise didn't leave her room. She remained isolated, feeling the pain of losing her brother and the others. However, one day, she decided to leave the room and go for a walk around the city. As she walked, she heard someone calling her name.
its still a work in progress, my ADHD mind jumping from scene to scene without properly finishing any the story focuses of Elise and Atlas as there world changes, the "main" world is like our medieval age knights kings and farmers and another world with the slight change that it has magic, and the creatures from that world studied magic instead of science and are now having issues with resources and land, instead of looking up to the stars and going to other planets they use magic to find another earth and are trying to invade it
all thats gets explained in 3 or so half finished chapters, but the main storys is gona be Elise and Atlas learning to make use of the limited magic that seeps into their world when the rifts open and trying to stop the creatures from destroying their world, creating adventurer guilds and teaching magic/ how to fight these creatures, in a fight to defend the capital Atlas intercepts a massive spell, and through a way i have yet to properly explain grants his sister immortality,
submitted by MedicinalPsycho to story [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:02 Fillerbear Mister Creep / Horror in the High Desert (no spoilers!)

Before I go, I want to point out that these are my opinions, that you do not have to share.
Mister Creep (2022)
I watched this based on a post on this sub calling it giving major Sinister vibes. Since I actually really liked Sinister, I decided to give it a shot. Only an hour plus in length, this was a much welcome surprise.
Alright, so, the topic is a group of community college students are following the lead of a macabre-loving friend in delving into the lore of Mister Creep, a serial killer with a very high body count. They quickly find themselves in wayy over their head and it all goes to hell, as expected.
So right there, we have the reason for the ever-present camera: one of them is documenting everything they do for BTS content / B-roll material (at first.) As things get underway, they make great use of their status as struggling film students and introduce multiple cameras into the setting, allowing the movie to switch between perspectives without needing a "pass the camera" moment. It also allows the movie to have rather sharp visuals without trying to pretend it's all someone's 2007 digicam that they are supposed to be on.
Add a good sense of plot and escalation, a sledgehammer-out-of-nowhere-to-the-face conclusion, a couple very well-placed jumpscares, an overall creepy atmosphere and a good sense of pacing, you get one thrilling ride that makes great use of the "found" aspect of "found footage."
Speaking of, there is a plot device in the film where they actually find some footage pertaining to Mister Creep, who, despite the seemingly placeholder name, proves to be appropriately creepy. This little quasi-meta sense of footage-within-the-footage works exceptionally well and is used to great effect. Further, the movie makes good use of the scant few side characters as well as intermittent scenes of a prison interview with the titular Mister Creep well too.
Of course, not all is sunshine and gravy. The performances can be uneven at times, not to mention range from bad to nice. Some lines might as well be "Let's advance the plot, guys." Some effects and transitions may be a bit wonky at times, but all these easily pale in comparison to the rest of the movie.
Overall, definitely recommended.
TW: Mentions of parental abuse, one instance of elder abuse, clowns.
Gore: So little it's laughable.
Nudity: Nope.
Does the dog die: Thank fuck there was no dog.
Horror in the High Desert (2021)
I jumped into this one based on how often I saw it recommended on this sub. I can wholeheartedly say I regret that decision.
Plot-wise, this mockumentary follows the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Nevada wilderness explorer and survivalist Gary Hinge, when on a fateful summer week, he goes into the woods, never to return. It's made up almost entirely of interviews conducted with three people: Gary's sister, his roommate and a private investigator hired to look into the case.
Therein is the movie's biggest problem: it seems to forget that it is a visual medium. The narrative is built almost completely on the principle of "tell, never show." I was bored to tears watching these people, who mostly show zero interest, emotion or anything that make them not instantly replaceable with a cardboard cut-out drone on and on about Gary, who we don't know and are not shown much of, how he was this and that and the other, how him going missing is this big deal... and while you do expect this being a big deal to have something behind it, that doesn't sustain the runtime of this thing.
But I was still willing to go the distance until it dedicated a sizeable chunk of itself to these three talking about a video of Gary's that we are never shown. Instead of showing us, the movie has these characters go on and on and on about how terrified Gary was, how weird what he saw was, describing what he saw and how scary it was, etc. etc. It's the movie telling me to be scared of something I don't even get to view, rather than trying to scare me with it. The excuse given for why this is (that the video was on a YouTube channel that his sister somehow accidentally deleted... which of course means the video doesn't exist anywhere else...) just adds insult to injury and given that all we see of Gary is some barely-acted, low quality videos sprinkled throughout, the whole ordeal becomes a slog.
Now, that said, the last ten minutes of this one is done reasonably well and creates some very impressively creepy moments... that last all of ten seconds (cumulative.) Two whole ass moments in an entire movie that shows nothing but keeps telling you that there is something.
I have zero against those who liked this movie. I say it, 'cause people can get pretty touchy, as if by not liking it I am shitting on their god or something. But personally, I don't think it is even drinking game material.
TW: Horrible sister, apathetic humanity, bodily mutilation, wooden "performances."
Gore: One severed hand, censored and non-bloody.
Nudity: Nah.
Does the dog die: Fucking wish there was a dog.
submitted by Fillerbear to foundfootage [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:01 Ireng0 AAR: Ironsworn Oneshot, 1 GM 3 players

The Truths: all the ‘middle’ options.
Our story begins with the wardens in their Fort in the central mountains. Their commander, a grizzled woman, told the player characters that she had her hands full with the famine among the giants that was making them raid farms and wreak havoc. However, she needed some help aiding a village named Rockhaven to the east, that was being harassed by the Garou. Two of the PCs were (pregens) as follows:
Giliana: E3 H1 I2 S2 W1; Improviser-Swordmaster-Hawk
Kai: E1 H2 I1 S3 W2; Infiltrator-Spirit Bound-Visage
There is a third PC but the player was very late so it will be introduced later as a late reinforcement. The others Swore an Iron Vow (Dangerous) and got a Weak Hit: the Garou rarely attack settlements and do not generally live in that region. What was going on?
Music. Giliana and Kai set forth immediately. The trip was merely Troublesome (oneshot!). Weak and Strong hits alternated in Undertake a Journey; a Miss led them into the path of some Firstborn Elves that demanded them leave their home territory immediately; Kai was able to pacify them and ask for directions to Rockhaven.
Reaching the hillside village, they found it locked down by armed men and women who refused entry to anyone (Weak hit on Conclude). Their elder, Nakura, said the wardens were late and that he expected results before allowing them to base in Rockhaven (Weak Compel). Kai then consulted the spirit of the brother-in-arms he let be killed in a battle of the past, who coldly whispered to him where to find Garou tracks leading away (Spirit-Bound). So the elder Nakura was pacified and allowed them to stay inside.
They decided (since the third player still hadn’t arrived!) to recruit a villager as an extra pair of eyes. Nakura agreed on the condition that the volunteer, a hunter named Sayer, always held the rear (Weak Compel).
Music. The trio followed the tracks east (no Journey needed). They discovered that the tracks turned from Garou to human at one point. How was it possible? The idea of werewolves doesn’t exist in (my version of) the Ironlands. Kai suspected that there was a Garou-Human alliance going on.
They Made Camp and recuperated (Strong Hit) then continued on the next, rainy forest day. They saw in the distance some sort of camp, and also a sentry approaching leisuredly. They hid with the guidance of Kai (Face Danger w/Shadow, Strong Hit), and they noted that it was actually a strong-looking human wearing a Garou pelt! Kai used Visage (Weak Hit, -2 Health) to paint his face and sneak upon the man (Strong Hit + Match: +1 Health regained due to spirits being pleased) and take him at knife point. His face was so frightful that the man did not raise any alarm (Compel w/Iron, Strong Hit).
Taken away by the PCs, he said that the bandits found a pack of old Garou and slaughtered them for their pelts (at considerable cost). Then they used the pelts and pelt-boots to terrorize hamlets and villages until these made ‘forest offerings’ to the fake Garou. The PCs took him all the way back to Rockhaven to show them to Nakura and the others, who got enraged and demanded to hang the bandit then and there. The PCs said no, "we still need him", so everyone prepared to travel to and storm the bandit camp. Giliana secretly Made an Iron Vow (Strong Hit, Troublesome) to the bandit that she’d help him escape if he collaborated. At this point, the last PC joined the game:
Teagan: E2 H2 I1 S1 W3; Herbalist-Archer-Fletcher
The whole group made it to their destination, but there was no way for the peasant mob to approach the camp undetected. At least, not without help. So Kai led the other two PCs on an assassination mission (Secure an Advantage w/Shadow) to get rid of the sentries.
Music. Then Giliana led the charge (Battle). The mob surged in and pushed the bandits into the camp, but their leader, a massive woman named Maura, found the elder Nakura and decapitated him (Weak Hit). Maura then challenged the PCs to combat in the middle of the fray (Formidable challenge).
Giliana Entered the Fray (Strong Hit) and dueled Maura, while Kai tried to distract her and Teagan shot arrows. Giliana hit Maura with the pommel of her sword (Weak Hit), but Maura kicked her back. Kai tried to stab her from behind (Weak Hit) but Maura elbowed him on the nose. Teagan missed her shot and hit Giliana instead (-1 health).
Then Giliana rolled a Miss: Maura lifted her in the air, using the swordmaiden’s own inertia, and slammed her to the floor, then tried to cut her where she laid. Just at that moment Kai pointed to Maura’s weak hit (a limp) and Teagan made a last shot (End the Fight). Maura was disabled (Strong Hit) and the bandits surrendered.
Music. The quest was over, wasn’t it? No! The peasants yelled that more bandits were coming from the forest. The PCs checked it out and realized – these were the real Garou. They had heard the commotion and had come to check things, and saw a bunch of humans, many of which were wearing their kin as pelts!
Disaster was on the air as Kai led a wounded Maura outside and presented her to the Alpha, along with the pelts. The Garou misinterpreted him (Compel Miss) and bit his shoulder to mark him (-1 Health), then decapitated Maura with a single claw swipe. Kai realized that Rockhaven was in grave danger now (Oracle: “A person or community you care about is exposed to danger.”). So Kai offered the rest of the bandits if the peasants and wardens could leave in peace. The Alpha understood and let them go (Compel Strong Hit).
The bandits pleaded for their lives but the wardens had made their decision. The last thing the PCs heard was the screams and gargles as the Garou descended upon the criminals.
Fulfill Your Vow: Strong Hit for the collective Vow, Weak for letting the bandit escape: the Garou caught his scent and would follow him to the end of the world.
The End.
The players were pleased with the mechanics and the versatility of their options; they did seem hesitant when they felt all they could do was either let the person with the highest stat try something, or try to do Secure an Advantage. Not pulling punches and letting the elder die really made the fight real for them.
submitted by Ireng0 to Ironsworn [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:58 RayAP19 IIL these songs to use as a sports video editor, WEWIL?

I know these are severely outdated, sorry.
Songs that have an anthemic, rousing feel to them. I've tried Spotalike for finding songs that are similar to these and others, but I also need to find songs with certain lyrical content (usually about overcoming adversity, being the best, not backing down, passion about one's craft, etc).
I'm open to either artists/groups or specific songs, preferably rap/hip hop/R&B, alt-rock, nu metal, maybe pop.
submitted by RayAP19 to ifyoulikeblank [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:55 blackberrylatte16 My mom outed me to my dad and denied it for months

My parents are both very conservative, but several months ago I came out to my mom anyway. I knew she'd be upset and angry, but I wanted her to know so she'd stop questioning me "do you want to be a boy?" I came out to her at a restaurant and she started getting loud about it. We argue every time we're in a restaurant now. Anyways, I told her not to tell my dad. I've known him to yell at the TV when he watches the news, uses slurs in everyday conversation, and bashes anything queer. My mom promised she wouldn't tell him, and I believed her. As time went on, I would ask her probably once a month if my dad had questioned her about me, my appearance, or even my instagram that he somehow found with my chosen name and he/him on it. She said he never questioned anything. She said she never told him anything. I believed her.
The other day, we were back in another restaurant together. I hardly ever go out with her anymore because it feels like I'm constantly being yelled at any time I do. Our conversation inevitably turned toward the topic of me being trans. It always does. I asked her again if my dad had questioned her about it. This time, she tells me "he's known since the day you came out to me. I told him immediately after." I felt such a mix of emotions, anger, betrayal, fear, relief, I don't know. These months that I've spent terrified that he'd kick me out or disown me if he found out, and he just... knew? From day one? And she denied that she told him for months? I tried not to cry on the car ride home. I asked her why, if he knew, had he not brought it up with me? She told me that my dad is scared of me. He feels intimidated and afraid of me because of how I dress, my haircut, and my "choosing to be trans." I have a vacation coming up with my dad in 2 weeks, she suggested I try to talk to him about it then, but I'm still terrified. I don't want to try and defend myself as to why I'm trans while I'm alone with him in a different state. I wish she hadn't told him. I wish that he would bring it up to me instead. I wish I didn't have to justify myself. I figured he already knew, but I still feel so betrayed that she told him immediately and lied for so long.
submitted by blackberrylatte16 to FTMventing [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:55 TyrianMollusk Steam Roguelite Release List 2024 Apr 29 - May 05

Next week's Steam releases

2024-04-29 - 2024-05-05
Game Date Followers Gloss Additional OP
Tendryll Apr 30 968 deckbuilder tactical Demo, Early access
Surmount: A Mountain Climbing Adventure May 2 677 2d physics Demo, Multiplayer (local)
The Braves May 3 608 horde survivor Free
Hexguardian May 2 466 tower defense Demo
Mareld May 2 462 card game
Footgun: Underground Apr 30 431 sidescroller
When the Light Dies May 2 334 horde survivor Demo, Early access
Creator of Another World Apr 30 276 RPG
Guild of Rogues Apr 29 123 deckbuilder, auto-battler Demo, Early access
Cozy Space Survivors May 3 119 horde survivor? Demo
Project Of Cooling The Earth Apr 30 116 management Demo
HOLOSAGA: Invasion of the HoloX May 1 66 defense Free, Early access -
Only Up: SKIBIDI TOGETHER May 3 55 3d platformer Multiplayer (online) -
Cards and Guns May 2 35 horde survivor Demo -
Bestiary Survivors Apr 29 33 horde survivor Early access
Wage Slave TD Apr 29 29 tower defense -
Operation Marakudja May 1 26 FPS Demo, Early access, Multiplayer (online)
Dungeon Minesweeper May 3 22 minesweeper
Bugz Bows and Curses May 5 14 top-down Demo, Early access -
PARA♰BELLUM ~ 魔弹帕菈 May 1 11 horde survivor
元卡牌2 MetaCard2 序章 Prologue Apr 30 10 deckbuilder, auto-battler Free
The Reeve May 1 9 management -
Inner Struggle May 2 9 sidescroller? -
Dungeon Mercenaries May 3 9 turn-based tactical
Deflect Boy Apr 29 7 top-down reflect
Baluno Apr 29 6 card game -
Explorer: Adventure Awaits Apr 29 6 sidescroller -
Zombie House Defense Apr 29 6 defense Early access -
Hammer Knight Apr 29 5 defense
Impact Trial: First Encounter - Prologue Apr 30 4 top-down Free -
Meme Christmas May 2 4 sidescroller -
Truck Apr 29 3 horde survivor, driving -
The Last Spin May 1 2 slots -

Previous week's releases not on previous week's list

2024-04-22 - 2024-04-28
Game Date Followers Gloss Additional OP
Nordic Ashes: Survivors of Ragnarok Apr 26 9788 horde survivor Left early access
Swarm Grinder Apr 22 4369 horde survivor Left early access
Meta-Ghost: The Breaking Show Apr 24 3103 top-down Early access, Multiplayer (online)
Rustil: Eternal Labyrinth Castle Apr 25 1455 3rd person Early access, Multiplayer (online)
The Last Game Apr 25 78 top-down Multiplayer (local), Left early access -
Dice Assassin Apr 25 74 boardgame -
まどろみトラベル Apr 26 73 management Non-English -
Standalone: Synergy Apr 24 70 deckbuilder Multiplayer (unspecified), Left early access
Land of the Survivors Apr 24 61 horde survivor, driving
Zlime: Return Of Demon Lord Apr 27 54 sidescroller Early access
Slay The Abyss Apr 25 52 deckbuilder
Monster United Apr 22 45 auto-battler
Running Robot Man 4 Apr 26 35 3rd person Multiplayer (online), Left early access
Band of Brigands Apr 25 26 board game Multiplayer (online)
Emin's journey Apr 27 22 sidescroller -
Gnomber Apr 28 17 bomb placement horde survivor Left early access
HELLAXY Apr 26 13 top-down
Emoji Survival Apr 22 10 horde survivor -
Bosstack Apr 24 4 turn-based sides -

Previous week's free and demo releases

2024-04-22 - 2024-04-28
Game Date Followers Gloss Additional OP
Mirror of Heaven Apr 24 813 top-down Demo, Early access, Non-English
dev_hell Apr 24 394 deckbuilder Demo
Ironmarked Apr 23 317 deckbuilder tactical Demo, Multiplayer (online)
Songs Of Death Apr 25 223 clicker Demo
Project Of Cooling The Earth Apr 23 116 management Demo
Pinball Storm: Lokanta Apr 25 94 horde survivor, pinball Demo
Soulbind: Prologue Apr 25 91 sidescroller Free
Village Heros Apr 26 78 top-down, MMO Free, Demo, Multiplayer (online)
Pogo Rogue Apr 24 69 sidescroller Free, Early access
Spirit Guardians Apr 25 42 horde survivor Demo, Multiplayer (unspecified)
Castles on Clouds Apr 26 36 tower defense Demo
Nautical Survival Apr 26 29 horde survivor Demo, Early access
Turtle Riders Apr 23 26 defense Demo -
Walk the Times Apr 23 25 3rd person Free, Demo -
Combat Cat Apr 26 19 sidescroller Free -
Catniptic Apr 26 17 3rd person Demo -
Cyber Rush Apr 23 16 FPS Free
Survive Ten Days Apr 24 16 top-down Demo, Non-English
Genome Guardian: Prologue Apr 23 15 defense, turret Free -
Speedway Survival Apr 23 14 top-down Free, Early access -
Treasure Defence Apr 24 12 tower defense Free
Arcania Apr 26 11 top-down Demo
Battle Poet Apr 24 8 turn-based sides Demo -
Backpack Monsters: Survivors Apr 23 7 auto-battler Free
Elfenberg Apr 23 7 deckbuilder, building
Cards and Towers Apr 24 7 deckbuilder, defense Demo
Dashlab Apr 25 7 mousing Demo
Snowbound: Dead of Winter Apr 25 5 farming, defense Demo
BRISK UP Apr 25 3 clicker Demo -
BlockArena Apr 26 3 mousing Demo -
Hot Pot Game Apr 27 3 puzzle Demo
Games selected automatically by Steam tags (roguelite and roguelike). Follower count taken from Steam (it's the size of the game's community group, wishlist counts are not public). Gloss column guesses made by poster. OP column is a vague, biased opinion from OP's brief time with the store page.
submitted by TyrianMollusk to 8cade [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:52 Upset_Captain_1934 Totally spies discord server for upscaling into 4K!

Hello everyonemy name is zize a boy who is a fan of totally spies since 2007 , the show is my childhood and I love it so much and since season 7 is coming out this 12 may in gulli France channel I wanted to make this discord server for all the totally spies fandom anyone is welcome , so basically without any boring thing this server was made for: 1- for the totally spies fans who are old or new fans it doesn't matter what matters that you like the show 2- a great place to find episodes in high quality (4K!) iam working on upscaling all the episodes from S01 to S06 into 4k 3- a place where we discuss about the show and it new things also a place to do activities related to the show Thank you!! For readin Discord invite link:
submitted by Upset_Captain_1934 to TotallySpies [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:51 WhippedForMyself Chingoose please support nugu group Unforgiven Boys

Chingoose please support nugu group Unforgiven Boys
They just debuted and are nugu nugu but have so much style and originality. Saranghae Unforgiven Boys!! ❤️❤️
submitted by WhippedForMyself to kpoopheads [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:50 AveryCallousCat My bridesmaid (Step Sister) goes crazy before, during and after my wedding

FINALLY!!! MY TIME HAS COME!!! I have wanted to share this story with the petty potato goblin queen for SO LONG but never knew how. Also, Charlotte, I ADORE YOU!! My husband and I always watch your videos and have so much fun you’re freaking amazing!!!
This whole situation happened a few years ago; however, some context needs to be said to understand this story entirely. I’ll try to summarize it as best as possible, but it is essential to the story, so please bear with me. Now, let’s get into this shit show!
To note a few things: My stepsister and I haven’t always gotten along. I used to be an extremely aggressive person as I was undiagnosed with several behaviosevere mental illness issues that I now take care of. She has always been very sneaky and manipulative, especially when it came to her father (my stepfather), which made him and I fight all the time as he would always make excuses for her bad/inappropriate behavior. They also have a VERY interesting relationship.
For example, when my mother and I first moved in (I was around 18/19 and had just graduated high school), she would wear “long” t-shirts as pajamas with little to no underwear, and most times, it would show the bottom of her bum. When I addressed this to him and how I felt very uncomfortable, his exact words were, “Why? Are you mad that she has a cuter butt than you?”She was 13.
There’s a NUMBER of stories I can tell you about him but that context of their relationship is important.
Also, after I was finally diagnosed correctly and got the help I needed, I ended up apologizing, and I mended the relationships I played a part in breaking, including between them.

My husband and I (31m & 31f) married 3 years ago (dated for 6 years). We had a very small wedding of about 55-60 people as I only wanted to have people I knew who cared about us and our happiness. So many things went wrong on the day, but I genuinely didn’t care because I just wanted to marry the man of my dreams. Despite my anxiety, the only bridezilla moment I had was when I saw shellfish at my wedding when I told the venue not to serve any fish/shellfish because my husband is deathly allergic. Other than that, everyone in my family was so surprised that not only had I not had a panic attack but that I was so calm and put together the day of.
WITH THAT SAID, there was an entire other shit show surrounding my stepsister happening, some of which I was made aware of after the wedding and during my honeymoon and some I witnessed before the wedding, that was so bad it pushed my family into a rift that ultimately lead to me removing my stepfather and stepsister out of my life entirely.
I had a small bridal party of 4 guys and gals, including the stepsister. At the time of my bachelorette party, which was also the same day of my last bridal fitting, my stepsister was completely passive-aggressive and was more focused on a test she had waited until the last minute to take, so she was on her laptop the entire time. I shrugged it off as I assumed she was dealing with stuff, which she was as she had just finally “done the deed” with someone for the first time (EVER before), only for her to be ghosted. I had warned her and her father that this boy had ill intentions (love bombing x100), but neither listened, and I still supported her no matter what. DURING MY BACHELORETTE PARTY, she got so drunk that she sang the same Billie Eilish song 5 TIMES, HYSTERICALLY CRYING (we did karaoke for my party, and it was so awesome until that moment). Still, I shrugged it off and was supportive.
My wedding comes, and with all the shit that happened, here’s her part in it.
1 - she was extremely late to the hotel for makeup and made it very clear that she didn’t care.
2 - she was NOWHERE to be found after photos because she was so drunk she passed out, and her plus-one had to babysit her.
3 - she had a complete emotional meltdown that was almost caught on camera outside the venue but seen by several guests.
4 - after the wedding, she tried to hook up with the best man (my brother-in-law) in front of my guest in the middle of my living room, and I mean that literally as she tried to pull out his salami salamander in front of everyone.
5 - during my honeymoon, she went to a concert with my mother, and one of my bridesmaids where to stated she “no longer wanted to be on the census/wanted to leave this plane of existence” if you catch my drift, and when my mother (who works in a field where she is a mandated reporter and has serval degrees in her field) tried to help her my stepsister said that she wasn’t serious, that my mother needed to mind her fucking business and that my mother didn’t know what she was talking about.
6 - Stepsister eventually hooked up with brother-in-law and lied about whether she was seeing anyone else, so I told him the truth (she was seeing and sleeping with several different people). This is known as the family betrayal, according to my stepfather and her, because I was honest with him and outed/didn’t support her. She later contracted chlamydia, knew she had it, passed it to my brother-in-law, and tried to gaslight him into thinking she didn’t do anything and, when she was caught, told her father that she “felt she had been taken advantage of.”
The entire time this was happening, my stepfather was downplaying the severity of it and blaming ME for ruining the chances of my stepsister and brother-in-law having a “real relationship.” When addressing his daughter, he stated, "We (my mother and I) don’t understand because we didn’t have a good relationship with our fathers growing up and didn’t know that type of father-daughter unconditionally support.” He also believes that if my mother were to leave him, I would have played a part in breaking the relationship (this was later said during family therapy, where he blamed me and me only for the state of the family dynamic).
I eventually quit family therapy when I realized that I no longer wanted to be the blame for this shit show and didn’t want the relationship I thought I wanted with either of them. Honestly, leaving has been the best fucking decision of my life. I don’t speak to either of them, and while I don’t wish them ill, I don't care about either of them, especially her, which I told her as “thinking of (stepsister name) would require me to want a relationship with her, and I don’t. And she isn’t someone you want to have a relationship with since none of the many men she’s opened her seafood doors for have stayed beyond that.”
And with all the drama she created, I don’t believe she ruined my wedding as I still got what I wanted, and that was the amazing person I get to call my husband, who says hello!
submitted by AveryCallousCat to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:47 violent_hug [PC] [Cancelled J-or-K MMORPG] [NA Localizatin by Atlus Online] [Unforgiving Awesome pvp/pve game failed soon after launch]

Ok, friends. This will be a tough one as it doesnt even come up on Google Crawls or the MMORPG cancelled list (dispite being a cancelled MMORPG that was published briefly i think 1 or 2 months before shut down after our beta was over and the game was set to launch, which did not happen in a sustainable way, apparently - because it doesn't exist on the Atlus Wikipedia. I think the disambiguation that needs to be made is that ANOTHER company made the (JP or KR) games that were then localized by "Atlus Online NA" even though I remember us having a lot of BR players or Portuguese speaking individuals. FTR did not bother me at all as I learned a few fun words that way :D
Atlus published/localized 3 games on it's NA or Western company i'm speaking of for I want to say a two maybe three year period.
The first release was a game called Neo Steam: Shattered Continent, which was fun and did relatively well at first. The second released localization was some sort of "Dancing/Social/Music" "social/casual" game that was not at all interesting. Their final game (THE ONE IM DESPERATELY TRYING TO REMEMBER AND THAT EXISTS NOWHERE) even though Neosteam is referenced on Youtube/Google/MMO sites that keep the library of dead games.
The game to which I cannot remember a name Was a 3D J or K MMORPG that was extremely difficult (almost unforgiving) with anime stylized graphics and was well optimized. Atlus did not make this game but just (attempted) to localize it. "Jack Frost" I.P. was present on the website news, launch screens - but again this was the only element of the game where Atlus was "incorporating" their own IP
New players in (unknown) start in an insanely difficult area at level 1 with no real equipment. You basically can only progress thru the game by choosing to walk through a relatively large map filled with creatures that were many times more powerful, and the incentive/reason it was like this was so that players of either faction who were leveled/geared enough would assist new players (usually their friends) and usheliterally carry us to their respective faction (there were two factions) IMO this was really cool and a throwback to the days of Ultima etc. but it was and by today's standards would be cancel worthy. They were trying to foster a sense of "identifying" with the individuals who went out of their way to help you navigate from the original spawn to your respective capitol over a good 10 to 20m journey of dodging monsters and snaking your way to town where you could then safely logon and teleport. I am only describing this gimmick as I think its one of the few bizarre and unique things that might help another person remember trying or playing this game.
If someone was not patient or reading the guide (that tried to acquint you with world chat option so that a person could traverse and help induct you into either faction) the game would obviously feel/seem very troll or just completely broken. there's no way it would fly with your standard gamer nowadays (or apparently back then) The few hundred of us that played likened the game to Priston Tale in terms of aesthetic but it was not either of the PT games or developers. others likened it to dark-souls/ultima in terms of just being very difficult learning curve and that you could get easily killed by a large mob that would pass thru areas meant for very low level players, meaning you could not solo and would always need at least two or three others to venture out.
the main grind area I specifically remember involved killing snakes in the first grindy area and this required an individual to go invisible and lay traps, a person to aggro/bait the enemy over those traps, a healther to keep topping the individual pulling the mobs (almost always one at a time bc they scored crits/insta kills very eaSY) and of course some people to jump in and whack the mob with whatever range ormelle weapons they had to finish the already debuffed and partially chiseled away health, resulting in a huge success and experience boost, or most dying. This made it so that two independent 5-6m parties would have to work in groups of 12 taking turns pulling to their respective sides of the spawn area, bc otherwise the 2nd or 3rd snake that another party did not rotate pulling in tandem would assuredly kill the single party of 6. It was ideal to have 3 separate parties all pulling mobs from the same area - in order to protect the others from being overwhelmed and their own party quickly becoming the victim as these monsters were too strong to fend off in groups.
Sooo...... the game went on i think 3-4 months in beta, it launched and did horribly (i think it was going to be a monthly sub model with extra premium shop model the way NeoSteam was) and I think maybe lasted several months out of beta before being shutdown because the company had managed all 3 of their localizations very poorly and got no traction bc they did not exert any effort in advertising recruiting or retaining player base. You could probably blame this on funding or lack of communication from the original dev to the NA/West Atlus subsidary which is why Neosteam TSC and whatever goofy rhythm game they launched and the entire company dissolved.
submitted by violent_hug to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:47 BlobbyJellyYT It's been 4 years, still cant find it: Can someone please tell me the name of the serbian rap song playing in the background of the rooftop scene? (25 minutes in) Season 3 Ep 2

It's been 4 years, still cant find it: Can someone please tell me the name of the serbian rap song playing in the background of the rooftop scene? (25 minutes in) Season 3 Ep 2 submitted by BlobbyJellyYT to SEALTeam [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:47 Dunce_007 Word cloud from the description of the top 1000 anime 2024 edition.

Word cloud from the description of the top 1000 anime 2024 edition. submitted by Dunce_007 to visualization [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:46 Reallybadreader AITA for being annoyed with my friend bc of a boy?

I recently became close with this girl; we'll call her Ana. Ana doesn't have many friends and claims to get picked on a lot. She also has this habit of becoming obseesed with any boy she's talking to. it got to a point where she litterally wouldn't listen to anything I said, just replying "mhm" or nothing at all then going back to ranting. We hang out every day in 4th and 5th period, that period being a creative arts class. there’s this guy, Chris, in the same class. Chris and I were very close, we met in August and clicked. We were litterally best friends, but then it kinda felt like more. He would say hello and ask how I am, he would compliment my appearance and creativity, and would always try to be physically close to me and admiting to being flustered when I made eye contact with him. To anyone with eyes, it was clear to see we liked each other. Trying to find common ground with Ana, I brought up possibly asking him out (my sister was pushing me to) to which she said "ewww no don't"
Ana, two months later, randomly decided she wanted to work with me, and by extension chris. As soon as I invited her to our group's brainstorming session, she started acting strange. Everytime I would crack a joke or Chris and I would laugh together, she would be silent, like she was uncomfortable. Our group gets pretty loud sometimes so I figured she was just adjusting. the next day, she began to make little digs at me. I would explain an idea for a scene and she'd interrupt or claim it didn't make any sense. two weeks pass and she asks if I liked anybody. I felt flustered so I jsut said i typically like guys i’m friends with first, (chris is my only close male friend) and she proceeds to tell me she likes Chris, I just said I had a feeling, and resigned. the two are now "dating?", though I never see them talk in class,nothing like the romantic ventures im told about. After I let slip that Chris texted me one weekend for like two hours (platonically) the pettiness started. I'd spend most of the period talking to Chris and the two of us are wandering off and laughing? She'd tell me about how it felt when kissed. He'd ask to see my phone then sneakily add me to his spotify? She'd get up, come back, and announce that she made him accept her spotify playlist invite. She'd see a pic of me and him from august on my phone? She'd give me a tour of an album she has of just pics of him (which he is creeped out). And now just last night sending me 35 texts messages trying to figure out if he's lying to her about losing his phone bc she saw him with an airpod in? and then got mad bc i let it slip that he told me he had two phones, but ig she didn't know that?
I can’t hide my irritation anymore. Every conversation we have is about him, and the little digs are only increasing. It’s like she thinks i’m competing with her for chris. I’ve backed off as much as i can, i don’t even lean into the banter he tries to start bc of the sad puppy look ana gives me after. AITA?
submitted by Reallybadreader to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]