Happy birthday poem uncle

32nd birthday alone.

2024.05.14 17:41 ChuckolaReserve 32nd birthday alone.

Trigger warning for mention of self harm. Will conceal in spoiler block.
Turned 32 today. Traveling abroad on early 401k withdrawal which obviously would have been wise to have not done, as I was hoping a change of scenery would make me appreciate what I have more/new experiences would be positives to think about in the future.
I have one friend. After texting them saying I felt like they weren’t really interested in what’s happening in my life and the effort didn’t feel mutual or reciprocal, they said the amount I reach out is at a capacity they can’t manage, 2 days ago. They have not reached out to wish me a happy birthday.
I tried heading to a museum exhibit to take my mind off of being a friendless loser, hoping to see or hear something beautiful to, again, shift me into an area of gratefulness. I ended up at an exhibit that highlighted the process of lamentation and anguish. It was a dark space with surround sound speakers blasting people’s wailing, grieving and mourning cries. it was beautiful, but I just wanted a fucking palette cleanser for an awful start to the day (job calling me at 8 am; unfortunately did not sleep through it.) Other times of the year the space I bought tickets for hosts projections, light shows or things like eco/green roof installations. It was on me not to check what was running before buying the tickets, but I just wanted a moment of ease, or to know I am cared of or thought about. It just got to be too much and I walked further into the park the exhibit is located in and started punching my headwhile shedding a few over dramatic tears.
there have been many years where a friend or partner skips out on communicating with me on the day of my birthday because we’re on rocky terms, after I speak out. I am mentally ill and I am exhausted of driving everyone away.
I don’t know how many more solitary birthdays I can take. I don’t want to keep experiencing this.
submitted by ChuckolaReserve to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:40 Weird-Pear27 Happy birthday ring

I always thought the Happy Birthday Ring was beautiful and finally got one! Gotta say: it’s absolutely gorgeous and I couldn’t be more happy.
submitted by Weird-Pear27 to Cartier [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:37 Eastern-Breakfast-12 Private chef and bartender recommend

We are traveling next January to Aruba for a 30th birthday trip and will be renting a home in eagle beach . I would like to have a private chef and/or bartender for one evening if you are one or know one preferably with instagram or social media to see their style of cooking. It can be brunch or happy hour style tapas as well ideally 35-60$ per person if possible for dinner (or lunch or breakfast we are open to other meals)
submitted by Eastern-Breakfast-12 to Aruba [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:36 Mindless_Most_2367 AITA for being the "star" at my cousin's wedding?

So, my cousin got married in November of 2016. It was breathtaking, my cousin looked beautiful and happy because she was marrying her long-time sweetheart. After a few minor hiccups, with her dress and the weather the ceremony went off without a hitch. The reception started waiting for the newlywed's first dance.
Before I keep going let me put some context. I was a 12-year-old with unmedicated ADHD, and I was VERY hyperactive.
After dinner the DJ started playing music and I was having fun. I was going to the dance floor and dancing to my little heart's desire. What I didn't know was that my dancing was taking the spotlight off my cousin. They had karaoke and I got so excited to be asked to do a song and at this time Frozen was HUGE. The first song that came to my head was "Let It Go". Towards the end of the night, it was time to throw to bouquet and of course.......I wanted to catch it. All the adults thought nothing of it just a child having fun. Well, that child caught the bouquet. My cousin looked at me and I just smiled back because I just caught some pretty flowers. The end of the wedding comes, we are leaving, and a bunch of the other guests come up to me and tell me how I was the star of the wedding for tearing up the dance floor and karaoke. I hugged my cousin and her new husband and waited in the car for my mom. When my mom got in the car, she seemed upset. My cousin said that she didn't want to see me ever again because I stole her wedding from her. My mom tried to explain to her that I had ADHD and that I was possibly on the spectrum. She didn't want to hear any of it. I recently saw her because my uncle (her dad) just turned 60. She saw me and said, "So you still dancing at weddings?".
So AITA for being the "star" at my cousin's wedding?
submitted by Mindless_Most_2367 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:30 Killboy_Powerhead [Doxa] In its natural element

[Doxa] In its natural element
We took the boat out to the intercostal waterways this weekend, from Tybee Island up to Hilton Head to grab some lunch. The sun was shining just right on my Doxa 300 and I snapped a quick picture.
It’s a great summer and water watch, and I love wearing it when I want a splash of bright color. My wife got me this one for my birthday last year. I usually wear my white seamaster but was happy with the orange today. We like taking the boat out with our kids. Sometimes we go to a beach only accessible by boat, sometimes like this trip we just go somewhere to eat.
submitted by Killboy_Powerhead to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:30 GrandAdmiralThrawn0 Since it’s George’s birthday, what’s your favorite woke production of his?

Happy birthday George!!!!
submitted by GrandAdmiralThrawn0 to StarWarsCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:29 GrandAdmiralThrawn0 Since it’s George’s birthday, what’s your favorite woke production of his?

Happy birthday George!!!!
submitted by GrandAdmiralThrawn0 to StarWarsCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:28 bollywoodfapper Happy Birthday to the milky thicc beauty Zareen Khan 🎉❤️

Happy Birthday to the milky thicc beauty Zareen Khan 🎉❤️ submitted by bollywoodfapper to BollywoodInBikinis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:27 bollywoodfapper Happy Birthday to the milky thicc beauty Zareen Khan 🎉❤️

Happy Birthday to the milky thicc beauty Zareen Khan 🎉❤️ submitted by bollywoodfapper to BollywoodInBikinis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:27 Qedtanya13 I finally did it. Cut off/blocked the bitch

Who gave birth to me.
Yesterday was my birthday and Colleen sent me a text saying happy birthday and that she was very sad that I’d cut off contact with my brother and sister. Then she goes on to say that she prays for me and that I find forgiveness in my heart. My so-called brother and sister did not show up for me when my daughter died because their in-laws were in the hospital. my daughter died. I thought that was a little bit more important but apparently not. I texted Colleen back saying that forgiveness would never happen because it’s earned in my mind and that she could go suck a lemon. Then she double-backed and said that she was possibly dying was and that my siblings were helping her and she didn’t understand why I had a problem with that. My daughter died. This turned into an argument where she made it all about her. It’s my birthday and she made it all about her. Then she accused me of drinking (I’ve been sober 7 1/2 years) and then started blaming my dad and asking me if we just sit around and cuss her out. My father has been nothing but kind when it comes to her. He has encouraged us my sister and I since they got divorced not to give up on a relationship. Until recently.now he told me to block her. So I did.
I could post pictures of the texts but…
submitted by Qedtanya13 to Nocontactfamily [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:25 AdArtistic4910 AITA for lashing out at my aunt over not sending a text?

(Before I get to the whole situation, I must ask that this post is not shared anywhere)
TW for: Pet loss
Anyways im 19 years old (F) and I only just recently lost my childhood dog of 12 years about a week ago. I loved that dog very much and he saw me through almost every single major part of my life, from elementary school, to middle, high and then to college. Unfortunately due to the type of dog he is, his breed is prone to skin and heart conditions. He had a stage 5 heart murmur and one night, he ended up passing away suddenly on my mom’s bed.
Im very grateful that my little guy got to pass away in a comfortable place with myself and my mom at his side. Even though the grief is eating me up inside, he didn’t suffer and even had a little bit of peanut butter before he went. But here is where the issue starts.
Ive never really been close to many members of my family but my aunt and her family was the exception to this. My aunt treated me well, she always acts kindly around me and is very nice whenever we come over to visit. She’s my godmother too so if something were to (god forbid) happen to my own mom or dad, I could rely on her to help. Well now that its been a week since the passing of my dog, I haven’t even gotten a text from her giving her condolences for my dog’s passing. Ive gotten more empathy from people here on Reddit and Instagram as well as irl and online friends but somehow my family couldn’t spare at least 10 seconds to text a simple “im sorry”?? It was eating me up inside and I got extremely angry. I felt lonely and forgotten about by people I believed I could trust so I went into my texts with my aunt and began typing a message. I wanted to chew her out but instead I wrote as dignified of a message as I possibly could. My aunt took the time to respond to my message to her, wishing her happy mother’s day but she didn’t even pause to acknowledge the pain I was in. My mom even let me know that my aunt knew my dog passed. I wrote that my aunt had broken my trust and that I feel forgotten about and ignored by my mom’s side of the family since my aunt, uncle and grandma didn’t even bother to send a text offering their condolences.
But then my mom ends up discovering that I sent the text. Apparently my aunt chose to send it to her and complain about how ‘strong’ I came off and whine about how she worked 24 hour shifts so she couldn’t text. I get it, work can be hard sometimes but it only takes 10 seconds to send a simple ‘im sorry’. My mom told me about and for some reason another wave of that grief came over me and I broke apart and started crying. My mom does believe that some stuff I should have maybe kept inside but she does agree that my family should have texted me. The people on my mom’s side of the family, especially my aunt and grandma have a history of neglecting the emotional needs of my mom to where she feels left out and now my mom expressed how upset it made her that I was now also being given a taste of that alienation.
But im conflicted. I don’t know whenever or not I should have just sucked it up and kept it in or if me snapping and getting outraged was justified. So, AITA?
submitted by AdArtistic4910 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:25 Euphoric-Studio-1364 i need resources as a single mom in Virginia.

i feel like i’m failing as mom. me & my child’s father just split & ever since, things have been incredibly difficult. since he left, everything has spiraled out of control. i haven’t had a job since i was 18 but, i do know how to waitress. i’ve been a SAHM since i got pregnant. he took the car, locked me out of the shared account that we had so i have no access to any money, refuses to help me buy food for our son even though my kitchen is practically empty, broke several items in my home before he left & now, i have no idea where he even is.
our sons 4th birthday is friday & not only am i unable to do anything for his birthday, i’m not even able to put a full meal of dinner infront of him because our kitchen is almost empty & his father won’t help me! i moved to VA when i was pregnant to be with him so that we could be a family & he left me here where i don’t know much of anyone or anything. his family is not communicating with me. i don’t have many family i could reach out to & i don’t have any friends. all i have is my aunt & uncle & they’ve already explicitly stated they’re not in a position to help right now.
i’ve talked to some churches & food banks in my area but, the issue is that you need a vehicle or a way of transportation there & i don’t have that! i haven’t been able to find a pantry within walking distance though there are several churches, they just don’t run a pantry out of them. i don’t know what to do. i can’t feed myself or my son, i have no way of celebrating his birthday, we’re running low on tolietries…. everything is just falling apart & i genuinely feel as though i’m failing as a mother 😭
what do i do? i don’t know how to begin to navigate my resources or how to even think right now 😭
submitted by Euphoric-Studio-1364 to Virginia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:23 InfiniteDedekindCuts Happy Birthday to George Lucas, The Prince of Darkness

You may know him as the producer behind More American Graffiti (1979), Strange Magic (2015) and Radioland Murders (1994)
submitted by InfiniteDedekindCuts to StarWarsCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:23 Euphoric-Studio-1364 i need resources as a single mother in Norfolk.

i feel like i’m failing as mom. me & my child’s father just split & ever since, things have been incredibly difficult. since he left, everything has spiraled out of control. i haven’t had a job since i was 18 but, i do know how to waitress. i’ve been a SAHM since i got pregnant. he took the car, locked me out of the shared account that we had so i have no access to any money, refuses to help me buy food for our son even though my kitchen is practically empty, broke several items in my home before he left & now, i have no idea where he even is.
our sons 4th birthday is friday & not only am i unable to do anything for his birthday, i’m not even able to put a full meal of dinner infront of him because our kitchen is almost empty & his father won’t help me! i moved to VA when i was pregnant to be with him so that we could be a family & he left me here where i don’t know much of anyone or anything. his family is not communicating with me. i don’t have many family i could reach out to & i don’t have any friends. all i have is my aunt & uncle & they’ve already explicitly stated they’re not in a position to help right now.
i’ve talked to some churches & food banks in my area but, the issue is that you need a vehicle or a way of transportation there & i don’t have that! i haven’t been able to find a pantry within walking distance though there are several churches, they just don’t run a pantry out of them. i don’t know what to do. i can’t feed myself or my son, i have no way of celebrating his birthday, we’re running low on tolietries…. everything is just falling apart & i genuinely feel as though i’m failing as a mother 😭
what do i do? i don’t know how to begin to navigate my resources or how to even think right now 😭
submitted by Euphoric-Studio-1364 to norfolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:22 Ksprinidad Are Dating Apps Worth it anymore?

I (26 m) have been single for almost 5 years when my ex dumped me over text on my 22nd birthday. I’m pretty introverted so I see these sort of apps as a glimmer of hope. However, thus far my experience has been: The matches I get only have accounts on these dating platforms as a way to promote their content. I’m all for it, self promotion you do you boo, but my Bio says “if you’re just looking for clientele to buy content please swipe left” but somehow those continue to be the only matches I get. So I’m looking for a woman’s perspective here…is it something wrong with my profile? Or is that just how dating apps are now? Previous to this year I’ve had tinder for four years and never got a single match. Now I get matches, but not genuine ones. Is this what dating is now? Are ladies not looking? and if so please do tell I’m capable of living with just myself for the remainder of my life but naturally I’d prefer not to. If you wanna review my dating profiles or whatever just message me and I’d be happy to share them.
submitted by Ksprinidad to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:21 Old_Advertising5191 Am I wrong for being angry about my breakup??

Before I start, please keep in mind that I am in highschool. I understand i have a great life ahead of me, and this drama will seem minuscule in a few years, but being in the moment just hurts so much.
I was in a Poly relationship with my ex partner ( B ) and Gf ( C ), and it ended terribly.
We all got together, and it was all happy n shit until me and C had sex. I got in trouble with my parents, went across the country to visit my mom, and she almost forced me to stay with her. My mom has been abusing me for awhile, physically and mentally, not to mention I was there for my uncles funeral ( the third person in my life who died in the span of a year ) so basically I was re traumatized.
I relied heavily on my partners ( especially C ) to help me through it, bc I honestly needed someone there for me. But in the process, bc of my terrible wellbeing, I started treating them both badly without knowing.
But instead of coming to communicate it to me, which I asked them to many times, they ignored me for a week and then broke up with me.
I understand that I wasn’t the best to myself or them, but why couldn’t they have just told me instead of acting like I didn’t exist?? That made me feel even worse, telling everyone else what I’m doing wrong instead of me and finally telling me when ur done with me??
It makes me angry that they get to be happy together ( and C has a new partner as well bc.. polyamorous ), and I’m here by myself and lonely. Just.. completely alone. Some of our “friends” stopped talking to me as well.
I don’t know why I deserve nothing but sadness and anger, I can’t change anything if I don’t know what I’m doing. They both know I would’ve changed everything for them.
I can’t help but want them to break up and feel my pain, and I’m at the stage where I am very fucking angry at them and the world right now. I wish I could be happy with someone like they are. It’s not fair that they get to frolic around and be happy n shit and I lose everything because I was hurt by others.
I’m so fuckinf lost and angry and sad. I can’t even look at them both, and it pains me so bad. Not to mention they’re everywhere I go, hell, they’re in all my friend groups, my extra curricular classes and events, I can’t avoid them. Was I wrong for being angry?
submitted by Old_Advertising5191 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:21 TreacherousHuman 240515 Happy Birthday Haerin!

240515 Happy Birthday Haerin! submitted by TreacherousHuman to haerin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 TermEnvironmental812 Happy 28th birthday to Aoyama Yoshino

Happy 28th birthday to Aoyama Yoshino submitted by TermEnvironmental812 to seiyuu [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 lechepicante Happy birthday Saki!

Happy birthday Saki! submitted by lechepicante to ZombielandSaga [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:18 Euphoric-Studio-1364 i feel like i’m failing as a mother.

i feel like i’m failing as mom. me & my child’s father just split & ever since, things have been incredibly difficult. since he left, everything has spiraled out of control. i haven’t had a job since i was 18 but, i do know how to waitress. i’ve been a SAHM since i got pregnant. he took the car, locked me out of the shared account that we had so i have no access to any money, refuses to help me buy food for our son even though my kitchen is practically empty, broke several items in my home before he left & now, i have no idea where he even is.
our sons 4th birthday is friday & not only am i unable to do anything for his birthday, i’m not even able to put a full meal of dinner infront of him because our kitchen is almost empty & his father won’t help me! i moved to VA when i was pregnant to be with him so that we could be a family & he left me here where i don’t know much of anyone or anything. his family is not communicating with me. i don’t have many family i could reach out to & i don’t have any friends. all i have is my aunt & uncle & they’ve already explicitly stated they’re not in a position to help right now.
i’ve talked to some churches & food banks in my area but, the issue is that you need a vehicle or a way of transportation there & i don’t have that! i haven’t been able to find a pantry within walking distance though there are several churches, they just don’t run a pantry out of them. i don’t know what to do. i can’t feed myself or my son, i have no way of celebrating his birthday, we’re running low on tolietries…. everything is just falling apart & i genuinely feel as though i’m failing as a mother 😭
what do i do? i don’t know how to begin to navigate my resources or how to even think right now 😭
submitted by Euphoric-Studio-1364 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:18 OkPound7382 WIBTAH for divorcing my husband after he did absolutely nothing for Mother's Day

Warning: mention of pregnancy loss and death of family members by gun violence
I, 31 female, have been together with my husband, 37 male, for 10 years and married for almost 9. We have two beautiful children, a 4 yr old son and a 2 yr old daughter and he has two other children with two other women that he doesn’t get to see and pays child support for. Before my son we had 12 losses, one of which I hemorrhaged from and then I ending up almost hemorrhaging to death after our son was born. We also had one more miscarriage after our daughter was born and I’ve since decided to not try for anymore even though this breaks my heart a little because I always wanted a bigger family.
I recently lost my mother and 10 year old niece in August after they were unalived by a family friend who also unalived himself. Less than two months later, my sister tragically passed in a car accident. To say that broke me is truly an understatement. For months all I could do was cry everyday and feel excruciating pain. My mom and sister were extremely close. We messaged and called every day, multiple times a day even though we all live within a 10 mile radius. They were there for me through everything life had to spit at us. We already have lost every female on my dad’s side of the family. My sister and I were all that was left besides our own daughters. The future feels daunting knowing that there may very well be decades with them not here with me.
It’s been many months now and I feel like I am finally starting to feel happiness and I’m just doing my best to spend as much time with my kids and remaining niece and nephew. My oldest niece is my partner in crime especially now that we are in the no mom and no sister club. She’s only in her early teens and she had also been shot but thankfully survived.
On to the issue. My husband has honestly never really put in any effort for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc. Usually my birthday I don’t give a crap for but it’s only because in the past I’ve been disappointed because no one ever did anything for it. And I’m talking about just like a card and cake. Nothing serious. I really have dirt floor standards to be frank because I just have learned throughout life not to expect anything. That said I am the person who no matter what kind of financial situation I am in will find a way to show love and appreciation no matter the budget. I’ll make you hand made cards, I’ll personally call you on your birthday or special holidays, and I’ll make cake or cupcakes from scratch. If I have a budget I’ll plan dinner and some time to spend out. I just love making people feel happy and special. I was just raised that way.
So of course I find and marry the one person who honestly could kind of care less. I don’t think he has ever gotten or done anything for my birthday, not for Christmas. I remember he got me something for Mothers Day a few years ago…AFTER I had said something. My mom and sister on the other hand always made sure I got a card and we all had a Mothers Day dinner where we would cook and just enjoy time with our kids and ourselves.
This is my first Mothers Day without them and tomorrow and my sisters birthday without her. I had already verbally mentioned how hard it was going to be and my husband fully knew that it was going to be a hard day for me. My friends even sent him ideas for me, like just cleaning up the house and waking up to make breakfast for me. Things he’s honestly never done ever, but hey those are free things anyone could do to make someone feel special. All he said to my best friend was “lol I don’t have any money.” She got pissed. She ended up buying me flowers, a wind chime, some NA beer (I’m sober), and spent extra time with me because she knew I needed my support people on Mother’s Day. My dad also came out in support and got me more NA beer, bought me lunch, and we picked up my oldest niece and I got to spend a ton of time with her. My husband? Slept in until 10:30am. Didn’t do anything all day. I was up at 6 am with the kids and made breakfast after I realized he was still sleeping because ya know, kids can’t starve and I’m not going to wait 4 hours to have breakfast myself.
The thing is, this is just the tip of the iceberg. He can’t stay employed and oftentimes will switch jobs to avoid paying child support. Sure he’s present for the kids now, but when the going gets tough he pretty much stops putting in effort. I bet if I lived even 20 minutes away from him he wouldn’t see the kids often. He has never ever done much around the house despite me working MULTIPLE jobs at times (at one point I was working 3 and going to school). I work full time for a Fortune 500 company and he can’t even schedule a damn doctors appointment for himself. Any time I try to bring things up he’s dismissive or just denies things. And now he’s also getting more angry and aggressive because child support is being taken out again and he ended up swatting our son so hard our son doubled over…in front of my whole family! This along with Mothers Day has got me just thinking I need to divorce him. He can’t hit our kids like that period. All our son did was throw a damn smore at him! And I have multiple witnesses including my niece, grandfather, brother and SIL. I want to protect our kids. I feel like after that happened if I stay with him I am essentially condoning his behavior. I absolutely confronted him about it and he says he feels bad and should never have done it but he felt justified in that moment. I can’t trust someone like that. And it’s not the first time he’s swatted at our son but this was certainly the worst. So I am ready to leave just for that but then our son would have to be with him unsupervised.
If I am overreacting I want to know. He says I am and constantly says I am. I just need some clarity and maybe just support because if I do this, this is something that once the ball is rolling you can’t really stop it. I’m just afraid…but I think I’m more afraid of what will happen if I stay.
submitted by OkPound7382 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:16 Litt1estbit He broke up with me because he had no more time for me

I feel like Reddit is my only option to be able to receive insight or advice for my situation. So, to get right into it.. I was dumped on Valentine’s Day by my partner after 3 years of being together. Listen, my situation is different than most other breakups in a sense that it wasn’t mutual but we but mutually agreed to “take a break” while he’s busy with both work and school. He was in a nursing program while also working at a hospital. He had too much on his plate. I 100% understand that. The reason why he dumped me on Valentine’s Day is because I was supposed to see him after 2 months of waiting to see him in person. We got into an argument because he said that he would be free during the weekend but meant Thursday and Friday because that’s “his” weekend. Like bruh, of course I’d assume Saturday and Sunday. I called him to settle the confusion because I really wanted to see him. Like I said, I waited for 2 months to finally have a day to see him. Which then led to him saying mean things about how I’ve achieved nothing and need to figure that out while he focuses on what comes first. School and work. He promised to send a picture of all of his puppies, which I miss so much. That was February and I just got one picture of the dogs. Here’s the kicker though. He has no remorse or empathy towards the breakup. Whatsoever. He made it seem like it was a break, he even said “ we’ll see what happens during the summer.” Just to never even check up. I understand being busy but he didn’t even wish me happy birthday, which yeah, let’s say he’s too busy. No, he texted me on my birthday actually responding to a picture I sent of my pup. (His request was to give pictures of my dog) I responded THE SECOND HE TEXTED. I simply said “today is my birthday” I didn’t get a text until 2 days later. He’s going through a lot right now, especially since he failed out of the program. He’s planning to go to university and work more to pay for it. I understand he has so much to think of but how is he able to forget me and all of the three years we had together, so quickly. I figured he’d understand that it would be hard on me too. I cry about him everyday. I miss him so much. We were together one day and then broken up the next. He left and never looked back. I just thought maybe people could help me understand how to take that. I’m mad that he has no emotion or empathy towards the pain he’s caused me. I forgot to mention that I told him my grandpa was diagnosed with cancer two days before he broke up with me. He said that the call stressed him out and he didn’t need the stress. I get not being first, I get school and work being important but, did he even love me if he’s able to forget and move on so easily? I feel like I loved him too much and definitely more than he did for me. 3 years of dating and he’s said” I love you “ to me once. And it was like 6 months into dating, he said it by accident, then tried to play it off as if he was saying it to the dog. Then said jokingly to me, “ I was going to say something mean”. Of course I asked him to say it anyways. He goes on to say, “I was going to say, I don’t love you, I could never love you” and that was the last time he ever said it first. The first time I said it he told me thank you, that was 2 years into dating. I just, I don’t know how to take this. I thought he was my soulmate. What do you guys think? Just try and forget about him too? I cry about him every night. My soul feels empty. Everything hurts. I just wish things could’ve worked out.
submitted by Litt1estbit to BreakUps [link] [comments]
