Examples personal development plans

The Dismal Science

2008.01.25 05:27 The Dismal Science

Reddit's largest economics community. Serving as a central forum for users to read, discuss, and learn more about topics related to the economic discipline. We have written rules to support this aim and welcome those who want to learn and those who want to contribute. We aim to foster an environment where everybody feels safe and welcomed and where people feel encouraged to have healthy and productive discuss

2011.03.31 16:33 gmiwenht Ask Economics

A central repository for questions about economic theory, research, and policy. Please read the rules before posting, as we remove all comments which break the rules. Answers must be in-depth and comprehensive, or they will be removed. Posts should be in the form of a question.

2011.03.30 13:47 CISSP - Certified Information System Security Professional

This sub is for those that are pursuing the CISSP and those that have taken the exam and wish to provide feedback on the study methodology and materials employed. *** information about experience requirements/endorsement/CPEs can be found at https://www.isc2.org/

2024.06.07 21:37 g_onuhh "there's two sides to every story" I have a tough time coping with this thought

I'll just start by saying that I actually do not believe that there are always two sides to a story. I think it's a very dangerous path to go down in situations of abuse, because it opens up opportunity to blame the victim or attempt to pick out moments in the story where someone can say "well, I can see why [the abuser] would feel or say _____" and somehow justify the abuse. But abuse is cumulative, it's often death by a thousand cuts, and victims stay in the cycle because their abusers convince them of that very same idea, that somehow they are entitled to act the way they do because [insert some flimsy exuse that deflects responsibility onto the victim here].
My backstory is my best friend was a covert narc. Shit hit the fan, she discarded me. Looking back, I can see exactly who she is. But we have many mutual friends who all still love her (and maybe still love me too, I don't know, I left the friend group), who wanted to "stay neutral." And while I understand the concept and I think that's a noble, mature stance in most situations, in the case or narcissistic abuse, this is how narcissists are able to keep doing what they do. They bank on other people being willing to stay neutral or give them a free pass. And, as abuse goes, it's very difficult for the victim to explain what happened behind closed doors because of plausible deniability, because emotional abuse is hard to spot or explain, because everything looks perfectly fine on the outside, because sometimes we don't even know what's happening until we are discarded.
I was met with most all of our shared friends saying this same thing to me-- "I don't want to get involved, I want to stay neutral" etc etc. And I was unendingly frustrated by this. I understand they don't see the truth of the narcissist, but I do now, and I needed to leave and get away from these people who don't see what I see so I could heal. And so I left my entire community (oftentimes scapegoats choose to their leave entire family for the same reason!). It's beyond painful to have to leave otherwise well-intentioned people behind because you know what you know about the narcissist, but they haven't seen it yet, and you don't know if they ever will. And when you leave, you open yourself up to the intense vulnerability of criticism and judgement from literally everyone who doesn't understand, and you trailblaze your own path, guided by the truth you have inside you. It's fucking scary, and lonely, and I can't even say I've grieved it all yet. I'm certain that those I left behind have labeled me as childish "she just wanted me to take her side" nonsense, but the truth is that we can only heal from abuse in environments where we can be fully honest about what happened to us, call it by its proper name ABUSE, and be fully believed and championed by the people surrounding us.
I've watched some reels on Instagram of people explaining their situations where they were being blatantly abused, like fully financially abused or physically abused or emotionally abused, or all of the above, and people are literally in the comments saying "there's two sides to every story..."
What the fuck??
Like a person says their spouse of nearly a decade makes $250k a year, but they have access to none of it because they are locked out of bank accounts and have to ask for money when they need it, and they don't even receive enough allowance to cover monthly bills. Blatant financial abuse. But there are people in the comments saying "well she's probably buying expensive handbags and jewelry and that's why she's cut off... there's two sides to every story..."
Another example...A woman is telling her story about how she found out her husband was cheating on her, so she confronted him and he bashed her head into a wall... There's literally people in the comments saying "well there's two sides to every story...she was probably unfaithful first..."
I struggle with this concept so much. Like...YES it's important to consider all the details, and we shouldn't just choose sides willy nilly. But at the same time, when someone is being literally abused and seeking help and support, and then they get hit with "I want to be neutral...there's two sides to every story" it just blows my mind.
Furthermore, oftentimes emotional abuse is so subtle and manipulative that we don't even realize what's happening. Sometimes its our therapist that points out, "hey, it sounds like you're being emotionally abused." Or it's our parent. Or a friend. Or a spouse who calls out an abusive friend. Whatever the case, sometimes noninvolved parties can witness what's happening from an outside view and label what's happening as abuse, and hopefully support the victim to get the hell out of dodge.
And after I was discarded, it took a few months to figure out who this covert narcissist was, but it started to click and I told my friend "that person was abusive...I'm seeing it now for what it was" and she literally said "well, I haven't had time to get to know this person yet." This same "friend" is someone who often wants to look at all sides of the story, and she watched me get bullied and exiled in the name of "staying neutral." So I left that friendship. Because I firmly believed that there wasn't two sides, and she wasn't "neutral," she was complicit.
I don't even know why I'm writing all this. My head spins when I think about this concept. Yes, of course, neutrality is good when we don't know all the details. But what about when someone - the real victim, not the one playing the victim - realizes they are being abused and needs support? And that's the scary part. Sometimes we don't know if we're dealing with the real victim or the one playing the victim, and I guess that's why we should stay neutral until we have all the information.
I am just so wary of this phrase nowadays. It's all a mindfuck.
submitted by g_onuhh to LifeAfterNarcissism [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:37 Misstrawberri reading my personal statement

reading my personal statement
Hey y’all! I am so embarrassed to post this (LOL) but I wanted to share a video I posted where I read my personal statement! I don’t really see many vet school youtube videos, and YouTube truly helped me throughout my journey, so I plan on making several videos about my journey as a low stat applicant (3.1 overall GPA). If this is not allowed I am so sorry please remove! Thanks :)
submitted by Misstrawberri to veterinaryschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:37 cutesweetpuppies The Remarkable Benefits Why Kids Should Own A Dog

Many families bring a dog into their family when their children are young. Instead of waiting for your child to beg for a dog, consider adding a puppy early! An abundance of research shows that children benefit tremendously from having a dog in the family.
Obviously there are the wonderful benefits of companionship, but adding a dog to your family can improve your child’s mental and physical health in surprising ways.

Social Benefits of Dog Ownership

One study observed preschoolers, and largely confirmed data related to older school-aged children. The research was published in Pediatric Research, the official publication of American Pediatric Society, European Society for Paediatric Research, and Society for Pediatric Research.
According to the study, 42% of family units have a dog. The most remarkable findings were social benefits to the preschool-aged children in these families — children showed a 30% reduction in the likelihood of conduct issues, and a 40% reduction in social trouble with their peers.
Families with dogs and pre-school children saw their children play with their dogs at least three times per week in 77% of cases.
The study concluded “We found that pre-school children with a family dog were less likely to have conduct problems, peer problems, and had a lower overall difficulties score than children from non-dog-owning families, after adjusting for socio-demographic factors and child screen and sleep time.”
These findings demonstrate an incredible benefit to young children. Reductions of 30% and 40% over their peers in social turmoil is a truly extraordinary result.

Physical Benefits of Dog Ownership

Remarkably, having a puppy at home can also improve your child’s physical health. While increased physical activity due to playing with and walking your dog is an obvious benefit, there are other unexpected advantages.
The most well-documented physical improvement for children with dogs in their home comes from the JAMA Pediatrics journal. They studied over half a million preschool and school aged children over several years, and found that living with dog at home during a child’s early years is linked to a 13% reduction in asthma.
Other studies have shown that owning a dog provides a significant reduction in environmental allergies for your child. These findings indicate that exposure to increased allergens from the earliest days of childhood actually produces an immune system that is less hyperactive, and less likely to develop allergies to common environmental allergens.

Mental Health Benefits of Dog Ownership

With multiple studies — and plenty of anecdotal evidence — showing a dramatic increase in mental health difficulties for children of all ages, research into dogs and mental health is an important field of study.
A small study of 643 kids between six and seven years of age was conducted by Bassett Medical Center in New York State indicated notable benefits for children with dogs.
Their data showed that clinical anxiety is significantly less likely to appear in children who have dogs in the home. For children without dogs, the rate of diagnosed clinical anxiety is 21%.
For those with dogs the rate is just 12%, which indicates that dog ownership can reduce clinical anxiety in young children by nearly half.

How to Choose a Dog for Your Family

The hunt is on — you’ve decided to get a puppy, but how do you decide what to choose? Any pet that is being introduced into a home with children needs to be carefully selected with your family dynamics in mind — focus on breeds that are known to be child-friendly.
Every breed has specific characteristics, often selected over decades or centuries of breeding with certain goals in mind. Selecting a breed known for their patience, intelligence, playfulness, and trainability will set your children and puppy up for a wonderful friendship.
Of course, we are happy to guide you! Check out our breed selector and index to find the best addition to your family.

Helping Your Kids and Puppy Bond

One of the best ways to build a strong bond between your new puppy and your children is to involve your child in the pup’s care. Depending on your child’s age, they can help with any number of tasks including walking the dog, providing food and water, brushing your dog, and even assisting with training.
Remember that the dog should obey your child’s commands as well as your own, so involving them in the training is an excellent plan. It is vitally important that you integrate your new puppy into your daily life — the more they interact and work together, the more their bond will grow!

Why Wait?

Adding a dog to your life just might be one of the best things you can do for your child’s overall well-being. They’ll have a built-in buddy, develop responsibility, and may even have improved social skills along with benefits to their mental and physical health.
If you’ve been considering adding a dog to your family, reach out to us — our team would be delighted to walk you through the process of choosing the perfect puppy for your family!
submitted by cutesweetpuppies to u/cutesweetpuppies [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:37 000goat Boosty vs. Nitro Tokens: Did you know you can resell our boosts?

Boosty vs. Nitro Tokens: Did you know you can resell our boosts?
Hello Discord community!
Are you tired of spending a fortune on Nitro tokens for your server? We have the perfect solution for you! Instead of spending big on Nitro, try Boosty! Here's why Boosty is the best choice:

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Thank you for choosing Boosty. See you on the server!
submitted by 000goat to GetBoosty [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:36 c00l-kid-wannabe22 Don’t feel like I can trust my husband with our baby

Heads up, rant incoming.
I’m a ftm to a little girl who is 7 weeks old. I’ve never experienced the intensity of love that I have for this perfect little human. I feel like one of my most important jobs as her mom is to keep her safe and healthy, which I’ve done by exclusively breastfeeding and practicing safe sleep habits. Unfortunately, my husband seems to have little to no regard for her health, safety, and well being.
For example, he started getting sick a couple weeks ago. After he started feeling poorly, I asked him to clean/disinfect various things around our home in an effort to prevent anything spreading to the babe. He would not clean anything, I had to between trying to feed and soothe her. I also told him he needs to wear a mask around her and be diligent about washing his hands or else keep his distance. He scoffed at me and yelled at me accusing me of trying to keep him away from our baby and then spent the rest of the day on the opposite side of our home pouting.
Another example. Our little girl has recently started to tolerate short stints in her swing while I eat, make food, etc within eyeshot. During dinner the other evening, she started dozing off in her swing. I finished eating and promptly picked her up out of her swing and moved her to her bassinet. My husband scolded me for moving her when she was sleeping. I told him it’s not safe sleep practice to let her sleep in the swing as it’s a risk for positional asphyxiation. He scoffed at me and said I was paranoid and that we’d be able to see if something was happening. I tried to explain that positional asphyxiation is silent, so unless we were sitting there just staring at her, no we wouldn’t know. He blew me off and said I worry too much and “it’s fine.” This has now occurred on a few separate occasions even after I’ve sent him a dozen resources on why it’s unsafe.
Then just last night, he finally gave me a break from holding her and was laying back on a chair with her in his chest while my MIL and I were playing cards. After our game, I come out to see her awake laying on him and him playing call of duty on his phone inches from her head. I told him I’d rather not have sounds of gunshots and warfare funneling directly into her ears and her subconscious, plus that’s a lot of stimulating noise while she needed to be winding down for the evening. He once again scoffed at me and said she has and will hear worse so “it’s fine.”
I haven’t left the baby just with him at all since her arrival other than to quickly eat or take a shower. I don’t know how I could possibly trust him to keep her alive and safe when he consistently does unsafe things for her. I’ve tried talking to him about it, but he always blows it off and tells me “it’s fine.” God, I hate that phrase so much. Sure, it’s fine. Until it isn’t. Then there’s an emergency just because you’re too stubborn to heed any advice from me, the person who has ready up on and studied how to keep our baby safe.
Rant over, thanks for reading if you did. If anyone has any advice on how to deal with this or has experienced something similar with their partner, I’d love to hear it.
submitted by c00l-kid-wannabe22 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:36 Psychseps A Love Letter to Notion

In the last six months, I did the full circle going from Apple Notes to trying to find a cross platform app — starting with Apple Notes -> OneNote -> Notion -> Obsidian and then back to Apple Notes.
Apple Notes does everything I want it to do but it has one huge flaw - it is Apple-only, which rules out my Windows Desktop. I have a MacBook pro from 2013 that has slowed down a lot and doesn’t offer the latest Notes features out of the box (updated to Sonoma using OCLP, got the features but at the expense of speed and battery power). So I have had very poor Windows experience on iCloud.com and slow Mac experience. Lots of people get around this by either upgrading their Apple devices, or using a cross-platform app like ToDoist, but I didn’t want a paid app - after all I was getting by using the native apps.
Then, I heard the CEO of Notion talk in this video. His ideas really resonated with me and I was impressed by his vision.
See, I am a tinkerer at heart, but when it comes to productivity, I have to have something that works. When Ivan talked about giving “Lego bricks” to adults to build a tool that they can use to do whatever they want and improve their productivity, that really resonated with me.
The mistake I made last time I tried Notion was going for the mobile app first. The experience is bad there unless you come to it from the Desktop app. Also the Notion Calendar app had not launched. So 3 days ago (June 4th, 2024) I watched a few YouTube videos to grab the basics of Notion’s block and database architectures. Then I dove straight in…
The lucky thing was that I came into this just after the recent quality of life improvements and, more importantly, the new Home page with its My tasks widget.
I wanted an app which I could use to organize my life and work using PARA and GTD methods and have been using a combination of Apple Notes, Reminders and Calendar. After Notion rolled out the calendar feature, and more recently its Home feature where you can bring in tasks from different databases, the whole thing clicked.
Here’s how it works: I have an Inbox where the Web Clipper sends things for me to Capture. I then have a Task List (which syncs to the Home page and my Google/Notion Calendar) with tasks that I have clarified to work on. It has reminders so I get notifications on iOS and also have the Notion Calendar widget, populated with my Tasks database items. Placed its Widget on the iOS home screen and BOOM, I can glance at my to-do list everywhere.
Then there is the two-way sync with calendar. Tasks go there automatically, any changes to date/time are reflected automatically. The appointments I set up there show up in my Notion Home page as well. Just brilliant.
Then there is Notion itself - I have now set up a Content page for all the articles/other media I want to keep, neatly organized and sortable. A books list. All the goodies you can achieve with a sea of templates. I thought the sheer number of templates and possibilities with Notion could be a distraction, but if you can keep your focus, you can build exactly what you want with this app to serve your needs. I am now overflowing with productive ideas about learning, blogging, vlogging, archiving, planning work projects etc. etc.
The app also has backlinks, although no graph view a la Obsidian or Roam - which I found to be a gimmick. So no problems there.
And then ton of other useful features — downloadable templates, standard hyperlink to share to non-users, publishing directly to web, support for many Markdown elements, version history, table of contents, export to PDF/CSV/Markdown formats, an API that helps integrate other apps, the community they fostered… the list just goes on and on.
Even the price is right -FREE for personal and limited with sharing. I may even pay for it given how much it can enable me to achieve.
Can it be better? Sure. Here’s what I really want to see to call this app perfect:
  1. Offline availability.
  2. OCR support for images/searchable PDFs and documents
  3. Design improvements to the mobile app - the Remind toggle and the Time dials are too far apart for example
  4. More streamlined design
  5. End-to-end encryption - unless it breaks features.
** written in Notion ;) **
submitted by Psychseps to Notion [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:36 DazL_Trapzai Summary Angry Ginge Side+ Interview

Ginge Finds out that Fanum took his Temptation and is annoyed that he believed his lie about GTA roleplay then said it was blatantly obvious. He's completely shocked that Castillo took the temptation. He's asked to guess who spent the most money and guesses Chloe but then finds out that Castillo spent the most money by far and is surprised that Fanum is 2nd rather than Specs. He says he was really glad to have been on the show.
He says he loves Specs, that Fanum can go fuck himself for eating the food and that Castillo is the biggest game player he's ever seen. He also jokes that he'll smash in the windows of whoever came up with the idea to put a City shirt on him.
He comes back for a 2nd part of the interview after the FA Cup final. He says his favourite people were Fanum and Specs. He says he doesn't have a least favourite person since he got along with everyone other than the shopkeeper. He says he didn't go in with any game plan and just went in to have fun. He hopes Specs wins and talks about Specs for a while. He also says he loves Specs more than anyone else in the world right now. He wants to start a podcast with Specs called 'Check Your Mirrors.' His favourite moment is when Specs told everyone to lick Castillo's ass and tell him they were asked who they want to win.
It's 9 minutes over all and he's relaxed the whole time despite the video being advertised as "Angry Ginge Rages"
submitted by DazL_Trapzai to Sidemen [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:36 TarukMaktwo Keep getting in shit because of other workers - Boss expects me to stay past my hours

Sorry if this is long winded but want to give as much context.
I’ve had a lot of issues with this job in the span of working here for a month and a bit but today was honestly defeating and I’m wondering what the best way to respond would be. I’ve never had to confront a boss about this sort of thing.
I work at a barn and this was my first week back after being off due to a workplace injury so I’ve been doing half days which end at 12:00pm as to not reinjure myself. So today, 12:00pm comes and I leave, so far all my responsibilities are completed and even some extras, I’d consider it a very productive work day. About an hour later I get a message saying “TarukMaktwo, how come you left before the barn was mucked today”. No hey or question mark.
For context, I’m in charge of that whole barn minus 5 stalls which is the responsibility of the staff at the top barn. Each stall takes about 5-10, max 20 minutes on a bad day. It’s been that way since I started. The person they sent had adequate time to finish these stalls, about an houhour and a half. They have 4 staff up there (usually) while I’m solo.
Now for the past problems, majority are from lack of communication and understaffing or inefficient staff. This isn’t my first rodeo, I’ve been doing this type of work for two years so I know when someone is just dallying. Through messages my boss does not answer questions, best example I can give is when I asked if a horse should go out at 6am or 8am and they just responded with another critique, no response to the question and this has happened multiple times.
I’m assuming the other staff were behind today but there was no mention of that, I’m not up there so it’s not like I can see it either. I just assumed they’d be able to finish the regular work which I don’t think is inappropriate?
I’m looking for other jobs actively as obviously there’s a lot of issues stemming from poor management, however I don’t want to quit till I can assure a landing. This post is kinda a rant but also I was hoping for advice on how to respond to the quoted message. I don’t want to throw the staff under the bus because we’re all overwhelmed but I also don’t want my reputation sullied because of their disorganization. I honestly love this kind of work and take pride in it but it’s the job ‘aspect’ that makes me miserable. Dealing with the people sucks… And to mention this is all for a dollar over minimum wage.
submitted by TarukMaktwo to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:35 Embarrassed_Flan_869 Boomers and Facebook

I follow a few of my local municipality Facebook groups. The level of boomers is hilarious.
Seriously, everything was better back then. Abandoned building that someone wants to tear down? "Does anyone else remember when Spankys was there 40 years ago? Why can't someone open a store like that!?!?"
Or complaining about taxes in one breath and then immediately complaining about pot holes or lack of X or why are we spending that $3.85 on new flowers downtown?? Yet, when called about how budgets work, they lose their shit.
Every single development some Boomer talks about how the mayor or city council is on the take. "How much did their pockets get lined on that development??"
Today's flavor was someone posting about a mechanical assembly job. Of course, one of the first comments was, "If I was younger. I'd love that job!" This person (who I actually know) hasn't worked in 30+ years and can barely walk.
Never ending entertainment.
submitted by Embarrassed_Flan_869 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:35 lostinthechaosoflife 21 [M4F] #Online/Anywhere - Looking for you??-??

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this here but it's not like I'm committing a war crime, right?
I’ll delete my post after finding the person I’m looking for, so even if you find this post months later by searching up some words, don't hesitate to send me a message. If this post is still up, it means that I haven’t found someone but got tired of sharing it with no avail. I know that I would feel terrible if I were to share this post every day for months, so I will only do it for a week. Then, I will check this account from time to time to see if someone has messaged me. I’ve tried doing this in the past and although I wasn’t as blunt as I am in this post, I couldn’t really find someone like myself and don’t have much hope that I’ll find her this time either. But, I’m kinda naive and desperate when it comes to having a relationship or deeper connection with someone who is like me and with whom I could share everything, so here I’m writing this post..
Honestly, I'm not exactly sure why I'm writing this post since I know that the likelihood of someone like me finding this post on Reddit is quite small but as I said above, I’m quite desperate to have a deeper connection with someone and am not the type of person who would feel satisfied just by having superficial relationships with people I’m not even similar to so trying my chance here..
Over the years, I've become better mentally (take this with a grain of salt lol) and there are things I'm still working on but I feel like my past has changed my mind in ways that it would be impossible to recover from or become 'normal' or a 'normie' again. Although I don't really understand how quickly I grow up, in some ways I feel really old and starting to feel existential dread that mostly stems from my extreme loneliness. I feel incredibly lonely but I still don't want to give up who I am for superficial relationships or friendships just so that I can feel a tiny bit of connection with someone. I crave a deeper connection with someone who is like me in most ways and who also wants the same thing. I want something where both of us can be extremely honest with our lives, struggles and thoughts and just share everything with each other, be miserable, weird and pathetic together. I feel like most people try to seem perfect to attract someone but that’s not really what I’m looking for. I’ve had a quite traumatic childhood and that really impacted my life in many ways and caused me to become basically a ‘loser’. We may argue that spending thousands of hours thinking and scrolling through the internet has its own benefits but at the end of the day, that shatters you into pieces and turns you into a really weird person. I’m attracted to other people who are losers and broken like me. I know that ‘loser’ is a very general term, but NEET, hikikomori, socially inept, depressed, lonely, weird, outcast yk whatever you call it.. I was all of them and still some of them.. I really enjoy seeing parts of myself in an another person and connecting with them through our suffering and misery.. It feels bad to say this but I feel closer to people who are also traumatized, broken, weird and a bit crazy..
I literally have no friends at the moment but I don't think making friends is a huge challenge for me. Since I'm moving to Germany next year and planning to stop being a NEET, I don’t really want to go out of my way to make friends irl. But from what I’ve observed, I don’t really struggle as much as the people in my situation when it comes to making or maintaining friendships. My problem is that I don't feel a strong connection because of my past, interests, thoughts and ways of thinking, so I tend to distance myself after feeling alienated and not feeling that deeper connection. I honestly hate superficial and basic things but I've never encountered anyone who didn't want to be my friend, so I suppose you could say that I'm a good friend?? I don’t know why I’m saying this since I don’t find this something to be proud of because at the end of the day, what being a good friend brings to your life, right? But I guess I wanted to say it in my post to seem a bit more friendly? And don’t get me wrong, I've had really bad social anxiety for years and I still do but it's not as bad as it used to be. I can be a bit obsessive and clingy if I start liking someone but that does barely happen. And when it does happen, it's not on an extreme level and I guess even ‘'normal' people like it but it could be too much for some people. I don't exactly know why I'm like this, but although I haven't been diagnosed, I suspect I may have quiet BPD or something like that. But also, I'm not mentally unstable the majority of the time, so I'm not really sure. It could just be that years of social isolation and loneliness have increased my desire to find someone like myself and that has kind of turned into a bit of an obsessive thing?? I really don't know. I also really like people who are obsessive and clingy. I know it's quite childish and unhealthy (honestly, don't care about the unhealthy part) but I've been into yanderes since my childhood. It's probably because I desire someone who would obsessively want me the way I am and love me. It’s quite cringe too but I want to be extremely honest in this post since I really do want to find someone like myself. And I'm not going to sugarcoat anything and will just write as soon as I remember something, so my post may feel like a jumbled mess.
I honestly don’t know what else I can say here but I want to say more things about myself to not give a wrong impression. Surprisingly, I’m not a sexist or a racist. I feel like it’s quite common for people who had a similar past to mine and spent hours chronically online to become those things. You may be surprised but I’m also quite surprised how I didn’t turn out to be an incel, I really do wonder that lol. I find both racism and sexism quite stupid. I mean.. A lot of men and women will whine, cry and generalize things about each other without really thinking how they behave or act and most of the time, it’s the consequence of their actions and choices. I guess it’s easier for most people to blame others so they keep doing that. As I said, I’m not an incel but for some reason I find femcels kinda attractive? Again, it’s quite cringe and even pathetic but yeah.. It probably stems from my self-hatred. A lot of guys will say that most women are into abusive/toxic guys but I’m also into women like that?.. I know it's unhealthy but I can’t really control it. I’m not going to say that you have to be a good person because I kinda find that hint of evil attractive? I obviously also like the idea of having someone loving and affectionate, but having someone toxic/abusive doesn't sound that bad for me either. I don’t know.. I’m not toxic or abusive at all but find those traits attractive for some reason (most likely because of my traumas) You don’t have to be any of those things by the way, I’m just being honest to tell as much as I can about myself. And, about racism.. I believe that certain groups of people and people from certain cultures are more likely to commit crimes, do bad things and behave in certain ways but that mostly stems from their financial situations, households, families, social circles and many other external things, so it’s not simply because of their color or race, that’s what I believe and I guess some people may even consider this as racism, but I don’t.. I’m a bit of a misanthrope though, I hate most people regardless of their gender or race. I even look down at normies from time to time.. I don’t know if I’m being narcissistic by saying this but I feel like spending thousands of hours thinking and scrolling through depths of the internet gave me a very unique way of analyzing things and thinking about them.
I guess it’s also quite rare to think this after years of brainrotting but I’m also quite fine with people being LGBT, although I don’t really agree with it politically. But yk, I don’t agree with the majority of the things politically. I don’t vote and I'm not going to vote since I don’t really have any trust in the political system and personally believe that most politicians will pick a side and act in their self interest to make the most amount of money possible. And I’m not extremely firm about most of my beliefs, I’m quite open to discuss and change them, I would prefer you to be open-minded like me too. Socially, I mostly have leftist values and economically, I also tend to lean towards the left but I don’t have enough economical knowledge to be sure about it. I like to argue and talk about it but I don’t really care who wins or not. It’s just all a show to fearmonger, divide and possibly give the illusion that people have the choice, imo. I also believe in some conspiracy theories but I’m not extremely crazy about it. It’s mostly about the political system and my distrust in it. I think that there could be aliens but there’s also a possibility of us being the only civilization in the universe. I’m also quite skeptical about the idea of god, I’m sure that the sky daddy doesn’t exist but some higher powebeing that we could not understand or comprehend might be out there, or it’s just nothingness. I’m quite scared about the afterlife and death honestly. I would like to cheat and live for a really long time, assuming that I’ve got a hold of my life and have an average life.. I’m also quite scared of aging and all that stuff. I was quite suicidal years ago and was at the brink of ending it multiple times. Fundamentally, I don’t really believe that life has a deeper meaning but I believe that it’s possible to make it meaningful for ourselves. I also kinda feel pathetic for writing this long of a post on some random site to find someone but I don’t know.. I just hope that someone would really relate to this post but also have the desire and willingness to find someone like herself? I don’t know, let’s become close friends and maybe it will evolve into something else or not.. I hopefully won't find this post cringe after reading it and change my mind to post it. I find a lot of stuff I wrote/posted in the past quite cringe and deleted a lot of them.. I don’t know if a lot of people do that..
What else… Uh.. I used to watch gore a lot when I was really depressed and now I don’t really watch it but mostly look into ‘morbid curiosity’ things.. I’m tall and a bit ugly? I look masculine but emotionally kinda feminine? I’m not sure anymore honestly, I’m way more empathetic and emotional than your average man and I guess as a man, that makes you feminine? Or maybe it doesn’t, I’m not sure but although I’m like that I’m trying to be less of it, I don’t believe that being an extremely good person in today’s society isn’t an achievement. I would prefer to keep that side of me only to my partner but I don’t know if I could be like that ever. I’m a switch (into a lot of weird stuff, you can guess that ig) but lean towards sub, especially in relationships..?? That’s what I imagine at least.. I love to cook, bake, go on walks, shitpost, brainrot, daydream and read when I’m not having an existential crisis, which is quite rare nowadays. I used to read a lot of philosophical novels and literature but kinda gave up on them after realizing that they made me sadder by forcing me to think about life and other ‘deeper’ things. I feel like I’ve told everything about myself here, especially the worst ones so you know what you’re getting into lol
I’m basically looking for someone like myself to either become close friends or become mroe (not sure how that's gonna work ecause of the potential distance between us) I don’t know if an online friend who is like me could help me with my loneliness or exaggerate it but I’m willing for anything with someone who is like me I guess. Just be like me and be honest with who you are ^
If you’ve found my post interesting and related to it in some ways, please send me a message and introduce yourself like I did in my post. Please, be honest with who you are and what you think. Tell me why you think we may be similar and I guess other things you may want to say too. I hope you won’t see sending that first message as a burden and put some effort into it because I did the same with this post
submitted by lostinthechaosoflife to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:35 ThatDystopianSociety Jeg er næsten 24 år gammel, og jeg har ingen venner

Hej allesammen!
Jeg er en næsten 24 år gammel mand (har fødselsdag i næste uge) som ikke har nogen venner. Jeg har folk jeg snakker med online, som er fra andre lande, men jeg ved at jeg har brug for nogen som jeg kan mødes med i virkeligheden.
Jeg bor i Sønderborg, og har en plan om at starte med at tage ned til deres afdeling af Ventilen hver uge, men jeg ved at det ikke vil være nok.
Sommetider, når jeg er ude at gå i byen, kan jeg komme forbi nogle mennesker der virker søde og rare, men jeg har ikke lyst til at blive set som en mærkelig person hvis jeg begynder at snakke med dem, selvom jeg sommetider har lyst.
Der har også været andre gange hvor jeg har været i et socialt sammenhæng hvor jeg var stille fordi jeg ikke ved hvad jeg kan snakke om, det er noget jeg godt kunne tænke mig at blive bedre til.
Min familie siger at jeg er en sød og venlig person, så de kan ikke forstå det når jeg siger at jeg ikke har nogen venner.
Så hvad kan jeg gøre? Nogle tips til hvordan man kan få venner? Hvis der er nogen her som vil være min ven, så sætter jeg pris på det! <3
submitted by ThatDystopianSociety to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:34 Trick-Lengthiness750 Any person who has started a business, knows of someone who designs business plans to rent a space.

Any person who has started a business, knows of someone who designs business plans to rent a space.
submitted by Trick-Lengthiness750 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:34 Artistic_Yard_6894 is cce really that tough?

I understand that it also depends on the interest of the person but I do believe interest can be developed by knowing more and more about something.. so speaking for an average person is it really tough? is it worth choosing it and working harder for than other cs related branches (IT/DSE/Fintech)?
submitted by Artistic_Yard_6894 to Manipal_Academics [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:33 Ranadiel Any Cool Ideas for Future Ventures?

So whether you like the Venture for Bessi or not, I think it is clear that the dev team is planning on making more Ventures in the future. So I'm kind of curious as to what interesting options other people can think of that would make sense for the system. I can't really think of too much from the broader Star Wars universe, but I'm also not super familiar with the broader universe.
Some random thoughts that I had:
submitted by Ranadiel to swtor [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:33 FryingPanMan4 everything online sucks and companies will abuse us to make us much money as possible.

Phone plans in Canada. Everyone gets fucked over because telus or virgin mobile or whatever make you pay $60 for texting, calling, and 1 gig data. If you are lucky you can get 10 gigs data for that. I have a very rare plan on a provider called chatr. My first plan was 10$/month for texting and calling. then I used to pay 25$/month for 2 gigs data and texting/calling. They upped my cost last year to 27$/month. And now they are offering all these new deals to me, since i never change my plan. I can get texting/calling and 50 gigs of data for only 29$ a month. So apparently the data to cost rate is very low, but they still inflate everything so much. I had to pay an extra 17$ for 2 gigs data, then they jangle the fucking deal of +48 gigs for an extra 2$ a month. Fuck you chatr, you will probably make my plan cost that much anyway in the future.
Their app is so broken. I need to add a credit card to top up my plan, and their sliders for the expiration date wont work. I refreshed the app multiple times. and half the time (not joking) they just wont let me sign in. Theres always some malfunction or error and i need to "check back later."
On their website this time I cant select my province. If I press the province slider (I need to select a province to top up my plan.) A pop up appears that just says "province."
And I couldnt order my student transcripts for a few days to go to college because the GOVERNMENT RAN website was down.
These aree just a few examples but theres so much more. Everything is broken, everything is asking you for more money or just taking it, everything is throwing ads at you, etc. And there is no escape because everything is online. Banking, phone plans, jobs, whatever else. and companies purposely make phones and games addictive as possible.
submitted by FryingPanMan4 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:33 Dependent-Inside-770 How ZTM's Data Structures and Algorithms Course Helped Me Land My Dream Job as a JavaScript Developer

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to share a quick story about how the Zero To Mastery (ZTM) Data Structures and Algorithms course helped me land my dream job as a JavaScript developer
Before taking the course, I struggled with understanding complex algorithms and data structures, which are essential for technical interviews. The ZTM course broke down these concepts into simple, digestible lessons that made it so much easier to grasp. The practice problems and real-world examples were incredibly helpful, and the support from the ZTM community kept me motivated throughout my learning journey.
After completing the course, I felt confident and prepared to tackle job interviews. And guess what? I landed my dream job as a JavaScript developer at an amazing company! 🎉
submitted by Dependent-Inside-770 to u/Dependent-Inside-770 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:32 WildVirtue I think the Unabomber's feelings of sadness about hunting reflect an existential crisis many meat eaters grapple with, what do peeps here think?

I tried using this idea as a launch pad for discussion in various vegan debate sub-reddits. But, I'd also just be curious if most vegans agree, and if there's anything people would like to add, like other interesting reading that comes to mind.
Many meat eaters grapple with reaching for weak justifications for their meat eating such as appeals to nature and struggle with even putting these weak justifications into words.
I think Ted was a famous example of a person on the extreme end of this spectrum of stubbornly simply getting his views on what is right and wrong from a descriptive reality of how less intelligent animals kill each other to survive, so his attempts at logic are interesting to compare and contrast to many meat eaters arguments, similarly his emotional existential grappling with not being able to come up with a coherent argument whilst intuitively feeling sad about the actions he was taking is also interesting to compare and contrast.
Quoting from one of Ted Kaczynski's (the Unabomber's) journals:
Lately, to tell the truth, I’ve been getting a little sick of killing things. Neither the death struggles of the animal nor the blood bother me in the least; in fact, I rather enjoy the sight of blood; blood is appetizing because it makes rich soups. I enjoy the instant of the kill because it represents a success. But a moment afterward I often feel saddened that a thing so beautiful and full of life has suddenly been converted into just a piece of meat. Still, this is outweighed by the satisfaction of getting my food from the forest and mountain. Rabbits and grouse have beautiful eye; in both cases the whites don’t show and the iris’s are a lovely brown. And this grouse today I noticed that the pupil, black at first glance, is actually a deep blue, like clear, translucent blue glass.
Also, in a letter to his brother, Ted wrestled with the question of; 'is it a good thing that some people feel sad about the animals killed painfully by hunter-gatherers?'
For me, I think yes it is a good thing, I feel sad partly because I relate to hunter-gatherers as people who could be offered lessons in how to grow enough diversity of vegan food at their own desired level of technology such that they would not need to hunt. I also hope one day some people might be motivated to do that for them in a responsible way that only improves their quality of life.
I understand a meat eater might feel sad for many reasons also, even if for example it's just because we have higher level technology today such that we can potentially kill some animals faster today with less pain and less stress. But even though we have the means to blow up an animals head with exploding bullets without the animal ever seeing it coming doesn't mean we always use such methods, nor do I think it would justify cutting short the animal's interest to live.
I find some nihilists & primitivists like Ted's response to this question the most fascinating, they wish they could have been born into a world in which no one experienced sadness about killing animals, but this just feels like desiring a black and white world because it would help them make sense of their place in the universe.
Maybe they fear that if they said yes its good some people feel sad, that the only other track society would be left to go down is exterminating all carnivores and building robot carnivore imitations for entertainment.
However, I think there is a middle ground in simply relating to ourselves as an omnivore species who are intelligent enough to one day desire to build a global vegan social contract. Where among each other we decide that we generally wouldn't like to encourage in any of our fellow humans the act of breeding and killing other sentient animals. For reasons of; 'it has the strongly likely outcome of damaging to an unacceptable degree many people's ability to be compassionate with one another'. So, not an indictment on the subsistence hunter-gatherers and non-human animals who hunt to survive, but an aspirational future goal for humans.
Finally, here is the long meandering letter by Ted I mentioned for anyone curious:
I doubt that the pigmies have any guilt, conscious or otherwise, about killing animals. Guilt is a conflict between what we’re trained not to do and impulses that lead us to do it anyway. Apparently there is nothing in pygmy culture that leads them not to kill or inflict pain on animals. What the pygmies love and celebrate is their way of life, and they see no conflict between that and killing for meat; in fact, the hunting is an essential part of their way of life — they gotta eat. We tend to see a conflict there because we come from a world where there is a gross excess of people who even apart from hunting destroy the material world through their very presence in such numbers. But to the pygmies — until very recently anyway — there’s been no need for “conservation”. The forest is full of animals; with the pygmies primitive weapons and sparse population the question of exterminating the game never arises. The pygmies problem is to fill his belly. The civilized man can afford to feel sorry for wild animals because he can take his food for granted. Some psychologists claim that man is attracted to “death” as they call it. Certainly young men are attracted to action, violence, aggression, and that sort of thing. Note the amount of make-believe violence in the entertainment media — in spite of the fact that in our culture that sort of thing is considered bad and unwholesome and so forth. Since man has been a hunter for the last million years, it is possible that, like other predatory animals, he has some kind of a “killer instinct”. It would thus seem that the pygmies are just acting like perfectly good predatory animals. Why should they feel sorry for their prey any more than a hawk, a fox, or a leopard does? On the other hand, when a modern “sport” goes out with a high-powered rifle, you have a different situation. Some obvious differences are: much less skill is required with a rifle than with primitive weapons; the “sport” does it fun, not because he needs the meat; he is in a world where there are too many people and not enough wildlife, and a rifle makes it too easy to kill too many animals. Of course, the fish and game dept. will see to it that the animals don’t get exterminated, but this entails “wildlife management” — manipulation of nature which to me is even worse than extermination. Beyond that, while the pygmy lives in the wilderness and belongs to it, the “sport” is an alien intruder whose presence is a kind of desecration. In a sense, the sport hunter is a masturbator: His hunting is not the “real thing” — it’s not what hunting is for a primitive man — he is trying to satisfy an instinct in a debased and sordid way, just like when you rub your prick to crudely simulate what you really want, which is a love affair with a woman. Of course there’s nothing wrong with jagging off to relieve yourself when you get horny — it’s harmless. But — even apart from the question of depletion of wildlife — the presence of “sports” in the wilderness tends to spoil it for those who know better how to appreciate nature.
submitted by WildVirtue to Veganism [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:32 im_on_my_own_kid rich people problems 🥴

rich people problems 🥴
I rarely go to Tiktok nowadays to scroll (nakaka-stress na din kasi) but I opened mine to check on something and right off the bat I saw this man screaming sa newly opened S&R Malolos.
I don’t wanna jump into conclusions pero some comments say na the queue was just so long and apparently this man lost his patience. Can someone confirm this? Or ano ba talaga naging issue with the opening of S&R Malolos.
Una sa lahat, bakit ba ang hilig hilig ng mga pinoy makipagsiksikan sa mga opening days? Hindi naman mawawala ang S&R diba? Nandiyan lang yan. You can argue that may perks yung mga opening days: for example first 100 customers makakakuha ng ganito or what - but do not expect to be treaten like a king or queen especially if madami nang nauna sayo. Even if let’s say nakakuha ka ng free membership dahil first 100 ka, that’s about it, free membership lang makukuha mo. Once you’re a member, you’re a member just like everybody else.
Besides, pwede na po magpa-member sa S&R online. If you want a more seamless transaction, do things yourself that can benefit you. Siguro naman hindi lalagpas ng 30 minutes yung pagpapamember online ano?
Pangalawa, yes S&R Malolos apparently is the first S&R warehouse in Bulacan. Pero what makes S&R special ba? I personally find better items sa Landers or even some non-membership groceries. At siguro naman may kotse si kuya diba? Ilang minutes drive lang naman sa NLEX ang Landers Balintawak.
Sorry naparant lang ako cause I’m so damn tired of rich people kuno and their non existent privileges.
submitted by im_on_my_own_kid to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:32 Tilly2220 It’s crucial for everyone to stand by and support those who are facing mental health challenges!

Some mental health supporters be like, "Mental health matters, we got your back!" Until someone they know develops a mental illness or loses their sanity and poof, they vanish like a magician's rabbit and dislike the person.
This problem needs to be fixed.
submitted by Tilly2220 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:31 N_Quadralux Nocturnal and diurnal races living together?

When I first had the idea of making a nocturnal race I thought that they would go very well living with a diurnal one, after all, there are some jobs which need 24h service which would benefit from this, while at the same time, a lot of things wouldn't need to expand even with a greater population, since they would be using some services at different moments.
But it's not that simple either... Noise while your trying to sleep is a probable example, but this isn't what I want to talk either, because the thing is, they would be living in the same places but the level of interaction between them wouldn't be that high. Well, of course that some diurnal would stay at night and vice versa, other than considering that we (and supposedly these species too) sleep 1/3 of the day and not 1/2 or higher there would be a time which both are awake, but just considering schools for example, what could be the effects of raising a child in a school where basically everyone is of the same species as them, while actually, that's not true at all? Maybe internet could help, but I'm not sure exactly how either, since it's different from seeing someone personally.
There is also probably other things which I simply didn't thought about either, so if you think of any other possible repercussions of a diurnal and nocturnal species living together please share
submitted by N_Quadralux to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:31 rhyanin [Giveaway] Volcanion

[Giveaway] Volcanion
Disclaimer: inserted events.
I’ve just inserted about 30 Volcanion events into my 3DS, redeemed them all and migrated them to Home. This means that the OT, date and ribbons on each of them is correct. They’re not clones, they’ve all got a different PID and therefore different IVs and natures. Example one in screenshots, but this will most likely not be the one you receive. I won’t take nature or IV requests.
To participate, drop a mon in the GTS and ask for Volcanion in return. Screenshot and post here. Please be considerate of other people, one per person and if you already have one, leave it for the next person.
submitted by rhyanin to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:30 TECHNOV1K1NG_tv RK Livestream was NOT a Nothing-Burger

The MSM narrative up to this point has been that Roaring Kitty should be investigated for "market manipulation" because he made some memes and posted some positions. All the FUD about how he's pumping up the stock for his own personal benefit, etc... was just proven to be absolute bullshit today.
Keith Gill is not manipulating jack shit! We do not follow his trades or act on his whim! We are all individual investors who like a stock and make our own decisions about financial risk! In fact, multiple times he urged us to NOT follow his exact plays as they entail outsized risk. Multiple times he explained that he is on the same level as us, and does not know any more about what is going on than anybody else.
The part I found really intriguing was when he explained that we should reserve the right to change our opinion on our investment (as he would) should we find that the board doesn't have a plan or is hurting investors. Not that this is going on now (re 75M offering), but that we should see how this all plays out. I think this is about the most level-headed advice you could give about any stock, and certainly does not even broach the realm of "market manipulation".
Anyways, BULLISH!!!
Thanks Keith for being a real one, and happy birthday!!!
submitted by TECHNOV1K1NG_tv to Superstonk [link] [comments]
