Jesse mccartney fake

Jesse McCartney <3

2013.05.27 23:08 P1nkheart Jesse McCartney <3

All about Jesse McCartney

2015.04.09 03:18 Alex23323 McJuggerNuggets Home of the Psycho Series, My Virtual Escape, and More!

This is the #1 officially endorsed subreddit that is dedicated to McJuggerNuggets and RiDGiD STUDiOS. Make yourself at home if you’re a fan! Feel free to have real and genuine discussions, share fan art, creations, and other user generated content, and have fun!

2024.05.14 12:56 CrystalWind1111 John Lennon Unveils The Beatles' Dark Secrets and Fake Paul McCartney

John Lennon Unveils The Beatles' Dark Secrets and Fake Paul McCartney submitted by CrystalWind1111 to ChanneledMessages [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:04 mochivampp forcing their close family relationship

i’ve noticed more and more now claudia tries to push that her and her family are so close. calls kennedy her baby sister and how she loves her mom sooo much - wants to buy all this stuff and provide for her mom. it all seems like such a ruse and so ingenuine? she posted a tiktok and kennedy giving their mom that hug just seemed so off to me. in their content like their podcast they are so rude to their mom and so rude to one another. kennedy and claudia seemed like they just reccently started to be close. i feel like claudia especially tries to portray like her and her family are normal and so close bc she’s trying to push a certain ‘family oriented - house wife, american family’ type narrative? when in reality jesse’s family seems so cute and actually close with actual values and decent parents. and the way he talks about his older sister is extremely genuine. claudia just seems soo fake and is def trying wayyy to hard to be all “my family is my everything”
submitted by mochivampp to Walshfamilysnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:33 Lyxeryn Trigger warning of SA

For the sake of anonymity I will be using allises and fake ages but all of the age gals will be true Brother: will ; age: 20 Me: lynx ; age: 16 Sister 1: Jess ; age: 29 Sister 2: Chloe ; age: 22 Mom: Vero ; age: 42
Those are the main important people in this story.... Growing up me and my siblings never really got along, there were 3 main groups, me and Chloe, will and Jess, me and Jess, clearly me and my brother never got along. My brother was deemed to be psycho by about 4 doctors, he refused to take meds causing my family to go through hell. I grew up in the poor side of town where cops and CPS didn't give 2 fucks about us so there was nothing we could do. I do recall many times in my childhood he would chase me around the house with a knife, there was one occasion where he sliced my stomach open with a staple that was used to hold carpet down, I now have a scar from it, there were multiple times where he covered my face with a blanket simulating suffocation but would leave just enough room so I could breath. When nobody was home he would water borde me in the shower and threatened to kill me if I told anyone. well I think that's enough explaining to how much of a pos he was. When I was about 7 or 8 years old he started to touch me. At first it was small stuff like accidents and all but then it escalated. He introduced me to porn around this time and would make me watch it with him. And when I say make I mean he genuinely made me, he used to tell me that if I wouldnt he would "tell mom that you stole her cash/ weed and ect. So me being a naieve 8 year old girl I obeyed. Later down the line he started to make me get physical. He would force me down on him, make me suck him off, give him hand jobs and even went as far and raping me. This went on for about 4 years, as soon as I turned 12 I had enough. He tried it again on me and I refused, this quickly caused us to fight, physically fight, me being a small frail 12 year old against a 16 year old I lost and he threatened that if I ever tried to refuse it again he would tie me down and rape me until I couldn't talk. I know this sounds bizarre but please consider that this is actually what happened to a real person and please for the love of God do not come and say this is "pleasurable" because it wasn't in any way. Well fast forward to a couple years later I finally decided to tell my family. I told my grandmother, mom, Chloe and Jess but no one believed me. As expected though. Although Vero didn't believe me she still supported me. Jess never brought it up and not did Chloe. That was until I decided to press charges about 2 years ago and the case has been in the works since. Over these past few years Chloe and will got extremely close. They smoke together, eat together and do a ton of other stuff but they are always together. Well I didn't tell anyone I was pressing charges until recently when I got the news that they are going through the courts right now. I finally decided to tell them and expected everything to be ok... It was until I told Chloe.. She began to defend him saying that I'm going to ruin his life and that he doesn't deserve this, hes had a rough enough time having to deal with the guilt of his actions so why make him feel shittier? Hearing her say that to me felt unreal, its never something you really expect to hear from someone who you used to love with your whole heart. And that question kinda broke me and I said something along the lines of "if anything I've gone through it, he has to deal with the guilt of HIS ACTIONS and I have to deal with feeling his hands on me at the slightest bit of physical contact, I can't even stand to look at myself anymore without being disgusted" you know the generic stuff. But she still defended him and now the guilt has been eating me away. She has convinced me that I'm the bad person. Should I drop the charges? Or what should I do now? This is my last resort, I just need advice on what to do.
submitted by Lyxeryn to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:16 More_Arm_2163 Is it part of ADHD to 'create' fake people?

Not really sure how to describe it. I have clinically-diagnosed ADHD since young, I'm an adult now (20-30s), not sure if any of this information is relevant but I'll put this out there.
Anyways, is it part of an ADHD thing (or something else entirely) to make a whole.. fake person? For example, let's call my fake person 'Jess'.
If someone wants to invite me out or etc and I don't want to turn them down without reason, I'd be like;
"Sorry, I have plans with Jess today" and will still make the effort to go out of my house to some place, alone. There's no Jess, etc.. and I'll stay out for a bit and head home later on just like that.
OR, another scenario for an online situation. I'd be telling a funny story to my friends and or something like that and I'd go;
"Oh, my friend Jess said about the same thing haha! Jess said this and that-" etc.
It's even more panicky when someone says they want to meet this 'Jess' person and I'll come up with all sorts of excuse of 'they're busy' / 'they don't like to join discord servers' lol, is it just me? Or what is it if it's not tied to ADHD?
submitted by More_Arm_2163 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:17 thechriswilcox Survivor 46 isn’t Gabon, it’s Worlds Apart

Survivor 46 definitely has the messy elements that are associated with Survivor Gabon, but to me, it reminds me more of Worlds Apart.
In his Funny 115 piece on Dan Foley, Mario Lanza had the observation that Worlds Apart was conceived as a Big Brother-like season, where people were cast specifically to create maximum conflict. That definitely feels like how Yanu and Nami were cast.
Yanu has:
Jelinksy, voted out first because he annoyed his tribe so much they got rid of arguably their biggest physical threat. Jess, who left the game mad at everyone but Bhanu and who was given a fake immunity idol for really no reason at all, because she wanted to get away from these people so much she was no threat to play her Shot in the Dark. Bhanu, who was playing a completely different game from everyone else and frustrated everyone along the way. Q, who was seemingly created in a lab to create chaos and conflict at every opportunity. Kenzie, who was looking to take out her best ally way too soon for reasons. And Tiffany, who was the most normal one on the island and had to deal with all of the mess around her, to where she had Bhanu outing her alliance with Q and Q outing her damn immunity idol!
Nami has:
Soda, lover of campfire singalongs. Hunter, hater of campfire singalongs. Liz, allergic to literally every food available on the island, who then votes out the two people helping her to collect the one thing she could eat. Venus and Tevin, seemingly cast to hate one another (even in the pre-merge, Rob Cesternino pointed out that Venus was particularly in trouble on this tribe compared to the rest of the cast because of how her personality fit). Randen, the token normie, who I think would have run into problems if he had stayed, though who knows with the idol if that might have saved him.
The end result is a ton of mess that has also spilled onto social media, much in the way the Dirty 30 did. Survivor may not intentionally cast villains, but they’re still very capable of casting mess, and that gives them the drama they’re looking for.
Edited to fix where I had accidentally called Nami Siga initially. This is what happens when I post before I’m awake.
submitted by thechriswilcox to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:39 Sexually_Aroused_Cow Top 10 Stephen King books.

As of Thursday March 21st 2024 I completed IT, which was my tenth novel. I know March was a while ago but I think I’m now ready to rank all ten books I’ve read. Just bear in mind that I don’t think any book on here is not good, I think all Stephen king books have some value.
  1. Gerald’s Game. I’m sure it’s no suprise to anyone who has read this book. It’s gross and disturbing. I started this Book in late August 2023 and finished in thanksgiving. I think I had to stop reading like 4 times. Especially during the eclipse scene. But I did like jesses mental journey throughout the book. I feel like if your a women you will probably get more out of it but yeah. Not a bad book but I probably won’t read it again lol.
9.The Running man. I read this one at school while I read IT at home since it’s such a thick book. Anyways, It was my first Bachman book and it was interesting because e it’s king but not. I like how fast paced and entertaining this book is. We’re thrown straight into it like 10 pages into it. But it’s definitely a “fast food” good but not good quality.
8.Doctor Sleep. We’re taking a HUGE leap in quality. Running man and Gerald’s game was like a 7/10, this is like an 8.5/10.
I will admit though it took a while for it to get going though, I liked how he kind of expanded on the lore of the hotel after it burned down. This definitely leaned towards the fantasy side more so than the horror side imo. But I felt like it was too easy for the characters. And I wish some got killed off. But I love the climax. I like how long it is and the part when Abra was in the Gas station bathroom and needed menstrual pads. Practically laughed out loud.
But as for the actual climax where Bill and Dan go to the overlook I didn’t care much for it. But I DID like Rose the hats death. And the ending nearly put me to tears. Such an amazing book.
  1. Cujo. This and Doctor Sleep flip flopped for me. But I think I liked this one more because it felt more classic. I love books that don’t go over the top and has a somewhat realistic situation. This is probably one of the most brutal King books ever. When I first read it I didn’t care much for the other plot lines but over time I came to appreciate them. He always tried to be a good dog.
  2. Different Seasons. Like Running man, I read this while i read IT at home. I had to pick it out at the school library for a project. I originally intended to read The body but I decided to read the rest.
Shawshank Redemption- Ive never seen the movie so I had no idea what it was like. And it was different from what I was expecting. It was more like short stories inside the prison.
Apt pupil- Holy shit, I was not expecting this book at all. I read this story last thinking it was some boring book about a student. Nope, Psycho Child And War criminal. I’ve never heard a thing about this story so it was a complete shock. And the ending. Holy crap.
The body- One of the most iconic stories that turned into an iconic movie. I loved Gordon’s Narration
Breathing method- I didn’t understand this one much but the ending was crazy.
1.Apt Pupil 2.The body 3.Shawshank Redemption 4.Breathing Method.
5.Salems Lot. this May suprise some folk as this one is popular among fans. But don’t get me wrong I loved it a ton. At the time of reading it I wish I didn’t rush it and appreciated the slow pace. For kings 2nd novel the sheer size is impressive. Probably the best go to book for anyone new to king. Such a classic story.
  1. The shining. I’m suprised how many people don’t care for the novel. I personally loved it. Jack Torrance is such an interesting character and one of my favorites from Stephen king. But honestly I didn’t feel claustrophobic in it. Dick halloran is one of my favorite characters of all time. And the bar scene is one of the creepiest scenes in any king Novel imo. And the part with the dog legitimately scared the shit out of me
3.Misery-My first Stephen King book. This one was gifted to me by my sister on my birthday. I Believe this was the first Stephen king story I heard of. I remember my dad telling me the basics of the story when I was a very young boy and it seemed intimidating. But anyways I love how fast paced and tense this book is. Paul Sheldon is given almost no plot armor and Annie Wilkes Is a villain that is realistic so the stakes feel even higher. We’re givin almost no room to breathe. Amazing book.
2.IT.Oh boy, we’re do I even begin. This is such an iconic peice of media and I feel honored to have read it. It’s such a broad and grand adventure. The characters feel the most realistic. Honestly my favorite part of the book was the friendship in the losers club. It felt like i was friends with them. As for IT itself it is such an iconic monster. More famous for its pennywise form. And it’s cool to be in the know for the history behind The monster and how it’s not just a clown. IT is eternal.
1.Pet semetary- When I tell this book changed me is an understatement. I read this book for the first time back in July 2023 and I’m still affected by it. In mid July I saw my sister bring home a small batch of Stephen king books. Pet semetary included. Apparently she brought home more books earlier I just happened to catch her this time. Since I was bored I decided to read it. I was home alone when I started reading and the introduction scared me so much I started reading when my parents came home. The way King describes Maine is so clear and I could clearly imagine it even though I’ve never been to New England.
I remember I finished my book at 12:30 at night and when I finished my jaw dropped and I couldn’t close my eyes. I was so dammed frightened. I have a fake goldfish aquarium in a mason jar and I kept thinking it was Rachel from the book. And apart of the reason why it affected me was the very same day I finished it I went up to north Idaho to bury my grandfathers (Mom side) ashes. And literally that weekend I went to Utah to bury my Grandmother (dads side) in the Provo cemetery. Witnessed two burials in less than a week after reading pet semetary. I am forever frightened of tanker trucks.
submitted by Sexually_Aroused_Cow to stephenking [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:46 Additional-Courage74 Jesse McCartney

Any body have an extra ticket for tonight?
submitted by Additional-Courage74 to PortlandOR [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 19:17 HereForTheDrama1990 STREAMING ♡ I will go live if scammy / scamslam isn't ava. (See account below and follow to join us in our journey to stopping the scammers)

STREAMING ♡ I will go live if scammy / scamslam isn't ava. (See account below and follow to join us in our journey to stopping the scammers) submitted by HereForTheDrama1990 to snarkjennsurvivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 19:16 HereForTheDrama1990 Streaming ♡ If Jen come back on & scammy or scamslam isn't ava. I will stream - u can join us on my account ♡♡ (See account below / follow to join us in our journey of stopping the beg - scam)

Streaming ♡ If Jen come back on & scammy or scamslam isn't ava. I will stream - u can join us on my account ♡♡ (See account below / follow to join us in our journey of stopping the beg - scam) submitted by HereForTheDrama1990 to snarkjennisstronger [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 15:34 Terrible-Loan-3946 Jesse Wellens (from PrankVsPrank) on JeffFm

I would love to see Jesse Wellens on JeffFm! Jesse Wellens one of THE OG Youtubers. He and his ex girlfriend Jeanna had a youtube channel, PrankVsPrank, where they would prank each other (no set ups or fake pranks), and they also had a daily vlog channel. They eventually broke up and now do their own thing, but had they stayed together, they would own YT rn. I think Jesse would be a great match because of his prankster persona. Besides he’s hilarious and down to earth, and has a sweet tooth hahah. I see many similarities between them and I would love to see Jesse on the podcast. If you guys dont know about PVP id encourage you to watch the prank videos!!!
submitted by Terrible-Loan-3946 to JeffWittek [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:35 hankbaumbach We need to talk about Jesse the Tree...

This man has been absolutely slaying the last few years and I don't think enough people are aware of it, particular SFR fans.
Two years ago he "debuted" on the label with the excellent Mopes produced: Pigeon Man with plenty of features from the Strange Famous label, this album is an excellent introduction to Tree and what he is all about.
In 2023 his first collab with Andrew hit under the "sleepingdogs" moniker with faking my own death just to get some rest and if you missed this album I cannot recommend it enough. It was hands down my favorite hip hop album of 2023.
The connection between Andrew and Tree is fantastic, which is probably why his next solo album which came out this year was produced by Andrew: Not Fade Away feels like a sleepingdogs album with less Andrew rhymes. I believe Andrew produces all the sleepingdogs albums and his fingerprints are all over the beats for this one as well.
Thankfully, if you were missing out on Andrew's worthsmithing on Not Fade Away, the sleepingdogs came right back with a new album this year as well called: Will We Ever Dance Again Together they are carving out an excellent niche in the hip-hop scene with their Nickelodeon-NBA-centric rhymes and immaculate vibes.
On a personal note, I was able to meet Tree (and Blackliq) at their Denver show at Your Mom's House the Fall before StrangeFamousFest and they are both super nice dudes.
I was bummed I didn't get a chance to catch up with them more at SFF2023 but I've been wearing out his records ever since I caught him live and I'm really hoping Uncle Sage brings him out to Denver in July as I am going to be in town for that one. Selfishly, I'm hoping if I generate more interest in Jesse or more specifically sleepingdogs so they will come play a show in Chicago.
Do yourselves a favor and check out Jesse the Tree and sleepingdogs.
submitted by hankbaumbach to strangefamous [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 13:26 37282615392 Stella jersey

Hey guys, sorry this is a very specific question Does anyone know where I can get the Stella McCartney jersey in Australia or that ships to Australia pretty quickly? They’re sold out on the Arsenal website, I don’t mind buying a fake. Just got some tickets to the ausenal game and obviously I have to be decked out!
Edit: I don’t mind buying from unofficial websites- would just love some reassurance about them as some of them look a bit dodgy!
submitted by 37282615392 to ArsenalWFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 06:02 DropWatcher Drop Watch: May 10th, 2024





BBL Drizzy (prod. by Metro Boomin)

Old Drop Watches

2023 and 2024 Calendar

submitted by DropWatcher to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 05:30 savvannahgrrace Predictions for season 33

You guys can add on to this list if you want but here’s a general idea of who we are probably going to see
• Someone from Bachelor nation- I wish dwts would take a break from the bachelor(ette) franchise and maybe even cast someone from a different romance reality tv show, but because they both run through abc, I fully expect to see a contestant from there. Because we just had two girls, my guess is probably Joey or Gerry (or possibly a “fan-favorite” from Jenn’s upcoming season). If we get a girl, my guesses are probably Maria, daisy, or Kelsey a • An Olympian- the Olympics are this year, and they happen right before DWTS airs, so they will probably get an Olympian, don’t know for what sport, probably an ice skater or female gymnast, but I’m hoping they get someone for a different sport • A singer- they usually have a musician of some sort, so I expect to see someone in the music industry join, could see someone like Jesse mccartney since he did masked singer and Deena Katz casts for that show too I think • an “older” actoactress- ive noticed they have been casted older actors/actresses that are kinda known for one or two major roles (Melora, Mira, Barry, Martin kove, Kate flannery, etc.) so I’d expect they would be casting an older contestant, someone like Jennifer love Hewitt maybe • Reality contestant- whether it’s a housewives person, bravo person, they are bound to be cast. I’d also add a dance moms girl because they just had their reunion special in may, hoping Chloe Lukasiak gets cast, or maybe even a mom, like Christi or Kelly • controversial contestant- I wish we wouldn’t cast anybody controversial so I don’t have to get a headache when they are on my screen, but unfortunately, someone like that is gonna be cast. I’m unsure if a person in politics would get cast since it’s an election year, but I wouldn’t throw that idea away since Sean spicer was on in 2020. I know Gypsy rose has been asked and declined, but she’s chilling in Hollywood right now, so maybe she might change her mind • Social media influencestar- with Rylee’s success on social media and social media recent success in general, we will probably have social media stars on for quite a while. I’d say Alix Earle or Livvy dunne, but I could see maybe a YouTuber as well, may pay just retired, so he could be a possibility. Maybe a sturnilio brother? • NFl/NBA/MLB player (retired)- we usually get someone from one of those leagues, so I wouldn’t be shocked if we saw an athlete on, I don’t know who’s retired that wouldn’t be considered too big, Jason kelce is probably too big, considering the swiftie army, idk if he would do it and I might be biased because I’m a saints fan, but drew brees, he’s not too big because he’s been retired for a few years, but he has a great track record
submitted by savvannahgrrace to dancingwiththestars [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:37 Dingo-gamer Where was the 1960 recording of One After 909 made ?

I have a question and that is where was the original 1960 recording of one after 909 made? One Wikipedia it says, "In early 1960, the Quarrymen returned to Phillips' Sound Recording Services to record Lennon's new original song "One After 909", although this recording does not survive." But I found on YouTube that a 1960 version exists. It says it was recorded at Paul McCartney's home in 1960 while another video on YouTube was recorded with Sutcliffe and Best while they were in Hamburg. Still, I've heard from multiple places that it was made in Liverpool at Paul's house, and only this one video. But I'm still wondering if the Wikipedia one is fake or if there is a second 1960 recording that's lost to time. If anyone has any answers that would be great.
submitted by Dingo-gamer to beatles [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:24 Bails147 Case for Charlie

He has a clear story- and he is introduced to us immediately with an opening confessional that states his strategy, highlights his personality and gives us his background.
He has a consistancy theme of keeping his threat level low and managing his social game, and an overall being underestimated (wrongly) theme. In ep 1 he has a good episode, his storyline of playing the middle begins, as Jem and Moriah and Maria all underestimate him and bring him in to an alliance “Charlies angels” - that goes nowhere but is highlighted unnecessarily to boost him. They underestkmated him bc they brought him in due to jem and mo saying “i feel like charlie is more swayable”. Meanwhile Tim and Ben create a boys alliance with him bc tim is worried about the girls scheming. And he gets a great confessional about how he likes women and can work with them. But also he could go with the boys ans has options “oh boy, oh boy oh boy, oh girl?” Additionally, his relationship with ben “the dumb and dumber alliance” is mentioned and established. We also learn where he is from “manchester-by-the-sea” and that he lives in a bubble of predominantly white straight people and on survivor theres so much diversity and he wants to burst that bubble (which is a theme he is backed up by edit doing all season).
In ep 2. Charlie gets a MAJORLY POSITIVE scene. TSwift vs metallica is a scene about Charlie executing his strategy and connecting with Siga members and Ben. This scene was MASSIVE for him. It starts out with an awkward comment, then a charlie confessional along the lines of “im a dorky nerdy and awkward guy and i knew that coming out here i could struggle socially”. In this confessional he states “Ben is a musiv servant, and so i wanna use some of my own pop culture knowledge of TSwift to to try and connect with him and improve my social standing”. He then does the TSwift vs Metallica game, and the whole tribe essentially has confessionals in a positive way about it, moriah is shown loving this in particular, maria is into it. Jem is into it. Tim is into it, and Ben then says “charlie is an adorable goofball.. and raves on about how much he liked it, likes charlie, and wouldng wanna play with anyone else outside of this siga tribe on any other season”. Basically, Ben confirms that Charlies strategy here worked perfectly, and that charlie is in great social standing with Siga and especially him, and that builds on Ben and Charlies relationship. In this same episode, Charlie further breaks down sigas dynamics, tim and Ben - and him on one side, Charlies angels on the other, but if they lose 3 times hes 4th in the angels alliance, he wants his own alliance and partner out there, and noticed Maria is in a similar swing position, so he goes to maria and creates a duo alliance with her, mentioning how malcom and denise are his fav players and he thinks that they could be a malc/denise type duo, maria then has confessionals stating she loves the idea and it reminds HER of malc/denise, and we get a flashback to malc/denise (they only did this once before - for Dee/Austin in 45 with rob and amber). Then tehres a scene again highlighting that this duo can go either way on siga - with the angels or with the boys. And either way they will do whats best for them. And decide together.
Ep 2 was an excellent Charlie ep The edit also shows maria to be a great player and the perfect person for him to create a duo with too btw.
Ep 3 - is a much needed cooldown, but in this ep its the Bhanu/yanu disaster show and siga/Namk get thrown to the side - however we DO check in with Charlie, he further highlights his game position, and Ben making fire. Maria Tevin Soda ans Tim were all skunked with 0 confessionals this ep. But not Charlie!
Ep 4- siga idol hunt: i watched this siga scene over and over. Its good and bad but mostly good for Charlie - he correctly states that the group idol hunts are fake and guarantees us that “ i guarantee u that ANYONE else finds this idol, tehy are gonna keep it to themselves!” Whixh is EXACTLY what happened. He states he wants it to be his idol and outlines what hed do IF he found it. Could be bad he didnt but he never says “im gonna find it” he just states that he wants it and how hed play it and is shwon to be correct in his read as he described exactly how jem went about it. If he never finds an idol this season and wins - this could be a scene shown to us to highlight what his strategy woulda been surrounding the idols if he found one. Siga doesnt get too much content this ep, but we do get reassurances of Charlies position and duo with Maria, and also we get further Charlie and Ben development. Oh i forgot, Moriah Cannot Jump! This was narrated by CHARLIE! And he gives the breakdown and the strategy of helping mo explode and learn to jump, and is shown teaching her - whicb subtly continues to highlight him effectively bonding and socially playing well with siga (these camplife scenes in siga ALL relate to charlie too which is a massive positive for his winner chances). Contrast this with Jem sorta looking a little lowkey bad with the whole moriah jump thing “jem we are trying to be positive! Its getting better (while laughing) ” - charlie
Also in ep 4 is Jems idol trick - where she successfully tricks maria and Moriah. But Ben comments that maybe someone found it and is playing em. Yet Charlie is the one giving confessional being suss of the thing and says that too, then he makes a “this is suspicious” face tk the camera jim halpert style during them all digging - thats the edit sorta protecting him from being “fooled” by Jem. He also critiques marias idol play strategy
Okay so Siga is finally gonna go to tribal - Charlie and Maria is re-assured as the swing vote position and decision makers, Ben and Charlie relationship is highlighted massively again, TSwift vs Metallica is referenced againin a seperate game too - again highlighting his social game and personal TSwift theme, Charlie has a scene helping Ben thru a tough time. Moriah Maria and Jem are wary of this Charlie/Ben relationship but never consider Charlie an option. Only consider Ben as a threat to steal away charlie from them and so target Ben. Jem Mo and Tim and Ben all think the have Charlie guaranteed number.. they underestimate his power and strategical thinking. Maria wants it to be Ben. Its made clear, its Ben, but Charlie is super clsoe with Ben, and likes ben, and also views ben as an asset and potential social shield. Its clear that maria/charlie are picking between jem/ben and theh want to be on the same page subtitled “this is the end for some but a new beginning for us” Maria says she wants jem and cant trust Ben/Tim. Charlie states why he wnats Jem out. Why it could be Ben, but ultimately he doesnt want it to be Ben, he convinces maria to do Jem (she never explains why or how). Awesoem episode for him jem over Ben helped his game tremendously and hurt marias numbers outside of him! Oh also theres a major camplife scene that is another CHARLIE FOCUSED SCENE. Salsa dancing - maria is the one who does the salsa lesson but Charlie is the one who narrates it as strategy, and also he gets the personal and character moments of the scene TOO! He gets to solo shake those hips, he has the funny bite, he narrated the whole thing and also got his strategy behind it! Maria didnt even comment on salsa. Like wow. This ep was awesome af for Charlie. Incredible episode for him.
Ep 6: mergatory: POS highlights charlie salsa scene yet again! Then gives charlie/maria credit for blindsiding Jem, goes out of its way to rehighlighy she had an idol too, narrated by charlie also. And that subtitled line “this is the end for some, but a new beginning for us”.
This ep Charlie gets a cooldown - strategically we hear his thoughts on Venus, siga gets outplayed big time but maria and Charlie are shielded and hidden from that - Tim and Ben and Moriah get all the focus for how siga is misplaying. Good ep to have few content imo. In addition we get Tim actively protecting Charlie (social game baby) and throws Mo under the bus, charlie states his strategy of being a goalie and on the defence since he is one of 6 people eligible to go home and Yanu has all the power, he also is called out to be the better option and bigger threat by Venus and literally nobody even considers him an option - speaks to his social game again. Critically hes the ONLY siga who gets a confessional stating that he needs to cut moriah in order for him to advance and so hes willing to do that and is fine with it. The edit supports his stray Venus vote but showing her gunning for him so we know why hes putting a stray on her to protect himself. Overall a lowkey but good mergatory episode for him tbh.
Ep 7: charlie has some funny character moments all episode with the camera looks, his devious smiles, Baltimore joke, tim shouting out his family. He is royally screwed (so he shoulda been) by the split. Its 4 nami maria whos immune and him. He has no adv or idol protection. Hes an obvious vote. He states that he wants to strategise and talk. But he keeps it lowkey bc he needs to play this well, and all the Namis state that they like him and hes loyal and they wanna keep him and make a move on eachotehr. I think him telling venus at the start of this ep he voted for her gave him this loyal and honest image that made Soda (especially her since she was copping heat) and Tevin REALLLY trust him. This whole episode he plays it very well - he allows maria to decide which way he and maria goes as hes in defence mode and shes safe, he also plays it off with Venus way better than Maria did imo. Somehow he escapes this without getting any votes at all. And gets no heat either. Adding to charlies underestimated theme - Tevin soda and Q all underestimate him this episode big time.
Ep 8: hide n seek- charlie is brought into this Q 6 alliance - but he gets awesome confessionals about his thoughts on the 6 (contrasted with us never hearing kenzies thoughts on this depsite her saying “ive heard about the 6”). We get his accurate read that the 6 is a horrible alliance. Whilst maria is gung ho, he thinks its a weak alliance that is going nowhere, correctly, He also states a tip for how in survivor get up early and make the strategical convos then bc that when people have them (a great winnery confessional) He quickly knows that Q is interviewing him for an alliance, so he wants that job bc Q is so polarising and he wants to be on Qs side due to the power Q is holding at this point. He has good content during hiden seek. In fact (due to him being the seeker i guess) he is one of the only people who Q doesnt reference to as making a big mistake. Interesting. In this episode charlie wants Tevin and or tiff, but prefers Tevin, maria really wants tiff gone bc she heard tiff threw out her name. Its good to point out that again Charlie and maria are deciding in the middle, and Charlie once again narrates it not maria. Also again this episode Tevin and Q underestimate charlie “he doesnt have that killer instinct to turn on us”. Meanwhile charlie has confessionals “am i what goes awry” and he votes out tevin. He also got his way over maria again here.
Episode 9: with the fallout of Q - everyone is roasting him, calling him names and all kinds of stuff. Except for Maria and Charlie. They i noticed both didn’t have confessionals talking about how bad Q is etc. they just have camplife scenes saying things like “i didnt understans that” or “he shouldnt have done taht”. Everyone else outright sh*ts on Q. Q goes to Charlie and underestimates him once again basically saying. You will never beat hunter in this challenge. Heres ur chance to throw it and lose so hunter can go home. Charlie then talks about how quitting and throwing challenges is “YUCK” and that he wont ever do that. Basically getting that Kenzie and Dee anti-quit commentary. He says again later this episode condescendingly “no more quit talk, we play this game hard”. Not only does charlie talk about not throwing the challenge, he then WINS the challenge and is the reason Hunter is eligible to go home. That + with maria once again in the middle he gets to decide between Hunter and Q and they vote out Hunter. His motives around Tiff and Hunter and this vote is all laid out in the ep.
Episode 10: a great cool down and with ep 11 it makes the reason hes quieter this ep retrospectively really really really good! His content this ep is all about wnating tiff out with the idol. In order to do that he needs Q and Tiff to both lose, and he says he need to make sure that happens, he then wins immunity himself beating tiffany in a showdown himself, to ensure this can happen. Once again maria and Charlie are at the helm of the decision and teh edit makes it clear that charlie wanted this and was a part of it, whilst also showing it as a maria move (which people dont respect so thats good for him + his plan was to have it be this way) Also i noticed the edit creditted Charlie for bringing in Liz. Maria wanted Venus but Charlie says no, venus will cause random chaos we cant trust her, Do liz. And maria says “charlies right…” and tehy get liz successfully and once again blindside tiff.
Ep 11: charlie is AGAIN. Underestimated by Kenzie Venus, Q and Liz this ep. They all think Maria is running the show and kingpin and hes just followed her. He outplayed everyone tenfold this ep - whetehr u think this ultimately may lead to his downfall later by not taking Q out, is irrelevent he was shown all episode to outplay his castmates at every single turn. And his reasoning for booting venus was shown and backed up by 1. Venus entire season edit, and 2. That scene of her stonewalling him and him correctly discovering she has something, whereas kenzie states she thinks venus doenst have anything earlier in ep.
I dont wanna dive too much into ep 11. It was either a why charlie lost or a coronation ep and the jury is out until we see what happens next imo. I think it was a good ep for him though.
Also in addition to all this - his TSwift theme is always getting shoved in there, in jeffs mat chat speech “believe you can win” pans go charlie central with maria in the shot next to him whilst “one of you cant win, you wont get the votes at the end” pans to kenzie for those words right after. A weird trend is the NTOS for ep 7 (post mergatory) for s43-45 showed gabler dee and yam yam last on screen and speaking last too, this is the case for Charlie for this season. It also shows erika tommy ans tony last for theirs but i feel the trend from 43-45 is more relevent.
When tevin monologues ep 1. Charlie is soley shown in the “you have to be authentically yourself” quote. Whereas kenzie is “overcome and adapt” ben is “be vulnerable”. Maria was “deceit” liz was an irrelevent camplife one and Q was “deceit” too i think.
Charlie has a clear startegy and theme of being authentically himself (tswift), being underestimated and keeping his threat level low And the edit is backing him up on all fronts for this theme.
I think i can make a whole argument like this for Kenzie too! But i also can make one like this for hints why she lost.. im not gonna though bc this took so long to type!
Rn i think kenzie and Charlie and Maria (bc if she does get ftc shes winning) all have similar odds to win. Edgically speaking and game logic wise too.
I do think Charlie has a very very strong winner edit - if he loses hes the dragon but they took SO MUCH CARE in his edit this season regardless. Way more care than Carson and even Jesse, and other FMC losers or players of his archetype.
submitted by Bails147 to Edgic [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 02:30 syahiwalk Something about the social element of season 46 feels really off, and I can’t quite pinpoint it

What is it about this season that feels different from the other seasons, from a social aspect?
submitted by syahiwalk to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:17 lechimeric Speculation about Pen fainting scene

Okay, I went down the rabbit hole this morning so figured I'd post here and see what everyone else thinks.
Exhibit A: Pen falling to demonstrate me falling down the rabbit hole
Like many others have speculated, I think this might be the Charades-esque scene Jess Brownell mentioned.
I also have some thoughts about Pen fainting. First of all, I wonder if this could be a feigned faint - almost a reversal of the S1 scene where Cressida faints for attention (and we see Pen laughing at her) - but with Pen trying to either escape from the scene or perhaps create a distraction?

Exhibit B: 1x03 Swoontastic Spirals
My thought is maybe Cressida is subtly threatening to spill the beans about Pen's secret here. Maybe Pen tries to get out of it by faking lightheadedness.
I wonder if this scene maybe takes place after Cressida has announced that she's LW -- or has informed Pen that she knows Penelope is LW and here's why.

Exhibit C: Me spiraling into the abyss
Okay, so John Glaser hinted that we'd see Cressida wearing a very unique dress in part two in this Vogue article:
Exhibit D: Spirals are always better with quotes
Specifically, he stated that Cressida's dress would be out of context for the period. If there is something that showy or out of place in the show, I think it might be the dress Cressida wears when she claims that she's LW. (It could also be one that she wears when she confronts Pen and says that she knows her secret, though that seems slightly less likely to me.)
If they are adapting a lot of book elements (as it seems they might be), I do wonder if maybe Cressida will attempt to take credit regardless of whatever is going down with the Queen. Regardless of what happens - whether Cressida claims to be LW or lets Pen know that she is aware of her secret (or both), I feel like Cressida will be wearing this "out of context" dress in one of those scenes. And if it's the former, I think she might be wearing it in an even more public setting than we see in the clip we just received.
But I am also super interested in the dress Cressida is wearing in this scene.
First of all, her sleeves aren't as ginormous as some of the other looks we've seen from here. More interesting, though, is that her outfit reminds me a lot of some of the costumes we've seen Pen wearing this season. Something about the shape of the sleeve and the shimmeriness of both the sleeves and dress screams Enchanted Pen at me, but I don't know why.
Exhibit E: Shimmer Spirals
Also if you take a closer look, her entire dress has a shimmery quality to it like the Enchanted Pen dress. Why????
And Cressida is wearing pink here. If pink is, in fact, a sign of Pen's independence and her LW-iness, it is super interesting that we see Cressida wearing that color, especially with a dress that seems a bit Penelope-coded.
So I wonder if maybe this scene takes place after Cressida has claimed to be LW -- and possibly after she's had a confrontation with Pen and revealed that she knows her secret. I wonder if this is a point in the story where the power dynamic has flipped between them and that Cressida is already holding something over Pen's head -- and maybe we're seeing that playing out in Cressida's costuming. And perhaps Pen then pretends to faint, pulling one of Cressida's old tricks, to get out of the situation.
All of this is completely unfounded, of course, but thank you for coming to my morning spiral.

submitted by lechimeric to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 06:49 Trynatypeless The only player who ________

Jess is the only player who tried to use an idol… and it was fake. Unsuccessful, but still.
Say what you want about her, but no one else had the courage to say “hold up Jeff I got something” jajajajajajajaja
submitted by Trynatypeless to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 02:04 LookDamnBusy Has Blocked and Reported jumped the shark, or has it just become something more mainstream that I might not want to pay for anymore? 😉

I imagine most of us came to enjoy BaR for similar reasons, though specifically mine was to hear crazy culture war stories that I NEVER would have heard about otherwise. Who can forget about the Mina's World coffee shop in Philadelphia, constant blow ups in the world of YA literature (including the woman who faked her own death and then said that her family told her to do it), the implosion of the Unitarian Church, how the world of knitting gOt caught in a purity spiral, etc.
For me, this is well worth the monthly payment, but it seems like the coverage has just changed and become more of a mainstream news thing, just talking about the same stuff that everyone else is talking about. Now I understand that when youth gender medicine gets into the news Jesse will weigh in because he's well versed on the topic so that's no problem, but I don't need to see a whole episode about the Columbia students, which is all over the news anyway. I'll admit that I don't watch the news and have no interest in it, so that drives my opinion here, where if I see them just covering things that are everywhere in the news, then they're just another news source to avoid, at least for me 🤷‍♂️
Don't get me wrong, interspersed between the mainstream stuff is still the occasional gem, but I guess to me it used to be flipped the other way, which was a series of gems occasionally interspersed with something more mainstream.
submitted by LookDamnBusy to BlockedAndReported [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 01:40 Prestigious_Piekno Let's discuss the women of the 90 Day franchise, shall we?

We'll certainly get to the men...but ladies first. I've been thinking a lot about the female cast on this show and wondering how other viewers feel about them.
Let's begin with the queen of all this lunacy. Darcey. Desperate to be on television forever and a day. Physically, she was a knock out and fortunate to be the mother of two lovely daughters. Her father has been very successful and appears to be a smart and affable man, who is well off and maintains a solid realationship with her mother in spite of divorce. He has been very supportive of his twin daughters. Yet Darcey craved the spotlight and kept on going until she found fame on 90 Day...hysterical over losers like Jesse and Tom who both rejected her. She could not stop changing her face and body. Stacey has always seemed like the tag-a-long. Characteristics: Obsessed with plastic surgery. Hysteria. Mentally unstable. Desperate for fame.
Angela. Piece of vile filth from south Georgia and a mother of adult daughters, who has been abusing a good natured man from Nigeria for years. She even managed to marry him. We were all hoping to see her violent ass hauled off to a jail in Nigeria when she vandalized his car. No such luck. Like Darcey, Angela has a history on TV (google Maury Povich). Fame aspirartions way back. Angela schemed a plastic surgery makeover which did not help much...and her behavior was violent and abusive. Characteristics: Plastic surgery. Hysteria. Mentally unstable. Desperate for fame.
Yara. Has a history on TV in Ukraine prior to meeting her American husband Jovi. Changed her appearance dramatically with a nose job (added a boob job after her baby and 90 Day notoriety). Thirsty for fame, but funny . Behaves without hysteria and seems mentally stable, but self centered and demanding. Loves fake designer stuff and obsessed with posing.
Boom boom Annie married the obese sex tourist and fake monk, David after he failed his older children. Ambitious hyena from Thailand who believes she is adorable (and many fans agree). VERY hungry for fame at any expense including and IVF kid. Loves cooking and has a clothing business. Some say cute and funny...some say obnoxious loudmouth. Mentally: more stable than the usual nuts.
Avery seemed like a crazy kid. Gorgeous young woman; no plastic surgery. No fame aspirations. Married a Syrian dentist who completed his training in the US. Avery converted and embraced his Muslim faith; unlike those who never researched the culture they were about to marry into. Avery owns a perfume business and is currenlty decorating thier new home. No interest in reality fame. She is living her best life with her husband and they seem happy. Solid as a rock. Done with TLC.
Anny of Robert and Anny on Pillow Talk. Lovely and fun lady from DR who stepped into the mommy role for Robert's son flawlessly. Added a precious daughter to thier family and tragically lost a baby son after. She's authentic and comical. Mixed reactions about her husband, but Anny is a favorite for sure. No plastic surgery (unless it's a secret). Stable, awesome lady, wife and mother. Not a nut. Not obnoxious. Not a fame seeker.
Please...take it from here.
submitted by Prestigious_Piekno to 90dayfianceuncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 22:46 AssistantsVsAgents Today I learned that SOS was never written for Rihanna

Awesome interview with Evan Bogart who wrote Rihanna's hit song "SOS" while he was an assistant at a talent agency.
He originally wrote the song for a girl band that got turned down by every record label, but was eventually able to sell it to Christina Milian's team.
Christina Milian passed on the song & Rihanna agreed to record it. 3 months later it went #1 worldwide.
Since then, he's written songs for Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Demi Lovato, Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, Jesse McCartney and just about every pop star out there.
His story is inspiring
submitted by AssistantsVsAgents to Songwriters [link] [comments]