Christmas duets for two women

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2024.05.16 01:25 GorillaGrip68 my homeless, jobless friend (M24) wants to get his 18 year old gf pregnant. i want to scream.

We obviously aren’t friends anymore after today- i can’t support this grown man ruining a teenager’s life. i couldn’t help but go off on how fucking ignorant he was being, i tried posting screenshots of our convo, but mods never approved, so i’ll post the text here:
Him: I’m gonna get her pregnant soon
Me: ???
Him: I need children before my eventual heroic last stand and subsequent death within the next year
Me: are you planning on getting a home and a job with health insurance before that?
Him: Pfffft. The Lord will provide, He has shown favor on me time and time again
Me: and (girls name) is ok with being a teen mom? what’s the rush? she just graduated and won’t have a chance in life if she had a child depending on her. she has no college education, and no work history.
Him: Women don’t need college or to work. You’re just jealous because you don’t have what she’ll have soon.
i stopped replying to him and there’s nothing i can say to his girlfriend because i’m sure she’ll think i’m jealous of her & trying to take her man (i know when i was her age i thought like this).
not only is she just 18 but she’s autistic and incredibly impressionable. i’m also autistic so i feel for her even more. this whole relationship seems incredibly predatory. he took her v card when she wanted to wait longer too.
they’ve been dating two months.
what saddens me is we live in a state where abortion is illegal and a crime so if this girl gets pregnant, which will probably be soon, she’ll be trapped for life. i’m so angry because this guy has no job, no money, NO HOME so how the fuck can he raise a family?
i fucking hate people.
the fact that this happens so often is so depressing. these kids are brought up in the world without a fucking chance.
submitted by GorillaGrip68 to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:15 lost_library_book (New update) I’m married to a woman who acts like a teenage girl [The Ballad of Bret Hart]

Originally chronicled here.
I am not the OOP. OOP is u/Lost_Beginning_2824
This was originally posted in TrueOffMyChest
2 updates
(recovered via pushpull)
Original post - February 6th, 2024
1st Update - February 28th, 2024
2nd Update - March 8th, 2024
Trigger warning: mention of domestic violence situation
I’m married to a woman who acts like a teenage girl – February 6th, 2024
My wife behaves like a teenage girl and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
This is just a rant. Curious to know how many full grown adults behave the way my wife does. I’d say out of all of the adult women I know, like friends, relatives, wives of my friends, none of them behave this way unless they keep it a closely guarded secret.
Editing right here to add that my wife is in her 30s, for context.
My wife is always obsessed with somebody, a man or sometimes multiple men at one time. Usually there is one or two main focuses at a time. When I talk obsessed I mean obsessed like a teenage girl or maybe even preteen girl would be. I’ve seen pictures of her bedroom when she was that age and they were literally wallpapers in posters of her favorite guys. That’s totally normal for a 13 year old girl. She still behaves that way as a woman in her 30s. Granted, our bedroom walls aren’t wallpapered in posters but they probably would be if I allowed it.
Her obsessions have ranged from rock stars, actors, non-entertainment industry public figures. It’s like one day she hasn’t even heard of the guy in question and the next day she’s super fan #1 and knows just about everything there is to know about him. She will read and watch everything there is to watch about the man. She will bring him up in every conversation. She will adopt parts of him into her own personality. She will suggest things that make it clear to me that she wants me to adopt characteristics of these men as part of my appearance or personality. She will openly admit to me that she’s masturbated over the guy multiple times in one day.
When she finds a new man to obsess over, she puts the others in her little stable of men who she always has a place for in her heart and in her fantasies, so they never really go away. The new man just takes center stage and becomes the main focus of almost her entire life.
So the current obsession is so strange to me. Never saw this one coming, but leave it to her to always find somebody new to fall in love with. The intensity that she has during these periods - it’s honestly like she falls in love with these men.
I’m laughing so hard just typing this all. Her current obsession is Bret Hart, former pro wrestler. This woman had never watched wrestling before in her life. Always thought that stuff was below her. And now she’s obsessed with this former pro-wrestler. She watched one show about him, for reasons I’m not aware of, and I could tell almost instantly where it was headed. I thought “here we go…” So now the Bret Hart obsession is in full swing. Has she already dropped close to $1000 in vintage Bret Hart shirts on eBay? Of course. Bought all the stickers and magnets and all sorts of other stupid crap she can find? Yep. Does she send me Bret Hart YouTube clips when she’s supposed to be working? Yes she does.
So, I better get to work brushing up on my Bret Hart knowledge and tag lines. This is the key to getting laid when it comes to her. I’m used to this by now. It’s just not something that I can easily explain to anyone I know.
I mean, there’s are things I’m a fan of, but she is next level. I can’t think of anyone I know who is her age and acts like this. She was voted most likely to grow up and become a groupie when she was in high school, so this is absolutely nothing new for her. Sigh.
Many are lighthearted in the comments
I mean he's the best there is, was and ever will be so that one makes sense at least .
You don’t think I’m hearing that 10 times a day now?
I better start planning that trip to Calgary.
Limerence is mentioned
Yeah my bouts of limerence have been with people I’ve dated but reading that made me realize that I was very much being obsessive and it was totally all consuming. Glad it’s over honestly. Those feelings are exhausting.
Very interesting to hear you say the feelings are exhausting. It’s like a full time job for my wife, so I could see that. She told me she’s at work with her door closed pretending to be working, but she’s really watching Bret Hart videos on YouTube. She can’t even focus on her job.
OOP reveals more of the life he’s signed up for in the comments
You've pretended to act like other men for 20 years?!
Damn dude, I hope you're finding ways to accept it and cope. That sounds rough, having to be someone else to have sex... stay strong king
Nah, I just learn their catchphrases or gain some deep fan knowledge that’ll impress her or maybe perfect a vocal impersonation of them that I can drop at the opportune time. The vocal impersonations work the best as far as making her like me and being like “ok, wanna have sex now?”
But what do you guys actually share *together*? That's not related to the obsession of the season? (I'm not going to even bother asking if she's tried to learn about any of your hobbies/interests).
NGL, this is all pretty grim to me, my man....and I'm someone who loves having a partner who is passionate about things and nerds out.
I fear that you've spent so long with her infatuations steamrolling over your own interests and preferences that you have convinced yourself that getting attention-by-proxy as your main source of validation from your SPOUSE is a healthy way to live.
If I told you that I was big into anime and Japanese RPGs and the only way I get interested in doing it with my actual wife is if she adopts the catch phrases /personality characteristics of my latest "waifu", would you feel some concern for my wife's mental health?
I'm also wondering about this spending....
She’s pretty dismissive of my interests and hobbies. I’ve told her I’d like her to try to pretend to show a little more interest sometimes. I make an effort to show real interest in her stuff and she does not do the same. I’m very into music and I do geek out over guitars and gear and things like that and she couldn’t tell you anything about any of the guitars I own other than “he has a blue one, he has a red one. “ We do love some of the same bands. Of course she wants to fuck the band members and I just want to talk about the chord progression on my favorite guitar tracks, but it’s close enough. We like a lot of the same movies and that sort of thing. We have the same sense of humor and can keep each other laughing for ages. We have a lot of the same views on life and on the world in general.
I don’t know, we just get each other I guess.
I would be concerned about the waifu thing, but I guess in my case she always likes guys who I think are pretty cool anyway. She has good taste, at least. If she has to be obsessing over some other guy constantly at least she does it over guys I can respect on some level.
Regarding the spending, I spend way more than she does. Only difference is it’s not usually fan merch I’m buying. But she tolerate my spending when it comes to stuff like guitar gear. She rolls her eyes and reprimands me but she tolerates it and just knows I won’t stop. I’m the same when it comes to her fan stuff. I get it, she wants the vintage 1993 Bret Hart shirt that costs hundreds…not a modern shirt that just anyone could go online and buy for $25 right now. She wants the cool, rare stuff. I’m the same with my guitars so I guess it’s like we understand each other in some way. I think it’s weird to become a fan of somebody and 2 days later drop thousands on them though. At least my money pit is consistent.
I think we both feel like we’re the only person who will semi understand and tolerate all of this stuff from each other
Not included here, but in several comments, OOP definitely brings up his wife’s looks as a positive in the relationship and he finds her antics at times amusing or even attractive.
1st Update - February 28th, 2024
I recently wrote about my wife suddenly discovering former pro-wrestler Bret “The Hitman” Hart one day after never even knowing of his existence, experienced love at first site, and is now even deeper than love with him then she was a month ago.
Tonight, I experienced a good hour of her sobbing, literal sobs, after watching the Bret Hart A&E biography. “I just love him so much. I love him with all my heart. I don’t want any more bad things to happen to him. Also, I’m very jealous he’s not my husband.”
She also went from not wanting any kids to suddenly wanting a baby so she can name it Bret (a girl or a boy, doesn’t matter…they will be named Bret). And she almost had me convinced, but I blame that on the heat of the moment.
She’s bought all sorts of clothes just like his. My wife now dresses like Bret Hart in and outside of the ring.
The past few days she’s been acting really annoyed with me. Finally I’m like “Wtf am I doing wrong?” I bought you Bret Hart stuff for your birthday! I call you Mrs. Bret Hart now, even though you’re my wife. I even sent you flowers at work from Bret. I mean that was supposed to get me points because she knew they were from me and I was playing into her obsession which she’s now apparently shared with everyone she works with. They’ve bought her a giant Bret Hart wall decal for her office.
Ok, so I did forget our anniversary which was very recently. Totally forgot it. Then again, so did she. She was too busy masturbating over Bret Hart to remember our wedding anniversary. I mean bad husband points for me obviously but all the birthday gifts had to have made up for it. I mean, I even ordered a Bret Hart birthday banner and got her a Bret Hart themed birthday cake as if she were a 7 year old boy in the year 1994.
So why is she acting so annoyed lately? Why does she act like she hates me and can’t stand to even be in the same room as me? She finally admits…I’m not Bret Hart. None of her obsession have ever been this bad. She’s seriously threatening me with divorce now because I’m not Bret Hart! She “just wants a guy like that.” She had to go walk the dog today and cry over it, how much she hates me and wishes she was married to Bret Hart. Oh fuck me you want a guy like your dad because that’s what Bret Hart is like…exactly like her dad, the same look, the same hair, the same damn age.
I told her I think she should get checked out for autism or some other sort of disorder. Her obsessions have never been this bad. She should make an appointment now because the waitlist is long. She just laughed. There’s nothing wrong with her. She just has different taste in men now, according to her.
Some comments
Therapist here - she needs to see a psychiatrist. This is mental illness to the extreme. Either she goes, or you leave. This is ultimatum territory. And, stop giving into her obsession. It makes it worse.
Man, when she threatens divorce, take it. Jump at the chance.
Hell, sit, be a good boy and offer your fucking paw if that’s what it takes to get treated to an exit strategy. Don’t worry about dignity, sounds like you gave that up a long time ago.
She’s even looked up the divorce process for where we live and says we can be amicable about everything. She assures me she’s not looking to take any thing that is rightfully mine. She just wants a clean break.
I’m surprised he even lasted this long. Calling her “Ms. Bret Hart” …..I can’t even fathom.
Excuse me, it’s MRS Bret Hart, not Ms.
NEW UPDATE - March 8th, 2024
Hi, you might remember me as the guy whose wife was obsessed with JFK (35th President of the United States), then experienced a world wind romance with former WWF pro-wrestler Bret Hart (the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be), but now she’s met a new man. I thought the Bret Hart obsession was the worst one yet. Never has she threatened divorce or told me she hated me because I wasn’t the object of her desire. Luckily, that was a relatively quick love affair for her. 3-4 months is a short run for her and one of her men. But I should be careful what I wish for.
This new one is the first time I’ve felt that I should maybe, just possibly, feel legitimately scared. Her newly developing obsession is Patrick Bateman. Yep, the character from American Psycho. Specifically, the movie version played by Christian Bale.
It’s not like she’s just met the guy. She’s seen the movie before but it doesn’t appear that they hit it off initially. Now, she’s suddenly started making constant reference to him. Bret is gone and now it’s just Patrick Bateman and maniacal laughter and purchasing all of the items in his skin care routine. I’d like to see her do 1000 crunches though. That’ll be the day.
She has always admitted to living the 80s preppy/yuppie look. She loves assholes. Assholes are a weakness for her. Psychopaths? Hmm…that’s a new one, unless you count the time she was in love with the Menendez Brothers years ago. God, the pastel Ralph Lauren sweaters she used to try to make me wear. Pastels are just not my shades.
Now, there was a time many years ago where I did have to hide all the knives in our home. I was legitimately scared that she was going to murder me. I forget what she was upset about now. I am, after all, her type - an asshole. I did something that bothered her and she ran for the knives. I had to hide them and then lock myself in a bedroom because she was literally chasing me. That was before she decided that she’d be the female Patrick Bateman. Granted, she says “only mean in the looks and snob department-nothing else.”
She’s trying to determine what the female equivalent to a Patrick Bateman hairstyle would be right now. I’m just worried about the bank account with this obsession. The amount she’ll spend on business cards alone.
Your wife is severely mentally ill, and needs help quickly.
Is there no chance of persuading her to get help?
If not, what preparations have you made to leave her?
I’m a strange way, I think these obsessions are what keep her sane.
Her getting help is funny though. It’s not going to happen. Sure I’ve tried to persuade her to see a therapist but she just won’t.
I probably shouldn’t be laughing as hard as I am right now. This is truly bizarre. Does she narrate her morning routine in the mirror each day now?
But in all seriousness, she’s chased you with a knife? Thats far more concerning than any of the obsessions with these men, and yes I did read the post about the wrestler. I thought it was just very quirky behavior before, but she seems truly unhinged now.
It was years ago. Like 10+ years ago. I’m much stronger than her so it’s not hard to hold her down if need be.
submitted by lost_library_book to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:58 Self_Motivated How to move on from a DA ex? It's been 1.5 years and still extremely painful...

tldr; Logically, I understand everything. Emotionally, I am still furious and hurt. How can I decrease emotional pain, understanding that I might not be able to fully eliminate it?
I've gone hermit-mode from dating since my (m) ex (f) broke up with me 18 months ago. The extent of my romance has been a couple Bumble dates and casual workplace flirting. My ex moved on immediately (literally the day after) like nothing happened and eventually found a new boyfriend a few months later. She appeared very happy on social media. Our relationship only lasted 9 months, but felt deep, sincere, and intimate. She was my first relationship, and I was her third. The love was mutual.
She broke up with me on Christmas about 10 minutes after opening my gift, which was a thoughtful picture scrapbook of our adventures together. We had been rocky a couple months prior, as I had been expressing concerns about her poor communication and distancing. I spent months balancing the impossible task of giving her enough space but not allowing my needs to go unmet (personal boundaries). I even broke up with her for a week before getting back together. Everything was perfect the first 7ish months btw. She always wanted to come over, stay late, and spend time with me. She would buy me thoughtful gifts out of the blue, etc. That slowly went away.
Since discovering attachment theory, post-breakup, I can clearly explain the intricacies of everything that happened and why, stemming from her childhood and mine. I've read multiple books and watched countless videos. She was a strong dismissive avoidant and I am a preoccupied anxious.
I've had no contact with her since our breakup. A few months ago, I blocked her phone number and deleted all my social media. It gave me a little power back.
However, there are many nights when I'm alone that I think back on the ways she hurt me. I ask myself questions like: "did she actually love me, or just the idea of me?;" "what did it mean when she did this... ;" "how can you move on to another man if I was such a perfect boyfriend?"; "why'd you never reach out to try again; "was it your ego?," etc.
I consider myself a very good judge of character, and objectively I continually gave her the benefit of the doubt when she said she wasn't hurting me intentionally. She never did anything outright malicious, either. No name calling, nothing. Slowly she became distance and flakey. Near the end of our relationship, we had gone two weeks without hanging out, and when I brought it up, she said she didn't notice. Less time together and more excuses.
I've had time to understand my own anxious tendencies, many of which I apologized for regularly during our relationship. I communicated my insecurities in a mature manner. I wasn't perfect, but I owned up to a majority's stake and will do better in my next relationship. I met her halfway, but she didn't (or couldn't) meet me. Although I'd consider myself preoccupied anxious, I lean more secure than her, and was never overbearing or clingy. I never over texted, etc. I internalized most of my frustrations and continually second guessed myself.
When I think of the ways "I was wronged," the feelings that come up are anger, vengefulness, and jealousy. She would often tell me "I don't deserve you" and "you are the best boyfriend I ever had." It sounded sincere and probably was. We never had a shouting match nor did either of us have outbursts. Despite my blood boiling on the inside, I would do my absolute best to come across calm and collected. Occasionally, I'll think back to certain memories and they'll keep me up late at night. I can feel my heartrate increase. I get furious. She doesn't have a solitary idea (not even 1%) how much she hurt me. She probably thinks I'm doing just fine and did me a favor by breaking up with me. It's totally twisted, like living in two different realities.
I find it so cliche and cringe when someone can't get past their first love. They'd rather take their spite to the grave than get up and try again. My ex doesn't deserve this much real-estate in my brain, and it's not fair to me. I'm okay with having a scar, but it shouldn't be a full on open wound. It was only a 9 month relationship for God's sake.
Outside of this relationship, I've had plenty of success with women and don't have issues dating or being romantic. It's not for a lack of options, but rather this emotional trauma has been holding me back. Any advice is welcome.
Thank you for listening. I appreciate it.
submitted by Self_Motivated to attachment_theory [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:56 schoobydoo2 Does your GC sibling act like you guys are the same?

My older GC sister usually refers to her relationship with our nmom as the same as mine, but we have lived completely different lives. And although I’m aware some GC don’t want to be the GC, some of them are happy where they are placed. My GC sister was always put above everyone else. She got presents on my birthdays even though I’m two years younger than her, and when I reached milestone ages that my sister had, no one had noticed or cared. I was on punishment for something but really they just didn’t want me to get the same things she had. She got a phone before all of us, and at Christmas her and my gc little brother would get a lot of presents and exactly what they wanted! I wrote down a simple list like socks and crafting stuff. I got Hannah Montana jewelry and a stuff animal, at 12. My GC sister now calls or texts me if she needs supply or to complain about our nmom and see if I’ll say anything so she can report it back. I’m 25f and my sister 27f will call all of my family and say I’m being mean to her if I don’t want to talk to her? Her idea of talking is trauma dumping on me while I babysit or clean her house. Other than that I do not exist. My nmom kicked me out at 16 and my sister uses this information like it’s her life story? She kinda treats our mother like I do, but they actually have a relationship that hasn’t ever been tarnished so it’s really weird. My nmom has physically assaulted me multiple times as well as my GC sister but anything I say that’s valid will go right over her head. She just texted me yesterday saying she wishes I was there so I could her laundry. And then for Mother’s Day she said “I’m basically like your mom because you don’t have one.” Lol just cause I don’t have one doesn’t mean that you’re my mother?? I think she does this because I raised my GC little brother (16m) obviously not willingly but I feel like she only talks to me to try and pretend my life is hers. She came to my new apartment last month and she couldn’t even sound happy for me. Her words were nice, but you could tell she had to spit them out. Then she left shortly after that. I just hate that she has hated me my whole life, physically and emotionally abused me, helped my nmom abuse me as well as my ngma, used me to raise her kids, and uses them to get to me emotionally, and then she tries to pretend like she’s nice? “Good vibes only.” Kinda person. She gets mad I don’t want to talk to her and now that we are adults no one can force me to and it feels good. She made my 25th birthday all about her. And every 3 months she picks a fight with me, that’s how bad and predictable she’s getting. I’m just waiting until June so she can make up something to be offended at so she can delete me and send me nasty messages so that I will send her my letter that says until she can apologize and change her behavior, there’s no relationship for us. We have never had a relationship we here we have enjoyed being around each other. She was always fighting with me and all I ever wanted was to be her friend. Now she has no friends and wants me to be waiting for her like I did when we were kids. I protected her every chance I got and she sold me out and told lies about me. She tells people I’m mean and difficult and then her friends beg up liking me and act shocked. “You don’t know the real her.” You mean the one you bullied for years and then let your boyfriend physically and sexually assault? Then you made me raise your kids, while slandering my name, and you think I like you or even want a thing to do with you? I was self harming and started to make fun of me. She told all my family. Yeah I don’t love you sister. We are from the same litter but not the same pack.
submitted by schoobydoo2 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:49 Babyybrownskin Addicted To Cheating On My Husband

What is wrong with me, I'm not sure, but it feels like an addiction. I have dreamed and been obsessed with adultery since I was a little child. I've always been attracted to it. I assumed that a long-term relationship would only ever be a fantasy and that I would never follow through on it. I was in error. After six months of dating, I eventually cheated, and it felt like the right thing to do. I never gave it a second thought. A week later, I did it again with the same guy. I was sorry and made a self-promise to never do it again.
However, it recurred a few months later. As it was happening, I quickly regretted the previous one and vowed that this time was real.
We reached a year and we were doing great. I never told him, but I continued to fantasize about cheating on him with other women. So I got on Tinder and looked for women to cheat on my boyfriend with. I cheated twice with two more women.
After two years, the temptation to cheat is greater than ever. I can't stop thinking about it. And while I am aware that everyone will urge me to just tell him the truth and blow it off, the issue is that I don't want to fuck other people. No. I'm not well. I want to be unfaithful to my partner especially. I have a horrible kink, and I'm not sure how to handle it.
My desire is to end my own life. Cheating is incompatible with all of my values. I want to spend the rest of my life with this man, and I'm hurting him. But I'm unable to quit.
submitted by Babyybrownskin to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:49 AnnaNamyss Mama Makwa

I was invited by a couple of friends to go camping a few days ago. I'm honestly still exactly not sure if any of it was real, but I wish to share my story nonetheless. It began last Monday, when friend number Six invited friends One through Five to a girls get away. She claims to have found this beautiful spot in the mountain on one of her hikes and she says it’s perfect for seeing the stars at night. I was skeptical at first, to be honest I don't really like being outdoors, but it sounded like an experience worth having, so I thought "why not, this will be a wonderful memory to look back on!". I had just purchased a new camera as well, so I was honestly starting to warm up to the idea. I could take pictures of our excursion into the woods and make cute little picture frames for everyone for their birthdays, it would've been so cute! But things did not go at all as I had envisioned.
So the day of the trip arrives, a bit faster than I would've liked, but honestly I think I was just anxious about… I kept feeling this weight in my chest that made it uncomfortable to breathe, but I was going into the woods, strange things happen to women in movies; Jason Voorhees, Sasquatch, Shia LaBeouf! Who knows what could happen! Not to mention there is always the chance I could fall into a lake and get covered in leeches, or get surrounded by wolves, or chased up a tree by a bear… Hopefully a very soft bear so I'll at least know one pleasure before I die! There are all sorts of fears I had envisioned before the day of the trip, but anxiety just be like that.
I met up with my friends at the trail and learned that friend Six decided to bring her bf along, which I was upset about but I guess he was just going to get a hotel room nearby so he'd be close enough to her to feasibly show up if we needed any help. She later told us that he worries all the time because his father went missing in these woods years ago and he's worried the same might happen to her. This is where I learned that men tend to stay out of those woods because men have been going missing in those woods for years, but according to friend Six, she's been coming to this forest for a while now and hasn't had any bad experiences. Hearing that did oddly put me at ease, but now all I could wonder at the time was what happened to all those poor men.
Deep into the night we're all chit chatting, talking about where we are in our lives, things that are bugging us, what our hopes are, and dancing to the music of nature… but which of course I mean we got shit drunk, smoked some great wee, talked about sex, laughed over silly anime scenes, and twerked to slipknot girly bops!. It was such a fun night at that point that I honestly wish I could go back and never let that night end. It was intoxicating how beautiful the sky looked, and when gazed up it was almost like we could scoop the stars into our hands and sip from the sea of stars. I was worried we'd just be on our phones all night filming tiktoks or something but even with no signal, no one really seemed to be too stressed about it, we all just kind of felt safe… Almost welcomed into the forest, like being embraced by a loving mother. But unfortunately, heaven isn't forever, and men come not but to steal, kill, and destroy.
As we were drinking we decided to tell some scary stories… or well I decided to because I thought "it's so cliché but we have to do it. It feels like tradition almost." plus I would've regretted it if we didn't do it, so fuck it, right? Right. So we go around telling scary stories to one another, and I mention to friend Six that I keep thinking about those poor men that went missing. I then asked if any women had gone missing, and surprisingly she said yes… it was way back in the 1800's but after that there had never been a single missing woman in that forest. The forest was actually named after the first young woman who went missing all those years back, and now there are all these rumors about it but I don't believe in that stuff so I didn't really pay much attention… I kept thinking "I'll just wait for the manga… or the shitty Hollywood cash grab of it…" but I DO vaguely remember the history cause I find dark history lore to be super fascinating. So there was a time when the area had more indigenous citizens living here, before gentrification moved into town. She went on to tell us that indigenous people eventually began to keep to themselves because as more white people moved in, more of their daughters went missing. There are yearly parades to honor the missing daughters and to spread awareness to those living in the town. The police try to shut it down but they still do it every year.
Not long after hearing that we hear something howl in the distance. Friend Three howls back and friend Five falls on her out of her camping chair laughing. I tell them to knock it off because the last thing we need is for her to accidentally attract a wolf during mating season! I don't know if that’s a thing, but it sounds like something that’s a thing… So I'm just going to assume that it is. Don't judge me. She then says "But what if it's Taylor Lautner? Or Joe Manganiello? Personally… I'm more of a Meatloaf guy myself… But you know… RIP… But Joe is pretty fine and my mom did always hope I'd marry a black man to get melanin back in our family… But I don't think a splash of melanin is gonna override this asian/african skin so… Anyways! So these guys come walking past our camp site, and we're all drunk and high so we're already all on edge upon seeing random men this deep into the forest, but friend Four gets up and says "who the fuck are you and what're you doing here!?" One of the men quickly apologizes and tells us they're actually out here camping as well. They said a friend of theirs found this waterfall in the forest that glows because it captures the moon's light. Friend Two hears this and asks if we can go with them, to which we all begrudgingly agree.
At the "mooncuzi" I like to call it, we all sit around this beautiful natural pool lit up by the moon, and we were worried it would be cold but I was surprisingly warm, if I had to guess I'd assume there's a magma vein under there or something? Idk, I'm not a geologist or volcanologist, but something kept it warm and it wasn't my tiny bladder! Everyone was really relaxed and the guys honestly seemed super cool, and guy One honestly seemed really nice. I call him guy One because he's number 1 to me, we're still together now, and we even have another partner now, so yay! We all began talking and some of us were hitting it off, clearly… but we had all been drinking and smoking more which, honestly we had stopped… but we couldn't pass up the opportunity to get cross-faded in a mooncuzi. Nuh. Nope. Not on my watch. But someone clearly didn't get the vibe memo, because friend Two screams out "bro what the fuck I said no!"
The next thing we hear is "You don't have to yell about it like some kind of cunt!" Everyone runs over to try and figure out what's going on. Turns out guy Five didn't like being told no. He and friend Two were playing a drinking game with friends Three and Four and guy Three and Four. We learned that guy Five dared friend Two to take her top off, to which she said politely refused, and the guys didn't seem to like that. They tried to convince her it's part of the game. One of the guys said she was already in her underwear anyway, so she might as well… My guy, One, and guy Two scolded their friends for their behavior, which is why guy Two and friend Two are married now… Guess nice guys don't finish last, huh? Anyways, They scolded their friends for their behavior, I remember my guy yelling "you never speak to a woman like that!" and "If I ever catch you trying to peer pressure a woman again I'll take your testicals in my hand and squeeze on them slowly until I know what it's like to feel one pop in my hand." and it was honestly the hottest thing I've ever heard a man say… a bit violent… but fuck was I glad I was in the water!
Guys One and Two apologized for their friends' actions the whole way back. I asked them why they remained friends with them and guy One had gone off to college while guy Two went into the service, so the two of them had been away for a few years, but they swore their friends never used to be like that. This was actually supposed to be a reunion hike of sorts since they both happened to come back around the same time. After meeting up with guys Three, Four, and Five though, they realized their friends had been warped by these podcasts about alphas and betas and maximizing your sigma or something, and tried to convince him to listen to some pickup artist that claimed to know the secret to unlocking the female brain. Also known as, stupid useless slop grifters make to get rich off young boys with zero confidence and zero bitches. Lastly, he tells me guy Three was actually raised by a single mother alongside his two sisters, so he really wouldn't expect that kind of behavior from him. Guy Four was always sort of sketchy but they thought he was "just being funny", men right? The only thing they felt was weird about him was this one time when they were teens his sister moved away and he got really quiet afterwards, but then he dated a few people that looked almost identical to her, but for some reason he didn't see it, so they started calling him "little sister" (or did they? oooo) or "Lil" for short, joking he had an undiagnosed sister complex… Ew. That’s all I’ll say to that. The last guy, Five, they said always seemed fine to them, they didn't elaborate, so idk what their idea of "fine" is, sorry to disappoint.
Not long after we got back to the camp we heard engines in the distance, and as they got closer and closer we all stared in confusion. No one should be riding vehicles out this way, and friend 6 knows her bf wouldn't come out here without alerting us.
The vehicles stopped after surrounding us with their lights pointing right at us. We heard the familiar voices of guy Three, along with 4 new voices. He whined about how we hyurt his widdle feefees or something obnoxious. I tried to listen but it's just so hard to listen to some overgrown pissbaby go on about their fragile ego. Guys One and Two went to confront guy Three and his posse, asking why they didn’t wait at the car. Guy Three told them they wouldn’t understand because they’ve given themselves over to feminist ideas and allowed themselves to become beta cucks. He told them that simps deserve to die so other men won’t be warped by feminist witch pussy magic like they have… Like we just met these guys and he’s already acting like we had sex… This man's logic was like a runaway train, the cars are all there but they ain’t making it to their destination. Guys One and Two continue to argue with guys Three, Four, and Five, before guys Six and seven come up behind them and put knives to their necks. At this moment I noticed a gleam in guy Three’s eyes. He now thinks he’s invincible… I can see the depravity in his eyes as he looks upon friend Two, stripping her down in his mind, imagining all the sick things he’ll do. And as if to validate my suspicions, he walks up to her and says “You never did complete that dare… How about we start a new game… But this time we won’t have any need for truths.” I watch as fear washes over Two’s face, as she begins to imagine what he is implying, almost as if his depraved thoughts were being projected into her mind, instilling suffering on her before he had even begun to touch her. She catches herself, refusing to give him the satisfaction of fear and spits in his face. She then tells him “you couldn’t even please your hand with a prick that small.” The look of anger on his face was honestly delectable. If I could, I would put it on canvas and call it “Portrait of a Scorned Man” or “Man who just realized being a dick doesn’t make yours bigger”. ANYWAYS, he then began to yell something about "it's up to real men to show women their place in society!" OOO so angwy! They started circling around us like starving wolves. One of them placed themselves against friend Five’s back and said "I always wondered if trans women looked different down there." Which angered friend Five, but not as much as it did friend Four who tends to be a bit of a hot head.
Friend Four may look like a pretty cute petite princess, but she's manlier than most men I know. She's a competitive marksman, as well as being a gymrat who likes to build cars on the weekends. She's also the girlfriend of friend Five, not that that’s important but I feel like it should be important. So anyways, she starts blasting right? And one of these guys yells "what the fuck they’ve got funs!? Who the fuck gave these stupid bitches guns!?" I then hear one of them try to antagonize her by saying "pretty young thang like you shouldn't be carrying such a big piece until she's used to it! AYO!" So she shot a round off at the tree he took shelter behind as if to mock him by letting him know his life is in her hands… She looked like a real boss bitch, like for real! That girl is HIM! She has always been him, she will always be him! While this was taking place, friend Six reached out to her boyfriend now that we could finally use the radio without fear of them taking it. We explained what was happening and asked him to bring help. He told us to tie the button down and to hide it from sight so that he could listen in while he headed to the station to get help. I feel so bad for that man, having to listen to all those screams, feeling completely powerless to do anything in the moment, but we’re so thankful to him for being there in the way that he was.
Gun fire kept ringing out as Four kept firing rounds into the forests yelling “I shoot to maim!” and “You’re not safe here!” hoping to scare the men enough to make them retreat because none of them seemed to have rifles on them… But then we hear it… The first scream… Everyone freezes in their tracks, their heart stilled by this sudden shriek of terror that seemed to only further race towards the all consuming darkness. The moment it stopped nothing remained but the slow encroaching crawl of raindrops and the rapid beating drums of the fear in our hearts. It's then that the rain came down like a closing curtain on the chapter of our innocence, because that’s when we heard the second scream, a scream just as chilling as the first, ascending high into the tree tops before we see something that shocks everyone to their core; the haunting image of a man’s face still screaming, a face still unaware its going to meet, a face that still hopes to be saved but never will. Within unison, as if hell had a chorus, we all screamed in silence as we turned to run. With no other means of safety, my friends, guys One and Two, as well as myself ran for the tent. We don't really know what happened after we got into the tent, but not a second went by that we didn't think we wouldn't be next. We know better now, but in that moment I felt both relief and fear for my life. I just kept thinking how lucky I was that I was fortunate enough to die with my dignity still intact… I kept thinking "at least those man babies didn't get to do whatever depravity they had in mind"
Well by now everyone knows what happened, it's been on the news. Those 3 guys and all of their cronies turned up missing… But what the news won't tell you is that we were saved by Mama Makwa, we call her that due to the sounds we heard, as well as the site we saw afterwards. The bellowing sound of vengeance that came in the form of a bear’s roar was as loud as the mean screaming they saw a 9 ft tall bear with skin dripping off of its bone like fur. We later learned that men referred to it as “Slippy Skin” aka "Wejuk", as it seemed the bear would change appearance depending on who gazed upon its visage, but this was not "Wejuk". One by one, we heard those men scream for their lives, describing a creature with a mouth made of human hands that had palms covered by teeth shaped like hypodermic needles. It had claws that seemed like stone daggers that were etched by native americans. They warned each other "Don't look into its eyes!" before proclaiming how sorry they were for the things they'd done… They complained of the putrid stench suffocating them as they were pulled into its gaping maw. They screamed of the creatures rotting viscous flesh melting into their own, and making their skin a part of it, as if their skins were fuel for the fear this best could instill by its mere dominion over them. But we never saw that creature… Instead, after the screams stopped, we were greeted by this beautiful creature that looked like a bear, only it had this glow about it, and its fur seemed almost like the softest of opalescent feathers. Its eyes looked just like the aurora borealis, and she was mesmerizing. We felt safe, and welcomed, and most of all protected… After everything that happened, I think we will be coming back, because we know Mama Makwa will be there to protect us. We believe Mama Makwa is an avenging spirit born from the fear those women felt, here to make sure no other women ever have to suffer like they did within this forest. We also now understand why those men all went missing. My boyfriend and friend Two's husband weren't attacked by Mama Makwa… Only the men who felt any sort of ill intent toward us women that night saw Mama Makwa in that form, the form they confused for Slippy… But knowing there is a safe haven for women out there, I'm thinking we will have another girls night next year, anybody wanna come?
submitted by AnnaNamyss to u/AnnaNamyss [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:42 StrongFreedom444 AITA if I want to dump my Boyfriend because of his kids.

I 39 female and Bf 48 male, have been dating for 4 years. From the beginning of the relationship his older kids never accepted me or would talk to me. Context BF has 3 older kids ages 17-22 females and two younger boys ages 10-13 boys. It bothered me from the beginning of the relationship that his older kids didn’t talk to me or if in public they would act like they didn’t see me. He always said it was because of his ex-wife tells them not to like his girlfriends ( he has had two before me and they were treated the same way). He would also say to just keep being myself and the kids will come around or give it time.
At first his two younger boys would come over and play with my kids of similar age. I would try to include them in things we did but was cautious not to overstep any boundaries. I would go to their sporting events with my BF to support them. When his younger kids came over to play they acted like they enjoyed coming over and would be friendly but as soon as we were in public they act like I’m invisible. It didn’t matter if their mom was around or not. If we were not at my house I’m not seen. This bothered me! As for his older kids, I would go to sporting events with him to show support. After the games the kids would come up to the bleachers and talk to everyone but me. If we go to a family gathering, his girls will snicker and laugh while covering their mouth and looking directly at me. Anytime BF and I are driving together, his girls will wave out the window real big but once I’m alone driving my vehicle or his, they acted like they didn’t see me… I bring this stuff up to my BF and he says nothing. His girls have lied to their mom about me and she’ll call BF to complain about me. BF never sticks up for me to her or the kids. Even when he knew I didn’t do what I was accused of. I’ve had several adult conversations with him about his kids and they way they treat me and nothing changes. It’s only gotten worse over the last 4 years.
His younger kids no longer come over because they have gotten so rude. Example: This last Christmas Eve my kids asked to watch a Christmas movie. I said yes. Well, BF called and asked what we were doing and I replied that we were going to watch a Christmas movie and asked if they wanted to come over. He said sure. My youngest had chosen “Christmas Chronicles”. When BF and two youngest (boys) came over, one of them (age 10-12) kept saying the movie was stupid, and boring, and complaining they already seen this movie. My BF never asked him to stop, or told him to polite. I didn’t think I needed to change the movie because we had decided on this movie prior to them coming over. I feel like if you go to someone else’s house you need to be polite even if you don’t like something. Another time his youngest kid blew out one of my kids birthday candles before my kid could blow their own candles out!!! This really hurt my kids feelings (age 10-12). Again BF never corrected his kid. I am getting to the point of not liking kids at all, and I feel bad but what more can I do? Everything I do that is good is unseen but one slip up, and I’m outed like I’m the most horrible person. He’s a good, good man but I can’t imagine ever marrying him because I’m not going to allow his kids in my home if this is how things are going to continue. At this point I don’t know if I can get over being treated like this for so long. I know a lot of it has to do with thier mother telling them not to like me but enough is enough. He needs to put his foot down! But I feel like that should have been done a couple years ago!!! I’m not sure I can recover from this. Am I an asshole?
submitted by StrongFreedom444 to dustythunder [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:40 Informal_Capital2736 An average day in hell

MOM!!! I PROMISE I will pay you back even though I said this 100 times in the last week, but I promise this time will be different I said. The desperation in my eyes are clear as day, so she reaches in her purse and gives me the last few bucks that she has. My face lights up like a Christmas tree decorated by a family who holds it dear. I grabbed the few bucks that she gave me and stormed out the door like I just got a second chance at life. Call my dealer and ask where the link up is. I need two pharma blues ASAP. He could clearly hear the desperation in my voice, but did not know of the symptoms I was going through at the moment. Good for him I guess. He tells me he can’t make a drop off, so I have to figure out a way to him. FUCK!!!With no vehicle, I prepared myself mentally to make the trek 3 1/2 miles there and 3 1/2 miles back. If only I was this determined to becoming better at life. I wiped the river of snot that was flowing down my nose, and threw on an extra hoodie even though it’s 80° outside and began my journey. Nothing and I mean nothing is going to stop me from securing my happy pills. After an almost 2 hour gruesome walk, I finally reached the destination. I saw his car in the parking lot and sprinted full speed. I threw the hundred dollar bill in his lap and reached my sweaty hand out for my happy pills. Finally!! All I can think about is how fast I can get away from him and break one down and let it infiltrate my nose to get away from the deathly grasp of withdrawals. Found an alley right around the corner and proceeded to break one down. In you go. Took off my hoodie, wiped the sweat from my forehead and began my journey back home. Success!!!
submitted by Informal_Capital2736 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:38 OutlandishnessFar790 Female statues and the relief above the Fortified Manor door

I don't know if this has already been pointed out, but I've never found anything about it online, and after discovering it I thought it was too important not to share.
Do you remember the gable above the door to the Fortified Manor, and also to the Chapel of Anticipation? Here it is:
Fortified Manor door gable relief.
This scene has always seemed important to me, but I never knew how until I found out that the women depicted correspond exactly to some of the statues visible in the game. I couldn't identify them all, and there's some ambiguity, but I'll share what I've got so far (allow me to give them names with no particular criterion in mind, just so we can talk about them without assuming their identity).

The woman in the center, holding a vase.
This statue, like most of the others, is very common in catacombs (I haven't yet double-checked exactly which ones, sorry) and lesser chapels, especially in Redmane Castle. We will call her "Juno".

The woman to the right of Juno, in a blessing pose.
I remember her most prominently in the Chapel of Anticipation itself, but I'm sure I've seen her somewhere else too. We will call her "Persephone".

The woman to the left of Juno, in a prayer pose.
As far as I remember, she only appears in the Shaded Castle. Notice the cloth around her joint arms. We will call her "Artemis".

(Probably) the woman standing to the left, with her arm on the other girl's shoulder.
She is omnipresent, and to be honest I'm not completely sure I've correctly identified her in the relief, but it seems rather reasonable to me. Although she is probably Marika, we will call her "Nike".

The next two statues are a bit of a problem, because they look identical to Persephone, and there's only one compatible figure left, namely the kneeling one to the right of Persephone:

Female statue holding a book.
If I'm to identify one of these last two with the kneeling woman, I pick this one; although, unless there's actually a book on the ground I can't see, I don't see much of a reason not to guess she's just Persephone again. She is also very common, but the picture was taken in the Cliffside Catacombs, with an omen in prayer in front of the statue. We will call her "Nemesis".

Yet another female statue.
I don't remember where I've seen her, other than in the Leyndell Catacombs, again with an omen in prayer in front of her. Also because of this reason, I'm reasonably sure she is the same as Nemesis, and at any rate at least two of the four similar-looking hooded statues must represent the same person. But to keep all possibilities open we will call her "Vesta".

So here you go, that's all I am sure of. Now comes a bit of speculation on my part.
If Nike really is Marika, then these reliefs must come from a time prior to her godhood, the most prominent figure being Juno. If she was the goddess of the time, then some of the others, including Nike, could be Empyreans. Then there must have come a time when most of them died or were sealed away, and only Nike was left somehow. If all this is true, one of them has to be the Gloam-Eyed Queen, and at least some of the others are what are known today as Outer Gods. Here's my bet: Juno = GEQ, Nemesis/Vesta = Formless Mother, while as for the remaining two I have no clue.

What do you think? I'm eager to hear your theories on this. Can anyone identify the missing figures? Figure out some more implications? Anything is very much appreciated!
submitted by OutlandishnessFar790 to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:37 donutpantaloons I need to find the courage to end it.

Hi Reddit. I'm a 31 year old woman. This is probably going to sound like a little poor me pitty post. I don't care if you feel sorry for me or not. I don't really know why I'm here and writing this. I guess becauase I have no one else to talk to. I have had friends, lots of friends. I pushed them all away, stopped spending time with them and stopped talking to them so I don't blame them for not wanting to be my friend at all. A lot of the reasons why my life is so shit are my own fucking fault.
My best friend is my boyfriend. Who ive been with for over 3 years. Things have been pretty rocky to say the least but I love him very much. He has a serious drug addiction and has done for over a year now. I've tried to help but I'm not sure I am really, I resent him for putting me through hell. I fear I'm actually making it worse sometimes. I've caught him in the past lying and cheating on me with other women. Over a year ago he was sexting and meeting up with his neighbour. We had a huge fight and he promised nothing like that would happen again. I found out today that he's still talking to her and still seeing her. He's denying everything and is now bombarding me with messages about how I'm a cunt etc. Why am I putting up with this? I don't know, honestly. I dont think I deserve any better, honestly. Ive asked myself so many times why I put up with abuse in relationships. I always put up with it so who's fault is it really?
I was diagnosed with CPTSD last year. I am dissociated most of the time. I cant watch a TV show without zoning out. Ive been cheated on and abused throughout most of my life. I've been to therapy so many times and I am still so pathetic. I am BEYOND pathetic. I have some family but I barely speak to them.
I have a job but I'm on minimum wage, it sucks. I live in a house share with 4 other people. I have no money, barely make enough to pay for everything.
So Im laying in bed, I just finished work and I'm crying. I have to get up and go to work tomorrow. Or I could just...not right? I could just end it tonight and be done with this. I don't have ANYTHING worth staying for, some people may be a bit sad for a month or two but after that rheyl forget about it.
I don't want to live like this anymore, I don't want to start over, everyday is hell. This world is fucking evil, people are evil. I don't want to be a part of it anymore.
submitted by donutpantaloons to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:30 Devil_in_blackx I am a hair away from walking away

The bride was supposed to get married last year, but she decided to get herself pregnant and then have to postpone the wedding till this year. You would assume that an extra year to prepare for your wedding would make it a lot smoother, and that you would take the time to work out all of the bugs ahead of time. The wedding is in just about two months. She waited until last week to figure out a place where the women of the bridal party are going to get ready, then had the audacity to assume that the Brides Maids would pay for the cost of a place to get ready. Her sister and I are co-maids of honor which is totally cool because I love her sister. Actually, I think I like her sister more than her sometimes.
It has been a shit show this whole time. None of the other bridesmaids are willing to help my co-maid of honor and I do anything she’s paying for the bachelor party and I’m paying for the bridal shower. Brides Maids aren’t even willing to show up to any meetings that the other made of honor and I have tried to have.
The past couple weeks have been constant peppering from the bride of her texting us each individually asking us questions hoping to get the answer she wants from one of us, little does she know her sister and I have been sharing all of these conversations with each other so that way we’re both on the same page and are united front against her . I know it sounds shitty, but it’s how you have to treat her.
The bride and my co-made of honors husband, so the brides brother-in-law, got in a fight about eight months ago because the bride was renting made of honors basement apartment and they had a falling out because the bride and husband believed that there was black mold in the apartment and the brother-in-law disagreed (there wasn’t any black mold) so the bride and husband basically packed up and snuck out in the middle of the night. Because they didn’t like the way they were being treated. That was a whole thing that I’m not even gonna get into but basically long and short of it, the bride and husband were in the wrong. BiL was subsequently kicked out of the wedding . I think that sister-in-law would’ve been kicked out too if I hadn’t convinced the bride that if her sister isn’t into the wedding that I’m not in the wedding.
So because I’m throwing the shower, I sent out all the invitations and I’ve been waiting to hear back from everybody and the bride asked me today for the list of who is going and who wasn’t . The brother-in-law’s mother was invited to the shower and she text me that she will not be attending. When the bride saw her name on the no list, she made a comment that she is annoyed that brother-in-law’s mother is sticking by his side and that she thinks that it’s not cool that she isn’t going to her shower. And then proceeded to tell me that she is going to invite some for coworkers since there was so many people who said no, she’s been at her job for four months and I’m not paying for people who have no real vested interest I told her this I’m sure she’s mad at me about it, but I don’t give a shit I’m paying for it not her.
My como honor and I have agreed that she wants the big over-the-top fabulous wedding, but husband is not willing to shell out the cash to do it so she’s leaning on all of the bridesmaids to pick up the slack. Her husband is not willing to do and also she has been asking her future mother-in-law for a ton of money, even told her to give me money towards the bridal shower, which I declined because The bridal shower is my wedding present to them and because I’m paying for the entire thing with no support from any other Brides Maids, even though I asked repeatedly for some help from them I am not paying for anything else for the wedding except for my dress and shoes and make up.
I can’t wait until this wedding is over. I think I’ve had a meltdown at least twice a week about this fucking wedding since she’s started planning it again. I have to tell my husband to tell me not to talk about it or I’m gonna freak out. I even told como of honor today that if bride doesn’t rain it the fuck I’m gonna walk away. We’ve been friends for years. I can’t take it anymore.
submitted by Devil_in_blackx to bridezillas [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:30 Valuable-AssETs69 The Truth

I had 4 friends. Close friends. And one husband. Of the four friends, one used my name to create a fake non-profit, one used my name to create an alternate identity for herself to go meet men without her husband finding out that it was her dildos and not mine that were coming to her house, one used me as an aliby to cheat on her husband so she could say she was with me, and one used my social profiles to talk to me with money and wives so she didn't get caught cheating on her husband or labeled a home wrecker by the respectable well-to-do wives. Facts. How do I know? Because you used my Skype to get a number so you could cheat. Because you got messages from the men who were chatting with you. Because you did!!! One of you at least chatted with my husband and knowing how much you like to be famous, you probably did a whole lot more than flirt. One of you still logs into my iCloud account with the watch. And one of you lied about me having relationships with younger people. All of you can kiss my ass and get on down the road with the bullshit. One of you has a whole lot of angry black women thinking I am the white bitch talking to their man. One of you has a whole lot of wealthy socialites thinking I have daddy issues. And one of you has the medication mafia thinking I am fucking with their money and benefits matrix. Throw in the ex-husband who can't stay his ass off Facebook Marketplace and dating sites to stalk people and knows good and well his ass is a cheater who thinks as long as he doesn't have all his clothes in the same place I live he can excuse his whores by using the we were on a break defense. All of you can go to hell. Accountants, loan officers, teachers, and state employees....Fuck you all. He is not good in bed anymore. In fact, it is flat out terrible. It is too much work to get it up and no fun when it finally does decide to wake up, but then he's asleep and it's too much like fucking a crash test dummy. Just not worth the effort or dealing with his bullshit. So no thank you again. I'm sorry I knew any of you. And bestie at the bank, darling, you do know that video from the group home is still on YouTube, which means you are the one who exposed the entire community online since the names of my students were in my Google Classroom, which you hid the camera and videoed. I let you take a nap using my lap for a pillow and stroked your hair because you had such a damn bad migraine and you let people say I was bisexual and messing with younger kids. Your ass was not anywhere close to being a minor and I certainly didn't hit on you. I was being a good friend. I actually loved you like a sister. But you are a whore. I was not chatting with your brother in law, Josh, Alan, or your son's father. So get the shit straight. And you really should delete the cash app for Blake's girl before your boss's wife sees that one and knows you been fucking two of her men.
submitted by Valuable-AssETs69 to u/Valuable-AssETs69 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:28 Alexander_Sturnn Regrets and Resolve, Part I

Part I of my Story on the Empress GF, which may or may not yet come as a Meme in this AU from u/Sweet_older-Sister. But whether or not, I wrote this up and wanted to share it with you, with Part II soon to follow.
WARNING: Is you expect this to be a harsh takedown or bashing of AU!Big E, I have to disappoint you. She WILL be criticized, but I personally prefer him/her to be a sympathetic, ultimately well-meaning, if highly flawed, Character. Also, the SO for Big E is both perpetual and a Psyker, just not one anywhere near her Level. That said, I kept them Gender-neutral, so if you wanna imagine them and Big E as Golden Space Lesbian Mommies, feel free to do so!
Regardless of all that, however, I mostly just hope you can enjoy this! Have fun!
I open the door to her chamber, paying no heed tot he noises of raging battle, clearly audible despite all the walls, doors and distance between us and them.
As always, despite the gold-plated…everything, the most radiant thing in this room is still her.
Tall and proud she stands as she puts on the last pieces of her golden armor, light glowing off o fit, pure and bright. Her mighty sword hangs by her side and her long, raven black hair is flowing down her back. When she turns around, her glowing eyes, which seemed so often to somehow hold both the untold wisdom oft he wises changes and yet also the boundless arrogance oft he most reckless fools widen upon seeing me, before they swiftly narrow again.
„…I told my Companions to keep you away“, she says, her voice sounding cold and rejecting.
„Well, too bad“, I say, meeting her eyes without fear. „They know better than to try and keep me away when the two of us have to talk.“
Anger briefly flares up in her eyes. „There is nothing to talk about. You are distracting me from preparing for battle!“, she says, her voice cold, harsh and regal, demanding obedience. „As your Empress, I order you to leave. At once!!“
Most other men and women would have crumbled at this moment. Hastily apologized and retreated.
But not me.
I stand my ground and return her cold glare without flinching. „…I am not your Subordinate“, I say, firmly and steadfast. „Not at this moment. Right now, I am your Consort and equal, and as such, I refuse that order!!“
Her eyes widen before she grits her teeth. „You DARE defy your Empress?!“ She stomps a foot on the ground. „I command you, LEAVE!!“
I narrow my eyes. „No.“
„I SAID LEAVE!!!“ Her scream shakes the room far more harshly than the distant Artillery Fire ever had. Her voice rings not just in my ears, but in my mind and soul, as psychic pressure seems to drown the room.
And still, I stand my ground and glare up at the Golden Giantess above me. „NO!!“
Her mask is slowly cracking, her eyes wide and her breathing starting to become uneven. „I…I ORDER you to LEAVE-“
„And I REFUSE!!“ My own shout is not nearly as impressive in terms of sheer power…but it seems to hit the Empress of Mankind like a whiplash.
Her breathing going ever more ragged, she turns away from me. „There is NOTHING to talk about, now!! Leave!!“
I clench my fist, a wave of anger rushing through me. „You think you can just shut me out like that?! Confine me to a secure Chamber while you rush off to your Doom?! You selfish BITCH!! That’s NOT how it works!! Didn’t you promise me, all these Millennia ago?! That we would see this through together, come what may?! That you would never ignore me or shut me out?!“ I snort bitterly. „But, well, I suppose you broke that last promise a while ago. What’s one more, eh?!“
I swear I can hear her breath hitch in her throat. My heart clenches at the sound, but I soldier on. She NEEDS to hear this.
„And where did that lead us?! Oh, right: Besieged in our Palace by our own daughters and their sons that have fallen prey to our worst enemies, with all that’s left to do being a reckless assault on their Leader that could well get you killed!! An assault that I just NOW learned about from one of our older sons!! How could I forget that?!“
„Stop it!!“, she growls. „I…I have to-“
„You ALWAYS ‚have to‘!! And yet, you have never stopped considering if maybe you SHOULDN’T!! That would have saved us a lot of trouble, wouldn’t it?!“ I shake my head, glaring at her. „Maybe it’s time for you to finally get that obstinate head out of your golden laurels-“
„-and stop being the Empress of Mankind for a few fucking minutes-“
„S-stop it!“
„-so I can finally have a real fucking talk with the woman I fell in love with again-“
„S…stop…“ Her voice sounds almost pleading now, but I steel my heart and prepare the final blow.
I am panting heavily, finally feeling the hot tears running down my face. I didn‘t even realize that I have begun to cry…but, laying my wounded heart bare like this has brought up all the pain and suffering from the last few years all too strongly.
Slowly, hesitantly, she turns back around to face me. The Golden Halo framing her head has vanished, as had much of her glow…and her eyes, usually so regal and proud, are now brimming with tears, looking so ancient, tired and sad as they turn towards me.
The Mask that is the Empress of Mankind had crumbled away…and what remains is the woman I had learned to know and love, all those Millennia ago, when we first met at on shores of old Albion.
A woman so old, tired, weary and sad, so beaten down and wounded that I had begun to fear she was forever lost.
„I…I am sorry…“ Her voice is almost a whimper, carrying untold grief and regret as she collapses onto her bed, which nearly broke from the weight. „I am s-so sorry…I…I ruined everything…!“
She buries her face in her hands and begins to sob.
My heart clenches and I breathe out the last of my anger, relief flashing through my mind. I have gotten through to her, finally, for the first time in years.
Too late, I remind myself as sharp regret flashes through me. Far too late for far too many people…
But at least not entirely too late.
I sigh as I slowly walk up to and then sit down next to her. I reach up and gently place my hand on her armored arm.
„H-how…“ She finally whispers between sobs. „How did I screw this up so badly…? How did I let it come to this…?“
I sigh again. „…It was not entirely your fault“, I finally say. „The Game was rigged against us the moment the Four kidnapped them. The seeds were already sown. And…“ I look down, overwhelming regret in my heart. „And while you fucked up, it’s not like I have done too much better of a job...“
Images flash before my mind. Images of my…OUR daughters. Our darling little Girls and their significant others, our sons and daughters in law. Our greatest hope for Mankind and the Galaxy, our pride and joy. So many oft them now lost forever, through our enemies fault and our own hubris.
I remember giving my blessing Hathor‘s attack on the Interex to avenge her Moonbeam, thinking nothing more of it, only for her to emerge as the Chosen Warmaster of Chaos…
I remember trying and failing to convince my Empress to give Petra more meaningful assignments, Campaigns where she can truly show her worth and skills, only to let myself be convinced that she and the Iron Warriors were needed too badly in these grueling Sieges…
I remember trying to talk Aurelia out of her worship of her Mother, to stop spreading Cults to her service over the Worlds, only to fail miserably..and to fail even more miserably in comforting her after she lost her Little Light on Monarchia…her mother and I had not talked a while after that…
I remember chastising Alpharia and Omega for their reckless approach to collateral damage in their style of Warfare, chosing my words too harshly…
I remember coldly telling Alakhai that I do not approve of her significant other, getting into a loud shouting match over it…
I remember harshly rebuking Magnolia after Nicea, her reckless pursuit of Warp Knowledge pressing all the wrong buttons in me and, in my anger, making me compare her unfavorably to Lyanna and Mortia…
Next to me, she keeps crying, her shoulder trembling as years off suppressed guilt, regret and grief finally break through to the surface. „Our daughters…our sweet children…m-my fault…all my fault…!!“
Bitter guilt roils in my soul. „No“, I whisper quietly. „It was my fault, too. I…I wasn’t that good a parent, either…not to then, and not to our children in-law…“
...Where had we gone so wrong? We had raised children before! And not too badly, at that! So why had we now failed so miserably at keeping our Family together?!
…The answer is simple and bitter. Because we had severely overestimated our ability to be the parents they deserved while running an ever-expanding Empire of Conquest and balance between the two issues, especially since our daughters were vitally important Generals. Because we had trouble trusting people we didn’t know for a long time already, like Malcador, after Millennia of heartbreaks and betrayals. Not at all helped by the fact that we had been unable to bond with our daughters before they were taken from us as embryos.
But that is no excuse. The Lion’s share oft he blame falls on both our shoulders, and we know it. We had placed what we believed to be the needs of Mankind and the Imperium before our Family too many times…and now, we all had paid the price for this.
Oh, how the Four must be laughing at our foolishness…and, much as I HATE them for all they have done to us and our Family, I have to bitterly admit that they would be right to do so…
Still crying, she pulls me to her into a hug, which I gently return. Despite her towering over me, I had always felt the most comfortable with her when she was at this size.
…It provides a small measure of relief from the agonizing knowledge that a Number of our Children, now in service to those four fucking Cancer Tumors upon reality, are currently trying to breach into the Imperial Palace and destroy us, Mankind and all we have ever worked for. And the knowledge that some of our other children have already died at each others hands.
And now, my Empress would have to kill one more of our daughters to end this. Hathor, our best and brightest Girl, beloved and cherished, now our worst, most bitter enemy.
Our ultimate failure as Parents, laid bare.
„…I can never make up for what I have done“, my love finally says, her voice sad and resigned even as her tears still flow. „Not to them…and not to you. I am sorry…but I know that it changes nothing…“
I gently place a hand on her cheek. „…It does change one thing“, I say quietly. „That I know the woman I love is still there…“
„…I was not a good wife to you in these last years“, she whispers. „Almost as bad as I was a mother…“
I gently press my head against her. „…I forgive you“, I finally say.
She shakes her head. „I don’t deserve that…“
„Maybe not. But I forgive you, anyway.“ I look at her. „Just, please…promise me to never let your mask control you like this, again.“
She nods, burying her face in my shoulder. „I swear…I swear, I won’t…“
She is sincere. I can tell. I have known her too long not to.
„I didn’t want you to come here“, she says quietly. „I knew that if I saw you, I would crumble again…“
„Perhaps it was time for you to crumble“, I answer sadly. „To remind yourself that you are still human, at the core…not just the cold, calculating, uncaring Empress you had become…“
She tightens her hug, silence reigning for a few seconds. „…Thank you“, she finally whispers. „Thank you for…for snapping me out of this, one last time…“
Fear now rises within me. Despite knowing that this may be the last time I see her…I do not want to think about this. The idea of losing her forever after all we have been through…it is terrifying.
„…Please, don’t…don’t say that.“ Now it is I whose voice is shaking. „Our other daughters and children in-law…they still need you. The Imperium still needs you. I still need you! You…you will make it. You have been in tough spots before! You-“
She interrupts me, gently pressing her forehead against mine. „…If…if I don’t come back…promise me you’ll be there for them. For as long as you can. Please, my love…promise me you won’t give up. Promise me that you will be a better parent than I was…“
I swallow. „I…I promise.“ I finally whisper. And I mean it, as much as I desperately hope I will never have to face this future without her.
I try to calm myself. She will be fine. She will win…and after this War is over, we will finally make all the amends we can, save as many of our children as possible and finally, FINALLY do right by them…as they deserve, as we should have from the start!
We will!! We HAVE to!!
…I desperately cling onto this hope. The Alternatives…are too much to bare imagining.
She tightens her hug around me again as we sit there, quietly wishing that this last moment of quiet and calm, filled with regret and sorrow as it may be, would never end.
But it would. Soon. The Teleporters would be ready in mere Minutes.
Oh, how I wish I could accompany her onto the Vengeful Spirit, to confront our wayward daughter, perhaps, as I hoped foolishly, even save her…but I know that this is the one thing she will never allow. As a Psyker, I am powerful, but never as strong as Malcador, let alone her or any of our daughters. Chaos would not hesitate to kill me or worse aboard this tainted vessel and I can not afford to slow her down and make her waste time and energy protecting me.
And besides, if any Deamons make it through the defenses while she is gone, I will be needed to keep them from reaching the Throne.
I know that this, she would be adamant about, now more than ever. So I do not even try.
…It still causes an awful feeling in my gut, nonetheless, as we stay hugging each other for as long as we can, two foolish, flawed and weary parents, sharing in our grief, regret and sorrow over our destroyed family in these last moments before the Final Clash…
submitted by Alexander_Sturnn to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:25 CajunCrusader29 Approaching in the Gym w/ Little to Work With

I’ve been stewing on this for a couple of days cause I see many cute girls at my gym, but there’s nothing that sticks out about them except their appearance. Don’t take me as shallow because I’ve complemented some of them on a shirt or necklace, but if they got nothing like that, I mentally can’t find my way without it feeling cold or just getting in their pants.
Anybody got an idea how to approach women in the gym with no specific accessories to comment on? Also, commenting on how their last set went could go one of two ways. Decent or creepy because you were watching her. Anyway, thanks for reading and please help a brother out.
submitted by CajunCrusader29 to BrosDatingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:24 CajunCrusader29 How to Approach in the Gym w/ Nothing

I’ve been stewing on this for a couple of days cause I see many cute girls at my gym, but there’s nothing that sticks out about them except their appearance. Don’t take me as shallow because I’ve complemented some of them on a shirt or necklace, but if they got nothing like that, I mentally can’t find my way without it feeling cold or just getting in their pants.
Anybody got an idea how to approach women in the gym with no specific accessories to comment on? Also, commenting on how their last set went could go one of two ways. Decent or creepy because you were watching her. Anyway, thanks for reading and please help a brother out.
submitted by CajunCrusader29 to datingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:23 CajunCrusader29 How to Approach a Girl w/ Nothing @ the Gym

I’ve been stewing on this for a couple of days cause I see many cute girls at my gym, but there’s nothing that sticks out about them except their appearance. Don’t take me as shallow because I’ve complemented some of them on a shirt or necklace, but if they got nothing like that, I mentally can’t find my way without it feeling cold or just getting in their pants.
Anybody got an idea how to approach women in the gym with no specific accessories to comment on? Also, commenting on how their last set went could go one of two ways. Decent or creepy because you were watching her. Anyway, thanks for reading and please help a brother out.
submitted by CajunCrusader29 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:22 CajunCrusader29 How to Approach a Girl w/ Nothing

I’ve been stewing on this for a couple of days cause I see many cute girls at my gym, but there’s nothing that sticks out about them except their appearance. Don’t take me as shallow because I’ve complemented some of them on a shirt or necklace, but if they got nothing like that, I mentally can’t find my way without it feeling cold or just getting in their pants.
Anybody got an idea how to approach women in the gym with no specific accessories to comment on? Also, commenting on how their last set went could go one of two ways. Decent or creepy because you were watching her. Anyway, thanks for reading and please help a brother out.
submitted by CajunCrusader29 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:21 Mean-Bumblebee-6518 Superintendent continues to sexually harass employees and Director and Assistant Commissioner do Nothing

I posted to this page about a year ago about my Superintendent sexually harassing his administrative assistant. He would send her inappropriate texts in the middle of the night, would wait for everyone to leave the office and make inappropriate advances and even locked her in his office with him and tried to make advances. She went to labour relations who told her that if she reported this, it would affect her career more than his. This was reported to the Director (our Superintendent’s direct boss) who has done absolutely nothing. He has even defended our Superintendent saying that he’s a very well respected man in our organization. I reported this to our Ombundsman and she spoke with the Assistant Commissioner and still nothing has changed. I decided to escalate this and report it to the Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner back around Christmas and still nothing has changed. This woman ended up leaving our organization but now he’s sexually harassing another woman in the office; waiting until everyone is gone and offering her alcohol and insinuating having a threesome with another person in the office. I don’t know what to do anymore. These women are not comfortable coming forward and I don’t blame them. They’re aware of all the reports and efforts that myself and others have made and that no one in our management team will do anything and no process that is put in place by our government actually protects employees. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Also out of respect for these women and their privacy please don’t try to guess in the comments what organization we work for. I appreciate any help I can get.
submitted by Mean-Bumblebee-6518 to CanadaPublicServants [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:21 CajunCrusader29 How to Approach a Girl w/ Nothing

I’ve been stewing on this for a couple of days cause I see many cute girls at my gym, but there’s nothing that sticks out about them except their appearance. Don’t take me as shallow because I’ve complemented some of them on a shirt or necklace, but if they got nothing like that, I mentally can’t find my way without it feeling cold or just getting in their pants.
Anybody got an idea how to approach women in the gym with no specific accessories to comment on? Also, commenting on how their last set went could go one of two ways. Decent or creepy because you were watching her. Anyway, thanks for reading and please help a brother out.
submitted by CajunCrusader29 to datingadviceformen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:20 nuffy_monkee I (18F) broke up with my boyfriend (19M) because I found his text messages with other girls, what should I do now?

So this last Monday, I was at my boyfriend’s house and we were both getting drunk. Well he ended up getting completely wasted while I was only kind of tipsy and I took the opportunity to go through his phone. Now I know what you’re thinking and yes, he never gave me permission but I still did it because I always had my doubts. So of course as the title says it took me no time at all to find the messages between him and three other girls (I didn’t care to find anything else after that) and it consisted of him asking to go over to girl’s houses which I don’t think he ever managed to, and him telling another girl that she should have been with him. He also exchanged numbers with this girl and WITH ANOTHER texted her ‘hey’ that night (drunk) but I saw the history of texts from way before. The most recent of these messages were on Saturday and we have been officially dating since January 4th. The next day he woke up and called me to ask what had happened because he didn’t remember. I told him and then he just tried to hang up, but I wanted some sort of explanation. That maybe what I saw was out of context, but he just said it was already done and he didn’t know what I was talking about because he had already deleted the messages between the two of us. It broke my heart he didn’t even try fighting for us. He just got upset with me when I told him I had gone through his phone and then hung up. For context of why I had my doubts, he was sleeping and talking with other women the entire time of our talking stage (which was 8 months) and never told me. He had started to say he loved me, got me gifts, I got to meet his family, he met my brother, etc. but we had stayed in contact after it had happened because I was so broken and missed him and he had begged for me back. I went to see him on New Years a few weeks after it had all went down and it was awkward but nice. I honestly just wanted to stay fwb but he asked me to be his girlfriend because he said ‘the moment felt right’. Well we all know how that turned out. We communicated decently and got along very well, but he still didn’t respect or value our relationship. He may have loved me and cared about me, but how is that really true when he could do all of that with no guilt. He had told me he wanted a home with me and even spoke about children briefly. We spent so much time together and so many laughs, so many good moments, but it was all so he could experience the perks of having a girlfriend and still not be loyal. I would have done anything for him. We literally called everyday while he was in jail. It’s just so baffling and I thought he would take that second chance to change. I hate it all.
submitted by nuffy_monkee to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:19 Such_Special6952 Agnostic to apostle in three months

My wife (30F) and I (32M) have been together for close to a decade. My wife’s family has always been very religious but my wife has been a non-practicing Christian even agnostic. I’ve always been adamantly atheist. About three months ago my wife started reading the Bible, this evolved into attending a women’s bible study on Thursdays. Now she’s also been going to church every Sunday for the last two months. She’s also gone from listening to all types of music (music has always been one of our shared interests) to exclusively listening to Christian music and watching almost exclusively religious podcasts in the evening when we normally sit down and talk.
Last Sunday for Mother’s Day my wife asked if I’d go to church with her, which I agreed to. Last night she asked me to go to church with her again on Sunday because she’s getting re-baptized now that she’s “born again.”
I have no issue with religion if it helps support people and keeps them moral, but I am getting concerned with how Christian my wife is becoming, so quickly. I don’t want to start being forced to be Christian and for some weird reason I feel like her becoming suddenly Christian is going to put a wedge in our relationship (I feel like it already is). I believe most of this return to religion is because we have a daughter (2F) and she wants to raise her Christian.
I’m okay with my daughter being exposed to church, I’m okay with my wife having faith. What I can’t stand is the non-stop Christian music, the podcasts during the time we’ve always had our normal evening wind downs, and I don’t like that I’m being asked to go to church.
I feel like no matter how I bring this up she will feel like I’m attacking her faith. I also feel like if this goes unchecked we’re going to end up with such different world views we will no longer be compatible.
Any advice for how I should bring this up to her? Anyone gone through something similar?
submitted by Such_Special6952 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:16 SolidCalligrapher966 Boyprengancy might be possible ?

Alright I've been brainstorming with some friends and u/Sentient3TempAcc and here's we concluded
Women can have extra uterine pregnancies, where the embryo exits the uterus into the belly, and implants itself on basically the first tissue it touches, why not men ?
We would need : A fertilised egg, a syringe, and a bunch of hormones
We need to pick the implantation location carefully, as it can become problematic if it's somewhere vital. So here's two spots that might work well :
Liver : Regenerates, lots of blood supply for the baby
Intestines : You can shorten it without complications, the intestines can also move around fairly freely in the body. (on the intestines, not in)
The baby once ready, could be extracted with C-Section. During the pregnancy the boy need to take homones, thankfully we know fairly well what hormones a woman makes during pregnancy, and we can probably make a "pregnancy hormones therapy" for the boy.
So, anyone wanna try this out ? :3
submitted by SolidCalligrapher966 to femboymemes [link] [comments]