New proxy august 2010

Reddit Presents: Classic Films

2010.02.26 16:56 stroud Reddit Presents: Classic Films

A community for classic cinema enthusiasts who engage in discussions, share insights, and celebrate films from the early 20th century to the mid-1960s. Members appreciate the rich history, themes, techniques, and cultural significance of classic movies.

2013.08.05 20:58 AxelKalo Fantomex - Weapon XIII

This is a Subreddit about the Marvel Fictional Character **Fantomex**. Its was done for people to know about the character or for people who already know the character to share and discuss everything about said character.

2013.09.01 19:23 PrincipalBlackman Tony Bennett

Devoted to the life and music of Tony Bennett

2024.05.14 15:33 Neat-Elephant9294 Scar treatment

Scar treatment
Hi everybody 2 and a half weeks ago I fell and cut the bridge my nose, skin next to my left eyebrow, a few spots on the face, left side. The first pic is first day or the second day after the accident and the two, three and four are from today. The worst thing is this wound between the nose and the lips, it was a road burn and it took the most time to heal. I put hydrocolloid bandages over it and now it is just red. The bridge of the nose had to be glued (no stitches) and the wound next to the eyebrow wasn't. I treated all of the open wounds and cuts with the triple antibiotic ointment and it helped significantly as the left side of my face healed in 6 days, now I am just taking care of it to heal completely (new skin). I am treating all of this with Mederma, Bio Oil, Helichrysum Oil and almond oil sometimes. S V 50 as well My only concern is will all this stay? , try to take pics but the front camera can't focus that good. I am mostly worried about the wound above the lip, i hate it and it's influencing my confidence. I am hoping by August, summer and all, it will disappear but I am not so sure. Can anybody tell me if there is anything else I can r'-and will this in fact heal fully? The cuts will ta V more time but i see it is getting better.
submitted by Neat-Elephant9294 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:32 Excellent-Buy7206 Shipping Les Paul from Japan

Hello guys, i wanted to ask if there could be any problems with shipping guitar from japan. I wanted to buy a new les paul but the store does not ship to europe because gibson did not allow them to so they should stay in japan. However i want to use a proxy(forward) shipping company what could do it for me. Any experiences or opinions?
submitted by Excellent-Buy7206 to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:31 According-Fail4637 SP Success - How movement can happen overnight by truly BELIEVING

Hi! This is my first post after lurking here for a few weeks and I wanted to share my SP journey to hopefully inspire some of you, as many of your stories have inspired myself.
I'm gonna give you some background on myself, so you can see what my starting point was. I'm currently 24 and in the past I didn't have great successes when it comes to dating. After much time, therapy and introspection, I realized that I used to whole-heartedly believe that I was ugly, unlovable and not chosen by anyone.
In august 2022 I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years because he was not the person I wanted to be with. I actually never really felt attraction to him but I believed that no one was ever going to be interested in me, so I dated him. This breakup was a huge milestone for me because, at least for a period of time, I was confident and believed I deserved much more.
After just 2 weeks of the breakup, I met my current SP through some old friends I reconnected with (100% sure I manifested him in the perfect timing). Fast-forward some months, we started dating. I was absolutely elated, as he was my dream guy and felt an unmatched connetion. However, I used to question why he was dating me if he was so handsome and I felt like he could do so much better than me. I often repeated to my friends that sometimes it was really hard to believe that he was my boyfriend.
You can guess how that ended right? He started acting hot and cold and eventually dumped me out of nowhere. I was obviously devastated and in a really bad mental space for MONTHS. I'm not gonna go into details, but he turned into a whole different person (as I perceived him, assuming basically the worst of him).
Now it's been almost 1 year since the breakup. I've done a lot of healing and no longer have those negative assumptions about me (mainly, even though I can sometimes slip). I even went on dates but I didn't like no one, up until a week ago when I decided that I wanted him back. To cut out the crap and be honest with myself. I don't care what other people tell me or "should" do, I admitted that I wanted HIM. So I decided to give it all for just 1 month. Actually apply the law consistently, instead of just one day and the next feeling horrible about myself and his vision of me (which is what had happened months ago when I tried).
I basically decided that he is coming back, that he is my boyfriend and we are in a happy relationship like the one we used to have on the first months of dating. I started noticing my thoughts and reject those that engaged in the old story (such as having arguments with him in my mind, relieving hurtful conversations, analyzing his supposedly "avoidant" behaviour... you know the gist). Instead of relieving good memories, which was what I often did, I started imagining new future memories. I specifically created a memory of him and me in his kitchen, him telling me he loves me and kissing me. I play out this scene for as long as I can until I fall asleep, but I'm not rigid with it, meaning that if I feel like imagining something else, I do. Whenever I have time and I feel in disbelief, I just robotically affirm some sentences for a minute (like he and I are a couple, he loves me, etc).
However, I think that the most important part for me (and most difficult) was ditching the old story, since I'm very used to think about it (I have been doing it for 12 months lol). The key for me is reminding that that was the past, but now it doesn't matter. That I'm not the girl I used to be, I'm safe now and I get everything I want. No need to stress, no need to worry. Everything is working out. The same applies for him: he is not the guy he used to be, he is the guy I actually want him to be.
And now for the actual results. I want to remind you: I have been doing this for just 1 week and a half. And probably not perfectly. But the results have been FAST. I'm still quite in awe at how things are playing out.
Quick context: I have a spot in a parking garage really close to his parents' house (he doesn't live there anymore, but I know that he goes to have lunch there every day). In months, never have I run into him accidentally, despite going by his parents' house every day at roughly the same time as him. I always just saw his car parked. In this week that has passed, the day after starting to seriously manifest him I was him going inside the house (he didn't see me, though). A couple of days later, I saw him driving in the street. A couple of days later, I run into his mum (who btw loves me). I chat with her and she tells me that he isn't seeing anyone, and she is telling him to invite me and he says he'll do so someday. Today (also a couple of days later), I actually run into him and we talk.
The end result has still not played out in my 3D, but I KNOW I'm getting there eventually. I'm just shocked and how much movement I have been getting in just 1 week of manifesting, without me lifting a finger. Just deciding that he is my boyfriend and truly believing it (after changing my negative beliefs too).
I want to remind you that the law is absolutely real and you will get whathever you want. At first I felt completely crazy and delusional in beliving he is my boyfriend, but I think it's a type of discomfort you need to get through if you wanna get your desire. Just keep it to yourself and have faith, don't let others interfere with their opinions. Remember, it's your life no theirs.
I hope this has inspired someone and I'll be sure to answer any comments! I look forwards to having a discussion here :)
submitted by According-Fail4637 to NevilleGoddard2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:31 Excellent-Buy7206 Shipping Les Paul from Japan

Hello guys, i wanted to ask if there could be any problems with shipping guitar from japan. I wanted to buy a new les paul but the store does not ship to europe because gibson did not allow them to so they should stay in japan. However i want to use a proxy(forward) shipping company what could do it for me. Any experiences or opinions?
submitted by Excellent-Buy7206 to gibson [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:29 Double_Maintenance98 I (36m) girlfriend (39f) long distance struggle. Do I continue?

Met my girlfriend last August through a dating app. We live little over an hour away from each other. Along with the distance she is working two jobs to make ends meet because her 3 kids dad lost just job and stopped paying support. I co-parent with my 2 kids mom 50/50.
Here is my struggle right now. My gf is constantly needing reassurance. Constantly questions my love after I say love you. Constantly says I'm not attracted to her. Constantly asks questions about my ex.
She also wanted to move out of her apartment. I invited her here and she says I didn't mean it and goes and starts a new lease somewhere else nearly a block away from where she was living.
For several months she kept trying to get me to tie the knot right away. Then suddenly said she don't want that because it would mess up financial aid with her kids for college.
I don't know what to do at this point. I enjoy being around her. But am struggling with the constant reasurrance. Part of me feels like since my funds had gotten tighter myself and I havnt been able to go out and do as much as I could at the beginning of the relationship that I'm just to boring. She claims she's not a priority even though I have let so much other stuff go when she's not working and I can go see her.
Any suggestions on if I should just weather the storm or go seek shelter?
submitted by Double_Maintenance98 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]


I have written a review paper on VR integration with AI, all that remains is for me to write citations in proper format. Please anyone help me. the deadline is in 5 hours and I have to submit it before then. Anyone. I have procrastinated harshly this time around and am literally crying.
Improper Citations :
1 Sismondo S(1997) Reality for cybernauts Postmod Cult 8(1).
  1. Jha K, Doshi A, Patel P, Shah M (2019) A comprehensive review on automation in agriculture using artificial intelligence. Artif Intell Agric 2:1–12
  2. Jensen L, Konradsen F (2017) A review of the use of virutal reality head mounted displays in education and training. Educ Inf Technol 23(4):1515–1529
  3. Sherman WR, Craig AB (2003) Understanding virtual reality, interface, application and design. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Burlington, pp 1–623
5.Hartman, J., an d J. Wernecke. 1996 .The VRML 2.0 Handbook: Building Moving Worlds on the Web. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley.
  1. Dalgarno B, Lee MJ (2010) What are the learning affordances of 3-D virtual environments? Br J Educ Technol 41(1):10–32
  2. Pantelidis VS (1993) Virtual reality in the classroom. EducTechnol 33(4):23–27
  3. Visvizi A, Lytras MD, Daniela L (2018) The future of innovation and technology in education: policies and practices for teaching and learning excellence. Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, pp 307–319
  4. Debasis Dutta (1999), Defence Science Journal, Vol. 49, No. 3, July 1999, pp. 275-285,
Simulation in Military Training: Recent Developments
  1. Hagman JD (2000) Basic rifle marksmanship training with the laser marksmanship training
  1. Defense USDO (2013) US army ranger handbook. Skyhorse Publishing, Inc., New York
  2. Lim C-W, Jung H-W (2013) A study on the military serious game. Adv Sci Technol Lett 39:73– 77
  3. Whitney SJ, Temby P, Stephens A (2014) A review of the effectiveness of game-based training
for dismounted soldiers. J Def Model Simul Appl Methodol Technol 11(4):319–328
  1. Choi I, Ofek E, Benko H, Sinclair M, Holz C (2018) CLAW: a multifunctional handheld haptic controller for grasping, touching and triggering in virtual reality. In: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ‘18).ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper 654, 13 pages.
  2. Whitmire E, Benko H, Holz C, Ofek E, Sinclair M (2018) Haptic revolver: touch, shear, texture, and shape rendering on a recon-figurable virtual reality controller. In: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on uman factors in computing systems (CHI ‘18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper 86, 12 pages.
  3. Hardlight VR (2019) Accessed 22 Sept2019
  4. Konishi Y, Hanamitsu N, Minamizawa K, Outram B, Mizuguchi T,Sato A (2016) Synesthesiasuit: the full body immersive experi-ence. In: ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 VR Village (SIGGRAPH‘16).ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 20, 1 pages.
  5. Murakami T, Person T, Fernando CL, Minamizawa K (2017) Altered touch: miniature haptic display with force, thermal and tactile feedback for augmented haptics. In: ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 emerging technologies (SIGGRAPH ‘17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 2, 2 pages.
  6. Li, Y., & Lai, Y. (2017). The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Virtual Laboratory Teaching Platform. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 12(07), 141-151
  7. Wang, J., Li, C., & Yang, S. (2019). Research on the application of artificial intelligence technology in virtual laboratory teaching. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1189(1), 012004.
  8. Zhang, Y., & Li, Y. (2020). Application of artificial intelligence technology in virtual laboratory teaching. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Technology, Management and Humanities Science (ETMHS 2020), 393-396
  9. 82J. Baek, Y. Choi, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020,17,
  10. 83F. Wen, Z. Zhang, T. He, C. Lee, Nat. Commun. 2021, 12, 5378.
  11. 28C. Qiu, F. Wu, C. Lee, M. R. Yuce, Nano Energy 2020, 70, 104456.
  12. 29T. Adiono, M. Y. Fathany, S. Fuada, I. G. Purwanda, S. F. Anindya, in IGBSG 2018-2018
Int. Conf. Intell. Green Build. Smart Grid, IEEE 2018, pp. 1–5.
  1. 30C. Sun, Q. Shi, M. S. Yazici, C. Lee, Y. Liu, Sensors 2018, 18, 645.
  2. 31S. M. Won, L. Cai, P. Gutruf, J. A. Rogers, Nat. Biomed.
Eng. 2021,
28 32E. Song, J. Li, S. M. Won, W. Bai, J. A. Rogers, Nat. Mater. 2020, 19, 590.
  1. 33A. Vázquez-Guardado, Y. Yang, A. J. Bandodkar, J. A. Rogers, Nat. Neurosci. 2020, 23, 1522.
  2. Q. Shi, B. Dong, T. He, Z. Sun, J. Zhu, Z. Zhang, C. Lee, InfoMat 2020, 2, 1131.
  3. 74A. Haroun, X. Le, S. Gao, B. Dong, T. He, Z. Zhang, F. Wen, S. Xu, C. Lee, Nano Express 2021, 2, 022005.
  4. M. Sit, B. Z. Demiray, Z. Xiang, G. J. Ewing, Y. Sermet, I. Demir, Water Sci. Technol. 2020, 82, 2635.
  5. 96S. Kuutti, R. Bowden, Y. Jin, P. Barber, S. Fallah, IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 2021, 22, 712.
  6. Qi, D., Ryason, A., Milef, N. et al. Virtual reality operating room with AI guidance: design and validation of a fire scenario. Surg Endosc 35, 779–786 (2021).
  7. Sakai, D.; Joyce, K.; Sugimoto, M.; Horikita, N.; Hiyama, A.; Sato, M.; Devitt, A.; Watanabe, M. Augmented, virtual and mixed reality in spinal surgery: A real-world experience. J. Orthop. Surg. 2020, 28.
  8. Yuk, F.J.; Maragkos, G.A.; Sato, K.; Steinberger, J. Current innovation in virtual and augmented reality in spine surgery. Ann. Transl. Med. 2021, 9, 94.
  9. Brigham, T.J. Reality Check: Basics of Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality. Med. Ref. Serv. Q 2017, 36, 171–178.
  10. Logishetty, K.; Rudran, B.; Cobb, J.P. Virtual reality training improves trainee performance in total hip arthroplasty: A randomized controlled trial. Bone Joint J. 2019, 101-B, 1585–1592.
  11. Madan, S.S.; Pai, D.R. Role of simulation in arthroscopy training. Simul. Healthc. 2014, 9, 127–135.
  12. Blyth, P.; Stott, N.S.; Anderson, I.A. A simulation-based training system for hip fracture fixation for use within the hospital environment. Injury 2007, 38, 1197–1203.
  13. Dangxiao WANGYuan GUO, Shiyi LIU, Yuru ZHANG, Weiliang XU, Jing XIAO. Haptic display for virtual reality: progress and challenges, Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware 2019: 136-162
  14. Poupyrev I, Rekimoto J, Maruyama S. TouchEngine: a tactile display for handheld devices. In: Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2002, 20(25): 644–645
  15. Wang D X, Song M, Naqash A, Zheng Y K, Xu W L, Zhang Y R. Toward whole-hand kinesthetic feedback: A survey of force feedback gloves. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2018: 1
  16. Pacchierotti C, Sinclair S, Solazzi M, Frisoli A, Hayward V, Prattichizzo D. Wearable haptic systems for the fingertip and the hand: Taxonomy, review, and perspectives. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2017, 10(4): 580–600
  17. Zheng Y K, Wang D X, Wang Z Q, Zhang Y, Zhang Y R, Xu W L. Design of a lightweight force-feedback glove with a large workspace. Engineering, 2018, 4(6): 869–880
submitted by jeezIamNotHearing to research [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:20 blackspandexbiker UCL MSc Computational Statistics and Machine Learning vs job

proxy asking for someone:
I am a young software engineer who is self taught. I got a job offer recently which seems to be paying reasonably well going by salary surveys.
I will be starting this job in July.
at the same time, I was also applying to various unis for MSc courses in AI and today I got an offer from UCL for above course.
this leaves me in a dilemma. if I take up the MSc, I might not get the same starting salary as the new job and that's not even accounting for the course, accommodation and living expenses. so the ROI might be years down the line and by then, if I continue in new job, I might earn the same/more.
on the other hand, if I don't do the MSc, I might be missing out software engineering careers in AI and possible research roles.
looking for suggestions/advice/opinions!
p.s: will also be interested in ballpark comp offers after completing the MSc.
submitted by blackspandexbiker to cscareerquestionsuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:17 pummelo4l Incompetent representative dragging things out

Applied for my son in December 2023. Things seemed to be moving a long quickly. Early April, I had the PERC phone interview. I have not been able to have a job for about a year now due to no childcare. I have been doing random tasks and opportunities online (swagbucks, freecash, etc), selling items on Ebay, donating plasma almost twice a week, every week, and other small things, to make ends meet. It's not an easy thing to document but I had everything written out and ready to explain/list for this interview. My case workerep didn't seem to care about being accurate at all. She didn't care about half of the income items, which I assumed was because they didn't count as income for SSI, but she wasn't interested in being thorough for the other stuff either. She kept classifying my online task work as 'online gambling' when there is no gambling involved and I kept correcting her. She got very pissy and short with me and kept saying "it's the same thing", when it most definitely is not and I don't want 'online gambling' on my paperwork.
Fast forward 3 weeks later, and I don't hear anything, when I was told to expect an award letter soon. I spend a week calling and leaving messages for her, and nothing. I showed up to the local office after that and although she was working from home that day, it took no time at all for her to call me as I was leaving the place. She said she couldn't 'read' the paperwork I dropped off and said she sent in a deposit request to my bank and it should take 2 days. 2 weeks later and multiple phone calls, I show up to the office again. I start to speak with a random person that called my number and my actual case worker pops in behind her and says 'I just need her to sign something". She tells me her mentor looked over the PERC paperwork and said it wasn't sufficient. So I get handed a piece of paper and told to fill it out with all of my income, going back to August 2023. This is exactly what I was trying to do from day 1 of this part of the process. Also, not sure why they need back to August now, when I filed in December, but I did it and filled the entire page with tiny handwriting, because that's what had to be done.
This rep has dragged this out unnecessarily and is obviously new or very bad at her job. If she would have been properly thorough during the first interview, my application process would have been complete a month ago. She won't call me and doesn't tell me something needs to be done until I walk into the local SSA office and speak to someone else or her supervisor.
Does anyone have any insight into this? Has any ever experienced something like this?
submitted by pummelo4l to SocialSecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:14 TeaAndCozy 5 more Nui Cobalt Critters

Hi friends, I'm back with thoughts on my new Nui Cobalt Critters! For my reviews of 24 past Critters (including all of the Rabbits and Squirrels), see my recent post HERE. As I wrote before, this collection isn't entirely sweet cuddly woodland creatures, but it does have a lot of those, including three of my all-time favorite Nui Cobalts: Little Brown Rabbit, Little White Rabbit, and Lilac Rabbit (so of course I had to try this year's new Rabbit!) Here are my thoughts on five of this year's new releases, with an unexpected favorite...
Ordering specs: Nui Cobalt's website is easy to navigate, shipping is very affordable at $3.45, items come very securely packed, and customer service is always spectacular. I don't think I've ever placed an order that took more than 2-3 business days to ship (and recently it has usually been literally the very next day). Samples are generous - 1.15 mls at least - in vials with wand caps. Each order comes with one free sample, chosen by them (there’s no box to insert requests).
Nui Cobalt's typical annual schedule of releases: (I [and especially Nui Cobalt] make no promises, of course, that these collections will recur; this is just in my experience)
These perfumes were provided as press samples by Nui Cobalt in exchange for an honest review.

Golden Retriever [Sunflower, amber resin, budding dogwood, fenugreek, and fresh-baked bread] Toast! A warm, ambery, spiced scent featuring toast made from a slightly sweetened bread. It's remarkable how sunny and summery this is - yet it's unmistakeably toast, and I keep getting distracted by this scent as I do other things, absentmindedly wondering where the breakfast is. If you like Poesie Amaterasu [Golden sandalwood incense, rice milk, bright cardamom, amber, dry wheat, and sunflowers], you'd love this; it has that same amiable warmth (though, of course, without the cardamom). As it starts to dry, the botanicals (the dogwood and fenugreek) come out more strongly (still with spiced ambery toast as a strong base note).
Red Admiral Butterfly [Blood orange, nasturtium flower, coriander, subtle blackwood, wild strawberry, and fresh garden basil] - This strawberry-blood orange combination is fabulous - the blood orange actually doesn't stick out much by itself, but it makes the strawberry note super juicy and takes away the candied artificiality of most strawberry notes in perfume. LOVE. I'm not super into this strong basil note, though. I love fruity-florals, but not so much fruity-herbals, and this is very much "juicy strawberry + basil and other dried herbs from a witch's cottage" (the "other dusty herbs" bit must be from the coriander note?). If they ever do that strawberry-blood orange combo again, I'll be all over it, it's quite stunning!
Black Sheep [Clean lamb's wool accord, myrrh resin, black seed, ambrette, and barely a whisper of oudh] - This is dusty twilight in a bottle. It's peaceful evening; it's cozy winter snuggles; it's the exhale when you can finally rest. It's undeniably dark, but soft and gentle, and I'd even describe it as gauzy. There is indeed but a whisper of myrrh and oud, just enough to make it dusty and dark, with the softest (and totally non-sheepy) cashmere and clean, slightly powdery ambrette. It doesn't have great longevity, lasting just under half a day on me, but holy wow is it amazing. I didn't know what to expect with this one - just looking at the notes, it's easy to think it could be too smoky or harsh - but it's beautiful.
Black Swan [Smooth tobacco, wild violet, humid black orchid, Peru balsam, clove bud, and a touch of star anise] - This feels like the bolder cousin of Black Sheep - it shares the same kind of dark, dusky beauty, but is significantly stronger, bolder, and less cuddly. The violets and anise (licorice) are strongest, with a really fruity purple plum/fig note too that's not at all listed but definitely arrives on my skin, over a base of the smoothest tobacco. Husband loves this tobacco. "Bring me that bottle," he declared upon sniffing my wrist, "I want to see what it does on my skin." And woah, it's SO different on him - the balsam is SO much stronger, making this a woody tobacco with a gently floral background. Are any of us surprised that he snaffled it?
Harlequin Rabbit [Nutmeg and tonka bean nuzzle up against toasted marshmallow, auburn cashmere, white pepper, black tea, and a trace of carrot seed] - Where Little Brown Rabbit is the snuggly evening one, Little White Rabbit is the clean elegant one, and Lilac Rabbit the soft pretty one, Harlequin Rabbit feels to me like the rainy-day one. I love this concept of the harlequin rabbit - that's a real rabbit coloring, by the way, and SUPER pretty, look it up! - created here by the Rabbit base plus black and white notes. This scent features a strong marshmallow note, the pretty, clean soapiness of Little White Rabbit, and malty notes not yet recognizable as black tea. It's cheeky, to be sure, but it also feels young, like it needs time to grow into itself. Nui Cobalt has a gorgeous black tea note, but it's surprisingly (and disappointingly) not that strong in this scent. Right now, Harlequin Rabbit feels like tea-dusted marshmallows (plus that soapy cottonflower note) rather than the more autumnal "rich black tea with marshmallow sweetness and a peppery bite" that I'm hoping it will develop into. I think it'll get there with a little aging, and indeed, the black tea and white pepper have already become stronger just over the course of my multiple wears of this, one a few days after its arrival and the other just yesterday (a week and a half later). Meanwhile, Husband interestingly smells generic "spices" from the tea and pepper, and says that the scent overall reminds him of Christmas markets (and he's quite enthusiastic in his praise of this one on me).


I like Harlequin Rabbit (and it will certainly join my collection, standing alongside my other beloved Rabbits) but I don't yet love it as much as I thought I would. I really do think it just needs time to finish growing into itself. Black Sheep is the quiet standout for me - she's soft and unassuming, but she's a stunner. Red Admiral Butterfly is also quite a triumph - that glorious juicy strawberry! - and anybody who likes (or at least won't mind) the herbal notes should absolutely give it a try. All five of these truly have such artistry and strength of character, so you can't go wrong if you pick the ones that have notes you love.
submitted by TeaAndCozy to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:59 Bubbs-97 rant

I’ve posted here before, and since i gave very little information, i got attacked and i was told im the problem.
Well here’s the whole story.
My mother in law is a very dominant person in nature, she always wanted everything under her control, keep in mind i’m from india while reading this.
(APRIL 2023)engagement saree: in my culture, the husband’s family buy the engagement saree, since we’re not in 540 BC most of the families nowadays let the bride choose her favourite, but my mother in law chose the saree, since she had a gold and pink themed engagement in her mind, i actually liked the saree and i said yes. She didn’t let me choose the makeup artist, she booked one already for me, and even paid her in advance. somehow everything went well and i liked the outcome. i never had any rift with her, i really liked her.
after the engagement my husband and i went on a lunch date, she saw me and pat on my belly and said i should lose fat, bitch? i’m nowhere near fat, it was something like periods belly
My wedding was in august 2023. between april and august, this is where i see her true colours. Meantime she became close with her son’s best friend ( who is actually his gf but he brought her home saying she’s just a friend and the girl(let’s call her kat) was trying so hard to win her)
  1. around may, i was asked to come to her city because my mil and kat booked a dance workshop, my mil thought i wouldn’t dance well, im a dancer since school days and i never told anyone, at the workshop i danced so well but my mil never complimented me, she was only complimenting kat. 😭
  2. around june, mil randomly calls me and tells me that she bought a outfit for my pre wedding ceremonies ( haldi and cocktail) i was like ??? um without ny presence, she kept saying that it’s so pretty and i’ll love it. since my engagement saree pretty and she chose it, i thought maybe she wouldn’t do something bad
  3. when i saw the haldi outfit, it was literally a disaster, the neck was deep, the shoulders were falling off, it was ugly overall. my cocktail outfit she chose looked like something grandmas would wear on funeral.
  4. somehow i made last minute changes and changed my cocktail outfit, still wasn’t the best.
  5. what made me upset was, my mil and kats outfit were the best in the ceremony, idk why she chose the ugliest one for me and chose the best one for me, it really gave me a bad feeling about this woman.
  6. i told my husband but he didn’t pay much attention to this, he said it’s after all a dress, also since he was in a different country, he wasn’t able to do anything much.
  7. on the day of my morning wedding ceremony , she insisted that she’ll keep my accessories safely and somehow lost them.
  8. for the evening ceremony, she crinkled my dress and said no one would notice.
my biggest question is “will she be okay if it was her outfit or her accessories”. i hated my wedding pictures, i get anxious everytime i see them, everytime i tell my husband, he gets mad that im always complaining about his mom, but no one sees that i got hurt
after the wedding: mostly in indian cultures , the daughter in law has to live with the husbands family. i absolutely hated every minute of it, they criticised the shit outta me.
to my surprise, my mother in law and father in law live seperately in the same area, their houses are 8 mins away from each other.
in my mother in laws house, there’s this new guy ( whom my husband and BIL calls uncle) this uncle(43years old) is an un married, alcoholic guy who passes shit comments about random women. body shames woman while watching a tv show, or when we go out. i hated his behaviour.
you might think this guy is my mil’s own brother, or a cousin or somehow a relative. none of it. he’s just a random someone who’s living full time in this house.
i wouldn’t have given a fuck if no one bothered me. but this uncle mocks me everytime i dress up, do my makeup. when he sees me cooking and he criticises me. when he sees me doing anything in the world, he criticises me. mocks me , my mil , bil and this bastard laugh together.
i felt kinda off since she’s keeping this as a secret from her husband, my fil doesn’t know he’s staying with her full time, for my mils bday this uncle got her a diamond ring , which she hid from her husband, she showed the gifts from me, her sons and her mom but hid the gift from uncle.
he got her a dyson ( which is whole another story, i told my husband i wanted dyson for my birthday, i also mentioned the color blue since it’s available in india, i guess my husband has the habit of telling her everything, just before my bday she went and bought the blue dyson air wrap) and didn’t even tell my husband / her husband. l randomly spilled it to my husband since she wanted it to be a secret. i did it intentionally.
one random day i was checking pinterest i check the messages where i saw a old message i sent to her profile , like a hi or something.. i went to her profile, i saw a board where she saved all the quotes like “you stroke me in places where my hands cannot reach” all such sexy quotes, she also has another board where she saved good morning pics that she usually sends to me and my family. at this point im only speculating, i cannot let a random outsider mock me, also my fil is a very good person, keeping things from him and forcing me to act accordingly is also annoying to me
she’s always been all about appearances, my father in law is shorter than her, kinda fat. also looks old but he’s very rich. maybe that’s why they live separately since she doesn’t like to be seen together with my fil, i’m saying she all about appearances because she only talks to people who look pretty, in my wedding , people from my dads side kinda don’t dress well but they’re good people, she didn’t even wanna shake hands or smile at them when i introduced her to my family. one of my friends was kinda fat and dark, she didn’t even talk to her but she went and took pictures with my other two friends who looked slim and fair.
one time she introduced me to her zumba class friends as “sisters daughter” and without any shame asks me to call her mom since we met. i will never call her mom.
one time it got so much i couldn’t handle and i called my husband and cried about it, my mother in law said they were all just joking and i took everything seriously.
i cannot understand how a literal outsider was given so much power to hurt their daughter in law, and when confronted they support him. he once mocked me for my makeup and i didn’t even respond to him, he texted me saying “hope ur not upset, i did just for fun” this is not a apology
on top of it so many times my mil has come in between me and my husband, since me and my husband are doing a long distance relationship, he comes to india for 2 weeks breaks, ever since we got married in august, we’ve only spend 56 days together. so this time due to olympics he’s getting one month off and we planned a japan trip. my mil immediately said she would also join and said we can go to dubai.
i had to explain my husband how this is not okay since we only had 56 days together and having a family trip is not okay, he somehow explained her and changed the plan to bali. but she was still upset.
even while we’re planning the trip, she asks my husband to send the itinerary, wants to know every detail from the hotel we’re staying to places we’re gonna go
i went back to my parents house since everyday it’s a problem with her and the uncle. i wanted to go LC with her. she called my mom and complained that i don’t text her or call her and that she misses me. if she really misses me , she could text me instead of telling my husband, my mom, my dad , and her relatives. when i see her relatives they’re asking me why i don’t text or call her.
the list goes on, i’ll edit things when something pops up in my head, i got so exhausted from just typing out few things that happened in a span of 8 months
also my husband and i are waiting for the visa, im giving this marriage one last chance, im hoping things will be better if i live alone with him.
submitted by Bubbs-97 to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:56 UltimateTraders 5/14/2024 Daily Plays Let the Casinos Open! MEME Mania! GME AMC BB SPWR KOSS Adam Aaron sold 72.5 million shares of AMC at an avg of 3.45 yesterday for 250 million, Does he have FOMO? No Rhyme or Reason straight dice roll, have a risk profile! I will gamble 2-3,000! AMC 13 High GME 80 Premarket

Good morning everyone. Absolutely insane! Post pandemic I have seen everything. Many of you do not remember, there was a little Chinese company $HKD around August/September 2022 that ran from 12 to 2,555 in less than 5 days! This company was not short. At it’s peak the market cap was well over 500 billion! It is now 690 million. Look it up! This company was a new IPO with just 1 million shares available for trade. This was not shorted at all. The idea that a company must be short is not correct!
The stock market is a live auction based on supply and demand… Yes, it is correct that if a company is short high. [A figure over 20% is fairly high] it becomes easier for the stock to increase.. the buyers can force the stock to go higher, and brokers will cover, force buy the shorts to close out positions but it is not necessary..
AMC had near 500 million volume and GME 200 yesterday….
AMC had 263 million shares available… AMC took advantage of the volume and printed 72.5 million brand new shares at an average of 3.45 yesterday for 250 million.
Does AA have #FOMO ?
This morning’s peak was 13 for AMC and 80 for GME … AMC does need the money for business, it does suck that they didn’t have more offerings available and had they known, this 250 million would be over 1 billion today!
The point? NO ONE KNOWS!
No one knew last week, no one knew over the weekend! Yes, Roaring kitty, or someone that used their account may have tweeted but no one knows what traders will do with that, or what the highest high or lowest low will be…
I have shared with many of you that the CEO of Reddit RDDT is actually the main Mod at WSB. There is definitely a ton of stock manipulation but I would argue and say that is what 99% of new traders want! They want quick and fast money, don’t care if its fixed, scam, real…
So open the casinos! Most options must be traded during market hours..
I do not blame anyone for playing the volatility.
Yesterday, I did bid 500 dollars on 2 different GME puts for July. I guess I was lucky that neither filled. A 25 and 27 strike… Based on premarket I may be able to 60-70 LOL! If I lose it is a risk I am willing to take.

I would like to buy 3 different AMC and 3 different GME puts. Maybe different strike prices or expiration dates and at most 500 each. The most I can lose is the money in the option. No YOLO! No one can predict the prices, just that it will be hot money…
If you go on the fundamentals :
AMC 330 million shares = 700 to 800 million value means near $2 to 2.50 fair value
GME 305 million shares = 700 to 800 million value means near 2.50
It is obvious that the companys’ themselves can not make enough money to justify the 4 and 10+ billion market caps they will have at open.

I sold PERI at 12.55 from 12.10. I will keep making this trade. They will be doing a 75 million buyback soon. The CFO expects it to start soon and close by June 30th. The only speculation here is when it starts and if they will have a daily limit… Will they buy in several days? Or buy 5 million a day? 10 million a day? That no one knows… I took a bet a few weeks ago on DNUT because of MCD news.. The earnings were good. I have 1,000 at 13.55, I may buy 1,000 more as it goes near 12…. I am positive when MCD roll out completes there will be a 25% increase in sales… not earnings, but sales….. earnings, I do not know… I have WBA at 19 and 19.25… I am glad they are selling off Boot stores in the UK. They must unlock some value here. I did bid 22.50 on more ACMR.. I did try YOU … I almost sold SOFI at 7.35 [In 1,000 at 7.10] I did make a bid for PYPL . COIN had amazing earnings I am watching… OSCR as well…
Looking for a deal on MTCH again, last sale at 29.. So there are lots of things to do besides memes.. Just be careful out there. It is a roll of the dice!

5 Trade Ideas:

AMC / GME – Open the casinos! I don’t blame anyone long or short, I am willing to make several 500 bets on different strikes and dates.. They will all have time. [Yesterday I tried July GME puts with a 25 and 27 strike, no fills]

PERI – I have 500 still at 22, They will be at the auctions soon and I want to be in first! Last trade 12.10 to 12.55 on 500… I will keep trading more blocks of 500

SOFI – I would like to make 25 cents on my 1,000 at 7.10 and keep trading a block of 1,000

ACMR MTCH OSCR – Some stocks I have been watching with good earnings or value

DKNG COIN – Both great earnings but speculative at valuations, I would risk money in Call options, not shares

The contents of this post are for information and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute financial, accounting, or legal advice. ... By choosing to make a trade you are responsible for your own actions. Please do some due diligence. These are trades I am making and you can follow along. If you make a winning trade, I do not even expect a bravo or thanks but that’s fine, if you lose on a trade the same difference.. I do not even expect an upvote or reward… The Elite team is aware of the risks and volatility in the market.

Good luck everyone let’s make money. Share trades, ideas here during trading hours. Our main goal here is to make money so I hope we can help eachother. I will be in and out of here as well.
submitted by UltimateTraders to UltimateTraders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:51 Trypd666 A Night In Texas - Apex Of Agony (2024) {NEW SINGLE}

So, this popped up on Unique Leader's Bandcamp yesterday, new Album, Digital Apocalypse drops on August 2nd! 🤯🤘🏻👹🤘🏻🤯
submitted by Trypd666 to Deathcore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:46 himanshukhatri704 When is Father's Day: Celebrating Dads Around the World from

Father's Day is a special occasion dedicated to honoring fathers and celebrating their contributions to their families and society. It's a day to express gratitude and love for the men who have played a pivotal role in our lives. While the date of Father’s Day varies across different countries, the sentiment remains universally cherished. Here’s a guide to when Father's Day is celebrated around the world and some ideas on how to make it special.
Father's Day in the United States and Many Other Countries
In the United States, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. This tradition is followed by many other countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, India, and most European and Latin American countries. For 2024, Father’s Day in these regions falls on June 16th.
Origin of Father’s Day in the United States
The idea of Father's Day in the U.S. was inspired by Mother's Day. The first Father's Day celebration was held on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington, spearheaded by Sonora Smart Dodd, who wanted to honor her father, a Civil War veteran and single parent who raised six children. It wasn’t until 1972, however, that Father’s Day was officially recognized as a national holiday by President Richard Nixon.
Father’s Day in Different Parts of the World

When is Father's Day: Celebrating Dads Around the World

Father's Day is a special occasion dedicated to honoring fathers and celebrating their contributions to their families and society. It's a day to express gratitude and love for the men who have played a pivotal role in our lives. While the date of Father’s Day varies across different countries, the sentiment remains universally cherished. Here’s a guide to when Father's Day is celebrated around the world and some ideas on how to make it special.
Father's Day in the United States and Many Other Countries
In the United States, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. This tradition is followed by many other countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, India, and most European and Latin American countries. For 2024, Father’s Day in these regions falls on June 16th.
Origin of Father’s Day in the United States
The idea of Father's Day in the U.S. was inspired by Mother's Day. The first Father's Day celebration was held on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington, spearheaded by Sonora Smart Dodd, who wanted to honor her father, a Civil War veteran and single parent who raised six children. It wasn’t until 1972, however, that Father’s Day was officially recognized as a national holiday by President Richard Nixon.
Father’s Day in Different Parts of the World
  1. Australia and New Zealand: Father's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in September. This year, it will be observed on September 1st.
  2. Brazil: Known as Dia dos Pais, Father's Day in Brazil is celebrated on the second Sunday in August, aligning with the Catholic feast day of St. Joachim, the father of the Virgin Mary. This year, it falls on August 11th.
  3. Germany: In Germany, Father's Day, or Vatertag, is celebrated on Ascension Day, which is the 40th day of Easter. It’s also known as Men's Day (Männertag), and this year, it will be celebrated on May 30th.
  4. Thailand: Father’s Day in Thailand is celebrated on December 5th, coinciding with the birthday of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej. It is a day of national celebration and respect for fathers.
  5. Russia: In Russia, Father’s Day is observed as Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23rd. It honors men in general, especially those serving in the military.
How to Make Father’s Day Special
Regardless of when you celebrate Father’s Day, here are some thoughtful ways to make the day memorable for your dad:
  1. Personalized Gifts: Custom-made gifts such as photo albums, engraved watches, or personalized mugs can add a special touch.
  2. Quality Time: Spend the day doing something your dad loves, whether it’s fishing, hiking, watching a movie, or playing a sport.
  3. Cook a Special Meal: Treat your dad to a homemade meal with his favorite dishes. You could also host a barbecue or picnic if the weather permits.
  4. Handwritten Letters: Write a heartfelt letter expressing your gratitude and love. Sometimes, words from the heart mean more than any store-bought gift.
  5. Experience Gifts: Plan an experience rather than a physical gift. Consider activities like a day trip, a concert, or a cooking class.
  6. Virtual Celebration: If you’re far away, set up a video call and celebrate together virtually. You can still share a meal, play games, or watch a movie simultaneously.
Father's Day is a wonderful opportunity to show appreciation for the fathers and father figures in our lives. Whether your dad is near or far, there are countless ways to make the day special. Understanding when Father’s Day is celebrated around the world helps us appreciate the diverse ways in which this important day is honored. No matter the date, the essence of Father’s Day lies in expressing love, gratitude, and respect for the men who have guided, supported, and loved us unconditionally.
Father's Day is a special occasion dedicated to honoring fathers and celebrating their contributions to their families and society. It's a day to express gratitude and love for the men who have played a pivotal role in our lives. While the date of Father’s Day varies across different countries, the sentiment remains universally cherished. Here’s a guide to when Father's Day is celebrated around the world and some ideas on how to make it special.
Father's Day in the United States and Many Other Countries
In the United States, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. This tradition is followed by many other countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, India, and most European and Latin American countries. For 2024, Father’s Day in these regions falls on June 16th.
Origin of Father’s Day in the United States
The idea of Father's Day in the U.S. was inspired by Mother's Day. The first Father's Day celebration was held on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington, spearheaded by Sonora Smart Dodd, who wanted to honor her father, a Civil War veteran and single parent who raised six children. It wasn’t until 1972, however, that Father’s Day was officially recognized as a national holiday by President Richard Nixon.
Father’s Day in Different Parts of the World

When is Father's Day: Celebrating Dads Around the World

Father's Day is a special occasion dedicated to honoring fathers and celebrating their contributions to their families and society. It's a day to express gratitude and love for the men who have played a pivotal role in our lives. While the date of Father’s Day varies across different countries, the sentiment remains universally cherished. Here’s a guide to when Father's Day is celebrated around the world and some ideas on how to make it special.
Father's Day in the United States and Many Other Countries
In the United States, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. This tradition is followed by many other countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, India, and most European and Latin American countries. For 2024, Father’s Day in these regions falls on June 16th.
Origin of Father’s Day in the United States
The idea of Father's Day in the U.S. was inspired by Mother's Day. The first Father's Day celebration was held on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington, spearheaded by Sonora Smart Dodd, who wanted to honor her father, a Civil War veteran and single parent who raised six children. It wasn’t until 1972, however, that Father’s Day was officially recognized as a national holiday by President Richard Nixon.
Father’s Day in Different Parts of the World
  1. Australia and New Zealand: Father's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in September. This year, it will be observed on September 1st.
  2. Brazil: Known as Dia dos Pais, Father's Day in Brazil is celebrated on the second Sunday in August, aligning with the Catholic feast day of St. Joachim, the father of the Virgin Mary. This year, it falls on August 11th.
  3. Germany: In Germany, Father's Day, or Vatertag, is celebrated on Ascension Day, which is the 40th day of Easter. It’s also known as Men's Day (Männertag), and this year, it will be celebrated on May 30th.
  4. Thailand: Father’s Day in Thailand is celebrated on December 5th, coinciding with the birthday of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej. It is a day of national celebration and respect for fathers.
  5. Russia: In Russia, Father’s Day is observed as Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23rd. It honors men in general, especially those serving in the military.
How to Make Father’s Day Special
Regardless of when you celebrate Father’s Day, here are some thoughtful ways to make the day memorable for your dad:
  1. Personalized Gifts: Custom-made gifts such as photo albums, engraved watches, or personalized mugs can add a special touch.
  2. Quality Time: Spend the day doing something your dad loves, whether it’s fishing, hiking, watching a movie, or playing a sport.
  3. Cook a Special Meal: Treat your dad to a homemade meal with his favorite dishes. You could also host a barbecue or picnic if the weather permits.
  4. Handwritten Letters: Write a heartfelt letter expressing your gratitude and love. Sometimes, words from the heart mean more than any store-bought gift.
  5. Experience Gifts: Plan an experience rather than a physical gift. Consider activities like a day trip, a concert, or a cooking class.
  6. Virtual Celebration: If you’re far away, set up a video call and celebrate together virtually. You can still share a meal, play games, or watch a movie simultaneously.
Father's Day from is a wonderful opportunity to show appreciation for the fathers and father figures in our lives. Whether your dad is near or far, there are countless ways to make the day special. Understanding when Father’s Day is celebrated around the world helps us appreciate the diverse ways in which this important day is honored. No matter the date, the essence of Father’s Day lies in expressing love, gratitude, and respect for the men who have guided, supported, and loved us unconditionally.
submitted by himanshukhatri704 to Gifts [link] [comments]

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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:39 Professional-Leg-757 Taylor Swift discography summary, anthology, statistics, records…

Taylor Swift discography summary, anthology, statistics, records…
Taylor Swift has released 11 studio albums, 4 re-recorded albums, 3 live albums, measuring to a total of 18 albums plus Beautiful Eyes Walmart-exclusive ultimately leading to a grand total of 16,190 extended plays, 10 single albums, and 610 singles as a lead artist so far.
Taylor Swift (2006) Fearless (2008) Speak Now (2010] Red (2012) 1989 (2014) Reputation (2017) Lover (2019) Folklore (2020) Evermore (2020) Midnights (2022) The Tortured Poets Department (2024)
Fearless (Taylor's Version) (2021) Red (Taylor's Version) (2021) Speak Now (Taylor's Version) (2023) 1989 (Taylor’s Version) (2023)
Live albums:
Speak Now World Tour - Live (2011) Live from Clear Channel Stripped 2008 (2020) Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions (from the Disney+ Special) (2020)
Taylor Swift’s net worth is 1.1 billion.
Album, that made most of the money in general, including Taylor´s version, is “1989”. Album “1989” sold almost 17 million copies worldwide.
Musical records held by Taylor Swift:
  1. Youngest artist to reach number one on the Hot Country Songs chart
  2. Youngest person to win entertainer of the year at the CMA's
  3. Most American Music Awards in history
  4. First woman with four albums in Billboard chart top 10 simultaneously
  5. Most number one albums by a woman in history
  6. Most streamed country album in a single day on Spotify
  7. First woman with new number one albums in five consecutive years
  8. Second most Hot 100-charting songs ever
  9. First woman with simultaneous top 10 songs from three albums
  10. Only artist to win Album of the Year Grammy four times
  11. Most number one hits on Billboard's US Digital Song Sales chart
  12. Most attended concert by a female artist in the U.S.
  13. First concert tour to gross $1 billion
  14. Highest-earning female musician in the industry
  15. Biggest vinyl sales week of modern times
  16. Most streams in a single day on Spotify (Fortnight)
  17. Most pre-saved countdown in Spotify history
  18. First album to surpass 1 billion streams on Spotify
  19. Biggest streaming week of all time
  20. Historic Billboard 200 debut
  21. Most new albums to generate Hot 100 number ones
  22. Two Streaming Songs chart records
Fun and true fact at the same time:
Taylor Swift’s influence is the largest since Marilyn Monroe.
submitted by Professional-Leg-757 to TaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:29 Lianzuoshou From Coercion to Capitulation: How China Can Take Taiwan Without a War

The American Enterprise Institute and the Institute for the Study of War jointly released a report,China's Roadmap to Peaceful Reunification.
"From Coercion to Surrender, How China Can Conquer Others Without Fighting."
Mid 2024
After Lai Qingde took office, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council severely condemned him.
Several People's Liberation Army ships passed through Taiwan's contiguous zone in an unannounced exercise.
The Rocket Force regularly conducts missile tests over and around Taiwan.
Planes of the Chinese Air Force enter the air defense identification zone every day and begin to frequently approach the Taiwan contiguous zone.
The first article on the unofficial "peace platform" was published by a Chinese scholar, trying to build on the Fujian-Taiwan economic integration plan.
End of 2024
Xi Jinping said in a speech that "the time has come to solve the Taiwan issue."
High-profile Chinese civilian and People's Liberation Army scholars have commented proposing an unofficial cross-strait "peace framework."
China has stepped up its global information operations and accused the United States of trying to provoke a military conflict over Taiwan.
Early 2025
The National People's Congress revised the 2005 Anti-Secession Law of the People's Republic of China to establish strict but unclear penalties for individuals who engage in separatist behavior.
The People's Liberation Army has begun higher-intensity drills that coincide with regular closures of air and sea areas around Taiwan.
The Coast Guard, with the support of the Navy, began to conduct ship inspections of cargo ships heading to Taiwan
Mid 2025
Chinese customs announced a ban on specific products imported from Taiwan.
The ministries of foreign affairs and commerce met with neighboring governments in Asia to reassure them of the escalating threat across the region and to re-emphasize trade and investment ties.
End of 2025
The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission directed key Chinese state-owned enterprises to stockpile essential goods in anticipation of potential U.S.-led containment efforts.
China has threatened to sanction U.S. companies in Taiwan that may have ties to the defense industry.
Early 2026
China has successfully normalized shipping inspections and stepped up PLA activity in the contiguous zone, with PLAAF bombers now regularly flying around Taiwan.
The People's Liberation Army regularly conducts missile flights over Taiwan's territory, including ballistic missiles that passed through Taiwan's airspace for the first time (in fact, they have already passed through it).
The ministries of foreign affairs and commerce announced trade negotiations with the United States.
Mid 2026
China imposed previously threatened sanctions on U.S. companies selling products with potential defense uses in Taiwan.
Taiwanese authorities have reported a significant increase in the frequency of DDoS and ransomware attacks on their networks.
Chinese customs have imposed broader restrictions on multinational companies doing business in Taiwan.
Taiwan's anti-China hawks and some other politicians have received death threats from Taiwanese organized criminals.
End of 2026
For the first time, Chinese elites have directly commented on the proposed unofficial "peace framework". Some prominent Taiwanese commentators have also begun to raise objections.
The Rocket Force conducts missile firing exercises in waters outside the second island chain and conducts follow-up exercises regularly.
China announced a long-term "rotational deployment" of People's Liberation Army personnel to the Solomon Islands.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Front Work Department led a regional propaganda campaign condemning "Japan's militarization of the Ryukyu Islands".
North Korea claims it has successfully developed technology to miniaturize nuclear warheads that can equip its longest-range missiles. Previously, seismic readings suggested it was an underground nuclear test (old news).
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued vague threats to countries around the world, warning governments to avoid alliances with Taiwan and the United States.
Early 2027
The People's Liberation Army has conducted an even more brazen air and sea blockade while targeting radar on some Taiwanese military platforms.
Coast guards sunk and occasionally boarded ships that resisted inspections.
Taiwanese authorities reported a cyber attack on an LNG terminal, and the Chinese government pressured LNG producers to cancel contracts with Taiwanese companies.
Taiwanese companies face growing regulatory hurdles and unannounced restrictions in mainland China, hampering their business.
The Ministry of Commerce announced the suspension of ECFA.
North Korea launched multiple sets of long-range missiles over Japan.
Groups affiliated with the United Front Work Department and the Ministry of National Security have used China's claims that the Ryukyu Islands are militarized to encourage local Japanese residents to protest against Japanese and U.S. troops stationed there.
The Rocket Force now joins the Navy and Air Force in coordinated joint long-range missile exercises to strike simulated targets beyond the second island chain.
Bomb threats disrupt Taipei's MRT system.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a travel warning for Japan following the anti-China violence at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo.
The United States and China announced the signing of a major trade deal.
Taiwanese authorities reported that a chemical factory in Tainan was damaged by unknown saboteurs.
Mid 2027
Large-scale ransomware attacks have been reported across major economic sectors in Taiwan.
The People's Liberation Army Air Force forced a Taiwanese cargo plane to land in China and detained the crew.
China and its allies have vetoed a U.N. resolution condemning pressure on Taiwan.
The People's Liberation Army's electronic warfare operations often interfere with high-level Taiwan-U.S. communications.
Rumors circulated on Taiwanese social media about Taiwanese officials formulating a wartime escape plan.
Chinese-influenced Taiwanese media spread rumors that Beijing would introduce a new model of unification.
China-influenced Taiwanese media amplified a Taiwanese business leader and political commentator's proposals on how to prevent further escalation.
Intrusions by Chinese air and maritime military platforms regularly reach Taiwan's 12-nautical-mile border, while Rocket Force missiles frequently intrude into Taiwan's airspace during tests and exercises.
A joint exercise between the Chinese navy and a regional partner entered the Taiwan contiguous zone.
Swarms of drones from China frequently appear over Kinmen and Matsu.
The People's Liberation Army and Coast Guard began a close blockade of Taiping Island in the Nansha Islands and authorized the use of lethal force to implement the blockade.
End of 2027
Several North Korean stray bullets hit a South Korean navy patrol ship near the Northern Limit Line near Seoul.
China sanctions senior Japanese officials who meet directly with Taiwanese officials.
Chinese media across Asia spread rumors that Japan's prime minister had launched a program to develop nuclear weapons.
The United Front Work Department and the Ministry of National Security secretly use violence to attack Taiwanese politicians and others who use proxy organizations.
The People's Liberation Army coordinated a missile attack on Pengjia Island, killing and injuring dozens of Taiwan Coast Patrol officers.
China’s cyberattacks and sabotage on Taiwan have targeted critical infrastructure including water, electricity, sewer and food distribution networks.
Chinese affiliates in Taiwan have spread rumors that Taiwan's president is considering developing nuclear weapons.
The United States' refusal to respond forcefully to China's attack on Peng Jiayu has seriously damaged U.S.-Taiwan relations, while China has stepped up information operations targeting the American public.
A cyberattack led by the Strategic Support Force (which no longer exists) caused Taiwan’s early warning system to broadcast false missile warnings to the Taiwanese public.
China-owned Taiwanese media openly supports a "peace framework" with China.
Countermeasures proposed by think tanks against this roadmap:
  1. The US does not establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan, but treats Taiwan as a sovereign country and safeguards all Taiwan's sovereignty.
  2. The U.S. military wears civilian clothes, enters Taiwan as tourists, and then joins the Taiwan military to perform tasks.
  3. The U.S. military conducts regular sea and air patrols in the Taiwan Strait and conducts joint exercises with the Taiwan military to prevent Taiwan from being blocked.
  4. Taiwan has strengthened its network security and stockpiled disaster relief and survival supplies and equipment to prevent hacker attacks, water and power outages, network interruptions, and air traffic (road) blockades.
  5. Taiwan has established its own Merchant Fleet to prevent foreign merchant ships from going to Taiwan for fear of mainland sanctions.
  6. The US and Taiwan are strengthening cognitive operations globally and on the island to make the world support Taiwan independence and not dare to abandon Taiwan, and to make the island dare not surrender.
Read the full report.
submitted by Lianzuoshou to LessCredibleDefence [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:22 ImmortalFroggo 1.2k max coding and gaming 1440p build

Edit Edit: I‘m left handed. Is it possible to get a setup that better accommodates me in that point? Thanks :)
Edit: If I‘m asking too much for my budget, would it be possible to have a build that cuts corners at some places right now, but can be easily upgraded in the future? Also, I think I could maybe stretch to 1300€ if it makes a big difference.
Also, I have zero qualms with b-ware or refurbished, as long as I can be sure it works well. Especially Monitors seem to be available for much less if they are b-ware.
**What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.**
Programming: Godot and Lua for Roblox. I‘ll be doing 2d and 3d.
3d modeling/animation: Blender and/or BforArtists
Gaming: Modded Minecraft, Fortnite, Roblox, Subnautica, Hollow Knight, Rain World, Risk of Rain, Baldurs Gate 3, potentially some other AAA games (not the poorly optimised Bethesda kind)
Music Production:, but also a bit more professional software in the future, like FL Studio.
Linux: Well mainly just figuring out how it works ig
**What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?**
1000€, maybe a hundred more
**When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.**
August of this year.
**What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc\)**
The full package, so PC, (2k) Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse and speakers.
**Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?**
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen.
**If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.**
I have some good bluetooth headphones (they‘re kinda loud though, so I‘ll still need some speakers)
Other than that, nothing, but like I said, I‘m very much open to b-ware and refurbished or if necessary used.
**Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?**
Probably not, no.
**Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)**
1TB storage, 32GB RAM (Or, if those two dont fit into the budget then the possibility to easily upgrade, everything you need for Dual Booting (Linux and Windows), WLAN and Bluetooth connectivity for my headphones (It might be possible to connect my headphones through the speakers though).
**Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?**
I‘m just looking to get the max performance out of my budget :D
**Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?**
I‘ll get that myself, thanks.
**Extra info or particulars:**
I‘d like this build to be one you can upgrade over the years, so AM5 would be nice. You can go a bit over more budget with some parts, as there are good B-Ware sales in my country (ex: new RTX 3060 for 220€). I definitely don’t want to cheap out on things like the PSU, but I also don’t care about brand or look as long as it works well.
As mentioned, I‘ll be dual booting Linux and Windows, due to things like Fortnite not working for Linux.
From what I gathered so far, 1080p would be ideal for my build. But I also don’t need crazy framerates, and I do very much care about the visual quality (contrast, colours etc.).
I think I already settled for my speakers, that being the Creative Pebble Plus or Pro, depending on how much money is left at the end. But if anyone knows something better, I‘d be happy to know!
Thanks in advance!
I‘m really looking forward to this :D
submitted by ImmortalFroggo to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:21 Any-Party-4602 Future of Catwoman?

Is DC setting up Selina Kyle to retire? In the recent catwoman comics it's been hinted that Eiko could be the new catwoman and after the gotham city sirens event in August the catwoman ongoing is restarting at #1, the same thing seems to be happening with Batman who's lost all his money and is finally free of Zurs paranoia he will probably feel responsible for failsafes actions in the upcoming events
Is all this leading up to the introduction of Helena Wayne (not from the future) and Dick Grayson becoming Batman (again) with Tim becoming the new Nightwing
submitted by Any-Party-4602 to Catwoman [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:11 Mkyhhd U.S. bans Russian uranium imports

Joselow, Maxine. The Washington Post; Washington, D.C.. 14 May 2024: A.18.

Move aimed at punishing Moscow and boosting domestic nuclear sector
President Biden on Monday evening signed a bipartisan bill prohibiting Russian imports of enriched uranium, the main fuel used by nuclear power plants, a move intended to cut off one of the last significant flows of money from the United States to Russia amid the war in Ukraine.
Congress took swift action to ban Russian oil and gas imports a month after the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine. But sanctions on uranium imports have taken much longer, in part because Russia supplies roughly 20 percent of U.S. nuclear fuel, leading some lawmakers to fear disruptions to the nation's 93 nuclear reactors.
"It's kind of ridiculous that it took as long as it did to get to this stage," said Scott Melbye, executive vice president of mining company Uranium Energy and president of the Uranium Producers of America, a trade group. "But we're just glad that we got here."
American companies pay around $1 billion a year for enriched uranium from Rosatom, Russia's state nuclear power conglomerate. These payments have continued even after documents revealed last year that Rosatom had been working to supply the Russian arms industry with components, technology and raw materials for missile fuel.
The bipartisan bill will ban uranium imports from Moscow beginning 90 days after its enactment. It will provide waivers until 2028 for utilities that would be forced to shut down nuclear reactors once Russian supplies are cut off. The bill also frees up $2.7 billion passed in previous legislation to build out the domestic uranium processing industry.
"This new law reestablishes America's leadership in the nuclear sector," national security adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement Monday. "It will help secure our energy sector for generations to come."
The bill passed the House in December, but it had stalled for months in the Senate, where Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) had blocked the measure over unrelated disputes. In a development that surprised some observers, Cruz dropped his opposition last month, and the measure then passed the Senate by unanimous consent, meaning no senators objected to it.
"Russia's chokehold on America's uranium supply is coming to an end," Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), a bill sponsor, said on the Senate floor on Wednesday. "[Russian President Vladimir] Putin's war machine has now lost one of its cash cows. America is finally starting to take back our nuclear energy security as well as our energy future."
Officials at the Energy Department and the National Security Council had discussed the possibility of taking executive action to ban Russian uranium imports if Congress did not act, Bloomberg News reported.
Biden has set an ambitious goal of reaching 100 percent clean electricity by 2035. Nuclear reactors generate more than half of emissions-free electricity in the United States, and supporters say they can play a key role in the country's transition away from fossil fuels.
Yet the U.S. nuclear power industry has recently faced financial challenges, including spiraling costs of the new modular designs it is testing. Those difficulties may continue even after companies are no longer reliant on imported uranium.
The United States' dependence on Russian uranium dates back to a 1993 nuclear disarmament program soon after the Cold War ended. Under the program, dubbed Megatons to Megawatts, the United States bought 500 metric tons of uranium from dismantled Russian nuclear warheads and converted it to nuclear reactor fuel.
At the time, many policymakers in Washington hailed the deal as a win-win: Moscow got desperately needed cash in exchange for giving U.S. utilities cheap fuel and placating arms-control advocates. But today, some experts say the program had the unintended consequence of delivering such inexpensive Russian fuel that U.S. and European companies struggled to compete.
More than two years after Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States largely lacks its own uranium enrichment capacity. The nuclear energy company TerraPower, which was founded by Bill Gates, has been forced to delay the opening of a new nuclear plant by at least two years, in part because it has pledged not to use Russian enriched uranium.
The new legislation could help. It unlocks $2.7 billion in funding for domestic uranium enrichment that Congress conditionally approved in a spending bill last year.
The funding could allow the company Centrus to expand its enrichment facility in Ohio with "thousands of additional centrifuges to replace Russian imports with American production," spokeswoman Lindsey Geisler said in an email.
Jeff Navin, director of external affairs for TerraPower, which has signed an agreement with Centrus to collaborate on fueling its Natrium reactor in Wyoming, said in an email that the funding is "expected to spur job creation, technological advancement and boost the U.S. nuclear industry's global competitiveness."
In August, Biden established a new national monument near the Grand Canyon, putting the site off-limits to future uranium mining. The move did not affect an existing uranium mine owned by Energy Fuels, which recently ramped up work as growing demand and global instability pushed uranium prices higher.
Though some environmentalists support nuclear power, others say there are cheaper options and have voiced concerns that the country lacks a long-term plan for storage of nuclear waste. Still others have warned that radioactive dust from uranium mining could contaminate the drinking water of nearby communities.
Asked about these concerns, Curtis Moore, senior vice president of marketing and corporate development at Energy Fuels, said modern environmental regulations have made uranium mining much safer over the last half-century. He said the company's mine near the Grand Canyon poses "zero" risk to water supplies.
"To oppose modern uranium mining is akin to opposing electric vehicles today because cars in the '50s didn't have seat belts," Moore said. "It's really shortsighted. Uranium is absolutely essential to the fight against climate change."
submitted by Mkyhhd to EnergyAndPower [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:08 IAmACoolFella Affect on car lease on mortgage?

I’m looking to start buying a house in the next 4/6 months after a long while of saving. Have got a mortgage in principle, and just need to save a little more for the cost of moving and a bit of a buffer.
My car lease is up in August so I’ve got a bit of a conundrum. I can extend for a bit less than I’m paying right now, which is tempting because it’s quite cheap for a lease, fully maintained and it’s a reliable car. I obviously don’t want to spend any of my deposit on a car, and also obviously don’t want to finance or lease anything new at this stage.
I’m happy to drive around in an old car, thinking about just buying a car for 1500 or so to plod about in.
How beneficial would it be to not have this lease payment when the time comes to apply for mortgages for real, is it worth me handing the car back? Or will it not affect much and does it make sense to stick to the lease for the reliability and so on.
submitted by IAmACoolFella to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:06 soxgal [Thank You] catching up from a serious mental health hiatus

Hi all,
Lots of you have sent me cards at the end of 2023 and into 2024 (how are we almost in June?!!). I'm way behind on humaning so I have lots of thanks to share, in no particular order:
submitted by soxgal to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:01 Mrmuse12 Why a new Quincy steakhouse in old Masonic Temple has some neighbors worried

Why a new Quincy steakhouse in old Masonic Temple has some neighbors worried
QUINCY − One of the busiest stretches of Hancock Street in the city center sits back-to-back with a leafy neighborhood of single-family homes. The contrast is leading to conflict, as a celebrated Quincy restaurateur moves forwards with his plans to bring a three-floor Italian steakhouse to the old Masonic Temple, which was severely damaged by fire in 2014.
Jimmy Liang, founder of JP Fuji Group, went before the licensing board May 7 seeking an all-alcoholic beverages restaurant license for the 11,340-square-foot Masons Steakhouse at 1170 Hancock St. He said the restaurant will have capacity for 240 diners and will also host functions such as small wedding parties. The board voted unanimously to grant the license.
The old Masonic Temple is owned by FoxRock, and the restaurant will be part of the real estate developer's downtown Center and Stone project, which also includes 267 apartments across two six-story buildings, one of which will host a Citizens Bank on the ground floor.
Quincy restaurateur Jimmy Liang plans to open Masons Steak House in the former Masonic Temple on Hancock Street in Quincy Square. He says he has always admired the architecture of the building. Thursday, March 14, 2024. Neighbors worry about parking at the new Quincy steakhouse in the Masonic Temple
Multiple homeowners on Russell Park and Whitney Street complained that their Residential A neighborhood already suffers from too many people parking along the curbs and even in front of their driveways, blocking access and egress to and from their homes. Residential A districts are restricted to single-family homes.
Without a parking plan, many say Russell Park residents will suffer from its proximity to the new steakhouse.
"(Customers will) look to park as close as they can to the facility, and that means on Russell Park," said Robert Cerasoli, a former Massachusetts state representative for the district from 1975 to 1991 who lives on Russell Park. "We're going to be descended upon by these people."
City Clerk Nicole Crispo said that Liang is working with Ward 1 Councilor Dave McCarthy and Mayor Tom Koch's office to develop a parking plan.
The plans could involve Liang using municipal parking at the Quincy Center T station across the street where a temporary Citizens Bank trailer now stands, according to Crispo. The historical society could also share available parking space, Crispo said.
Police Chief Mark Kennedy said that in his 26 years as a Quincy officer, he never had a problem with any of Liang's restaurants (Liang currently owns four in Quincy alone). Kennedy noted that the license is contingent on a parking plan, and that the board could require Liang to come back for another hearing if any of the neighbors' fears materialize.
Nightlife in Quincy Center another worry of neighbors
Some also objected to Liang's plan to keep the restaurant open until 1 a.m. Liang said he hopes to bring some of the nightlife back to Quincy Center that has been lacking since the COVID outbreak in 2020.
"I think 1 a.m. is really late," said Randy Hoes, who lives on Russell Park. "I'm not interested in a lot of carousing around and boozing and what not. I would appreciate 11 p.m. at the latest."
"Where are all these people going to park?" Joann Cerasoli, also of Russell Park, asked. "How late are they going to stay?"
'We are not NIMBY people'
Robert Cerasoli said he doesn't oppose the restaurant but there needs to be a plan for parking.
"We are not NIMBY people," Cerasoli said. "We believe in progress of the downtown. ... undefined
Kevin Norton, of Whitney Street, said his property abuts the proposed restaurant and complained that it would make an already bad parking situation worse.
"It used to be nice and quiet, no cars in the street," Norton said. "Now, it's a nightmare."
Norton said incessant noise from construction of the Center and Stone development has been a nuisance. "My taxes go up every year," he said. "My quality of life goes down every year."
As of now, the restaurant has about 30 parking spaces behind the building for staff and customers of the 240-seat restaurant, Liang said.
Chamber of commerce defends Liang
President of Quincy's chamber of commerce, former state treasurer and 2010 gubernatorial candidate Tim Cahill, vouched for Liang, who has run restaurants in Quincy for 25 years.
"They're not outsiders," Cahill said of Liang's team. "They will be part of the community."
Cahill told neighbors that the 1 a.m. closing does not imply a nightclub atmosphere. "The prices are such that it's not going be a college crowd – young kids getting wildly drunk and having problems," he said.
Liang has said Masons Steak House will have some affordable options.
"I'm going to keep it medium," he said of the prices. "(A steak) could be $40 or as expensive as $200."
submitted by Mrmuse12 to QuincyMa [link] [comments]