Rosacea lamictal

im so done with life help im 18

2024.04.23 16:27 obsesia444 im so done with life help im 18

im sorry in advance for rambling. if you do have advice please give me. my dissociation, anger, ocd intrusive thoughts and depression is getting so much worse. i think of suicide 24/7. i dont remember life when i didnt. i cant comprehend how some poeple never felt like this. is there an end??? to this???
im bored of my face, everything too but recently my face???
im also always anxious and overreacting.
when will my lamictal take effect on my mood?
i have a list of ways to die.. i also wrote cons to them(so i rethink)
im afraid ill get bored of everyone and everything.
when im dissociating, i cant feel any love when i remember people i "love" i dont like this.. i cant dress the way i want anymore. i dress alt and i hate when people stare.. its expected but im still angry about that??? people here are so judgemental. my ocd doesnt make things easier either. bullying wrecked my self esteem, gave me social anxiety issues when i already was shy and quiet. body dysmoprhia too.. i cant see what i look like everytime i loom in a reflection or even the same mirror im different i cant take this i dont want to hurt anyone by killing myself
will i ever get better? this has been happeninf since im 10 i tried so many meds, therapy
im done i hate my parents for emotionally abusing me.. i have abandonment issues with my bf i dont want him to leave me im feeling so shit, im svwred he will get annoyed and angry of me feelinf like this all the time im scared ill leave him too and stop loving him??? help???? i dont want to work either i cant do that i love programming but i hate college since anything like that reminds me of school and bullies
i feel inferior to other girls
i feel fat even though im almost underweight my skin bothers me because i have rosacea and i exhaggerate it, since social media always has filtered pictures seeing my "huge" pores makes me feel so angry... even if i know they are filtered...
my nose too, i broke it when i was little, TWICE. my parents never bothered to take me to a doctor. my nose is now messed up, had a huge bump and the tip is round and big,,, to me atleast. i had a cute little nose with no bump at all. like my parents!!!1!1!
being pale and having black hair isnt fun either. my body hair is too visible and i hate it i hate my side profile i hate my tiny lips i hate how red i get from ANYTHING. i cwnt eat dairy, chocolate, coffee. cant go out in sun and heat. cant exercise, run, cant HAVE EMOTIONS BECAUSE ALL THOSE ARE TRIGGERS. theres no point in living since im so RESTRICTED i fucming hate this i hate everything my mom and dad have shit genes with mental illnesses AND THEY DECIDED TO HAVE ME AND MY SISTER WHO IS EQUALLY AS FUCKED UP FROM THEM. she is still the favorite child but i cant control that. you know how the younger one is the favorite. and im like the first pancake istg i got all the shit genes
im so ugly and hideous oh my gosh
please help somehow i dont know comment some coping mechanisms that helped you??? if someone even reads this!!?!?
submitted by obsesia444 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 01:50 GlassLake3749 Burning feeling

Hi! I’ve been on lamictal for about 3 weeks now and I’m on 50mg. Have had no issues till now. I feel like my face has been getting so red and flushed. Went to dermatologist and told me it looks like rosacea. But now I feel like my arms/stomach are sunburned and hot? But they look totally fine, no rashes. Is burning feeling and redness normal? It feels like I’m sunburned but I’m not. I know you aren’t supposed to just stop but I’m afraid it’s a reaction to it and want to stop. Thank you
submitted by GlassLake3749 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2023.02.20 17:11 Maurarachel Acne mystery - Please read below

Acne mystery - Please read below
So I have never had acne in my entire life before until i started Lamictal (psych med) in September 2022. Took this for 3 weeks & quit because it started to give me HORRID acne (photo #1) Derm at the time did not know what this was & ended up prescribing me oral Doxy for 3 months/oral Prednisone for 1 month....... This cleared it up for some time but then left me eventually waking up with a different type of acne - looking very similar to Rosacea type 2 (red polka dots). Went to a different derm who prescribed me Adapalene which I have been using since probably November. But still was waking up with a face that looked like chicken pox :( So i went on Apostrophe (online derm) who prescribed me A. Acid & Spirolactone (50mg). I am on my 2nd week of that. It helped BEAUTIFULLY the first week, but am starting to see some red dots coming back (as well as an emotional roller coaster). Unfortunately I have started tanning again to see if that helps too.
WHAT CAUSED THIS ACNE ROLLER COASTER?! I miss waking up to clear skin & not thinking twice about it
submitted by Maurarachel to acne [link] [comments]

2023.02.19 11:49 Immediate_Night7950 Rosacea x Epilepsy

So I have recently been diagnosed with Epilepsy (5 months ago) and already had rosacea going on.
I am interested to know if anyone else with both conditions has found their rosacea has gone flat out insane since being on medication /changing medication?
I first took tegretol which essentially poisoned me and now I take levetiracetam (keppra) 1000mg bi-daily and lamotrigine (lamictal) 100mg in the morning.
The meds are controlling my seizures well, so massive tick there, but would love to get my skin back to being a bit more normal.
Am working with a dermatologist and my naturopath as well, but it seems to be aggravated by the meds (or a hangover from the awful times with tegretol).
Any experience or tips appreciated!
submitted by Immediate_Night7950 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2022.12.15 22:05 wheredidmoneygo I am 36, make $55,000/year (joint $155,000) in Texas, and am a state worker. I hope you enjoy emotional detachment alternating with bursts of crying.

I am 36 years old, make $55,000/year (joint $155,000) in Austin, and this week is a bummer where I spent an incredible amount of money. Warning: sad pet stuff
Section One: Assets and Debt Retirement Balance (and how you got there): Roth IRA - $5,272.97. We stopped contributing to this and are working towards maxing out my husband’s 401k. Husband’s 401K - $50,075.73. $22,713.56 in optional retirement through my job. At 65, I’ll have a pension worth 96% of the average of my three highest salaries. I believe the income discrepancy between my husband and I will even out with my retirement benefits. I expect we’ll move to a LCOL city. Also, I have more job security than him.
Equity if you're a homeowner (and how much you put down and how you accumulated that payment): $74,106. Put down $20k, gift from inlaws.
Account balance: $30,634.98 across our accounts. We both have our own, though we have access to both. We don’t treat savings and checking differently - is that bad? We don’t earn much interest from our savings accounts. Part of the total is a $1,037.25 CD that matures in 2025. We just transferred $5k into checking from WealthSimple to pay down our personal loan. I know we’ll have to pay taxes on it, but the loan has an 11% interest rate. Actually, I’m not sure if that works out in our favor? But, debt makes me anxious.
Credit card debt (and how you accumulated it): $5,452.36. We use credit for everything to accumulate points, plus it’s safer than using debit. At the end of the month, it averages somewhere between $3 and 4k, but this month it’s high because a lot of expensive things have happened. My husband is getting a holiday bonus, so it shouldn’t be a huge hit to pay it off.
Student loan debt (for what degree): $0, BA. I’m extremely privileged and my extended family invested money for me when I was born, plus I received a $15,000 inheritance. I used those funds to pay for my tuition and living expenses. Also, I had scholarships and my tuition was $1k a semester (small state liberal arts university, no prestige and affordable). My husband paid off his student loans about 10 years ago. I don’t know how much debt he had because we kept separate accounts then.
Anything else that's applicable to you: Some stocks that I need to sell and move to some other investment. They’re left over from my college fund and I think they’re worth 15k? And I have a CD from my hometown bank that I think is worth $1,500.
Section Two: Income
Income Progression: As a young teen, I worked for my parents for $5/hour doing manual farm labor. Avoided that after age 15 and didn’t work again until I was 18. In college, I worked a few part time jobs for minimum wage. Mostly, on campus.
After graduation, I worked several part time jobs for not much more than minimum wage. I got laid off from the one that was on my planned professional tract (librarian) and then abandoned the whole idea of getting an MSIS; that is a decision I do not regret. It took two years to find full time work. I don’t recommend graduating in 2008!
I’ve been at my job for 12 years and my starting salary was $35k. Salaries and raises are pathetic in the public sector. However, our benefits are amazing. I’ll get a pension, my health insurance is free, I get 16 days of vacation, 12 days of sick leave, and paid holidays (including the days between Christmas and New Year’s Day). The number of vacation days increases with longevity. Sometimes I wish I had more ambition to get a challenging and higher paying job, but I latch on to security due to entering the workforce in 2008, and my parents having extremely insecure income. They have no retirement plan and no safety net, so I get anxious about avoiding that situation. Plus, I have anxiety in general and my job is low stress. And I like everyone I work with. That’s valuable. I’m far from the only lifer in my department!
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $2,743.92 (household $8,481.06)
Section 3
Mortgage: $2,355.10. This includes homeowners’ insurance, taxes, and PMI. 30 year fixed rate, 3.5% interest.
Auto insurance: $70
Life insurance for my husband: $137.71
Life insurance for me: $131.46
Health insurance: $0 for me and uhhh I don’t know how much my husband gets taken out of his paycheck. I asked him and he doesn’t know either.
Dental insurance: $30 for me
Vision: $5
Parking permit: $57 So expensive! I think it would be fair if this was based on income instead of a flat rate for everyone.
Debt: $9,269.80 debt on a personal loan from my credit union to pay for our new AC this summer.
Retirement fund: I invest $500 into a 403b and $500 into a 457(b). My husband invests into a 401k. I don’t know the amount. A significant chunk but not maxing it out.
Debt payments (please break this down individually and specify if you're paying above the minimum): $261.59 on the loan. We put everything on our Chase Sapphire card ($95/year) and pay it off monthly.
Donations (please specify if monthly or annual): $50/month
Utilities, except gas: $240/month We do budget billing, so it’s the same amount every month based on our annual average usage.
Natural Gas: $39
Wifi: $100.55
Cellphone: $182.17
Subscriptions: About $90 for Hulu, Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon, YouTube premium, Peacock, and Criterion. Too many in my opinion. If it were up to me, we’d have like two paid streaming services. We watch a lot of movies, but most are free on Tubi.
Car insurance: $76.10
Psychiatrist: $50
Family doctor fee: $26.50.
Toll pass: $20
Yoga pass: $108. This was a special for the holidays. It will go up to $135 when this one expires.
Google storage: $2.12
Patreon: $5
NYT: $6.40
MyFitnessPal: $80/year
Hello! I’m a 36 year old state worker in Texas, a state I have very mixed feelings about, mostly negative. But, I am shackled with golden handcuffs (well, gold-plated), so I don’t foresee leaving anytime soon. My husband and I have been together almost 20 years and living in Austin for 14. We became homeowners a few months before the pandemic and therefore homebodies because this city, that used to be relatively cheap, has gotten very expensive.
This week is a bummer.
7:15am: Morning routine: Check my Fitbit sleep stats to see if I’ll be tired today. Let the dog out and prepare her breakfast of kibble, wet food, and medication for seizures and arthritis. Take my pills: Lamictal for mood, Propranolol for anxiety, Allegra for living in Texas, Doxy for rosacea, and Blood Builder for iron deficiency. Bring a caffeine water back to bed and work on the NYT Spelling Bee. Working from home so no rush.
8:00am: Husband wakes up. ::Scene missing::
8:30am: Shower and do morning skincare routine: removal of the Dark Haired Woman’s Complaint with dermaplane tool; Olehendriksen dark spot toner; Strata Liquid Gold; Clinique Moisture Surge lip moisturizer; Trader Joe’s eye moisturizer; and Paula’s Choice RESIST Anti-Aging Clear Skin Hydrator. Then workity work work. Have another caffeine water.
9:00am: Order my dog her expensive food for delivery today. $49.55 Husband says he’s getting a large (to us) Christmas bonus, if he understood the math correctly. This is great news. I mean, obviously. But, we just replaced our AC (see loan), had the owner shut-off replaced on our water meter ($500), and this week the dog has a dental cleaning ($$$). So, that money is pretty much gone.
10:45am: Have Tazo pumpkin spice chai latte concentrate with almond Malk and TJ instant boba. Tazo is the best pumpkin spice drink in the PSL game. Sponsor me, Tazo!
1:00pm: Leftover chicken burrito bowl from last night’s take-out.
1:45pm: Give my husband a hard time about not getting his car registered. It expired 2 years ago! He was pulled over last month and said he’d get it done ASAP. He has not! After pressuring him, I think there’s a 25% chance it will be done this week. 50% chance by next week. 25% chance he’ll wait until he gets a new car in a few years.
6:00pm: Yin flow yoga. This is my favorite class of the week. It’s so relaxing and rewarding. During Shavasana, I start TEARING UP. This is embarrassing. I do not want to be the type of person who cries to singing bowls. Next stage is attending seminars at Nature’s Treasures.
8:00pm: Make coconut curry shrimp with vegetables for dinner, plus a glass of wine. Husband took his car for inspection at the dealership and they found a bunch of stuff to repair (of course), so 💸$1,234.37 Why not go to the Sticker Shop where an inspection is like, $10? But, I’d feel bad if his brakes went out after I insisted on the cheap option.
9:00pm: Get ready for bed. Products: Clinique Take Off the Day; prescription sulfur face wash; Pre de Provence Rose Petal soap; R+Co shampoo and conditioner; Kiss My Face shaving lotion; a rotation of Tretinoin, glycolic acid, Youth to the People oil, and azelaic acid; Sephora face moisturizer; R+Co leave in conditioner; Kevin Murphy Easy Rider; First Aid Repair Cream; Cerave healing ointment; Hourglass eye cream.
It takes a lot of money to look this mediocre.
10:30pm: Order seamless underwear from Uniqlo to wear under leggings. $51.41 Exercise is expensive.
11:00pm: Take Eszopiclone and go to bed.
Total: $1,335.33
7:00am: Same routine and skincare as yesterday but with makeup because I’m going into the office. Additional products: Paula’s Choice RESIST mixed with Tarte BB cream and Cicapair color correction, Glossier blush, Bobby Brown concealer, Tarte lipstick, and a mascara sample. I can only use a mascara tube for a month before it starts to irritate my eyes, so I use samples from Sephora.
Get dressed. I simplify my life by having a sort of work uniform, wearing the same pants (I own 5 pairs) and flats every day with a rotation of 4 blouses. In the winter, I have warmer shoes and sweaters instead of blouses. It's a standard issue 30-something office lady look. I only wear these clothes to the office (except the pants), so it creates a boundary between work me and private me.
8:15am: Say goodbye to husband and dog. I have a 15 minute commute and a 5 minute walk after parking.
8:45am: In the office. A coworker brought in breakfast for everyone!
11:45am: Pick up Sweetgreen. $12.39 Bestie and I do this every Friday. Good for catching up with weekly personal news, even though we text a lot.
1:00pm: Vote in the mayoral runoff. Meet the candidate I’m voting for outside the polling place. That’s exciting! Eat a candy cane.
2:00pm: Cheeky afternoon almond milk latte because we’re going out tonight. $6.50 with tip. Jeez Louise.
6:00pm: I don’t feel like going to yoga because I’m irritable and bloated. But if I give in to excuses like that, it’s a short road to not going at all. I don’t regret going, of course. Probably no one regrets going to yoga when they don’t want to, unless they have norovirus and shit their mat.
7:15pm: Husband picked up dinner at a halal cart. $27.06 Chicken over rice for me. He got his car registered! Nagging works! $79.25 (I think he had to pay for two years.)
10:00pm: See a comedy show. This show is an annual tradition for us, but we haven’t gone since Covid, so it’s very exciting and special. $0
I do something cringey and try not to dwell on it. That’s fun to practice!
1:00am: Remove makeup with Clinique oil and skip everything else. Over caffeinated and struggling to go to bed.
3:00am: After tossing and turning, take Eszopiclone.
Total: $125.20
8:00am: Typical morning routine. Ugh, still bloated. I want to drink 3 Ballerina Tea but this weekend is too busy. Unhand me, Satan!
10:30am: Annual wellness exam at GP. I like my doctor, but the billing is shady. A year ago they started charging a monthly fee if you have a controlled substance prescription. It started as “concierge medicine,” but I guess they couldn’t provide that level of service so they changed it to anyone with a controlled substance has to pay.
Otherwise, I am declared the healthiest woman in the world.
12:00pm: Walk 4 miles around Town Lake. Try to keep my shoulders straight, my core engaged, and my pelvis from arching. I have back pain, which explains the yoga and barre. Recently, my lower back started aching after a couple of miles, but it doesn’t today! Town Lake is the best place in Austin for people watching, dog watching, and eavesdropping.
1:20pm: Stop at my favorite Goodwill, but no luck.
2:45pm: TJ potatoes with green beans and mushrooms for lunch.
3:30pm: Sephora’s having a sale. Buy Clinique Take Off the Day, Melt liquid lipstick, and Sephora face moisturizer. $55
4:30pm: Buy liqueur, mixers and add-ins, and a bottle of Cava (for NYE) at Spec’s. $149.57
5:30pm: Buy Christmas gifts for family and a bra for me at Nordstrom Rack. $153
5:15pm: Trader Joe’s. I was just going to get chocolate croissants, but you know how it is. $71.87
7:00pm: Husband and I go to dinner at Lima Criolla. Get drinks, jalea, carapulcra, and tallarines a la huancaina. $101.83 After dinner, drive around and look at Christmas lights.
10:00pm: Get ready for bed and then read.
Total: $531.27
7:20am: Usual morning routine. Put together this week’s meal schedule and place the HEB pick-up order.
9:00am: Sunday tradition: TJ croissants and Gogglebox.
9:15am: Suddenly feel motivated to unclog the bathroom sink. I’ve been avoiding this task for 2 months because it is disgusting. But, it’s not getting less disgusting. Motivation must be seized even if Gogglebox is interrupted. It’s clogged worse than usual, but I think I’ve fixed it and didn’t make it worse. I included this gross story because I am proud of myself.
1:00pm: Last night’s leftovers for lunch.
2:30pm: My husband and I attend a memorial service for one of my friends, though I haven’t seen them much in a few years. They were more like a friend of friends, so we weren’t close and I’m more there for support, but I knew them. (What I’m trying to explain is that it’s upsetting but condolences to me wouldn't be appropriate, if that makes sense.) Have one beer each. It’s mostly people mingling and catching up, but then the open mic eulogy part begins and the sadness of the whole situation is intense. $17.96
5:00pm: Get emotional support gelato, plus a present for my friend. $20.57
6:20pm: It’s a Money Diary miracle! Sell something on Poshmark for the first time in two months. Only $10 profit, but I’ll take it.
9:30pm: Get ready for bed then watch the last three episodes of White Lotus.
Total: $38.53
8:00am: Normal morning routine. Bloating gone! It (plus other symptoms) lines up to when my period tracking app predicts ovulation. I know it’s foolish to use a period tracking app, especially in Texas, but a few months ago, I quit continuous birth control pills after 10+ years. Lamictal decreases its effectiveness and vice versa. I’m getting used to the side effects of ovulations, PMS, and periods.
8:30am: Working from home.
10:00am: Better Oats protein oatmeal.
10:40am: Get the dreaded “some of your items were out of stock” email from HEB. Now I’ll have to go in the store to pick replacements.
12:00pm: Run some errands. Print the Poshmark mailing label at the library. 20¢ Pick up drycleaning. $128.98 I don’t know if anyone’s ever talked about this, but death is a bummer. Highly recommend driving to the grocery store in the rain, crying a little in the car, then shopping while it’s ultra crowded and Christmas music plays.
Get the things that were missing from my order and then pick up a few things to mail to my childhood best friend who isn’t lucky enough to have an HEB. Go kind of over the top, probably from sentimentality and sadness-induced impulsivity. $62.26 Pick up my curbside order. $84.99
2:00pm: HEB kale salad and rotisserie chicken salad for lunch.
3:30pm: Drop off the Poshmark order. It’s not the post office I usually go to and it’s jam packed with the elderly. You don’t usually see many truly Old People in Austin, just Boomers. I have discovered where Austin is hiding The Silent Generation.
6:00pm: Barre. Very humbling for someone with no coordination and who doesn’t know her left from her right. But, I’m improving. $7.40
7:30pm: I make ceviche and my husband makes margaritas. Watch Home Alone.
Total: $283.83
7:30am: Drop off dog at the vet because she’s getting a dental cleaning/extractions. She has gingival hyperplasia, so it’s very necessary. Nervous because anesthesia is dangerous for senior dogs and I signed a DNR consent form.
8:30am: Husband gets us breakfast tacos. $10.18 WFH today. It’s hard to concentrate.
11:30am: Take my friend’s package to UPS, but it will be $50something to get there by the 29th and $100something to arrive before Christmas. Drive to my post office, where there’s never much of a line, and it’s $51.25 with expected arrival on Saturday. Love you, bitch.
12:00pm: Chicken salad and kale for lunch.
2:00pm: The vet calls and says x-rays taken before the dental work revealed it’s oral melanoma in our dog’s jaw, not gingival hyperplasia. When the vet says she was fine during the anesthesia, I’m so relieved. But, then the bad news follows and is a gut punch. Lots of crying after I hang up. Merry Christmas! This has been a really fun money diary!
Euthanasia may be necessary in a week or in a month. The vet can’t estimate a more accurate timeframe, but it will be when she stops eating. This is unexpected but not a surprise because she’s 16.
4:00pm: Pick up the dog and pay the bill. $586.95 She’s stoned, but otherwise she seems normal and healthy. We wouldn’t have guessed she was sick so it’s hard to comprehend preparing for imminent euthanasia.
6:00pm: Yoga class, which is a helpful relief.
7:30pm: Of course, we aren’t cooking. Order pizza with a BOGO deal. $20.94
10:00pm: Well, the Doxy caused a yeast infection. That’s cool. Little cherry on top. Leave a message with my dermatologist to get some Diflucan. Now I have to quit Doxy, even though it’s cleared up my rosacea.
Total: $669.32
Wednesday 7:30am: Slept on the couch so I could be near the dog; about a year ago, she stopped wanting to sleep in the bedroom if the door was shut. It’s funny how dogs’ preferences change over time, just like people. I’m glad I slept out here because she needed to go out at 4:30am, but now my shoulder is killing me.
8:00am: Talk to my mom on the phone. My parents lost a dog over the summer, so she knows how I feel and gives me advice. I'm supposed to visit home next week for Christmas, but I won't be able to leave the dog. What if something happens while I'm gone? I sort of talk about this with my mom, but don't suggest I won't go home, even though I'm considering it.
8:30am: In the office. Husband messages that his bonus will be about $7k. Nice windfall during a rough financial and emotional time.
9:00am: We’re having a breakfast social hour, but I’m not in the mood so I abscond to my office with some pastries and eat alone. Haven’t heard from my derm, so I call my gynecologist and they send in a prescription for Diflucan. Doctor shopping for Diflucan!
12:00pm: Buy a sad salad from the nearby cafe. $9.18 :-(
2:00pm: Office holiday party. It’s actually really fun. I love work?
4:00pm: Meet up with some girlfriends for drinks at the nearby pub and have one beer. $5.40
6:00pm: Go to the hairdresser. $120, which is actually a pretty good price for my fine, curly hair. On the way home, stop a CVS for my prescription. $2.15 The derm got in touch and called theirs in too, but via delivery. I got two from them, so now I have a stockpile. $7.37
7:00pm: Home alone so I eat leftover cold pizza and watch Strangers with Candy. Hang out with the dog, but she’s still stoned so she just sleeps. We’re going to buy her a cheeseburger and fries this weekend. Maybe 10 of them. After she got home yesterday, it's been easy to distance our feelings from reality because she doesn't seem different. We talk a lot about how we want to handle it, but it still seems far away.
Food + Drink: $600.70
Health: $16.92
Clothes + Beauty: $226.41
Car: $1,313.62
Other: $333.43
Total: $3,127.58 (I think I messed up adding this, but I’m not doing it again)
This has been a hell of a week! I spent way more on food than I thought I would. Also, I drink a lot?? I would have estimated 1 or 2 drinks a week.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by wheredidmoneygo to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2022.12.13 03:02 Repulsive-Light1959 Constipation Worry

45 year old female 200lbs Currently on Lamictal Cymbalta Miropex Probiotic Stool softener
Was on a round of doxycycline for rosacea between beginning august and end of October. I got off of Doxy due to constipation. If I don’t take a stool softener my bowls movements are hard small Pebbles and I have what feels like a bruise right above my belly button when pressed. I pass a bowel daily.
Is this constipation likely still from prolonged Doxy or something else. I’ve been on the probiotic for three weeks
submitted by Repulsive-Light1959 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.11.09 17:05 Dramatic-Garbage-939 Lamictal + birth control MESSED UP MY SKIN

I’ve always had decent skin which is something I’ve been proud of. Ever since taking lamictal (I’ve been on nexplanon for years), my skin is super dry, my rosacea is worse, and sometimes I get random breakouts..can anyone relate?
submitted by Dramatic-Garbage-939 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2021.12.15 02:54 bgtsbetr Lamictal or Trileptal?

I'm going to see my psychiatrist tomorrow morning I made my appointment earlier because I'm miserable on my current meds 🙃
I want to get away from antipsychotics because it's messed up my cholesterol and my weight. I just can't deal with how tired they made me either. (Seroquel is hell for me)
I'm going to ask about trying lamictal again...I only made it 3 days before anxiety made me quit I thought I was rashy (it was rosacea)
But I know trileptal is another option...anyone out there on one or the other???
I have Bipolar 2, GAD and PTSD also suspected adhd but not looking to mess with those meds.
Thanks for any input 🖤
submitted by bgtsbetr to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2021.01.14 03:30 doomer1111 Why the hell was there an eyelash hair growing out of my gum line?

23F, 118lbs., 5'3, NY. Conditions: Type 1 diabetes, hypothyroid, rosacea, blepharitis, distichiasis. Meds: insulin, doxycyline, synthroid, lamictal.
Um ok. Today I felt a really uncomfortable feeling scratching my gums so I went to go floss to find there was an eyelash hair coming up from my gum. At first I thought maybe one of my black cat's hairs somehow got stuck there, but then I saw it was rooted in my gum. I plucked it out, but a few hours later I still have a weird sensation.
I don't have PCOS as far as I know (?). My doctor did find some ovarian cysts but he thinks that they're cysts left over from ovulation.I do have a triple row of eyelashes on each eyelid (distichiasis). No clue why this happened. Any thoughts?
submitted by doomer1111 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2020.11.23 20:02 MistCongeniality Preparing for pregnancy self advocating (25f)

Demographic info
5’3” Definitely fat but weighing myself is a trigger. Close to 200? Probably “obese”, although I don’t use that term. Mixed race white/Hispanic Duration: not a complaint, I’m preparing
Dx: unipolar depression, insomnia, adhd, ptsd, panic disorder
Hx: depressed since age 5. 15 years of therapy + 3 months of IOP. 2x suicide attempts. Most recent 2018. PTSD “presented” in sixth grade following child abuse from bio father. Adhd undiagnosed until 23. Insomnia is from 2019.
Rx: lexapro 10mg hs, aderrall 15 mg ER + 10 mg at lunch, metformin 1000 mg hs, gabapentin 600 mg hs + 300 mg bid prn (about twice a week), amitriptyline 10mg hs, vitamin d 1000 iu, melatonin 5mg hs + 5 more prn, Ativan 10 mg tid prn, ambien 5mg prn (no more than 3 nights in a row is how it’s prescribed)
I also take 20mg doxycycline bid for rosacea and acne.
Recreational: I take a weed edible maybe once a month, I drink 1-3 units twice a week or so, which is an increase from my 1 unit every other week drinking pre-pandemic.
Aight that’s a lot! So I’ve been on an SSRI since 12. My medications have fluxed wildly, and I’ve tried most of whats out there on the market- lithium and lamictal and klonopin and Zoloft and on and on and on. I’m “hard to treat” but not treatment resistant. I get suicidal off my meds but they make me fat so given the choice... I’ll go with being fat.
How do I go about planning for pregnancy? I know I’ll have to drop the amphetamine for sure, and I’ve already done a multi month wean off of regular klonopin after a four year addiction. The rest of my drugs are a mishmash of online advice to take or not take. I don’t want to waltz into my psychiatrists office like hello the crazy lady wants a baby, please yank me off my drugs, because I desperately don’t want to try to commit suicide again. It was unpleasant both times.
Where do I even start untangling the medication weave? What do I for sure need to drop? What could I maybe stay on? Are there alternatives for what I stay on that are safer? I’m about six months out from starting to try and would prefer to walk into trying to conceive already set up on a pregnancy safe medication regimen.
I will also be talking to my doctor about this! But I would wildly prefer to have some idea of what I should be advocating for or against before I start that talk. I just was forced to switch psychs due to insurance.
submitted by MistCongeniality to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2020.04.19 17:23 GCEJH Face Red/Rosacea-like on Lamictal?

Hi there. I’m new to Reddit. Hoping to get some feedback. I’m bipolar and currently take 600 mgs of Lamictal daily, along with levothyroxine, 2400 mgs of Gabapentin, 10 mgs of Saphris, and 60mgs of Adderall daily. This combination is controlling my symptoms better than any combo my doctor and I have ever tried (and we have literally tried 30 different drugs/combos plus ECT over the last 7 years since my symptoms began). My symptoms are very severe when medication isn’t working; I’ve been hospitalized 9 times in 7 years - most recently in August 2019. Because my bipolar makes me so very ill, and because this particular drug combo is working so very well, I hate the idea of changing anything. However... in the last 12 months, as we’ve upped my dosage of lamictal and Gabapentin, and added the Saphris, my previously very clear complexion has become ruddy and red with some bumps. It’s gotten pretty bad, and it’s really bothering me. I’ve never had bad skin before. I’m reading that Lamictal can cause skin rashes, and I’m just wondering whether any of you have ever experienced this symptom with Lamictal. From what I’m reading, some “Lamictal rashes” are the sign of a very serious side effect, but my ruddy red face seems to be my only side effect. So have any of you guys experienced this? If so, did you decide to go off Lamictal to clear your skin up? How did that go? Thanks.
submitted by GCEJH to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2020.03.18 20:51 bossbiddie Being tested for possible lupus or scleroderma?

Age 23 Sex: F Height: 5' 2" Weight: 175 Race: White
Duration of complaint: nearly 10 years, recently doing more testing
Location Pittsburgh PA; mainly calves, pain radiates up and down the leg
Any existing relevant medical issues: Depression/Anxiety, Stomach Issues (Ulcers, Acid Reflux), migraines no aurora, Current medications Prozac 40mg; Lamictal 100mg; Iron Supplement; Multi-Vitamin; Vitamin D; Vitamin B12
For nearly 10 years (since I was 14) I've had muscle pain/stiffness/pressure in my legs. I normally sit cross-legged because straightening my legs out feels like a stretch. The pain starts in the upper part of my calf and radiates up my thigh and down my calves. This sometimes causes chronic cases of my leg "falling asleep" to the point where I can't use my limb. It's happened with both legs before and I had to catch a stair railing to not fall over. I haven't had that happen as much lately, but the stiffness is definitely way more uncomfortable and difficult to ignore. I also have shoulder pain, but I think that's due mainly to bad posture. Yoga and stretching help, but only temporarily. I'm a writer and I'm often sedentary most of the day writing or doing my work-from-home job. I'm also obese and I have been a pescatarian since I was 11.
My protein is solid as blood tests have confirmed. My MCV, MCH have been consistently low throughout my life (since 14 or so). They're on the very low end of normal now since adding an iron supplement. My iron levels are good now, too.
I recently had multiple blood tests done. I'm really impatient to see what the results are. My ANA titers came back high and abnormal and I had very high CRP.
I then had a follow-up test that just came back today.
If anyone has insights into what these results mean, I would really appreciate it. My doctor is supposed to get back to me tomorrow, but I'm very anxious about possibly having an autoimmune disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic that's going on right now. And also what it means for my future.
I fit the demographics for lupus spot on, but I don't get the rash/sores at all as people describe. I do have some redness/dryness on my face around my nose, but I have a strong family history of rosacea (mom, maternal grandfather). My maternal grandmother has Grave's disease, but my thyroid tests come back solid usually.
MCV 79.3 fL Low 80.0-100.0 MCH 26.0 pg Low 27.0-33.0 MCHC 32.8 g/dL Normal 32.0-36.0
C-Reactive Protein 19.6 mg/L High <8.0
Ana Titer 1:320 titer High Ana Pattern Nuclear, Few Nuc Abnormal Ana Titer 1:160 titer High Ana Pattern Nuclear, Speckle Abnormal Ana Titer 1:80 titer High Ana Pattern Nuclear, Discret Abnormal Ana Screen, Ifa, W/Refl Titer And Pattern POSITIVE Abnormal
Follow Up:
Sjogren's Antibody (SS-A) <1.0 NEG AI Normal <1.0 Neg Sjogren's Antibody (SS-B) <1.0 NEG AI Normal <1.0 Neg
Systemic Sclerosis 12 AB Panel 2 SCL 70 <11 SI <11 Cenp A <11 SI <11 Cenp B <11 SI <11 RP11 <11 SI <11 RP155 <11 SI <11 U1 SNRNP RNP A <11 SI <11 U1 SNRNP RNP C <11 SI <11 U1 SNRNP RNP 70KD <11 SI <11 Fibrillarin <11 SI <11 TH/To <11 SI <11 PM/SCL 100 <11 SI <11 PM/SCL 75 <11 SI <11 1
SM/RNP Antibody <1.0 NEG AI Normal <1.0 Neg Dna AB (DS) Crithidia, Ifa NEGATIVE Negative Anca Screen Negative Negative
Please let me know if this looks like something specific. Anything else I didn't list came back as normal, but I can list levels of things if you ask.
Crossposting a few places.
submitted by bossbiddie to scleroderma [link] [comments]

2020.03.18 20:50 bossbiddie Being tested for possible lupus or scleroderma?

Age 23 Sex: F Height: 5' 2" Weight: 175 Race: White
Duration of complaint: nearly 10 years, recently doing more testing
Location Pittsburgh PA; mainly calves, pain radiates up and down the leg
Any existing relevant medical issues: Depression/Anxiety, Stomach Issues (Ulcers, Acid Reflux), migraines no aurora, Current medications Prozac 40mg; Lamictal 100mg; Iron Supplement; Multi-Vitamin; Vitamin D; Vitamin B12
For nearly 10 years (since I was 14) I've had muscle pain/stiffness/pressure in my legs. I normally sit cross-legged because straightening my legs out feels like a stretch. The pain starts in the upper part of my calf and radiates up my thigh and down my calves. This sometimes causes chronic cases of my leg "falling asleep" to the point where I can't use my limb. It's happened with both legs before and I had to catch a stair railing to not fall over. I haven't had that happen as much lately, but the stiffness is definitely way more uncomfortable and difficult to ignore. I also have shoulder pain, but I think that's due mainly to bad posture. Yoga and stretching help, but only temporarily. I'm a writer and I'm often sedentary most of the day writing or doing my work-from-home job. I'm also obese and I have been a pescatarian since I was 11.
My protein is solid as blood tests have confirmed. My MCV, MCH have been consistently low throughout my life (since 14 or so). They're on the very low end of normal now since adding an iron supplement. My iron levels are good now, too.
I recently had multiple blood tests done. I'm really impatient to see what the results are. My ANA titers came back high and abnormal and I had very high CRP.
I then had a follow-up test that just came back today.
If anyone has insights into what these results mean, I would really appreciate it. My doctor is supposed to get back to me tomorrow, but I'm very anxious about possibly having an autoimmune disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic that's going on right now. And also what it means for my future.
I fit the demographics for lupus spot on, but I don't get the rash/sores at all as people describe. I do have some redness/dryness on my face around my nose, but I have a strong family history of rosacea (mom, maternal grandfather). My maternal grandmother has Grave's disease, but my thyroid tests come back solid usually.
MCV 79.3 fL Low 80.0-100.0 MCH 26.0 pg Low 27.0-33.0 MCHC 32.8 g/dL Normal 32.0-36.0
C-Reactive Protein 19.6 mg/L High <8.0
Ana Titer 1:320 titer High Ana Pattern Nuclear, Few Nuc Abnormal Ana Titer 1:160 titer High Ana Pattern Nuclear, Speckle Abnormal Ana Titer 1:80 titer High Ana Pattern Nuclear, Discret Abnormal Ana Screen, Ifa, W/Refl Titer And Pattern POSITIVE Abnormal
Follow Up:
Sjogren's Antibody (SS-A) <1.0 NEG AI Normal <1.0 Neg Sjogren's Antibody (SS-B) <1.0 NEG AI Normal <1.0 Neg
Systemic Sclerosis 12 AB Panel 2 SCL 70 <11 SI <11 Cenp A <11 SI <11 Cenp B <11 SI <11 RP11 <11 SI <11 RP155 <11 SI <11 U1 SNRNP RNP A <11 SI <11 U1 SNRNP RNP C <11 SI <11 U1 SNRNP RNP 70KD <11 SI <11 Fibrillarin <11 SI <11 TH/To <11 SI <11 PM/SCL 100 <11 SI <11 PM/SCL 75 <11 SI <11 1
SM/RNP Antibody <1.0 NEG AI Normal <1.0 Neg Dna AB (DS) Crithidia, Ifa NEGATIVE Negative Anca Screen Negative Negative
Please let me know if this looks like something specific. Anything else I didn't list came back as normal, but I can list levels of things if you ask.
Crossposting a few places.
submitted by bossbiddie to lupus [link] [comments]

2020.03.18 17:58 bossbiddie Possible Lupus or Sclerosis?

Age 23 Sex: F Height: 5' 2" Weight: 175 Race: White
Duration of complaint: nearly 10 years, recently doing more testing
Location Pittsburgh PA; mainly calves, pain radiates up and down the leg
Any existing relevant medical issues: Depression/Anxiety, Stomach Issues (Ulcers, Acid Reflux), migraines no aurora, Current medications Prozac 40mg; Lamictal 100mg; Iron Supplement; Multi-Vitamin; Vitamin D; Vitamin B12
For nearly 10 years (since I was 14) I've had muscle pain/stiffness/pressure in my legs. I normally sit cross-legged because straightening my legs out feels like a stretch. The pain starts in the upper part of my calf and radiates up my thigh and down my calves. This sometimes causes chronic cases of my leg "falling asleep" to the point where I can't use my limb. It's happened with both legs before and I had to catch a stair railing to not fall over. I haven't had that happen as much lately, but the stiffness is definitely way more uncomfortable and difficult to ignore. I also have shoulder pain, but I think that's due mainly to bad posture. Yoga and stretching help, but only temporarily. I'm a writer and I'm often sedentary most of the day writing or doing my work-from-home job. I'm also obese and I have been a pescatarian since I was 11.
My protein is solid as blood tests have confirmed. My MCV, MCH have been consistently low throughout my life (since 14 or so). They're on the very low end of normal now since adding an iron supplement. My iron levels are good now, too.
I recently had multiple blood tests done. I'm really impatient to see what the results are. My ANA titers came back high and abnormal and I had very high CRP.
I then had a follow-up test that just came back today.
If anyone has insights into what these results mean, I would really appreciate it. My doctor is supposed to get back to me tomorrow, but I'm very anxious about possibly having an autoimmune disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic that's going on right now. And also what it means for my future.
I fit the demographics for lupus spot on, but I don't get the rash/sores at all as people describe. I do have some redness/dryness on my face around my nose, but I have a strong family history of rosacea (mom, maternal grandfather). My maternal grandmother has Grave's disease, but my thyroid tests come back solid usually.
MCV 79.3 fL Low 80.0-100.0 MCH 26.0 pg Low 27.0-33.0 MCHC 32.8 g/dL Normal 32.0-36.0
C-Reactive Protein 19.6 mg/L High <8.0
Ana Titer 1:320 titer High Ana Pattern Nuclear, Few Nuc Abnormal Ana Titer 1:160 titer High Ana Pattern Nuclear, Speckle Abnormal Ana Titer 1:80 titer High Ana Pattern Nuclear, Discret Abnormal Ana Screen, Ifa, W/Refl Titer And Pattern POSITIVE Abnormal
Follow Up:
Sjogren's Antibody (SS-A) <1.0 NEG AI Normal <1.0 Neg Sjogren's Antibody (SS-B) <1.0 NEG AI Normal <1.0 Neg
Systemic Sclerosis 12 AB Panel 2 SCL 70 <11 SI <11 Cenp A <11 SI <11 Cenp B <11 SI <11 RP11 <11 SI <11 RP155 <11 SI <11 U1 SNRNP RNP A <11 SI <11 U1 SNRNP RNP C <11 SI <11 U1 SNRNP RNP 70KD <11 SI <11 Fibrillarin <11 SI <11 TH/To <11 SI <11 PM/SCL 100 <11 SI <11 PM/SCL 75 <11 SI <11 1
SM/RNP Antibody <1.0 NEG AI Normal <1.0 Neg Dna AB (DS) Crithidia, Ifa NEGATIVE Negative Anca Screen Negative Negative
Please let me know if this looks like something specific. Anything else I didn't list came back as normal, but I can list levels of things if you ask.
submitted by bossbiddie to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2019.08.16 02:14 dsntbooty [Routine Help] I'm trying to do the best for my skin but I am uneducated about what I am actually using and doing. I would appreciate 5 minutes and 2 cents from more knowledgable skincare peeps. I"m feeling depressed about how my skin looks and I just want to feel good, clean and confident.

howdy! Please bare with me!! So I have been doing skincare my whole adult life (24F), loosely, but am just now starting to think critically about it. I see my esthetician about two times a year since 2012 and listen to her recommendations. For a long time I had a habit of touching my face from anxiety, but now I work outside as a gardener and were gloves often and usually have a fidget spinner in hand otherwise.
As said before I am a gardener, working outside 40 hours a week plus more time on the weekends outside. I have no dietary restrictions. I don't wear makeup often bc of my job, and I don't go out very much-at the most I use makeup once a week. I have been told I have slight rosacea, and my skin is sensitive, more so on the oily side. I feel like I don't have a moisture issue, and most of my acne is on my chin, with little barely visible bumps on my forehead. Mostly I have blackheads on my nose and my cheeks closest to my nose, lots of redness on my chin and very small white bumps with the occasional large pimples. I use SLS free toothpaste as I read from a handful of folks that was a source of their breakouts. I was on the depo birth control shot for four years, was off BC for a year, was on the pill for awhile and then have been off birth control for about 10 months. I feel like I still suffered from acne when on, but maybe not as bad? Currently I take 150mg of Lamictal since June of last year.
Below I will share my routine I stuck with for at least the past year, with some extra details. I have recently changed and added some products for my routine. I have read about the active ingredients in the products I use but don't really understand well enough or know how they all interact together. I hope y'all are able to provide me some advice based on experience. Thank you very, very much.
Past routine in order of use (at least a year of use):
Andalou Naturals 1000 Roses Cleansing Foam MyChelle Fruit Enzyme Scrub (every few days) Wishtrend Mandelic Acid 5% Skin Prep Water (added in September after reaching out to esthetician about blackheads) The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% The Ordinary Lactic Acid 10% + HA (not everyday, usually alternate the two TO products) Origins Ginzeng Eye Cream (added in September, alternate use with MyChelle eye cream) Andalou Naturals Heavenly Night Cream MyChelle SPF 28 sunscreen (Unfortunately not everyday)
Notes: I feel like my face would get clean, but I still didn't feel clean if that makes sense). I don't really feel or see a difference from the mandelic acid. Maybe I don't know what I'm looking for actually? The heavenly night cream was way too heavy and probably made me more oily. I enjoy the exfoliator I use. Sunscreen is fine.
Now to my current routine!: Coconut Oil pre cleanse (13 days in) Vanicream Gentle Cleanser (also 13 days in) MyChelle Fruit Enzyme Scrub (not everyday since I've changed my routine, maybe once a week) Wishtrend Madelic Acid 5% Skin Prep Water (with an organic cotton round) The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% The Ordinary Lactic Acid 10% + HA (not everyday, usually alternate the two TO products) MyChelle under eye cream (now using this as I ran out of Origins awhile ago) Vanicream Light Moisturizer MyChelle SPF 28 sunscreen (Daily use, but still bad about reapplying. I know it's not good)
I usually only do this routine once a day. Recently I started just washing with water in the morning.
JUST PURCHASED TODAY AFTER READING THIS SUB: Jojoba oil (as I read coconut oil is promotes comedones, yuck) The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% peeling solution The Ordinary Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate 10%

After spending a lot of time writing this, looking up the company's websites to get correct names and spellings, I feel that I'm probably abusing my skin. How should I safely incorporate the new products, and get them all to work together? Or eliminate what could be harming me? I'm so new to this in the critical thinking way, so I TRULY appreciate your patience, understanding and willingness to donate your time to me. Thank you. Please ask me anything I may have forgotten to include. I am on my PC so I will try to post a photo in the comments so y'all can see what I am working with.
submitted by dsntbooty to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2016.12.21 19:38 Kateharu Haunted by Mania Past

I have been stable for eight years. Then I started smoking pot heavily thinking the meds were so effective I could swing it. I went into a full blown psychosis. I was taken off the dream cocktail of tegretol, lamictal and Effexor at the hospital and given lithium and latuda as well as trazedone. That did not bring me down and I was rehospitalized where I was given lithium at a higher dose and risperdone. Went home and got blurry vision shaking hands felt very very flat.
I went to the hospital again because I was depressed along with all of the side effects. I was given doses of meds that were not at therapeutic levels. Outside the hospital I have been working with my dr to get things back to where they were, taking my original medications. During the waiting process, I can't help thinking what a horrible string of events past manias have wreaked on my life. I have embarrassed myself so many times. I can't just relax or think positive as others suggest. The thoughts keep creeping back into my mind. Even though I have made some accomplishments academically and in the art community, I feel that is gone now and never to be recovered. And to make things worse, my face is coming down with the worst case of rosacea. One or the other would be manageable, but these two things coupled are hell. I look and feel ill.
Why am I constantly attacking myself? My head is a cruel cruel place most of the time. I have a prescription for kolonopin for a month only bc my dr says it is habit forming. When I take it I can brush off these thoughts. I know it is the drug but the difference is astounding. My parents support me taking it when I need it but my bf is worried and said my dr was insane to give it to me especially since we are supposed to be monitoring the progress of the therapeutic levels of tegretol, lamictal and Effexor.
submitted by Kateharu to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]