Cursive writing paper template

Model Republicans

2015.05.27 23:53 Model Republicans

Welcome to the Republican Party for /ModelUSGov! Link to Join the Party:

2024.05.14 12:21 rweninger Nextcloud Upgrade fron chart version 1.6.61 to 2.0.5 failed

I am not sure if I want to solve this issue actually, I just want to vent.
iX, what do you think yourself when you print out this error message to a "customer"?
I mean your installation of Kubernetes on a single host is crap and using helm charts that utterly break in an atomic chain reaction that way doesnt make it trustworthy. I am on the way to migrate nextcloud away again from TrueNAS to a docker host and just use TrueNAS as storage.
I dont care about sensible data down there, at the time of posting, this system isnt running anymore. Sorry if I annoy somebody.
[EFAULT] Failed to upgrade App: WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /etc/ranchek3s/k3s.yaml Error: UPGRADE FAILED: execution error at (nextcloud/templates/common.yaml:38:4): Chart - Values contain an error that may be a result of merging. Values containing the error: Error: 'error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: invalid leading UTF-8 octet' TZ: UTC bashImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: bash tag: 4.4.23 configmap: nextcloud-config: data: limitrequestbody.conf: LimitRequestBody 3221225472 occ: - #!/bin/bash uid="$(id -u)" gid="$(id -g)" if [ "$uid" = '0' ]; then user='www-data' group='www-data' else user="$uid" group="$gid" fi run_as() { if [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then su -p "$user" -s /bin/bash -c 'php /vawww/html/occ "$@"' - "$@" else /bin/bash -c 'php /vawww/html/occ "$@"' - "$@" fi } run_as "$@" opcache.ini: opcache.memory_consumption=128 php.ini: max_execution_time=30 enabled: true nginx: data: nginx.conf: - events {} http { server { listen 9002 ssl http2; listen [::]:9002 ssl http2; # Redirect HTTP to HTTPS error_page 497 301 =307 https://$host$request_uri; ssl_certificate '/etc/nginx-certs/public.crt'; ssl_certificate_key '/etc/nginx-certs/private.key'; client_max_body_size 3G; add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains; preload" always; location = /robots.txt { allow all; log_not_found off; access_log off; } location = /.well-known/carddav { return 301 $scheme://$host/remote.php/dav; } location = /.well-known/caldav { return 301 $scheme://$host/remote.php/dav; } location / { proxy_pass http://nextcloud:80; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; proxy_request_buffering off; # Proxy headers proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port 443; # Proxy timeouts proxy_connect_timeout 60s; proxy_send_timeout 60s; proxy_read_timeout 60s; } } } enabled: true fallbackDefaults: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce persistenceType: emptyDir probeTimeouts: liveness: failureThreshold: 5 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 5 readiness: failureThreshold: 5 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 2 timeoutSeconds: 5 startup: failureThreshold: 60 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 5 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 2 probeType: http pvcRetain: false pvcSize: 1Gi serviceProtocol: tcp serviceType: ClusterIP storageClass: "" global: annotations: {} ixChartContext: addNvidiaRuntimeClass: false hasNFSCSI: true hasSMBCSI: true isInstall: false isStopped: false isUpdate: false isUpgrade: true kubernetes_config: cluster_cidr: cluster_dns_ip: service_cidr: nfsProvisioner: nvidiaRuntimeClassName: nvidia operation: UPGRADE smbProvisioner: storageClassName: ix-storage-class-nextcloud upgradeMetadata: newChartVersion: 2.0.5 oldChartVersion: 1.6.61 preUpgradeRevision: 89 labels: {} minNodePort: 9000 image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: nextcloud tag: 29.0.0 imagePullSecret: [] ixCertificateAuthorities: {} ixCertificates: "1": CA_type_existing: false CA_type_intermediate: false CA_type_internal: false CSR: null DN: /C=US/O=iXsystems/CN=localhost/ can_be_revoked: false cert_type: CERTIFICATE cert_type_CSR: false cert_type_existing: true cert_type_internal: false certificate: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDrTCCApWgAwIBAgIEHHHd+zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgDELMAkGA1UEBhMC VVMxEjAQBgNVBAoMCWlYc3lzdGVtczESMBAGA1UEAwwJbG9jYWxob3N0MSEwHwYJ KoZIhvcNAQkBFhJpbmZvQGl4c3lzdGVtcy5jb20xEjAQBgNVBAgMCVRlbm5lc3Nl ZTESMBAGA1UEBwwJTWFyeXZpbGxlMB4XDTIzMTIxNjA3MDUwOVoXDTI1MDExNjA3 MDUwOVowgYAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRIwEAYDVQQKDAlpWHN5c3RlbXMxEjAQBgNV BAMMCWxvY2FsaG9zdDEhMB8GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYSaW5mb0BpeHN5c3RlbXMuY29t MRIwEAYDVQQIDAlUZW5uZXNzZWUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCU1hcnl2aWxsZTCCASIwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKPRN3n5ngKFrHQ12gKCmLEN85If6B3E KEo4nvTkTIWLzXZcTGxlJ9kGr9bt0V8cvEInZnOCnyY74lzKlMhZv1R58nfBmz5a gpV6scHXZVghGhGsjtP7/H4PRMUbzM9MawET8+Au8grjAodUkz6Jskcwhgg9EVS5 UQPTDkxXJYFRUN1XhJOR4tqsrHFrI25oUF6Gms9Wp1aq0mJXh+FIGAyELqpdk/Q8 N1Rjn3t4m2Ub+OPmBLwHOncIqz2PHVgL574bT/q+Lc3Mi/gQsfNi6VN7UkNTQ5Q2 uOhrcw4gtjn41v0j7k9CsUvPK8zfCizQHgBx6Ih33Z850pHUQyNuwjECAwEAAaMt MCswFAYDVR0RBA0wC4IJbG9jYWxob3N0MBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMBMA0G CSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQAQG2KsF6ki8dooaaM+32APHJp38LEmLNIMdnIlCHPw RnQ+4I8ssEPKk3czIzOlOe6R3V71GWg1JlGEuUD6M3rPbzSfWzv0kdji/qgzUId1 oh9vEao+ndPijYpDi6CUcBADuzilcygSBl05j6RlS2Uv8+tNIjxTKrDegyaEtC3W RoVqON0vhDSKJ3OsOKR2g5uFfs/uHxBvskkChdGn/1aRz+DdHCYVOEavnQylXPBk xzWQDVt6+6mAhejGGkkGsIG1QY7pFpQPA9UWeY/C/3/QdSl01GgfpyWNsfE+Wu1b IS3wxfWfuiMiDbUElqjDqiy623peeVFXrWlTV4G4yBG/ -----END CERTIFICATE----- certificate_path: /etc/certificates/truenas_default.crt chain: false chain_list: - -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDrTCCApWgAwIBAgIEHHHd+zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgDELMAkGA1UEBhMC VVMxEjAQBgNVBAoMCWlYc3lzdGVtczESMBAGA1UEAwwJbG9jYWxob3N0MSEwHwYJ KoZIhvcNAQkBFhJpbmZvQGl4c3lzdGVtcy5jb20xEjAQBgNVBAgMCVRlbm5lc3Nl ZTESMBAGA1UEBwwJTWFyeXZpbGxlMB4XDTIzMTIxNjA3MDUwOVoXDTI1MDExNjA3 MDUwOVowgYAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRIwEAYDVQQKDAlpWHN5c3RlbXMxEjAQBgNV BAMMCWxvY2FsaG9zdDEhMB8GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYSaW5mb0BpeHN5c3RlbXMuY29t MRIwEAYDVQQIDAlUZW5uZXNzZWUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCU1hcnl2aWxsZTCCASIwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKPRN3n5ngKFrHQ12gKCmLEN85If6B3E KEo4nvTkTIWLzXZcTGxlJ9kGr9bt0V8cvEInZnOCnyY74lzKlMhZv1R58nfBmz5a gpV6scHXZVghGhGsjtP7/H4PRMUbzM9MawET8+Au8grjAodUkz6Jskcwhgg9EVS5 UQPTDkxXJYFRUN1XhJOR4tqsrHFrI25oUF6Gms9Wp1aq0mJXh+FIGAyELqpdk/Q8 N1Rjn3t4m2Ub+OPmBLwHOncIqz2PHVgL574bT/q+Lc3Mi/gQsfNi6VN7UkNTQ5Q2 uOhrcw4gtjn41v0j7k9CsUvPK8zfCizQHgBx6Ih33Z850pHUQyNuwjECAwEAAaMt MCswFAYDVR0RBA0wC4IJbG9jYWxob3N0MBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMBMA0G CSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQAQG2KsF6ki8dooaaM+32APHJp38LEmLNIMdnIlCHPw RnQ+4I8ssEPKk3czIzOlOe6R3V71GWg1JlGEuUD6M3rPbzSfWzv0kdji/qgzUId1 oh9vEao+ndPijYpDi6CUcBADuzilcygSBl05j6RlS2Uv8+tNIjxTKrDegyaEtC3W RoVqON0vhDSKJ3OsOKR2g5uFfs/uHxBvskkChdGn/1aRz+DdHCYVOEavnQylXPBk xzWQDVt6+6mAhejGGkkGsIG1QY7pFpQPA9UWeY/C/3/QdSl01GgfpyWNsfE+Wu1b IS3wxfWfuiMiDbUElqjDqiy623peeVFXrWlTV4G4yBG/ -----END CERTIFICATE----- city: Maryville common: localhost country: US csr_path: /etc/certificates/truenas_default.csr digest_algorithm: SHA256 email: expired: false extensions: ExtendedKeyUsage: TLS Web Server Authentication SubjectAltName: DNS:localhost fingerprint: 8E:68:9D:0A:7D:A6:41:11:59:B0:0C:01:8C:AC:C4:F4:DB:F9:6B:2C from: Sat Dec 16 08:05:09 2023 id: 1 internal: "NO" issuer: external key_length: 2048 key_type: RSA lifetime: 397 name: truenas_default organization: iXsystems organizational_unit: null parsed: true privatekey: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQCj0Td5+Z4Chax0 NdoCgpixDfOSH+gdxChKOJ705EyFi812XExsZSfZBq/W7dFfHLxCJ2Zzgp8mO+Jc ypTIWb9UefJ3wZs+WoKVerHB12VYIRoRrI7T+/x+D0TFG8zPTGsBE/PgLvIK4wKH VJM+ibJHMIYIPRFUuVED0w5MVyWBUVDdV4STkeLarKxxayNuaFBehprPVqdWqtJi V4fhSBgMhC6qXZP0PDdUY597eJtlG/jj5gS8Bzp3CKs9jx1YC+e+G0/6vi3NzIv4 ELHzYulTe1JDU0OUNrjoa3MOILY5+Nb9I+5PQrFLzyvM3wos0B4AceiId92fOdKR 1EMjbsIxAgMBAAECggEAS/Su51RxCjRWwM9TVUSebcHNRNyccGjKUZetRFkyjd1D l/S1zrCcaElscJh2MsaNF5NTMo3HIyAzFdksYTUTvKSKYzKWu7OVxp9MGle3+sPm ZXmABBRbf0uvFEGOljOVjbtloXXC7n9RZdQ2LZIE4nNCQkGmboU6Zi6O+6CQmEOQ 9iyYJ8NyXtjDT2sVOpysAj3ga6tdtSosG7SQuo41t20mw6hbl08LhQP9LfZJyKCR 0x1cYny+XHifB6JQAt8crzHYpKaJc2tZd4dXJ1xDnm2Aa/Au5uEA01P/L3hf41sI cUmBhVf1z5m9yBsyaZnW6LzaR5tQwpnPWPEcNfuwLQKBgQDM1o8vwKCo435shpGE zCdqbvK4+J0XYmbgEwHId8xr9rzZ852lAhs6VO2WQQVMGUoWRaH44B3z1Jv9N5Qa 4RUwnTb1MERfzEjRwUuIWjtz34yAXko0iU3M0FYpIxDuKVJNOEO1Doey0lTUcIYQ sfRUVxxJZ3hpDo7RhPSZpwyBtwKBgQDMu8PFVQ5XRb90qaGqg+ACaXMfHXfuWzuJ UqgyNrvF6wqd9Z0Nn299m7EonE6qJftUqlqHC62OCBfqRBNkwOw40s7ORZvqUCkP 7WsWuJu4HqhS2we8yKRuqj520VP537ZeqnK64mDxDKBvL9ttCujbxy01WFWcdwkO sSAViAK7VwKBgQCAeNG1kYsyYfyY9I2wTJssFgoGGWftkroTL9iecwSzcj1gNXta Usfg/gNFieJYqEPfVC0Sev5OP7rWRlWNxj4UD4a4oV1A+E9zv1gwXOeM9ViZ6omA Cd3R55kik+u6dBA6fl9433Qco+6wjyKGthYYD8qd/1d2DLtmjY0cEbm2YQKBgH4/ Zuifm5lLhFVPaUa5zYAPQJM2W8da8OqsUtWsFLxmRQTE+ZT19Q1S3br6MDQR+drq tapDFEHaUcz/L6pYoRIlRKvEFvI1fiy5Lekz66ptFUUKlcnfPC6VwrEIQi16u33C w77ka/0Y2THXJAsoyBEG0KTtlNVIPgiWRv+gAHc/AoGATOlO6ZVhf0vWPIKBhajM ijWTNIX/iCNOheJEjLEPksG4LVpU16OphZL2m0nIyOryQ0Fmt7GHUfl3CXFhTH/P G47PzH+mLCQLp5TUIeNRQWScWNGGsf9J+MtwpxHMzUymDJySR4aot0bH3fge0MO1 QccFxNbLODRmJuYbSQB1HZQ= -----END PRIVATE KEY----- privatekey_path: /etc/certificates/truenas_default.key revoked: false revoked_date: null root_path: /etc/certificates san: - DNS:localhost serial: 477224443 signedby: null state: Tennessee subject_name_hash: 3193428416 type: 8 until: Thu Jan 16 08:05:09 2025 ixChartContext: addNvidiaRuntimeClass: false hasNFSCSI: true hasSMBCSI: true isInstall: false isStopped: false isUpdate: false isUpgrade: true kubernetes_config: cluster_cidr: cluster_dns_ip: service_cidr: nfsProvisioner: nvidiaRuntimeClassName: nvidia operation: UPGRADE smbProvisioner: storageClassName: ix-storage-class-nextcloud upgradeMetadata: newChartVersion: 2.0.5 oldChartVersion: 1.6.61 preUpgradeRevision: 89 ixExternalInterfacesConfiguration: [] ixExternalInterfacesConfigurationNames: [] ixVolumes: - hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/ix-applications/releases/nextcloud/volumes/ix_volumes/ix-postgres_backups mariadbImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: mariadb tag: 10.6.14 ncConfig: additionalEnvs: [] adminPassword: d3k@M%YRBRcj adminUser: admin commands: [] cron: enabled: false schedule: '*/15 * * * *' dataDir: /vawww/html/data host: charon.weninger.local maxExecutionTime: 30 maxUploadLimit: 3 opCacheMemoryConsumption: 128 phpMemoryLimit: 512 ncDbHost: nextcloud-postgres ncDbName: nextcloud ncDbPass: XvgIoT84hMmNDlH ncDbUser: ��-��� ncNetwork: certificateID: 1 nginx: externalAccessPort: 443 proxyTimeouts: 60 useDifferentAccessPort: false webPort: 9002 ncPostgresImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: postgres tag: "13.1" ncStorage: additionalStorages: [] data: hostPathConfig: aclEnable: false hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata ixVolumeConfig: datasetName: data type: hostPath html: hostPathConfig: aclEnable: false hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata ixVolumeConfig: datasetName: html type: hostPath isDataInTheSameVolume: true migrationFixed: true pgBackup: ixVolumeConfig: aclEnable: false datasetName: ix-postgres_backups type: ixVolume pgData: hostPathConfig: aclEnable: false hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/pgdata ixVolumeConfig: datasetName: pgData type: hostPath nginxImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: nginx tag: 1.25.4 notes: custom: ## Database You can connect to the database using the pgAdmin App from the catalog
Database Details
- Database: \{{ .Values.ncDbName }}` - Username: `{{ .Values.ncDbUser }}` - Password: `{{ .Values.ncDbPass }}` - Host: `{{ .Values.ncDbHost }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local` - Port: `5432``
{{- $_ := unset .Values "ncDbUser" }} {{- $_ := unset .Values "ncDbName" }} {{- $_ := unset .Values "ncDbPass" }} {{- $_ := unset .Values "ncDbHost" }} Note: Nextcloud will create an additional new user and password for the admin user on first startup. You can find those credentials in the \/vawww/html/config/config.php` file inside the container. footer: # Documentation Documentation for this app can be found at # Bug reports If you find a bug in this app, please file an issue at header: # Welcome to TrueNAS SCALE Thank you for installing {{ .Chart.Annotations.title }} App. persistence: config: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html/config subPath: config nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html/config subPath: config type: hostPath username: null customapps: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html/customapps subPath: custom_apps nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html/custom_apps subPath: custom_apps type: hostPath username: null data: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html/data subPath: data nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html/data subPath: data type: hostPath username: null html: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html subPath: html nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html subPath: html postgresbackup: postgresbackup: mountPath: /nc-config type: hostPath username: null nc-config-limreqbody: defaultMode: "0755" enabled: true objectName: nextcloud-config targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/limitrequestbody.conf subPath: limitrequestbody.conf type: configmap nc-config-opcache: defaultMode: "0755" enabled: true objectName: nextcloud-config targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /uslocal/etc/php/conf.d/opcache-z-99.ini subPath: opcache.ini type: configmap nc-config-php: defaultMode: "0755" enabled: true objectName: nextcloud-config targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /uslocal/etc/php/conf.d/nextcloud-z-99.ini subPath: php.ini type: configmap nc-occ: defaultMode: "0755" enabled: true objectName: nextcloud-config targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /usbin/occ subPath: occ type: configmap nginx-cert: defaultMode: "0600" enabled: true items: - key: tls.key path: private.key - key: tls.crt path: public.crt objectName: nextcloud-cert targetSelector: nginx: nginx: mountPath: /etc/nginx-certs readOnly: true type: secret nginx-conf: defaultMode: "0600" enabled: true items: - key: nginx.conf path: nginx.conf objectName: nginx targetSelector: nginx: nginx: mountPath: /etc/nginx readOnly: true type: configmap postgresbackup: datasetName: ix-postgres_backups domain: null enabled: true hostPath: null medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: postgresbackup: permissions: mountPath: /mnt/directories/postgres_backup postgresbackup: mountPath: /postgres_backup type: ixVolume username: null postgresdata: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/pgdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: postgres: permissions: mountPath: /mnt/directories/postgres_data postgres: mountPath: /valib/postgresql/data type: hostPath username: null themes: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html/themes subPath: themes nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html/themes subPath: themes type: hostPath username: null tmp: enabled: true targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /tmp type: emptyDir podOptions: automountServiceAccountToken: false dnsConfig: options: [] dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst enableServiceLinks: false hostAliases: [] hostNetwork: false restartPolicy: Always runtimeClassName: "" terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 tolerations: [] portal: {} postgresImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: postgres tag: "15.2" rbac: {} redisImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: bitnami/redis tag: 7.0.11 release_name: nextcloud resources: NVIDIA_CAPS: - all limits: cpu: 4000m memory: 8Gi requests: cpu: 10m memory: 50Mi scaleCertificate: nextcloud-cert: enabled: true id: 1 scaleExternalInterface: [] scaleGPU: [] secret: {} securityContext: container: PUID: 568 UMASK: "002" allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: add: [] drop: - ALL privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: true runAsGroup: 568 runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 568 seccompProfile: type: RuntimeDefault pod: fsGroup: 568 fsGroupChangePolicy: OnRootMismatch supplementalGroups: [] sysctls: [] service: nextcloud: enabled: true ports: webui: enabled: true port: 80 primary: true targetPort: 80 targetSelector: nextcloud primary: true targetSelector: nextcloud type: ClusterIP nextcloud-nginx: enabled: true ports: webui-tls: enabled: true nodePort: 9002 port: 9002 targetPort: 9002 targetSelector: nginx targetSelector: nginx type: NodePort postgres: enabled: true ports: postgres: enabled: true port: 5432 primary: true targetPort: 5432 targetSelector: postgres targetSelector: postgres type: ClusterIP redis: enabled: true ports: redis: enabled: true port: 6379 primary: true targetPort: 6379 targetSelector: redis targetSelector: redis type: ClusterIP serviceAccount: {} workload: nextcloud: enabled: true podSpec: containers: nextcloud: enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: nextcloud-creds imageSelector: image lifecycle: postStart: command: - /bin/sh - -c - echo "Installing ..." apt update && apt install -y --no-install-recommends \ echo "Failed to install binary/binaries..." echo "Finished." type: exec primary: true probes: liveness: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 80 type: http readiness: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 80 type: http startup: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 80 type: http securityContext: capabilities: add: - CHOWN - DAC_OVERRIDE - FOWNER - NET_BIND_SERVICE - NET_RAW - SETGID - SETUID readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 hostNetwork: false initContainers: postgres-wait: args: - -c - echo "Waiting for postgres to be ready" until pg_isready -h ${POSTGRES_HOST} -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d ${POSTGRES_DB}; do sleep 2 done command: bash enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: postgres-creds imageSelector: postgresImage resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi type: init redis-wait: args: - -c - - echo "Waiting for redis to be ready" until redis-cli -h "$REDIS_HOST" -a "$REDIS_PASSWORD" -p ${REDIS_PORT_NUMBER:-6379} ping grep -q PONG; do echo "Waiting for redis to be ready. Sleeping 2 seconds..." sleep 2 done echo "Redis is ready!" command: bash enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: redis-creds imageSelector: redisImage resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi type: init securityContext: fsGroup: 33 primary: true type: Deployment nginx: enabled: true podSpec: containers: nginx: enabled: true imageSelector: nginxImage primary: true probes: liveness: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 9002 type: https readiness: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 9002 type: https startup: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 9002 type: https securityContext: capabilities: add: - CHOWN - DAC_OVERRIDE - FOWNER - NET_BIND_SERVICE - NET_RAW - SETGID - SETUID readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 hostNetwork: false initContainers: 01-wait-server: args: - -c - - echo "Waiting for [http://nextcloud:80]"; until wget --spider --quiet --timeout=3 --tries=1 http://nextcloud:80/status.php; do echo "Waiting for [http://nextcloud:80]"; sleep 2; done echo "Nextcloud is up: http://nextcloud:80"; command: - bash enabled: true imageSelector: bashImage type: init type: Deployment postgres: enabled: true podSpec: containers: postgres: enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: postgres-creds imageSelector: ncPostgresImage primary: true probes: liveness: command: - sh - -c - until pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -h localhost; do sleep 2; done enabled: true type: exec readiness: command: - sh - -c - until pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -h localhost; do sleep 2; done enabled: true type: exec startup: command: - sh - -c - until pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -h localhost; do sleep 2; done enabled: true type: exec resources: limits: cpu: 4000m memory: 8Gi securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 999 runAsUser: 999 initContainers: permissions: args: - -c - "for dir in /mnt/directories/; do\n if [ ! -d \"$dir\" ]; then\n echo \"[$dir] is not a directory, skipping\"\n continue\n fi\n\n echo \"Current Ownership and Permissions on [\"$dir\"]:\"\n echo \"chown: $(stat -c \"%u %g\" \"$dir\")\"\n echo \"chmod: $(stat -c \"%a\" \"$dir\")\" \n fix_owner=\"true\"\n fix_perms=\"true\"\n\n\n if [ \"$fix_owner\" = \"true\" ]; then\n echo \"Changing ownership to 999:999 on: [\"$dir\"]\"\n \ chown -R 999:999 \"$dir\"\n echo \"Finished changing ownership\"\n \ echo \"Ownership after changes:\"\n stat -c \"%u %g\" \"$dir\"\n \ fi\ndone\n" command: bash enabled: true imageSelector: bashImage resources: limits: cpu: 1000m memory: 512Mi securityContext: capabilities: add: - CHOWN readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 type: install type: Deployment postgresbackup: annotations: pre-upgrade hook-succeeded "1" enabled: true podSpec: containers: postgresbackup: command: - sh - -c - echo 'Fetching password from config.php' # sed removes ' , => spaces and db from the string POSTGRES_USER=$(cat /nc-config/config/config.php grep 'dbuser' sed "s/dbuser ',=>//g") POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(cat /nc-config/config/config.php grep 'dbpassword' sed "s/dbpassword ',=>//g") POSTGRES_DB=$(cat /nc-config/config/config.php grep 'dbname' sed "s/dbname ',=>//g") [ -n "$POSTGRES_USER" ] && [ -n "$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" ] && [ -n "$POSTGRES_DB" ] && echo 'User, Database and password fetched from config.php' until pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -h ${POSTGRES_HOST}; do sleep 2; done echo "Creating backup of ${POSTGRES_DB} database" pg_dump --dbname=${POSTGRES_URL} --file /postgres_backup/${POSTGRES_DB}$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).sql echo "Failed to create backup" echo "Backup finished" enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: postgres-backup-creds imageSelector: ncPostgresImage primary: true probes: liveness: enabled: false readiness: enabled: false startup: enabled: false resources: limits: cpu: 2000m memory: 2Gi securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 999 runAsUser: 999 initContainers: permissions: args: - -c - "for dir in /mnt/directories/*; do\n if [ ! -d \"$dir\" ]; then\n echo \"[$dir] is not a directory, skipping\"\n continue\n fi\n\n echo \"Current Ownership and Permissions on [\"$dir\"]:\"\n echo \"chown: $(stat -c \"%u %g\" \"$dir\")\"\n echo \"chmod: $(stat -c \"%a\" \"$dir\")\" \n if [ $(stat -c %u \"$dir\") -eq 999 ] && [ $(stat -c %g \"$dir\") -eq 999 ]; then\n echo \"Ownership is correct. Skipping...\"\n fix_owner=\"false\"\n \ else\n echo \"Ownership is incorrect. Fixing...\"\n fix_owner=\"true\"\n \ fi\n\n\n if [ \"$fix_owner\" = \"true\" ]; then\n echo \"Changing ownership to 999:999 on: [\"$dir\"]\"\n chown -R 999:999 \"$dir\"\n \ echo \"Finished changing ownership\"\n echo \"Ownership after changes:\"\n \ stat -c \"%u %g\" \"$dir\"\n fi\ndone" command: bash enabled: true imageSelector: bashImage resources: limits: cpu: 1000m memory: 512Mi securityContext: capabilities: add: - CHOWN readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 type: init restartPolicy: Never securityContext: fsGroup: "33" type: Job redis: enabled: true podSpec: containers: redis: enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: redis-creds imageSelector: redisImage primary: true probes: liveness: command: - /bin/sh - -c - redis-cli -a "$REDIS_PASSWORD" -p ${REDIS_PORT_NUMBER:-6379} ping grep -q PONG enabled: true type: exec readiness: command: - /bin/sh - -c - redis-cli -a "$REDIS_PASSWORD" -p ${REDIS_PORT_NUMBER:-6379} ping grep -q PONG enabled: true type: exec startup: command: - /bin/sh - -c - redis-cli -a "$REDIS_PASSWORD" -p ${REDIS_PORT_NUMBER:-6379} ping grep -q PONG enabled: true type: exec resources: limits: cpu: 4000m memory: 8Gi securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 1001 securityContext: fsGroup: 1001 type: Deployment See error above values.`
submitted by rweninger to truenas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:21 Chance-Heron3980 HAVE MY EXAMS TOMORROW AND PMSING REALLY BAD

So fucking bad mood swings and irritation oh god in so done with the world I hate everything around me I'm having such intense cravings and my mother isn't letting me order anything saying that kids restrict their eating preferences in exam time to remoan focused healthy and idk what shit oh god this woman is telling me to have ghar ka khana the same sabzi that I'd in the morning and idk why I'm being such an ahole and not being grateful that I've food to eat at home and I'm a fucking dropper from a stream in which no single soul takes a drop oh lord nobody seems to understand me not even my boyf I've millions of chapter to revise from so many subjects my head is aching my asshole is hurting why tf anus hurts and idk I'm probably triggered because of the black coffee i'd in the morning and ik this text has no punctuation because punctuation my foot I'm so irritated lierally crying my eyes are blurr with tears I can't see the words on my keyboard and idk what I'm typing I'm so irritated I want to have the chilli bean patty sub my boyf wants to order it but I already picked a fight with my mom about the outside food thingy and trust me I haven't eaten anything bahar ka since weeks and I so want to take my scooty out and go for a drive but I'm scared because my mind literally has thousands of things running in and out and the last thing I want is to get injured or something just a day before exam I've my exams on 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 06, and 15 and I have to revise things that are poles apart from each other there's hardly and coherence in the syllabus or the paper patten few are cbt few are omrs pen paper and what not I haven't washed my hair since one and a half week because curly hair is too much work and I'm not getting the mental, physical or the temporal bandwidth to wash my hair and my washroom is not so clean not dirty but not too clean either and I only clean it when I wash my hair and I've clothes to take out from the machine and lay them on the stand and oh god it's already 4 pm I've my exam at 3 tomorrow oh god the exhausting procedure of producing admit card and shit and going to the center hours ago I'm a dropper and this shit hurts I don't like to study what I already have in the past it's so fucking boring but idk what I'm doing with my life I need to pull my shit together please downvote me if you want to but education after menarche should be consensual and idk education is important a menstruating woman too needs to be independent but fuck everything dude I can't with this atleast females should be given opportunity to schedule their exams and shit according to their cycle and study as and when they want to and not go to school college or office or even work at home compulsorily everyday. Idk why I'm writing this I'm sorry
submitted by Chance-Heron3980 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:15 Ok-Alps-2842 The mystery of Sam the Sandown Clown

Sam the Sandown Clown is a mysterious entity witnessed by 2 children on the Isle of Wight in May 1973, the links below provide more detailed information, but the summary is simple: the children met a bizarre clown-entity who claimed to be All Colors Sam and they even spoke to him for quite some time, the entity's strange apperance and behavior stand out among humanoid sightings, he or any other being like him were never seen again, it's a case that deserves to be discussed once again.
Let's start with the appearance of the entity, he was very tall but not inhumanly so, his skin was paper-like and the colorful face and and the few digits on his hands and feet are very odd and it's to hard say if they were part of his face or it was part of a mask or helmet, his behavior is very strange but the children were able to communicate with him anyway.
He was a little clumsy and didn't write the sentence in the correct order, but he wasn't hostile and feared people, he also stopped the loud sound when he noticed the kids were scared, he was evasise to their questions and it stands out how he didn't wish to neither help nor harm the kids or other humans, he didn't seem to have many plans besides eating berries in a way that is too strange to make sense.
Keep in mind he's only called a clown because that's what he reminded the children of, but his similarity to a clown is rather superficial and his description vaguely reminds me of a doll too, we don't even know what was his real name as he said he wasn't actually named Sam, making me think he was actually calling the children Sam and his name really was simply All Colors.
His house and the machine he used to speak are a little unusual but nothing that couldn't exist in the early 70s when he was sighted, he said he had another base in the mainland but I'm unsure if he meant Great Britain or mainland Europe, it's also easy to miss the detail he said there were others like him, but none of them were ever sighted.
The remaining question is who or what was Sam? He could have been a lie made up by the children or perhaps a shared hallucination, he could have been somebody playing a prank on the kids or perhaps an abuser preying on them, but then we would have to wonder why he never tried to harm them when they were alone, another possibility is that he was a mentally ill hermit wearing a very unusual costume and that could explain his weird behavior and looks.
If he was a supernatural being, it stands to question what exacly he was, he vehemently denied being a ghost and I believe this is true, if we picture a ghost as a dead human I cannot think of any person acting so strange, still he claims to be kind of like a ghost in an odd sort of way, making me think he meant he was a supernatural being while not revealing what he truly was exactly.
It's been suggested he was an alien and his house was really an UFO, it could be true, but it was never seen flying despite having disappeared later, I've read suggestions he was a robot, if that is true, he was certainly not from Earth, because even over 50 years later we cannot build robots that look and act like him.
For some reason he reminds me somewhat of older accounts of fairy encounters, it makes me wonder if the kids didn't step into another reality by accident, or maybe it was Sam who stepped into our reality by accident and left later, of course there is no proof there is any truth to this sighting, but it's so unique and vaguely disturbing it's worthy of being remembered, for the children could have truly met something that wasn't quite human. Let's just be glad he didn't have a red balloon with him.
submitted by Ok-Alps-2842 to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:06 Figuring-thingsout I Keep hearing suggestions of doing research papers. What exactly are those and how to write them? Research paper guide please.

As said by the topic.
submitted by Figuring-thingsout to IOENepal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:03 Incognit0_Ergo_Sum Arabo-Aramaic and ʿArabiyya : From Ancient Arabic to Early Standard Arabic , 200 ce–600 ce , by Ernst Axel Knauf

Hi all. I would like to recommend the most interesting work by Ernst Axel Knauf. I will quote the most interesting quotes (from my point of view) here. But I still advise you to read the entire article, as it is written in a very accessible and understandable language.
author's profile at the academy:
read the article:
"Nabatean Arabic became some sort of standard Arabic as early as the second century bce, but it was a spoken, not a written language, and it was, in the beginning, of no interest to anyone outside the relatively small circle of Arabian international traders and shippers. It became a written language between the third and fourth century ce in post-Nabatean texts.96 500 years of Old Arabic–Ancient Arabic coexistence and/or diglossia can now be considered."
"The Nabatean script is a cursive script. It was developed for writing on “paper” or its ancient equivalents. It reflects the needs of a society of traders who had to keep accounts and set up contracts. Only secondarily, with the onset of conspicuous architectural consumption at the end of the first century bce, their utilitarian cursive script was put to lapidary, epigraphic use. Unfortunately for the perception of Nabatean society through modern eyes, it is their “luxury” (and basically non-essential) written record which dominates the data base, whereas the main output of Nabatean scribal activities, the papyri, have only survived in meager installations, like the Nabatean papyri from the Babatha archive.106"
"With the imperial crisis of the second half of the third century, Greek lost its splendor in the East: the Parthians' Sasanid successors wrote Middle Persian (and Aramaic, for that was the language of their economical powerhouse, the Iraq); Arabs ( if not Christianized) turned away from both Greek and Aramaic."
"Aramaic, no longer in use for written business transactions among the Arabs themselves, remained present in pre-Islamic Arabia from the fourth through the sixth/seventh centuries through the Jewish and Christian communities which felt no urge to translate their scriptures into Arabic; a fact which one day early in the seventh century ce would instigate a failed merchant from Mecca to give his fellow Arabs a “liturgy” or “recitation” (in Arabic: qurʾān) in plain Arabic, obviously being of the opinion that the other monotheistic religions had failed, or neglected, to do so."
"From time to time the assumption resurfaces that the Arabic script did not develop from Nabatean Aramaic but from Syriac. It can be traced back to early Muslim scholarship,128 but it has no other argument in its favor than the relationship of the written word to the line: while Nabatean is sublinear (the letters are hanging from the line), Syriac and Arabic are supralinear (the letters are standing on the line). This feature can be explained by the easier assumption that Nabatean writing (the origin of all individual letters) was influenced by a Syriac adstrate in Arabian scribal practice during the fourth and fifth centuries ce. (Hoyland, “Language and Identity,” 196, with n. 50.)"
"Cursive writing with diacritical points indicates that throughout the fourth through sixth centuries ce Arabian merchants continued to trade merchandise and to keep records of their business in the Early Standard Arabic which they had inherited from the Nabateans.144"
"The cultic origins of Poetic Old Arabic with its archaic and, in prose and everyday speech quite superfluous case-endings are, especially since the discovery of Avdat 1, no longer questionable. On the other hand, Luxenberg has reopened the question of how pagan (instead of non-standard Christian) pre-Islamic Arabic really was.151"...
I’ll stop at the most interesting point, the article is very informative, be sure to read the footnotes and bibliography. Good luck.
submitted by Incognit0_Ergo_Sum to AcademicQuran [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:01 bladeNY EMAIL ;

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me for any concerns related to academic papers, including essays, discussions, assignments, and homework. I can also provide assistance with complete courses and support for timed exams and quizzes. I assure complete confidentiality for all the tasks I handle. My flexible pricing starts at $15 per page, offering the best rates available. Rest assured, this service is highly customer-friendly, as compared to the high prices charged by writing companies – I have data to support this claim. You may consider following my team and me as well. Thank you for your time.
submitted by bladeNY to homeworkhelpNY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:59 chawizwhiz Calibration - Hiring Process

Hi I was contacted by an agency for a Consultant role in Accenture. Then a recruiter from Accenture reached out and scheduled a Technical/Skills interview. The interviewer told me I am hired and that she needs to process papers for my application. A week after my interview, I sent a follow up to the recruiter on the status of my application. I was told I passed and that my application was endorsed to the calibration process. They are processing quite a significant volume of applications and mentioned that my application status is still active and that I will receive an update from the POC. As of this writing I haven’t received any update even after multiple follow ups.
What is the calibration process? And what is the next step?
submitted by chawizwhiz to Accenture_PH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:57 Sauce__Goblin Worst Anger

It feels like my head is going to pop. I'm actively grinding my teeth. I've never been this angry before and I hate it. All over a paper and tough comments. Like shit, what's wrong with my mind that I can't handle those any more. 2 page paper a week for 15 weeks was no problem. But a 12 page paper you had from the start of the semester to write and got positive guidance on from tour advisor, only for the professor to tell you you're doing it wrong two days before it's due? Fuck that.
Like... like I don't know how to get this anger to go away. I need to finish this paper but I'm too angry to do it. I need an adreline release or some shit but there's nothing I can do without creating a disturbance. Self harm and for suicide are for rock bottom, and this isn't rock bottom, it's just fuckin pathetic. I don't, I don't know what to do man. Like... like...
I'm gonna sleep. If I wake up calm, I'm finishing this paper. If not... well... see you next spring.
submitted by Sauce__Goblin to u/Sauce__Goblin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:48 UserLanzo What nib size should I get for the Parker 45 for day to day use?

I was given between three options whether xf (extra fine), f (fine), and m (medium) nibs. Guys, what would be your recommendation for day to day writing on a paper and a notebook?
submitted by UserLanzo to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:48 Frog_Shaped Top Surgery Process Journal

The EXTREMELY detailed, mega-anxiety edition!!! Major events like consult and surgery day are labeled like this:
Surgeon was Dr. David Whitehead and I saw him on Long Island (New Hyde)
Summarized list of major dates:
Consult: July 19 2023 Mental health letter acquired: August 9 Dates discussed: September 12 Pre-op appointment: December 18 Surgery day: January 8 2024 Post-op: January 17
November 11th 2022: Emailed northwell health for the first time, they emailed back saying to call. I was too anxious so I avoided it for a few months.
Called northwell a few months later but got too anxious talking to the person who picked up. They were being normal and talking normally, it was just personal anxiety on my part.
October 2022 - Early March 2023: Spent time talking to trans friends and family members about their timelines and processes for top surgery.
Looked into Penn medicine for a bit but wasn’t happy with the surgeons there, specifically as a nonbinary person. The patient navigational team however is lovely.
March 2: emailed Penn health patient navigation
March 3-10: correspondence and phone calls w patient navigation (absolutely wonderful people, some of the easiest phone calls I’ve ever had) Got lots of into on surgeons, things I’d need, processes etc.
Date unknown: phone call to Penn medicine asking about surgeons and possibly setting up as a patient (v long wait time on phone) Surgeon I had heard good things about only works w CHOP program and I’m was too old for that program. Other surgeons I was v iffy on.
March 23rd: Back to square 1. Called northwell again to set up an appointment. Everyone I spoke to was really nice. Could have set up an appointment within the week but decided to wait till the end of the semester. Scheduled a trans care and primary care appointment for May
Couple of calls In between for confirmations. Trans care appointment got moved around a bit and ended up being moved to a phone call.
May 8th: Trans care call: Basic preliminary questions like: Emergency contact, what you’re looking for, are you thinking of looking into hormones, experience w dysphoria or dysmorphia, mental health, and eating/nutritional concerns, things you might want doc to know, piercings or tattoos, do you do any drugs or drink often, etc. total call time was about 20 minutes. Doctor was incredibly kind, I still experienced a good deal of anxiety but the call was super easy, welcoming, and friendly. Got sent contact referrals for the surgeons, as well as trans-friendly therapists under my insurance.
May 9th: started looking at list of therapists and making respective emails and calls. Checking per session costs and double checking insurance. Most charge 100-150 per session. Got in contact w one.
May 10th: Called w first therapist talking about what I’m looking for, where I am in this process, if parents are supportive, and talking about costs. She was very friendly and affirming, wants to have a few sessions to get to know me and my situation before writing a letter. Understandable and expected, but frustrating.
May 15th: Primary care appointment: Went to northwell health primary care, parkinglot was a little scary (just a large lot with a lot of cars) but everyone working there’s is super kind. Office is incredibly affirming, pride flags and lgbtq+ art everywhere. Gave my insurance card, filled out some paper work, got called in pretty quickly. I have a needle phobia and medical trauma so I was panicking a bit in the office, nurse was good w me about it and doctor was very kind, I just requested to not have any blood work done that day and that was totally fine, so I could schedule that at a later date and go w a friend. Recommended to get blood work done before scheduling a consult w a surgeon. Also prescribed me a single dose anxiety med for the bloodwork which I was very happy about. I found over time that the anxiety meds unfortunately do little to nothing for my panic attacks personally when it comes to needles but regardless having a doctor acknowledge and respect that fear and listen to me was incredibly helpful and reassuring.
May 30th: Got blood work done in a different lab, went w a friend. Scheduling for that is super easy, I think I did it online actually I don’t entirely recall. they do take walk ins but I made an appointment to minimize complications and make sure I could prepare properly. Front desk/lobby area was a little spooky, but I think that is mainly just bc of my social anxiety. They take a urine sample, you give them your prescription, eventually they call you over for blood work. Quick and easy, tech was v nice and having a friend with me was incredibly helpful. Probably the best I’ve ever done with a needle despite the fact that I did still panic and get very lightheaded lol.
Got blood work results back within the next couple days, all looks a-okay! Neat :)
June 15th This day was incredibly difficult. I had my first session with a therapist to establish some ground knowledge around my dysphoria and the way that I view myself. Top surgery is something that I know from research and related experience Can be difficult and expensive to get and can take time, so much of my prep work has been on the understanding of taking things a step at a time and just knowing that the current way things are doesn’t have to be forever. It allowed me to be able to live with myself while prioritizing my health better. This read to the therapist as “not having the level of dysphoria [she’s] come to expect and look for in someone who is trans” and was largely based off the fact that I don’t want to go on hrt. Past that point I started to break down because now my method of learning to live with myself felt like it was actively going to work against me and prevent me from getting top surgery. I’m not good at talking about my dysphoria, I can’t imagine it’s easy for anyone, especially to a stranger I just met. It was rough, and I felt incredibly mentally drained after ending the session.
June 19th Called it quits with the first therapist, I felt incredibly disrespected and the one session we had put me in a mental spiral for days. It can feel some times in this process like the people you have to get permission from need you to be severely depressed and unable to wait another second for this procedure just in order to take you seriously.
After I left that therapist, I immediately got back to the list to find someone new. Spoke to a new therapist via email, but my insurance is kinda weird (Blue Cross Blue Shield out of state) so its off putting to some people. This therapist recommended I go through the office she started out at (Heart and Soul Counseling)
————- Time Skip ——————
IM BACK its time for some record keeping. Got super overwhelmed and lost the energy to document my process for some time so here goes.
HEART AND SOUL COUNSELING: My experience w/ this therapy office was mostly good. The person in charge, Jesse, was absolutely lovely and responsive. Never spoke in person, but any text/email interaction was prompt, respectful, and kind. The office is stellar with email/text communication, so I only ever had to call them once when I was initially inquiring about the office. This is something I wish all therapy/counseling centers did better, eliminated a ton of my anxiety and hesitation to speak to therapists.
I got set up w someone as quickly as possible and established what my goal was (to acquire letter document for my surgery team). I attended multiple session w the therapist, she was a kind lady but the sessions were unfortunately p miserable for me. We didn’t fit well, but I was willing to stick it out rather than backtrack on my process. She also did not invalidate me or accuse me of not being trans which was a major step up from my first therapy experience. Once I acquired my letter I did stop therapy there, I kindly explained to the therapist that it wasn’t a good match, but I may honestly explore my options at the office in the future. Receptionist there was also lovely and they had a cool fish tank.
July 19th: CONSULT!!! My mama and I went to Dr. David Whiteheads office for a consult. Parking was a nightmare so I’m super glad I didn’t have to drive for this one (ty mama). Consult went really well, and the staff were all super friendly. Dr. Whitehead is cool, very chill energy and a bit intimidating, but I’m scared of everyone so that’s nothing new. First question he asked me is what I wanted/what he could do for me which caught me more off guard than it should have? I didn’t realize going into this process how many times people ask you what you’re having done even if it’s already written down, because there’s so much variety in what you can look for in the results.
We talked about the procedure, went through a slideshow n stuff, and discussed how I wanted a flat chest w/ no nipple preservation. They made sure to specify that my mental health professional letter had to include that I did not want nipple preservation because thats technically a “non-standard” appearance. Also had the first breast exam I’ve ever had in my life. Can’t say i’m a fan (not that I need to worry about that anymore!) Took pictures n measurements n such, and also discussed recovery supplies and care w me and my mom.
August 9th: After a plethora of painfully awkward therapy sessions, a decent amount of crying, and a couple breakdowns in friends cars/backyards, I got my therapist letter and sent it to the surgeons office. It ended up needing minor revisions to which I contacted Jesse from Heart and Soul and he got me the revised letter immediately. Unfortunately the surgical coordinator was out of office for the rest of the month the next day ;w;. Is how it be.
September 12th: Got a call from Surgical coordinator mid-painting class that I stepped out to take. Started discussing surgical dates!! She was kind enough to email the dates to me which was lovely because I was absolutely shaking/mind blank haha. There was an option for January 8th which felt like an absolute miracle the way it would work with my school schedule. It would give me a solid two weeks recovery time before spring semester began. Because it would be a couple months out, I was asked to contact her in the second week of October to submit documents to insurance.
(Timeline note: earliest date offered was in early December)
October 10th: Documents sent to insurance, predetermination started
October 30th: Received mail from my insurance approving my procedure as medically necessary (YAY) But! This is also where things get,,, fun! Dr Whitehead’s surgical coordinator, Alyssa, is a blessing and was very helpful and prompt with me despite the fact that I had to email her pretty constantly during this general time which I still feel bad about.
Around this time, my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer, which I reported to the surgical coordinator because it influences my family history (grandmother also had breast cancer). It was asked that I get genetic testing done because this could impact my surgical procedure. Now I’m handling the setup on this between helping my mom in her process setting up consults and considering her options because there of course is a lot of crossover to the steps I’ve already completed and am familiar with.
November 1st: Very kind person at cancer genetics calls me, sends me a family history questionnaire to fill out before I can be scheduled to see a genetic counselor. Filled out the questionnaire the same day.
November 8th: Called cancer genetics to check about scheduling, office was not open so left a message. Got a call back later in the day. I have a virtual appointment with a Genetic counselor Tuesday the 14th. Current plan is a mailed saliva genetic test but I’m going to ask if theres anything I can do to get results/materials quicker. If I can’t get results/feedback by December 8th my surgery date may get deferred.
Trying not to stress too much because there is little to nothing I can do about this, and I just don’t want to be sad. I’ve kept telling myself throughout this process to not get excited and not let myself believe anything is solid because something could happen at any time that might mess up my schedule or plan, and If I convince myself I’m in the clear, those changes will hurt a lot more. So far I think thats been a good move, because this really sucks.
My surgery date is still officially scheduled as of now as well as my first post-op. I will also ideally have pre-surgical testing done December 18th should I be cleared by genetics in time (Fingers crossed!)
ALSO! Def lean on friends if/when you can during this process. It can absolutely be challenging, and having a support system is incredibly important and helpful. I’m super lucky to have really lovely and supportive friends that are around to listen to me and send me pictures of stupid little animals.
November 9th: My mama is scheduled for her double mastectomy on December 4th
November 10th: Did some shopping with my mama for recovery supplies for double mastectomy/top surgery. Having watched a million and a half transition/top surgery videos and tiktoks and having read all the blogs and posts and tweets makes you a great support for someone suddenly faced with an upcoming double mastectomy! We might go shopping this weekend for some button ups and zip ups for her, clothes shopping is better done when you can try stuff on
November 14th: Meeting w genetic counselor: Victoria Webb, one of the loveliest medical care workers I’ve ever met. Had a virtual appointment with her to discuss and set up genetic testing. I explained to her about my situation w the proximity of my surgery and tight deadline as well as my willingness to do a blood test instead of a saliva kit to get results quicker. She was so incredibly kind and good with me, ended up being able to do a saliva kit and get results in time she deserves every good thing in life.
December 18th: pre-surgical testing: This was at the main hospital, everyone was really nice but I had a really bad panic attack despite being on Xanax.
The process is sort of like getting a physical. Measurements like weight and blood pressure get taken, lots of preliminary health questions. The people working with me were really kind and I was very open with them about my anxiety, it was visually apparent though anyway because I started crying the second we even started talking about the blood draw.
Once the equipment was actually brought into the room I started to panic. Both of the women working with me were really kind and helpful and tried to distract me and keep me talking the entire time, but I did still have a really horrible panic attack. Every muscle in my body locked up and I lost all my color, took a bit to get back to a spot where I could move and talk properly because my speech was affected too. It was a bit scary but funny to think about in post. Thanked the medical staff for being patient w me as always, a good portion of the anxiety is also guilt about making things harder for them. Got through it tho. Def eat before presurgical if allowed, I didn’t and that probably didn’t help!!
———- SURGERY DAY ————-
January 8th:
Ok so surgery day:
This day was very scary. Got my phone call the Friday prior for my surgery time which ended up being 1pm and I was asked to arrive around 11. Got there at 10 and went in at 10:30.
Called up to check in then in waiting room till someone brought me back to change. I told her right away about my anxiety with the iv bc that’s legit all I could think about. Got changed right after. I was generally shaky and a little disoriented the entire time because I was panicking but everyone was very patient with me. Clothes and belongings go in a bag in a locker and you get two gowns one that faces back and one that faces front. I was given underwear and a pad as well because lucky me I got my period a couple days before my surgery.
The pre-op area is a lot of little cubicles with curtain divider things, blue soft chairs, and medical equipment. Everyone I met and spoke to was very kind, but any time someone even suggested starting my iv I would panic. I was informed it would have to be placed in my hand and that terrified me, I’m especially anxious and sensitive about my hands and fingers. I think doctors and nurses tend to misunderstand exactly where my fear is with needles and ivs. It isn’t the pain that scares me, but the concept of veins and and anything being in them. Even writing this right now is horrible so I’m going to stop w any further detail. I spent the entire two-ish hours of pre-op absolutely terrified about this iv.
I wasn’t really keeping track of time but dr whitehead came in to do markings for surgery. They had cool rainbow socks on,big fan. Having your chest drawn on and just like, moved around n shit is such an experience. Felt bad because I kept losing my balance but doctor Whitehead is cool and I am 98% less scared about them now.
Probably my most favorite person I met during my entire hospital experience was the anesthesiologist. I know he told me what his name was but I couldn’t focus on or retain information at the time. He told me we could essentially put me to sleep with gas before putting the iv in and for the first time in probably a solid week I felt like I could calm down a little. He took a look at my hand and arm to check my veins which always does freak me out a bit but I’m more used to that kind of thing at this point and I know nothing bad is going to happen. One of the nurses came in with the iv equipment and he let her know that were going to wait till in the or which was also incredibly helpful because I absolutely panicked when I saw that little supply kit again.
V nice lady brought me into the or, I’d never been in one before it was cool. They had a little music speaker which was really cool. Took off blue jacket gown and they helped me onto the table. They put a warm blanket over my legs and my chest to help me calm down. Before long they gave me a mask w fun happy sleepy time gas, they let me keep my arms on my chest for a while which was really nice because I was still scared. I started getting loopy pretty fast but I still heard when someone mentioned where the iv equipment was and panicked a little because of that. I remember feeling them take my hand for that but never actually felt anything happen. Just some fear but the gas was v helpful obvi. Someone said they would see me in a little bit, and then I was groggily waking up in recovery.
Recovery was a little rough bc the iv was still there (fully wrapped up so I couldn’t see it though which was rad) but I was still really anxious about it until it was taken out and when it was taken out. For anyone that struggles w this i did not feel them remove it, just the tape. Everything was mentally much easier after that. After a while, going over instructions w parents, a cracker , some ginger ale and some juice, my dad helped me Get dressed and I was helped out to the car in a wheel chair. Ride was smooth bc of remaining numbness and meds except a few Bumps in the road
My post op date was scheduled for Jan 17th and that’s the day I got my drains out followed by several post op check-ins. First week of recovery was miserable but things exponentially approved each day past that, and I went back to school in person two weeks post-op with driving and item-carrying assistance from friends!
Will upload recovery notes at a later date! Feel free to message me with any questions, more than happy to answer and give info! I’m a bit over four months out from surgery now and thriving 🥳
submitted by Frog_Shaped to TopSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:46 liilkogei Comprehensive Academic Support Services Available! Email; Discord; dr.nicho

Are you seeking professional assistance with a wide range of academic tasks? Look no further! I offer a variety of services to support your educational journey, including:
Additionally, I can assist with essays, research papers, thesis writing, data analysis, projects, online classes, and case studies across various subjects.
For personalized academic support tailored to your needs, contact me at or find me on Discord at dr.nicho. Let's collaborate to elevate your academic performance and achieve your goals together!
submitted by liilkogei to u/liilkogei [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:45 Ok_Inspection_9400 Question regarding retotaling of marks (Class 12)

As you all are aware, board results are out, and I'm not super happy with my physics score. i'm usually a kid who gets 55-60 out of 70 in school exams, but got a shocking 46 in boards. now, while the paper was defnitely way harder than any school exam i've given, i still want to atleast be able to see my answer sheet, and where i messed up. and physics has single-handedly brought my % below 90, which i'm sad about.
my question is: is there any possible deduction of marks that take place in the retotaling step? it'll be the first step i have to get through before i can see my answer sheet.
secondly: if retotaling doesn't work out, is it worth it to write improvement?
submitted by Ok_Inspection_9400 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:30 Marianimo ‘Drier’ ink recommendations?

Hi all! Can I please have some recommendations for a ‘drier’ ink for Nahvalur Nautilus?
It’s the 14k F nib and writes beautifully, but I struggle with it being too wet for my work diary - cheap paper! Currently inked with Diamine Onyx Black.
Thanks 😊
submitted by Marianimo to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:28 Kieranjb10 Apple Pencil Bug

I use obsidian on my iPad for journaling, predominantly with the stylus. I’ve got a set template for daily notes, with a few headings which act as prompts.
For all but the last heading, when I write the text underneath with the stylus, it very often misses the space between words and capitalises the second word. “likeThis”.
Originally I had bullets under these headings, I got rid of those. I’ve tried changing the heading tiers so they descend. No luck fixing this.
Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks
submitted by Kieranjb10 to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:26 FanfictonAddic Possibly being autistic? Or is this me overthinking it?

I took some online tests recently, and they all said the same thing: I might be on the spectrum. Personally, I’m unsure about it. Although I can think back to some things which might indicate me as being there
1—I need my hands to be busy at all times. Usually I have a fidget toy on hand. And, if not, I would run a hand through my hair and scratch my thumb. I didn’t think scratching my thumb was weird, until a professor called it out. If there’s paper, I would doodle nonstop, and if I have a book I’ll flip through the pages constantly. Everyone who knows me say I doodle too much. I got into trouble because I was doodling in my exam paper.
2—I have an aversion to denim. I threw a conniption fit as a child if I had to wear it. And I hate silk as well, because it makes my skin feel icky. And I’m selective when buying stationary products. I need it to feel a certain way, otherwise I wouldn’t use it, even if it’s the only thing available. Especially paper. I only buy paper from a specific brand
3—Being messy? Is this an indicator? I’m unorganised, no matter what. When I write notes I get sidetracked. So I do concept mapping now, and somehow no one can understand it either. And when I make notes, I always doodle. My family would constantly complain that I need to be more cleanly.
I dunno. I need things to be messy, since it helps organise my thoughts. Does that make sense? That’s how I coped with math—doodling and scribbling haikus.
4—Interested heavily in history, writing, and psychology. Most people would say I’m gifted in writing and that I’m a great mind reader. I love analyzing people, and I’d take note of their individual quirks to paint a bigger picture about them. Now that I think about it, most of my conversations would switch to these 3 topics somehow.
5—I dislike social situations. My parents worry a lot that I’m isolating myself. To be honest, I don’t like small talk.
6—A lot of people call me intense and outspoken. And I never realized I was bad at reading social cues, until someone said I got better. And people tell me to “adjust” myself when talking to others.
7—People mistake me for being cold hearted because I dont smile
8—I’m kind of a control freak. I need things to go as I planned them, otherwise I get angry. One time I was so surprised at a sudden change of plans I refused to eat
I’m unsure if these are just me being “quirky” or “unique,” as most of my friends and family would call it. Am I paranoid? Or should I do something about this?
submitted by FanfictonAddic to AutismTranslated [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:21 Ser_Inutil First time creating a fictional alphabet with ZERO knowledge. I've named "Hara" for the language. Is for a future project i'm making, And i would like to know what you guys think about it. Also I've done in Pixel art. Sorry. May do it in traditional writing on notebook, or on a paper next time. ;w;

First time creating a fictional alphabet with ZERO knowledge. I've named submitted by Ser_Inutil to neography [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:19 Clelalia Academic Survey (Video game modders) (<15 minutes)

Hi everyone,
I’m a college student writing a paper regarding modding and codestruction. I’m looking for video game modders (as in people that create mods, to be specific) and cc creators to answer my survey. It should take 10 to 15 minutes only. The answers are anonymous and your response would be a great help.
(Note that in this survey “mods” refers to any game modifications (such as mods and cc))
Thank you in advance for your time !
submitted by Clelalia to oblivionmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:18 Clelalia Academic Survey (Video game modders) (<15 minutes)

Hi everyone,
I’m a college student writing a paper regarding modding and codestruction. I’m looking for video game modders (as in people that create mods, to be specific) and cc creators to answer my survey. It should take 10 to 15 minutes only. The answers are anonymous and your response would be a great help.
(Note that in this survey “mods” refers to any game modifications (such as mods and cc))
Thank you in advance for your time !
submitted by Clelalia to RD2Modding [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:12 ShadoWritr Alldocube iPlay 50 pro longevity?

I'm looking to buy iPlay 50 pro. I'm now comparing it to used Galaxy Tab S7 FE (4/64) which is the same price and similar CPU, bigger brighter display but is TFT and only 4gb ram. Most importantly, it is a well known well supported device by the 3rd party service shops. I expect to use this tablet for at least years.
My main usage; Internet, Word and PowerPoint: doing research and writing video scripts with external keyboard as well as various web based paperwork. I will sometimes be my laptops external monitor too using superdisplay. I also edit video on it if I can because capcut on phone is pain in the ass.
My current tablet is Galaxy tab s2 8.0 which is still great but I can't use modern app like Adobe Express and Trello which I actually need for work.
I don't want to spend more than the price of iplay 50 pro and I really like the iplay on paper, the shop I will buy from even offer 6 months warranty on parts.
Thoughts? If you have more recommendations I'm open.
submitted by ShadoWritr to androidtablets [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:02 AnxiousEnd9601 Spanish an initio

I was very unfortunate for having biology psychology and spanish so after 7 hours of testing I had to go home review for both Spanish and paper 2 biology. Paper 2 was fine for me but Spanish …..
I just finished Spanish reading and writing, that reading was literally once of the worst one I’ve ever done it was so hard. And writing as well omg at that point it had been a while since I practice Spanish because I was prioritizing other subjects so it went really bad.
I honestly think I might fail the writings and I’m so worry that I’m gonna lose my diploma over this. Cause I heard you fail one skill for Spanish an initio you fail the entire course and I’m so scared that I’m gonna fail the writings.
submitted by AnxiousEnd9601 to ibPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:02 lovelyyandereaddict Yandere Neighbor Wants to be Let In ASMR Roleplay [A4A] [M4A][F4A] [Neighbor Speaker] [Chatty Speaker] [That’s Not My Neighbor Inspired] [Door Person Listener] [Jealous Speaker]

Description (for Listener): You’re the dutiful guardian of the door for your complex. In a world overrun by doppelgangers whose most recent gimmick is sneaking into the guarded apartments. You must keep the sanctity of the system if only to protect your beloved neighbors. To do your job the best you often have to entertain your more chatty neighbors.
Alternate Description (for Speaker): You’ve returned from a long day of work, wanting nothing more than to convince your favorite neighbor—the door person—your muse! Too bad their simply stuck on this one neighbor; you’ll have to think about how to get rid of him as soon as possible.
A/N: It’s been a while but I’m happy to get writing again!
This is up for monetization just credit me, please! If you put this behind a paywall just privately message me!
I'm alright with improvising for this script!
All [Sounds] are suggestions!
Also if anyone is interested, here’s my Masterlist!
Anyway Enjoy,
(Neighbor Speaker)
Ah, it’s you again! Isn’t it just crazy that every time it’s your shift we end up bumping into each other? Crazy, right?
(Neighbor Speaker)
Oh! Right! Here are my papers, and my ID, and if you’d like I wouldn’t mind throwing in the latest issue of ‘Know Your Neighbor!’
(Neighbor Speaker)
Turns out my hunch was right! They were planning to bump me up and now I’ve got my column on the second page on the right.
(Neighbor Speaker)
(Neighbor Speaker)
In a world like the one we live in, us neighbors need to keep close tabs on each other. Don’t you agree?
(Neighbor Speaker)
Wow, I didn’t think you’d be so opinionated about it but I would be lying if I hadn’t heard that criticism before. While many may say writing about this always-kept-anonymous–character of the perfect neighbor might give away too much to any doppelgangers smart enough to read. I see it as a way to alert others about seeing the good and noticing the best parts of your neighbors.
(Neighbor Speaker)
So any guesses as to who you think I might be talking about?
(Neighbor Speaker)
It’s…not the milkman.
(Neighbor Speaker)
Not Elenois. Knowing her she’d sooner skin me than bother with her reputation.
(Neighbor Speaker)
Any other guesses?
(Neighbor Speaker)
I am positive I am not talking about the milkman. You really like bringing him up, don’t you?
(Neighbor Speaker)
I mean I’m sure some people will consider the bags under his eyes, his monotone voice, and his grumpy personality kind of cute.
(Neighbor Speaker)
What? I’m just saying we’ve had quite a few doppelgangers almost make it in here because they imitate him. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the one in here now was one.
Selling his new creation scarlet milk and expecting no one to be suspicious. That guy’s a weirdo and I just don’t know what you see in him.
(Neighbor Speaker)
I’m clearly so much better.
(Neighbor Speaker)
Oh? Everything checks out? Great as expected of my favorite door person! Always doing your best to protect us from those sneaky doppelgangers.
[Metal Door Opening]
[Stepping Through Door]
[Metal Door Closing]
(Neighbor Speaker)
Uh hey, how soon is your shift over?
(Neighbor Speaker)
I was wondering if you’d like to maybe come to my apartment. I have some snacks and I’ve got a radio! You and I can cuddle up on the couch have a drink or two and listen to the radio show.
(Neighbor Speaker)
But if you don’t want to do that I definitely have some other cool things we can do! Have ourselves a friendly–maybe romantic sleepover.
(Neighbor Speaker)
Your shift ends when the last person in the building comes? That’s backward, people spend the whole day doing spontaneous things. Heck, even I know reporting for leave I won’t just be going to work I’ll have a friendly meal at the cafe while I write plans for my column.
(Neighbor Speaker)
If you can believe it, my muse often doesn’t leave the building/ While it’s nice to write near them all I can do is watch and spend time with you er–them when I’m at home. A lovely inconvenience, eh? The neighbor I want to protect distracts me from pretty much everything.
(Neighbor Speaker)
Anyway, who are we waiting on for you to finish?
(Neighbor Speaker)
Ah, speak of the devil.
(Neighbor Speaker)
So you really can’t end your day without this guy coming through.
(Neighbor Speaker)
Hypothetically if you were to end your shift early what would happen to him?
(Neighbor Speaker)
Locked out of the complex for the night? At the defense of doppelgangers until morning? That sorry sleepy sack of bones?
(Neighbor Speaker)
Sounds perfect!
(Neighbor Speaker)
I mean for those nasty doppelgangers! That’s probably what they’d think if you hypothetically ended your shift early.
(Neighbor Speaker)
Uhm if you’d like I can keep you company! I still have a drink or two saved from the office! The bottle’s barely finished and I most certainly could use your help finishing it!
It’s okay you’re practically done besides between the two of us we can spot any doppelgangers, right?
(Neighbor Speaker)
So? Are you game?
(Neighbor Speaker)
So hesitant…I thought your job was to protect your neighbors. Well, currently your poor neighbor is suffering without a drink. So my favorite door guardian, my muse–will you help me?
(Neighbor Speaker)
Yes! I have the glasses!
[Drinks Clinking]
[Sounds of Drink Pouring]
(Neighbor Speaker)
Bottoms up!
(Neighbor Speaker)
Oooh, that was a good chug! Think you could stomach another?
(Neighbor Speaker)
Wow, you’re such a trooper but I bet you can’t beat my record. I’ve had over five full glasses in one go.
[Bottle Being Snatched]
[Bottle Quickly Being Chugged]
(Neighbor Speaker)
Whoa that’s a lot are you going to be able to stand?
[Body falling from Chair]
(Neighbor Speaker)
I’m not complaining! You are my muse after all! My favorite neighbor is especially cute when drinking far too much!
(Neighbor Speaker)
Alright, up you go!
(Neighbor Speaker)
Hey, how about we head to your apartment instead? It’s so hard trying to get a copy of your key it’d just be easier if you let me inside. A good neighbor should always have the means to check on you–especially when you spend all day protecting all of us.
(Neighbor Speaker)
Do you think you can start heading that way, now? That’s my muse!
[Slow Labored Footsteps Fading]
(Neighbor Speaker)
In the meantime, I’ll just start wrapping up your workstation.
[Papers Shuffling]
[Hurried Footsteps]
(Neighbor Speaker)
Oh, the… milkman. Good to see you.
(Neighbor Speaker)
Yeah, I’m just filling in for them, they went to the bathroom.
(Neighbor Speaker)
I’ll just check everything and let you in.
(Neighbor Speaker)
The entry request, and the ID everything checks out….
(Neighbor Speaker)
Except…oh no…your appearance.
(Neighbor Speaker)
Yes, your perfectly chiseled face and tired eyes that my muse just can’t seem to get enough of.
(Neighbor Speaker)
That's a problem. Plus you don’t have all the proper documents.
[Shredder Starts]
(Neighbor Speaker)
Oops turns out you’re claiming to be a neighbor of mine who’s still out and about. That’s a shame.
[Banging against Glass]
(Neighbor Speaker)
And so violent, it’s best I call the D.D.D.
[Button Pressed]
[Alarm goes Off]
[Phone Clicking]
[Phone Ringing]
(Neighbor Speaker)
Yes, we have a doppelganger, here that needs removing. Thank you!
(Neighbor Speaker)
Now my favorite Neighbor can end their day and spend all their time with me.
(Neighbor Speaker)
No more of that milk…man getting in my way.
(Neighbor Speaker)
Oh my muse, I’m coming be careful going up those stairs! I’m coming sweetie!
submitted by lovelyyandereaddict to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:54 OiHann Will Vietnam or the Communist Party become like the CCP?

Hello all guys, I am from real_China_irl ,and welcome all you to come and enjoy.
Sorry, although I have lived in Vietnam for many years, my Vietnamese is bad and I cannot write. Since I was born in China and lived for more than 20 years, I have a lot of profound experience in China under the CCP rule.
In comparison, Vietnam or Vietnam CP is better than CCP, Because I am an ordinary person, not the second RED generation or the rich, I said that the ordinary person's experience.
If you are rich, you will be very happy to live in China, low cost living and labour services, There is a very diverse range of cheap goods and the infrastructure for a first class experience. You can buy a lot of services for very little money.
But for ordinary people, In Vietnam:
1、Can access to the free Internet of the world,
2、No ubiquitous surveillance cameras, harsh online censorship of speech, or security checks in the train or bus stations,
3、Vietnamese politics seem to be a bit more transparent or modernized than China's, China's meetings are always 100% yes to approve,
4、It's much easier to access to BBC/CNN or any other western medias, all the papers or tv channels are under the control and guide by the govs.
5、Vietnam's household registration problem is less serious, you can not buy a car or a house in the city if your household registration is not in the city, Your child can not go to school in the city, and you can not retire with the city's benefit. In contrast, getting a Beijing city card may be more difficult than immigrating to the United States.
6、You can not buy or sell the land in China, even the land is under your name or your generations lived there a century ago, so you can not be rich by the land.
Overall, Vietnam is a little more open and has a lot more international tourists than China. But it's also getting more expensive, I live in an area of Ho Chi Minh where there are more foreigners and the cost of living here is no less than in Shanghai, China.
I know brothers here have a lot of grievances against the government, especially with prices getting higher and higher and property prices even crazy higher.There are too many injustices in society, social security is lacking and privileges are rampant. It feels like we will never get rich or have hope.
The average person's life is probably 90% determined at birth, and the other 10% by luck or personality factors.
I think it's good for the average person to work abroad or emigrate, especially if you have nothing to lose. So learn a foreign language. You'll have a comparative advantage in many countries.

submitted by OiHann to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]