7770.2 lp leak detector

Has anyone bought a benzene, nitrogen dioxide, or VOC monitor?

2024.06.09 07:31 Alternative_Bed_4237 Has anyone bought a benzene, nitrogen dioxide, or VOC monitor?

With the link between Gas stoves and Asthma and the studies showing benzene leaking and emitted from the stoves. I would like to get a benzene detector.
Has anyone gotten one or know which ones actually work well? I’m willing to spend the money for my son who’s having breathing issues.
submitted by Alternative_Bed_4237 to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:12 Temporary_Inner So About Buying Used the Dreaded 2018 1.5 Escape...Humor My Situation

I inherited a 2014 Ecoboost Ford Escape in my marriage and it's at 160k miles now. I had to make the unfortunate choice to replace the belts and air conditioner compressor because it needed done during the time period when used cars were just ridiculous. It does have a coolant leak I've had a shop look at, and I've run the Harbor Freight combustion leak detector on it and it turned up negative, but I've just been reduced to topping it off every now and then.
But the point of this post is I've been offered the stereotypical grandparents special of a 82.3k miles 2018 Ford Escape SE that's always been taken to the dealership for service, the interioexterior is in incredible garage kept shape, have the entire maintenance history of it, etc. I've been offered 2k under appraisal for the grandkids special. I can also perform a combustion leak test with the aforementioned Harbor Freight special.
The other used cars in my area I could find in this price range (and actually the vehicles I'm about to mention cost more than I'm being offered to buy the 2018 Escape for) being offered are ~12 year old 100k+ mile Civics/Mazda 3s/Corollas
So I can either ride and die with the 160k 2014 that I've already took the hits on the belts/AC compressor or I can """trade up""" into a 2018 with half the miles.
submitted by Temporary_Inner to fordescape [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:58 boymamaxxoo Lumbar punture caused major pain

I am a 36F. I am smoker, no drinking & no recreational drug use. I have hypothyroidism, intercystial cystitis, lymphadema in both legs, tmj, degenerative disc disease, raynauds, low cortisol ( havnt figured out why yet ) ,possibly an autoimmune disease ( doctor doesn't know which one yet ), & wad just diagnosed with IIH ( idiopathic intercranial hypertension ). Also neurologist thinks I might have had a spontaneous csf leak.
I ended up having a lumbar puncture done in er because of severe symptoms I had been having including severe head&eye pain/pressure,dizziness, feeling like floor vibrating, ears popping, black areas in peripheral vision, cravkeling/crunching sensation when yawning or eating, & salty fluid dripped in my mouth. Was diagnosed w/ iih & possible spontaneous csf leak. The lp opening pressure was a 21. My symptoms were relieved mostly directly after lp.
However, the day after the lp, I could barely walk, & was in excruciating pain. My lower spine felt as if it was collapsing in on itself, back locking up/spasming, nerve pain shooting down both legs, & almost impossible to lay flat on back, which Is what I was supposed to do to rest & recover.
Day 2 I woke up super early after only being able to sleep for 2 hours due to extreme pain & I almost couldn't walk. Worst back pain I've ever been in. I've had a prior back surgery in 2009 for a herniated disc I had, & the pain from the lp was far worse than my back surgery recovery. I was truly suffering & my back wouldn't stop locking up.
Called er, er told me not a normal lp recovery & to come in. Was given 2 things of iv Dilaudid & spine mri was performed w/&w/o contrast .
All er doctor says was that there was no emergency findings/bleeding on the mri & discharged me. Didn't send me home w/ any meds to help, no instructions on how to keep my back safe from being in more pain, etc..nothing. however, right before I leave, er nurse quietly tells me that I need to see a neurosurgeon bc she looked at my mri results and saw abnormal findings. She didn't elaborate & no referral to neurosurgeon was given.
It's been 2 going on 3 weeks & even though I can walk alot better now, my spine is still super painful, stiff, & if I bend, twist, or try to pick up my toddler, the horrible pain shoots down both legs.
I had to have my pcp refer me to a neurosurgeon. He didn't get to look at my mri report while I was at appointment bc hospital keeps telling me records aren't ready for pick up, even though it's been weeks. My doctor had to get them from er himself to see them after my appointment.
When I asked neurosurgeon office what was on referral when they called to schedule my appt, she said something about multilevel facet hypertrophy, multiple bulging disc's, and a herniated disc at l4 l5. ( l4 l5 was where my prior herniated disc was in 2009 ). Something about nerve impingement & stenosis to.
I had mri done in 2021 & that's when I was diagnosed w/ " mild " degenerative disc disease ". But my back pain was nonexistent before this lp. All of the back pain and types of pain I'm having are new and started directly after the lp.
What can all of this mean? I don't understand what could have happened. The LP itself was the most excruciating thing I've ever experienced and I screamed and cursed during it, which is not like me. It felt like stabbing, aching, severe pressure all at once, & that was with extra lidocaine. I did inform the er doctor that I had a prior back surgery years ago & mild ddd. Lp was done without imaging/guiding & I was sat up when he found pressure point, and told to lay on side afterwards, with knees bent up . When I was sitting up, he asked if I had ever been told I had scoliosis, which I wondered why he asked that.
Was this a normal reaction people can have to a lp? Or is this very abnormal? I don't know what restrictions I should be doing to keep from furthering injuring myself. Please help!
submitted by boymamaxxoo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:48 K04forcefeed Csf leak?

M(28) F(31) Recently she got this positional headache. It goes away when she lays down and comes back when she sits up. She had a LP over a month ago and had a bloodpatch 3 weeks ago. What are the next steps? She has other underlying issues and it seems the lp and bloodpatch have just made everything worse. Who do we go to? Are there less invasive options to fix these leaks?
submitted by K04forcefeed to CSFLeaks [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:54 Shoddy-Rip66 Post COVID IIH story

I can’t exert or get out of bed at all without having a flare up. I am never offered a consistent treatment. I don’t even have a confirmed IIH diagnosis even after 2 LPs. I got sick with COVID in Jan 2023 and I never recovered .
I was running 5-8 miles pretty consistently prior to getting sick with COVID, I was lifting weights in my home gym everyday. Something changed in my body post COVID, I get terrible headaches and head pressure now even from walking. Bending over, sitting down, reclining in a chair, car seats (especially non drivers seat), getting up from bed, walking (normal), running, stretching in any form, reaching out for objects with my arms, raising my arms over my head, laying on bed with my head raised with pillows, lying down on my sides, lying down on my back with head touching my pillow, coughing - all of this flares me up. My neck starts to hurt, my head hurts, I feel an immediate pressure in my head. Sometimes my vision gets blurred for a few hours. Head pressure and headache are more noticeable at the top of skull, behind eyes, back of the head and sides (over and around ears). The occipital region of my head is the worst where I feel tenderness and pain all the time 24*7.
These symptoms were more progressive than sudden onset for me, post COVID. It took around 4-5 months after my infection before I reached this state. The first 4 months, I had a few headache episodes with dizziness, vertigo, noise sensitivity, vision blurriness.
When I was at my worst (around month 6), I went to ER multiple times and came back with a migraine diagnosis. Things started to get better once I slowed down, stopped exerting, I went for my first LP at month 8, my opening pressure was 18 and don’t have papilledema. No IIH diagnosis. But I felt better from LP or may be from resting and laying flat for 1-2 days. I was put on Diamox to try. I started to improve but still have all the above symptoms every single day. The 3 things which improved for me on Diamox are brain fog, and blurred vision, and some headaches but I still get headaches and head pressure 24*7
6 months fast forward, I went for 2nd LP. Opening pressure 21, no papilledema. Still same symptoms. Brain fog is a lot better, don’t get blurred vision most of the time as long as I take 125mg Diamox everyday.
I still can’t do much physically other than moving around the house, grocery shop( pushing a cart kills me), go out and eat once a month, drive short distance. I should not have a load on my shoulders (bag pack), on my back or in my arms for me to feel somewhat normal.
If I lift something, let’s say 10 lbs or more I have a flare for the rest of the day. No drug would cut it and I feel terrible until I lie down for hours.
I couldn’t do more than 250mg Diamox on most days, had a few weeks when I did 500mg and it sucked, I was flaring up ever more. Head Pressure was killing me, bending over was intolerable. I figured Diamox is making everything worst for me, so I cut it back to 250mg.
I don’t think I have IIH, but Diamox helps me somewhat. If I don’t take Diamox, I have a non stop headache.
Recently I have been suggested a VP shunt surgery by a neuro surgeon because he firmly believes I have IIH with 21 OP.
Just sharing my story here if it helps anyone now or in future. I have also been told that a lot of people are developing IIH post COVID. I don’t know if that’s accurate but just in case.
If anything jumps out to anyone here, please reach out or comment on this post. I am desperate for ideas and help.
I plan to visit a few more neuro specialists in IIH, csf leak and occipital neuralgia space, and I hope I would have a positive story to share someday with this group.
IIH in itself is rough, I learned it after talking to tons neurologists, surgeons and sufferers. I wish all of you recovery and relief.
submitted by Shoddy-Rip66 to iih [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:05 TumbleweedOwn6049 Recommendation for a refrigerant leak sniffer?

Wanted to get some input on what is recommended for a leak detector. I kinda wantmto get the testo detector since i have their gauges and have been verry happy wih them for the last 3 years. But i figure i should draw on the collective knowledge and ask. A leak detector is my next big purchase, and i have had a few service jobs whe i cannot find a leak with bubbles, but theremis a leak....
Thanks innadvance
submitted by TumbleweedOwn6049 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:34 Helpful_Attorney7863 Hot Water Heater Venting Issue

Hot Water Heater Venting Issue
Sorry this is a long, but I would love to get some experienced plumbers thoughts on this and needed to explain the situation.
We had a hot water heater expansion tank spring a leak. I called a fairly well known name in pluming to come out and I decided to replace the 20 year old hot water tank. They had issues with the vent back drafting after installing. The hot water tank shares a venting system with the HVAC. They sent their HVAC guys the next day and he spent hours checking the venting system. They didn’t find any issues with the venting system with the furnace/AC units. The next day a plumber came back out, they still had issues and said the next day they were going to come out and cut a vent in the floor the cost would be $700. They said the room was too small and it was causing the issue.
I read the manual for the hot water tank that night and in it clearly states to have a minimum of 12” of vertical vent pipe off the top of the hot water tank before any bends or direction changes. I also watched many videos on YouTube and seeing correct and incorrect installs I felt like this could be the issue. I explained what I wanted him to do before we go and cut a hole in the floor for venting. Then I had to leave for work.
The images below are the first attempt and what it looks like now. What do you guys think the issue might be and am I right to be upset that they haven’t followed the instructions in the manual.
They also charged me the $700 on top of the installation cost for the vent system being reworked.
1st days attempt
1st day's attempt. These two are from the first attempt at the venting system. The vertical vent pipe is at best 7”
The three above are what it looks like tonight. Horizontal pipe slants upward but just barely. They also changed the connection where the HVAC and water heater join. it's lower than in the pictures for the first days venting attempt.
I’ve done the flame/smoke test and I’m not seeing any correct flow with furnace/water heater on or off. But our CO detectors are not going off so 🤷‍♂️ there is clearly back draft when the hvac is running.
Sorry for this being so long. If you made it this far thank you! If you have any insights please share. I don’t know what I should do at this point.
submitted by Helpful_Attorney7863 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:14 sadicarnot New A/C

Just talked to the contractor to get a new air conditioner installed. Owning a home is sometimes equal parts the worst thing ever and the best thing ever. honestly I have been lucky with A/C units. The old unit was put in in 1994 and lasted me until 2012. This one is still ok but I want to get a new one before the new rules take effect next year.
For those that do not know, they are requiring a new refrigerant that has a lower Global Warming Potential. The new system will have a refrigerant that is flammable and so the units will have to have leak detectors on them and other stuff for increased safety.
submitted by sadicarnot to homeowners [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:51 Solid_Owl Looking for a "dumb" leak detector

I need a leak detector for under the dishwasher. I do not want to change batteries. I do not want wifi or push notifications or anything like that. I don't need it to be loud; 70dB is more than enough.
Does such a mythical creature exist anymore? I feel forced into "smart" devices that are anything but, with unreliable functionalities. I just want something cheap, dumb, and super effective.
I'm almost always home, so the value of being told that my dishwasher is leaking while on a year-long round-the-world cruise is lost on me.
submitted by Solid_Owl to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:49 ansi09 Letter From The Solana Intern: June 7, 2024

Letter From The Solana Intern: June 7, 2024
Source: https://x.com/solana/status/1799122951549419810
My dearest manlets,
Last week in Austin at Consensus 2024, I ate so much barbecue that I shall henceforth be known as a meatlet.
I know you probably heard about PYUSD on Solana, but here's your Consensus 2024 ICYMITLDR:
Solana cofounder @rajgokal's talk on the future of Solana had us all giddy with excitement for what's coming. Yes, institutions like PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, and Stripe are using Solana for payments, but the Solana community will always be keeping it weird:
"Independent developers, seed stage startups, products that look like weird toys from two-person teams; that's like the lifeblood of Solana we want. We want a thousand of those teams," he said.
Raj also dropped some alpha on the future of @solanamobile:
“Total, we've now exceeded 150,000 sales. We already see a long line of developers building for the next device, and that should roll out next year.”
Intern is not very good at counting, but that's a lot of potentially award-winning phones. Consensus 2024 also saw a slate of major developments: PayPal and Paxos announced they were bringing the PayPal USD stablecoin to Solana. (Check out Solana Foundation head of global payments @SherazShere Consensus sidequest vlog for a look behind the scenes, and the Future of Onchain Payments X Spaces to find out what’s next).
Crypto bridging protocol LayerZero by @LayerZero_Labs announced its expansion to Solana. Devs can now build applications that send assets and data to and from Solana via 7 other blockchains.
And if interoperability is your thing, @21Shares announced the launch of 21BTC, which is bringing native BTC to the Solana network. Listen in to their Bitcoin 🤝 Solana spaces if you missed it.
Need more Solana IRL? Next up on the agenda is @SolanaSummitOrg in Kuala Lumpur, June 20-22. Here’s 10 reasons why you should go (hint: mostly, cracked founders like @armaniferrante, @sssionggg, @cindyleowtt):

Ecosystem Roundup

🔹Registration for @SuperteamDAO's SpringX Solana Accelerator is now open
🔹The @SolanaCollectiv is now an independent organization.
🔹Reviews and ratings features have been added to the @solanamobile dApp store
🔹Over $60 million was bridged to Solana via @deBridgeFinance and @wormhole last week.
🔹The @IslandDAOx builder house is in full swing, and intern is definitely not jealous at all Finance Bro Yells at Solana Pizza Truck
Getting tradfi onchain one slice at a time.

It’s Time to Make Your 🤔 Face

📷GIF shoutout to the legend @jahris_ (who made a better animation than intern ever could)
People think being a Solami manlet is about wearing awesome speedos and staying up all night in your mom’s basement launching memecoins and staring at your @GalacticGeckoSG (no offense, @genuinearticles). And it is! But it’s also about much more than that. It’s also about being at the forefront of new ideas and tech in web3.
So put your 🤔 face on and let’s learn some new stuff...
DAO + Prediction Market = Governance. That’s the core idea of futarchy, an onchain native philosophy and tech with big implications for how humans organize. This @heliuslabsdeep dive on Futarchy (thanks @Brewtoshi!) by Solana's Hemingway @0xIchigohas everything you need to know. Intrigued? check out what @metaproph3tand co are cooking at @MetaDAOProject.
in bio = true. right?? (sorry not sorry for blocking you)
Did you know that every day, about 1 million accounts are added to the Solana network? Solana is getting kinda big. Thankfully, @aeyakovenko finally wrote an X article pointing the way forward for state on the Solana network, and how the chain can stay fast, cheap, and performant as it scales.
If you’re looking to brush up on the basics, @SolanaFloor has launched Solana Learn, a knowledge base and curriculum for crypto newcomers with a focus on the Solana ecosystem — so they can become degen manlets just like us!
Elsewhere, Superteam’s @yashhsm published his State of Solana DeFI 2024 report (even though 3 months is 30 years in crypto, still a must read), and @Decaf_so posted an X thread explaining why PayPal USD on Solana is a huge unlock for financial inclusion.

Tweets of the Week

Should this be called manlets of the week? Last but not least — some tweets of the week from you beautiful people.
Finance Bro @mytechceoo yelled at a Solana pizza truck -- getting tradfi onchain one slice at a time. what is going on???
Source: https://x.com/0xMert_/status/1798571284974215531
Solana gets trolled for "issuance costs" every day
here's the interesting part:
i) ETH had higher issuance if you normalize for the first 4 years of both networks (and this is kinda crazy considering the USD value of ETH was much lower then)
ii) ETH in 2021 alone issued more in USD value than SOL has issued in its entire lifetime (!)
(it does not matter if it's PoW vs PoS from a token POV)
issuance in PoS is necessary for bootstrapping validators + security
Solana's issuance also declines yearly until hitting 1.5% — that's very close to Ethereum (and I'm going to even give Ethereum a pass since as activity moves to L2s, it's unclear what issuance will rise to)
the point here is simple, it does not even matter if you think issuance is a cost or not
comparing network issuance at different stages of the bootstrapping lifecycles is not correct
what's even sillier is that Ethereum proponents had to add new mechanisms to counteract this (a solvable problem) but don't extend that logic to any other network — as if all other networks are fully incompetent zombies incapable of making new changes
@0xMert_continues to battle in the (twitter?) trenches to educate about Solana validator economics. W for education!

Source: https://x.com/phantom/status/1798112143352721447
we're hiring an intern
- must be good with memes
- must be best reply guy

@phantom intern is trying to replace themselves, apparently? you, too, can work in the Solana ecosystem - check out the ecosystem jobs board here and join us🙂

Source: https://x.com/GarrettHarper_/status/1798760787932221889
kinda nervous I wasn't supposed to say this
boss is on a plane with no wifi... we must chill now and worry about it later

on the @SuperteamDAO ecosystem call, @GarrettHarper_ "accidentally" leaked that @fusewallet, Solana's first smart wallet, is dropping next week. Now, we can get fired together! so at least i feel a little bit better.
What did intern mess up this time? Screech below or forever hold your peace.
W's all around, and until next time,
new intern 💜

DAO + Prediction Market = Governance. That’s the core idea of Futarchy, an onchain native philosophy and tech with big implications for how humans organize. This Helius deep dive on Futarchy has everything you need to know.
Did you know that every day, about 1 million accounts are added to the Solana network? Solana is getting kinda big. Thankfully, Toly put out this X article pointing the way forward for state on the Solana network, and how the chain can stay fast, cheap, and performant as it scales.
If you’re looking to brush up on basics, SolanaFloor has launched SolanaFloor Learn, a knowledge base and curriculum for crypto newcomers with a focus on the Solana ecosystem — so they can become degen manlets too!
Elsewhere, Superteam’s Yash Argarwal published his State of Solana DeFI 2024 report, and DeCaf posted an X thread explaining why PayPal USD on Solana is a huge unlock for financial inclusion.

Media Roundup

🟣On Validated, Austin visits the Jump Crypto offices to discuss all things Firedancer with Kevin Bowers
🟣 Solana Foundation cofounder Anatoly Yakovenko and Ethereum researcher Justin Drake sat down with the Bankless boys for a longform, deep dive debate. It covered a lot: Engineering, economic security, scalability, fees, speed, centralization, and more.
🟣 Lightspeed takes a look at the fastest growing sectors in the Solana ecosystem, with a focus on DePIN, payments, social tokens

If you want to keep updated about the growing Solana ecosystem, feel free to subscribe to Solana Newsletter: https://solana.com/newsletter
submitted by ansi09 to solana [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:13 deniss_1996 TopTes PT199 Natural Gas Leak Detector w/ Audible & Visual Alarm $17.25 + Free Shipping w/ Prime or $35+ orders

submitted by deniss_1996 to amzndeals [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:44 HarriKnox [HELP] Radeon RX 6600 + lightdm/openbox(?) crashes 10 seconds after boot (Debian 12.5)

I installed an SSD into my Windows machine to dual boot into Debian and upgrade my previous Debian workstation. My system has a Ryzen 7 7700 (non-X) CPU, ASRock RX 6600 (non-XT) GPU, and ASRock A620 mini-ITX motherboard. I used the Debian 12.5 netinst with default kernel 6.1.0-21-amd64, and selected LXDE as my desktop environment.
About 10 seconds after the login screen came up the screen froze; and about 30-40 seconds later the computer rebooted itself into a black screen (no video output from the GPU nor integrated graphics from the CPU). This occured consistently regardless of whether or not I was able to log in. I'm sure this was related to the GPU because when I plugged the HDMI into the motherboard to use the CPU's integrated graphics, the computer didn't crash.
I tried reinstalling Debian with different desktop environments selected and found that Xfce, Cinnamon, MATE, and LXDE all failed (all use lightdm), whereas GNOME, GNOME Flashback, KDE Plasma, and LXQt all successfully booted and allowed me to log in and use the computer normally (these use gdm and sddm). I installed sddm on top of the failing desktop environments and was able to use them without issue; however, I would like to have auto login enabled and for some reason LXDE is the only one that doesn't work with auto login, even with sddm (it freezes in 10 seconds after reaching the desktop).
Normally I'm fairly competent with debugging, but right now I'm stumped as I'm not familiar with drivers/firmware and I have no idea where the errors (if any) are being reported. dmesg and Xorg.0.log didn't report anything at the time of the crash (just messages saying that the system was unresponsive for the past 30 seconds), journalctl didn't report anything either, and there was nothing of note in .xsession-errors.
I copied the whole filesystem for both the successful GNOME install and failing LXDE install to an external drive and tried to effectively "diff" the two to see if there was anything obviously different between them that would shed some light on why one worked and the other didn't, but so far I haven't found anything.
I also tried to apt-get firmware-amd-graphics and linux-image-amd64 (kernel 6.7.12+bpo-amd64) from bookworm-backports (loosely based on a suggestion in a forum I found elsewhere) to no avail.
Any leads would be appreciated. I would prefer LXDE/Openbox as that's what I've been using for the past decade and I prefer the lightweight, customizability of it (AKA, I am stuck in my ways). As I write this I think this could potentially be an issue with the audio driver and not the graphics card, but this is outside what I'm familiar with and I have no idea how to test that claim (this idea is because the audio is sent through the GPU through the HDMI to my monitor speakers).
Edit (2024-06-07): I decided to abandon this effort and just use Xfce. It sucks to uproot what I've been using for so long, but it's time to, as the kids say, "get with the times old man." Xfce is still plenty customizable and not as bloated that it should be an easy transition. Thank you to those who tried to help.
Edit (2024-06-07): I GOT AN ERROR MESSAGE! This occurred when I let my Xfce install go to sleep (at 16:16:57). After a minute I jiggled the mouse to wake it up, but it was too late
Jun 08 16:16:57 debian rtkit-daemon[940]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users. Jun 08 16:16:57 debian rtkit-daemon[940]: Successfully made thread 1437 of process 933 owned by '1000' RT at priority 5. Jun 08 16:16:57 debian rtkit-daemon[940]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users. Jun 08 16:17:01 debian CRON[1441]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=0) Jun 08 16:17:01 debian CRON[1442]: (root) CMD (cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly) Jun 08 16:17:01 debian CRON[1441]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root Jun 08 16:17:10 debian kernel: [drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* ring gfx_0.0.0 timeout, signaled seq=485, emitted seq=487 Jun 08 16:17:10 debian kernel: [drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Process information: process Xorg pid 963 thread Xorg:cs0 pid 972 Jun 08 16:17:10 debian kernel: amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: GPU reset begin! Jun 08 16:17:14 debian kernel: amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: SMU: I'm not done with your previous command: SMN_C2PMSG_66:0x00000029 SMN_C2PMSG_82:0x00000000 Jun 08 16:17:14 debian kernel: amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: Failed to disable gfxoff! Jun 08 16:17:18 debian kernel: [drm:dc_dmub_srv_wait_idle [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Error waiting for DMUB idle: status=3 Jun 08 16:17:44 debian kernel: watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 26s! [kworkeu32:13:107] Jun 08 16:17:44 debian kernel: Modules linked in: rfkill qrtr binfmt_misc intel_rapl_msr nls_ascii intel_rapl_common nls_cp437 edac_mce_amd vfat fat kvm_amd kvm snd_hda_codec_realtek irqbypass snd_hda_codec_generic ledtrig_audio ghash_clmulni_intel sha512_ssse3 sha512_generic snd_hda_codec_hdmi sha256_ssse3 sha1_ssse3 snd_hda_intel snd_intel_dspcfg snd_intel_sdw_acpi snd_hda_codec snd_hda_core snd_hwdep aesni_intel snd_pcm crypto_simd snd_timer cryptd sp5100_tco wmi_bmof rapl pcspkr snd ccp k10temp watchdog soundcore joydev sg acpi_cpufreq evdev parport_pc ppdev lp parport loop fuse dm_mod efi_pstore configfs efivarfs ip_tables x_tables autofs4 ext4 crc16 mbcache jbd2 crc32c_generic hid_logitech_hidpp hid_logitech_dj amdgpu hid_generic gpu_sched drm_buddy i2c_algo_bit drm_display_helper usbhid hid cec sd_mod rc_core drm_ttm_helper ttm ahci drm_kms_helper libahci xhci_pci nvme xhci_hcd libata nvme_core r8169 drm t10_pi realtek mdio_devres scsi_mod usbcore libphy crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel crc64_rocksoft Jun 08 16:17:44 debian kernel: crc64 crc_t10dif i2c_piix4 scsi_common crct10dif_generic usb_common crct10dif_pclmul crct10dif_common video wmi gpio_amdpt gpio_generic button Jun 08 16:17:44 debian kernel: CPU: 0 PID: 107 Comm: kworkeu32:13 Not tainted 6.1.0-21-amd64 #1 Debian 6.1.90-1 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: Hardware name: ASRock A620I Lightning WiFi/A620I Lightning WiFi, BIOS 2.10 03/20/2024 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: Workqueue: amdgpu-reset-dev drm_sched_job_timedout [gpu_sched] Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: RIP: 0010:memcpy_fromio+0x6c/0xb0 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: Code: 5c e9 68 fe 88 00 48 85 db 74 f2 40 f6 c5 01 75 45 48 83 fb 01 76 06 40 f6 c5 02 75 25 48 89 d9 4c 89 e7 48 89 ee 48 c1 e9 02  a5 f6 c3 02 74 02 66 a5 f6 c3 01 74 01 a4 5b 5d 41 5c e9 2c fe Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: RSP: 0018:ffffb9058056bc48 EFLAGS: 00000216 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 00000000000a1000 RCX: 0000000000028050 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: ffffb907beb00ec0 RDI: ffff966971f00ec0 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: RBP: ffffb907beb00000 R08: 00000000000379c0 R09: 0000000000000006 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: R10: ffffb9058056bb80 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff966971f00000 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: R13: ffff96694cee0000 R14: 00000000000a1000 R15: ffffb907beb00000 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff96705e600000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: CR2: 00007fbab1b68000 CR3: 0000000316010000 CR4: 0000000000750ef0 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: PKRU: 55555554 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: Call Trace: Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel:  Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? watchdog_timer_fn+0x1a4/0x200 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? lockup_detector_update_enable+0x50/0x50 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? __hrtimer_run_queues+0x10f/0x2b0 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? hrtimer_interrupt+0xf4/0x210 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? __sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0x5a/0x110 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0x69/0x90 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel:  Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel:  Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? asm_sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0x16/0x20 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? memcpy_fromio+0x6c/0xb0 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? memcpy_fromio+0x1c/0xb0 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: amdgpu_vcn_suspend+0xed/0x140 [amdgpu] Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: amdgpu_device_ip_suspend_phase2+0x104/0x1a0 [amdgpu] Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? amdgpu_device_ip_suspend_phase1+0x72/0xe0 [amdgpu] Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: amdgpu_device_ip_suspend+0x32/0x70 [amdgpu] Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: amdgpu_device_pre_asic_reset+0xcf/0x290 [amdgpu] Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: amdgpu_device_gpu_recover.cold+0x607/0xad4 [amdgpu] Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: amdgpu_job_timedout+0x1d8/0x220 [amdgpu] Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? psi_group_change+0x145/0x360 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? finish_task_switch.isra.0+0x90/0x2d0 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: drm_sched_job_timedout+0x73/0x110 [gpu_sched] Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: process_one_work+0x1c4/0x380 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: worker_thread+0x4d/0x380 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? rescuer_thread+0x3a0/0x3a0 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: kthread+0xd7/0x100 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel: ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 Jun 08 16:17:45 debian kernel:  
submitted by HarriKnox to debian [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 03:22 SociallyAwkwardJulie Possible long-term gas exposure?

We replaced our oven today. When the plumber was disconnecting the old one, he was shocked at how loosely the gas valve(?) was attached. He said “I’m surprised your house hasn’t been filled with gas. I’ve never seen one I can remove without tools.”
My partner and I have lived here for 5 years and we have a two year old. This is the first time anyone’s been behind the oven, so it’s been loose the entire time. No one who has visited has mentioned any smell, and we had the house inspected before purchase. We have carbon monoxide detectors and keep the batteries up to date.
I used to notice a gassy smell when the oven was preheating, but my family told me it was normal. I’ve only used the stove burners for the past two years and never had issues. (Stopping using the oven was unrelated — I have PTSD from a fire when I was a kid and using the oven has become more triggering since having a baby. Yes, I’m in therapy and medicated!)
If there was a small undetectable leak over a long term, what kinds of symptoms might we have? My kid has a speech delay and I’m terrified its because I’ve been letting her be poisoned. Google is mostly giving me info on immediate exposure symptoms. I should reach out to our doctors and make them aware, right?
submitted by SociallyAwkwardJulie to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:09 ZedEssex Smart Water Leak Detector

Smart Water Leak Detector submitted by ZedEssex to unboxing [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:34 EvilRick_C-420 Exhaust Manifold Leaking

So my exhaust manifold is leaking and will cost over 1k to fix. I have a long cross country trip in September and are wondering if I need to replace it before the trip. Alternatively could I just put a Carbon Monoxide detector in my vehicle? Not sure how much is actually getting into the cab at this time. It doesn't smell like gas or fumes but I know CO is orderless. Should I just bite the bullet and replace it?
submitted by EvilRick_C-420 to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:55 BroMandi [Amazon] TopTes PT199 Natural Gas Leak Detector w/ Audible & Visual Alarm $17.25 + Free Shipping w/ Prime or $35+ orders [Deal: $17.25, Actual: $23.00]

[Amazon] TopTes PT199 Natural Gas Leak Detector w/ Audible & Visual Alarm $17.25 + Free Shipping w/ Prime or $35+ orders [Deal: $17.25, Actual: $23.00] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 13:17 Pennyrimbau Is it same claim?

What happens if it takes 21 days to find and fix the water leak, after initial remediation (but more is needed) and prior to any restoration? Is it the same claim?
Came back from trip, to several rooms flooded carpet. Insurance preferred remediation removed carpet, dried things out over a week with water supply off. Insurance paid for Leak detector at day 9 but they couldn’t find the leak. Since house was thereby deemed “habitable” insurance stopped paying hotel and we moved back in 11 days later after start of claim. Except we couldn’t turn water on without leak continuing in corner of closet. While in ongoing communication with leak detector I hired a plumber to cut drywall on day 21 and we finally found the leak in a shower hot water valve. It is wet back there and under laminate, never touched by remediation company, but source of original leak.
My question is: is this the same claim? The drip from the water caused damage originally yet any detected out remediated before it was behind a wall.
Further remediation for water damage has to occur. All the restoration needs to occur. I’ve been living in house unable to turn on water.
The leak detector said he’d send an amended report.
I did not cash the check from the adjuster she mailed yesterday if that matters.
submitted by Pennyrimbau to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 05:20 anothercorgi 2002-2007 Subaru Impreza AC compressor, dryer/receiver

It looks like my compressor blew based on it puking all of the leak detector dye I put into the system, not even funny how fast it leaked. I'm thinking about DIY.
It looks like I will be getting a manifold gauge set and vac pump else this is futile. So that's on the shopping list. I hope I can work on other AC systems but chances are these will end up sitting in a garage somewhere never to be used again.
What I was wondering is how the dryereceiver is attached to the condenser on these Imprezas? I heard that I had to replace the condenser with the dryereceiver but I see people selling them discretely. I don't seem to see nuts/compression fittings on them... Does it simply pull straight out after unbolting and just the mere o-rings seal it from leaking?
Will I need to replace the condenser? Should I also replace the TEV? (based on the fact the compressor is likely the sole leak spot). I'm assuming compressor swarf might end up in the receivedryer but other than that, wouldn't pulling vacuum on the system also pull out any and all water in the system?
How much oil do I expect to still be in the system? How much will I need to add?
Should I even consider warranted rebuilt/used compressors?
Thanks for any insights!
submitted by anothercorgi to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 04:49 backstageraver Ain't no Y3 album

Ain't no Y3 album
A personal comp I made imagining a hypothetical 12th solo LP from Kanye, with a heavy focus on a more old school sound.
Length and format is heavily inspired by the Wyoming sessions albums, so it's only 9 tracks and 27 minutes. Only did minimal editing for authenticity, though some big edits are there. (i.e. no French Montana on WHERE THEY AT?). Fully mastered (to the best of my ability) and tagged. They're .wav files but I can post a .mp3 version if y'all want.
  1. BLOOD OF THE LAMB feat. Pusha T & Marsha Ambrosius (2022 ver, originally intended for D2 - remastered by me)
  2. STAND UNITED feat. French Montana & Saint JHN (Remastered track from M&C5)
  3. WHERE THEY AT? feat. Westside Gunn (Remastered track from M&C5, removed French Montana verse)
  4. STREET LIGHTS feat. Freddie Gibbs (VULTURES 1 era leak, remastered by me)
  5. VIRGIL'S FUNERAL (ALWAYS...) feat. James Blake (WAR era leak, remastered by me - version w/o Vory just cause I like it a little better)
  6. 5:30 feat. Shenseea (D2 era leak, shortened and remastered by me)
  7. TAKE OFF YOUR DRESS (BBPB era leak, remastered by me)
  8. SO CALLED FRIENDS feat. Ty Dolla $ign & Freddie Gibbs (VULTURES 2 era leak, not a solo Ye song but I really think it fit the vibe of the comp - remastered by me)
  9. CENSORI OVERLOAD (Was actually the intro for the comp originally, but I really feel it fits better as a closer track - remastered by me, mostly just to fix the shitty vocal mixing)
I threw this together in only like 3 days, but I hope you guys fw it
  • MEGA: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci95QzVUZ0RqUyNNNXNtWUJLcDdfeEd0ZnFaMUR1UE53
  • Google Drive: aHR0cHM6Ly9kcml2ZS5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RyaXZlL2ZvbGRlcnMvMV9yZDFSbWtfdGhnZHd6dDk2Y3M1RnJvMnhNU3o4Z2hDP3VzcD1zaGFyaW5n
  • [untitled]: aHR0cHM6Ly91bnRpdGxlZC5zdHJlYW0vbGlicmFyeS9wcm9qZWN0L2k0RHVQVDJscmlZZ2ZDZXN2UnZzQQ==
submitted by backstageraver to Yedits [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 01:37 Competitive_Oil5227 Gas leak…an annoying day.

I’m sitting at home, Sunday morning, watching Star Trek and trying to unclog a vacuum cleaner…when the Airbnb notification bell rings.
I look and it’s customer service, letting me know that a gas leak has been reported by a guest and that I need to get the situation resolved and send them an official report from the gas company that the dwelling is safe.
The kicker is that they have pulled down my listing, pending this, and tell me I have 12 hours before they cancel my upcoming reservations.
I sigh, as the flat only has a gas stove and I previously had a guest boil over a pot and kill the pilot light, leading to a slight gassy odor. I’m assuming this is the problem.
I call the guest, tell them Airbnb reached out about a gas leak. Asked what was going on. He told me he came back from Starbucks and the entire building smells strongly of gas.
I start to worry, tell him I’ll be there in three minutes. His answer ‘can you come in a few hours instead, I’m not dressed yet.’
Good grief. I tell him if there’s a gas leak he needs to exit the building until we figure out what’s happening.
I grab my gas detector thing, literally run out the door. He’s in a small vintage apartment building in a flat on the third floor.
As I open the door to the building I’m expecting a smell. Nothing. The cleaning company had just done a deep clean and the woodwork smelled vaguely of pine sol. I walk up the stairs…no gas smell. I knock on the unit door and the guest answers, wearing only boxers with wet hair and looking visibly annoyed.
I walk in with my detector in hand, finding absolutely zero gas smell and no reading on the thing. Ask him if he is still smelling gas, he says he thinks so. That it’s stronger in the hallway.
Then I ask if he possibly smelling the cleaning product and he says ‘maybe but I still think it’s gas and your thing might be broken.’
I’m beyond annoyed at this point. Walk over to the stove and turn the burner on without igniting it. Immediately my gas detector goes off. I ask the guest why he called customer service instead of reaching out to me. He shrugged and said he was glad that I came over to resolve the problem so quickly.
I tell the guest he needed to get packed immediately; that reporting a gas leak to Airbnb means he thinks the property is hazardous and that they would be canceling his reservation and refunding him. That I was going to call the gas company and stay in the unit until they arrived.
He looks panicked, said that was not necessary and he was happy in the space.
I said ‘well then you best call Airbnb and let them know you were in error. I’ll wait to see if that works before calling the gas company’
He assured me he would and assumed I was leaving, but I said I’d just wait in the living room until he got someone. Longest 20 minutes of my life, standing with a stranger in boxers listening to bad hold music.
submitted by Competitive_Oil5227 to airbnb_hosts [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:32 PlentyCarob8812 Can’t tell the difference between high and low pressure headaches after LP

Hi everyone, 3 weeks ago I got an LP to diagnose intracranial hypertension. My opening pressure was raised and my mri showed stenosis so it was pretty indicative.
However, since my LP, I’ve been in the worst shape so far. I had a horrid headache for about 10 days that was only alleviated while laying completely flat. The pain was in the back of my head and behind my eye.
Ever since then, I have had mixed types of headaches. Sometimes they are relived by laying flat, sometimes they are not. Some of them feel like the headaches I was getting pre-LP, some of them feel different.
It almost feels like I am alternating between high and low pressure? I honestly can’t tell the difference at this point. Is there a chance I have a CSF leak? My doctor is hesitant to do a blood patch, especially because I said I wasn’t 100% confident the issue is low pressure.
I had symptoms here and there from the IIH but now I have headaches every single day.
Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by PlentyCarob8812 to CSFLeaks [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:38 aprilbrown101 If moving to OKC, do not live in Six100 apartments on Meridian Ave.

I have only been in this apartment for a year and I knew a few months into the lease, that I was not going to stay another year. We moved here from another state, but we made a trip here a few months before the move to look at apartments. The apartment we saw here, at Six100, was amazing and we fell in love with the buildings and the great lawn/pool area. All of the documents are signed digitally and when we showed up on move-in day with all of our stuff loaded into a U-Haul, the apartment that we got was disgusting.
Nasty old carpet that does not stand up anymore, constant drip in the bathroom sink, bathtub is not sealed and has a crack all the way around, the kitchen and bathroom counters are covered in a terrible tan paint. The apartment we looked at when visiting months before is def staged and we were catfished.
Our AC barely works and our apartment stays very hot during the summer with $200+ electric bills.
Maintenance is terrible here. I had to do 3 separate workorders for my kitchen sink because it started to leak and maintenance did not fix it correctly or 100% the first few times. Well, it still leaks and I just have a bowl under the sink. When maintenance was in my apartment, I asked about the water drip in the bathroom sink and he said he doesn't have the part to fix it. Then I asked about the cracked seal in the showetub. He said he cannot repaint it until no one is living in the apartment... Yes, repaint. Ugh. Maintenance was also supposed to do preventative maintenance in October - to replace smoke detector batters and air filters... Well, they never came to my apartment. I have actually been changing my own air filter because when I moved in and checked it, it looked like it had not been changed in years.
At the beginning of the year when it first started to warm up, our AC did not work. I submitted a maintenance workorder and management denied it. They said it was too early in the year to work on AC units. Granted it was in March, but this is Oklahoma and we had 8 days above 80* at that point. Also, I have a 3rd floor apartment and with the heat rising from the other apartments, I was going to bed with my apartment close to 90*. We did use our windows... but none of them have screens... so we had bugs, wasps, flies. and even a bird one day that came in. Management eventually allowed us to do a maintenance workorder in Mid-May without them deleting it and we finally got our AC fixed.
Also, when doing maintenance workorders: we are not allowed to do one over the weekend if something happens. Management says they will delete all workorders submitted outside the hours of Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm. Of course, because nothing ever breaks outside of normal business hours.
Just this week, the city put notices on everyone's doors saying the water will be shut off by 6/13. Management immediately sent out an email saying it was a mistake and to ignore the notice. The account number was on the notice and the automated system says the water account is past due and owes over $6K.
I could go on and on.... Take my advice, do not chose to live at Six100 on Meridian Ave.
submitted by aprilbrown101 to okc [link] [comments]
