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2023.11.22 16:36 Pristine_War_6696 tiktokerEsp

Pasar descuidos y contenido 🔥 de influencers de 🇪🇸 No spam

2013.12.17 18:31 eraldopontopdf Orkutão dos Leleks

O Orkutão dos Leleks é o grupo oficial do Lektronik no Facebook.

2022.05.10 21:00 DannyL_ito Jazminvillarreal

Contenido sobre Jazmin Villarreal. Todo tipo de contenido sobre ella, historias de ig, tv, tetas, piernas, descuidos todos son bienvenidos.

2024.05.16 14:40 dawnsreaper De Paola: “Allegri, scandalous episode. Juve must fire him immediately”

De Paola: “Allegri, scandalous episode. Juve must fire him immediately” submitted by dawnsreaper to FootballNewsDaily [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:00 bot_neen Danna Paola besa a otro hombre en Argentina y desata rumores de ruptura con Alex Hoyer

Danna Paola besa a otro hombre en Argentina y desata rumores de ruptura con Alex Hoyer submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:13 young_dev69 Empresa gringa não paga

Fui desligado da empresa gringa, eu sou PJ. Enviei todos os invoices para poder receber. Os mesmos já estão vencidos a mais de uma semana e não recebi. Quando envio msg cobrando, apenas recebi uma reação de joinha como resposta. Tenho acesso a rep privado da empresa e admin de prod. (Não revogaram meus acessos por descuido) Devo apagar tudo o que eu fiz ? Se eu fizer isso, pode dar Merlin pra mim?
submitted by young_dev69 to brdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:12 bot_neen Danna Paola se olvida de su novio y se besa con famoso locutor argentino en pleno programa en vivo

Danna Paola se olvida de su novio y se besa con famoso locutor argentino en pleno programa en vivo submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:34 BellHour8675 Genitales pokemon y relaciones, matar la duda

Segun mi conocimiento de biologia y evolucion y mandar a la verga la exageracio de la rule 34, los pokemons tendria apenas y si siquiera tienen organos reproductivos basados en el nuestro posible mente tengan cloacas aunque lo que voy a decir igual se aplica, serian pequeños tanto penes como vaginas sobre todo en los bipedos, por que?, bueno en base a la inteligencia y que el pokemon mas estupido es mas inteligente que el animal de la tierra estos seguro no tuvieron preciones evolutivas en el ambito sexual posible mente concentrandose mas en lo social o en pruebas de valia y por extencion no fueron monogamos lo que harian que solo necesitaran lo suficiente para la procreacion y no por el placer si es que el pokemon en cuestion siente placer ya que por lo menos en la tierra solo ay otros 2 animales que sienten el placer sercano al nuestro que serian lps delfines y bonobos, aparte de que y se dareis una bofetada mental si a un humano macho desnudo se le dificulta correr o pelear si que sus gentiales imaginense un gallade, machoke, blaziken, lucario, loopony que dan saltos y vuelcos por todo lados en una pelea simple mente si la evolucion en pokemon tiene sentido por ejemplo a un blaziken apenas le medira 10 cm y 1.5 de grosor y eso que no estamos poniendo que es un ave en general lo que haria que su aparato fuera en punta fina no muy bueno para el placer pero si para embarazar de manera segura, en cuanto a las hembras se le dificultaria tener relaciones con un humano con un pene de 15 cm y de 2 a 3 cm de grosor pero se puede aunque tendrias que ser jodida mente suave y ser tu el que se mueva por que un descuido y ella te podria romper algo por ser mas fuerte o pesar algo mas de lo normal algo de 18 cm ya doleria demaciado, de todas maneras si quieren discutir este punto me dicen
Pues dejen de joder, tienen que cumplir requisitos obvios por ejemplo:
1- No a ver sido criados por ti de nacimiento en primer lugar, eso seria equivalente a incesto aunque lo adoptaras
2- que tenga minimo de 16 a 18 años que es el estandar en el mundo en varios paises, y sabra el diablo como saber su edad por que hasta donde sabemos al capturarla podria tener 5 años de edad
3- tiene que tener COMO MINIMO la inteligencia de un humano promedio o un poco menos, obvia mente cualquier otro pokemon pues te jodes seria el equivalente a zoofilia
4- ser lo suficiente mente compatibles genital mente por ejemplo lo que ya discutir de los blazikens macho y femenino por ejemplo, claro esta es que esta dependeria de si el pokemon en cuestion si quiera puede sentir placer y no agonia como muchos de los seres que viven en la realidad, lo que en todo caso seria ransio ya que si esta dispuesta a sufrir para que TU disfrutes pues..... eso ya es jodido responder eso
5- darte cuenta y el pokemon que posible mente no puedan tener hijos aunque los hombres humanos pueden tener una minima posibilidad de embarazar de alguna forma muy rara y jodida, una relacion de humana simple mente esta tachado por completo el sistema reproductivo no puede generae un huevo por lo menos la pokemon hembra solo necesita material si saben a lo me refiero
6- liberal al pokemon de su pokebola por un tiempo inderteminado, las posibilidades de que le pokemon en cuestion en cuestion tenga sindrome de estocolmo es muy alto, abria que ver si sus sentimientos son verdaderos y no ay prueba mas grande que liberarlo para que piense bien y los 2 deberian conversar mucho de ello
Y bueno esto serian los puntos ay mas pero ya seria ser redondante, disculpen el castellano tengo dislexia y la veces que tuve que corregir esto son ridiculas, porfavor de sus opiniones y sean serios es algo que a muchos le pica la curiosidad, pueden copiarlo y usarlo como argumento incluso modificarlo si quieren para otros lugares, es bastante fastidioso que se crean que serian como los de la rule 34...... banda de enfermos esos
submitted by BellHour8675 to PokemonES [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:27 BellHour8675 Los genitales pokemon y relaciones

Segun mi conocimiento de biologia y evolucion los pokemons tendria apenas y si siquiera tienen organos reproductivos basados en el nuestro posible mente tengan cloacas aunque lo que voy a decir igual se aplica, serian pequeños tanto penes como vaginas sobre todo en los bipedos, por que?, bueno en base a la inteligencia y que el pokemon mas estupido es mas inteligente que el animal de la tierra estos seguro no tuvieron preciones evolutivas en el ambito sexual posible mente concentrandose mas en lo social o en pruebas de valia y por extencion no fueron monogamos lo que harian que solo necesitaran lo suficiente para la procreacion y no por el placer si es que el pokemon en cuestion siente placer ya que por lo menos en la tierra solo ay otros 2 animales que sienten el placer sercano al nuestro que serian lps delfines y bonobos, aparte de que y se dareis una bofetada mental si a un humano macho desnudo se le dificulta correr o pelear si que sus gentiales imaginense un gallade, machoke, blaziken, lucario, loopony que dan saltos y vuelcos por todo lados en una pelea simple mente si la evolucion en pokemon tiene sentido por ejemplo a un blaziken apenas le medira 10 cm y 1.5 de grosor y eso que no estamos poniendo que es un ave en general lo que haria que su aparato fuera en punta fina no muy bueno para el placer pero si para embarazar de manera segura, en cuanto a las hembras se le dificultaria tener relaciones con un humano con un pene de 15 cm y de 2 a 3 cm de grosor pero se puede aunque tendrias que ser jodida mente suave y ser tu el que se mueva por que un descuido y ella te podria romper algo por ser mas fuerte o pesar algo mas de lo normal algo de 18 cm ya doleria demaciado, de todas maneras si quieren discutir este punto me dicen
Pues dejen de joder, tienen que cumplir requisitos obvios por ejemplo:
1- No a ver sido criados por ti de nacimiento en primer lugar, eso seria equivalente a incesto aunque lo adoptaras
2- que tenga minimo de 16 a 18 años que es el estandar en el mundo en varios paises, y sabra el diablo como saber su edad por que hasta donde sabemos al capturarla podria tener 5 años de edad
3- tiene que tener COMO MINIMO la inteligencia de un humano promedio o un poco menos, obvia mente cualquier otro pokemon pues te jodes seria el equivalente a zoofilia
4- ser lo suficiente mente compatibles genital mente por ejemplo lo que ya discutir de los blazikens macho y femenino por ejemplo, claro esta es que esta dependeria de si el pokemon en cuestion si quiera puede sentir placer y no agonia como muchos de los seres que viven en la realidad, lo que en todo caso seria ransio ya que si esta dispuesta a sufrir para que TU disfrutes pues..... eso ya es jodido responder eso
5- darte cuenta y el pokemon que posible mente no puedan tener hijos aunque los hombres humanos pueden tener una minima posibilidad de embarazar de alguna forma muy rara y jodida, una relacion de humana simple mente esta tachado por completo el sistema reproductivo no puede generae un huevo por lo menos la pokemon hembra solo necesita material si saben a lo me refiero
6- liberal al pokemon de su pokebola por un tiempo inderteminado, las posibilidades de que le pokemon en cuestion en cuestion tenga sindrome de estocolmo es muy alto, abria que ver si sus sentimientos son verdaderos y no ay prueba mas grande que liberarlo para que piense bien y los 2 deberian conversar mucho de ello
Y bueno esto serian los puntos ay mas pero ya seria ser redondante, disculpen el castellano tengo dislexia y la veces que tuve que corregir esto son ridiculas, porfavor de sus opiniones y sean serios es algo que a muchos le pica la curiosidad, pueden copiarlo y usarlo como argumento incluso modificarlo si quieren para otros lugares, es bastante fastidioso que se crean que serian como los de la rule 34...... banda de enfermos esos
submitted by BellHour8675 to copypasta_es [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:06 Lilimith Estou com medo do futuro do meu filho em relação a família paterna

Bom, sou mulher, tenho 30 anos e há 6 meses tive meu primeiro filho. Eu engravidei do meu noivo, de 47 anos, que já tinha mais dois filhos: uma filha de 19 anos e um filho de 22. Eu namoro com ele há 1 ano e acabei engravidando por um acidente, um descuido na verdade, mas enfim, isso não foi um problema para ele, já que ele tem uma condição de vida realmente boa. Continuando, quando fui apresentada como namorada, não cheguei a ser destratada pelos filhos, pelo menos não na minha cara. Mas uma vez vi os sussurros e as brincadeiras sobre quanto tempo eu duraria. Pelo que entendi, ele sempre apresentou muitas namoradas aos filhos desde a morte da mãe (que morreu em um acidente de carro) e nunca duravam muito, algumas semanas pelo que percebi. Mas comigo foi diferente, eu engravidei dele e eu não sou burra, pode muito bem ser por isso que estou durando, mas eu não dei o golpe. Eu realmente tomava os remédios, não usávamos preservativo, isso é verdade, mas eu tomava as pílulas sempre no horário certo.
Voltando ao assunto, quando meu noivo contou aos filhos que teria outro filho, eles simplesmente não ligaram. Quando digo que não ligaram, quero dizer que realmente ignoraram. A menina resolveu terminar a faculdade na Itália e o garoto inventou que arrumou um emprego bom em outro estado, quando na verdade ele trabalha na empresa do pai e só se transferiu para Minas. Somos do Rio. Desde então, nunca mais vieram ver o irmão. Ele é um menino, nasceu saudável, é lindo e o amor da minha vida, mas os irmãos não querem saber. Não me procuraram durante a gravidez, ignoraram quando o pai mandou foto do parto, só mandaram figurinhas de WhatsApp. O menino veio várias vezes para o Rio e nunca quis saber do irmão, só fica na casa de Angra quando vem para o Rio, e ele vem sempre. Ele não trabalha, é filho do chefe. A menina também já veio umas 3 vezes para o Brasil, visitou o pai e o irmão mais velho, mas não quis saber do mais novo nem de mim.
Quanto a mim, isso não é um problema. O que eu queria era que meu filho tivesse a mesma ligação que eles têm entre si, sabe? Eles não me maltratam nem falam coisas ruins sobre o bebê, eles simplesmente o ignoram. Já conversei com meu noivo e ele disse: “Eles não têm obrigação, eu tenho obrigação e cumpro com elas.” Isso entra em outro ponto que me incomoda muito, muito mesmo. Pode ser bobo e orgulhoso, mas essas crianças foram criadas no extremo luxo, tinham uma vida dos sonhos: carro, sempre viajando, lancha, eles tinham tudo. A menina faz faculdade fora do Brasil, o menino também fez vários intercâmbios, eles sempre faziam viagens internacionais, tinham tudo o que queriam. Sinto que com meu filho não é assim, não é algo desproporcional como é com eles. Meu filho é, sim, muito privilegiado, mas ele não tem o desnecessário em abundância como os filhos tiveram e têm desde bebês, porque eu vejo fotos deles na infância também.
Não sinto a mesma felicidade nele quando vê meu filho como ele demonstra ao ver os outros filhos, em específico a filha, que me dói dizer, mas ela é igual à falecida mãe. Ela é realmente linda, tem um cabelo marrom bem grande e uns olhos verdes imensos, é realmente uma das meninas mais bonitas que já vi. Ele trata essa menina como um anjo na terra, fica muito feliz quando ela liga para ele, quando ela manda fotos dela nos trabalhos complementares, quando ela manda lembranças para ele. Ele não fica tão feliz assim com meu filho. Ele ficou muito feliz quando ele nasceu, mas não explode de felicidade como faz com seus outros filhos. Tenho muito medo de que meu filho sinta isso no futuro e se sinta negligenciado pelos irmãos. Eu não sei como vou falar para ele que eles não querem saber, e também não sei como vou falar que o pai prefere eles porque são filhos da esposa que ele tanto amava, e ele não é dela.
submitted by Lilimith to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:08 Lilimith Estou com medo da relação do meu filho com a família paterna

Bom, sou mulher, tenho 30 anos e há 6 meses tive meu primeiro filho. Eu engravidei do meu noivo, de 47 anos, que já tinha mais dois filhos: uma filha de 19 anos e um filho de 22. Eu namoro com ele há 1 ano e acabei engravidando por um acidente, um descuido na verdade, mas enfim, isso não foi um problema para ele, já que ele tem uma condição de vida realmente boa. Continuando, quando fui apresentada como namorada, não cheguei a ser destratada pelos filhos, pelo menos não na minha cara. Mas uma vez vi os sussurros e as brincadeiras sobre quanto tempo eu duraria. Pelo que entendi, ele sempre apresentou muitas namoradas aos filhos desde a morte da mãe (que morreu em um acidente de carro) e nunca duravam muito, algumas semanas pelo que percebi. Mas comigo foi diferente, eu engravidei dele e eu não sou burra, pode muito bem ser por isso que estou durando, mas eu não dei o golpe. Eu realmente tomava os remédios, não usávamos preservativo, isso é verdade, mas eu tomava as pílulas sempre no horário certo.
Voltando ao assunto, quando meu noivo contou aos filhos que teria outro filho, eles simplesmente não ligaram. Quando digo que não ligaram, quero dizer que realmente ignoraram. A menina resolveu terminar a faculdade na Itália e o garoto inventou que arrumou um emprego bom em outro estado, quando na verdade ele trabalha na empresa do pai e só se transferiu para Minas. Somos do Rio. Desde então, nunca mais vieram ver o irmão. Ele é um menino, nasceu saudável, é lindo e o amor da minha vida, mas os irmãos não querem saber. Não me procuraram durante a gravidez, ignoraram quando o pai mandou foto do parto, só mandaram figurinhas de WhatsApp. O menino veio várias vezes para o Rio e nunca quis saber do irmão, só fica na casa de Angra quando vem para o Rio, e ele vem sempre. Ele não trabalha, é filho do chefe. A menina também já veio umas 3 vezes para o Brasil, visitou o pai e o irmão mais velho, mas não quis saber do mais novo nem de mim.
Quanto a mim, isso não é um problema. O que eu queria era que meu filho tivesse a mesma ligação que eles têm entre si, sabe? Eles não me maltratam nem falam coisas ruins sobre o bebê, eles simplesmente o ignoram. Já conversei com meu noivo e ele disse: “Eles não têm obrigação, eu tenho obrigação e cumpro com elas.” Isso entra em outro ponto que me incomoda muito, muito mesmo. Pode ser bobo e orgulhoso, mas esses meninos foram criados no extremo luxo, tinham uma vida dos sonhos: carro, sempre viajando, lancha, eles tinham tudo. A menina faz faculdade fora do Brasil, o menino também fez vários intercâmbios, eles sempre faziam viagens internacionais, tinham tudo o que queriam. Sinto que com meu filho não é assim, não é algo desproporcional. Meu filho é, sim, muito privilegiado, mas ele não tem o desnecessário em abundância como os filhos tiveram e têm quando bebês, porque eu vejo fotos deles na infância também.
Não sinto a mesma felicidade nele quando vê meu filho como ele demonstra ao ver os outros filhos, em específico a filha, que me dói dizer, mas ela é igual à falecida mãe. Ela é realmente linda, tem um cabelo marrom bem grande e uns olhos verdes imensos, é realmente uma das meninas mais bonitas que já vi. Ele trata essa menina como um anjo na terra, fica muito feliz quando ela liga para ele, quando ela manda fotos dela nos trabalhos complementares, quando ela manda lembranças para ele. Ele não fica tão feliz assim com meu filho. Ele ficou muito feliz quando ele nasceu, mas não explode de felicidade como faz com seus outros filhos. Tenho muito medo de que meu filho sinta isso no futuro e se sinta negligenciado pelos irmãos. Eu não sei como vou falar para ele que eles não querem saber, e também não sei como vou falar que o pai prefere eles porque são filhos da esposa que ele tanto amava, e ele não é dela.
submitted by Lilimith to RelatosDoReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:51 mauripm_0604 Metro de CDMX: ¿Sabotaje de la oposición o negligencia y descuido del gobierno?

Metro de CDMX: ¿Sabotaje de la oposición o negligencia y descuido del gobierno? submitted by mauripm_0604 to CDMX [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:45 bot_olini Joven aprovecha descuido y logra escapar de sus secuestradores en Sinaloa

Joven aprovecha descuido y logra escapar de sus secuestradores en Sinaloa submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:08 HeraldoOscuro "La Dolorosa Traición De Un Amor" (El Desarrollo)

A nuestro negocio le fue de maravilla gracias a que fuimos contratados por personas importante que satisfechas con el resultado corrieron la voz dándonos así más notoriedad logrando que debamos expandir la empresa, a pesar de que ganábamos bastante bien nuestras esposas decidieron salir a trabajar para demostrar su valía y que no solo eran “Las Esposas De…..” y respetamos su decisión, Jenny la esposa de Mark se convirtió en profesora de universidad, Ronda, la esposa de Patrick comenzó a trabajar de programadora para una empresa de tecnología; Kelly la esposa de Marvin era una exitosa personal Trainer para mujeres; Amber , esposa de Dany, era una gran psicóloga/Terapeuta; Maggie, esposa de Clark era una buena abogada y Devlyn como ya había mencionado aprovechó sus grandes habilidades de sociales y comenzó a trabajar para una agencia de Marketing muy popular.
Gracias a Devlyn, Maggie comenzó a trabajar para esta misma empresa como abogada de la misma, lo que nos trae más adelante en el tiempo precisamente hace 6 meses. Durante su tiempo trabajando en la empresa Maggie había notado como el idiota de Robert se le insinuaba en varias ocasiones pero Devlyn no era idiota, frente a Maggie nunca dejo que el la coquetee pero un día se descuido y su amiga vio como ella se dejaba seducir, la esposa de Clark al igual que su marido era muy astuta para espiar sin que la vieran por lo que eso se repitió varias veces, hasta ese momento era un coqueteo de ambos sin ir mas allá.
Antes de seguir les contare y se que muchos dirán que mis amigos, sus esposas y yo somos unos fantasiosos pero en nuestros días de universidad logramos hacer 5 monedas doradas y 5 monedas de color oscuro con la insignia de un lobo para cada uno de los 12 miembros es decir nosotros 6 mas nuestras esposas y las usábamos para darnos noticias secretas….. En un pequeño sobre con el nombre de quien la envía colocamos una moneda dorada si era una buena noticia o una moneda negra si era mala, era nuestra manera de decirnos “Hablamos luego, tengo noticias”, un dia en mi oficina recibí un sobre de Maggie, dentro había una moneda negra….. Ella sabía en qué momento encontrarme y llegado el momento apareció junto con Clark, su marido quien me había entregado el sobre que ella envió.
Yo: Es preocupante?
Maggie: Si, quizás más de lo que podríamos imaginar.
Clark: que planeas hacer Jack?
Yo: nada, por ahora….. Aún no han hecho demasiado como para tomar acciones pero eso sí, si llega a romper su fidelidad conmigo, no la perdonaré jamás y no se irá de mi vida sin que me haya vengado.
Maggie: Dentro de poco habrá un viaje de la compañía a Washington para una conferencia, como abogada debo ir y se rumorea que Devlyn y Robert irán juntos.
Yo: -Sentado en mi silla inclinando mi cuerpo apoyando mis codos hacia el escritorio y apoyando mi mentón en mis manos entrelazadas- Maggie, sabes bien lo que debes hacer……. “La traición es un pecado capital” es una de nuestras leyes.
Maggie: Entendido, pero esperaras hasta ese momento?
Clark: Gi (así le decía a su esposa) tiene razón, mientras nosotros estamos ocupados él podría lograr seducirla y llevarla a algún lado para concretar su fin, si no es que ya lo hicieron.
Yo: No tengo intenciones de frenar sus acciones ya que o bien ya podrían haberlo hecho o estar en proceso de una u otra manera sus acciones ya declararon su intención de proseguir y eso me basta para dar un punto final, de todas maneras debemos juntar pruebas, reservaremos la sala de conferencias y juntos nos reuniremos con Dany, Patrick, Marvin y Mark, creo que deberemos iniciar una investigación que jamás creímos que deberíamos hacer... Investigaremos a mi esposa.
Maggie volvió a la empresa para seguir vigilando a Devlin y hacer su trabajo, en la ciudad se hablaba de nosotros (mis amigos y yo) pero solo se referían a nosotros como hombres de negocios por lo que éramos muy subestimados pero aquellos que intentaron ligar con nuestras esposas lo cuales después terminaron asustados, aun asi nuestra imagen era casi desconocida. Cuando la esposa de Clark volvió a la empresa se dio cuenta que Devlin y Robert se habían ido juntos por comentarios que oyó de las típicas chismosas de las oficinas.
Yo me sentía destruido por dentro ya que desde que conocí a Devlin siempre me esforcé por hacerla sentir especial, por atenderla como se merecía y darle todo lo que necesitaba ya que no soy alguien materialista y el dinero nos alcanzaba para darnos algunos permitidos sobre todo si era para mi amada, jamás escatime en gastos ni en nuestra boda ni en nuestra luna de miel, nuestra vida sexual era maravillosa….. ella era una furia en la cama y yo para ella era un semental, en palabras de ella claro. Ella era una gran esposa, cariñosa; trabajadora; con metas y siempre estaba a mi lado cuando la necesitaba. Pero entonces por qué me engaño? bueno……. Supongo que algo en ella en algún punto cambió puesto que mientras avanzaban los días ella se hizo más distante, volvía a casa tarde del trabajo argumentando exceso de trabajo en la empresa pero siempre llegaba algo desalineada cosa poco usual en ella; cuando quería ser amoroso cuando ella volvía esas noches del “Trabajo” ella me apartaba diciendo que estaba cansada y que los constantes idas y vueltas llevando cosas la habían dejado algo sudada.
Eso hacía que yo día a día me sintiera como una mierda puesto que creía que estaba fallando en algo y entre más atento quería ser, ella más se apartaba y cuando no hacía nada ella me reclamaba, yo no quería ser tóxico ya que al haber estado en una pandilla muchos de ustedes pensaran que era el típico matón controlador, lejos de ser así yo confiaba en ella y le daba su espacio pero a medida que su comportamiento cambiaba esa confianza se debilitó mucho. Cuando salía algunos fines de semana decía que iría con amigas de la oficina a tomar algo a un bar pero cuando yo le preguntaba por qué no salía ya con las chicas (refiriéndose a las esposas de nuestros amigos) ella decía que la vida de casadas las habían hecho muy aburridas cuando dijo eso enseguida se retractó diciendo que no por estar casadas no podrían salir a divertirse pero que siempre decían “Saldré con mi esposo sino no iré a ningún lado” yo no dije nada pero ella se dio cuenta que había dicho una estupidez peor que podría delatarla y volvió a excusarse….. diciendo que ellas también necesitaban una noche “Solo de chicas” como en los viejos tiempos.
submitted by HeraldoOscuro to u/HeraldoOscuro [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:35 simoncruz-richone Bűvölet

Valaki emlékszik még erre a régi sorozatra?
Nemrég jutott eszembe a semmiből, hogy vagy 15-20 éve gyerekként néztem, délutánonként ment talán az m1-en, és sosem mondtam a suliban senkinek, mert fiúként ciki volt mégis vártam. Talán a negyedig vagy ötödik évadig láthattam anno, a Mikéle-Paola párosig (ugye a párok mindig cserélődtek évadonként). De megmaradt bennem Tilly, Giovanna, Diego meg Thomas göndör haja, viszont sok karaktert és a történetet totál elfelejtettem.
Most újranéztem és az első 2 évad messze felülmúlja a többit, a harmadiktól nekem már elvesztette a filmes hangulatát, inkább ilyen jóban rosszban feelingje lett. plusz sok ötletet újrahasznosítottak. Aztán lassan a jobb karakterek is elmentek.
Nektek mi a véleményetek a sorozatról, volt kedvenc párosotok, szereplőtök, stb?
submitted by simoncruz-richone to kibeszelo_show [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:48 Elusive_Observer Se isso for verdade cabeças tem que rolar!

Segue a notícia da GZH pra quem não quer ir no link. Se isso for verdade as cabeças do Melo e do Marchezan tem que ser servidas numa bandeja aos porto-alegrenses!
No final da manhã de quinta-feira (9), ainda parcialmente submersa, Porto Alegre testemunhou uma cena que sintetizou o caos vivido ao longo da semana e os problemas apresentados pelo sistema de contenção. No Muro da Mauá, o nível da água estava mais alto do lado de dentro do paredão de concreto, onde fica o centro da maior cidade gaúcha, do que na face voltada para o Guaíba.
Um vídeo difundido pelas redes sociais mostrou uma corrente de líquido barrento escapando da avenida de volta ao manancial por uma das brechas por onde havia ingressado dias antes.
Uma série de falhas resultou na transformação da estrutura que deveria manter a Capital a salvo da cheia em um obstáculo que passou a atrasar o escoamento. Falta de manutenção, problemas de projeto e descuido até com um sistema básico de vedação precipitaram uma cadeia de eventos que resultou em um desastre urbano com cenas de pânico e milhares de desalojados. Por isso, os rios Guaíba, Jacuí e Gravataí venceram a batalha contra as defesas metropolitanas mesmo sem atingir a cota de enchente calculada em seis metros.
— O sistema não permitiu que a inundação fosse tão rápida. Funcionou como um sistema de retardo da cheia, não de proteção. O correto seria não ter inundado a cidade — resume o professor do Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas (IPH) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) Fernando Fan.
submitted by Elusive_Observer to portoalegre [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:42 Natural_Flounder3682 ¿Me voy o me quedo?

Hola gente. Necesito opiniones.
Contexto: mi novio y yo ya tenemos 10 meses de relación.
Hace más de 1 mes tuvimos una discusión bastante fuerte porque un profesor de la universidad decidió buscarme por Instagram y, posteriormente, se consiguió mi WhatsApp. Este señor tiene fama de buscar a las chicas por actividades “extra curriculares”; sin embargo yo no he dado motivos o considero que no lo he hecho. El punto es que yo le conté con el propósito de que me apoyara, pero su respuesta en su momento fue: "si el man está haciendo eso es porque tú diste pie de qué pasara”. Por supuesto, me molesté muchísimo con él y respondí que si el creía que yo era capaz de venderme por una nota. Ahora bien, es importante resaltar que yo no contesté a ningún mensaje y en clase manejo las cosas bastante normales; es decir, el saludo al empezar la clase y resolución de dudas. Una semana después hablamos y él aseguró que se refería a que, si yo conocía la fama del señor, pues porque no evité un trato “amable” con él. Ta Jenny manifestó que le molestaba que yo saliera con mis amigos del colegio a solas; esto a raíz de que me encontré con un amigo en transporte público y decidimos tomarnos unas cervezas y hablar mierda, luego de eso cada quien para su casa y pocas veces hemos hablado. Mi novio cree que yo lo busque o que organicé el encuentro y pues no.
Hace unas semanas tuvimos una conversación complicada porque yo me estaba comportando indiferente, debido a que me estoy sintiendo cansada de su orgullo, su ego y su incapacidad de ponerse en los zapatos de los demás. Él me lo manifestó, y pregunto la razón; yo le dije que me había cansado de intentar y que su orgullo ya me sobrepasaba, considero que el orgullo no debería jugar un papel tan crucial en una relación, tampoco que permita todo, pero sí tener un límite.
La decisión quedó en mi y al final dije que no quería continuar. El, en medio de su orgullo, me devolvió una manilla que yo le había regalado y estuvo dispuesto a irse, pero se devolvió y comenzó a llorar pidiéndome que me quedara y que él trabajaría en ese orgullo. No pude soportar su ruego y acepté quedarme, solo que ahora no sé si fue la decisión correcta.
Estos últimos días me he sentido cansada de que siempre compare todo lo que hacemos, de que todo sea una competencia incluso conmigo, de que todo el tiempo quiera saber dónde estoy y que de alguna forma intente controlarme con su enojo. El viernes salí con unos amigos del colegio (1 chica y 2 chicos) y siento que se molestó por ello. No me parece Justo, el también ha salido con sus amigos de la universidad en la que estaba antes y nunca le he puesto algún problema con eso.
Así mismo, me siento agotada de qué toca tener sexo todo el tiempo y, sino es así, comienza a botar comentarios como que ya nunca cogemos, que yo lo descuido, y cosas de ese estilo. La realidad es que ya no siento el mismo deseo que antes y no sé si se deba al agotamiento o que ya no hay nada.
Ayuda, por favor. Llegué a un punto en que no sé qué hacer o si hablarlo con él, la verdad siento que sería seguir forzando las cosas.
submitted by Natural_Flounder3682 to Desahogo [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:15 Ufonauter In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos.

In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos.
To begin with, I will state that this post was months in the making (mostly waiting and chasing false leads) and carries with it perhaps some answers, plenty of questions, and perhaps for some, a similarity to their own experiences. Special thanks to u/Neo-Rex as well as u/ebycon for their assistance in helping me find and rule out some areas of research.
Disclaimer: The following images and text are provided without photo manipulation on my end (besides simple cropping and scanning). There are going to be many references in this post to Italian media, magazines, as well as individual writers. This is by no means an endorsement, advertisement, or other form of ARG intended to sell, market, or persuade anyone to buy, rent, or procure any of the described materials. Because I know this is a new area of topic, and because the images provided are of an unusual nature, I will provide various sources to prove that these images are not enhanced, manipulated by hand or by a contemporary photo manipulation program or AI generation.
Before we get into the nitty gritty of the images I will provide background as to how I came upon these images, and the flow of information.
I was first made aware of these images after researching separate alien encounters for a post of mine (see that post here for further details regarding that) one of the sources used was "alieni in italia 1945-1995 50 anni di incontri ravvicinati". On page VIII towards the back of the book these images (or rather image as three were compressed into one section) as well as the following text appears
"Vero alieno o scoop giornalistico? Ho evitato di inserire nel presente catalogo questo caso avvero singolare. Si tratte infatti di alcune foto )5_ scattate da un non meglio indentificato "professore universitario di pavia" nell'estate del 1986 e pubblicate da sette. il settimanale del Corriere della Sera. Si referiscono ad una presunta entita aliena che si sarebbe manifestata al professore in una situazione del tutto casuale. Non sono mancati pareri sfavorevoli expressi da parecchi ufologi. ( Foto tratte da: Sette n. 9/10 sette giorni illustrati dal Corriere della Sera, 5 marzo, 1988.
Translated: "Real alien or journalistic scoop? I have avoided including in the present catalog this singular case. These are in fact some photos(5) taken by an unidentified "university professor from Pavia" in the summer of 1986 and published by seven. The weekly newspaper Corriere della Sera. They refer to an alleged alien entity that allegedly manifested itself to the professor in a completely random situation. There was no shortage of unfavorable opinions expressed by several ufologists. ( Photo taken from: Seven No. 9/10 seven days illustrated by Corriere della Sera, March 5, 1988.
That was all the information provided within. (it should be noted that although this description mentions 5 photos, there are only these 3 provided within Moreno Tambellinis book.) These images captured my attention fairly quickly as I am fairly familiar with purported alien/supernatural photographs, so to find one I have never seen, and in such a quality which is general not present within other such photos as these, was more than enough to tip my curiosity in the direction of delving deeper.
First attempt at finding further information regarding these photos, and this particular magazine issue ended in little success, though I was able to find what I, at the time, believed to be a correctly colorized image of this entity. See below.
Unassuming on some random blog that attributed a name to this entity while providing no further information regarding the image itself (as certain ufological circles are want to do). Not finding further information I attempted to find further information based off of this colorized image, but to no avail. Save for one source that used this image ( in a different colorized manner, slightly less yellow and oozing with potential, that being this image by Argentinian Ufologist Dante Franch. See below.
Finally, someone who might have a lead on this information! But no, once again this image is deceptively alluring as the contents of this book have absolutely nothing to do with the Sette report, but simply use its image to describe unsourced and unverified tales of the City of Erks (a wild dive on its own and may be deserving of its own post) and other entities that supposedly have a resemblance to this cover image.
Upon further searches I came across this archived link with additional images some with closer to truth color, including the aforementioned first colorized image here as well as the additional references. The author of this blog post is Mexican Ufologist Luis Ruiz Noguez, notable for his skepticism and thorough investigation relating to this material, so it was a no-brainier to look into his research regarding this seeing as he had previously mentioned it here on his blogpost. So where better to look than his book "Extraterrestres ante las camaras" Volume X dealing specifically with italian encounters and purported alien photographs. But again, despite his previous notation in this blog, the contents of these images specifically are nowhere to be seen or mentioned within this book.
Research stagnated for some time during the search process for the original source cited in Moreno Tambellinis book. I was able after five months (you have no idea how hard it was to find a copy) able to acquire a copy of this magazine and finally was able to determine that the previously assumed white coverall of this entities outfit has been a false notion.
The following text is a translation of the pages within this issue of march 7th 1988 Sette: Corriere della Cera . 9/10, the original scans, as well as a translated text document of these pages can be found in the sources listed below. Important note: although these images are primary focus of this article, it does meander into thoughts on Whitley Striebers book "Communion" (which will be a source of contention that will be covered later in this post). But the translated post here is the relevant text to these images.
"Just as we were editing a report on the UFO phenomenon that was supposed to appear on 7 at the same time as the television passage of Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the third kind, we came across a resounding surprise: the images published in these pages and on the cover of this issue. They were taken completely by chance, one summer evening in 1986, by a professor at the University of Pavia, above all suspicion and known for his balance, his intelligence and rationality, completely alien to the somewhat emphatic and vaguely bizarre world of the so-called "contactees": those people who say they have entered into a relationship with unknown entities from the cosmos."
"He is a completely normal person who has always been skeptical of the reports of unidentified flying objects and is now also a testimony, erroneous to the idea that his name is related to the disturbing figure captured by his camera. The university lecturer has agreed to give us what he considers to be evidence of his shocking experience in exchange for absolute confidentiality"
"What to make of these images? We can make a few assumptions.
A) The author of the photos is a mystrifier. It is unlikely: too much resistance has opposed the publication of his document (which he has yielded for free to 7). In addition, he wishes to remain anonymous. A behavior that is certainly not that of those who want to speculate on a scooop, true or presumed.
B) The author is the victim of a game. Someone made him take "fireflies for lanterns". A well-thought-out game, by true professionals. It is not unlikely, even if the professor is not a "contactee", one obsessed with extraterrestrials, that is, a man who could arouse "temptations" among those who know him.
C) The photos really document something alien. A mysterious otherness has been captured by the professor's camera, who was the first to be surprised by this tangible presence, imprinted on the film that is absolutely different from a hallucination. What to say? What are we to think of images that forcefully re-propose the problem (or the dream, or the myth, or the nightmare) of the existence of other beings, of other civilizations that populate galaxies or dimensions unknown to us? Science continues to question these facts, but an answer is still a long way off. All experiences at the "edge of reality" are embarrassing. The line that divides science and mystery is still vague. Prudence, in these cases, is a must. And the desire not to appear is widespread among the witnesses. The professor from Pavia, who chose restriction, has an illustrious precedent."
"These images, taken on a summer evening in 1986 by a professor at the University of Pavia, who asked to remain anonymous, are the subject of various hypotheses of interpretation in the text of the article. The reader is free to draw his own conclusions."
Here are the direct scans of this entity as they appear in the magazine, scanned directly out of a physical copy of this magazine. (do note although these images are uploaded in different order I believe they may be sorted as such, I make no claim to the accuracy of this in terms of chronological order, but which is most aesthetically appeasing.)
Now, while the article was very keen to post certain aspects of this, it was rather lacking, and it must be stated although the title of this issue, as well as the description in the article infer this is related to UFO's. There is no mention of an actual UFO or craft present within this encounter, or at the very least, this information was omitted from the article, and was potentially removed at the request of the professor in question, though that is speculation on my part.
The following sections will deal with the author of this previous issue, as well as the two follow-up articles and their individual authors.
There is more information present as the above text states, not from the previous issue, but from two separate follow-up articles that were saved and printed in the Italian Ufo magazine "UFO express no. 043." Link to the full untranslated issue here/UFO%20Express%20-%20No%20043.pdf). These separate addendums fully cover the images in question and are critical but not overly-so. The most important aspect to this is that the professor provided further information to Sette, primarily about what they were doing prior to this entities appearance, but also their means of photographic capture.
{Page 1}
UFO: Is this being from another world? read the scroll on the cover of 7 (No. 9/10) that we republish on this page. Hundreds of phone calls and letters arrived at the editorial office, and they continue to arrive after Mino Damato in his TV program Alla ricerca dell'arca (Sunday, March 27, Rai 3 8:30 p.m.) dealt with the same images, depicting a hypothetical alien photographed by a professor at the University of Pavia one summer evening in 1986.
There are those who believe in this hypothetical alien and those who do not, but all of the readers who have phoned or written are bound to each other by the rejection of that question mark printed on the cover: each of them is persuaded to erase the hypothesis, to tear away the veil of the enigma. And they split into two equally intolerant parties, leaving no room for doubt. We have chosen two exemplary letters. The first letter comes from Brixen and is signed by Mr. Nicola De Paola (2 Clesia Street). He says “the alien is a tobogganist: typical are the tight suit the aerodynamic helmet, the face crushed by the transparent visor, the blurred colors and contours of the photos are due to the fact that they were taken from television, with the obj vo blurred or too close up and strange an alien with limbs, head, face and body identical to those of man; I too will be able to take photographs quite similar to those published; as a reader I feel mocked.”
Others have certainly seen in the hypothetical alien: a surgeon, a nurse, an ice skater, an Icelandic firefighter, a Norwegian cryologist (sic), a KGB spy, a hockey player with his head bandaged; in short, some man in overalls or uniforms. No one has identified in the figures, despite the width of the pelvis, a woman or an androgynous. The second letter comes from Ferrara and is signed by Mr. Giovanni Mantovani (via Luigi Borsari 51). Says; When I saw the photographs I immediately thought: but look, it looks like the E.T. seen by R.M on September 2, 1987 while he was fishing on the bank of the Canal Bianco (RO). He felt an intense tingling, turned around and saw a strange individual: dark complexion, 2 meters tall, hair that looked like plastic, wearing a luminescent blue jumpsuit. The apparition lasted a few seconds.R.M. felt a chill, a feeling that was renewed at the sight of your photos... Only one remark can be made to the professor of Pavia: that of not having given the readers further clarifications about the close approach of the third type...
Here are the further clarifications that the professor from Pavia has allowed us to give, although he is consumed by the fear of being uncovered and covered with ridicule. The photos were taken by a Nikon camera, with motor-drive, 55 mm lens. Micro, 3.5 aperture, shutter speed: 1/4 second Polachrome film, 40 Asa sensitivity. Shortly after the sun went down, the professor was completing some experiments on the optical perception of dogs (how does a dog see things in the world? Black and white? With what depth, in what perspective?). That alone is almost ridiculous. We were missing the hypothetical alien. A dog joke? Maybe. But the professor never solved the riddle. And dogs don't talk. ~ Paolo Pietroni
{page caption}
The hypothetical alien out of 7 has caused conflicting reactions. The photo was taken from a Nikon by a university lecturer while carrying out experiments on the visual perception of dogs (information about this addendums author)
{Page 2}
Your E.T. seems to me to be a feminine being...
Dear editor, I am writing to you in relation to the series of 5 photographs taken by a better identified professor of Pavia one summer evening in 1986 and which appeared in the supplement of the Corriere della Sera n. 9/10 Since I am not familiar with photographic technique, I have written down the shooting parameters communicated by you personally during Mino D'Amato's television program In Search of the Ark on March 27.
Correct me if I'm wrong: Nikon camera body with motor, 5.5 mm focal length lens, aperture dia 3.5, exposure time 1/15 of a second. Certainly, with this adjustment, every little movement of the camera or of the photographed subject causes a blurred or rather blurred photograph. Probably, this whole story of the photos arose from the need of the Rizzoli Group to launch on the market the Italian version of the best American seller Communion by Ted Jacob, which deals, coincidentally, with the subject of extraterrestrials. This colossal business is also sponsored by the production of the film, which has been "posted" while waiting for the possible buyers of such a profitable product to be sufficiently sensitized...
Having said this, I wish, through his kindness, to convey to the professor of Pavia my modest comments on his photos. Feminism aside, I confess that the first spontaneous observation I made on these photographs was to recognize without a shadow of a doubt a woman, or rather a female being; The conformation of the hips, the breasts, combined with the grace of the bowed pose with folded arms, unequivocally belonged to a woman. But let's get to the details.
The suit - It appears so tight that it shows every little part of the body so as to give the impression of a "second skin"; It has light blue-green bands (as shown in the photo on the right on page 74) that are more evident around the neck, on the shoulders and on the arms.
The hands - They appear covered by the sleeves and more elongated than ours (cover figure), dare I say w(bed.
The head - Although it is more mobile, it clearly shows these elements: oval face with a slightly flattened nose, microphone with a light-colored support arm placed at the height of the left ear (photo on the right, page 74)
The headset - It is completely different from any type currently built because it contains a transceiver module at the top for contact with some support organ (e.g. an operations center, or a cosmoplane, or another operator), similar to what happens in Italy when astronauts go out of their vehicle and maintain constant radio contact with the control center.
The transceiver part can be seen both in the cover photo and on page 74, left and right, and is indicated by the protuberance on the top of the skull.
This study was born well out of any venal or other interest, in fact I am not a ufologist, but a pilot in full flight activity and with command responsibilities; I have been a first-hand witness to the phenomenon commonly associated with the improper name of UFO
Sure of the need to deal with the subject with more compatible methodologies than those promulgated by scientists and ufologists, I dedicate myself to the enhancement of aeronautical contactism, intending with this new term to redefine the sightings of military and civil pilots, aeronautical technicians, engineers, etc. who through direct experience with the phenomenon have acquired the conviction that we are not alone Only those who have had a direct impact with the phenomenon (the contactee) can provide a plausible image of themselves... everything else... They are only lucubrations born from mindsets that are not up-to-date with the present sotric moment on the one hand, and with the characteristics of the phenomenon on the other.
{end of article caption}
I forwarded his observations to the professor in Pavia, author of the photos depicting the hypothetical alien. Thank you for your interesting analysis. You are free to believe it or not, but the Rizzoli Communion book had an absolutely random presence in our service: we liked the design of the cover; the portrait of that E.T. and we thought of enriching the illustrations of the service.
Roberto Doz (a fairly interesting individual on his own, air force colonel with his own UFO sighting) read more on that here
As for the author of the original article. Their name is Nullo Cantaroni, and may be more well known by his wife Bice Cairati( Sveva Casati Modigiani), Nullo Cantaroni had a fairly successful journalistic career, dealing primarily in medicine as co-authorized by fellow science journalist Severina Cantaroni. He eventually succumbed to Parkinson's disease. I make mention of these authors, Roberto Doz (who has a very good reason to be interested in the topic as he had his own experience). As well as the other two as these are not the ramblings of some crazy pumping out their own versions of weekly world news, but were and still are highly credible and respected peoples, whom by their own association are taking the flak for posting this material to begin with.
From here on out, this is going to be a further dive into the already presented material, some comparisons with other cases which have direct correlation with these images, as well as other information during my research that has not been touched on up until this point.
In the first follow-up article there is mention of a show "Alla Ricera dell'arca (In search of the ARK)". With he show discussing the images posted here. I was able to confirm that this episode does exist, with the covered material, and is within the RAI archives (Italian TV network/station). However, they would not lend the episode out to a non-Italian citizen, or someone associated with a University, or media conglomeration. I mention this as there may be more material covered in this episode that was not provided in the main article and its follow-ups. If there are any Italian citizens, or peoples reading this who have the appropriate accreditation to acquire a copy of this episode I would ask for your cooperation in attempting to do so. If someone has a copy of this simply recorded off of an old VHS I implore you to make that available to all.
Going back to the main article, the meandering to Communion is certainly off-putting, though I disagree with the previous mention that this was a hoax on the part of the publication to push Communion. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence after all (even though Carl Sagan never bothered with the evidence, side tangent: listen to J Allen Hynek talk about that here) But I believe these images were published in good faith on part of Nullo Cantaroni, his background and thorough career would make this unlikely.
So as it figures there are three scenarios here that describe this scenario (in no particular order of likelihood)
1) these images are hoaxed by the publication to push communion
2) these images are hoaxed by the supposed professor
3) these images are legitimate and provide evidence of a non-earth based entity.
Before I move on I'd like to mention that I did attempt to reach out to Corriere della Sera multiple times regarding this material but was never given a response.
To round this off the images themselves. Humanoid obviously, female-appearing, now I say appearing because assuming this really is some unexpected entity, there is no guarantee that the physiology of this figure accurately represents its determination, and although this entity appears to have what we'd consider to be skin, that may only be a covering to another form or may be some type of robotic synthetic life-form designed specifically to mimic human appearances. What may be most interesting or most alarming depending on your perspective is this entities face appears to change between shots, and yet seemingly keeps the same body proportions. If you are of the opinion this is some type of hoax you could state this is an obvious inconsistency between shots. On the other hand, that is an obvious conclusion to make and showing differentiating faces would be a rather odd choice on the part of a hoaxer. This again could be part of the photographing process, as there is motion blur between some of these photos and it simply gives an appearance that things are changing.
There are other features which must be touched upon, namely the clothing, but in one such photo, what appears to be some type of headgear wrapped around this entities face. To anyone with a passing knowledge of ufology and its associated lore would know, the favorite of any interstellar interloper is the tight formfitting bodysuit. Primarily described as blue, although other colors are often reported. But unlike most humanoid encounters described in the west, this entity seems to have a darker complexion about them. Now does that mean this does not fit in with established prior encounters? Not at all, for whatever reason the blonde-hair nordic is the most popular discussion topic when it comes to human-adjacent lifeforms, but in other places, and Italy especially, some of their most well know or most covered, feature entities with darker complexions. Case in point
This encounter in 1978 Italy with a dark-skinned entity in a shimmering scaled suit. Or this description of a dark skinned entity with a similar described blue suit reported in 1987
Location. Villamarzana, Rome, Italy Date: September 2 1987 Time: 1700
Renzo Munari was fishing on the Bianco Canal when he noticed a strange object flying at a moderated speed over the river, as the object disappeared from sight he felt a strange prickling sensation in his body, resembling electrical static. Turning around he saw a very tall human-like figure staring intently at him. The figure was at least 2 meters in height, with orange hair and dark skin. He wore a luminous blue colored tight fitting coverall. On the left side of his chest there was a square orange colored “tag.” During the encounter the witness felt a cool wave of air and light headed. The figure apparently disappeared into the brush.
Source: Archivio SUF, USOCAT by The Italian Center forUFO Studies (CISU)
There is also this report from 1989 Russia
Location. Salsk, Rostov region, Russia Date: August 13 1989 Time: 2300
Working at a cotton irrigation plant Vasiliy Ivanovich suddenly experienced total equipment failure without any apparent cause. While searching for the cause of the breakdown, the witness heard a loud voice, “He is searching for the cause”. Looking around he saw four humanoids standing close to him. One stood in the front, while the other three stood in the back. He described the humanoids as tall, with long dangling arms, with a large head, flattened on the top and wide at the temples. The humanoids are dark red or brown in color with large egg-shaped eyes and two holes instead of a nose. They have no lips, and thin strip instead of a mouth. They were wearing truncated shiny blue coveralls and footwear. The humanoid standing at the front of the others held a box in his hand and a soft pleasant voice seemed to emanate from the box. He held the box at stomach level. Ivanovich approached the humanoids and asked who they were; the reply was a question asking him if he wanted to go with them. At this point the witness saw a light at the edge of the nearby woods and a hovering object. The humanoids then floated slowly towards the craft and disappeared. Terrified the witness ran to the village to notify other witnesses but upon returning to the site the humanoids had already left.
Source:UFOZONE Russia
As for the headgear, there is a report from 1995 Italy of an entity not resembling this one in this post, but wearing a similarly described headpiece.
Location: Ancona, Italy Date: February 3 1994, Time: 9:00am
Six witnesses, including a Mr. Giulo observed a strange humanoid wandering around some nearby rocks. The humanoid was described as about 1 meter and a half in height, wearing a tight fitting black coverall that covered his whole body including a pair of very long feet. The face was elongated with two huge round eyes, with round black pupils. It appeared to be wearing earphones with a small thin protruding antenna. It seemed to stagger slowly and after about 10 minutes it rose up slowly and vertically into the air, quickly disappearing from sight
Source: CISU Italy.
There is also this case from Barisciano Italy 1978 in which an entity bearing a striking similar blue color to the outfit was seen, with an adorning white "cap" or hairpiece that resembled that of a cap. read the untranslated version of that encounter here/Notiziario%20UFO%20-%201984%2001-02%20-%20Vol%2018%20No%20102.pdf)
Finally, lets get back to the person allegedly behind this whole spiel, the Professor. A claim such as this, where an entity appears in ones presence without any known means is a stark claim all on its own, to provide photos of such an encounter is another thing all together, but being as its an anonymous person, how can we gleam any credibility out of this? To put it in other words, is there enough information provided within the original article as well as the follow-up articles to speculate on a potential identity to who this man could have been?
Emphatically yes, infact there is only one such individual who fits the criteria with the information provided, granted this information was given after the fact of the original articles publication. In the first article within UFO express that discusses this, we are told this person is running experiments relating to dogs (canine) eyesight, but the author was unsure whether or not this is a jest of some sort. I do not believe it is, in the secondary article it is again mentioned that this professor is working with canine eyesight, but in a caption on the second page it is emphasized this was "non-academic research". Now does that mean it was unrelated to their professional focus? No, it simply means this research was carried outside of official means. This leads me to who I believe the primary suspect is in terms of a potential identity, could there be other more accurate people? Perhaps. But this persons tenure and level of research within this subject and the timeframe of when they were working at the University of Pavia lines up perfectly with who this person could be. However, because of doxxing concerns, and that they initially requested complete anonymity from the publication I will not be directly naming their identity here. But I will heavily state that this person worked in the university of Pavia from 1985 in the zoology department and specifically with foxes and wolves. With this person having worked and published (into the present) works related to both of these fields. I have attempted to personally reach out to this professor both via email & telephone (their academic numbers, not personal) but have received no response. I would ask that if you do look into who this person is that you do not attempt to directly contact them as their lack of a response is response enough.
What was the encounter like? How long did it go on for? Was there a conversation or was this a quick in and out? These questions and more are not answered here, and perhaps never will be unless someone; the professor, an associate, or anyone else, comes forward with more details we are left wondering and wanting more. There is of course much to be said about these images and the potential for further investigations, including the peculiar hands this entity seems to posses that does have a passing resemblance to other cases, but lest this drag on to long I will leave it here and attempt to answer any questions that I may be capable of giving insight on.
Sources and resources used Archive link for translations and scans of original Corriere della Sera article
Magazine and other ufological material sources:
Document scanner for afu and other documents/sites
alieni in italia by Moreno Tambelini
ImgOps for reverse image searching & Albert Rosales for their compilations of humanoid encounters.
If you have had an encounter or know someone who has had an encounter similar to this or identical to this, do not hesitate to DM or message me with the details.
submitted by Ufonauter to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:14 Ufonauter In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos.

In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos.
To begin with, I will state that this post was months in the making (mostly waiting and chasing false leads) and carries with it perhaps some answers, plenty of questions, and perhaps for some, a similarity to their own experiences. Special thanks to u/Neo-Rex as well as u/ebycon for their assistance in helping me find and rule out some areas of research.
Disclaimer: The following images and text are provided without photo manipulation on my end (besides simple cropping and scanning). There are going to be many references in this post to Italian media, magazines, as well as individual writers. This is by no means an endorsement, advertisement, or other form of ARG intended to sell, market, or persuade anyone to buy, rent, or procure any of the described materials. Because I know this is a new area of topic, and because the images provided are of an unusual nature, I will provide various sources to prove that these images are not enhanced, manipulated by hand or by a contemporary photo manipulation program or AI generation.
Before we get into the nitty gritty of the images I will provide background as to how I came upon these images, and the flow of information.
I was first made aware of these images after researching separate alien encounters for a post of mine (see that post here for further details regarding that) one of the sources used was "alieni in italia 1945-1995 50 anni di incontri ravvicinati". On page VIII towards the back of the book these images (or rather image as three were compressed into one section) as well as the following text appears
"Vero alieno o scoop giornalistico? Ho evitato di inserire nel presente catalogo questo caso avvero singolare. Si tratte infatti di alcune foto )5_ scattate da un non meglio indentificato "professore universitario di pavia" nell'estate del 1986 e pubblicate da sette. il settimanale del Corriere della Sera. Si referiscono ad una presunta entita aliena che si sarebbe manifestata al professore in una situazione del tutto casuale. Non sono mancati pareri sfavorevoli expressi da parecchi ufologi. ( Foto tratte da: Sette n. 9/10 sette giorni illustrati dal Corriere della Sera, 5 marzo, 1988.
Translated: "Real alien or journalistic scoop? I have avoided including in the present catalog this singular case. These are in fact some photos(5) taken by an unidentified "university professor from Pavia" in the summer of 1986 and published by seven. The weekly newspaper Corriere della Sera. They refer to an alleged alien entity that allegedly manifested itself to the professor in a completely random situation. There was no shortage of unfavorable opinions expressed by several ufologists. ( Photo taken from: Seven No. 9/10 seven days illustrated by Corriere della Sera, March 5, 1988.
That was all the information provided within. (it should be noted that although this description mentions 5 photos, there are only these 3 provided within Moreno Tambellinis book.) These images captured my attention fairly quickly as I am fairly familiar with purported alien/supernatural photographs, so to find one I have never seen, and in such a quality which is general not present within other such photos as these, was more than enough to tip my curiosity in the direction of delving deeper.
First attempt at finding further information regarding these photos, and this particular magazine issue ended in little success, though I was able to find what I, at the time, believed to be a correctly colorized image of this entity. See below.
Unassuming on some random blog that attributed a name to this entity while providing no further information regarding the image itself (as certain ufological circles are want to do). Not finding further information I attempted to find further information based off of this colorized image, but to no avail. Save for one source that used this image ( in a different colorized manner, slightly less yellow and oozing with potential, that being this image by Argentinian Ufologist Dante Franch. See below.
Finally, someone who might have a lead on this information! But no, once again this image is deceptively alluring as the contents of this book have absolutely nothing to do with the Sette report, but simply use its image to describe unsourced and unverified tales of the City of Erks (a wild dive on its own and may be deserving of its own post) and other entities that supposedly have a resemblance to this cover image.
Upon further searches I came across this archived link with additional images some with closer to truth color, including the aforementioned first colorized image here as well as the additional references. The author of this blog post is Mexican Ufologist Luis Ruiz Noguez, notable for his skepticism and thorough investigation relating to this material, so it was a no-brainier to look into his research regarding this seeing as he had previously mentioned it here on his blogpost. So where better to look than his book "Extraterrestres ante las camaras" Volume X dealing specifically with italian encounters and purported alien photographs. But again, despite his previous notation in this blog, the contents of these images specifically are nowhere to be seen or mentioned within this book.
Research stagnated for some time during the search process for the original source cited in Moreno Tambellinis book. I was able after five months (you have no idea how hard it was to find a copy) able to acquire a copy of this magazine and finally was able to determine that the previously assumed white coverall of this entities outfit has been a false notion.
The following text is a translation of the pages within this issue of march 7th 1988 Sette: Corriere della Cera . 9/10, the original scans, as well as a translated text document of these pages can be found in the sources listed below. Important note: although these images are primary focus of this article, it does meander into thoughts on Whitley Striebers book "Communion" (which will be a source of contention that will be covered later in this post). But the translated post here is the relevant text to these images.
"Just as we were editing a report on the UFO phenomenon that was supposed to appear on 7 at the same time as the television passage of Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the third kind, we came across a resounding surprise: the images published in these pages and on the cover of this issue. They were taken completely by chance, one summer evening in 1986, by a professor at the University of Pavia, above all suspicion and known for his balance, his intelligence and rationality, completely alien to the somewhat emphatic and vaguely bizarre world of the so-called "contactees": those people who say they have entered into a relationship with unknown entities from the cosmos."
"He is a completely normal person who has always been skeptical of the reports of unidentified flying objects and is now also a testimony, erroneous to the idea that his name is related to the disturbing figure captured by his camera. The university lecturer has agreed to give us what he considers to be evidence of his shocking experience in exchange for absolute confidentiality"
"What to make of these images? We can make a few assumptions.
A) The author of the photos is a mystrifier. It is unlikely: too much resistance has opposed the publication of his document (which he has yielded for free to 7). In addition, he wishes to remain anonymous. A behavior that is certainly not that of those who want to speculate on a scooop, true or presumed.
B) The author is the victim of a game. Someone made him take "fireflies for lanterns". A well-thought-out game, by true professionals. It is not unlikely, even if the professor is not a "contactee", one obsessed with extraterrestrials, that is, a man who could arouse "temptations" among those who know him.
C) The photos really document something alien. A mysterious otherness has been captured by the professor's camera, who was the first to be surprised by this tangible presence, imprinted on the film that is absolutely different from a hallucination. What to say? What are we to think of images that forcefully re-propose the problem (or the dream, or the myth, or the nightmare) of the existence of other beings, of other civilizations that populate galaxies or dimensions unknown to us? Science continues to question these facts, but an answer is still a long way off. All experiences at the "edge of reality" are embarrassing. The line that divides science and mystery is still vague. Prudence, in these cases, is a must. And the desire not to appear is widespread among the witnesses. The professor from Pavia, who chose restriction, has an illustrious precedent."
"These images, taken on a summer evening in 1986 by a professor at the University of Pavia, who asked to remain anonymous, are the subject of various hypotheses of interpretation in the text of the article. The reader is free to draw his own conclusions."
Here are the direct scans of this entity as they appear in the magazine, scanned directly out of a physical copy of this magazine. (do note although these images are uploaded in different order I believe they may be sorted as such, I make no claim to the accuracy of this in terms of chronological order, but which is most aesthetically appeasing.)
Now, while the article was very keen to post certain aspects of this, it was rather lacking, and it must be stated although the title of this issue, as well as the description in the article infer this is related to UFO's. There is no mention of an actual UFO or craft present within this encounter, or at the very least, this information was omitted from the article, and was potentially removed at the request of the professor in question, though that is speculation on my part.
The following sections will deal with the author of this previous issue, as well as the two follow-up articles and their individual authors.
There is more information present as the above text states, not from the previous issue, but from two separate follow-up articles that were saved and printed in the Italian Ufo magazine "UFO express no. 043." Link to the full untranslated issue here/UFO%20Express%20-%20No%20043.pdf). These separate addendums fully cover the images in question and are critical but not overly-so. The most important aspect to this is that the professor provided further information to Sette, primarily about what they were doing prior to this entities appearance, but also their means of photographic capture.
{Page 1}
UFO: Is this being from another world? read the scroll on the cover of 7 (No. 9/10) that we republish on this page. Hundreds of phone calls and letters arrived at the editorial office, and they continue to arrive after Mino Damato in his TV program Alla ricerca dell'arca (Sunday, March 27, Rai 3 8:30 p.m.) dealt with the same images, depicting a hypothetical alien photographed by a professor at the University of Pavia one summer evening in 1986.
There are those who believe in this hypothetical alien and those who do not, but all of the readers who have phoned or written are bound to each other by the rejection of that question mark printed on the cover: each of them is persuaded to erase the hypothesis, to tear away the veil of the enigma. And they split into two equally intolerant parties, leaving no room for doubt. We have chosen two exemplary letters. The first letter comes from Brixen and is signed by Mr. Nicola De Paola (2 Clesia Street). He says “the alien is a tobogganist: typical are the tight suit the aerodynamic helmet, the face crushed by the transparent visor, the blurred colors and contours of the photos are due to the fact that they were taken from television, with the obj vo blurred or too close up and strange an alien with limbs, head, face and body identical to those of man; I too will be able to take photographs quite similar to those published; as a reader I feel mocked.”
Others have certainly seen in the hypothetical alien: a surgeon, a nurse, an ice skater, an Icelandic firefighter, a Norwegian cryologist (sic), a KGB spy, a hockey player with his head bandaged; in short, some man in overalls or uniforms. No one has identified in the figures, despite the width of the pelvis, a woman or an androgynous. The second letter comes from Ferrara and is signed by Mr. Giovanni Mantovani (via Luigi Borsari 51). Says; When I saw the photographs I immediately thought: but look, it looks like the E.T. seen by R.M on September 2, 1987 while he was fishing on the bank of the Canal Bianco (RO). He felt an intense tingling, turned around and saw a strange individual: dark complexion, 2 meters tall, hair that looked like plastic, wearing a luminescent blue jumpsuit. The apparition lasted a few seconds.R.M. felt a chill, a feeling that was renewed at the sight of your photos... Only one remark can be made to the professor of Pavia: that of not having given the readers further clarifications about the close approach of the third type...
Here are the further clarifications that the professor from Pavia has allowed us to give, although he is consumed by the fear of being uncovered and covered with ridicule. The photos were taken by a Nikon camera, with motor-drive, 55 mm lens. Micro, 3.5 aperture, shutter speed: 1/4 second Polachrome film, 40 Asa sensitivity. Shortly after the sun went down, the professor was completing some experiments on the optical perception of dogs (how does a dog see things in the world? Black and white? With what depth, in what perspective?). That alone is almost ridiculous. We were missing the hypothetical alien. A dog joke? Maybe. But the professor never solved the riddle. And dogs don't talk. ~ Paolo Pietroni
{page caption}
The hypothetical alien out of 7 has caused conflicting reactions. The photo was taken from a Nikon by a university lecturer while carrying out experiments on the visual perception of dogs (information about this addendums author)
{Page 2}
Your E.T. seems to me to be a feminine being...
Dear editor, I am writing to you in relation to the series of 5 photographs taken by a better identified professor of Pavia one summer evening in 1986 and which appeared in the supplement of the Corriere della Sera n. 9/10 Since I am not familiar with photographic technique, I have written down the shooting parameters communicated by you personally during Mino D'Amato's television program In Search of the Ark on March 27.
Correct me if I'm wrong: Nikon camera body with motor, 5.5 mm focal length lens, aperture dia 3.5, exposure time 1/15 of a second. Certainly, with this adjustment, every little movement of the camera or of the photographed subject causes a blurred or rather blurred photograph. Probably, this whole story of the photos arose from the need of the Rizzoli Group to launch on the market the Italian version of the best American seller Communion by Ted Jacob, which deals, coincidentally, with the subject of extraterrestrials. This colossal business is also sponsored by the production of the film, which has been "posted" while waiting for the possible buyers of such a profitable product to be sufficiently sensitized...
Having said this, I wish, through his kindness, to convey to the professor of Pavia my modest comments on his photos. Feminism aside, I confess that the first spontaneous observation I made on these photographs was to recognize without a shadow of a doubt a woman, or rather a female being; The conformation of the hips, the breasts, combined with the grace of the bowed pose with folded arms, unequivocally belonged to a woman. But let's get to the details.
The suit - It appears so tight that it shows every little part of the body so as to give the impression of a "second skin"; It has light blue-green bands (as shown in the photo on the right on page 74) that are more evident around the neck, on the shoulders and on the arms.
The hands - They appear covered by the sleeves and more elongated than ours (cover figure), dare I say w(bed.
The head - Although it is more mobile, it clearly shows these elements: oval face with a slightly flattened nose, microphone with a light-colored support arm placed at the height of the left ear (photo on the right, page 74)
The headset - It is completely different from any type currently built because it contains a transceiver module at the top for contact with some support organ (e.g. an operations center, or a cosmoplane, or another operator), similar to what happens in Italy when astronauts go out of their vehicle and maintain constant radio contact with the control center.
The transceiver part can be seen both in the cover photo and on page 74, left and right, and is indicated by the protuberance on the top of the skull.
This study was born well out of any venal or other interest, in fact I am not a ufologist, but a pilot in full flight activity and with command responsibilities; I have been a first-hand witness to the phenomenon commonly associated with the improper name of UFO
Sure of the need to deal with the subject with more compatible methodologies than those promulgated by scientists and ufologists, I dedicate myself to the enhancement of aeronautical contactism, intending with this new term to redefine the sightings of military and civil pilots, aeronautical technicians, engineers, etc. who through direct experience with the phenomenon have acquired the conviction that we are not alone Only those who have had a direct impact with the phenomenon (the contactee) can provide a plausible image of themselves... everything else... They are only lucubrations born from mindsets that are not up-to-date with the present sotric moment on the one hand, and with the characteristics of the phenomenon on the other.
{end of article caption}
I forwarded his observations to the professor in Pavia, author of the photos depicting the hypothetical alien. Thank you for your interesting analysis. You are free to believe it or not, but the Rizzoli Communion book had an absolutely random presence in our service: we liked the design of the cover; the portrait of that E.T. and we thought of enriching the illustrations of the service.
Roberto Doz (a fairly interesting individual on his own, air force colonel with his own UFO sighting) read more on that here
As for the author of the original article. Their name is Nullo Cantaroni, and may be more well known by his wife Bice Cairati( Sveva Casati Modigiani), Nullo Cantaroni had a fairly successful journalistic career, dealing primarily in medicine as co-authorized by fellow science journalist Severina Cantaroni. He eventually succumbed to Parkinson's disease. I make mention of these authors, Roberto Doz (who has a very good reason to be interested in the topic as he had his own experience). As well as the other two as these are not the ramblings of some crazy pumping out their own versions of weekly world news, but were and still are highly credible and respected peoples, whom by their own association are taking the flak for posting this material to begin with.
From here on out, this is going to be a further dive into the already presented material, some comparisons with other cases which have direct correlation with these images, as well as other information during my research that has not been touched on up until this point.
In the first follow-up article there is mention of a show "Alla Ricera dell'arca (In search of the ARK)". With he show discussing the images posted here. I was able to confirm that this episode does exist, with the covered material, and is within the RAI archives (Italian TV network/station). However, they would not lend the episode out to a non-Italian citizen, or someone associated with a University, or media conglomeration. I mention this as there may be more material covered in this episode that was not provided in the main article and its follow-ups. If there are any Italian citizens, or peoples reading this who have the appropriate accreditation to acquire a copy of this episode I would ask for your cooperation in attempting to do so. If someone has a copy of this simply recorded off of an old VHS I implore you to make that available to all.
Going back to the main article, the meandering to Communion is certainly off-putting, though I disagree with the previous mention that this was a hoax on the part of the publication to push Communion. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence after all (even though Carl Sagan never bothered with the evidence, side tangent: listen to J Allen Hynek talk about that here) But I believe these images were published in good faith on part of Nullo Cantaroni, his background and thorough career would make this unlikely.
So as it figures there are three scenarios here that describe this scenario (in no particular order of likelihood)
1) these images are hoaxed by the publication to push communion
2) these images are hoaxed by the supposed professor
3) these images are legitimate and provide evidence of a non-earth based entity.
Before I move on I'd like to mention that I did attempt to reach out to Corriere della Sera multiple times regarding this material but was never given a response.
To round this off the images themselves. Humanoid obviously, female-appearing, now I say appearing because assuming this really is some unexpected entity, there is no guarantee that the physiology of this figure accurately represents its determination, and although this entity appears to have what we'd consider to be skin, that may only be a covering to another form or may be some type of robotic synthetic life-form designed specifically to mimic human appearances. What may be most interesting or most alarming depending on your perspective is this entities face appears to change between shots, and yet seemingly keeps the same body proportions. If you are of the opinion this is some type of hoax you could state this is an obvious inconsistency between shots. On the other hand, that is an obvious conclusion to make and showing differentiating faces would be a rather odd choice on the part of a hoaxer. This again could be part of the photographing process, as there is motion blur between some of these photos and it simply gives an appearance that things are changing.
There are other features which must be touched upon, namely the clothing, but in one such photo, what appears to be some type of headgear wrapped around this entities face. To anyone with a passing knowledge of ufology and its associated lore would know, the favorite of any interstellar interloper is the tight formfitting bodysuit. Primarily described as blue, although other colors are often reported. But unlike most humanoid encounters described in the west, this entity seems to have a darker complexion about them. Now does that mean this does not fit in with established prior encounters? Not at all, for whatever reason the blonde-hair nordic is the most popular discussion topic when it comes to human-adjacent lifeforms, but in other places, and Italy especially, some of their most well know or most covered, feature entities with darker complexions. Case in point
This encounter in 1978 Italy with a dark-skinned entity in a shimmering scaled suit. Or this description of a dark skinned entity with a similar described blue suit reported in 1987
Location. Villamarzana, Rome, Italy Date: September 2 1987 Time: 1700
Renzo Munari was fishing on the Bianco Canal when he noticed a strange object flying at a moderated speed over the river, as the object disappeared from sight he felt a strange prickling sensation in his body, resembling electrical static. Turning around he saw a very tall human-like figure staring intently at him. The figure was at least 2 meters in height, with orange hair and dark skin. He wore a luminous blue colored tight fitting coverall. On the left side of his chest there was a square orange colored “tag.” During the encounter the witness felt a cool wave of air and light headed. The figure apparently disappeared into the brush.
Source: Archivio SUF, USOCAT by The Italian Center forUFO Studies (CISU)
There is also this report from 1989 Russia
Location. Salsk, Rostov region, Russia Date: August 13 1989 Time: 2300
Working at a cotton irrigation plant Vasiliy Ivanovich suddenly experienced total equipment failure without any apparent cause. While searching for the cause of the breakdown, the witness heard a loud voice, “He is searching for the cause”. Looking around he saw four humanoids standing close to him. One stood in the front, while the other three stood in the back. He described the humanoids as tall, with long dangling arms, with a large head, flattened on the top and wide at the temples. The humanoids are dark red or brown in color with large egg-shaped eyes and two holes instead of a nose. They have no lips, and thin strip instead of a mouth. They were wearing truncated shiny blue coveralls and footwear. The humanoid standing at the front of the others held a box in his hand and a soft pleasant voice seemed to emanate from the box. He held the box at stomach level. Ivanovich approached the humanoids and asked who they were; the reply was a question asking him if he wanted to go with them. At this point the witness saw a light at the edge of the nearby woods and a hovering object. The humanoids then floated slowly towards the craft and disappeared. Terrified the witness ran to the village to notify other witnesses but upon returning to the site the humanoids had already left.
Source:UFOZONE Russia
As for the headgear, there is a report from 1995 Italy of an entity not resembling this one in this post, but wearing a similarly described headpiece.
Location: Ancona, Italy Date: February 3 1994, Time: 9:00am
Six witnesses, including a Mr. Giulo observed a strange humanoid wandering around some nearby rocks. The humanoid was described as about 1 meter and a half in height, wearing a tight fitting black coverall that covered his whole body including a pair of very long feet. The face was elongated with two huge round eyes, with round black pupils. It appeared to be wearing earphones with a small thin protruding antenna. It seemed to stagger slowly and after about 10 minutes it rose up slowly and vertically into the air, quickly disappearing from sight
Source: CISU Italy.
There is also this case from Barisciano Italy 1978 in which an entity bearing a striking similar blue color to the outfit was seen, with an adorning white "cap" or hairpiece that resembled that of a cap. read the untranslated version of that encounter here/Notiziario%20UFO%20-%201984%2001-02%20-%20Vol%2018%20No%20102.pdf)
Finally, lets get back to the person allegedly behind this whole spiel, the Professor. A claim such as this, where an entity appears in ones presence without any known means is a stark claim all on its own, to provide photos of such an encounter is another thing all together, but being as its an anonymous person, how can we gleam any credibility out of this? To put it in other words, is there enough information provided within the original article as well as the follow-up articles to speculate on a potential identity to who this man could have been?
Emphatically yes, infact there is only one such individual who fits the criteria with the information provided, granted this information was given after the fact of the original articles publication. In the first article within UFO express that discusses this, we are told this person is running experiments relating to dogs (canine) eyesight, but the author was unsure whether or not this is a jest of some sort. I do not believe it is, in the secondary article it is again mentioned that this professor is working with canine eyesight, but in a caption on the second page it is emphasized this was "non-academic research". Now does that mean it was unrelated to their professional focus? No, it simply means this research was carried outside of official means. This leads me to who I believe the primary suspect is in terms of a potential identity, could there be other more accurate people? Perhaps. But this persons tenure and level of research within this subject and the timeframe of when they were working at the University of Pavia lines up perfectly with who this person could be. However, because of doxxing concerns, and that they initially requested complete anonymity from the publication I will not be directly naming their identity here. But I will heavily state that this person worked in the university of Pavia from 1985 in the zoology department and specifically with foxes and wolves. With this person having worked and published (into the present) works related to both of these fields. I have attempted to personally reach out to this professor both via email & telephone (their academic numbers, not personal) but have
received no response. I would ask that if you do look into who this person is that you do not attempt to directly contact them as their lack of a response is response enough.
What was the encounter like? How long did it go on for? Was there a conversation or was this a quick in and out? These questions and more are not answered here, and perhaps never will be unless someone; the professor, an associate, or anyone else, comes forward with more details we are left wondering and wanting more. There is of course much to be said about these images and the potential for further investigations, including the peculiar hands this entity seems to posses that does have a passing resemblance to other cases, but lest this drag on to long I will leave it here and attempt to answer any questions that I may be capable of giving insight on.
Sources and resources used Archive link for translations and scans of original Corriere della Sera article
Magazine and other ufological material sources:
Document scanner for afu and other documents/sites
alieni in italia by Moreno Tambelini
ImgOps for reverse image searching & Albert Rosales for their compilations of humanoid encounters.
If you have had an encounter or know someone who has had an encounter similar to this or identical to this, do not hesitate to DM or message me with the details.
submitted by Ufonauter to Humanoidencounters [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:14 Ufonauter In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos.

In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos.
To begin with, I will state that this post was months in the making (mostly waiting and chasing false leads) and carries with it perhaps some answers, plenty of questions, and perhaps for some, a similarity to their own experiences. Special thanks to u/Neo-Rex as well as u/ebycon for their assistance in helping me find and rule out some areas of research.
Disclaimer: The following images and text are provided without photo manipulation on my end (besides simple cropping and scanning). There are going to be many references in this post to Italian media, magazines, as well as individual writers. This is by no means an endorsement, advertisement, or other form of ARG intended to sell, market, or persuade anyone to buy, rent, or procure any of the described materials. Because I know this is a new area of topic, and because the images provided are of an unusual nature, I will provide various sources to prove that these images are not enhanced, manipulated by hand or by a contemporary photo manipulation program or AI generation.
Before we get into the nitty gritty of the images I will provide background as to how I came upon these images, and the flow of information.
I was first made aware of these images after researching separate alien encounters for a post of mine (see that post here for further details regarding that) one of the sources used was "alieni in italia 1945-1995 50 anni di incontri ravvicinati". On page VIII towards the back of the book these images (or rather image as three were compressed into one section) as well as the following text appears
"Vero alieno o scoop giornalistico? Ho evitato di inserire nel presente catalogo questo caso avvero singolare. Si tratte infatti di alcune foto )5_ scattate da un non meglio indentificato "professore universitario di pavia" nell'estate del 1986 e pubblicate da sette. il settimanale del Corriere della Sera. Si referiscono ad una presunta entita aliena che si sarebbe manifestata al professore in una situazione del tutto casuale. Non sono mancati pareri sfavorevoli expressi da parecchi ufologi. ( Foto tratte da: Sette n. 9/10 sette giorni illustrati dal Corriere della Sera, 5 marzo, 1988.
Translated: "Real alien or journalistic scoop? I have avoided including in the present catalog this singular case. These are in fact some photos(5) taken by an unidentified "university professor from Pavia" in the summer of 1986 and published by seven. The weekly newspaper Corriere della Sera. They refer to an alleged alien entity that allegedly manifested itself to the professor in a completely random situation. There was no shortage of unfavorable opinions expressed by several ufologists. ( Photo taken from: Seven No. 9/10 seven days illustrated by Corriere della Sera, March 5, 1988.
That was all the information provided within. (it should be noted that although this description mentions 5 photos, there are only these 3 provided within Moreno Tambellinis book.) These images captured my attention fairly quickly as I am fairly familiar with purported alien/supernatural photographs, so to find one I have never seen, and in such a quality which is general not present within other such photos as these, was more than enough to tip my curiosity in the direction of delving deeper.
First attempt at finding further information regarding these photos, and this particular magazine issue ended in little success, though I was able to find what I, at the time, believed to be a correctly colorized image of this entity. See below.
Unassuming on some random blog that attributed a name to this entity while providing no further information regarding the image itself (as certain ufological circles are want to do). Not finding further information I attempted to find further information based off of this colorized image, but to no avail. Save for one source that used this image ( in a different colorized manner, slightly less yellow and oozing with potential, that being this image by Argentinian Ufologist Dante Franch. See below.
Finally, someone who might have a lead on this information! But no, once again this image is deceptively alluring as the contents of this book have absolutely nothing to do with the Sette report, but simply use its image to describe unsourced and unverified tales of the City of Erks (a wild dive on its own and may be deserving of its own post) and other entities that supposedly have a resemblance to this cover image.
Upon further searches I came across this archived link with additional images some with closer to truth color, including the aforementioned first colorized image here as well as the additional references. The author of this blog post is Mexican Ufologist Luis Ruiz Noguez, notable for his skepticism and thorough investigation relating to this material, so it was a no-brainier to look into his research regarding this seeing as he had previously mentioned it here on his blogpost. So where better to look than his book "Extraterrestres ante las camaras" Volume X dealing specifically with italian encounters and purported alien photographs. But again, despite his previous notation in this blog, the contents of these images specifically are nowhere to be seen or mentioned within this book.
Research stagnated for some time during the search process for the original source cited in Moreno Tambellinis book. I was able after five months (you have no idea how hard it was to find a copy) able to acquire a copy of this magazine and finally was able to determine that the previously assumed white coverall of this entities outfit has been a false notion.
The following text is a translation of the pages within this issue of march 7th 1988 Sette: Corriere della Cera . 9/10, the original scans, as well as a translated text document of these pages can be found in the sources listed below. Important note: although these images are primary focus of this article, it does meander into thoughts on Whitley Striebers book "Communion" (which will be a source of contention that will be covered later in this post). But the translated post here is the relevant text to these images.
"Just as we were editing a report on the UFO phenomenon that was supposed to appear on 7 at the same time as the television passage of Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the third kind, we came across a resounding surprise: the images published in these pages and on the cover of this issue. They were taken completely by chance, one summer evening in 1986, by a professor at the University of Pavia, above all suspicion and known for his balance, his intelligence and rationality, completely alien to the somewhat emphatic and vaguely bizarre world of the so-called "contactees": those people who say they have entered into a relationship with unknown entities from the cosmos."
"He is a completely normal person who has always been skeptical of the reports of unidentified flying objects and is now also a testimony, erroneous to the idea that his name is related to the disturbing figure captured by his camera. The university lecturer has agreed to give us what he considers to be evidence of his shocking experience in exchange for absolute confidentiality"
"What to make of these images? We can make a few assumptions.
A) The author of the photos is a mystrifier. It is unlikely: too much resistance has opposed the publication of his document (which he has yielded for free to 7). In addition, he wishes to remain anonymous. A behavior that is certainly not that of those who want to speculate on a scooop, true or presumed.
B) The author is the victim of a game. Someone made him take "fireflies for lanterns". A well-thought-out game, by true professionals. It is not unlikely, even if the professor is not a "contactee", one obsessed with extraterrestrials, that is, a man who could arouse "temptations" among those who know him.
C) The photos really document something alien. A mysterious otherness has been captured by the professor's camera, who was the first to be surprised by this tangible presence, imprinted on the film that is absolutely different from a hallucination. What to say? What are we to think of images that forcefully re-propose the problem (or the dream, or the myth, or the nightmare) of the existence of other beings, of other civilizations that populate galaxies or dimensions unknown to us? Science continues to question these facts, but an answer is still a long way off. All experiences at the "edge of reality" are embarrassing. The line that divides science and mystery is still vague. Prudence, in these cases, is a must. And the desire not to appear is widespread among the witnesses. The professor from Pavia, who chose restriction, has an illustrious precedent."
"These images, taken on a summer evening in 1986 by a professor at the University of Pavia, who asked to remain anonymous, are the subject of various hypotheses of interpretation in the text of the article. The reader is free to draw his own conclusions."
Here are the direct scans of this entity as they appear in the magazine, scanned directly out of a physical copy of this magazine. (do note although these images are uploaded in different order I believe they may be sorted as such, I make no claim to the accuracy of this in terms of chronological order, but which is most aesthetically appeasing.)
Now, while the article was very keen to post certain aspects of this, it was rather lacking, and it must be stated although the title of this issue, as well as the description in the article infer this is related to UFO's. There is no mention of an actual UFO or craft present within this encounter, or at the very least, this information was omitted from the article, and was potentially removed at the request of the professor in question, though that is speculation on my part.
The following sections will deal with the author of this previous issue, as well as the two follow-up articles and their individual authors.
There is more information present as the above text states, not from the previous issue, but from two separate follow-up articles that were saved and printed in the Italian Ufo magazine "UFO express no. 043." Link to the full untranslated issue here/UFO%20Express%20-%20No%20043.pdf). These separate addendums fully cover the images in question and are critical but not overly-so. The most important aspect to this is that the professor provided further information to Sette, primarily about what they were doing prior to this entities appearance, but also their means of photographic capture.
{Page 1}
UFO: Is this being from another world? read the scroll on the cover of 7 (No. 9/10) that we republish on this page. Hundreds of phone calls and letters arrived at the editorial office, and they continue to arrive after Mino Damato in his TV program Alla ricerca dell'arca (Sunday, March 27, Rai 3 8:30 p.m.) dealt with the same images, depicting a hypothetical alien photographed by a professor at the University of Pavia one summer evening in 1986.
There are those who believe in this hypothetical alien and those who do not, but all of the readers who have phoned or written are bound to each other by the rejection of that question mark printed on the cover: each of them is persuaded to erase the hypothesis, to tear away the veil of the enigma. And they split into two equally intolerant parties, leaving no room for doubt. We have chosen two exemplary letters. The first letter comes from Brixen and is signed by Mr. Nicola De Paola (2 Clesia Street). He says “the alien is a tobogganist: typical are the tight suit the aerodynamic helmet, the face crushed by the transparent visor, the blurred colors and contours of the photos are due to the fact that they were taken from television, with the obj vo blurred or too close up and strange an alien with limbs, head, face and body identical to those of man; I too will be able to take photographs quite similar to those published; as a reader I feel mocked.”
Others have certainly seen in the hypothetical alien: a surgeon, a nurse, an ice skater, an Icelandic firefighter, a Norwegian cryologist (sic), a KGB spy, a hockey player with his head bandaged; in short, some man in overalls or uniforms. No one has identified in the figures, despite the width of the pelvis, a woman or an androgynous. The second letter comes from Ferrara and is signed by Mr. Giovanni Mantovani (via Luigi Borsari 51). Says; When I saw the photographs I immediately thought: but look, it looks like the E.T. seen by R.M on September 2, 1987 while he was fishing on the bank of the Canal Bianco (RO). He felt an intense tingling, turned around and saw a strange individual: dark complexion, 2 meters tall, hair that looked like plastic, wearing a luminescent blue jumpsuit. The apparition lasted a few seconds.R.M. felt a chill, a feeling that was renewed at the sight of your photos... Only one remark can be made to the professor of Pavia: that of not having given the readers further clarifications about the close approach of the third type...
Here are the further clarifications that the professor from Pavia has allowed us to give, although he is consumed by the fear of being uncovered and covered with ridicule. The photos were taken by a Nikon camera, with motor-drive, 55 mm lens. Micro, 3.5 aperture, shutter speed: 1/4 second Polachrome film, 40 Asa sensitivity. Shortly after the sun went down, the professor was completing some experiments on the optical perception of dogs (how does a dog see things in the world? Black and white? With what depth, in what perspective?). That alone is almost ridiculous. We were missing the hypothetical alien. A dog joke? Maybe. But the professor never solved the riddle. And dogs don't talk. ~ Paolo Pietroni
{page caption}
The hypothetical alien out of 7 has caused conflicting reactions. The photo was taken from a Nikon by a university lecturer while carrying out experiments on the visual perception of dogs (information about this addendums author)
{Page 2}
Your E.T. seems to me to be a feminine being...
Dear editor, I am writing to you in relation to the series of 5 photographs taken by a better identified professor of Pavia one summer evening in 1986 and which appeared in the supplement of the Corriere della Sera n. 9/10 Since I am not familiar with photographic technique, I have written down the shooting parameters communicated by you personally during Mino D'Amato's television program In Search of the Ark on March 27.
Correct me if I'm wrong: Nikon camera body with motor, 5.5 mm focal length lens, aperture dia 3.5, exposure time 1/15 of a second. Certainly, with this adjustment, every little movement of the camera or of the photographed subject causes a blurred or rather blurred photograph. Probably, this whole story of the photos arose from the need of the Rizzoli Group to launch on the market the Italian version of the best American seller Communion by Ted Jacob, which deals, coincidentally, with the subject of extraterrestrials. This colossal business is also sponsored by the production of the film, which has been "posted" while waiting for the possible buyers of such a profitable product to be sufficiently sensitized...
Having said this, I wish, through his kindness, to convey to the professor of Pavia my modest comments on his photos. Feminism aside, I confess that the first spontaneous observation I made on these photographs was to recognize without a shadow of a doubt a woman, or rather a female being; The conformation of the hips, the breasts, combined with the grace of the bowed pose with folded arms, unequivocally belonged to a woman. But let's get to the details.
The suit - It appears so tight that it shows every little part of the body so as to give the impression of a "second skin"; It has light blue-green bands (as shown in the photo on the right on page 74) that are more evident around the neck, on the shoulders and on the arms.
The hands - They appear covered by the sleeves and more elongated than ours (cover figure), dare I say w(bed.
The head - Although it is more mobile, it clearly shows these elements: oval face with a slightly flattened nose, microphone with a light-colored support arm placed at the height of the left ear (photo on the right, page 74)
The headset - It is completely different from any type currently built because it contains a transceiver module at the top for contact with some support organ (e.g. an operations center, or a cosmoplane, or another operator), similar to what happens in Italy when astronauts go out of their vehicle and maintain constant radio contact with the control center.
The transceiver part can be seen both in the cover photo and on page 74, left and right, and is indicated by the protuberance on the top of the skull.
This study was born well out of any venal or other interest, in fact I am not a ufologist, but a pilot in full flight activity and with command responsibilities; I have been a first-hand witness to the phenomenon commonly associated with the improper name of UFO
Sure of the need to deal with the subject with more compatible methodologies than those promulgated by scientists and ufologists, I dedicate myself to the enhancement of aeronautical contactism, intending with this new term to redefine the sightings of military and civil pilots, aeronautical technicians, engineers, etc. who through direct experience with the phenomenon have acquired the conviction that we are not alone Only those who have had a direct impact with the phenomenon (the contactee) can provide a plausible image of themselves... everything else... They are only lucubrations born from mindsets that are not up-to-date with the present sotric moment on the one hand, and with the characteristics of the phenomenon on the other.
{end of article caption}
I forwarded his observations to the professor in Pavia, author of the photos depicting the hypothetical alien. Thank you for your interesting analysis. You are free to believe it or not, but the Rizzoli Communion book had an absolutely random presence in our service: we liked the design of the cover; the portrait of that E.T. and we thought of enriching the illustrations of the service.
Roberto Doz (a fairly interesting individual on his own, air force colonel with his own UFO sighting) read more on that here
As for the author of the original article. Their name is Nullo Cantaroni, and may be more well known by his wife Bice Cairati( Sveva Casati Modigiani), Nullo Cantaroni had a fairly successful journalistic career, dealing primarily in medicine as co-authorized by fellow science journalist Severina Cantaroni. He eventually succumbed to Parkinson's disease. I make mention of these authors, Roberto Doz (who has a very good reason to be interested in the topic as he had his own experience). As well as the other two as these are not the ramblings of some crazy pumping out their own versions of weekly world news, but were and still are highly credible and respected peoples, whom by their own association are taking the flak for posting this material to begin with.
From here on out, this is going to be a further dive into the already presented material, some comparisons with other cases which have direct correlation with these images, as well as other information during my research that has not been touched on up until this point.
In the first follow-up article there is mention of a show "Alla Ricera dell'arca (In search of the ARK)". With he show discussing the images posted here. I was able to confirm that this episode does exist, with the covered material, and is within the RAI archives (Italian TV network/station). However, they would not lend the episode out to a non-Italian citizen, or someone associated with a University, or media conglomeration. I mention this as there may be more material covered in this episode that was not provided in the main article and its follow-ups. If there are any Italian citizens, or peoples reading this who have the appropriate accreditation to acquire a copy of this episode I would ask for your cooperation in attempting to do so. If someone has a copy of this simply recorded off of an old VHS I implore you to make that available to all.
Going back to the main article, the meandering to Communion is certainly off-putting, though I disagree with the previous mention that this was a hoax on the part of the publication to push Communion. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence after all (even though Carl Sagan never bothered with the evidence, side tangent: listen to J Allen Hynek talk about that here) But I believe these images were published in good faith on part of Nullo Cantaroni, his background and thorough career would make this unlikely.
So as it figures there are three scenarios here that describe this scenario (in no particular order of likelihood)
1) these images are hoaxed by the publication to push communion
2) these images are hoaxed by the supposed professor
3) these images are legitimate and provide evidence of a non-earth based entity.
Before I move on I'd like to mention that I did attempt to reach out to Corriere della Sera multiple times regarding this material but was never given a response.
To round this off the images themselves. Humanoid obviously, female-appearing, now I say appearing because assuming this really is some unexpected entity, there is no guarantee that the physiology of this figure accurately represents its determination, and although this entity appears to have what we'd consider to be skin, that may only be a covering to another form or may be some type of robotic synthetic life-form designed specifically to mimic human appearances. What may be most interesting or most alarming depending on your perspective is this entities face appears to change between shots, and yet seemingly keeps the same body proportions. If you are of the opinion this is some type of hoax you could state this is an obvious inconsistency between shots. On the other hand, that is an obvious conclusion to make and showing differentiating faces would be a rather odd choice on the part of a hoaxer. This again could be part of the photographing process, as there is motion blur between some of these photos and it simply gives an appearance that things are changing.
There are other features which must be touched upon, namely the clothing, but in one such photo, what appears to be some type of headgear wrapped around this entities face. To anyone with a passing knowledge of ufology and its associated lore would know, the favorite of any interstellar interloper is the tight formfitting bodysuit. Primarily described as blue, although other colors are often reported. But unlike most humanoid encounters described in the west, this entity seems to have a darker complexion about them. Now does that mean this does not fit in with established prior encounters? Not at all, for whatever reason the blonde-hair nordic is the most popular discussion topic when it comes to human-adjacent lifeforms, but in other places, and Italy especially, some of their most well know or most covered, feature entities with darker complexions. Case in point
This encounter in 1978 Italy with a dark-skinned entity in a shimmering scaled suit. Or this description of a dark skinned entity with a similar described blue suit reported in 1987
Location. Villamarzana, Rome, Italy Date: September 2 1987 Time: 1700
Renzo Munari was fishing on the Bianco Canal when he noticed a strange object flying at a moderated speed over the river, as the object disappeared from sight he felt a strange prickling sensation in his body, resembling electrical static. Turning around he saw a very tall human-like figure staring intently at him. The figure was at least 2 meters in height, with orange hair and dark skin. He wore a luminous blue colored tight fitting coverall. On the left side of his chest there was a square orange colored “tag.” During the encounter the witness felt a cool wave of air and light headed. The figure apparently disappeared into the brush.
Source: Archivio SUF, USOCAT by The Italian Center forUFO Studies (CISU)
There is also this report from 1989 Russia
Location. Salsk, Rostov region, Russia Date: August 13 1989 Time: 2300
Working at a cotton irrigation plant Vasiliy Ivanovich suddenly experienced total equipment failure without any apparent cause. While searching for the cause of the breakdown, the witness heard a loud voice, “He is searching for the cause”. Looking around he saw four humanoids standing close to him. One stood in the front, while the other three stood in the back. He described the humanoids as tall, with long dangling arms, with a large head, flattened on the top and wide at the temples. The humanoids are dark red or brown in color with large egg-shaped eyes and two holes instead of a nose. They have no lips, and thin strip instead of a mouth. They were wearing truncated shiny blue coveralls and footwear. The humanoid standing at the front of the others held a box in his hand and a soft pleasant voice seemed to emanate from the box. He held the box at stomach level. Ivanovich approached the humanoids and asked who they were; the reply was a question asking him if he wanted to go with them. At this point the witness saw a light at the edge of the nearby woods and a hovering object. The humanoids then floated slowly towards the craft and disappeared. Terrified the witness ran to the village to notify other witnesses but upon returning to the site the humanoids had already left.
Source:UFOZONE Russia
As for the headgear, there is a report from 1995 Italy of an entity not resembling this one in this post, but wearing a similarly described headpiece.
Location: Ancona, Italy Date: February 3 1994, Time: 9:00am
Six witnesses, including a Mr. Giulo observed a strange humanoid wandering around some nearby rocks. The humanoid was described as about 1 meter and a half in height, wearing a tight fitting black coverall that covered his whole body including a pair of very long feet. The face was elongated with two huge round eyes, with round black pupils. It appeared to be wearing earphones with a small thin protruding antenna. It seemed to stagger slowly and after about 10 minutes it rose up slowly and vertically into the air, quickly disappearing from sight
Source: CISU Italy.
There is also this case from Barisciano Italy 1978 in which an entity bearing a striking similar blue color to the outfit was seen, with an adorning white "cap" or hairpiece that resembled that of a cap. read the untranslated version of that encounter here/Notiziario%20UFO%20-%201984%2001-02%20-%20Vol%2018%20No%20102.pdf)
Finally, lets get back to the person allegedly behind this whole spiel, the Professor. A claim such as this, where an entity appears in ones presence without any known means is a stark claim all on its own, to provide photos of such an encounter is another thing all together, but being as its an anonymous person, how can we gleam any credibility out of this? To put it in other words, is there enough information provided within the original article as well as the follow-up articles to speculate on a potential identity to who this man could have been?
Emphatically yes, infact there is only one such individual who fits the criteria with the information provided, granted this information was given after the fact of the original articles publication. In the first article within UFO express that discusses this, we are told this person is running experiments relating to dogs (canine) eyesight, but the author was unsure whether or not this is a jest of some sort. I do not believe it is, in the secondary article it is again mentioned that this professor is working with canine eyesight, but in a caption on the second page it is emphasized this was "non-academic research". Now does that mean it was unrelated to their professional focus? No, it simply means this research was carried outside of official means. This leads me to who I believe the primary suspect is in terms of a potential identity, could there be other more accurate people? Perhaps. But this persons tenure and level of research within this subject and the timeframe of when they were working at the University of Pavia lines up perfectly with who this person could be. However, because of doxxing concerns, and that they initially requested complete anonymity from the publication I will not be directly naming their identity here. But I will heavily state that this person worked in the university of Pavia from 1985 in the zoology department and specifically with foxes and wolves. With this person having worked and published (into the present) works related to both of these fields. I have attempted to personally reach out to this professor both via email & telephone (their academic numbers, not personal) but have received no response. I would ask that if you do look into who this person is that you do not attempt to directly contact them as their lack of a response is response enough.
What was the encounter like? How long did it go on for? Was there a conversation or was this a quick in and out? These questions and more are not answered here, and perhaps never will be unless someone; the professor, an associate, or anyone else, comes forward with more details we are left wondering and wanting more.
Sources and resources used Archive link for translations and scans of original Corriere della Sera article
Magazine and other ufological material sources:
Document scanner for afu and other documents/sites
alieni in italia by Moreno Tambelini
ImgOps for reverse image searching & Albert Rosales for their compilations of humanoid encounters.
If you have had an encounter or know someone who has had an encounter similar to this or identical to this, do not hesitate to DM or message me with the details.
submitted by Ufonauter to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:47 bot_neen Danna Paola sufre fuerte caída en pleno escenario y sorprende al no dejar de cantar

Danna Paola sufre fuerte caída en pleno escenario y sorprende al no dejar de cantar submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:44 bot_neen Danna Paola sufre de dolorosa caída durante show en Perú

Danna Paola sufre de dolorosa caída durante show en Perú submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:35 Glum_Presentation_46 Relacionamento amor x responsabilidades (opinião)

Conheci meu marido com 11 anos e entre muitas idas e vindas, principalmente devido à distância, superamos e estamos juntos. Eu sempre fui muito esforçada, muito estudiosa e com foco nos meus objetivos, sai de casa pra fazer faculdade na universidade dos meus sonhos em outro estado, conquistei uma bolsa de intercâmbio, fui pra fora do país pra graduação sanduíche por um ano, mas nunca perdi o contato com ele, ele sempre foi meu melhor amigo, e apoiou todos os meus sonhos mesmo que na época não o incluíssem. Quando voltei dos eua, voltamos de fato, eu e ele já estávamos no último ano da faculdade, e ele me pediu em casamento, eu aceitei pois sempre o amei, e começamos a preparar tudo.. eu me formei no tempo previsto, voltei pra minha terra natal “temporariamente” conforme combinamos, enquanto ele finalizava a faculdade dele. Eu entrei na residência, e ele ainda empacado na faculdade com matérias pendentes, mas como nosso casamento já estava todo pago, casei mesmo assim, pois nunca tive dúvidas do meu amor por ele ou dele por mim. Então iniciamos o casamento eu pagando todas as contas, e eu aguardando ele se formar para conciliar algo, ele se formou no fim de 2019, início de 2020 estoura a pandemia, e ele ainda não tinha arranjado um emprego, fui chamada em um concurso público, então continuei sendo a provedora da casa. Engravidei, infelizmente por um descuido que me esqueci de tomar a pílula quando meu pai se internou de covid, meu pai faleceu e eu engravidei nesse mesmo período, uma gravidez indesejada pois não tinha planos de ter filhos com meu marido enquanto ele não arranjava um emprego. Então cá estamos, quase 6 anos de casados, uma filha de 2 anos, e ele ainda desempregado :/ Não por falta de conversa, apoio, pois sempre fiz de tudo pra ajudar, e ele só me enrola. Meio que pegou todos os afazeres de mãe, cuida da nossa filha super bem, arruma a casa, limpa , faz comida, mas não consegue arrumar um emprego. Me sinto frustrada, pois não quero ter que arrumar dois empregos pra dar conta das contas (como meu pai morreu minha mãe tbm está em situação financeira delicada e eu a ajudo tbm), sinto que perco um tempo precioso que poderia estar com a minha filha, trabalhando, e ele cuidando dela, tenho ciúmes mas tbm fico tão cansada de trabalhar que não consigo passear com ela, preciso dormir, e acaba que ele sai, compra presentes e se torna o pai modelo as minhas custas. Ao mesmo tempo que toda essa situação ocorre, ele é o meu suporte, me apoia em tudo, meus sonhos, conversamos tanto e ele diz entender minha situação, que está procurando emprego, e que o sonho dele e estar ao meu lado pra sempre. O que vocês fariam na minha situação, separava e perdia o grande amor da sua vida, um excelente pai e marido, mas acomodado e desempregado? Ou tentava aguentar mais um pouco?
submitted by Glum_Presentation_46 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 10:58 MrStrange_gg Toda cansada y sudada después de masturbarse como la sexualizan y siempre le recuerdan sus descuido 🤭

Toda cansada y sudada después de masturbarse como la sexualizan y siempre le recuerdan sus descuido 🤭 submitted by MrStrange_gg to riversggFOTOSHOT [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:30 Ashamed-Cantaloupe26 Soy gay y probé una vagina por primera vez

Soy gay y probé una vagina por primera vez
Todo empezó en una típica charla de sexo entre jóvenes que apenas comenzábamos a vivir la experiencia de la Universidad. En un break, entre clases debatimos acerca de la homosexualidad y Paola -he cambiado el nombre para evitar suspicacias-, una amiga, hizo un comentario que me marcó para toda la vida: "yo no entiendo a las lesbianas; no hay nada más rico que el pipí"
Yo, aún en el closet, la refuté: "pero lo mismo podemos decir nosotros, que no entendemos a los gays porque no hay nada más rico que una vagina".
En ese momento, no había probado mi primera vagina, pero ya había probado tres pipís y por supuesto que estaba de acuerdo con Paola: no hay nada más rico que el miembro viril masculino. Sin embargo, buscaba entender y ponerme en los zapatos de los hombres heterosexuales enloquecidos por las vaginas.
Años después de aquella tertulia universitaria entre amigos, decidí probar mi primera vagina. En una mañana cualquiera desperté con muchas ganas de ser un hombre que posee a su hembra y la empotra sin piedad contra lo primero que halle a su alrededor.
Pero como no tenía amigas ni experiencia conquistando mujeres, me fui por el camino fácil: contacté a una prostituta. Aquella mujer de quizas unos 32 años de edad, me citó en un sitio cercano a la terminal de transporte de Barranquilla y allí, en un sitio bastante sórdido, viví mi primera experiencia heterosexual.
Me desvestí y me postré desnudo sobre una cama vieja y chillona y pensé: "la cantidad de hombres que habrán estado aquí". Aunque estaba nervioso, la mujer con sus senos colgando desnudos e inclinados hacia mi pene, fue muy profesional y procedió a colocarme un preservativo sobre mi miembro flácido. En cuestión de segundos sentí la humedad de los labios de esa mujer frotando mi pene y de inmediato me provocó una fuerte erección.
Luego de aquel buen sexo oral, decidí corresponderle. Ella, como buena maestra, me dijo en las partes donde más le gustaba que le pasara mi lengua. Seguramente era fingido, pero me hizo sentir que le gustaba cómo le besaba y acariciaba con mi lengua sus labios vaginales. Aunque claro, admito que a mí lo que más me excitaba era imaginar los cuantiosos penes que ya habían pasado por allí. Justo cuando imaginé eso, mi pene se puso más sólido de lo que ya estaba y fue cuando decidí penetrarla.
Aquella mañana, luego de una fructífera eyaculación, salí realizado de esa habitación. Si bien me gustó y me vine dentro de ella, el hecho de haber pensado en penes mientras le hacía sexo oral a una vagina, me confirmó que en efecto, lo mío son los penes.
Desde esa vez, he repetido otras experiencias esporádicas con mujeres. Acepto que las disfruto y más si hay otro u otros hombres conmigo, pero no me siento bisexual. Y es allí donde retorno a la conversación que mantuve con mis amigos en la universidad y llego a la siguiente conclusión:
Todo es cuestión de química. Un hombre heterosexual, químicamente hablando, le encanta todo lo femenino: el cabello, sus rasgos delicados, sus senos, sus caderas, sus piernas libres de vellos, su olor y por el simple hecho de pensar en una vagina, le produce un revoloteo de hormonas que provocan la excitación sexual.
Para Paola y para mí, nos pasa exactamente lo mismo pero con los hombres. Por esa razón, creemos que "no hay nada más rico que un pene", pero la realidad es que para un hombre heterosexual, "no hay nada más rico que una vagina".
PD: Entendí a los cacorros (hombres heterosexuales que penetran a otros hombres por placer) y concluí que ellos no son gays como creía. Que un hombre penetre a gays, no lo hace gay, como a mí no me convierte en heterosexual ni en bisexual penetrar a mujeres. Sólo lo hago por placer. De hecho, los hombres por placer somos capaces de meter el pito dentro de una papaya y eso no nos convierte en papaygeys.
Mierda robada de Colombia
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