Pucca blackberry 8900 theme

Endgame #4

2024.06.08 06:30 mikeramp72 Endgame #4

4th: Shane Powers (Panama - 5th)

i have an issue with my penis, im so sorry. the linsanity run ends here!
Shane is a character who I don't think you can replicate. His focus on humor is something people can find overbearing, but most of it is just a joy to watch. He has some of the funniest moments the show has seen, whether intentional or unintentional. However, the main reason I love Shane is his moral and emotional stuff. From his nicotine withdrawls, to his relationship with Aras, to most imporantly, his bond with his son. It makes for to this day, the best family visit the show has ever seen. Shane is incredible, very deserving of endgame.
So of all the people in this Endgame who are in my Personal Top 100, Shane ranks the lowest. I’ve actually lowered on him a little bit since this thing started and if I had no deals attached at all, I’d probably have him cut around the same time I tried to cut Lex. One of my 10/10s with minor criticism. But before I get into that, let’s talk up why Shane’s great: because he’s literally batshit.
I cannot fathom how he passed the psyche test to get on the cast, because there’s so much going on with him to the point of it being overwhelming. Shane going cold turkey with his nicotine withdrawal is an amazing case study that doesn’t feel ethical, but goddammit was it entertaining! Shane slots perfectly into Casaya and his dynamic with literally everyone on that godforsaken tribe (but especially his relationship with Courtney) is perfect. Hell, he’s also got an underrated dynamic with Terry as well and I think gives the guy some very interesting characterization in the endgame. Shane’s batshit energy and “bad vibes” however does get offset by his relationship with his son, which I think is probably one of my favorite loved one visits of all time. Boston helps humanize him in a way that you normally don’t get to see for these “crazy” type of characters and their whole dynamic and the build-up to the loved one visit is probably one of the biggest reasons why Shane not only works, but works perfectly.
The only criticism I think I can give Shane is that sometimes, his bullshit does come across a bit too much. Like, moments where he loses his shit on Courtney and threatens to kill her in her shitty apartment? Feels believable in terms of his loss of sanity. Him losing his shit about “his sitting spot”? Pushing it, but I kinda buy it. But that whole blackberry scene? Honestly, a bit too much, makes the whole character feel a little fake. Like I know he’s doing a bit, but he says it such crazed energy and the edit takes him serious enough that it just rubs me the wrong way. It’s admittedly only a single scene so it doesn’t irk me enough to bring him down from a 10/10, but like Lex and his relationship with Big Tom, it’s just a minor nitpick I have with this otherwise flawless character.
Overall Rank – 87/821
Shane rides the line of being incredibly chaotic without it ever becoming concerning or worrisome. That’s not to say it never rides that line incredibly close, because there’s definitely points where he can bring a level of discomfort to the season that makes me hesitant to consider him truly great. Even despite that, though, he makes for incredible TV nine times out of ten, so I’m still glad he’s made it to endgame again.
Shane is the soul of Casaya, all of the incredible moments quoted to this day basically all come from Shane. He works so well with the rest of the tribe and how he and the rest of them are somehow able to control the game is baffling but also comedic gold.
You better believe I am getting him to endgame in Survivor Rankdown: All-Stars to do his damn writeup
Personal Rank: 4/821. 10/10.
When I was a kid, my bedtime was 8pm. However, because I was a little shit I would usually get out of bed usually about 30 to 50 minutes later and see what my Mom was watching on TV. This would be my first way I would experience Survivor for a while. My first experience were these two guys sitting at this set and one of the guys looked really cool with his beard and funky rainbow shirt. The next key Survivor memory I have is a challenge where they had to swim out and then down to get rings, but one guy drops him to the ocean floor, but then another guy goes down and goes “It was so deep…and I got it!” and that was really cool. I finally got a chance to see more than a couple minutes of an episode where I got to see most of this one episode where one team only had two people left on it, and I thought that they must stink at the game, and I was right cause they lost both challenges. Then my Mom started letting me watch the first half of the episodes about the jury phase of Guatemala, where I was rooting for Rafe cause I thought his name was cool. But finally, I got to experience my first real season right from the start, Survivor Panama Exile Island. Naturally, I needed to pick my favorite to root for in the season, and when I saw this one guy right at the start with hair that I thought looked cool and saw his name, I decided “Him. He’s my favorite”.
Shane Powers (5th Place, Panama)
Shane powers is my favorite survivor player of all time ever since I first saw him as a kid. I was worried on rewatch that I only liked him because I had nostalgia goggles on, but on rewatches I love him even more. The first episode actually greatly sets up who Shane is and what his story is going to be, which is actually pretty incredible considering all screen time is split between 4 teams, and La Mina wins immunity so they aren’t nearly as important for the focus of the first episode. He complains about how all his tribe wants to do is work and wants to call people out for being moronic. He also talks about how he just stopped smoking the day before coming out to the island, so he can’t lash out at anyone while he’s on this detox.
The next episode is when Shane hits a low point in the game. The shelter La Mina has isn’t finished when a huge rainstorm comes in, so they’re soaked, and wonders why he’s even out here cause he doesn’t need the money and misses his son. We also get two iconic lines back to back from him. Most remember the “No more torrential downpours sir god, no more of those!” line, but my favorite as a kid was “I do not like you flea!”. Luckily though, a swap happens and Shane gets first as “the cool guy with the Boston tattoo” to be on the new Casaya tribe and chooses Courtney to be on it. He then immediately starts trashing the season theme by complaining about how didn’t belong in the older men tribe because he was 34 going on 12 and prefers this new tribe as he doesn’t feel like wanting to leave at all. He even gets himself in a great spot strategically as Shane instantly forms an alliance with Aras, Courtney, and Danielle, swearing in his son to stay true and tells everyone that if they screw him he’ll kill them and tells them he’s serious when they laugh. However, that grace period ends quickly after they lose immunity, saying that Casaya is in dire straits and were wrecked physically, and now he was once again done with the game and wants to be voted out, which annoys everyone including the alliance he just made. However, he gets convinced by Aras to stick it out and he just needs water, so he decides to stay and immediately tells Cirie and Melinda to their face that they’re going home. Such a huge emotional roller coaster with Shane, and it's only the second episode.
The next couple episodes do set up a rhythm of how Shane’s experience on Casaya goes. For starters, he starts developing a big hatred for his two biggest allies, Danielle and Courtney. With Danielle, he feels like she doesn’t do nearly as much work as him or Aras, and argues with her about her aversion to working. He also gets annoyed with Courtney simply by the fact that she annoys him, and they end up bickering over everything. Another big part of Shane’s character is his big outbursts, the big one from episode three is when he gets a big rock to sit on and calls it his thinking seat, tells everyone that no one can sit on it, and when everyone laughs he starts yelling about how he just wants to sit on this rock.
These emotions boil over in episode 5 when Casaya loses immunity again, and originally he wants to vote out Bobby, but gets convinced by Aras to vote Bruce. So Shane makes a deal with Bobby, swearing on his son that he would keep Bobby around until final 6. But uh oh, the women of the tribe want to vote out Bobby now, which greatly annoys Shane cause he just promised Bobby that he would get Bobby to F6 and starts yelling at Courtney about it for some reason. He would throw his vote and Bobby went home, but he was so livid he yelled about how they made a bad decision due to Danielle’s emotions while everyone was trying to sleep. He basically wants out of the alliance but can’t because he swore on his son’s name. Luckily for him, all the women on the tribe want him out next, so when asked if he could take back his son’s name, they say yes immediately, and then he tells them that he can’t work with people who make their decisions emotionally and then tells them that they do nothing. At that point, even Aras was ready to vote Shane out. Luckily, they win immunity and go on a reward to a panamanian village. That’s where Shane manages to bum a cigarette off a local and gets an insane rush from it that somehow gives him the ability to make up everything with Danielle, allowing all to be forgiven.
Then the merge hits, and Shane ends up in a really good spot! Since Casaya are up in numbers when the merge hits, 6-4, and he quickly rallies all of Casaya to stick together, giving Shane an easy ride to final 7. That means we get a lot of great Shane moments! We get him asking Jeff to bring out a temptation during an immunity challenge, and when Jeff reveals he doesn’t have any, he just drops out. He complains about the people talking about the reward they won, saying “That’s a problem, I couldn’t finish my bacon cause there was too much”. We get Shane chowing Cirie his penis to check on a rash he’s getting and then him stuffing his face full of cheeseburger instead of doing the immunity challenge, and then says he overperformed at the immunity challenge cause he almost ate two cheeseburgers both in the same episode!
The biggest episode for Shane though was the touchy subjects episode. We do get the funny Shane moments at that challenge where he gets voted as “person who thinks they’re in control of the game” and “most moodiest person”, which he then proves by complaining about Courtney cutting him twice, saying that her life in the game is changing, specifically her enjoyment around camp. He also gets on his hands and knees begging Cirie to take him on reward, which she doesn’t. We also get the iconic Bruce medevac scene, where Shane helps carry Bruce out on a stretcher buck naked. But in the morning, Shane begins strategizing with Courtney, seeing her as a dream person to take to the F2 to beat. They solidify a plan to work together in the game, and then Shane proceeds to threaten to kill her in her shitty apartment if she betrayed him, much to Cortney’s annoyance because her apartment isn’t shitty! This would lead into Shane’s strategic downfall, as Cirie figures out how useful Courtney would be to take to the end while Shane is too busy using a piece of wood as a blackberry to allow him to communicate to people not on the island, and she organizes a Courtney vote, leaving Shane out of it. This shocks Shane when it happens, but gets assured that he is still good for F4 by Aras. This calms Shane down and makes him confident that he’s safe, when in reality he would be next to go if Terry won immunity again. And sure enough, Terry won immunity again and Shane gets blindsided at the vote, and instead of a huge meltdown which everyone was probably expecting, Shane brags about how he’s going to have a chocolate ice cream bar in one minute (extra emphasis on the one minute) before finally getting his torch snuffed.
So all of the above is great. Shane is clearly a goofy crazy character with a lot of funny moments and outbursts, and that makes him a great character, but that isn’t what makes him number one for me. What makes Shane the best for me and elevates him from a great character to a perfect character, is the love he has for his son. We see Shane himself explain how much Boston means to him, as when watching a part of his video from home, he begins to tear up and cry when seeing his son, calling him his son, his brother, his other half.It really resonates with me how much Shane clearly loves and cares for his son Boston out there, especially when you consider the status quo at the time was for men to keep their emotions under wraps. It's especially unique with Shane since usually people who are about their family play the game to win it for him, but for Shane it is what makes him want to leave. The first time he thinks about quitting is when he realizes how much he misses his son and questions why he’s even out there. He cares so much that when he uses his son’s name for promises, it ways on him deeply, like when he hated the people in his alliance but he was stuck with them due to using his son’s name and asking them to let him take it back instead of just outright betraying them, or being annoyed when the vote switches to Bobby cause he just promised on his son name to keep Bobby until F6. We were honestly robbed with that extra scene where Shane thinks he shouldn’t be there cause he’s missing his son’s birthday, so Courtney suggests the whole tribe sing happy birthday for him, and the whole tribe sits at the beach singing happy birthday while Shane just stares off into the night sky is just emotionally powerful. This all leads into the F5 reward challenge, where we learn that the reward for the challenge was the loved ones visit, where Boston shows up. But Terry already won, so it's up to him who gets love. It's generally tense because we know how much Shane hurts and misses his son, so when Terry lets Shane take Boston to the resort with him, it's just so emotionally powerful. In a way, after everything Shane had gone through, getting to finally see the son he missed the whole time he was there was probably better than winning the million dollars. That’s what makes Shane the perfect character to me, as even though he was crazy due to nicotine withdrawal and was high strung, at the end of the day, he was just a father who really missed his son, and I will always love that about him.
SMC0629: 15
DryBonesKing: 17
Zanthosus: 12
Tommyroxs45: 11
Regnisyak1: 4
DavidW1208: 1
ninjedi1: 1
Average Placement: 8.714
Total Points: 61
Standard Deviation: 6.651 (9th Highest)
submitted by mikeramp72 to SurvivorRankdownVIII [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:48 Gattsu2000 Theme Search: Characters that would make great villains/antagonists in "Pucca".

Theme Search: Characters that would make great villains/antagonists in submitted by Gattsu2000 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 04:56 its_whirlpool4 Events for Fri 6/7 - Sun 6/9

** ALL WEEKEND (FRI 6/7 - SUN 6/9) *\*
10 AM - 4 PM Pride Tea Party Snapdragon Tea, 115 Harvard Dr. SE We're celebrating the wonderful diversity in the LGBTQIA+ community! We welcome kids of all ages, and provide children’s menus upon request. Special gluten free/vegan/vegetarian menus available upon request. Reservations required
San Felipe de Neri Church Fiestas Old Town, 2005 N. Plaza St. NW Join us for our annual Fiestas celebration in Old Town! This year, we will be featuring amazing local musical artists, food trucks and fun for the entire family!
** BOTH SAT 6/8 AND SUN 6/9 *\*
9 AM - 4 PM FOCL Spring Book Sale Corrales Community Library, 84 W La Entrada, Corrales Thousands of books and media for $2 or less! Proceeds go to the Corrales Library. On Sun from 2-4pm, $5 Bag of Books deal
** Fri 6/7 *\*
Fri 5 - 9 PM ABQ Artwalk Downtown ABQ This edition we will be hosting a series of art markets, art exhibits, mural tours, performances & live art! Kick off our summer season!
Fri 6 – 10 AM Free Summer Fun National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, 601 Eubank Blvd. SE Presented by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of NM. Register to win $1000 that we'll give away at the end of the summer. Get signed up at each Free Summer Fun event! Jackie, Tony and Ryan are celebrating summer with a full summer of FREE SUMMER FUN. Admission is FREE as long as you're in by 10am!
Fri 12 – 5 PM School’s Out, Get Your Skates Out! Skate-O-Mania, 400 Paisano St. NE Starting June 3rd, we’re rolling every weekday from 12-5 PM. Enjoy all-day fun for just $10, including skate rentals if needed! Beat the heat with our brand-new air conditioners – we’re the coolest spot in town this summer!
Fri 5 – 8 PM Sublime Synergies: Interactions of Light and Ink Remarque Print Workshop, 3812 Central Ave SE, Ste 100B Join us for the opening of our annual photo and printmaking show! Featuring 27 artists from all over the country, showing an incredible variety of photo based prints and alternative photo techniques. (Refreshments and excellent conversation provided in addition to the art!)
Fri 5 – 8 PM ARTScrawl - Youth Pride Art Show and Fundraiser The Gallery ABQ, 8210 Menaul Blvd. NE This is a fundraiser for Casa Q House, which provides safe living and advocacy for LGBTQ+ youths. Plus art by George ‘Hauie’ Hayes III and Gwenda McLamb. Refreshments provided. Come join us!
Fri 5 – 10 PM All The Things Mini Cocktail Flight Party & Drawing Tractor Brewing, 118 Tulane Dr. SE It's our final day of New Mexico Craft Cocktail Week and we're featuring a flight of our All The Things ready to drink craft cocktails! Come get yourself a flight of four mini cocktails and be entered into a raffle to win some awesome Tractor swag. Choose between Paloma, Marg, Mule, Limeade, or ging lemonade. Then pick one to take home with you!
Fri 6 PM Boot Scootin' Boogie Night - Western Music & Wine Pasando Tiempo Winery, 3741 NM-528 NW Saddle Up for Country Western Night! Dust off your cowboy hats, shine up your boots, and get ready to two-step the night away. Live country music, wine, and a best-dressed contest. Music by @ roundthewayentertainment
Fri 6 PM Grand Opening Northeast Heights! Fan Tang, 9004 Montgomery Blvd. NE Lion dancer and firecrackers to ring in our newest store!
Fri 6 PM Country Social Dance CSP Dance Studios, 1624 Eubank Blvd. NE We'll be playing the best country music for dancing where you'll be able to practice your Country Two Step, Night Club, West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Cha Cha, Waltz, Rhythm Two Step, 4-count Swing, Line Dancing and more! $10 cash at the door. Don't forget we have a welcome lesson from 6:00-6:30pm
Fri 6 PM Science on Tap: Trials, Triumphs & Tragedy of EagleCam National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, 601 Eubank Blvd. SE Prepare to be captivated and enlightened by the EagleCam Project. Lead Engineer, Dr. Christopher Hays will present the trials, triumphs, and tragedy of EagleCam, a university project designed to provide the first-ever third-person view of a lunar landing. Embark on an extraordinary journey filled with adventure as we delve into the captivating saga of the Eagle Cam project. Discover the remarkable story of a group of daring college students who accepted the challenge to push the boundaries of innovation and exploration. Be inspired by their courage and dedication as they strive to achieve what no university has dared to dream before. Doors 6pm, presentation 6:30pm (tickets)
Fri 6 – 9 PM Pizza Paint & Craft Night Canvas and Coffee, 6700 4th St. NW, Los Ranchos Join us for a special Pizza Paint Night where kids will create a charming painting and a heartfelt craft, perfect for gifting to Dad on Father's Day. Ages: 6 and up. Parents are welcome too! Please Arrive Early: Doors swing open at 5:50 PM. Pizza Party: Drop your kiddos off hungry. We fill their bellies! Creative Projects: Each session offers a unique theme with TWO take-home art projects. All Supplies Provided: We’ve got everything your child will need. Materials may include canvas, wood, beads, ribbon, mod podge, glue, acrylic paint, watercolors, and more. Material Fee: $5.00, cash, due at drop-off. Special Dietary Needs: We understand Pizza is not every child's thing, so feel free to have them bring their own snack/meal. Drop-Off Class: Perfect for giving parents a break! However, parents are welcome to stay and join the fun (tickets $35)
Fri 7 PM Micky Cruz: Salsa Under the Stars Albuquerque Museum, 2000 Mountain Rd. NW Micky Cruz has performed extensively for many years as one of the premier acts taking the stage at the hottest clubs in the southwest, Casino nightclubs, and the big stages like Legends theatre and Las Vegas. Micky Cruz is an award winning Latino musician having received the coveted Los 15 Grandes award several times in past years, including one in 2010! He has conducted many TV interviews, and well as several hits on Radio! Micky's music is best described as Cumbia, Salsa, and Reggae with an interesting, refreshing twist where Micky has combined styles together and invented "Cumbegue" music. Totally unique, cumbegue music takes the best elements of cumbia-salsa-reggae and combines them into a very strong and danceable beat coupled with great melodic hooks and harmonies, then capped off with exciting soloing throughout the band. Featuring: Hugo Reyes, Ruben Garcia, Tony Gonzales, Giselle Cruz, Alex Perez, Stefa Cantu, Marissa Moreno, Sandra Valerio (tickets)
Fri 7 – 8:30 PM Zoo Music- Grupo Bella ABQ BioPark Zoo, 903 10th St. SW Bring the family to the the first Zoo Music of the summer to spend an evening with wildlife, food, and family fun. From Boleros to Cumbia to R&B, Grupo Bella can play it all! Rooted in Mexican tradition, resilience, and hope, seek to expand musical language with traditional Mexican instruments and inspire communal connection, story-sharing, and the joy of cultural pride. Their message is simple: “Somos de todos y la música está viva”...we belong to the people and the music is alive! Dusk is one of the more active times for animals and a great time to learn about the Zoo’s conservation initiatives. Gates 6 pm, Music 7 pm (tickets)
Fri 7 PM AND 8 PM Purple Rain Birthday Celebration Flix Brewhouse, 3236 La Orilla Rd. NW We're celebrating Prince's birthday with a special screening of PURPLE RAIN! Admission includes a free slice of birthday cake (tickets)
Fri 7 – 9 PM First Fridays Comedy Contest Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW First Friday's Comedy Contest is back with 10 of Abq's hottest up-and-coming comedians duking it out to see who is crowned this month's funniest comedian in the 505! Hosted by Rusty Rutherford, it's a battle to the last laugh. Come laugh, drink, and vote to decide the winner, at this FREE comedy show!
Fri 7 – 9 PM World's Best Trivia Poke Serrano, 3755 Southern Blvd. SE, Rio Rancho Enjoy a night of FREE TRIVIA, great food and drink specials, music and prizes - see you there!
Fri 8 PM An Evening of Comedy with Hari Kondabolu Historic Lobo Theater, 3013 Central Ave NE Comedian Hari Kondabolu is coming to The Historic Lobo Theater for an epic evening of comedy! (tickets)
Fri 8 – 10 PM Karaoke Sunday Service Motor Co., 2701 4th St. NW Drop in every other Friday! Great Drinks, Awesome Jams, Better People! Show us what you got and compete for prizes, free drinks and bragging rights!
Fri 8 PM – 12 AM Leftover Soul Sister, 407 Central Ave NW Leftover Soul, Albuquerque’s longest running vinyl only soul night returns! This month, DJ Leftovers is joined byguest DJ Garronteed from Santa Fe and live video mixing by No Reservations Production. Garronteed is a staple in the New Mexico party scene, building on his expertise by rocking analog and digital parties for over 20 years. Come get down to the funky sights and sounds of the golden era of soul! $5
Fri 8 PM – 2 AM DeeCee’s Soul Shakedown Reggae Party with Bobby Hustle & guests performing live Insideout, 622 Central Ave SW International reggae artist Bobby Hustle plus special guests Dre Z performing live at Albuquerque’s biggest reggae party. MC for the night Mister Kali. Resident DJs: Rootz Rocka, DJ La Ruda, Selectah C , & Selecta DeeCee will be bringing the best in reggae, dancehall, afrobeats, & remixes
Fri 9 PM Salsa Under the Stars After Party Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Salsa, Bachata, Meringue, Cumbia, and Reggaeton with DJ Tony and guests. On the patio. Keep the party going after the museum, or start your late night Latin dance party with us. On the patio every Friday after salsa under the stars. 21+
Fri 10:30 PM NME Movie Night: Buffy the Vampire Slayer The Guild Cinema, 3403 Central Ave NE Get ready for an electrifying night of vampire-slaying action! Join New Mexico Entertainment for an exclusive screening of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. With Earlybird presale tickets, you'll secure your spot for this thrilling event, and stand a chance to win door prizes from local businesses and organizations, including the renowned Bubonicon and the talented artist Jeremy Montoya. But hurry, only 59 presale tickets are available, so grab yours before they vanish into the night! For Buffy Summers (Kristy Swanson), nothing is the same after she meets Merrick Jamison-Smythe (Donald Sutherland). Merrick tells the teen that he's been sent to train her to fight vampires, and he proves himself by displaying his supernatural powers. Buffy is a quick study, and soon takes fellow student Oliver Pike (Luke Perry) under her wing, repeatedly saving him from fierce bloodsuckers. But, when a very dangerous vampire (Rutger Hauer) gets rambunctious, she must go to war again
** Sat 6/8 *\*
Sat 8 AM – 12 PM Downtown Growers' Market Robinson Park, 810 Copper Ave NW Every Saturday from 8 am - NOON! This vibrant community event connects local farmers, growers, artisans, wellness makers, and hot food vendors with the local community from mid-April to early-November. Bring friends / family or come solo to enjoy fresh food made on sight, a variety of seasonal produce, unique arts and crafts, live music, and special programming all in the heart of downtown
Sat 8 AM – 1 PM Pride in Nob Hill Tractor Brewing, 122 Tulane Dr. SE The Pride Parade is hitting Central and we're celebrating love at our Nob Hill location! We're opening super early at 8am and featuring some Cider-Momoas ,wait we mean Mimosas, our delicious house Bloody Mary and of course Micheladas or whatever you can dream up! Then the absolutely incredible DJ Kaleido will be hitting the turn tables at noon for your Pride Parade after party pleasure!
Sat 8 AM – 7:30 PM Juneteenth Celebration Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors Blvd. NW Join us for a FREE, all-ages, family-friendly, celebration, including live music, storytelling, a dance class, poetry, and more! There will also be food trucks, face painting from Arveyah Williams, and free Juneteenth shirts (while supplies last). 8:00am-9:30am A hike in the Bosque (call to reserve your spot), 10:00am -12:00pm What Happened to Blackdom? Presented by Historian Dr. Timothy E. Nelson (inside) (call to reserve your spot), 12:00pm -2:00pm Capoeira Workshop with North Star Capoeira (call to reserve your spot), 1:00pm-3:00pm Anthems of Belonging: For a New America (Music, dance, poetry) - Presented by Hakim Bellamy (Inside) (call to reserve your spot), 2:00pm Storytelling with Ms. Brenda Hollingsworth-Marley (outside), 2:30pm Arts and Crafts with Ms. Brenda Hollingsworth-Marley (inside), 2:30-3:30pm (Drumming and Flute ensemble with Jah Trupedors), 3:30-8:00pm Entertainment (B-Boy Crew Francois, Conservation Carnivale (black carnies), Poetry, Music by Sweet Roll, Music by DaJerney), 8:00-8:30pm Jah Tupedors Hopefully this group will close us out as things are being packed up and loaded (more info)
Sat 9 AM – 1 PM SUMMER AT THE MARKETPLACE - a patio pop-up event! Poulin Marketplace, 8600 Pan American Fwy NE, Ste B We’re hosting “Patio Pop-Up Events” to bring you one-of-a-kind items from the amazing artisans in our community. A rotating offering of local artisans display their goods between 9 AM and 1 PM every Sat, June thru July, excluding July 6. SIP delicious and refreshing summer specialty drinks. Try our new seasonal house-made blackberry syrup. Enjoy the glorious summer weather in the shade of our solar-powered patio. SHOP offerings from local artisans and Poulin Marketplace’s curated home + decor collection. BE INSPIRED by our space and stylings for creative ideas to transform your home!
Sat 10 AM – 4 PM Father’s Day Native Art Market FNCH Traditional Wellness Program, 634 Manzano St. NE There will be food, arts, crafts, & fun! Come visit our program offices to also learn more about the services we provide
Sat 10:15 AM – 2:30 PM Kaijune Arty Party New Mexico Ferments, 2506 Washington St. NE Celebrate with pride the magnificent monster within by stomping around the arty party creating your very own Kaiju! We welcome all monsters any age and size to join in the free for all Arty Party Kaijune!
Sat 11 AM – 2 PM Felines and Flowers: Rescue Adoption Event Osuna Nursery, 501 Osuna Rd. NE Join us for a purr-fect day filled with both paws and petals. Spread the love by finding forever homes for our furry friends from Jemez Angel Cat Rescue. There will be a meet and greet for a whole line up of angels of all ages. Whether you're looking for a new cuddle buddy or just want to enjoy the company of these charming felines, we welcome you with open paws! We'll be celebrating all day long with tasty treats and event exclusive discounts till close! Between our felines and flowers it's the perfect opportunity to secure new lifelong friends
Sat 11 AM – 5 PM Re Leaf & Myzfits Gallery presents “Summer Parking Lot Pop-Up” Releaf Cannabis Co., 5704 Lomas Blvd. NE Come join us for a day filled with vendors food, and entertainment!
Sat 11 AM – 5 PM Fun In The Sun ABQ Food Park, 6951 San Antonio Dr. NE Join us for a day filled with adventure and excitement. Climb to new heights on our thrilling rock wall, play in the water, challenge your friends and family to outdoor games, and indulge in delicious bites from our food trucks. Let your imagination run wild with our fantastic face painting station. Whether you want to become a fierce tiger or a magical unicorn, our talented artists will bring your vision to life. There's something for everyone, so gather your loved ones and make unforgettable memories together!
Sat 1 – 3 PM Beer Brewing Class - Advanced All Grain Southwest Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria Blvd. NE Take your beer brewing to the next level with our all grain brewing class. Learn everything you need to brew all grain recipes! You now have a couple of batches of beer under your belt, ready to take your skill to the next level? This class focuses on the transition from pure extract use to all grain brewing. We will go more in depth on the various ingredients and talk about recipe formulation. All Grain Brewing requires additional equipment that you didn’t need for extract brewing. Learn what that equipment is and how to utilize it. You’ll leave this class knowing everything required to start brewing beer 100% from scratch! NOTE: We recommend that you have taken our Beginner Brewing Brewing class or have some homebrewing experience prior to taking this class (tickets)
Sat 1 – 4 PM Hot Dog Fundraiser! La Cumbre Brewing, 3313 Girard Blvd. NE Come support our Valley Vikings 12U Pop Warner team at La Cumbre Brewing Company located at 3313 Girard. Cash, Debit/Credit Card, Cashapp, Paypal, and Venmo are all accepted! 100% of the profit goes to our team’s equipment, uniforms, and out of state travel!
Sat 1 – 4 PM RJ Perez at Summer Music Saturdays Canteen Brewhouse, 2381 Aztec Rd. NE We are so excited to kick off our Summer Music Saturdays with one of our favorites, RJ Perez! Join us for a chill afternoon on the patio with great beer, food and music!
Sat 2 PM 505 Blackened Death Fest Ren's Den, 900 4th St. SW Death Mantra, Nocturne, Inferno Antichrist, Rotten Intestines, Spectral Decay, Thrall, Eye, Stygian Rot, Holocaustic, Frail Limbs, Forbidden Witchery, Etherial Moon. $10 before 5pm, $15 after
Sat 3 – 6 PM Brewathlon Brew Lab 101, 3201 Southern Blvd SE, Rio Rancho Teams sign up to compete in the Pong and Cornhole tournament. $50 Per team of 2 people. All proceeds go to Honor Flight of Northern NM, which is a nonprofit organization to help veterans see monuments dedicated to them with all expenses paid. There are sponsorship spaces available! Help Honor Flight of Northern NM and to get your business out there with local community
Sat 3 – 8 PM Grand Opening Bosque West, 2220 Unser Blvd. NW Featuring performances by Sweet Roll, Hot Ham and the Crispi Boys, Baracutanga, and DJ Wild Wes. Photo Booth by Mobile Glam Shots. Featuring local vendors: 505 Resin Works, Tia Mom’s Cookies, Angels and Things, Blazen Glass Art, Jeanette’s Creative Designs, Love at First Bite, Haus of Flame, Balaté Naturals, Revenant Creations, Desert Spark Permanent Jewelry. Face Painting by Andrea’s Face Painting
Sat 4 PM Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Flix Brewhouse, 3236 La Orilla Rd. NW Join us for the first part of the cinematic journey of friendship and heroism in Middle-earth with our screening of Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (tickets)
Sat 4:30 – 6 PM Cuidando los Niños Fundraiser Cookie Class Sweet Pea Bakery, 2500 Central Ave SW Join us for a fun night out while making an impact in our community! Light House Studio and Sweet Pea Bakery are teaming up to host a cookie decorating class to benefit Cuidando los Ninos. This will be a full, 1.5 hour class where local cookie artist Katie Sacoman walks you through decorating three floral themed sugar cookies. Each participant also receives a personalized cookie with their name on it. 50% of each ticket sold goes to benefit Cuidando los Ninos, a local organization working to break the cycle of homelessness for children and families by providing high-quality early childhood education, case management, supportive housing, and parent education. *This class will be good for participants age 10+. You know your child best!* Tickets include: -Personalized cookie in a different flavor -Materials for class (Cookies, icing, etc.) -Guided instruction from a professional cookie decorator
Sat 5:30 PM Pottery on the Patio with Three On A Match LIVE Entertainment - $5 to reserve Kelly Jo Designs by Wine, 6829 4th St. NW Join our Saturday Night Pottery Social! Come PYOP (Paint Your Own Pottery). We have loads of shapes to choose from and staff artists ready to help get you on your way! Enjoy music by Three On A Match, starting at 7pm. Reserve your spot today! Seats are limited. The $5 fee will be applied to whichever shape you select to paint. You are welcome to paint any time between 5:30pm-9pm
Sat 6 PM Spring Season Community Event Mile High Little League, 725 Juan Tabo Blvd. NE End of the season celebration! Food and Fun! Showing Sandlot, bring blankets and chairs! Concessions will be open along with Pop-Pops ice. Raffle: 5 tickets $20 or $5 each, lots of prizes available! Bouncy houses, games, and water fun! Equipment exchange: bring your old equipment to donate. Used equipment will also be available for great prices, Cash only!
Sat 7 PM Swing Dance Night w/Albuquerque Jazz Orchestra Albuquerque Museum, 2000 Mountain Rd. NW Founded in 1982 by Pancho Romero, the 18-member AJO has been delighting audiences throughout the Southwest for more than thirty years. For many years under the leadership of trombonist John Sanks, the band has performed with an impressive list of guest artists, including Toshiko Akiyoshi, Pete Christlieb, Jim Pugh, Scott Wendholt, Dick Oatts, John Fedchock, Wayne Bergeron, Bob McChesney, Jeff Coffin, Butch Miles and jazz trumpet legend and Albuquerque native Bobby Shew, who served as the Musical Director of AJO from 2007 to 2010. The band features professional and semi-professional musicians, and public school and university educators. Come on out and dance! (tickets)
Sat 7 – 9 PM Sesh N' Flow at the Bside! Los Ranchos Bakery, 6920 4th St. NW, Los Ranchos Bring your mat and a friend and join us for a chill sesh and fun yoga flow! Please BYOB (no canna items for sale... and there's always plenty to go around) Limited space available, get your tickets early!
Sat 7 PM – 12 AM Women's Pride Dance Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Hot Flash ABQ Women's Pride Dance is back and better than ever, in conjunction with the electrifying Foxy Festival, celebrating all the Foxy people out there! Featuring the sensational beats of International DJ Tatiana and our very own Resident DJ - DJ Bex, get ready to dance the night away in a celebration of love and inclusivity. Dance your heart out to the pulsating rhythms. Explore our vendors offering unique treasures. Compete in thrilling contests and win amazing prizes. Indulge in delicious delights from our food truck(s). And for your safety and convenience, designated drivers will be available to ensure you and your car make it home safely - for a fee. By joining us, you'll also be supporting A Barking Chance Animal Rescue, as a portion of the proceeds from this event go to this worthy cause. Located at the Juno Brewery indoooutdoor space, we're proud to be the Official Women's Pride Headquarters, creating an atmosphere where everyone can come together and celebrate love in all its forms
Sat 8 – 11 PM Summer S'mores Marble Brewery Westside Tap Room, 5735 Night Whisper Rd. NW Join us every Saturday! Grab your s'more kit for $14 or $12 if your a current Brew Club Members (members must present a valid BC card) from 8-11pm. Kits make up to 8 s'mores (beverages not included), be sure to ask a server for details!
Sat 8:15 – 10:30 PM Movies in the Park - Emperor's New Groove Tiguex Park, 552 19th St. NW Presented by Recreation Division's Outdoor Adventure. Experience the hilarious and heartwarming journey of Emperor Kuzco on a giant outdoor screen, starting at dusk just after the sun sets at 8:20 p.m. Bring your friends, family, and a blanket for an unforgettable movie night in the park!
Sat 9 PM – 1 AM SABOR Latin Night - Guest DJ PEDRO Bama's 1865, 6007 Osuna Rd. NE DJ Gabriel Goza & friends will be serving you the saucy Salsa, Bachata, Cumbia, Merengue y Mas! UNM / CNM Students $5 cover, Ample Parking, Safe Environment, Beautiful Venue, Good Food, Good Music, Good Vibes. 21+ / $10 cover
submitted by its_whirlpool4 to ABQEvents [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:54 General_Ignoranse [TOMT] I need help to find a long lost favourite song!

It was a remix of the Tetris theme, that was already one of my favourite songs, but it sampled a couple of lines from the show ‘Peep Show’, specifically “it’s not all a conspiracy to keep us in little boxes… (maybe another line here) …and a little pill with a chicken on it is not going to change that. Now come on. Fuck off.” And then went into the Tetris theme remixed
I would have listened to it around 2008-2012, as I know I downloaded the mp3 from YouTube onto my blackberry. I used to listen to it on repeat and loved it so much, but when my blackberry broke I lost it, and haven’t been able to find it since!
submitted by General_Ignoranse to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:16 FancyInvestment397 Super Slots Casino Review for June 2024

Super Slots Casino Review for June 2024
Established in 2020, Super Slots Casino is already making a name as one of the top online casinos for US players. I found a fantastic casino offering, covering not just 382 slot titles, but a wide variety of blackjack, virtual poker, and other table games – alongside live dealers.
Super Slots
  • 82 slots titles from six leading developers
  • 17 blackjack and 15 virtual poker titles
  • Exceptionally user-friendly interface with extensive help & FAQ sections
  • High rollover requirements for bonuses (35x for welcome bonus)
  • Up to 15 business-day wait for bank wire payouts

Super Slots Key Details

Country Available: USA
Device Compatibility: Android, Apple, Windows & BlackBerry
Available Games: Slots, Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Keno, Video Poker…
Casino: Yes
Sportsbook: No
License: Panama Gaming Commission
Online Since: 2020
Min. Deposit: $20
Payout Speed: 48 hours – 15 business days
>>> Get Welcome Bonus 250% up to $6,000
Established in 2020, Super Slots Casino is already making a name as one of the top online casinos for US players. I found a fantastic casino offering, covering not just 382 slot titles, but a wide variety of blackjack, virtual poker, and other table games – alongside live dealers.
Super Slots is one of the most user-friendly sites I have reviewed and has a massive selection of banking methods to cater to a wide audience.
The welcome bonus is generous (250% up to $1,000) – although the rollover requirements are high.
I think this is a solid option for any online casino player.

Super Slots User Interface

In terms of usability, Super Slots has one of the best casino interfaces I have encountered. The tile-based format is easy to navigate, and the headings are neatly laid out, with search bars and a favorites section. Everything appears seamless.
Each heading displays the number of titles for each game type, and each game tile also reveals the game developer.
I was particularly impressed with the extensive help & FAQ section. This answered most of my questions without needing customer support, with walkthroughs and tips for various games. The bonus requirements were also easily visible.
My first impressions were that Super Slots is at the forefront of modern-casino web design, perhaps due to this casino being only a few years old. That said, I did find the basic purple color scheme to be quite plain. Highly functional, but not particularly exciting.

Super Slots Casino

There are over 470 game titles at Super Slots Casino, including 382 slot titles. These come from leading developers including BetSoft, Nucleus Gaming, Dragon Gaming, Rival Gaming, and more.
I was very impressed with the casino offering, which featured lots of variety in slot titles, table games, and virtual cards, amongst others.
There are also two live dealer casinos, split between Red Casino by Visionary iGaming – which also includes some virtual casino games – and Black Casino by Fresh Deck Studios.
I found this to be a comprehensive casino offering.


I saw 364 slot titles in the main casino, plus an additional 18 titles in the Red Live Casino, from six different developers. There was plenty of variety to keep me entertained, covering 3-reel and 5-reel slots, classic and modern themes, with both progressive and traditional jackpots on offer.
Furthermore, I noticed regular free spin bonuses. Quite simply, I thought this was a fantastic slot option that more than lives up to Super Slots’ namesake.
Here are some popular real money slots titles at Super Slots:
  • Golden Dragon Inferno (RTP = 96.41%)
  • Wilds of Fortune (RTP = 96.33%)
  • Genies Riches (RTP = 94%)
  • Primal Wilderness (RTP = 95.28%)


I loved the blackjack offering at Super Slots, which was more extensive than most competitors.
There were 17 blackjack titles in all – 14 in the normal casino and another three in the Red Live Casino, covering a wide range of variations from single and double deck blackjack to pirate 21.
The detailed blackjack walkthrough in the help section was very useful – laying out blackjack basic strategy, rules, and variations.
One standout feature was the Blackjack Tournament. This included free-to-play tournaments to test your skills – making it perfect for novice and less-experienced players. Meanwhile, the real-money tournaments come with cash prizes ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 for the top players.
This was an exciting new dynamic as I played against other players on the leaderboard for the big pot.
This is a must-visit for any virtual blackjack fan.
The game titles include:
  • Single Deck Blackjack
  • Multi-Hand Blackjack
  • Pirate 21
  • Double Deck Blackjack

Table Games

The selection of alternative table games was a very pleasant surprise – with these games sometimes neglected by casino rivals. I counted 15 roulette titles, two craps titles, four baccarat titles, three keno titles, and a host of other alternative and specialty games.
The number and variety of table games really helped keep the casino fresh for me once I had my fill of the slots/blackjack/poker titles.
For those unfamiliar with these alternative games, there are overviews and strategy guides for games including craps and baccarat.
Table games included:
  • Multihand Casino War
  • Andar Bahar
  • Teen Patti
  • Three Card Rummy

Video Poker

Overall, I thought there was a great video poker offering at Super Slots, with 15 virtual poker titles. Super Slots has four classic variants of this game, including Jacks or Better and Deuces Wild.
However, for me, it was in the alternative poker variants that Super Slots stood out from the crowd. I found eleven alternative variants, from Texas Hold ‘Em, to Pai Gow and Tri Card Poker.
The poker alternatives include:
  • Let It Ride
  • Tri Card Poker
  • Pai Gow
  • Caribbean Poker
  • Texas Hold ‘Em
  • Oasis Poker
  • 6Up Pocket Poker

Super Slots Live Dealers

Super Slots has excellent live dealer casino options, thanks to two separate live casinos.
I saw 10 blackjack live games, along with four roulette, two baccarat, and super 6 games at any one time in the Red Casino by Visionary iGaming.
Meanwhile, I counted 12 blackjack games, 1 baccarat, and 3 roulette live games in the Black Casino by Fresh Desk Studios.
Besides the live dealer aesthetics, there are several main differences between the two.

Red Casino

Red Casino contains 36 virtual casino game titles alongside live dealers, and you can play virtual mini-games within the live dealer games while you wait for a table.
I found the Red Casino has many opportunities to bet-behind on other players’ cards. Some of the games also have unlimited seats.
Red Casino buy-ins range from $5-5,000.
I thought these features were perfect for more casual players seeking some variety.

Black Casino

As a lover of blackjack, I was particularly impressed with the Black Casino. Black Casino is clearly geared toward committed card players.

The minimum buy-in was $10, although most games require $25 or $50 minimum buy-ins, with the range going all the way up to $20,000 for the most serious card players.
I would not venture into Black Casino without knowing what you’re doing. But it’s a great option if you are chasing serious money.

Super Slots Bonuses

I found a good range of online casino bonuses at Super Slots, including welcome, crypto, and referral bonuses, alongside free spins, competitions, and rebates.
The lack of a loyalty program was disappointing, and the rollover requirements are high compared to some competitors.
The bonus requirements were clearly visible – with no attempt to hide the small print.

Welcome Bonus: Up to $6,000 total

The welcome bonus is spread across the first six deposits, which is worth up to a massive $6,000 in total.
On the first deposit (SS250) you can claim 250% up to $1,000.
On the next five deposits (SS100) you can claim 100% up to $1,000.
  • Minimum deposit = $20
  • Rollover = 35x
  • Need to claim winnings within 30 days
  • Only valid for certain games titles
  • Not valid in live casino

Crypto Bonus: 400% up to $4,000

The crypto bonus is very high value, worth 400% up to $4,000 on your first crypto deposit. Be warned though – the rollover requirement is very extensive.
  • Minimum deposit = $20
  • 48x rollover
  • Need to claim winnings within 30 days
  • Only valid for certain games titles

Referral Bonus: 20% up to $200 + 50 free spins

The referral bonus matches many competitors and has a very low rollover requirement to claim. You get 20% up to $200 on your referral’s first deposit, plus 50 free spins.
  • Referral must rollover at least equal to the deposit

Weekly Rebate: 10%

The weekly rebate is there to soften the blow if you go on a losing streak. You can reclaim up to 10% of your losses, from Monday to Friday.
  • Up to a maximum of $250
  • You must have lost at least $1,000 that week
  • Can only be claimed once a week
  • 40x rollover

Refer a Friend

The refer-a-friend bonus is a great way to earn free spins and bonus cash to strengthen your bankroll even more. In Super Slots, you can enjoy a bonus of 200% up to $200 and 50 free spins on Take Olympus for recruiting a new member.
  • The bonus is issued after the referred player’s initial deposit is rolled over 1x or the initial deposit has reached the 30-day hold time.
  • The bonus is issued weekly, every Tuesday.

The Best Super Slots Bonus Codes

These are the best deals currently found at Super Slots. If a code is needed you will find the Super Slots bonus code in the third column. If a code isn’t needed you will simply need to click to claim the offer.

Rollover and Playthrough Requirements at SuperSlots.ag

You know the old saying, “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” This adage rings true when it comes to wagering and rollover requirements at Super Slots online casino. If Super Slots bonus codes could be used and instantly cashed out, the site would go out of business.
Rollover is the number of times each bonus dollar is expected to be played before it is eligible for a withdrawal. A bonus offer with a 10x rollover means that the player has to risk the equivalent of 10x their initial deposit. Only then can they collect their payout.
If these requirements were not put into place by Super Slots and every other online casino, people would be joining just to claim their welcome bonus offer and run off with the money.
Rollover ensures that the money is actually played through the gaming machines, allowing games to get their fair share of use. Rollover also allows the casino to make a profit.
For more information on rollover requirements,visit SuperSlots.ag and check out the promotions page. All terms and conditions are listed, including information with regard to rollover.

Super Slots Mobile Experience

I found Super Slots operates seamlessly on mobile devices thanks to its sleek modern design, with full access to all the game titles.
There is no need to download anything – just simply hop onto your mobile web browser.
Unlike some older casinos, Super Slots was founded in the mobile gambling era, as the website is fully designed with this in mind.

Super Slots Banking Options

I found Super Slots to be a standout option in terms of the range of payment methods accepted – for both crypto and alternative methods.
There are a total of 18 different crypto methods available, exceeding many competitors. As with most online casinos, crypto methods have higher deposit and withdrawal limits, have faster processing (all within 48 hours) and no fees.
In addition, all the main traditional methods are accepted, including credit cards, checks, cash, and wire transfers. These methods do carry some withdrawal fees and lengthier processing times.
However you like to pay and receive money, Super Slots has you covered.

All crypto payouts take less than 48 hours and have no fees. Traditional payouts take anywhere from 5 to 15 business days depending on method. Traditional payouts also carry fees that vary depending on withdrawal amount.

Super Slots Customer Support

I found only two options for contacting customer support at Super Slots – email and live chat.
The live chat operators were quick-to-respond and courteous. When inquiring as to the RTP for slots titles, the operator actively followed up with their support team to help me out.
I was very impressed with the FAQ and help sections, which were well organized and answered most of my queries eliminating the need to speak with anyone.

Safety and Security at Super Slots

Although only founded in 2020, Super Slots has a solid background. It has a Panama Gaming Commission license, operates with tried-and-trusted gaming developers, and utilizes industry-standard SSL data encryption technology.
I had no problems with monetary transactions. Despite its youth, Super Slots is safe and secure, with a good reputation.

Final Verdict on Super Slots: 4.5/5

You will find few other casinos that match Super Slots for their number and variety of slots, blackjack, virtual poker, and alternative table game titles. For casino-lovers, the bonuses are high value, although you may find the rollover requirements excessive if you are a casual player. I loved the flexibility of live dealer options, with Red catering to casual players, and Black to committed card players.
The website design is one of the most user-friendly layouts I have reviewed. Super Slots is also an industry leader in terms of the range of accepted payment methods. All-in-all, I recommend Super Slots as a brilliant all-around casino option.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to bestcasinosusa [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:18 amorealty Star-Studded Tennessee: Exploring Celebrity Homes in the Volunteer State

Celebrity homes in Tennessee offer a glimpse into the lavish lifestyles and unique tastes of some of the entertainment industry's biggest stars. From sprawling estates nestled in the rolling hills of Nashville to secluded retreats in the mountains of East Tennessee, these properties showcase the opulence and luxury that define the homes of the rich and famous.
One of the most iconic celebrity homes in Tennessee is the former estate of country music legend Johnny Cash. Known as "Casa Cash," this sprawling property is located in Hendersonville, just outside of Nashville. The estate features a main house, guest house, and recording studio, all situated on over 100 acres of picturesque land overlooking Old Hickory Lake. Casa Cash served as a creative sanctuary for Cash and his family, inspiring many of his greatest hits and providing a serene retreat from the pressures of fame.
Another notable celebrity home in Tennessee is Blackberry Farm, a luxury resort and private estate nestled in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. Owned by superstar couple Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock, Blackberry Farm boasts over 4,200 acres of pristine countryside, complete with luxurious accommodations, gourmet dining options, and world-class amenities. The couple's private residence on the property offers stunning mountain views and unparalleled privacy, making it the perfect escape for busy celebrities seeking relaxation and tranquility.
In Nashville's prestigious Belle Meade neighborhood, country music power couple Tim McGraw and Faith Hill own a magnificent estate known as "Chateau de Gracieux." This sprawling mansion features French-inspired architecture, lush gardens, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. With over 750 acres of land, including a private lake and equestrian facilities, Chateau de Gracieux offers the ultimate in luxury living for its celebrity owners.
Music mogul Taylor Swift also calls Tennessee home, with several properties in the Nashville area. One of her most notable residences is a historic mansion located in the affluent suburb of Belle Meade. Built in the 1930s, this grand estate boasts classic Southern charm and elegance, with sprawling grounds, manicured gardens, and a private pool. Swift's love for historic homes is evident in the meticulous restoration and renovation of the property, which she has lovingly preserved while adding her own personal touches.
In addition to traditional estates, Tennessee is also home to some unique and unconventional celebrity residences. Pop icon Justin Timberlake owns a stunning penthouse condo in downtown Nashville, offering panoramic views of the city skyline and easy access to the vibrant nightlife and cultural attractions of Music City. The sleek and modern interior features state-of-the-art amenities and luxurious finishes, reflecting Timberlake's signature style and impeccable taste.
Country music superstar Dolly Parton is another Tennessee native who owns a one-of-a-kind property in the Great Smoky Mountains. Known as "Dollywood," this sprawling theme park and entertainment complex attracts millions of visitors each year with its thrilling rides, live shows, and family-friendly attractions. Parton's personal residence on the property is a cozy log cabin nestled in the mountains, providing a serene retreat for the beloved singer-songwriter when she's not entertaining fans on stage.
In recent years, Tennessee has become an increasingly popular destination for celebrities seeking privacy, natural beauty, and a slower pace of life. With its picturesque landscapes, vibrant music scene, and rich cultural heritage, the Volunteer State offers a welcoming and idyllic setting for celebrities looking to escape the spotlight and enjoy a taste of Southern hospitality.
Whether it's a historic mansion in Nashville, a secluded retreat in the mountains, or a chic urban condo in downtown, celebrity homes in Tennessee reflect the diverse tastes and lifestyles of their famous owners. From country music icons to Hollywood A-listers, these luxurious properties offer a glimpse into the glamorous world of celebrity living and showcase the best that Tennessee has to offer.
submitted by amorealty to TennesseeApartments [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:33 BoogaBonkHonk ok who made this font i KNOW it's one of yall

ok who made this font i KNOW it's one of yall submitted by BoogaBonkHonk to AzumangaPosting [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:18 its_whirlpool4 Events for Fri 5/31 - Sun 6/1

** ALL WEEKEND (FRI 5/31 - SUN 6/2) *\*
Pride Tea Party Snapdragon Tea, 115 Harvard Dr. SE We're celebrating the wonderful diversity in the LGBTQIA+ community! We welcome kids of all ages, and provide children’s menus upon request. Special gluten free/vegan/vegetarian menus available upon request. Reservations required
6:30 PM Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Flix Brewhouse, 3236 La Orilla Rd. NW The rebellion begins. With their warning about Lord Voldemort's return scoffed at, Harry and Dumbledore are targeted by the Wizard authorities as an authoritarian bureaucrat slowly seizes power at Hogwarts. Experience the fifth Harry Potter movie on the big screen - along with some Butterbeer! (tickets)
** BOTH SAT 6/1 AND SUN 6/2 *\*
Sat 10 AM - 8 PM, Sun 10 AM - 6 PM Wild West Frontier Festival Wildlife West Nature Park, 87 E. Frontage Rd., Edgewood Ready to step back to the 1880's where the frontier was free, towns had merchant shops, boutiques, saloons, gambling, gold miners, gunfighters, a Sheriff and a jail. If that sounds amazing and fun, then come down and visit Jamestown. Come and see the exciting shows, campfire songs, leather crafters, gold panning, horse rides and petting zoo, all Wild West gunfights, saloons, food markets, chili competition, bbq cooking, Country Barn Dance, old fashioned chuck wagon dining. Western wear is encouraged but not required, clothing shops, local entertainment, local breweries, kids games and some for adults too (tickets)
12:30 - 3:30 PM SOLARIS - Andrei Tarkovsky's 1972 sci-fi masterpiece as part of our Arthouse Classics Series! The Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave NE Check out the trailer. Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky - 1972 - 166m - Russia - In Russian with English subtitles. Ground control has been receiving mysterious transmissions from the three remaining residents of the Solaris space station. When cosmonaut and psychologist Kris Kelvin is dispatched to investigate, he experiences the same strange phenomena that afflict the Solaris crew, sending him on a voyage into the darkest recesses of his consciousness. With Solaris, the legendary Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky created a brilliantly original science-fiction epic that challenges our conceptions about love, truth, and humanity itself (tickets)
3 - 6 PM New Mexico Take Over Alley Kats Tap Company, 222 Truman St. NE Level up as a dancer and connect to our expanding New Mexico dance community! The New Mexico Takeover Weekender is your passport to an immersive dance experience, featuring the best of salsa (Cuban, On1, On2), Bachata, and Zouk. Learn from New Mexico’s Finest: Get exposure to the top local instructors who are ready to share their passion and expertise. Expand Your Dance Horizons: Whether you're a beginner or an advanced dancer, enhance your skills across various Latin dance styles. Connect and Collaborate: Join a growing community, uniting dance enthusiasts and dance schools from all corners of New Mexico. Immerse Yourself: Enjoy an immersive learning environment that enriches your mind/body connection and opens up new avenues to dance. Experience a Movement: Beyond just technique, this weekend is about growing together, embracing diverse dance forms, and creating a united dance community in New Mexico. Get your pass now and be part of this unforgettable weekend of dance, learning, and community
** Fri 5/31 *\*
Fri 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Painting and Pastries with a Purpose Flying Roadrunner Bakery, 303 Romero St. NW Join Create U 505 and NM House Rabbit Society for a relaxed acrylic painting class! Proceeds benefit NMHRS and all the foster buns in their care. Ticket includes 9"x12" canvas, all supplies, instruction and one freshly baked pastry. The theme of the painting is "Bunnies & Berries"
Fri 6 PM 90’s Game Night Canteen Brewhouse, 2381 Aztec Rd. NE Come play some of your favorite 90’s board games! We will have nostalgic 90’s board games available to play all night long. Come kick off our 30th anniversary weekend with fun games the whole family will love! *This is a family friendly event. All minors must be accompanied by an adult
Fri 7 PM RIG Coffee & Garage - Season 3 Premiere Rust is Gold Coffee, 3732 Eubank Blvd. NE Premiere of Season 3 of the Coffee & Racing webseries on YouTube, highlighting our adventures at Biltwell 100. Join us for a live screening and music performance by featured artist Benny Bassett Music. Drink specials, giveaways, and a quick Q&A
Fri 8 PM Movie In The Park - Inside Out ABQ Food Park, 6951 San Antonio Dr. NE Free Entry! Reserve tickets now! *Movie will start at sunset. Please be patient as show time may vary* Join us for a magical movie night under the stars. We'll be screening Inside Out, the perfect lead-in to the upcoming release of Inside Out 2 in theaters. Bring your blankets, chairs, and appetite for a memorable evening. Arrive early to get your face painted by Local Locas Facepainting and truly become a part of the fun. Please refrain from bringing outside food or drinks as we have a diverse selection of food options available
Fri 8 PM Strange Mix Insideout, 678 Central Ave NW Dj Brad Cole will be playing a “Strange Mix” of Music Videos. A nostalgic return to the darker side of Alternative Classics, 80’s 90’s Dark Wave, New Wave, Industrial, EBM, Electro, Punk, Glam. Artists like NIN, The Cure, Peter Murphy, Ministry, Nick Cave, David Bowie, Joy Division, VNV Nation, Sisters of Mercy, Love and Rockets, The Clash, TKK, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Violent Femmes, New Order, Depeche Mode, Miss Kitten, Front 242, Gary Numan, Erasure, Duran Duran, Bauhaus. $10 cash, $12 CC
Fri 8 – 11 PM AfroBeats Night- 420 Friendly Herban Oasis Apothecary, 2308 Eubank Blvd. NE 420 friendly AfroBeats night! Where we smoke and vibe to some of our favorite AfroBeats, Konpa and reggae music! Dab bar closes at 10 pm, lounge closes at 11! Bring a friend
Fri 8 – 11 PM Soul & Rocksteady All Vinyl Night Tractor Brewing, 1800 4th St. NW At Barrio Hi-Fi Collectivo, music isn't just a sound-it's a way of life. We believe in the power of music to transcend boundaries, unite communities, and uplift the human spirit. With each electrifying set, we strive to create moments of pure joy and connection, spreading love and positivity to all who hear our beats. With a passion for cumbia, soul, disco, boogie, reggae, classic ska, funk, 80's R&B, 90's freestyle and everything in between, our Collectivo brings the groove wherever we go. We are Selector RootzRocka, Dj La Ruda and Dj ThreeDeuceLuce. We are excited to bring you a night of all vinyl selections! We continue our monthly free event to share our love of music and vinyl!
Fri 8 PM - 12 AM Black & Gold Kick-Off Party Hotel Andaluz, 125 2nd St. NW $10 pre-sale $12 at the door. Theme: Black & Gold. Get ready to dance the night away at our salsa and bachata social & join us at a new venue! A collaboration between Pachanga Productions & Metta Dance Collective. DJ Gabriel Goza & DK Karla will keep your gold and black shining on the dance floor. You’ll find the dance floor at the Ibiza Bar & Patio located on the 2nd floor in the SW corner. Hotel Andaluz offer 20 valet spots, arrive early and snag one! The parking lot adjacent to the hotel charges $1 for every 30 min, and of course there’s always street parking. Food and drinks available at the venue
Fri 9 PM – 12 AM Triple Nickle Band Dirty Bourbon, 9800 Montgomery Blvd., Ste 4 We are stoked to be back! Always a great time at this awesome venue! Show starts at 9pm, but might wanna show up a bit early to grab a seat, a drink, and warm up those dancing boots!
** Sat 6/1 *\*
Sat 8 AM June Volunteer Cleanup Historic Fairview Cemetery, 700 Yale Blvd. SE We are an all-volunteer organization who needs your help keeping our cemetery clean and weed free. Please bring tools, gloves and sunscreen. Trash bags, water and snacks will be provided. This month's cleanup will be headed by Gail Rubin!
Sat 8 AM – 12 PM Downtown Growers' Market Robinson Park, 810 Copper Ave NW Every Saturday from 8 am - NOON! This vibrant community event connects local farmers, growers, artisans, wellness makers, and hot food vendors with the local community from mid-April to early-November. Bring friends / family or come solo to enjoy fresh food made on sight, a variety of seasonal produce, unique arts and crafts, live music, and special programming all in the heart of downtown
Sat 8:30 – 10 AM Polly's Run 2024 Tiguex Park, 1800 Mountain Rd. NW Polly’s Run, a non-profit road race, is an annual 5K Run/Walk and Kids’ K road race honoring Polly Rogers and all the loved ones we have lost to pancreatic cancer. The purpose of the race is to raise awareness and funds for pancreatic cancer research (register)
Sat 9 AM – 12 PM Family Fit Fun Fest North Domingo Baca Park, 7520 Corona Ave NE Bring your whole family to our 3rd annual Family, Fit, Fun Fest to learn about keeping fit and healthy - mentally, physically, and emotionally. Interactive Community Booths - Learn new skills and discover ways to keep your mind and body healthy and active as you visit interactive booths lead by community partners, which will include hands-on activities, games, puzzles, and brain teasers, interactive lessons in martial arts, dance, mindfulness, information on youth classes, clubs, and teams, opportunities to meet local health care providers, mental health, nutrition, eye care, and dental care for your whole family. Live Demonstrations & Performances - Watch a variety of community partners perform live karate, taekwondo, tap dance, yoga, cheer, jump rope, Ballet Folklorico, and more. Then join them, as you try some of the moves for yourself in step-by-step demonstrations. Obstacle Courses, Appearances & Food Trucks - Climb to the top of a rock-wall, make your way through an obstacle course, try the football toss or the baseball toss, shoot a hockey puck, or score a goal at interactive stations around the event! Meet and take photos with local sports teams and/or mascots and stop by the Menchie's Froyo Mobile for a sweet treat (RSVP for a confirmation email with more details)
Sat 9 AM – 1 PM SUMMER AT THE MARKETPLACE - a patio pop-up event! Poulin Marketplace, 8600 Pan American Fwy NE, Ste B We’re hosting “Patio Pop-Up Events” to bring you one-of-a-kind items from the amazing artisans in our community. A rotating offering of local artisans display their goods between 9 AM and 1 PM every Saturday, June thru July, excluding July 6. SIP delicious and refreshing summer specialty drinks. Try our new seasonal house-made blackberry syrup. Enjoy the glorious summer weather in the shade of our solar-powered patio. SHOP offerings from local artisans and Poulin Marketplace’s curated home + decor collection. BE INSPIRED by our space and stylings for creative ideas to transform your home!
Sat 11 AM Special Olympics NM Summer Games UNM Track Field & Soccer Complex, 1800 Avenida Cesar Chavez SE We will be throwing the largest Foam Party NM has ever seen!
Sat 11 AM - 1 PM Saturday at the Refuge Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, 7851 2nd St. SW Enjoy live performances from Conservation Carnival. Participate in exciting ranger-led activities. Get creative with arts and crafts. Explore the beauty of the refuge with free shuttle rides. Bring your family and friends for a fun-filled day in nature!
Sat 11 AM – 2 PM Read with a Bird! Color Wheel Toys, 6855 4th St. NW, Bldg D Stop by for all ages story time provided by Birds of a Feather Parrot Rescue. There will be a contained bird present to visit with while you hear a bird story! Storytimes are at 11 am, 12 pm and 1 pm. You can also work on a free bird craft in our workspace. Birds of a Feather Parrot rescue is asking for a $5 donation per family - all proceeds help them take care of surrendered birds and get them into long term loving homes. Do you have toilet paper or cardboard tubes? Pool noodles or popsicle sticks? If you have some to spare, bring them with you - the parrot rescue uses them to provide bird enrichment for their feathered friends
Sat 11 AM - 7 PM Pride Bake Sale Fundraiser for Santuario de Karuna Vegos, 2904 Indian School Rd. NE Featuring Pride rainbow themed goodies including SDK Signature treats: Sugar cookies, chocolate peanut butter cups & of course our best selling Banana Bread! Plus rice crispy treats, Cosmic Brownies and more! Come have a delicious lunch or dinner and enjoy some baked goodies as well! We will be out on the Patio! We will also have a new batch of the new St. Francis bags that are a must have! Reminder: Vegos has moved from Carlisle to Indian School
Sat 12 PM Show Your Colors Green Jeans Food Hall, 3600 Cutler Ave NE Join us for a Pride Kickoff Party where we celebrate self-expression and unity within our community. This event is not only a celebration of diversity but also a fundraiser for local non-profits, where every contribution helps support our shared values. We will have music, drag performances, and more. Let's come together, show our true colors, and kick off Pride season!
Sat 12 – 6 PM Caribbean Celebration Manzano Mesa Park, 501 Elizabeth St. SE Join New Mexico Entertainment Magazine and Corrie Griffith of Big Happy Productions as we present the Caribbean Celebration in honor of Caribbean-American Heritage Month. The event features the culture through cuisine, music, clothing, and more, with performances and music by: Boomroots Collective, DaJarney, DJ La Ruda, Dre Z Melodi, Elovated Roots, Selector RootzRocka, Vibestrong (tickets)
Sat 12 - 9 PM Canteen's 30th Anniversary Party Canteen Brewhouse, 2381 Aztec Rd. NE What’s the 411? We are turning 30! We have been making fly brews since ’94 and we are celebrating by bringing you fresh 90’s fun all day long! Our 30th anniversary party is going to be all that and a bag of chips with live music all day, games, giveaways, and 90’s themed merch. Food, beer, and non-alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase. This is a family and pet friendly event! We hope you stop by to celebrate with us, we appreciate the support of our customers and community. Canteen Prize for the best 90's costume! Anyone born in 1994 gets a prize! Mug Club Appreciation- 12-1pm: Mug club members stop by for a Mug club special prize! Le Chat Lunatique 1-2:30pm, Squash Blossom Boys 3-4:30pm, Doso Dirtbags 5-6:30pm, Carli’s Angels 7-9pm
Sat 12 – 10 PM Pride Celebration Bow & Arrow, 608 McKnight Ave NW Special Beer Collab Launch @ omegayeast. @ adobedisco 7-10pm
Sat 1 – 10 PM Pridezilla 2024 Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW Two stages roaring with local talent, benefitting Teen 'Mpower ABQ, all ages, $10 suggested donation. Emcee Nick FurioStylz. MegaBabe, Clark Libbey, Lexie Jay with Sunshine Ray, Twisted Mojo, Shoulder Voices, Sin Limite, A Band Named Sue, The Directory, Mint Green Elephants, Blame It on Rebekkah, Whatevs, Saint of Trains, True Story House Duo, Cult of Chaz, Amy Rosette, Andrew Torn, Papa Fierce, Tony Travis, Qari Booth, Leonine, Manda Baca, Dr. Doomsday (more info)
Sat 2 – 5 PM Live Music and Adoption Event OutPost 1706 Brewhouse, 301 Romero St. NW, Ste 205 Live music with Nashville singesongwriter Lani Nash and an adoption event for Cross My Paws Animal Rescue
Sat 3 – 6 PM Community Job Fair Kirtland Park, 300 University Blvd. NE We welcome all community residents and their families to come to this picnic and enjoy a day of fun. There will be food, awesome games, prizes, activities, and fellowship, as well as a drawing for gift baskets for adults and seniors. Bring your blankets, lounge chairs, and umbrellas to enjoy a fun afternoon in the park. Local businesses will come out to search for potential employees, so bring your resumes. For more info, Isshin Ryu Club 505-910-8801
Sat 3 – 8 PM Evening in Paradise 2024 Paradise Hills Park, 10111 Chaparral St. NW Hosted by Commissioner Walt Benson, this delightful and free event promises a fantastic time for the entire family, featuring a vibrant showcase of local music and entertainment that will captivate audiences of all ages. Explore the creativity of talented artisans displaying their unique crafts, enjoy whimsical face painting for children, and experience the thrill of soaring through the air on the exciting zipline. As the evening winds down, stick around for the kickoff of the BernCo Movies in the Park series. We are thrilled to present a special screening of the 2023 movie, "Wonka," under the stars
Sat 4 – 7 PM ALL REZ Kickoff Celebration Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, 500 University Blvd. NE *Registration on our Eventbrite page is not required but appreciated* The Maxwell and Axle Contemporary are proud of their partnership with Diné photographer Rapheal Begay and independent curator Lillia McEnaney. ALL REZ: Kéyah, Hooghan, K'é, Iina / Land Land, Home, Kinship, Life is a traveling, site-specific, experimental photography exhibition and museological project. While the Maxwell will feature an installation opening on May 4, 2024, of Begay's photography documenting his perspectives of these cultural themes within the landscape, the traveling portion of ALL REZ will begin June 6, 2024, and take Begay's photographs back to his home community in the Axle Contemporary mobile artspace. The interior of the truck will be transformed into a welcoming space for reflection and conversation with the artist about his photographs and the cultural content held therein. As an exercise in creative place-making with the goal of fostering active storytelling, ALL REZ centers the voices and experiences of Dine community members, offering a reciprocal process of exhibition-making. At the ALL REZ: Kickoff Celebration, enjoy a unique public event in which we will have the actual Axle Contemporary Truck at the museum before it goes on its journey into and throughout Diné Bikéyah (Navajo Nation). Light fare, refreshments, and music in the museum courtyard! Rapheal Begay is a visual storyteller based in the Navajo Nation. Informed by cultural teachings and land-based knowledge, he activates landscape photography and oral storytelling traditions to document and celebrate the Diné way of life. Housed in a custom retrofitted 1970 aluminum delivery truck, Axle Contemporary is an art gallery on wheels that activates unusual venues, such as schools, restaurants, grocery stores, and city streets, thus, expanding artists' reach to diverse communities. Lillia McEnaney is a museum anthropologist, independent curator, and freelance arts writer based in Santa Fe
Sat 6 – 9 PM Gone Country Saturdays with DJ Dollabill Ponderosa Brewing, 1761 Bellamah Ave NW Kick off the evening with free dance lessons at 5 pm, followed by family-friendly music until 9 pm
Sat 6 – 10 PM Pride Kick Off & Night Market Black Wall Gallery, 2125 San Mateo Blvd. NE Music, Art, Food, Fun and Celebration AND THE FIRST NIGHT MARKET OF THE SEASON!
Sat 7 – 9 PM Rise - Pride Concert St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 5301 Ponderosa Ave NE Join Encantada: The Band of Enchantment for our annual Pride concert as we Rise Up and Rise Above the challenges of our time. NM premiere of RISE: a gay games anthem. Free concert
Sat 7 - 11 PM Pride on the Sky Deck Marble Brewery, 111 Marble Ave NW Join us for another Pride on the Sky Deck - A Drag Show Benefitting Equality New Mexico and celebrating our LGBTQ+ community! Come down to the Marble Sky Deck patio for a night of Drag hosted by Vanessa Patricks with music by DJ Justin Cristofer. Tickets cost $15 per person, 100% of proceeds go to Equality New Mexico. 21+ ONLY. Must have a valid ID
Sat 7:30 PM Nightscapes: Urban Photography Meetup On The Plaza In Old Town Many people don't think about nighttime being a good time to do photography since there's a lack of light. However, armed with knowledge about your camera's settings and the properties of light, nighttime photography can be a lot of fun. You'll learn about the best camera settings for nighttime photography. We'll also explore the kinds of light available to us and how to use that light to make some awesome photos. As always, there are exercises that will help you put your new knowledge to work (register)
Sat 7:30 – 10 PM West Coast Swing Social Dance CSP Dance Studios, 1624 Eubank Blvd. NE Join Strictly Swing NM for a fun night of West Coast Swing dancing! Great music and a fun group of dancers. There will also be a little bit of Country Two Step and Night Club Two Step to mix things up. Come out and dance with us! No partner necessary. @ CSP Dance Studios. $10
Sat 8:30 PM Movies in the Park: WONKA Paradise Hills Park, 10111 Chaparral St. NW The smell of popcorn is in the air as we're warming up the old projector to resume our Movies in the Park series! This is a great opportunity for families & friends to enjoy the great outdoors while enjoying some of their favorite movies. There is no cost to attend, and movies will always start at sundown (weather permitting). The first movie to kick off our summer series is "Wonka," which will play outside at Paradise Hills Park at the end of our #EveningInParadise event (more info)
Sat 8:30 PM – 1 AM SABOR Latin Night - EDUCATORS' NIGHT! Bama's 1865, 6007 Osuna Rd. NE DJ Gabriel Goza will be serving you the saucy Salsa, Bachata, Cumbia, Merengue y Mas! Ample Parking, Safe Environment, Beautiful Venue, Good Food, Good Music, Good Vibes. 21+ / $10 cover / NO COVER BEFORE 10 PM
Sat 9 PM sumthin sumthin Backstage at Revel ABQ, 4720 Alexander Blvd. NE Galaxy Presents: sumthin sumthin w/ support from Galaxy, Geezy, Wyatt Lawson. Coming from the small surf town of San Clemente, California, Conrad Woodul, better known as sumthin sumthin has become one of the most highly admired artists within electronic music in just a few years. His passion for music was born at age four; creating drum sets in his kitchen with pots and pans and kitchen utensils. A few years later he picked up the electric guitar followed by the piano, teaching himself how to write and compose music before taking lessons. After playing in bands for some time he decided he wanted to have full control over the music he was creating and found his way into producing electronic music. Beloved by both the underground and the mainstream, his ability to bridge lightness and darkness is evident throughout his discography and cements sumthin sumthin as a one-of-a-kind artist. This duality has led him to releases on Alison Wonderland's FMUOASL and San Holo's bitbird labels, as well as appearances at Electric Zoo, Lost Lands, and Ember Shores, among others (tickets)
Sat 9 PM – 12 AM Latin Dance Party on the Patio with DJ Tony Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Salsa, Bachata, Reggaeton, Cumbia, Meringue. 21+ (tickets)
Sat 9 PM – 1 AM Pride Social: NM Weekender Take Over Maple Street Dance Space, 3215 Central Ave NE $12 pre-sale $15 at the door. 2 rooms: Salsa & Bachata/Zouk. Theme: rainbow. Flow between styles and hear from DJ Ritmo in the salsa room and DJ Karla in the Bachata/Zouk room. Dress in all your favorite colors for a rainbow party!
Sat 10 PM - 2 AM Kanye Party Insideout, 622 Central Ave SW I miss the old Kanye party @ insideout505 Cover at door. Hosted by Still Sad. 21+
submitted by its_whirlpool4 to ABQEvents [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:24 old_dom Advice for ‘edible’ hedging

I started a sort of allotment at the end of my garden this year, I now want to plant some bushes to block out the view of it but also eventually to help keep my 2 dogs out. It hasn’t got to be 100% impenetrable as their pretty well trained more of a clear mark of do not cross for them. I believe im in zone 9 I’m on the outskirts of London in an east facing the garden, most of the border will be full sun apart from an areas full shaded
My garden is rather long 120ft around 70 ft of that is a cottage themed garden already established when we moved in. I want to try and keep with the cottage theme with this border which is the priority but I’d also like if it could produce some form of fruit ?
I’ve prepared a 3.6 m x .80m bed for the hedges but it can be extended, I’m then planning on a trellis arch with a gate over the path and another shrub/hedge on the other side which is around 0.7x 0.8m and almost entirely shaded.
To be truthful I am a bit clueless, growing veggies seems to be easier than finding an appropriate hedge. I’m getting so lost in evergreens and deciduous & surviving frost. Any suggestions for a climber for the trellis would also be appreciated. So far I’m thinking blackberries might work
submitted by old_dom to GardeningUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:11 SufficientTangelo367 A list of all the proposed mergers/acquisitions that never came through.

Disclaimer: I'm bringing it here before any shutdown of AMH because lately, there's random stuff being posted there and a lack of control.

*Deals from 2020 onward might still be possible in some ways.
Around this time, Lionsgate made an unsolicited offer to merge Starz with ViacomCBS' Showtime.
submitted by SufficientTangelo367 to MediaMergers [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 22:44 AustralianChrono Chronologica's Drag Race Season 6: Episode 2- Prove Your Worth Lip Sync

Chronologica struts the runway wearing a stormtrooper outfit, including the face covered by a helmet.
Hello world! Welcome back to Season 6 of Drag Race. And welcome back to my favorite diva Rachelle Mirage! Rachelle, where’s your hometown?
“Cambridge, Massachusetts.” Rachelle smiles teasingly. Chronologica laughs.
What about you, Floss? Where you from?
“Yeah, Cambridge, Mass sounds about right!” The judges laugh.
And our Nymphe D’Azote! Where are you from, Nymphe?
“Bonjour.” Nymphe puts a blue butterfly clip into her hair and smiles at the camera. “I’m from Lyon in France.”
Right. So! For our main challenge this week, our racers gave us a talent show performance to prove their worth and showcase who they really are. And on the runway, they’re telling us where they came from.
“So the theme is Cambridge?” Floss jokes.
“What?” Nymphe looks confused.
It’s TIME!
Category is…Hometown Glory.
HerShe Kiss arrives in an outfit straight out of 2002- a Juicy Couture style pink jumpsuit, but glittering for the Gods- every inch of it covered in rhinestones, with blond locks in rollers (as if she’s getting her hair done) and a mobile phone in her hands, HerShe spins around to reveal her behind stoned with the words ‘KISS’ on them.
HerShe Kiss: “Every detail is personalized to the T. It’s HerShe, baby!” HerShe blows a kiss.
Carly Shay Jepsen struts onto the stage in a light-up, neon green miniskirt and bodice, with a neon yellow bra, bright yellow heels and a toxic green wig. Her face is painted with the ‘Glow in the Dark’ style face paint, as she excitedly skips around.
“Atrocious.” Nymphe looks at Carly in fear.
Anne Dior Kashaut arrives in a fitted train conductor look- a plumed feather hat and matching coat in red, a patterned shirt and tight pair of pants, and a blood red boot- as she whistles through the main stage. As she walks, her train- a literal recreation of the Lankelz Railway, formed into a train, follows her.
Vroom vroom, bitch.
Mrs. Vicki Anderson enters the werkroom dressed up as a campy take on the American Bison- with horns, fur and a fitted cute cinched corset in the same colors as her ‘fur’. She puts her hooves up as she makes her way to the end of the stage, giggling with a ‘Mooooooo’.
“Do… Bison moo?” Rachelle asks.
“Do I look like a damn Bison expert?” Floss yells.
Rachelle laughs.
Shayla Moon arrives dressed as a giant, ancient snow monster- an abominable snow person with head to toe blue fur covering her body and a monstrous face mask.
Shayla Moon: “Fort Lauderdale is known for its ‘Snowbirds’- people visiting from the cold cities during winter, to come to Florida… and party.”
Spinning around, Shayla drops the monster suit to reveal a two piece fringe, light up look in multicolored pieces, with a long, flowing wig- and all the body on show as they dance around the main stage.
“Shake that ass, bitch!” Floss snaps her fingers.
Nakomis Lotus struts out in a bodysuit reminiscent of an oil spill, her body neck to foot covered in a slick black substance. She has a wet black wig reflective of a similar color to the tar like substance, as she slinks through the main stage, leaving behind footprints in black.
“Who’s going to clean that?” Nymphe asks.
Francesca La Fataliá arrives with a blood red Venetian Plague mask covering her face, with its long, pointed nose. She wears a Victrian style high-neck dress, hitting the floor and covered in black feathers. She carries various herbs in a glass canister in her hands, before taking off the mask to show her painted, plagued green skin and makeup.
“She’s the Queen here to clean up that oil spill mess.” Floss jokes.
“Wait-” Nymphe looks confused.
The others chuckle.
Hi Racers. I’ve made some decisions. This week, everyone’s getting critiqued. Now is a great opportunity to learn what the judges are looking for from you, so listen up!
First up: 2007’s Carly Shay Jepsen! Welcome!
“I will speak on fashion, no? The overall look tonight and the look in the performance were both undercooked and plain.” Nymphe shrugs. “The whole concept you’re going for feels like you have not been able to cook it fully, deliver at the level you could’ve. At Drag Race, I want something polished.”
“I see Nymphe’s point- but to me, that’s part of your charm, right Carly?”
Carly nods, clearly not quite sure about Chronologica’s point.
For me, your talent show- was messy, sure, but really fun and entertaining. It was charming and this runway- I am not going to make excuses for it, but for me, you’re fun!”
“I am here to have fun.” Carly grins.
The polish can come. But, keep your core- your heart.
Carly grins.
The whitest chocolate, HerShe Kiss! Welcome back to the main stage.
“It feels good to be back, and I feel… delicious.” HerShe smiles.
Now, I do want to say something.
HerShe looks concerned.
I was wrong this week. I thought you were kinda… going boring, and you did a fabulous job.
“Ahhh!” HerShe smiles.
This was hot. And surprisingly enough, your runway- whilst I look at it and say ‘That’s hot’, it’s also showcasing a bit of comedy.
“That’s hot.” HerShe says, picking up her phone doing her best Paris Hilton.
Chronologica chuckles.
Nymphe shakes her head. “What about this look says LA?”
“It’s a take on the vapid, hot, celebrity.” HerShe smiles. “Like, too hot to handle, but also, dumb.”
“I can clearly see dumb.” Nymphe nods. “Okay.”
HerShe Kiss: “Was that a compliment?”
Hellodis, it’s Nakomis Lotus. All the votes are in…you made it on TV, girl!
“YES!” Nakomis smiles.
“I haven’t seen Big Brother. Your jokes didn’t land. Next.” Nymphe gestures a hand, as if sweeping Nakomis away.
Nakomis frowns.
“Baby.” Floss frowns. “What was going on?”
Nakomis looks at Floss.
“I feel like you tried a lot. I believe that you are capable of doing a lot- but this week, I was like, damn, you tried to do two conflicting things, instead of one, positive…” Floss sighs. “Choice.”
Anne smiles.
“I thought I could do a lot more than this.” Nakomis says. “I wanted to do something different, and I do get your points, apologies my dear judges.”
It’s not over- you know these games. It’s about the fight.
Nakomis nods. “Thank you.”
Princess Serenity Shayla Moon! Hi, baby.
“Hey hey hey!” Shayla smiles.
“The details of your talent show were too small for us to see exactly what you were doing.” Nymphe closes her eyes. “I didn’t think it was the best choice for a stage performance with the audience at such a distance.”
“Totally will take that feedback on.” Shayla smiles.
In my stormtrooper helmet, I have magnifying vision-
Shayla chuckles.
So for me, it was fun. And let's talk about this look…
“Are you cold?” Nymphe asks.
“I am never cold, because a whore doesn’t get cold, she heats up.” Shayla winks.
Floss, Rachelle, Chronologica and the racers all laugh- besides Anne and Nymphe.
This is a fun concept and idea. Showcase a bit more, and you will go far.
Shayla grins.
Next, let’s talk about our Lady of Loss, Francesca La Fatalia. How do you feel about being on Drag Race?
“It feels ...Fitting.” Franesca smiles,
“I LOVED the talent show.” Rachelle looks excitedly. “You can really tell, you are here, you know your references- your talent show was YOU.”
“This is my home.” Francesca says, holding onto her outfit. “I felt at peace.”
“Truly, I could tell that.” Rachelle says. “And for me, this look is insane.”
Francesca bows.
“What you’re wearing reminds me of a lot of monarchs I’ve seen without a lot of original thoughts.” Nymphe holds her faerie wings around her chest. “You should really make sure that the designs you bring are yours, not someone else’s ideas.”
“Well, the plague doctor is a reference to Venetian culture. This is a hometown glory runway, and I have chosen to reflect upon it with a dark cultural reference. So, yes, I do believe this is my idea, however, I’ve made it my dragged up version- from the shoulders, to the makeup, to the gown.” Francesca responds, looking at Nymphe.
“Hmm..” Nymphe purses her lips in satisfaction. “Okay. I do appreciate your insights. This is a good and polished look.”
Time to cash in on Anne Dior Kashaut. We’re glad you’re here.
Anne smiles. “Hi judges! So happy to be here, I thank you for this opportunity.”
The other Queens look around confused.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “Who the hell is that?!”
Nymphe monologues. “Pour quelqu’un d’origine française, votre esthétique est vraiment décevante et surjouée. Vous n'avez pas l'expérience du concours que vous prétendez avoir, et vous ne resterez pas très longtemps dans cette compétition. C'est fastidieux, pour être honnête, Et je ne suis pas content que vous soyez là. Vous devriez rentrer chez vous avant de vous embarrasser avec et votre manque de talent.”
Anne laughs. “I’m really thankful to be here. I am taking this as an opportunity to learn and develop, and I want to show more. I get that feedback- but I promise I am not overplayed. I really can do a lot here, so please- give me all the feedback.”
I feel like- this was actually not a FUN talent show, you know?
“Okay.” Anne nods.
For me, and I go back to the talent show last week- this can be a fun activity, a physical sport- HOWEVER, you didn’t drag it up enough. Add some bells and whistles. I was worried about other talent shows, and they ended up delivering- however, you did something similarly- and lacked those things.
Anne smiles.
I will need a bit more. This look though- it’s very pretty.
“I will take all this feedback, and promise to deliver.” Anne grins.
And last but not least, from the Peace Garden State, Mrs. Vicki Anderson! Welcome to the show.
“I’ve been waiting for the show, this is my sixth time auditioning!” Vicki laughs.
“...Yes.” Vicki smiles.
I didn’t remember any of your past tapes, so that says it all.
Vicki looks surprised.
Well, I am happy you’re here, now!
“As am I.” Vicki responds with a grin.
“Your performance was serviceable.” Floss says. “This is a damn talented group. Here, I think you did…not bad, but nothing to stand out.”
“Noted.” Vicki grins.
“You can sing better than the girl from last week.” Nymphe gives Vicki a flat look. “But that’s not saying much.”
Vicki nods.
“Stand out, or step out.” Nymphe shrugs. “Point blank.”
Thank you, racers. Whilst we deliberate, you may untuck backstage in the Fae Lounge. Sponsored by Princess Papaya Glitter Blueberry Drinks.
The racers enter the Fae Lounge.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “First week DOWN, and damn, I’m feeling- pretty good!”
“Okay, okay-” Carly turns to the side. “Can you bring us shots to celebrate? Mr Producer…”
“Shots?!” Shayla says dramatically.
“We gotta celebrate, guys!” Carly smiles. “Week 2 group, we’re HERE!”
Carly is handed glasses, and begins to pour, splashing alcohol onto the floor.
“Dear God, let me pour, you’re making a mess.” Francesca says, grabbing the bottle of Tequila as Carly laughs.
“Oh, I do love a shot…” Nakomis says, pursing her lips. “However… maybe I shouldn’t..”
“SHOTS!” Carly yells, as the racers all take a hit of the tequila.
Francesca makes a face. “This is dis-”
“I LOVE my Princess Papaya, Glitter Blackberry Drink.” Shayla raises the bottle. “It’s SO fantastic!”
“It’s actually, ugh- blueberry?” Vicki looks at Shayla.
“OH MY GOD!” Shayla yells, before getting up and running around, as Vicki, HerShe, Carly and a half amused Francesca chuckle.
“I LOOOOOVE my-” HerShe flicks back her hair, smiling. “Princess Papaya Glitter Blueberry drink, baby. It tastes like a winner.”
“YES, FUCK YEAH!” Carly snaps her fingers, as HerShe smiles.
“I feel really happy, with this actually.” HerShe looks excited, sitting down. “Because truly- I came in wanting to deliver, and I had some speed bumps…”
“Certainly Chronologica thought so.” Anne adds, listening in with one headphone in her ear.
“But I came over the other side.” HerShe tears up. “And I want to say, it feels nice, it feels validating, it-” HerShe nods. “I feel hot.”
“I do also want to shout you out, Mama Fatal…” Carly turns to Francesca, who looks slightly surprised as the others clap.
Nakomis sits in her seat, not speaking, but half claps.
“Thank you.” Francesca nods. “Don’t call me Mama Fatal. I’m not that old.”
“Oh, but you remind me a lot of my mother though!” Carly yells.
“I will kill you.” Francesca responds.
Carly shrugs. “Do it, babe!”
“It was nerdy- which to be honest, I didn’t expect out of you.” Shayla starts. “But this is insane- this look, wow?”
“And she made it.” HerShe snaps her fingers. “I listened.”
“WOAH.” Vicki smiles. “That’s..”
“I always make my drag. And it’s layered, there for performance purposes…” Francesca starts. “I just came here to show my drag. To me, that’s fitting, to be in the top.”
“You deserve, Mama Fatal.” HerShe winks.
Francesca rolls her eyes.
“It’s not like she actually is a murderer, right?” Carly jokes. “As much as tries!”
“Tell that to the bodies in my backyard.” Francesca responds.
Carly stares into the camera.
“You know-” Anne looks at Francesca. “I think you did deliver, stylistically. Which is good, as did you, HerShe, with your cheap jumpsuit covered in dollar store rhinestones.”
HerShe looks at Anne.
“But there are others I don’t care for here, visually and personality wise- and certainly..” Anne puts her hand on Nakomis thigh. “That is most clear with you.”
“Wait a minute, don’t go in-” HerShe raises her hand. “Nakomis-”
“Nakomis.” Anne sputters out. “Not only have you failed to deliver in a talent show, you have failed to deliver stylistically. This look is a reflection of poor quality drag, ugly drag, if we are being honest-”
Nakomis stares blankly at the camera in shock.
Nakomis Lotus: “Where is this coming from? Why does she think she can have her La Marias moment? What have I even done to her??”
“Do you even have actual titles?” Nakomis looks squarely at Anne. “Do you actually, or do you just talk mad shit?”
“Drag Miss Luxembourg pageant.” Anne scoffs.
“I’ve never heard of that show, and I do loop in with European artists.” Francesca adds.
Anne huffs.
“You suggested the idea, girl. You told ME it was a good idea, and I wonder, now, along with your attitude here, if that was sabotage-”
“SABOTAGE?” Annne laughs, standing up.
HerShe smiles.
HerShe Kiss: “Oh, Anne picked the wrong fight here…”
“If I wanted to sabotage, I'd leave you be. Because the idea of your drag, in it’s ugly, poor references, it’s atrocious name- what in God's name is a Nakomis, Du rattenartiger, hässlicher, langweiliger Künstler, ohne jegliches Können, ohne TALENT, Platzverschwendung, ich werde dezimieren, ich werde zerstören-”
“Girl, we can’t understand you.” Vicki frowns.
“I could actually sabotage you. Put glass in your makeup-”
Francesca La Fataliá: “Who puts glass in someone’s makeup?” Francesca looks confused. “That isn’t even a….” Francesca shakes her head. “No. Bad idea.”
“I didn’t. So learn your words, and prepare for a lip sync. You’ll need it.” Anne rolls her eyes, walking off.
“...Wow, that was unnecessary.” HerShe says, laughing.
“...More shots?” Carly smiles.
“YES!” Shayla cheers.
Nakomis Lotus: “I do not understand why Anne is so nasty. It’s…”
Anne looks into the mirror, smiling.
Nakomis Lotus: “Kinda giving un-self-aware and tryhard. It’s like she’s trying hard to get airtime by being an ‘iconic villain,’ when in reality she just looks desperate.”
Welcome back, racers, I’ve made some decisions.
Vicki, you’re safe.
“Thank you!” Vicki curtseys.
Shayla Moon.
Carly Shay.
You are… safe!
Carly Shay Jepsen: “Woo! Not the first out!”


You’re SAFE.
Anne looks surprised, then grins. “Thank you!”

HerShe looks scared, whilst Franscesca purses her lips into a smirk.
That means…
Francesca La Fataliá.
HerShe Kiss.
I’m sorry my dears…
You are the TOP TWO of the week.
“YES!” HerShe cheers.
Francesca bows.
But that’s not all.
“A TWIST!” Shayla gasps.
This week, you will not only lip sync for the win- but an IMMUNITY POTION that you can use this season… to save yourself… or another from elimination.
Shayla Moon: “This is my Sailor Moon Crystal, and I WILL have it.” Shayla cracks her knuckles. “...I need to steal it. Or seduce the winner for it.”
The time has come… for you to lip sync FOR THE WIN!
**Eaten Alive by Diana Ross starts to play**
Good luck… and don’t fuck it up!
HerShe Kiss: “I am here, ready to go, to lip sync for my win, to do ALL I can.” HerShe smiles.
Francesca La Fataliá: “It’s time for me to lip sync. This is what I do. HerShe? It’s time to get Eaten Alive.”
Next Time!
Racers, it’s time for a dance challenge.
“Lady Gag.” Ethan says, as Gag joins her team.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I hate the choices I am forced with.”
“Perform better.” Shiseido looks at Molly.
“Okay, try and actually move, you aged monster.” Molly says, wearing an immunity potion around her neck.
“...Wait a minute.” Vicki stares at Molly. “That’s-”
submitted by AustralianChrono to ChronologicasDragRace [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:06 KarlosHungus36 Lorraine vs Norma; the two hitmen

Lorraine vs Norma; the two hitmen
Lorraine alt Norma. P5 they both first appear in the S3 story, both have the same beige 'cheap' phone at their work spaces. {Lorraine, dark hair and painted nails, black computer monitor with blue background, links to Rita/Constance, she alt has the blue box (also has a blue Blackberry); scene after Lorraine is Constance with Garland's body; P6 Lorraine "three bodies?!" 3 link to ridges or 'steps'/levels of the blue box? she inputs #2 via the Blackberry, linked to the device in Argentina that shrinks/changes at the end of the part, when MrC sends a different message (#1?), alt the box itself? alt detonates if Lorraine puts in wrong number?}.
-Norma's home - Never shown or alluded to in any season; Norma & Ed visual with Phyllis & Bill; she blends into the position of 'woman at home,' alt Doris (Bill alt Frank the husband, Mack's old partner in MD, his prints alt found at crime scene P1); she's killed by the hit, alt "this is Walter's gun"; MrC drives a Mercedes P1 presumably George's, but Walter also makes drives to Twin Peaks about business {Norma alt Lorraine, Back To The Future, Ed alt Crispin Glover (quirky haircut, sits at the diner counter), Bobby alt Marty or 'Bobby McFly' (asks for Shelly P13 alt Shue), P11 BTTF theme sync (boy alt on hoverboard) and van & car alt DeLorean; Norma looks more like Shue, alt version she blends with original Jennifer Parker (alt Shelly P5, two stand together), 'Becky' alt to 'Bobby' the son. {Walter also alt Joe, hitman in MD; who sat at the booth with Diane like Norma and Walter}.
Norma's home never alluded to; blends with Phyllis in role of wife at home. {Walter alt a hitman}
Back to the Future links ('Lorraine' and alt 'Bobby McFly') (volume up)
P13, MrC goes to some warehouse in Montana and takes on boss Renzo. Leo Johnson links to Montana - Shelly thought he was in Butte early in the Pilot, and he had been arrested in Hungry Horse. Add 'Lo' to Renzo = Lorenzo (with letters Leo inside). Later in the same part (13), Norma tells Walter about her ingredients, "all my ingredients are natural, organic, local." Local, Organic = LO + Renzo = 'Lorenzo' {link to Lorenzo's oil, a liquid solution made of various ingredients (chemicals) and prepared in oil, alt to Norma's pie ingredients; could also be linked to synthetic motor oil}. Norma the boss at RR like Renzo (Lorraine alt Lorenzo!). So boss Renzo an alt Leo, and association with boss Norma, perhaps alt named 'Lorraine' (MrC pulls his truck into the warehouse, alt a car service station? oil change link, Leo alt the owner? P9 dirty truck alt car wash "And the boss don't mind sometimes if you act the fool"). Renzo's sidekick is Ray who MrC comes for in P13; S1 Mike & Bobby drive at night to meet Leo in the woods (tracking devices on the rental car P8, link to P2 MrC was told by the caller that he met with Major Briggs alt Leo, alt was tracked and didn't know it unlike the P8 version? Darya alive and waiting for a call in alt version vs Darya called by Ray and killed by MrC?), alt Ray & MrC P8 in the woods; so P13 Renzo is alt Leo and Ray is alt Mike, MrC is alt Bobby? {three tracking devices, link to "three bodies!?" Lorraine, finding out presumably about the car explosion and dead car thieves; alt scenario - Dougie's cheap Ford was driven by MrC? ("terrible car" link to "terrible business at the bank" vault explosion) To a meeting with Leo? Nuclear explosion P8 after MrC and Ray's scenes; alt a bomb in the glove compartment detonates when opened, alt the safe deposit box? '#1' scenario because a '#2' visible on radio display in P8, corresponds to Lorraine sending '2' text from Blackberry? #1 the box is opened & explosion, #2 it 'shrinks/changes?'}
Mike & Bobby meet Leo in woods alt Ray & MrC P8.
Pilot, Bobby leaving the RR with Shelly, says to Norma "I'll see you in my dreams." Norma "not if I see you first." Link to Ray, tells MrC that he was told he could 'get out and stay out' (of prison) if he killed MrC first. Ray and Darya were working for Jeffries on a hit on Cooper, Ray got phone calls, P2 he calls Darya from prison "I got another call from Jeffries" [Alt - 'I got another call from Judy?']. P15 MrC in another motel room at the conv store, has a conversion with Jeffries that ends as MrC is yelling about Judy, the black phone ringing, then he's transported outside to the phone booth on a call. MrC blends identities with Ray (alt was on the phone with Judy)? 'Judy' (alt Jeffries; and alt Lorraine) in contact with two hitmen about a hit on Cooper (or a single hitman alt MrC ordered to kill two, like Ike in the motel room? plural Jeffries = two hitmen, singular Judy = one hitman). Early P5, Lorraine on the phone with Gene who is with fair-haired companion, the job is to apparently to kill Douglas Jones. Lorraine alt Norma? Same phone at her booth, stationary and misc doodads similar to Lorraine's desk. Norma and Bobby's dialogue in the Pilot ("not if I see you first") alt to Ray talking about the 'prison thing' alt it was arranged by Norma (she's alt the warden, who set up the hit on MrC... P7 Norma is shown after the warden watches Ray and MrC leave prison; so 'getting out and staying out' linked to Norma, alt she is holding prisoners? link to Buella). The two hitmen (P3) talk about meeting up later at 'Mikey's' - alt the RR diner, Norma alt 'Mikey' the owneboss? (Mikey alt 'Murphy' the warden?). So MrC is alt Bobby in P13, set up by the boss, Ray is alt Mike. S1, Jacques was the middle man in a drug running operation from Canada, Roadhouse Bar his 'station,' Bobby ran drugs for him etc; Norma alt Jacques? (Renault's cousin said the Renault family has owned the Roadhouse for 57 years alt Norma tells Walter it's been the RR diner for over 50 years). Mike & Bobby the runners {pitted against each other in one scenario}; so who is in charge of Norma (possibly alt Judy)? Red P6 is the drug boss; Red alt Richard? (suggesting Richard Horne P6 has a different name with Red in one version - Pete? drives a similar truck as Pete Martell; Red threatens him 'if you fuck me over...' link to Laura's corpse 'if you turn me over'). 'Richard' the top boss, over Judy (gives her the job, alt Todd P2?). Richard is paired with Linda, having an affair with Judy? alt Chantal vs Darya in P2? Darya alt Linda (in bed, MrC alt Mickey returning with her mail alt medicine from the pharmacy) (Chantal with Hutch, alt Darya with Ray, two hitmen working for a boss etc; scenarios in flux between characters - boss and wife jealous of his employee vs husband/wife team work for boss). {Darya and Ray hitmen alt two hitmen who get calls from Lorraine alt Jeffries (or Judy), Darya alt the fair-haired sniper shooter in P3? (wears similar bracelets), at 'Mikey's' alt the motel room in P2, in flux with MrC (he's alt Triple H, wrestler fair-haired (alt Mickey Rourke), in motel room 6 alt homeroom 106, where there were three Hs - Hayward, Horne, Hurley; fair haired Mike Nelson was a wrestler, shown after the Triple H crew by the lockers)}.
MrC link to Triple H wrestler. In motel room #6, link to homeroom 106, Hayward/Horne/Hurley. Darya one of two hitmen alt the P3 sniper shooter; in flux with MrC P2.
-Frank P12 "Interesting, we're just opening an old case involving Agent Cooper" and Hawk to Sarah ("some old cases popped up and I thought about you"), P2 MrC opens a literal case on the table in the motel, a briefcase, he's alt Frank? "Phillip" the caller alt "Palmer?" Palmer, the shot caller? {shot caller - Babe Ruth -- Beth? Maddy's mother, probably Leland's sister, maiden name Palmer - 'Beth Palmer' (alt looks exactly like Sarah, since Maddy looks exactly like Laura? P13 Sarah or alt-Sarah watches a black and white boxing match on a loop from the 60s, alt Maris hitting record breaking hitting home run? 60 and 61 link to 64, Beatles When I'm 64? 'Palmer' replaced at 62-63? link to hit and run in P6 (at about 33 mins into P6, alt during year 63; then right at 40:00 (corresponding to '64') Dougie exits the elevator to Lucky 7 lobby, alt into the Palmer house)? Rodd on the way to the hit-and-run scene P6, alt hasn't missed a ballgame in 75 years, on the way to ballpark alt actual park); shot caller Ruth alt the pointing statue; building in background alt NYC penthouse? Tracey alt works at Szymon's? brings up coffees} {Walter alt a hitman, leaves RR diner P15 continued via MrC driving to the conv store, alt he shoots Ed in back of head from behind; Walter has a tablet in P13 (alt to Ed ordering a 'cyanide tablet' in P15?) alt another blue box, black and white instead of blue? MrC hitman link to Phyllis P2, she's alt Norma; link to Joe the hitman in MD} {Norma in P11, gunshots come into diner, Norma points and tells Toad to turn the lights off, she's alt the shot caller; alt baseball comes in through window? Norma alt 'Beth Palmer'? diner alt the Palmer house? Earlier P11, kids throwing a baseball alt across the street; Roger Maris hits or throws ball into house, link to Roger that works for Todd, who was instructed to tell some woman that she had the job in P2, Sarah's part, and to give her two stacks on cash, alt two balls? Link to Charlie, Audrey tells him "you have no balls" he's like Todd behind a desk, alt Sarah gets Charlie's balls? link to angels, alt wings; some link to the angels flanking Laura and the lady in the radiator? 'balls' in her cheeks; Todd's office alt the Fireman's theater; two balls alt 60 and 61, add to 121, Nadine's drape runner shop is 112, Diane alt Nadine (rearranged letters) is 121? Her apartment P7 on the first floor (similar architecture as Fireman's place) in 121?; P7 on the plane "judge lest ye be judged" link to Aaron Judge, who hit 63? Adds to 9, link to Elk's #9 bar, alt Sarah vs trucker (alt Diane or Dougie, with two balls, defeated?)
Shot caller 'Babe Ruth' link to statue? Bushnell mentions P11 then they pass it.
Charlie has no balls, alt Duncan Todd who gave two stacks of money (his balls alt) to some woman for a job; link to angels and Laura or the two 'balls' on the cheeks of the Radiator Lady?
-P6 Ike brutally kills Lorraine and two others, then Richard parks the truck in a field. P15 MrC driving to Convenience Store after Norma's happy ending scene. Alt - MrC was in the beige rental car (as 'Richard') - first gets out prison, goes straight to the RR and kills Norma (and two others), drives off? Blends with hitman Joe, MD who killed 3 people in the office (for Ed's "famous black book" alt Norma's 'famous pies'), one is heavy set woman alt Heidi? His next destination the Palmer house? {Corresponding to the hit on Camilla; 'Sarah Palmer' on same level as 'Diane Selwyn?'}. Palmer the shot caller was running interference in the drug running operation? Diane alt 'Palmer' and Camilla alt 'Judy?'
-Lorraine Bracco. Talks slow, like Shelly P11 "I'll loan you the money" then Bobby (alt Lorenzo) "I'll loan you the money" (McFly alt Maguire, 'show me the money' alt). Goodfellas, Ray Liotta link to P13 (he's a loose cannon in Goodfellas, not as bad as his character in Something Wild (1986), alt abusive husband, blends with Frank Booth, Blue Velvet (1986), "you fuck" P13). {Sopranos link with P11 scene; shot into RR and light out link with sudden ending}.
-P2 MrC to Ray "I want that information." P8 again, MrC demands information as he has gun to Ray. Information alt indication(s), Ruth 'had indications' that if her and Bill went to a certain place at a certain time they would get in contact with the major; P8 MrC to Ray "you probably want to go to that place they call the farm" alt the zone? Ray alt Ruth. Bill was Ruth's sidekick, arrested, alt Darya (Ray's sidekick)? (alt crying in the interrogation room, interrogated by Det Harrison alt?). Ruth and Garland connected around the zone, alt Ray combined with someone at the farm, an animal? Pig? In bed P1, alt 'pretty girl' in mulholland drive, farmer alt cowboy comes to wake up in the barn. Mr. Blodgett link? Andy takes pictures, has reaction, alt the cameraman in P1 (and alt Albert P11). Bill alt the farmer (Mr. Blodgett; alt Bob? Dave his old HS friend alt Mike?).
Andy Pilot vs cameraman P1. Links Laura's corpse with dual corpse; alt in the barn?
submitted by KarlosHungus36 to twinpeaks [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 07:00 SlimeSpree HUGE Review with pics! (Wax Focussed!) Slime Japan/BFF/Bon Bon/Dream Glow/YC

HUGE Review with pics! (Wax Focussed!) Slime Japan/BFF/Bon Bon/Dream Glow/YC
I thought I would do a big combo review concentrating mostly on wax textures (and also a few other less usual and novel textures!) Let's go!

Slime Japan
Simplistic waterproof labels, 250g/8.8oz for 1680-1890 yen (roughly $10-12.) The package was full of amazing, full sized Japanese snacks! Plus a little pencil case, borax, care card, a little card with my name written in Japanese, plus a business card and free mini slime. They offer several different product bundles. All the jars had a foam seal with prevented any slime from escaping, everything arrived with me delightfully clean and fresh all the way from Japan!
Unfortunately they don’t ship internationally so you need to order via a shipping service called Tenso who provide you with a Japanese address. You place your order on Slime Japan, entering your Japanese address when you check out, and Tenso forward the package to you. This is a bit of a pain to set up but once it’s done it's plain sailing. If you use the Chrome browser you can translate the website.

  • Moment (Jelly avalanche, agar jelly/blueberry and earl grey scented)
The scent is very mellow and absolutely delicious. The blueberry comes through as does the earl grey. Bang on, realistic and impressive scent!
The website recommend setting this slime up overnight in order to maximize the avalanche effect but I went straight in like the greedy little slime piggy I am. I was extremely surprised and delighted by the real agar jelly pieces that sit on top of it! This is literally the jelly you get in real boba, I had expected it to just be sponge just like Western jelly! Slime Japan use agar in some of their bases too. It was squishy and broke up with a firm squeeze. This slime was slightly over-actived and not in the least bit sticky. I don’t mind slightly over-activated slimes at all and actually prefer them to arrive this way. Momo and Pilot usually do this too and I find it a professionally conscientious decision to avoid slimes arriving melted and sticky.
I had erroneously expected these textures to be reminiscent of the Korean textures I purchased from Seoul Gage but I couldn’t have been more wrong which pleased me to no end. This was an extremely thick, robust, easy to handle texture which was fantastic for sharp snaps and loud pops. The formula was perfect, held its consistency throughout play and was in every way extremely elegant.

  • BON BON (Jelly base with wax bonbons/muscat, neroli, sweet orange and yuzu essential oil for a champagne-like fragrance)
The fragrance is absolutely DIVINE and again very mellow. It reminds me of a sophisticated cocktail with a hint of all the stated scents coming through, muddled together into a subtle, mouthwatering meddly of enticing deliciousness. What I’ve always loved about Japanese sweets and desserts is the fact that they are subtle, never too sweet, potent or overbearing and clearly this preference has come through in this shop’s slimes as well!
The bon bons were great fun to pop and crush! They were quite firm but extremely satisfying to break and went very suddenly with an amusing bang, revealing some beautiful lime coloured jelly within. I applied a fair bit of pressure before they actually burst and it certainly built a little anticipation like the vintage game of Buckaroo! LOL! I made a point of crushing them up as well as possible whilst in the pot to minimise wax fallout, as I like to keep the wax in the slime rather than picking it out, personally. This had absolutely enormous crackles and very sharp, loud pops. Despite some of the wax pieces I didn't crush being quite chunky, I didn’t have much in the way of fallout issues. It was a bit over activated yet very stretchy without being at all rippy. This was a sublime slime. The theme, the scent, the texture and the beautifully made wax bon bons were all a real pleasure to play with and behold.
The bon bon were just so elegant and well made and the pop of lime jelly inside visually stunning!

  • PARI PARI (shiggly- thick jiggly and wax/gold leaf, caramel custard scented)
The scent is an absolute bang on custardy, creme caramel. It's light, creamy, elegant and delicious without being sickening, it's just amazing. There is a layer of gold leaf underneath the wax that is hard spot in the photo but a very beautiful touch. It stuck to the wax in places when combined and looked very classy. The wax was an absolute delight to crack through, wafer thin and snappable and made some fantastic, crackly, very novel ASMR noises that are unusual to come across in a slime.
The base is slightly over activated and non-sticky, I’m thrilled to be able to enjoy this jiggly texture without any annoyance or messing around with activator! It remains thick and has some hold which is a joy as usually I'm not a fan of jigglies. Plus it gave out some very loud snaps, sharp pops and clicks and was really beautiful and stretchy. You can keep breaking the wax up every time you play with it (which adds another dimension to the ongoing experience) and had no fallout at all, which is surprising! The previous two slimes inflated just a little too much to fit back into their original containers but this one did so very politely.
  • Free mini slime (snow creme, apple scented)
Even though these slimes are all a little over activated, they’re not ripping at all. This was an extremely stretchy, plush and dense snow creme that inflated plenty and was massive on the soft sizzles. It had some nice soft pops and became clicker as it inflated. It smelled just like a fresh red apple. This was a lovely, much firmer take on the Korean whipped texture.
As someone who encounters a lot of slime, I am forever craving that rare and coveted experience of something texturally new and novel and slime Japan provided this so incredibly well! The super thin crackly waxes, the agar jelly and the thick textures combined with nuanced and delicate Japanese scents was an absolute joy. My whole order extruded class and sophistication (and basically came with a free lunch as they included so many nice snacks! Haha!) I need to assess the longevity of these slimes of course but as of now I can't pick a single gripe or fault about anything in my order. I am extremely excited to return to Slime Japan and couldn’t recommend them more! A rare and well deserved 10/10

BFF Slime Bakery
$14.99-$17.99 for 7.5oz. waterproof labels. The packaging is gorgeous, a total fiesta! It came with a sealed holographic packet containing cute squishy toys, a sticker, care card and a sweet handwritten mini card, as well as an activator pen. The labels are very beautifully designed. The whole aesthetic and the themes are a great deal of fun and very well thought out.
Looks like a party to me! 😄
UK folks there is a catch I'm afraid. BFF are no longer shipping to the UK and so I had to use a mail forwarding service in the US to obtain my order. I used Stackry and everything has gone smoothly so far but they don’t ship unlabelled liquids so you will need to request that the slime store doesn't include activator pens. I only found this out on my fourth order when they flagged this up but several activator pens seemingly snuck through in previous orders so your mileage may vary.

  • CRACKED (milky clear with wax topper, pompom, savoury egg tart)
This theme is so utterly ingenious! This REALLY looks convincingly like a raw egg an ends up looking like a cooked one! Brilliant! 😆 The wax is fairly thick but not hard to crack. I was picking up an extremely mild umami scent. It’s super subtle, literally barely there but works well with the theme. I don't think it would be right for this egg to smell of anything else! This was a pretty loose and sticky clear and I did go back in with activator quite a few times as I played but it was absolutely crazy for crackles. The longer I played the stickier it got and activator couldn’t bring it back after a while. This is a shame because everything else about the idea was ingenious!
The crack and the unbelievably realistic raw egg with the pom pom yolk!
By the end of play, the egg was \"cooked\"!

  • HUCKLEBERRY PIE (sugar sand & perlite, notes of huckleberry, creamy, vanilla, and sugarcane)
Upon opening I was not particularly picking up the scent as stated at all. This was insanely pleasant and crunchy to combine with unreal ASMR sizzles but I had an increasingly tricky time with the scent. I was getting a sort of burnt smell which was possibly emitting from the perlite. It’s a shame about the scent as this texture is incredible and I’m completely in love with it! I personally don’t find it too harsh on the hands but if you are tofu-handed it could potentially bother you a little. I find it a tough rough but not at all sharp. This is inflatable, puffy and airy and honestly has some of the best sizzles I’ve ever experienced. The resulting dusky mauve color is also gorgeous. It has some nice little pops too. There is a little sand fall out but nothing at all that unusual for a sand texture. I’m so tied on this one as it is easily one of my favourite all-time textures but the scent is quite problematic for me.

  • BRAZILLIAN BUM BUTTER CREAM (glossy wood glue, scented like the viral 'Sol de Janeiro')
The scent is pleasant and reminds me of a nice, high end body cream from a posh, boutique aesthetician in a hot country but I can’t say I am familiar with the viral product it is modelled after, is my bum missing out?! 😂
The texture is perfect to represent the theme and scent. It is a somewhat loose thickie, slightly reminiscent of a creamy body butter. Initially quite sticky and periodically calls for a little activator to pull it back. This is extremely stretchy with minor resistance, low holdability and extremely loud, sharp pops and crackles, as well as the odd deeper pop. It is the sort of texture that is pleasant to play with but you will note some tackiness and have it stick to your hands if you attempt to make a swirl and place it down on your surface. If this is by design it is probably best for table play.

  • NO PROBLLAMA (perlite coated clear, earthy fresh, and lightly floral marigold notes.)
The sassy lil’ llama charm that comes with this slime is gorgeous! 😂 The scent is not bad, quite musky and reminiscent of those little sachets you would put in your clothes drawer to make it smell nice. These guys make such pretty perlite slimes! This one has a whimsical pearlescence which is impossible to photograph but so very beautiful. This is a super sizzly and inflatable slime. I recommend inflating it a ton, setting it down on a surface and enjoying the immense pleasure of the loud fizzy sizzles when you press your fingers down into it to deflate! It sounds like an egg frying in a hot skillet! It was slightly tacky and I did go in with activator a few times to calm it down but I still enjoyed this a lot.

  • BALLOON DOG (Icee/clear, fruit loop scented)
The scent is sharp and little citrusy. I’m not hugely keen on it and find it slightly reminiscent of citrus cleaning products. This is such a stunning slime with a beautiful, pearlescent pigmented clear slime topper. It combines to a chubby, slightly jiggly, very chewy, inflatable and snow heavy plush jelly and is very nice. It has medium volume bubble pops. I put this in a 12oz pot due to the amount of inflation.
BFF have an amazing, extremely well presented aesthetic with some superbly well designed and dreamed up, super-fun themes and charms. My main gripe was that a lot of textures seemed to be quite sticky and some wouldn’t activate. Unfortunately, there were more misses than hits on the scents. The only scent I thought was great was the Brazilian Bum Butter one. The textures that were good were REALLY good. Huckleberry Pie was my favourite by far so I’m disappointed it didn’t have a great scent to compliment it.
I would certainly go in for a round two but would concentrate on their sand/perlite textures which I really did enjoy a great deal. 8.7/10

Bon Bon Slimes
6oz for between £13-17. Well packaged and came with borax and a care card. Nicely designed waterproof labels.

  • JUST A PECK (4 glue, 3 clay blended snowslay/blackberry bliss, apricot and mint scented)
The scent is a perfume, fairly strong and not really for me. I thought the design was just so cute! This was a plush snow slay with a fair bit of resistance on the stretch and some very decent bubble pops and crackles. It gets a little jigglier as you play and inflates moderately to a fairly holdable texture. I find it a tiny touch dry and rippy. I don’t feel that the scent goes with this slime’s theme at all. It’s far too bold and sultry and lingers on the hands. If you are the sort of person who gets a headache from scents I feel this could be a triggered for you.

  • SPRING CHICKEN (jiggly T&G, sour watermelon scented)
I’m definitely getting watermelon, but there’s also a non-descript undertone I can’t quite put my finger on. It’s not bad and the cornflower blue colour of the slime is stunning. Though it’s not bad, I wouldn’t put watermelon together with this theme at all. Real mini eggs (the Cadbury variety that look near identical to these) have a very distinct and incredible sugar and chocolate scent and it would have been lovely for this slime to reflect that.
The eggs are made of firm, light foam and make a nice little squeaky scrunch as you push them into the base. It was a tiny bit sticky and called for quite a few squirts of activator to make it more handleable. This was a very jiggly, stretchy, loose slime with low to no hold. It had tons of crackles and snaps and medium volume pops. There was a lot to like but it was a little bit loose for my personal taste.
This was the cutest to assemble and the little chick squeaked when you squeezed him!

  • CADBURYS CREAM EGG (DIY wax, 3 glue blended snowfizz, musky chocolate and marshmallow creme scented)
What an absolutely exceptional concept and aesthetic! SO WELL pulled off! Everything from the silver leaf, to the "Cadbury purple" topper, to the “chocolate” egg is so incredibly well thought out and put together! The scent is very good and just as stated, although I found the chocolate notes a little more subtle and the sweet and the creamy marshmallow element more dominant. The wax egg was fairly firm to break and suddenly went with a delightful bang, then out explodes the “cream”! A few wax pieces were too thick and chunky to actually crush and you do have to be careful as a few of them can be slightly sharp and pointed if you are not paying attention and catch them wrong. I personally prefer to smash my wax pieces up very small and keep them in the slime but it was very difficult in this case, you'd almost need a little hammer. The wax falls out a great deal due to the large and heavy slabs the egg breaks into.
This was a decent snow fizz, not too rough feeling with a good amount of sizzle. It was resistant and bouncy, though gets a tiny bit rippy with inflation. After warming it felt fairly loose and a touch sticky. To me the whole assembly and egg crushing ceremony was the best part of this slime. The resulting texture was not bad at all but not my favourite snow fizz texture out there.
This looks SO MUCH like a real cadbury's cream egg inside and out. One of the most impressive slime designs I've ever seen.
If you would like to see this awesome little egg in action, the sub’s very own u/leesooim has a video review right here on Instagram:
I absolutely loved the themes and aesthetic from Bon Bon and think the egg was ingenious beyond words! It truly blurred the line between slime and art! The slimes were all decent but apart from the egg, the scents didn’t quite land for me. I feel the novelty of the incredible aesthetic wins more points that the resulting textures but I will absolutely keep my eyes peeled for more exciting slimes from this store. 9/10

Dream Glow Slime
Another company that doesn’t ship to the UK, I purchased via Stackry again.
$14.99-17.99 for 7oz pots. Came with a care card and activator pen. Unfortunately the jars did leak and spoil some of the labels (which were non-waterproof.)

  • CASHMERE PILLOW (pillow snow butter, Beach Cashmere scented)
The scent has notes of baby powder and is subtle and pleasant, I find it very relaxing and not too strong at all. This is a little bit wet and greasy on the surface at first but that is quite common for this texture across the board and I have learned that if it feels this way in the first instance, I’m probably going to like it! This is a very decent snow butter in a very beautiful, soft cornflower blue colour. It is nice, stretchy and plush and holdable. It has good sharp pops and clicks that get louder and more focused as it inflates. This deflates back down very easily and fits back into its pot. I very much enjoyed the combo of texture, scent and colour. Great slime.

  • MANGO JUICE (Ultra Thick and Glossy, Mango Sorbet scented)
A very fresh, full and yummy mango scent with notes of candy. A beautiful and very vibrant T&G which is as thick as promised but nonetheless very stretchy with no ripping. It has an abundance of sharp bubble pops and satisfying snaps, crackles and clicks. It’s every bit a fantastic T&G.

  • VANILLA CREME COLD FOAM (snow buttecold foam, sweet vanilla cream scented)
A slightly milky vanilla scent. I dont mind it but it leans towards an artificial vanilla rather than an extract type vanilla (I’m super fussy about vanillas, especially after the unreal vanilla butter slime Rodem kindly made to my spec!) However, it's certainly not a bad scent at all.
This lacks the wet, oily feel upon opening. It has less resistance than the previous snow texture and is a lot stretchier, jigglier, and less holdable. The more you play the looser it gets and I did need to give it a few puffs of of activator after a little bit of inflation. It has soft bubble pops and loud soft sizzles. I much preferred Cashmere pillow, both in terms of texture and scent. While vanilla is one of my favourite scents, it has to hit just right for me to love it.
I thought these were very nice slimes which were let down by the fact they had leaked quite badly and ruined the labels. This was disappointing as I always make an effort to save labels when I decant slimes into larger jars due to inflation. This would’ve been far less of an issue if the labels were waterproof! I would be enticed back to try more of their snow butters and T&Gs, though the lack of international shipping is a shame as I'd very much prefer to not have to involve a third party! 9.4/10

YC Slimezland (Etsy USA)
8oz for £11.34. The label was not waterproof. This took a bit longer to arrive than stated and I had to chase it up with the seller. It was missing the free extra promised in the listing (which I can certainly live without but would have been a nice gesture considering the extreme cost of international shipping.) The listing stated an activator pen would be included but I received borax powder instead.

  • Mickeys Ice Cream Bar (DIY wax coated clay, vanilla ice cream scented)
I saw this slime on Tiktok and thought it was an incredibly cool and enticing concept. Unfortunately, I opened the jar to find it was unscented which was a really big disappointment! It was stated to be vanilla ice cream scented in the listing. This really took away from the whole realistic ice cream experience for me, especially so seeing as I'm a vanilla fanatic and was looking very much forward to a good creamy vanilla ice cream scent to support the theme!
The Mickey clay piece was missing the ice cream stick, a petty gripe but it was shown in the listing and would have made for cooler photos. However, it was a really fantastic wax/clay combo, very well made indeed and not dried out! I think if anything the wax locks moisture into a clay piece. It looked just like a real ice cream and was just so very charming. The wax was quite thin revealing the faint outline of the Mickey face and made for an easy and very pleasant smoosh. The wax pieces broke up very small and presented me with no notable fall out issues.
Combined, this was a very thick, slightly glossy butter texture. It felt a bit dehydrated to me however, like it could have done with a little more moisture to give it a more copiously fluffy, inflatable texture as you'd expect from a brand new, fresh butter slime. It produced some decent bubble pops and wasn’t sticky.
This wax encapsulated clay piece was a real work of art!
Ultimately, I am slightly disappointed that I paid so much for international shipping for what I thought would be a very special slime just to find the experience a little lacklustre due to lack of scent and seller attentiveness. I couldn’t help but get the impression that the store owner had either rushed it or just didn’t take full pride in their products/had lost heart somewhat, which is a shame.
If I had a small Etsy store and someone from across the world bought one of my products and paid far more than the item's cost in shipping, I would endeavour to make it a very special experience for them by at least ensuring everything was as stated. It had SO much promise design-wise and was very unique and fun but just lacked the finesse and bells and whistles I look for in a slime/store. I did go back to take a better look through their reviews and realised they had a comparably low overall score for an Etsy slime shop so I also shoulder some of the blame for not being more attentive on that front. This remains to be an absolutely brilliant concept and I would love to see them step up their game and come back stronger as they are clearly very talented! 7.9/10
Thank you for reading to the end! I had a lot of fun reviewing these wax textures and very much look forward to trying some more in the future! 😊
submitted by SlimeSpree to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:01 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Charms Lollipops

Best Charms Lollipops

Get ready to indulge in a sweet treat that's as delightful as it is nostalgic! In this roundup, we're taking a closer look at the Charms Lollipops, a classic candy that brings back memories of childhood summers and days at the fair. Our article will give you a chance to discover the different flavors and variations of Charms Lollipops, making it the perfect read for anyone who's a fan of these timeless treats.

The Top 19 Best Charms Lollipops

  1. Delightful assorted gluten-free Charms Mini Pops lollipops - Charms Mini Pops - 75 Delightful, Gluten-Free, and Peanut-Free Bite-Sized Lollipops in an Assortment of Classic and Fruity Flavors!
  2. Gluten-Free Mini Pops Suckers (Tropical Mix) - 35 Pops, Peanut & Gluten Free - Experience a tropical treat with Charms Mini Pops Suckers Tropical Mix, featuring 35 individually wrapped, gluten and peanut-free pops in a variety of irresistible flavors!
  3. Charms Mini Pop Assortment - Gluten-Free and Kosher Dairy Lollipops - Experience mouthwatering fruity flavors with the dairy-free, gluten-free, and nut-free Charms Mini Pops assortment, perfect for entertainment and visual appeal at any gathering.
  4. Charms Valentine Lollipop Exchange Kit - 30 Count - Add a delightful twist to your Valentine's Day celebration with Charms Valentine Pops, a flavorful and fun lollipop exchange kit.
  5. Charms Assorted Lollipops - Birthday Styled Gift - Indulge in Emporium Candy Charms Blow Pops' assorted lollipops flavors including Sour Apple, Watermelon, Cherry, Grape, and Strawberry, perfect for any occasion!
  6. Charms Vanilla Sprinkles Lollipops: Gluten-Free and Peanut-Free Fun for All Occasions - Bright, vanilla-flavored lollipops with sprinkles, perfect for parties and gift-giving – Charms Sprinkles Lollipops!
  7. Charms Sweet Pops Assorted Flavored Lollipops Pack of 100 - Charms Sweet Pops Variety (Pack of 100) - Unique flat-shaped lollipops with 6 fruity flavors, delivering a delightful taste and visual appeal for the whole family.
  8. Charms Blow-Pops Lollipops: Cherry Flavor in 5-lb Bulk Bundle - Experience the nostalgic joy of Charms Blow Pops Lollipops and indulge in their classic cherry flavor with a fun twist of bubble gum inside! Perfect for all gatherings and celebrations.
  9. Assorted Flavor Gluten Free Charms Mini Pops Lollipops - Ideal Party Favors and Snacks (18 oz, 101 Individual Poppers) - Indulge in the delightful assortment of 101 assorted flavor mini lollipops from Charms, perfect for parties and events, with a worry-free, gluten-free and peanut-free snacking experience.
  10. Charms Mini Pops: Indulge in 101 Mini Lollipops for Every Snack Time - Indulge in the delightful variety of Charms Mini Pops with 18 assorted fun flavors, individually wrapped for convenience, and perfect for occasions like Halloween!
  11. Charms Blow Pops: Grape and Bubble Gum Lollipops for a Sour Challenge - Discover the delightful blend of flavors in Charms Blow Pops - a 2 lb bag of individually wrapped assorted lollipops, including cherry, sour apple, grape, watermelon, and strawberry, perfect for parties, office treats, and more!
  12. Classic Charms Sweet & Sour Lollipops for Festive Celebrations - Satisfy your sweet and sour cravings with Charms Lollipops, offering a delightful assortment of mixed flavors that will tantalize taste buds and bring smiles to the faces of kids.
  13. Valentine's Day Mini Pops Charm Lollipops - Cherry-flavored Valentine lollipops in charming mini pouches, perfect for spreading sweetness with your valentine! (30 units/pkg.)
  14. Charms Valentine Candy Blow Pops and Valentine Lollipops Friendship Kit (13.75 oz each) - Brighten any occasion with these fun, flavorful Charms Valentine Candy Lollipops - perfect for sharing, gifting, and spreading love!
  15. Charms Organic Lollipops - Healthy & Earth-Friendly Fruit Candy Snacks - Satisfy your sweet tooth with Charms Organic Pops, USDA-certified fruit candies made from 5 clean, natural ingredients, featuring 6 mouthwatering flavors and eco-friendly packaging that's perfect for a guilt-free indulgence.
  16. Valentine's Day Cherry Blow Plops Lollipops, Gluten-Free & Peanut-Free Treats - Indulge in a delightful Valentine's Day treat with Charms Cherry Blow Plops, featuring 11.5 oz of cherry-flavored lollipops and bubble gum surprises, perfect for both special occasions and daily indulgences.
  17. Charms Valentine's Day Lollipops: Tasty Heart-Shaped Treats - Charms Valentine Pops - Indulge in a heart-shaped delight with irresistible flavor and texture that puts a sweet twist on your Valentine's Day!
  18. Charms Sweet 'N Sour Pops: Versatile Flavored Lollipops for All Ages - Charms Sweet 'N Sour Pops - The perfect blend of sweet and sour flavors, available in a variety of fruity combinations, making them a delightful treat for kids of all ages.
  19. Cherry Rebel 50 Piece Charms Lollipops for Delightful Celebrations - Satisfy your sweet tooth with Cherry Rebel's 50 Piece Cherry Charms Blow Pops Lollipops, an irresistible blend of flavors, visual appeal, and nostalgic charm that brings fun to your taste buds!
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🔗Delightful assorted gluten-free Charms Mini Pops lollipops

Charms Mini Pops - the perfect bite-sized treat! I was instantly drawn to the assortment of miniature lollipops, each bursting with sweet and fruity flavors. These tiny pops are perfect for snacking on the go or sharing with friends. With 75 of them in each bag, you'll never run out of these charming candies.
Though advertised as "mini blow pops, " they didn't have gum inside, which was a little disappointing. But the lollipops were still delicious and came in a variety of flavors, making up for that. They're also gluten and peanut-free, which is a great bonus for those with allergies.
The packaging was appealing, and the fact that these little treats are convenient to carry along wherever you go adds to their charm. I highly recommend these for kids' birthday parties or Halloween celebrations. They make a fun and delicious addition to any occasion!

🔗Gluten-Free Mini Pops Suckers (Tropical Mix) - 35 Pops, Peanut & Gluten Free

I've been using these Charms Mini Pops Suckers for a while now, and I must say, they're quite the treat! This Tropical Mix pack contains 35 individual, colorful pops in a variety of flavors. The best part is that they're gluten and peanut-free, making them perfect for sharing with friends and family.
One thing that stands out is the convenience of having each pop individually wrapped. It makes it easy to grab and go, whether for a quick snack or to hand out to kids. The flavors are a fun mix of tropical goodness, including flavors like Mango Madness and Kiwi Cooler.
However, there's one thing I wish was different: the packaging. The bag is a bit on the small side, and I'd love to see a larger option. But overall, the Charms Mini Pops Suckers are a delightful, colorful, and convenient treat to enjoy.

🔗Charms Mini Pop Assortment - Gluten-Free and Kosher Dairy Lollipops

As a lollipop lover and frequent candy consumer, I had the chance to try out the Fun Express Charms Mini Pops 300 ct. I was immediately drawn in by the cute packaging and the promise of 12 fruity flavors.
These little pops were the perfect size for both kids and adults, and they truly offered a variety of flavors. When I first took a bite, I was pleasantly surprised by how sweet yet dairy-free they were. It's always great to see a gluten-free and kosher product that everyone can enjoy at events and parties.
However, one downside I encountered was the inconsistent stick length. While some of them were sturdy enough to enjoy, others were so short that I couldn't hold on to them without them falling apart. This made the experience a little frustrating, especially when handing them out to friends.
Overall, the Fun Express Charms Mini Pops 300 ct provided a colorful, fun, and flavorful experience. They were great for Halloween treats, a sweet reward after completing homework, and a delightful addition to any party or event. Just remember to inspect the sticks carefully before enjoying them!

🔗Charms Valentine Lollipop Exchange Kit - 30 Count

As a reviewer, I've found Charms Valentine Pops to be a delightful addition to my Valentine's Day festivities. The lollipops are beautifully designed and their bright, vibrant colors add a touch of playfulness to any celebration. The flavors are absolutely amazing, and my personal favorites were Rainbow Sherbet and Strawberry Lemonade. The box contains approximately 30 individually wrapped pops, which is perfect for sharing with friends and family.
One of the things I appreciate most about Charms Valentine Pops is that they are gluten-free and peanut-free, making them a great option for everyone in my circle. However, I have noticed that the packaging is a bit flimsy, so it's essential to handle the lollipops carefully to avoid any breakage. Another small drawback is that the pops aren't as big as other lollipops on the market, but this quirk is easily overlooked when you consider their delicious taste and charming appearance.
Overall, Charms Valentine Pops have become a staple in my Valentine's Day celebrations, and I highly recommend giving them a try. They may be a small treat, but they are sure to leave a big impression.

🔗Charms Assorted Lollipops - Birthday Styled Gift

Charms Blow Pops are an assorted mix of lollipops, including Sour Apple, Watermelon, Cherry, Grape, and Strawberry, totaling 2 pounds. I've been using these in my daily life to add a touch of sweetness to my day. The packaging is thoughtful, with each item coming with a small refrigerator magnet featuring the Emporium Candy logo.
One standout feature of the Emporium Candy Charms Blow Pops is their variety. They never disappoint with the flavors and their ability to satisfy various cravings. As much as I enjoy the assorted mix, the Sour Apple and Watermelon flavors have truly stood out to me. However, I did notice a minor downside - these lollipops contain soy, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, wheat, and other allergens, so they might not be suitable for everyone.
In conclusion, although there are certain limitations due to allergen content, I highly recommend Charms Blow Pops for their delightful assortment of flavors and the fact that you can buy them in bulk to get more value for your money.

🔗Charms Vanilla Sprinkles Lollipops: Gluten-Free and Peanut-Free Fun for All Occasions

These Charms Sprinkles Lollipops are a delightful fusion of flavor and excitement. The irresistible vanilla taste is covered in festive sprinkles, making every lollipop a party in your mouth.
With a gluten-free and peanut-free recipe, these colorful treats are safe for everyone to enjoy. The individually wrapped pops are perfect for parties, celebrations, and even daily treats.
The sprinkles add a touch of sparkle to any occasion, bringing joy and excitement that transcends beyond the candy aisle. Whether you're handing them out as prizes, including them in care packages, or snacking on them in the classroom, these Charms Sprinkles Lollipops are sure to charm your way! .

🔗Charms Sweet Pops Assorted Flavored Lollipops Pack of 100

I recently had the opportunity to try the 100 pack of Charms Sweet Pops lollipops, and let me tell you, they brought back a nostalgic wave of childhood memories. These suckers reminded me of the classic flat shape, unlike many of the round ones I've seen lately. I loved being able to have six assorted fruity flavors all in one box. My personal favorite was the blue razzberry, but I also enjoyed the cherry, grape, orange, strawberry, and watermelon flavors.
One thing that stood out to me was the texture of the lollipops. While they were initially fun to chew on, I found that they became quite hard after some time, which was a bit disappointing. Additionally, the flavor balance was not entirely consistent, with some lollipops tasting predominantly sweet with little to no sourness. The visual appeal, however, was on point, with the vibrant colors and fun packaging.
Overall, my experience with the Charms Sweet Pops lollipops was a mix of nostalgia, fun, and some minor disappointments. While they didn't last as long as I would have liked due to their texture, they were still enjoyable and brought back a flood of positive childhood memories.

🔗Charms Blow-Pops Lollipops: Cherry Flavor in 5-lb Bulk Bundle

Charms Cherry Blow-Pops Lollipops are a delightfully throwback sweet treat that never fails to satisfy those in search of something a little nostalgic. The pops, which combine a hard candy exterior with luscious bubblegum, have a distinct cherry flavor that leaves you yearning for more.
Available in a generous 5-pound bulk order, these lollipops are perfect for sharing at special events or keeping on hand for a quick burst of flavor. They make a wonderful addition to candy dishes, themed parties, or baby showers, where they can spark conversations and bring joy to all who partake. Overall, Charms Cherry Blow-Pops Lollipops deliver an irresistible combination of taste and nostalgia, making them a fantastic addition to any gathering or daily routine.

🔗Assorted Flavor Gluten Free Charms Mini Pops Lollipops - Ideal Party Favors and Snacks (18 oz, 101 Individual Poppers)

As a lover of all things sweet, I was excited to try Charms Mini Pops Assorted Flavor Candy Lollipops. With 101 round lollipop candies in assorted flavors, I couldn't wait to taste the rainbow. The gluten-free aspect made it a worry-free treat to enjoy, perfect for any party or celebration.
What stood out to me was the mini size of the lollipops. Their small 1.5-inch diameter made them easy to handle and share without fear of them falling apart. The resealable bag was also a great feature, ensuring my lollipops stayed fresh and ready for the next sweet moment.
However, I did notice that with a larger bag, the lollipops tended to stick together, making it a bit tricky to individually remove them. Nonetheless, this didn't deter me from enjoying the various flavors and sharing them with my friends and family.

🔗Charms Mini Pops: Indulge in 101 Mini Lollipops for Every Snack Time

These Charms Mini Pops are like a charming little party in my mouth! I've been using them in my daily life as a quick snack, but also, they've been a hit with my friends during parties. These mini lollipops are just the right size for your pocket or backpack, and they come in a whopping 101 count bag.
The assortment of 18 flavors is honestly the cherry on top of these cute little pops. The grape, cherry, and lemon ones are my personal favorites. Each flavor just bursts with fun and excitement. It's like a surprise in every lollipop!
One of the things that stands out the most is having individual wrappers for each lollipop. It just adds that extra touch of thoughtfulness. Plus, it makes for a super cute party favor. My kiddo has been having a blast taking them to school!
However, there's one thing I wish was better - the price. It seems a bit too high for the quantity, but I do understand that they've got to pay for the convenience and packaging.
But overall, I am thoroughly impressed by these Charms Mini Pops. They've been a delightful addition to my daily routine. So, if you're looking for a fun and yummy treat to add to your stash, these are just the pops for you!

🔗Charms Blow Pops: Grape and Bubble Gum Lollipops for a Sour Challenge

I recently tried the Charms Blow Pops 2 lb bag, and let me tell you, they were a fun surprise. These lollipops are not just ordinary treats; when you think the fun is over, they deliver a delightful bubble gum center, making them a real double-action delight.
One of the best things about this Charms Lollipops assortment is that it includes a variety of popular flavors like cherries, sour apples, grapes, watermelons, and even strawberries. Although the flavor assortment may vary, the experience is consistently enjoyable.
For anyone looking to make their party or gathering more festive, these lollipops are a great choice. They arrive individually wrapped, making them perfect for party favors, candy treats, or even as stocking stuffers for the holiday season.
However, be prepared for the fact that since they come in a 2 lb bag, you might end up with some lollipops you're not as fond of. Despite this minor drawback, the overall experience with this Charms Lollipops assortment was enjoyable, and I would definitely recommend it for those who love candy and a touch of fun in their lives.

🔗Classic Charms Sweet & Sour Lollipops for Festive Celebrations

Charms sweet and sour pops are a nostalgic treat that takes me back to my childhood. These yin and yang lollipops come in an assortment of cool flavors, each featuring a sweet and a sour side. The multi-colored lollipops are big and full of flavor, perfect for satisfying both cravings at once.
As a reviewer, I received a package of 48 sweet and sour pops, and I was impressed by the variety of flavors. Some of the standout combinations included lemonade with sweet strawberry, lemonade with sweet blue razzberry, and sour apple with sweet cherry. The sweet flavors were balanced by the sour, creating a unique and enjoyable experience for my taste buds.
One downside I noticed was that the assortment seemed to be off, as some flavors were repeated and others were missing. However, overall, I was happy with my purchase. The pops were shipped quickly and arrived in good condition. I would definitely recommend Charms sweet and sour pops to anyone looking for a fun and tasty treat.

🔗Valentine's Day Mini Pops Charm Lollipops

I recently tried these little 30 PC Charms Mini Pops for Valentine's Day and was pleasantly surprised. The sweet cherry coating reminds me of a classic lollipop, and the bubble gum inside just adds to the fun. I love that these small pouches are perfect for classroom exchanges or party favors, with 30 individually packaged treats.
What stood out the most to me was the dairy-free, gluten-free, kosher, and nut-free labels, ensuring everyone can enjoy these charms without any concerns. However, one thing I noticed was that the gum portion inside seems quite small compared to the candy, so I found myself needing to eat a few pouches at once to get the full experience.
Overall, these Charms Lollipops Mini Pops are a sweet treat for Valentine's Day that are both fun and flavorful, making them a great addition to any celebration.

Buyer's Guide

When you're looking to buy Charms Lollipops, there are several factors you should consider for a satisfying purchase and enjoyable experience. Here, we present important guidelines to keep in mind as you navigate through the world of Charms Lollipops.

Popular Flavors and Variants

Charms Lollipops come in a variety of flavors to cater to the diverse tastes of users. Popular ones include strawberry, watermelon, lemon, and grape, among others. Additionally, you can find different variants such as sugar-free options, limited edition themes, and special packaging for events and occasions. Make sure to choose a flavor or variant that you or the recipient will enjoy.

Size and Portability

Consider the size and portability of the Charms Lollipop when making your purchase. Smaller ones are more convenient for carrying around, while larger ones can provide a more satisfying eating experience. Think about where you'll be enjoying the lollipop and choose a size that suits your location and preferences.

Price Range and Value for Money

Charms Lollipops come in a range of prices based on their size, brand, packaging, and other factors. Research the price range for the product you're interested in and look for a balance of quality and value. A lollipop that's overpriced may not be worth the investment, while a cheap one might not meet your expectations. Make a decision based on your budget and the importance of the purchase.


Packaging and Gift Wrap Options

If you plan to give the Charms Lollipop as a gift, consider purchasing it with attractive packaging or gift wrap. This can enhance the overall appeal of the lollipop and make it a more special and thoughtful present. Look for different gift wrap designs and branding options that match the recipient's interests and preferences.

Reviews and Ratings from Other Customers

Before making a final purchase, it's always wise to look for customer reviews and ratings about the Charms Lollipop. This can provide valuable insights into its quality, taste, value, and overall user satisfaction. Pay attention to any recurring positive or negative aspects to help you make a more informed decision.

Dietary Considerations and Allergy Information

Make sure to check the ingredients and nutritional information of the Charms Lollipop before making a purchase, especially if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies. This will help you determine if the product is suitable for your needs and preferences.

Brand Reputation and Trustworthiness

When buying Charms Lollipops, consider purchasing from a well-known and reputable brand. This ensures that you're getting a product of good quality and that you have a reliable point of contact for any concerns or issues that may arise post-purchase.



What are Charms Lollipops?

Charms Lollipops are a popular brand of lollipops that come in a variety of flavors and sizes. They are a fun and tasty snack enjoyed by people of all ages.

What flavors are available for Charms Lollipops?

Charms Lollipops are available in a wide range of flavors, including but not limited to:
  • Strawberry
  • Grape
  • Orange
  • Lemon
  • Grapefruit
  • Pineapple
  • Watermelon
  • Blackberry
  • Raspberry
  • Licorice

What are the different sizes of Charms Lollipops?

Charms Lollipops come in several different sizes, including:
  • Standard size
  • Miniature size
  • Jumbo size

Are Charms Lollipops gluten-free?

Charms Lollipops are made from corn syrup and contain no wheat or barley ingredients. As a result, they are considered gluten-free and suitable for people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

What is the nutritional information for Charms Lollipops?

The exact nutritional information for Charms Lollipops will vary depending on the flavor and size of the lollipop. However, generally, lollipops contain sugar, corn syrup, flavorings, and may contain some added colors or preservatives. For more specific information, it is best to check the product label or packaging.

Are Charms Lollipops suitable for vegetarians?

Charms Lollipops are made with ingredients that are generally suitable for vegetarians. They do not contain any meat or animal byproducts. However, it is always best to check the product label or packaging to confirm the suitability for your dietary needs.

Where can I purchase Charms Lollipops?

Charms Lollipops can be found in a variety of retail stores, such as supermarkets, convenience stores, and candy shops. They may also be available for purchase online through websites that specialize in candy or snacks.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:55 Rednuht0 Tweets theory BB

Tried to post on other places but pretty sure it's gonna get deleted because it's meme related
I have been following the Kitty tweets mostly for entertainment, they are fun, but I think I see a theme. So here is my tinfoil hat theory.
1.It's not about GME anymore. The game powerup logo, batman tweet says - now we have a symbol, that is a warning, fear etc.
Braveheart meme, dying gamestoooop rallying cry - Wallace dies at the end of movie, but inspires with his death.
Finally, the diversion tweet, magic, the prestige, kasas city shuffle. Everyone is looking at GME stock again, but that's the diversion, kansas shuffle
  1. So what is it if not GME ?? He is, saying he is very careful what he says so listen. He is posting SIGNS. What signs do many of the tweets have in common?
Candman says "Be 🐝 my victim" with the bee emoji after the word be =BB
It's Britney Bitch BB
Goosebumps- Bear Beware BB
Busta rhymes -Busta Bust BB
Breaking Bad, and Jason Borne in Boston might be a stretch, but
BLACKBERRY. There is some dd out there about solid fundamentals for BB..
Not a bagholder, I only played amc in 2021.
My positions : shares and june/July calls
Just lottos, not full porting on some meme tweets, but this a casino, so I'm gonna gamble.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
submitted by Rednuht0 to DeepFuckingValue [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:53 SlimeSpree MEGA SIZED Rodem review (with many pics!)

MEGA SIZED Rodem review (with many pics!)
Rodem Slime Shop
7.5oz for $12.99-19.50 Labels are now waterproof! Yaaay! 💪🏻
I was so excited to get into this giant package from one of my favourite stores, and one I really love to support as they deserve it! This was actually a couple of orders I placed over time and Rodem contacted me to ask me if I wanted to combine them which demonstrates their incredibly attentive customer service. Usually the customer needs to contact the store for this to happen.
Included inside was powdered borax, a free gift slime for each order plus one more because it was a large order and they are generous. This exchange with Rodem got us chatting and then something very special transpired but I will post separately about that as I have to cram a lot of slime into this review and have limited space for images!
I had to brew a cup of tea, sit down and take my time going through all of these to make sure I combined all the correct things! It helps a lot that they are all pictured on the enclosed invoice but it would be helpful if they were packaged together. That having been said, separating the heavy pots of slime from the clays is a good idea when the order is this big and heavy so I can't complain!

  • LEMON TART (DIY butter snowfizz, lemon cookie scented)
This smelled OH SO good. The lemon and the cookie notes comes through and were just delicious and very realistic smelling! Sometimes lemon scent is reminiscent of citrus scented cleaning products to my nose but not this, this was an excellent effort. but My clay lemon was a little squished but clay often can be due to being delicate and tricky to package and the issue is not uncommon with any company.
The clay was soooo very soft, moist and pleasant to squish into the base. After you take the base out the pot you are met with a little bit of “caramel” sauce on the bottom of the pie. It’s all very mouth watering. This was the perfect, massively inflatable snow fizz and I was so in love with it. It was super crunchy and had the expected abundance of ASMR fizzles. It was beautifully activated and in every way a perfect slime. Some may find snow fizz a bit pokey but this wasn’t bad at all, the inflation was very cushioning!

  • TEA TIME (DIY clay, strawberry, blackcurrant, blackberry blended fruity scent)
The scent is fresh, fruity and yummy and the charms SO charming and well thought out! This clay was slightly stiffer and a tad dried out but the base extremely moist, silky and jiggly with tons of resistance on the pulls and I didn't end up with any lumps. It becomes extremely light, puffy, chubby and flubbery with massive pops and medium to soft clicks on the pokes which get louder as it inflates. I love Rodem’s take on this texture, it has all the awesome elements of the fluffy slimes I got from Seoul Gage but was more robust with no destabilisation issues (I found the SG ones a little dehydrated and sticky the next time I played.)

  • BUMPER CAR (silica sand x salt, rose scented, also a choice of peach scent if you prefer)
I love rose scent and this was PERFECT! It isn’t a perfume type scent, just pure, sweet rose water like rose Turkish delight or, indeed, actual rosewater. I was utterly obsessed! This was a stunning slime with a beautiful iridescent pink topper and the most gorgeous little pink bumper car charm. It sounded absolutely incredible to crunch and combine. The little pops, sizzles and crackles were out of this world. This was so heavy in silica crystals and yet not pokey as the pieces were quite smooth and small but of course your mileage may vary. I can’t express just how much I adored this slime, one of my all time favourites!

  • YUMMY POPCORN (styrofoam slay, caramel popcorn scented)
The fact this comes with a little paper popcorn bag containing the Styrofoam "popcorn" is the cutest touch ever! I adore Rodem, they think of everything to make the experience so incredibly fun. This smells just like freshly popped caramel popcorn with a tiny hint of sweet corn, I loved it! The two hyperrealistic popcorn charms that comes with it are hilarious!
The base was soft, jiggly, super clicky and fluffy and the Styrofoam really satisfying to crush into it. I just couldn’t get over how spectacular the scent was, it was making me hungry! This slime was a slightly looser slay texture and needed a little bit of activator to aid in handleability but not much. It had a few nice medium pops in it but very little hold, which unfortunately isn’t to my taste but many people love that. I was tied over this slime as the scent was just divine but I prefer more holdable textures. That is a reflection on my personal tastes however, not the slime which was great! If you like jiggly slays you’ll fall in love with this. I may not be a slay person but there is no way this wasn't going be a keeper, it had just too good a scent and crushing the styrofoam is great fun!

  • CAROUSEL (DIY clay, citrus fruit and aloe blend scented)
The scent wasn't bad but just wasn't a hit for me, a personal taste thing again. The clay was a little bit smooshed and it was tricky to tell what it was but extremely, soft squishy and moist. (Incidentally it was, you guessed it, a carousel 🎠)
The base was quite loose and jiggly and called for a little bit of activator but very soft, chubby, quite matte and pleasant in the hands. This combined into a huge, soft, marshmallowy mound of slime with a lovely plush surface. Super stretchy and fun to fold for soft bubble pops and lovely soft sizzles. It was a little on the loose side for my personal tastes but slay lover will again adore this! It was a well made slime.

  • EMMENTAL CHEESE CAKE (DIY clay/butter, savoury cheese cookie scented)
This was a very interesting, fun and unusual scent. A little sweet but notably savoury with a subtle hint of cheese. The first time I played with it I enjoyed the novelty but the second time I wasn’t sure if I loved it enough to buy again. It’s hard to describe but definitely worth trying.
The HUUUUUGE cheese clay came in a sealed package and was so soft and pleasant to squish. It became a ginormous, matte, sort of butter texture, which was both fairly holdable and yet exceedingly soft. It stuck to my play area a bit. It was quite a job to handle it on account of its size and a difficult texture to describe. It didn’t feel sticky at all on my play surface but stuck to my hands when I tried to pick it up and stretch it. When I pressed my hand into it on the surface it didn’t stick or feel sticky but if I picked it up to try and stretch it, it was very gooey and hard to shape. Activator didn’t seem to make that much of a difference. This was a texture unlike any other I’ve experienced. It’s one I’m a little lukewarm on but still enjoyed playing with for an unusual experience and worth it for the mega-sized clay cheese alone!

  • MIXED COFFEE (super gloss thick T&G, mixed coffee and coffee ice cream blend scented)
This was a delicious, very creamy coffee ice cream/frappe coffee creme scent, very rich with subtle notes of chocolate. It was a medium thickness, super clicky, moist glossy texture with decent resistance on the stretch. Very good and elastic with tons of bubble pops and wet crackles. This was an extremely pleasant and easy to play with moist and jiggly glossy slime. The longer you play the looser it gets but not problematically so.

  • FUJI APPLE ICE CREAM (DIY cloud creme, apple scented)
A lovely, fresh, crisp apple scent. The clay apple is so cute with its velvety exterior and so perfectly made. It was amazing fun to squish. This combined to a super stretchy and ultra fuzzy cloud creme. It was extremely light and super sizzly. This was another texture which is familiar and yet very unusual on account of the extreme fuzziness. I loved it and found it pretty amazing to look at!

  • FLAT PEACH CAKE (DIY clay and coated jelly/fluffy snow, peach scented)
The base has an absolutely beautiful fresh peach scent. Another stunningly well made clay which looks so much like a peach with the way they have created the fuzzy surface and peachy-perfect colour shift. It was soft and great fun to combine into the jelly base. The resulting slime was nice and clicky with big, soft bubble pops. It really felt plush and soft-surfaced on my fingers as I stretched it and was very moist, chubby, jiggly and flubby when I set it down. This was ultra inflatable with nice soft sizzles.

  • YAKULT GELATO (DIY snow creme, Yakult scented
A pleasant, mild, fruity yogurty scent. The little scoops of ice cream were so soft, moist and great to squish. This started off with lots of resistance and a nice plush feel as I pulled it. It had moist clicks and soft bubble pops. While it gave a little bit as it warmed up, it did retain a bouncy and elastic stretch with a nice little bit of resistance. This is another fun, boingy, flubby, jiggly texture, which is super inflatable and great fun to play with.

  • MY COSY SPACE (cloud slime, sweet juicy peach/added perfume)
It’s so ironic that cloud slime is my favorite and yet I have so very few of them retained in my collection as I just can’t find ones I love that drizzle perfectly! I was very, very excited for a cloud from Rodem but also anxious as clouds are so rarely perfectly in line with the exact level of drizzle I’m looking for! I absolutely ADORE the aesthetic with the soft little rug that comes with it in the shape of Rodem’s bunny logo and the couch charm, how stinking CUTE! The slime even matches! I think this is the best charm/slime combo I have ever seen, a big standing ovation for Rodem on this incredibly whimsical and charmingly presented slime!
The scent was a relaxing and homely peachy perfume with notes of bubble bath and baby powder. The drizzle was good!! True cloud is a hard slime to make to spec and, in light of that, a lot of companies don’t really bother with it. I’m so happy Rodem did and did such a great job. It was very soft and plush with gorgeous blankety folds and I have everything crossed they make more of this texture soon. I have no idea what I’ll do with the delightful little rug other than treasure it forever! Haha!
Even just looking at these photos as I type out the review I'm smiling again! I wish this slime was my dressing gown! haha!

  • ONIGIRI (white glue foam chip, savoury black sesame.)
Another incredibly interesting and unique savoury scent. This was definitely giving sesame seed/oil, albeit a bit more subtle than the real thing. I would say your mileage may very on this scent, it won’t be for everyone but it is certainly worth trying for a whole new experience.
This was a medium thickness, glossy texture which was very chewy and clicky. The foam pieces were quite hard and angular but crushable if you really go for it. This was a very novel floam texture which made a great change from the usual balls. This was exploding with fantastic crackles and pops, top tier sounds. I think the angular foam is even better for trapping air as this slime sounded like a tiny elephant stampeding in a bubble wrap factory! I got some big air pocket type bubbles from this one too!

  • FRENCH APPLE PIE (white glue/snow/fluffy, French apple pie scented)
The apple and the crust both come through in the scent, as well as a little hint of caramel (which is very typical of a French tarte tatin, well done Rodem!) The little doilies in the bottoms of the clay pots (even though the clay is wrapped) are yet another gorgeous little touch that impress me about these guys, I love their intimate attention to detail.
The clay was again super soft and pleasant to squish into the nice, clicky base. This was a lovely, chubby, stretchy slime. It was a little on the thicker side and created satisfying farty bubble pops.
C'est bon!

  • SAKURA SAND (sand slime, sakura flower scented)
This is an absolutely beautiful scent. A slightly cotton candy leaning sweet Sakura. I love pink, I love sand slimes and I love Sakura scents so this really pleased me! Unfortunately I found it very sticky and loose so added a lot of activator until it was more resistant and was able to get it where it needed to be. Once I did it had great bubble pops and was a very sand-dense and crunchy/sizzly sounding slime, the exact sort of sand slime I like.

  • STRAWBERRY MATCHA SUGAR CAKE (snow fizz, strawberry matcha scented)
A nice scent with both strawberry and Matcha coming through. This was an extremely fluffy, airy snowfizz with tons of fantastic ASMR sounds, so fizzy, sizzly and fun to inflate and tingle-inducing to deflate. It started off feeling like a light, sugary super airy scrub and got denser as I played. Another great slime.

  • TANGHULU BALL (big foam ball, strawberry-ade)
This had a very subtle strawberryade scent. The giant floam balls were a total novelty to me and SO much fun! Who doesn’t love the feeling of big balls in their hands!? 🙊 The base was quite loose and wonderful for plentiful crackles and pops. I really enjoyed this!

  • STEAMED BUN (chewy mochi texture, sweet red bean BingSu)
This was an extremely savoury scent, there is some sweetness there but it was very much umami focused and I really enjoyed it! I was getting notes of red bean with a saltiness.
This is a moist, super clicky, jiggly slime with two large sponges in it that crush like jelly cubes. This is extremely bubbly and full of juicy wet crackles and high pitched big pops. You can create absolutely gargantuan air bubbles with this texture. If you, like me, don’t typically enjoy loose jiggly slimes, there is a damn good chance that you will enjoy this as I loved it! It was just so multifaceted with what it offered. First, you have the unusual scent which is pretty intriguing and different. Then you have the two giant cubes to crush which is always nice. Then you have the joy of the crackles, pops and loud clicks. Finally, you have the enormous bubbles! You just can’t not have fun with this!
That bubble (slubble?) was bigger than me!!

  • PLOP DUCKLING (Snow creme, lemon meringue scented)
This has a gorgeous and accurate sweet and creamy lemon meringue scent. It’s so much fun watching the little duck’s butt slowly dive into the slime when you pop him on there.
This was exactly the texture and scent I fancied finishing on and quite by chance it was! I couldn’t find Rodem’s description for this one’s texture until later so I had no idea what to expect as I had forgotten, what a joy!!! This combined into a really lovely, soft sage green. This is another light, soft, squishy, chewy and chubby inflating texture that ends up airy and puffy. I absolutely loved it! Unfortunately that is one more image than I am able to embed on Reddit so please click here to see it!
With Rodem, nothing is fully predictable and every texture brings with it a nice surprise. This is especially pleasing to experience when you place big orders. There is nothing more disappointing to me than buying a lot of slimes from a company just to discovered there is hardly any nuance between them and the experience is basically a rinse and repeat one, texturally identical and/or predictable. Rodem break the mold and throw in some very unusual elements and scents. Their themes are so well thought out and utterly charming and beautifully presented. They produce so many textures and master them, each one designed with so much love and attentiveness.
I really adore this company and feel they work hard to bring joy and excellence to the slime community. Recently one of the more commercial slime companies was caught using Rodem’s brand as a key word on their google ads to steer business away from them and onto their own website which I thought was in very poor taste. It is however testament to the fact that they knew Rodem was a company slime enthusiasts were talking about. And so we should be! It is my pleasure and honour to continue supporting this wonderful company. I'm so excited to see what they come up with next!
I loved pretty much every slime and the ones I didn’t were more so a personal taste thing than a quality control issue. There were a couple I found less handleable or with activation issues (Emmental and Sakura Sand) but that is pretty damn good going for an order this huge and the sand one was easily fixable. A well deserved 9.9/10
submitted by SlimeSpree to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:36 Charlixxle42069 BB YOLO

BB 6500 shares @ $6.10 lets ride 🙂‍↔️
submitted by Charlixxle42069 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:30 Gene_gnome1023 EU top 4 themed cocktails!

For context - my girlfriend and I wanted to make drinks to go with the semis/finals, and prepared for the EXPECTED top 4 teams… however, oxygen and resolve threw a wrench in those plans.
But with some quick adjustments, I present to you themed cocktails for the EU top 4!
(In order)
Potion of vitality - pineapple, mint, rum, club soda
William’s basil gimlet - gin, lime, basil, simple syrup
Os-kiwi melon Joyo-hito - kiwi, melon liqueur, blue curacao, rum, club soda
The gintlemate - blackberries, gin, cointreau, lime, club soda
Fittingly, the potion of vitality was our favorite :)
submitted by Gene_gnome1023 to RocketLeagueEsports [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 15:44 mintishere_ I just found this Blackberry 8900, how do i know if It work ?

I just found this Blackberry 8900, how do i know if It work ?
I just found this Blackberry but not his battery, how do i know if It's not broken?
submitted by mintishere_ to dumbphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:37 Narrow-Lawfulness-79 Omega At 8900 LiLi. 2ºQc

Omega At 8900 LiLi. 2ºQc
Would appreciate if you helped me with this. Even if there are very little flaws let me know. 2ºQC Link : https://A201803310145220380026826.wsxcme.com//static/index.html?t=1714842268#/theme_detail/_dHwHwm1DcoRbZ0AvBYXOsisuGjV2-I19zkLHijg/_detHwXUQqEbikLa775JsDcVPVv5KDBPdSdT51mA
  1. Dealer name: LiLi
  2. Factory name: VSF
  3. Model name (& version number): OMEGA AT VSF 8900
  4. Price Paid: $342 USD with rubber strap and with shipping to Spain
  5. Index alignment: IDK
  6. Dial Printing: looks good
  7. Date wheel alignment/printing: looks good
  8. Hand alignment: Looks good
  9. Bezel: Looks good
  10. Solid End Links (SEL): Looks good
  11. Timegrapher numbers: Good
  12. Anything else you notice?
submitted by Narrow-Lawfulness-79 to 1688Time [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 00:22 _Revelator_ Clarkson's Columns: My harvest hymn & An interview with Clarkson and Caleb

My harvest hymn — with added Chinese chemicals
By Jeremy Clarkson (The Sunday Times, April 28)
Many of us will remember that Mungo Jerry song featuring the line, “Have a drink, have a drive. Go out and see what you can find.” And of course we all realise you can’t even think that any more. And nor, really, is it considered acceptable to follow up with: “If her daddy’s rich, take her out for a meal. If her daddy’s poor, just do what you feel.” Times have moved on.
Of course lots of lyrics now feel as if they’re from another aeon. "Clair" by Gilbert O’Sullivan especially. But you might think it’s impossible for the lyrics in a harvest festival hymn to become out of date. “We plough the fields and scatter. The good seed on the land. But it is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand.” Absolute timelessness. It was true ten thousand years ago and it’s true now.
No, it isn’t. God doesn’t water the land any more. The coal-fired Chinese power stations do that. And he doesn’t feed it either. That’s handled by CF Industries, which makes all the chemical fertiliser that farmers use on their fields.
We don’t even scatter seeds any more, because that’s wasteful onanism. We drill them into the ground, at precise intervals and at a precise depth using a computer-controlled, £40,000 seed drill. That’s towed behind a £250,000 Case tractor, which was built in the factory where they used to make Tiger tanks. Not much Goddishness going on in any of that.
There isn’t even any ploughing any more. In the olden days farmers would turn the top layer of soil over using a plough so that the weeds were buried. And because they were deprived of sunlight they died. It was a lovely, natural, rosy-cheeked way of creating the perfect seedbed for the following year’s crop.
But then along came Little Miss Thunberg and her merry band of Packhamites, who decided that 1,500 billion tonnes of carbon is stored in the planet’s soil. And that if you turn this soil over with a plough, all of it will be released into the upper atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. Which is bad. So the lovely, natural method of killing weeds had to stop. And instead farmers had to use chemical sorcery from Monsanto, BASF and the Zhejiang Xinan Chemical Industrial Group.
Farmers didn’t mind, if I’m honest, because ploughing is extremely expensive. You simply would not believe how much diesel is needed to drag a two-tonne land anchor through a muddy field. Using weedkiller instead is much cheaper.
Or rather it was. But weedkiller prices have gone up dramatically in recent years. And from where I’m sitting it doesn’t really seem to work any more. Every year Kaleb goes into the fields like a rural Terminator, hosing down the weeds with his ungodly chemical sorcery and then, a few weeks later, Cheerful Charlie walks me through the same fields, pointing out the brome and the black-grass, which is easy to spot because it’s purple and green and completely immune to anything the world’s chemists can throw at it.
So this year Charlie said we should become medieval and plough the fields instead. Selfish? Well, yes, this will shoot a tonne of CO2 into the troposphere and that’s obviously bad. And I’ll use four times more diesel than I would if I used weedkiller. So that’s not good for the environment either. But here’s the kicker: I wouldn’t be pumping any chemicals into the soil.
So that’s the choice — soil or sky? You have to hurt one of them if you want to eat. I went for the sky and rented a plough.
I settled on an eight-furrow monster for two good reasons. Number one: the bigger the plough, the faster you get the job done. And number two: none of Kaleb’s tractors would be powerful enough to pull it, so we’d have to use my 270bhp Lamborghini. Which would annoy him. Even admitting that it’s better than his tractors gives him a hot flush. Sometimes he vibrates with fury when he goes near it.
The only drawback to this cleverly wrought large plough plan was that, because Kaleb refuses to drive my tractor, I’d have to do the ploughing.
This is something I’ve done before. It was on Top Gear about 200 years ago and I did very well. Partly this was because my competitors in the ploughing competition were James May and Richard Hammond. And partly because one of the two judges was a really good friend of my mum.
In real life, though, things were different. I couldn’t hitch the plough to the tractor without help. I couldn’t do a three-point turn when it was attached. And I couldn’t make the tractor move when the furrows were in the sodden soil. All four wheels just sort of spun. So I had to lift the plough slightly, which meant I wasn’t ploughing. Or wiggle the steering wheel, which made big holes and, when it worked, caused me to set off in a new direction. It began to look as if a drunk, blind man with no arms was doing the ploughing.
All the time I was watching the fuel gauge plummet like the depth gauge in a holed submarine, and wondering if it might be cheaper, easier and kinder to the environment to use chemical weedkiller instead.
This is farming. Only last week I discovered that approximately 18 billion slugs have come to live in the fields where I’ve planted spring barley. If I adopt a live-and-let-live rewilding attitude and do nothing they will eat the lot and, next year, there will be no Hawkstone lager. As that makes no sense, I therefore have to pepper the field with slug pellets, which will kill them. Great. But these pellets will also kill all the worms. So what’s the answer? There isn’t one.
Similarly, I have signed up to the government’s eco-friendly grant scheme and will be planting things that aren’t food in three fields. They’re good for the soil and they’re good for my bank balance. But it means I’m not growing stuff people can eat. I know one chap who has taken 60 per cent of his farm out of food production and he’s not alone. So yippee. All that stored carbon and all of that fixed-in nitrogen.
But what if you want some bread? You’ll have to get a loaf made from wheat that was grown abroad. And how’s that good for global warming? And will it have been grown under the same stringent rules that we have here? Or will it have been fertilised with human faeces? You face a choice then. Do you want net zero in the UK? Or do you want to eat a Mexican’s turd?
Do you want lager or worms? Do you want healthy soil or a healthy sky? Do you want bees or orangutans? These are the questions I’m facing every single day. It’s a multiple-choice world of no right answers.
Which brings us back to another harvest festival hymn.
All things bright and beautiful. All birds that must be plucked. No matter what we choose to do, we’re well and truly.
Kaleb Cooper: ‘I’ve taught someone triple my age to do a better job’
The Diddly Squat farmers Jeremy Clarkson and Kaleb Cooper are back for a third series. We put our wellies on to meet the odd couple of the Cotswolds
By Ben Dowell (The Times, April 29)
During filming for the forthcoming third series of Clarkson’s Farm, Kaleb Cooper drove into work and saw Jeremy Clarkson vacuuming a blackberry bush. While the spectacle was “something I am never going to forget”, the sandy-haired, cherub-faced youngster was so unimpressed that he didn’t even get out of his car to ask what was happening.
These two have grown into one of television’s best double acts. For the show’s executive producer, Peter Fincham, there is an “element of Jeeves and Wooster” about them, a delicious odd couple relationship that is all the more gratifying because the team didn’t need to cast Cooper. He was already working on Diddly Squat Farm when the show started.
Cooper is a farmer to the tips of his muddy wellies and has taught Clarkson most of the practical business of farming his 1,000-acre establishment near Chipping Norton in Oxfordshire, as well as how hard the job is and the risks farmers take for little financial reward. Cooper may have just completed a sell-out national stage tour building on his popularity and more than two million Instagram followers. He may have been invited to No 10 to meet Rishi Sunak (more on that later), but everyone on the show — the producers, one of Cooper’s “Chippy” friends I spoke to and Clarkson himself — are clear: the 25-year-old hasn’t changed one iota since the show started airing in 2021.
“I think it’s very easy to be grounded if you don’t leave Chipping Norton,” Clarkson says. His girlfriend, Lisa Hogan, who has become another star of the show, agrees. “How Kaleb comes across is exactly how he is. He is very thoughtful and kind and very bright. His use of language is also very easy on the ear. We could have had a monosyllabic tractor driver and that wouldn’t have worked but we were lucky we had Kaleb.”
He has written two books as well: The World According to Kaleb and Britain According to Kaleb, with a third (Life According to Kaleb) on the way. These ruminations are often spoken into a Dictaphone (supplied by his publishers) during the 18 hours he spends each day alone in his happy place, his tractor cab. The books now sit on the shelves that a ten-year-old Cooper and his carpenter father put up in the local bookshop. Though, of course, one of the running jokes in the show is that he has only read one other book in his life apart from his own, and that was one of Clarkson’s.
There is another moment in the new series when Clarkson and Cooper (who are in competition with each other across the eight episodes) are working a field when they spy someone in the distance on another tractor drilling “his” field. He is Andy Cato of the electronic pop duo Groove Armada, and Cooper seems totally nonplussed, not least because he doesn’t know who or what Groove Armada is. The same probably goes for many of his near-neighbours, who include Joe Wicks, Simon Cowell, Natalie Imbruglia, David Beckham and Amanda Holden. When Cooper bumped into David Cameron (now Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton) in a local eaterie, he wasn’t quite sure who he was either. Strangely Cooper is now as famous as at least a few of these people. His appeal extends across the globe — Andy Wilman, Clarkson’s old Top Gear producer who edits the show, tells me that he rarely hears an English accent in the farm shop as tourists flock to see their agricultural idols.
Since Clarkson’s Farm aired, Cooper told his theatre audiences, he has been offered snazzy haircuts from top-level salons, perhaps to stop the constant mickey-taking from Clarkson. But he still goes to the same local hairdresser.
Brilliant moments are not always captured by the cameras and while the team may wake up with plans, farmers and the show’s fans will know that the weather often has other ideas. “Cheerful” Charlie Ireland, the farm’s land agent and adviser, does pop by a couple of times a day, as he does in the series, often to pour cold water on Clarkson’s latest schemes. But many of these moments are not filmed. Is that annoying?
“Sometimes you think, ‘Oh, that would be really good, that’d be funny on TV,’ but actually [the cameras] are not there,” Cooper says. “But you don’t say these things, to make it up for the TV. I may have taken drama in school, but I got a U in it, so actually I’m not an actor.”
Clarkson agrees: “It is [effortless] because I don’t have to pretend to be someone else. With The Grand Tour, Richard Hammond isn’t as stupid as he’s made out. I’m not as bombastic as is made out and James May isn’t quite as boring as he’s made out. And so you’re playing a caricature, you’re playing a role, you’re there to provoke and be stupid. Here, we haven’t got any of that. So we’re just ourselves. You get up and you just have to be yourself, which is incredibly relaxing. And in that regard it is effortless. Farming is not effortless. Make no mistake, the television side of it is a piece of cake because I don’t have to think, ‘Oh I’d better say something idiotic now.’”
“You do that anyway,” Cooper says.
The two bicker in exactly the same way off camera as they do on. At the press conference for the new series they quarrelled with good humour about their dogs. Cooper says Clarkson’s pair of fox-red labradors (named Sansa and Arya after Game of Thrones characters) are “posh man’s dogs” who “never do a thing he says”. Clarkson maintains that Cooper just locks his dog in his tractor cab. They also bicker about the goats Clarkson keeps. Clarkson likes their eyes and thinks they do a good job mowing his grass. Cooper thinks he should breed and slaughter them in the conventional way and sell goat meat in the farm shop.
There is a similar clash of approaches over the pigs. Cooper doesn’t get as emotional as Clarkson and Hogan when things go wrong (and they do go wrong with the pigs this series). When Clarkson holds aloft a newborn piglet, Cooper calls him a “proud parent”, which feels part mickey-take, part genuinely warm compliment — a common theme in their complex relationship.
Clarkson is learning to be more steely and is, Cooper says, actually now a “good pig farmer”. Is the younger man pleased that Clarkson has come on? Or is there a bit of him who would still enjoy showing him the ropes?
“I think there’s a bit of a proudness of teaching someone maybe triple my age … to go out and do a better job … Hopefully I’ve taught him a lot about it. But he’s taught me so much equally about the television industry.” In fact, Cooper says, he has learnt so much that he cannot watch TV now because he knows how it all works behind the scenes.
He is a voice for farmers, showing us how hard the job of people who put food on our table is, and demanding that we respect it. Cooper has arranged two bursaries of £3,000 plus a work placement for young farmers and is keen that more enter a profession where the average age is 59. When he met Sunak last May he was more interested in the PM’s hair than anything, principally because he didn’t expect much from him.
“Let’s put it this way. If someone invited me tomorrow to go to a farm … if I go to that farm and that farmer says to me, ‘Kaleb, you know what, this week I’m gonna plough that field,’ I know for a damn fact that that farmer is going to go out there and plough that field because he said he’s going do it. If the prime minister or anyone from politics goes to me, ‘Kaleb, I’m going to do this next week,’ they’re not going to do it, are they?”
While he doesn’t have much faith in our legislators making life easier for hard-pressed farmers or for supermarkets to pay them more, he must be pleased that people, especially city folk, now know about farming thanks to him, I say.
“Yeah, everyone knows what a tramline is now, right? And let’s face it, I always say this: it doesn’t matter what phone you’ve got, what car you’ve got, what house you’re living in, what matters the very most is what’s coming across your plate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And therefore that is the most important thing to me.”
Cooper is open to offers of shows such as I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here! but thinks he probably won’t have the time with all the work he has to do. Clarkson called him “easily the most entrepreneurial person I have ever met” and he is laser-focused on his ultimate goal of having a farm one day, which will have to be local, despite the “extortionate” price of land in the area.
“I want to farm here,” he says. “I don’t want to move away from my family and everything I know. This is where I was brought up and this is where I’m going to stay.”
But the show will be with us for a while. It is hugely popular — series four is being filmed and while viewing figures aren’t available, it is believed to be Prime’s most popular programme in the UK by, well, a country mile.
Cooper is engaged to his partner, Taya (mother to their three-year-old son and ten-month-old daughter), but doesn’t know when he will have time to walk down the aisle. He knows he will “have a great party”, and isn’t yet sure if Clarkson will be his best man. But one thing’s for sure, Clarkson has already found his.
The new series of Clarkson’s Farm is on Prime Video from May 3.
No Sun column this week, but the Guardian (!) has published a long interview with Clarkson: "'Dismissing global warming? That was a joke': Jeremy Clarkson on fury, farming and why he’s a changed man". Let me know if you have problems viewing it.
Clarkson's columns are regularly collected as books. You can buy them from his boss or your local bookshop.
submitted by _Revelator_ to thegrandtour [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 01:30 TeaAndCozy Nui Cobalt Critters are coming! 24 reviews from past years

I've always been a girl who loves animals, and now that I have two pet rabbits, both adoped within the last year, I am extra excited about the return of Nui Cobalt's Critters collection! This collection isn't entirely sweet cuddly woodland creatures, but it does have a lot of those, including three of my all-time favorite Nui Cobalts: Little Brown Rabbit, Little White Rabbit, and Lilac Rabbit. When Forest posted in the Facebook group asking which Critters we'd like to see return, or which animals we'd love to see emerge as new Critters, I waxed rhapsodic about the Rabbits and suggested a bunch of other colorings of rabbits that could become amazing perfumes... so I'm hopeful that we might even get a new Rabbit this year. I would just about die of happiness if she really did make a Blue Otter Rabbit after my sweet bun Hazel. She also teased a Ladybug scent for this year, which would be SO CUTE!
Anyway, the Critters are due back this Friday, with the newsletter announcing them on Thursday, and I am excited. As usual, I thought I'd post my thoughts on all the past Critters I've tried in case that might help you formulate your wishlist. And if you've tried any of these, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Was your experience similar to mine?
My preferences: I especially love snuggly scents, incense, golden amber, cardamom, black tea, beeswax, non-gourmand vanillas, and white florals (particularly tiare, honeysuckle and tuberose; sadly I am allergic to lilies and jasmine doesn’t work on me). I don't like hay, overly sweet gourmands, excessive musk, dragon’s blood, leather, patchouli, labdanum, or any really dark scents in general. To my great devastation, Nui Cobalt’s apricot and pear notes don’t tend to work on me, though I haven’t given up hope and I continue to try new blends with those notes occasionally.
Most of these perfumes were provided as press samples by Nui Cobalt in exchange for an honest review.


Little Brown Rabbit [Nutmeg and tonka bean nuzzle up against fluffy marshmallow, cottonflower, pink pepper, and a trace of carrot seed] (this perfume is so popular that it is also in the Continuous Collection and available all year 'round!) - This is one of my absolute top perfume oils. It comforts me on hard days, it cozies me on laid-back evenings, it cheers me on rainy days. My husband recognizes it immediately and honestly I think he finds it cuddly too when I'm wearing it, and it's also his primary frame of reference when he sniffs a new sample I'm trying - "that smells a bit like Little Brown Rabbit" is high praise from him. Wet, it's very strongly nutmeg and caramel, almost mapley, but also with just a bit of pepperish bite from the carrot seed - this is as gourmand as I'm willing to get. Once it dries, the caramel dissipates and it becomes the most marvelously snuggly scent. Having a bad day? Little Brown Rabbit can cheer you up. Having a cozy day? Little Brown Rabbit will make it that much better. Wanting to unwind in the evening? Little Brown Rabbit is my go-to snuggly evening scent. And I think it's the absolute must-try from Nui Cobalt.
Little White Rabbit [Nutmeg and tonka bean nuzzle up against cottonflower, white peppercorn, clove, vanilla marshmallow creme, pale blue cashmere, carrot seed, and honeyed almond] - When the news broke that NCD was releasing a new little rabbit variant two years ago, I was SO excited (little did I know that it would seemingly become an annual thing!), and I blind-bought a full-size (something I never do). Especially because Little White Rabbit adds that wonderful cashmere note to Little Brown Rabbit, this one was a no-brainer for me, and my trust was easily rewarded. Nui Cobalt has outdone themselves with this, their most snuggly of perfumes. I expected this to be a lot like LBR only less mapley and perhaps more cashmere-y (and yes, it is both of these things), but truly, LWR feels even more like it's built on a base of Spidersilk vanilla (Starlight and Spidersilk: [Slender strands of cotton flower hung with trembling dewdrops, cold crystalline musk, and tiny black vanilla beans]), with some of the LBR spices (the peppercorn and carrot seed, but I don't sense any cloves) plus the comforting warmth of the cashmere and almond of Silver Fox (see below), another favorite of mine. And then finally, the marshmallow ties it all together into a pillowy cloud of coziness. It's frankly astonishing. Love at first sniff even just from the vial, and on my skin it blossoms into the most comforting scent. Do I love it even more than LBR? I still can't tell, even years later. I love them both. One final note that may be helpful to some of you: the cottonflower is pretty strong with this one, which is part of why it reminds me so much of the Spidersilk vanilla, but if you're not so much a fan of "clean" laundry-like scents, this one might not be quite your cup of tea - go for LBR instead.
Lilac Rabbit [Nutmeg and tonka bean nuzzle up against toasted marshmallow, carrot seed, summerweight cotton, allspice, and pale lilac in a smooth fur accord] - Oh friends, I hoped and pleaded for another new Rabbit last year, and the universe (and Nui Cobalt) answered! I'm not actually all that fond of lilac and I think I have ended up destashing all of my perfumes with lilac notes, but I was willing to risk it for the chance of a floral Rabbit. Lilac Rabbit is gorgeous - but really, did you expect it to be anything else? I get primarily marshmallow, allspice, and cotton. It sits exactly halfway between the other two Rabbits, with the allspice and peppery carrot seed spices of Little Brown Rabbit (but without the maple quality), and also with the silky, slightly soapy fabric aspect of Little White Rabbit. There is perhaps just a touch of musky lilac, but it doesn't really read to me like a floral perfume. Lilac Rabbit is comfortable. The closest metaphor I can think of is a day when you're wearing a new outfit, one that fits perfectly and really suits you, but it's also completely comfy, with no itchy spots or seams that dig in, and it moves with you. It's like a day where you feel perfectly yourself, fully at ease, and completely put-together. This new Rabbit is everything I could have possibly dreamed of, and it immediately became one of my favorite spring & summer scents.


In past years, they've offered a complete set of all the Squirrels, which was how I tried them all a few years ago. (They've since been discontinued, but sometimes discontinued things return again, or perhaps you might run into one in the swaps, so I'll include all my Squirrel reviews here.) All of the Squirrels are built on the same base of almond + apricot + benzoin, and then each one has different additional notes. Like the Spidersilk variants (all built on the same Spidersilk vanilla base but with different additional notes - my reviews HERE), the Squirrels each have an entirely different vibe. Interestingly, the actual proportion of almond to apricot also seems to vary by Squirrel, perhaps because of the interactions with the different added notes, or perhaps because they actually use different proportions in the Squirrel base for each one. It means that they don't feel anything like near-exact copies of each other, but each have a really distinct identity.
Black Squirrel [A playful blend of almond and spiced apricot, grounded in rich benzoin and copaiba balsam, deepened by black oak, black currant, vanilla bean, and myrrh] - When I first put it on, it's very strongly and exclusively almond - a warm almond that reminds me of baking almond cookies, and it must be the vanilla that helps to make that association. The almond veers slightly towards cherry. As the oil warms on my skin, the apricot emerges and then overtakes the almond. It's apricot skin, soft and velvety, rather than the fleshy fruit of the apricot. These two notes, paired with the woodiness of the balsam and (presumably) black oak, makes this a very bookish scent, perfect for the dark academia aesthetic of my wardrobe in autumn. It's not really an incense-heavy perfume; the myrrh just grounds it and gives it a beautiful dark richness. On me it's not terribly fruity (though I know some folks get mostly dark stone fruits; isn't skin chemistry fascinating!) It's the longest-lasting of the Squirrels, too - the second time I wore it, its throw was a bit too high at bedtime so I washed my wrists, and even so, I could still smell Black Squirrel the next morning!
Flying Squirrel [Raw almond, spiced apricot, and rich benzoin borne aloft by lavender, cotton flower, and tart kumquat] - This one reminds me a lot of Napping in a Flower [Tender ripe apricot, Bulgarian lavender, spiced summer honey, plum blossom, daylily, honeysuckle, and ylang], which makes perfect sense since they share a lot of the same notes, but without the honey and honeysuckle that made Napping too candle-y on me. Husband said this reminds him strongly of Little White Rabbit - he said it's the spices that make that association for him, and I suspect he was also picking up on the shared cotton flower and almond notes. I'm finding it easier to compare Flying Squirrel to other NCD scents than to describe it on its own; its combination of notes feels quite erratic and the concept doesn't feel terribly unified. I couldn't classify this as a "cozy" perfume even though it does have a strong cotton flower note, nor is it citrusy enough for me to think of it as a fruity perfume (even though it has the strongest apricot of all the Squirrels), or herbal enough for it to go in my lavender section (in fact, I'm hoping that some aging brings out the lavender more). If you like Napping in a Flower or Little White Rabbit - two perfumes that are really nothing alike! - you'd probably enjoy this one too.
Grey Squirrel [A playful blend of almond and spiced apricot, grounded in rich benzoin and copaiba balsam, softened with cotton flower, cashmere, and teakwood] - This one gives the effect of eating an almond cookie while snuggled in a wool blanket. This one is super cozy - the autumn cousin of my beloved wintertime snuggly scents (Silver Fox, Snow Cat, Chionophilia, all of which also feature almond and fabric notes - see their full notes lists and my comparative reviews HERE). Grey Squirrel stays pretty static, not morphing like Black Squirrel, and the apricot is only barely present.
Red Squirrel [A playful blend of almond and spiced apricot, grounded in rich benzoin and copaiba balsam, warmed with red musk, red sandalwood, and smoldering amber] - This one is pretty heavy on the red musk, and was in fact partly responsible for me finally figuring out that I don't personally enjoy red musk. The almond, apricot, and sandalwood combination does give this a rather gourmand-adjacent feel to it, more so than the other Squirrels. It's a very rich and warm perfume. It's funny how actually "red" this scent feels - it feels like the experience of watching a bonfire die down, even though there's no smoke note at all. "Smoldering" indeed.
White Squirrel [A playful blend of almond and spiced apricot, grounded in rich benzoin and copaiba balsam, cooled with aloe, white musk, and smooth white amber] - Even without looking at the notes, it was easy to identify the white amber in this one, even though Nui Cobalt only infrequently uses white amber as a note. White Squirrel is very like Grey Squirrel, equally cozy but lighter and airier, with that white amber instead of cashmere. White Squirrel is cooler, more standoffish than Grey Squirrel - that "cool" effect must be the aloe - more a wintertime snuggly scent rather than an autumnal cozy scent. Even the now-familiar almond + apricot base feels daintier and even less foody here in White Squirrel.

All the other Critters

Akhal-Teke [Fine ecru suede, raw silk, pearl musk, white amber, precious Hawaiian sandalwood, and creamy pistachio] - As someone put it, "super shiny horse". Silky yet fuzzy and soft, sophisticated yet snuggly. I recognize that pearl musk + sandalwood combination from Cancer [Cotton flower, steamed rice, soft sandalwood, vanilla orchid, coconut milk, and pearl musk] and I love it here too. All of these notes, suede + silk + pearl musk + white amber + sandalwood together, are gentle and just the epitome of softness, yet with just enough body and presence to be soft-on-purpose, assertively soft if that makes sense. This is not a wallflower scent. On to more specifics about the literal smell. At first, the nutty pistachio is pretty present, but it melds beautifully with the gentle suede. The silk and white amber give an elegance. I also definitely get the pearl musk and sandalwood, which take more prominence in the drydown when the pistachio dissipates a bit. This is my favorite stage - just soft, gentle, creamy, and absolutely lovely. Akhal-Teke has low throw but high longevity. I should note that after a year of aging, the pistachio amped quite a lot, overpowering that gorgeous pearl musk/sandalwood base that I loved so much. I'm hoping someday Forest might make one that's basically just pearl musk and sandalwood, without any gourmand elements!
Black-Capped Chickadee [Dogwood saplings, cedar resin, the tang of young stone fruits: still tiny and green, sugar maple, pine nuts, and barely-thawed soil] - I'm not one for dirt notes, so I completely passed this one up for several years, but enough really glowing reviews finally convinced me to try it. In the vial, it smells of wood, honeyed fruits, and hay. On my skin, it's soil, slightly nutty and incensey, with plush fruit and some very cedar-forward wood notes - and yet it's surprisingly dainty, and a perfect encapsulation of a black-capped chickadee. There's something about this scent that reminds me of snow-covered pebbles, and also of Shakespeare's poem "The cloud-capp'd towers" from The Tempest. After much sniffing and pondering, I finally figured out why I made that snowy association - the fruits read to me like cranberry, making this feel like a wintery scent. As for "The cloud-capp'd towers," I think I'm getting that Shakespearean reference from the combination of daintiness and dirt.
Blossom Bat [Humid rainforest blossoms laden with nectar, dense moss, passionfruit, black fig, and bamboo] - This was an order freebie that I wouldn't have picked out for myself, but it's so fun, and it went straight into my "Aloe and dewy" section of my summer perfumes, next to Waimea Mist and Aloha from the Big Island summer collection. Blossom Bat is velvety flower petals against a lush background of aquatic notes. I don't often enjoy moss notes (they often turn into honeydew melon on my skin), but here the moss contributes to the especially verdant feeling.
Blue Jay [Sturdy blue spruce and young oak support the bold elegance of white peony, angelica, blackberry bramble, and rhubarb] - In the vial, it's extremely fruity with a hint of trees. On my skin, it matches the description much more closely: evergreens and forest floor, brightened by fruity sweetness and a hint of floral. If you loved None of Your Beeswax [Thorny brambles of blackberry, elderflower, violet, fennel seed, sacred benzoin, and unfiltered honey] from the Bees collection, do give this one a try - Blue Jay is like None of Your Beeswax's summer cousin. I once wore this to a community theater production of Into the Woods and it was perfect.
Copper Fox [Warm chai with steamed almond milk nestled in sumptuous cashmere, crimson musk, sarsaparilla, and budding birch] - I once went on a quest to find the perfect chai perfume, and of course I had to try Copper Fox! Immediately on application, Copper Fox is root beer, spicy root beer - there's that sarsaparilla in a big way. As it quickly dries, the overwhelmingly root beer-ness of it backs off somewhat, and it becomes much more chai spices + the woody birch (and still with an undercurrent of root beer). Chai latte this is not - it's all the spices of chai (cinnamon and black pepper especially, and probably a bit of ginger as well) without any sweetness or milky creaminess. I should note that at this point my skin has a slight reaction to this perfume; this perfume ended up being part of my discovery that like many others, I too have a slight skin reaction to cinnamon. It didn't hurt a bit and the redness went away fairly quickly, but be forewarned, if you're a person that has a reaction to cinnamon, this might be a blend worth steering away from, or at least planning to wear in a scent locket or in your hair instead of on your skin. Finally, several hours later, Copper Fox has a third stage, and to me the most lovely: chai spices backed by gentle almond and cozy cashmere (and at this stage it's clearly a "Fox" like Silver Fox).
Elf Owl [A bright concoction of liatrix, yellow sandalwood, beach-tumbled teak, solar musk, crushed coriander, and a scant pinch of pale cinnamon] - With the teak and cinnamon, and of course the obvious cue of the "solar musk", I was expecting this to be in the same family as Nui Cobalt's Sun, Heliophilia (Love of Sun), and Sunrise on Spidersilk (comparative review HERE!). Those sun-themed perfumes can be a bit too sharp and masculine on me (I tend to prefer snuggly scents or white florals), but as a great lover of owls (and a huge fan of Nui Cobalt's Snowy Owl [Dried coconut flakes, pale woods, frozen tuberose, vanilla orchid, and fluffy feather musk], with which it admittedly shares not a single note), I absolutely could not pass up Elf Owl. I'm so glad I didn't. This actually isn't in the sun-themed family, nor, of course, does it match the highly white-floral Snowy Owl. Instead, Elf Owl turns out to be much closer to Squash Blossom [Cocobolo wood, orris root, carrot seed, sunflower petals, mandarin zest, and acorn squash baked with brown sugar] from the Autumn 1 collection, though much less vegetal. It's a very well-blended perfume and nothing in particular stands out. The overall effect is gentle: gently floral and slightly vegetal, with vanilla and baking spices but without any sugary sweetness. (Liatrix, for anyone who doesn't know what that note is--I had to look it up myself!--is a "sweet, coumarinic, herbal, tobacco-like floral and offers a pleasant vanilla-like scent".)
Fennec Fox [Blush sandalwood, amber resin, antique Egyptian cotton touched with saffron, spiced peach preserves, and sweet cedar resin] - It's gentle, warm, and spiced, with that snuggly feeling that you get with anything that has NCD's cotton note. If you really look, you can distinguish the wood, saffron, and peach, but they meld together extremely well. Surprisingly, I actually get quite a lot of the same sand note as in Flying South [Pink lemonade, warm sand, tiare blossoms, and a flowy cotton sundress] even though sand is not listed. I wear Fennec Fox in autumn on days when I don't feel like a pumpkin.
Glasswing Butterfly [A diaphanous veil of coconut water, elderflower, moonlit gardenia, silver musk, green lavender, and a slender twist of lime] - Nelophilia (Love of Glass) [Elderflower, silver musk, coconut water, cardamom, silk tree, lime blossom, and smooth hinoki wood] is one of my favorites from the Valentine's collection, but it's been discontinued for some time. So I was delighted to see this one because its notes read like a combination of Nelophilia and Queen Bee [Creamy white gardenia and fluffy whipped honey], both among my favorite NCD perfumes. It's not quite - it's not the same almost-spicy gardenia as in Queen Bee - but it is absolutely divine. Glasswing Butterfly is basically Nelophilia with all its smooth, cool, rainy, white floral nature, but here the cardamom is more present (YES! I love cardamom), and with a bit more floral. After a year of aging, it became quite a LOT more white floral; the heady gardenia came out with a KICK, and it's nearly but not quite indolic.
Honey Badger [Black amber, raw honey, smoked maple wood, and cardamom-infused cream] - I mean, duh, I had to try this one just for the cardamom cream. This is somehow so recognizably a NCD scent. Honey straight from the comb, dripping and golden, rich and sweet, backed by maple wood (but not really maple syrup) and a whiff of cardamom spice. Not nearly enough cardamom for my taste - but then, we all know what I'm like! I'm so glad I tried this one. Since its notes list starts with "black amber," I expected this to be quite a dark scent, but while it's quite rich, it's not ominously dark. Husband really likes this one, which is always a special success.
Hummingbird [Darting from oleander to orange blossom with ripe nectarine, hibiscus tea, and traces of tuberose] - White florals with orange and nectarine fruit notes, chirpy and cheerful. It's a juicy but not sugary scent. I love it for warm spring days - it's an absolute staple of my springtime perfumes - though I find it a little cloying in very hot weather.
Opossum [A bold nocturnal potion of Hatian amyris, soft black suede, red patchouli, freshly-turned earth, copal resin, and Peru balsam] - I get suede, red musk, and brown patchouli; meanwhile Husband, sniffing my wrist, gets pine and petrichor. Yet the combination of all these things is surprisingly gentle, not a shouty, in-your-face kind of scent. Absolutely none of the notes we're picking up on are my thing, but just about all of them very much are Husband's thing, so guess what - he immediately snaffled this one.
Orchid Mantis [Ripe Philippine mango, dragon fruit, tamarind, Indonesian teak, clove bud, sandalwood, tuberose, and a touch of ylang] - This one is bit too sweet for me on application - at first it's all sugary mango - but as it warms on my skin, the other notes creep in: more fruit (but less sugar), a bit of sharp clove for balance, and hints of woodiness and florals. As it dries, those hints of clove and woodiness amp further (and at this point, all my husband smells is cinnamony clove). For some reason, this is one of the very strongest of my NCD scents, with high longevity and even higher throw.
Raccoon [Sepia cashmere, guaiac wood, Egyptian amber, Copaiba balsam, golden musk, a twinkle of coriander, blonde oudh, resinous Himalayan cedar, and myrrh] - It's so well-blended that I can't pick out a single note individually, but something about this feels so quintessentially NCD. Right on application, it makes me think of Cheat Code [Windswept teakwood, cedar, coriander and tea are grounded in black tonka with a hint of fine leather], another one I had trouble describing, and it has a similar level of elegance and polish. Meanwhile, Husband smelled a bit of cola or sarsparilla, and noted an almost chocolatey undertone. As it dries, the cashmere and musk come forward, quite woolly and plush and just a touch animalistic. It seems a similar cashmere musk as in Arctic Fox [Soft amber nestled in sumptuous cashmere, steamed rice milk, winter white musk, and snow-covered fir trees]. If Arctic Fox worked for you, you absolutely must try Raccoon. Since Arctic Fox doesn't work on me (my skin amps that cashmere to unpleasant levels), Raccoon ultimately won't win a place in my collection either - which is a bummer because that opening is so pretty. I'll have to stick with Cheat Code for my polished, sophisticated vibes.
Robin's Egg [Dainty forget-me-nots and lily of the valley, a dollop of whipped blueberry creme, and a cozy birch nest tucked into a flowering dogwood tree] - This one has the same amazing blueberry as Grey Cat [Dry smoked vanilla, fluffy marshmallow creme, fresh blueberries, the gentlest touch of lavender and a warm cup of Earl Grey], House of Transcendence [Top notes of wild blueberry and morning fog, a heart of pale lilac and cashmere, with a base of orris and white amber], and Choreophilia [Wild violets, warm Earl Grey, Dominican blue amber, orris root, a handful of blueberries, and a touch of lime marmalade]. This iteration of the blueberry note is juicy and floral. After a few years of aging, Robin's Egg has become even more gorgeous and creamy, with that stunning blueberry and a vision of dainty blue flowers. This one is discontinued and I'm really sad about that (but you could maybe find some in the swaps if you ask around).
Silver Fox [White tea with honey and rice milk, almond macaron, soft grey cashmere and cool woodland musk] (this perfume is so popular that it is also in the Continuous Collection and available all year 'round) - Stunning. Sophisticated yet snuggly. The cashmere is the most prominent, followed by fir, the sweetness of white amber, and NCD's gentle whipped honey note. I also wouldn't have been surprised to read that copal was a note - there's just that little bit of resinous almost-smoke. When it dries, the sweetness goes away and the fir comes forward. This was a freebie with one of my orders - I hadn't actually bought a sample of this for myself, worried that I wouldn't like the rice milk (which, as it turns out, I don't actually smell), but it has since become one of my favorite wintertime scents.
Sugar Glider [Raw cotton, sugar cane, flannel flower, macadamia nut, pearblossom, palest musk, and dandelion puff] - So here's the thing, I'm wary of gourmands (in fact I always sit out most of the April Fool's gourmand collection). Sugar is listed in the notes description in the very second place, but I am a sucker for cute woodland animals, so that's how I ended up with this sample. After a first sniff in the vial, I got a little nervous about it, because it smelled very sugary, but I figured I'd wear it once, review it for you all, and then in a worst-case scenario, destash it to someone who does love sugary dessert scents. But wait! There's something strangely intoxicating about this one, and it's not really a gourmand. Immediately when I put it on, it reminded me a bit of the Sweettart-ness of my beloved Somniphilia (Love of Sleep) [Lamb's wool accord, orange blossom, barely-budding lavender, melissa, green fig, clary, cloud musk, and weightless vanilla marshmallow meringue]. I was pleasantly surprised that Sugar Glider is not at all dessert, instead more sugar + wood, and really rather cuddly. And then when it dries down, it reminds me so strongly of the blue raspberry note in Dewdrops on Spidersilk [Cerulean strands of cotton flower bejeweled with dewdrops, cold crystalline musk, tiny black vanilla beans, frozen blue raspberry, and gentle incense], except it's not "blue" (nor is it raspberry, but neither is "blue raspberry"). How did they achieve this effect? I have no idea, but it's so addictive: such a delicate, cheerful, springtime scent. It really does remind me of the experience of picking a perfect white fluffy dandelion and making a wish as you blow it. Definitely a springtime favorite.
White-Tailed Deer [Soft brown suede, golden musk, wild forest berries, and roasted chestnuts dusted with maple sugar] - I am always hesitant about suede, but was very happy when this was included as a free sample because I'd heard lovely things about it but wouldn't have purchased it for myself. It's an interesting one because my experience is of it is very different depending on distance. When I'm just smelling it as it wafts around me, it's such a warm, cozy scent, the suede mingling with chestnut and brown sugar. When I bring my wrist directly up to my nose to sniff, the suede does get a bit overwhelmingly leathery, and overtakes the other notes. Once it dries, though, that unpleasantly smoky leatheriness dissipates (even right up under my nose), leaving only the highly autumnal coziness behind. It is indeed very "golden" - or maybe a really rich, warm brown. I don't get any berries at all. It reminds me of the very stylized acorns and hedgehogs that fellow autumn-lovers love to idolize. (And for some reason, Husband gets saffron!)


Robin's Egg, Sugar Glider, and Elf Owl are some of my TOP favorite perfumes for spring; Fennec Fox for fall; and Silver Fox for winter. Black Squirrel is my favorite of the Squirrels (in fact I ended up destashing all the others since I continue to have some issues with NCD's apricot note) - it's so beautifully dark-academia. And in my opinion, the three Rabbits are absolute must-tries (and I hold so much hope for a new Rabbit this year!). If you try nothing else from this collection, try whichever of the three Rabbits most calls your name - they're all different but all absolutely stunning.
What are you hoping for this year? Any particular animals you're keeping fingers crossed for? Do we think it'll be mostly woodland creatures this year, or perhaps we'll get some oceanic or other Critters too?
submitted by TeaAndCozy to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]
