Can zocor affect male fertility

Calling all chart stalkers!

2014.11.03 22:55 mrswaka Calling all chart stalkers!

This sub is for everything related to charting your cycle while trying to conceive.

2013.10.31 02:56 willief for those interested in male infertility

For men experiencing infertility and for those with an interest in male infertility and male perspectives on infertility. Please see our most recent community update to better understand the culture of this community.

2011.07.21 04:13 All things related to birth control

A place to discuss birth control methods.

2024.05.16 15:18 Asatmaya Other - Stop Talking About Climate Change!

I had a Physics professor in college who always said the same thing about climate change:
"The things we need to do to fix it are things that we should be doing, for other reasons."
Climate change has become a partisan issue; not "politicized," as that would imply that the divide is between the left and right, when in fact it is between Democrats and Republicans... both of which are right-wing parties. In other words, this is a contrived debate. As long as the argument is about whether climate change is happening or not, they never have to have the debate about how to fix it, and their fossil-fuel-peddling donors will keep getting rich.
Instead, one party denies the problem, while the other party insists on policies that do not fix the problem. In case you haven't heard, electric vehicles and solar and wind power are nonsense; non-solutions that cost a lot of money without hurting the fossil fuel industry.
So, what are the solutions?
  1. Nuclear power - Contrary to what politicians and the media would have you believe, nuclear power is the best energy source in terms of safety, cost, and environmentalism. While the handful of accidents have been sensational, all of them together have killed fewer people than coal power kills in California every year, just from normal operation; the waste issue was solved by reprocessing back in the 1970s, and only kept alive as an issue by a regulatory ban on the technology (no other country even considers this an issue); and since the costs of nuclear are almost entirely up-front, but they run for 60+ years, no other energy source comes close to the cost efficiency of nuclear power.
  2. GMO crops - I honestly have a hard time even figuring out what the anti-GMO movement is complaining about. Intellectual Property, to be sure, but that is a much broader concern than just with GMO crops, and there are tens of thousands of public IP GMO strains developed by state universities, with more being developed all the time. This also addresses the "monoculture" concern; I never heard anyone say that a given GMO crop was the end-all, be-all replacement for every other strain of that crop, just the best we can do right now. The simple fact is the GMOs are better tailored for their environments such that they require less input (water, fertilizer, pesticide, fuel to transport them, etc) for the same output.
  3. Recombinant fuels - The main problem with EVs is that they are resource intensive throughout their life cycle, and require a complete rebuilding of infrastructure, not just the power grid to supply enough electricity to keep them all charged, but entirely new repair facilities (which your local mechanic cannot afford). Grabbing Carbon Dioxide out of the air and combining it with water to produce fuel is relatively straightforward chemistry, it just takes energy to do it... which can be had from the waste heat of advanced nuclear reactors. This lets us keep our existing infrastructure intact, while closing the Carbon cycle. This can also produce the other compounds normally acquired from petroleum to produce pharmaceuticals, lubricants, plastic, etc.
Note that none of these solutions address climate change, exclusively; cheaper electricity makes our industry more competitive, cheaper crops drive down the cost of living, and not being dependent upon petroleum for vital resources frees us from dangerous foreign entanglements.
These are things that we should be doing, for other reasons.
submitted by Asatmaya to LeftRightTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:17 duke313131 Need Help Proving to My Wife That I'm Not Looking at Inappropriate Content Online

Hey everyone,
I could really use some advice on how to handle a situation with my wife regarding social media. Recently, she noticed that the automated Instagram search on my account shows girls in bikinis, and she's questioning why that's happening.
Here's the thing: I genuinely haven't looked at anything inappropriate. I explained to her that this kind of content has been showing up since I opened the account and that it’s probably due to Instagram's algorithm targeting me because I’m a male. However, she’s understandably skeptical and wants some proof or reassurance that I’m being truthful.
What can I do to show her that I’m not engaging with this kind of content? Are there specific steps or tools I can use to demonstrate that my online activity is clean? Any advice or experiences with similar situations would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by duke313131 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:17 Quiet_Web4905 Blood Test Results

I'm trying to understand the results of my cats first blood test indicating CKD. I've just seen proteinuria should be checked for before deciding on treatment and I can't tell if that was checked for in the test. Is anyone able to let me know please?
Or any other advice for going forward.
Her results are:
urinalysis results: Laboratory: Type: Test: Results: Leuk- 3+ Nitrate- 5 Protein- 1+ Glucose- norm Ketones- neg Urobilinogen- norm Biliruben- neg Blood- 4+ SG- 1.018 Gross appearance - pale yellow, floating debris - appears to be fabric/lint Sediment: Wet prep - no crystals, no cells, lots of debris Stained slide - no bacteria, no blood cells.
Her bloods: Glucose a 1.9 3.2 - 7.5 mmol/L L IDEXX SDMA b 18 0 - 14 µg/dL H Creatinine 220 80 - 200 µmol/L H Urea 16.8 5.0 - 15.0 mmol/L H Phosphorus 1.8 1.0 - 2.3 mmol/L Calcium 2.7 2.1 - 2.8 mmol/L Sodium 156 144 - 158 mmol/L Potassium 5.2 3.7 - 5.4 mmol/L Calcium: Phosphorus Ratio 1.5 1.1 - 2.3 Na: K Ratio 30.0 29.0 - 40.0 Chloride 119 106 - 123 mmol/L Bicarbonate 14 12 - 24 mmol/L Anion Gap 28.2 15.0 - 31.0 mmol/L Total Protein 76 60 - 84 g/L Albumin 35 25 - 38 g/L Globulin 41 31 - 52 g/L Albumin: Globulin Ratio 0.9 0.5 - 1.1 ALT 88 19 - 100 U/L AST 60 2 - 62 U/L ALP 28 5 - 50 U/L GGT 0 0 - 5 U/L Bilirubin - Total 1 0 - 7 µmol/L Cholesterol 7.1 2.2 - 5.5 mmol/L H Creatine Kinase 468 64 - 400 U/L H Haemolysis Moderate haemolysis Index c Lipaemia Index Nil lipaemia
RBC 9.9 4.9 - 10.0 x1012/L Haematocrit 0.46 0.25 - 0.48 L/L Haemoglobin 130 77 - 156 g/L MCV 46 43 - 55 fL MCH 13 13 - 17 pg MCHC 283 282 - 333 g/L % Reticulocytes 0.1 0.0 - 0.4 % Reticulocytes 10 3 - 50 K/µL Reticulocyte Haemoglobin 13.7 13.2 - 20.8 pg WBC 8.2 5.5 - 19.0 x109/L % Neutrophils 59.7 % % Lymphocytes 31.1 % % Monocytes 4.1 % % Eosinophils 5.0 % % Basophils 0.1 % Neutrophils 4.9 2.0 - 13.0 x109/L Lymphocytes 2.6 0.9 - 7.0 x109/L Monocytes 0.3 0.0 - 0.6 x109/L Eosinophils 0.4 0.0 - 1.0 x109/L Basophils 0.0 0.0 - 0.1 x109/L Platelets 302 300 - 800 x109/L
The lab notes on the blood results said the the haemolysis that happened during the collection might have affected the results of several of the key categories so does that mean I should wait for the second blood test to consider her to have CDK? (She's over twelve and 2.5 kg and I'm worried about starting her on prescription renal food too soon if it may effect her negatively rather than benefit).The vet said her blood glucose results can be dismissed as it was due to too little blood being in the vial during the test but one of her main symptoms is peeing on the floor lately so should I still be worried about diabetes being a possibility and have that retested or would the urinalysis still have caught that?
We'll be redoing some of the tests next week and attempting a blood pressure test which they could not do last time because she was too stressed. Should I be asking for further diagnosis such as imaging to try and find any underlying cause that may be treatable?
(Also, could her having been on kitten food which I didn't realise was higher phosphorous and Urinary Care dry food have caused the diluted urine and higher BUN?)
submitted by Quiet_Web4905 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:16 B0gW4ter sprite not changing

I'm trying to code an object to change sprite when their "lives" (time slots) drop but when the room is made the sprite gets stuck in what ever state its in, which defeats its purpose.
there's only two objects that affect this function, obj_game which stores the number of lives, and obj_shopper which removes a life when the interaction ends (i.e. when time progresses)
//step event if lives == 1 4 7 10 { sprite_index = spr_tiny_3 } else if lives == 2 5 8 11 { sprite_index = spr_tiny_2 } else { sprite_index = spr_tiny_1 } 
I feel sort of silly getting this stuck on such a simple concept and could use any help i can get
submitted by B0gW4ter to gamemaker [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:15 Hydee143203 Can I add custom female players to a male team?

Helloo my sister and I like to make our own players and add them to teams to play with our own made teams against each other in kick off. As the title says I'd like to know if one can make a custom female player and add them to a male team kind of like in Ultimate Team (i heard at least that you can mix there) but just in kick off or any way that you can do that without any online stuff (I don't have Ps+ Tvt) Thank youu!
submitted by Hydee143203 to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:14 NuckingFutsNixHekate For patients

For all my ppl who only want men or only want women medical providers, please stop. REALLY. STOP. This is the stupidest thing I've had to deal this week. Are ppl not aware that a lot of Dr's are men? That there are male nurses? I'm tired of being overloaded because granny would rather clutch her pearls than take her medical care seriously. If you can afford to be that picky, go find someone you want and stop being sexist. Stop making our jobs harder. If its serious and you need help, you really don't care where it's coming from. All you're telling me, is you really don't need me and you can afford to actually go to the dr office. I do this as requested and I don't argue because I can't. But I don't think this should be allowed anymore. You need care or you don't.
submitted by NuckingFutsNixHekate to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:14 Redditer80 Changing spawn composition and rates to make a planet unique

For example, one automaton planet has mostly light robots, but double or triple the spawn rate. One planet staffs robot bases with double the bots or has increased patrols near bases or bases have a guaranteed tank each or all three. On the bug side, one bug planet can be 3/4 bile spewers. High command recommends auto cannon and grenade launcher. A locust swarm of hunters or a dust storm with hunters gliding through. High command recommends shotguns and fire.
The game feels stale because it's the same patrol/enemy composition in all medium planets. And the same patrol/enemy composition in suicide for all planets...etc.
I'd like to see a little variation besides weather and mission type. Keep us on our toes.
The players love their robot Vietnam's and it's fun when we have multiple Vietnams. Can you imagine a planet that's only stalkers and the only mission is to raise the flag as a very small defend sized map? Could we beat it once, let alone liberate it? If not a whole planet, maybe this IS the mission.
What if we mixed it up every 3 months? Boom, they hit that reset button again. People don't figure out a map after the first time, they have to play it many times until they figure out the ins and outs completely. This naturally keeps it fresh while presenting a unique challenge for longer.
I do have a pause for warning though. I don't actually want spawn compositions randomized. That would be horrible except for maybe 1 bot and bug planet that's completely random, randomized each game, for those epic sharable videos of whatever you can imagine because it's literally random every game, so it's possible. Back on track, what I'm trying to say is say you have 253 planets. You give 200 employees 1 planet each to do what they want and they're going to compete the fuck out of it. They'll be offering to make custom models, textures, features for free on the weekends. Oh and Charger Joel gets 50. I get 3 because this idea is brilliant. If Joel sees certain planets being played more, there can be a promotion and demotion of planet makeups each season and shuffled around. This allows the community to experience new planet holders or search for which planet got the fan favorite old school malevelon Creek template.
A concern is Arrowhead thought of this and determined it would be too difficult for the players to adapt that often. (Or you can buff the guns or reduce strategem time on harder composition lobbies)
This was a fun one I came up with while writing this:
Planet affect: alien dust reduces all gun fire rate-over time, recoil handling increased-over time. High command recommends heavy machine gun for planet. If you survive with the gun until max fire rate penalty, your recoil handling is so high, you now have a gattling sniper. Everyone needs a little godmode.
Imagine the community when they find out about gattling sniper planet, and the streamers showing you the best planet you're not landing on. Fml, we probably don't need those videos in our lives, but I want these ideas in my game.
submitted by Redditer80 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:13 PeAch_Owl Blood Test next week. Should I stop gluten intake?

So my backstory is that I'd been single and vegan for 5 years before 2023, and so I never really ate bread, mostly salads, soups and soy. In 2023 I married and now had a husband who I ate with, went out for date nights and so I've introduced a more unhealthy vegetarian diet. Last few months I've been violently vomiting a few hours after meals (not pregnant), I have this sharp uncomfortable right upper abdomen pain that I can barely lay on, I'm constantly bloated and suffer with diarrhea, cramps and acid reflux. My bloods show im anaemic and all fats were low, I do have folic acid every single day. I've also miscarried 3 times. Something's not right! I went to the GP and he's requested a celiac blood test next Friday. I did test gluten removal before going to the GP and I felt amazing afterwards. Can I stop the gluten today? I just can't handle it anymore. Would it affect my results greatly?
submitted by PeAch_Owl to Celiac [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:13 DealDizzy8 How about seeing psychologist from opposite gender?

So I was sexually coerced. And you know I'm not mentally thay strong. So i was seeing a therapist but my female therapist is not professional at all she uses mob in between the session when I was talking about my abuse. So I want to change her and I met a male psychologist over that organisation. And I felt he was so calm and understanding just like how a psychologist should be. Amd wonderning if he can become my Psychologist i asked him if he will like to take my case and he said yes but he have to talk to the senior over there as they are juniors and they work under some seniors.
So maybe I can get him as a psychologist but I fear that may I will develop feelings for him. Cz i have never experienced love and if anyone will talk nicely to me I will fall for them
So should I this time challange myself and see a male psychologist or should I just go for female psychologist?
submitted by DealDizzy8 to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:11 Unreal_Ideal 42 [M4F] #Pennsylvania #Maryland #Delaware, Seeking Quality Daily Chat with other married parents

Good morning from Southeast Pennsylvania.
I'm here seeking quality adult conversation with intelligent females who are parents to human children and either married or in a long-term relationship of sorts. I want to discuss the trials, tribulations, victories, etc. of married family life and how we cope, manage, and find time to thrive as an individual as well. I find listening to others and giving advice to others is a rewarding friendship dynamic. I also appreciate feedback from women because they can tell me if I'm being reasonable or not.
Bonus points if you're in PA, MD, or Delaware.
Not interested in males, singles, or younger
submitted by Unreal_Ideal to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:10 GuaranteeWarm7987 Did any of you ever return to your religion at one point back then leave again? (Specifically christianity, but other's fine also)

Posted this on exchristians but wanted to see what was said here also
I know some of you may say, "No, how could I, after I discovered the truth?" and to be fair, that is understandable. However, recently, I wanted the faith to be true because I wanted a reason to actually exist, and I thought that you could only find that through God. Now, I realize this is not the case, as life does not have to have meaning for us to enjoy it.
The same old arguments that I used when I was a believer all failed in the end. Like biblical prophecy proving Jesus was the Messiah and "end time predictions" – none of them make sense. But due to the cognitive dissonance I experienced at the time, I just tried to tell myself they were true. However, in the end, I was lying to myself.
I prayed daily for a while to try to spark more faith, and when I thought my prayers were answered, I thought, "There you go, I am really with God!" But a Muslim, Hindu, and Pagan can all say the same, and we have no way of proving which one is right.
The real endpoint for me in all of this was realizing how God gave us a book that cannot be interpreted correctly. There is no true basis. Black Hebrew Israelites, Mormons, Catholics, Orthodox, and many more all claim to have the right interpretation, yet they are so drastically different (there are still more than what I listed). So, why would an all-knowing and loving God give us this book then? If he knew all this would be the case? And even the so-called right interpretation does not matter because the Bible is a false book no matter how you view it.
There are more reasons why I can explain if anyone cares, but this whole experience has been awful for me. As I write this, I feel liberated, but also my hands are shaking with all the stress I got from this whole religious thing. I have not been eating as much or focusing on my studies because this whole thing has affected me in the brain in obviously not the best way. But over time, like before, it will ease, and I will not fall into this trap again. My story is nowhere near as bad as what some of you have experienced, and I hope all of you who go through that find a way for it to be resolved and live a fulfilling life.
Thanks to whoever bothered to read this.
Also i used ChatGPT to grammar edit this because i am lazy so if anything seems AI automated that may be why
submitted by GuaranteeWarm7987 to TrueAtheism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:10 FluidImpact259 What are the lessons people learn after a breakup?

I feel every individual usually goes and must go through atleast 1 terrible breakup in their life. It teaches many lessons as well as fosters maturity.
  1. Unconditional love is a myth , in 99% cases (excluding parental love)
  2. Love is like a mood. It changes with time. Love is “love” only when a particular time frame suits it. Once the comfort zone is removed (eg. Things like long distance comes into picture) the “love” gets challenging and starts deteriorating.
  3. One person always wants to make it work more than the other. Theres no equality in “loving”.
  4. As you grow, your choices change. You start questioning if you really want the person.
  5. Never try controlling the person, cause once they leave you , they’ll anyway do the things you once told them to quit.
  6. Never trust words like i love you infinity or i want to make babies with you etc. Its total bullshit. Its their hormones playing mind games , thats all. Actions speak louder than words.
  7. Only invest in the person if you see equal reciprocation. Do not be a giver unless you get equal amount of time and affection.
  8. Sex has nothing to do with love. Sex is a part of a relationship. It doesn’t solve anything nor does it increase the magnitude of love. Its just an act. Jist cause the other person lost their virginity to you doesnt mean they are going to marry you. Sex is just an act. Remember. Dont make it a big deal.
  9. The moment you feel the other person suddenly changes their attitude towards you , and you observe this change over a period of time, trust me - thats a narcissistic trait. Run like hell and never look back.
  10. The biggest regret you’ll have is you let your self respect be sabotaged for some unworthy person. Remember, if your self respect needs to be compromised, its no love. Its negative lustful attachment.
  11. Your personalities should match atleast 80 percent. If your thought process and wants in life are different - your relationship is doomed to fail. Moreover if you feel you are an empath or a sensitive person , beware of narcissists.(youtube narcisstic traits) . A narcissist can ruin your life.
  12. Take each day as it comes. Dont plan the future. Planning the future creats many expectations and expectations increase attachments. Attachment breeds obsession = your mental health becomes detrimental and you feel mentally weak as well as drained.
  13. Date a person whos long term goals are similar to yours
  14. Dont promise anything about the future. Just be loyal. Let things flow as they do. If its meant to be it will.
  15. Forcing whats not meant to be will only cause more mental trauma and suffering
  16. If your girlfriend has a male bestfriend. Just trust her. Thats all. Cause if you try separating them, and eventually in future if you breakup, you’ll most likely see her in that friends’ arms. That’ll kill you. And viceversa for girls.
  17. Never trust fully. A person changes each day,each minute,each second. Take each day as it comes as i said.
  18. Never ever ever ever EVER agree on being friends with an ex if you were dumped. She/he would ask for friendship just cause they pity your situation and want to relieve blame from their heads.
submitted by FluidImpact259 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:09 Sabinno Cannot remove roles from 2019 server because of KB5032196

Hey all,
We're trying to clean up some DCs with unnecessary roles (e.g. IIS, NPAS, AD CS) and we just... can't (0x80073701). CBS logs point to it being because some SXS assembly from KB5032196 is missing, but it's definitely installed - I can see it with my own two eyes. This affects all 2019 servers, it seems, because they're exhibiting the same behavior.
I have already applied all possible Windows Updates and ran a full dism online component cleanup. No change.
I cannot uninstall the KB with wusa, it seems - I just get the "here's how to use wusa" screen. Our RMM can't even remove it - it says it just can't roll back the patch. Is that because it's too old?
Any advice?
submitted by Sabinno to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:09 WeekendAmazing6443 I (25f) am in a heterosexual relationship but suddenly super attracted to women. Is this normal?

I’ve always been attracted to men, last few weeks it’s like something switched and I can’t help but being super attracted to women. I’ve had experiences in the past with this one girl which I really did enjoy, but I was the one putting an end to it as I found it a bit too much at the time (she was seeing multiple people). I don’t know if this comes with the fact that I just feel super aroused out of a sudden, both about a man I had a fling with in the past and mainly, women. How beautiful they are, the form, the feminine energy in general, it’s just amazing and lately I can’t stop thinking of how crazy it drives me. I’ve been thinking about it often and it isn’t something that happened in this scale in the past. I don’t know where all this is coming from as I am in a solid relationship (with a male) I respect and want to keep for sure, but at the some time I’m wondering if I’m really bi and just have been denying that to myself. It’s genuinely one of the nicest things I’ve felt in a long time, but I can’t help but thinking it’s wrong. I don’t cheat, I would never put my relationship at risk, but is this something I should ignore or speak to my partner about. It’s such a strong thing I feel all over my body, not sure how would I be able to ignore it forever! I’m not sure if other women have experienced the same or not, but how do you navigate these waters once it hits you?
submitted by WeekendAmazing6443 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:08 Spin_Quarkette Is the Separation of Church and State a Pipe Dream?

The Internet is blowing up about a commencement speech given by a deeply, religious, traditional Catholic football kicker, Harrison Butker of the Kansas City Chiefs. If you haven't heard the speech (given to a class of graduates from a Catholic College), he asserts that women's joys don't come from academic achievements but from having children and taking care of their husbands and home. He goes on to lament the culture of the LGBTQ+ community and the acceptance thereof etc.. I'm sure you get the drift.
Setting aside the obvious misogyny, and homophobic world view, no matter how you slice it or dice it, in my opinion, his speech is not a religious speech, but rather a political speech. A speech designed to promote, and enrich the living conditions of one demographic over another. And here are my thoughts (sorry for the length! I've been pondering this for a while LOL):
I'll only address the two most commonly known traditions in the U.S. below, I'm not suggesting other religions do not have a political bent as well. But if I were to add those, that would be a much longer post (more like a dissertation LOL), and I don't want the mods, or readers to get entirely fed up with me LOL!
As it relates to his (Butker's) particular tradition (Catholicism), it makes sense his world view would be more from a political standpoint rather than a religious one. From the beginning, the Catholic church was a construct created by the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was certainly not interested in feeding the poor, or turning the other cheek, or promoting peace. The Roman Empire was about conquest, subjugation and enriching the already wealthy even more. It was also about promoting the interests of powerful men, men who viewed anyone other than a Roman male citizen as chattel or a lesser human being. Even wealthy Roman women were understood as property of their husbands. In fact, there is NO evidence the Roman Empire EVER adopted the teachings of Jesus , but rather leveraged the manpower Christians brought to the table to further Rome's worldly interests. Sounds a lot like the political world view shared in that speech Butker gave!
The Protestant traditions were not much different. While they started with the intention of "fixing" the corruption coming from the Vatican (wealth accumulation, power influence etc..), the Protestant reformation quickly fell into politics as well, particularly when Henry the VIII broke away from the Catholic Church and formed the Church of England, declaring himself the head of the church and then granting himself a divorce.
From that point on, I think most of us are familiar with the centuries long wars and power struggles between Catholic and Protestant kingdoms in Europe.
From that arose the aspirations of the American Founding Fathers: a separation of church and state. But did we ever achieve that? Is it even possible?
For a collective people to be successful, you need a societal framework that includes a shared world view and values. In the U.S. secular values were to provide that shared world view (if we are to accept the separation of church and state).
But religion and in particular those who like the power of being leaders in religious organizations seem to be successful in leveraging the most basic human instincts and fears and shape those around a religious framework that appears to always involve benefiting on demographic over another.
So my question is - can we ever truly achieve a separation of church and state? Can the craving for power and influence ever be tamed such that people serve in government as an act of service to make a better world, or are we forever doomed to live in world where people use any means possible to accumulate power, wealth and influence (to include religion)?
submitted by Spin_Quarkette to religion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:07 oakhill12academy Revealing the Ideal Fit: Selecting the Best private schools nj

The educational environment in New Jersey is diverse, with private schools standing out as an especially appealing choice. The Best private schools nj can offer a special set of benefits catered to your child's particular needs and goals, while public schools offer a solid foundation. This is a guide to help you find the Best private schools nj for your child's academic progress while navigating this exciting path:
1.Determining Your Child's Objectives and Needs:
Academic Focus: Would your child benefit from a well-rounded education that strikes a balance between academics, the arts, and extracurricular activities, or would they flourish in a highly competitive environment? The Best private schools nj provide a variety of choices, ranging from AP (Advanced Placement)-focused colleges that prepare students for college to schools that prioritize project-based learning or the arts.
Learning Style: Take into account the learning style of your youngster. A typical classroom environment is valued by some of the Best private schools nj, but other institutions adopt alternative teaching strategies like Montessori education or individualized lesson plans.
Social and Emotional Development: Consider your child's overall emotional and social health. Would they be more successful in a larger school with a diverse student body and extracurricular activities, or in a smaller, more intimate setting?
2. Examining and contrasting educational institutions: school websites and online reviews Numerous details on the Best private schools nj may be found on their websites, including details about their extracurricular activities, academic offerings, student body makeup, and faculty qualifications. Parents' online reviews can offer insightful information about the school's culture, teaching methods, and overall student experience.
Open houses and school tours provide you the chance to get a personal look at some of the Best private schools nj. Gain a greater knowledge of the school's educational philosophy, the learning environment, and the degree of parental involvement by speaking with teachers, administrators, and current parents.
3. Taking Other Aspects into Account:
Scores on Standardized Tests: Standardized test results can give a rough idea of a school's academic success, but they are not the only measure of a school's quality. Examine the results from the Best private schools nj to determine how well they meet your child's academic objectives.
Where and How to Get There: Think about the location of the school and the available transportation. Is it simple to get to the school by vehicle or public transportation? This element has the potential to greatly affect your child's daily schedule.
Cost and Financial Aid: New Jersey's top private schools have different tuition costs. To ascertain affordability, look into the financial aid alternatives provided by the schools or through other scholarship programs.
4. Communication Is Essential:
Arrange the Interviews: Make an appointment for both yourself and your child to have interviews once you've whittled down your list of the Best private schools nj. This gives your child the chance to interact with possible teachers and gauge how comfortable they are in a classroom setting. You can also use this as an opportunity to ask detailed questions concerning the curriculum, support services, and school philosophy.
Recall that opinions on which private schools in New Jersey are "best" vary. The perfect school will support your family's ideals as well as your child's individual requirements. You may select the Best private schools nj that helps your child reach their full potential and put them on the path to both academic success and personal development by carefully weighing these variables and doing extensive research!
submitted by oakhill12academy to u/oakhill12academy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:06 serose04 Comprehensive From the Ashes guide

Comprehensive From the Ashes guide
I feel like there is no guide to rebuilding Pribyslavitz that would be simple and straight to the point. That would cover everything you need to know, but only things the game itself doesn't tell you. So I decided to make one. I hope you'll find it useful. The guide is also on Steam, I would appreciate you giving it like over there as well.


This guide is the result of a deep analysis of From the Ashes DLC that I made.
It covers following topics:
  • What to build
  • Building order
  • Judgments
  • Village income breakdown


Some quests that are not part of FtA DLC can affect your ability to achieve the highest income. These quests are:
  • Ginger in a Pickle (affects charcoal price)
  • My Friend Timmy (affects tavern income)
  • Aquarius (affects traders income)
  • Besmirched (affects tavern income)
  • A Rock and a Hard Place and Gallows Brothers (affects tavern income)
  • Rattled (affects forge income)
Should you make all the wrong choices, it will cost you 275 gr. of daily income.
Details about these quests are described further. If you are planning on achieving maximum possible income from Pribyslavitz I strongly recommend you read this guide before doing any of the aforementioned quests.

What to build

During the reconstruction you will have to make 3 decisions as to what you want to build. These decisions are:
  • Bakery or Butchers
  • Swordsmith or Armoursmith
  • Stables or Guardhouse
Bakery or Butchers
The decision between bakery and butchers is rather easy – take bakery. It makes more money for the same build cost. The drying shed is also better than smoke house, as it allows you to dry all kinds of food. Smoke house can only make smoked meat. Lastly you will need to spend more money on resources getting livestock and grain (you only need grain if you go with bakery).
Swordsmith or Armoursmith
Swordsmith will provide you with the best sword in the game – Tusk.
Armoursmith will provide you with the best shield in the game – Boarback shield.
These are the only unique items you can get from forge, everything else can be found elsewhere in the game. Which means the decision should be made according to your playstyle. Armoursmith can theoretically make you 10 gr. more than swordsmith, but this difference is so small you should neglect it.
Stables or Guardhouse
Most difficult decision. At first stables seem like a clear winner. It makes more money, allows you to choose from 3 new horses and provides some special horse tack that cannot be found anywhere else in the game.
However. I strongly advise you to consider building guardhouse instead and here’s why.
The overall income difference between stables and guardhouse in fully build Pribyslavitz is just 75 gr. Not a big deal considering the village will produce over 2300 gr. daily.
The new horses aren’t a big deal either. Each is better than Warhorse Jenda in some way, but also worse in another. And the differences are so small I doubt you would notice them.
Lastly, the exclusive horse tack consists of 6 pieces of horse head armor. It looks good, but the usefulness is questionable, as most people don’t really fight from horse.
Guardhouse on the other hand, will get you the strongest bow in the game – Sinew bow. But mainly it unlocks arena master. He will provide you with infinite number of enemies to fight against in an arena. You can choose difficulty, weapons, and armor. And yes, the selection includes polearms. It it’s like your own, custom Rattay tourney anytime you want.
If you like fighting, guardhouse is for you. The fun it provides is well worth the smaller income and extra horses/horse tack. I would only suggest you build stables if you plan on fighting from horse back. Agro is by far the best fighting horse in the game and the horse armor will come in handy.

Rebuilding Pribyslavitz the smart way

Yes, the price of fully rebuild Pribyslavitz is well over 95 000 gr. But you DON’T NEED to save up this much. In fact, you only need 23 580 gr. for initial investment, about 2500 gr. to cover the initial running costs and as a reserve and 3000 to buy stone for building. You should have 29 000 gr. ready as you go to start Lost in the Woods quest. That’s all the money you will ever need to invest out of your own pocket.
The following part details how to rebuild Pribyslavitz. Order is important, as you need to maximize profits first. You should also aim to get the village profitable as soon as possible. For this reason, try to build everything up until you have tavern as quickly as possible.
Initial buildings
Start with building Bridge and Road.
Then immediately after build Woodcutter’s camp and purchase the Beasts of Burden upgrade.
Traders and resources
This is where you start doing some “chores”. The next building you need is traders. This building will provide Pribyslavitz with resources. It is crucial to get them as cheap as possible.
  • Wood – sourced locally
  • Stone – there’s only one place to get it – Talmberg quarry. Negotiate for lower price (3000 gr.), bring Bard potion if necessary.
  • Grain – buy it in Samopesh, they offer the lowest price. It cannot be negotiated lower.
  • Charcoal – go to the charcoal burners who are friends with Ginger. If you helped him during Ginger in a Pickle (make sure to go back to the hut he’s hiding in and tell him he can return to Neuhof), they will provide charcoal for 180 gr. If you didn’t help Ginger, the price is always the same no matter where you go – 220 gr.
The only resource you actually need to purchase is stone. Everything else will count as negative income. Stone is one time purchase, so you need to have the required 3000 gr. ready.
While you are running around getting resources, ask Kunesh (in Rattay) and Raspberry (woodcutters camp between Ledetchko and Inn in the Glade, you likely asked him about Reeky’s hideout) to come work for you as woodcutters. Also ask Kornelius to be your trader. You can only ask him after the quest Aquarius has been completed and you cannot give Kornelius a job during this quest.
You can now return to Pribyslavitz and build tavern, also buy all the upgrades. Now it’s time to get some skilled workers for your local drinking hole.
First the innkeeper. The only option here is Adam (Rattay) who’s family owned tavern in Skalitz. In order to get him, you need to finish the Besmirched quest. During this quest you need to give Adam his family cross back. After that he will come work for you as innkeeper.
Next the barmaid. Again only one option – Mirka. She lives in the mill south of Merhojed, you might remember her as a sister of Timmy. Unless you killed Timmy, she will come work for you. It’s fine if Morcock and his cronies killed Timmy, she only refuse to be barmaid if you killed him personally.
You can also invite Mathew and Fritz to be local patrons. You need to finish the quest A Rock and a Hard Place and Mathew and Fritz cannot be arrested during the following quest, Gallows Brothers. Initially they will bring negative income of -15 gr. each. But, after a judgment they will start making positive income of +10 gr. each. The sooner you bring them, the sooner the judgment can happen for them to start making money, so don’t wait too long getting them. Once the judgment appears, you must choose “Give them one more chance” option.
Your village is now making about 885 gr. daily. Wait 5 days and you should have enough money to build bakery and all its upgrades. Silvester, a skilled baker, can be hired during another judgment, so keep an eye out for it.
Guardhouse/Stables and Beehives
After building the bakery (and hiring Silvester) the village is now making 1345 gr. daily. Wait 6 days and you should have enough to build and fully upgrade guardhouse and beehives.
If you want to build and fully upgrade stables instead, you might need to wait an extra day to gain enough money.
After you build stables, go to Neuhof and hire Mark to be your groom. You will need to convince Zora to let him leave Neuhof. Successfully finishing The Sport of Kings quest will make the convincing easier, but it can be done without it.
The village is now making about 1775/1885 gr. daily and after another 6/5 days it should earn you enough to build a forge. Choose swordsmith or armoursmith based on your playstyle.
As far as the skilled workers go:
  • With swordsmith go to Sasau and find Fink (local swordsmith). Start and finish The Queen of Sheba's Sword quest. Then you can hire him.
  • With armoursmith got to Sasau as well and start the Rattled quest. You need to side with Zach. Only then will he come work for you and he will make you +70 gr. If you side with Otta, you can hire him, but he will only make +10 gr.
Rathaus and Church
The village is now making whopping 2620/2730 gr. daily. Rathaus will cost you 310 daily and church 300 daily.
You can build it as the money comes or wait until you make enough to upgrade everything all at once. It really doesn’t matter all that much, but if you want to rebuild Pribyslavitz as fast as possible without spending more than the initial investment of 29k gr. you should wait until you have all the money. It costs 50 300 gr. to build and fully upgrade both rathaus and church. Pribyslavitz should make this much in about 18 to 20 in game days.


Every once in a while, you will find an activity marker on your map located in the center of Pribyslavitz. That is a judgment – special type of activity introduced by From the Ashes DLC. You will need to decide various disputes between the citizens of Pribyslavitz.
Some of these judgments are important and can earn you more money. Some have no impact at all. Judgments can also have impact on your reputation with Pribyslavitz, but I wouldn’t worry much about that. It’s easy to keep it high even if you make unpopular decisions. Certain decisions will always result in loosing or gaining citizen(s). As the number of citizens have no effect on the village, it’s not important criterium.
Important judgments
These judgments can earn you substantial daily income or they can lower your daily income by a lot. It’s very important to make a good, or at least not terrible, decisions.
Old Crone
  • Aghata has been accused of witchcraft by Lida
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"There'll be no witchcraft in my village!" +45 -3 +1
Every other option +30 +? +2
  • After you completely rebuild Pribyslavitz, you need to decide what to do with now useless woodcutter’s camp.
  • Sell the wood is the only logical option here, +180 gr./day and +5 reputation
  • Some villagers are poaching, decide what to do about it
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"Punish them." +40 -3 -1
"Leave them be." +30 0 0
"Have some strong words with them." -10 0 +1
The New Baker
  • Sylvester used to be baker for Runt’s gang, decide whether or not to accept him as baker for Pribyslavitz
  • Accept him, you can only gain (+75 gr./day and +2 reputation)
  • Other options have no positive outcome for you
Baker Troubles
  • Some dispute about the size of the bread
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"We keep things as is." +50 -3 -2
"Bigger Loaves, but Black Bread." +30 0 0
"Municipal Scales." +20 0 +2
"Bigger Loaves." -40 0 +3
Raspberry's Family
  • Raspberry's wife is trying to get him to leave Prybislavitz for Ledetchko
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"Raspberry will stay here." +5 0 0
"I'll give you a good dowry to leave." -1000 +? 0
"It's your own affair." -40 -3 0
  • It’s important to keep Raspberry around, he’s making decent profit, first option is clearly the best one here
  • The dowry is one time payment of 1000 gr. It is not negative income that you’ll need to pay daily
Brothers Brawl
  • Matthew and Fritz are causing problems in tavern, decide what to do with them
  • "Give them one more chance." is the only possible answer here. This will keep them around and they will start to make +10 gr./day each. Other options will either get them to leave Prybislavitz or keep them around, but they will keep on costing you -15 gr./day
Locator's Wage
  • Marius wants pay rise
  • You will need speech check rating of 18+ to get him stick to his original contract of 55 gr.
  • If you can’t get speech to 18+ even with bard potion, agree to his pay rise
  • Don’t give him higher sum (120 gr.) it has no benefit for you
  • Due to a bug, you will pay him total of 175 gr. daily if you fail the speech check, it’s advised to save before negotiating his pay
Minor judgments
These judgments can earn you daily income or cost you daily income, but the amount of money you gain or lose is very small.
Attempted Murder
  • Malis accuses his wife of trying to kill him. Harridan claims he just got drunk and ate too much
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"Farmer, you're a brute." +5 -3 0
"Nothing happened. It's your own affair." 0 0 0
"Woman, you're banished for trying to poison your husband." -10 -3 -1

The Stream
  • Decide how far from the village should workers go defecate
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"100 feet." +5 +2 0
"Let them answer the call of nature where they like." 0 -3 -2
"Insist on 150 feet downstream." -5 0 +1
Guards Needed
  • Guards are afraid of Cuman attacks and want to workers to be trained as guards
Answer Money Reputation Citizens
"I've no people to spare. 0 -3 -2
"A few woodcutters." -10 0 0
A few labourers." -10 0 0
"Woodcutters and labourers." -20 +? 0
  • Unless you care about the -3 reputation I would choose the first option, there are no attacks, you don’t need to defend Prybislavitz
Other judgments
All other judgments are either irrelevant, meaning they don’t cost you any money or only one time payment.
There is one judgment which happens when you build butchers instead of bakery.
  • Butcher Kochwurst makes +50 gr./day but costs you -3 reputation
  • Butcher Brisket makes +45 gr./day and has no reputation penalty
As the butcher is overall worse option than bakery, you should never see this judgment

Village income breakdown

Tables below show the village income breakdown for Prybislavitz with bakery and guardhouse and Prybislavitz with bakery and stables.
The breakdown is more detailed than the one you find in ledger. For this reason, some numbers are different, but the overall total is the same.
  • Synergies between buildings are accounted for the building that produces said synergy. For example, bakery produces cakes for tavern, so the income from said cakes is accounted under the bakery, not tavern.
  • In the ledger, the cost of supplies shows under traders, that’s why here it has positive income, while in game it’s negative
  • In the ledger, Marius’s wage shows under rathaus, that’s why the running cost of rathaus here is smaller than the one in ledger
  • Judgments regarding the skilled workers are accounted for under the respective building
  • Every judgment is made to maximize profit, your mileage might vary based on the decisions you make
Daily income of 2390 gr. is actually the highest Prybislavitz can earn after fully rebuilding it. Theoretical max income is 2830 gr. This is after building and upgrading everything except for rathaus and church and deciding every judgment to maximize profit.
submitted by serose04 to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:05 throwaway94023333 On the verge of manic/suicidal

Let me preface that my now recent ex and I weren't together for very long, only 8 months but I still lost someone I deeply love and I lost my will to live as well. I'm including a long backstory for context and to also vent so feel free to skip
The backstory: We'd been dating for only 3 and a half months before she went to Europe to study abroad for a semester. During this time I was house sitting and cat sitting for her. Just a couple of weeks ago we reunited after texting and calling pretty much everyday while doing long distance. I thought everything was ok but in person she behaved differently. Getting annoyed by anything I did or said, not talkative, and we would continue to misunderstand each other occasionally. It got to the point where one night we started arguing about something so small but it kept getting worse. She tried breaking up with me there while I was staying with her and still had 4 days left in the visit but after an anxious breakdown I had, she reconsidered and the remainder of the time was spent working out the rough edges. I remember us having genuinely happy and loving moments of being together still. Fast forward to the end of the trip to when I go visit family in Europe(mind you that we planned for her to meet us here after her semester in a week) and we get into another small argument over text that blows up into us getting mad at each other. That was the last straw. The next day she called me, crying, saying she really wants to break up. I was playing it off calmly and being understanding, because I was prepared for this. She then changed her flight to go back home sooner than me so she can pack and go live with her parents for the summer to focus on improving her mental health and to save money. These changes start taking a toll on my sanity but am hesitantly accepting them since I'd still go back to see her and live with her for a bit until she goes back to her parents, giving me a small bit of hope of talking her out of it in person. She then says her landlord is going to change her lease so that it ends at the end of the month, which now gives me less than a week to pack everything up and find a new place to stay. This is the detail that is getting me to spiral. My already bad depression and suicidal thoughts are worsening, my stress is heightening, and I'm unable to enjoy my time with my family because of these decisions she's making that are affecting me as well. What I thought was going to be a nice vacation with loved ones is turning into a nightmare. I feel my sanity slipping as my thoughts become more horrible by the day and I'm still another week from being back home.
TLDR: did long distance with gf, went to visit, things felt off for her and she broke up with me over the phone after I left while visiting family overseas. I'm feeling manic and suicidal because I'm not home to do anything about the changes that she's making, furthering her distance from me
submitted by throwaway94023333 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:05 Latte_Macchiato_8 Should I just leave? Is there any hope left….?

I am venting and seeking advice at the same time.
Today my husband was asking for space while I literally am being met over and over again with the silent treatment on top of the repetitive physical distance (like him saying he needs space but only he knows for how long. But all he said is he needs space). This is everytime I voice how I feel that leads up to an argument or whenever I can’t accept things, it has gotten to the point where I have been begging him to stay. After every single argument, just to see him leave.
Last night was the first time where he was sitting next to me after months of neglect and having to deal with my voices and anxiety alone. On top of disrespecting myself in begging him to stay and seeing him leave though the door over and over again in my head. Hence I couldn’t accept it yesterday. I know this is unfair but I can’t help but think “Why now? Why didn’t you do this before? How dare you? Honestly maybe I like being alone more now even if my thoughts are dark.. etc etc” It’s hard… I am aware that we are humans and I want to give myself grace but I keep fighting. Fighting for his love. While I’m empty yet giving unconditional love. Only to see him walk out of the door multiple times to trigger my abandonment issues. Don’t get me wrong now, he went through hell fire in his childhood too. Got bullied in school for years because of both parents abandoning him and him growing up with his grandparents from his mom’s side. Me too, just that my parents were physically there but emotionally so absent that I always wondered why I’m even here and secretly wished they weren’t so I could at least say that they were absent like he does… Now I am not saying mine is bigger or his is. It’s never a competition of pain. But when it comes to him it feels like it is always justified and he once just pulls away cause needs space and I ALWAYS check up on him. Because I’m aware of this trauma and try to accommodate. This time however I vowed to let him come to me first cause I am TIRED of doing so over a year now and being the person to keep pushing despite being done myself. And then getting punished instead of being appreciated for it. And feeling like he just (doesn’t or?) simply can’t be there for me like that anymore. I feel like it’s selfish of him but idk if I can even claim that cause I see how depressed he looks and behaves…. It’s just a lot and I am extremely confused after being neglected for so long even if it’s “justified” from his side… For now, I am just taking time out to spend with my loved ones since I have been neglecting them for a long time in the process. And taking their word for staying quiet just to see if he will reach out first since they’re aware of the situation and me being the person who always does this.
Financially I am also thinking where all the money goes considering he keeps getting fines and got into an accident twice this past year. Where he had to file for an insurance claim but couldn’t because of the language barrier. I help him with those things now, from mails to paperwork for his fines, and many more.. But it takes such a mental toll on me that I have no energy left to think about what I want to do, what I want for the future, for my life, for my work, etc etc. He seems to be so absent minded and forgetful nowadays that it feels like I married a different man for months than the one I fell in love with. He was so active, considerate and understanding. Idk who this man is anymore other than feeling like I am talking to a wall and who prefers his alone time smoking away his cigarettes more than being with me. Any concern i voice is seen as nagging, even if done in an compassionate and understanding manner (which I admit is hard for me cause I used to have a short fuse but I have worked so hard for it and can’t help but feel resentment. Even if he says he is over it. His actions prove otherwise) and how I should have more understanding for him instead of telling him that he is slacking off. Because then he either leaves again or starts to blame himself to the point where he says I’m better off without him even when I beg him to work on himself cause I see his potential. He just has these bad voices in his head that he lets them take over and it just hurts me to see him like that but I am also very aware that it has affected me for long enough where I feel obligated to take a step back and to really sit with my feelings so I can think about everything that has been happening. Idk anymore aside from reflecting myself....
If you made it this far, thank you for reading! Any tips will be MUCH appreciated and needed!
PS: He said he will come home after work to make some pictures of tools here at my parents place that he made for work. And that if I’m open for discussion that he is open to talk and if not it’s fine by him….
Extra INFO: I’ve been very patient and have seen slight improvement in previous bad habits and tendencies he has when it comes to his behaviour. I am just not a very patient person from nature and I want to nip things in the bud and resolve conflict fast. I feel tired of being the only one coming forward for conflict resolution just to not feel heard and understood. I feel like my partner doesn’t realise how much I swallow before I explode and he runs off…
I’m aware that this isn’t healthy and it’s taking a toll on both of us. I’m just explaining my side considering we have shared expenses and I take care of our savings. Seeing how easily he says “we have 2k left” while I see it as a safety cushion is concerning me. He never used to be like that. When we started dating he had an habit of budgeting. Scheduling his payments etc etc. He was extremely responsible and financially aware! I have tried to talk him into counselling and if marriage counselling is something he is open for? Considering his trauma from childhood he has complex PTSD and doesn’t ever open up. I understand and I always tried my best to make him feel safe and that it’s okay to cry as a man and what not because i genuinely feel bad for him and it hurts to see him like that. He also stated that he cried in front of me for the first time ever and that he never opens up to anyone and he only was able to do so with him so he doesn’t really see how counseling will help… And when I try to plan counselling, something always comes up like now where it gets delayed again.. So we keep postponing it. Plus I have to plan everything. From date nights. To even my own birthday get away. (And I am sorry to say this but even my exes at least got me a birthday cake or flowers??) I may not look the prettiest like when we started dating since I gained some weight after 3 miscarriages and the hormones but I am trying my best to workout. Just to see him be happy for me but not really doing so himself… He does it once or twice and now we both stopped again. It’s like a continuous limbo we are in. I’m really at a loss for words and feel so disassociating and lost. That I’m not sure if I’m just simply the problem…
Household chores wise I do the cooking and vacuuming. He does the laundry (sometimes me too), dishes and cleans the bathroom/ sinks.
I think it’s pretty fair considering he only cooked a few times. But this is just a side note.
submitted by Latte_Macchiato_8 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:02 ruffusbloom US toilet with nearly dry bowl after bidet install

Title says most of it. I had a normally functioning toilet that when flushed refilled the bowl with water. I then installed a bidet. For anyone unfamiliar, this requires a T-joint installed on the water supply to the tank so the bidet can get water. Since doing this install the tank fills normally with water, flushes mostly normal, but the bowl doesn’t fill back up. Drains down to just a small amount of water.
I thought I knew how toilets work but this has me stumped. If the T-adapter has affected pressure to the tank but the tank fills correctly, how is that effecting the bowl? Any other suggestions of what has gone wrong here?
submitted by ruffusbloom to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:01 Ginganinja0987 Introduce puppy to cat

Hello! This weekend my husband and I are going to meet a 15 week old male Cavalier puppy. We currently have an 11 (maybe 12 year old) cat Salem, who we have had for 8 of her years. She is very laid back, loves just bird watching, taking naps, and plays here and there with us. From what I’m told, the puppy is very nice (great with other dogs but they don’t have a cat), eager to please, and surprisingly pretty chill.
I of course, as anxious because Salem is my baby, but we have a decent sized house that can be sectioned off until she (and he) are ready to co-mingle.
Has anyone here had a cavalier puppy and introduced it to your resident cat? How did it go? Looking for some success stories (and of course advice) to calm my nerves a little bit.
Thank you!
submitted by Ginganinja0987 to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:00 IKZ-Investigator My little prince passed away very suddenly and it's not fair

My 2-year-old male cat passed away very suddenly on Saturday night. He was at the vet four weeks ago for a dental clean and received a clean bill of health. His medical record from that day notes that his lungs and heart sounded normal.
We saw no symptoms that would have indicated he was ill. After the dental clean, he stopped chasing his sister, which we even discussed at the follow-up call from a vet nurse, but we all agreed he likely felt better and that's why.
On Saturday night at around 9.30pm, we heard him cry out and I could see he was struggling to breathe. We dropped everything and were out the door with him in a carrier within 3 minutes. We made it to the emergency vet before he passed but unfortunately no one could save him. I watched him drown to death and there was nothing I could do besides cry and tell my partner to drive faster.
Given how young he was, we asked for a necropsy, which found that he had HCM and likely died from a pulmonary thromboembolism. The cause is likely genetic. He was a rescue so we never suspected he was at risk. We are now getting his sister from the same litter tested. We also contacted the rescue so that they can contact his littermates' families.
I wanted to post here not to opine about his death but to tell you how silent this disease is and to please genetically test your children. I wish I had done it.
I also want to tell you how wonderful he was. He was such a lovely little man and so insanely handsome. He had a very generous nature and he was everyone's friend. His favorite toy was my hairtie (supervised of course) and he loved getting little snacks of cheese. He greeted me when I came home and for the last month together, he woke me every night at 4am just to put his forehead against mine and purr so we can fall asleep together. Now that he is gone, there is such a hole in all our lives. We all died on Saturday night.
I am very angry that I didn't see any signs of his illness and I wish I could have given him more time and, most of all, a better death. What made it easier to cope was recognising what a gift he was. We were truly so lucky to have him. He would want me to remember how he was and what a difference he made. And I want to tell you that he really did and I will never forget him. His life was too short and it's not fair but at least I got to be part of it. Thank you for that, little man. I hope I see you again.
submitted by IKZ-Investigator to Petloss [link] [comments]