Frequent urination and herniated disc


2020.01.22 14:55 Jaker_20 FrequentUrination

This is a community dedicated to frequent/urgent urination that is specific to CPPS, Prostatitis, IC, and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

2020.01.21 21:40 Jaker_20 OveractiveBladder

This is a subreddit for people struggling with Overactive Bladder (OAB) and/or frequent/urgent urination whether it's from Diabetes or from a chronic condition like CPPS. This is a place to share advice, learn how to control urges, and rant about the condition.

2020.02.22 18:33 seetheking1 Microdiscectomy

This is a group created for people considering a microdiscectomy, about to get surgery, or recovering from the surgery. Providing a place for those suffering with a herniated disc to realize you are not alone.Thank you for your continued encouragment of each other. Created and moderated by the creator of "" Please see community rules

2024.05.17 00:24 Monoking2 I think I need to call 911 because of my back pain and I'm terrified.

Big fat disclaimer: I'm not actively in danger, I'm not bleeding everywhere, I just can't walk.
Okay, some backstory and ranting about my feelings: So, a year (or two?) ago, I did something to my back. Still don't know what exactly because I was merely bending down to pick up a piece of trash, but my back popped and it's never been the same since. Ever since, I have periods of extreme back pain that gets so bad I cannot sit up. I did manage last year to get myself to some physical appointments about it (yay!) and got an Xray which confirmed nothing's broken, and they told me it was likely a herniated disc.
At the time, I didn't have any way to get myself to the physical therapy they referred me to, so I just.. didn't go to that appointment. I'm still incredibly angry at myself for doing that, but I'm also trying to accept that I'm fucking agoraphobic and also have trauma related specifically to physical therapy (from something unrelated when I was younger) which made me not try very hard to go...
I did just manage to get that appointment set back up. And I think that's a major win. I don't know how I'll get the courage to get out the door and fucking do it, but at least i stopped procrastinating and made the appointment??
The actual 911 part: I also have an appointment tomorrow to get seen and assessed for some pain meds. But I... I just realized how bad things have gotten today. I'm in so much pain I could barely pull my pants up after using the restroom. I haven't eaten or drank all day because it hurts too much to stand for that long.
I feel so sick. This is awful. It doesn't help that I also specifically have trauma related to my mother denying me emotions and pain. She tried to raise me without any feelings and if I was ever in pain, she just... told me... I wasn't?
This is really bad. I know this is really bad. I know I need to call 911 and get some urgent help if I can't feed myself. But at the same time my brain is reminding me of how terrifying it'll be to get wheeled out of here on a stretcher, and how actually earlier I took a few steps so that means I'm making it sound worse in my head...
I feel insane. I really appreciate that this subreddit welcomed me and related to me when I've posted rants before. Can someone please help encourage me? I'm terrified.
submitted by Monoking2 to Agoraphobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:19 Tech-Crab tips for cutting 2020 rail square, with accurate length, before I have a working mill

I need to make about 20 cuts in 2020 extrusion. I have a tablesaw, which moderately difficult to get square enough for something as still as metal, and also quite difficult to use precisely to gauge length of the finished piece. I also have a cheap bench-mount belt/disc sander. The best I can come up with is cut a hundred thou long on the tablesaw, then really slowly refine the length while ensuring it gets more square on the disc table, checking frequently with a machinist's square.
I suppose 'bespoke' manufacturing contains a lot of measure-cut-check-cut/grind/etc ... but was hoping some brilliant mind here has a more optimal way to bootstrap getting square ends & accurate length of rail or tubs cut.
submitted by Tech-Crab to hobbycnc [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:25 Mediocre-Apartment90 Two day long period?? Help?

So I've recently been having problems with my stomach. Doctors found very, very small traces of blood in my stool. I took four chewable peptos (not all at once) two days ago at the very start of my period and I took some pepcid today, as advised by my doctor. I heard antacids can effect your period, but I'm not sure if that would be enough to really effect anything.
My period started off completely normal, red fresh blood and a heavy-ish flow. After my doctor's appointment, it just kinda stopped. I was given a tampon (I had to get a rectal exam, fml) and after I took it out, I haven't bled since. The tampon was bloodied btw.
I'm pretty much certain I am not pregnant. Basically no actual symptoms. Some abdominal discomfort and mild nausea here and there, but I believe that's from my stomach acid issues. No frequent urination, no constipation, no sore boobs, no cravings or aversions, and I did get my period. That was way too heavy and dark to be spotting, it even had clots in it. I took some pregnancy tests just to be safe, I had protected sex well over a month ago, all negative.
I think it may be from stress, since you know, internal bleeding is scary. I also started a new job recently. About 3 months ago I took a plan B as well. Should I panic or nah?
submitted by Mediocre-Apartment90 to menstruation [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:00 Mason-Cash 20M

Feeling pretty vulnerable posting this, but I have went from 200lbs to 150lbs, mewing, nose breathing, derma rolling, gua sha, hair thickening, red light therapy, teeth whitening kits, teeth whitening strips, oil pulling whitening, expensive haircuts that match my face shape, beard oil, I take a shower everyday (but only Shampoo every other), dressing well, antibiotics cream for acne, jaw excersiser, mastic gum, no meat, posture correcting excersises, eyebrow grooming, contacts (instead of glasses), Multivitamins and mineral supplements every day for a year. I went from a 1/10 to a 4/10 MAYBE.
What do I do. Every time I workout for more than a week, my scoliosis leads to a herniated disc injury (one I am experiencing now), and I mouth breath at night.
submitted by Mason-Cash to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:45 Mason-Cash 20M

Feeling pretty vulnerable posting this, but I have went from 200lbs to 150lbs, mewing, nose breathing, derma rolling, gua sha, hair thickening, red light therapy, teeth whitening kits, teeth whitening strips, oil pulling whitening, expensive haircuts that match my face shape, beard oil, I take a shower everyday (but only Shampoo every other), dressing well, antibiotics cream for acne, jaw excersiser, mastic gum, no meat, posture correcting excersises, eyebrow grooming, contacts (instead of glasses), Multivitamins and mineral supplements every day for a year. I went from a 1/10 to a 4/10 MAYBE.
What do I do. Every time I workout for more than a week, my scoliosis leads to a herniated disc injury (one I am experiencing now), and I mouth breath at night.
submitted by Mason-Cash to lookyourbest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:41 Mason-Cash 20M

Feeling pretty vulnerable posting this, but I have went from 200lbs to 150lbs, mewing, nose breathing, derma rolling, gua sha, hair thickening, red light therapy, teeth whitening kits, teeth whitening strips, oil pulling whitening, expensive haircuts that match my face shape, beard oil, I take a shower everyday (but only Shampoo every other), dressing well, antibiotics cream for acne, jaw excersiser, mastic gum, no meat, posture correcting excersises, eyebrow grooming, contacts (instead of glasses), Multivitamins and mineral supplements every day for a year. I went from a 1/10 to a 4/10 MAYBE.
What do I do. Every time I workout for more than a week, my scoliosis leads to a herniated disc injury (one I am experiencing now), and I mouth breath at night.
submitted by Mason-Cash to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:29 Irish_queen1017 Lumbar disc compression

I have been having back pain for over two years. I finally got an X-ray last year and the doctor told me the discs in my lumbar spine are compressed but were not herniated. He also didn’t mention degeneration. What would be causing the pain if they’re not herniated? I looked at the X-ray and it didn’t look like they were poking out. Is there any way to reverse this? I’m unwilling to do surgery because I’m in my mid 20s but unsure what else could help. Physical therapy didn’t help - I don’t want this problem to get worse. Is weight an issue? I’m about 50 pounds overweight but doctor said that wouldn’t cause this.
submitted by Irish_queen1017 to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:03 NeckSea8973 What causes flare ups for you?

3-4 months going through cervical disc bulge (while pregnant) and still learning what helps/makes it worse.
So far:
Helps: Walking Cervical traction Good posture Frequent movement
Hurts: I used heat the first 2 months because my pain was so bad and when I’m not in a flare up I’m able to ice to help with inflammation (since I can’t take any NSAID)
Not sure/potential hurts: Colds? I feel like when I’m sick it increases my pain
Since my options are so limited I’m now going to try to focus on an anti inflammatory diet. I’ll take any tips on supplements or ways to avoid flare ups. It’s so heartbreaking
submitted by NeckSea8973 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:57 StraightGarage7054 VA “chronicity”

How do you combat fighting the VA saying your condition wasn’t chronic. Hurt my back in 96 (buddy letter) incident in 98 . Missing civilian doctor records from 2000-2010 because the doctor retired years ago . 2 surgery’s for herniated disc in 2012 and 2021 etc etc
submitted by StraightGarage7054 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:43 AutomaticPurple584 Methylprednisolone question

Taking my second round of methylprednisolone to hopefully get myself out of this flare up. (Herniated disc L4/5) Has anyone ever noticed their muscles ache while taking this? I remember last month taking this when I would be asleep and go to adjust my side muscles hurt so badly, so I had to move slowly. I noticed it again last night. Not sure if it’s a coincidence or not, so wondering if this is a side effect?
submitted by AutomaticPurple584 to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:23 LunarGiantNeil Opinions on the "Just Do Burpees" idea? Busy parent looking for something I can't forget or get interrupted during.

I saw this post in passing and can't find it now, about an idea that basically just doing sets of military burpees you're getting a pretty good overall workout that your average person would find sufficient.
I'm really intrigued by the idea of a simple rotation that only needs some floorspace and actually hits everything I need for physical maintenance, but I'm deeply suspicious of anything that feels that simple. I'm crunched for time like any parent is, and rarely even sit down except at work. At home I find myself getting interrupted a lot, even during my herniated-disc maintenance exercises that I absolutely cannot forget to do, and it always causes me to forget to finish my routine. I feel bad about it but I'd rather do something to address the issue.
I can't just block off the time and space either--I've got a tiny apartment, no free space, and I'm physically required to intervene to keep these people alive. One of the upsides of bodyweight exercises is that I don't need to go anywhere to do them, so as long as I have the energy to clear a bit of bedroom floor I should be able to get at least some movement in each day.
If this idea doesn't actually work well, is there a similar one that does? The RR and the Minimal Routine are both pretty simple as-is, they're just falling victim to space crunch and "Hey Dad..." style issues.
submitted by LunarGiantNeil to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:19 ComfortableRecover36 My journey of complete and utter medical incompetence

I really need to get this off my chest.
10 years of diarrhea and frequent urination. Seborrheic dermatitis. 10 fucking years.
17 different doctors. I kid you not, i counted.
8 years years of "You are imagining things", "Take this useless pill and gtfo", "Its because you drink coffee on an empty stomach mate, stop dat and gtfo". 0 tests. 5 minutes and out the door. Ok i said, its what it is. Ill live with it.
Queue 2 years ago - Rapid deterioration of symptoms. I now cant leave my house. I live in constant pain and bloating. "Ok" i figure, time to stop going to different doctors. Pick the best one and stick with him.
So i open the website with the doctors, pick the best GI one based on reviews and queue an appointment. Its online trough the phone because he now works in some fancy hospital in UK. Great i figure - he's too good for my shithole country, he might actually solve the case.
We make the video call, he listens to me for an hour and a half. An hour and a fucking half, that's more than the 13 before him combined. He says "Let me think this trough and ill get back to you". Great.
He writes back after a day - "I want to call a forum in the ultra famous university hospital in London. I want to invite leading doctors in all the relevant fields - allergologist, dermatologist, whatevergist (4 more). It will cost you 5k though - do you want to do it?"
"Sure" i say. Maybe finally we get somewhere. 5k is like 2 monthly salaries in my shithole country, but im ok on money, i can afford that easily. He gives me his own fucking personal Revolut. No red flags there, huh?
Anyway, the "forum" passes. He gets back to me.
"Its all stress related OP. Its IBS-D due to stress. The forum is unanimous and the diagnosis is certain. Here is your treatment":
  1. Shitty antidepressant/sedative - Deanxit
  2. Even shittier antihistamine - Ketotifen - but this is just to help with your allergies OP, you can not take it if you want.
  3. Cut out all stress from your life if you can.
Great. I take the pills. All of them. Allergies suck.
Deanxit immediately transforms me into a fucking sloth. Im sleepy all the time. I can barely think. Im a programmer, i kinda need to think.
But. Lo and behold. For the first time in 10 years im ok. Every fucking symptom disappears.
Shit i figure. My stress was really killing me. Time to solve that.
Team lead in a billion dollar company at 30? Doing a great job at it? Hahaaa not any more boss. I quit.
But why do you quit he says? - "I cant handle the stress. Its literally killing me"
Take 3 months off then. We'll find you a replacement team lead. We will demote you back to senior and you can take it easy. We'll take you off supporting the most important website in the company.
Queue me taking 3 months off. - God bless that man for not letting me go. But im no longer a team lead. Im no longer in charge of my website. Im just another programmer now.
Queue me cutting ties with half my family because they stress me out.
Ketotifen disappears from the pharmacies. "Its ok" i think. Its for my allergies anyway. I just get another antihistamine.
5-6 days pass. Symptoms start to slowly reappear. Im now back at work tho and getting stressed again.
Symptoms progress ever so slowly, but progress anyways.
Im constantly in contact with the doctor trough the app. Every single month i pay to have access to him.
Every time i tell him its getting worse he just says its due to stress. Keep at the treatment. No changes.
Symptoms progress to basically no treatment levels. I go to a urologist for the frequency. He says its due to stress also. Here's this sedative, good luck programming on it. Great, fuck that. Second opinion. Go to second urologist - its stress mate, go to a psychiatrist. You are depressed.
I go to another GI doctor for a second opinion. "Its IBS-D due to stress mate, go to a psychiatrist".
"Ok" i figure. "Time to dive in the deep". I go to a psychiatrist. I tell him my symptoms. I tell him im a bit under the weather, which is understandable being unable to leave my house and in constant discomfort. "The body symptoms are psychosomatic which means you are SEVERELY depressed. Here are these 2 HEAVY antidepressants. Take one in the morning the other in the evening. "
I try. I fail. Too many side effects. Queue arguments with the wife because i refuse treatment.
I try with a different psychiatrist. Same diagnosis. Another treatment. Same result. Cant keep at it.
More arguments with the wife. Now she is properly mad and wants to leave me because im constantly mad and in a bad mood. This has been going on for 2 years. I dont leave the house. Im 32. Everyone is telling me im insane. Sad.
I start reading up the internet for rare diseases. I basically turn myself into a mini Gastroenterologist. I read everything concerning IBS.
I do every test i can think of. Microbiome. Full blood panel. Histamine. Zonulin.
Lo and behold - histamine twice the range (while im on Ketotifen again). Zonulin 25x.
I figure it must be a food allergy and the histamine is causing all the problems. Im now a fucking internet doctor. But i know its bad to self diagnose and self treat. So i go to an allergologist. I tell him my stomach troubles and that i think its food allergies. He is unimpressed. "Go to a GI doctor he says. There are plenty of tests that can be done. Check enzymes, check for parasites, check for more stuff".
By now i have figured out the UK doctor has basically scammed me and is just milking me for money every month. He refuses another call. He refuses to rethink the diagnosys. He insists that its correct.
Ok. I start an elimination diet because i'm now a doctor. I suspect allergies. I suspect the Ketotifen fixed me the first time. Meanwhile i queue an appointment with doctor #17.
I go to the new doctor. By that time EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY SYMPTOMS IS GONE. I tell her my test results. I tell her i seem to be able to control the condition 100% by food. "You have enterities" she says. "But whats causing it?" i ask.
"I dont know. Here's some enterol and an anti-diarrhea med".
OK. Diet continues. Now enterol added. anti-diarrhea? Why? Whatever. Not taking it. I don't have it anymore.
Im now at the point where i can eat quite a selection of items. I sit down and think. What have i eaten basically every day of my life for the past 10 years? Pork. Its pork.
I eat some pork day 1.
Day 2 is a little bad. Eat some more.
Day 3 is quite bad. Eat some more. It might be a fluke.
Day 4 is back to all the symptoms. I schedule an appointment with doctor #17. I go. This is today.
I tell her my findings. I ask if it sounds correct. She says yes. It sounds like an allergy. But. But.
Why are you coming to me? Im a GI. Go to an allergologist. "But he sent me to you.". Crickets.
She proceeded to scold me for 20 fucking minutes for self diagnosing and asking treatment questions.
Sister. 17 of you failed. I killed my career, cut ties with my family, Lost 100k+ in salaries. Lost untold amounts in options packages that i now woun't get because i'm no longer a manager. I no longer have friends. I almost separated with my wife. I could have retired at 40. I lost 2 years of my life. All of that because of your lot's wrong diagnoses.
And i get scolded for 20 minutes. For self diagnosing. CORRECTLY. Fuck this country and its healthcare man.
Anyways, PSA - If you have IBS-D, frequent urination and some rosacea go check your histamine in stool. And don't forget to always discuss with your healthcare professional. Unless you live in Bulgaria. Fuck this country.
submitted by ComfortableRecover36 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:40 quadraticalienn They used to shake me as a baby

I was born to two young (early 20s), mentally ill people. My mother had untreated bipolar disorder, and my father was an angry, stern asshole. I know my father was physically abused growing up. My mother is a very unreliable narrator, so I'm not sure what happened with her. My maternal grandparents seemed nice and always treated me well. From what I've heard, she was a very troubled teen. Hung out with the wrong crowd, got pregnant at 16, she would go randomly into fits of rage.
They always blamed me for the abuse, saying I was a difficult child. I talked back, and slammed doors. I was strong-headed. It would enrage them. A common scene at my home was that my mother would get upset over some perceived slight, like my bedroom was too messy. My father would come back from work (he was the sole breadwinner, my mom refused to work), would hit me, and go through my room systematically destroying everything in his path. Books, torn to shreds, stuffed animals ripped apart. I would be left to go pick up the pieces in the dumpster, crying.
I never did drugs, slept around, stole... And generally kept good grades, until I was too depressed and suicidal in high school. I just stood up to them and their treatment of me. They hated me talking back. I'd get punched, kicked, slapped, dragged down the stairs by my hair. My father would scream that he would "tame" me until my ears rang.
I was about 15-20lbs overweight as a kid. My mother was obsessed with weight and appearance - "fat cow" was an insult she'd throw around a lot. I grew up in a country and time when being an overweight girl was just about the worst thing you could do. She would discourage physical exercise, her focus was on diet. We'd go on slim fast diets together, which would never work. Later as a teen I'd live on diet coke and the occasional binge eating episode. I used Ipecac to make myself purge. I developed an eating disorder. I never got really skinny though to her great disappointment, as an adult I learned I had a thyroid autoimmune disorder.
My mother cheated on my father a lot, and made me cover up for it. Yet, they blamed me for "ruining" their marriage. They were two high-conflict personalities and would get in very nasty arguments. At 17 I messed up my back really bad, carrying heavy school books to school and back, and school was really far. I ended up in chronic pain for decades afterwards with two herniated discs.
My mother's bipolar disorder would make her a big spender on my father's working class salary. She'd go on wild spending sprees and "spoil" me with makeup or clothing to make up for the physical abuse from my father. Yet, I never saw a dentist in 18 years. I had to get so much dental work done when I got my first job and dental insurance. I always felt guilty and responsible for the abuse - if I had been more respectful, if I had been more tidy, worked harder in school, maybe this wouldn't have happened. They took no responsibility, I was just "out of control" to them. I think the worst thing I ever did was accidentally putting a scratch in the car paint getting my bike out of the garage. Other things, like refusing to wear socks in shoes. Looking back, I probably had sensory issues/autism. Socks would make my skin crawl.
I have a sister who I am also NC with. She didn't endure any abuse. She was born with a minor heart, stable defect, and my mom was really absorbed with it. They would be so careful with her. She was more docile than me. She was given so many chances. She never managed to start her own life, and still lives with my parents to this day, in her mid-thirties, with a part-time job. I don't think she's ever had a romantic relationship or any of the milestones adults usually go through.
I recently reconnected with my godmother after going NC with my parents. My parents would also keep me from other family members, usually over some drama they'd instigate. My godmother told me I was a colicky baby. My mother had psychotic episodes, hearing voices and screams, and postpartum depression after having me. I had to be weaned pretty fast as a result, and dairy formula hurt my tummy. I'd cry for hours. They would shake me and scream in my face.
A baby is just a baby. You can't hold them responsible for being a "difficult" child. A lot of my shame and self-blame evaporated upon learning of this. I'm doing pretty good now. I left home early (honestly thought they would end up killing me, either by hitting me or pushing me to suicide). I got into, then left a toxic marriage, went to therapy, did EMDR, went on SSRIs, put myself through college, bought my own place, and met a wonderful partner who is the best man I know. I just sometimes ache for what could have been, and for the fact it took me two decades of struggling to get there. I could have gone so much further in life with the proper support, but I was chronically burned out.
I got a lot of plastic surgery to not physically look like my mother and because I was pretty homely. I was bullied a lot over my looks. I had wild swings in weight too, which wrecked my body early. I realize that's crazy, but I'm happy I did it. I stopped at a reasonable point, and am happy with the improved quality of life it brought me.
Anyway, just getting this off my chest. I made it, but at what cost.
submitted by quadraticalienn to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:48 Lumpy-Expression20s For those who were hospitalized for DKA, what were your symptoms beforehand?

Edit: mention the times you have gone into DKA AFTER original diabetic diagnosis!!!!!!
I may be on the verge but confused if I should go in, my main symptom is I have not been under 340 in 2 days (currently on insulin pump) and I’m on a GLP-1 medication which usually causes me to go low but quite the opposite has happened.
I feel a bit weak, balance isn’t as good, some dizziness, more frequent urination, dry mouth I have these symptoms already due to GLP-1 but they’ve gotten a bit worse: stomach pain, no appetite, and somewhat bad nausea. I’ve only had a couple snacks in the last 35 hours.
I can’t check keystones because I ran out, ordered some that will be here tonight hopefully
I just want to hear what made you go in for it or if you “fixed” it yourself
Thank you all in advance for commenting!
Edit: I’ve changed my site 3 times in the past day, I don’t know how much that is affecting me. 10 minutes after posting I came down to 327!
submitted by Lumpy-Expression20s to Type1Diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:19 Ok-Set-4194 How can I prepare for my first urology appointment? Need to find the cause of gross hematuria and proteinuria

25f, diagnoses: Crohn’s disease of both small and large intestine, generalized anxiety disorder, moderate episodes of major depressive disorder, ADHD, insomnia, immunosuppression due to drug therapy. Medications: renflexis bi-monthly infusions for Crohn’s, buspirone for anxiety.
History of the current issue: I did a course of augmentin for 10 days for a sinus infection. On day 10 I noticed blood in my urine. Sometimes it is pink other times it is brownish/orange. It was brownish/orange a few days before I noticed pink/blood on day 10. I immediately called the doctor and got a urine test. The urine test showed large amounts of blood and over 2000mg protein, and no infection, so they referred me to urology. I am peeing very frequently throughout the day and night. I am also experiencing bladder pressure/discomfort and lower back pain and hip pain. I am also very tired and feel the need to sleep a lot. No fever. I have also had lower back pain and hip pain in the past.
How can I prepare for my urology appointment? What should I expect? Any guesses on what is wrong with me?
submitted by Ok-Set-4194 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:09 Goatrepreneur Anybody else dealing with transitioning faster than average?

Asking because a lot of changes are happening pretty quick for me, and my doctor believes it’s due to me being born with higher testosterone levels due to genetic mutations that cause adrenal glands to overproduce hormones. She believes I should document my progress due to how quickly things are happening for me which is rare.
I’m only 1 month and almost 2 weeks FTM (my next injection is tomorrow)
I am currently going through vaginal pain and suffering with and I just turned 29 this past January.
Dealing with it feels like vaginal atrophy but I’m not sure currently after experiencing the symptoms this past Monday it’s taking a toll on me.
Example: My pelvic area is sore, clit stings, experiencing stinging during urination, dryness on the outside of my vagina, discharge, and bleeding when the clit gets too dry, my entrance even feels like it’s shrunk to a tiny hole and 2 ulcers (dried them out though so there almost completely gone)
I took off work until Monday because of it.
Symptoms I’m experiencing all together that makes me feel like it’s menopause but maybe not.
✅Vaginal dryness
✅Vaginal burning
✅Vaginal discharge
(Only when sweaty for me) Genital itching
✅Light Bleeding
✅Burning with urination
✅Urgency with urination
✅Frequent urination
❎Recurrent urinary tract infections
❎Urinary incontinence
❎Light bleeding after intercourse
❎Discomfort with intercourse
❎Decreased vaginal lubrication during sexual activity
✅Shortening and tightening of the vaginal canal
Everything with a ✅ I’m experiencing and everything with an ❎ I am not experiencing.
submitted by Goatrepreneur to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:51 avaani Hypoglycemic episodes but not quite

Editing because I can’t fix title: episodes that mimic Hypoglycemic episodes but sugar levels are normal—what questions can I ask?
I’m 23F, AFAB I have atypical Cystic Fibrosis, I’m pancreatic sufficient, and no CFRD. for the past 2-3 years I’ve been having episodes that seem to mimic postprandial hypoglycemia but my levels are always above 70. I’ve had a few fasting readings that are 67-69 but I don’t have any symptoms then. The symptoms start within an hour or so of eating and my levels will be 70-80 but get to 100ish 3-4 hours after eating, which does make me nervous that something insulin related is going on. My blood pressure is normal but tends to be on the low side as well.
The episodes mostly correspond with the 7-12 days before my period but it’s not uncommon for them to happen outside of that range. The symptoms are: - high heart rate (130-150) even if at rest (resting heart rate when I’m not having an episode is 60-70 range - shaking - sweating - confusion (including slurring/stammering and switching words around) - weird tingly rising feeling inside - mouth tastes like sand/ash regardless of food or drink - pallor - certain edges blur in my vision; like where the walls meet the ceiling or floors - more frequent urination with lower output - chills
There are a few things that don’t happen every time I have an episode but have happened more than once: - Pain behind eyes - intense headache that disappears quickly
I’ve tried adjusting my diet in every way I can think of (and GI and nutrition have suggested) and nothing really seems to have an impact. Drinking sugar during/after an episode does help a bit but not by much.
My CF team seems to kind of be at a loss. All of my bloodwork is normal, weight and PFTs are fine. They’re sending me to a gynecologist because of how the episodes tend to correspond with my period. I am also seeing my PCP to get my heart checked soon.
Meds: Bupropion 450 (had been on this for about 2 years before any of these symptoms started) Levalbuterol (10+ years) Trikafta (3 years ish) Mirena iud, placed fall 2019
Vitamins Women’s one a day 2000 iu d3
Other diagnoses: PTSD/CPTSD (incest/rape trauma related, not sure how relevant that it is but I’m trying to be more detailed than not ) Major depression General anxiety Insomnia (PTSD related)
Psych meds I’ve tried a while ago but didn’t help: - Zoloft (brain fog was way worse) - lexapro (would not stay in my system, to put it politely) - latuda (didn’t do anything)
I edited my post on cysticfibrosis after someone recommended I post here,so this part isn’t over there but —one of the things that’s getting truly untenable for me is brain fog/confusion. Since fall 2020 I’ve struggled a lot with brain fog and since it started with PTSD related events my doctors and I have been assuming it to be a mental health thing but I’m not that sure anymore.
The confusion is definitely worse during the episodes I described (and affects stuff like where I walk around and what I put down where, for example, putting my phone in a fridge or not being able to find my car) But day to day—I’m forgetting words and sentences almost immediately after thinking them. My mental health has improved a lot on Wellbutrin but I can’t tell if it’s improved the brain fog at all or just improved the other symptoms like low energy and the can’t get out of bed heaviness.
My major involves a lot of writing and the same assignments that would take me a few several hour sessions, if that, I haven’t been able to complete. I’ve spent 12 hours on essays (with only meal breaks and things like that) with about a paragraph to show for it — but what I can get out never quite matches what I’m thinking. I almost constantly have the feeling of having a word on the tip of my tongue, especially when trying to write. The things I think of seem to float away before I can keep them in my head long enough to write them down. I was supposed to graduate 3 years ago and I’ve been one full time semester’s worth of classes for these past three years because I just can’t get it done. The majority of my depression symptoms that remain have to do with the stress and feelings behind not having finished school despite being so close. On the whole though, my mental health is in the best place it’s been in pretty much my entire life And the other symptoms have improved drastically.
Last note on the day to day brain fog/confusion: I don’t switch words around when I’m not having an episode—but I have been noticing that 0-5 times a day (I can’t say for sure that it happens daily without fail but it definitely happens several times a week) that I do slur sometimes when talking? The beginnings and ends of words will just sort of smush together . This is a relatively recent development (in the last 8 months maybe?) don’t know if that’s normal person stuttering kind of thing but combined with the writing stuff it irks me more than it normally would)
I feel like a lot of these symptoms could be literally anything so I don’t know how to go about narrowing it down.
I have a check up appointment soon and I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions for other questions or specific testing requests that I can ask my doctors for to help figure this out.
Thank you!
submitted by avaani to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:26 throwaway5458446624 Diabetes

19M. I’ve taken Zoloft since I was 16, started out at 25 mg and have stayed on 50 for 2 years which has mostly kept my health anxiety under control. However, it hasn’t completely erased it especially when it comes to diabetes.
I have a normal BMI (22.1) but I did gain about 20 pounds since starting my meds either as a side effect or from growing. My diet isn’t great but I try to moderate sugar. One thing that I’m really worried about in retrospect is my lack of exercise. Over the past few years I’ve been largely sedentary despite keeping a healthy weight and I’m afraid it has/will caught/catch up to me even at a young age - to cope I’ve started exercising regularly but part of me fears it’s too late.
About 2-3 years ago I noticed my big toes had hyperpigmentation, which I knew as a potential sign of insulin resistance. I also noticed this somewhat on my armpits (I think, if I do it’s far less noticeable or just a rash/stretch marks). More recently my left wrist is somewhat darkened, though I do wear a watch when I go outside. I haven’t had any episodes of frequent urination, waking up to use the bathroom, vomiting, emaciation, thirst, fruity breath, losing consciousness etc. At times my urine has become clear but that’s probably because I force myself to drink water throughout the day. In the past few weeks I noticed the first new symptom in a long time, tingling and cold sensation in my hands and feet that comes and goes, ofc thinking it’s neuropathy.
I just really need to get this off my chest; I even had a panic attack and brief stress-induced paralysis over this today which was a pretty rare anxiety symptom for me even before beginning my medication.
submitted by throwaway5458446624 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:08 avaani Hypoglycemic episodes but not quite—what questions can I ask?

I have atypical CF, am pancreatic sufficient, and no CFRD. for the past 2-3 years I’ve been having episodes that seem to mimic postprandial hypoglycemia but my levels are always above 70. I’ve had a few fasting readings that are 67-69 but I don’t have any symptoms then. The symptoms start within an hour or so of eating and my levels will be 70-80 but get to 100ish 3-4 hours after eating, which does make me nervous that something insulin related is going on. My blood pressure is normal but tends to be on the low side as well.
The episodes mostly correspond with the 7-12 days before my period but it’s not uncommon for them to happen outside of that range. The symptoms are: - high heart rate (130-150) even if at rest - shaking - sweating - confusion (including slurring/stammering and switching words around) - weird tingly rising feeling inside - mouth tastes like sand/ash regardless of food or drink - pallor - certain edges blur in my vision; like where the walls meet the ceiling or floors. - more frequent urination with lower output
There are a few things that don’t happen every time I have an episode but have happened more than once: - Pain behind eyes - intense headache that disappears quickly
I’ve tried adjusting my diet in every way I can think of (and GI and nutrition have suggested) and nothing really seems to have an impact. Drinking sugar during/after an episode does help a bit but not by much.
My CF team seems to kind of be at a loss. All of my bloodwork is normal, weight and PFTs are fine. They’re sending me to a gynecologist because of how the episodes tend to correspond with my period. I am also seeing my PCP to get my heart checked soon.
I know it could end up being unrelated to CF but I wanted to see if anyone has had any similar experiences? I have a check up appointment soon and I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions for other questions or specific testing requests that I can ask my doctors for to help figure this out.
Thank you!
submitted by avaani to CysticFibrosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:03 BoysenberryNo278 Nerve block

I had surgery November 15, 2023 and around four weeks after re-herniated. My sciatic nerve was pinched but PT helped with that. I had another MRI in February and it shows the L5 herniated disc. My surgeon wants to do a nerve block shot and if it does not work go in and cut the nerve. I’m not on board with this because it will not fix the herniated disc. I’ve been in worse pain than I was before surgery. I want a second opinion but having a difficult time finding a doctor to see me. They don’t want to see me because another doctor performed my surgery. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by BoysenberryNo278 to Microdiscectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:02 LowElevator7063 Confirmed varicocele recurrence - only 1 month after embo - help! M23

M23, I had a left grade 2 (3mm) varicocele causing numerous issues that I had embolised 7 weeks ago (27th March). 2 coils were deposited that the radiologist claimed was a success.
Since then, a couple of weeks after the procedure, I became increasingly concerned that my varicocele had come back, even posting in this sub for advice. The symptoms of random irregular abdominal pain/dull testicular ache and subtle stab pains returned, alongside frequent urinating I had on one day particularly - this was something I used to get occasionally. As well as this, intermittent libido and sexual issues, as well as clumpy semen, all of which I had pre-embo, did not improve at any stage. I could once again also feel one larger vein in the left scrotum.
Fast forward to today, I have had a ultrasound, which sadly confirms a varicocele around 3mm once again is present in the left testis, reaffirming my suspicions above. I am unsure if this is the same vein that was embolised in March, therefore indicating complete embolisation failure to close off the vein, or, whether this is a new sited varicocele that has formed since embo. This is highly upsetting to have this happen so quickly after embo.
Any advice before the radiologist gets in touch regarding today's ultrasound result?
If this is the same vein or site as before, I am thinking of redoing embolisation at least one more time and requesting the radiologist uses more coils as I don't think 2 are sufficient.
If this is a brand new varicocele could there a be chance that I have one of the underlying syndromes that cause them eg. Nutcracker (NCS)?
I'm disappointed and frustrated that this has not gone away and the fact so quickly after embo I have had this result. I'm not sure what else to think or do right now, but I am inclined to think embolisation simply failed on the initial varicocele and will need to be redone. Please let me know your thoughts!
submitted by LowElevator7063 to varicocele [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:43 Smart-Pin-7453 Turned away from ER

Here’s my previous post:
I have a herniated disc at L5-S1. After worsening symptoms over the last few months: struggling to empty bladder, straining, two instances of bowel incontinence, more frequent and more painful flare ups, numbness around thighs. I decided to go the emergency department.
I was pushed through as priority at reception to see a doctor straight away and skip triage. I waited 4 hours and then the doctor said they would normally be concerned about Cauda Equina but it couldn’t possibly be that as I can still urinate despite it being minimal and weak and I’ve only had two instances of incontinence. She also said I can feel my legs so it’s not an emergency.
When she left the room I looked it up and saw that incomplete Cauda Equina can come on gradually and the symptoms vary, I burst into tears. When she came back in she said she’d speak to her superior as she could see I was distressed, then came back 10 minutes later and said the same thing and told me to go home. She said it was just my herniated disc.
I feel absolutely lost now, I’m still struggling to urinate and I don’t know what to do or where to get help. Has anyone else experienced this?
submitted by Smart-Pin-7453 to Sciatica [link] [comments]