Contractions and breast pain

Am I pregnant?

2024.06.09 13:24 PlatypusCalm6721 Am I pregnant?

I (f19) have been dating my bf (m20) for 2.5 years. Last year I moved away for college and I just finished my freshman year. We are currently doing long distance. He came to visit about 2 weeks ago and we had unprotected sex and he did pull out. I am aware of how dumb this was but I really need some advice. My last period was May 1-3. I was expecting my period on June 1 but it has been a week. I’ve been pmsing since the 1st with acne, slight cramps, and breast pain. Yesterday I thought my period had finally started but it was just discharge. HELP!
submitted by PlatypusCalm6721 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:01 contentconsomme What to do about my breasts?

So I'm very new to all this. Always realized I'm not really a girl, never fully understood the dysphoria part of it until recently. So my dysphoria revolves mainly around my breasts and waist. I'm non binary and would maybe describe myself somewhere around agendeandrogyne/demigirl? So I have a few questions. I may want surgery sometime in the future but I feel like it's too soon to really make these huge decisions. But when I see pics of top surgery results the results are very male-looking and I feel like that's not really who I am? Maybe I would be more comfortable with minimal/almost non-existent breasts but with female nipples? Do you guys have any input regarding this? Next question: what do I do until I feel ready to take this step? Been looking into binding but seems like a lot of people get issues even when following recommendations? Reading about rib pain, breathing problems etc? Are these concerns justified? Also wondering if binding is really an option for me? I have a ridiculously female body, am tiny with huge breasts. Barely 5 ft/150 cm tall. My bra size is 28G/60G. Is there even a binder that would fit me right? And could it really do the job of hiding my boobs since they are so large in the first place? Do you have any other suggestions/options? The only thing I have found helpful is dressing in shirts that are exactly the right fit but I have really only found one that is just right, and a few t-shirts that feel almost acceptable. Thinking of going to a tailor to get specific stuff. Do you have any tips on how to find a good trans-friendly tailor? I think I have figured out how I want my clothes to fit me, just haven’t found any that are sown that way.
submitted by contentconsomme to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:57 ellearcadia Herbs for Menopause

Sorry for the novel, but I have been reading comments and wanted to share my story. I had a partial hysterectomy at 42, so no uterus means no knowledge of what stage of menopause I’m in. I’m 53 now and herbs have freed me from the horrors of hot flashes and what not. Please try herbs for menopause. Try a blend of herbs designed for menopause - I liked menosense. Keep trying. I tried Harmony by Naomi and it changed something in me and I experienced a change in the way I smell so I stopped it and now I’m just on wild yam and no hot flashes and I smell like my old self again.
I also have an opinion that your emotions and mindset do affect your hormones. I experienced terrible menopause symptoms after a heartbreak. I’ve also experienced youthful hormonal effects like swollen breasts from happy feelings after being with an amazing lover. It’s crazy how much our mental state affects our body.
I’ve been seeing so many posts from women suffering and I just want you to try herbs. Herbology changed my life. And a horrible experience led me to this world. I got CDiff after my hysterectomy because my doctor gave me too many antibiotics. It was more painful than natural childbirth. It was more devastating than any life experience I’ve had and I almost died. My mother was so distraught watching me suffer that she was the one who found this “crazy witch doctor” we called her lol. But the knowledge I have gained on how to use food and herbs to feel amazing and have the energy to be as physically active as I’ve always been? It’s changed my life and I’m quitting teaching in a year to begin a new career in this field.
Herbalists love to help people, they are healers who love sharing their knowledge and do so freely. Homeopathic healers also love to share knowledge. Sorry for the long post, it just hurts my heart when I read stories of women suffering and being miserable when maybe some wild things growing on this earth could help us feel better. Take care everyone ❤️
submitted by ellearcadia to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:54 Particular_Cycle_911 what you've Become...

Dear child....
a future version of you wanted me to send this to you, right now you are scared.... alone.... but you are brave. you chose sacrifices.... you will know Love one day in it's purest unconditional form. IT WILL FIND YOU. I know future you.... I Loved Her so intensely that my passion and hope for her to find peace turned to anger and envy. your greatest strength can become your undoing, or it can ride the on the rays of your beaming smile and spread this Love to Everyone you encounter.... choose wisely though. your exchange for this gift comes at the great cost of pain and not just your own. but stay vigilant Child..... you will taste Love.
the lesson:
The pain and fear of opening up to love after betrayal is a reminder that while you were DETERMINED to move forward, we must also acknowledge and heal from our past wounds.
Your Story:
In the realm of the forsaken, a man stood alone,
His heart encased in stone, from the love he once known.
Abandoned and Betrayed by his wife, his children, his kin,
Each wound deeply carved into his skin. A story of loss, of deceit, and of sin.
He wandered the earth, alone as a nomad of sorrow,
Swearing off love, and secretly fearing all tomorrows.
His world, once bright, was now a desolate scene,
A callously hardened soul, where warmth used to be....
In his exile, he vowed to start anew,
But the weight of his past was a burden too true.
Then, as fate would have it, in his path crossed a maiden,
A Gorgeous Goddess, smile vibrant, with life she was laden.
Her beauty was like the dawn, radiant and clear,
But within her eyes, a shadow of fear.
She, too, was running from a past that was grim,
Together they walked, their futures less dim.
She took on his load, shared in his plight,
Gave him laughter, gave him light.
But as he grew stronger, she began to fade,
Her vibrant colors to a somber shade.
They shared a lifetime in moments so brief,
Their journey together brought a bittersweet relief.
He built her a world, from the life she restored,
But as it took shape, her presence was ignored.
For she was the night to his emerging day,
And as he shone brighter, she slipped away.
He turned to show her, his creation so grand,
But faced abandonment, an empty hand.
The first three wounds reopened wide,
Seeping dreams, hopes, and the promises that died.
The fourth cut deepest, a cruel twist of fate,
Leaving him hollow, in a desolate state.
He continued to build, though she was gone,
But in his heart, he knew he couldn't go on.
The man who once was, now a memory faded,
In the world he built for her, alone and jaded.
For in the end, it was he who ceased to be,
A shadow of a man, lost in a sea.
Of betrayal and fear, of love's cruel jest,
A tale of a heart, that never found rest.
I hope you find this one day here. you know who are. i wrote this with the essence of the Pisces last gasp of breath to try and creatively let you into this painful area.... this is the NICEST way i can interpret my feelings for this situation. i won't remember the good. fuck you for it. all of you honestly. your good memories are selfish and cowardly for the pain and anguish i have to endure yet. but your peace of mind is/was what matters to you. i can never look at you for all i can remember is the LIE that bound my soul to your Tainted Twisted mind. Felt proud of once.... Proud of the person who ripped my walls down with that FAKE smile (your eyes told on you). just enough to here me commit. but you knew.... you knew when i would look into your eyes that you seen fear. you hated the comparisons... sick of them you said. can't help but to see her in you. some darkness in the pits of my Ex-Wife's soul touch you. I Do Not Know how the devil knows my name so well, but i told you he finds me everywhere i go. so you played his game and told me lies with that forked tongue.... you didn't love me. you Loved your image in the eyes of peers. burn me down as long you get a glitter in each and every one their eyes as they look upon you. i hope you feel important. i was no saint. but at least i call myself Human still. the thought of touching your skin makes my stomach wretch bc i KNOW i'd also be touching all of them too. THAT was the curse you would whisper in your dreams. yet i knew it was in the contract that i signed when i told you i love you. i will NEVER forgive you for the cutting blow that put me on this path again. i came here to start over, not to sleep for a while and keep running. you've left me with no choice. enjoy your stone garden. i here the sulfur is plentiful here..... ROT
Keep my heart.... i have no need for it
submitted by Particular_Cycle_911 to UnsentLettersRaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:33 Spiritual_Package185 Hating my second pregnancy

2nd baby is a surprise and I wanted at least a 3/4 year gap.. I’m currently pregnant with my 2nd and I don’t want to be. Absolutely hate the fact that I am pregnant again and I’m currently going through that much pelvic and lower back pain, currently on paid mat leave, have GD (just started Metformin) and low iron and low Vitamin D, my first Bub is only 21 months and I’m currently 32 weeks with my second.. Ive got my fingers crossed that I can bond with the baby when she comes out, otherwise I’m going to end up hating myself!! Honestly we don’t have a lot of help/support either and I’m the only one working whilst dad is the stay at home parent, I make just over 2k a fortnight.. and have about 300/380 left after I pay everything. I do have to have another c section which was a pain in the arse for healing for the first baby. Went to the doctors because my c section was hurting that much and they told me to have Panadol, “scar looks like it’s healed great, and if the pain in a 10 then to go to ED!!”, so I just got in the car and went home and laid in bed crying until I wasn’t as sore, When I do complain that I don’t want this baby and I’ve gained too much weight and I’m hating my body and the hormones, my partners reply is always “it takes two to tango”, NO IT TAKES YOU 2 MINUTES AND ME 9 MONTHS TO CREATE THIS BABY!! IM THE ONE GOING THROUGH THE FUKN SHIT!!! NOT YOU!! AND ALL THE AFTER WORK WITH IT ALL AND THE HORMONES and breast feeding and appointments and everything!! Then I have to go back to work after 6 months because I’m earning more! IM EXHAUSTED AND TIRED AND OVER IT AND FEEL THE NEED TO LEAVE FOR A WHOLE WEEK!! 😭😭 I’m overwhelmed and overstimulated from my first born and the GD is being a pain in my arse for my second! Idk, just needing to rant because my partner doesn’t want to hear it over and over again! I’m struggling, I’m sore everyday and I just don’t want a 2nd child, guess I’m pissed that this is sorta forced on me to keep the child! Abortion was not an option at all! I wanted all my children planned. So fingers crossed I’m able to bond with the baby after she’s cut out of me 🙁
submitted by Spiritual_Package185 to 2under2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:47 scienceofsanity switch from kyleena iud to copper?

hi y'all i have kyleena and it hasn't been fun. i'm 4 months in and feel so much more anxiety (a lot of it is around pregnancy, weirdly) bled for 2 months straight have random breast pain and bloat so much. it was my first hormonal birth control and i'd like to be non hormonal because of the depression and brain fog coming with kyleena. would copper be a good idea? i had heavy periods and cramps before kyleena, and i know that's a copper iud symptom, but my biggest reason for considering the switch is i just don't want to gain weight and i want to feel like myself again. wondering if it's worth it, let me know!
submitted by scienceofsanity to CopperIUD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:36 smallflabby Delaying or stopping period - can I take Gedarel 7 days before my period is due?

I have very heavy and very painful periods regularly, I’m going on holiday to a really hot country and the very first day my period is due to last the whole trip. I saw a sexual health clinic a month and a half ago, they gave me Gedarel 20/150, she gave me a few options for when and how to take it but I can’t remember what she said and it’s not really in the leaflet what she said. I got scared by the blood clot disclaimer they tell you and she said you can take this with you today and decide if you want to take it or not. Then she said you could always go to the doctor about getting period blocking medication instead. I did this and went to the doctor who prescribed medroxyprogesterone acetate, he mentioned side affects could be tender breasts and bloating. I started looking online today (7 days before my period) and everyone who’s used it says it was the worst decision they made. A lot of the side effects aren’t worth it to me. I’ve gone back to the pill I was given but I don’t know how this works. Am I able to stop my period? Is it too late?
submitted by smallflabby to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:32 Nasa-17 Assassin City (please help)

So I started an A-Z playthrough of OWB and now I'm stuck.
215th - 8/10, was fun, though it felt a little repetitive of just "conquer a new country, core land, get a new war goal, rinse and repeat," I thoroughly enjoyed the lore and the caps-related requirements in forming the Splendid Raider's Society. Doing the film decisions, building up trade nodes, and raiding for caps was genuinely fun and earning 4000 caps was a unique objective. There were enough focuses and wars to keep me occupied while working toward this goal without there being too many... Completed by January 1, 2282.
Arborg Junta - 10/10, this was honestly peak gameplay in my opinion. You start out so weak and dealing with so many problems. You have no manpower and no guns or factories, isolated from your only ally and bordered by a much more powerful nation that will kill you. That +90% Infantry Equipment production cost was painful, but the +20% Equipment Capture made it unique. The legitimacy system was fun to interact with also, and I adored the 2 decisions that cost command power- The merc jobs/contracts were a fun piece of flavor to interact with, and the border conflicts were also really fun. I ended up doing 3 playthroughs, in the first I stayed loyal to the Duke and ended up becoming free through the autonomy system. In the second I stayed loyal to the King and discovered you cannot become free through the autonomy system ._. In the third I supported neither side during the civil war and declared independence, conquering the entire kingdom and their Republican enemies in a very challenging war. My only complaint is the lack of extra focuses to complete in the end game, running out of focuses on 2279 kinda sucks. You can't exactly rush down your focus tree either, going after the Damned or border conflicts too quickly will assure your defeat.
Archdiocese of Santa Fe - 6/10. Fun. But not much unique content outside of the national spirits. I have up Santa Fe and held the line against Lanius, killing thousands of his men very easily. Over the course of a few years I built up strength, and when he stopped attacking I drilled my armies to bait him into attacking more and weakening himself further. Eventually he was so weak that in 2279 I melted through his divisions with basic (but not starting) infantry templates. I considered killing the rest of the legion after but decided my goals were accomplished- If didn't feel in-character for the Archdiocese to march to Flagstaff. If anything I'd have just conquered the rest of New Mexico, but there's no formable or unique content so...
Arroyo - 7/10. Quite fun, though I was annoyed that I couldn't complete all the focuses in the tree, and also ran out of focuses early on. The karma system is cool but I think it should be implemented a little better or at least explained more. I don't like getting locked out of vital focuses because I don't know about certain events or details, karma gets entrenched later on... Though by my third playthrough I knew enough of Arroyo that I was able to take all the karma related focuses, albeit not all focuses I wanted because I wanted to have the chosen one as my leader in that attempt. The expansion system is also really cool, though I wish some of Arroyo's expansion targets would be more playable/viable. I did three playthroughs, a neutral one where I didn't do much, a good one where I joined the NCR and took down the Legion, and an evil one where I invaded the NCR as the Chosen One and took over all of California, Nevada and Oregon (as the Mirelurk Tribe conquered the area and invaded me). Took until 2284/5 in the last two, but it was worth it.
And next is Assassin City, in stark contrast to my other playthroughs, extremely painful so far and not fun at all for many reasons. The unique skater divisions, rocket skater tech, and unique spirit of the academy that comes with it are cool, but everything else... Ugh...
I've tried over and over all day to no avail for a total of 14 or so attempts. I died so many times I encountered the infamous"game lags unless you restart your PC" issue. The latest I was able to survive was January 18, 2276.
In May, the Brotherhood begins the focus that gives a war goal against you. In June, you get the event where you can either join their alliance (which leads to you getting automatically annexed and a guaranteed game over later (you can't leave the alliance)) or they declare war on you.
There is one strait crossing to the south and four tiles on the border, not defensive at all especially with three civs and only a few months to spend building outposts. No hills or mountains or any advantageous terrain, you have a national spirit that gives you a pretty rough defense penalty, the generic focus tree is not very useful and you likely won't survive long enough to actually pick up any impactful bonuses, partially because each focus takes 60 days and partially because they are so far down the tree- I find myself choosing between either taking the leftmost branch to access +2% -> +3% Recruitable Population or the second from the leftmost branch for caps to buy equipment and the +20% Division Organization, I can't take both in time unfortunately and am always either short on manpower or short on guns. I'm already being attacked before I can even finish researching my first land doctrine trait.
I've tried all sorts of strategies, spamming defensive militia, only using regular infantry, using different advisors, falling back all the way to the capital, holding the border, tried both bunkers and outposts and a combination of the two and alternated which tiles I built them in. Ultimately none of it seems to matter because I'm so far out-teched that I'll always lose every battle. I defensive micro my heart out but I lose manpower about five times as fast as them, and I'm bleeding equipment too, eventually their nonstop attack becomes untenable to hold and I collapse as all my divisions last stand to 0% strength in a last ditch effort to try and survive a couple more days.
Needless to say, I need help. How the heck am I supposed to actually survive survive? Is there a way to go down the alliance with the brotherhood without getting auto annexed and auto game over'd? Does Skater Infantry count under Walking Infantry or Mobile (for bonuses and land doctrine related stuff)
Any other tips or information would also be appreciated.
submitted by Nasa-17 to OldWorldBlues [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:03 Excellent-Annual-275 HRT

I've been on estradiol for almost a month and I have hot flashes, changes in my physique, I lose weight and gain weight and so on, and pain in only one breast why?
submitted by Excellent-Annual-275 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:52 Latter-Session5251 What would you do if you were in my place? I posted this on ToxicParents sub but I think fellow Asians can help me better.

TL;DR: Financially depended on parents, poor physical and mental health, parents refusing to provide me treatment and support me but expects me to study properly and take good care of myself regardless. I also want to become independent, but my shitty health is destroying every attempt to study. HOW THE HELL DO I DO GET OUT OF THIS?

Disclaimer: Long Post, Depression, Gender Dysphoria Causing Eating Disorders Leading to Poor Health

Assigned female at birth, Indian, Recently turned 18.
I was supposed to have been graduated from high school and admitted to college but I am repeating 12th grade, much to my parents' horror, and couldn't graduate this year largely because of depression and poor physical health. Also, I don't know if I have ADHD but the symptoms are there and I struggle a lot because of it too.
Parents don't acknowledge that people can be mentally ill and they need support and treatment. Therefore, when I first told them that I'm struggling with my mental health, they just.. mocked me, for several weeks. Told me I'm weak and can't do anything, that I'm a big zero and making up excuses. I never brought that up again.
Doesn't have to mention they are disappointed in me. Because they wanted me to be a doctor, but being a doctor is so not me. That's not what I want to do at all.
Wanting to pursue something different and then not being able to even graduate made them extremely disappointed in me.
This is more amplified by the fact that they both rose up from their parents' economical conditions and expect me to achieve better things but I won't be able to get a decent job at all, if I keep that up. I can relate, I am disappointed in me too.
So whenever I struggle to study, my mother lashes out at me, telling me how much they sacrificed to raise me, and that they grew up with a lot more struggles than me and that I don't deserve their love because I amount to nothing and that she should have aborted me, that I am abnormal and defective that is destroying her life and it's my fault that she is acting out and that I destroyed their social life by being abnormal and if I don't get a respectable position in society, my life will be forever ruined. As if it's not ruined enough.
Whenever I struggle to eat, sleep or generally take care of myself, she says she won't pay for my healthcare if I get sick again and that I am better off dead, I was unwanted anyway. (Background: She wanted to study and wanted to get a job but was forced to marry by her family. She continued to study after marriage but then I came into the picture unplanned. She wasn't really ready to have me, but gave birth to me anyway because she thought if I grew up to a better place it would pay off. It didn't help that both of them had 11 to 5 jobs. I was raised when they were financially struggling too)
It hurts every time she says these, even if I know that she is saying these in heat of the moment and they're kind of true. Even if she sometimes apologizes (then proceeds to blame me for her behavior). It still fucking hurts okay? What hurts even more is that they don't want to understand me. They don't get my motivations, functionality and thought processes, but because I don't behave in align with their expectations, they tell me there's something inherently wrong with me.
I'm really sick and tired of these drama in our house. And I am sick and tired of being sick and tired at all. This seems to be a running theme in my life.
My father largely ignores us and is emotionally distant. At least he doesn't care about me not conforming to societal expectations, and that's better than mother's reaction to everything I am and I do. But that doesn't stop him from participating with mother in these drama. Both of them are extremely homophobic/queerphobic.
Mind you, they still provide food, cloth and shelter for me even after finding out that I was romantically entangled with another AFAB. Granted, they don't want to talk about it and completely ignore it in the hopes that it was a bad dream and they'd wake up, but hey, I wasn't kicked out, so that's good at least.
When I confront her about the things she say to me, she just states that I am really ungrateful for not understanding my mother's emotions and feelings, it's my fault that episodes of drama happen and it's my fault that I end up getting hurt, because hurting me is not her intentions. She even said and I quote her, they are the best parents I can come across, and that parents are always right and they know what is best for me, if only I would just listen.
She has huge issues with me "acting like a boy". For example, we have this unspoken rule in our area that female humans should pierce their ears.
I was really stubborn about not doing this, until my mother made a deal with me: I get to keep my hair short if I pierce my ears, so I got my ears pierced in 2020. Then, she gradually went from suggesting that I should at least let it grow a little bit to full on threatening me that if I don't grow my hair they'll disown me.
This was happening when I had poor physical and mental health, so I stopped being stubborn about it. But sometimes I do express my annoyance and grief over not having my hair short anymore, and she reacts by being angry over the fact that my behavior is not ideal and sadness over the fact that I don't listen to her.
Which is true by the way. Over these last two to three years, I am not being my best self. Whenever these episodes of drama happen (my mother lashing out on me because I am struggling or not acting like a girl or how a normal ideal human being is supposed to act like) I too react really negatively. For a period of time after each episodes, I don't respect them or don't listen to their orders, and don't try hard enough to study or take care of myself. My response to them seems to be doing what they don't want me to do.
This I do because I just don't see the point anymore, I don't feel like doing anything at all even though I logically know what, why and how I should do but I don't seem to do that. I feel numb. My days pass by in a blur and haze. My memory seems have been weakened.
My family mocks me because of this, they don't believe me that I seem to forget a lot, they say that I am making things up and, blah blah. Somedays I get a serious level of existential crisis. Other days I don't really care, and I feel lethargic all the time. I don't feel sad per se, because I am not aware or mindful of my thoughts and feelings most of the time but when I do become aware, a lot of the times I don't seem to know or understand what I'm feeling or why I'm feeling a certain emotion.
Like this post is taking a lot of time for the same reason. It's really difficult for me to recognize and compose my feelings into words. (Future me: Although I am editing from another post of mine, this took me 4.5ish hours to finish)
And sometimes I feel things really intensely out of nowhere. Like this one time I suddenly didn't want to exist anymore, it seemed to come out from nowhere. It was pointless to try to live anyway. I was causing a lot of pain anyway, what's one more by dying? Simply existing was so much pain, like whenever I was reminded or became aware that I am a living breathing thing existing in this space and time, I just, I don't know, I felt this huge grief over my existence. I don't know how to describe that, but it was an ugly emotion, I didn't want to feel it, but I felt it anyway.
I didn't attempt suicide, but I was close to sort of erasing my existence. I tried to erase myself. You know, by throwing out everything that made me me. I used to write to make sense of my thoughts and feelings, I used to write fanfictions and poetry. I threw them all. I deleted all the e-books and other stuff that I used to read, all the videos I used to watch, all the pictures I stored, all the musical pieces and songs I enjoyed listening to and all the website that I used to visit. All the things that shaped me to become what I am. All the things that reminded me of myself.
I now realize that I have developed an eating disorder(sort of?) over gender dysphoria. I don't want to eat because I don't want my body to produce female sex hormones that will lead to periods (Is it weird to be happy that my periods last only 2 days because of malnutrition and anemia?) and breast growing (Is it weird to be happy because I have a flat chest and I am skinny and rectangle shaped?). I love eating tasty things you know? But I unconsciously stopped eating properly. It's also because sometimes I simply forget to eat.
This seems to happen when I am hyper-focusing on something (usually unrelated to my studies). Heck, I forget to bath or brush or I forget when it's time to sleep too you know? But when I am aware that I should have a meal, I feel an internal resistance which I now realize is the fear that my body will produce appropriate levels of female sex hormones and make me look like I am a girl.
(I don't want to look like a girl, and I don't want to be mistaken as a boy, but mistaken as boy is better than people treating me like a girl. If only I could be neither, ugh.
As a side note, my mother is worried that my body doesn't seem to be producing enough sex hormones and is currently trying to force me to go see a doctor so that my breasts can grow bigger and my periods can last longer. I am terrified of this, I know this is causing health problems but I also really don't want treatment for this.)
And week or two ago, my mother was again telling me, not yelling at me or expressing anger but with a gentle tone, that I should work harder to study and I should take care of myself because for her it's really painful to see me like this, and she won't be able to accept me if I don't stand on my own two legs and I should try harder to take care of myself.
And that's the first time I realized that this needs to stop, this whole ordeal is harming my health and is causing all sorts of problems for me in my family.
I need to study to graduate next year and I need decent marks. But I can't seem to do so no matter how hard I try. I need to at least take care of myself but I face this internal resistance and this urge to self-sabotage, this urge to destroy myself and my life for some reason.
Can somebody please suggest and advise me on my best course of action?
I need good mental and physical health to study properly but I need to study to get access to good mental health treatment which will also help a lot in my physical health.
I want to get out of this situation.

Summary: Need treatment to study but need to study to get treatment. (And independence)

A fucking loop.
submitted by Latter-Session5251 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:38 easyjoytech_official There are benefits to couples doing naughty things often, you will never imagine it!

There are many benefits of sex, not just for men. Today, let's talk about the benefits of proper sex for women!
I believe that friends are not unfamiliar with menstruation. Even men hate it because their girlfriends are always in a bad mood every month due to menstruation. Moderate sex can contract the muscles of women's lower body, release the blood that is stagnant in the pelvis before menstruation, and thus reduce menstrual pain.
Of course, if dysmenorrhea persists, you still need to seek medical treatment in time. Sometimes you can endure or take painkillers for a few days every month, which may cause serious illness!
Sexual life can regulate the cholesterol content in women's bodies, maintain bone density, and prevent osteoporosis; it can also increase the secretion of estrogen, avoid rough and dry skin caused by excessive loss of estrogen, and stay young.
A survey shows that women who are sexually satisfied regularly will secrete more white blood cells (an important part of the immune system), which keeps the immune system healthy and allows women to live longer.
I believe that many people have experienced this deeply. The quality of sleep after sex is especially high. In today's society, the pressure of life is increasing sharply, the pace of society continues to accelerate, and everyone has a lot of depression. A proper sex life can make the nerves release endorphins, relax the body tissues, and eliminate bad emotions.
It can be seen that a normal and satisfying sex life is very important for women, so women need to communicate with their sexual partners frequently to increase the tacit understanding between the two parties in order to obtain higher quality sexual satisfaction.

submitted by easyjoytech_official to Genderhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:09 Masterchef1111 Walk out wife

Long story short we had a relatively healthy happy relationship. Been married 4 years. Both had supportive families on either side of so I thought.
Found out my wife (32) back in 2021/22 was getting bullied in her old work place. Wife’s mum used to ring me for hours on end asking why I don’t do it. Yet tell me my wife is a big girl and can deal with bullying on her own, along with telling me she’s worried about my wife’s weight and weight loss. My wife very private person opted not to talk about her bullying and try sort it internally. As her husband I watch her crumble and decided enough with enough. Various stress factors nearly caused my wife’s bowels to explode due to stress damage. Multiple A&E/ER trips medical bills my mother in law never once came near the hospital to support my wife. But always arm chair directing. I eventually helped my wife get a new job.
Few months later we figured my wife developed an eating disorder which I thought had gotten worse since previous bullying trauma. At a family BBQ at her mums, I asked both my own mum (wife is very close to) and her own mum for support. To which my mother in law replied she is a big girl and waved away eating disorder! Yet she flagged the weight loss previous.
Roll forward to 2023 weeks found out we were expecting a baby last year, my mum (I’m the husband) was over joyed and so excited. Finally becoming a grandma. My wife very apprehensive going to tell her mum on the same night. We did and her mums response was nothing short of disgusting. She (52 year old lady) sat on her big chair repeated fuck, oh fuck, fuck off with a face that looked like it had been slapped with a fish. The disgusting facial expressions still haunt me to this day. My wife really cried and disappointed on her mums response, I tried to sugar coat and say her mum was just shocked it being her first grandchild.
The months after this my mother in law being really awkward and strange. Mother in law used to whisper when my wife wasn’t around you made a mistake you made a mistake regarding getting my wife pregnant. My father in law works away and when he found out his response was joy and happiness like my own mums.
My mother in law booked a holiday half way through my wife’s pregnancy taking my wife. Who hated her body image while being pregnant due to eating disorder (which she was getting help for to over come) my wife was guilt tripped into the holiday and while there spent 5 days texting me saying hate it here, didn’t want go and can’t wait to come home. I didn’t want cause a fuss and kept my wife moral up, telling her how she was doing amazing pregnant and the holiday might relax her.
My wife and I lived in my mums home (big enough house) due to building on land nearby. Pregnancy happened much quicker than we expected, issues with building and work along with wife health put the house build on hold. My wife got sick and our little one made a very quick appearance in the world at 28 weeks. As husband being my first baby I felt my wife smashed child birth, no pain relief, 6/7 hours in labour and baby arrived very early, tiny but healthy. My wife nearly broke my hand due to squeezing so much lol. As a man the proudest moment ever seeing my child for the very first time.
Nearly a stressful 10 weeks in neonatal unit which our child battled life with many ups and downs. Grandparents (just our mums) were only allowed in due to infection minimisation were the only ones allowed the visit 1 hour each a day. All of a sudden my wife’s mum who didn’t give a shit about the pregnancy wanted in every day. Even when our baby had infections never listening to nursing protocols and basically making me leave each time she came in. Some days while at sitting watching our child my mother in law would say aw she will be living with me again soon, I’ll have my family back together. Telling me I’m a worthless man, I didn’t deserve a child or to be a dad and I had little boy dreams for my business that I should be working a real job.
I work in IT contracting live what I do but my passion is my start up business in healthy beverages which has grown and fast. The idea of my business was to ensure I could work from home and be there flexibly with clients Rigid timings or deadlines.
My mother in law does no work, lives in a big house which is falling apart and nearly $1 million of debt is used (from what my father in law states) mother in law pretends to live the high life making her husband work 7 days a week around the west coast to fund her 3/4 holiday fair designer hand bag life. My mother in law always outs me down, picks on my wife and stopped our house build due to medaling with the contractors and causing issues. Since our son was born my mother in law has taking our child out and about exposing her to germs days after being released from hospital which result in a breathing infection near killing our little one.
My wife is petrified to stand up to her mum, who rings 20/30 times a day. My wife could be brushing her teeth gets a face time stops her life to answer. My other in law has got my wife and child to move 1.5 hours away causing my wife and I split. I can’t take the pressure of a controlling mother in law. I want my wife back but she is too scared to see how her mum acts and treats her.
How the hell does anyone deal with this!!!
submitted by Masterchef1111 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:50 ntlerylv Top surgery cancelled less than 24 HR before going under.

Title says it, my mastectomy was cancelled in the afternoon of the day before surgery. Thank you in advance for reading <3 I’m 23 and 2yrs on T. I live in CA where most gender affirming surgeries are covered by insurance, however, due to my disability and not being able to work enough to have my own insurance, I have to stay on my parents plan which is out of state. My dad’s employer is a huge transphobe and anything treating “gender dysphoria disorder” is a plan exclusion. On the other hand, I have three generations of breast cancer cases in my family, the worst being my moms resulting in a bilateral mastectomy. Before I even knew I was trans, I wanted a mastectomy so I would never have to deal with cancer. So that’s the route I went, and for the past two years I have been working on getting top surgery and a prophylactic mastectomy at the same time. I went through all the consults with plastic surgery and surgical oncology, as well and imaging and genetic testing to add to my case. My risk for ~developing~ breast cancer was determined to be 26%. I also wanted my doctors to advocate for the fact that I have a preexisting condition, am extremely immunocompromised, and am allergic to a laundry list of medications. I can’t afford to get a cold, let alone cancer. Everything was in order, and I mean everything. I was prepared beyond prepared. Not to mention all of the sacrifices that were made to arrange the surgery and recovery. All to get a call from my surgical oncologist saying that insurance was still deciding on medical necessity, and everyone she was talking to at my insurance was saying no. And, the hospital was demanding an insurance approval or $254k cash by 4pm (it was 2:30) or the surgery was canceled. So there it was. I can’t reschedule for now because everything was riding on my recovery being in this specific timeframe. I don’t even know if insurance will come through and approve it after all, if not, it’ll be over another year until I can get different insurance to cover it. My heart was absolutely ripped out of my chest. That day before, I was feeling hopeful for the first time since I was doubting for so long if the surgery was going to happen. There’s so many emotions that I can’t even describe, so many reasons why this hurts so bad and how important it was to me. I feel like I was finally going to break free and now I just have to keep dragging along. Right before the phone call, I had thought to myself that it was the last time putting on a tight asf sports bra. I can’t tolerate binders bc of the pain or tape bc I have an adhesive allergy. I was so ready to throw them all away, and now I can’t put one on without crying. It’s been three days and I feel horrible inside and out. I don’t really know what I’m looking for by posting this, I just know I’m probably not alone.
submitted by ntlerylv to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:32 mrpooooopy STD fatigue

When you’re feeling under the weather, you may assume that you’ve simply caught the latest bug that’s going around. Especially during cold and flu season, symptoms like headaches, nausea, fatigue, or fever are easy to dismiss as a common illness. With any luck, you’ll take a couple days at home to rest and be back on your feet in no time – right? What you may not realize is that your flu-like symptoms may be signs of something far more serious: a sexually-transmitted disease.
STDs: More Common Than You Might Think
According to the American Sexual Health Association, one out of every two sexually active adults will deal with an STD by age 25, and yet less than 15 percent of young adults receive regular STD testing. With undiagnosed STDs potentially leading to severe illness, infertility, and other health issues, consistent, reliable STD testing is critical to your sexual health.
It’s not uncommon to contract an STD without realizing it, especially because many STDs have no detectable symptoms. Furthermore, because so many common STD symptoms are extremely similar to those of the cold or flu, it’s easy to misdiagnose yourself. However, being aware of basic STD symptoms can help you take the proper steps to protect your sexual health.
Possible Signs of an STD
While you may be familiar with the more well-known symptoms of STDs, such as painful urination and visible skin lesions, there are many other signs that are harder to pinpoint. Here are a few of the most commonly missed STD symptoms, most of which mimic the flu or a common cold:
Chronic fatigue is a possible sign of several different STDs, including late-stage gonorrhea, chlamydia, and Hepatitis A, B, and C. You might think you’re feeling extra tired because of a few late nights, but if the fatigue persists even after getting good rest, it’s time to consider an STD test.
A fever is an indication that your body is trying to fight off some type of infection and can easily signal an STD. Syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, and Hepatitis A all cause a spike in body temperature.
If you’re experiencing nausea and vomiting, it might not be the stomach flu or something you ate. Instead, it may very well be HIV, syphilis, Hepatitis C, or Hepatitis A. Especially in cases where the symptoms persist past a day or two, it’s important to get tested quickly to allow for proper medical care.
Body aches or a sore throat may signal a range of STD infections, with joint paint often indicating an STD that’s been left untreated for a considerable amount of time.
Even headaches can signal a sexually-transmitted disease, such as herpes, syphilis, or HIV.
Finally, many STDs are asymptomatic, meaning they show no symptoms at all. For this reason, regular STD testing is important for all sexually active individuals, even those that feel perfectly healthy.
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:26 mrpooooopy Can you get herpes on your butt cheek?

You can get genital herpes symptoms on or between the buttocks, including bumps or clusters that look like a rash.
Herpes is a common viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV).
It’s possible to get herpes symptoms on your buttocks, especially if it’s related to genital herpes (HSV-2) spread through sexual contact. In rarer cases, oral herpes (HSV-1) can cause herpes outbreaks on the buttocks, too.
This virus can stay dormant in your body for years after contraction but can cause outward symptoms during outbreaks. The most notable signs of herpes are bumps, sores, or blisters on the skin.
Read on to learn more about how to identify herpes on the buttocks, how it’s treated, and how you can help relieve some of these symptoms at home.
Here are some of the most common symptoms of herpes on the buttocks:
skin feels itchy or burns before bumps or blisters appear
red bumps or lesions sensitive to the touch that may look like a rash or pimples
fluid-filled blisters with light-colored centers
clusters of bumps or blisters on the lower back, buttocks, or inside the groove between your buttocks (also known as the crack)
discomfort or pain while peeing.
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:52 snicoleon Precipitous labor?

My first birth was recorded as precipitous, but I'm not sure if this is accurate.
I started realizing I was having contractions around 8:30pm that night (3 years ago). They were still somewhat far apart for a while (anywhere from 8-12 minutes) but coming regularly and increasing in strength. I called my husband who was on night shift a couple of hours later when they were more like 4-8 minutes apart, and he got home sometime after midnight to pick me up.
We got to the hospital around maybe 12:30-45ish and by the time we got there contractions were 1.5-3 minutes apart, between 30-60 seconds long and I was groaning through contractions and throwing up. I was only at 2cm, they gave me some kind of pain pill and told us to go home. However, they needed to monitor the baby continously for 15 minutes before we could leave. I was moving around too much from pain for that to happen.
Finally, after what I'm told was about 45 minutes of trying to monitor, the nurses noticed my sounds and behavior had changed and they checked me again. I was at 7cm. We were not going home. Thank God because I knew from the beginning I couldn't handle another car ride in labor, let alone 2.
I don't know how long it took to get from 7 to 9.5 (when they checked me again because I was pushing), but the pushing stage was about half an hour. The baby was born around 4:30am.
So the timeline I suppose is this, based on a combination of my own memory and what I've been told:
8:30pm-12:15am - early labor at home 12:45-1:30am - go from 2cm to 7cm 1:30-4am - go from 7cm to 9.5/10cm (this one doesn't really make sense to me because it felt really short despite the excruciating pain and I've also heard transition is one of the shortest stages* 4-4:30am - push baby out
*I could also be wrong about what time we went to the hospital. But I don't think so 🤔
Now I could swear at one point I'd heard the term "precipitous labor" used to describe a short active phase, which I definitely had. But now when I look up the term, most sources say "3 hours or less from the onset of regular contractions." So maybe whoever wrote that on my chart didn't consider my contractions to be "regular" until later on since the timing was inconsistent (even though there was an obvious pattern)?
Does this sound like it would qualify as precipitous labor? Obviously someone involved in the birth thought so enough to write it down as such. It was certainly fast, and I do sort of want the phrasing to stay on my chart so they don't try to send us home again if we show up to the hospital in what appears to be early labor.
submitted by snicoleon to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:45 Fun-Economy6800 [Poem]

I was the quietest one Of all those who made voyage to your port. No lewd social ceremonies announced me, nor the deaf bells of ancestral reflections. My route was the savage music of the birds, releasing to the air my circling generosity. No ships heavy with opulence carried me, nor oriental rugs supported my body. Over the ships my face appeared, whistling in the round simplicity of the winds. I did not weigh the harmony of trivial ambitions which your hand promised, full of star-bursts, I only weighted on the floor of my agile spirit the tragic abandon which your gesture occulted. Your perennial duty was marked by the avid thirst. You resembled the sea, resonant and discrete. Over you I went, passing my lost hours. Over me, you followed yourself, like the sun in the petals. And I walked in the breeze of your fallen pain, with the ingenious sadness knowing myself right. Your life was a profound churning of restless fountains, in an immense white river, running to the desert. One day, by the yellow shores of hysteria, many hidden faces of ambition followed you. Through the waves of your tears, uprooted through the cosmos, voices leaked without crossing your mystery. I was the quietest one. The voice with almost no echo. The conscious spread in a syllable of anguish, scattered and tender through all the silences. I was the quietest one. The one who lept from earth with no more weapon than a verse. And here, you see me, stars, scattered and tender, with his love in my breast. - Julia DeBurgos
submitted by Fun-Economy6800 to Poetry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:21 XenomorphOmega My right nipple itches almost constantly.

I officially started HRT legally March 24 of this year. Previously I had taken Estradiol pills and Progesterone shots liberated from a fate of non-use from a formerly pregnant wife. But they were used on a very chaotic and sporadic course over the previous year and perhaps a few months. Unfortunately, I cannot remember exactly.
Anyway, since I started my regular dosage of Estradiol 5mg x2 daily (only), my breast growth has been....just amazing. I know it has not been a long time, it has surprised the ever-living-*uck out of me, but also made me as giddy as the school girl I never got to be. But there is one problem. OK, full disclosure, there are two problems.
They are not coming in anywhere near even. I know, and fully understand, this is a normal thing that pretty much is a universal truth, but I have zero obligation to like it; so it stays on the complaint filed.
The new cells that started growing just before my official start date of April 24 [EDIT: Sorry, March 24] had started accumulating right away. Like literally stupid-crazy-fast right away. My right nipple tingles, tickles and ultimately itches to the point of almost madness at times, akin to the kind of tickle one will occasionally get in the part of the ear that is only accessible by things one is not supposed to use to access said area of the ear to take care of that particular kind of problem. Depending on how one would analyze the situation, the possible up side to this phenomena is, that it is amazingly sensitive now. Not just the nipple though, the entire breast is sensitive to touch now, and not just sensitive to pain from bumping into things, which can sometimes hurt, but not as bad as I have been told by others. I know breasts often get sensitive and can be painful, but mine are not that. Not really. The left one is pretty much a non-issue, it has gotten a little bigger, but only perhaps half the size of my right breast, and does not have any of the more firm tone of new growth material right under the aforementioned nipple.
I have told my doctor about it, and she says that it is fine, common and nothing to worry about, but I have my reservations thinking that perhaps she simply hears enough lambasted remarks she has become somewhat immunized to hearing actual problems from patients. Though I don't think, (hope really), that this is the case, I really need to ask people that have been through it or currently going through it,
Am I the only one????
Sorry if this is hard to read or is too confusing at any point. I am really struggling to stay awake atm, but if I don't get this out now, I may never. I have put it off far too many times as it is and I just NEEDED to get it out there.
submitted by XenomorphOmega to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:11 propercopper313 AIO Please give opinion of relationship cycle 🌽

I (27F) have been with my partner (31M) for about 3 years. We moved in together after about 6 months, and now have 2 children under 2. At the beginning of our relationship, we explicitly made it clear that pornographic content of any kind is prohibited and we established an open phone policy if we were to be in a committed relationship, otherwise we could just continue to be a tinder hookup if we want to entertain ourselves with that. (No judgement towards others who permit that in their relationship - this is simply a condition of ours.) I’ll skip unnecessary details, but to sum things up, there were occasional flairs of issues between him and a previous girlfriend that he was possessive and obsessive of, however that died down after I encouraged him to make the decision of pursuing life with that ex or continuing with me, and he begged to stay. Fast forward, we fall pregnant with our first child and all is good, we’re both working full time, 50/50 on bills and I did 90% of the housework and shopping/errands. Bare in mind I had a high risk pregnancy, along with sciatica and was in a lot of pain, and we still had sex nearly every day because he basically claims that he needs it. When I was 8 months pregnant, I was using his phone to search reference photos for a painting I was working on. While opening his google, I found several pages of his opened search pages - of course being porn sites and links to inappropriate photos. After putting 2 and 2 together, I realized that day he specifically begged me to leave the house for a bit to get him Mexican food and when I had to call him from the taqueria to relay a text from his mom, he suddenly didn’t answer for once. Things as far as pathetic searches for “woman in tiny bikini that barely covers breasts” , and that’s when I found myself disgusted that I settled for a man that is so lowly desperate enough to make searches that equivalent to that of a 16 year old boy. After confronting him, he denied everything for nearly 20 minutes, even with the evidence right out in his face and his search history showing months of this behavior. After gaslighting me and trying to manipulate the situation and trying to turn it around on me saying he doesn’t know how those got there and he never searched those, he finally reluctantly admitted he was guilty. So he intentionally sent me out of the house so he could watch porn, and to make matters worse, he did it with our newborn in his baby chair right in front of him, apparently while he was sleeping. I was beyond disgusted with him and ready to kick him out of my apartment and deliver and raise this baby on my own even though I didn’t have any family or friends to help. After hours of him crying and begging for another chance, he specifically promised he would not be entertaining himself with pornographic content again nor do anything to risk losing his family. So with that, I stayed, we had the baby, we got engaged, things seemed fine. After a few months, we decided to deliberately try for a second baby and we moved a couple hours away into our first home and I agreed to be a SAHM and raise our baby. The day we moved, I had to use his phone for an internet search and AGAIN found porn all over his open pages. I immediately took my son and left for a week before having to come home due to limited resources. We sat and talked for nearly 6 hours, he cried to be and profusely apologized and again begged me to stay with him for our family and that he would never do anything to risk losing our family. I stayed, and we found out suddenly we were pregnant again. Surprise, timing. Time moves along, things seem fine, I have another high risk pregnancy but baby is born fine. The first few months with both kids were a struggle but we make it through. Second baby is about 4 months old when my phone broke so I needed to use my laptop for communication. I logged in to YouTube on there and was going through history to find the song my son wanted to listen to - and that’s when all the history of inappropriate dancing videos of women came up from YouTube videos to YouTube shorts. I was in complete shock. Per the history, he even had the audacity to watch a first video that explains how women partners sacrifice everything for their male partners, just for men to disregard them. Then following were practically naked women or sexualized women performing in appropriate acts or dances. Now these are the kind of videos people normally make fun of their friends about for watching because they are desperate thirst traps, and I’m just amazed that my partner is not the person I thought he was all along. It genuinely disgusts me that my main focus is my partner and children and his focus is on anything that has any sexual appeal. I find myself lost and confused on how someone can be so immature that they cannot separate the boundary of entertainment and obsession, and that the family they have created will never be enough to fill what they want or need. I asked him about the history and he denied it for 10 minutes before I showed him the evidence. He continued to deny it for almost an hour. After several hours of back and forth arguing and him lying to my face, he was provided the evidence and came clean - admitted he intentionally leaves me with both crying kids when they’re being difficult and he pretends to poop or takes extra long bathroom trips so he can watch videos of provocative women on YouTube and watch porn because he is anxious and needs relief, and that he intentionally sends me out to the store or on errand trips so he can watch porn at home. He allows me to go through the rest of his phone, and of course I find things everywhere from google to Temu - and again I’m shocked that my partner is so desperate and unhinged that he has to look at women in crotchless tights on Temu. We argue back and forth about honesty and transparency and intentions and he has the nerve to keep arguing that it’s to relieve anxiety and stress and asks me what he should do and asked what I do… I said “what other people do for anxiety - see a therapist and take anti-anxiety meds or just deal with it.” He was too stunned to speak. At this point I advocate for myself and the children and explain that I cannot subject myself to a partner like this and do not believe the children need a role model like this. He even agreed to sign over custody of both kids to me just to settle it, which now I’m seeing through his actions prove he doesn’t want to be a father or a partner despite saying he does. Since then, I’ve agreed to co-parent and continue living together for the children since we cannot afford child care, he is not working and we are living off the last of my savings and I cannot trust him to stay alone with the children. We share the same bed, although I sleep in the opposite direction due to wanting my own space. We still hook up occasionally since I have the IUD and it’s convenient, however we do not have any other intimacy such as hand holding or kissing. I cut that off early/mid April, both took off rings during the last fight about porn and have just been raising the kids as is. He supposedly has not watching any pornographic content since, but at this point it’s like I’m waiting around for the relapse in behavior. I don’t enjoy feeling like I put my full commitment into someone, for them to give me a partial percentage and lie in my face and continuously risk losing their children. If I can stop vaping because I was pregnant, a man should be able to stop watching inappropriate content if he wants to stay with his partner and children. I’m at the point where I don’t want us to be with anyone else because I love him and wanted us to live our lives out together, but respectfully without being a “Debby downer” it feels like life this way will continue this nasty cycle and I’ll keep disappointing myself with putting trust in him over and over. He swears up and down he wants to be with me and it just doesn’t feel his actions add up to that.
Please tell me anything - your advice, your feelings and thoughts, your recommendations, anything you have to say. Trolls, haters and negative comments - bring it on, I have a hateful heart too and would love your difference of opinion without needing to argue 🖤 Thank you!
submitted by propercopper313 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:55 SatisfactionAny3832 Disapointed

Did Alicia ghost paint in the recent video?
I watched Jazza’s recent video (Painting Shinobi and Samurai how they ACTUALLY looked...) and instantly recognized Alicia’s finishing touches on the artwork (as did some other comments). But nowhere is she credited, and I am a little shocked. If you are a long-time viewefan you will instantly recognize her style, it is unique. (It’s like noticing the difference between Picasso and Monet, their styles are different). I really admire Jazza so I want to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I know in a vlog (I’ve been hiding something from you) a while ago he mentioned that his team will sometimes finish his work but it would disrupt the video flow to say it was his staff helping…so I know he has addressed it, but is this ok?
Isn’t this the exact same behavior Jazza called ZHC out for? Not crediting artists? Meaning he knows it is wrong behavior. It takes no time to credit the artists in the description, isn’t that what Jazza suggested to ZHC?
Maybe it is a part of the contracts and it’s not a big deal, but having your work claimed by another artist is painful, as an artist myself I can only imagine. If I am wrong then I am sorry, truly, but I am certain that that is Alicia's work as I watched a lot of her stuff during Insert Art. Again if I am wrong, so sorry Jazza, if you read this and I am wrong, please comment below as I really admire you.
First time ever posting on Reddit so sorry if it’s a bit messy, as an artist I feel shocked and as a fan I feel weird. What do you think about this? Am I making too big a deal of this?
submitted by SatisfactionAny3832 to Jazza [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:52 godhatescoral Mystery Stomach Condition

Hello everyone, i need help. From AB Canada if that gives some context on our health care here.
My mother has some unknown stomach/gastrointestinal condition that no doctor can figure out, she has been to the ER 8+ times since February and has gotten no diagnosis and no help. She is 47 years old, morbidly obese, has Ankylosing Spondylitis, Hypothyroidism, Asthma and an additional unknown breathing issue, likely due to the weight.
In December she was prescribed Ozempic to help her with weight loss because we assume the breathing issues are due to weight, after the attacks started she stopped taking the Ozempic right away and hasn’t taken it since. She’s on an oxygen machine 24/7 because of the breathing issues as well as a Bi-Pap when she sleeps.
In February she woke up with extreme abdominal pain, it comes in waves, sometimes with shorter breaks and sometimes with longer breaks. She says “it feels like an intense squeezing pain in her abdomen where there is a progression to the peak of the pain and then a release” she has compared them to birth contractions before but worse and in her stomach/intestines (she has had chronic pain her whole life, i’ve never seen her cry in pain, she has with this pain). The pain does radiate around her stomach as well as she is usually SUPER distended and bloated during these attacks, her stomach feels like a rock.
She was taken to the hospital, they assumed it was just gastroenteritis and sent her home with some PPI’s (Mylan-Pantaprazole) She has gone back to the ER multiple times since with more attacks. She also gets extreme diarrhea to the point she is just expelling pretty much water with these attacks and vomiting, continuous vomiting to the point where she can’t vomit anymore and “scromits” basically scream dry heaving with nothing coming up, the vomit is also usually completely undigested food, from things she’s eaten days before. One of the last times we went to the ER they finally did some more extensive testing. She has had an abdominal CT with oral contrast, bloodwork and a colonoscopy. But still no conclusive diagnosis or treatment.
Her bloodwork showed an extremely high C-Reactive Protein (74.5, her usual result due to her AS is between 5-20) Her CT said this: "New onset irregular mural thickening of distal and terminal ileum with extensive perienteric inflammatory stranding and a small volume of nonorganized interloop fluid. Appearances are in keeping with acute enteritis. Inflammatory, infectious and slow flow ischemic differentials should be considered. Small volume nonorganized fluid extending into the pelvis."
After that CT she was admitted into the hospital for about a week, they wanted to see if she’d get better and they could do the colonoscopy outside of the hospital or if it would need to be done inpatient. She eventually did get better and they sent her home and she got the Colonoscopy, unfortunately they couldn’t get into the small intestine with the colonoscopy, but in her large intestine they only found one small polyp, removed it, and also found a small lump of fat they left. She has had about two or three more attacks since, two she was able to ride out at home and one she went back into the hospital with, with no help and was quickly sent back home. Her stomach is currently still sensitive and feels tender and bruised but no active contraction pains. Still diarrhea though and is on a mainly liquid low fiber and low fat diet currently.
They’ve tested her for everything infectious that could possibly exist and they’ve all come back negative. The attacks seem to happen more frequently when she has Ankylosing Spondylitis flares as well as when she eats too much fiber. For meds for her other conditions she takes Amitriptyline for migraine prevention, Hydromorphone for AS pain management, Synthyroid for Hypothyroidism and inhalers for asthma. As well as the PPI she takes daily still. The only thing that stops the pain completely during the attacks is IV Hydromorphine or IV Fentynal. (And the doctors/nurses have labeled her as drug seeking multiple times because of this)
We need any advice we can get. Ideas of what this could be, advice for what tests to ask for, literally anything that could help. We’ve brought up the possibility of Gastroparesis or Crohns Disease to the doctors but they haven’t looked further into either of those. She has another CT Enterography booked for June 26.
Sorry for the rambling and large amount of information. Please, any advice or info at all that anyone has would be a massive help!! I just don’t want my mom to be in extreme pain anymore.
submitted by godhatescoral to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:52 bc5000chiefer Gyno appeared "overnight," could anorexia be to blame?

17M. TLDR at bottom
I apologize if this breaks the 4th rule since I'm only a year over 16, but given my history of pubertal gyno its actually more concerning how fast this developed.
I've experienced pubertal gyno when I was 13-14. It mainly affected one nipple and there was a hard bulb, about an inch in diameter underneath it. It really hurt and itched all the time, but it cleared by the time I was 15. The affected nipple was still a little raised and you could feel the bulb had shrunken a lot, but I had no more pain or itching. The concerning difference is that back then, I could see it gradually develop. Puffy, but painless nipple, turned sensitive/itchy, bulb grew, etc. The current situation happened out of the blue, infact just the day before my nipples were fine without a trace of gyno.
After being unaffected for 2 years I'm 17 now. I was laying in bed and both of my nipples really started to itch and hurt when I was laying my phone on my chest waiting to fall asleep like usual. It was that familiar gyno itch, the one where its more sensitive and painful than "traditionally" itchy. I went to my mirror and saw that both of my nipples were distinctly puffy, and upon pressing them there are firm pads of breast gland, the same exact texture as the big bulb from years ago but this time about the thickness of 2-3 coins stacked.
The only dramatic changes in the past ~6 months is that I'd developed anorexia. I'm about 5'10 and dropped from 145lb to 105lb. The only reason I suspect they could be related is for one, weightloss and anorexia can mess with hormones, not sure how specifically. And two, I've been feeling really ill lately. I got on Wellbutrin, an antidepressant but gyno has never been reported as a side effect since it is not a traditional SSRI. These chest pains, shortness of breath, urge to cough... All these symptoms arrived at the same time this week including the return of gyno.
It's less the physical pain of gyno but its really been eating at my conscious. Theres scary implications on my estrogen levels and development during puberty. Its really been stressing me out which I've heard can make it worse which if true is a creating a really bad feedback loop.
id appreciate any help i can get.
tldr- had gyno 13-14yrs old, was free of symptoms besides painless shrunken gland mass for 2 years. symptoms of sensitivity, itchiness, and puffiness have appeared seemingly overnight as of recent. the only changes in my life have been anorexia and an antidepressant not correlated to gyno development.
submitted by bc5000chiefer to gynecomastia [link] [comments]