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2024.05.10 20:29 Frost_Junior How to buy specific artwork?

I’m interested in a specific set of paintings, “War and Peace” by Turner and Marshall. I’m not looking for an original, just a print. Everywhere online directs me to auction sites. Is this really the only way to buy art, even reproductions?
submitted by Frost_Junior to artbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:29 Frost_Junior Where to purchase specific artwork?

I’m interested in a specific set of paintings, “War and Peace” by Turner and Marshall. I’m not looking for an original, just a print. Everywhere online directs me to auction sites. Is this really the only way to buy art, even reproductions?
submitted by Frost_Junior to ask [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 01:36 TradedMedia Seth Weissman Acquires Development Site In Hunts Point, Bronx For $3.9M

The development site located at 883 Bryant Avenue in Hunts Point, Bronx, was sold in a closed transaction for $3,900,000. This property consists of 40 units with a price per unit of $97,500. The total square footage of the site spans 22,453 square feet, amounting to a price per square foot of $174.

Summary of transaction details:

Seth Weissman, operating as Urban Standard Capital, represented by USC 883 Bryant 2 LLC, acquired the development project from the seller, Gregory Harvey. The property was purchased in a foreclosure auction from Gregory Harvey's Masani Holding Company Corp.
Learn More: Seth Weissman Acquires Development Site In Hunts Point, Bronx For $3.9M
submitted by TradedMedia to tradedny [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:53 Peacock-Shah-III The Election of 1948 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

The Election of 1948 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

President La Follette campaigning in California.
Winning the presidency on a platform of silence, Philip La Follette would alienate his party’s anti-war wing immediately with his fierce prosecution of the Third Pacific War. Appointing General Douglas MacArthur as Secretary of State and retaliating to the Japanese usage of two nuclear weapons on American island bases with a series of atomic bombings claiming two million civilian lives, La Follette has presided over the dismantling and occupation of the Japanese Empire along a domestic promise to “Win the Peace” with a policy program including universal healthcare, an interstate highway system, investments into hydroelectric and nuclear energy, and the forced sterilization of criminals and the mentally ill. Amidst the fastest growing economy in national history, albeit one plagued by double digit inflation rates, the President has clashed with erstwhile supporters as he seeks to enshrine constitutionally the New State’s expansion of executive power, fueling efforts from opponents across the spectrum to pave their path to the White House of a burgeoning republic.
Surviving a fierce primary challenge from labor leader John L. Lewis that culminated in the most violent national convention in American history, 51 year old incumbent President Philip Fox La Follette has been renominated by the Farmer-Labor Party alongside 51 year old Vice President Michael A. Musmanno, despite rebellions from much of the party’s grassroots organization following La Follette’s call to make Farmer-Labor a middle class party of collaboration rather than one focused on working class interests and an effort by his supporters to purge CIO-affiliated and pro-John L. Lewis members of the Farmer-Labor National Committee. La Follette has barnstormed the nation to appeal to voters to “win the peace” and grant him a second term to bring to fulfillment the promises of Lindbergh’s New State, regularly posing for photos with sickened patients to highlight his argument for the need for universal healthcare and arguing to unionized workers the need for an employers’ union alongside the maintenance of General Trades Union nationalization. Meanwhile, Vice President Musmanno has targeted major cities to court ethnic voters as the administration has sent its message through the media, where the Hearst and McClatchy media empires have endorsed the President, alongside the Blackshirts famously embroiled in convention night violence on the President’s behalf. More controversially, opponents have accused La Follette of utilizing the machinery of the nationalized General Trades Union to promote his own candidacy, while others accuse the Farmer-Labor President of hypocrisy, pointing to a set of thousand dollar European golden goblets owned by First Lady Isen.

Presumed dead and having lived for a decade under the alias James Hay, Ben Gitlow would return to the scene in 1934 with a book that would restart his career with a dramatic shift from the left to the right.
A decade and a half after returning from presumed death to denounce his revolution in I Confess, 57 year old anti-communist polemicist, former Representative, and former leader of the Bronx Soviet Benjamin Gitlow has been nominated by the nation’s Progressive and Federalist Parties after uniting the party’s interventionist Luceite and center right Progressive wings against Fulgencio Batista; a member of the Progressive organization, Gitlow has selected 49 year old Federalist Iowa Governor H.R. Gross as his running mate. Aided by a widely syndicated speech by actor Clark Gable, Gitlow has run his campaign akin to the thousands of speeches and lectures he has given since his return, with the man who once coined the term “New American Revolution” portraying himself as repentant as he conjures vivid images of the Bolshevik brutality that sent his one time idol Nikolai Bukharin to the grave, arguing that the communism he once fought for and the fascism of Howard represent two poles of authoritarianism irreconcilable with American liberal democracy. Utilizing his upbringing as the son of impoverished Jewish immigrants to appeal to the masses, Gitlow has campaigned alongside erstwhile Farmer-Laborites such as Senator J. Bracken Lee, who has implored anti-La Follette members of his party to back Gitlow over Batista, and celebrities such as aviator Eddie Rickenbacker. Further, Gitlow has taken moderate positions on issues such as universal healthcare, promising a market based path to universal coverage.
Declaring that “reactionaries ride on the totalitarian juggernaut…economic security and freedom go hand in hand, only through the democratic process can both be achieved,” Gitlow has invoked images of American exceptionalism in vows to act quickly to dismantle the New State and weaken executive authority while promising “massive resistance” to mitigate the spread of communism and fascism domestically and abroad, investigate communists in government, grant immediate statehood to the far north territory of Tannenbaum, denationalize trade unions, and to “not be taken in by talk about peace, arguing that such rhetoric serves Soviet interests. Despite his fierce campaigning and successful fundraising, unrepentant revolutionary sympathizers and some members of the right alike have denounced him for his political turn and questioned his fitness for the presidency as a former insurrectionist, while others have criticized Gitlow for claiming that housewives are most susceptible to authoritarian ideologies. Further, although President La Follette has denounced anti-semitism, certain supporters such as Charles Coughlin have drawn attention to Gitlow’s Jewish ethnicity, though the candidate himself has identified as an evangelical Christian and, despite criticizing many missionaries as being susceptible to communist influence, Gitlow has attempted to break Farmer-Labor’s traditional hold on the religious politics of the Fourth Great Awakening by campaigning with controversial preacher Carl McIntire of the anti-communist organization Christian Crusade in response to critiques from General George Saladin Patton, the nation’s most prominent Muslim.

Liberty League campaign poster.
In an attempt to breathe life into the Commonwealth alliance of old, both the Single Tax and Liberty League organizations have nominated 68 year old Cherokee comedian and 1928 Commonwealth presidential nominee Will Rogers for the presidency. In a concession to the group’s libertarian leadership, Suzanne La Follette, a cousin of the President, has been nominated as Rogers’ running mate on the Liberty League line while most Single Tax groups have endorsed California’s Jerry Voorhis, although the Illinois affiliate has nominated Governor Paul Douglas. Rogers, alone among the major candidates, has fiercely condemned the atomic bombings of Japan as murderous, while campaigning as the paragon of the common man and calling for a bottom-up redistributionist tax policy, proportional representation, a non-interventionist foreign policy caveated by support for a new League of Nations, the denationalization of unions, congressional representation for native tribes, the importance of religion to social morality, and, in a blow to his own Liberty League backers, campaign finance regulations. Mocking President La Follette as a want-to-be Milford W. Howard, Rogers has collaborated with Ben Gitlow to coordinate united tickets in swing states, urge strategic voting, and campaign together against the perceived dangers of fascism, with the specter of cooperation in a possible contingent election hanging over their heads. However, Rogers himself has been defensive of both France’s Marshall Petain and Milford W. Howard’s fascist Alabama in the past, humorously musing whether a benevolent dictatorship is ideal.
Driven to mass popularity by his sensational tales of entrance into the hollow center of the Earth, filigreed with claims of dinosaur inhabited plains open for conquest, 60 year old Antarctic explorer, Admiral, and former Secretary of the Navy Richard E. Byrd has been hoisted into a spirited campaign by supporters under the Scientific Government banner that nearly carried his brother Harry to the Virginia governorship, despite the urbane Virginia aristocrat standing as an awkward leader for his deeply populist supporters. A committed small government liberal conservative on mainstream issues, Byrd has focused his campaign on promises to harness the resources of the Hollow Earth alongside other conspiracy minded concepts such as an investigation into unidentified flying objects (UFOs). 45 year old Raymond W. Bernard, President of the American Hollow Earth Society, has been nominated as the Admiral’s running mate in most states, although several such as Missouri instead have 75 year old Mormon Apostle David O. McKay in an attempt to wrest from President La Follette the Mormon vote and win an intra-Church struggle with pro-La Follette elements led by John Y. Barlow.

A young Richard E. Byrd in Antarctica.
Last among the major candidates is 47 year old Cuba Governor Fulgencio Batista, a military protege of the famed Rafael Trujillo, who led supporters to bolt from the Progressive-Federalist organization after facing certain defeat at the convention despite a first place showing in the primaries, who has been nominated on the Social Labor line alongside W.A. “Tony” Boyle, a protege of John L. Lewis, whose endorsement of the Batista ticket has carried it to newfound legitimacy. Campaigning on the slogan Lock Up Lindy!,” Batista has denounced former President Lindbergh for his purging of accused war criminals in the military, including Batista’s mentor Trujillo, and thus has both promised to prosecute Lindbergh for criminal negligence and has accused La Follette of being a traitor for his support of Lindbergh. In a populist campaign claiming to have bridged nationalism and socialism, Batista has accused Gitlow of being too conservative and launched vituperations on his ties to the Christian Right, noting Batista’s clashes with the Catholic Church in Cuba. Legalizing gambling and refusing to enforce anti-prostitution measures, Batista has become infamous for his extensive ties to organized crime, but has won over Lewis and his CIO with the Cuban’s support for independent trade unionism and his willingness to hoist Lewis to power in the labor movement once more.
Among minor candidates, several possibilities have emerged with limited support or ballot access. Firstly, committed socialists unwilling to compromise in support of Gitlow or join the CIO’s conservative wing in supporting Governor Batista have managed to secure in several states ballot access for 51 year old Catholic Worker editor Dorothy Day and De Leonist activist Georgia Cozzini, herself ineligible due to being only 33. Endorsing a complete transition to a socialist and eventually anarchist economy, Day has promoted the consistent life ethic and called for nuclear disarmament, universal healthcare, pacifism, and federal restrictions on abortion. Finally, followers of the Church of Immanuel have placed their messiah Manuel Herrick of Texas on the ballot in several plains states alongside ally Wallace Dodd Fard, who have campaigned on declaring Herrick to be god and thus legally the nation’s supreme power in light of the Jesus Amendment.
Note: In order to accurately represent limitations on ballot access, the tickets of Dorothy Day/Georgia Cozzini or Manuel Herrick/Wallace Dodd Fard may only receive votes through write-ins.
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2024.04.27 04:23 Peacock-Shah-III The Progressive-Federalist National Convention of 1948 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

The Progressive-Federalist National Convention of 1948 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections
As Farmer-Labor fights for its meaning in a battle destined to be decided on the knife’s edge, a party defined by its role in the opposition must select a standard bearer in a field of giants of days past.
Robert Moses: The aftermath of the Revolution that left New York City in ruins gifted immortality to a young bureaucrat tasked with rebuilding the city. Arrogant, bullying, and dictatorial to his critics; a zealot with a single-minded focus on success to his admirers; Robert Moses’s idealism has integrated itself into every corner of the new New York, from rebuilt bridges, new stadiums, and infrastructure, to the clearing of largely minority neighborhoods to make way for modern roads, community pools, and sleek skyscrapers. A model for efficient bureaucracy in an era where the antics of Tammany Hall would propel POSCR to power, Moses’s vision of sprawling suburbs designed around the automobile has been heralded by some as a model for the modern American city, sweeping him into the Governor’s office in 1946 to bring his planning statewide. Now, the 60 year old Federalist Governor of the nation’s largest state has mounted a campaign for the presidency, denouncing the New State and La Follette’s Win the Peace plan as untenable while admiring his use of executive power as he claims to both support state regulation and want to lessen state involvement in the economy and denounces the concept of public ownership of utilities.
While opposing environmentalism, Moses has promised the consolidation of New State agencies and made a review of government efficiency his signature policy, while criticizing “the dogma of ultraconservatives builds an impassable barrier between the fields of business and government”, Moses has declined to campaign extensively, relying upon press releases denying his Jewish heritage and calling President La Follette a “weak sniveling liar,” vituperations that have damaged his campaign with its ferocity. Further, Moses’s lack of foreign policy experience and vague endorsement of the party platform on the American Century has led to criticism. Nonetheless, to those in the party looking less to dismantle the New State than to place it under new, efficient management, Moses is the man of the hour.
Eliot Ness: Handsome, intelligent, and disarmingly soft spoken, few Americans have blended the role of administrator and celebrity quite so well as dashing crime fighter Eliot Ness. Practically worshiped as a hero in the 1930s by the People’s Ownership Smash Crime Rings movement as he put Al Capone behind bars as one of J. Edgar Hoover’s agents and served as Cleveland’s Public Safety Commissioner, crushing not only organized crime but corruption within the police force as he sent dozens of police officers to prison. Ness’s fame would grow such that Hoover himself would privately attempt to soil his reputation behind closed doors, accusing him of stealing credit Hoover himself deserves.
Riding his fame to the Cleveland mayor’s office in 1945, Ness has taken a hardline on crime while funding a renewal of the city’s transit system. Most notably, Ness has become a darling to the growing environmentalist movement, legally challenging on factory owners to fulfill his promise of clean air in industrial Cleveland, and to conservatives, personally mounting a horse to lead strikebreakers in a move that has led John L. Lewis to denounce Ness as the worst mayor in the nation—yet, as he invariably points out, it was the strike he opposed, not the workers’ demands, which he fulfilled once the strike had been crushed. Nonetheless, despite his role as a nominal Progressive, Ness, who rarely votes and has been a registered independent for much of his life, has worked closely with the La Follette Administration, supporting and expanding the National Youth Administration while implementing rent control; nearly alone among the candidates, Ness has been reticent on the repeal of the New State, promising to take the nation “forward, not backward.”
With POSCR stalwarts such as Colorado Governor Roy Best and a young guard led by Eleanor Butler Roosevelt’s former attorney Richard Nixon, who has managed Ness’s campaign, “practically camping on my lawn” in an attempt to recruit a new celebrity candidate for the presidency, Ness has finally given in and mounted a campaign, declaring that “this country used to have a forward spirit, it has gotten listless, apathetic, and careless” as he promises to implement environmental reforms, infrastructural development, and rent control while taking on “the establishment,” yet being willing to listen to and manage teams of experts on such issues as foreign policy, where Ness himself admits his lack of expertise. Through the campaign, the preference of the Mayor for action over talk has become apparent. A dull campaigner, the now 45-year-old Ness has regularly slipped away from campaign staff to converse personally with onlookers once cheering from afar that “Ness is necessary.” Grappling with allegations of alcoholism and his noted lack of partisanship, his campaign has sought to frame Ness as an outsider, an incorruptible man without a price committed to not being “one more huckster on the hustings.
Benjamin Gitlow: From the son of impoverished Jewish migrants to the golden boy of the Workers Party of America’s congressional delegation, Benjamin Gitlow’s 1920 arrest at the hands of federal agents would set off the greatest unrest in American history. Freed by cheering crowds, Gitlow would stand before tens of thousands of admirers to proclaim the formation of the Bronx Soviet as the opening salvo of a proletarian New American Revolution. Leading the most famous of the American soviets, Gitlow would earn a place in the pantheon of American communists behind only Richard F. Pettigrew along with the nickname “the American Bukharin” after his Bolshevik idol, as he led a Revolutionary army of over 100,000 against a siege by Japanese ships and Federal troops. Presumed a casualty of American bombs, Gitlow and his dictatorship of the proletariat would be hailed as a martyr of global revolution by the Comintern and a fallen apostle of treason by the federal government.
Ben Gitlow spent a dozen years as a dead man. Returning to the factories that made him under the name James Hay, Gitlow would watch as his former Russian comrades, even his beloved Bukharin, fell from glory to the Gulags, and experience a most profound ideological shift. Thus, in February of 1934, garment worker James Hay would reveal himself to be the martyred hero of Revolution with the publication of I Confess: The Truth About the New American Revolution. In stark terms confessing to what he views as his own personal failures, Gitlow would accuse foreign forces of fomenting the Revolution, caricature the WPA as a party ruled by intellectuals rather than laborers, and denounce the ideology he and hundreds of thousands other Americans had once taken up arms for, labeling a dictatorship of the proletariat as no better than Howardite fascism as he declared that “reactionaries ride on the totalitarian juggernaut…economic security and freedom go hand in hand, only through the democratic process can both be achieved.” Further, Gitlow would allege that the tactics of he and the Revolution unwittingly set the stage for American fascism, a claim he would reiterate upon the election of Charles Lindbergh.
Immediately back in the center of the public eye, Gitlow has given thousands of speeches and written hundreds of articles since his return. Despite swearing off electoral politics, Gitlow’s fame and status as the prince of anti-communism has led to him being drafted by the presidency by an anti-communist movement ranging from moderate Benjamin Muse to right wing Everett Dirksen. Approaching his new crusade with characteristic zeal, Gitlow has spoken of rooting out communism at home and abroad, adopting the internationalist foreign policy of the American Century; most of all, if Hoover and Vandenberg speak of authoritarianism as surgeons diagnosing an illness, Gitlow relives with hollowed eyes days of revolution, conjuring vivid images of the execution of Bolshevik leaders he once embraced as brothers, while denouncing fascism in equal terms as communism as “nationalists storming the citadels of democracy.”
Seen as the most liberal of the candidates, Gitlow has promised to immediately decrease executive power and dismantle the institutional trappings of the New State, while defying the right wing of his supporters with liberal policies such as support for universal healthcare and free labor unions; praising the workings of a market economy and “the relationship between labor and management that is a cornerstone of American life,” while denouncing the USSR as mere “state capitalism,” Gitlow has nonetheless remained sympathetic to the concept of co-operatively owned businesses or profit sharing. Nonetheless, Gitlow’s prominent role in insurrection has led many to question the merits of his nomination, with retired Indianan James Watson quipping that “it's all right if the town whore joins the church, but they don't let her lead the choir the first night.”
Herbert Hoover: Isolationists including Progressive founders Hamilton Fish III and Thomas Schall have rallied around the presidential candidacy of 74 year old former Vice President Herbert Hoover. Transformed from philanthropist mine engineer to national hero after being arrested by Japanese authorities in 1915 while presiding over an effort to relieve Chinese famine victims, Hoover’s story would carry him to the vice presidency alongside Aaron Burr Houston and galvanize the nation to support the American-Pacific War. Yet, the Vice President himself would soon turn against his war and his President, abetting anti-war Federal Republicans in a move that would see the end of his short political career, leaving him to re-enter the private sector and serve as President of his alma mater, Stanford University.
Yet, after a surprise smattering of faithless electoral votes in 1944 from right wing opponents of internationalism, Hoover has waded anew into the political fray. Declaring that La Follette’s decision to use atomic weapons on Japanese civilians “revolts my soul,” Hoover has focused his campaign on isolationism, being the only candidate committed to opposing a Pacific alliance and call for the withdrawal of all American troops from Asia and an end to all foreign aid, rallying his supporters with the cry of “no more foreign grants, no more foreign loans, no more foreign wars!” On economic issues, Hoover has identified himself as a progressive conservative, strongly supporting public works projects while calling for the dismantling of much of the New State, the weakening of executive power, and increases to interest rates.
Arthur Vandenberg: 64 year old publisher and 1944 vice presidential nominee Arthur H. Vandenberg has emerged as the anointed successor of Henry Luce and his internationalist circle, despite rumors of an affair with Clare Booth Luce. A journalistic ally of the Lynch Administration whose caricatures of Henry Ford earned him national fame, Vandenberg’s quixotic attempt to build a new Federalist Party following the fall of Federal Republicanism would set the groundwork upon which the movement to establish Federalist parties has been built since 1942, with Vandenberg supporting renaming the entire party infrastructure to Federalist in a move to embrace the mantle of Hamiltonian Federalism for the coming American Century. Coining the phrase “politics stops at the water’s edge,” Vandenberg has advocated for a fiercely internationalist foreign policy, defending President La Follette’s foreign policy, from atomic bombings to ally armament, while advocating for further steps to form an American bloc internationally, as well as support for the United Kingdom in the Franco-British conflict and further expansions to the MacArthur Plan. Domestically, Vandenberg stands as a rock-ribbed conservative, denouncing the New State as a usurpation of the role of private business and questioning the merits of government funding for healthcare.
Fulgencio Batista: 47 year old Cuba Governor Fulgencio Batista began his rise to power as a protege of Rafael Trujillo and Pedro Del Valle in the dark fields of colonial Moroland, where Batista has been cleared formally of war crimes despite allegations of collaborating with the Moros to execute rivals for promotion as a means to rise through the American ranks. Returning to his native Cuba in the time of Revolution, Batista would participate in a bloody crackdown on the island’s revolutionaries before continuing his campaign under Trujillo in the mainland, first making his way into national prominence via the Hearst Press’s adoration of Captain Trujillo. Rising through Army ranks, Batista would swear an oath of vengeance against President Lindbergh as he drove Trujillo and Del Valle from the Army for their involvement in war crimes and the murder of journalists, resigning in solidarity only to return with them two years later to command American forces in the Third Pacific War, much to the chagrin of Progressive House leader Eduardo Chibas, whose disgust for Batista is well known.
Batista would, despite being largely sidelined, gain fame as a powerful propaganda tool in Cuba–a role that would win him election as Governor upon his return. Legalizing gambling and refusing to enforce anti-prostitution measures, Batista has become infamous for his extensive ties to organized crime, yet has become the only Progressive in the nation to win the wide support of organized labor. This saving grace has propelled Batista to serious consideration as a candidate, with analysts predicting that a La Follette triumph at the Farmer-Labor convention could drive John L. Lewis and millions of loyal Farmer-Labor workers behind Batista, effectively guaranteeing him the presidency. Further, the opposition of both the party establishment and young guard has allowed General Batista to campaign as a populist war hero, claiming to be twice the outsider as Ness while promising to expand American power abroad and “lock up Lindy” for the former President’s denunciation of Trujillo and Del Valle as war criminals, claiming that the action constituted criminal negligence.
The Primaries:
With Gitlow and Ness leading the way in amiably competing through the first in the nation Wisconsin and Kentucky primaries, candidates would miss the groundswell developing beneath them. Former Wisconsin Senator Alexander Willey would be the first sign, hitching his attempt at a political comeback to a Cuban wagon as he swept through the state in support of his man. Eugene Siler, campaigning for Hoover in Kentucky, would write to his wife in surprise at the crowds shouting the name of their hero. Even if Siler and Willey had seen the coming storm, however, every candidate would find themselves unprepared for Fulgencio Batista’s back-to-back wins. Dismissed as the candidate of “Latins and far right nuts,” Batista’s full throated populism would place him in the center of the campaign.
Within days, unable to fundraise adequately, Robert Moses would announce his withdrawal from the race outside of New York, endorsing Elliott Ness in a move credited with giving the crime fighter Missouri by a 2% margin over Batista, even as the General won his native Cuba. The coming days would see few surprises, Ness carrying Ohio and Hoover triumphing in Texas with 31.2% of the vote to 31.1% for Gitlow, who would be able to carry Colorado and Massachusetts despite the endorsements of Ness and Vandenberg by much of both state’s prominent figures. With his favored Ness losing the state, Colorado Governor Roy Best, predicting either a Batista or Gitlow victory, would openly speak of serving in the Vice Presidency in a move that would win him the ire of Richard Nixon.
Arthur Vandenberg would win the Luce bastion of Connecticut, but come up short in Wyoming. However, victory in Wyoming would mean little for Gitlow in comparison to Fulgencio Batista’s successes in Dakota and Nevada, once more showing to the world that, among the voting populace, he was far from alone in his willingness to defy party orthodoxy. The Super Tuesday wave of primaries would carry Batista forth with victories in South Carolina, earning the backing of the legenary Tolbert family and demonstrating an ability to hold the black vote, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico, New Mexico, Shoshone, and even New Jersey, where Batista would win a relative blowout with 36.1% of the vote to 28.8% for Ness, Gitlow wracking up his worst showing of the day with a mere 6.3%. Nonetheless, Illinois, Florida, Tennessee, and, in a lone sole Caribbean dissent, Haiti would all add themselves to the ex-communist’s corner. A perennial second place, Elliott Ness would leave the night with only Houston to his name, nonetheless showing above both Herbert Hoover and Arthur Vandenberg, whose sole triumph in his home state of Michigan would spell the end of Luce’s anointed successor–and, with it, a rise in the fortunes of Benjamin Gitlow as a peculiar standard bearer for an American Century.
The combined efforts of the party’s orthodox wing would stem the rising Batista tide in coming primaries, as the support of Robert P. Bass allowed Benjamin Gitlow to sweep the New Hampshire delegation despite a narrow loss to Ness, with Gitlow winning via popular vote in Delaware and Vermont as he withdrew from the Virginia primary to allow Elliott Ness to triumph over Batista with 37.2% of the vote to the Cuban General’s 34.6%. With rejection after rejection, the Hoover campaign would sputter to a grinding halt despite narrow victories in Iowa with the support of Lester J. Dickinson and Misssippi with the endorsement of Senator Mary Booze, as North Carolina voted for Benjamin Gitlow, allowing Senator George Pritchard to enter the former revolutionary’s name into the nomination. Meanwhile, running largely as a surrogate of the Ness campaign despite rumors of desiring selection as a compromise candidate, Robert Moses would sweep New York’s winner-take-all primary despite only triumphing over Fulgencio Batista by a 1.8% margin.
Elliott Ness’s campaign would see a revival with a triad of victories in the miniscule Alabama primary and those of Nebraska and Indiana, where Senator William E. Jenner had moved from the Hoover column to back the untouchable Ohioan. Yet, the stump speaking of Benjamin Gitlow would carry him ahead of the bland Ness, an ever reluctant campaigner, to carry Louisiana, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Maine, leaving Ness with Washington and pyrrhic victory in Arkansas, where political wizard Osro Cobb had engineered a joint anti-Batista ticket only symbolically led by Ness. Despite parries by Batista in Montana and Tijuana, as well as a shock victory in Georgia with the overwhelming support of rural voters despite the Georgia Progressive Party’s tacit support for Gitlow, leaving Vancouver to Ness, Maryland to Gitlow, and Minnesota to a razor thin Ness victory as Thomas Schall found his Hoover camp abandoned.
The final primaries would come down to Pennsylvania and California, neither able to give a delegate load able to secure the nomination, even if both swept, yet able to represent the choices of two key swing states. Pennsylvania would see Senator Hugh Scott leading the Gitlow campaign, to James E. Van Zandt for Batista, the urbane Scott’s infallible machine would deliver a resounding victory to the former leader of the Bronx Soviet. California would be a greater contest, as California Senate Minority Leader Thomas H. Werdel would organize a Batista effort able to counter Richard Nixon’s for Ness. On behalf of Gitlow, moderate State Senator Alphonso Bell would organize a movement mired in third place, even with the support of Sam Hayakawa. Despite Hoover and even Eleanor Butler Roosevelt making campaign appearances for the Mayor of Cleveland, and erstwhile pro-La Follette newspaper mogul Elinor McClatchy publishing for Ness, the state would fall to Fulgencio Batista with 42.7% of the vote to 35.5% for Ness and 26.4% for Gitlow, leaving him as the undisputed victor of the primaries despite having far from a victor’s share of the delegates.
Benjamin Gitlow 397 701
Herbert Hoover 157 101
Elliott Ness 44 13
Robert Moses 41 0
Arthur Vandenberg 3 1
Fulgencio Batista 2 2
The Convention:
Two key events would shift the nature of the race as the convention approached, pundits preaching prophecies of a convention of chaos.
Firstly, the carnage of the Farmer-Labor convention would leave Progressives and Federalists horrified at the prospect of losing the trump card of order to a wild convention of their own, and begin a scramble for unity. Former President Luce, unimpressed with Batista, would publicly endorse Ben Gitlow for the first time as the strongest rallying point in opposition to the controversial Cuban.
Secondly, the nomination of the incipient Liberty League national convention of Will Rogers for the presidency aside the nomination of elderly John Nance Garner for Vice President, who would decline by declaring that the office was "worth a bucket of warm piss" and leave the party’s libertarian vanguard to nominate the president's right wing libertarian cousin, author Suzanne La Follette, although certain members of the Single Tax Party have put forth Jerry Voorhis as his running mate, which would propel the candidacy of Gitlow to the forefront on the grounds of his cordial relationship with the famed humorist and the possibility of electoral collaboration to victory against President La Follette. Most importantly, despite the implorations of Richard Nixon and other campaign leaders, a weary Elliott Ness would refuse to stay in for the possibility of a prolonged convention fight. Thus, on July 17th, Elliott Ness would join Arthur Vandenberg for a press conference in Indianapolis to endorse Benjamin Gitlow for the presidency and issue a call for party unity soon joined by Robert Moses.
With enemies lining up against their standard bearer, an article by Brent Bozell would call for a bolt by Batista and his supporters before the convention even commenced to join with those elements of the Lewis movement willing to collaborate on a “Social Labor” ticket, claiming to unite nationalist and socialist interests beneath a singular banner. Importantly, Bozell would pledge the marketing fortune of his recently deceased father to an independent Batista ticket. Seeing the nomination slipping from his grasp and wanting to avoid the humiliation of a convention defeat, Fulgencio Batista would announce on July 20th that he would pursue the presidency as an independent, pledging to resist sore loser laws in court and announcing the formation of state Social Labor parties to secure him ballot access in places such as Massachusetts.
Thus, a pallor would hang over the convention, nearly a third of its delegates missing, as the proceedings moved forth with a background show of quietly seating delegates to replace the unspoken apostates. Indeed, as speeches continued and balloting began, hushed whispers would tell that John L. Lewis ally Tony Boyle had been selected for the Vice Presidency. Nonetheless, with Ness and Vandenberg delegates uniting behind him, Benjamin Gitlow would fall only a few small votes short of the nomination. By the second ballot, with new delegates seated in Cuba, Georgia, and California, Gitlow would carry the day at the rump convention and win the nomination despite a handful of Ness loyalists led by Nixon to hold the line on their candidate. In a move to appease Herbert Hoover, a relative isolationist and a hardline conservative would be necessities in a vice presidential nominee. With Batista showing strength among black voters, Mississippi Senator Mary Booze would win consideration for a time, as would Lester J. Dickinson of Iowa, Alice Roosevelt, and even young Richard Nixon. Yet, bombastic as ever, with a resume filigreed by his connections to Aaron Burr Houston, former Secretary of the Treasury W. Lee “Pappy” O’ Daniel, once viewed as a 1948 frontrunner before choosing to step back and pursue Texas's competitive Senate seat instead, would rise to the fore.
Gitlow would meet with O’Daniel, furrowing his brow but cordially shaking his hand and leaving the convention to assume his nomination a done deal. Yet, as Henry Luce had driven O’Daniel from the cabinet with accusations of drunkenness and fundamental policy differences, the prospect of his rise would bring the Time editor to Philadelphia to implore Gitlow against the decision. Surprised, the former communist would nonetheless demur and turn to Herbert Hoover, who would suggest Lester J. Dickinson of Iowa. 75 and reluctant to threaten his senatorial career on a ticket he had lost faith in, Dickinson would recommend 49 year old Iowa Governor Harold Royce Gross, a famed fiscal conservative notable for vetoing every tax and spending increase passed by the legislature; denounced as an “unanchored radical” by some moderates and outspoken in his devotion to conservatism, the nomination of Gross would serve as an olive branch to the party’s right. Unwilling to renounce O’Daniel in front of the convention, Gitlow would instead step back as Dickinson introduced Gross’s name into the nomination in a surprise move after Margaret Bell Houston’s introduction of O’Daniel. As word silently swept the convention of Luce’s opposition to O’Daniel, Gross would emerge first. Yet, with the lack of a firm statement from Gitlow on his preference fueling miniature movements for Frances P. Bolton, Mary Booze, and Alice Roosevelt that would force the excruciating contest to seven ballots and Pappy O’Daniel to a fit of fury that has led him to refuse to campaign alongside Gitlow and Gross.
Benjamin Gitlow’s acceptance speech would roundly denounce perceived threats to American democracy from the left and the right alike, declaring that:
My emphatic answer to the claims of both Fascists and Communists is, No! The record of Fascism speaks for itself, and it is not a savory record.
What about the idealistic claims of the Communists? What about their vaunted slogan of bread and freedom? What about their promises to the masses that Communism would abolish poverty, rid them of their exploiters, deepen democracy and provide them with economic security?
Few are they who today harbor any illusions about the sort of “democracy” that prevails in Russia today. It is virtually indistinguishable from the “democracy” practiced in Marshal Petain’s France and, dare we say, Governor Elliott’s Alabama. In the thirty years of its existence Communism in Russia has failed to fill the bread basket.
To yield to Communism is to permit the abrogation of our liberties and the institution of a system of state exploitation of labor that would make of our people chattels of the dictatorial regime. Communism is universal conscription of labor. Communism is forced labor. Free labor cannot exist under Communism any more than it can exist under Fascism. Free trade unionism is impossible under either regime. Neither regime recognizes the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Democracy is something more than a shibboleth. The history of Man is a sanguine record of stubborn struggles against oppression, of countless sacrifices for the sake of freedom. We cannot lightly surrender this dearly-won heritage. If democracy in America, precious for all its imperfections, were to be replaced by a Communist dictatorship, a new American Revolution would have to be fought to reestablish the rights of Man. Economic security and freedom go hand in hand. Only through the democratic process can both be achieved.
I have come to the conclusion that the Communists, more than any other force, were responsible for the development of fascism. Strangely enough Fascism and Bolshevism in their modus operandi, greatly resemble each other. The essence of both is dictatorship; the one is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the other the dictatorship of the proletariat. Both are compact, enthusiastic, highly disciplined military organizations composed of militants of the two warring groups; both are based upon the principle that in the supreme crisis, all the riff-raff of ignorants and incontinents in the respective classes must be pushed to one side, and that the direction of the struggle shall pass into the hands of the active spirits, who not only understand the true interests of their social group but who also have the energy, courage, and initiative to battle for them relentlessly to the end.
Spirited cheers would fill the hall on a closing note promising to reach out further to the Rogers and Lewis camps in an attempt to unite on an American democracy ticket, drawing allusions to 1940, and a line of red meat to conservatives accusing “liberals” of failing to recognize the true depravity of communism. Yet, Ben Gitlow’s speech, though made in the same fierce voice that once spurred New York to revolution, has been overshadowed by another. Days after the close of the convention, Progressive National Committeeman Osro Cobb, a political genius nicknamed the “wizard of Arkansas,” would buy a time slot for actor Clark Gable, previously largely apolitical, to announce his support of the Gitlow and Gross ticket. From an attempt to divert the headlines from the Social Labor Party’s small national convention, the speech has taken on a life of its own as Gable declared the coming of “a time for choosing.” Abridged and distributed widely in pamphlet form, the speech has been cut and played over the radio countless times since.
submitted by Peacock-Shah-III to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 17:06 TheSmogmonsterZX Black Sheep Family - Part 54 - Nightmares (BSF #54)

Black Sheep Family
Part 54
Arc 4
”A lot of dreams can turn to nightmares... if you don't really work them”. ~ Dolly Parton
On the grounds outside the building of the Academy Anna, Cassandra, Crispin, and the plant creature called Audrey were busy fighting strange creatures seemingly made of paper with inky black eyes. Anna had been leading the charge with Hong Long scouting for them, then the dragon pulled back and Anna could only give a brief shout of a warning before they were descended upon.
“God damnit!” Anna shouted as the strange creatures began to claw at Hong Long who was coiled around her and snapping at the creatures anytime they got close.
Crispin was busy throwing small green fireballs at the creatures that hissed and recoiled.
Strangely the creatures seemed to be terrified of Cassandra’s presence and though the would rush up to her they would only barely make an effort to attack before being ripped to pieces.
Anything that ran up to Audrey was promptly devoured, smashed or used as a weapon against the other smaller creatures.
Anna watched and tried to prod Hong Long to budge off the defensive, but the dragon refused. Then she tried lifting herself into his form like Cassandra had told her she had done at Heith’s home. That didn’t work to do much other than make Hong Long chuckle. She puffed up her cheeks before she focused on the furthest creature, it was aiming some sort of bow and arrow and somehow reminded her of something. When she couldn’t think of it she growled and focused on getting rid of the creature.
The bow wielding creature then erupted into brilliant red flames. For a moment Anna was shocked, she hadn’t thought to try burning anything while Hong Long was up. She had considered it linked to the dragon and a part of him. She grinned as she reached out and guided the remaining flames into a spinning wreath of destruction that began to carve itself through the creatures.
Crispin noticed and began throwing the creatures into the path of the circular blade of fire. Cassandra also mimicked this, grasping those that tried to run from the path and locking them down. Audrey avoided the spinning fire circle.
Anna laughed as the final creature crumbled to flames. “Did you see that, py-pyrokinesis with Hong Long! Dad was wrong! They aren’t linked.” Hong Long remained coiled around her and growled at another door not far from them.
“I don’t think it’s over.” Cassandra said, her voice sounding more normal than usual.
Cxaltho peered down the way and flicked his tongue. “I smell a cat.”
“A cat?” Anna tilted her head, “Like Fast Cat?”
A sudden blur of orange slammed into Hong Long and Anna grunted as she and Hong Long spun to see a six foot tall, muscular tiger girl with a head of hair that made Anna pause and very briefly question what her conditioner bill looked like.
“Students!” The voice of Sensei Okimoto echoed.
“Oh, hey.” Crispin sighed, “It’s just the Sensei. We’re on-” He stopped talking when the Sensei stepped out and a strange glow seemed to follow him. “We’re boned.”
“You have no idea!” Regina laughed as she dragged her blade behind her, the skull seemed to grip harder into the ground with every inch.
“Cassandra, take the Tiger-girl!” Anna shouted as Hong Long placed itself in front of Regina and Anna went along with the dragon.
“Tiger-Gal!” The mutated girl roared. “TIGER-GAL!”
“Crispin, Audrey.” Cassandra nodded to Okimoto. “Knock him out!”
“He’s a martial arts master!” Crispin shouted.
“Use your radiation!” Cassandra snapped back, her voice as sharp and aggravated as a wildfire.
“Y-yes ma’am!” Crispin briefly saluted for some reason unknown even to him.
Audrey moved forward. “We smash?”
Crispin nodded, “We break’em!” He charged forward with a ball of fire in his hand and tossed it at the teacher halfway there.
Okimoto sidestepped the bolt and was caught by the colliding form of Audrey, that sent him flying a little ways.
“Clearly you children need discipline.” Okimoto scoffed as he landed deftly on his feet.
“It’s like something outta those old kung-fu movies.” Crispin whined.
Anna stood staring at Regina and grinned. “Man this would be a fun match, but I’m not here for fun!” She immediately ran for Audrey and the blade lit on fire as she hefted it high and attempted to leap forward.
Cassandra had seen the charge and immediately reacted as she dodged a tackle from Tiger-Gal. Roots erupted around Regina’s feet and coiled up her body, the vines sprouted thorns and wrapped around Regina’s skull, digging partly into her skin. Cassandra felt the compulsion controlling Regina and the mind of another fighting hard against the power.
¶Work with me!¶ Cassandra pulsed the thought through her vines.
”REGINA! AWAKEN!” The eye of the blade Pyrora roared to life as fire and the long forgotten roar of a tyrannosaurus rex filled the area.
Regina paused as the vines retreated. Cassandra was immediately at her side.
“You back with us?” Cassandra asked as she put her focus on the other teen.
Regin looked up and immediately slammed into Cassandra while shouting, “DOWN!” She pushed Cassandra out of the way of another tackle from Tiger-Gal.
“I saw that coming.” Cassandra huffed, “But it’s good to have you back.”
Anna went to speak, but something drew her and Hong Long’s attention to the building. “Cassandra, we need to get inside!”
“We got your back!” Regina smiled. “Crispin and I should be able to hold this.”
“Audrey, help these two, do what they ask!” Cassandra ordered.
“We do this for the Earth Daughter.” Audrey nodded as it took several blows From Sensei Okimoto and casually backhanded the man several feet backwards.
Sensei Okimoto only looked more agitated than hurt.
“Go.” Audrey nodded, “We protect.” The creature roared and several smaller, snapping bulbs sprouted from it’s body and hopped off it to join the fight.
Cassandra ran to join her sister and together they made their way into the school.
Samantha Canning was on her knees, her hands wrapped by some enchanted paper that the monster that stared at her had conjured into being. She glared at the man, but knew he was at a difficult impasse. She had heard Agatha curse and wail in rage, but ultimately the students kept the door closed. A passing mark if she had ever seen one.
“Major Might...” Burlin laughed. “Excuse me, you’re retired. Madame Might.”
Samantha remained silent, she knew how and when to respond to men with fragile egos and this man’s ego was as fragile as wet tissue paper.
“Tell them to let me in. I don’t need them dominated, just out of my way.” Burling sighed. “And I don’t feel like killing someone as beloved as you. I’m a fan, honestly.”
“Clearly, you never understood any of my PSAs.” Samantha shot back. “What are you hoping to gain? You’ve not issued any demands, nothing.”
Burlin looked at her carefully and blinked in astonishment. “And how do you know that my precious super soldier.” He leaned in, “The power of Gravitas is complete, I shut down all ways in and out.”
“Not every way.” Samantha nodded, “Not on me at the moment, but I have my ways. And Gravitas is a shitty name.”
Gravitas’ eyes flew wide with rage as he shot up straight and kicked the hero in her chest. “Honestly! All I ever wanted was recognition and now I’m settling for power.”
“So it is a distraction.” Samantha coughed, the boot had actually hurt her a little. “Question is for who?”
Gravitas paused and nodded .”Oh, I walked into that one.” He kneeled to look at her once more. “You don’t need to worry about the specifics of my reasons for doing this. You should worry about your position in my care.” He laughed, stood up and knocked on the classroom door once again.
“Go away!” An angry teen boy snapped.
“I’m talking to the Quain inside. They seem to be the leaders of the bunches here.” Gravitas laughed. “Open the door or I turn her into a normal octogenarian. No powers, all crippling old age we all have to live with. You have five minutes.”
At the end of the hall Danny slid around the corner and quickly returned to his position as he became visible once again. He was joined by Angie Alton in her Surround Sound gear, Jack in half of his gear and a freshman who just called herself “Pindrop”, she had been keeping them hidden with magic so far.
“It’s Gravitas.” Danny leaned against the wall and grabbed his head.
“Danny?” Jack asked.
“He made so many people kill themselves!” Danny tried to catch his breath but every second it got further and further from him. “He...” Danny seemed to finally catch his breath but it was ragged as he tried to stand up in a rage.
Jack grabbed him and slammed him quickly into the wall and growled. “Get a grip. You can’t just charge in.”
Danny seemed to come out of his anger induced daze. “No...” He shook his head. “They’re gonna-” He caught his breath. “We have like 3 minutes to act because Aggie isn’t going to open that door.
Agatha glared at the door and everyone knew she wasn’t going to open the door. She was focused and pissed off, but not stupid.
“Shadowstrike will need a doctor.” Heith said. “You okay?”
“I’m gonna rip this guy apart.” Agatha nodded.
Then a phone rang in the room, it came from Ms Canning’s desk. Agatha looked confused for a moment but found it and picked it up.
“Agatha.” Salem’s voice came through.
“Salem? How did you get this number?” Agatha asked.
“I’m in the security system thanks to your creepy crawly teacher.” Salem said flatly, “We have like no time, he thinks he has Sam at his mercy, its the perfect time for you to escape.”
“He has her. She is bound and he has her rifle.” Agatha hissed as she started to hyperventilate. “I should have grabbed her...”
“Agatha. Listen to me, she have the troop picture in the room?” Salem asked.
“Yeah.” Agatha nodded, even though the call was voice only.
“She knows me, I know her. If she didn’t get into the room she knew what she was doing. If she doesn’t have a plan she’s still more of a danger than he knows. I need you to get your class out of the room to the front. Your dad’s breaking in.”
Agatha sighed, “Okay.”
“And Agatha, do me a favor. This phone can print small 3-D things. I sent a file, print it up, put it in an envelope and slid it under the door.” Salem instructed calmly. “Can you do that?”
Agatha put the phone to the speaker and found the file. “Doing it.” Then she looked at Heith and Greg. “Get them all out to the front, we got a way out.”
Gravitas looked at his watch. One minute remained. He wasn’t surprised but he was a man of his word, well words. He began to think on the words he would use when an envelope slid under the door.
“A request for more time?” He picked it up and opened it to reveal a small printout of a black cat. He looked at Canning and laughed. “And what’s this?”
“That’s a homing tracker for the best dan sniper I’ve ever known.” Samantha smirked, “You can say good-”
Gravitas’ hand exploded and he grabbed the stub in pain before whispering standing, still holding the now regrowing hand.
“That’s a ‘Fuck you’ from Folklore. He’s got your scent now.” Samantha laughed.
Gravitas gave a hollow laugh and looked at the hole that had been blown in the wall of the classroom. Then he peeked in and blinked. Then he roared in rage, “They’re gone!”
A red hand lanced out and grabbed Gravitas’s tie and slammed his head into the wall.
“You fucking...” Gravitas stumbled back. “Tech like that...” He laughed, “You’re not retired, are you Major?”
“Not restrained either.” Samantha yelled as she broke her restraints and produced a combat knife from the back of her belt that she used to take down two of the strange creatures Gravitas had at his command.
“Kill them my choir!” Gravitas shouted, then froze. “Or not...”
Samantha Canning looked past Gravitas to see Danny Quain with his fingers directly in the spine of Gravitas.
“You have him Danny.” Samantha said. “You with me?”
“Danny.” Agatha opened the door to the class room and looked at her twin.
Anna and Cassandra race around a nearby corner and froze.
“Danny!?” Cxaltho blinked and coiled back.
“Go ahead Danny.” Gravitas said with a grin clear in his voice.
Danny’s face was severe and lacked any emotion, then suddenly broke. “Nah. Think I’ll just pants ya!”
Brian Burlin’s pants then dropped around his ankles, twisted and drug him to the floor. At the same time three attackers came rushing in and destroyed the choir he had summoned.
“You annoying brats!” Gravitas stood up once again. ”Let the winds-” Gravitas stopped as another set of Magical words echoed down the hall and Gravitas turned to stone.
Choronus Ilidae stepped into sight and sighed. “We said for you all to stay in your classes.”
“I gave the order Illidae.” Samantha stood tall. “Take your complaint sup with me.”
“Apprentice, is this true?” Illidae looked at Agatha, meeting her gaze. “Technically for my class, yes.”
“Theo told-” Anna started.
“That was approved to save your sister. You should have stayed there!”
“That was me too.” Theo said over the P.A. system. “Good news, people are coming to their senses. We did it. Can you turn him back now?”
“Once he’s restrained.” Illidae said with a deep sigh.
Then the side of the building tore away on their side of the building. Alan Quain was hovering in the air, looking down with a scowl. Then he blinked and laughed. “Well, guess the calvary’s late.”
“WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SCHOOL, QUAIN?!” Thrush’s voice bellowed as she walked out of her slightly wrecked school.
“Rescuing the children?” He shouted with a shrug as he landed in the hall with his kids and lowered his voice and approached his newest child. “Cassie, we know. Salem talked to Theo. We’re gonna fix this.”
Cassandra’s armor melted into her form as she gripped Alan’s neck. Alan patted her on the back and pulled Anna into the hug.
¶I don’t wanna die.¶ Cassandra said in Alan and Anna’s heads.
“I know.” Alan sniffled, “Come on we got a lot of kids to get out.”
Agatha and Danny followed after their father, though Agatha looked back at her magical teacher. Illidae nodded with an understanding smile.
Thursday, February 16, 2079
Agatha finished the final ward on the home, Illidae watched her work and nodded at his apprentice’s work with a smile. They started for the manor proper and Agatha let out a sigh filled with frustration.
“Your sister will be fine.” Illidae said, “I trust your father to find a way to save her.”
“I do too.” Agatha nodded, “I’m more concerned about Burlin. Did you actually get him?”
Illidae smiled and shrugged, “For all I know we were staring at a stone statue made as a contingency for just that spell.”
Agatha nodded. “He’s dangerous.”
“He is.” Illidae nodded, “And my training will pit you against many like him and you are starting at a disadvantage, Ms Quain.”
“I know, but Hellfire sorcery can’t be my only weapon. Just like you branched out from Egyptian and Elemental sorcery.”
“Ma’at Sorcery.” Illidae corrected her. “Much to Pharaoh’s displeasure the gods of the Nile still live, and his master has long since failed and been bound.”
They walked into the front room where Anna was sitting at the den coffee table, a board game was set up, but she was clearly waiting for others. Anna looked up but seemed partially disappointed that she saw Agatha and Professor Illidae enter the house.
“My goodness, disappointment so palpable I could feel it like a flint knife against my heart.” Illidae laughed, “Malati is almost done, Cassandra will be down soon.”
Anna nodded.
“What you got set up there?” Agatha asked.
“Community Troubles.” Anna said, “Figured a game where we work together might, not cheer her up, but distract her for a bit.”
Illidae picked up the instruction booklet and read it quietly. “Seems the opposite of Monopoly.”
Anna smiled, “We have both, but this seemed like the better option.”
Illidae smiled and put the booklet down as the stairs creaked from above. Cassandra came down followed by Malatio Illidae and Endara. Anna looked at her sister who gave a small smile. Cxaltho was resting on her shoulder and looked defeated.
“Ma?” Agatha stood and was surprised by Cassandra suddenly hugging her, then moving next to Anna.
Endara sat next to Cassandra and Cassandra shifted to hugging Endara’s arm while Cxaltho coiled around Anna’s neck. Agatha sat back down as the rest of the family slowly filtered into the den.
“Your former student is good at gathering his family, it seems.” Malati gave a weak laugh to her husband. Then she stood up and addressed the room. “Cassandra’s DNA has been attacked by a powerful being. I’m sure you have had suspicions from all of your contacts, but I can confirm now that it was a being directly connected with the ancient being we call ‘Gaia’. Let me express how dangerous this is in a way even Alan can understand.”
She cast a spell and a glowing ant appeared on the board game. Then another form towered over it and squashed it.
“You are the ant, Alan, if that wasn’t obvious.” Malati said.
Alan peeked around Malati and looked directly at his old teacher. “She’s always such a positive person.”
Illidae his a chuckle, but still received a glare.
“I know what we’re up against. The living Earth itself. We have a bit of a guide for that now too.” Alan said as the front door opened.
Agent Cobra Bubbles III walked in, behind him was Ollie Simmons and his parents.
“Welcome back Ollie.” Alan nodded, “Bubbles tells me you know where to find Gaia.”
“Well, first, I don’t. I know where to find the current Aspect of Gaia. The living force of her will. Gaia herself, itself, is so vast you can’t perceive it. Second, I’m doing this because she’d have to be the one who did this to Cassandra and I know she doesn’t deserve this. No one does.” Ollie said, then cleared his throat, “Sir.”
Alan snorted, “Understood, I can respect almost all of that.”
“I told you he wouldn’t appreciate that.” Ollie glared back at his father.
Alan stood, “I assume your parents want to talk as well.”
“We want some guarantees for Ollie’s protection.” Glenda Simmons smiled.
Bubbles took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
Alan stared at the woman and blinked in confusion. “Like what?”
“That you’ll ensure he comes back alive...” She started.
“Oh, hold on honey.” Mickey Simmons spoke up. “Ollie’s doing this because he believes in it. I just want your word that you'll look out for him like he’s one of your own.”
Alan gave a sigh of relief and nodded, “That I can do.” Alan extended his hand for a quick shake.
“How long do we have?” Ollie asked.
“With the miracles of magic and science that Theo pulled out of his ass, three months.” Malati said.
Ollie nodded, “Then we need to get to the Amazon pronto.”
Alan tilted his head.
“It’s the rainy season and if we wait too long the pathway is gonna close up.” Ollie said, “Also bring diving gear. Rebreathers mostly.”
Cassandra looked up at Bubbles and the agent moved to her quickly. He nodded as they seemed to have a private conversation.
Alan pulled out his phone and dialed a number. “Vile, you clear for a mission? Trying to save my daughter, and I’ll need an aquatic fighter more than likely.”
Endara smiled and stood up. “Ollie, thank you. I have to ask, is this how you got your powers? This aspect?”
Ollie took a breath. “Yeah. I’m what she called an Earth Son.”
Cassandra looked up, “The plants called me Earth Daughter.”
OIlie nodded, “Not surprising. There’s generally only a few at a given time. We’re the only two active.”
Alan ended his call. “I got Vile, Nelson, and a few of our commandos on the job too.”
“No Salem?” Anna asked.
“Salem’s gonna be mission control.” Alan nodded, “And I’m not gonna stop anyone from coming.”
“I’m in!” Agatha, Anna and Danny all shouted in unison.
“I’ll call Thrush, but given the damage done to the school’s physical and magical structure, I don’t think it’ll count against you.”
“I’m in too.” Stephen said, “All hands on deck I think.”
Jazz stood and nodded, “Dad can maintain everything while we’re away.”
Daniel sighed but nodded, then looked at Cassandra and just nodded.
“We can have it all together by the end of the week. We need to get Cassandra’s passport photo done, and get things packed. You got your passport?” Alan asked.
Ollie pulled the booklet from his back pocket. “My primary form of ID.”
“Smart.” Danny nodded.
“So anyone else for a game of Community Troubles?” Anna asked innocently.
Cassandra leaned forward and looked the board over. “How many?”
“Up to six.” Anna winced as she counted everyone present.
“I’d like to, if I could.” Ollie raised his hand.
“Mr. and Mrs. Simmons, we still need to discuss other things.” Bubbles said, “You too Quain.”
Alan nodded, “My office is this way.” He walked and the three others followed.
“I’m gonna get my stuff together.” Jazz smiled, “And I suck at board games.
“We’re in.” Danny nodded to Agatha.
“I’m calling eldest sibling rank, I want the dog.” Agatha said.
Danny quietly picked the Mayor token.
“I got the cat!” Anna smiled.
“What else is there?” Cassandra asked.
Endara sat down and joined them. “We have The Dog, the cat, Mayor McHelper, The Friendly Neighbor, Doctor Aidrian, and Fire Marshall Sims.”
“I want The Friendly Neighbor.” Cassandra smiled.
“I’ll be Fire Marshall Sims.” Endara smiled.
“Leaves me with my favorite.” Ollie smiled, “Honestly, best ability in the game.”
“They have abilities?” Cassandra asked.
“We’re working together to fix up our neighborhood so the Richly Billions can’t just buy it up.” Anna explained the game casually. “We go around the board trying to get the equipment we need, if we can’t buy it Richly has a chance to get it and we have to pay double to buy it from him. We all have two abilities, one that affects our rolls and one that can make a big change per game.”
“Like the Dog can just choose to find a single item per game.” Agatha said. “And the cat can just straight up steal it from Richly.” She handed a card to Cassandra.
“Once per game I can convince the auctioneer not to sell an item to Richly. It then goes back on the board to get a second chance for us to buy it.” Cassandra blinked, “Oh, because they asked nicely.”
“Yup.” Endara smiled. “I can actually pull back an order of condemnation if we fail to fix a building before Richly condemns it.”
“I can just make Richly donate an amount determined by the dice.” Danny smiled. “It then gets split evenly amongst us to buy what we need for our projects.”
“I can prevent a character from being taken out by one of the two injury effects.” Ollie smiled, “That’s powerful.”
“Can we be eliminated?” Cassandra asked.
“Not really.” Anna said, “It’s the injured condition, there are two ways to get it and it means you can’t buy anything for one entire run of the board. Medical bills you see.”
“It’s basically debt forgiveness on my end.” Ollie smirked. “Best ability in the game.”
The man once known as Brian Burlin sat at his private desk in his livin apartment at the local GLOBAL HQ. He finished reading the pages of the police reports. He was being reported as dead, killed by the sudden clashes of magic, permanently turning him to stone. He loved that, he knew it wouldn’t last forever, but he was now completely free to gain all the power and money he wanted under a new identity. Or identities.
He clapped with a happy sigh right before he was on the ground. He looked around confused and saw his desk and chair were now dust. He blinked and stood up.
”That what was lost has now returned, chair, desk and all within.” Burlion commanded.
Nothing happened.
He tried again and nothing.
He went to speak once again but stopped when he heard a coyote’s yapping in the hall. He rushed out of his room and looked around to see an ethereal coyote with green eyes staring at him. Then it vanished.
Burlin snorted and laughed, he would not be intimidated by spirits. He walked back into his room to order a new desk and chair. He would have to order some wards put in his room.
The First Story
Previous Part! //// Next Part!
Arc 1 - Black Sheep Family - Arc 1, First Chapter
Arc 2 - Paradigm Shift - Arc 2, First Chapter
Arc 3 - Gravitas Rising Arc 3, First Chapter
Arc 4 - The Director’s Chair Arc 4, First Chapter
Credit where Credit is due:
Kyton & Cassandra Adams are © u/TwistedMind596
Obsidian is © u/Ultimalice
Ixton the Blade of the Wielder is © My friend Forged of Souls who does not use reddit
Furnace is © my friend Matt who does not use reddit
Cedric Stein Meissner aka Tesseract is © my friend James, who does not use reddit.
All other characters and Dross City are © u/TheSmogMonsterZX
Wraith: This is looking close to the end of the arc...
Smoggy: Ah... not by a long shot.
Wraith: Covering the week?
Smoggy: Some things gotta happen. 2-3 more tops. So not quite a mini-arc. Just a relatively short arc.
Perfection: Then we save Cassandra, right?
Alan: Right? (Cocks arm back for a barrier enhanced punch)
Smoggy: Why wouldn’t we? She’s one of the viewpoint characters and I don’t think Twisted would forgive me for just killing her in such a cruel manner.
Anna: Dad, don’t imitate them! (Points to DM, Perfection and Wraith)
DM: What’d I do?
Wraith: No, she has a point we’re the most destructive of the voices.
DM: I just predict things!
Perfection: And destroy his nerves.
DM: Fair. I accept this now.
Smoggy: Anyway. I’m hoping to have GSD next week. Once we hit the end of the Save Cassandra Arc, I’m gonna focus on that for a tiny bit more. Maybe some The Days in Our Millennia.
DM: Digimon chapter for that?
Smoggy: Maybe? That one’s literally open to anything.
DM: Yes!
Wraith: He’s just happy to pull out all his old Digivices.
Perfection: He was in one of the realities.
Wraith: No, the toy ones.
Perfection: Why wasn’t I made aware of these?!
submitted by TheSmogmonsterZX to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 19:50 xwing1212 What is your favorite movie from 1999?

submitted by xwing1212 to criterion [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 18:20 VISIT0R1 T-Mobile buying auction 108 EBS from a speculator

Central Louisiana License Co., LLC bought 22 licenses (5 states, but no large cities) in auction 108, which they are now selling to T-Mobile. This gives T-Mobile all 3 overlay licenses in each county, though not necessarily all of the legacy EBS & BRS.
State County block(s) T-Mobile 2.5 GHz
CA Madera 1 194 MHz
CA San Benito 1 118.67 + 53 + 16.5 MHz*
CA Shasta 1 194 MHz
CA Tulare 1 57.5 + 34 + 22.5 + 13 + 12 + 8 MHz#
CA Tuolumne 1 194 MHz
KY Calloway 1 194 MHz
KY Carlisle 1 194 MHz
KY Graves 1 194 MHz
KY Hickman 1 194 MHz
KY Marshall 1 194 MHz
LA Grant 2,3 194 MHz
LA Natchitoches 1,3 194 MHz
LA Rapides 1 194 MHz
LA Sabine 1,3 194 MHz
LA Vernon 3 194 MHz
LA Winn 1 194 MHz
NC Beaufort 1 194 MHz
NC Tyrell 1 194 MHz
NY Essex 3 100 + 16.5 + 1 MHz$
* : San Benito co. also part 100 + 52 + 12.67 MHz (west, south of Hollister) and part 194 MHz (southeast) # : Tulare co. also 194 MHz in the mostly National Forest east $ : Essex co. also small part (northeast) 34 + 33 + 18 + 16.5 + 8 + 2 MHz
submitted by VISIT0R1 to tmobile [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 16:01 readingitnowagain Congresswoman Maxine Waters and Senator Raphael Warnock Architects of President Biden's $10k 1st Time Homeowners Downpayment Tax Credit Promise
Written by Dan Green Published: March 25, 2024
What is The $25,000 Downpayment Toward Equity Act? [Explained]
First-time home buyers may be eligible to receive a $25,000 cash grant to purchase a new home.
The first-time buyer program, called The Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2023, fulfills a Biden Administration campaign promise: To give Americans down payment assistance for purchasing quality housing.
First introduced as the Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2021, the bill expired in the last congressional session. Then, in early-2023, after President Biden’s 2024 budget proposal earmarked $100 billion for a homebuyer cash grant program, the first-time buyer bill was reborn.
On June 21, 2023, elected officials re-introduced the $25,000 cash grant for home buyers bill as H.R. 4231: The Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2023. The bill was later name-checked in the 2024 State of the Union address.
The Downpayment Toward Equity Act aims “to provide downpayment assistance to first-generation homebuyers to address multigenerational inequities in access to homeownership and to narrow and ultimately close the racial homeownership gap in the United States, and for other purposes.”
In plain language, the government wants to help close racial wealth and homeownership gaps by giving first-time, first-generation homebuyers cash grants.
This article simplifies the Downpayment Toward Equity Act to show which first-time buyers qualify, how to get your cash grant, and when to expect the bill to be passed into law.
First-Time Home Buyer? Ask About This $25,000 Cash Grant. TABLE OF CONTENTS
→ What Is The Program’s Current Status? → What is the Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2023? → Why Is This $25,000 Grant Important for First-Time Home Buyers? → Who Is Eligible For The Downpayment Toward Equity Act? → How Does the Downpayment Toward Equity Act Work? → If You Move Within 5 Years, You’ll Pay Some Money Back → How To Receive Your $25,000 Down Payment Grant → Will the Downpayment Towards Equity Act Become Law? → Questions First-Time Buyers Ask About The $25,000 First-Time Home Buyer Grant 
What Is The Program’s Current Status?
As of March 29, 2024, the $25,000 first-time home buyer grant program is a bill with the 2023-2024 Congress. The bill replaces the Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2021 (H.R. 4495) bill, which expired at the end of the last congressional session.
Home buyers are unable to claim the bill’s $25,000 grant because the bill is not law.
Rep. Maxine Waters authored the former and current versions of The Downpayment Toward Equity Act in the House of Representatives. Senator Raphael Warnock authored the bill’s Senate version in the last Congress.
Senator Warnock has yet to re-introduce the bill for the Senate.
The Downpayment Toward Equity Act timeline is as follows:
July 17, 2021: H.R. 4495 introduced as Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2021 September 30, 2021: S. 2920 introduced as Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2021 February 10, 2022: Hearings held in Senate June 22, 2022: Hearings held in Senate March 9, 2023: White House budget allocates $175 billion for affordable housing programs, including $10 billion for cash grants for first-time home buyers June 21, 2023: H.R. 4231 introduced as Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2023 July 6, 2023: 31 members of the House of Representatives co-sponsor the bill September 14, 2023: 4 additional members of the House of Representatives co-sponsor the bill 
Home buyers cannot claim Downpayment Toward Equity grant money until the bill passes into law.
What is the Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2023?
The Downpayment Toward Equity Act provides eligible first-time home buyers up to $25,000 cash for down payment on a home, closing costs on a mortgage, interest rate reductions via discount points, and other home purchase expenses.
As of March 29, 2024, the program requires that home buyers:
Be a first-time home buyer Earn a low- or moderate income consistent for their area Buy a home that will be a primary residence Use a government-backed mortgage Be a first-generation home buyer, have parents or legal guardians who defaulted on a home loan, or lived in foster care during their lifetime 
The Downpayment Toward Equity Act may not be used to purchase a second home or rental property, and all home buyers within the household must meet the program’s eligibility requirements.
Get pre-approved to see if you qualify. Why Is This $25,000 Grant Important for First-Time Home Buyers?
The Downpayment Toward Equity Act is built so first-time home buyers can purchase homes, grow roots, and increase their household wealth.
The Downpayment Toward Equity Act also reduces racial disparity.
Real estate holds $21 trillion in value, making home equity the largest wealth source in the United States.
Today, homeowners are overwhelmingly white. The homeownership gap between white and Hispanic households is currently 25 percentage points, and the difference between white and black households is currently 30 percentage points.
The Downpayment Toward Equity Act levels the playing field for disadvantaged groups. It’s the most powerful piece of housing legislation since 1968’s Fair Housing Act and Housing & Urban Development Act.
The program makes homes more affordable to disadvantaged buyers and incentivizes long-term homeownership.
Who Is Eligible For The Downpayment Toward Equity Act?
The Downpayment Toward Equity Act is not yet law, so when we discuss the bill’s eligibility requirements, we must add a caveat that the bill’s language is not final and may change before passage into law.
As of March 29, 2024, the Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2023 requires that home buyers meet the following requirements: Must be a first-time home buyer
Eligible home buyers must not have owned a home or co-signed on a mortgage loan within the last thirty-six months. Renters who owned homes more than three years ago qualify as first-time home buyers. Must be a first-generation home buyer or have lived in foster care
Eligible home buyers’ parents or legal guardians may not have owned a home during the 36 months prior to purchase. This requirement is waived for all home buyers who previously lived in foster care. Must earn moderate income or lower
Eligible home buyers must earn an income that’s no more than 20 percent over the median income for a metropolitan area. For example, in Orlando, Florida, where the median income is $80,100, home buyers must earn $96,120 per year or less to claim their cash down payment grant.
Income exceptions are made in high-cost areas, such as New York, Los Angeles, and other cities where the cost of living is high.
In high-cost areas, eligible home buyers must earn an income that’s no more than 80 percent above the area median income. In San Francisco, the 2023 area median income is near $166,600. Therefore, to get access to the government’s $25,000 cash grant, home buyers must earn $299,880 annually or less.
Must use a mortgage backed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA, or USDA
Eligible home buyers must use a mortgage backed by one of the five government mortgage agencies – Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA, and USDA. These entities allow for no down payment (USDA and VA), 3 percent down payment (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac), and 3.5 percent down payment (FHA).
Jumbo mortgages are ineligible for the program, along with other non-qualifying mortgage loans. Must complete an online or in-person homeownership class
The Downpayment Toward Equity Act requires home buyers to complete a government-approved homeownership education course. Courses can be completed in 90 minutes and are proven to reduce mortgage default rates. How Does the Downpayment Toward Equity Act Work?
The Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2023 is a cash grant for first-time home buyers. It’s neither a loan nor a tax credit. It’s a cash payment made to eligible buyers at closing to be directly applied to the purchase transaction.
The standard cash award for first-time home buyers is twenty-thousand dollars, and an additional five thousand dollars is available to “socially disadvantaged individuals.”
According to the bill, a socially disadvantaged individual is anyone who identifies as Black, Hispanic, Asian American, Native American, or any combination thereof, or who has been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias because of their identity as a member of a group without regard to their individual qualities.
Eligible home buyers can use the money for anything purchase-related.
For example, your $25,000 cash grant can be split into a down payment, a lump sum for closing costs, and cash to buy down your mortgage interest rate.
$20,000 to make a down payment on your home $3,000 for your real estate and title closing costs $2,000 to buy mortgage discount points 
You can also use the first-time buyer cash grant to make accessibility renovations to your home.
If You Move Within 5 Years, You’ll Pay Some Money Back
The Downpayment Toward Equity Act promotes a long-term view of homeownership.
The bill requires homeowners to live in their homes for five years. Buyers who change residence or sell within 60 months forfeit a portion of their initial cash grant.
Sell or move within Year 1: Repay 100% or $25,000 Sell or move within Year 2: Repay 80% or $20,000 Sell or move within Year 3: Repay 60% or $15,000 Sell or move within Year 4: Repay 40% or $10,000 Sell or move within Year 5: Repay 20% or $5,000 
There are exceptions to the repayment rule for military deployment and other hardship circumstances. Your mortgage lender can explain your options. How To Receive Your $25,000 Down Payment Grant
When the Downpayment Toward Equity Act passes into law, cash grants will be automatic payments sent to your settlement or escrow. Your mortgage lender will facilitate the grant and complete your necessary forms.
Your cash grant will be waiting for you on your closing day.
However, if you need a cash grant today and can’t wait for the Downpayment Toward Equity Act bill Ito pass into law, consider other down payment assistance programs for first-time buyers, including local tax incentives and low-rate, low-down-payment mortgages.
Will the Downpayment Towards Equity Act Become Law?
The Downpayment Toward Equity Act is unlikely to pass into law before the late-2024 because getting cash grants to home buyers requires multiple government agencies to coordinate, and the congressional budget isn’t passed into law.
Once it’s passed, Congress must make the rules by which the federal government distributes grants to states and how the states distribute money to local title companies. Those rules are required before the first cash grant can be made.
The bill also requires rules for privacy protection and reporting.
Representative Maxine Walters introduced The Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2023 on June 21, 2023, as H.R. 4231. There is no corresponding bill in the Senate yet.
Questions First-Time Buyers Ask About The $25,000 First-Time Home Buyer Grant
Since publishing the article’s first version in 2021, readers have asked a lot of questions about the Downpayment Toward Equity Act. Here are some of the common ones.
What changed with the Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2023 from the Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2021?
The 2023 version of the Downpayment Toward Equity Act simplifies the definitions of first-time home buyer and first-generation home buyer, and proposes a need-based allocation of cash grants to states. Beyond that, the current and former version of the bill are mostly the same. Is the $25,000 First-Time Home Buyer Grant the same thing as the $10,000 Biden First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit?
No. The $10,000 Biden First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit is a mortgage relief credit that gives first-time home buyers a $10,000 tax credit from the IRS.
Is the Downpayment Toward Equity Act different from the American Dream Downpayment Act?
Yes. The American Dream Downpayment Act is a program that sets up tax-advantaged savings accounts to use towards down payment costs. Is the $25,000 Home Buyer Grant passed?
No, the $25,000 first-time home buyer grant program is not passed into law. expects the bill will pass in some form before the end of 2023. It will not be passed retroactively. To get updates on the bill when it passes, get a mortgage pre-approval started. How do I apply for the $25,000 Home Buyer Grant?
You won’t need to apply when the $25,000 Downpayment Towards Equity Act passes. Your mortgage lender will use the information in your loan application to file your request and activate your disbursement. The grant will await you at your closing. How do I know if I earn too much for the Downpayment Toward Equity Act?
To determine whether your household income is within tolerance for the Downpayment Toward Equity Act, use this government lookup for your area and multiply the result by 1.2. If your income is at or below that figure, you may be eligible for $25,000. If I have to move for work during the first five years, do I have to repay the $25,000 grant?
Yes, if you move or sell your home within five years of using the program, you’re required to pay back at least some of your grant. Your employer may reimburse you as part of your moving expense. If I’m a first-time home buyer, my fiancee is not a first-time home buyer. Can we use the $25,000 First-Time Home Buyer Grant?
No, to use the $25,000 First-Time Home Buyer Grant, all home buyers must be first-time buyers who meet the program’s eligibility standards.
Are there restrictions on how I use my first-time home buyer grant money?
Yes, you may use grant funds for a down payment on a home, paying closing costs, reducing your mortgage interest rate, and other home purchase-related expenses. Will the $25,000 Downpayment Toward Equity Act pass into law before The HELPER Act?
The HELPER Act, for which the official title is “Homes for Every Local Protector, Educator, and Responder Act”, is a no-money-down, no mortgage insurance program for teachers, law enforcement officials, and firefighters. We expect the HELPER Act to pass into law as early as mid-2024. Can I combine the $25,000 Downpayment Toward Equity Act with other first-time home buyer bill?
Yes, eligible home buyers can stack the Downpayment Toward Equity Act with other available buyer programs including The HELPER Act mortgage, the $10,000 First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit, the DASH Act, and more. Who is the primary sponsor of the Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2023?
The primary sponsor of H.R. 4231 in the 118th Congress is Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA-43). Who are the Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2023 co-sponsors?
As of March 29, 2024, there are 40 co-sponsors of H.R. 4231 in the 118th Congress. Representative Affiliation Sponsor Date Rep. Green, Al [D-TX-9]* 06/21/2023 Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R. [D-TX-29]* 06/21/2023 Rep. Pressley, Ayanna [D-MA-7]* 06/21/2023 Rep. Vargas, Juan [D-CA-52] 07/06/2023 Rep. Bonamici, Suzanne [D-OR-1] 07/06/2023 Rep. Cleaver, Emanuel [D-MO-5] 07/06/2023 Rep. Moore, Gwen [D-WI-4] 07/06/2023 Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2] 07/06/2023 Rep. Torres, Ritchie [D-NY-15] 07/06/2023 Rep. Pocan, Mark [D-WI-2] 07/06/2023 Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-5] 07/06/2023 Rep. Williams, Nikema [D-GA-5] 07/06/2023 Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA-8] 07/06/2023 Rep. Kamlager-Dove, Sydney [D-CA-37] 07/06/2023 Rep. Tlaib, Rashida [D-MI-12] 07/06/2023 Rep. Carbajal, Salud O. [D-CA-24] 07/06/2023 Rep. Beatty, Joyce [D-OH-3] 07/06/2023 Rep. Johnson, Henry C. “Hank,” Jr. [D-GA-4] 07/06/2023 Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9] 07/06/2023 Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6] 07/06/2023 Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] 07/06/2023 Rep. McGarvey, Morgan [D-KY-3] 07/06/2023 Rep. Pettersen, Brittany [D-CO-7] 07/06/2023 Rep. Gomez, Jimmy [D-CA-34] 07/06/2023 Rep. Horsford, Steven [D-NV-4] 07/06/2023 Rep. Scanlon, Mary Gay [D-PA-5] 07/06/2023 Rep. Crockett, Jasmine [D-TX-30] 07/06/2023 Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-30] 07/06/2023 Rep. Jackson, Jonathan L. [D-IL-1] 07/06/2023 Rep. Omar, Ilhan [D-MN-5] 07/06/2023 Rep. Nickel, Wiley [D-NC-13] 07/06/2023 Rep. Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA-11] 09/14/2023 Rep. Levin, Mike [D-CA-49] 09/14/2023 Rep. Jacobs, Sara [D-CA-51] 09/14/2023 Rep. Hayes, Jahana [D-CT-5] 09/14/2023 Rep. Gallego, Ruben [D-AZ-3] 01/03/2024 Rep. Evans, Dwight [D-PA-3] 01/03/2024 Rep. Lieu, Ted [D-CA-36] 01/03/2024 Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-12] 01/03/2024 Rep. Ramirez, Delia C. [D-IL-3] 01/03/2024 Which national housing organizations support the Downpayment Toward Equity Act as stakeholders?
According to the bill fact sheet, stakeholder support for the Downpayment Toward Equity Act includes the following national housing organizations. National Housing Organization Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund Asian Real Estate Association of America Center for Responsible Lending Council of State Community Development Agencies Habitat for Humanity International Local Initiatives Support Corporation Mortgage Bankers Association National ADAPT National Association of Realtors National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD) National Coalition for the Homeless National Community Reinvestment Coalition National Community Stabilization Trust National Consumer Law Center (on behalf of its low-income clients) National Council of State Housing Agencies National Fair Housing Alliance National Housing Conference National Housing Law Project National Housing Resource Center National NeighborWorks Association National Rural Housing Coalition National Urban League NFCC – National Foundation for Credit Counseling PolicyLink Prosperity Now ROC USA The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights UnidosUS Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals Which state and regional housing organizations support the Downpayment Toward Equity Act as stakeholders?
According to the bill fact sheet, stakeholder support for the Downpayment Toward Equity Act includes the following state and regional housing organizations: State and Regional Housing Organizations California Reinvestment Coalition Community Development Network of MD Housing Action Illinois Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance Massachusetts Fair Housing Center, Inc. Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County OnTrack WNC Reinvestment Partners Southern California Association of Nonprofit Housing Which local housing organizations support the Downpayment Toward Equity Act as stakeholders?
According to the bill fact sheet, stakeholder support for the Downpayment Toward Equity Act includes the following local housing organizations and initiatives: Local Housing Organizations Center for Community Progress Center for NYC Neighborhoods Center for Responsible Lending Community Coalition Community Housing Development Corporation Covenant Faith Outreach Ministries / Covenant CDC EK Sattler Associates Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California Grounded Solutions Network GS Community Ventures HPP CARES CDE HomeFree-USA HomesFund Hudson County Housing Resource Center Lawrence CommunityWorks LeadingAge Lee County Housing Development Corp Liberation in a Generation Lifelines Counseling Services Long Island Housing Services, Inc. Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Marshall Housing Authority Piedmont Housing Alliance RESULTS ROC USA SouthFair Community Development Corp. Spanish Coalition for Housing (SCH) The Bronx Neighborhood Housing Services CDC Inc Ventura County Community Development Corporation WSRAR
submitted by readingitnowagain to AfroAmericanPolitics [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 12:01 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - March 19th

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - March 19th
1979- On their Destiny World Tour, The Jacksons perform the 1st of three shows at the Market Theatre in Johannesburg, South Africa
1984 - Michael is on the cover of TIME magazine with a nine page article and a cover Portrait by Andy Warhol. This portrait, 'Michael Jackson(yellow)' hangs in the National Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian in Washington DC. This was the 5th biggest-selling issue in TIME magazine's history.
The yellow background was chosen by Time and hangs in the Smithsonian
One of the original portraits, known as 'Michael Jackson(green)' sold in 2009 for an undisclosed amount of over a million dollars
In his diaries, Warhol talks about the portrait of Michael :
March 7, 1984:
" I finished the Michael Jackson cover. I didn’t like it but the office kids did. Then the Time people came down to see it, about forty of them. And they stood around saying that it should increase news stand sales. . . . Then later the Time guy called me . . . and said they were going to use it. I think the yellow one. And I told him to cross his fingers that it wouldn’t get bumped on Saturday and he said he would."
March 12, 1984:
"Time came out and the Jackson cover made it, it didn’t get bumped. And the article inside was crazy. It had them asking if he was going to get a sex-change operation and he said no. The cover should have had more blue. I gave them some in the style of the Fonda cover I did for Time once, but they wanted this style."
1988- On his Bad World Tour, Michael performs his 2nd & final show at the Market Square Arena (closed-1999) in Indianapolis, Indiana
1988 - Michael buys Sycamore Ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley, California. It will become world-famed as Neverland. Michael had been in love with the property ever since filming "Say Say Say" there 6 years earlier. He had stayed with Paul & Linda McCartney while they rented the home.
The property came on the market for $35 million furnished. Michael offered the owners less than half that amount. After weeks of haggling, he prevailed and acquired the ranch - fully furnished with European antiques - for between $17- $19.5 million.
The property was initially purchased by a trust with Michael's lawyer, John Branca, and his accountant, Marshall Gelfand, as trustees, for reasons of privacy. The arrangement was later rescinded by Jackson in April 1988 and he became the ultimate owner of the property
Originally named Zaca Laderas Ranch, the estate is renamed Sycamore Valley Ranch shortly after it was purchased by property developer William Bone in 1981.
The grounds of this 2800 acre ranch consist of a mansion, guest house, tennis courts, lakes, streams, thousands of oak trees and a large space for his menagerie. Michael would spend upwards of $35 million transforming it into an entertainment complex, complete with a zoo, a train, an amusement park that included a Ferris wheel, and a 50-seat theater. The house will become more or less an official non-profit organization housing disadvantaged children and their families for over 17 years.
Michael reportedly did not bother to tell his parents about the purchase. They learned about it by seeing on television that he had paid $28 million for the property (he denied).
Shortly before purchasing his new home, his Encino house was used for an auction of artwork, the 2 million-dollar proceeds from the auction going to the “South African Council of Churches” for housing, clothing and medical supplies. The auction is hosted by actress Whoopi Goldberg; Michael was not at home at the time.
1993- Michael gets approval from Santa Barbara County officials to build a breeding ground for gorillas, white tigers & bears at Neverland
1996- Michael gives a press conference at Le Palais des Congres de Paris to announce the launch of Kingdom Entertainment, a joint venture based in Paris. It is owned with Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal Al Saud (nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia, Fahd bin Abdul Aziz)
1996- Michael hires Tarak Ben Amar, a Tunisian-born, Paris-based international film producer and distributor, as his manager for the HIStory World Tour
After Michael's death, the former manager and friend blamed the negligence of doctors treating Jackson for his untimely demise.
Ben Ammar suggested that towards the end of Jackson's life, the sheer scale of his stardom prevented him from receiving sound medical counsel.
According to Ben Ammar, while Jackson was not abusing prescription drugs during the HIStory tour, it was very obvious the troubled pop star was under too much medication.
As his manager, Ben Ammar said he tried to address the problem by bringing Jackson to live with him in Paris, since he believed French doctors were more careful about making out prescriptions.
“I knew he needed help and he needed protection, and I wish he’d had protection since I left him in 1998,” said Ben Ammar.
In an interview he described Jackson’s unhealthy and essentially lonely lifestyle:
“Michael did not have a very healthy diet,” he explained. “He ate a lot of junk food, sometimes he didn’t eat, he would go on for days without eating. He didn’t have regular sleeping hours. Again, he’s not like you and me,” he noted. “He did not go to restaurants, he did not go outdoors, he was always confined, hiding. So it’s not really a normal lifestyle.”
2001 - Michael became the youngest person ever to be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame as a solo artist , at age 43
N’Sync inducted Michael during a special presentation at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York . Michael invites Frank Cascio and Shmuley Boteach as his guests.
“For more than 35 years, Michael Jackson has been the ‘Man in the Mirror,’ he thrilled us with the Thriller… He’s Bad, he’s Dangerous… He’s the King of Pop, the one the only, Michael Jackson.” – Justin Timberlake
2004 - The Department of Child & Family Services of LA refuses to remove Michael’s children from his care in response to an earlier filed application asking the presiding judge of Los Angeles County Juvenile Court to begin proceedings to take his children from him and place them under the court's jurisdiction.
2009 - Michael goes to Dr Klein’s in Beverly Hills
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 02:23 bopsilove Finally

Finally closed last Friday on this place after some ups and downs. 2 bedroom 1 bath 900 sqft co-op in nyc (Bronx) $195000. (I could of uploaded better photos but they are deep in my library. Lol Hope you enjoy my paintings i picked up from Marshall's)
Didn't really feel the best after closing but it's starting to grow on me. I'm just happy I got the eat in kitchen I wanted and the close transportation. (Idk why it has 8 closets but I find it really funny)
Also the furniture isn't mine. It was the previous owners. All of it is gone now.
submitted by bopsilove to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 11:26 reudter2000 I wrote a summary for all of the released Defiance of the Fall books (1-12)

I have been summarizing All 12 books (I definitely get more detailed as they go on lol) as I read them, and I'm going to leave this here for anyone that might be interested. (Only book 1 through 8 can fit on this, I will make a second post with the 9th- 12th)
Everything might not be perfectly accurate, and there are a lot of typos (especially with names). I did fix Zac's and Ogras though,
(For anyone wondering, I'm going to be doing this for the wandering inn as well. Reason being as new books get released I don't have to re-listen through hundreds of hours just to remember the whole story)
" [ ] Defiance of the Fall- Zac Atwood is on an island by himself with the demons incursion. Ends up taking hatchetman class at 25, kills four heralds and after destroying his pathways with the cosmic water, the fruit of ascension, he grabs both fruits eating one.
After Orgras betrays his cousin and kills him to end the incursion, Zac then recruits the demons with the help of Orgras, he builds the creator shipyard, the thayor consortium, The system created by the limitless empire, created a synthetic being that is capable of controlling all cultivation. Initialized then dark period (no nothing), long time after, the system initiated.
There are 12 apostles, the first of which being the first defier, all adding key components to the system (non-combat, merchant, fractals, etc). The beast wave begins, and ends with an E rank fiend wolf. Zac gets Verune's bite from Shop. Trang, Megan, and a group of people show up on his island.
Zac teleports to Winterleaf, a village of deer people. Goes to Rogerville, saves Emily. Second part of the beast wave, Einhive. Crushed core, Ogras bought the fruit of ascension and goes into seclusion before the third wave hits. Emily grows stronger."
" [ ] Defiance of the Fall II - Zac goes to New Washington, meets Juliana and Tom Fisher. They suspect he is super brother man. Zac then goes on an island exploration to the Jhix Hive, and Epitap goes back to the island as an ambassador. Zac and gang go back to New Washington for an auction; they spend the most money and introduce other powerhouses, Billy and Thea.
After a failed assassination attempt, they gather a bunch of people from New Washington. Zac force-feeds a pill to John so he can get access to his teleporter. Emma, the singer, gets "kidnapped" by Agrass. They go back; the third wave consists of three pillars: Undead, Church of the Everlasting Dao, and rock golems. After they discover infiltrators that can shape-shift from the Everlasting Dao, after finishing the wave, Zac gets the Towers of Myriad Dao and then heads to the Central Continent.
On the way to Kenzie, he stops by a city to attempt to heal his wound; he just awakens it and it causes a strain on him. He is slightly delayed by Lord Perseverance; on the way, he finds a horde and gets a quest to kill. He eats 10 Myasthma cleansing pills, and it creates a duplicity core inside him with all the energy. After arriving in Kenzie's City, he discovers she's on trial, most likely being held prisoner. When she is escorted out in rags, Zac gets angry and kills the mayor. As he is about to leave, a church infiltrator attempts to assassinate Kenzie under the guise of the US sniper.
After they return to Port Atwood, Zac enlists in the Trials of Sovereignty to become a global city, and he is teleported in between two armies with a beast ravaging a city. He is introduced to Average and Greatest, and after killing a Star Ox, completes the trial. After he returns, he visits Hannah, who is hypnotized by David (second in line for Dao incursion) and kills Zac. Across critically injures David, and he flees, after which Zac wakes up as his Dragher form and scowls at Hannah. He then trains until the treasure hunt and gets teleported there into an old temple courtyard.
[ ] Defiance of the Fall III - The treasure hunt takes place in an old East Trifect sect, with mountains and temples everywhere. It is clear that they were attacked by very powerful beasts. After a few minor scuffles, Zac runs into Thea and saves her life. Zac dies and transforms into his Dragher side. Afterwards, they work together for a little bit until they run into inevitability. Working together, they fend him off. Zac falls into a ditch, dying again, and they use an escape treasure, losing three levels.
After escaping an illusion array, Zac runs into the supreme monarch of the sect. He offers Zac the trial of power. Varune evolves into E-grade, and Zac continues on, hitting level 50 in his undead side; he then finds a remnant shard. After attempting to seal it, he talks to a pale Droger woman with an untraceable amount of strength. After leaving the cave, he returns to the supreme monarch. After coming clean about taking the remnant, he gets the treasures of the sect.
After he leaves the trench, he settles in a cave and learns that the emperor has been scouring the hunt. After running into the Meridian Planet resistance champion, they work together to attempt to kill the emperor. After Zac learns that Thea is being held captive, they find Billy and attack the emperor. The emperor ends up dead, crippling the champion.
After turning from the hunt, Zac goes to the Dao depository and beautifies it with the tiles he got from the temples. Him and Ogras both do inheritances, the Umbra and the Lord of Cycles. After becoming Urial disciple, Zac gains a treasure to find a hidden node with a speckle of other things. He then travels to the Marshall clans' base. After discussing the underworld and the Molemen with The Marshalls, Zac goes back to his compound to prepare for an incursion elimination fest.
After defeating multiple incursions, one of which was keeping women as slaves and torturing people were all instantly killed. While others were spared if they treated humans nicely. After Zac gets a quest to chop down a 500 m tree, they go to God's Cradle to attempt to do it. After they arrive, he successfully chops it down, but Salvation is letting on their location. After 8 intense fights, Zac transforms to his Droger; Salvation is killed, and they take all the Origin Dao trapped in his fractal from puppeteering."
" [ ] **Defiance of the Fall IIII - Zac is back at Port Atwood. He visits Everlasting Abbott in the dead zone, and the Abbott summons Lord 84, with all of the Dao monks going with him. Zac then goes to the underground, where he is immediately attacked by Smog, who claims the union kidnapped his sister. Deeming the union inhumane, Zac wipes them out.
Zac goes to explore a Roach Beetle incursion, finding traces of a Technocrat incursion. After killing one, he returns and finds that his army is being blocked off in the dead zone and being chased. Him and Ogras quickly defeat the Technocrat incursion, with a D-grade boss at the end.
After that, Zac and the demon go save his army, destroying over a million zombies and crippling the undead. They find out the undead is planning to terraform Earth by making it produce Myasthma. Zac is discussing going to the tower to evolve before dealing with that incursion.
Zac levels his undead side up to 75, allowing him to evolve, but he chooses to wait until after the tower. He then closes multiple incursions within a week and secures Earth before he leaves to go to the tower. When he arrives, he meets Gallou, a very friendly guy who wants to be carried up to the 32nd floor. After buttering them up, they agree, and they go to the Zathiah pill house.
After a treasure that could heal Alyah is shown, a Scion flaunts his wealth and takes a treasure. Zac loses his cool, kills the Scion, and blows up the pill house. After going to the Tower of Eternity, Zac gains his coffin fragment. They carry Gallou to the 31st floor, and he stays on a sand desert as a merchant. He's really a thief and has been stealing treasure the entire time.**
[ ] **Defiance of the Fall V - Zac and Ogras continue traveling till the end of the 4th floor. After which they go their separate ways. Agrass makes it to the 5th floor. Zac continues on his Draugr side to gain some merit. He meets a Treant along the way, and it is Dao; he notices a gold shimmer but he doesn't know what it is.
When he reaches the end of the sixth floor, it is a battle of fate where he is pitted against 200 other cultivators. He meets Istaan on the fireball; she notices his transformation and tests his fate, causing Zac to use a bronze sparkle—an unknown element. He escapes the Battle of Fate and finishes a 7th floor.
After struggling to complete the 8th floor, on the 70th floor, he is transported to a Technocrat ship with the little bean; he is tasked with blowing it up. After he realizes there is a shard of creation on the little bean, he absorbs it, and it nearly kills him in a battle with the Oblivion.
After he manages to blow it up, he barely makes it past the 8th floor guardian—a literal dragon. He exits the tower and finds all the different cultivators ready to attack. After killing a majority of the elites and making a corpse tree in the tower, they go back after seeing that his island is under attack.
The everlasting church and the undead are working together, and they space-lock his island. After defeating one ship, another retreats, and after clearing the island from immediate danger, Zac goes to Aaliyah; she is forced to become a spirit tool with the array he got from the 8th floor completion. She is turned into Love's Bond, a coffin that is defensive but has chains.
Zac evolves into the E grade. He chooses a double epic class, Edge of Arcadia, and Fetters of Desolation. Both are strength endurance builds. He must kill a degrade creature with a single non-lethal cut to unlock his skill, Blighted Cut. He then takes the Wanderer Eye, opening a hidden node. He opens Void Heart, a node that absorbs energies.
Anytime the blood circulates through the Void Heart, it takes out pollutants in his body. After that, he travels to the mainland, reaching level 80 before he ends up getting there. After using Kenzie as an array breaker, he gets into the main heartland. After a battle with the Lich King, he is trapped in a chamber of dense miasma.
He switches over to his undead form, kills the Lich King. Afterward, he uses the energy to open a node. But during this, he's attacked by the Church of Everlast Dao. After forcing the leader to retreat back to the incursion and only having a remaining general of the undead stuck on Earth, the mystic realm on the island is actually an old Technocrat research base that Zac's mother was a part of.
We learn she retreated back to Earth after something happened, and after losing the memories, she gives birth to Kenzie and Zac. After the childbirth of Kenzie, her memories awaken, and she implants Jeeves in the baby. After leaving the pendant and a note, she leaves Zac and his father. It is implied that she is on the way back, but we are unsure if she is good or bad. Zac is preparing that she is bad.
Many bloodlines are strong on earth due to the fact of the mystic realm having escaped prisoners, i.e., Zac, Billy.**"
" [ ] **Defiance of the Fall VI - After Zac returns to Port Atwood, he visits the creators and finds out more about the golem puppets, counts his treasure from the tower. After sending Thea and Billy into the inheritance, he goes to destroy the Dao church incursion. When he gets there, there is virtually no one there, and he shuts it down without an issue. It is announced that there is a dimensional seed maturing in the mystical realm. The dominators, the church, and most likely the undead general are in that realm looking for it.
After the Jihx shut down five separate hives, Zac ends up killing Harbinger. Void's disciple then attacks a couple of outposts in retaliation, where Zac comes face-to-face with him. After slicing him in half, Void's disciple uses a karma-altering treasure, and he retreats into the mystic realm. Zac then, using the Rage Root, fights a half-step D-grade golem to upgrade the depository. He gets Million Faces, with a couple of other skills.
He then goes into the mystic realm to rest before the doors close. Thea, Billy, Emily, and Zac go on an expedition further into the base. They find a large forest where Zac kills the alpha of the lunar wolves with the help of Varune. After he returns, he goes on a solo adventure to follow the map the Time Cartava clan left for them. On his way, he sees one of the elders' daughters, Leviala, being kidnapped. He saves her, and she goes back to her base, and Zac to his. After traveling through the base together, she is surprised by his level of access.
[ ] **Defiance of the Fall VII - After receiving a nine-step quest from the system, Zac goes to lab 16 where she betrays them, locking them in there. We also learn that the dominators are planning on betraying the Redeemer, pitying him for having to use resources to gain power. There are two gems in side rooms that both call out to Thes and Ogras, they acquire them.
Zac and Kenzie teleport out using her knowledge. As they slowly start going towards the center of the base, they find out they're being attacked by the gem people. After making it back and stopping the attack, the leader escapes with Leviala's eyes after she dies. Zac gets the space drill.
After space goes crazy and stabilizes, the expansion goes backward, and Zac can see to the center of the core. They see a large mountaintop 100,000 m tall made out of steel, and start heading towards it, collecting their group together. On the way, a Void Beast gets through the defensive film, and Zac is forced to fight it, absorbing a beast core that dropped from the corpse. He learns Thea and Ogras did escape that laboratory and are going to meet them at the base of the mountain.
After making it to the second to last island, the church incursion destroys the bridge, but they use the space drill to stabilize space between them. Ogras and Thea pincer them with Zac and the army and defeat the church bishop. Zac makes his way up the mountain, gathering treasures as he goes up, stumbling into a pod. After eating some down treasures, Zac absorbs over half of the mountain, and his bloodline is awakened. After making it to the top of the mountain, he sees Void's disciple, and after an intense battle, he barely defeats all of the dominators. They run away from the seed, and Ogras sacrifices himself to save Kenzie. Billy falls into the seed as well.
After they leave the mystic realm via the space seals, they return to Earth. After 3 years of no progress, Zac and Kenzie evolve the AI into her head. But when they do the ritual, Kenzie seizes up and tribulation lightning is summoned. Zac's mother appears in a giant robot, and they are restrained. Zac's mom puts them in a space dilation and takes Kenzie, leaving Zac with 1 million D-grade Nexus coins to explore and grow.
She then uses Thea to disperse the tribulation lightning and escape. Zac then leaves the world and fills out his limited titles. One of which was a Fortnite Haven pit where he leaves a Memento for Thea. After returning to Earth, he switches over to his undead side and using an artifact his mom gave him to hide his duplicity core he makes his way to the Twilight Forest to do the Twilight Ascent. He runs into Cathaya the Draugher and agrees to partner up with her in the Ascent."
Defiance of the Fall VIII - Having almost 2 months before the beginning of the ascent, Zac attends an auction buying 50,000 d grade Nexus coins worth of treasures. Most of which will evolve his bloodline, race, and node breaking pills into the Ascent. As he is escaping he is almost caught but Cathaya's master saves him and gives him a mysterious egg to drop in the Twilight chasm.
After which he attends the coliseum and watches the fights for a couple of weeks before the Ascent starts. After he enters the realm, he leaves the shores to find Cathaya and the undead followers. After they get together they make their way to Cork Island and chop down the life tree. They steal a tree as they go and make a vessel out of it, as they are traveling the life pulse it explodes the vessel and Zac and Cathaya are dropped into an underground cavern.
After Zac finds her, she thinks she is betrayed. It was one of the other followers, Zac is forced to reveal his human side to her, to save himself and her. They make a pack agreement not to expose that. After which they escape, but not before running into The Radiant Church and Halrock Dynasty members. After they meet up with the group they separate and go their separate ways, Zac makes his way to the temporary settlement, where he finds a numerologist and they help each other evolve their Dows, so Zac has three peak fragments. Bodhi, coffin, and axe.
After he leaves he goes to the Twilight chasm where he finds a 1,000 m long alligator snake. It seems to be above the realm limit allowed. After pulling out the sphere that Bay-Ze gives him to expose the altar where he places The egg, it pulses out and ripples throughout the chasm, after he absorbs all of the treasures in the area with void heart he leaves and gains the ire of the giant snake. It speaks and it's mind and Zac promises a chaos piece of tapestry if he is saved, after he escapes the snake he goes into a cave and evolves his skills, creates a perfect profane's seal and levels up his bloodline. After finding the mind's eye agate, the Twilight Lord / the evening tide Asura talks to Zac and after finding him interesting he offers a request to stop the flag markers. Zac then leaves the chasm slowly making his way up.
As he gets to the top, he finds out that they sealed off the chasm and it is being patrolled by a rune and puppet-like flags. After escaping and sending a message to the Halrock Dynasty that he wants to work together but he is baiting him, after he meets up with Cathaya and the other undead he gives them a couple of supreme treasures and they reveal the locations. He goes to the volcano, and after making his way through the lava he finds the shard taking it. After which he has to use a longevity treasure and a lot of creation energy to get out of the volcano.
After which he goes back to go meet with Cathaya so they can join him in the ravine to grab the shard of Oblivion. But they are not at the meet-up spot, they stayed there going to the ancient city and that the ravine is less mild in potency and that he could probably traverse it. After going there he finds out that the vampire blood lady already has a shard of Oblivion using her master taboo, she states that she wants to fight and she will see him in the city of the ancients.
submitted by reudter2000 to litrpg [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 15:25 Relevant_Rip_8766 Just want to share/show off my stack of custom tube boys.

Just want to share/show off my stack of custom tube boys.
Top: I call it the tiny beast. It was an old tube PA head I found in a basement. It was homemade back in the day, but I only wish I knew who made it. I'm fault certain it was used for livestock auction. Middle: My modded 67 Bandmaster. It's a sleeper. Looks completely normal, but the 'bright' switch on the vibrato channel is actually a tone stack bypass, which gives it about a 30 dB gain increase and a ton of midrange (Marshall eat your heart out). The polarity switch on the back has been repurposed to switch the negative feedback in and out (effectively a Brownface/Silverface switch) Bottom: Completely hand wired from scratch. I call it the zombie because I used the chassis and transformers from some bugera they died. The circuits are my own design with 2 completely different channels, digital channel and FX switching, and a custom tube boost circuit that can be switched into either channel.
Feel free to ask about any of my mods/circuits or history on the amps. Also, I want to see/read about any of your beautiful monstrosities.
submitted by Relevant_Rip_8766 to GuitarAmps [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 02:58 rorsharcheditions Indiana Jones and the Dial Of Destiny - REWRITE(Mutt, Short Round, Sallah and Marcus are all back in this final adventure)

In 1944, the Nazis capture Indiana Jones (who would be played by Alden Ehrenreich, after all, he is the young Han Solo so why he can't be young Indiana Jones) and his old ally Marcus Brody (Micheal J. Fox would've been excellent) while trying to recover the Spear of Longinus from a castle in the Alps French. Astrophysicist Jürgen Voller informs his superiors that the Spear is fake, but he has found half of the Archimedes Dial, an Antikythera mechanism built by the ancient Syracuse mathematician Archimedes, which reveals fissures in time, allowing for possible time travel. Indy escapes on a Berlin-bound train filled with looted antiquities and frees Marcus He obtains the Dial piece and the two escape the train just before Allied forces derail it.
Move to 1969, with an old Indiana Jones waking up, drunk on a couch, He is living in a flat alone, Marion recently left him, as she considered him a bit “conservative” and “macho”. Mutt is alive, married and has a 2-year-old son (although he doesn't even talk to his father anymore) Indy feels out of place in society, unable to even talk to teenagers at college anymore, and, believes that he no longer has any importance. We see him going to work at Hunter College in New York, as he had been fired from Marshall College in Bedford . Indy's goddaughter, archaeologist Helena Shaw, unexpectedly visits and wants to research the Dial. Indy warns that her late father, Marcus, became obsessed with studying the Dial.
Interested in knowing why his goddaughter is looking for this and hoping to get the opportunity to have one last adventure, Indy takes Helena to recover half of the dial from the college archives, in the scene it is revealed that Marcus asked Indy to destroy half of the disk but he was always curious to find the other part that was missing. Helena reveals that the other party is in Tangier, Indy disagrees and realizes that Tangier is the place where antiquities are smuggled. To make matters worse, Voller's accomplices attack them. The CIA assists Voller, now working for NASA as "Dr. Schmidt". they enter the building, causing Helena to flee and Indy to fight against them, although at an older age. Indy manages to escape during the Apollo 11 moon landing parade and then an anti-war protest. He seeks out his old friend Sallah, now a taxi driver in New York.
At Sallah's house, Indy meets Mutt again who is worried about his father and tells him that he can't continue adventuring as if he were 30 years old, Indy retorts saying that it's better to die than to have a son who doesn't even talk to his father anymore. Mutt leaves. Indy assumes that Helena will probably auction the Dial in Tangier, Sallah agrees and says that she will go with Indy on the adventure as if it were some kind of security. At a hotel in Tangier, Indy and Sallah interrupt Helena's illegal private auction, Dr Voller and his CIA allies arrive and steal the artefact. Indy, Helena, Sallah and their teenage companion Teddy Kumar steal a Tuk-tuk and try to get the Dial back. The CIA intercepts Voller after the US government rejects him for going rogue, but his companions assassinate the agents and steal his helicopter.
The three follow Voller to Greece and are joined by Indy's old friend Short Round, now just called Big Round. Indy reveals that Short Round was adopted by Willie and became a professional diver. In the scene, Indy begins to feel bad because he was never able to change anyone like Willie did. Guided by Marcus's
research, they dive into an ancient Aegean shipwreck and recover a "graphikos" tablet containing instructions to the other half of the Disc. Voller arrives and almost kills Big Round. Indy's group becomes more unified and heads to Sicily, pursued by Voller. Inside the Ear of Dionysus cave, Indy and Helena find the tomb of Archimedes, the second half of the Disc, and a 20th century wristwatch on Archimedes' skeletal arm. Voller appears and captures Indy, injuring him. Helena, Big Round, Sallah and Teddy escape and chase after Voller. After reassembling the Disk, Voller reveals his plans to travel back in time to 1939 to assassinate Adolf Hitler and help lead Germany to victory in World War II. At an airfield, Voller activates the Dial and locates a time rift in the sky. Indy is held captive in Voller's stolen plane while Helena hides in the landing gear. Big Round, Sallah and Teddy follow them in another plane. There's a cute moment where Big Round teaches Teddy how to ride a plane.
As Indy approaches the fissure, he realizes that continental drift could have altered the timeline's coordinates. Instead of 1939, the group arrives at the Siege of Syracuse in 212 BC. The warring armies shoot down Voller's plane, believing it to be a dragon. Indy and Helena parachute just before the plane crashes, killing everyone on board, while Teddy lands safely. Archimedes finds Voller's body and wristwatch in the wreckage. He gives Indy the Dial but keeps the watch. Indy and Helena discover that Archimedes created the Dial to bring users from the future through fissures that lead only to 212 BC. As the fissure begins to collapse, Indy begins to think about wanting to stay behind, feeling like he has nowhere to go back, Sallah and Big Round begin to say that this isn't true and that if it weren't for Indy, their lives would not be possible and they would never have so many adventures and it's not because you had bad moments in life like a divorce or a fight, you shouldn't separate yourself from people. Indy realizes that he was wrong the whole time and Archimedes adds that everyone must live and adapt to their time.
Back in the present, a recovering Indy wakes up in his flat. Helena, Teddy, Big Round, Mutt Sallah and Marion are also there. Marion and Indy decide to go back again, the final scene is Indy playing with his grandson at the sunset(Mirroring the final scene in The Last Crusade)
submitted by rorsharcheditions to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 19:17 Fun_Classroom8231 Looking to organize/host a penny auction later in the year and need a space. Hoping to have a crowd of at least 100-200 if it’s successful. The space would need to be donated as well. Any suggestions as to where I could find such a space? (Preferably in Queens or the Bronx).

submitted by Fun_Classroom8231 to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 07:24 TheLotStore Where to Find the Cheapest Arkansas Land Deals

Where to Find the Cheapest Arkansas Land Deals
Where to Find the Cheapest Arkansas Land Deals
Arkansas, also recognized as the Natural State, is an incredibly splendid and diverse location. It flaunts breathtaking lakes, rivers, mountains, and forests, making it a haven for nature lovers. With its modest cost of living and economical real estate prices, it's no surprise why numerous individuals are intrigued by procuring land in Arkansas. If you're in search of uncostly land deals in this state, there are several key spots you should contemplate.
One of the finest spots to locate affordable land in Arkansas is within the countryside regions of the state. These regions typically showcase reduced property costs and present the chance to reside in a more primitive, tranquil environment encompassed by nature. Towns such as Jasper, Marshall, and Melbourne are exceptional choices for those seeking to evade the commotion of urban life and relish the serenity of the Arkansas countryside.
Another alternative for discovering cheap land in Arkansas is to scout for properties that are up for sale through auctions. Auctions can be an exceptional method to clinch a steal, especially if you're ready to dedicate the effort and time to scrutinize the properties beforehand. Websites like and often showcase listings for land auctions in Arkansas, so make sure to keep tabs on these sites if you're keen on procuring land at a reduced rate.
If you're on the lookout for economical land in Arkansas, it's also advisable to peruse the listings on websites like Zillow, Trulia, and These websites exhibit a broad array of properties for sale in Arkansas, encompassing vacant land, and you can frequently narrow down your search by price to discover the prime deals. Additionally, consider getting in touch with local real estate agents in the regions you're interested in to check if they possess any listings for inexpensive land that might not be publicized online.
When it boils down to acquiring land in Arkansas, it's imperative to conduct your proper investigation and meticulously scrutinize the property before reaching a verdict. Make sure to verify for any encumbrances, easements, or limitations on the land, and mull over hiring a surveyor to ascertain that the property boundaries are precise. It's also beneficial to visit the land in person if viable to capture a feel of the neighboring area and figure out if it aligns with your needs and inclinations.
Besides the land's price itself, it's necessary to consider other expenses linked with buying land in Arkansas. This can incorporate closing expenditures, property taxes, and any upkeep or enhancements that might be necessary on the land. Keep these expenses in mind when planning your land acquisition to sidestep any unforeseen costs down the line.
All in all, Arkansas bestows an abundance of possibilities for uncovering reasonable land bargains. Whether you aspire to construct your fantasy abode, commence a farm, or simply invest in land for the future, there are myriad options to deliberate in this stunning state. By exploring rural regions, attending auctions, scouting online listings, and conducting your exploration, you can stumble upon the impeccable parcel of land in Arkansas at a rate that suits your budget. Best of luck with your land hunt!
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
Additional Information:
submitted by TheLotStore to u/TheLotStore [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 14:02 BPBAttacks9 FEBRUARY 2024 - - LIST OF PIT BULL ATTACKS/FATALITIES (ongoing)

Cover Image
This is a list of pit bull attacks and fatalities documented by the media and social media for the month of February 2024. This list will be edited throughout the month and after as new incidents are reported.

February 01

February 02

February 03

February 04

February 05

February 06

February 07

February 08

February 09

February 10

February 11

February 12

February 13

February 14

February 15

February 16

February 17

February 18

February 19

February 20

February 21

February 22

February 23

February 24

February 25

February 26

February 27

February 28

February 29

submitted by BPBAttacks9 to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 03:18 SharMarali I had a piphany about

And my piphany was this theory:
Robin bought all of Lily’s stuff.
She used various fake names and had it shipped to different places she had access to, but she bought it all. “Scotchandgunlover at metronewsone” was probably one she made up at the last minute, or while drunk, or both. Most of them were less obvious, so Lily never caught on.
We find out in the final season that Robin is actually loaded. She wanted to help her friends out with their financial situation without them knowing she was doing it.
Think about it. Marshall gets the website up and somehow manages to get all this traffic in such a short time? How?
Was Marshall in on it? Or did he just really think he was a website marketing genius when the auction was so successful?
And why isn’t this mentioned in the show? Because Ted never knew about it. Robin kept it a secret.
What do you guys think of my piphany?
submitted by SharMarali to HIMYM [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 10:27 Less-Percentage-9786 Ten interesting Bitcoin facts you may not know

. The identity of Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, remains a mystery to this day. Despite many theories and speculations, the true identity of the person or group behind Bitcoin's creation has never been definitively confirmed.
  1. The first-ever Bitcoin transaction took place on May 22, 2010, when Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas. This transaction is now famously known as "Bitcoin Pizza Day."
  2. Bitcoin's total supply is capped at 21 million coins. This scarcity is built into the protocol and is designed to mimic the scarcity of precious metals like gold.
  3. The smallest unit of Bitcoin is called a satoshi, named after the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin. One bitcoin is divisible into 100 million satoshis, allowing for microtransactions and flexibility in pricing.
  4. The first Bitcoin exchange rate was established in October 2009 when New Liberty Standard published a rate of $1 = 1,309.03 BTC based on the cost of electricity required to mine one bitcoin.
  5. In 2013, a British man named James Howells accidentally threw away a hard drive containing 7,500 bitcoins, which would be worth millions of dollars today. The hard drive is now buried in a landfill, and Howells has been unsuccessful in his attempts to retrieve it.
  6. Bitcoin mining consumes a significant amount of electricity due to the computational power required to secure the network and validate transactions. Some estimates suggest that Bitcoin mining consumes more electricity than entire countries like Argentina or the Netherlands.
  7. The first-ever Bitcoin ATM was installed in a coffee shop in Vancouver, Canada, in 2013. Since then, Bitcoin ATMs have become more widespread, allowing users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies with ease.
  8. The FBI once held one of the largest Bitcoin wallets after seizing 144,000 bitcoins from the Silk Road dark web marketplace in 2013. The bitcoins were later auctioned off by the U.S. Marshals Service.
  9. Despite its volatile price swings, Bitcoin has outperformed almost every traditional asset class over the past decade, making it a popular choice for investors seeking diversification and potential high returns.
submitted by Less-Percentage-9786 to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 01:39 Terrorvision67 What happens when R* shuts down GTAO for good.

1 day later.
NPC cars drive normal
The beach is full
Gerald is assassinated by a stash house for payback.
Every police station lays off 50% of their employees.
Felipe #4785790 wins the award for longest tenured valet at the casino
1 week later
El Rubio misses the chaos.
Simeon goes out of business because he has no money to actually buy cars for his dealership
LSC goes out of business.
A customer at the auto garage still waits for his stickerbomb hood and hot pink rims to be delievered.
Tony, after killing Moody and Sessanta and firebombing the auto garage, is shot dead in a FIB sting while doing a Nightclub sell mission.
Lupe and her 4 assistants arson the cargo warehouses
The vehicle warehouse is seized by the FIB.
1 month later
Los Santos is in financial ruin because your character was the only person in the city that had more than $27 on him at any given time
Fort Zancudo donates your hanger planes and copters to the flight school
Vincent has a police auction selling off all {insert number here.. My case.. over 450 vehicles} of your vehicles. Because Vincent is a good guy, he sends your family the 457 Million dollars made.
Police find Dax and the whole acid lab crew dies of an overdose... 2 weeks ago.
Franklins' agency shuts down. Franklin pours one out on your chair and shuts off the lights before locking the door.
Trevor is shitting on someone else's desk. My favorite quite of the whole story was from Trevor.
Michael makes a documentary of how an unnamed person owned Los Santos and then just disappeared. His sources reveal that rumors suggest he might be somewhere in the lower east coast of the country starting over.
Thats how I see it. If anyone wants to add more, feel free in the comments because there was a lot left out. We do have a while before anything happens, but a couple of us were talking about the end at work and gave me the motivation to make the post now.

**EDIT*\* I am amazed at the reaction and thanks to all who shared their own versions and I enjoyed pretty much all of them, and also to those who enjoyed the post. Very humbling.
As for the 450 vehicles, you really do not realize how much you have if you have everything in the game and I have a PC word file I update. It is about 425 when you count all the garages/Nightclub/Auto club/MC Club/Arcade/Agency/Facility/Arena WaHangeOppressor in the Terrorbyte/ Toreador in the MOC/Yacht has the Buckingham, boats and seasharks around it and and Kosatka has my 2nd Toreador and an Avisa.
I did also include the 35 Pegasus vehicles, that although not storable in your personal garages, I did buy them. I left out all 24 Marshalls {1 from each country} because those were free, so basically, I am at about 480 options to move around town. I sat around hitting Cayo over and over while I was off in the days of the pandemic.
submitted by Terrorvision67 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.02.17 01:12 Unable_Practice_8283 How to get car out of impoundment?

Both my inspection sticker and registration have expired, and my car was towed by a state trooper. To renew the registration and get my car back, I need to renew the inspection sticker, but for that, I need to have the car. It's a chicken and egg problem.
Also I found something scary online:
If your vehicle was towed by a Marshal or Sheriff, reclaim it within 10 business days or request a Sale Hold at any Finance Business Center within 72 hours. If you don't, it may be auctioned by the Sheriff's Office.
To get your vehicle back and settle your violations:
  1. First settle any Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) violations for traffic tickets or expired license, vehicle registration, or New York State Safety and Emissions inspections.
  2. Then pay your booting and towing fees and settle all tickets and camera violations in judgment. If they have been in judgment for less than a year, you can also dispute them at a Department of Finance Business Center.
Its for NYC cases, but I guess it would be similar in different counties as well. 10 days or 72 hours are not a lot of time!
submitted by Unable_Practice_8283 to AskLE [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 05:13 Attic_Capital The $50 Million Mickey Mantle Rookie Card?

The $50 Million Mickey Mantle Rookie Card?
The $50 Million Mickey Mantle Rookie Card -
When Ted Lodge found a box of 1952 Topps in his father's attic, it contained several Mickey Mantle rookie cards.
He sold all the Mickey Mantle rookie cards to Alan Rosen in 1986, who then sold one card to Anthony Giordano for $50,000.
Giordano had the card graded, a SCG 9.5, one of the highest known grades for the card.
In 2022, the card sold for $12.6 million at a Heritage Auctions sale.
But that's not the most valuable 1952 Mickey Mantle rookie card.
The most valuable belongs to collector Marshall Fogel. The retired lawyer bought the card from David Hall, founder of Collectors Universe, back in 1995 for $121,000.
There are only three PSA 10 Mickey Mantle rookie cards in existence. And Fogel believes he owns the most pristine example.
He's been offered $25 million for his card, but he turned it down.
Fogel estimates his 1952 Mickey Mantle PSA 10 rookie card could be valued at $50 million.
And he's not selling.
Legendary card collector Ken Kendrick owns the second PSA 10 Mantle rookie, and the third PSA 10 card is owned by an mystery collector.
What do you think Fogel's Mickey Mantle rookie card is worth?
submitted by Attic_Capital to VintageBaseballCards [link] [comments]