Beautiful agony 32 videos


2008.06.20 20:42 Outdoors

Outdoor recreation: keeping humans fit, fed and happy for thousands of years. The sun on your face, the wind in your hair: all this and more could be yours to experience... if you ever get off reddit and go outside for once! Outdoors is for all outdoor experiences, not limited to any specific interest. Caving, mountain climbing, cycling, bushcraft, gardening, sailing, plants, birds, trees, going for a stroll -- it's all on topic here!

2012.01.24 03:37 One Direction

Vas happenin’? You’ve made it to OneDirection where we discuss anything and everything related to 1D & each of the guys’ solo careers! Think of us as a one stop shop 🍌🥑🐓🥄☘️

2013.05.29 18:33 deadfraggle Treknobabble - A Star Trek community

reddit... the front page of the internet. These are the posts of the subreddit /Treknobabble. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new content and old favourites, to seek out new readers and other Star Trek communities, to boldly display whatever Trekkers want to upvote!

2024.05.15 02:20 TheNewJay Please help me figure out how to actually play 4K video files!

Okay, so, I fear that this is a stupid question, but, why does it seem so difficult to just, you know, play 4K video files?
A bit about my set up. I have a nice TV (LG CX OLED), and I also use this TV as a computer monitor, hooked up to a not-as-nice Windows PC. IF it matters, I have a GeForce GTX 1060 6GB. To play media files, I generally use VLC, and feel it is great. I also have a PS5 if that helps.
The problem I often encounter, though, is that VLC, as amazing as it is for most applications, does not take kindly to playing 4K media. I have went tough a bunch of those troubleshooting guides online, where you fiddle with arcane settings under VLC's hood. Nothing works--4K video will play for maybe a few seconds and then it will freeze on a certain frame while the sound continues to play. And that's the best case scenario--sometimes it'll just crash. Another issue is that turning on hardware acceleration on VLC also makes it function much worse for other media--I get a strange glitch even on 1080p files where often when pausing a video and then resuming it, the video will freeze on a particular frame as the sound continues. It is very annoying and it means closing the program and then re-opening the video file pretty much every second time I need to pause a video.
I want to be able to utilize my beautiful TV to the fullest extent that it is capable of, but I keep getting stuck with trying new settings for VLC and getting frustrated, or trying new programs that also don't play the files properly. Ideally, I could configure VLC such that it will play media of all resolutions without annoying glitches, but, at this point I would settle for either a different program or a different kind of solution altogether.
Using the tools at my disposal, how can I get 4K media files to play? It doesn't have to be off of my computer, I could get used to playing things off of my PS5 or even my TV, if that would work (I've never used the USB drive and I don't know what it's capable of in that respect). If there's some obvious solution I'm overlooking, feel free to point it out.
submitted by TheNewJay to hometheater [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:17 BUGSCD Kernel seems to incorrectly load after reaching 6.4kb in size

I am currently trying to write a kernel in C, but I have reached an issue, when trying convert keyboard inputs into ascii(at the time I was using switch statements), I found converting too many scancodes into ascii resulted in my vga print function to print incorrectly or for the OS to just not boot at all. The same thing happens when I define too many variables, or add too many if statements. All I noticed was that it was only working when my kernel.o file was less than around 6.4kb. I immediately suspected that my bootloader wasn't loading the full kernel, or it was a problem with the stack. I am not very good at writting or reading assembly code, this bootloader is from this video. I just wanted to get my C code to run. Any help with this issue would be appreciated.
My Shell Script:
i386-elf-gcc -ffreestanding -m32 -g -O0 -c "kernel.cpp" -o "kernel.o" i386-elf-ld -o "fullke.bin" -Ttext 0x1000 "kernel_entry.o" "kernel.o" --oformat binary cat "boot.bin" "fullke.bin" > "OS.bin" cat "everything.bin" "fix.bin" > "OS.bin" qemu-system-i386 -m 512M -drive format=raw,file="OS.bin",index=0,if=floppy 
[bits 32] [extern main] call main jmp $ 
times 32768 db 0 
[ORG 0x7c00] KERNEL_LOCATION equ 0x1000 mov [BOOT_DISK], dl xor ax, ax mov es, ax mov ds, ax mov bp, 0x8000 mov sp, bp mov bx, KERNEL_LOCATION mov dh, 2 mov ah, 0x02 mov al, dh mov ch, 0x00 mov dh, 0x00 mov cl, 0x02 mov dl, [BOOT_DISK] int 0x13 mov ah, 0x0 mov al, 0x3 int 0x10 ; text mode CODE_SEG equ GDT_code - GDT_start DATA_SEG equ GDT_data - GDT_start cli lgdt [GDT_descriptor] mov eax, cr0 or eax, 1 mov cr0, eax jmp CODE_SEG:start_protected_mode jmp $ BOOT_DISK: db 0 GDT_start: GDT_null: dd 0x0 dd 0x0 GDT_code: dw 0xffff dw 0x0 db 0x0 db 0b10011010 db 0b11001111 db 0x0 GDT_data: dw 0xffff dw 0x0 db 0x0 db 0b10010010 db 0b11001111 db 0x0 GDT_end: GDT_descriptor: dw GDT_end - GDT_start - 1 dd GDT_start [bits 32] start_protected_mode: mov ax, DATA_SEG mov ds, ax mov ss, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov ebp, 0x90000 ; 32 bit stack base pointer mov esp, ebp jmp KERNEL_LOCATION times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xaa55[ORG 0x7c00] 
submitted by BUGSCD to osdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:47 SilentSausage First PC for 10 years

Hey! This is my first PC build in 10 years, so I'm a little rusty, let me know what you think
This is for both gaming and for 3D editing (using Cinema4D and Octane Renderer, latter means less CPU and more GPU intensive.)
Part type Part name Price Notes/questions
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D £330
Cooler NZXT Kraken Elite 240 - White £190 Mounting at the top as reading online this is the best config. Overkill but screen and is white ;)
Motherboard ASRock B650M Pro RS WiFi £144 Reading in this sub ASRock are the best brand these days
RAM/Memory Corsair Vengeance 64 (2 x 32 GB) DDR5-5200 CL40 £158 64GB as I'm doing 3D work. But, is 5200 and CL40 too bad? I went for this RAM also as it meets case clearance for top radiator mounting
Storage Crucial P3 Plus 4 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive £243 Is this a good enough drive?
GPU MSI GAMING X SLIM GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER 16 GB Video Card £1007 Are MSI a good GPU brand?
Case Fractal North White Glass £120
Power Supply (PSU) MSI MAG A850GL PCIE5 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply £89.99 Overkill I believe at 850W, but got this on sale
Fans 3x Noctual Black fans £90
Cooling paste Arctic MX-4 £5
PC Part Picker LInk
Does this look all okay, other than cooler and PSU being a bit overkill? Is there anything else I need to buy?
submitted by SilentSausage to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:30 Specialist_Leg_4474 Positive News about Chitubox_Basic 2.1

This is a re-posting of my "speed trial" findings I made in response to another post--I thought CB fans might find the results encouraging.
Test configuration:
  1. Workstation--A home-brew Asus M5A78-L-M mobo, AMD FX-8350 (8-core 4 GHz) CPU, 8 GB memory, NVidia GeForce GT 750 video, running Linux MInt 21.3;
  2. Target Printer--Anycubic Photon Mono M5;
  3. Test model--A 32.2 MB unicorn squirrel .stl file from Thingiverse;
  4. Tested software--Chitubox_Basic v2.1 and Lychee Slicer v5.3.4
  1. Measure elapsed time to slice and save to a .pm5 file;
Chitubox--2m 15.21s;
Lychee--6m 56.8s (over 3x longer);

I also conducted the same tests on the same workstation, same model, same printer; booted up to Windows 10 v22H2, however I also tested Anycubic Photon Workshop v3.3.0 (a Windows/MAC only app);
Chitubox--2m 12.37s (a tiny bit faster than on Linux, could have been my reaction time);
Anycubic--9m 23.5s (Wow was not expecting that!);
Lychee--ran for: 3m 29.2s then crashed and restarted!);
I was getting bored by then so I did not have another go at it.
CB_B 2.x is a new major upgrade from Chitu, I've never had one of those that was flawless--even with applications I wrote!
It is also FREE, like the Anycubic Workshop (now in v3.3.0)--I think Chitu will need some time shake out the bugs, and based on their performance over the years with v1.x.x I believe they can and will...
submitted by Specialist_Leg_4474 to Chitubox [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:30 Mysterious-Cookie620 Half of monitor is blurry, stops and starts

Hi there,
I have a Phillips 32'’ Brilliance 2018 model monitor (usb-c and HDMI connection) and in the past week half of the monitor has started going blurry. It stops and starts randomly, but keeps coming back and is now a lot more frequent.
There has been no change in use or something that happened that would have triggered this that I’m aware of.
I have changed cables, tried both USB-C and HDMI and tested on both my Mac and PC and am getting the same issue. I used the reset option on the monitor and that also hasn’t worked.
I’m hoping someone might have some suggestions on what else I can try? Thanks so much in advance!!!
I have a video but it looks like I can’t post that so will try and describe what I see a little bit better. - the left half of the monitor is blurry - the blurriness looks like fuzzy black lines - when an application is open, any of the icons become blurry and looks like the colour bleeds - parts of the screen look green
submitted by Mysterious-Cookie620 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:30 ItchyballsKasuga Grad school is killing me and sometimes I just want to let it

Hey Reddit,
I don’t normally post like this—hell, I never post with my porn account—but I’m especially lost right now. Two years ago, I got into a doctoral program for English lit, thinking it was what I wanted for my career. I’ve always excelled in school, so grad school would be a cinch! I got BAs in English and Creative Writing during undergrad, and it was some of the most rewarding work I’ve ever done. Grad school has been two years of (what feels like) a continuous mental health crisis, and today I may have wasted my last chance to get out with a degree.
I’ve dealt with anxiety and depression my entire life (medicated for six years), but after moving away to school, I very quickly spun off the rails. I was the furthest from home I had ever been, away from family and friends and my support network. My relationship with booze and weed, which had been casual, became habitual. I’m not the most social person to begin with, but the isolated lifestyle of grad school made it worse than I could have imagined. The only friends I had were in my cohort, and their being somewhere in between coworker and friend made it difficult to speak with them candidly about my struggles. After all, they had the same workload that I did, so complaining felt stupid, and sharing the extent of how bad shit had gotten seemed like it would be a one-way ticket to a grippy socks vacation.
Frankly, I should probably have gone on that vacation. I could still use one. There hasn’t been a day gone by since, like, October 2022 that I haven’t thought about killing myself. Most of the time it isn’t active, just your typical ideation like “Oh, grad school makes me want to die lol.” One of my favorite recurring ideations is hurling myself into an industrial woodchipper like in Fargo—it’s so ridiculously violent that it usually snaps me right out of my funk. Where would I even find an industrial woodchipper?
It’s gotten worse lately though. This winter was bad. I’d fantasize about finding the nearest Wal-mart and exercising my constitutional right to purchase a firearm, driving to one of the many nearby beautiful state parks that I was never able to find time to go visit during the semester, and blowing my brains out. When I realized that I needed to give my family some plausible deniability for my suicide so they could grieve my loss rather than my decision, I’d fantasize instead about “losing control” on the highway. I hoped the seatbelt would take my head and launch it straight out the windshield. Or I’d fantasize about pulling a Christopher Supertramp and just leaving without warning to fuck off and die in the woods—not violently, but by something that looked natural. God, what I wouldn’t give to be devoured by a bear.
All of these options were moot though, as I was too anxious to leave my house and drive for groceries for the entirety of March and April. Can’t drive yourself off a bridge if you’re too afraid to drive. Fret not though, friends—I’m back home with family now, stable and safe, and I no longer feel the pull of the void quite so strongly as I did at school.
Anyways, the workload was like nothing I had experienced in undergrad, and even though I knew it was going to be a lot of work, I thought I could keep up.
I was wrong.
I really gave it my best effort that first semester. I prepped each class I taught as a TA excessively, answered student emails within five minutes of receiving them. I started every other day with an anxiety vomit, but I went to class. I did my best to read everything assigned to me. I threw myself at Foucault and Derrida and fuckin Homi Bhabha and the 40 other opaque critical theorists they had us read, and I struggled through them to the best of my ability, but I never seemed to be on the same page as anyone else, so I found it more and more difficult to speak up in class until I stopped speaking entirely. Still, I wrote the 75 pages of critical writing they assign to us in the last week of the semester. I barely slept and hardly ate. I wrote what I thought they wanted, did my best to model myself after what we had read.
They told me that my efforts were disappointing, that my work “barely qualified” as critical writing. I think part of me died when I got that feedback. I got the impression, at least from the instructor who told me I barely qualified, that I had disrespected them on a professional and personal level. I come from a creative writing background, so I tend to inject personality and voice into whatever I write. Both my peers and other faculty I’ve discussed this feedback with agree that the paper (while definitely not fully formed) did not warrant that level of harshness, but it broke something in me.
I kept up for most of the second semester, but by the time those end-of-semester essays rolled around, I felt a writer’s block like I had never felt before. It wasn’t the sort that went away if I forced myself to write through it, like every other time I’d felt the block before. No, this was debilitating. I was paralyzed. I tried chipping away at it, and I tried tricking myself into writing by telling myself I was just taking notes. None of my old tricks worked, even that time-honored tradition of putting my back to the wall by waiting until the deadline and writing manic, anxiety-fueled bullshit. Every time I had ever faced something like this before—a mountain of writing that I didn’t want to do—I eventually slipped into gear and got it done.
It didn’t happen. For the first time in my life, I didn’t complete a final essay. I just couldn’t force myself to give a fuck. I couldn’t give a fuck about my work, about my grades, about my reputation at the university, about my future career, about my future continued existence. At some point, I became apathetic to my life and the world around me, but still, I pressed on because it was the only thing I thought I could do. One does not just get accepted into a fully-funded graduate program every day, you know, and I’d never forgive myself if I gave up on it so quickly. That’s what I was told, at least. Beyond that, I didn’t want to disappoint my friends and family and everyone who helped me get to grad school.
So I stuck with it, finished the essay and came back after the summer, and after forcing myself through the fall semester, I didn’t complete two final essays. My untreated burnout got worse. Imagine that! At the beginning of this semester, I made the decision to drop from the PhD track, cut my losses and get an MA. All I needed to do was finish one course this semester, one measly 25 page essay about the fucking kinetoscope, but I couldn’t do it. All I did this past semester was smoke myself stupid, play video games, and wish that I was dead. I spent months lying to my parents and my therapist, telling them both that while everything wasn’t fine, I was persevering and making progress. I’ve shared a little with my mom, now that I’m home and shit’s gone sideways, but all she did was cry and ask if I need to be taken to the ER. Nobody wants to make mom cry, and the last thing I fucking want is medical debt.
My deadline—the “missing this deadline will result in dismissal from the program” deadline—was today at noon, and I missed it. I have ten pages written, and I could finish it today if my brain wasn’t fucking broken, but instead I’ve written a confession to Reddit. I’ve emailed my DGS and will hear his verdict tomorrow morning, but honestly? I could fight for it, but don’t think I care anymore. I’ve been suffering for two years, and I don’t know if a master’s degree is worth it. This degree won’t make me happy—my depression brain says that nothing will, but I know that isn’t true. I wanted the MA so I could teach at a community college because that feels much closer to praxis than jerking off to Frantz Fanon until I get tenure, but I’m not even sure if I like teaching or if it was just the least of all evils I had to deal with as a grad student. (Lowkey, Fanon is probably the way to go if we’re jerking off to critical theorists, but I digress)
So Reddit, what do I do with my life? I’m a 25 year old burn out who 1) may have just lost their big shot at a slightly less worthless degree than the one they got in undergrad 2) just moved back in with their parents to a dead-end Midwest town 3) has few marketable skills and little job experience because they’ve been in academia hell for two years 4) has not had a relationship in even longer than that and 5) is generally a/pathetic.
Ending it isn’t on the table, so what do I do? Has anyone here gone through something like this? How can I rediscover my lust for life and letters? Where have you found your passion?
EDIT: forgot you needed two returns between paragraphs
submitted by ItchyballsKasuga to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:28 kiltedfrog Still Not Quite Star Trek

(Sorry for the delay)
"The Disney Corporation has been around longer than most, even alien corps rarely last more than two hundred years before regulation, competition, or innovation eventually figures out a way to wipe them out. Not Disney though, Disney is Eternal." I gesture for the screen to pause like they showed me.
This is the third woman named some variety of Tiffany I'm watching the package on. Tiphany, and Tiffeneigh were before this. It seems like praising Disney corporation was the secret to getting through the AI hiring algorithm, also being phonetically named Tiffany or something really close to it.
The Disney Corp executive producer that Captain Tanner introduced to me to is an android. I always assumed they'd be more... human looking, but apparently there are laws against that sort of thing now. Galactic government, glad to hear it has enough power to enforce things even on Disney corp. This thing looks like a T-800 terminator, but it has a cheery voice that sounds vaguely British to me in a way I can't quite pin down. It seems to have sensed my discomfort at this task.
"It is important that you personally approve of each potential mate. We wish for this process to be enjoyable and more importantly, profitable for everyone involved. Focus groups have told us that Phonetic Tiffany named women will likely help most with that secondary objective. Surely a man of your time wouldn't have issue with such a name."
I had to laugh, "That name's far older than my time. But okay, so it'll make us the most money to have her be named Tiffany somehow. Fine, I'm fine with that." I am, right? Fine enough. Whatever gets me out of this time and into a better future seems worth it.
I finished watching Tiffany's Video, and watch Typhuny next. Then Tiophughny. Then Taoifenieh. Then I lost it. They were all so the same. Slight variations in hair color and skin tone or eye color, but these women were all essentially clones of each other.
"THATS IT! I can't take another one of these." It was too weird. "I thought the Captain said there were Aliens out there, Is that part at least a little star trek like? Aren't there alien women that want to romance rich famous humans?"
The Producertron-800 made a noise like an ancient modem connecting to the internet for a moment. I must have had a look on my face, because it said, "Do not be alarmed, I am only contacting Disney corp headquarters on my internal high speed quantum Modem."
"Not alarmed, surprised." I guess it's the same thing, really. "You just, sounded like an old modem for a moment. So what does headquarters say, can I try to romance an alien woman too?"
"This will be even more profitable than if you try with human women." replied the Disney Rep.
Captain Tanner went over the contract, and set out some objectives to get a few changes made. I trusted him and approved him to be my representative in those negotiations with Disney. I had apparently made him and his ancestors rich, and myself as well. He didn't have any reason to treat me poorly. In fact it was in his own selfish interest to treat me well, and if there anything I knew I could count on from the people of this time, was that most of them would selfishly act in their own interest.
The Doctor had been taking me to meals. He was a rare weirdo in this time, charitable, kind, expected nothing in return. Probably helped that he was also the beneficiary of some ancient bank accounts and compound interest.
After a week of hanging out on the HSS Davis-Catcher, yes, a ship made specifically to catch me and the Zipdrive, I was sent to the set for the space bachelor. It was another ship in space. We took a shuttle.
The captain had done a good job in his negotiations, only humanoid aliens and a couple of human women. There was a cat-folk person. A Felidian, as I learned they are called. I wasn't a huge anime guy before becoming an astronaut, but I calls them like I see's them. That's a catgirl. Her name is Tiffnyany.
I felt bad for not being attracted to one of the other aliens. Terraphiny was a really sweet Turtle-person, a Cyptrondian Testudian. She could pull her head inside her shell, and watching her get comfortable enough to put it out and talk was kind of super adorable. They're a pretty literal people, and don't use euphemisms often or well. I liked her as a person, she was fun to hang out with sure but... I couldn't do it when she ask me if I wanted "To get up inside her cloaca" one night in the hot tub. Surprisingly huge turn off. I apologized profusely for my ancient old-timey racism. She told me it was fine, I was a product of a different time... but man that only made it cut deeper. I felt like such an asshole. But we were contractually obligated to 'engage in newly wed activities' during the next two hundred years, or what would be our wedding night, I just couldn't with Turtle girl.
In the end, I gave the diamondillium rose to Tiffnyany. She was also lots of fun to spend time with. Unlike the reality shows of my time, the producers did not have to interfere for there to be juicy drama. One of the other women on the show, the first to go, was a dog-person. She and the catgirl got into a fight, and it was determined that she started it, and she was kicked off. Later, the catgirl almost killed what I am going to generously call a bird with lips that had been taunting her for days. They let me decide who would stay, and bird lady had to go.
Six weeks had flown by, and somehow I had ended up with what I would have derisively called a catgirl waifu two months ago from my perspective. The wedding was a whole giant spectacle, of Disney proportions. I hear over ten billion sapient beings tuned in live.
In the eight weeks since I had arrived in this time time they had gone far beyond a 'retrofit' for my Zipdrive ship. Nyany, as I learned she preferred to be called but I couldn't legally call her on the show, and I boarded the ship. Captain Tanner was there, so was the doc. Captain tanner went over all the new systems with me and Nyany. Part of why I chose her was that she was a warp field engineer, and absolutely brilliant. One of the human women was a quantum computer programmer, but If we ended up in a future that sucked, I'd want an engineer more than a programmer.
Nyany was far more comfortable at the ship's controls than I was, though contractually I had to be the one to pilot us to the starting position when we launched from space dock. I also had to be the one to push the big shiny red button to activate the updated and upgraded Zipdrive. It was now the RarDrive. Apparently this version worked on the same principles but didn't leak high levels of exotic radiation in it's wake. Probably worth the upgrade.
What felt like an eternity in a fever dream was coming to an end, I was aboard a ship again that would take me from this time. The doctor gave us both a couple of injections before we launched. "That'll probably work. You two oughta be able to have kids now. Gene therapy tech is really the best."
I hadn't even considered that as a possibility. "Shit doc, why did you give us that?"
"It's in your contract," Captain Tanner said. "Subsection 3 of this part here, 'Newly-wed activities must include the threat of potential pregnancy', for maximum profit extraction purposes, of course. We got three points for me and my firm and seven for you and Misses Davis.
"I didn't take his name." Nyany said, "In our culture men take the women's name. We decided to both keep our own. I am still Tiffnyany Pantigris."
"Systems check complete, and the contract is ready for each of your thumbprints, then we'll get out of your hair and let you get on with the honeymoon." The captain had a smile on his face, a business deal that's beneficial to all is a rare thing, and he's enjoying it while he can.
"Probably best to try to forget about us out there watching your every move." The doctor said as he packed up his kit and made his way to the docking port to take the shuttle back.
We moved into position, all the press ships and camera flashes a guy could want greeted us. With Nyany sitting behind me quietly whispering guidance to me I pulled us into position and waited for the countdown from Captain Tanner on his ship.
Finally it got down to "Three, Two, One. Godspeed, Captain Davis!"
The drive exploded us through the rainbow, painfully bright. I had had the foresight to warn my bride that it would hurt to witness, but be beautiful all the same. When it was done we were given the soft shimmery golden light that I experienced outside the ship the first time.
I'm sure you want the gritty kitty details of our nuptial situation, but you gotta pay extra for that. What I will tell you though is that we fulfilled out contractual obligations. Also, a satisfied catgirl will purr as she lays on your chest afterward. I dunno if I made trillions during that time, but I sure felt like a trillion bucks.
The honeymoon day that took two hundred years was over all too soon.
The same long dead woman's voice chimed onto the speakers.
We slammed through the rainbow again, only in reverse order of yesterday's launch two hundred years ago.
There were no fireworks this time, no heroes greeting. Only a singular massive grey slab of an obvious warship waiting for us.
They hailed and I answered. "Greetings Capitalist pigdog of the past. You are under arrest for crimes against the regime. Prepare to be boarded."
I looked at Nyany, and she looked at me. "Hit the red button again?" she asked. There was fear evident in her voice, and as I reached out to hit the big red button and launch us off for another day.
Engine power failure
"There is no escape Comrade, unlimited space communism rules the day here, we have seized the means of your power production." The communist captain said.
And then a tractor beam attached.
submitted by kiltedfrog to AFrogWroteThis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:26 LoveFoolBoyToy 5.15: Friend’s Astrology Effect

5.15: Friend’s Astrology Effect
Dear Diary,
I’ve been using an astrology app a lot and I’m always curious about people. So just today the app sent me a message telling me that this friend of mine radically changes my life.
Changing my life in the way of finding my most authentic self in ways that “I cannot imagine”.
This is so beautiful.
BUT I’m very resistant to change. I’m arrogant, lazy, emotional, and stupid sometimes.
It would be a miracle or something very motivational to get me to be different. Maybe there’s a way I can still be acceptable being arrogant lazy and stupid.
So I wondered how can I make myself a better person. Maybe just grow towards a better more happy version of myself.
And I thought, well if I naturally want to be arrogant, I’ll have to be arrogant towards myself. So that I can push through and have a breakthrough.
If I’m lazy, maybe I can find the easiest and fun way to be highly efficient and productive.
If I’m emotional, well, I can make the emotions positive and peaceful. Then if I’m emotional, maybe it will give people joy and love.
If I’m stupid… well, I can always prepare and learn. So I can be less retarded.
I’ve really been wanting to change my life around. And I’m stuck inside my own mind and overthinking. So as a result I stress but I don’t action in a productive way.
But I feel like the last few days has been different… I started listening to podcasts by James Clear on Atomic Habits. And then I’ve been watching YouTube videos on web3 or AI stuff. And then still applying for jobs so I can continue my creative pursuits. And I’m looking out for any events so I can go connect with more people for a job.
I haven’t changed, I am still the artist.
It’s what I enjoy the most, creating stories, designing characters, feeling their emotions, and then drawing them out. I always imagine what kind of inner world experience would I want them to feel.
Anyway, there’s so many thoughts in my head…
It feels very nice writing my random thoughts out again.
Next time maybe I’ll share about what I learned and how I am progressing. Keep it up Diary! You’re always by my side.
submitted by LoveFoolBoyToy to TheBigGirlDiary [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:24 SeductiveAngel9 Are women "expired" after a certain age?

A woman on instagram posted a video saying she was 32 years old living her life alone and perfectly happy, most of the comments were men saying that she is expired and that she is too late and will be single forever lol.
Do women really expire? Are men just gonna fuck younger women until they hit a certain age and switch them for a younger one?
submitted by SeductiveAngel9 to ask [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:12 JetFast212 33[M4F] Central\any - Any cool people up for a chat

Hello beautiful people! I work in tech, I’m very spiritual, I love eating, traveling, helping people, and talking to people I enjoy listening to music, and discovering new music! I play a lot of video games, read the occasional book, and watch a lot of movies/shows. I’m open to all types of people and genders. If you need someone there for you, I’ll be there! Anyway I'm just chilling for the rest of the day. Maybe have some drinks or eat some hot dogs.. who knows? I would love some people to chat with to keep me company
submitted by JetFast212 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:12 Tall-Challenge2772 24[F4M] Seeking for my prince to have my true loves kiss :)

Hey there! Looking for a fairytale romance? Discover your Sleeping Beauty in the digital age! Just leave a message and let love awaken with a single kiss—of a text message! 📱💬 Whether it's virtual coffee dates ☕, midnight video chats 🌙, or sharing dreams from afar, your modern-day fairytale awaits. Embrace the magic of online dating and find your happily ever after.
Wake up to the romance of a lifetime! 💖👑🌹
submitted by Tall-Challenge2772 to Kikpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:05 MelancholyMachine 28 [M4F] Alberta, Canada In search of my best friend, my ride or die, someone to grow and enjoy life with.

Hello! My name is Tai, and as the title says I'm 28 years old, born and raised in Western Canada. I would consider myself an incredibly kind, caring and compassionate person capable of being empathetic and non-judgmental and hope to find someone similar to learn, grow and experience the best of life and humanity with.
A bit about me;
I'm biracial Asian and white, born to an Asian father and white mother. I'm beyond passionate about music! I'm a self-taught pianist, I need to sing like I need to breathe and I'm currently teaching myself to play guitar. If I could make music for a living and share my art with the world, move people with my sound and bring people together, my heart would overflow with happiness. I love fashion as as art and one of the highest forms of self expression. I love seeing the confidence and comfort in those who find their style and rock it unapologetically. I'm just as comfortable staying in and gaming or binge-watching a good show as I am going out and exploring the wilderness, though I do genuinely and wholeheartedly appreciate any opportunity I have to just soak in and be in awe of nature. Animals. I have the softest spot for any and all animals and grossly sob watching rescue videos on Instagram. If you have animals, I want to see them please and thank you.
More importantly though, I'm really big on communication and active listening, and though sometimes struggle as we all do from time to time, always do my best to ensure others feel heard and validated so we can work on the problems at hand effectively and thoughtfully.
We're all humans just trying to piece together and make our way through life for the first time and I acknowledge that we are all far from perfect, I just want to find someone who wants to put in the work with me to kind of just have a beautiful and fulfilling life full of the good and bad that we can get through together.
Thank you for reading
submitted by MelancholyMachine to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:05 Xemption World Water Prayer!

We are uniting the world and humanity by sending our loving intentions through the ocean
All you need to do is be at a beach at the following times and put your hands in the ocean to send out loving intentions for a few minutes.
CAN'T REACH A BEACH? NO PROBLEM! The ocean is ideal because you are physically connected by water to all the people around the world, BUT if you cannot visit a beach due to time or location, simply run a tap at home and place your hands in the water and send out loving intentions, and that water will go down the drain into the ocean. Please Note: Because fresh water is precious, have the water running at a low pressure and for less than 5 minutes.
FOLLOWING TIMES: The next World Water Prayer will be done at: 6am AND 6pm AEST (Sydney/Melbourne Timezone) on the 24th of May
For people in USA California this time will be 1pm PDT on the 23rd of May and 1am PDT on the 24th of May.
FOR ALL OTHER TIMEZONES: Go to the website below and add your city with the search bar at the top left to find out what time this is happening:
If you're still unsure what time this is happening for your home please leave a comment with your country and city and we will find out for you
The reason why we have chosen to do this twice at 12 hours apart is so there's a better chance that everyone gets to be involved around the world because of timezones. Please feel free to participate in both.
Here are some prayer intention suggestions: • May all beings experience true peace, love and happiness • May all beings be liberated from suffering • Om (Aum) • Om Mani Padme Hum • Give Thanks • Sing a high vibrational song • Or create your own beautiful loving prayer!
This will be done every two weeks around the new moon and full moon (most likely a day or two after because people do make other plans during the full moon)
The next event will be: 6am AND 6pm AEST (Sydney/Melbourne Timezone) on the 7th of June 2024
Things to search on youtube about the power of water: • Awake Water Documentary The Miracle of Structured Water • Masaru Emoto - Water Experiment • Masaru Emoto - Rice Experiment • Water Memory (2014 Documentary about Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier)
Go to for more information
Please share or create your own video to promote this so we can unite the world together through water and prayer
Disclaimer: We do not take any responsibility for injuries or death. YOU are responsible for your safety. It is HIGHLY ADVISED that you are completely awake, sober and with friends to make sure you are safe while putting your hands in the ocean or water. Be very aware of your surroundings when putting your hands in the ocean or water and DO NOT take any unnecessary risks. If you choose to participate in this event you have read and agreed to these terms.
submitted by Xemption to worldwaterprayer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:05 Panda_Jerk [US-CA] [H] Dune Part Two with 2 visible dings under shrink wrap [W] PayPal with no markup or it gets returned to Gruv

Here’s some pics of the dings
One dimple on the front near the edge and another on the back that actually caught the edge. Other than these two marks, I can’t see any other damage through the shrink.
I paid $32.02 for this shipped, and would be happy to send it your way for the same cost. I’ve already got a return label generated by Gruv so if nobody’s interested it’ll go back.
Oh and here’s a link with another recent for sale post of mine
Found the movie I was looking for, so everything is strictly For Sale now. Thanks for looking!
submitted by Panda_Jerk to SteelbookSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:03 daisyhuangtoprealtor North York Real Estate Dynamics - April 2024【Daisy Huang】

North York Real Estate Dynamics - April 2024【Daisy Huang】
North York Real Estate Dynamics - April 2024【Daisy Huang】
  • In April, the overall average price of existing homes in North York, Toronto, experienced a year-on-year decrease of 5%, with a quarter decrease in transaction volume.
  • Regarding detached houses, the average transaction price decreased by 8% year-on-year, with a slight month-on-month increase of 1%, and a significant year-on-year contraction in transaction volume by 32%.
  • Semi-detached houses and townhouses saw a 4% year-on-year decrease in average price, with a 2% month-on-month increase, and a slight increase in transaction volume.
  • In April, the average price of Condo apartments in North York continued to rise by 4% year-on-year, with a month-on-month increase of 3.2%, surpassing 750,000 dollars, while the transaction volume decreased by 24% year-on-year.
North York Real Estate Dynamics - April 2024【Daisy Huang】
About Creator: Daisy Huang
  • Top Realtor in the Greater Toronto Area
  • KOL for GTA real estate market
  • Diamond Award Winner
  • Hall of Fame
Cell Phone +1 647 899 0888 (WeChat/WhatsApp/LINE/Telegram)

gtarealestate #gtahomes #torontorealestate #torontohomes #northyorkhomes #trreb #northyorkdetached #northyorktownhouse #northyorkcond

submitted by daisyhuangtoprealtor to u/daisyhuangtoprealtor [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:02 valeriamoraza Feeling disheartened and overwhelmed

I'm fairly new to the game and only unlocked terraforming a couple weeks ago. However, I can't stop watching all those YouTube videos of BEAUTIFUL islands and I can't help wonder, HOW did they ever do that??? I'm struggling to even get enoug bells to buy stuff, and I have absolutely no idea where to start or which parts I should add to my island. I try to get inspired but more often than not I get discouraged by how much I would need to do to get to that level of design and I just want to quit altogether. Has anyone felt this way before? How did you get over it? It doesn't help that I don't have a Nintendo switch online connection, so I can't visit other islands. I'm really thinking about getting it but then again, who would I visit, I don't have any friends that play the game.... My question basically is, how do I move on from here? 😂
Disclaimer: I don't want this message to come across as the wrong thing! I'm extremely happy to be playing the game and it's gotten me through some pretty bad times already.
I hope that made sense...
Thank you all very much, this server's awesome 💛
submitted by valeriamoraza to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:02 valeriamoraza Feeling disheartened and overwhelmed

I'm fairly new to the game and only unlocked terraforming a couple weeks ago. However, I can't stop watching all those YouTube videos of BEAUTIFUL islands and I can't help wonder, HOW did they ever do that??? I'm struggling to even get enoug bells to buy stuff, and I have absolutely no idea where to start or which parts I should add to my island. I try to get inspired but more often than not I get discouraged by how much I would need to do to get to that level of design and I just want to quit altogether. Has anyone felt this way before? How did you get over it? It doesn't help that I don't have a Nintendo switch online connection, so I can't visit other islands. I'm really thinking about getting it but then again, who would I visit, I don't have any friends that play the game.... My question basically is, how do I move on from here? 😂
Disclaimer: I don't want this message to come across as the wrong thing! I'm extremely happy to be playing the game and it's gotten me through some pretty bad times already.
I hope that made sense...
Thank you all very much!!! You're very helpful 💛
submitted by valeriamoraza to AnimalCrossingNewHor [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:57 Zealousideal_Ad_4264 Today I found the most ridiculous tool video

I was looking for a laser receiver for my Huepar string line laser as I don’t have a rotary at the moment. It’s a great laser, I found the receiver on Amazon and among the photos was the most ridiculous video I’ve ever seen
I did a screen record, not sure if the video is showing here??
it’s like a promotional video for the laser receiver (LR6R) which starts off with aerial drone shots of like fucking bombed Syrian towns and shit, like straight out of Aleppo with suspenseful Jason Bourne espionage music playing in the background , an then classic American rock music starts to play followed by these dopey looking construction guys showing up with their laser, they take a couple of measurements, cut something with a handsaw and then install a tile on the wall. Then it shows like a loving American family laughing over a warm Thanksgiving dinner and then the sun sets over beautiful new American subdivisions
Edit: here is the link for those asking, it’s Amazon UK though so not sure it will work for everyone?
submitted by Zealousideal_Ad_4264 to Carpentry [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:52 Vox_Wynandir [USA-GA] [H] Gaming Desktop [W] PayPal, Local Cash

PCPartPicker List
Description: A couple of months ago I caught the PC building craze. I tend to have obsessive interests that quickly fade. This was no different. Despite my best intentions, it has rarely been used since building it. The PC is highly capable of 4K gaming. My monitor is only 1080p, but as you can see in the video, Cyberpunk 2077 was hitting 177 FPS on Ray Tracing Ultra settings.
CPU: 7800 X3D / GPU: 7900 GRE / RAM: 32 GB DDR5 CL-30 / Storage: 2 TB M.2 SSD
I would prefer local pickup due to shipping costs. I live in south Georgia but can drive within a reasonable distance (a few hours).
Asking $1700 OBO.
submitted by Vox_Wynandir to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 John-The-Bomb-2 The political far left explained [See description]

I want to take a moment to talk about the far left, like Stalin ( ). In that video, he calls his listeners "comrads". In another video, , Stalin uses the words "fraternal parties and groups" and "friendship". My mom and dad met in Russia and my Dad calls my mom "comrad", "товарищ". An alternative translation is "friend".
I think it's important to know the difference between friends and acquaintances. Some people, they received a signed postcard from a politician or did a photo op [a photo opportunity] with a politician and think there is something there. Politicians are not really your friend, no matter how charming they may seem.
The same is true for your coworkers. A job is an exchange of your time for money. This is the case for you and for your coworkers. Sometimes coworkers will be like "we should totally grab a beer after work sometimes", but in reality the hangout you envisioned doesn't actually happen. I remember this one programmer (Tech Lead at ) talking on YouTube about how he got kicked out of Facebook for having a for-profit social media channel, and how he imagined that his coworkers would all resign in protest over his firing. LOL. Hahahaha. Just "No".
Everyone is acting out of self interest. The "good person benevolent sacrifice" thing is a myth. Sometimes they might do something that seems charitable, like give money to a homeless person, but really they're just making themselves feel good, happiness, and boosting their ego. I remember when I volunteered at a homeless shelter, there was a policy that formerly homeless people who received meals there were not allowed to volunteer there on the other side of the serving counter. Turns out the people who did the serving and volunteering on that side of the serving counter didn't like it when that happened. I remember another time a homeless guy asked me for money, and I felt bad for him, and then I sat at a counter, and then this gross smelly homeless guy sat right next to me at that same counter and ordered while I was trying to enjoy my food, and I was like "Uhh, waitress... I'd like you to get rid of this dude, please". But yeah, you don't actually care, what you actually care about is your feelings and how you feel. You're trying to make yourself feel happiness and an ego boost, and maybe cover your own ass in case you ever end up in that situation. And by "you" I mean "me". "If you repeat a lie often enough you are a Republican, but if you don't know you're lying yet, you're a Democrat." I created that quote, see previous posts.
This song "I am Africa" from The Book of Mormon musical comes to mind. Basically these rich White people are like "I am Africa" when really they just have a savior complex and are full of bullshit. Note that in real life, if you really know these savior complex people, they are actually total assholes and douchebags. Their beautiful lofty beliefs are actually bullshit, even if they don't realize (at a conscious level) that they're bullshit. This is true of a lot of beautiful left-wing beliefs.
submitted by John-The-Bomb-2 to u/John-The-Bomb-2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:40 mrgodai Dusty trip: cant interact

in Roblox's A dusty Trip, you are suppose to open doors and interact with items by tap and hold llike in this video
but I can't do it with mouse. I left or right click and hold and nothing happens
This is player 5 32 bit
submitted by mrgodai to LDPlayerEmulator [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:33 aniruddha285 21M4F Hoping for something special

Hey there!
I'm a 21 yr old dude who's gonna be 22 soon (oof my back's gonna start hurting) 5'9"(175cm) if it matters to you, brown skin, dark brown eyes, black hair (feels like I'm filling a character sheet haha)
I'm in med school currently, so at least that part of my life is all taken care of. Will be a doctor in 2 years!
Things I like - movies, tv series, anime, video games(yeah let's get the geeky stuff out of the way), singing, practicing on my guitar, traveling, getting soaked in the rain, teaching(yeah if not a doctor I'd definitely become a professor or something), animals(but not bugs pls),and most of all, you(hehe I'm gonna go die now).
Seriously though, when it comes to me, I'm not the kind of person who can just say that I'm "seeing" someone, or just "dating" them, I wanna love another person with all my heart, I wanna devote all my heart to making sure that they're as happy as can be, I wanna be there for that person no matter how hard the situation is in my life, I wanna see their beautiful smile and just know that everything is alright. Obviously, I know that kinda thing doesn't happen overnight, but yeah, if things go well, it's definitely where I'd like to reach at some point. Kinda cheesy, but still how I want to live my life. Timezone wise, I'm from GMT+5:30 so yeah, do with that what you will. If you liked something you read, send me a hi?
submitted by aniruddha285 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]