Sadiler oxford unit d level d unit 1 answers

Grand Summoners

2017.04.13 12:22 Sumpner Grand Summoners

/GrandSummoners is the official subreddit for Grand Summoners, the first game from the Good Smile Company.

2016.02.22 18:54 Robertxtrem A place for lizards to hang out.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Seraphon Lizardmen

2014.07.02 17:17 treeperfume Investing in the Philippines

For Filipinos interested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, forex, crypto, banking, business, insurance, and any other topic related to investing money, making money, or growing money in the Philippines.

2024.05.29 06:57 ArtamielAurion Paying 35 dollars for people to use my link

Must also be a new user,Here's all you have to do.
  1. Create a new Webull account, Deposit ANY amount( That deposit is not lost. You also gain free sign up bonus stocks usually worth around 20-40 dollars, Which you can withdraw when your deposit is settled)
  2. Wait 2-3 days (sometimes more if on a weekend as Webull doesn't do anything on The Weekend)
  3. When your deposit is settled, DM me so I can confirm on my end, If you sign up on your Phone give me the last 3 digits, if by email tell me the email as I can see a list of who signed up on my end. Then I can pay you via Cashapp or Paypal( Be sure to leave your cashapp or paypal in the DM)
How this works: I get a bonus for you using my link, Upon you using my link I take some of my bonus to pay you the 35, I usually get 50 so I keep 15 (Not a lot ik but its better than nothing and I can't do it without you)This is why I need you to wait until your deposit is settled (To which you can withdraw immediately with the free sign up stocks, Usually people get around 65-75 dollars on average)
submitted by ArtamielAurion to Referrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:57 surveycircle_bot Onderzoek naar Koopgedrag

Onderzoek naar Koopgedrag submitted by surveycircle_bot to SurveyCircle_nl [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:57 Confident_Payment_14 DVD player help

I unplugged my DVD player from my tv to clean and when I plugged it back in to the right spots my tv stopped displaying videos.
submitted by Confident_Payment_14 to OldTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:56 1-800-HOLD-GME Complete job role change, am I overreacting?

So I work for a mid sized MSP, and started on level 1 phone support about 6 months ago. Fully remote.
Things have been great. I’ve been learning a lot, pay isn’t great but honestly with the tech exposure and newness to the industry, I’m very okay with it. Comes out to about 23/hr. Call volume is about 20-30 a day.
Recently, the company is going through big change and I was told for the first time in a meeting of 20 people that I’d be switched to onsite field technician work, driving around helping clients.
My take is that, I feel I just started, and now there’s a huge role change that will require traveling. I applied to remote jobs because my car is terrible and I don’t feel comfortable driving it hours per day. And now I’m expected to just be an onsite person when that is never what I intended on doing in this role nor was it talked about ever.
Is this a normal thing to be forced into? Should I just get over it or is this something to speak up about? What if I get fired because I don’t want to drive my car around all day?
submitted by 1-800-HOLD-GME to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:56 bsdice Das Rentner-Gral-Portfolio

Mit Pina Colada entspannt und SORRgenfrei am Strand.
10% USA AktienIE00B5BMR087iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF (Acc) 20% USA AnleihenIE00B3VWN518iShares USD Treasury Bond 7-10yr UCITS ETF (Acc) 30% Ex-US AktienIE0006WW1TQ4Xtrackers MSCI World ex USA UCITS ETF 1C (Acc) 10% RohstoffeIE00BD6FTQ80Invesco Bloomberg Commodity UCITS ETF (Acc) 30% GoldDE000EWG2LD7EUWAX Gold II
Vox Populi
"Ja spinnt der, 30% Gold?" "Viel zu wenig Aktienanteil" "Keine Emerging Markets?" "Wo Dividenden-Aristokraten, Bubi?" "Ohne REITs vollkommen abseits vom Schuß" "Moment, kein heiliger Gral?" "Ich hasse Strände"
Cāsūs bellī***\**\1])*
Nehmen wir an, ihr geht als Bürger eines europäischen Landes genau heute in Rente. Egal sei, ob FIRE ("financially independent, retire early") mit 40, Erbschaft mit 50, oder eher regulär mit 60. In eurem Depot habt ihr eine Summe angespart und ihr fragt euch, wieviel in Prozent kann ich pro Jahr entnehmen, ohne daß das Kapital innerhalb von 30-50 Jahren vorzeitig aufgezehrt ist. Die Entnahmesumme soll jährlich der Inflation angepasst werden, sonst gäbs nach 15 Jahren ja nur noch das Kinderschnitzel.
Leider schreiben wir das Jahr 1990 und ihr habt alles in den "heiligen Gral" der Zeit, einen Nikkei 225 Indexfund, gesteckt. Es wird horrende 34 Jahre dauern, um zurück zu einer schwarzen Null zu kommen\2]). Oder wir schreiben das Jahr 2000. Kurz darauf platzt die Dotcom-Blase. Bis zur schwarzen Null im S&P 500 sollte es bis Mitte 2007 dauern. Nur um zwei Jahre später, im März 2009, einen Double Whammy zu erleben, der den heiligen Gral seiner Zeit, einen FTSE All-World ETF, satte -59.5% talwärts schickt. Oder wir schreiben das Jahr 2024. Die Inflation aufgrund mangelhafter politischer Ausgabendisziplin hat innerhalb weniger Jahre 30% eurer Buying Power aufgefressen. Wieviel könnt ihr, bei Rentenbeginn heute, jedes Jahr entnehmen, ohne daß euch vorzeitig das Kapital ausgeht?\3])
Anders gesagt, die bloße Konzentration auf jährliche Steigerungsraten bei der Geldanlage geht gern und schnell in die Hose, wenn man anfängt, davon profitieren zu wollen.
Portfoliocharts und Brute Force
Das Problem ist nicht gerade neu und wurde 1994 durch William Bengen genauer aufgearbeitet und so einem breiteren Publikum bekannt. Sein Fazit: 4%\4]). Andere kamen auf 3%. Opfer des örtlichen Bildungssystems glauben gar, man könne die durchschnittlichen Zugewinne eines Portfolios von mithin 8%-11% direkt auch wieder entnehmen.
Um sich selbst ein Bild zu machen, hat Tyler von Portfoliocharts Daten bis 1970 zurück zusammengetragen und im April 2024 eine Studie veröffentlicht\5]). Als generelle Anlageklassen wählte er Aktien und Staatsanleihen jeweils Inland und Ausland, Geldmarktfonds Inland, Rohstoffe, sowie Gold. Als Länder konzentrierte er sich auf Australien, Kanada, Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien, Japan, Niederlande, Spanien, United Kingdom, sowie USA. Alle Anlagen in allen theoretisch möglichen Portfolio-Kombinationen gewichtete er der Reihe nach von 0% bis 100% in 10% Schritten. Per Simulation ermittelte er dann für eine 30-jährige Entnahmephase die beste maximal mögliche Entnahmerate für den absolut ungünstigsten Startzeitpunkt.
Dieses beste Portfolio seht ihr oben. Sichere Entnahmerate 4.6%, leichter Bias auf die USA, steueroptimiert, und ohne MiFID-II-Tricks kaufbar in der EU.
Höchste Entnahmerate für ein Single-Asset-Portfolio? Ich höre die DBX0AN-Fans schon jubeln, es waren die Geldmarktfonds.
Schlechtestes Single-Asset-Portfolio? 100% Gold. Im Podcast mit dem Autor\6]) wird Gold mit Backpulver als Zutat für einen Kuchen verglichen. 100% ist ungenießbar, aber auch mit 0% wirds kein rechter Kuchen. Für ein mathematisch optimales Ergebnis, basierend auf bisherigen Kursverläufen, braucht es die korrekte Mischung. Die eigene Intuition leitet einen hier vollkommen in die Irre.
Während Tylers Simulation ein Aggregat aller genannten Länder enthält, um auch pathologische Fälle wie Japan 1990 einzubeziehen, habe ich noch ein paar für mich wichtige Soft-Faktoren einfließen lassen.
Die Anzahl Milliardäre in einem Land sehe ich als Zeichen wirtschaftlichen Erfolgs. Nur dort will auch ich investieren. Hinzugesellen müssen sich Rahmenbedingungen wie freier Kapitalverkehr oder vorteilhaftes Steuersystem. Die USA und Deutschland sind weit oben\7]). Aufgrund Aktienkultur, freiheitlichem Wirtschaften, Bevölkerungsentwicklung und zur geopolitischen Diversifikation wählte ich die USA.
Alle Assets sind liquide ETFs. Was nicht börsentäglich leicht und auch in höheren Stückzahlen verkauft werden kann, kaufe ich nicht.
Gewinne werden thesauriert, Portfolio auf Autopilot.
Bei Gold gibt es die teils schon bekannte deutsche Besonderheit, daß nach einer Haltedauer von einem Jahr keine Steuern auf Gewinne anfallen\8]). Dies bedeutet, daß ein Rebalancing beim Gold ETF immer erst nach 365 + 1 Tagen erfolgen soll, mithin das Rebalancing im Jahresverlauf etwas driftet.
Währungsrisiko US-Dollar
Starker Dollar schwacher Euro ist kein Problem, ihr profitiert bei Entnahme, bekommt mehr Euros. Schwacher Dollar starker Euro bedeutet, daß Dinge wie Energie, die ihr indirekt in US-Dollar bezahlt, günstiger werden, da diese weltweit in der Regel in US-Dollar gehandelt werden. Das verbleibende Delta kann man meiner Meinung nach ignorieren, mittelt sich nach 3-5 Jahren durch Gewinne vollständig heraus. Es gibt weitere Effekte wie fallende US-Aktienmärkte stärken den Dollar, die einem hier in die Hände spielen. Absicherung lohnt in der Regel nicht, und kostet Rendite.
Rechtlich gesehen***\**\9])*
[1] Leser mit großem Latinum fragen sich sofort: Oho, Plural? Ja, denn eine Vielzahl Faktoren kann einem die Tour vermiesen. Die Ruhe am Strand mit Pina Colada ist schnell vorbei, wenn das Portfolio aufgrund falscher Taktik -50% anzeigt. Aber ich will nicht vorgreifen.
[3] Für Nerds: Karsten Jeske, ein in die USA ausgewanderter Deutscher, hat diesem "Sequence of Returns Risk" ("SORR"), sprich zur absolut falschen Zeit in Rente zu gehen, eine große Zahl Blogposts gewidmet. Niemand hat das Thema fundierter aufgearbeitet als er.
[6] Hörenswerter Podcast:
[9] Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Keine Anlageempfehlung. Ihr seid für euer Tun, euer Leben und euer Vermögen zu 100% selbst verantwortlich. Der Autor ist in den genannten Anlagen investiert. Dieser Text entstand aus Interesse am Thema vollkommen freiwillig und ohne Gegenleistung.
submitted by bsdice to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:56 katzesafter Binary counting inspired by "The Best Way to Count"

Binary counting inspired by
The left side includes names and sitelen for the system, with the right side including names for common reoccurring patterns "wan tu -> san, tu po -> aki, san po -> tuni"
It's mainly for my own fun, so I don't expect anyone to adopt it.
submitted by katzesafter to tokipona [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:56 crunchitizemecapn99 First time DM'ing didn't go super great...

I am a first-time DM, and I am DEVASTATED!
I made a D&D campaign from scratch- lore, NPCs, monsters, environment, etc. All of it is inspired by Candyland. There was one player whose character was chaotic evil which was fine, but I didn't expect him to be a total dick.
Upon entering my campaign, there is a little information station that is triggered by donating a copper coin in a box. A gnome statue blows a bubble, and a minor illusion of the queen tells you about the land. The party didn't get a chance to donate or learn about the land because Chaotic Dickhead destroyed the donation box and stole all the money.
It only gets worse from there.
There are cows that make different flavors of milk- chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and banana- and he killed two of my four cows for no reason. Later, he set fire to the Licky Lizard tree, sacred flamed the cinnamini colony, KILLED THE FRIENDLY CEREAL MILK DRAGON who would have given some awesome treasure, and basically ruined this campaign. I understand wanting to be chaotic evil- it can be fun to be a jerk sometimes, but this was over the top, in my humble opinion. I worked hard on this campaign,n and I now have a sour taste in my mouth about it.
I was visibly frustrated, and he kept verbally poking at me about it, saying I needed to get a sense of humor and go with the flow more, but when we came to actually meeting a Harengon family, and he wanted to kill the youngest Harengon because "It's what my character would do" - I had had enough.
He rolled to attack, and he rolled a Nat 1. In retaliation, Daddy Hare came out of the bunny bungalow with a meat cleaver the size of a Great Axe and swung it at the character's head with advantage. I rolled a Nat 20 and did 1d12+6+2 damage (20 points of slashing damage) and beheaded the character who had 17 hp.
He threw a fit and left the table; baby hare, daddy hare, and mummy hare took in the rest of the party, had supper, and the game ended there as the rest was basically unsalvagable.
Was I a jerk, or was the player a jerk?
submitted by crunchitizemecapn99 to DnDcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:56 Ordinary_insan [Recommendation] Suggest some good manhua/manhwa/manga that can be added to the list

[Recommendation] Suggest some good manhua/manhwa/manga that can be added to the list submitted by Ordinary_insan to manhwa [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:55 queenbee20233 The Teammates That Make Me Want to Lose It (Like, REALLY REALLY Lose It)

I’m not saying I’m the best DBD Mobile player out there (though I say I’m pretty good). But I’ve been around the block enough times to know that some survivors are just… special. You know the ones:
1.The Locker Lizards: These guys have a PhD in the art of hiding… and absolutely nothing else. They’ll sprint to the nearest locker the second the terror radius tickles their finely-tuned fear sensors and stay there, praying to the Entity for a swift and painless death (or at least until the killer finds someone more interesting to chase).
2.The “Follow the Leader… to Your Death”: These teammates think they’re leading a conga line, not escaping a bloodthirsty maniac. They’ll run you straight into the killer’s arms, then have the audacity to complain when you get hooked. Like, bro, I’m pretty sure I saw a “Do Not Enter” sign back there.
3.The Skill Check… More Like Skill-LACKING: These players could screw up a cup of instant ramen. They hit “good” skill checks about as often as I win the lottery (read: never). They’re basically a walking, talking generator explosion waiting to happen.
4.The “Every Man for Himself”: Altruism? Never heard of it. These survivors would rather watch you get sacrificed on a rusty hook than risk their precious hide to save you. They’re probably the same people who steal the last slice of pizza. And don’t even get me STARTED on the ones who bring a medkit and just…self-heal in the corner. Like, hello? I’m over here dying! Even worse? The ones who heal RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU while you’re one hook away from seeing the upside-down world. Thanks, Claudette, I didn’t want to be rescued anyway.
5.The “Hold My Beer and Watch This” Daredevils”:These teammates have a death wish, plain and simple. They’ll attempt the most ridiculous, ill-timed jumps and pallet drops, only to end up face-down on the ground faster than you can say “Entity Displeased.” And guess who gets to play the hero? Ugh, fine, it’s me. It’s always me.
6.The “Escape is My Priority (Even if it Means You Die)”:Ah, yes. These lovely folks. They’ll bolt out the exit gate the SECOND it’s open, leaving you to the mercy of the killer. Extra points if they spam “Thank you!” as you’re getting chased by a chainsaw-wielding maniac. Real classy, guys.
7.The “But I Wanted to Totem!” Teammates: These players have their priorities SO messed up. Like, yes, cleansing totems is good… when the killer isn’t chasing us and we aren’t one generator away from escaping! Bonus points if they get downed right next to the totem and then spam “Help!” Dude, you HAD your chance!
8.The “Flashlight Fanatics (Who Can’t Aim)”:We all love a good flashlight blind, right? WRONG. Not when it’s done by someone who has the hand-eye coordination of a newborn sloth. They’ll blind you, the killer will turn around, and you’ll be left standing there like, “Thanks for nothing, buddy.”
9.“The Clicky McClickface”:This teammate has discovered the “tap to taunt” flash light button and apparently thinks it’s the only button worth pressing. Almost. All. Match. Long. Click, click, click. It’s like nails on a chalkboard, only amplified by the fact that they’re usually doing it RIGHT NEXT TO THE KILLER. Dude, I get it, you’re annoying. Now shut up and do a gen.
submitted by queenbee20233 to DeadByDaylightMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:55 MosthVaathe Symbiote Spidey sighting

Just wanted to share the wealth, I found this on Amazon on a chance search. Listing says 13 left (12 now since I’m snagging one)
submitted by MosthVaathe to Mafex [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:55 Winter-Grocery6852 Find the best move(white to play.

Find the best move(white to play. submitted by Winter-Grocery6852 to chess [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:55 BananaKing27557 RIOT MATCHMAKING IS CRAZY (i got carried btw)

RIOT MATCHMAKING IS CRAZY (i got carried btw)
This was comp 💀😭 (Check peak ranks)
submitted by BananaKing27557 to Eggwick [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:55 Aggravating-Cheetah1 help

Hi i just logged back in after 7months and i see this event and i have no idea on what to play to complete these missions is it the ( Flying doxia or Hot on trail? )
submitted by Aggravating-Cheetah1 to honkaiimpact3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:54 DrBubbleTrowsers How to go about applying to grad school earlier than you told your employer you would in your interview?

I'm not even sure I want to apply earlier than I told my job, but essentially I'm in science research (trying not to get specific..) and they told me they wanted me for at least 2 years and I said "can do!". Surely, many of us have been there. However, I have a really good CV already and really only need a year out of this place to get as close as I can to "ensuring" I get into a PhD program. Also, the way it shakes out, in order to stay at least 2 years I'll actually need to stay ~2.5 years just because of when I started this job relative to when grad school would start. If I apply earlier than I said, I'll likely have spent 1 yr 4-5 mo at this job total.
You might be rolling your eyes at me at this point - I know I wouldn't be flat-out shafting my employer. But hear me out. I'm working at a TOP university in my field (like, number 1), my PI is essentially legendary, and I also really like everyone, and I'm going to need at least 2 recommendations coming from this job, but probably all 3. My PI is someone I'd ask for a rec and also is the one who brought up 2 years in my interview. It wouldn't send a "shockwave" through the lab I don't think, but he might be disappointed. And maybe the reaction would be worse than I think from everyone idk!
I'm tweaking a bit just because I'm honestly qualified to get into a program already, and the idea of spending an extra year in this lab than I need to for the sake of keeping my word feels like it might be overkill. But the idea of asking people for recommendations like 9 months in to this job when it'll be kind of clear I'm leaving a little earlier than I said (at least to my PI) also feels like it might not be a wise move. Plus, while I'm already published, maybe staying longer will help me get another (if I don't already get one before then <_>).
Happy to hear any advice, experiences, second-hand experiences, anything!
submitted by DrBubbleTrowsers to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:53 94723 Costco almond butter

Costco almond butter
My almond butter arrived like this today (still sealed) is it ok to open and eat?
submitted by 94723 to foodsafety [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:53 TowerSpecial4719 [For Hire] Websites As A Service (WAAS) - Web Developer

Contact Details: LinkedIn: Instagram: Website:
Reddit Chat: Not preferred as the chat notification often gets lost with other notifications. But will definitely reply within 24 hours.
I am full stack developer with more than 2 years of experience as a full stack developer working with both individuals as well as enterprises to build their technology solutions.
As a world citizen, who has spent his life in two different countries, I have been able to interact with a variety of people from different countries and diverse backgrounds. As such, I have experience building a wide variety of solutions ranging from promotional websites for small businesses, design solutions for the metaverse and pharmaceutical sectors to accessible services for visually challenged individuals.
Services: As such, I offer the following services:
  1. Static Website Development - Optimised for accessibility and SEO targetting a high page score.
  2. Cloud Application Development - Interactive applications for managing your workflow.
  3. Cloud Maintenance: You already have a website/cloud application and need someone to keep it running smoothly.
  4. Cloud Deployment: You already have a website built and would like to publish it on the web.
  5. 3D Web Application - Interactive and Non Interactive 3D applications ranging from clothes or object designers to AR applications for promotional campaigns
  6. Gaming - Single and Multiplayer games. Scale can vary.
  7. Custom Scripting - Automate manual workflows using custom applications to simplify processes.
Skills: If you have a project which needs my skills but is not explicitly mentioned in my offerings.
Languages: HTML. CSS, Python, Javascript Frameworks: Django, React, Node.js, Express, BabylonJS, Tailwind, AntD Cloud: Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB Development Workflow: VSCode, Intellij IDEA, Github, Gitlab, Jira, Postman
Pricing: Pricing varies depending on the services availed and mode of delivery: 1. Subscription: Starting from 160$ 2. Lumpsum: Starting from 900$ 3. Milestone: Starting from 900$
The pricing are guidelines to start off on. Pricing is flexible depending on the size and scope of the project.
submitted by TowerSpecial4719 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:53 Axanael May-June Clan Battle Guide

May-June Clan Battle Guide

Change to AoE (Area of Effect) Teams

Unlike all our other CBs, this is our first CB that has six enemies rather than one enemy, so this is the first CB that will test how strong your AoE units are rather than single-target tank busters. This affects what units will be "best" significantly, as AoE damage will revolve around buffing EX Skills rather than our regular damage.

You want to position your team something like this, with your tank where GP02 is because this allows your tank to draw aggro from all six units. This should be how you want to set up if you are running either The O or GP02 to maximize on how much they charge. Keep the right-most column open so the two raids on the side collapse on the tank. When you deploy, watch the beginning of the battle with the top down camera and make sure all units are collapsing towards your tank. If X-1 moves towards the units on the right, just restart.

Team Composition

I'm personally running the following:
Tank - Healer - Buffer - 3 AoE DPS
Especially if you aren't fully geared, you will probably want a healer to make sure your tank survives and your other units don't die to the small AoEs. I'm not covering debuffers because I am not certain that a debuffer that affects all enemies, and specifically has "Increase Damage Taken" exists.

Unit Selection

I'm mainly going to cover the units that are particularly good for this Clan Battle, and not going to mention the other, generic Raid Boss focused units.


No contest the best tank, and arguably best unit in the game for this Clan Battle. Extremely powerful AoE EX Skill that can be charged quickly by letting it tank all six enemies.
To tank, he has to take hits, so to make sure that it lives, we use a healer.
For modules, you want to use the blue Event Modules that increase your damage by 2.5% for every hit you take (stacking up to 10 stacks).
The O
Second best option currently since he can still output huge damage if he is solo tanking, but since this is an AoE battle, GP02 is better.
You want to equip either one of these green event modules:


Nu Gundam
He's still our only AoE UR Healer.
I'd use this 30s Module on Nu.
Budget Healers:
AoE budget healer
Methuss (SR)
Single target budget healer


Unlike normally, since our focus is to buff our EX Skills, we need to find buffers that have the effect of "Increase Damage" instead of "Increase Beam/Projectile Damage."
Kshatriya has the effect on its EX that states "To all allies, increase damage by 23% for 20 seconds." This should affect the damage of your AoE EX Skills that go off.
Zaku 1 (Char) and Engage Gundam Funnel Version
Both these MS have an increase damage effect, but Zaku 1's only applies to Zaku-Type allies and Engage Gundam Funnel only applies to Gundam-Type allies. For my lineup it is not that useful since I am using a mix of units, Kshatriya is better since there are no requirements.


Fast cycling AoE EX Skill with color advantage. Should be better than Qubeley if you have both at the same potential level.
Use either one of these modules:
or a Standard 9% Beam Damage module that has a 5% Damage Up Special Ability.
Color advantaged AoE EX Skill MS.
Use the same modules as Sisquiede
Hamma Hamma
Red Color AoE EX Skill MS that can do bonus damage if its EX Skill lines up with the Stun from Qubeley's EX Skill.
Use either one of these or any Standard 9% Beam Damage module with 5% Damage Up Special Ability
Hyaku Shiki
Blue type AoE unit, has less favorable EX Skill charge since he is Raid Type and thus has Raid AI.
Standard 9% Beam Damage Module with 5% Damage Up Special Ability or:
Budget Options:
Engage Gundam Cannon
Same usual budget Bombard we've had for a while. This time the AoE EX Skill is a bonus rather than a downside.
Standard 9% Beam Damage Module with 5% Damage Up Special Ability or:
Guncannon (UR)
The UR freebie we got from one of the past story events. Decent AoE damage that won't surpass the Gacha versions, but you should have P3 already from the story.
Standard 9% Beam Damage Module with 5% Damage Up Special Ability

My Lineup
Hamma, Nu, and Kshatriya are all C9
submitted by Axanael to UCengage [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:53 Winter-Grocery6852 Find M3 (white to play)

Find M3 (white to play) submitted by Winter-Grocery6852 to ChessPuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:52 Anxiouspink17 Poppy trench coat

Poppy trench coat
Here’s the poppy trench coat I’ve actually never seen it online or in person and I been eyeballing it since I lost a lot of weight recently and wanna branch out my style, first off it runs a teeny bit small, I would size up if you want that big oversized trench coat look, second it’s short it looks more like a rain coat then a trench coat I may just be tall (5’10), it will need to be ironed( not the poppy label of coarse) bc it is wrinkly from the shipping and stuff, for the price it’s actually worth it or not a huge loss, its pretty thick and I’d say this is kind like the poppy fandoms version of the k-12 dress except it’s cheaper and more durable I’ll answer any questions on the comments also I wanted to post pics of me in it but I’m too nervous
submitted by Anxiouspink17 to that_Poppy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:52 pixiesyrup Wanting to know about my career progression

Wanting to know about my career progression
Starting out as a professional very soon. Aspiring to do something big/make an effective impact. Anything like that on the horizon? What does the career progression look like?
submitted by pixiesyrup to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:52 addicted_to_trash Would calling for the death penalty for Biden (& co) help the protest movement send the appropriate message to future administrations?

[If you could all put your personal feelings on the appropriatenss of the death penalty as a concept aside for a moment.]
The anti-genocide protests movement, while growing in strength, is having little effect on US policy. It is doing a fantastic job of pulling the mask off the blatant hypocrisy of liberals, the Democrats, and the US as a whole, but actual change in policy is unlikely with all three presidential candidates holding the same pro genocide stance [apparently Jill Stein dosent exist to the media].
We are all aware that the US the contempt the US is holds for international law, the Hauge invasion act, and routine denouncement of the ICC & ICJ make this clear. However domestic law [18 U.S.C. § 1091 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1091. Genocide] kindly mirrors international law. Biden, Blinken and co would all be guilty of both clause (d) Conspiracy to commit, and section (a) Creating the Conditions of (when pulling UNRWA funding).
The Law in full - link,person%20who%20completes%20the%20offense.
The punishment for these crimes are as follows:
(b) Punishment for Basic Offense.--The punishment for an offense under subsection (a) is--
(1) in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(1), where death results, by death or imprisonment for life and a fine of not more than $1,000,000, or both
Not only does calling for the death penalty raise the stakes personally for the bad actors involved, but as this is US law there is grounds for prosecutions to be lodged outside of congress to hold these people accountable once they are outside of office, (similar to many of Trump's cases).
Would this be an effective deterrent for future administrations, or perhaps even enough of a deterrent for Biden to change course during his administration?
What road blocks/process would there be to facilitate this prosecution?
Would this help or hinder the protest movement in its messaging and achieving its goals?
submitted by addicted_to_trash to chomsky [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:52 nibbled_banana Can anyone help?

Can anyone help?
Why do these tapes have different length of film? I bought the smaller one first, tried to play it, the audio works and is spotty. I have a few others with short film comparable to 90 minutes, and one at 2 hours with the same length.
I initially thought maybe frame rate and fps, but I don’t think that’s the issue. I’m thinking people snip the film and keep what they want, but I feel that’s a lot of work.
I’m new to vhs collecting and watching, so any insight and education helps!
submitted by nibbled_banana to VHS [link] [comments]