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2024.06.09 15:34 Bacta_Fett Starting preceptorship in Children’s Hospital surgical unit, how should I prepare and what should I expect?

I am starting preceptorship soon and wondering what should I know during preceptorship in a surgical unit at the Children’s Hospital? I hope to get a job as a pediatric nurse.
submitted by Bacta_Fett to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:31 Jolly_Vanilla_5790 AITA for poisoning my coworker?

I know this sounds bad, but hear me(25f) out.
I've been working at a extremely difficult 9 to 5 job for a few months, and there's this one coworker who will eat people's food.
This coworker(20m) (who will be called Dave) eats everyone's food, it depends on whichever plate Dave sees first and that's the one Dave eats. Everyone knows it's Dave because our security guard saw Dave eating Linda's food.
Dave like most humans can't handle arsenic mixed with lead so the next time I went to my grandma's house I ripped up a lot of her floor and walls (she was very angry but after I told her why she calmed down, that's another lawsuit).
I also went to the local old nursing home to rip up there walls and flooring and that's how I got all the lead I needed.
Then I went to the local poison shop and got some arsenic. I won't spare any unnecessary details on that part because I promised the shopkeeper that.
Once I got home I baked my world famous cookies and biscuits and put the lead and arsenic in them.
I always like to take a bite of my finished product but I held off.
The next day I went in for work with the cookies and biscuits labelled as a "allergen" and put them in the front of our work fridge. Dave of course ate them and needed an ambulance.
I didn't care enough to ask how he's doing, but am I TA?
submitted by Jolly_Vanilla_5790 to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:12 MadLadok What are the Paediatric Nursing opportunities in NI?

Hiya, so this has been asked a few times here but they were about adult nurses. I want to know if there is any jobs/demand for children's nurses?
I've looked through HSCni and trusts' websites but there really wasn't much besides hospices and agencies. I can't find much about any potential vacancies from the Royal Hospital for children either? Does NI trusts and hospitals do any student nurses recruitment days or something like in mainland UK? I get because it is paediatric there might not be in high demand as adult/mental nurses with the aging population, mental health services etc etc.
I'd just love to know how it works for NI, as it is my home but I'm currently studying in England atm. I would love to go back to my family after this degree comes to an end and not constantly fly back and forth like I'm doing now. I won't need to start looking until next year but I like to plan ahead and get an idea to see where I might be needed?...
Any advice or guidance would be appreciated, thanks.
submitted by MadLadok to NursingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:03 MisterVerify New FiveM City! LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? Look no further than. Join the family in HoodLuvas RP! Join our discord today !

Welcome to HOODLUVA , the ultimate FiveM urban roleplay experience
Immerse yourself in a gritty, realistic urban environment where the lines between good and evil are blurred. Our server is dedicated to providing a serious roleplay experience, where players take on the roles of civilians, gang members, and law enforcement in a vibrant and dynamic metropolis.
Civilian Jobs
Take on a wide range of civilian jobs, from busy entrepreneurs to skilled professionals. Manage your own businesses, from street vendors to high-end restaurants. Work as a doctor, nurse, or emergency medical technician in our realistic hospitals. Or, join the ranks of our city's esteemed news organization as a journalist or photographer.
Gang Activity
But be warned, the streets of HOODLUVA are not without their dangers. Gangs roam the city, vying for power and territory. Join one of our many factions, each with their own unique culture and agenda. From street-level crews to high-stakes organized crime syndicates, there's a place for every type of player.
Custom Female Scripts
Our server is proud to offer a range of custom female scripts, designed to provide a more realistic and immersive experience for all players. From subtle animations to advanced character interactions, our scripts ensure that every player feels like they're part of the action.
Realistic Environment
Our server is built on a vast, sprawling map that accurately recreates the urban landscape. From towering skyscrapers to cramped alleyways, every location is meticulously detailed and designed to provide a realistic and immersive experience.
Seriously Entertaining RP
We pride ourselves on our serious roleplay environment. We encourage players to get into character and engage in realistic, story-driven interactions. Our community is built on respect and trust, and we strive to create a welcoming atmosphere for all players.
Join Us
If you're looking for a serious roleplay experience with a focus on realism and immersion, look no further than HOODLUVA ROLEPLAY . Join our community today with the #1 vybez on fivem and become part of the vibrant, dynamic world of urban roleplay.
submitted by MisterVerify to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:01 MisterVerify New FiveM City !

Welcome to HOODLUVA , the ultimate FiveM urban roleplay experience
Immerse yourself in a gritty, realistic urban environment where the lines between good and evil are blurred. Our server is dedicated to providing a serious roleplay experience, where players take on the roles of civilians, gang members, and law enforcement in a vibrant and dynamic metropolis.
Civilian Jobs
Take on a wide range of civilian jobs, from busy entrepreneurs to skilled professionals. Manage your own businesses, from street vendors to high-end restaurants. Work as a doctor, nurse, or emergency medical technician in our realistic hospitals. Or, join the ranks of our city's esteemed news organization as a journalist or photographer.
Gang Activity
But be warned, the streets of HOODLUVA are not without their dangers. Gangs roam the city, vying for power and territory. Join one of our many factions, each with their own unique culture and agenda. From street-level crews to high-stakes organized crime syndicates, there's a place for every type of player.
Custom Female Scripts
Our server is proud to offer a range of custom female scripts, designed to provide a more realistic and immersive experience for all players. From subtle animations to advanced character interactions, our scripts ensure that every player feels like they're part of the action.
Realistic Environment
Our server is built on a vast, sprawling map that accurately recreates the urban landscape. From towering skyscrapers to cramped alleyways, every location is meticulously detailed and designed to provide a realistic and immersive experience.
Seriously Entertaining RP
We pride ourselves on our serious roleplay environment. We encourage players to get into character and engage in realistic, story-driven interactions. Our community is built on respect and trust, and we strive to create a welcoming atmosphere for all players.
Join Us
If you're looking for a serious roleplay experience with a focus on realism and immersion, look no further than HOODLUVA ROLEPLAY . Join our community today with the #1 vybez on fivem and become part of the vibrant, dynamic world of urban roleplay.
submitted by MisterVerify to FiveMrp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:59 MisterVerify New FiveM City!

Welcome to HOODLUVA , the ultimate FiveM urban roleplay experience
Immerse yourself in a gritty, realistic urban environment where the lines between good and evil are blurred. Our server is dedicated to providing a serious roleplay experience, where players take on the roles of civilians, gang members, and law enforcement in a vibrant and dynamic metropolis.
Civilian Jobs
Take on a wide range of civilian jobs, from busy entrepreneurs to skilled professionals. Manage your own businesses, from street vendors to high-end restaurants. Work as a doctor, nurse, or emergency medical technician in our realistic hospitals. Or, join the ranks of our city's esteemed news organization as a journalist or photographer.
Gang Activity
But be warned, the streets of HOODLUVA are not without their dangers. Gangs roam the city, vying for power and territory. Join one of our many factions, each with their own unique culture and agenda. From street-level crews to high-stakes organized crime syndicates, there's a place for every type of player.
Custom Female Scripts
Our server is proud to offer a range of custom female scripts, designed to provide a more realistic and immersive experience for all players. From subtle animations to advanced character interactions, our scripts ensure that every player feels like they're part of the action.
Realistic Environment
Our server is built on a vast, sprawling map that accurately recreates the urban landscape. From towering skyscrapers to cramped alleyways, every location is meticulously detailed and designed to provide a realistic and immersive experience.
Seriously Entertaining RP
We pride ourselves on our serious roleplay environment. We encourage players to get into character and engage in realistic, story-driven interactions. Our community is built on respect and trust, and we strive to create a welcoming atmosphere for all players.
Join Us
If you're looking for a serious roleplay experience with a focus on realism and immersion, look no further than HOODLUVA ROLEPLAY . Join our community today with the #1 vybez on fivem and become part of the vibrant, dynamic world of urban roleplay.
submitted by MisterVerify to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:51 kendricklamarsno1fan Child nursing or sports and medical science

Hili! I really need help as im so unsure, I got a kings college conditional offer as a child nurse in the future hopefully bsc , however I dont really want to do nursing and I only applied for it because of my parents. I really dont know what job i want to do but I have really good grades so I chose child nursing as it has a good employment rate, however a course thats always interested me is Sports and exercise medical sciences bsc at kings and they said they would be happy to swap it but im not sure if i should do it as im not sure if the employment rate is good too. I really dont know what to do and I would really like some advice on what to do as I genuinely dont have a passion for child nursing and I can see myself burning out however im scared to change courses. Any advice would be appreciated or information! Thank youuu :)
submitted by kendricklamarsno1fan to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:49 tini_bit_annoyed Do you think theres a difference between late 20’s and early 30s? How do you deal with literal mean girls who are 30+??

I’m in my late 20s and my partner is 30M, his friends are 30-32M and their girlfriends/fiancees/wives are prob like 30+F. They were all a tight knit group until people started planning weddings and getting married etc. I get how that would just naturally change things and also just growing up and dynamics changing so I didnt think much of it. The ladies have always been a little “ladies who lunch” who wish so badly to be a country club trophy wife (but none of them are… and I thought well yes, a lot of us arent nor do all of us want to be??). They are very obsessed with keeping up with the jonses and do the whole “only hang with a group just one on one” thing which has always been odd to me bc its just hard to coordinate with like 3+ couples from a logistical standpoint! I find their conversations to be boring (always about people their wedding, husband, kid, house… how they want to be a SAHM but they cant so theyre upset about it, not being able to afford a house so asking husband to work harder lol, expensive memberships/vacations/purchases etc) just bullshit i dont liek to engage in. Im 28 (really not that much younger) and they always say “oh, youre so young you have time to figure it out” and I thought it was weird how that was “noticed” ?? They bore me and rub me the wrong way so I stopped going to events unless it was a big one like a wedding or my bf really wanted me to go with (he doesnt like the girls either so he usually goes to guys nights).
After I became disconnected, one of them literally made up rumors about me hahahaah and spread it and my bf shut it down and confirmed it was not true but I just laughed at how juvenile the situation was. They refuse to go to dinner with us but they only want 6 people to go on someones boat or 10 people to go to a birthday party where everyone pays for their own tab/services (bowling, golf, ticketed event). Another one tells me God wants me to have kids (gross) and how “your mind will change when youre older” ( HIGHLY doubt that a 2 year age cap would make that huge of a difference but okay).one couple joined a yacht club and invites people every weekend (and if you say no, they will ask someone else after 5 minutes haha) and they will not do anything other than the yacht club (maybe bc its pre paid?) or brunch at the country club. Not my scene and I get motion sickness and I hate golfing so I just dont go bc why would I waste my time and Energy haha and they decline dinner invitations. I get that we all work and are busy and are looking to try to save money in this economy. They then complain they cannot afford to buy a house bu then the wife will say “oh but you know we’ve been working with loan office and realtor and” and its like okay but its been 2 years of this just dont even bring it up if you cant afford right now bc most of us cannot? Then she will say they found a bigger and nicer home to rent for 4000$ (WTF more than a mortgage!). Like an hour outside the city we live in (fine but dont tell me you flush 4k down the toilet every month and cry about the country club and no house. She will say snarky things to her husband if he says they are saving money and say “but you have to pick ONE country club for us still” and it makes me so uncomfortable bu also I judge them for over sharing haha My bf said he thinks that the girls are offended I dont take interest to their invites and what they have and he thought it was funny. It is funny but also kind of a wtf moment
I do not think I’m better than them but I realize how different we are? We all legit grew up in the same county, went to a network of private schools, and this area is very affluent and our parents worked HARD but no one is really the 1% in the group. I moved home with my family bc I was in grad school last year and I am a nurse so I’m literally busy dealing with other people’s crap/personal problems all week so I dont have time to deal with other people’s personal crap on my off days. They’re so appalled that I work a job like that when they all work as well (respectfully, we all work in traditionally pink collar woman jobs like I’m a nurse, the others are admin assistants and teachers so its not like any of us are climbing the corporate ladder) I went to school out of state so I have a lot of wonderful friends who live all around the east coast so they visit here or i sometimes visit them. My job, friend group, is completely different from all of theirs and they all went to school in state and never left. Our lifestyles are different, and im focused on career right now and not marriage and boat/countryclub/vacation/designer bags at this moment. A few of them are genuinely really nice and some are fun at times but in small doses. The yacht girl had an accident and needed urgent surgery on her arm so i reached out and offered to drop off groceries or meal prep company since they have food allergies inthe house and she responded as if she was offended “no its fine my husband just will buy us something every night bc we live new a lot of new restaurants now” HAHA
Not that I’m particularly pressed, I know they will prob stick around since we are talking about getting married. How do you respond to mean girls? Are they jealous? Do I continue to be unbothered? Do i reach out to show I dont hate them? Kill them with kindness? Fly under the radar? Clap back? I take it that mean girls don’t change after 30 either
submitted by tini_bit_annoyed to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:48 kendricklamarsno1fan Sports Science Or Child Nursing?

Hiii! I really need help as im so unsure, I got a kings college conditional offer as a child nurse in the future hopefully bsc , however I dont really want to do nursing and I only applied for it because of my parents. I really dont know what job i want to do but I have really good grades so I chose child nursing as it has a good employment rate, however a course thats always interested me is Sports and exercise medical sciences bsc at kings and they said they would be happy to swap it but im not sure if i should do it as im not sure if the employment rate is good too. I really dont know what to do and I would really like some advice on what to do as I genuinely dont have a passion for child nursing and I can see myself burning out however im scared to change courses. Any advice would be appreciated or information! Thank youuu :)
submitted by kendricklamarsno1fan to KCL [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:43 Alexis5899 I need your help/opinion/experience. (Ayuda)

You see, this is going to sound very contradictory, but throughout my life, I have had "paranormal" experiences. I have seen everything from shadows to deceased people making an appearance, orbs, and other things I can't explain. This has been happening to me since I was about 4 or 5 years old. I am currently 25, and from childhood until around 18, I experienced many "paranormal" situations, some more intense and disturbing than others. Although my family seems to have a history of these events, it makes me think. However, at the same time, I refuse to believe that these things have actually happened to me. But if there is something I hate more than being able to see these things, it's hearing them. Hearing them? Yes, that's what I want to address with this long introduction.
To those who believe in entities and such, have you ever heard incomprehensible whispers? Since I was 18, I hadn't had any paranormal experiences until around the age of 22-24. These recent events have affected my mental health, and while one of them might have been pure suggestion, the last one had no reason behind it.
Here's what I think was due to suggestion: my grandfather, in his last days or weeks before passing away, would tell me he saw a dog passing under the table in his house (I was taking care of him). I never paid attention to it because I knew the dogs were outside the house, and he described this dog as medium to large-sized. One afternoon, unlike before, I decided to look for this so-called dog, but unsurprisingly, I couldn't find it. Later that night, I had a dream that was vividly accurate to what was happening around me while I was dreaming. I was sitting, watching my grandfather, the TV was on a news channel, and suddenly this dog appeared. I was paralyzed and could do nothing but insult and try to scare it away. The dog bit my hand, and when I woke up a few seconds later, my hand felt cramped, a bit painful, numb, and tingling. Anyway, 90% of the incidents I've experienced have been at my grandfather's house (I used to sleep over from Saturdays to Sundays with him from the age of 4 or 5 until he passed away when I was 22).
When I was 16/17, I saw a very ugly woman looking at me menacingly through the glass of my door. I got scared and covered my head, and then I felt someone climb on top of me, preventing me from removing the covers. Since that day, I have never covered my head again. At 18, I worked at a 4-star spa hotel in a rural area where wealthy people would go to relax. On my first night, I was given a car to transport items needed by other employees, whether it was cleaning supplies or for the chefs. I also had to set the alarm for the event rooms. On my third day, around 9 PM, I was heading to an event room to deliver items because there was an event the next day. As I arrived with the cart (the event rooms had panoramic views, meaning the walls were made of glass), I saw a lady about 70-80 years old looking out from inside. I walked halfway through the room, greeted her as I passed the door, but got no response. The next day, the same thing happened. Only this time, when I turned around, the lady was no longer there, and I thought I was going crazy. Over time, I would be in places where the lights would turn on by themselves, I would feel scared to be alone, sometimes music would start playing on its own in other rooms, or I would hear noises in the kitchens. And this always happened when I was alone. On my last day of work, I told this entity, who other employees said was the owner's mother named Berta, "Well, this is the last time we see each other, but you won't be able to scare me anymore." Immediately after, I closed a metal hatch, and after taking a few steps, I heard a terrible noise as if someone had hit that metal door. Obviously, I was scared out of my mind, but I kept repeating to myself, "She can't win," and walked away slowly.

Now, in my new job, things have also happened... I work in a flour mill. One night, I finished my shift and had to stay for the next day. The power went out around 11 PM and didn't come back until 3 AM, at which point I went to take a shower. After a few minutes, I started hearing murmurs behind me that I couldn't understand. I thought they were my colleagues, but they weren't. Among these 3 or 4 voices, there was a female one, and that's when I realized I was actually alone. There are no women at my workplace, especially not at 3 AM. I let it go, thinking I was tired, but a few weeks later, around 7 or 8 PM, while I was using the bathroom, I heard these voices again inside my noise-canceling headphones. They are always incomprehensible, indecipherable whispers. Occasionally, a female voice calls my name.

...................................... ......................................
Veran, esto va a ser algo muy contradictorio, pero a lo largo de mi vida... he tenido experiencias "paranormales" he visto desde sombras hasta gente fallecida haciendo presencia, pasando por orbes y otro tipo de cosas que no se explicar, esto me pasa desde que tengo como 4 o 5 años, en la actualidad tengo 25 años y desde niño hasta masomenos los 18 años he experimentado muchas situaciones "paranormales" unas más intensas y pesadas que otras y, aunque en mi familia parece haber antecedentes de estos hechos... me da que pensar, pero al mismo tiempo me niego a creer que de verdad me han pasado esas cosas, pero si hay algo que odio más haya de poder ver estás cosas es escucharlas.. ¿escucharlas? claro, a eso quiero llegar con esta extensa introducción y es: gente que cree en entidades y demás, han escuchado susurros inentendibles? me ha pasado que desde los 18 no he tenido experiencias paranormales hasta masomenenos los 22/24 años, estos últimos sucesos han repercutido en aquel momento en mi salud mental, y la cosa es que una de ellas puede ser que haya sido pura sugestión, pero la ultima no tiene motivo a nada.
He aquí lo que yo creo que fue por sugestión: mi abuelo, en sus últimos días o semanas antes de fallecer, en su casa (yo iba a cuidarlo) él me decía que veia un perro pasar por debajo de la mesa, nunca le hacía caso porwue bien sabia que los perros estaban afuera de la casa y el describa a este perro como de estatura media/alta, el tema es que una tarde como nunca lo había echo me puse a buscar al dichoso perro, pero para sorpresa de nadie no lo pude encontrar, mas tarde esa noche sueño de una manera fiel todo lo que pasaba a mi alrededor mientras yo soñaba, yo sentado mirando a mi abuelo, la tele estaba en un noticiero y de repente aparece este perro y yo paralizado no podia hacer nada más que insultarlo y espantarlo, el tema es que me mordió la mano y yo a los segundos despierto y sentía la mano como cuando te acalambras, con un poco de dolor y muy adormesida y con hormigueo. En fin, 90% de sucesos que he vivido han sido en la casa de mi abuelo (yo iba a dormir de sábados a domingos con él desde los 4 o 5 años hasta que falleció a mis 22 años).
Luego a los 16/17 había visto a una señora muy muy fea mirándome de mala manera por detrás del vidrio de mi puerta, me asusto y me tapo hasta la cabeza, entonces siento que alguien se sube encima mío y no me permitía sacarme las sabanas de la cabeza, desde ese día nunca más me tape hasta la cabeza. Luego a los 18 yo trabajaba en un hotel spa de 4 estrellas que estaba en medio de una zona rural porque iba la gente adinerada a relajarse, la primer noche me dieron un auto para hacer traslado de cosas que pudieran ser requeridos por otros empleados, ya sea de limpieza o los chefs, también debía ponerle alarma a los salones de eventos. El tema es que una vez, en mi tercer día, a las 21hs me dirigía a un salón a llevar cosas porque al día siguiente había un evento, al llegar con el carro (los salones eran de vista panorámica, osea sus paredes eran de vidrio) veo a una señora de uno 70 y 80 años observando desde adentro, paso a mitad del salón y al pasar por la puerta la saludo sin recibir una respuesta, la cosa es que al día siguiente se vuelve a repetir la misma situación... Solo que allí al darme vuelta la señora ya no estaba y me di por loco, al tiempo estaba en lugares donde las luces se prendían solas, sentía miedo de estar solo, otras veces en otros salones la música se prendía sola o en las cocinas se escuchaban ruidos... Y siempre me pasaba estando solo, la cosa es que mi último día de trabajo le digo a esta entidad que según otros empleados era la madre del dueño del lugar, se llamaba Berta, en fin, mi último día de trabajo voy a las 18hs a poner la alarma del salón donde yo solía verla y le dije "Bueno, es la última vez que nos vemos, pero no me vas a poder asustar más" acto seguido, cierro una escotilla metálica y al hacer dos pasos o más sé escucha un terrible estruendo como si alguien hubiera golpeado esa puerta metálica, obviamente me cague en los pantalones pero en mi mente me repetia "ella no puede ganar" y me fui lentamente caminando de allí. Ahora en mi nuevo trabajo también me han ocurrido cosas...
Trabajo en un molino de harina, una noche había terminado mi turno y debía quedarme para continuar al día siguiente, el tema es que se corta la luz como a las 23hs y no volvió hasta las 3 am, horario donde fui a bañarme, al pasar los minutos comienzo a escuchar como murmullos detrás mío que no entendí que decían, pensé que eran unos colegas pero resultó que no.... Entre estás 3 o 4 voces había una femenina y es ahí donde me doy cuenta que en realidad estaba solo, en mi lugar de trabajo no hay mujeres y mucho menos a las 3 am, lo deje pasar pensando que estaba cansado, pero un día unas semanas más adelante entre los 19 y las 20 horas estaba orinando en el baño y vuelvo a escuchar estás voces pero dentro de mis cascos para el ruido, son siempre susurros inentendibles, indescifrables... Luego una voz femenina suele llamarme por mi nombre de manera muy ocasional
submitted by Alexis5899 to ParanormalEncounters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:37 Candid-Juice-4005 Hospice and insurance.

Curious about something that I’d like to ask, not as much as serious topic as everything else in here.
I work for a DME delivery company, I chose this because I wanted to help out in some form granted It’s very hands off, and I don’t have the interest in being a Hospice Nurse (if you are one, you have my full respect! It’s a job I can’t fathom doing mentally)
Anyways, does anyone have any idea what insurance “pays” these companies for their equipment usage? Stuff like concentrators, Brodas, beds etc?
The only reason I ask is because the company I work for we have a rotation of drivers who are “on-call” for stat orders (O2,cpap/bipap etc) meaning it’s almost a constant 24 hours job once a week, but some of our travel is 1.5 hours away or more, which if it’s that urgent emergency care should be too priority.
I’m starting to see that it’s only a money ploy for the “company” for on call, and also how quick after someone passes we fetch the equipment and just re rent it out to the next patient. (Mind you some drivers don’t even clean or test it, it’ll go from one patient directly to another), I think I care a little too much to be in this job (on my way out Of it anyways) but I make it a thing that one of our patients I deal with passes on, to remember their name, and out of respect for them I read their obituary.
submitted by Candid-Juice-4005 to hospice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:34 milpepipeline [Veteran] Can someone sanity check me on buying a house?

Hi folks, will try to lay this out cleanly.
I’m in the home buying process right now. Current prices in my area for a 3/2 range from:
The two counties I’m looking in have some of the highest property taxes in the nation, and subsequently is “factored in” to the price for a lot of buyers; however, I’m at 100PT and am exempt from property taxes up to 800k in my state.
Between my current job and disability/med retirement, I’ll be pulling in between 130k-140k this year post-taxes. Currently preapproved for 550k because that’s the number I put down, not the number my lender said. I am single so this is my only household income.
Looking at estimated mortgage payments on a 550k house, I’d be paying about 3k/month for mortgage and insurance, and about 4k/month if property taxes were involved.
My question is, with a net of pulling in about 12k/ month, am I dumb for thinking I push up to 600-650-700k on a house if it’s much more what I’m looking for, long term? 700k would cost me about 3800/month for mortgage and insurance (essentially my disability comp). If rates go down in the future, I’d refinance for a lower one when I could.
I live frugally, have a healthy emergency fund, and no real debt. FTHB and VA loan / state grants so I can take advantage of some of that too.
submitted by milpepipeline to MilitaryFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:34 Choice-Procedure1040 How do I (24F) tell if my (23M) boyfriend is cheating?

me and my bf have been together for 6 years. he is ‘23 M’ turning ‘24 M’ in september and i will be turning ‘25 F’ in a few days and he works in a hospital as a security guard that has a nursing school attatched to it with a campus and dorms. my reason for making the post is because i was putting on his shorts that he throws on to go to the store and i went in the pocket and found a heart shaped paper that looks like it was made by someone. nothing special but the fact that someone would have to take time to make it is what’s throwing me off. I asked him where did it come from and he said that a girl from the pediatric unit was handing them out. I believed it but then i started to think. the way his job works they give them multiple pairs of uniforms and wash them so that the employees don’t have to wear their hospital clothes home. the problem with that is when he got this piece of paper he had to have taken it from his work pants, transferred it to his pants pocket that he went to work in, then transferred it into his shorts pocket. Am i crazy or does it sound like he got this paper from someone he may care about ? am i being childish ?
TL;DR: This is only my second post so please bare with me. If anyone needs anymore context before answering the question please comment your questions.
submitted by Choice-Procedure1040 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:30 citichezy Manager being un-supportive

Hi everyone! I am feeling overwhelmed and I need your advice. I am an Early Childhood Educator and have been working for this centre for 5 years. I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer 2 years ago and I am actively getting treatment for it. I get non invasive surgery every 2 mos. At first my manager was supportive, I only ask for 2 days off (Doctors advice is to get at least 2 days rest) I get 1 day for surgery/treatment and only 1 day to rest. I am back to work the next day, because we are under staff and I feel bad.
The Oncology clinic called me on Friday to let me know that my next surgery date is on Tuesday 11th of June. I accepted it and went on to let my Manager know. My manager says "We dont have staff can you call them back and ask if you can re-schedule?" I replied "Oh..." and she continued with "Is it important?" I went red and just went blank. I stuttered and said "uhm.. yeah but uhmm I dont know......" I have anxiety so I started breathing heavily. I didnt know what to say to that, so I just said "uhm I will call the clinic back". She said "Yeah..just call them back and re-schedule" I left and cried in the staff room.
Called the clinic back to ask them if I can re-schedule. The nurse said that If I cancel, Im going to be taken off the list which means I need to wait for months to get a schedule again. The Nurse wasnt happy and said that its unfortunate that my boss wasnt being supportive and reminded me that my health is more important than my job. I totally get that, but I do love my job and now I just feel really un-supported and have just lost all respect for my manager. Im thinking of resigning.
I need to mention as well that my manager knows that the hospital always give me short notice. Sometimes they call me just 2 days before surgery day. This is the 2nd time shes done this too, the first time she said "We dont have staff but what can I do?" Making me feel really guilty, I almost replied with "Im so sorry I have Cancer" but I didnt because anxiety. One time I was in so much pain, asked her if I can go home and you can guess what her reply was "We dont have staff". Im so tired and stressed about everything that on Friday I went home crying to my partner and asked him to help me write a resignation letter. The next time she says "We dont have staff", I REALLY hope I get the courage to hand her that letter and say "there you go, one more staff out the door".
What should I do? Should I report this? What is your take on this? I need advice. I really love the centre, the children and all the friends I made in the centre. I will be so heartbroken when I leave. But.... 😭
submitted by citichezy to ECECAUS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:04 Choice-Procedure1040 Am I overreacting? or is he cheating?

me and my bf have been together for 6 years. he is 23M turning 24M in september and i will be turning 25F in a few days and he works in a hospital as a security guard that has a nursing school attatched to it with a campus and dorms. my reason for making the post is because i was putting on his shorts that he throws on to go to the store and i went in the pocket and found a heart shaped paper that looks like it was made by someone. nothing special but the fact that someone would have to take time to make it is what’s throwing me off. I asked him where did it come from and he said that a girl from the pediatric unit was handing them out. I believed it but then i started to think. the way his job works they give them multiple pairs of uniforms and wash them so that the employees don’t have to wear their hospital clothes home. the problem with that is when he got this piece of paper he had to have taken it from his work pants, transferred it to his pants pocket that he went to work in, then transferred it into his shorts pocket. Am i crazy or does it sound like he got this paper from someone he may care about ? am i being childish ?
TL;DR: This is only my second post so please bare with me. If anyone needs anymore context before answering the question please comment your questions.
submitted by Choice-Procedure1040 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:02 hsmon16 A global question about vet med

Hello, I have a question about veterinary medicine. I am an Iraqi veterinary student in the third year. In my years as a veterinary student, I noticed everyone’s terrible mockery of my profession and they think it is just a hobby or something like that (especially nurses) and not science, a job, or medicine. The problem is The biggest thing is that we suffer here because we do not have government salary, health or employment insurance, or retirement salary . You have to apply in companies (few companies in Iraq) or being an academic professor, or open your own clinic and gamble on its success. Is this the same in countries other than Iraq and how do you deal with this matter?
submitted by hsmon16 to Veterinary [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:55 groovygreengorilla I work at a hospital. I will never be visiting one after this

I work in a hospital. After this I will never go to a hospital again
I work In a hospital mostly looking after sick old people. One night me and 5 other doctors were on Night Shift and look after very sick people. Everything was going well as I heard screaming. One of the doctors complained of a little girl in a white gown standing in the hallway with the creepiest grin she had ever seen.
I thought this was weird since we were working in a retirement ward and there would be no children about. 2 hours go by me and another doctor r sat up in our office on our break when we neared screaming coming from a patient. We go on the radio to the other doctors and asked for them to check on all the people. They reply there all fast asleep. My heart sank as I ask what could it be then. 2 doctors and 1 nurse from the children’s ward coming running over asking if they seen a child in a white gown.
We both said no but another doctor had seen her. We told them the name of the doctor and they replied with she’s not working on shift tonight. We both looked at each other and said no we swear we’ve seen her. They told us to stop being stupid and go back to r shift and operations normally. My break was over and the other doctors were on there break so I was by myself. I was walking around checking on all the patient until I got to room 21 and saw a little girl in a white gown with a man with no face also in a white gown leaning over one of the patients I ran back and hid in the break room for the rest of my shift and let all the other doctors handle it.
3 days after I decided to quit my job and then to learn later the patient had died.
submitted by groovygreengorilla to u/groovygreengorilla [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:12 BaseballAcrobatic201 PIp and want to get out of my job!

[VA] Long story short, after I told my manager I am pregnant, he started collecting false claims via emails and chats against me from the next day, and 30 days later, put me on PIP. I have evidences for everything that he has put in the PIP are false. This is a consultancy company whose revenue comes from clients via billable hours.
Now, I am seeking an attorney to help me get a severance package or mutual agreement.
I have also contacted my previous company, and they can take me back, so I won't be unemployed for long.
My employer filed a PIP for 60 days, so I can complete their projects(project end time is in 60 days), and then they will lay me off later to save themselves from paying me maternity leave or FMLA.
Please advise how I can leave this job “immediately” and also pursue my legal options and get a package in the end ? I don't want to continue enduring harassment, attend PIP meetings, and stress myself further in my underlying pregnancy condition.
submitted by BaseballAcrobatic201 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:49 NightDrive_94 Problema con fidanzata

Ciao a tutti,
M30, senza entrare troppo nel dettaglio dico che sono un bel ragazzo, economicamente sto bene (ho una casa di proprietà e un discreto conto in banca) e faccio un bel lavoro.
Circa 2 anni fa sono stato cornificato malamente dalla ragazza con cui convivevo, si è presa la briga di portarsi in casa il suo superiore (lei 28 e lui 63) l’unica notte in cui sono stato via per lavoro. Me ne sono accorto dopo qualche mese per via dei suoi comportamenti strani ma una volta scoperta ha negato tutto come se fossi stupido. Fatalità aveva avuto anche un grosso aumento di stipendio (roba che job hopping levati) ma ovviamente era perché se lo meritava (SE). Dopo averla lasciata è iniziato il momento migliore della mia vita: da sempre stato insicuro e con poca autostima, perdo quei chiletti in più che avevo e comincia una vera e propria “strage”: ogni settimana uscivo con una ragazza diversa e faccio colpo. Una di queste sembra convincermi di più, nonostante mi fossi lasciato da poco mi lascio andare e mi fidanzo con lei. Le cose all’inizio vanno molto bene, tant’è che la faccio entrare in casa dopo 7 mesi (vivevo da solo) e inizia una convivenza, che va avanti da circa un annetto.
Il problema è proprio la convivenza: io sono una persona pulita, ordinata e mi piace tenere con cura le cose. La casa in cui abitiamo è di mio papà, è un bell’attico di 2 anni fa, ha tutte le ultime tecnologie ed è arredato con molto gusto e con cose belle e costose. Lei non riesce ad essere una persona calma, sbatte tutto, non butta via la spazzatura perché è una cosa da uomini. L’unica cosa che fa è pulire ma perché è ipocondriaca e fissata con le malattie. Quando le chiedo una cosa semplice, come ad esempio di non considerare il lavandino come un cestino, va in crisi e pianta i musi perché la sua famiglia fa così e quindi è giusto. Ogni cosa che può la sbatte e qualcosa l’ha già rotto ma ovviamente non è stata colpa sua (probabilmente ho i fantasmi a casa).
Passiamo al capitolo famiglia: casa mia è a 20 minuti di strada dai suoi e ogni volta (anche davanti a me) le dicono che deve trasferirsi per stare vicino a loro e che quindi io dovrei sobbarcarmi un mutuo perché lei deve stare vicino ai suoi.
Oltre a tutto ciò quando le faccio notare le cose che mi danno fastidio lei risponde sempre “io non sto sbagliando e sono fatta cosi).
A questo punto mi rendo conto che mi sto stressando parecchio, se fosse per me la vorrei spesso fuori di casa per potermi rilassare e godermi casa mia come meriterebbe. Purtroppo mi rendo conto che a volte ho difficoltà perché ho paura di restare solo a 30 anni e perché comunque lei avendo tutte le sue cose qui non sarebbe facile fare un altro trasloco.
Consigli? Opinioni? Aiuti?
submitted by NightDrive_94 to Relazioni [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:45 No_Lead8943 CEO/ VA that needs assistance

Good day everyone, i am looking for a CEO /VA or other people in higher position that needs assistance. You dont need to pay. I will work for you. I just need experience. Note that WFH Jobs only. I am a Law Enforcement Administration student and a graduating student . While i am waiting for my graduation i want to experience some work from home job so please help me. This is FREE
submitted by No_Lead8943 to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:37 Abject-Composer-1555 I feel that there is a big push to make STEM look attractive (e.g., STEM charities visiting schools and talking to students, university departments doing recruiting, etc.). There are certainly people who do well with STEM. But I don't think jobs are as plentiful and lucrative people think.

It's hard to look at STEM jobs as a whole. It's a group of fields that the only thing they have in common is that they require knowledge in any one or more STEM related fields. There may be tons of jobs for nurses, doctors may relatively good money, but the job market might be completely dead for someone graduating with a B. Sc in biology or math. It's hard to make a blanket statement like "you will make good money with a STEM job."
submitted by Abject-Composer-1555 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:25 psychnurse_23 Broken screws?

I had a PLIF done at L5/S1 last September. By 6 weeks post-op I was doing really well and was back to "normal". By Christmas I was in agony and it turns out that my SI joints were inflammed. (I have Psoriatic Arthrtis so it was impacting my SI joints). I had 3 rounds of RFA and steroid injections.
I have always had issues with the left side of my back, but about 8 weeks ago, I began to have pain in my right SI joint. I assumed that it was just a recurrence of the pain that had been treated with the RFA.
The pain just got worse, to the point that the organs in my pelvis were constantly burning, sleep was impossible, standing was awful and I couldn't work (I'm a community nurse, lifting people is the basis of my job).
2 weeks ago, my surgeon ordered an MRI. He told me he believed there wasn't a surgical issue but let's do an MRI just in case.
I was called to his office the following morning and he told me that the screws had become loose and needed to be replaced. I had the revision on Wednesday (today is 5 days post op). When he opened me up, the screws had actually broken in situ, damaged the cage, and in general, my back was a mess. A 2 hour revision took 6 hours.
I'm now in a brace and I'm looking at a much longer recovery than I originally was. Which is great when you are self-employed!
I'm just wondering has anyone experienced, or is familiar with, pedicle screws snapping? Am I more likely for this to happen again in the future?
submitted by psychnurse_23 to spinalfusion [link] [comments]