
Are you serious?

2024.04.26 23:15 Lopsided-Leopard-346 Are you serious?

Are you serious?
Had a customer come in with a gift card that they had just bought. Packaging looked fine and didn’t look like there was any tampering. When they came back in, the last 8 numbers of the card and security number were scratched off. They tried to buy another card but I decided to look in it to make sure it wasn’t tampered with. Sure enough, it was. Last 8 and security number were scratched off. The package again looked fine didn’t see any traces of tampering. I could be over looking things but still. Me and my co worker had to take everything off the shelves. Anyone else had problems like this?
submitted by Lopsided-Leopard-346 to CVS [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 11:56 Astro_Sn1p3r First photo is the s2 trailer, second photo is the wiki on the finals sponsors

First photo is the s2 trailer, second photo is the wiki on the finals sponsors
There’s no information on it yet but to me it looks like it’s spelled “VNiiYN”
submitted by Astro_Sn1p3r to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.03.09 02:43 Rommski Do these look legit? help dating aswell

Do these look legit? help dating aswell submitted by Rommski to VintageLevis [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 19:55 joshdviner How to increase the perceived value of your product in your Facebook Ads (and increase conversions).

Hi FacebookAds, my name is Josh from Psychology of Ads where I break down how brands use psychology in their Facebook ads and how you can too to increase conversion rates and make more money.
Here is my breakdown of how the travel app Hopper became the #1 most downloaded travel app in North America by increasing the perceived value of your product using psychology. I hope it helps you!


Hopper is the #1 most downloaded travel app in North America. Their ads are a masterclass in how to increase perceived value. They do it with The Anchoring Effect. Here’s what I mean:

🧪 The Anchoring Effect

The Anchoring Effect is a psychological phenomenon in which your judgement or perception of something is influenced by a reference point (or an “anchor”).

🤳 How Hopper Uses The Anchoring Effect

Hopper uses the Anchoring Effect by highlighting their cheap prices, compared to the alternatives. All of their ads have to do with how cheap they make it to book travel.
Ad while they mostly anchor against competitor prices, they also anchor against everyday items (in the tweet example linked below):
Click here to check out some of their ads.

🧠 How You Can Use The Anchoring Effect

The key to The Anchoring Effect is to increase the perceived value of your product by anchoring it against something else. The anchor could be another product in your lineup, competitor’s products, or everyday purchases. One of my favourites is anchoring against a cup of coffee. It’s pretty powerful if you could say “for less than a cup of coffee per day” in your messaging. But you don’t need to just anchor on price. For example, check out how Ridge Wallet creates an anchor in this basic Us vs Them ad:
Click here to check it out.
Their wallets are actually more expensive than typical wallets but they anchor on their unique selling proposition (USP) - the slimness of their wallets. Just showing their product by itself isn’t impactful. But by anchoring it against the alternative, it showcases the benefit of their wallet. And that’s the whole idea behind the Anchoring Effect. Here are some other examples:
You can also layer your anchors. For example, use a price anchor and lifestyle anchor - show that a competitor’s alternative is (a) more expensive and (b) less desirable compared to your product. Hopper does this well, showing that their hotels are cheap and luxurious. Here are some hooks using the Anchoring Effect are:
So, how will you use the Anchoring Effect in your ads? How will you increase the perceived value of your product? Let me know how it goes! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Originally posted on Psychology of Ads
submitted by joshdviner to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 23:34 gay4molemannn My homegrown SoFla Mount Rushmore

submitted by gay4molemannn to sportscards [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 22:11 erarichh [FOR HIRE] Character sheets, pages and illusts in ANIME, SEMI-REALISM and CHIBI style!! More info and prices on comments, DM me for chat 💛 (0/3 SLOTS)

[FOR HIRE] Character sheets, pages and illusts in ANIME, SEMI-REALISM and CHIBI style!! More info and prices on comments, DM me for chat 💛 (0/3 SLOTS) submitted by erarichh to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 21:47 monni-gonni Yall got any ideas for how to recreate this CT scan shading/vibe?

Yall got any ideas for how to recreate this CT scan shading/vibe? submitted by monni-gonni to blender [link] [comments]

2023.11.20 12:22 KristenleighBJ Pregnant and travelling to Mozambique 1t 9-10 weeks pregnant.

What is the best anti malarial drug to take when pregnant? I have read it is likely mefloquine but I cannot seem to find info online that says it is absolutely 100% safe... We contemplated rather cancelling the trip but LAM Mozambique Airlines refusing to give us any money back...
I obviously will put baby first though. Any advice? (Also, yes I will ask my obgyn, I just want to know if others have had a similar experience).
submitted by KristenleighBJ to Mozambique [link] [comments]

2023.10.26 19:56 prophet_of_mayhem Help with CMT-AH10 buy

Help with CMT-AH10 buy
Hi guys. Need your honest opinion. I’m looking for a Sony CMT-AH10 to crown my collection and allow me to plug it to the PC and have a sort of USB reading of media in MD. I know it’s silly, but it’s my hobby..
So now the question is.. AH10’s seem to be rare in Europe. I’m ok with ordering and waiting an eternity, but also don’t want to pay a fortune. I’m not a collector, I buy these things to use them till they break. What is your opinion on ordering from Amazon JP, does it work and would you recommend an alternative?
Thank you!!! 🙏
submitted by prophet_of_mayhem to minidisc [link] [comments]

2023.10.26 00:32 EletricCowboy Will wood sample found

I was watching footage from a japanese tsunami march 11th 2011 and the audio at the end of Jimmy mushrooms sounds exactly like it, I don't know if anyone else knew this but I found it really interesting he choose that https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyzIMSbICvy/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== It's at about 17 seconds or so Does anyone else think it is??
submitted by EletricCowboy to willwood [link] [comments]

2023.10.03 23:09 the-beanster HTMX event listener only triggers once

I've been struggling with this bug in my code for a while:
I have the following div in my DOM whose sole purpose is to make a GET request when the "send-message" event is emitted (as an aside, is doing this considered bad practice?):
I'm expecting GET /https://catfact.ninja/fact to be fired off every time the "send-message" event is emitted.
Instead, the request is only fired the first time the event is emitted since the element was loaded. Every subsequent event emission does not trigger the div's HTMX event listener.
As a sanity check, I have this listener log to the console every time the event gets emitted:
document.addEventListener("send-message", () => { console.log("send-message event emitted in document"); }); 

EDIT: minimum reproducible example

submitted by the-beanster to htmx [link] [comments]

2023.08.30 22:42 igloouk 👑The Kings Of WcW!👑

submitted by igloouk to oldschoolwrestling [link] [comments]

2023.08.24 06:34 Slow_Cinema The (mostly) boutique releases I have been able to pick up. all from used stores, Facebook sales, or with a discount coupon.

The (mostly) boutique releases I have been able to pick up. all from used stores, Facebook sales, or with a discount coupon.
I’m in Canada so I try to never spend more than $25 per disk. Many of these were less than that even.
submitted by Slow_Cinema to boutiquebluray [link] [comments]

2023.07.29 21:21 Reddit_Asadollahi A Very Crazy Song

submitted by Reddit_Asadollahi to Beepbox [link] [comments]

2023.07.10 12:41 BroadSwordfish7 HTMX get request not being sent on button click

It doesn't look like htmx is working correctly with my django project. When I click the "Htmx Button" below nothing happens, however when I click the "Load Comments" tag, the get request is issued to my url and all works fine.
Load Comments  
Swap this text out
I installed htmx the 'proper' way and checked it was working when I started my project the other week. However, now I've come to try and use it I'm wondering if it is working correctly. I also added the
submitted by BroadSwordfish7 to htmx [link] [comments]

2023.05.05 07:16 WetTaco_69 My first livery is now public! (Ferrari F40 C)

My first livery is now public! (Ferrari F40 C)
After such a positive response to my last post about my first livery, I worked hard the last couple of days working on being able to make it public. (I didn’t know that other people’s vinyl groups couldn’t be shared on your design)
Share Code: 154 518 990
(I used the Rotiform WGR wheels if you’re curious)
submitted by WetTaco_69 to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments]

2023.03.27 18:46 InfoSpectrum 🔍 Explore the Enigma of the Voynich Manuscript with InfoSpectrum Podcast Episode 1! 🎙️

Hey fellow Voynich Manuscript enthusiasts! 👋
We at InfoSpectrum Podcast recently released an episode diving into the captivating mystery of the Voynich Manuscript, and we believe this community would love it! In Episode 1, we discuss the manuscript's history, the various theories surrounding its origin, and the attempts to decode its enigmatic content.
Join us as we explore the fascinating world of the Voynich Manuscript and unravel its secrets together. We've got you covered on multiple platforms, so you can listen or watch at your convenience:
🎥 Watch on YouTube 🎧 Listen on Spotify 🌐 Listen on Spotify for Podcasters
🍏Listen On Apple Podcasts
Don't forget to follow us on social media for updates and future episodes on intriguing topics:
👍 Facebook 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter
We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we enjoyed creating it. If you like our podcast, please consider subscribing and sharing it with your friends. Your support means a lot to us, and we can't wait to hear your thoughts on our Voynich Manuscript episode! 📜✨
submitted by InfoSpectrum to voynich [link] [comments]

2023.03.21 23:13 AwkwardShake Here's the latest data dump on all the Apex BR maps

Here's the latest data dump on all the Apex BR maps
Here's the latest data for all maps as of today -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q77xwoICViTFqLldHxiJKdfkpFShoe7aJ-5AwuVoad0/edit?usp=sharing
Here's a general gist of the maps -

Broken Moon Storm Point Olympus World's Edge Kings Canyon
Loot Spots 5101 4280 3832 3653 4454
Loot bins 566 543 700 619 495
Respawn Beacons 25 30 32 30 29
Survey Beacons 17 22 18 21 22
Ring Consoles 15 17 0 (S16 version not available) 16 20
Crafting 15 16 18 18 27
Trident 0 10 12 0 0
Gravity Cannon 0 39 0 0 0
Jumptower 1 1 10 (maybe 5? Respawn has added jumptowers twice at some places in files) 30 (maybe 15?) 22 (maybe 11?)
If you have any other questions, feel free to dm or comment.
Also download my app on iOS or Android to get a noice searchable Competitive Calendar so you don't miss out any Apex Comp events (thanks to Competitive Calendar on this sub). I'll also be adding Homescreen Widgets related to that as well.
Fun fact: I probably inadvertently started map datamining $hitstorm long ago on this comment in this post. Mr. AreYouSuckNoob is Raven (TSM coach) from this sub. Nobody knew about datamining maps back then I think.
submitted by AwkwardShake to CompetitiveApex [link] [comments]

2023.01.16 23:13 Ok-Ear-2751 Air Jordan 4 Levi’s White

Air Jordan 4 Levi’s White submitted by Ok-Ear-2751 to Repsneakers [link] [comments]

2022.12.13 19:20 MrJoshua099 Beaconed Oil and Calculator Idea

Beaconed Oil and Calculator Idea
So today I was working on beaconed oil, which makes me pull my hair out! The calculators are pretty confusing when it comes to oil with beacons... or I'm just reading it all wrong...

4 Refineries please... wait only using 1.9?
Which led me to a calculator idea! What if you put in the number of refineries and beacons... and it calculated a perfect ratio for you! At the very least for full Petroleum output with no leftover Heavy/Light oil.
IE: I want 4 Refineries using 3 Eff and 32 Speed each. Or maybe even just within ranges of refineries and beacons.
Output: You need X chemical with X Eff, and X Speed. Down to the exact digit. Maybe add a limit like no more than 30 refineries and show "perfect ratio not possible" if it just can't do it.
Sadly, I've no idea how to write a calculator. So for now, it will just be a fleeting dream.

Bonus!: Here's my Oil setup I came up with for now. It's not perfect but will output either ~61k/m Petro or ~55k/m Petro + 9k/m Lubricant and its tileable!
Left side refineries part comes from ceo-of-enron on factorioblueprints.tech site.

Blueprint String: 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
submitted by MrJoshua099 to factorio [link] [comments]

2022.12.12 22:19 doublethinkd Shoot died to Phoenix molly... wait WHAT

I got tagged up by Brim then died to brushing against Phoenix's molly. Except apparently it was a headshot and it did 122 damage.
Can anyone explain that?
submitted by doublethinkd to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2022.11.24 04:10 bizflyvccorp1 Thach thuc cua doanh nghiep khi trien khai phan mem CRM

Trên thực tế, triển khai CRM tồn tại không ít khó khăn và thách thức. Doanh nghiệp cần có phương hướng khắc phục để tối ưu tăng trưởng quy mô và phát triển. Bizfly thông tin tới bạn một số khó khăn phổ biến khi triển khai phần mềm CRM: 1. Không xác định rõ mục tiêu khi triển khai 2. Áp dụng phần mềm CRM không phù hợp 3. Phần mềm không tương thích với hệ thống doanh nghiệp 4. Không thích ứng với người dùng 5. Nhân viên không sử dụng phần mềm CRM
Những thách thức trên là điểu bất kỳ doanh nghiệp nào cũng phải đối mặt, khó có thể tránh khỏi. Thấu hiểu được khó khăn đó, Bizfly cung cấp giải pháp CRM và tư vấn phương án giải quyết có khăn hiệu quả. Mang lại thành công lớn khi áp dụng.
Thông tin chi tiết tại: https://bizfly.vn/tech.../thach-thuc-khi-trien-khai-crm.html #CRM #BizflyCRM #Bizfly
submitted by bizflyvccorp1 to u/bizflyvccorp1 [link] [comments]
