Lamictal topomax allergic reaction

Can I prevent Wellbutrin rash?

2024.05.16 08:23 Mousee__ Can I prevent Wellbutrin rash?

I was on Wellbutrin for about two weeks not too long ago since it’s been reported to reduce ssri induced sexual dysfunction, but I had an allergic reaction to it. It’s the only medication that has worked for me regarding that ssri side effect so im very disappointed I had to stop taking it. Are there any ways I can prevent or stop this from happening if I were to try taking it again?
submitted by Mousee__ to Wellbutrin_Bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:14 basiccomponents Had these for a few days

Had these for a few days
25 F
I think I've had this for around a week, it stayed the same.
I didn't put any cream on it.
I don't take medications.
They are a little itchy, it gets worse when I put on socks / shoes, this was right after I washed my feet with warm water, normally its a little less visible.
I also have a couple of these marks on my hands, wrists, knees, thighs, but the worse is the feet.
A couple of weeks ago, I found a silver fish in my socks drawer, so I washed the things I thought it came in contact with, but not everything in the drawer, I read it's harmless so I didn't do anything else, I didn't see any more of them since then, but I know they tend to hide.
I am a little bit allergic to dust, but never had a skin reaction, I only sneeze a lot and my eyes become red if I touch clothes that were closed in a box for a long time.
I didn't change the detergent I wash my clothes with, I didn't go to any new place.
submitted by basiccomponents to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:43 AlbatrossUnlucky3862 AITA for Leaving a Friend's Wedding Early Because of My Food Allergy?

Hey everyone,
I (29F) attended my friend’s (30F) wedding last weekend. I have a severe allergy to shellfish, which my friend is well aware of. I made sure to remind her a few weeks before the wedding, and she assured me that the caterers would accommodate my dietary restrictions.
When I got to the reception, I asked one of the servers about my meal, and they seemed confused. After a few minutes, the head server came over and told me there had been a mix-up, and they didn't have a shellfish-free meal prepared for me. They offered to make me something quickly, but when the dish arrived, it clearly had been cooked near shellfish and smelled like it. I didn't feel safe eating it.
Feeling frustrated and a bit neglected, I decided to leave the reception early. I texted my friend to explain the situation and left before the speeches and dancing started. Later that night, I got a text from her saying she was disappointed in me for leaving and that I could have just eaten something else or waited for them to fix the problem.
I feel bad for leaving early and potentially making a scene, but I also didn't want to risk a severe allergic reaction. My friend and a few others think I overreacted and could have handled it differently.
So, AITA for leaving my friend’s wedding early because of my food allergy?
submitted by AlbatrossUnlucky3862 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:28 jafeagan AITA for Cheering and Video Recording my Neighbors Eviction?

My GF has several allergies; one rather unique allergy is to marijuana. This is not a minor allergy, this triggers full on anaphylaxis, meaning the closing of her airway.
We live in a state where marijuana is illegal. Furthermore, we chose an property that advertised a smoke free community. One day, we smelled marijuana inside our apartment and ended up going to the ER that night. Long story short, our neighbor was smoking pot EVERYWHERE, indoors, outdoors, on the steps leading up to our front door, etc. A battle began between our neighbor, our apartment complex, and us that ended up lasting 6-months. We had audio, video, and still photos as proof, but our apartment complex would not relocate us, nor let us break the lease.
I finally had enough and went full on stalker. I found the company's VP of operations, Directors of operations, and experience via LinkedIn. Then, I went to the company's media section on their website, and using the PR representative’s email I got the formatting for their email addresses. I emailed the VP and two directors directly. I laid out everything, and got a response less than an hour later. They must have said something to the neighbor because days later things got incredibly contentious. At one point, our neighbor, belligerent, approached my GF while walking our dog. She was threatening to knock out my GF, but luckily our dog is 80 lbs and very protective. She backed off and went home.
The property management company still would not let us break lease, but they did transfer us a new unit. Nothing happened to the neighbor at that point, but a few days later I was walking to my car and noticed three sheriff's deputies standing outside our old building. They were accompanied by the Community Relations manager, and the Property Manager. Then I saw it, our neighbor and some friends desperately trying to empty a two-bedroom two-bath apartment into 3 sedans. They looked really stressed and worn out...I cheered and laughed my ass off. Then, I pulled out my phone, took multiple photos, and started recording the following events.
I understand that it was mean, but after the countless ER visits and multiple hospitalizations, it felt like karmic justice. In addition to all that, my GF still to this day is struggling with implications that occurred from repeated allergic reactions over the 6-months’ time span. I was laughing about this at work, and someone overheard and said that I should not get this much pleasure out of that person's misfortune. AITA?
submitted by jafeagan to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:13 Full_Reflection7073 any advice on soothing lips after an allergic reaction?

hi i (21, f) ate pineapple yesterday and had a sudden allergic reaction to it after eating it for years :(
i woke up with kylie jenner lips and blisters that make me feel so chapped all over them lmao
i've been using ice to put down the swelling and vaseline for the dry blisters. anything else i can do? thanks!
submitted by Full_Reflection7073 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:12 jani_bee Anyone else feel defeated this year?

This year has probably been the worst year so far, and it just doesn't stop, it's like it wants to take me to my limit and beyond. Anyone else feeling like this?
I have been trying my best to recover these past two years from the burn out and exhaustion that came to me after finishing Uni. Last year I would get bursts of energy for like a week and then fall into 3 months of pure fatigue, but I pushed through, focusing on the positives and hoped that this year would be better. Of course, being poor and needing to sustain myself while also being Audhd and severely burnt out wasn't easy, but I moved back in with family and did my best to keep a simple job.
Well in January I got very sick, acute pancreatitis, gallbladder and liver issues as well. So that threw me off not only because of the pain and discomfort, but also because I can't afford healthcare with the little I make, and I already have an ER debt from a poisoning I went through in October so I didn't want to add to it. Still I changed up my whole diet and kept trying to get better and focus on the positives. That calmed down enough to where I could keep it under control with a good diet, but it's not gone and I could have another attack any day.
Then my partner started having flare ups for his liver and prostate issues, my mother's eyesight and hearing have been getting progressively worse due to age, and my father has to pass kidney stones about once a month. All things that are painful and very stressful in our lives. On top of that my dog has been having severe allergic reactions that she has never in her life had before causing her to lick her paws raw and breathe heavier. I got a loan to take her to a vet and they said there was nothing they could do except have me wipe her paws.
Through this I'm trying to find alternative means of income and failing constantly. I feel stuck, I can't afford anything, all my money goes to keeping my dog as healthy as I can. I can't move to a better place, I can't go to the doctor and my mental health is shot. Lately I've been having anxiety and panic attacks, feels like I'm freaking dying, heartbeat racing and anxious thoughts out of control. If that wasn't enough, I'm having issues with my nerves, knee pain, hip pain, and shoulder pain. I'm trying to do workouts with youtube physical therapists because I have no other options. And don't even get me started on the state of the world, the climate, the atrocities, and all the stress that comes with that.
I don't know what to do or where to go from here, it feels like all that my disorders do is bring me down. No matter how hard I try, I fail, things get harder, life gets more stressful, etc.. I see people with autism or adhd on social media in cute houses, with nice jobs, doing all the creative hobbies they want because they can afford it and I just wonder how in the world they're able to do it. Because I am legit drowning.
If you read all this, thank you, I just needed to vent and see if maybe I'm not alone in feeling like this is one of the hardest years so far.
submitted by jani_bee to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:48 pearldental12 Types of dental filling and who needs them?

Dental fillings are used to restore the function and integrity of missing tooth structure resulting from decay or trauma. The type of dental filling a person needs depends on several factors, including the location and extent of the decay, the patient's dental history, and their aesthetic preferences. Here are the main types of dental fillings and the scenarios in which they are commonly used:

1. Amalgam Fillings

Composition: A mixture of metals including silver, mercury, tin, and copper. Uses:

2. Composite Fillings

Composition: A mixture of plastic and fine glass particles. Uses:

3. Ceramic Fillings

Composition: Made from porcelain. Uses:

4. Gold Fillings

Composition: Gold alloy. Uses:

5. Glass Ionomer Fillings

Composition: A mixture of acrylic and glass (fluoroaluminosilicate). Uses:

6. Resin Ionomer Fillings

Composition: Similar to glass ionomer but includes added resins. Uses:

Who Needs Them?

Consulting with a dentist will help determine the most suitable type of filling based on individual needs and circumstances.
submitted by pearldental12 to u/pearldental12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:38 Informal-Excuse-9315 Wasps!

Wasp deterrent
Hi! I have always been terrified of wasps, yellow jackets, but I’ve dealt with it. Now I have a little baby girl who’s loving the outdoors and loving being outside all day! I feel myself tensing up the moment I see a wasp close to where we are and end up going inside :/ today I found a wasp in our home too. I’m now terrified of a wasp stinging her. She is 7 months, I’m scared that the multiple stings will be extremely painful for her (she is one of those super happy babies, but when she gets extremely upset she will scream to a point of struggling to breath / choking) and I’m terrified of allergic reactions. What can I do to deter them? We’ve looked all over our yard and we haven’t found a nest. We had a nest 2 years ago, but took care of it before we repainted our exteriors and haven’t seen one since. But there’s always wasps when we are outside and now inside from time to time too. What have you done that actually helped? To deter them from our deck and indoors, and bonus if you have an idea of a perfume or something that we can put on our clothes to help deter them away.
submitted by Informal-Excuse-9315 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:35 inthearmsofdyl Dream Highlights

I had a few dreams today, after struggling to stay asleep. Yet again. I've been having adrenaline every time I wake up, for several days now. Waking up from muscle spasms/aches. It feels as if I'm having an allergic reaction to something I ate.
I was in a mall, with a transporting device. I had dreamt about cake for hours, seeing a lemon crust and cream filling. The top probably had something on it, that I'm forgetting. Now, I was stepping into this machine/portal. The escapism, was exhilarating. I wished I could stay here forever.
It sent me to a section in the mall, where I saw another person. I ran away from my family, then met this interesting personality. I can't remember what she said to me. She could've been an antagonist. In the next dream, I was at my sister's boyfriend's house. He talked to me, looking at old photos of me as a toddler on the wall. 'Those look like shark eyes.' I remarked, picking one up where my eyes were dilated. He mentioned a photo where I was standing beside the/a christmas tree. Another one, where my eyes were also noticeable. That might've been the one he was talking about. I saw the christmas tree photo, and didn't like myself in any of them. On the tv, an ad for IMAX came on. I wondered what event horizon would be like on the screen there. The commercial was advertising for a new boring oscar-type film. A girl then approached me, asking me about who my favorite euphoria characters were, by just mentioning their fist names, out of context. 'I don't watch euphoria.' I said, amusing her. 'You're funny..' She replied, genuinely. Her voice was real, distinguishable. It felt so real. 'Everytime you talk/respond, your eyes sparkle/twinkle..' She said. I mentioned that I'm a pisces; that pisces and aquarius are known for having mystical eyes. Eyes that look subhuman. She agreed, mentioning friends of hers with those signs. I loved her energy. It was so high vibrational and blissful. Earlier, I had telepathically saw someone park their car in a parking lot. My teachers walked past me, annoyed by my presence.
'They dilate when I talk, probably.' I mentioned. 'Jupiter.' Doing a hand signal, to show expansion; which she immediately understood. 'Jupiter also rules pisces..' She nodded. My mercury placement could cause my eyes distinction too, I thought mentally to myself. There was a stack of something white next to me, maybe opal. I turned away from my side, to look at the glass case full of sega games behind me. 'I was too young for sega genesis.' I said to myself, seeing a guy in the corner of my eye. The IMAX ad came on a second time. This time I recognized it. I turned to shove fruity pebbles straight into my mouth. Mandy moore started playing, singing about god. It was top of the world, but with a religious theme.
submitted by inthearmsofdyl to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:08 NotmeitsuTN Ever Wanted To……..

I’ve had a few weird ones recently. Allergic to everything but Pulm Allergist Rheumatologist all come up empty. I mean I’ve seen the reactions and they appear real. After awhile, cause I believe in the power of the brain, I start to think BS. Anyone ever wanted to rub some prednisone on someone who thinks they will be anaphylactic, or maybe give them a Xanax and then rub them with scented lotion and see? The words “you get to go home “ causes hives?
submitted by NotmeitsuTN to hospitalist [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:57 Fabulous-Rough-4466 PPI Timing

I saw an ENT this week and he confirmed what I figured out from Google that everything that has been me feeling horrible since Sept is LPR. A few weeks ago my GI changed me from Omeprazole to Protonix. The ENT said to change from the morning and take it before dinner so it’s working fully at bedtime. He said I’ll probably need sinus surgery down the line but not dangerous right now. That was the only recommendation so far - change the timing. Has that worked for anyone?
Symptoms: -post nasal drip -frequent throat clearing -hoarseness -issues with swallowing (food/pills get stuck) -a sensation of a lump in the throat -dry cough -mucous in the throat -frequent Sinus infections/ Upper respiratory infections - tightness in chest that feels like asthma but oxygen sat is 100%
CT: Acute right maxillary sinusitis Mild chronic right frontal, left sphenoid, and left maxillary sinusitis Mild leftward deviation of nasal septum
Dr Visits: 9/10 - URI - antibiotics 12/22 - URI - antibiotics & cough meds 12/25- unproductive cough, tight breathing - Flovent and steroids 12/29 - throat pain (hurt to swallow), URI, cough - oral lidocaine 1/1- allergic reaction to antibiotics- steroids 3/14 - lost voice 3/16 - COVID 3/31 - URI, ear pain, swollen lymph node in neck, ruptured ear drum - omnicef, Sudafed before flights 4/16 - chronic cough - montelukast, steroid 5/7-current lost voice, sinus infection
submitted by Fabulous-Rough-4466 to LPR [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:41 That_Zebra_5286 Accidentally deleted launch options on steam and now my game won’t run with mods

Hey sorry if this question was asked before. I couldn’t find anything about it. So I was trying to play vanilla with my boyfriend and instead of copying my launch options pathway, I just deleted it like an idiot. (To be fair I had an allergic reaction yesterday and have too much medicine in my system) I’ve typed in pathways that link to my mods folder but the game is no longer running through Smapi. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Smapi but it’s still not working.
I’d appreciate it if anyone has any other suggestions other than uninstalling and reinstalling everything. If it comes down to that, I’ll do it but trying to see if there’s any other fixes first. Please help!! :(
submitted by That_Zebra_5286 to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:38 keg1196 Abuse or Neglect for a Food Allergy?

To give some background, I recently took my 9 yr old stepdaughter to an allergist. She had been having digestion issues, like randomly she will throw up or she’s going to the bathroom. And it started to occur pretty frequently, to the point where she’s puking at least once a week and sick to her stomach nearly every day. The allergist did the skin test, & we discovered she was allergic to corn. Which corn is in EVERYTHING, so now all her stomach reactions make sense. I will note her allergy isn’t severe, she doesn’t break out into hives and she doesn’t have any trouble breathing like anaphylactic shock. Just throwing up, stomach pain, constipation, and/or diarrhea.
Now, since we found out her allergy, we shared the news with her mother, and she is not at all taking this seriously. She told my husband “she never has had any reactions with me”, which is false because she throws up at her house far more often than she does at ours. She has not helped my stepdaughter to cut anything out of her diet, and she told her “it’ll be okay, it’s just an intolerance, like lactose”. And this woman is an ER nurse! So my thing is, if her mother isn’t helping cut corn and its derivatives that upset her stomach out of her diet, is that considered neglect and/or child abuse?
We have helped her cut it out of her diet in our home since her diagnosis. I went shopping and did research on food brands that were safe so I could buy her snacks and foods, and I have been planning our dinners to be safe for her to eat on the days we have her (we have 50/50 custody).
submitted by keg1196 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:37 ninajordan12 Can someone explain blood test procedure (spiraling a bit) OHSV-1

Some back story, about 17 years ago I had a terrible OB on my face and mouth, absolutely horrible. I went to the doctor and honestly my memory is so bad about this but I believe he swabbed it without a result but instead told me HSV from blood test (I think, I honestly don't remember 100%).
Based on how it looked visually and what I had eaten that week (mangoes) I was certain it was an allergic reaction. Mangoes have the same properties in the skin as poison ivy. The OB looked exactly like mango allergy pictures versus cold sore pictures. I've never had a full blown dark red blister. It's usually a tingle, swelling, itching, oozing, crusting, and tiny tiny bumps. Over time it's been even less than this. I also noticed this happens after certain lip balms. So all in all I was convinced it's related to allergic reactions and not HSV. Certain fruit properties and such.
Granted I went through extreme trauma with the thought of cold sores, especially the first year. I became a bit OCD and devastated. I wouldn't even hold my niece when she was born. I felt and thought my life was over. After connecting it to allergic reaction I guess convinced myself this is what it was, I have control by avoiding these things etc and honestly it got better. I healed sort of and moved on. Not gone I guess but somewhat forgotten. I get reactions maybe 3 times a year and as mentioned never the true dark red blister you see in pictures.
Fast forward, I'm 34 weeks pregnant and all the sudden I'm connecting the dots and feeling panicked like this is likely OHSV-1. I talked to my husband about it and I mentioned it in the past but he also thought allergies based on visual of it. He's never had any symptoms oral or genital. I've never had genital that I'm aware of.
I'm feeling extremely devastated and scared for my husband and newborn. I'm going to see if I can get on antivirals at 36 weeks and after baby's birth even though I hate the idea I want him safe. They say antivirals are safe but there's no real studies to prove it during pregnancy and breastfeeding so that's scary.
My husband and I have been together for a long time but now I'm thinking how will we ever do oral stuff again even though we have in the past. I'm spiraling. I saw a bump appear on my hand and put a bandaid over it. Paranoid what if I get an OB on nipple etc I've read this can happen. How will I cope when my baby is born. I'm going to be a mess of paranoia and fear for him.
Finally, please if someone can explain if I can reliably get blood tested and what this could show if I've had it for 17 years or more. Thank you.
submitted by ninajordan12 to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:28 Jake_CB What’s going on with my German Shepherd’s eyes?

White German Shepherd 6YR Male
Hello, I woke up to my German Shepherd having what looks like pink pigment invading the bottom halves of both his corneas. He recently has had some very large and firm swelling in his face and throat but has responded well to meds. His tonsils were the size of golf balls. I’ve attached those notes from the vet below. This just happened about a week prior to this eye issue.
Eye image:
Vet Notes: Discussed with owner that while it may be an ongoing allergic reaction, would strongly advise sedated oral exam to ensure no evidence of stinger and/or foreign material within the oral cavity. Discussed sedation would allow us the best visualization and treatment will be based on what we find. Dexmedetomidine (0.5 mg/mL) 6 mcg/kg IM Butorphanol (10 mg/mL) 0.3 mg/kg IM Sedated oral exam shows severely edematous tonsils bilaterally obscuring a large portion of the laryngeal region. No obvious foreign material or stingers. Swelling is extremely firm over right ventral portion of throat latch region - small area shaved and ultrasound utilized to visualize any fluid pockets. Small area of suspected fluid - attempted collection with ultrasound guided aspiration. No material removed. Suspect majority cellulitis. Ear canal visualized -TM intact, no obvious foreign material Atipamezole 0.36 mL IM - recovery uneventful Discussed with owner given the presentation of the swelling, strong concern for abscess/cellulitis moreso than allergic reaction. Discussed as well the possibility of penetrating foreign material (foxtail, stick shards, etc) that could migrate and cause abscessation. Plan to begin antibiotics and continue NSAID. However prefaced patient may very likely need CT and surgical exploration if not improving. Plan to follow up with primary care veterinarian in 48-72 hours. Sooner if having any difficulty breathing. Enrofloxacin and Carprofen tgh
submitted by Jake_CB to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:26 zddsp bug bite?

Hey guys! I hope someone can help me with this bc I’ve been trying everything. I’m a college student and I’ve been getting these bites since I’ve been home. It also happened over spring break, but stopped when I went back to school. I thought it was an allergic reaction at first and changed lotions, my sheets, everything. It only happens when im asleep and I wake up w one or two more every morning. It looks like a bug bite, but when other people sleep over, it still happens to me and doesn’t happen to anyone else. The one from last night is super swollen and i’m lowkey worried. Any ideas or suggestions? Please help!!
submitted by zddsp to bugbites [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:48 Gillisbride Allergic reactions

I took my first dose on May 1st, so the loading dose is wearing off. But I'm swelling up everywhere - face, arms, hands, you name it! I'm afraid it's an allergic reaction. Has this happened to anyone else?
submitted by Gillisbride to Humira [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:18 IdkJustMe123 Small bumps mostly along left eye/eyebrow and hairline (27F), is it necessarily an allergic reaction to something?

I noticed it around Sunday and it doesn’t seem to have improved at all. I’ve thought about it and really don’t think I’ve changed anything in my soaps, diet, sheets, pills, etc. they’re not itchy or painful, though I kind of feel like my left eye is sometimes suddenly very itchy. But it could just be a coincidence. Idk I’m just really worried and can’t afford to take off work to go to a dermatologist if he’s just gonna say it’s some allergic reaction and to wash everything, can anyone offer any insight at all please?
submitted by IdkJustMe123 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:17 CompetitionNarrow512 Zavzpret

Anybody else get an allergy attack with Zavzpret? Im not talking like allergic reaction like hives or anaphylaxis, more along the lines of a pollen or pet hair allergy. Sneezing, eyes and nose itchy/tingly/runny , sinus congestion. It’s quite annoying and takes like an hour to stop. I’ll keep sneezing for longer though. I mentioned it at my neurology appointment and both doctors gave me a funny look so I kind of just dismissed it. I don’t have this issue with my Zolmitriptan nasal spray.
submitted by CompetitionNarrow512 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:14 FreeProcess2584 If my workplace gets sued, will I be responsible?

I worked at a restaurant, someone had an allergic reaction to a very common ingredient but one we can remove. They asked for the ingredient to be removed but due to kitchen error we forgot and still served with the allergen. The allergic reaction was severe, they had one bite and it was an issue so cross continuation would have happened has we made the order correctly. It was inevitable considering an allergy wasn't mentioned. No allergy was mentioned before it was just asked to be taken out, the customer didn't double check the food before consumption. I was the person who took the order and made it, we had to call an ambulance and we suspect they'll take a legal route. As the person who made the food, would I have to pay any court fees if we lost for whatever reason? Would we loose because we had the allergen in there anyway? And if I forgot and they did say they had an allergy could I be held responsible for any bills, fees, or paying anything? I do not have the money to pay for the medical bills 😭😭😭
submitted by FreeProcess2584 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:50 Nphage7 Mom's cat is licking off his fur and vet seems to be out of ideas

About six months ago my mom's cat Bucky started licking off a patch of fur on his back. It started as a small patch and just kept growing. She's taken him to the vet multiple times and he's been on steroids for months but he just keeps getting worse. When she first took him to the vet in December the vet thought maybe it was an allergic reaction to flea bites. A visual inspection found some small scabs in his side outside the area of hair loss but no fleas or other parasites were found. Still he was given flea and tick preventative medicine, a convenia injection, and a Depo-Medrol injection. After a few weeks he still wasn't getting better so she took him back to the vet and the vet did a fungal test that was negative and some blood work that came back fine. The vet prescribed prednisolone after that. It started off as 1 ml per day for a week and then transitioned to 0.5 ml every other day. He's been on the steroids for months and just keeps getting worse. What started off as a small patch on his back now covers almost his entire back. There are patches of fur missing on his legs and somehow his neck under his head. There seems to be some fur loss on his nose, ears, and next to his eye. There are sometimes sores in areas of new hair loss but it's unclear if they were there before he pulled his fur out or are a result of it. He's clearly uncomfortable all the time and just keeps licking, scratching, biting, and grooming. Other than these issues he seems energetic and healthy. The vet's only remaining idea seems to be to do a skin biopsy to send to a dermatology specialist to check for skin diseases, but he didn't sound optimistic it would be helpful which isn't encouraging. Any other avenues we could explore?
Species: Felis catus Age: 11 years Sex/neuter status: male/neutered Breed: Short haired domestic Body weight: 8 lbs History: He is an outdoor cat that occasionally gets in fights with other animals and has sometimes needed antibiotics for infections but he has otherwise been healthy. Clinical signs: Excessive grooming leading to hair loss and sores. Duration: 6 months General location: Southeastern Wisconsin
submitted by Nphage7 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:50 Ghostygirl356 AITA for being "too sensitive"?

I honestly have no idea where I want to start this. I have asthma, but it's usually not an issue. It only starts acting up during allergic reactions (cats) and when I'm sick with a cold or something, annoying, sure, but nothing important. Well last Friday, me, my twin brother (15M) and my dad drove 6.5 hours across the state to visit the family and celebrate Pop's 75th birthday. I had a small cold but nothing major. We stayed with my aunt and uncle. They own cats. The next day I kinda feel like shit and people start realizing that I'm not ok. We go to the pharmacy but long story short they couldn't get me a prescription for an inhaler so my step mom, my dad and I waited 4 hours in the ER so I could be given more meds than a senior citizen. They all tasted like dirt. I was terrified all day. I'm back home now, but I've taken a couple days off of school to recover, no one in my class knows this yet, actually. Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor for a few tests. My brother said "lucky. You don't have to go to school" obviously I'm not lucky. When he left the room I started saying to my mom that I was angry at him. She said I'm too sensitive, and need to stop taking things so personally. This isn't the first time she's said this either. She said it multiple times, but as someone with anxiety (and an attitude thanks to her), that's almost impossible. I feel like I didn't take it too personally because that was really scary and he said 'lucky' but, what are your thoughts? AITA?
submitted by Ghostygirl356 to AITAH [link] [comments]