Videos like ifm


2022.05.21 16:45 viko09 EarnUsdtToLikeVideos

Just an opportunity to make some cash on the side. If you are sceptical about that, don't hate, spam or report anything and leave. For the ones that are serious about it and open to new opportunities, you are welcome !

2015.09.29 02:19 Subhazard Interdimensional Cable

Interdimensional Cable-like content!

2021.05.07 17:49 Bllursed IAmTheMainCharacter

Videos/photos of people acting like they are the center of the world

2024.05.16 18:38 Little_Prune264 Wonder why there is no vlog today?

Heather probably has a migraine or her shoulde neck hurts and she had to go to the chiropractor.
I mean I feel like Emma could’ve edited a video in the morning if Heather is in pain
submitted by Little_Prune264 to EmmaAndEllieFamily [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:37 Astral_Zeta Is reverse grip a liable sword technique?

Is reverse grip a liable sword technique?
Well the topic of reverse grip is quite heated, with some saying that it’s completely useless while others say it’s fantastic. One of the justifications of reverse grip is that it’s defensive style, however there’s several problems with this, as you’ll be leaving much of the body exposed and probably lose your fingers. Another example of this is reinforcing your block in your forearm, the opponent’s sword would just go over it, hit your arm and you’d be taking the impact into your forearm. Half-swording in reverse grip is less versatile than using it in regular grip as you can change your hand position quite easily. Another justification for reverse grip is that it is good for duel wielding, but with the previously mentioned flaws, this falls apart, because if it’s useless in one hand, then why would the other hand magically fix all that? You might as well be fighting with one hand. Another thing Ive heard is that reverse grip is viable with an off handed parrying weapon such as a parrying dagger, like previously mentioned you’d leave your body exposed and lose some fingers, along with the parrying dagger’s cross guard getting in the way of your wrist as it was designed to parry rapier blades. Another justification for reverse grip is that it can catch the opponent off guard, which makes sense but falls apart when you think about it, because if a technique requires your opponent to mess up then your basically making a gamble. And one last justification is that it happens all the time in Hollywood and videos, but that’s the thing, it’s in a fictional setting, with fictional scenarios where everything is staged. And then there’s the reason why people defend it, because it looks cool and that’s it. Does reverse grip have any uses? Well it works if you’re just using a knife, or if you’re running away as you’re less likely to impale yourself if you trip and fall. So yeah, not really all that useful. If you’re writing a story with some swordplay, feel free to take notes.
submitted by Astral_Zeta to SWORDS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:37 Markus_included I really dislike the X-Ray UI

First they made it go into portrait mode on mobile then they made it split screen on Desktop and now they did the same thing on FireTV
I don't like the new X-Ray UI because it reduces the space that can be taken up by useful information to make the video play at the same time, because you can definitely pay attention to that while reading something on X-Ray.
I really hope they add a full screen option to the new X-Ray, that's all I need, I don't mind the stylistic changes much, though I prefer the old Metro-style more.
submitted by Markus_included to AmazonPrimeVideo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:37 PenTall4588 tips for knotfest 2024?

this will be my first time seeing slipknot, it’s about a 3 hour drive from where i live. i have really bad anxiety i would like to see some of the other bands but slipknot is my main focus, is there a time that they usually play? from what i’ve seen from previous videos online it looks like they typically play at night. just trying to figure out what time i should get there so i don’t miss them
submitted by PenTall4588 to Slipknot [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:36 jackieinwonderland [WTS]Sailor, Franklin-Christoph, and custom Fountain Pens

Trying to destash and get rid of pens and ink I don’t use.
Verification & Timestamp!
Per sub rules payment must be through Paypal Goods & Services. All (used) pens will be thoroughly cleaned before shipping. Feel free to message me with any questions or offers. Note on FC pens: The original FC box may not be in mint condition even if the pen is unused, I can check this for specific pens if you’d like. I will discount FC pens if you don’t want the nibs. TOP OF TRAY – FC 46 Plum (EF), B – $115 Comes with FC box, converter, and single pen pouch.
London Pens C13JR Dupras Inky Waters (BB), NEW/A1 – $115 Comes with the original box and converter.
Wood Works of NC Violet Abalone (F), NEW/A1 – $115 Comes with the original box and converter. Additional video/images at bottom of imgur link.
Hinze Pens Enigma Teal (M), A1/NEW – $185 Teal nib to match the body of the pen, comes with converter.
Edison Collier Hawaiian (Fine Italic), B – $135 Comes with a converter and the original packaging.
LE Cartwheel Galaxy Pen (M), NEW/A1 – $225 Collaboration between Bob Dupras (material), designed by Lucky Star Pens, turned by River City Pen Co., with a finial designed by Devine Turning Supply. Comes in a single pen pouch with converter. Additional video/images at bottom of imgur link.
Lucky Star Pens x FC M02 Event Horizon (M), NEW/A1 – $130 Material by Stormwinds Blanks, comes with FC box, single pen pouch, converter, and cartridges.
FC 02 My Favorite Things (B), NEW/A1 – $130 Material by Stormwinds Blanks, comes with FC box, single pen pouch, converter, and cartridges.
FC 03M Turquish Crush (EF), B+ – $105 Used once, probably has micro scratches, but it’s in great shape with no real signs of use. Comes with FC box, single pen pouch, and converter.
FC 20 Pearlple NO CLIP (B), B – $115 Used a few times, this pen has micro scratches, but is in good shape. Comes with FC box, single pen pouch, and converter.
FC 20 White with Purple/Pink Finial (B), NEW/A1 – $125 White slightly transparent, comes with FC box, single pen pouch, converter, and cartridges.
FC 45L Orchid Blue (B), B – $100 Comes with FC box, converter, and single pen pouch.
FC 45L Philadelphia Pen Show 2023 Teal (B), NEW/A1 – $115 Comes with FC box, converter, SIG card, and single pen pouch.
FC 46 EPW Matte (Black F), NEW/A1 – $125 Comes with FC box, converter, and single pen pouch.
Leonardo Momento Zero Fioritura Viola SE Endless Pens Exclusive (B), A1/NEW – $250 Rose gold trim with a stainless-steel nib.
Sailor Manyo I Set Willow (M), NEW/A1 – $240 Includes Sailor Manyo Willow pen, converter, and 50ml bottle of Sailor Manyo Nekoyanagi ink.
Sailor Tequila Cocktail PG Lavender Margarita (F 21K), NEW/A1 – $290 Includes cartridges, converter, and original packaging.
Goulet Pens Exclusive Sailor Northern Lights PG Blue/Green (MS 21K), NEW/A1 – $420 Includes cartridges, converter, and original packaging.
Pen Point Exclusive Sailor Hydrangea PG Pastel Blue/Purple (MF 21K), NEW/A1 – $425 Includes cartridges, converter, and original packaging.
Sailor x Plus Starry Sky PGS Silver LE (B), NEW/A1 – $350 The set includes fountain pen, notebook, bottle of ink (20ml Dark Purple), converter, and original packaging.
Sailor Storm Over the Ocean PGS (MS), NEW/A1 – $210 Includes cartridges, converter, and original packaging.
Sailor Winter Sky PG (Regular) (B), NEW/A1 – $275 Includes cartridges, converter, and original packaging.
Sailor Winter Sky PGS (Z), B – $185 Includes cartridges, converter, and original packaging.
submitted by jackieinwonderland to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:36 brad_leung 🌟UK Neuroscience Essay Competition Now OPENS🌟

🌟UK Neuroscience Essay Competition Now OPENS🌟
✅A Level and GCSE students are welcomed
✅Extra boost for UCAS personal statement, especially for medical and science degree applicants
✅Opportunity to have a formal scientific publication on magazine
Synaptic Essay Competition is held by NeuroSpark London which is an organisation established by undergraduates from Imperial College London and University College London that aims to promote neuroscience education. As president, I would very much like to extend an invitation to you to join this initiative by submitting a neuroscience related essay. Upon review by academic professionals, the top 10 essays will be published in our magazine, Synaptic. We welcome articles from a diverse range of academic disciplines and not limited to their biological/psychological aspects, such as physics, computer science, and even economics, provided the focus remains on understanding neuroscience. We plan to transform the top three essays into short videos, which will be published on our social media platform and serve as a recognition of students’ efforts. Additionally, 3 winning essays will make the cover of this magazine. Please note that participating in this magazine is completely free.
More details on the competition can be found on this link:\_93Rxd0vr-k09YB3G\_LnMuGzjjd0VP?usp=share\_link
Alternatively, you can also comment below on this post and I will send over with more details. Please feel free to email me on or dm me.
If you are interested in looking for more neuroscience related content, feel free to follow us on instagram
submitted by brad_leung to premeduk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:36 ElementalZone 21 [M4A] US/Online, a bit clingy but I’m cool!

Hey, I’m Zone! I’m just looking for a relationship or just friends in general, so whatever works really.
I like playing video games, I have a pretty decent sized library on steam, I play games like tboi, payday 2, fv:nv, and a few other games.
I like listening to music, my favorite genres are rock and metal, my two favorite bands are the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Foo Fighters.
I do watch anime a little but it’s not very often, I recently watched jujutsu kaisen’s 2nd season, and I’m still on bleach, but still need to get around to finishing it.
Physically I’m 5’9-5’10, around 150 pounds so yes I am skinny. I have brown hair and eyes.
But yeah, my age range is 18-25 at most probably, I have no idea how comfortable I’d be with talking with anyone older really so yeah.
Feel free to message if you’d like, I can give my discord if that also works, because I’m more active there mostly.
submitted by ElementalZone to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:36 MuchRaspberry3002 Planbri

Watched the Planbri episode with Xandra and i thought id give notes - She didnt go into too much Jack detail but did say at one point they were cordial after the break up so assuming they arent now - She didnt mention why they broke up but she dumped him and made it very obvious it was his fault - The video on April fools was an old video with Jacks arm and she thought it was funny - Shes dabbled in drugs but not hard drugs like other djs - Played smash or pass and she passed on John Summit - She talked about how she used to go to LA as a child and would act and they played a video of her singing at 8 years old and apparently she was in a country music video (said its called front seat) - Said she has a song and music video coming out next month - Shes spending all summer in the Hamptons
submitted by MuchRaspberry3002 to xandrasnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:36 ThrowRA_593445903434 I (30F) recently moved away from my boyfriend (32M). My family and friends think hes a covert narcissist but a part of me wants to give him a second chance and I don't know why?

Recently I moved out and away from my boyfriend of 7 months. I moved in with a friend about an hour away. During the 7 months, it felt like a giant roller coaster. There were an insane amount of highs and lows. When things were good, they were really good, but when they were bad, they were really bad. It became very exhausting over time. On top of it, there were a ton of miscommunication, unresolved conflicts, him refusing to apologize or take accountability, him cutting me off constantly in conversations, not having my basic needs met, and resentment developing due to all of it. I spent months trying to communicate anything to him which always led him to being very defensive and shutting down. I was accused of creating problems and a bunch of "I didn't start anything so nothing was wrong or my fault" statements from him. If an issue was brought up and discussing it turned into an argument, he would physically become cold and distant from me for a couple of days after. In arguments he always spun it around about his abuse growing up, his abandonment issues, his ego problems, etc. It always made me feel worse for even trying to bring anything up to him. I always felt sorry and sad for him to have experienced so much pain in life. I eventually gave up on trying to communicate and shut down for the last 3 months of living with him.
Some other things that went on:
I am a full time student and I work on top of it. Finding time to do my school work without him pestering me became difficult. If I tried to do any homework at home, he would play a game or music loudly, ask me what I was doing, attempt to show me videos, etc (he worked from home so he was constantly there.) It felt like it was more than he could stand I couldn't give him attention 24/7. If I took my laptop to a cafe or the library, he was texting me asking me where I was and getting upset if I ignored him. It would blow up into arguments later on so I stopped doing that.
My job I worked second shift as a manager at a local store. He would constantly criticize it and say it wasn't a good job, the pay wasn't good enough, it wasn't giving me the relevant experience for my degree, I should change it, I should get a work from home job instead, I'm constantly gone at night, etc. I enjoyed the job because it got me out of the house and interacting with people.
He rarely cleaned. Dishes with food caked on them always left in the sink for me to clean up later. If I didn't, he would let them sit for days or even weeks. I would mention for him to do them but he never would. I always washed my own dishes and put them away when I was done. He would live out of a laundry basket mixed with clean and dirty clothing. He never vacuumed, mopped, picked up after himself, and constantly forgot to fill the water bowl for the cat and dog.
There was a bunch of other things too but those are just a couple.
The day I moved, I didn't tell him I was moving. I listened to my family and friends to not tell him anything. He was incredibly mad and upset with me. I was a monster, normal people don't just move out, a liar, a cheater, must be some other guy, etc. The person I moved in with is a female friend. I moved everything on my own into a moving van.
Since I moved, he has been making attempts to keep the relationship going. I feel vulnerable, tired, and exhausted. My brain has been extremely foggy since then. I feel confused and like I am having "withdrawal" symptoms from him. I have talked to to him on 2 occasions on the phone regarding everything since. He tells me he is changing and becoming a better person. He recognizes all the mistakes and wants to work stuff out. He even said he would see a couples therapist, even after he made multiple statements about how therapists give bad advice in the past. Part of my brain keeps holding on to him and I don't know why. It makes me feel sick. I have attempted to break things off with him and talked to him about how everything has made me feel but he refuses to take no for answer. He's like a totally different person.
I am not sure what to do I feel stuck, tired, vulnerable, and cloudy. I have never experienced someone like this before. My previous relationship were very different and ended on fairly amicable terms. Part of me wants to find out if he truly is willing to change and step up but part of me says don't do it.
I feel so torn on what to do?
submitted by ThrowRA_593445903434 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:36 Electronic-Agent-400 Please read a description

As a czech Saw fan, I ask you are in your country similar videos like these. For example some: "Jigsaw texted me and he wants to kill me" or "Jigsaw kidnapped my mother"? If yes, please send me some links, because I love it, it's so dumb lol.
submitted by Electronic-Agent-400 to saw [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:35 Killbayne What is this thin warped artifact on the bottom of Tapes called?

What is this thin warped artifact on the bottom of Tapes called?
on the very bottom of most recorded Tapes, there is a thin slice in which the video is warped and discolored while it twitches left and right. This does not appear in tapeless video builds, so it's purely a tape artifact (I'm guessing from the fact that it's magnetic) but does it have a specific name? I bought a Sony Hi8 Handycam (like the one in the video) but im shooting without tape. I've been able to recreate that effect quite well while tweaking some effects in Vegas pro and im thinking of making a very niche tutorial for that
submitted by Killbayne to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:35 ConfidentCranberry34 new build need some help making sure its alright

Hello hope you are having a good day,
I recently built a new pc its like almost a week old. These are my components:
PCPartPicker Part List
**CPU** Intel Core i9-14900KS 3.2 GHz 24-Core
**CPU Cooler** Corsair iCUE H150i ELITE LCD XT 65.57 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler
**Motherboard** Asus ROG STRIX Z790-E GAMING WIFI II ATX LGA1700
**Memory** Corsair Vengeance RGB 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-5600 CL40 Memory
**Storage** Samsung 990 Pro 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive
**Video Card**
Gigabyte GAMING OC GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER 16 GB Video Card
**Case** NZXT H7 Flow ATX Mid Tower Case
**Power Supply**
be quiet! Straight Power 12 1200 W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply
**Operating System** Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OEM - DVD 64-bit
I just need some help because I was watching Jayztwocents recent video. He was talking about the settings the MoBo manufacturers have set up are out of whack and don't meet intel specs. So I looked in BiOS and my mobo version was from several years ago, maybe 2019 and Jayz was from 2024, April 19th I believe.
Another thing that brought me here was that I just got an error that crashed my system and it was a blue SOD and the error was page fault in nonpaged area.
I have done some research, but I am wondering if the two could be related. I can surely research how to update my bios and probably do that on my own. But I am wondering if anyone has time to help me make sure my computer doesn't kill itself and that I can just set it up to work okay. I don't need crazy overclocking or anything I just want this thing to not die after like 6months to a year.
Thanks for any tips

submitted by ConfidentCranberry34 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:34 Cheap-Passenger-9587 Does anyone want to be my friend?

Hi I'm Charlie and I use Tiktok, Instagram and snapchat and I like playing videos games like Minecraft, rec room and Roblox or any plaform games rlly.
I would really like a friend pls 🙂
submitted by Cheap-Passenger-9587 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:34 dopxchxf Is it normal for my kombucha to foam up this much?

Is it normal for my kombucha to foam up this much?
I made a batch of sweet tea with black tea nad 100g brown sugar per liter.Added my starter and left it to ferment on 24C for 8 days and tasted it on the eight day liked the taste and I wanted to go with f2 . After I added the freah fruit and a spoon of brown sugar I left it on room temp for 2 days and refrigerated it for a day and then this happens when opened ,I did release the pressure slowly and it took a good minute to do it,after opening it still had a lot of foam that was coming out of it .Is this normal or is there something wrong ,I curious since this is my first batch and I don't want to give people to try something that went bad.The taste and carbonation is great tho! Thank you !
Ps .Since I made a bunch of different flavours,one that's on the video is the one foaming up the most and it has ginger and pineapple added to it .
submitted by dopxchxf to Kombucha [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:34 Ok-Summer2528 Diksha by the Lord

Student: Sir, in the Mahanirvana Tantra it is said by the Lord that the practices described in the Agamas are most efficacious for this Kali age, ever more so than than the Vedas and Puranas. However, so many all around the world are unable to receive formal Diksha that is traditionally said to be necessary for practice of these sadhanas, yet they are earnestly longing to delve into the teaching, what is to be done for them?
Teacher: it is clear that certain rites pertaining to the Tantras cannot be followed without the guidance of a proper teacher, however, with regard to the more personal sadhanas like those taught in the Vjnana-Bhairava-Tantra(VBT) as well those techniques pertaining to Hatha and Raja Yoga, these are very effective even without formal initiation or guidance from a teacher if they be properly understood and practiced.
Traditionally, the role of Diksha was to receive a Guru to teach you these things, however, in this age there are many more ways to understand these properly and very in depth through videos for example.
We must be rational in trying to understand why traditionally Diksha was required, and it makes perfect sense if the only way was through direct transmission and demonstration by a proper teacher. However, it is obvious there are plenty of other ways now to learn these things properly without a personal teacher now, so why should one be restricted to such a degree anymore?
Furthermore, access to these teachings was much more limited in those days than they are now. If these techniques are so dangerous without formal initiation, why have hundreds of thousands of people without Diksha reported such massively positive effects? The only times when it has harmed the aspirant is when they had not taken the proper time to understand and rushed to practice. How could such immensely positive spiritual benefits be experienced for those uninitiated if it was not the will of the Lord himself? Clearly if it is against his will there would not be such benefit for these people.
At least in regards to the Trika, swami Lakshmanjoo himself said that anyone who follows these teachings with care, diligence and respect is to be considered initiated. It is Lord Siva himself who inspires such people to pursue these teachings, this is taught by the great master Abhinavagupta himself!:
“For one on the path of divine intuition, there is no (necessity) for the procedure of the several initiations, no (formal) consecration (as a guru), no succession to a lineage, and no (ritual) vow of mantras, since s/he is directed (adhiṣṭhita) by the Primal Sage, the great Divinity (Śiva). It is for the attainment of such inner power that all the rites are offered; but it is (already) his own nature.”
Further he says:
“Therefore such a devotee of the teachings of Śiva [who receives this level of śaktipāta] is initiated (directly) by the Goddesses [of his own Awareness]. Depending on the steadiness or shakiness [of his intuition] he too should perform self-refinement (svasaṃskāra), through discipline, mantra repetition, and so on, in accordance with sacred observance (vrata), either by himself or directed by a Guru.”
Therefore one should always seek out a proper teacher, however, the absence of a personal teacher should not at all restrict him/her from engaging in these techniques, for they are being guided by Lord Shiva himself, and by his grace alone does one even become aware of these teachings at all and have a deep longing for them.
Such people should be considered initiated by the Lord himself, who is none other than the true Self.
submitted by Ok-Summer2528 to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:33 brad_leung 🌟UK Neuroscience Essay Competition Now OPENS🌟

🌟UK Neuroscience Essay Competition Now OPENS🌟
✅A Level and GCSE students are welcomed
✅Extra boost for UCAS personal statement, especially for medical and science degree applicants
✅Opportunity to have a formal scientific publication on magazine
Synaptic Essay Competition is held by NeuroSpark London which is an organisation established by undergraduates from Imperial College London and University College London that aims to promote neuroscience education. As president, I would very much like to extend an invitation to you to join this initiative by submitting a neuroscience related essay. Upon review by academic professionals, the top 10 essays will be published in our magazine, Synaptic. We welcome articles from a diverse range of academic disciplines and not limited to their biological/psychological aspects, such as physics, computer science, and even economics, provided the focus remains on understanding neuroscience. We plan to transform the top three essays into short videos, which will be published on our social media platform and serve as a recognition of students’ efforts. Additionally, 3 winning essays will make the cover of this magazine. Please note that participating in this magazine is completely free.
More details on the competition can be found on this link:
Alternatively, you can also comment below on this post and I will send over with more details. Please feel free to email me on []( or dm me.
If you are interested in looking for more neuroscience related content, feel free to follow us on instagram
submitted by brad_leung to ALevelBiology [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:33 Nasty64u It isn't storyline it isn't kayfabe it's not real either

So there's a story posted in here about supposedly Tiffany Stratton having a racially charged comment towards Jade Cargill. I have looked into this and I can tell you right now that the video itself has been dubbed. It's not real. I don't mean it's not real in the sense that it's kayfabe. It is a fabrication. We all know the consequences of what would happen if Tiffany Stratton had actually said that. She would no longer be employed. It would be all over the internet. You definitely would see it on CBS sports , all of the major wrestling websites bleacher report especially, a ton of people would have commented on this even from aew. But the funny thing is is there is a African-American empowerment page or website that is posting to their Twitter feed like it's real. We've all been duped or they have been duped. It's just somebody trying to stir something in the internet wrestling community. The wrestling business definitely doesn't need that Jade Cargill and Tiffany Stratton don't need it and I'm pretty sure Bianca Bel-Air doesn't need it either because she's now partnered up with Jade. Why can't people leave well enough alone. we know the reaction that happened when Tessa Blanchard said what she did a couple years ago. She was pretty much blacklisted as far as major wrestling organizations were and it's taking this long for even impact or TNA or whatever they're called to want to talk about bringing her back. And on a final note if she had truly said something like that to Jade Cargill you guys have seen Jade Jade is 511 about 185 lb of nothing but absolute athleticism and muscle and it will not have going well for Tiffany physically. It would have stopped being Tiffy time and would have started being beat down time for real. No storyline nothing like that. But then again it's on the internet so it must be true
submitted by Nasty64u to GreatnessOfWrestling [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:32 DreadedLeviticus 23/PC Looking for Chill people

Hello everyone! You can call me Dreaded
I am looking for people that are like me! to say the least haha. I smoke a lot and I really enjoy socializing with people over video games. I am hoping to add a couple more friends in the mix! Hit me up if you play any of the games in the list and want to play together! Or heck if you think id like a game, im more than down to try!
Games im currently enjoying ( i am very open to other games )
submitted by DreadedLeviticus to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:32 TinyChip-2934 I don’t know what to do for myself in my (23F) marriage with my husband (27M) anymore, and I am considering separating from him?

TLDR; My husband (27M) and I’s (23F) ideals for the future are misaligned now and I’m becoming unhappy, I don’t know what to do.
My husband and I met when I was still in college, a little over 4 years ago and have been together ever since. The first two years were fantastic, and we got engaged on our 2 year anniversary. At the time, we really thought we had talked over every “big conversation” you’re supposed to talk about (kids, where do you want to live, values, etc.)… Well we eloped a few weeks later (he’s in the military so that in itself speeds things up a bit), and then like 8 months later we were to have our actual wedding with family and friends, the whole 9 yards. During this time period, i don’t know what changed, but I guess I started to learn more about myself and my desires for life— I want an adventurous life before I settle down and have kids, and am more on the fence about having kids in some ways (mind you, I used to be all for it, but now I’m like 50% want 50% don’t want)? I also feel in a lot of ways as if he stopped “dating” me. I tried to bring this up and made it clear that I need to feel DATED, and set a kind of system up for us to have “date night” once every week. This went on for 2 weeks before it fell off and he got busy with school (which I was understanding of, as I also was in uni for the first 2 years of our relationship). Well, long story short, ever since then, we’ve gone on maybe 2/3 actual “dates”. I’ve tried bringing it up again but nothing came of it so I just dropped it and didn’t feel heard. That mixed with the bigger issues - how our values don’t line up as much anymore in where we see ourselves 2 or 5 years down the line, has made it so hard for me to be fully confident in us. We’ve had tough conversations a lot recently (within just this year maybe 3-4 times) about us and our future & the things we like to do (I also feel like we barely have any shared interests/hobbies besides playing video games, and it’s almost summer now so I am always wanting to be outside while he stays in and plays), but after we have the conversation it always ends with “but we love each other, and that’s just the way it is” and things go back to normal for some time — we’re very physically affectionate and goofy with each other, it’s so natural to be good. And then I get plagued with these thoughts of doubt again. I don’t know how to replace them or push them away, I went to therapy for a little bit and then helped but I wasn’t able to keep on it financially. We had another conversation last night about how I felt unhappy and he got frustrated and told me he didn’t want to talk about this again and I need to just make a decision because I’m stringing him along. I have no idea what to do or say, and part of me feels like it shouldn’t be this hard— we are so young. I’m just lost.
submitted by TinyChip-2934 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:32 Lucky_Veruca What's a word for someone who smothers their friends, making everyone avoid them?

I'm trying to figure out how to briefly describe someone I know in a discord server. I've found words like "Autophobe" and "Abandoned Child Syndrome" for people who dislike themselves, but none of the definitions quite add up. Here are the characteristics:
I feel like such a bastard for getting annoyed at someone who's clearly going through hidden issues, but at the same time we all feel extremely smothered by their overbearing emotional flooding because we're not therapists, medication or professional help. We're just a bunch of people who ran into each other on the internet. He's older than all of us by almost a decade, we feel really uncomfortable to be an almost 40 y/o's emotional pillow while we're all a bunch of 18-30 year olds messing around in a voice chat.
EDIT: I'm just looking for an informal word(s) to describe this, not looking for a diagnosis or attempting to "fix" this person. Like I said, we like him. It's just... Really hard sometimes.
submitted by Lucky_Veruca to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:32 lexxda Black White "Ghost" Something

This text was written using a translation tool, so don't worry about grammatical errors but rather judge the content.
I've been watching a German ParanormalHunters called "Die Geisterakten" for years with a few seasons.
Unfortunately, the members do not have as much of an online presence as one would think given their reach.
I posted it on their FB with no response, hence Reddit.
What do you say about? In the Clip you can see by 16 seconds something black and white... looks like a pair of pliers, the only thing that's strange is that it isn't there 1 second before. You can also notice in the video that it moves very slowly. Maybe someone wants to depunk this.
submitted by lexxda to GhostHunting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:32 masamune17 Interface Analysis Paralysis

Ugh,I've watched all the relevant Julian videos and still can't decide what would be ideal for my situation!
I'm looking for something in the $300 range that could do vocals (have an 10+ year old SM58, but probably going to experiment with some other mics as well), electric guitars, keyboard over MIDI and Roland eDrums over MIDI. I'd never be paying drums and piano at the same time, so 1 MIDI input would be fine.
Haven't done much music production stuff outside of my piano in close to a decade, where a lot of the guitar sim stuff I tried to do back then was plagued with latency. Was most likely my computer or incorrect buffer settings, but something with low latency is important. Haven't done anything with vocals, so not sure how important things like cloud/air, etc. are to have.
submitted by masamune17 to musicproduction [link] [comments]