Using observations for preschool programming

Tensorflow ML Library

2015.11.01 16:47 cdibona Tensorflow ML Library

For discussion related to the Tensorflow machine learning library. Emphasis on questions and discussion related to programming and implementation using this library.

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Subreddit dedicated to discussions on the advanced capabilities and professional applications of ChatGPT.

2008.01.25 04:14 Python

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2024.05.15 16:01 Low_Baseball_6368 Working in vet med while disabled

Hi guys, So long story short I’ve been looking forward to starting school to become a vet tech soon, but after reading something today I’m a little discouraged about the possibility due to others thinking I’m incompetent due to my disability.
I don’t want to get too into my health issues, but long story short I have genetic mitochondrial disease that affects multiple parts of my body. I’ve lived with this illness my entire life, so I’ve become very resilient and adaptive for just about anything and everything. I do use a wheelchair but I can stand and walk some. I’m very, very thankful to report I’m rarely ever in the hospital, especially compared to when I was younger since we (as in my team of drs along with myself) have come up with a great day to day supportive care routine.
Do you think there will be vet tech programs willing to accommodate or at least give me a chance to prove myself and my abilities? Human doctors and nurses are able to be in wheelchairs/have disabilities so I always assumed it would be the same in the veterinary field.
I always wanted to work in vet med as a kid, then switched to hospice nursing being the goal, but Ever since fostering for my local humane society the past couple years & adopting my amazing senior foster fail it has rekindled my love for veterinary medicine and I truly can’t imagine myself doing anything else.
I’m really interested in anesthesia & analgesia, as well as some work in the area of palliative/hospice care.
If anyone has any insight from going through this personally, with a student/colleague or if you just happen to be knowledgeable on the subject I would really appreciate some discernment into this situation.
I apologize for prating on for so long about this. I am immensely worried my dreams and entire future may not pan out at all how I’d hoped, which is devastating considering how excited I am.
Thank you for any input given 💙
submitted by Low_Baseball_6368 to veterinaryprofession [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:01 metanoiia2 Wednesday May 15, 2024 Non-Real-Time Meeting of OA

Welcome to this non-real time meeting of Overeaters Anonymous! I’m metanoiia. I’m a compulsive eater and your leader for this meeting. Will those who wish, please join me in the Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
Overeaters Anonymous is a Fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength, and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. We welcome everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. There are no dues or fees for members; we are self-supporting through our own contributions, neither soliciting nor accepting outside donations. OA is not affiliated with any public or private organization, political movement, ideology, or religious doctrine; we take no position on outside issues. Our primary purpose is to abstain from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors and to carry the message of recovery through the Twelve Steps of OA to those who still suffer.
Our Invitation to You
The Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous
Abstinence in Overeaters Anonymous is the action of refraining from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors while working towards or maintaining a healthy body weight. Spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery is the result of living the Overeaters Anonymous Twelve Step program.
The OA tools of recovery help us work the Steps and refrain from compulsive overeating. The nine tools are: a plan of eating, sponsorship, meetings, telephone, writing, literature, an action plan, anonymity, and service. For more information, read The Tools of Recovery OA page.
Sponsorship is one of our keys to success. Sponsors are OA members committed to abstinence and to living the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions to the best of their ability. Sponsors share their program up to the level of their experience and strengthen their recovery through this service to others. To find a sponsor, look for someone who has what you want and ask how he or she is achieving it. Will all abstinent sponsors please identify themselves in their post?
According to our Seventh Tradition, we are self-supporting through our own contributions. Our group number is 99038. Please use the group number when making your contribution. As our virtual group currently has no expenses please consider donating directly through this link to the OA World Service Office, who provides resources for OA groups all around the world to carry the message to other compulsive overeaters.
Suggested guidelines for sharing: As you share your experience and strength in OA, please also share your hope. Please confine your sharing to your experience with the disease of compulsive eating, the solution offered by OA, and your own recovery from the disease, rather than just the events of the day or week. When responding to other member’s posts, please focus on your personal experience rather than advice giving. If you are having difficulties, share how you use the program to deal with them. If you need to talk more about your difficulties and seek solutions, we suggest you speak to your sponsor and other members after the meeting.
*This is a literature meeting. Today we are studying the Big Book of Alcohol Anonymous page 15* Bill’s Story
“We commenced to make many fast friends and a fellowship has grown up among us of which it is a wonderful thing to feel a part. The joy of living we really have, even under pressure and difficulty. I have seen hundreds of families set their feet in the path that really goes somewhere; have seen the most impossible domestic situations righted; feuds and bitterness of all sorts wiped out. I have seen men come out of asylums and resume a vital place in the lives of their families and communities. Business and professional men have regained their standing. There is scarcely any form of trouble and misery which has not been overcome among us. In one western city and its environs there are one thousand of us and our families. We meet frequently so that newcomers may find the fellowship they seek. At these informal gatherings one may often see from 50 to 200 persons. We are growing in numbers and power.”
Closing By following the Twelve Steps, attending meetings regularly, and using the OA Tools, we are changing our lives. You will find hope and encouragement in Overeaters Anonymous. To the newcomer, we suggest attending at least six different meetings to learn the many ways OA can help you. The opinions expressed here today are those of individual OA members and do not represent OA as a whole. Let us all reach out by private message to newcomers, returning members, and each other. Together we get better.
submitted by metanoiia2 to OvereatersAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:01 Urimulini Spectacular Hubble view of Centaurus A

Spectacular Hubble view of Centaurus A
In today's feature image from the Hubble library we have Centaurus A, also known as NGC 5128, is well known for its dramatic dusty lanes of dark material. Hubble’s new observations, using its most advanced instrument, the Wide Field Camera 3, are the most detailed ever made of this galaxy. They have been combined here in a multi-wavelength image which reveals never-before-seen detail in the dusty portion of the galaxy.
As well as features in the visible spectrum, this composite shows ultraviolet light, which comes from young stars, and near-infrared light, which lets us glimpse some of the detail otherwise obscured by the dust.
Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration. Acknowledgment: R. O’Connell (University of Virginia) and the WFC3 Scientific Oversight Committee
submitted by Urimulini to spaceporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:00 AquaticArroww How to understand laptop components for beginners trying to buy a laptop (For you Laptop enthusiasts and pros you can just skip this..) WARNING: THIS IS EXTREMELY LONG

Processors: There are two brands. named AMD ryzen and intel core. they both have their own shares of powerful specs. the difference between the two?
Amd: it is technically more cheaper when laptops have this, it has "better" multi tasking than intel and also usually has a long battery life.
Intel: It is used for high power and "flagship" laptops. it has better single core performance than ryzen making it a better processor for gaming. (Usually btw).
All processors have a suffix. for example intel core i7 13620(H) HK and HX are the highest performance with all SKU's unlocked "This means that they can unlock better features. this is known by the last 3 digits. the higher number it makes it better." P and U stands for power efficient and is usually optimized for thinner and lighter laptops, U is also in the same category as Y being a power efficient processor. while Y is low- power efficient. i believe this is the same with ryzen.
GPU: there are 3 brands "4 technically" Intel, Amd Radeon and Nvidia. Intel is used for work laptops usually and only light gaming can be used. Amd radeon on the other hand is a cheaper alternative to Nvidia and can handle Gaming. just not in highest graphics or whatever. While Nvidia is highly regarded as the best of the 3. its special perk is that it uses a better RayTracing than the others. (Ray tracing is when a game's resolution, and realistic-ness will be higher. such as a better reflection on glass and just generally everything feeling lifelike.)
Intel has 3 types of gpus (Correct me if im wrong.) Intel Iris Xe (Used as some sort of regular Integrated graphics (igpu) for general work.) Intel arc (a dedicated gpu for mainstream purposes. such as schoolwork and such.) Intel UHD (Not really a good laptop for gaming. but it is suitable for games that are undemanding and is pretty old.)
AMD has the vega series. it is used for content creation and has high performance in gaming.
While nvidia has MX, GTX and RTX. MX is used for light-medium gaming with a balanced score of Performance and power effiency. this is usually used for laptops that arent built for powerful gaming except for students. GTX has the (correct me if im wrong) strongest performance out of all of them. with a good price ratio aswell. RTX is a gpu mostly used for Ray tracing while still having good performance in gaming aswell.
Next to them there is also Memory and Storage. Memory is used for when you are opening a bunch of programs/softwares or doing intensified performance. the higher the memory the fastethe extra amount of programs can be run while still being smooth and fast. Memory is expressed by RAM (Pretty sure yall already know this from like grade 5 or something) 4 and 8 gb (rarely 12) are used for things such as browsing and watching videos. this isnt really recommended. 16 and 24 gb are used for things such as work and having many programs open that arent demanding. 32gb is "The sweet spot" this amount of ram is used for gamers and content creators alike. as this is the most recommended amount for playing intensified programs and games. On the other side storage is the permanent amount of files inside of your laptop. same as Memory the higher the amount the better. 128-256GB ram storage: Not recommended but it is still great for work and school/college. 512: this is the common usage of gamers. although it is mostly used for upgrading to 1 terabyte. 1 terabyte and higher: this is used for content creators and people who 3d models and animates.
Onto the laptop screen display. there is about 6 screen sizes. 13 inches and lower: this is for people that'd prefer portability over performance. while still being able to do work. 14 inches: this is the middle of 13 inches and 15 inches. this is both portability and performance on one screen size. but a rather niche market to buy in. 15 inches: Used for performance and gaming this is the apex of gamers unable to buy a pc. 16 inches and higher: used for people that requires a bigger screen and better resolution.
There is two different types of screen types, IPS LCD: The standard and it is used for people that generally doesnt need better coloring on their displays. OLED: this is a special type of screen where the color ratio is more than the resolution. this is used for people who wants a color sensitive screen. there is different types of resolution such as FHD: 1080p (The standard) WUXGA 1200p (People who wants a stronger display for some reason.) WQHD-QHD 1400p (Usually a better upgrade for people that'd like to watch videos on a higher resolution.) WQXGA 1600p (Good resolution for those who has gpu's good enough to match the resolution.) 2.8k (Best resolution for content creators that enjoy powerful resolution.) 4K (This is obvious.)
And that is it for explaining components. put in the replies if you had a question.
submitted by AquaticArroww to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:00 Key_Regret8957 Could anyone offer me some feedback on my CV and/or Cover Letter?

Could anyone offer me some feedback on my CV and/or Cover Letter?
I recently applied to a job at my old university, but unfortunately wasn't invited to an interview. I'm pretty disappointed because I spent many days on the application/trying to make it as good as possible. I also thought that I had met pretty much all the minimum criteria, but maybe I didn't. I did ask them for feedback, but they said that they couldn't offer any due to the high volume of applications.
I understand from the employer's perspective that they might also have other reasons (that they aren't disclosing) for not offering feedback/that it could be quite risky for them, etc. However, I think it might be helpful for me in my future job search to know whether I wasn't chosen because of something I did wrong/could have improved on that I maybe haven't realised, or whether I'm doing alright and it was just a case of better competition this time. I'm also autistic, so it can be harder for me to work these things out sometimes unless I'm explicitly told.
In relation to my autism, I feel I should also mention that on the application form when it asked if I required any reasonable adjustments to the recruitment process, I said that if possible, receiving a copy of the interview questions in advance would be helpful to me. This was a suggestion I'd seen on a website with info about asking for adjustments. I was a little worried about asking for it in case it made me seem like I couldn't handle stressful situations (when really, I would've still been fine doing the interview without having the questions in advance, it just would've been easier with them). But the site said that if you were worried about them being concerned about you having an unfair advantage, you could suggest that the interview questions be given to other candidates in advance too. So I did that. I'm not sure whether me asking for that adjustment could have influenced their decision, although they did say they were Disability Confident...
The job was a communications role for a program that the uni has where you can do an extra activity/course for extra credits. I did it twice when I studied there.

Job criteria

  • Ability to use own initiative to complete tasks and deadlines
  • Proactively and flexibly provides support, assistance to other members of the team
  • Liasies with a variety of stakeholders to disseminate information and build relations to support to the work of the project
  • Review progress continually to improve effiency and to inform further planning
  • Ability to support with organisation and running of events and activities
  • Ability to communicate with a wide range of stakeholders including students and external suppliers
  • Ability to write fluently and creatively to a specification, and to edit and suggest additions to others’ writing
  • Proficiency in working with standard office IT applications (Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint) as well as the ability to learn how to access and interrogate in-house systems
  • Education equivalent to 5 passes at GCSE grades A-C, or NVQ level 2, or equivalent experience, showing clear evidence of literacy and numeracy
  • Education equivalent to 2 A Level, or GNVQ Level 3 or equivalent experience, showing clear evidence of literacy and numeracy
  • Previous experience of providing customer service in an efficient manner
  • Experience of prioritising work load to meet deadlines
  • The ability to work evenings and/or weekends if required
  • Knowledge of the project and how it operates, including experience engaging with the offer
  • Familiarity with a range of social media platforms and their effective operation
  • Previous experience in an administrative role that has involved engagement with a variety of stakeholders
On my cover letter and CV, I tried to give examples of how I met almost all of the criteria, which I found quite difficult to do whilst keeping it concise/avoiding being too wordy. Especially as a few of my examples are more anecdotal than quantifiable. It's difficult for me personally to get quantifiable examples for some of them due to the nature of my disability, especially teamwork/communication/customer service, so I tried to work with what I had.
I'm attaching my cover letter and CV. Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated!
Cover Letter
CV Page 1
CV Page 2
CV Page 3
CV Page 4
CV Page 5
submitted by Key_Regret8957 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:00 cavemankettlebells 10+ Kettlebell Chest Exercises To Build a Bigger Natural Chest—Can you build a bigger chest with kettlebells?

Can you build a bigger chest with kettlebells? This question comes up regularly. And diehard dumbbell advocates will say "no", but... "A weight is a weight." It comes down to how you use it or know how to use it. If kettlebells would be no good for the chest then neither would dumbbells. There are plenty of kettlebell exercise variations in this video, whether they work for you or not will come down to how you program them. #chest #kettlebells #strength #hypertrophy
A video showing the exercises can be found here
Got any other chest exercises not demonstrated? Post below.
submitted by cavemankettlebells to Kettlebell_training [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:00 PetrZitskiy Finding the Best Online Casino Platforms

Finding the Best Online Casino Platforms
[ Finding the Best Online Casino Platforms ]
The world of online casinos offers a plethora of platforms, each promising exciting games, lucrative bonuses, and a seamless user experience. However, not all online casinos are created equal, and finding the best one can be a daunting task. This guide will walk you through the essential factors to consider when choosing an online casino platform, ensuring you have a safe, enjoyable, and rewarding gaming experience.

1. Licensing and Regulation

Why It Matters

Licensing and regulation are the cornerstones of a trustworthy online casino. A license from a recognized authority ensures that the casino operates legally, adheres to strict standards, and offers fair play.

What to Look For

  • Reputable Licenses: Look for casinos licensed by reputable authorities such as the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA), the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC), or the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority.
  • Visible License Information: The casino should display its license information prominently on its website, usually in the footer section.

2. Game Selection

Why It Matters

A diverse game library enhances your gaming experience by providing a wide range of options, from classic table games to the latest slot titles.

What to Look For

  • Variety of Games: Ensure the platform offers a mix of slots, table games (like blackjack, roulette, and baccarat), live dealer games, and specialty games (like bingo or scratch cards).
  • Top Software Providers: Casinos that partner with renowned software providers such as Microgaming, NetEnt, Playtech, and Evolution Gaming typically offer high-quality and fair games.

3. Bonuses and Promotions

Why It Matters

Bonuses and promotions can significantly boost your bankroll, providing more opportunities to play and win.

What to Look For

  • Welcome Bonuses: Look for generous welcome packages that may include match bonuses, free spins, or no-deposit bonuses.
  • Ongoing Promotions: Check for regular promotions like reload bonuses, cashback offers, and loyalty programs.
  • Fair Terms: Ensure that the bonus terms and conditions are fair, with reasonable wagering requirements and clear instructions on how to claim and use the bonuses.

4. Payment Options

Why It Matters

Convenient and secure payment methods are crucial for smooth deposits and withdrawals.

What to Look For

  • Variety of Methods: Look for casinos that offer a wide range of payment options, including credit/debit cards, e-wallets (like PayPal, Skrill, and Neteller), bank transfers, and cryptocurrencies.
  • Fast Payouts: Check the withdrawal processing times. The best casinos process withdrawals quickly, ideally within 24-48 hours.
  • Security Measures: Ensure the platform uses advanced encryption technology to protect your financial information.

5. Customer Support

Why It Matters

Reliable customer support ensures that any issues or questions you have are addressed promptly and effectively.

What to Look For

  • Availability: Customer support should be available 24/7 through multiple channels, including live chat, email, and phone.
  • Responsiveness: Test the responsiveness of the support team by asking a few questions before you commit to the platform.
  • Comprehensive FAQs: A well-organized FAQ section can provide quick answers to common questions.

6. User Experience

Why It Matters

A user-friendly platform enhances your overall gaming experience, making it easy to navigate and play your favorite games.

What to Look For

  • Interface and Design: The casino website should have a clean, intuitive design that’s easy to navigate.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Ensure the platform is optimized for mobile devices, allowing you to play on the go.
  • Loading Times: The games and pages should load quickly, providing a seamless gaming experience.

7. Reputation and Reviews

Why It Matters

The reputation of an online casino gives you insight into its reliability and quality of service.

What to Look For

  • Player Reviews: Read reviews from other players to get a sense of their experiences with the casino.
  • Industry Reviews: Check reviews from reputable industry websites and watchdog organizations.


Finding the best online casino platform involves careful consideration of various factors, from licensing and game selection to bonuses and customer support. By taking the time to evaluate these elements, you can ensure a safe, enjoyable, and potentially lucrative online gaming experience. Happy gaming!
submitted by PetrZitskiy to BestCryptoCasinosUS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:59 BrbGettinCoffee1sec FHA loan and Solar Panels question

Hello in a bit of a unique situation. I have read some posts regarding this but didn't quite answer it for me.
My girlfriend and I are buying a home built in 2007, 3 bed 2 bath, 1500sqft, fenced, 2022 new ac system, 2023 solar panels, new appliances besides washedryer but they still work, granite counter tops, corner lot, sprinkler system etc etc.
It is being sold to use for 324k and 9k going to closing costs as credits. The seller is an old work friend of mine and friends with my significant others mother. The zestimate on Zillow is showing roughly 365k value. Waiting on the appraisal report to see exactly. She is replacing the roof in the next couple of weeks through their insurance claim that has been approved no issue.
My question is about Sunnova solar panels with a remaining balance of 20k. I have a FHA loan and doing a down payment assistance program of 10k and a 2.5k grant since I am the only one on the deed not my girlfriend. Anyways, I am fine with assuming the loan, this seller has gave us a huge discount on the home, 9k credit to the closing costs, leaving all the furniture besides master bedroom and is now replacing the roof. The Sunnova website says the loan is assumable no issue but my real estate attorney is bringing up the UCC thing they file stating it is in fact a lien (company website says it is not a lien), and that it will have to be paid off in full before closing. Does anyone have any experience with FHA and assuming solar panel loans?
If they have to pay off the solar panels in full then they would pay in full or we would have to come to an agreement on how much each party pays. Not sure if they would be a fan of that since I assume she is under the impression they are assumable no problem. I had her send all the info to the attorney to check out. They did mention if it wasn't assumable they would pay it off but that was before paying a deductible for a new roof.
Fyi: The solar panel payment is 90$ a month and her electric bill is anywhere between 20-50$. This is in southern Florida east coast if that matters. Also, I understand that they most likely got the tax benefit from the solar panels.
submitted by BrbGettinCoffee1sec to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:59 SGBotsford Turn midi out into a decent sound for use on internet facetime/zoom session.

This works: My keylab => pianoteq => zoom (zoome reuqires turn off the noise filters)
This is awful: His Roland FP-30 => Speakers => Samsung => Zoom
I would like him to be able to use the FP-30's midi out, convert it to a reasonable piano sound for internet calls. He's not into computer gadgetry. So he's unlikely to want to put Reaper or full daw onto his laptop.
Looking for a "Translate MIDI into **one** VSTi" program. Ideas?
submitted by SGBotsford to Roland [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:58 snibb0r Questions of Personal Trainers?

Do any of you use boostcamp for in person personal training clients?
How many programs or empty workouts can you have saved on the app?
submitted by snibb0r to Boostcamp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:58 Plastic_Dog_7855 Hire me to do your data-related tasks

Hello, IT major here. I am looking for online work/gigs <3
So I can do academic commissions, writing services, and technical support but hoping to have a job related to working with data, it is what I am passionate about. I am continuously leveraging my skills and learning to use various tools in order to be proactive. Also maximizes resources online. Hire me so I could practically apply the skills I've acquired so far. I have a keen attention to detail and am resourceful. If any of you have tasks that match the description below, I hope you consider me :)
I have knowledge and have coded in C before, which helps me level up in a higher-level language Python and it also built up my foundation in programming. Still have a lot to learn though kaya aside from my college education, I also learn and upskill with the help of online resources. Currently, I'm on my journey to finish two online courses.
In terms of my data analysis skills, I'm not highly advanced. However, with the right tools, continuous learning, and my drive, I am confident that I can accomplish the tasks given to me.
submitted by Plastic_Dog_7855 to ForHireFreelance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 CookAwesome 8 Body Language Signs That Someone Is Interested in You

8 Body Language Signs That Someone Is Interested in You
Body Language Signs
Discover signs that someone is interested in you. Let's explore how physical proximity and body posture can reveal deep emotional connections. Understanding passion and attraction goes far beyond words and dives into the fascinating realm of body language. Various fields, such as neurological, chemical, psychological, and cultural research, help illuminate the process and science behind love.
In this context, body language emerges as a subtle but significant channel for expressing romantic interest. Some physical signs can reveal that someone is interested in you.

Nonverbal Signs of Attraction

Identifying nonverbal signs of attraction can be challenging, as they can vary and be interpreted differently.
By analyzing the non-verbal signs of attraction from someone interested in you.
Studies highlight that laughter, particularly among women, can convey light messages or take on deeper meanings, depending on the analysis of the accompanying body language.
On the other hand, men often express their interests more directly. However, their shyness can influence their communication strategies.
By interpreting these body language cues. We can detect emotions not expressed verbally, which gives us unique insight into the subtleties of human attraction.

Read More: Learn Why A Guy Touches You In These 7 Places?
Discover the 8 body language signs that show someone is interested in you:

1- Maintain Constant Eye Contact

consistent eye contact is one of the most powerful signs of interest and emotional connection. When two people exchange prolonged glances, this often indicates deep nonverbal communication and connection beyond words.
Persistent eye contact for more than 10 seconds can suggest mutual interest and an emotional affinity that transcends verbal conversation. It is a powerful way for individuals to communicate mutual interest and attraction, thus creating a solid foundation for establishing deeper and meaningful connections.

2- Gestures

The gesture, which involves light physical contact like placing a hand on the shoulder or knee, is clear body language that demonstrates attraction. This type of physical closeness denotes genuine liking and a desire to start a deeper connection.
Gestures are a subtle attempt to create physical and emotional intimacy between two individuals. They strengthen the feeling of connection and mutual trust, thus helping to build closer and more meaningful relationships.

3- Smile

Smiling is one of the most universal signs of a positive atmosphere and mutual interest. When accompanied by touching gestures and eye contact, smiling becomes even more powerful as body language indicates a special connection. Sharing laughter and smiles helps break down barriers and create an atmosphere of partnership and trust between individuals.
These moments of shared joy strengthen the emotional bond and promote the development of intimate and meaningful relationships. People express their mutual pleasure and openness to a deeper, authentic connection by combining smiling with touching gestures and eye contact.
Read More: Why Physical Touch Is Important

4- Change in Tone of Voice

Change in tone of voice is another subtle but significant indicator of interest in a romantic relationship. Women often adopt a slightly louder or more dynamic tone of voice when attracted to someone. This slight change in tone of voice may reflect their emotional involvement in the conversation or in the interaction with the person they are interested in.
It can also be seen as an unconscious attempt to capture the other person's attention and create a deeper connection. By changing their tone of voice in subtle but noticeable ways, women express interest and emotional commitment, thereby strengthening the bond between them and their potential partners.

5- Facial Gestures Can Show That Someone Is Interested In You

Facial gestures, such as pushing hair behind the ear or covering one's mouth while laughing, are subtle but significant signals of interest and trust. These actions demonstrate a certain vulnerability and emotional openness, which strengthens the bond between two individuals. When people push their hair behind their ears or cover their mouths while laughing, this can be interpreted as a sign of flirting and attraction.
These gestures also demonstrate a particular self-confidence and a feeling of comfort in the other person's presence. Using the hands as silent messengers of attraction, these facial gestures add an extra dimension to nonverbal communication, thus strengthening the emotional connection between individuals and establishing deeper and more meaningful relationships.

6- The Orientation of The Feet and Legs

The orientation of the feet and legs is an often overlooked but very revealing aspect of body language. While looking in your direction can be considered basic politeness. Also, aligning feet and legs in your direction is a much stronger indication of genuine interest.
When feet and legs point toward a person, it often suggests increased interest and attention toward them. This indicates that the individual is physically and mentally invested in the interaction, not simply present out of politeness or social obligation.
This type of body orientation demonstrates a desire for deeper engagement and connection and can be interpreted as a subconscious manifestation of attraction and interest in the other person. By carefully observing the orientation of a person's feet and legs in your presence, you can get valuable clues about their feelings and level of engagement in the interaction.

7- Synchronizing Movements Can Show That Someone Is Interested In You

When two people are attracted to each other, they tend to synchronize their movements in subtle ways. This can manifest through similar gestures or coordinated actions, such as crossing their legs simultaneously, leaning forward or backward simultaneously, or even breathing at the same pace.
This synchronization of movements reflects a deep emotional connection and a high level of harmony between individuals. It can be seen as a sign of affinity and mutual attraction, thus strengthening the bond between the two people.

8- Personal Space

When there is attraction between two people, they often tend to reduce the distance between them, which reflects a desire for intimacy and connection. You may notice that the interested person moves closer to you during conversations. Or she finds reasons to share the same physical space, like sitting beside you rather than at a distance. This desire for physical proximity indicates an emotional interest. And can be seen as a sign of attraction and comfort in your presence.
By analyzing the non-verbal signs of attraction from someone interested in you.
Constant eye contact, subtle touch, and a sincere smile allow us to access a world of emotions not expressed verbally. Constant eye contact is often considered one of the strongest signals of interest and emotional connection. It may reflect a deep desire to communicate and establish a meaningful connection with the other person.
Likewise, a subtle touch, such as a hand gesture or a light caress, can express a desire for intimacy and physical closeness. Finally, a sincere smile is body language universally recognized as a sign of openness, sympathy, and affection. By combining these different elements of body language, we can penetrate unspoken emotions and better understand the feelings and intentions of the other person.
These nonverbal cues play an important role in human communication and can enrich our interactions by revealing the subtle nuances of attraction and emotional connection.
submitted by CookAwesome to Wiselancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 juopitz Understanding classification evaluation and its metrics: From bias and prevalence to metrics like Accuracy, Macro F1, MCC

Hi all!
a topic that time and time again pops up in my work (when doing own research, reading papers, and while teaching): Which classification evaluation metric to pick? Or: Why does paper use metric x for evaluation (but not y)? And other questions of the sorts.
So over the years I kept making some notes, and now I've finalized a write-up. I thought maybe it's interesting for some of you and why not share it:
Here's the abstract:
Classification systems are evaluated in a countless number of papers. However, we find that evaluation practice is often nebulous. Frequently, metrics are selected without arguments, and blurry terminology invites misconceptions. For instance, many works use so-called 'macro' metrics to rank systems (e.g., 'macro F1') but do not clearly specify what they would expect from such a 'macro' metric. This is problematic, since picking a metric can affect paper findings as well as shared task rankings, and thus any clarity in the process should be maximized. Starting from the intuitive concepts of bias and prevalence, we perform an analysis of common evaluation metrics, considering expectations as found expressed in papers. Equipped with a thorough understanding of the metrics, we survey metric selection in recent shared tasks of Natural Language Processing. The results show that metric choices are often not supported with convincing arguments, an issue that can make any ranking seem arbitrary. This work aims at providing overview and guidance for more informed and transparent metric selection, fostering meaningful evaluation.
Some key observations are:
To clarify points like these, we analyze some popular metrics and their properties. Some insights are:
In the end, if there's only one conclusion to be drawn, then I guess it's that there's no overall perfect metric, and metrics should always be chosen sensibly given a specific context. Hope my work can help a bit with that.
submitted by juopitz to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 downed_ufo Paying off 3 credit cards

I am in lots of CC debt, around $40k. I have been barely getting by with making minimum payments and it took an emotional breakdown to finally get myself in gear to erase this debt.
To get started, here are my figures:
A family member is loaning me $6,000 to help me get started in tackling this. My question is which card do I apply this $6k to? (To be clear, I intend 100% to repay my family although they refuse to be reimbursed)
I currently enrolled in Discover’s 6mo hardship program where my interest rate is 9% so I can start chipping away at the $20k and not just be paying off the interest.
In my uneducated financial mind, if I apply $6k to my Chase card with the second highest interest rate, I’d wipe that card out soonest and use those monthly payments towards another card.
Another factor (down the line) is my $300 monthly care loan that will end in Dec 2025. This $300 will also be put towards a CC balance when I no longer have those car payments to make.
Can anyone please steer me in the right direction where this $6k should be applied, and the way/order I should tackle these cards?
I have recently canceled and/or downgraded TV, internet, streaming, subscription boxes, etc - so I don’t wind up back where I started.
Thank you greatly for your help & advice.
submitted by downed_ufo to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 The_Growl What do normal people do?

I'm interested in everyone's thoughts on this. I often wonder if it weren't for ASD, how would I have responded to certain situations, or what would I do differently.
For example, I work at a warehouse, where I often pull pallets of product and totes, etc. People often say things such as, "you work really hard", or "You're very fast". I usualy say thanks and move on, but their face and body language says that I've done something wrong. What was I supposed to say to that? Now my response is thanks, while moving away quickly, because I still have no idea what I'm supposed to do there.
Another example was at university 2 years ago, where I used my decathlon bag for cycling. A girl comes up to me and says that it's a nice bag, where'd I get it? I tell her and ask her name (is that what you're meant to do?), and suddenly it's as if I've just transformed into Hannibal Lecter. I run out of things to say, say my goodbyes, and leave her alone, wondering how I've screwed up that interaction. What would a normal person do here?
Books, and YouTube guides to social interaction are great, but it feels like there's some secret sauce I'm missing. Unless I keep the conversations to a minimum, I always seem to run out of things to do say, leading to that dreaded awkward silence where I'm supposed to fill that space with words, but what words? Is my brain just too slow to be able to fill them in or something?
What is it that normal people talk about with each other? How do thye start conversations? Do I need to watch more media and reference that? Is it a lack of life experiences to talk about? Am I supposed to beat a topic to death to the point that I'm utterly sick of discussing it? People in real life don't talk like they do in television or movies, certainly not most mainstream ones. If I go into an interaction behaving like Raymond Holt, Manny Ribera, or David Brent, the men in white coats will be sent out to take me away. Even when I've somehow managed to make 'friends' I've always been the weird one.
What I really wish I could do is observe a couple of normal people throughout their entire day and see what the hell it is they even do. Maybe then I could have it all figured out. That or removing the need for social interaction and validation from my brain so at least I didn't have to deal with any of the terrible emotions anymore.
submitted by The_Growl to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:55 WismicMusic Is it a Memory Leak or just Happy to see me?

Surprise! Memory Leak!! can't believe I pay for this shit. None of their software can even function on a fundamental level for more than 5 minutes. I've been thru 5 versions of 3 different Adobe programs on 4 different PCs all having memory leaks no matter what I do. Weeks of Googling/reading every forum on the face of the entirety of the internet, and nothing works for anybody. Adobe get your shit together or AT LEAST make the "memory limit" an ACTUAL LIMIT not a pointless adhd slider that doesn't actually dictate the use of your RAM in adobe products
submitted by WismicMusic to Adobe [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:54 Ssupremechief Seeking Career Advice

Hi everyone, I'm currently on a journey to learn React, Node.js, and other web development frameworks and tools. I've found some opportunities to work in this field, but with the rapid advancements in AI, I can't help but wonder if I'm too late to the game or if I'll face significant challenges ahead. Will AI make it harder for me to keep up, or will I need to push myself even more to stay relevant?
On top of that, I have a variety of interests. I enjoy moving around, and I'm also passionate about video editing. Recently, I discovered a program in Montreal (where I live) that offers training in automated industrialization. This field seems promising, with plenty of job opportunities and an easy entry point.
I'm considering whether it might be beneficial to pursue this program and build a career in automation. My idea is to combine this with my web development skills, and perhaps even learn Python for AI programming. Additionally, I'm thinking about using my video editing skills as a side hustle or to create my own online identity and branding through platforms like YouTube.With the rapid advancements in AI, it's making me reflect on how the future will look and how we can adapt to these new technologies. I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice on whether I should dive into industrial automation, continue focusing on web development, or try to balance both while leveraging my other interests.
Thanks in advance for your insights!
submitted by Ssupremechief to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:53 Plastic_Dog_7855 [for hire] I will do your data-related tasks

Hello, IT major here. I am looking for online work/gigs <3
So I can do academic commissions, writing services, and technical support but hoping to have a job related to working with data, it is what I am passionate about. I am continuously leveraging my skills and learning to use various tools in order to be proactive. Also maximizes resources online. Hire me so I could practically apply the skills I've acquired so far. I have a keen attention to detail and am resourceful. If any of you have tasks that match the description below, I hope you consider me :)
I have knowledge and have coded in C before, which helps me level up in a higher-level language Python and it also built up my foundation in programming. Still have a lot to learn though kaya aside from my college education, I also learn and upskill with the help of online resources. Currently, I'm on my journey to finish two online courses.
In terms of my data analysis skills, I'm not highly advanced. However, with the right tools, continuous learning, and my drive, I am confident that I can accomplish the tasks given to me.
submitted by Plastic_Dog_7855 to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:53 ItzGoldi Roblox crashes

Roblox crashes
I don't know why this is happening. I was on a trip so i didn't touch my computer for 2 days.
Crash report
As you can see i use Bloxstrap, i scanned with Kaspersky normal but didn't find anything
I don't exploit, i used to on my old computer but since it broke i got a new one and made a new account because i just didn't like the username of the old one
The most recent programs i installed (latest to oldest)
  1. Vita3k (no games yet)
  2. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Celebration Edition (DODI repacks w/ WeMod, it's been on my computer since a bit after i got it)
  3. Bloxstrap (30th April, but basically this may)
And here's a picture of my tray
altserver, geforce experience, translucent tb, kaspersky begging 4 money, loopbe midi, rainmeter, freedm, bluetooth, windows defender telling me to turn on real time protection while i have kaspersky, usb thing, java, sideloadly, and whatever that is
That's pretty much it.
submitted by ItzGoldi to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:52 ellileon Scroll Marks are live - Session Zero

Scroll Marks are live - Session Zero
The Scroll Marks Checker just dropped. You can go to and check your eligible marks. Scroll Sessions are scrolls very own loyalty program to reward the community (probably an Airdrop)
You will earn Marks by building up your Onchain history on Scroll. Holding ETH, wstETH & Stone on Scroll will also accrue Marks. More assets to accrue marks will be announced shortly.
This is what Scroll says about Scroll Sessions:
Today, we’re introducing Scroll Sessions, our loyalty program to reward the community with Scroll Marks for participation and engagement in the Scroll ecosystem. Beginning with Session Zero, users can obtain Scroll Marks by bridging assets to Scroll. In the coming weeks, we will introduce more Sessions and add more features to make this program inclusive, fun, and engaging for the Scroll community.
We built our zkEVM L2 to be the foundational layer for the next generation of protocols and push the boundaries of what’s possible. Since our Mainnet launch in October 2023, we’ve witnessed a thriving ecosystem consisting of all flavors of applications, from DeFi to social and everything in between.
To be eligible for Session Zero, bridge ETH or wstETH via the native bridge or STONE using LayerZero to Scroll. Marks will be accrued by holding these assets on Scroll. No additional transactions or activities are required for Session Zero. Over time, more assets and ways to obtain Scroll Marks will be announced.
Scroll Marks will also be provided to Scroll community members who have been with us from the very beginning. We will allocate Marks retroactively to members who have deployed assets on Scroll since October 10th 2023, the date of the Scroll Mainnet genesis block.
In addition, we will soon introduce a frontend where Scroll community members can track their Marks throughout the Sessions.
Today, your journey into the onchain future is inscribed on Scroll.
It looks like you earned a lot of Marks, if you burnt a lot of Gas before the Bernoulli Upgrade (Dencun)
My stats are locking like this at the moment:
Share your your Marks amount in the comments!
submitted by ellileon to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:51 btpv i cant get my esp32 s2 working

i run ubuntu 22.04 and these things do not work on my laptop but on other windows pc on my school it works
i use platform io
[env:lolin_s2_mini] platform = espressif32 board = lolin_s2_mini framework = arduino monitor_speed = 115200 board_build.filesystem = spiffs lib_deps = fastled/FastLED @ ^3.3.3[env:lolin_s2_mini] platform = espressif32 board = lolin_s2_mini framework = arduino monitor_speed = 115200 board_build.filesystem = spiffs lib_deps = fastled/FastLED @ ^3.3.3 
[ 4842.609179] cdc_acm 1-1:1.0: ttyACM1: USB ACM device [ 4843.769444] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 56 [ 4844.383222] usb 1-1: new full-speed USB device number 57 using xhci_hcd [ 4844.511342] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=303a, idProduct=0002, bcdDevice= 1.00 [ 4844.511350] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 4844.511353] usb 1-1: Product: Espressif ESP32-S2-Saola-1 [ 4844.511355] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Espressif Systems 
lsusb -v
Bus 001 Device 053: ID 303a:0002 Espressif ESP32-S2 Device Descriptor: bLength 18 bDescriptorType 1 bcdUSB 2.00 bDeviceClass 239 Miscellaneous Device bDeviceSubClass 2 bDeviceProtocol 1 Interface Association bMaxPacketSize0 64 idVendor 0x303a idProduct 0x0002 bcdDevice 7.23 iManufacturer 1 Espressif iProduct 2 ESP32-S2 iSerial 3 0 bNumConfigurations 1 Configuration Descriptor: bLength 9 bDescriptorType 2 wTotalLength 0x005d bNumInterfaces 3 bConfigurationValue 1 iConfiguration 0 bmAttributes 0xc0 Self Powered MaxPower 500mA Interface Association: bLength 8 bDescriptorType 11 bFirstInterface 0 bInterfaceCount 2 bFunctionClass 2 Communications bFunctionSubClass 2 Abstract (modem) bFunctionProtocol 0 iFunction 0 Interface Descriptor: bLength 9 bDescriptorType 4 bInterfaceNumber 0 bAlternateSetting 0 bNumEndpoints 1 bInterfaceClass 2 Communications bInterfaceSubClass 2 Abstract (modem) bInterfaceProtocol 0 iInterface 0 CDC Header: bcdCDC 1.10 CDC ACM: bmCapabilities 0x02 line coding and serial state CDC Union: bMasterInterface 0 bSlaveInterface 1 CDC Call Management: bmCapabilities 0x03 call management use DataInterface bDataInterface 1 Endpoint Descriptor: bLength 7 bDescriptorType 5 bEndpointAddress 0x85 EP 5 IN bmAttributes 3 Transfer Type Interrupt Synch Type None Usage Type Data wMaxPacketSize 0x0040 1x 64 bytes bInterval 1 Interface Descriptor: bLength 9 bDescriptorType 4 bInterfaceNumber 1 bAlternateSetting 0 bNumEndpoints 2 bInterfaceClass 10 CDC Data bInterfaceSubClass 2 bInterfaceProtocol 0 iInterface 0 Endpoint Descriptor: bLength 7 bDescriptorType 5 bEndpointAddress 0x03 EP 3 OUT bmAttributes 2 Transfer Type Bulk Synch Type None Usage Type Data wMaxPacketSize 0x0040 1x 64 bytes bInterval 1 Endpoint Descriptor: bLength 7 bDescriptorType 5 bEndpointAddress 0x84 EP 4 IN bmAttributes 2 Transfer Type Bulk Synch Type None Usage Type Data wMaxPacketSize 0x0040 1x 64 bytes bInterval 1 Interface Descriptor: bLength 9 bDescriptorType 4 bInterfaceNumber 2 bAlternateSetting 0 bNumEndpoints 0 bInterfaceClass 254 Application Specific Interface bInterfaceSubClass 1 Device Firmware Update bInterfaceProtocol 1 iInterface 0 Device Firmware Upgrade Interface Descriptor: bLength 9 bDescriptorType 33 bmAttributes 15 Will Detach Manifestation Tolerant Upload Supported Download Supported wDetachTimeout 700 milliseconds wTransferSize 64 bytes bcdDFUVersion 1.10 Device Status: 0x0001 Self Powered 
platform io output
Processing lolin_s2_mini (platform: espressif32; board: lolin_s2_mini; framework: arduino) Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option CONFIGURATION: PLATFORM: Espressif 32 (6.7.0) > WEMOS LOLIN S2 Mini HARDWARE: ESP32S2 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash DEBUG: Current (cmsis-dap) External (cmsis-dap, esp-bridge, esp-prog, iot-bus-jtag, jlink, minimodule, olimex-arm-usb-ocd, olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h, olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h, olimex-jtag-tiny, tumpa) PACKAGES: - framework-arduinoespressif32 @ 3.20016.0 (2.0.16) - tool-esptoolpy @ 1.40501.0 (4.5.1) - tool-mkfatfs @ 2.0.1 - tool-mklittlefs @ 1.203.210628 (2.3) - tool-mkspiffs @ 2.230.0 (2.30) - toolchain-riscv32-esp @ 8.4.0+2021r2-patch5 - toolchain-xtensa-esp32s2 @ 8.4.0+2021r2-patch5 LDF: Library Dependency Finder -> LDF Modes: Finder ~ chain, Compatibility ~ soft Found 34 compatible libraries Scanning dependencies... Dependency Graph -- FastLED @ 3.6.0 Building in release mode Retrieving maximum program size .pio/build/lolin_s2_mini/firmware.elf Checking size .pio/build/lolin_s2_mini/firmware.elf Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect" RAM: [= ] 8.4% (used 27528 bytes from 327680 bytes) Flash: [== ] 20.1% (used 263710 bytes from 1310720 bytes) Configuring upload protocol... AVAILABLE: cmsis-dap, esp-bridge, esp-prog, espota, esptool, iot-bus-jtag, jlink, minimodule, olimex-arm-usb-ocd, olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h, olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h, olimex-jtag-tiny, tumpa CURRENT: upload_protocol = esptool Looking for upload port... Using manually specified: /dev/ttyACM1 Forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on port /dev/ttyACM1 Waiting for the new upload port... Uploading .pio/build/lolin_s2_mini/firmware.bin v4.5.1 Serial port /dev/ttyACM1 Connecting... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/borro/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/", line 34, in  esptool._main() File "/home/borro/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/esptool/", line 1032, in _main main() File "/home/borro/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/esptool/", line 674, in main esp = esp or get_default_connected_device( File "/home/borro/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/esptool/", line 921, in get_default_connected_device _esp.connect(before, connect_attempts) File "/home/borro/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/esptool/", line 640, in connect last_error = self._connect_attempt(reset_strategy, mode) File "/home/borro/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/esptool/", line 525, in _connect_attempt reset_strategy() # Reset the chip to bootloader (download mode) File "/home/borro/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/esptool/", line 83, in __call__ self._setDTRandRTS(False, False) File "/home/borro/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/esptool/", line 58, in _setDTRandRTS fcntl.ioctl(self.port.fileno(), TIOCMSET, struct.pack("I", status)) BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe 
submitted by btpv to esp32 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:49 aussie_viking_ii GLORIOUS CORE 2.0...... IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

Im adding my impressions here as I try out stuff with the new program.
The first thing I've noticed is that the rate change isn't working when trying to slow down the spiraling wave or any other effect. I am also now not able to add colors on top of preset effects. Im also not able to assign anything worthwhile to the rotary encoder, or any key for that matter, keybinding isnt working at all.
Another thing that I'm EXTREMELY disappointed to report is that you can not layer preset effects like you can with per-key lighting, The point of adding layers was so we can do things like have a spiraling wave backdrop with reactive keys of a different color or other such combinations, as I see it right now this doesn't do a whole lot, if anything, to address peoples concerns regarding the lack of RGB functionality, it is still woefully behind every other well known program.
As such I have some suggestions:
Address the layering system and allow us to layer preset effects, like near every other rgb program, like we've been asking for all this time.
Show updates to lighting in real time on the keyboard like logitech g hub, use an undo and save button while showing the effects on the keyboard in real time instead of saving to apply the effect, allow us to undo the change to go back to the last save state or save a new one, and give us the option to save that new one as a separate profile, so that we can easily design multiple profiles using the same preset effects (with the ACTUAL layering I hope you are going to add) but with different colors to suit multiple schemes.
Implement drag and drop box selection for selecting groups of keys we want to assign effects, single key selection is a pain, even with the group selection.
All the bug fixes.
Im going to do a clean install and restart after I post this and will report whether or not the situation is any better.
I should mention that I enjoy the new UI and I appreciate being able to change the color on my gmmk pro but I have to be honest.
Right now, I'm pretty dissapointed
submitted by aussie_viking_ii to glorious [link] [comments]