Blue jokes

MTCJ - Magic: The Circlejerking

2012.04.24 23:03 DFGdanger MTCJ - Magic: The Circlejerking

Magic: The Circlejerking - A place to make fun of posts in /MagicTCG or the Magic community at (arbitrarily) large.

2010.12.31 15:14 TrueAskReddit

/TrueAskReddit is a subreddit for intelligent discussion about interesting issues. Low effort comments, memes, jokes and trolls beware!

2008.01.25 18:31 Jokes: Get Your Funny On!

The funniest sub on Reddit. Hundreds of jokes posted each day, and some of them aren't even reposts!

2024.04.29 15:08 IndicationBig6993 21 [M4F] online/NM looking for conversation

Hello, I’m Aidan. I’m 5’11” I have dirty blonde hair, blue/silver eyes (depending on the lighting) and a passion for good music (of any genre). Here’s me
I enjoy walks (I have more 10k medals than I can count), marine animals (my favorites are cuttlefish and oarfish), history (I’m majoring in anthropology going into archeology) and religion (I’m pagan and I’m always happy to hear about people’s beliefs and views), foods from around the world, gaming, concerts, raves, D&D, card games, nature, anime, and animals (send me pet pics?)
Some fun facts about me are I know Jensen Ackles on a first name basis, I know the man who puppeteered Jabba the hut personally, I have been hit and run by 3 different cars in my life, my favorite band is sabaton, I love making jokes, and I’m as loyal as they come.
I’m looking for a friend I can truly trust, get to know, and potentially fall in love with eventually. I’m not looking to rush and I really want to get to know someone for who they are.
Thank you for reading and if you’d like to get to know me feel free to shoot me a message.
submitted by IndicationBig6993 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 15:07 IndicationBig6993 21 [M4F] online/NM looking for conversation

Hello, I’m Aidan. I’m 5’11” I have dirty blonde hair, blue/silver eyes (depending on the lighting) and a passion for good music (of any genre). Here’s me
I enjoy walks (I have more 10k medals than I can count), marine animals (my favorites are cuttlefish and oarfish), history (I’m majoring in anthropology going into archeology) and religion (I’m pagan and I’m always happy to hear about people’s beliefs and views), foods from around the world, gaming, concerts, raves, D&D, card games, nature, anime, and animals (send me pet pics?)
Some fun facts about me are I know Jensen Ackles on a first name basis, I know the man who puppeteered Jabba the hut, I have been hit and run by 3 different cars in my life, my favorite band is sabaton, I love making jokes, and I’m as loyal as they come.
I’m looking for a friend I can truly trust, get to know, and potentially fall in love with eventually. I’m not looking to rush and I really want to get to know someone for who they are.
Thank you for reading and if you’d like to get to know me feel free to shoot me a message.
submitted by IndicationBig6993 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:58 Professional_Boot_48 JVC and guests

So Bubbas guest hosts is not aloud to make any jokes about the resident bitch shannon Burke? Does anyone listen to Shannons show besides the old blue hair women at the hair salon?
submitted by Professional_Boot_48 to Floridamanradio [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:39 RegulusPratus New York Carnival 36 (Cold Feet and Warm Clothes)

I'm back! We're finally wrapping up the Suborbital Space Costco run today. Sorry for the wait. Dunno if I've mentioned this before, but I do freelance web development as the more money-generating of my two "typing on the internet" hobbies, and one of my clients went from zero to a hundred during the past couple weeks. Really cuts into my writing time, having to do something else for money.
In any event, quick replug of the one-shot side-story I wrote for the first day of the month, "Chiri's Bizarre Alternative". It was also the one year anniversary of New York Carnival this past week! Leave lore questions and/or entire cakes in the comments.
Already started on the next chapter, which is, well... you know when you've got The Big Plot Thing in mind, but you gotta write a bunch of a boring shit first before the story actually gets to it? The next one's The Big Plot Thing.
As one last thing to meditate on: there's this very particular moment in a small child's life, vicinity of toddler to kindergartener, such that somewhere over the course of trying different foods and being taught different animal noises, the kid finally makes the connection that chicken is made from chicken. Before that, the creature and the food are two unrelated concepts with similar names. Why wouldn't they be? They look nothing alike.
[First] - [Prev]
Memory Transcription Subject: Chiri, Gojid Refugee
Date [standardized human time]: November 1, 2136
I still felt the incoming dread that a wizened old Gojid preacher was about to snatch the little package away from me like I was a child with an age-inappropriate book, but I eventually put the plant-based meat brick down into the shopping cart.
“Let’s get a few other types for you to try while we’re here,” said David.
I squinted at him uncomprehendingly for a moment, before it clicked into place for me. “Meat has types,” I said, not really a question. “Right. Of course. Different… creatures probably don’t taste the same.” If I kept using the word creature, it wouldn’t get weird. Creatures weren’t people.
“Different pieces of the same creature don’t taste the same,” David said. He gestured at various parts of his own anatomy as he spoke, which was only made even more unsettling by his calmingly casual tone. “Shoulder is probably the best cut for soups and stews, and any other dish where you cook the meat slowly until it softens. Similarly, leg cuts tend to be tough, but flavorful. Backstrap is tender, but lacking in fat, so a gentle sear in butter isn’t uncommon. Rib and belly are the best of both worlds, at least to the human palate, but even going front to back, you can stumble into cuts that are too tough for a straight sear.”
The critical voice had an objection. “Front to back?” I asked, repeating those words. He’d been gesturing top to bottom as he’d said it.
David shrugged. “Cloned meat is still based on cell lines from our old domesticated animals. There are extremely few featherless bipeds on Earth. I think there was some discussion of trying to farm kangaroos for a bit?” I opened my mouth to ask the obvious question, so David answered it preemptively. “Imagine a giant, territorial Yotul that likes to punch things.”
“Gods, your wildlife is ridiculous,” I said, chuckling nervously. Why did so many Earth creatures have to look so much like Federation people? “Don’t tell the customers about that.”
David shrugged again. “I get where you’re coming from, but honesty has worked out well for me so far. I doubt it’s gonna come up. Nevertheless, yes, different meats, and the facsimiles thereof, tend to have different flavors. You grabbed a package of imitation ground beef, so I’ll probably make you a nice cheeseburger for dinner tonight. Still, let’s hook you up with some other options. Despite what I said about the texture and flavor, the best plant-based substitutes for meat are the options that mimic prepared foods. Sausages and batter-fried cutlets. A couple types of mock seafood hold up well, too.” He shook his head. “I wouldn’t recommend a plant-based steak or pulled pork, though.”
I wasn’t sure what those were, but I declined to ask follow-up questions. The ocean was vast and chilling, and I needed to slowly ease myself into this. Excitement and fear were two sides of the same coin, and my heart was racing all the same.
Still, I didn’t want to miss out… “Is there any chance we can come back some other time to look at the meat?” I asked bleakly, as David rummaged through the freezers for fakes I might like to try.
David’s head whipped around, fast enough to make me flinch, but his eyes just narrowed in concern. “Sure, anything you like. I’ve got plenty of meat back home, even if you change your mind later tonight. Are you alright? I was trying to keep your pace, but if it’s too much…”
He has a stockpile? the odd voice wondered. Of course! Owning vast reserves of meat is probably a desirable trait among predators. It suggests that he’s a skilled hunter, and a higher-quality potential mate.
No, it mostly suggests that he owns a restaurant, the critical voice said, incredulously.
I shook my head. “I think it was the pointing at yourself while talking about cuts of meat that did it,” I said glumly. “Too close to home.”
Too close to how the Arxur see us, said a voice, and I couldn’t quite tell which.
David nodded. “Won’t do that again, then. Sorry. I’ve been gushing so much about my own culture that I was being insensitive of yours. Thoughtless of me.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” I said, but I couldn’t make my voice sound like I meant it.
David shook his head. “No, that’s on me. I should have known better. You have to tread lightly on certain topics around people and cultures who’ve suffered the worst of them. You don’t joke about the Buryatian counter-pogroms around Siberian Russians, you don’t joke about slavery around African-Americans.”
I didn’t want to know right now. My quills had already started perking up from the stress, which felt extra-uncomfortable with the borrowed coat pinning them in place. “Gojids are actually considered a slave race by the Arxur,” I said, miserably.
David’s eyes went wide, and for the first time since I’d met him, he stopped talking entirely.
“Can we talk about something else?” I asked. “Maybe a distraction in a different direction?”
David nodded slowly. “You’re still naked aside from a jacket. Wanna see if any cute outfits fit you?”
“Sure!” I said, eager to change the subject. “The jacket’s too warm anyway. Let’s see if they have something thinner.”
David shrugged. “It’s still November, but we can hope.”
We pushed our cart of food over towards the section of the store dedicated to all the colorful artificial pelts the humans wore. The Nevoks, on their wintery homeworld, were one of the few Federation species that indulged in clothing, and even then, it was primarily for warmth, and secondarily as a show of wealth and status. We Gojids had--used to have--a more temperate homeworld, so the closest thing I had as a frame of reference for a display of textiles for sale was a home goods store. Racks upon racks of “towels” and “bedsheets” stood at the ready for me to choose one to wrap around myself, as was the local custom.
Well, aside from the jackets, there was one article of clothing I recognized. I liked the brighter colors, personally, but I’d noticed that most of the humans, David included, wore darker, more austere colors. What went the most nicely with brown, though? I picked up one in lavender, like a fruit tree blooming.
“How do I look?” I asked, showing my outfit off to David.
“Chiri, that is an apron.”
I smiled. “Yup! We have these on the Cradle, so I’ve worn one before.” I twirled in place so he could double-check my size choice. It’s not like I could read the labels. “See? Definitely fits!”
David rubbed his eyes. “Turn around again?”
I obliged. “Something wrong with the tie?” I asked quizzically. “There’s hardly anything else back there.”
“That is precisely my concern,” said David. He sighed. “I guess your quills would probably shred anything that covered your back properly.”
Ah, still the human modesty thing, then. He wasn’t wrong about the quills, though. How could I explain the issue to someone who lacked them entirely? “Damage aside, even the jacket you loaned me is a little uncomfortable. Anything that presses down on my quills feels like it’s perpetually tugging my skin along with it.” I pivoted around so I could see my own back in a nearby mirror and grimaced. “Anything I wear regularly is going to need to be backless, or at least very loose.”
David held his hand by his chin, thinking, and his gaze scanned around the clothing section for a specific target. “I think we can do loose.” He dashed off towards a clothing rack, and came back with a pale blue bit of cloth. “Here, see how this one feels.”
I vaguely identified it as a “shirt” as I shimmied into it, though David needed to help. The thin, baggy cloth settled gently on top of my quills. I posed in front of a nearby mirror. I didn’t hate the look! The shirt draped in a lopsided and casual manner, partly exposing a shoulder through the neck hole. It felt comfortable and laid-back.
“I think it works,” said David. “It’s got a real ‘cool older girl from down the block’ kind of vibe.”
I snorted. “I’m still six years younger than you, doofus.”
“Eh, everything after your mid-twenties is vibes-based,” David said, smiling. “Act as old or as young as you like. But maybe with some pants on, first.”
Pants were a no-go, sadly. I couldn’t even begin to puzzle out how to get those on without spiking clean through the cloth. Fortunately, we picked out some nice skirts that draped better over my shape. The only trouble remaining was the difficulty of getting the shirt back off, a process that once again required two people working in unison to gently pull it off. It still caught on my quills more than once, and nearly tore each time.
“Let’s just see about getting you a holopad, and then we can probably head out,” said David, idly grabbing an extra bottle or two of fur shampoo. I was considerably larger than David’s squat little dog was, so if I was sticking around, then it stood to reason that the household would be going through a lot more of it than usual.
The consumer electronics section was a bit brighter than I was used to--human advertising could get aggressive--but it was still a mostly familiar experience to any spacefaring species. The holopads were all slightly thinner and larger-screened than I was used to, to better fit the long and spindly hands of humans, but a couple smaller ones looked like it wouldn’t hurt to hold them. The hololenses sounded like they’d be the most convenient option if I was going to be working with my hands, but none of them came remotely close to fitting my head shape. I could precariously balance a pair on my snout, but the lenses sat squarely between my eyes, uselessly. It probably looked hilarious, though.
I tried to get David’s attention to show him, but he was scowling at his holopad, confused and worried.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
I was mostly worried that my escapades had already started a problem on social media, but David held up a hand for silence as he made a call. “Hi, can you direct me to whichever police station is still active in Coney Island? I think there’s been a break-in.”
submitted by RegulusPratus to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 11:35 Bafkba 25/EU/PC/GMT+2 - Looking for a kindred spirit over games

Hello, you lovely people!
This post is going to be a lengthy one as I want to be crystal clear about my needs, who am I looking for and what I have to offer so we don't waste each other's time and increase chance of clicking well! I am tired of getting played and want to create a meaningful bond with someone so reading my entire post is your first task! T . T
So who/what am I looking for? Definitely not a group of friends and/or people, even if it's a smaller circle, sorry! I am also not looking for a short-term fun. Due to chain of bad events that started in 2023 and continued till the march, I pretty much became a loner. I have two online buddies I sometimes hangout with and one irl buddy I meet up with like twice a month. People broke me to the point where after creating similar post some time ago, I chickened out after two hours and deleted it and now I've been hesitating to create this one for like 2-3 weeks now T . T
For two months now, I've been putting myself first and kind of went back to my roots which definitely helped me mentally. With that being said, I'd love to be someone's priority. I don't want to be your plan C or D if that makes sense. That's why I am leaning towards people that are on the lonely side, who aren't surrounded by dozens of people, friends, s/o, etc. Don't get me wrong, you can have friends and important people in your life, it is absolutely vital and healthy! I just don't want to get left behind on a whim for someone else as that happened before on a larger scale and hurt a lot.
All in all, I am looking for a kindred spirit. I love clingy/obssessive/possessive energy (as long as it's not going TOO deep into yandere territory, I can handle light yandere haha) and lots of random spam! Be it random messages, thoughts, memes, pet pictures, tiktoks - I will gladly receive them all and react! Even if I am away, offline or sleeping, having spam to get back to is always a nice feeling :3
Obviously, I can offer you the same and even more. I know how sad and lonely it can get. It's a dark place. I have a lot of attention to give out. If you need that and a lot of reassurance - I got you! As a fellow overthinker, I won't get tired of doing so!
Important notice, though. I do understand life gets busy, but don't message me if it's too busy for you. I don't want to wait two hours everyday for a response. I am definitely "If he wanted to, he would" person. I feel like in most cases there is no excuse to response decently if someone's important to you, but obviously I don't expect you to lose your mind over it and response when you're actually busy or need a bit of space! The same kind of goes for games, I'd love to actually play together on a regular basis, not once in a blue moon :c
A bit about me! I am a patient and accepting person with high mental health awareness so you can feel safe and not judged no matter what's going on in your life! I am a good listener and can be just that if you need to vent or offer advice or reality check on top of that. I'd like to think I am fun to be around? In a way that I am quick witted with my words and definitely on a silly side, especially in games! I also like all kind of jokes, dark humour included so we might have an issue if you're too sensitive. However, if you're not comfortable with some topics, I always ask people if they're okay with XYZ jokes before I make them! I enjoy both silly talks and stories about nothing and deep, meaningful conversations. I love talking about controversial topics as well! As for my interests, I like to say that I am kind of Jack of all trades. There are definitely topics I know/enjoy more, but the curious person I am, I simply love to explore and learn about everything so feel free to tell me about your passion if you have one! I've always been interested in everything concerning dreams and lucid dreaming as well as our subconscious. Other stuff I enjoy would definitely be languages, japanese/korean culture, creative process such as photo editing or video montage and as of lately - gym related topics!
As for activities, if I am not expanding on my interests, I mainly play video games; watch anime, korean dramas & variety shows; read books/ero-manhwas (yes, I am a fellow degen! T . T) and workout! I am down for doing any of those activities together. I've never had anyone I could talk about dramas with, let alone watch them together. Same goes for anime lately. As for k-dramas, I am finishing Doctor Slump right now. As for anime, I am watching these titles this season: Kaijuu 8, Konosuba S3, Maou Gakuin S2, Mushoku Tensei S2P2 and Spice and Wolf! My latest obsession is definitely Frieren, though, such a masterpiece! If you haven't seen it, what are you waiting for? Go do it! I can even do it with you, don't mind watching it again ><
Music is another vital part of my life. It's simply so much more for me! There's not a single genre I don't like and I love to explore new ones along with new artists and albums. Feel free to spam me with songs as much as you'd like! I obviously have favorites so some stuff I listen the most would be: Rock & Metal, K-Pop, J-Pop/Rock, House, Nu Disco, Jazz Hip-Hop, R&B, Indie & Alternative. Some of my favorite singers/bands are: Dreamcatcher, Le Sserafim, G-Idle, Arctic Monkeys, Gorrilaz, Queen Bee, Babymetal, Vanilla, Palaye Royale, Madison Beer.
My schedule is rather simple. I work only morning shifts monday-friday and usually am back home around 3 pm (GMT+2). I am basically available as soon as I finish lunch. Sometimes I do work remotely so it's even better then! I go to the gym on tuesday, thursday and saturday so I might be available a bit later on those days! Moreover, there's going to be holiday in my country this week so I won't work starting thursday :3
Time for main topic, though! Video games. I've been playing video games for like 20 years now, started back when I was too little to even properly use gamepad haha. I would sit down with dictionary and translate stuff on screen as I didn't know any english back then. They are big part of my life and I do play them everyday, that's why I am posting it here since I won't part my ways with them! I enjoy all kind of playstyles. I play competetive modes in online games, but mostly because that feel of progression is just nice? Makes you feel like you have some kind of goal, but that doesn't mean I take it dead serious and winning is the only thing that matters. Fun, laughs and silly situations are all I live for! Winning is nice, but you can be the worst player in the world and I won't even be toxic or blame you. I love to turn lose into laughs and enjoy silly moments! At the same time, I feel like games can be such a nice background activity for discussion, I really enjoy that aspect especially in more laid-back games! My favorite franchises are Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Persona/SMT series, Kingdom Hearts and Metal Gear Solid!
Now, some important notes about games. My games' library is pretty big and there's dozens of games I enjoy playing. With that being said, I found my little peace in my schedule and what I play, so I'd love to meet someone who shares that as I wouldn't want to stray away too far from it.
My pemanent game I am always subbed to is Final Fantasy XIV. I am on Light, Phoenix. I am somewhat experienced player, but still have such a huge amount of content to take care of it's crazy! Currently finishing post-endwalker quests. I play the game everyday - sometimes more, sometimes less. I always login to take care of my crafting, gathering and marketboard in order to become a millionaire! Usually, I also do at least some roulettes, sometimes I do all of them. I enjoy all kind of content to be fair! Maps, collecting glamour, just hanging out or working on that gpose, extremes, PVP, savage raids - I actually want to learn some for glamour. I also just won house plot in limsa next to the sea! So it doesn't matter if you're experienced, returning, new or were thinking about starting the game, but was looking for a reason to do so - I can show you the ropes so let's have fun together!
My other main game I play a lot daily is Overwatch 2. I am fairly new player with less than 100 hours combined. I used to play it a bit when it was still OW1 and am enjoying it now. I play all roles, it really depends on what I feel like haha, but right now I am high silver on healer and low gold on DPS!
As I stated before, I'd like to focus on those two games, but at the same time I wouldn't want to deny great connection with someone awesome simply because they don't play those games. There are some other games I still enjoy playing quite a lot and would be down to play them, such as Dead by Daylight, Fortnite ZB, CS2 or Valorant. There are, however, games I'd always be down to play: Don't Starve Together, Baldur's Gate 3 (first playthrough), Sea of thieves (never played), Stardew Valley, Terraria and Minecraft!
Oh, I also enjoy gamba, so gacha games! I Play star rail, genshin and Brown Dust 2!
I also just want to mention that it's still about creating bonds so if you for instance don't play FFXIV but we click well, we can still hangout in voice chat and enjoy our own activities if we have some other stuff in common. I can do my stuff in ff and then we can play something else together and vice versa! Streaming stuff to each other included in the bundle if you like that!
Phew, that sure was a long one.. if you made it through - sorry and thank you! Please, only message me if you read everything and feel like you're the person I am looking for and my post is resonating with you! Keep in mind, it's okay if we try and don't click, not everyone does even if there are similarities and it's okay! I am an honest person so I will definitely inform you if it feels off. At the same time, I do not expect a lot of DMs to such a detailed post, but in case I am wrong, I might not reach out to everyone asap and am sorry in advance! As you can guess, I prefer quality 1 on 1 over quantity. If you're still interested, send me a DM, introduce yourself and share your reason for adding me! I won't reply to comments here or people recruiting me to groups. We can go to discord after that!
Have an awesome day!
submitted by Bafkba to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 11:30 TeensyKook After the fall part 3

Sorry for the long wait! Life’s been busy lately. Part three, Maggie is now a famous singer. 🙄 for context: “Louise” in the play is Arthur’s first wife, cold Mary. Enjoy! I hope I posted this under the right flair— I can’t help but think how betrayed someone as private as Marilyn would feel to see this. I’m glad she didn’t. For anyone new: I’ve been posting Marilyn parts of Arthur Millers 1964 controversial play After the Fall. Miller denied Maggie was Marilyn but you can judge for yourself
. . .
MAGGIE, suddenly sitting up on her bed, addressing an empty space at the foot: But could I read them?
QUENTIN, spinning about in quick surprise: Huh!
MAGGIE: I mean what kind of books? 'Cause, see—I never really graduated high school. Although I always liked poetry.
QUENTIN-breaks his stare at her and quickly comes down to the Listener: It's that I can't find myself in this vanity any more.
MAGGIE, enthralled, on bed: I can't hardly believe you came! Can you stay five minutes? I'm a singer now, see? In fact —With a laugh at herself-I'm in the top three. And for a long time I been wanting to tell you that... none of it would have happened to me if I hadn't met you that day.
QUENTIN: Why do you speak of love? All I can see now is the power she offered me. All right. Turns to her in conflict, and un-willingly. I'll try. He approaches her.
MAGGIE: I'm sorry if I sounded frightened on the phone but I didn't think you'd be in the office after midnight. Laughs at herself nervously. See, I only pretended to call you. Can you stay like five minutes?
QuENTIN, backing into the chair: Sure. Don't rush.
MAGGIE: That's what I mean, you know I'm rushing! Would you like a drink? Or a steak? They have two freezers here. My agent went to Jamaica so I'm just staying here this week till I go to London Friday. It's the Palladium, like a big vaudeville house, and it's kind of an honor but I'm a little scared to go.
QuENTIN: Why? I've heard you; you're mar-velous. Especially... He can't remember a title.
MAGGIE: No, I'm just flapping my wings yet. But did you read what that News fellow wrote? He keeps my records in the 'frigerator, case they melt!
QuENTIn-laughs with her, then recalls: "Little Girl Blue"! It's very moving, the way you do that.
MAGGIE: Really? 'Cause, see, it's not I say to myself, "I'm going to sound sexy," I just try to come through-like in love or ... Laughs. I really can't believe you're here!
QueNTIN: Why? I'm glad you called; I've often thought about you the last couple of years. All the great things happening to you gave me a secret satisfaction for some reason.
MAGGIE: Maybe 'cause you did it.
QuENTIN: Why do you say that?
MAGGIE: I don't know, just the way you looked at me. I didn't even have the nerve to go see an agent before that day.
QuENTIN: How did I look at you?
MAGGie, squinching up her shoulders, a mystery: Like ... out of your self. Most people, they ... just look at you. I can't explain it. And the way you talked to me...
Louise, who has been sitting right, playing solitaire: You think reading your brief is talking to me?
MAGGIE: What did you mean—it gave you a secret satisfaction?
QUENTIN: Just that—like in the office, I'd hear people laughing that Maggie had the world at her feet—
MAGGIe, hurt, mystified: They laughed!
QUENTIN: In a way.
MAGGIE, in pain: That's what I mean; I'm a joke to most people.
QUENTIN: No, it's that you say what you mean, Maggie. You don't seem to be upholding anything, you're not-ashamed of what you are.
MAGGIE: W-what do you mean, of what I am?
Louise looks up. She is playing solitaire.
QUENTIN, suddenly aware he has touched a nerve: Well... that you love life, and... It's hard to define, I...
Louise: The word is "tart." But what did it matter as long as she praised you?
QUENTIN, to Listener, standing, and moving within Maggie's area: There's truth in it— I hadn't had a woman's praise, even a girl I'd laughed at with the others—
MAGGIE: But you didn't, did you?
He turns to her in agony.
Laugh at me?
QuENTIN: No. He suddenly stands and cries out to Listener. Fraud! From the first five minutes!.. Because! I should have agreed she was a joke, a beautiful piece, trying to take herself seriously! Why did I lie to her, play this cheap benefactor, this— Listens, and now unwillingly he turns back to her.
MAGGIE: Like when you told me to fix where my dress was torn? You wanted me to be-proud of myself. Didn't you?
QUENTIN, surprised: I guess I did, yes. To Listener: By God I did!
MAGGIE, feeling she has budged him: Would you like a drink?
QuentIN, relaxing: I wouldn't mind. Glancing around: What's all the flowers?
MAGGIE, pouring: Oh, that's that dopey prince or a king or whatever he is. He keeps sending me a contract-whereas I get a hundred thousand dollars if we ever divorce. I'd be like a queen or something, but I only met him in El Morocco once!
She laughs, handing him his drink. I'm supposed to be his girl friend too! I don't know why they print those things.
QUENTIN: Well, I guess everybody wants to touch you now.
MAGGIE: Cheers! They drink; she makes a face. I hate the taste but I love the effect! Would you like to take off your shoes? I mean just to rest.
QuENTIN: I'm okay. I thought you sounded on the phone like something frightened you.
MAGGIE: Do you have to go home right away?
QUENTIN: Are you all alone here?
MAGGIE: It's okay. Oh hey! I cut your picture out of the paper last month. When you were defending that Reverend Harley Barnes in Washington? Taking a small framed photo from under her pillow: See? I framed it!
QUENTIN: Is something frightening you, Maggie?
MAGGIE: No, it's just you're here! It's odd how I found this—I went up to see my father
QUENTIN: He must be very proud of you now.
MAGGIE, laughing: Oh, no-he left when I was eighteen months, see—'cause he said I wasn't from him, although my mother always said I was. And they keep interviewing me now and I never know what to answer, when they ask where you were born, and all. So I thought if he would just see me, and you know, just—look at me... I can't explain it.
QuenTIn: Maybe so you'll know who you are.
MAGGIE: Yes! But he wouldn't even talk to me on the phone-just said, "See my lawyer," and hung up. But on the train back there was your picture, right on the seat looking up at me. And I said, "I know who I am! I'm Quentin's friend!" But don't worry about it—I mean you could just be somebody's friend, couldn't you?
QUENTIN, after a slight pause: Yes, Maggie, I can be somebody's friend. It's just that you're so beautiful-and I don't only mean your body and your face.
MAGGIE: You wouldn't even have to see me again. I would do anything for you, Quen-tin—you're like a god!
QuenTIn: But anybody would have told you to mend your dress.
MAGGIE: No, they'd have laughed or tried for a quick one. You know.
QUENTIN, to Listener: Yes! It's all so clear —the honor! The first honor was that I hadn't tried to go to bed with her! She took it for a tribute to her "value," and I was only afraid! God, the hypocrisy! ... But why do you speak of love?
MAGGIE: Oh hey! You know what I did because of you? He turns back to her. I was christening a submarine in the Groton shipyard; 'cause I was voted the favorite of all the workers! And I made them bring about ten workers up on the platform, whereas they're the ones built it, right? And you know what the admiral said? I better watch out or I'll be a Communist. And suddenly I thought of you and I said, "I don't know what's so terrible; they're for the poor people." Isn't that what you believe?
QuENTIN: I did, but it's a lot more complicated, honey.
MAGGIE: Oh! I wish I knew something.
QuENTIN: You know how to see it all with your own eyes, Maggie, that's more important than all the books.
MAGGIE: But you know if it's true. What you see. QUENTIN, puzzled: You frightened now?... You are, aren't you? Maggie stares at him in tension; a long moment passes. What is it, dear? You afraid to be alone here? Pause. Why don't you call somebody to stay with you?
MAGGIE: I don't know anybody ... like that.
QUENTIN, after a slight pause: Can I do any-thing? ... Don't be afraid to ask me.
MAGGie, in a struggle, finally: Would you... open that closet door?
QUENTIN-looks off, then back to her: Just open it?
He walks into the dark periphery; she sits up warily, watching. He opens a "door." He returns. And she lies back.
QUENTIN: Do you want to tell me some-thing? I'm not going to laugh. Sits. What is it?
MAGGIE, with great difficulty: When I start to go to sleep before. And suddenly I saw smoke coming out of that closet under the door. Kept coming and coming. It start to fill the whole room! She breaks off, near weeping. He reaches and takes her hand.
QUENTIN: Oh, kid-you've often dreamed such things, haven't you?
MAGGIE: But I was awake!
QUENTIN: Well it was a waking dream. It just couldn't stay down till you went to sleep. These things can be explained if you trace them back.
MAGGIE: I know. I go to an analyst.
QUENTIN: Then tell him about it, you'll figure it out.
MAGGIE: It's when I start to call you before. She is now absorbed in her own connections. See, my mother-she used to get dressed in the closet. She was very-like moral, you know? But sometimes she'd smoke in there. And she'd come out—you know? with a whole cloud of smoke around her.
QUENTIN: Well-possibly you felt she didn't want you to call me.
MAGGIE, astounded: How'd you know that? QUENTIN: You said she was so moral. And here you're calling a married man.
MAGGIE: Yes! She tried to kill me once with a pillow on my face 'cause I would turn out bad because of-like her sin. And I have her hair, and the same back. She turns half to him, showing a naked back. 'Cause I have a good back, see? Every masseur says.
QuENTIN: Yes, it is. It's beautiful. But it's no sin to call me.
MAGGIE, shaking her head like a child with a relieved laugh at herself: Doesn't make me bad. Right?
QuENTIN: You're a very moral girl, Maggie.
MAGGie, delicately and afraid: W-what's moral?
QUENTIN: You tell the truth, even against yourself. You're not pretending to be— turns out to the Listener, with a dread joy —innocent! Yes, that suddenly there was someone who-could not club you to death with their innocence! And now it's all laughable!
QUENTIN: I hope you sleep.
MAGGiE: I will now! Lies back. Honestly! I feel... all clear!
QueNTIN, with a wave of his hand: Good luck in London.
MAGGIE: And-what's moral, again?
QUENTIN: To live the truth.
MAGGIE: That's you!
QUENTIN: Not yet, dear; but I intend to try. Don't be afraid to call me if you need any help. She is suddenly gone. Alone, he continues the thought. Any time-Dan appears in crew-necked sweater with his book—you need anything, you call, y'hear?
submitted by TeensyKook to MarilynMonroe [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 10:46 Cr0ssTote I Bought Unheard Edition Just To Rat

Nothing more embarrassing to die from a rat at D2, or anywhere on streets.
Just the see the name “RattingIsNice”
And the blue logo next to it.
Gotta hurt the ego a bit.
(PS the extra slots save me money.) it only costs 50k to do a great KEDR rat kit. I don’t have to buy a rig!)
Not a joke
submitted by Cr0ssTote to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:47 CaramelCookiesz Dream sharing with a stranger?

!!Long Post!!
Unsure if this goes in this reddit page or not, but here it is:
I have always had interesting dreams. Dreams that have happened later in life, dreams of saying goodbye to loved ones and waking up to them dead. Nightmares about things attacking me in the room I stayed and being woken up at 3:33 a.m as the 8 hour music I had playing was somehow paused at 3:33:33.
Yet by far, the most interesting dreams I have had was with a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.
There is only 6 dreams I know he was in. All spread out through the years, but I always knew it was him when I woke up.
The first dream I had was in 7th grade. In the dream I was walking around this amusement park in the town I resided in, and it was empty. The only people there was me, and this tall blonde haired blue eyed boy.
At first I thought it was my crush at the time, but realized that 1, My crush didn't have that light skin tone and hair color, and 2, this was the first time I have ever seen a person's face in my dream so vividly, and it 100% was not my crush at the time.
Anyways, I am walking around the fairgrounds with this boy, and we decided to go on the fairis wheel. Upon getting on, I felt the anxiousness I always do while on those wheels, and felt the boy grab my hand. He then says to me "Thank you for going on this date with me. I hope we meet again." And shortly after I woke up.
I don't remember the dream I had with him after that one, I just remembered that I saw a familiar face which was his. I never thought too much of it at the time, because I was in 7th-8th grade during those two dreams. Yet all I do know is that I can instantly recognize his face, and I feel a calm and warm presence whenever he is around. (Makes me wonder if I had any other dreams with him that I can't remember.)
A side note, people normally have dreams and see people they know in them, but for me, if it's a dream and it's with someone I know, the person always has a weird alteration to their appearance, like if you were looking at an AI generated photo. For the boy, he looked real, never in my life have I seen him but nothing about him looked like the normal dream people I've seen all my life. (The only exceptions were the loved ones saying goodbye, I saw their faces clearly aswell.)
Anyways, the next dream I had with him, it was a silly one. I was leaving school after gym class and waiting for my grandma to pick me up. I was for some reason pulling up my sweat pants and trying to hide in them?? A voice from beside the bench makes me stop and I turn to see that familiar face again, and I just stared, almost like I was about to realize I was not in a dream in that moment.
Then I felt if my attention was getting pulled away from the boy, and I quickly get forced into looking at my grandma driving up in her car. Once I felt like I could move on my own again, I look back to the boy and see that he is gone. I was a Junior in highschool.
Now, we are getting into the weirder dreams with him. In this dream I was training to be a survivor in the zombie apocalypse. It had not started yet, but me and a bunch of people were testing in an underground place to see who would get released into the apocalypse with the better gear. After all the testing, no one scored above the top 50, so when we were about to get released into the world, we had to stand 50 feet away from the exit.
Soon the zombie fog(fog that turns people into zombies) started arriving. After about 50 seconds of waiting for our turn to grab the supplies and run, I book it outside, meeting a random group of survivors and that was the end of it.. until I woke up, and went back to sleep. When I went back to sleep, I felt as if everything I had just went through in the dream was re-winded and I was back in the testing room. Yet this time I was fully lucid.
I took advantage of this and made sure to ace the test, since it seemed unless you were lucid you'd be stuck with the rest of the group, which I was wanting to avoid this time around. After the test we went into a waiting room area, and I was talking to this random Korean man, and he and I were just chatting and I made a joke saying "if you are real add my Instagram" and he said bet, (he never added me on Instagram lol) but after I did that, I felt my body move on its own. I was still fully aware it was a dream, but I felt like something was moving me. And I was moved in front of this person, I didn't get to see what they looked like but a sense of familiarity overcame me.
The test was then calculated, and I was the only one who went in the first place, so it was me, a bunch of empty space, and everyone else... that is what I thought until I saw a blonde boy tied in first place with me. In my head I was baffled, because only a person aware it was a dream would have made it to the top.. so why was he there?
We get released back outside, me and the blonde the first ones out of course. I follow this motorcycle dude, to a hilltop (he was in the group I made in the first part of the dream)and for some reason the blonde boy was following us aswell and as the zombie fog got closer and closer, we were forced to jump off the cliff and hide under the water. While in the water, I felt the fog brushing against my back, it felt so real. I then gained the courage to breathe while under the water, realizing I was in a dream and I couldn't drown.
Once the fog was gone, I instantly realized who the blonde haired boy was. I quickly stand up, and so does the other two. I force my attention on the boy, and he looks straight at me as well, and I locked eyes with his blue ones. "Why are you always in my dreams?" I asked.
He looks at me confused, "No, your the one always in my dreams!" Instantly I felt myself forget I was in a dream, and my attention was forced to look at a zombie, I was no longer lucid for some reason.. and the boy disappeared from my dream after that.
The next dream happened 2 days after that one. I was in a normal dream, or nightmare I assume. This grudge lady was dragging me down the hall, over and over again. The lights turning off behind her, as I faced watching all of it happened. Yet before she could turn the corner, she woulds stop, and there would be a figure in the corner of the hall we came from watching us.
This dream repeated that same scene over and over again. I would switch places with the person on the corner of the hall, watching them get dragged down it, and they would watch me do the same. After about what felt like an hour, the person who was being dragged looked at me and spoke, "I'm getting tired of this dream, aren't you?" And I instantly woke up. Yet I wanted to go back to sleep, which I did.
So I went to sleep, and it looked like I was playing omegle in the dream I was dreaming, but it kept making me wake up, and I'd force myself to sleep again, each time this happened, the scene would change, and I noticed that I was on a tablet, and as I kept waking up and going back to sleep, I felt as if my attention was slowly getting away from the tablet, like I was pulling away from the suction. As this kept happening, I was still waking up and going back to sleep.
Soon a guy with brown hair and a black suit and top hat appeared, and he was mocking me for waking up and going back to sleep, saying "Why don't you just stay asleep? Or maybe just wake up huh?" I ignored the man and kept waking up and sleeping again, I was almost out of the suction, I could see the edge of the tablet. Soon, a white being appeared, he looked like a child, but had white hair, pale white skin, and a white suit. He was asking if I was ok, if I was stressing out, he told me to just wake up. I ignored him aswell.
I woke up one last time, and as I went back to sleep I finally was able to pull away from the tablet. Instantly I was lucid, and I saw that i was in a warehouse, around me were thousands and thousands of grayed out people who's attentions were all on their tablets, I looked at the few around me and realized that each one was a different dream. I look up to see how far the warehouse was another person standing up. Once they stood up a alarm went off and I found myself in the middle of a lobby of some sorts, it was like all the games you've ever seen or played meshed into on lobby.
There were people walking around, like a busy new York street. I felt confused, but I just casually started exploring the area. A intercom voice echos through the lobby saying "turn on the protocol, two are aware, two are aware."
Instantly all of the people's heads turned into emoticons, and it made me realize that they were just random NPC's. I continue to walk around when the white being from earlier came over to me and grabbed my shoulders. I could physically feel this, and it freaked me out. The white being had a worried expression and asked me, "What are you doing here? Why didn't you wake up! You need to wake up."
I shrug and try to wake up but it didn't work. So the being sighs and tells me he has to bring me to the safe house before the other one finds me. So we jump across the crossy road and make our way to the minecraft safe house. As we got closer, the white being drags me to hide between the graying out border and some bushes. In the safe house was the brunette guy in a top hat from earlier. He was speaking in a random hanging microphone, "I got eyes on the blonde boy, find the brunette girl, find the brunette girl."
The white being then turns to me, and grabs my shoulders again, he looks me dead in the eyes and says, "You need to wake up. Right. Now."
I then woke up, and was unable to fall back asleep for another 30ish hours. I told my mom about the dream, and she suggested that this blonde boy was someone sharing dreams with me, but I didn't really think much of it. That was before I turned 18, after highschool.
The last dream I remember with him was a year ago, in the dream I had to move back in with my dad, and I was attending a school like Hogwarts, but you could go home or something. It was weird because I was an adult in the dream so why did I have to go to school?
Anyways, my dad sells me off to get married to this random guy. And I am forced to live in their luxury house. Yet I never meet the guy, (I am not lucid in the dream so I was very compliant). After weeks of not meeting this guy, a boy in a dres shirt and suit vest comes inside of the home. His hair was blonde and swoopy, and he had the brightest blue eyes. For some reason I felt enamored with him.
The scene quickly changed, and I am in a Applebee's with my older brother and this boy. My older brother was juggling rings made out of fire, and he flings one in the air like a coin and catches it. "You two should just get married." He says, and I turn to the boy, feeling almost in love. Yet the boy was smiling, he gave me an awkward or sad smile before the scene changed again.
We were walking to the flying cars to go to school, and he quickly grabs my hand. "Remember that time we met, and went on the fairis wheel?" He starts, "or that time your grandma picked you up, or the time we ran from zombies?" He was reminding me of all the dreams we shared, but I just stared at him confused, for I didn't remember it in the dream. Then things started to click in my mind. As they started to click in my mind a name quietly echoes in my brain, it got louder and louder until I couldn't bare it anymore. Yet once it clicked, I looked at the boy, lucid for one split second.. his name was Harrison.
Suddenly I was being forced back into the dream, the moon was aparrently crashing into earth, causing Co2 fumes into the air, and it was going to hit Chicago?? Before anything else could happen I felt a pair of hands grab me, and I look over at the boy named Harrison one last time. He says to me, "I will find you."
Then I wake up.
Now idk if this is anything, but it sure as hell is interesting. I've been convincing myself it's just my imagination, but the fact some of my friends have said they shared a dream recently with a blonde boy, sometime refering or asking about me. My older brother recently told me he did have a dream(he never dreams) that he was juggling rings that were hot to the touch, and saw a blonde boy next to him and me across from him. Yet before he flung the ring in the air he said "you two should stop whatever this is that your doing." In his dream.
BUT I don't know if people are just messing with me. So that's that. Thank you for reading, sorry if it was boring and sorry it was so long haha....
submitted by CaramelCookiesz to LucidDreamingSpec [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:08 ToncBlonc Wings of Steel. Phantom Within. Chapter 3

It was the next day, with Steelblade walking around the town with his wife. Their dragonets were bothering Swordtail for more tales (haha I’m so funny) while Boron and Icesurge talked with Blue and Cricket.
“Pretty well built for only being up for about 6 years.” Steelblade commented as they walked. “They just had plans for this when I stuck around to help restabilize.”
“And progress was stopped due to Steeltalon showing up roughly 5 years ago.” Steelblade turned to the sound of the voice, smiling.
“Yeah but I took care of him pretty quickly.” Steelblade said as Sundew and Willow walked up to them.
“How are the dragonets doing?” Willow asked.
“Why don’t you ask them yourself?” Steelblade joked. “They’re bothering Swordtail currently.” Willow chuckled while Sundew groaned.
“He’s probably telling them the most exaggerated versions of events.” Sundew said. Steelblade and Meerkat laughed.
“Probably, but it keeps them busy and out of the way of other dragons.” Steelblade countered. Sundew nodded in agreement.
“There’s also been a new addition to our family.” Meerkat added. “Boron found a dragon for him.”
“More like rescued him from a cult.” Steelblade commented with a roll of his eyes.
“Icesurge never would’ve gotten out of there alone.” Meerkat countered.
“Why don’t we go meet this icewing.” Willow said, cutting off Steelblade as he opened his mouth. “At least I’m assuming he’s an icewing based on the name.
“He is an icewing yes.” Steelblade confirmed as he turned back towards Blue and Cricket’s house.
“You were an icewing once.” The voice from the previous day said. Steelblade ignored it. “Could’ve had greatness.” Steelblade could tell he put some extra speed in his step by the way he heard the talonsteps increase in speed behind him.
“Is something wrong Blade?” Meerkat asked with concern. “You’ve been acting weird ever since we got here.”
“Nothing’s wrong.” Steelblade said with a slight growl caused from the voice. He immediately realized the tone in his voice and looked at his wife. She had a hurt look on her. “I’m sorry.” He said as he slowed down to walk next to her. “I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.”
“It wasn’t the tone that hurt me.” Meerkat said as she looked him in the eyes. “You’re not telling me the truth. Something is bothering you.” Steelblade sighed in defeat.
“3 times now since we landed.” Steelblade started with a quiet voice so Sundew and Willow didn't hear. “There’s been this voice haunting me of past actions. Last night it even showed up with an outline.”
“What’d it look like?” Meerkat said, her voice shifting from hurt, to sympathy.
“It was a silver outline bigger than me with dark gray fires in place of eyes.” Steelblade replied. Meerkat kept walking next to him in silence.
“Well tell me if it shows up again.” Meerkat said after a few minutes. “Please.” She cut him off when he opened his mouth. “I know you’re stubborn and want to protect your family alone. But if something is bothering you, we can help.” Meerkat looked him in the eyes with a pleading look. “Please Blade. Let us help you. We’re your family. We’re here so you have someone to look to for help.” Steelblade looked into his wife’s eyes, concerned love being in them.
“I’ll tell you from now on.” Steelblade promised as he nuzzled Meerkat. She twinned her tail with one of his and leaned into him.
“Thank you.” She said softly. “It hurts when you don’t tell me what’s bothering you. You don’t have to go through everything alone.”
“I just want to protect you.” Steelblade said, hearing his own sadness.
“I know you do.” Meerkat replied with a comforting voice. “But there are some things you can’t face alone.” Steelblade leaned into his wife, taking comfort in the heat that radiated from her scales.
“Enjoy your time with her.” The voice returned. “For you don’t have much left.”
“Piss off you stupid voice.” Steelblade snarled.
“What’d it say?” Meerkat asked with sympathy.
“Told me to enjoy my time with you for I don’t have much left.” Steelblade growled. Meerkat stopped and held his gaze.
“Your time with me will last as long as we do.” She said with determination. “And we will see that we live for a long time.” Steelblade could see Meerkat roll her eyes at him, seeing the mischief in his. “Together. We’ll see that we live for a long time together you fossil.” She joked at him. Steelblade barked a laugh as they continued on.
It was dark by the time the 4 of them got back to the house. Steelblade cautiously opened the door to see Blue and Cricket cleaning.
“Was wondering when you’d return.” Blue commented as they walked in. “Your family already feel asleep in the guest room.” Steelblade nodded as he and Meerkat walked to the room they stayed in the previous night. They saw Boron and Icesurge lying next to each other with Steelstorm, Sonora, and Aster sleeping on top of them. Steelblade could hear Meerkat chuckle next to him.
“Looks like we get to sleep together.” Meerkat said, her voice filled with love. Steelblade twinned one of his tails with hers.
“Can’t remember the last time we got to sleep as just the 2 of us.” Steelblade said softly. They laid down on the open bed and curled up together. Steelblade found comfort in the heat that radiated off of Meerkat’s scales. He twinned all of his tails with hers and put his wing over her as he laid his head on her neck.
submitted by ToncBlonc to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:56 Gnashes 33 [M4F] Texas / Online - Looking for my other half!

My name is Chance! My career is in public accounting where I'm currently a senior manager. Sadly as a result, my usual workday is all boring and spreadsheets and making sure people did their stuffs right (companies, not people). Nothing to do with taxes, all just normal boring accounting for every day business stuffs. I'm decent enough at the job and it pays well enough that I don't really see myself changing careers unless something external pops up and causes me to give it a second thought.
Physically - I'm white, 5'8", blue eyed, salt and pepper hair (been getting more gray since high school!), bearded currently, and have a bit of a belly that I'm working on losing. I'm a stockier built guy so I don't look as big as my weight makes me sound, but I could definitely use losing some weight!
Politically - I lean left. People are people regardless of their beliefs, what gender they were both with and/or identify with. People deserve for their government to have their backs if they're in need, society would be better if everyone were a tiny bit more kind. There's more to be said, but you get my general idea there. I am conservative in some ways, just usually more fiscal rather than social ones.

- I'm an absolutely *avid* gamer and enjoyer of great stories. With regards to gaming, I usually hyper-focus on 1-2 games and then have a smattering of all different kinds of stuff in alongside whatever that main game might be. At the moment that means loads of GTA RP and a little bit of a whole lot else.
- With my partner - I love watching movies, playing random spooky games with scared people watching, dragging friends into spooky games, and just chatting and kind of existing in a call while we do our own things. If we game together then awesome, but just kind of *being together* while not actually being together is nice too.
- Genres for entertainment? Action, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Family, Adventure, Drama, Horror, more!- I honestly love all kinds of music (Metal, classical, orchestral, K-stuff, J-stuff, you name it). That said, I'm not a big rap/hiphop fan
- I'm a general animal lover. Dogs, cats, all things cute and furry. Cats are def something I've never had and always wanted though!
- Reading! You'll almost always find me with a book or three in progress. Currently reading Supreme Magus by Legion alongside some various other things.- I'm a fan of all things humor, be it dark, raunchy, normal, etc.
Relationship stuffs:
- I'm a big texter and love calls. I love being in contact with my s/o little bits throughout the day, sharing memes, laughing at jokes, checking in from time to time. I'll usually be the first to send a good morning and the one to say good night.
- In-person, I'm a physical touch and cuddles kind of guy. I love showing affection through touching, cuddling, holding hands, snuggling up on the couch for a movie, etc. Just being able to show affection this way is one of my favorite things.
- I'm a very loyal and empathetic person. Once I decide that I like someone, I'm solid in my commitment to them and to making sure that I can do everything in my power to make them feel the same way that they make me feel. I'm not one to wander, think of others, or focus on the things about my person that aren't perfect. I take the good and enjoy it as best I can.
- I absolutely value communication. I'm open with what I think and feel, and hope that my partner is the same way. I don't like to hide things from them, and typically expect the same in return. It may end up being a lot from me if things make me feel passionately about them, but I'd rather you know than wonder.

General Bits:
I've been in... not very many relationships, and never in a "normal" relationship. I was in a 4.5 year long Long-Distance relationship as a late teen early 20's that ended with her cheating on me and getting knocked up, and a 7-month long relationship with a friend with whom things didn’t work out. Otherwise? I'm just a generally friendly and laughing kinda guy. I try not to take myself too seriously and try to keep things fairly simple and straightforward to the best of my ability. I'm a smartass, I joke, I pick, I try to make everyone feel as welcome as I can without breaking myself in the process. I'm opinionated but more than happy to hear opposing views.
Anyway, if you're still here, I'd love for you to reach out with some of your own interests, hobbies, and more! Maybe we'll be friends, maybe we'll be more? Only time will tell! :)
submitted by Gnashes to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:38 Fearadhach [OC] Relationships (PRVerse B2 C2.1)

(Prev) wiki
She wasn’t sure when she dozed off, but when the beeping of her qcom woke her it had only been a few hours. She turned the camera to face the celling and opened the channel to find The Director wearing an expression that made her think of cats and canaries. “Pointing the camera away from yourself, smart. That said, I need to see you.” She adjusted the camera hastily. “Ok, good. It has been a busy few hours, but productive. Seems like there are an awful lot of people who really do believe in the Charter and the promise it stands for.
“The New Guard, as we found they’d been calling themselves, tried to go media blitz and paint themselves as Glorious Saviors of a Confederation in Crisis, call for a lesser form of martial law, and use some obscure legal jargon to call for my arrest. No one was buying their crap, though. The whole thing makes me thing of those videos where someone tries to launch a watermelon with large rubber bands and it hits them in the face instead… except they will be feeling this one for a bit longer.”
The woman’s smirk grew. “One of them got arrested – by his own body Confederation guards – on the podium where he was trying to rally a crowd. A crowd who wasn’t having any of it, by the way: I’m still not sure that the guards didn’t arrest the guy just to get his tone-deaf ass – and themselves – out of there before a real confrontation started. Seems like the civics being taught in schools these last few years worked.”
Julia raised here eyebrows. “Trying to call for emergency powers for themselves and your arrest? That was their end game?”
“More like their fallback plan, and – based on what we’ve put together from interrogations and documents so far – it might have worked in fifty years when they planned on moving to their end game. They were only a few weeks from trying to introduce educational legislation which would have enabled them to shut down those civics classes in as little as a decade.”
Julia let out a low whistle. “I suppose that they are the ones behind the whisper campaigns against the real ‘old guard’ like you and my father?”
“That part we already knew. We’d back-tracked a lot of those psy-ops and had a number of these people as suspects already. Forcing their hand, now, brought our suspects out into the open and brought the majority of the rest out into the light. We have most of the ring leaders in custody, and real identities for the rest.” The Director took a long slow breath. “You were right. Pushing this out into the public was the right thing to do, and was not something they were adequately prepared for. Don’t mistake me, they had made preparations, but not ones that were good enough... they really didn't expect us to go public. Of course, there preparations were especially not good enough to deal with something as blatant as what you brought.
“So, the arrests have been made, and you are not going to be needed for testimony. Also, anyone that may have been missed will be lying quite low. You are free to exit the Bitha Embassy and return to your own. Second-Ambassador Jorgenson will be swearing you in, then handing the Embassy over to you.
“No, don’t look at me like that. You aren’t being elevated to First. Jorgenson, however, is going to resign the moment you are sworn in. She was a victim in all of this, not a perpetrator… but she did not report it either, and let herself be hemmed in. She will be staying on for a while to smooth the transition for the new First, but her official title will be consultant and she will have no authority.
“Your job is to Hold the Fort and Keep Calm. Official statements will be coming from the First Ambassador when she arrives in a few days, until then you are to say as little as possible, and not to initiate any official meetings with foreign Ambassadors.
“Yes, yes, I know we can’t forbid you from meeting with family for personal reasons. The fact that Salish couldn’t have done so, legally, is one of the reasons you were recruited after all. Just make sure that dear ‘ole uncle knows that your meeting is off-the-record, and please don’t go airing all of our dirty laundry to the Council’s Prime Minister?”
The comment brought an instinctive guarded reaction from Julia, but she suppressed it and forced herself to put on an open smirk. “I promise to reveal nothing which will compromise the Confederation to the Prime Minister. He, my Aunts, and I have over a decade of personal gossip to catch up on, we’ll be busy.” Never mind the fact that something like this is what amounts to personal gossip in my family… we know how to compartmentalize.
Something of her thoughts must have shown on her face, because The Director gave her a dirty look before she answered. “You will be getting official interim statements by the time you are sworn in and get your Ambassadorial credentials. Jake is going to be on the ship with the new Ambassadors, so you will get your Confederated Intelligence Directorate briefing – and equipment – from him.
“Now pay very close attention, because this next bit is vital. Until Jake arrives you are an expired asset. There is no reason any intelligence operative on the Council world will even know about you, much less try to contact you. So, if you receive any contact do not answer. If someone tries to physically contact you then do not walk, run.
“The last item, there is an official document on the qcom device for the Bitha Ambassador, with a hash-stamp that has been entered into Council Records. It permanently and irrevocably passes ownership of the qcom device you are using to the Bitha Embassy, with the single provision that it not be removed from the Embassy for any reason without proper authorization from a Confederation official.
“You should note that one of your first orders of business as Ambassador-plus-Secret-Intel liaison is going to be to hand out several similar pieces of equipment and documentation to certain key allies.
“Now, you have your marching orders, please get out of there and back to the Embassy.”
Julia nodded, logged off, dropped the privacy field, returned the qcom with a few hasty instructions, and made her way to her new home.
The rest of the day ended up feeling rather anti-climactic by comparison. She barely got through the door before it closed behind her and she was sworn into her new position. They tried to move her, temporarily, into the First Ambassador’s office and quarters, but she put her foot down on that one, with the excuse that she really didn’t want to have to play musical spaces the moment she managed to get settled in.
Not that she saw her new office, nor quarters, for the rest of the day. Normally she’d have expected a day or two to get settled, and then a little light duty to get into the tempo of the place. Instead she hadn't even made it to her new office door before she found out she had over half a dozen appointments, with Embassy staff and various Ambassadors she was assured were too important to be allowed to wait and a small mountain of email.
None of the ever-so-urgent appointments were from people she knew, and she strongly suspected those people were waiting out of respect for her, her father, or both. By the time dinner rolled around she felt like the phrase ‘unable to comment at this time’ had been burned onto her tongue. She considered rebelling and going after dinner, but settled for a glass of water and hustled to the next meeting.
At long last the official appointments ended. She pushed through a double-handful of emails, triggered the AI, and handed the rest off to it after deciding she’d look at anything it couldn’t handle in the morning.
She then ordered a bourbon. A frightened secretary informed her that there was no booze whatsoever in the Embassy: Salish had forbidden it. She looked the girl square in the eye and told her to get it from the former Ambassador’s secret stash. The girl looked about to deny knowledge of any such stash, but a small grin and a shooing motion convinced her.
As she nursed her second glass the call she’d been waiting for came in. “Hello Uncle. I’m sorry I haven’t made it over there yet, been a lot here to unpack.” She giggled a bit at herself. Unpack… I still have to unpack. Wow, I really am strung out for this stuff to have already started going to my head. When was the last food I had anyway? “I really want to see all of you, and I’m about to…”
Uncle’s face darkened. “Sit your pale little butt back in that chair, nurse that drink in your hand, and bloody well relax. Have you given up on the deluge of email and messages yet?”
She nodded, and he started to continue, but Aunt Golna pushed him out of the way. “Good. I bet you haven’t even seen your room yet, much less unpacked it? Right? Thought so. You just sit tight, dearie, and order yourself up a little snack. Aunti Trio and Kaptain Kazoom are coming to the rescue!”
Her Aunt’s use of the childhood joke combined with the booze and her pent up stress to send her into a fit of giggles, then hysterical laughter. She laughed until she started to snort-laugh, which made her – and those on the other end of the line – laugh all the harder. That set her off to laughing even more, and it took every scrap of self-control she had left to stop before she was in danger of losing whatever she still had in her belly.
When she finally managed to wipe the tears from her cheeks she looked at the screen with the intention of waving her relatives off, only to find that her Aunt had been replaced by one of their daughters. She felt her eyes widen in horror as her cousin smirked at her and spoke. “Don’t bother trying to stop them, cousin. Or me. Now that I’ve delivered that message, you sit back and enjoy the rest of that glass. Moms and Dad should be there by the time you are done, and I won’t be much behind ‘em!”
If I wasn’t so damned exhausted I swear I’d beat the blue out of every one of their hides. She stared blankly at the now-darkened screen. Are they trying to cause an inter-stellar incident?! I… She sat back and took a long breath. Had probably better get used to this sort of thing. Their motto may be ‘For the Diadem, first foremost, and always,’ but that just means that they act for the Empire *more*, not for family *less*. And, you know that. You always have. Hell, they are probably more protective and careful of their family than…
Three tall, blue, sympathetic-faced women swept into her office and wrapped her – still seated – into a warm embrace. She found herself wrapped in ble skin, white, red, and yellow hair, and the scent of various flowers. After a few moments the door closed and a warm, male, Venter voice seemed to quietly fill the room. “Come now, my loves. Let the poor girl breathe.” None of her alien aunts moved a single muscle. He chuckled. “Ok, fine then. Let up and let me give my niece the proper hug she was denied by protocol on the dammed landing pad!”
The arms which had been wrapped around her brought her to her feet and she found herself wrapped in another hug. Then her three Aunts joined back in and a tension she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding – and which the booze had failed to vanish – began to ease out of her in fits and starts.
A single tear formed in her eye, and she let it roll down her cheek. Aunt Yoro, signature glasses off of her face for once, whispered in her ear. “It is ok. Let it out. You've had to put up with far more today than any sapient has a right to.”
Support Fearadhach
submitted by Fearadhach to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:41 doomslayer30000 Foreign Conqueror of Red Winter (Part 1)

Foreign Conqueror of Red Winter (Part 1)
Taken from these two posts:
  1. Red Winter Focus Tree
  2. Most upvoted answer comment
    Red Winter has been one of the greatest schools in Kivotos, It has impressed the outsiders with its patriotic spirit and the selflessness of the students. But recently, The school declined severely under the tyranny of Cherino. Having authority over almost everything, The Great Leader of Red Winter always became the target of coup from enemies. However, all students who usurped her were either not competent enough or did not really care about restoring Red Winter. That gave Cherino all the chances to take the seat back.
GSC president Nanagami Rin organized an internal meeting, discussion happened but no one could find a solution for the situation of Red Winter until a lying Momoka jokingly said: "if red winter student is not that trustworthy, just give the damn role to a foreigner". Momoka started to panic a bit when people started to take that seriously.
But who should be the leader? A candidate selection was held. People of Kivotos vote for 3 candidates. GSC uses leaders from 2 schools Gehenna and Shanhaijing since the other schools stated their rejection to compete, And 3 students buy the candidate rights. After a week, Rin released the candidates list:
- Rikahachima Aru
- Tendou Aris
- Hayase Yuuka
- Hanuma Makoto
- Ryuuge Kisaki
- Akeshiro Rumi
- Kurodate Haruna
- Sunaookami Shiroko
To pick a winner among them, the candidates will vote for one of 7 remaining ones. The first rule is not to vote themselves, the second rule is "no talking" and all the voters will vote secretly. And the voting started.
Hanuma Makoto, tried to think of a strategy to win. If she wanted to win then she had to avoid voting for the student with the biggest chance (or popular) to win so the Shanhaijing leader and her business rival would be put away, the infamous calculator and the robot with the damn big scary railgun is not suitable either. And then she would look at Aru's name. "Who is she again? She is also from my school? There is a rumor about her being an outlaw if I'm not wrong" No one would think about an outlaw leading a big school like Red Winter so ... "got it! I will vote for her, she seems like has the lowest chance, she won't win anyway with my vote"
The result was announced to all citizens of Kivotos. On the giant screen of Kivotos, people watched with extreme nervousness. With an unexpected course, the face of Rikahachima Aru appeared on the screen.
Aris and Yuuka voted for each other. What Makoto didn't consider was the fact that Kisaki, Rumi and Haruna also used the same strategy. That added over 4 votes for Aru. Like a cherry on top, Shiroko voted for Aru as a sign of friendship. Aru has won, She is declared the legal claimant of Red Winter Federal School. But it is not the end, Aru will have a long way ahead to fully take her own prize.
P/s: I gave up learning Hoi4 after many weeks trying, i will come back to ck2.
submitted by doomslayer30000 to BlueArchive [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:34 Arietis1461 Jake and Ziyal?

The writers shipping those two would've completely derailed the serialized plots in the show but probably in funny ways.
submitted by Arietis1461 to ShittyDaystrom [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:18 _StrawberryBunny [Already deleted] (NOT OOP) AITA for jokingly gagging when my friend told me she's pregnant?

[Already deleted] (NOT OOP) AITA for jokingly gagging when my friend told me she's pregnant? submitted by _StrawberryBunny to redditonwiki [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:48 SonnieCelanna One Thing You Love - A Bit of Positivity

So, I'm sure all of us have had to deal with hearing one of our favourite games in this series be disparaged at some point or have had to sit there and sigh at the headlines once more taking another hit of negativity. I've seen this a lot, especially since I like a good, i'd say, 98% of Sonic games that have been released that I have played.
So I thought it might be nice to do a thread dedicated to a bit of positivity. Honestly, this started out as an idea for a YouTube series but i'm not sure how well that would actually go so I figured just a reddit post for now is good enough.

Long story short, each sonic game you've played or know a lot about, all you got to do is say one genuinely nice thing you like about it whether you like it overall or not, so all of us can enjoy a little positivity about one of our favourite games. Even if its a little controversial, lets try to keep some positivity in the replies.


Sonic The Hedgehog (1991) - The most obvious thing of all, without this game we wouldn't have our blue blur in the first place, this is the game that has in some way or another brought us every other last thing we absolutely love in this series. It all started here and I will always love this game for that.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - In a rather similar vein to the first game, this game started the trend of adding characters to the series. While of course the character mania wouldn't set in until a while later, Tails set the stage for it, giving us one of the cutest kitsunes in gaming and ensuring, most likely, that one of your beloved characters could be made.
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles - The naming of Hyper Sonic has led to endless giggling for me imagining that the truth of the transformation has nothing do with the master emerald but Sonic downing too much Sugar before transforming.
Sonic R - Genuinely, Can You Feel The Sunshine, memes aside is just one of many great vocal tracks from this game that will not leave your mind when you hear it. Also, it technically gave us this, the greatest argument in favour of this game's existence: (I am going to try to make this the only OST based one)
Sonic The Fighters - Honey The Cat is freakin' adorable. That is all.

Sonic Adventure - Started giving us more explicit stories in Sonic games which would eventually lead to one of the best pieces of the entire sonic franchise later down the line, while also helping start to define the general playstyles people expect from characters other than sonic, not to mention the slow shift to extra Shonen vibes.
Sonic Adventure 2 - Gave us easily one of the most iconic rival characters in the entire series with a story that helped set a tone going forward that I feel like has always been there in the best stories of the games, that underlying hint of darkness (not edginess). (I could honestly make an entire essay topic on this with time).
Sonic Heroes - This is the game that personally got me into the franchise, the game I played on loop for hours at my grandmothers house, annoying my cousins by getting past the sections they couldn't and gaining crocodile based nightmares.
Shadow The Hedgehog - This game was rated 12, I was like 4. This game left an impression in me like the bullet that hit Maria, yet for all the over the top edginess and wild parts of the game, I genuinely just loved exploring the level settings as a kid, losing myself for hours just exploring around these maps and distracting myself from life. It also potentially gave me the ability to be able to look past the overt edginess of certain products and enjoy whats actually underneath more seriously no matter how unseriousness the edginess can make it feel.
Sonic Rush - BLAZE SIMPING BLAZE SIMPING BLAZE SIMPING- In all seriousness, I think anyone who had a DS has 'that game' that they'd play to oblivion no matter where they went to keep themselves happy and entertained. Sonic Rush was one of the two games that did that for me for close to a decade. It also did indeed introduce Blaze, starting my eventually descent into the curse of simping for Sonic girls.

Sonic 06 - ...How do I say this without getting set on fire... Elise simp? In all seriousness, I say with full sincerity: I personally think Elise was a good idea with bad execution. I really don't think there's anything wrong with the human/hedgehog part because its cartoony and unless you also have a problem with Roger and Jessica Rabbit, i just don't see much problem with the actual concept part. Unfortunately, there were issues that I won't cover to maintain positivity but I want to say this, the idea is sound and I am confident would be popular done right. Why do I say this? Because 'more serious princess to contrast Sonic who has some kind of connection to fire and a serious duty she cannot shake, eventually warming up with the help of Sonic' applies to both Blaze and Elise, so... I'm just saying, its not impossible. For those who want something else, this game did give a near-perfect portrayal of Shadow that I argue stands up to this day as one of the best portrayals of the character.

Sonic and The Secret Rings - While the storybook games gameplay is rather infamous for various reasons, there is one place that its only appropriate for 'The Storybook Saga' to excel and that is in its stories. Out of every single game on this list, I don't think any two games understand Sonic as a character better than Secret Rings and Black Knight, and they make stories that are charming, fun and genuinely suck me right in no matter how many times I watch them. I highly recommend if you haven't, just trying out any 'The Movie' videos on YouTube and watching Secret Rings like a TV Special Sonic cartoon. While its not the intended experience, it is a very good one.
Not to mention, this game introduced Shahra, who I would kill to have come back for more games. Having a companion Sonic can actually talk to, who can keep up (due to the ring) while being their own person and contrasting well personality wise gave such a genuine sense of charm and could even give more depth to Sonic's 'solo' adventuring. Yes, Tails could serve a similar role but Tails was a partner, a buddy who grew up out of the need to be under Sonic's protection in this era, meant to strike out on his own. Shahra feels just so perfect as a companion, soft and respectful, but conflicted and uncertain to contrast Sonic's Brash and Rude but self-assuredness and confidence in his core beliefs.
I could write an entire post solely about why the Hankerchief ending, cheesy as it is, is great beyond just being a good bookend with the start of the book. Plus there's things I haven't even mentioned like the way Darkspine is unlocked or Erazor Djinn being one of the best villains in the entire franchise.
Also, this game started the (console) trilogy of perfect ending songs with Worth A Chance.

Sonic And The Dark Brotherhood - True fact, this game was the first ever 'RPG' I played and I was kind of addicted to it. I still remember my go to team as a kid was Sonic (as mandatory), Amy, Shadow, Cream and I had this one chao I was in love with I cried over when my save was deleted who was a fiery type chao. For any faults, I love these characters, so genuinely, being able to just sit and talk to them at least somewhat as a kid, even in a system as simple as Brotherhood's, was something that genuinely gave me unparalleled levels of joy. I loved these characters as characters, so I absorbed every word I could get by talking to them.
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity - The first ever racer I played, it became my go to game to play whenever I had other people around, since I didn't have many other games on the Wii to play and for a while it was the only console I had. I love the designs and vibe of the entire riders series but ZG is where that series had its best visual design I think. Also, I may have some bias, as I genuinely think ZG may be the first ever piece of media my brain properly digested the story of and remembered it, rather than just being distracting moving pictures in front of me.
Sonic Unleashed - Rather fittingly considering the original title of the game, Unleashed nails the feeling of there really being an entire WORLD around you, even if you are locked to segments of it, making it feel like there's so much around you still aren't seeing. It also gave us Night of The Werehog, some truly great designs, Professor Chad Pickle, the greatest opening cutscene in the entire franchise, a really good blend of the cheesier side and the darker side, keeping the fun tone from the characters while still acknowledging the planet is freakin' dying, and while Sonic Heroes introduced me to the series, Sonic Unleashed was the game that solidified me permanently as a Sonic fan for the long haul. And of course, Dear My Friend continues the console trilogy of perfect ending songs.

Sonic And The Black Knight - I saved writing about this one for last because I just know it's going to become the longest one here. I adore Black Knight, I really do. It took the good parts of Secret Rings and expanded on them while adding so much more at the same time.
A fun, well-written travelling companion that gets endless banter and snark out of Sonic? Check. Fun alternative takes on classic characters, fully embracing the idea rather than just dipping toes in the water while still respecting the originals? Check. A highly simp-worthy new humanoid character? Check. One of the best themed OST's in any piece of media ever? Big Check.
That's me delibrately doing my best to cut down on the stuff I can gush on, and there's still so much more I can still go over like how, if the Secret Rings portrayal of Sonic is nearly perfect, this portrayal IS perfect. I could put nearly any cutscene from that game in front of you, and give you an immediate idea of who Sonic is as a person... Which this game even explores in more detail than we normally get, putting his worldview up to the test of literally having him declare he's fine with being the villain to stay true to those beliefs.
Excalibur Sonic is easily the single most narratively earned and satisfying transformation out of any in the whole series, the entire game building on Sonic's world views and beliefs, testing him against this world's. Sonic holding fast and true every time, eventually being rewarded and gratified with the best reward possible within this universe.
However, if there is one thing I'd pick out that entire game, just one to say without doubt is the best thing, I'd say this cutscene, which I argue may be the single best cutscene in the entire franchise. If I was to distill everything good about Sonic into one scene, it would be this:

Sonic Colors - While not a game i'd personally want to go to anymore other than in a marathon, I do genuinely think this game works as a great introduction point for younger players to not overload them with the more intense parts of the other games, as long as you don't go straight into every other meta era game. Honestly, this game is really good as a break between the serious games, more than as a 'norm'. Also Reach For The Stars is still one of the most gorgeous opening songs in the series.
Sonic Generations - Personally I consider this the best game of the meta era and a great example of when the meta era writing could work just fine, because while writing wise it felt more childish than other games, it also feels more simple. Honestly, making the time eater a little less overly intense an idea, more of a time traveller than a time eater and it would work fine. Keep things simple, fun and unserious for a game that doesn't NEED to be serious, cause its an excuse to celebrate the past rather than tell an actual story which a lot of 'Dark Era' games did genuinely do.
Sonic Forces - While I could mention Fist Bump or cheat and mention the IDW comics coming off this game, which are both also positives, I'm not going to cheap out like that. Genuinely, this games story had potential that in the dark era would of been amazing to see play out and the idea of allowing for OC's was a really fun addition and in-joke for a game. The avatar's stages were interesting concepts and a good way to start pushing back to having other characters even if it didn't pan out in time, but more than anything... The OC system may actually of been the greatest thing for this era to bow out on. The Meta Era left after giving us the most meta-joke mechanic of all.

Sonic Frontiers - If we include Final Horizons I can't not mention one of the most Shonen final bosses in the entire series but even ignoring Final Horizon, Frontiers willingness to actually remember its past, the little details like remembering Sonic actually likes reading (Woo Storybook Saga!), just everything about Sage, the spectacle that is the Titans fights, and more than anything, the sheer love this game oozes for Sonic in general that just feels so nice to simply enjoy as someone who still really loves this dang hedgehog.

So... What about you?
submitted by SonnieCelanna to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:37 5docdoc RPDR Randomized Era 4: Season 12, Episode 13 (Grand Finale)

RPDR Randomized Era 4: Season 12, Episode 13 (Grand Finale)
Before the Grand Finale...
The queens reunited (at home). RuPaul talked to the queens about the season and hashed out 'beefs' as well as spent time talking through storylines that we saw get developed.
The reunion ends with each of the eliminated queens talking through who they want to see take the crown home out of the top 4 queens.
For the first time in Drag Race herstory, the grand finale took place all over the US in so many timezones as the queens joined from the comfort of their own homes! The finale kicks off with a reintroduction of the 9 eliminated queens!
After the introduction of the 9 eliminated queens, Michelle introduces the top 4 Queens!!
Michelle then introduces the RuPaul who joins from her home as well!
Ru welcomes everyone to the grand finale and talks about how proud she is of her top 4 queens. She goes on to thank the crew of Drag Race who are still working tirelessly to put this show on even though they are all working from home as well. Ru then says that the top four queens will have to survive three lip sync performances tonight in their hopes of becoming America's Next Drag Superstar! She explains that the lip syncs will be as follows:
- A four-way close up lip sync where they serve face
- A lip sync from home. In this lip sync the queens produced their own performance to a song of their choice.
-Ru then says that she will then choose the top two queens who will lip sync side by side but thousands of miles apart.
Ru then introduces the three main season judges, who are also watching from home!
Each of the judges talk about how they are looking forward to the finale and their favorite parts of the season. After the judges speak, we hear from some celebrities who have been enjoying the show all season, many of them being guest judges that made appearances throughout the course of the show.
Ru then announces that prior to tonight, she had a special one-on-one conversation with each of the queens in the top 4. The first closer look we are given is into her conversation with Jasmine Kennedie.
Ru talks with Jasmine about how amazing of a peformer she is and how she is looking forward to seeing what she brings tonight. There is a segment where Jasmine's family sends a video message that includes a funny moment from Jasmine's mom where she tells Ru that she was wrong to put Jasmine in the bottom two so many times and the only way to make it right is to give her the rightful title of America's Next Drag Superstar. They spend a little time talking about Jasmine's transition and how her time at home allowed her even more time to become more of the woman she always knew she was. Ru then asks her what her strategy is going to be going into her lip sync performances. Jasmine assures her that they only got to see a fragment of what she has under her sleeves and that she is a performer at the end of the day so she is going to put on the performance of a lifetime because the only outcome that makes sense is her winning this season. Ru then asks Jasmine what advice she would give to her younger self and Jasmine gives a heartfelt message about discovering who you are and overcoming a lot of dark times. The segment ends with Ru asking Jasmine why she should win the season and her explaining that she worked so hard for it and showed that with determination anything could be possible.
Ru then has her one-on-one chat with Maddy Morphosis!
Ru congratulates Maddy on making it to the finale and shares how proud she is for all that Maddy was able to show over the course of the season. Maddy thanks her again for bringing her back and says that she is really happy with what she was able to bring to this season. We then see a video message from Maddy's family and then a surprise video message from Maddy's partner. Maddy makes jokes with Ru about how she has no idea who any of those people were but that they had really nice things to say about her. Ru then asks her about the advice that she'd give to her younger self and she talks about having to battle with her image and who she was but that she would soon realize exactly who she is and perfect her ability to live unapologetically. Ru then asks her why she should win the competition and Maddy talks about how she feels like this season she was able to show the full breadth of her talents and that she came out on top more often than her other competitors, who are also talented.
Following Maddy's segment, there is a video montage of all the queens of Season 12 performing to the song "Blessed" by RuPaul as they thank those who have made a difference in the world. It's a really sweet montage where we see the queens given touching accounts and really being down to earth.
Following this segment, Ru has her one-on-one with Spice!
Spice brings her signature chaotic energy to her talk with Ru where it's clear that she is saying whatever she wants even if it isn't connected to the question that was asked. This cracks Ru up throughout their conversation. Spice then gets a message from her brother, who mentions how proud of Spice he is and how he saw her star power before making it on to the show and that he hopes that she sees that in herself as well. Ru then shows an image of younger Spice and asks her what advice she has for her younger self. Spice starts off joking that it is actually a picture of Sugar being shown before getting more serious and talking through her growing pains but how important it is to stick to your heart and do what makes you happy. Ru then asks her why she should be the queen who wins the season. Spice talks about how she grew so much from where she started in the competition to making it to the finale and how so many of her competitors doubted her and her talent but she proved them wrong. She goes on to say how this sentiment is shared by so many queer people out there and she wants to be able to represent all of them.
Ru finally is shown having her one-on-one with Sugar!
Sugar also leans into her established brand of ditzy chaos in her conversation with Ru. Ru tells her how much of a joy she was to watch this season and how much she grew from week to week. Ru talks to her and asks her what pushed her to fight week after week to make it to the final four. Sugar mentions how she loved having her sister by her side and that she knew she couldn't leave her on her own which made her try even harder to perform better and better. Ru then shows a surprise message from Sugar's mom. In this message, Sugar's mom apologizes for negative things she has said about Sugar and attempts to reconcile their relationship and adds that she wants to have a relationship with her son again. Sugar tears up quite a bit following this. Ru then shows Sugar a younger version of herself and asks her what advice she has for her younger self. Sugar makes the same joke as Spice and then cackles when Ru lets her know that Spice also said the same thing. Sugar mentions how confident she should be and never let anyone dim your star. Ru then ends the segment by asking Sugar why she should take home the crown. Sugar mentions how she always knew she had star power even before coming to Drag Race and that she felt that the show gave her a larger platform to extend her brand of drag to the masses and show everyone that there is more than one way to be a valid drag performer.
RuPaul announces that the time has come for the first lip sync round of the night, the close up lip sync. RuPaul explains that she wants the queens to connect with the song and serve realness using only their face.
RuPaul announces that the time has come for them to lip sync for their lives. They had to prepare a lip-sync performance to the song Bring Back My Girls by RuPaul.
Good luck and don't FUCK it up!
The lip-sync is so tight! The queens don't have their full bodies to convey a killer performance, it's just their faces up close and personal. Jasmine, who has shown how strong of a dancer she is, isn't inhibited by this as she nails the lyrics. Sugar and Spice tap into their Tik Tok background and bring forth a really strong performance as well especially since it is their first time performing in the season. Maddy, much like her competitors, leans close and delivers a succinct and strong lip sync as well. It is truly too close to call.
Following the lip sync performance, we are shown a video of the queens of Season 12 performing a lip sync number about voting to the theme of "Supermodel". They are all wearing red, white, and blue and talk through the importance of registering to vote and letting your voice be heard.
RuPaul then tells us that for the second lip sync of the night each of the queens in the top four were asked to produce and star in their own lip sync numbers from their homes, to a song that they have chosen. Ru goes on to say that the judges will be watching the performances and are poised to give their critiques because following the lip syncs there will be an elimination. Ru announces that up first will be Jasmine Kennedie!
Jasmine performs a lip sync to the song "Last Dance" by Dua Lipa. Jasmine really connects with her video and dances all throughout her home. She looks like a music video pop star in her own right. She knows the words, she hits every rhythm and even finds a way to flip into a split all in her living room. Truly and iconic performance.
The next performance comes from Maddy Morphosis! Maddy performs to the song "Not Myself Tonight" by Christina Aguilera. Maddy is in rare form as she turns look after look in her video and plays on her being a straight man who turns into a drag queen. She has campy moments but really leans into delivering some sex appeal throughout her video.
Ru announces that the next performance will come from Spice! Spice performs "In the Next Life" by Kim Petras. Her video includes her emerging from a casket and serving face. She looks great and really leans into her darker side and aesthetic with her performance. You can tell that Spice is really feeling herself with how she struts and pops around during her performance. It's a definite high point for her.
The final performance that we see is Sugar! Sugar creates a performance to the song "Iconic" by Trisha Paytas. The performance is the epitome of Sugar's brand as it is ditzy, sexy, and stupid. She doesn't take herself too seriously at all and really has fun with her performance and the visuals are really on point. She looks great and bops around and sells the performance like only she could.
Following, Sugar's performance, Ru announces that it is time for the judges final critiques.
Ross starts with Jasmine and talks about how geniusly she moves. He gushes over how great she looked in her lip sync from home and mentions that it felt like he was watching an actual music video. Michelle says that her lip sync from home played to all her strengths and truly made her look incredible. Carson talks about her close up lip sync and mentions how they all know she can dance but seeing her locked in and only serving face was also incredibly done.
Carson moves on to Maddy and talks about how incredible she looked during the up close lip sync. He then goes on to say this was a big night for her and that he loved what she did with her lip sync from home. Ross agrees and adds that he felt like she really put on a show and gave us all something we hadn't seen from her all season. Michelle talks about specific moments from her lip sync from home that she enjoyed and says that she thinks Maddy nailed it.
Michelle then talks about her thoughts around Spice's performances. She mentioned that with Sugar and Spice they were the two that the judges didn't know what to expect and that she really enjoyed everything Spice brought tonight. Carson agrees and adds that her lip sync from home was one of his favorites in that it was edgy, sexy, and true to her brand. Ross also talks about how much he enjoyed her lip sync from home but also talks about how incredible she looked during her up close lip sync given how talented she is with makeup.
Michelle ends the critiques by talking about Sugar and what she brought to her final performances. She mentions that she thought she looked really good in her close up lip sync and that since she didn't have to dance we could focus on how amazing she looks. Ross agrees and says that Sugar knows who she is as a queen and brought that same energy to her lip sync from home with he really enjoyed. Carson also talks about how the lip sync from home spoke to who Sugar is and what they have come to love about her as a queen.
Following the critiques, RuPaul jokingly tells the judges that they were no help. She then tells the top four queens that it is time to announce who will be moving forward to the final lip sync. Ru tells the queens that tonight, and all season long, they have displayed performances that brought them to the finale. She then announces that...
Sugar will not be moving forward to the final lip sync.
Sugar thanks RuPaul for an amazing experience all season long and tells Spice that she hopes she brings it home this season.
RuPaul then says as the final three queens get ready for their final lip sync that it's time to hear from Season 11's Miss Congeniality, Deja Skye, as she passes on the title.
Deja calls in and jokingly talks about happy she is that she doesn't have to act congenial anymore and can revert back to being an online troll account. She then announces that the queen chosen to be Miss Congeniality of Season 12 is...
Salina Estitties!!
Following this announcement, RuPaul introduces the winner of Season 11, Aquaria!
Aquaria talks about how her life has changed since winning the season and all the incredible things that she has been afforded. She goes on to say that she is looking forward to welcoming one of the queens of Season 12 into the winner's circle.
RuPaul then announces that it is time for the final lip sync of the night.
RuPaul announces that three queens stand before her. Prior to tonight they were asked to prepare a lip sync performance to "Survivor" by Destiny's Child. She explains that this is their last chance to impress her and snatch the title of America's Next Drag Superstar.
The time has come for them to lip sync for the crown!
Good luck, and don't FUCK it up!
The queens are battling in this lip sync! They are limited in what they can do dance-wise for this performance given that they are in their own homes and not on a stage. This doesn't stop Jasmine from hitting every single beat of the song. Spice looks that part from the music video but has moments in her performance that come across as a little rehearsed. There are funny moments where she turns to the side as if she is talking to the other queens she is performing against. Maddy pulls focus towards the climax of the song when she pulls out a reveal and really starts giving the performance her all. Each queen is trying their best not to let the others upstage them. It is a photofinish to the end!
The lip sync ends and RuPaul announces...
The winner of Season 12...
America's Next Drag Superstar is...
Maddy Morphosis!!

submitted by 5docdoc to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:06 CaramelCookiesz A person keeps re-appearing in my dreams.

!!Long Post!!
Unsure if I should post this here or not.. but haven't been able to share this, and I don't know if it's a common occurance or not.
I have always had interesting dreams. Dreams that have happened later in life, dreams of saying goodbye to loved ones and waking up to them dead. Nightmares about things attacking me in the room I stayed and being woken up at 3:33 a.m as the 8 hour music I had playing was somehow paused at 3:33:33.
Yet by far, the most interesting dreams I have had was with a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.
There is only 6 dreams I know he was in. All spread out through the years, but I always knew it was him when I woke up.
The first dream I had was in 7th grade. In the dream I was walking around this amusement park in the town I resided in, and it was empty. The only people there was me, and this tall blonde haired blue eyed boy.
At first I thought it was my crush at the time, but realized that 1, My crush didn't have that light skin tone and hair color, and 2, this was the first time I have ever seen a person's face in my dream so vividly, and it 100% was not my crush at the time.
Anyways, I am walking around the fairgrounds with this boy, and we decided to go on the fairis wheel. Upon getting on, I felt the anxiousness I always do while on those wheels, and felt the boy grab my hand. He then says to me "Thank you for going on this date with me. I hope we meet again." And shortly after I woke up.
I don't remember the dream I had with him after that one, I just remembered that I saw a familiar face which was his. I never thought too much of it at the time, because I was in 7th-8th grade during those two dreams. Yet all I do know is that I can instantly recognize his face, and I feel a calm and warm presence whenever he is around. (Makes me wonder if I had any other dreams with him that I can't remember.)
A side note, people normally have dreams and see people they know in them, but for me, if it's a dream and it's with someone I know, the person always has a weird alteration to their appearance, like if you were looking at an AI generated photo. For the boy, he looked real, never in my life have I seen him but nothing about him looked like the normal dream people I've seen all my life. (The only exceptions were the loved ones saying goodbye, I saw their faces clearly aswell.)
Anyways, the next dream I had with him, it was a silly one. I was leaving school after gym class and waiting for my grandma to pick me up. I was for some reason pulling up my sweat pants and trying to hide in them?? A voice from beside the bench makes me stop and I turn to see that familiar face again, and I just stared, almost like I was about to realize I was not in a dream in that moment.
Then I felt if my attention was getting pulled away from the boy, and I quickly get forced into looking at my grandma driving up in her car. Once I felt like I could move on my own again, I look back to the boy and see that he is gone. I was a Junior in highschool.
Now, we are getting into the weirder dreams with him. In this dream I was training to be a survivor in the zombie apocalypse. It had not started yet, but me and a bunch of people were testing in an underground place to see who would get released into the apocalypse with the better gear. After all the testing, no one scored above the top 50, so when we were about to get released into the world, we had to stand 50 feet away from the exit.
Soon the zombie fog(fog that turns people into zombies) started arriving. After about 50 seconds of waiting for our turn to grab the supplies and run, I book it outside, meeting a random group of survivors and that was the end of it.. until I woke up, and went back to sleep. When I went back to sleep, I felt as if everything I had just went through in the dream was re-winded and I was back in the testing room. Yet this time I was fully lucid.
I took advantage of this and made sure to ace the test, since it seemed unless you were lucid you'd be stuck with the rest of the group, which I was wanting to avoid this time around. After the test we went into a waiting room area, and I was talking to this random Korean man, and he and I were just chatting and I made a joke saying "if you are real add my Instagram" and he said bet, (he never added me on Instagram lol) but after I did that, I felt my body move on its own. I was still fully aware it was a dream, but I felt like something was moving me. And I was moved in front of this person, I didn't get to see what they looked like but a sense of familiarity overcame me.
The test was then calculated, and I was the only one who went in the first place, so it was me, a bunch of empty space, and everyone else... that is what I thought until I saw a blonde boy tied in first place with me. In my head I was baffled, because only a person aware it was a dream would have made it to the top.. so why was he there?
We get released back outside, me and the blonde the first ones out of course. I follow this motorcycle dude, to a hilltop (he was in the group I made in the first part of the dream)and for some reason the blonde boy was following us aswell and as the zombie fog got closer and closer, we were forced to jump off the cliff and hide under the water. While in the water, I felt the fog brushing against my back, it felt so real. I then gained the courage to breathe while under the water, realizing I was in a dream and I couldn't drown.
Once the fog was gone, I instantly realized who the blonde haired boy was. I quickly stand up, and so does the other two. I force my attention on the boy, and he looks straight at me as well, and I locked eyes with his blue ones. "Why are you always in my dreams?" I asked.
He looks at me confused, "No, your the one always in my dreams!" Instantly I felt myself forget I was in a dream, and my attention was forced to look at a zombie, I was no longer lucid for some reason.. and the boy disappeared from my dream after that.
The next dream happened 2 days after that one. I was in a normal dream, or nightmare I assume. This grudge lady was dragging me down the hall, over and over again. The lights turning off behind her, as I faced watching all of it happened. Yet before she could turn the corner, she woulds stop, and there would be a figure in the corner of the hall we came from watching us.
This dream repeated that same scene over and over again. I would switch places with the person on the corner of the hall, watching them get dragged down it, and they would watch me do the same. After about what felt like an hour, the person who was being dragged looked at me and spoke, "I'm getting tired of this dream, aren't you?" And I instantly woke up. Yet I wanted to go back to sleep, which I did.
So I went to sleep, and it looked like I was playing omegle in the dream I was dreaming, but it kept making me wake up, and I'd force myself to sleep again, each time this happened, the scene would change, and I noticed that I was on a tablet, and as I kept waking up and going back to sleep, I felt as if my attention was slowly getting away from the tablet, like I was pulling away from the suction. As this kept happening, I was still waking up and going back to sleep.
Soon a guy with brown hair and a black suit and top hat appeared, and he was mocking me for waking up and going back to sleep, saying "Why don't you just stay asleep? Or maybe just wake up huh?" I ignored the man and kept waking up and sleeping again, I was almost out of the suction, I could see the edge of the tablet. Soon, a white being appeared, he looked like a child, but had white hair, pale white skin, and a white suit. He was asking if I was ok, if I was stressing out, he told me to just wake up. I ignored him aswell.
I woke up one last time, and as I went back to sleep I finally was able to pull away from the tablet. Instantly I was lucid, and I saw that i was in a warehouse, around me were thousands and thousands of grayed out people who's attentions were all on their tablets, I looked at the few around me and realized that each one was a different dream. I look up to see how far the warehouse was another person standing up. Once they stood up a alarm went off and I found myself in the middle of a lobby of some sorts, it was like all the games you've ever seen or played meshed into on lobby.
There were people walking around, like a busy new York street. I felt confused, but I just casually started exploring the area. A intercom voice echos through the lobby saying "turn on the protocol, two are aware, two are aware."
Instantly all of the people's heads turned into emoticons, and it made me realize that they were just random NPC's. I continue to walk around when the white being from earlier came over to me and grabbed my shoulders. I could physically feel this, and it freaked me out. The white being had a worried expression and asked me, "What are you doing here? Why didn't you wake up! You need to wake up."
I shrug and try to wake up but it didn't work. So the being sighs and tells me he has to bring me to the safe house before the other one finds me. So we jump across the crossy road and make our way to the minecraft safe house. As we got closer, the white being drags me to hide between the graying out border and some bushes. In the safe house was the brunette guy in a top hat from earlier. He was speaking in a random hanging microphone, "I got eyes on the blonde boy, find the brunette girl, find the brunette girl."
The white being then turns to me, and grabs my shoulders again, he looks me dead in the eyes and says, "You need to wake up. Right. Now."
I then woke up, and was unable to fall back asleep for another 30ish hours. I told my mom about the dream, and she suggested that this blonde boy was someone sharing dreams with me, but I didn't really think much of it. That was before I turned 18, after highschool.
The last dream I remember with him was a year ago, in the dream I had to move back in with my dad, and I was attending a school like Hogwarts, but you could go home or something. It was weird because I was an adult in the dream so why did I have to go to school?
Anyways, my dad sells me off to get married to this random guy. And I am forced to live in their luxury house. Yet I never meet the guy, (I am not lucid in the dream so I was very compliant). After weeks of not meeting this guy, a boy in a dres shirt and suit vest comes inside of the home. His hair was blonde and swoopy, and he had the brightest blue eyes. For some reason I felt enamored with him.
The scene quickly changed, and I am in a Applebee's with my older brother and this boy. My older brother was juggling rings made out of fire, and he flings one in the air like a coin and catches it. "You two should just get married." He says, and I turn to the boy, feeling almost in love. Yet the boy was smiling, he gave me an awkward or sad smile before the scene changed again.
We were walking to the flying cars to go to school, and he quickly grabs my hand. "Remember that time we met, and went on the fairis wheel?" He starts, "or that time your grandma picked you up, or the time we ran from zombies?" He was reminding me of all the dreams we shared, but I just stared at him confused, for I didn't remember it in the dream. Then things started to click in my mind. As they started to click in my mind a name quietly echoes in my brain, it got louder and louder until I couldn't bare it anymore. Yet once it clicked, I looked at the boy, lucid for one split second.. his name was Harrison.
Suddenly I was being forced back into the dream, the moon was aparrently crashing into earth, causing Co2 fumes into the air, and it was going to hit Chicago?? Before anything else could happen I felt a pair of hands grab me, and I look over at the boy named Harrison one last time. He says to me, "I will find you."
Then I wake up.
Now idk if this is anything, but it sure as hell is interesting. I've been convincing myself it's just my imagination, but the fact some of my friends have said they shared a dream recently with a blonde boy, sometime refering or asking about me. My older brother recently told me he did have a dream(he never dreams) that he was juggling rings that were hot to the touch, and saw a blonde boy next to him and me across from him. Yet before he flung the ring in the air he said "you two should stop whatever this is that your doing." In his dream.
BUT I don't know if people are just messing with me. So that's that. Thank you for reading, sorry if it was boring and sorry it was so long haha....
submitted by CaramelCookiesz to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:29 CaregiverNo523 Need a honest answer from people that "ghost" people only! Serious answers!

Since like.. covid i feel like the past 3 or 4 years people are getting stranger and stranger.. more cold hearted..... just rude and they fucking BLOCK YOU OR I SHOULD SAY GHOST YOU!!!! THIS IS MY BIGGEST PET PEEVE. It's just insulting.. and they treat you like you don't matter one bit. That you're trash. It hurts more when they are just using you which is usually the case but this has been happening to me for years i haven't even dated in 8 years or been touched. I don't exceed want to because im starting to see how people really are. Why give someone a chancewhen you know they're gonna ghost you? I help people out if they need anythingat all and not just once... I'm the one that has to drive every where.. they no kidding gaslight me.... every single person I've met in so long..I feel like I'm in the movie Truman show. And I'm Truman. And I'm not joking about that. Like my life is so fucking weird I need to be in a movie or write a book. They all ghost me though and it's so out of the blue. I'm very kind and giving. I take care of people. But no one treats me the same way and if they do its for a week or two up to the day they disappear on me. I see them reading my texts and no response. I think back the night before .... nothing was wrong. I hired her....I drive her to work every day.. she doesn't offer gas. I would even enable her addiction so she was not sick at work. And i paid her almost half when I'm the boss and paid for all the cleaning products. Someone please help me. I'm going crazy.
submitted by CaregiverNo523 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:22 ToncBlonc Wings of Steel. Phantom Within. Chapter 2

“Hey Blue.” Steelblade called to the silkwing as he walked through the door. He saw the silkwing peak his head around the corner.
“Steelblade?” Blue said with confusion. “Didn’t think we’d see you on Pantala after you killed Steeltalon.”
“Yeah well.” Steelblade started. “Meerkat convinced me to take our family on vacation so they could see the other continent.”
“Who’s the new friend?” Blue asked, noticing Icesurge.
“I’m Boron’s boyfriend.” Icesurge said, clearly trying to beat the hybrid to it. “Name’s Icesurge.” Steelblade chucked as Boron nosed his way under Icesurge’s wing. Blue chuckled.
“Always nice to find the dragon for you.” He said. “Steelblade seemed like he was longing for one after he helped restabilize the continent after the defeat of the othermind.” Steelblade looked at Blue with confusion.
“I wasn’t though?” Steelblade said.
“You may not have known it at the time.” Blue responded. “But I could tell you were longing for the feeling of a close dragon.” Meerkat walked next to Steelblade and twinned her tail with one of his.
“Maybe that’s why you fell for me quickly after we visited the week before Steeltalon showed up.” Meerkat said softly.
“It is quite possible.” Luna confirmed. “Could tell he saw something in Meerkat.” Steelblade could feel himself blushing and cleared his throat.
“Where are Sundew and Willow?” He asked.
“They won’t be back until tomorrow.” Cricket answered his question. “They were summoned to a queen meet about restoring some more forest.”
“How are the hivewings doing?” Steelblade asked. He hadn’t beard much about how the tribes were getting along.
“Most of them are just happy to live their lives with their family.” Blue responded.
“However there are a few that followed Wasp.” Steelblade turned to see a darker blue silkwing with orange accents. “Even with her death.”
“Scarlet’s been dead for years but we found a cult that still followed her ways.” Steelblade said. He could see Icesurge lean into Boron, who put his wing over the icewing. “Thankfully they're gone.”
“Don’t think you’ve met me yet.” The silkwing said, reaching out his talons. “Name’s Swordtail.” Steelblade shook Swordtail’s talons with a nod.
“Hang around for a bit.” Cricket offered. “We can cook dinner for you all while you’re here. Don’t have to cook for yourselves you know.” She joked. Steelblade and his family laughed.
“Alright, I guess I’ll take a break for a few nights.” Steelblade joked, earning some laughter from the rest. Meerkat sat down, talking to Luna. Steelstorm, Sonora, and Aster talked to Swordtail because he said he had some stories from before Steelblade showed up. And Boron and Icesurge went to walk around town. Steelblade went to the backyard and looked at the sky. Forgot how nice Pantala looked. He thought.
“You could’ve seen the wonders of Pantala more if you weren’t so scared of coming back.” Steelblade turned to his right, expecting nothing. But he saw a silver outline bigger than he was with dark gray fires where the eyes would be.
“I wasn’t scared.” Steelblade countered, looking back up at the sky. “Just busy.”
“You weren’t busy when you flew over here to get new recipes.” The voice said. “Even brought one of you employees. Who you fell for and started a family with.” It growled.
“What do you care about my actions?” Steelblade growled at the outline.
“Your actions got me killed.” The voice snarled at him. “But ultimately, they will be the end of your family.”
“I’ve dealt with Steeltalon.” Steelblade countered, evening out his voice. “Nothing you can do will be worse than him.” The voice laughed.
“We’ll see about that.” It snarled. “Legend.” Steelblade sat there in silence for a few minutes.
“Blade?” Steelblade snapped out of his trance and turned his bead to see Meerkat walking up to him. “You good? You’ve been out here a while.” She asked with concern.
“It’s only been a few minutes.” Steelblade said as he twinned one of his tails with hers.
“It’s been an hour.” Meerkat told him. Steelblade looked back up at the sky and noticed the placing of the sun. How did I not notice? He thought.
“Must’ve zoned out.” He said, trying to convince himself. Meerkat put her wing over him.
“Missing your mother again?” She asked with a comforting voice. She had caught him staring at the night sky a few times after they got together, every time, he was thinking about his mother.
“Isn’t that a constant?” He said in response
“Sometimes I forget about my grief for my deceased family by remembering all the love that my family shows me.” She said as she leaned into him. “Even with what Talon and Condor have put us through, I will never regret marrying you.” Steelblade put his chin on top of her head.
“As I’ve said, you’ve shown me true love.” Steelblade said softly. “I will fight tooth, claw, fire, and blade to keep my life with you and our family.” Steelblade could feel something nose his side and looked to his left, seeing his son Boron there. He could hear Meerkat chuckle as Aster nosed his way under her wing while Steelstorm and Sonora nosed their way in between her and Steelblade. Steelblade chuckled as he put his wing over Boron. He noticed Icesurge sitting a few tail lengths away smiling. “Come on kid.” Steelblade called to the icewing. “You’re a part of the family to.” Icesurge smiled as he walked over and sat next to Boron and twinned his tail with the hybrid. This is my family. Steelblade thought with pride. I will fight tooth and claw to keep them safe.
“We’ll see about that.” The voice from earlier whispered in his ear. “Your claws may just be the end of some of them.” Steelblade shivered at the voice’s words, but kept sitting there with his family as they all looked at the darkening sky.
submitted by ToncBlonc to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:16 Beanie_Inki 𝚆+ 538 Sweep Guide

  1. We'll have to take any chance we can to emphasize our differences with the toxic Congress of the 90's that Lott embodied. We were elected as moderate problem solvers that could break through the Washington gridlock and dog gonnit we'll show the country we're just that.
  2. The circumstances demand that I find common ground with these people. Get Danny Boy Dan Bartlett - White House Communications Director to draw up a speech about how we want to be a uniter and end Washington gridlock. Even if that means compromising on some things, I gotta get the country moving.
  3. Laura and I have been dismayed by this whole thing. I know Denny wants all the facts to come out and he wants to make sure these children up there on Capitol Hill are protected, but we time to do that. We need time for an investigation. I'm confident the Minority Leader will provide what leadership he can to law enforcement here.
  4. You bet I’m gonna go out there and pull every relationship I have to get this thing passed. I’ll be talking the ears off of Blue Dogs about bipartisanship and how they need to work with me if they want to keep their seats. This can really be a thing where we make the pie higher, get a win that benefits everyone.
  5. Do we want to spend the next year being forced chasing our tail? Tell Rummy to work with the Democrats to find some projects that didn’t keep all their reciepts in order. None of our people need to suffer if we just cooperate. This isn’t hard.
  6. There's disagreement among the rank and file, but I know that House leaders are with me in thinking this thing is infanticide, plain and simple. Let's get a strategy meeting with our folks on the Hill and see if we can't whip this bill below a two-thirds majority.
  7. You bet I’m gonna. Fixing Social Security is part of my mandate. It’s why I got elected. If Dems don’t wanna get on board with free-market reform before the train leaves the station, then I guess they’ll have to catch the next one. That’s what I’m saying. Anyways.
  8. The solution’s obvious. Take the fight to the Taliban. Smoke ’em out. They can’t run and they can’t hide. I don’t care about the UN, I want this done.
  9. People know my position. I believe that marriage is a sacred bond that only exists between one man and one woman and that same-sex relations are sinful by nature. Still, we live in a constitutional system. We gotta accommodate the Court and accept their rulings. I promise American families to be their advocate even as I uphold the law.
  10. This stuff is crazy, but we need more before we go public. I wanna go back to the CIA, the DIA, whomever, and nudge them for something firmer. Instead of a few pipes and trailers, can we encourage them to find some uranium? Maybe anthrax? Something we can use to spook Congress later.
  11. Arnie’s a lot like me in that he’s the kind of guy you wanna have a beer with. Let’s not complicate this too much with poll-tested bullshit. Just invite him to DC and let the press see us having a good time.
  12. We’re making good progress but let’s not forget how quick the Dems in Congress tried to sideline us. We need to spend these weeks massaging egos, repeating things over and over and over again to people on the Hill to kind of catapult the propaganda.
  13. Nothing in this report refutiates what we’ve been saying all along. No official did anything to bail out Enron. I’m grateful to Baucus for producing a report that shows we acted appropriately and responsibly.
  14. I got no time for second thoughts. Push the bill. Ride or die.
  15. I’ve worked with Vice President Cheney for almost four years now and have counted on his calm and steady judgment in difficult days. I am honored to have him at my side and look forward to having him with me as we mount a global war on those who would seek to threaten our freedom. Together, Dick and I will continue fighting for you and your families.
  16. Dealing with Congress is a matter of give and take. Give them a little cooperation and they’ll let us help define the narrative. No need to blow this outta proposition.
  17. Politics is, well, it’s local. That’s what they say, and we could get some backlash if we try and run this nation-wide. We should work with our guys to try and turn the issue statewide, whip up local support for some state referendums like the one in Michigan.
  18. This isn't just about being racist. This is about honesty. I'm working hard every day to make the people work for the government. Byrd has only ever cared about buying votes with earmarks. He's Democrat government at its worst.
  19. Powell knows his stuff, from the Ayatollahs to Zimbabwe and everything in between. I wanted him on stage to talk about how we’re no longer apologizing for being American. The Bush foreign policy is about strength and conviction.
  20. He's attacking us? On this? Well, I'm sure Byrd learned a lot about being secrecy when he was scurrying around with his Klan buddies. Hit him on how he tried to hide his connections anytime he brings this up.
  21. Hell, we got the momentum. We got the energy. Why don't we go for broke here and make the bill even bigger? Work with Wayne's people to add some language that'll punish Democrat-run states if they try to restrict our Second Amendment rights. Take away their transportation bucks or something. The base'll love that.
  22. It was so early that most folks forgot about it, but my consequences on education can’t be beat. No Child Left Behind was groundbreaking, bipartisan, and conflated the bigotry of soft expectations.
  23. It's all about defense. Security. How about that… some of that action-hero, Terminator tough stuff? Get us in good with the macho man image, you know?
  24. Are we still pretending this is a real campaign? Look, this is a joke. The old man's gonna lose. I'd be better off just doing my job instead of playing into this charade.
  25. This is too damn easy. Go after the minority voters. I'm a strong, unifying leader moving this country forward. Byrd's a bitter old racist who hates you. You can't stick with him just because he's a Democrat.
  26. They're calling India the "world's biggest democracy." I don't think that's quite right—America's bigger—but with the world changing it's essential we build ties with these folks. How can we get Singh on our side?
  27. This is dangerous. He's going around saying who knows what and riling everyone up. It's not good for the country. We can't have a nut like him running things. It'd be a disgrace for our nation.
  28. This isn’t all about oil, it’s about nuclear weapons in the hands of dictators. If you look at a picture from the sky of the Korean Peninsula at night, South Korea is filled with lights and energy and vitality and a booming economy; North Korea is dark. Kim needs to go. Tell the South we’re goin’ in.
submitted by Beanie_Inki to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:06 Ancient-Tap-3592 What to do if you think you know someone is an egg AND that they are really struggling because of it?

Sorry, for the length. I feel this needs me to paint a full picture
Idk if it's relevant but I'm trans myself (FTM). And the person I'm talking about is someone I genuinely care a lot about. He's the closest thing I have to family. I'm referring to him with he/him pronouns because those are the ones he's currently using as he has used his whole life. I REALLY know this person well.
So, I used to date this person and even after breaking up we remained SUPER CLOSE. I sometimes feel uncomfortable because I just know TOO MUCH about him. He often tells me stuff he refuses to tell his family, friends, therapist, really anyone else. He decided he only trusts me with certain stuff... Gender related stuff... I really know the guy, I would literally bet my life on him being honest about those "secrets" he shares with me and the fact that he just refuses to tell anyone else. He only started trusting me about this stuff after he saw my changes with HRT (we met before I even came out, and he was involved in my transition until I broke up with him years after, when I already passed).
He is a GEN X, raised as if he was a boomer, his father being of the silent generation. He grew up and lives in a VERY conservative, mostly Catholic country. Here things are not improving as fast as other places seem in regards with "trans acceptance". On paper, some trans rights are a thing, so I guess we are not that bad, but the only reason laws are kinda "trans friendly" is that the general public is so convinced that laws are actually transphobic they don't even suspect there are laws "in favor" of trans people. The culture is not very trans welcoming, it's more than acceptable for trans people to be the butt of the joke, it's normal for even trans-activicts to refer to someone as "she feels like a woman but she's actually a man" and that's considered way too progressive for most people here. People's sexuality here seems to be so fragile that only bisexual people will date a trans people or you'll get missgendered just to "protect" your partner sexuality. Not long ago it was exposed the cruel murder of lots of trans people just days apart from each other and clearly for no other reason than being trans (appears to be a systemic issue). It wasn't like a serial killer or a group killing but just random people because it was an accepted practice by some to kill "perverted" individuals and everyone knew most of the cases would go unsolved because it was assumed that trans people would be disowned the moment they came out and the family wouldn't care. (Things seem to be getting better in that front after that got exposed, but tbh that was fairly recently so I'm not 100% sure). The point is that I feel that not knowing if he'll be accepted, questions about safety, and even societal pressure could be enough to keep someone in painful denial.
Why I think he might be trans: He is perceived as a very handsome, tall, masculine looking man, with very masculine bone structure, full beard, male pattern baldness and other stuff that makes me think, maybe he could also be afraid he "won't look good as a woman", he has HEAVILY suggested so in the past. He cries whenever he hears a specific song, it's a song about a trans-woman who had to move to NY so she could be herself away from her family, her father found out and didn't want anything to do with her, that eventually resulted in she dying all alone, since she couldn't have her family with her because of transphobia (the song's message is to accept one's children regardless of gender and stuff). When I say he cries I mean loudly sobbing, nose dripping, full on ugly crying, if he was on his way to work, or an outing, or an appointment or anything and he drove by a store playing that song he would just park somewhere he can't hear the song to cry for about an hour and return home to lock himself in his room and keep crying. He used to be bullied as a kid for being "too feminine" (regardless being tall amd muscular for his age, having masculine facial features that almost every man would envy, and being VERY involved and good at martial arts, wrestling, and other stereotypically masculine sports) he does has a lot of stereotypically feminine tastes... I'm quite fem myself and somehow his taste, the way he socialize, his behavior, the smallest things seem to be all feminine. When he buys stuff for his personal use he usually buys 2 of each. One with a more feminine appearance that he'll use only if he's alone or with me, and a masculine/gender neutral version that he uses when in public/hanging with family or friends (e.g. he has a cute floral floral pipe for weed he has only used in front of me and he hides on a locked drawer, but he has more masculine ones for use in public, when he bought the cute one he actually complained they ran out of the pink one with flowers so the baby blue with flowers had to do, he keeps panties in his locked drawer to wear when alone, he doesn't even washes them because his afraid of getting cought by family, he treats them as disposable, wears them, takes them off, drives somewhere far away, throw them out and buy new ones). He loves reminding me how "according to his natal chart" (horoscope/astrology stuff) his energy is purely feminine. There's like a thousand small things that just feel off.
He insists he's a man (but also refers to me as a woman even when everyone around us assumes me to be a cis-man, the wording he uses seems to be more about internalized transphobia and/or culturally motivated, instead of actively/purposely hateful outwardly) he insists that he's not confused, much less trans (I've never told him or even implied I suspect he's trans, he just says stuff like that spontaneously, which I find weird by itself). He takes a lot of effort into looking masculine for everyone else, way too much effort in my opinion, specially when he clearly doesn't like it. I understand gender expression and gender identity are different, for example my gender expression is almost on the "opposite side" of the spectrum than my gender identity, but I don't get the impression that's what's going on with him. I can't possibly fit everything in one post, but he has cried himself to sleep in my arms over being born a man more than once... I really don't think this is normal cis behavior.
I know that a professional therapist specialized in gender would be best for him but that's not currently an option. I can't find a local one (closest thing here is LGBT "specialized" therapists, in my extensive experience going through many therapists, that only means they won't try to convert you for being gay, and half of them wont purposely missgender you, not that they actually took specialized clases in gender identity or stuff) and regardless, he's not likely to accept to talk to therapist about any of this, as it stands idk what he has a therapist for rn because I've heard him during therapy and I know he lies to his therapist often (he asked me a few times to accompany him so he wouldn't feel alone during therapy, so I only know because I was there while he lied about factual stuff that happened in front of my eyes, for no apparent reason other than preserving his appearance before the therapist) so even if I found "the right professional" I know he's not inclined to cooperate.
I can clearly see he's suffering, I just want to help him feel better in his own skin, whatever that means for him. What should I do?
submitted by Ancient-Tap-3592 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:49 GhostASD Oh… I suppose I’ll contribute.

Oh… I suppose I’ll contribute.
So! I was on a private SMP with a friend o’ mine a while ago. Dyed my bed pink ‘cause I had the extra dye. He hadn’t noticed & dyed his blue. And when I saw he dyed his bed, I saw an opportunity for a joke sign. >:3
submitted by GhostASD to bi_minecraft [link] [comments]