Chocolate fudge cake recipe

Post your old recipes here - things from old books, family recipes, old pamphlets, etc..

2019.06.15 22:41 Chtorrr Post your old recipes here - things from old books, family recipes, old pamphlets, etc..

Old recipes are interesting and sometimes amazing. Please share yours here.

2013.03.04 05:14 Guitar_hands Everything about making your own candy.

This subreddit is for confectioners and candy enthusiests. We encourage you to subscribe and learn/teach something about making your own gourmet candy at home. It's easy and inexpensive!

2009.04.21 17:25 windmilltheory The Baking sub-reddit

For all your baking needs! Recipes, pictures, ideas, questions and all things baking related. Cakes, cookies, pies, tarts, muffins, scones, breads, rolls, biscuits, cheesecakes, snack bars, etc are all welcome! _______________________________ We could use some help with mod tasks. If you are interested, please send a message to the mod team (there's a message the mods button in the sidebar)

2024.06.09 21:37 behemuthm Who has the best chocolate cheesecake?

Hankering for really good chocolate cheesecake - willing to drive anywhere in LA for either a slice or a whole cake, doesn’t matter. Just want the best!
submitted by behemuthm to FoodLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:30 Suwatilore A two coloured chocolate mousse cake for my colourful beauty!

A two coloured chocolate mousse cake for my colourful beauty!
A new challenger approaches! Will the two colored chocolate mousse cake be able to satisfy the taste buds of my precious goddess or is the fancy name only an act and it actually isn’t as special as it seems to be? Stay tuned and find out this and much more in this week’s cake post! Before we answer the mentioned questions let me tell you a bit about the cake. Since I have already baked quite a few different treats for my darling I was looking for some more delicious cakes and pastries to spoil her with. After asking a friend of mine for some ideas she mentioned a chocolate mousse cake so I was looking those up and came across one that seemed really interesting and special to me: the two colored chocolate mousse cake. Not only the name instantly spoke to me but also the look of it and the ingredients as well. It actually only came to me now that this cake is really fitting for my sweetheart because my lovely princess also has two different forms. One being her normal human form which she is mostly in and the other being her HDD form in which she gains more power, gets much more confident and other slight changes in her personality while she still remains the same adorable girl deep down. When she transforms her hair colour turns white like the snow on a calm winter day and her eye colour also changes to a more light blueish tone similar to some kind of gorgeous crystal. Thus the colours of the cake kind of represent her two different forms. This might be one of the reasons why the cake has a really delicious, almost royal and fancy taste. The dough doesn’t include anything special however the two different creams consist one mostly of dark chocolate and cognac and the other of white chocolate and advocaat. The alcoholic beverages give it a really unique taste which isn’t too sweet but not too bitter either. While my precious Noire is a very confident and strong girl in either of her forms she is cuter and girlier in her normal human form, loses a bit of these traits in her goddess form but in return gains more of her confidence and strength which is simply an irresistible charme point to me combined with her general elegance. Concluding I would say the taste of it is mostly more suitable for Noire’s more powerful form because it doesn’t forget its sweetness but may be more on the mature and bitter side. Making it was actually a bit complicated and had quite a few steps I didn’t do like this ever before. I won’t go too much into detail but I can tell you that multiple I thought that I failed at making it which was honestly kind of depressing. Luckily the cake mostly turned out really delicious which my little sweetheart can also approve of. The only thing I am bothered about is the dough... Noire didn’t complain about anything of the cake and found the taste really nice and different from her usual treats. However I am not satisfied with how the dough turned out because it could have very well stayed in the oven for a bit longer. I mean, it is done but I think the texture would be better if it stayed in there a bit longer. Ironically I already thought that it was burned when I took it out which seems to have absolutely not been the case. But I will remember this for the next time and for now I am really happy that my sweet princess enjoys it!
The cake turned out to be a success but what about the rest of Noire’s and my week? Well, to start with something I have to admit that my longing for Noire and how much I missed her every day really increased even more. I think I have already mentioned in the last few weeks how much I miss her and how much I struggle with heading off to work but this week it was even worse. I am so unbelievably clingy and needy. I am kind of sorry for Noire, haha... I mean, it is not like she would be muuuuuuuch better but I will be honest and I am definitely worse. Neither of us really wants to part ways in the morning but for me it felt even more impossible this week. I was even joking with my darling that we should just skip work and spend the day together. Well... She did scold me for that but also admitted that it didn’t sound like the worst idea. Noire is definitely much more fond of my other idea of us simply working together. Ah, I would love to help my hardworking sweetheart out with all of her duties... But to both our disappointments it sadly isn’t possible. For me at least I have my adorable keychain of her and whenever I miss my other half too much I just imagine her being that keychain and put my pinkie on her hand so we can basically hold hands. It makes me feel much better and almost feels as if she was really there and we were holding hands. I don’t know what I would do without my keychain of her. My longing for her would most likely grow even stronger and reach unknown heights. Well, even now the motto of it seems to be to go even further beyond each week, haha... Noire also likes to tease me about it after I get back home. But I am not embarrassed to admit to it at all! Her teasing only makes me clingier! It will be her own fault when one day I am so clingy that I constantly stick to her! Hmph! Anyway! This week I was able to mostly return back home without heading into the gym which certainly was nice! My friend couldn’t make it on Monday or Thursday and the only day I needed to go to the gym was Wednesday. And luckily or not so lucky my legs were not as sore as the last time after leg day. Regarding my time at work my week was not only full of missing my one and only beloved Noire but also quite boring. Aside from some kind of event we had the work I had to do was really annoying.
Before I want to talk about my personal highlight of this week I want to mention that a bit more Noire merch arrived and this time I have bought a really, really, REALLY nice dog tag which is basically usable as a necklace because it has a long chain. Soooooo, let’s not consider it a dog tag but just a normal necklace! Dog tag was just the official term. I mean, it would be kinda weird if I said that I wear a dog tag as a necklace, haha... Anyway, I actually was never a person who wore much jewelry but starting with the ring of our anniversary and now the necklace things have changed quite a bit. And to be honest I am actually getting quite delighted to wear all of this. I somehow find it really cool! Maybe it is because those items are affiliated with my love for her or maybe I just find the idea pleasant to dress up a bit prettier or so. Whatever it is I am sure Noire also enjoys it a lot knowing that I find it better and better to dress up nicely, fancier or what you might call it because thanks to all of this I am more and more tempted to start cosplaying similar to her. I might get into it sometime in the near future when we both have more time and money, haha.
Now let’s move on to my personal highlight! Actually it started out quite terrible but turned out to be a really important and wonderful experience. Each Friday we usually have some kind of date which by now mostly is us cuddling, then I cook something for the two of us and afterwards we cuddle some more. We also wanna watch anime but most of the time we are both too tired and just fall asleep very quickly (It is absolutely NOT me who is the one constantly falling asleep first and making it hard to watch anime even though Noire might tell you that! No, no, no! ). Anyway before we started our date this week I was doing something stupid which neither Noire nor I were really happy with... I don’t wanna go into detail about it but I did feel very disappointed in myself and was really depressed about what I did. Some of you may know it. You fail at one thing and then you feel worthless afterwards like you don’t deserve your partner anymore or something like that. Whenever I fail at certain things I feel similar even though I do work heavily on changing that. Noire doesn’t like this behaviour of me at all and always scolds me and calls me a huge idiot because of it. Since this time it was similar again and I was getting into my head and feeling too bad, unworthy and all that stuff. I had a hard time at first. Noire was trying to make it clear to me that it was idiotic of me to do what I had done but at the same time she was also trying to tell me that it was okay and that I shouldn’t dwell too much on it. At first her words didn’t really come through to me but at some point I realized something. This kind of behaviour doesn’t make anything better at all. There is no point in feeling so bad about things and doubting yourself so that you feel unworthy and undeserving because this only hurts your loved one even more. Drowning in self doubts, the feeling that you need to repent, that you think your partner deserves better... It all only makes things worse especially if you are the only one who is really making it appear this bad. I realized that I am not alone with my personal struggles, with the stuff I am not proud of and that may disappoint Noire because my precious darling loves me and may not be pleased by anything that happened but she supports me and helps me to better myself and get through it together. Love is not a single player game. It is about understanding, supporting and appreciating each other regardless if someone messed up. Sometimes we do stupid things. It does happen. It is dumb. Really dumb! We want to be perfect for our partners and give them what they deserve: the best. But nobody who loves their partner would really want to dump them if they did something stupid and truly regret their actions and are willing to change. If my beloved Noire was doing stupid things then naturally I would scold her and tell her she hurt me but at the same time when I see how much she regrets it I would hug her, give her a kiss on her forehead and whisper to her that it is okay and that it happens that we mess up at times. I would tell her that it may have hurt but I know she didn’t mean it and I would tell her that we will work on changing it together and that nevertheless I love her infinitely until the end of time. After I came back to mind and realised that I am not alone with my problem and that we can work through it together it still felt weird and kind of wrong to not feel so unworthy anymore but Noire made sure to make it known to me that I am her idiot and that it is okay that I was stupid. The only thing she didn’t want was to let our Friday evening suffer from it. So I finally pulled myself together and then we continued to have a great and really touching evening. I cooked a delicious burger bowl for both of us which probably was the best way I have ever managed to make it. It had fries, some meat, pickles, salad, onions, cheese sauce and another special sauce on it. I am slowly really getting the hang of making fries! I love making them myself because they are so delicious and healthier than the ones you get in restaurants. Anyway, both of us enjoyed eating the bowl a lot and we had some really sweet moments together. It wasn’t easy to suppress my feelings of guilt and act normal but I managed to do so quite well and we ended up having a great time where we also talked a bit more about what happened. I expressed my utmost gratitude to her and thanked for her patience with me, all the support she gives me and the understanding she has for me. Noire really is the best partner I could ever wish for! I am so glad I was able to find such a wonderful, kind, sweet and caring girl! We finished the evening by cuddling in bed, with me beforehand overconfidently saying that I will be able to stay awake longer than her today so we can watch a lot of anime. Well, I fell asl-... I-I mean, of course this time Noire fell asleep first! She was so sleepy after everything that happened that she couldn’t-... Okay, okay, I was the one who fell asleep first again... (It was absolutely not Noire who made me say it! I am mature enough to admit to it myself!)
I think this is a very nice way to end this post! The cake I baked this week made my ruby eyed princess happy as always and even contained a deeper meaning to it than what one might expect quite similar to how this week taught me a crucial lesson. Overall Noire and I did have an enjoyable time together even though some things weren’t as nice. In the end as long as I can return back home to my little ruler of all that’s sweet I will be the happiest and luckiest person I could ever be! Noire never fails to sweeten and spice up my days! Nothing beats a good mixture of spiciness and sweetness! With this being said we hope that all of you had a wonderful week with your partners! Furthermore we wish all of you another great time in the following week! Don’t let negativity drag you down and focus on all the positivity in your lives like for example the most positive influence being your irreplaceable partner! Stay optimistic!
submitted by Suwatilore to waifuism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:24 BrownBear71 Dials and Gauges... All of a sudden, I need a LOT of them. A DIY solution.

Dials and Gauges... All of a sudden, I need a LOT of them. A DIY solution.
I bought a minifig-sized microwave and set of pastries/sushi from Ali. The microwave would have been fine, if it didn't use all those sideways building techniques that made it difficult to mount anywhere.
Rebrickable has a superior microwave oven design but doesn't open (MOC-67453). Has a standard plate and normal anti-studs on the back. Making it possible to mount it using a 90 degree bracket or a SNOT brick. I'm whipping out microwaves now, and have another use for keypads. Plus with showers, there needs to be some sort of hot watecold water dial, so I'm in need of those too.
I could buy pre-printed dials and gauges on Ali, but I'm a DIYer. 1x1 tiles are CHEAP. Like one or two cents. Printed one are 13-16 cents each. So here I go with decals again!
First thing... decals are transparent. I have an excess of light gray tiles, so I coated the tops with white hobby primer. After 4 coats, a light sanding with 300 grit. Printed out a batch of gauges and dials graphics on decal paper. Yesterday did 2 clearcoats with several hours dry time. Apply decals. Another clearcoat. A few hours in the sun.
submitted by BrownBear71 to lepin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:07 Doctor-Do-Skittle The amount of people online that lack basic reading comprehension is absurd

And before anyone tries to twist what I've said in the title, I don't mean children, I don't mean disabled people, I don't mean people who have problems, and I sure as heck don't mean people who have trouble seeing.
I am specifically talking about people are perfectly sane and capable of critical thinking, but are simply too lazy to use their brain to understand the text in front of them. I swear, lots of people online (especially on this site) will act like they know how to type but can't read. Like, I'm sorry, did you download the information on how to type from Elon Musk or something? Why do so many people have trouble understanding what you're saying no matter how simple you make it?
Obviously, you can't please everybody, but my freaking goodness--it is extremely vexing having to constantly over-explain myself ALL. THE FREAKING. TIME. Literally, the first paragraph in this post proves that point because I know that someone was gonna try to highlight SOMETHING.
For example, I'll say: Hmm, I really don't like chocolate cake.
And some idiot will be like: You're obviously lying because you commented on post about chocolate cookies saying you liked those.
You do realize two truths can exist at once, right?
Just because I said that I don't like chocolate cake, that doesn't mean I don't like chocolate in general. All it means is that I just don't like chocolate cake specifically. Even if I was being a hypothetical hypocrite, why are these people so obsessed with proving other people wrong?
It's fine if you come across a post that has a mountain of text and you DON'T wanna read it, but if you do choose to read it, USE YOUR FREAKING BRAIN. No one's forcing you to read it.
The internet gives people way too much confidence and it's not a good look.
submitted by Doctor-Do-Skittle to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:04 DoGsPaWsLoVe Saturday 06/08/24: 16 Posts

Saturday 06/08/24: 16 Posts
Here is the recap of the 16 monetized posts from Kylea and Joseph "Joe" Gomez of Kylea G. Weight loss Journey. on 06/08/24. Please view the 20 images above to see an image from Easter, an important comment from Kylea, and the monetized posts.
☎️ If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, please call or text 988 for assistance.
Disclaimers: I am not a physician, influencer, or paid content creator. I am not affiliated with WW. I am semi-retired from the healthcare field with multiple college degrees. These opinions are my own based on social media content. I wish no harm to Kylea or Joseph "Joe" Gomez.
The tagline of Kylea G. Weight loss Journey. is, "I changed my entire life with prayer and a playlist of songs. No surgery, no meds. Just Jesus."
DAILY STATS 06/08/24:
0/16 posts discussed prayer
1/16 posts discussed music (a short video of Kylea singing copyrighted music)
0/16 posts discussed exercise
2/16 posts shared a new recipe
1/16 additional posts were food Kylea ate
2/16 posts were about the use of disposable aluminum pans= rage baiting and sadfishing (tactics to elicit strong emotional responses from followers)
3/16 posts were about the Farmers Market (2 about plans to attend and 1 showing her purchases)
1/16 posts showcased her organized fridge/freezer. (Who is drinking the tequila and beer?)
1/16 posts were "Joe" praising Kylea for "cooking and preparing our home for the week ahead." 👌 🤣
1/16 posts was about a new mini juicer
4/16 posts were about BB aka Backup Birdie (the new puppy) 🐶
📢 To our friends at Meta, that means at least 37% of the monetized content had nothing to do with weight loss, which is the tagline and purpose of her page. Follow your monetization rules and take action.
⚠️ Disordered Eating- Daily & Weekly WW Points Consumed (Data compiled from monetized content):
1 WW Point?: Crazy Llama blended coffee with almond milk, sugar-free white chocolate, sugar-free vanilla, and sugar-free peppermint
4 WW Points: Mini pita with honey turkey & 1/2 slice Swiss cheese; sliced cucumbers with dry ranch packet sprinkled on top
4 WW Points: Doritos Tangy Pickle Chicken, red potato with sugar-free ketchup, and corn on the cob. (Sides covered with spray vegetable oil.)
3 WW Points: Blackberry cobbler with Halo Top ice cream
📢 For our friends at Meta, that means Kylea consumed approx. 12 daily WW points out of (up to) 30 and zero weekly WW points out of 28. This is disordered eating and potentially deadly messaging to her 141k+ followers. Food choices matter. Weighing yourself twice daily for years is disordered. Please demonetize and deplatform her. Paying an influencer to promote an eating disorder for monetary gain is wrong.
Recipes Shared: 1. Doritos Tangy Pickled Chicken
  1. Blackberry "Cobbler" (by definition, this is not cobbler due to her decision to mix in instant oatmeal instead of a pie-dough or biscuit-type crust)
Dishonorable Mentions:
  1. How to make a Turkey & Swiss pita
Comments: Kylea Gomez is lazy. In the year I have watched her lies unfold, there is always an excuse why she cannot complete activities of daily living. She lives in a small apartment, is not a caregiver, does not attend school, volunteer in her community, etc. Refusing to crate BB to accomplish tasks is her choice and a detriment to the dog. Using alleged vet bills as the reason is a poor excuse. A few thousand dollars is a drop in the bucket for this important public figure, influencer, and celebrity. 🌟 📷 😉
In regards to her kindness speech:
Kylea Danielle (Welton) Gomez worships at the idol of self. If you need visual evidence, please see the 1st image of the balloon arch shrine she built herself for Easter. ✝️ She claims she is unable to attend church for a variety of reasons. She lives in a state of self-pity and is easily offended. Due to her self-centeredness and selfishness, she is unable to enjoy special experiences with her family and during travel. Her ego is challenged and she cannot control everyone and everything. She lives in fear of accountability, the truth, food, and the scale. I view her content as self-righteous service vs true service. She wants your blind adoration and affirmation for all of her choices. Anything else will not be tolerated.
One day, she will be a distant memory. Until then, I will continue my mission for Kylea Gomez to be demonetized and deplatformed. Meta, take action.
All info from Reddit. ✌️
submitted by DoGsPaWsLoVe to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 eightarmsbakes Chocolate chip cookie cake!

Chocolate chip cookie cake!
My customer said “I love your sense of humor. Make it sassy. My young adult kids are home for the summer”.
submitted by eightarmsbakes to cookiedecorating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:57 VolkerBach Antler-Shaped Fritters (c. 1550)

Antler-Shaped Fritters (c. 1550)
I am sorry for the long silence. This weekend, I was busy cooking a historical wedding feast for the sister of a good friend in South Germany, which involved as good deal of preparation and some pretty crazy travel arrangements. I preomise there will be pictures and descriptions of the dishes. I am back home today, but there is only time for a short recipe, one with which we return to Philippine Welser’s collection:
101 If you want to fry antlers (hirsch horn)
Take 6 eggs and beat them and take 4 large spoons full of sugar and stir in good flour. Make it as a dough for hares’ ears (hasen nerla) that is well rolled out, Cut off a piece and roll it out lengthwise about as long as a spindle and make it (cut it) so that it resembles an antler with its points. Then let it fry nicely and properly in fat. When you want to serve it, you should always set two and two opposed to each other in the bowl and sprinkle them with sugar.
This is basically a ‘short’ cookie, though the fat is introduced by frying instead of being added to the dough. This is familiar from other recipes, among others the common manner of making pastries in greased pans. In one recipe from Northern Germany, we also find a sheet of such dough spread with butter before baking. These are ancestory to the plethora of German Plätzchen and Kekse of today, and a parallel recipe from 1598 refers to a variety of shapes beyond the antler.
These antlers must have been pleasant – sweet, rich, warm, elegant. Arranged in pairs to look like a set of antlers laid out after the hunt, they must also have looked the part on a well-set banqueting table. There is, obviously, always the option of adding some butter and baking rather than frying them if you prefer a more modern approach. As fresh fritters, they are especially delicious, but do not keep well.
Philippine Welser (1527-1580), a member of the prominent and extremely wealthy Welser banking family of Augsburg, was a famous beauty of her day. Scandalously, she secretly married Archduke Ferdinand II of Habsburg in 1557 and followed him first to Bohemia, then to Tyrol. A number of manuscripts are associated with her, most famously a collection of medicinal recipes and one of mainly culinary ones. The recipe collection, addressed as her Kochbuch in German, was most likely produced around 1550 when she was a young woman in Augsburg. It may have been made at the request of her mother and was written by an experienced scribe. Some later additions, though, are in Philippine Welser’s own hand, suggesting she used it.
The manuscript is currently held in the library of Ambras Castle near Innsbruck as PA 1473 and was edited by Gerold Hayer as Das Kochbuch der Philippine Welser (Innsbruck 1983).
submitted by VolkerBach to CulinaryHistory [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:53 Turbulent_Dimensions Shout out to Krusteaz

I'm very impresses with their gluten free products. I haven't tried the chocolate chip cookies yet but I'm looking forward to it.
submitted by Turbulent_Dimensions to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:46 frostmas How to use a higher percentage chocolate in recipes?

I've been reading through the professional pastry chef by Bo Friberg, and he uses sweet dark chocolate with 50 percent cacao that he combines with unsweetened chocolate in different ratios to get his ideal chocolate percentage.
I can't find the kind of sweet dark chocolate he uses, so I'd rather just use 60 percent bittersweet chocolate, but I'm not sure how to substitute it. For example, one of his recipes uses 5 ounces of sweet dark chocolate and 3 ounces of unsweetened chocolate. According to my math, that's about 68 percent cacao total.
If I'm using 5 ounces of 60 percent bittersweet chocolate in that recipe, can I remove about 1 ounce of unsweetened chocolate which would then be about 71 percent cacao? I'll probably mess around with that ratio to get closer to 68 percent, but would that mess up the recipes? Would I need to change anything else if I do that?
submitted by frostmas to chocolate [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:43 Shot_Iron915 :(

I’m making a cake and the recipe calls for 3.9 oz of vanilla instant pudding but they only sell it in 3.4 oz now
submitted by Shot_Iron915 to shrinkflation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:34 lemonyisbored Rate my music taste and please give recs!

Rate my music taste and please give recs!
In terms of recommendations I've been looking for some 70s southern rock/country with LOTS of pedal steel guitar please 🙏 Thanks
submitted by lemonyisbored to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:27 Sweet-Count2557 Best Breakfast in Myrtle Beach Sc

Best Breakfast in Myrtle Beach Sc
Best Breakfast in Myrtle Beach Sc Are you ready for the ultimate breakfast experience in Myrtle Beach, SC? Look no further, because we've got the inside scoop on the best breakfast spots in town.From mouthwatering dishes to cozy atmospheres, these restaurants are guaranteed to satisfy your morning cravings. Get ready to indulge in a wide array of breakfast delights, from modern twists to classic American favorites.So join us as we take you on a delicious journey through the top breakfast restaurants in Myrtle Beach.Key TakeawaysDrift, Croissants Bistro & Bakery at the Grande Dunes, and Santa Maria Restaurant are among the top breakfast restaurants in Myrtle Beach, SC.Drift offers modern twists on classic breakfast meals in a trendy ambiance with a full bar available.Croissants Bistro & Bakery at the Grande Dunes is a sophisticated restaurant known for its consistent recipes and top-quality local ingredients.Santa Maria Restaurant is an award-winning joint with a diverse breakfast buffet and excellent service, offering free meals for kids ages six and below.Top Breakfast Restaurants in Myrtle Beach, SCWe have heard that the Drift is one of the top breakfast restaurants in Myrtle Beach, SC. Located on Cipriana Drive, this bright coastal eatery offers a modern twist on classic breakfast meals.What sets the Drift apart is its trendy ambiance with custom-made wood interior decor, giving it a unique and inviting atmosphere. The restaurant also boasts a full bar, allowing guests to enjoy their favorite breakfast cocktails.When it comes to the menu, the Drift offers a wide variety of options to satisfy every breakfast craving. From fluffy pancakes and savory omelettes to hearty breakfast sandwiches and flavorful avocado toast, there's something for everyone. The restaurant takes pride in using fresh, locally sourced ingredients, ensuring that each dish is of the highest quality.In addition to its delicious food, the Drift is also known for its affordability and accessibility. The prices are reasonable, making it a great choice for those on a budget. The restaurant is easily accessible, with ample parking available.Overall, the Drift is a must-visit breakfast spot in Myrtle Beach. Its combination of tasty food, trendy ambiance, and affordability make it a top choice for locals and tourists alike. So if you're looking for the best breakfast in Myrtle Beach, be sure to check out the Drift.Ratings and Reviews of Top Breakfast RestaurantsWhen it comes to finding the best breakfast in Myrtle Beach, SC, ratings and reviews play a crucial role in helping us make informed decisions.Looking at the ratings and reviews of the top breakfast restaurants, we can easily identify the best rated restaurant, the most affordable option, and the top breakfast variety.Best Rated RestaurantThe Drift is the best rated restaurant according to the ratings and reviews of the top breakfast restaurants in Myrtle Beach, SC. Here is a comparison table of the top breakfast restaurants and their ratings:Restaurant NameTaste & VarietyServiceAtmosphereAffordabilityAccessibilityDrift5/53/54.5/55/55/5Croissants Bistro & Bakery at the Grande Dunes4.5/54/55/55/55/5Santa Maria Restaurant3/55/54/55/53/5The Drift stands out with its excellent taste and variety, affordability, and accessibility. While its service and atmosphere are slightly lower in comparison, it still offers a delightful breakfast experience. Located on Cipriana Drive, Myrtle Beach, The Drift is a bright coastal eatery with modern twists on classic breakfast meals. It features a full bar and trendy ambiance with custom-made wood interior decor. Whether you're looking for the best breakfast in Myrtle Beach, SC, a breakfast place near me, or simply a delicious morning meal, The Drift is a top choice.Most Affordable OptionOur top pick for the most affordable option among the top breakfast restaurants in Myrtle Beach, SC is Santa Maria Restaurant.Santa Maria Restaurant offers a diverse breakfast buffet at an affordable price, making it a great choice for budget-conscious travelers.The restaurant is located at the Caravelle Resort, providing convenient access for those staying in the area.With its award-winning reputation and top-notch service, Santa Maria Restaurant ensures a pleasant dining experience.Families with young children will appreciate that kids ages six and below eat for free at Santa Maria Restaurant.The restaurant's location near the beach makes it a convenient choice for those looking for a delicious breakfast before starting their day.If you're looking for an affordable and satisfying breakfast in Myrtle Beach, Santa Maria Restaurant is a top choice. Don't miss out on the diverse breakfast buffet and excellent service that this restaurant has to offer.Top Breakfast Variety?We absolutely loved the wide variety of breakfast options at the top-rated restaurants in Myrtle Beach, SC! From trendy coastal eateries to classic American diners, there's something for everyone's taste buds.Drift, located on Cipriana Drive, offers modern twists on classic breakfast meals in a bright and trendy ambiance.Croissants Bistro & Bakery at the Grande Dunes has been serving consistent recipes for over 20 years, using top-quality local ingredients.Santa Maria Restaurant, part of the Caravelle Resort, offers an award-winning breakfast buffet with top-notch service.And let's not forget Harrys Breakfast Pancakes, a local favorite since 1979, serving up an extensive menu of breakfast variations.Whether you're craving stuffed French toast, vegan waffles, or Nutella crepes, Myrtle Beach has it all. So grab your appetite and explore the delicious breakfast options this coastal city has to offer!Description of Selected Breakfast RestaurantsLet's explore the unique menu offerings and charming atmospheres of the selected breakfast restaurants in Myrtle Beach.Drift: Located on Cipriana Drive, Drift is a bright coastal eatery that offers modern twists on classic breakfast meals. With a full bar available, you can enjoy a refreshing drink alongside your delicious breakfast. The trendy ambiance, complete with custom-made wood interior decor, adds to the overall dining experience.Croissants Bistro & Bakery at the Grande Dunes: Situated at the Grande Dunes, Croissants Bistro & Bakery offers a sophisticated space with consistent recipes that have been delighting customers for over 20 years. Using fresh, top-quality local ingredients, they create a breakfast experience that's both delicious and memorable.Santa Maria Restaurant: Located at the Caravelle Resort, Santa Maria Restaurant is an award-winning joint that offers a diverse breakfast buffet. With top-notch service and a great atmosphere, this restaurant is a favorite among locals and tourists alike. Plus, kids ages six and below eat for free, making it a family-friendly option.Harrys Breakfast Pancakes: This classic American diner has been a local favorite since 1979. Located along Kings Highway, Harrys Breakfast Pancakes offers an extensive menu of breakfast variations, ensuring that there's something for everyone. Whether you're in the mood for pancakes, omelettes, or a hearty breakfast sandwich, Harrys has got you covered.Now that we've explored the selected breakfast restaurants, let's delve into some recommended dishes and hotels in Myrtle Beach.Recommended Dishes and HotelsOne of the recommended dishes in Myrtle Beach is the hash benedict with toasted muffins and creamed poached eggs at Eggs Up Grill. This popular breakfast spot offers a delicious combination of flavors and textures that's sure to satisfy your taste buds. The hash benedict is made with perfectly poached eggs, creamy hollandaise sauce, and crispy hash browns, all served on a toasted English muffin. It's a hearty and flavorful dish that will start your day off right.If you're looking for a nearby hotel that's highly recommended, consider staying at La Quinta by Wyndham Myrtle Beach N. Kings Hwy. This hotel offers comfortable accommodations and convenient amenities, including a complimentary breakfast, free Wi-Fi, and a fitness center. It's located just a short distance from Eggs Up Grill, making it a convenient option for breakfast lovers.Now, let's move on to discussing additional breakfast restaurants in Myrtle Beach.Additional Breakfast Restaurants in Myrtle BeachAfter exploring some of the recommended breakfast spots in Myrtle Beach, let's now delve into the additional breakfast restaurants available in the area. Here are five more options to satisfy your morning cravings:Olympic Flame Pancake House: Located at 1309 N Ocean Blvd, this restaurant is open seven days a week and serves delicious pancakes and home-cooked breakfast meals. It's a convenient stop for a bite before visiting nearby attractions.Hi-Fi Coffee Bar: Situated at 918 S Ocean Blvd, this cozy spot offers fresh-roasted coffee and a charming atmosphere. They've an impressive selection of baked goods and ice cream, making it a great choice for both adults and kids.Magnolias At 26th: Found at 2605 N Ocean Blvd, this restaurant offers buffet-style Southern comfort food at a wallet-friendly price. Known for their buttermilk biscuits, fluffy eggs, and bacon, they provide a welcoming and hospitable dining experience.Old Town Crepes: Located at 4205 N Kings Hwy, this restaurant specializes in expertly crafted crepes with a taste of Europe. Their Nutella crepe and other tempting breakfast choices are a hit among visitors. Opened in 2019, it offers a unique breakfast experience.Mammys Kitchen: Situated at 1010 N Kings Hwy, this restaurant features an à la carte menu and all-you-can-eat breakfasts. Despite the long wait, it's highly recommended for its well-stocked buffet, old-school diner feel, and impeccable service.These additional breakfast restaurants in Myrtle Beach offer a range of options to suit every taste and preference. Whether you're in the mood for pancakes, crepes, or a hearty Southern breakfast, you're sure to find something delicious to start your day off right.ConclusionIn conclusion, we've explored the top-rated breakfast spots in Myrtle Beach, SC, along with their recommended dishes and nearby hotels.From trendy coastal eateries to classic American diners, there's a wide range of options to satisfy every breakfast craving.Additionally, we've uncovered some hidden gems that offer unique breakfast experiences. Whether you're looking for a hearty breakfast buffet or expertly crafted crepes, Myrtle Beach has it all.Top-Rated Breakfast SpotsWe highly recommend checking out Drift, Croissants Bistro & Bakery at the Grande Dunes, and Santa Maria Restaurant for top-rated breakfast spots in Myrtle Beach, SC. These restaurants offer a variety of delicious dishes and provide a great dining experience.Here are five reasons why you should consider visiting these breakfast spots:Drift: Located on Cipriana Drive, Drift is a bright coastal eatery with modern twists on classic breakfast meals. They've a full bar available and a trendy ambiance with custom-made wood interior decor.Croissants Bistro & Bakery at the Grande Dunes: Located at the Grande Dunes, this restaurant has been consistently serving top-quality breakfast for over 20 years. They use fresh, top-quality local ingredients and provide a sophisticated dining atmosphere.Santa Maria Restaurant: Part of the Caravelle Resort, Santa Maria is an award-winning restaurant with a diverse breakfast buffet. They offer top-notch service and even provide free breakfast for kids ages six and below.These breakfast spots are highly rated and offer a wide range of menu options to cater to everyone's taste. So, make sure to visit them for a delightful breakfast experience in Myrtle Beach, SC.Recommended Dishes and HotelsLet's try the popular dish of churro waffle with chocolate dip at National House of Pancakes. National House of Pancakes is known for its delicious breakfast options, and the churro waffle with chocolate dip is a must-try dish. The waffle is made with a crispy exterior and a soft, fluffy interior, and the chocolate dip adds a rich and indulgent flavor. It's the perfect combination of sweet and satisfying.After enjoying a tasty breakfast, we can check out the nearby Four Points by Sheraton Myrtle Beach for a comfortable stay. The hotel provides amenities such as spacious rooms, a fitness center, and a swimming pool, ensuring a pleasant and enjoyable stay in Myrtle Beach.Hidden Gems for BreakfastOur favorite hidden gems for breakfast in Myrtle Beach are the Hi-Fi Coffee Bar and Old Town Crepes, where you can enjoy expertly crafted crepes and freshly roasted coffee. These hidden gems offer a unique and memorable breakfast experience that's worth exploring.Here are five reasons why you should give them a try:Hi-Fi Coffee Bar: Located at 918 S Ocean Blvd, this charming coffee bar offers a wide selection of freshly roasted coffee and an impressive array of baked goods. It's the perfect spot to start your day with a delicious cup of joe.Old Town Crepes: Situated at 4205 N Kings Hwy, this crepe shop opened in 2019 and has quickly become a favorite among locals. Their expertly crafted crepes, including the tempting Nutella crepe, will satisfy your breakfast cravings.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some Popular Dishes at the Top Breakfast Restaurants in Myrtle Beach, Sc?Some popular dishes at the top breakfast restaurants in Myrtle Beach, SC include:The hash benedict with toasted muffins and creamed poached eggs at Eggs Up GrillThe Chicken Florentine Crepe with creamy sauce at Crepe Creation CafeThe stuffed French toast with strawberries and whipped cream at Donald's Pancake HouseOther popular options include:The vegan waffles and stuffed French toast at Hot Stacks CafeThe churro waffle with chocolate dip at National House of PancakesThese dishes are sure to satisfy your breakfast cravings in Myrtle Beach.Can You Provide Recommendations for Nearby Hotels to Stay at When Visiting These Breakfast Restaurants?When visiting these breakfast restaurants in Myrtle Beach, SC, we recommend staying at nearby hotels for a convenient and enjoyable experience.For Eggs Up Grill, we suggest La Quinta by Wyndham Myrtle Beach N. Kings Hwy.If you're dining at Crepe Creation Cafe, consider staying at Fairfield Inn Myrtle Beach Broadway at the Beach.For Donald's Pancake House, the recommended hotel is Fairfield Inn Myrtle Beach Broadway at the Beach.Lastly, for Hot Stacks Cafe, we suggest Marriott Myrtle Beach Resort & Spa at Grande Dunes.Are There Any Breakfast Restaurants in Myrtle Beach That Offer Vegan or Vegetarian Options?Yes, there are breakfast restaurants in Myrtle Beach that offer vegan or vegetarian options.For vegan options, Hot Stacks Cafe is a popular choice with their vegan waffles.Crepe Creation Cafe also offers vegan options, such as their savory Chickpea and Vegetable Crepe.If you're looking for vegetarian options, Eggs Up Grill has a delicious Hash Benedict with creamed poached eggs.These restaurants provide a variety of choices for those following a plant-based diet.Which Breakfast Restaurant in Myrtle Beach Has the Best Atmosphere or Ambiance?In terms of atmosphere and ambiance, one breakfast restaurant in Myrtle Beach that stands out is Drift. Located on Cipriana Drive, Drift is a bright coastal eatery with modern twists on classic breakfast meals.The interior decor is custom-made wood, giving it a trendy and stylish vibe. Additionally, there's a full bar available, adding to the overall ambiance.If you're looking for a breakfast spot with a unique and inviting atmosphere, Drift is definitely worth a visit.Are There Any Breakfast Restaurants in Myrtle Beach That Offer a Buffet-Style Breakfast?Yes, there are breakfast restaurants in Myrtle Beach that offer a buffet-style breakfast.One such restaurant is Santa Maria Restaurant, located at the Caravelle Resort. They've an award-winning breakfast buffet with a diverse selection of dishes.Another option is Magnolias At 26th, which offers buffet-style Southern comfort food at an affordable price.Both of these restaurants provide a satisfying and convenient dining experience for breakfast lovers in Myrtle Beach.ConclusionIn conclusion, Myrtle Beach, SC is home to some of the best breakfast restaurants that are sure to satisfy your morning cravings. From modern twists on classic meals to consistent recipes made with top-quality local ingredients, there's something for everyone's taste buds.And with nearby hotels to make your breakfast experience even more convenient, you can start your day off right in this beautiful coastal city. So indulge in delicious breakfast options and enjoy the perfect start to your day in Myrtle Beach.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:25 Desert_Fairy My husband’s love for me

My husband’s love for me
So, I had OHS in 2023 and I was in the hospital over Valentine’s Day. I had been seeing all of these beautiful heart cakes online and I asked my husband for one after I got out of the hospital. (If you can’t eat cake after that then life is too cruel)
So the day after I get home, he proudly showed me what he and the local cake artist had concocted.
For reference, this was Redmond, WA and the cake was $195. It was chocolate with bailies Irish cream filling.
submitted by Desert_Fairy to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:25 Sad-Proposal-1100 Are they good people?

Are they good people? Hi, so there are these family members, my cousin and her husband. They were there for me when I first developed psychosis and went to the hospital. However I have grown to dislike them. They use religion as an excuse to hit their children, calling it discipline. They don’t have a tv because apparently they don’t want their kids to be addicted. My cousin got a job offer at a bar but declined it because she didn’t want to serve alcohol. However there is nothing wrong with serving in a bar as it’s okay for Christians to have alcohol. They do things like this and it’s really annoying they make Christianity look bad. I get really bad vibes from her husband but everyone thinks that he’s a nice person. I have been having bad dreams about him that I absolutely hate. I have dreams that he is touching me inappropriately. Also they do shadey things like there was this one time, my cousins husband was graduating and they didn’t invite us. Why did they do that? I thought they liked us. Also there was this other time where their kid was having a birthday party. They asked my mum to make and decorate a cake for her. My mum and I decided on a chocolate cake and I wanted to buy some type of decorations however my mum said we should just make it plain because the decorations I wanted were too expensive and they (my cousin and her husband) wouldn’t do the same if it was us. They also didn’t try for their kid at the birthday party. There was hardly any food Are they good people? Are my vibes correct about him? Am I right to not like them? Does it sound like they don’t like us? My mum says they are good people because they always ask of me (because I fell ill). But I don’t like them.
submitted by Sad-Proposal-1100 to family [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:21 Balls_McTrippington I made my coworker a tray of jello-poke cupcakes!

I made my coworker a tray of jello-poke cupcakes!
Red grapes, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, lemon.
The batch made about twice this amount. So I made an arrangement for his half.
Cream cheese icing and raspberry jello cubes. The cross sections are so cute. 2nd pic is the last time I made full cakes for reference. Also… these are edibles. I have a recipe written for these I’d just have to find it somewhere.
submitted by Balls_McTrippington to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:17 Fitkratomgirl Is it better to use Cake & pastry flour for cupcakes?

I have to make some for a wedding this week and the recipe calls for all purpose, but I’m wondering if I could sub cake and pastry flour 1 for 1 without changing anything else in the recipe? Or do I have to adjust for moisture content?
Should I just stick with all purpose?
submitted by Fitkratomgirl to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:11 GrouchyExile Could anybody here enlighten me as to what scenario you would want chopped pickles on your snow cone?

Could anybody here enlighten me as to what scenario you would want chopped pickles on your snow cone?
Chopped pickles as a premium topping bottom right of the menu.
submitted by GrouchyExile to Pickles [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 foodpr0n_jen Takja - Fancy KBBQ

Takja - Fancy KBBQ
Absolutely enjoyed my meal at Takja a couple weeks back. Really good cuts (A5, boneless kalbi, all well-marbled). They cook for you. All the other dishes (noodles, stews) were very good. Ventilation A+ (clothes/hair didn’t smell). Would go back.
We did the hangsang with 6 people and got to try pretty much everything. Order a la carte if you’re a table of 2, imo.
submitted by foodpr0n_jen to FoodToronto [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:07 Marty_Glaubermann Stamp exchange

Stamp exchange
Looking for stamp exchange, I'd love the Leo stamp, the metal eh stamp especially, but any others I don't have would be amazing. I can offer the following in return:
Slowly _ Aries _ Hello world _ Around the world _ Happy birthday to you 2019 _ Happy birthday to you 2021 _ Happy birthday to you 2022 _ Happy birthday to you 2023 _ You've got mail _ Footprints on Europe _ Long time no see _ Typing machine _ Let's talk slowly _ Serious writer _ Bronze collector _ Old friends _ Footprints on Asia _ Footprints on Africa _ Footprints on South America _ Footprints on North America _ Let's go shopping _ Early bird _ 1st bucket of gold _ Keep warm _ Year off the dog _ Silver collector _ 1st anniversary _ 2nd anniversary _ 3rd anniversary _ 4th anniversary _ 5th anniversary _ Next level _ Hello from the outside _ Fasionista _ Never stop writing _ Generous heart _ Traveler _ 1st hot air balloon flight _ 1st ascent of everest _ 1st telegraph message _ International tea day _ 1st laser _ Discovery of DNA _ bigfoot _ Chupacabra _ Mokole mbembe _ Mothman _ Nessie _ Yeti _ Penny black _ World wide web _ Read across America day _ Hari raya aidifitri _ Non binary pride flag _ Alice in wonderland day _ World bicycle day _ Sherlock Holmes day _ Towel day _ Walpurgis night _ International day of human space flight _


Slowlys birthday _ Imbolc _ World wetlands day _ Year of the rabbit _ Happy new year 2023 _ World braille day _ World introvert day _ Merry Xmas 2022 _ International mountain day _ Happy Halloween _ World toilet day _ St Martins day _ Sukkot _ Columbus day _ World mental health day _ World octopus day _ International raccoon day _ Rosh hashana _ World rhino day _ International talk like a pirate day _ Day of the programmer _ World letter writing day _ International black cat appreciation day _ International lefthanders day _ International clouded leopard day _ International mon day _ Mandela day _ World emoji day _ International rock and roll day _ Dilophosaurus _ Brontosaurus _ Triceratops _ Parasausolophus _ Tyrannosaurus rex _ Velociraptor _ World giraffe day _ World juggling day _ Pen pal day _ Ice hockey _ Football _ World parrot day _ World turtle day _ Vesak day _ Friday 13th _ Flag of Europe _ May day _ Marathon _ World art day _ World health day _ The red poppy _ Semana santa _ Tartan day _ Tiny but mighty _ Earth hour _ International seal day _ World sleep day _ Purim _ Pi day _ Shrove Tuesday _ Horse racing _ Cupid _ World radio day _ World pulses day _ Rugby _ Skiing _ Year of the tiger _ World logic day _ Rally _ Happy new year 2022 _ Merry Christmas 2021 _ Pavlova _ Human rights day _ Day of the ninja _ World philosophy day _ World vegan day _ Hanukkah _ All souls day _ World post day _ International coffee day _ World gorilla day _ International day of sign language _ International red panda day _ International day of charity _ International literacy day _ Qixi festival (七夕) _ World dog day _ World photography day _ World elephant day _ International cat day _ Eid al adha _ Bonfire _ World chess day _ World ufo day _ International asteroid day _ Dragon boat festival (端午節) _ International day of yoga _ World oceans day _ World bee day _ Cinco de mayo _ International jazz day _ Happy Easter _ International Nowruz day _ Happy fathers day _ International polar bear day _ Happy mother's day _ Groundhog day _ Data privacy day _ National hugging day _ Happy new year 2021 _ Merry Christmas 2021 _ World children's day _ World teachers day _ International day of peace _ Workout _ Play games _ Watch TV _ Wfh _ Sleep in _ Write letters _ International youth day _ International day of friendship _ World environment day _ Rainbow flag _ World press freedom day _ International workers day _ Happy Easter 2020 _ Pôhela boishakh _ Ramadan _ St George's day _ World book day _ World poetry day _ Stay strong _ International women's day _ Chocolate heart _ World cancer day _ Year of the rest _ International day of education _ Epiphany _ Happy new year 2020 _ Drink mulled wine _ Wrap some gifts _ Hello. _ Sleeping _ Stretching _ Freezing _ Liquifying _ Hunting _ Meowing _ Body be active _ Mind keep learning _ Spirit give _ People connect _ Place take notice _ Planet care _ Happy Easter 2019 _ Chocolate egg _ Burger egg _ Chicken egg _ Dinosaur egg _ Earth egg _ Rocket mail _ Rose bouquet _ Spring blessings _ Year of the pig _ Million thanks _ Happy new year 2019 _ Macchiato _ Mocha _ Latte _ Americano _ Cappuccino _ Espresso _ Merry Christmas 2018 _ Best penpal trophy _ Astronomy day _ Albuquerque international balloon fiesta _ Martin Luther king Jr day _ Mevlana festival _ Ha'amonga 'a maui _ National children's day (วันเด็กแห่งชาติิ) _ Songkran _ Nu Ian pyramids _ Masskara festival (День знаний) _ It's time _ Dia de todos es santos _ Coquito _ Andrzejki _ Soroka show _ Inti raymi _ Kerstkrans _ Prinsjesdag _ Argangu festival _ Piedra del sol _ Ponche de frutas navideño _ Dia de muertos _ Mongol archery _ Thingyan _ Jāņi _ Kūčiukai _ Esala perahera _ Coming of age day (성년의 날) _ Hangul day (한글날) _ Chol ch am thmay _ Bom pm touk _ Torii _ Kanninzaki lighthouse (観音埼灯台) _ Setsubun (한글날) _ Greenery day (みどりの日) _ Festa d'Ella republica _ Shabe yalda _ Jama. Masjid _ Makar sankranti _ Pushkar fair _ Diwali _ Holi _ St Patrick's day _ Cheung chau bun festival (長洲太平清醮) _ Big ben _ Tower Bridge _ London eye _ St Paul's cathedral _ Stonehenge _ St John's point lighthouse _ South stack lighthouse _ Bell rock lighthouse _ Eddystone lighthouse _ Scottish bagpiper _ Tolkien reading day _ Darwin say _ Up holy aa _ Caernarfon castle _ Edinburgh castle _ Carrickfergus castle _ Windsor castle _ Guy Fawkes night _ Roast dinner day _ Ada lovelace day _ Her majesty the queen _ Flag of Scotland _ Goth day _ Flag of England _ Flag of Wales _ Flag of northern _ Burns night _ Dundee cake _ Christmas pudding _ Flag of northern Ireland _ Flag of the United Kingdom _ Wimbledon _ Shakespeare day _ Full English breakfast _ England rose _ Scotland thistle _ Wales daffodil _ Bournemouth Ireland shamrock _ Jour des crêpes _ Tió de nadal _ Día del pasillo ecuatoriano _ The little mermaid _ Weihnachtsstollen _ Harbin ice and snow festival (哈尔滨冰雪节) _ Jeûne fédéral _ Winterlude _ Carnaval do Brasil _ Willkakuti _ White Christmas _ Allerheilligen _ Vardavar _ Al Dhafra festival _ Flag of andorra _ Wiphala
submitted by Marty_Glaubermann to slowlyapp_stamps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:01 Acertain_something 4 year old had a very specific birthday cake in mind, gave it my best shot

4 year old had a very specific birthday cake in mind, gave it my best shot
For her 4th birthday, my daughter asked for a "pink, chocolate, unicorn marble cake with sprinkles".
I've never made buttercream before, and usually stick to cupcakes or cookies, so don't have a lot of experience making bigger cakes. You can wipe through to see my first practice run from a few weeks back!
submitted by Acertain_something to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:58 Royal-Green-3871 Why didn't Love credit for caption searches? Did he learn about it here?

Why didn't Love credit for caption searches? Did he learn about it here? submitted by Royal-Green-3871 to h3snark [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:49 neidin28 Ate a piece of chocolate cake at a birthday today, went to log an estimate, and I'm shook! Is this a thing??

Ate a piece of chocolate cake at a birthday today, went to log an estimate, and I'm shook! Is this a thing?? submitted by neidin28 to 1200isplenty [link] [comments]