What i need to make meth

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2011.02.06 02:38 bennybuckethead Superb Owl

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2012.06.14 05:20 allrecipesx Easy Recipes!

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2020.12.21 01:26 Shid_and_Camed

That may be just what i need to shid šŸ˜© cause im shidding šŸ„“ iā€™m caming šŸ˜« Oh my gawt

2024.06.09 15:41 hihellohi37 Questions from an American

I have always been fascinated by the British political system (as well as cultural things) and have some questions. Some of these might make me sound like a dumb American, and I thank anyone who responds to my lengthy post.
  1. How much of an impact (if any) will Sunak leaving the D-Day ceremonies early have on the general election? I can see it is a huge story now, but if this happened in the states it would probably be a story for a few days until the next blunder from either candidate occurred. Will this be on voters minds in July still?
  2. How long do British general elections take? What I mean is that Sunak announced the July 4th election towards the end of May, so thatā€™s about 6 weeks, do all elections have this sort of timeline? Or can they last longer or be shorter?
  3. I see there is controversy over Tory leader Richard Holden appointing himself to be a candidate for a safe seat. So I take it that MPs do not need to reside in the area they represent? In the US, you just need to be a resident of the state, but usually the rep is also a resident. It opens up allegations of being a carpetbagger and a primary challenge if youā€™re not.
  4. I still donā€™t fully understand the House of Lords. They are appointed by the outgoing prime minister? Or am I wrong? Is there a limit to the amount of peerages a prime minister can give? Can the House of Lords write legislation? Are peerages the same as an honors list?
  5. How biased is the press? I realize this question can open a can of worms, but I am not asking for an editorial. In the US, Fox is conservative, MSNBC is liberal, and CNN is accused of being one or the other. Thatā€™s mainstream, and networks such as OANN are hard right, perhaps akin to GB news (please correct me if I wrong).
  6. And finally, are crisps really that good?
submitted by hihellohi37 to ukpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 Dillon123 Mind is Buddha pt. 2

Click here for Part One.
In the Source of Zen, Zongmi wrote:
"Mahamati Bodhisattva regards the mind alone as the dharma and considers the significance as the gates of birth and extinction of the true nature. It is stated in the text: "By relying on this mind, the profound and extensive significances are revealed. The true nature of the mind is its essence, and the birth and extinction of the mind are its attributes." It simply means that this mind is not illusory, hence it is called true, and it remains unchanged, hence it is called as it is. Therefore, the text repeatedly mentions that the mind is truly as it is, and the mind is born and extinguished."
We saw a good example of this in Part One, where Gold was used as the example to illustrate this. Though gold can be fashioned many ways, purified, polluted, etc. "If someone asks which substance does not change and which adapts to conditions, the correct answer is gold. This analogy helps to understand the principles and teachings of the entire collection of scriptures: it is all about the mind."
Nowadays, many practitioners of Zen do not understand the significance, so they simply refer to the mind as Zen. Likewise, many speakers do not understand the dharma, so they only talk about the significance according to the name. This approach leads to difficulty in understanding. Some may consider shallow understanding as profound, or they may reverse the dharma and the significance, considering the mind as the dharma and the nature of the mind as the significance. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the doctrines of the three schools with the scriptures and treatises to clarify the significance. Once this is done, returning to the one mind naturally resolves all disputes.
We won't explore the three schools with the scriptures and treatises, but we see here that once this exploration and understanding is obtained, we can naturally resolve disputes and come into understanding of the One Mind. Zongmi continues:
The Eight Consciousnesses, which are common in nature but distinct in significance, are named similarly but differ in meaning. Some scriptures condemn the mind as a thief, ordering its eradication, while others praise the mind as Buddha, urging its cultivation. Some describe the mind as good, evil, pure, impure, greedy, hateful, compassionate, and merciful. Some say the mind arises with conditions, while others say conditions arise from the mind. Some say the extinction of thoughts is the mind, while others say contemplating conditions is the mind. There are various contradictory descriptions. Without comparing them with the doctrines of the various schools, how can one discern them when reading the scriptures? Are there many types of minds, or is there only one universal mind?
To understand the Zen "Mind", we have to understand the Eight Consciousness model, as this is how they approached and discussed mind. This is how we'd be able to parse sayings from Joshu for example, where he has dialogues like this: Someone asked, "What is the essence of all essences?" Joshu said, "This 'essence of essences' thing - you don't need it. It is the seven of seven, the eight of eight."
In Zen study, kensho is turning the light of awareness around, from seeking externally to seeing internally, and that is seeing that one's nature is no-nature, which is Vairocana (that golden Buddha). See Huineng's verse from the Treasury of the Eye of True Teaching #663 to see Huineng's verse on the eight consciousnesses transforming into the Four Wisdom Buddhas. (I wrote a post entirely about this if interested).
Let us return to Zongmi, who was about to describe the minds:
The term "mind" broadly encompasses four types, which are translated differently in Sanskrit.
First is "klistamanas," which means the fleshly mind, representing the five consciousnesses within the body (as explained in the Five Skandhas Discourse of the HuƔngtƭng Sutra).
Second is "manas," which means the discriminating mind, representing the Eight Consciousnesses, each capable of discrimination due to its own respective object (the visible object is the object of the eye consciousness, and so on, up to the sense organs, the sense faculties, and the external world, all being the objects of the ĀlāyavijƱāna). Each of these eight has its own good and evil. In various scriptures, all these minds are collectively referred to as the mind, including both good and evil minds.
Third is "cittamatra," which means the accumulating mind, referring only to the Eighth Consciousness. It accumulates seeds and gives rise to manifest actions (as stated in the Five Skandhas Discourse of the HuƔngtƭng Sutra). In the West, external paths consider it as the ego (self), but it is actually this consciousness.
Fourth is "amalavijƱāna," which means the steadfast mind, also known as the pure mind. This represents the true mind. However, the Eighth Consciousness does not have a separate entity; it is simply the true mind that remains unaware. It has the significance of harmony or disharmony with various delusions. Harmony implies the ability to contain both defilement and purity, known as the storing consciousness. Disharmony implies the constant and unchanging nature, known as the Tathāgata-garbha. Both are aspects of the Tathāgata-garbha. Therefore, the Laį¹…kāvatāra SÅ«tra says, "The cessation of defilements is called the one mind, which is the Tathāgata-garbha. The Tathāgata-garbha also resides in the realm of dependent origination."
As stated in the ŚrÄ«mālādevÄ« Siį¹ƒhanāda SÅ«tra, "Thus, know that the four kinds of minds are fundamentally the same entity." Therefore, the Mahāyāna-śraddhotpāda-śāstra says, "The Buddha speaks of the Tathāgata-garbha (the dharma-body within the realm of dependent origination) as the ālayavijƱāna (the storing consciousness). Ignorant wisdom cannot understand that the ālaya is the Tathāgata-garbha. Those who perceive a distinction between the true nature and the ālaya are of ignorant wisdom. The Tathāgata's pure, unblemished repository is the worldly ālayavijƱāna. It is like gold and the ornaments made from it, indistinguishable in essence."
Here again we have gold as a metaphor, and this mention of ornaments reminds me of the Transmission of the Lamp entry for Mahakasyapa where he is a goldsmith, and when there was a buddha who entered nirvana, and in the constructing of his stupa, a little gold was missing from the face of the Buddha image. At that time there was a poor girl who took a gold bead to the goldsmith and asked him to decorate the Buddha's face. Mahakasyapa then gets a golden body, and in other stories he has a golden coffin.
In Part 1 of the post we saw in the end passage that Fire can be evil when used to burn down a house, can be benevolent when cooking, and can be the Dao when making elixirs. Gold too can be fashions, shaped, manipulated, purified etc. So too can mind. As the Flower Garland Sutra says: "A disciple of the Buddha is like a skilled goldsmith who repeatedly refines gold in the fire until it becomes pure and malleable, able to be used according to one's will. Bodhisattvas are likewise, offering to the Buddhas and guiding sentient beings, all for the sake of practicing the pure ground. All merits and virtues are dedicated to the enlightenment of all sentient beings, repeatedly purified and made pliant, able to be used according to one's will."
Anyways, we last ended on Zongmi talking of an indistinguishable essence. Let's allow him to wrap this one up for us:
Even though they share the same essence, the significance of true and false differs; their origins and outcomes are distinct. The former three represent phenomena, while the latter represents nature. Phenomena arise based on nature; their convergence to nature is not without reason. Nature and phenomena are not obstructed; they are all one mind. When deluded, it's like facing a wall; when enlightened, it's like myriad phenomena reflecting in a mirror. If one emptily seeks textual expressions or blindly believes, how can they understand the nature and significance of this one mind?
submitted by Dillon123 to zen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 Own_Astronaut7206 AIO for asking my guy why he would ask me if I wanted to go to a strip club as a fourth date?

I (F44) was dating a guy (M42) who seemed like he was a reasonable person. We had discussions about our relationship being closed, unless I ā€œwanted a sister wives situation,ā€ which I do not. Either we are open and supportive of each other wanting to sleep with other people (I am straight) or we are closed. He doesnā€™t get another girl if heā€™s not open to me having another guy. Before we started dating, my man asked for a topless photo. I told him no, that I was trying to be taken seriously. I did tell him that if he wanted a topless photo before meeting me, he could pay me 6.99 for such photo and we would probably never date. His response was, ā€œI donā€™t pay for porn or to see girls naked.ā€ Somehow, I was still interested in this man. We met, and he wanted something serious fast. Other than the topless photo comment, nothing this guy did or said gave me pause. He was super fun to be around and I was starting to fall fast and hard. Cut to a few weeks in, I ask him why he never sent me anything naughty but always demanded I send him notice if I did stuff to myself and wanted a booty pic of some sort every day. His answer was that it was his private time to get away and both his hands were busy. He made a joke and when I told him my question was serious, he told me he thought I was joking and did not mean to make me feel used sexually, but still failed to address the question appropriately or act like he would at least work on addressing my request. He would also immediately tease me when I sent something sexy, asking me who I was fantasizing about in said videoā€¦ we were brand new and when I got confused as to why heā€™d ask that, because I made the videos for HIM, he treated me like I was stupid. We had conversations about not wanting to see people of the opposite sex rub up on each other. I couldnā€™t use the word train (like ā€œIā€™m chugging along like a train to get my shit done so I can see you faster) because it conjured up images of a train being pulled on me, according to him. He told me heā€™d be the only penis Iā€™d ever see again, and then almost next breath was ā€œIā€™m gonna force you to watch porn with me.ā€ I just thought it was a part of his control kinkā€¦ I wonā€™t get anything sexual unless HE provides it. That wasnā€™t a deal breaker for me as long as he respected my boundaries. A few weeks later, he told me that before he met me, he wasnā€™t into mothers, because being a mother was a flaw to him prior to meeting me, but now he checks out every woman pushing a stroller or with a gaggle of kids. To me, this was a direct violation of being in a closed relationship because he was actively (not passively) checking out women (almost in a fetishized way) and mentally keeping his options open. I thought maybe I was overreacting in my head, maybe Iā€™m too sensitive, so I sort of brushed off the comment. I really did want to spark back with, ā€œoh thatā€™s funny, everytime I see pigeon toed man, I feel the same way,ā€ but I wasnā€™t trying to disrespect him because I was upset he had been so callous, because I really loved him and who cares if heā€™s got flaws? I do too. Then when discussing a safe word (his request) and I told him ā€œstopā€ works just fine. He told me it wasnā€™t enough. So I said ā€œbananaā€ as in ā€œI will fuck up your banana if you donā€™t STOP.ā€ I did not tell him my reasoning, only the word. I did not threaten his dick verbally. He ignored the suggestion, and asked what to do if I am gagged and canā€™t respond. I told him I hope he would just check on my safety frequently and stop and get medical help if needed. He said, ā€œrightā€¦so finish, then do CPRā€ This post makes it sound like heā€™s just a raging butthole, but I thought he had a great personality if you set aside his ā€œjokes.ā€ Easy to be around. He did wake me up most mornings telling me he felt insecure in our relationship but after talking to me, would say it was just his anxiety. I would have to constantly reassure him. Then as a fourth date, he decided to ask if I wanted to go to a strip club. When I said LOL WHAT? He sent me the definition of a strip club. When I said LOL I know what one is, why are you asking me that, are you bored with me? He told me he was going to ā€œkeep to himself the rest of the day because I was insecure and ruining his chance for a peaceful weekend.ā€ He said we do nothing but argue (this was the first and not even an argument, just stating boundaries and asking why he felt the need to joke in such a manner, Iā€™m tired of being the butt of all the jokes) and he couldnā€™t win with me, he was in a lose/lose situation with me and refused to resolve the issue. He then said he wasnā€™t breaking up with me, merely wanted an undefined timeline of a break where neither of us dated anyone else and I needed therapy because Iā€™m unhinged and too insecure. I told him that him withdrawing is withholding affection and not appropriate for the situation. Even longer story short, itā€™s been over a week and still not even a single word from this man. Even if he thinks he didnā€™t break up with me, I say he did. Am I being overly sensitive (Iā€™m neurodivergent and he knows this)? DIO?
submitted by Own_Astronaut7206 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 Inleaguewithdragonz Two homes, two parents, two knees, one puppy

My (35f) and my partner (37m) adopted a puppy a friend found on their porch that wandered out of the woods at their property back in April. We love and adore this puppy and honestly? I felt like everything was going so well until this morning.
A little background, we live an hour and a half apart due to work and health reasons. I thought I was pretty clear on my expectations with training to my partner and he seemed to agree or at least he said he did. Force free, patience some luring and absolutely no physical punishment ever. We both have stuck to this for the most part.
The only issues I thought we had were different rules in the homes, I.e. sheā€™s allowed on the couch at his place, doesnā€™t sleep in her crate for naps and is allowed to jump and lunge while on leash. Ive worked extra diligently with her to remain neutral when people or pets go by. And how to wait for permission for things (I donā€™t want her on my couch but at this point she is too large for me to remove her myself so I at least need her to wait until Iā€™ve allowed it).
All of this I was taking in stride until this morning. For perspective I had to have a total knee replacement on Thursday came home that evening and Gutsy and dad got here Friday afternoon.
I canā€™t walk without my crutches let alone care for the puppy right now. All of this was well known in advance. But ever since they got here itā€™s like our dynamic is falling apart. I just need help with a few things like making food or cleaning and moving until my pain is more under control. It started yesterday morning when she woke up at her normal potty time of 5:30am, normally I just take her out in complete silence give no reinforcement except for a ā€œgoodā€ after she potties, then right back into her kennel until Iā€™m ready for the day to start at 7-7:30ish. Idk if this is what heā€™s normally done with her but she woke up and got her out of the crate and talked to her the whole time, gave her a treat and verbal reinforcement after potty and was surprised and upset when she wouldnā€™t go back to sleep. Instead she barked loudly for almost 20 minutes until he gave up and took her on a walk for 45 minutes to ā€œtire her outā€ obviously this had the opposite effect. I tried to gently explain this and he just gave me an exasperated sigh and just kind of ignored me. She didnā€™t stop barking until at 8:30 after Iā€™d taken my pain and other meds, and did her relaxation protocol.
This happened both yesterday and today. At least as I type this today sheā€™s asleep in her kennel going on one and a half hours.
Iā€™m just feeling so defeated. I love him and I love her and it just seems like the one time I need some help and patience Iā€™ve been given resentment and frustration.
Has anyone gone through anything remotely similar, be it training differences or seperate homes and do you have any input or encouragement? I could use it.
submitted by Inleaguewithdragonz to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 sameed_a how to improve adaptability with game theory?

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was huddled in a local coffee shop, in-line to get my usual triple espresso to kick start my brain. The line was long, the barista was slow and to make matters worse - my favorite corner spot had been taken by some chap in a suit. I was in a bit of a pickle, my day was rapidly going down a rocky road. My brain was foggy and I needed to figure out how to make the situation better, but how?
Then it hit me, I decided to apply game theory. Now, game theory is basically about making strategic decisions to improve your situation, based on predicting what others might do. I thought, if I could predict what people in front of me were going to order, maybe talking to the right person might nudge things along faster. I started by observing people in line, their clothing, their demeanor, their order history if I happened to know it.
I noticed this one guy, seemed like a regular, chatting with the barista. He ordered an Americano. I bet you're thinking, "How's an Americano going to help you?" Here's the thing, the espresso machine for Americano is different from the triple espresso machine. So, I thought of a plan, a two-tier strategy: First, I started a conversation with the guy, mentioning how Americano is my second favorite. King of coffees, if you will. Secondly, since we were on a friendly term, I asked him if he wouldn't mind ordering a triple espresso for me when it was his turn.
Voila, my order was placed, while I saved myself time waiting in line. For the suit guy at my spot, I told him the wifi connection was better at another table. He bought it, moved, and I regained my spot.
Adapting to unexpected situations, I realized, can be improved by making strategic decisions with the help of game theory. It's quite the mental model, isnā€™t it?
P.S.: Was this a real story? Well, that's a secret I'll never tell. But, I will say this; no Americano-loving customers were harmed in the creation of this hypothetical scenario. And, if you ever find yourself in a crowded coffee shop with long queues, remember this tale.
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 AndiDragon [F4TF/NB} Princess Sees You, the True You [Trans Identity Story] [Medieval like-setting] [Closeted but seen] [Hiding your true self but being found out-in a good way] [Unconditional Love and Support] [Choosing to be free of shackles (metaphorically)] [Pet]

Hey there!
So this is my first ever script and is sort of based on some fantasy scenarios that I have been using to help myself sleep since going on HRT last year (Wooo!) A lot of Trans stories I see in the ASMR community are about those who are just coming out or are dysphoria comfort etc.
And since its Pride month I thought I may as well share one of my own comfort scenarios in case anyone else may also find it so
Since, for my own personal journey, I just wish that someone could have seen the me that I hid behind the shell and veneer I showed to the world for 16 years after coming to terms with being Trans back in High School in like 07-ish. And hence why this is written this way. Anyone enough about me
To be clear, the listener does indeed know they are Trans feminine/Non-binary. I have tried to leave that a bit ambiguous, using only they/them/their pronouns from the speaker in regards to the listener. I am also fine with ANYONE voicing this regardless of gender identity and changing the speaker to fit such (Eg; Prince instead of Princess) and with this being explicitly labelled for TF or NB etc. Just please give me credit for the script if used
You may monetise this on any platform, if you do please give me a link.
I would also love any and all feedback and constructive criticism. (Spelling is in Australian English)
I think that's everything, so THE SCRIPT!!!
First Extra Details:
-dashes- indicate sfx (optional)
Names in [brackets] are fine to change
Princess Lee=P
[Mira} is optional lines for a second voice if wished but are COMPLETELY optional and the script should work with or without them.
[Mira] and Princess [Lee] share 1 short line that either or both can speak.
K=Knight/unnamed listenerā€™s lines, Obviously these are unspoken but have ā€œmarksā€ to illustrate them as separate.
-knocks on a door-
(slightly muffled)
Princess: You may Enter.

-Opening door creak-

P: Ah finally! You are the last one you know? Of course you do. Iā€™m sure the disappointment of not being selected to be my personal guard has been spreading through all the other nominees as they returned to the barracks rejected, yes?

ā€œK: It has your highness.ā€

P: (stifled chuckle) ā€¦Well then, take a seat on my couch, opposite me please. (give a few second pause for them to reach the couch and sit) As you may have guessed then, as the last potential candidate, you have been selected though to be honest it was always a bit, uh, rigged from the start?

ā€œK: Rigged?ā€

P: Yes, you see, well, as Iā€™m sure you are aware, all of us in the Royal Family already have our own specially trained Shadow. A personal right-hand to be our guard, our confidantā€¦our friend. [Mira] over there on the recliner is mineā€¦as again I am sure you are well aware. Apologies I am a bit more flustered than I thought I had prepared myself to be.

(Take a deep Breath)

P: You see these tests and checks weā€™ve been doing for the past month are ā€¦ not really for choosing my additional guard for my time in the [Magic University] after all it is a very secure facility, and [Mira] would be able to accompany me to all classes and locations there anyway. Rather these were all tests to confirm whether my suspicions regarding you were true.

ā€œK: What suspicions?ā€

[Mira]: Suspicions was probably the wrong word [Lee].

P: Oh no! I do not mean to accuse you of being a spy or anything of that sort! I trust with my entire being that you are more than loyal to this kingdomsā€™ people and my family. Rather I was referring to a ā€¦ secret I believed you were withholding or, at least, one that you were not actively voicing or embracing of a more ā€¦ personal nature to you. And if I am right, which I believe I am, then I fully understand. But before I say any more please know, whether I am right or wrong, this conversation will not leave this room. You are safe here either way. You have my WORD on that.

[M]: Both of our words.

P: You see, yes these tests have all been of a social engagement variety not only due to the environment at the [Magic University] not only to see how you would all behave as guards during such settings, but also as guests. After-all it is a primarily social form Academy, with the majority of students and teachers being women, and noble born ones at that. And as such rather than war rooms or sparring sessions, as you and the other knights would be used to, tea parties and balls are more of what would occur over the 3 years there.

[M]: You should probably elaborate more on the why not the school Lee.

P: Yes, you see this common knowledge was a helpful subterfuge for our actual tests. To see how well you could and would perform as the ā€œguestsā€ for the guards. And I do mean YOU specifically. Whilst we did pay attention to your fellow knights, it was mainly you we were paying attention to. How at the tea parties you sat so demurely and smiled, paying so much attention to the stories. Sitting with proper etiquette. How at the ball you hung back clearly uncomfortable in your suit ā€¦ and your skin. Then when the dances came up, and we were partnersā€¦ You let me lead.

[M]: Donā€™t worry, no one really noticed. Except for us, and even then, it is only because we were looking.

P: Your face during it. Your expression. You were so at peace. At all of these when you could fade into the background and enjoy yourself. Your face was always so ā€¦ Happy. Whenever you didnā€™t have to play the knight. Having to be strong in front of everyone. Winning duels so that you can keep your hair as long as you like. Refusing promotions and the like so that you could stay safe and hidden. Turning down dates because they could only see the Strong Sir Knight resplendent in their masculinityā€¦. But thatā€™s not you is it? Not really.

[M]: Maybe you should start from the beginning Lee?

P: I began looking into year about 6 moths ago, when you turned down the promoting to lead your own platoon. I found it odd at first given that it would be quite an accomplishment for a knight as fresh as you into adulthood. But thought you were just holding out for something more or trying to just not be separated from your current squad yet. Being so involved in my own studies I didnā€™t think much more. UNTIL I was on a stroll through the gardens with [Mira] one afternoon as a break. When we came across you. Napping with your hair down in a very secluded spot. (warm giggle) with a cute flower crown and matching bracelet on.

[M]: No sword in view anywhere. Not often even a baby knight doesnā€™t trigger my alert or even ā€œcarefulā€ radar. And ESPECIALLY one who has won even duels to keep their hair that long. Wouldnā€™t have seen you if we hadnā€™t decided to meander through the flower field

P: At first, we didnā€™t recognise you. You looked so different. So ā€¦ androgynous and cuteā€¦. So feminine. So vastly different in comparison to how you hold and present yourself with the other knights. You were at so much peace then too. Not like the quiet conflict I realised you were showing all other times. In the following weeks we looked more into you as the sight became so burned into my memory.

[M]: Nothing too invasive. Well exceptā€¦.

P: [Mira] investigated your room in the barracks. Just a spot check. Comparing to the other knights. She didnā€™t go through your draws or anything. It was bare. No Decorations. No displayed gits or ornaments. Just some books, haircare products and a chess set. So barren and empty, in stark contrast to your fellow knights. No mirror either. Your Commander said you had it removed as it reflected the lights poorly and hindered your sleep.

[M/P]: But thatā€™s not true, is it?

P: In truth, you find looking in the mirror to be stressful and/or weird. Like something doesnā€™t fit right. And itā€™s your reflection, isnā€™t it? Itā€™s not what you see you as in your own head is it? It began to click for me at that time. Then we found out the knights had taken you in as one of their recruited volunteers from the Orphanage to help make space there for younger children. They took you in and raised you. Trained you to be the knight sitting before me. A path you would not have chosen otherwise, Iā€™m sure.

[M/P]: Stuck in a role you do not want. With nowhere to return to. No other skills to utilise or survive on. Trapped.

P: But here is where I can offer you an escape. Another chance. Another way. First, I will let you know that no matter what, [Mira] and I will not be returning to the castle again. My Elder siblings can all fight for the throne, they are well aware that I will not come for it unless they hurt or threaten the people of our kingdom with malice. So this deal is a one time thing AND you must decide pretty much now. As suchā€¦

-clinking glasses-

P: In this vial that I will place to your right is a potion that will give you amnesia from the events of the last 24 hours. You will not remember this day, or this conversation [Mira] and I will claim that you tested a wine for me and discovered it was poisoned, saving me. We will leave the palace immediately with the rest of our wagon to [the Magic University], whilst you will be hailed as a hero and able to return to your current life.

-more glass clinking-

P: Whilst in this vial I will place to your left. If you choose this one you will come with us. We will still leave in the but in the morning, and you will have a new future and a chance to live. However, the reason we will leave in the morning rather than immediately? This is due to the vial containing a very potent potion that will flow your mana into me and WILL cause you to pass out. But by drinking this your mana wonā€™t become mine but rather it will beā€¦subservient to mine I can loan it or grow it with my own, but I will also be able to find you for the rest of our lives. And by choosing this you choose to become mine. For all intents and purposes you will be essentially be My Possession. My Pet. My Property. If you wish you can even be MY Princess. A new life and chance. But you must choose it.

**Give a 5-10 second pause here**

P: You are hesitating. Which in itself is an answer, isnā€™t it? Hey look at me. Here let me hold your face - Huh your check is so warm, and your eyes so beautiful... I promise you, By taking this yes, you will become mine, but that does not mean I will force you to become or do anything that you do not want to do. I want to you to be by my side yes. I want to watch you live and grow and become so much more than the knight-shell that sits before me. But YOU get to make that choice. I can only offer you it. As well as the unconditional love and support of having us there to help you become ā€¦well YOU.

-Glass clinking as the left vial is taken and drunk-
-Ruffling and moving as Princess Lee rushes to their side-

P: Oh, thank you for trusting me. Here Let my hold you as you drift off. I promise you that everything will be ok now. You can be whoever you need to be. And I will be there to love you my pet. Whoever you are. Whoever you will be. Tomorrow your new life, your true life can begin.
submitted by AndiDragon to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:39 hcometmnm Dad ignored me for almost 3 days straight but Iā€™m the dramatic oneā€¦

Dad ignored me for almost 3 days straight but Iā€™m the dramatic oneā€¦
Admittedly, this is a weak post but just thought it shows parents will never fail to bring you down
submitted by hcometmnm to insaneparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:38 SubstantialSuccess81 Mad Titan Rework gets a lot right

Mad Titan Rework gets a lot right
I have to give a lot of credit to the Thanos rework. Thereā€™s a lot of things in this particular update that I really enjoy. Most notably, the update to the sp Most notably, the update to the Space Stone. That feels like an appropriate Thanos level card. Nothing can stop him from being played or destroyed anywhere. It feels as though a lot of the powers were broken out among the stones more equally. And I think thereā€™s a decent balance between ongoing and on reveal. I miss the Time stone energy boost.
After second dinner had tinkered with Thanos (whenever the Mind Stone became 2 cost-ish) I had put him on the bench. He was too inconsistent and wasn't fun. in the whole problem with Thanos and the first place was that you played his stones, but never Thanos himself.
Now there actually feels like dread of where, and when Thanos could appear on the board. That's what a great 6 power card should feel like. Thanos is coming. And with each stone the dread gets larger (yes I know unless you have Killmonger). The game is literally called Marvel Snap and I am so happy to see him back in his throne.
iā€™m not saying heā€™s perfect. But he now has so many different play types and cards he can be built around. Whether you're a newer player or someone that's been around he definitely is worth 6k tokens.
I'm CL 16k and here's a fun bonus. I was so excited to play him, I decided to get a border too and not something I had planned to do, so spent gold on a cosmetic. But again, I've enjoyed playing with him again and appreciate what they did to make him at least B Tier (maybe higher??). Anyways, I usually complain a lot and need to make sure I tell when I like stuff too.
submitted by SubstantialSuccess81 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:38 throwra_landlord 26F, single teacher in Ontario, 65-68k salary, can I afford rent? Need help figuring out what to prioritize (dating, saving, if I should search for a second job, if I should move home, etc.)

Throwaway for privacy reasons.
I am an Ontario teacher making 65k this year and 68k starting in September. I currently live with my parents rent free but I have a long commute (1 hour each way). My employer has offered me to rent from a property they own near my workplace for $1200/month, plus internet and tenant insurance.
On paper, I feel like I should be able to afford this. I proposed this rent to my employer because it was between 30-35% of my income, but now I am feeling stressed. I have time to get out of the contract and I am not sure if I should do it or not.
Salary = 65K (increasing to 68k around when the rent would start). Net monthly take home is 3525.05 currently.
Pension plan: I pay 564.72/month towards a DB pension plan (my 3525 monthly income is after this deduction).
FHSA: 0. I opened an account this year but the advisor at my bank said I should just do that for the contribution room and for now I should prioritize my TFSA
TFSA: 19.8K total, started saving this year while living at home. This is my first year working, but I know I am very behind on savings for my age so I am trying to make this a priority.
Student Loan: 22k, interest free since I paid off the ON portion. monthly payment is $216 but I can change the terms.
Savings: 3100, two-thirds emergency/one-third furniture fund
Anticipated Expenses:
Rent = 1200
Student Loan: 216 (I can change the terms though)
Internet = 90 (estimate)
Tenant insurance = 45 (estimate)
Cell phone = 94 (I am trying to get out of it but I probably can't)
Car insurance = 205 (this will renew this summer and maybe it will be lowered since I stop commuting??)
Gas = 150
Groceries = 400 (I eat lunch at work 5 days/week so I am hoping this is possible)
Subscriptions (spotify, apple storage) = < 15
These expenses add up to 2415. Income after expenses is 1,110. I think I would like to save 100/month and invest $400/month which brings my leftover money to $610.
If I spend 300/month on clothing, skin care and personal care and 200/month on dining out I am down to $110.
I am not sure if I should be cutting it so close to $0 every month.
I also don't know how much I should be saving since I have a defined benefit pension.
I want to save more money, but at what cost? By living at home, I spent so much time commuting and I don't have the time or energy to date or socialize like I used to. I am worried I will be single forever if I keep living at home and commuting.
I also think my employer is helping me by giving me the rent they am. I might upset them by cancelling.
I think long-term, it might be more expensive to be single than it will be to pay this rent and live closer to work. If I live in the town where I work and away from my parents then I might be able to find a partner easier. Plus as I get older will it be harder to find someone?
At the same time, I am not sure if I will need to spend money on hobbies to get out and meet people/I worry that I will be spending too much on my expenses that I won't be able to go out and do things that could lead to me meeting someone.
With more time, I could maybe tutor or look into a second job. I have a summer job for this year but I think I want to spend that money on furniture and on my student loan payment to get it under 20k.
My student loan is interest free, but I am worried that may change after an election and I want to be prepared.
TLDR; I am not sure if moving is the right move for me? At 26, I am behind on my savings. Living at home (especially with the commute I have) also has drawbacks as it is hard to have time to date and I am kind of in limbo since I live in a different place than I work. Spending so much on rent and the expenses that go with living alone is also scary.
Any thoughts, advice, anything, would be greatly appreciated. Or if you've found yourself in a similar situation and can offer your insight, what worked and what didn't.
submitted by throwra_landlord to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:38 ThatVaccineGuy I (29M) am feeling rejected and sexually frustrated with my (25F) girlfriend. What can I do?

So I (29M) have been dating my girlfriend (25F) for five years. It's been a very close 5 years and we've essentially lived together most of the time, including a move cross country two years ago. We have always been close and still spend a lot of time together. Day to day we get along very well, and spending time usually results in me, at some point in the day, feeling very turned on. I find my girlfriend very attractive and I have a pretty high libido.
In the last two years, our sex life has slowly dwindled. In the beginning she was often the initiator. In the first few years we were having sex 2-3 times a week at least, and at one point about a year ago that become once every 4-7 weeks for about a year or so. I communicated this constructively and we had several long conversations about it and made plans of action to try and work on it. It got temporarily better, but recently has gone back to once every 2-3 weeks.
She brings up a lot of reasons including general tiredness, headaches, but also mentions she has some past experiences that can make it less appealing at times. I've tried to talk to her about these but she often doesn't want to go into it.
I can understand someone having a lower libido, and I recognize that mine is pretty high. But this type of sexual apathy has pervaded into other forms of intimacy where we basically don't kiss more than pecking unless we're going to have sex. On top of that, things she used to like (or pretend she liked) like holding her waist, grabbing her butt, kissing her neck, she now says is overstimulating or annoying. I dont know to express that I am in the mood and try to get her in the mood without making her feel like I'm pressuring her. And she often will say things that make me feel like I'm SAing her when I'm just trying to get some kind of physical contact (like a hug from behind around the waist).
A this point it feels like I am living with a roommate that I'm just extra close with. We sort of cuddle on the couch sometimes and will kiss off for work, but it just doesn't feel the same. I don't feel desired and I feel constantly rejected. We've tried talking, playing intimacy games, doing slow build ups, etc... but all of which are again initiated by me to try and get her in the mood.
What makes this particularly frustrating is I feel like when we do have sex, it's very good. I spend most of the time focusing on her and making her finish first, and then me finishing is sort of the after thought. I have accepted this. But I enjoy making her feel good, and she always very obviously enjoys it.
It's for this reason that I can't wrap my head around why she's so opposed. I've had numerous partners all of which very highly praise my effort and skills in bed. And she clearly seems to enjoy it in the moment. Yet she's so resistant to anything sexual and views it like a chore she does to placate me. Does she not desire me sexually? Does she not find me attractive despite what she tells me?
I know this has been a bit of rambling, but what should I do? What other steps can I take that I haven't already? And I being unreasonable expecting so much sex (at least once a week)? How do I fulfill my need for physical love and touch without feeling like I'm pressuring her to do something she doesn't want to?
submitted by ThatVaccineGuy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:36 Ryvertz The RNG and progression systems they showed for T4 are much better than what we currently have and people don't give them enough credit

I've seen a big sentiment of people going "lmao they just added more rng and gold sinks...this is trash and doesn't fix anything...T4 is a mistake!" and to me it seems like these people don't realize that not all RNG and progression is created equal and there are good ways and bad ways to implement RNG and progression and what they showed with T4 so far looks very promising and does indeed fix a lot of things. I am not saying the new systems are perfect and they completely fixed Lost Ark...there are still some big L's in the new system which I will get to aswell but I wanna try and make a somewhat unbiased showcase of what changes these new systems will actually bring and why it is better than what we currently have.
Let's start with one of the big L's that they didn't really fix. Honing has always been an annoying system where the gap of progression between lucky and unlucky people was too big and considering it is mandatory to do to access new content it felt like the most painful system since it is always the number 1 thing you are forced to focus on in terms of progression whereas the power increase for all the investement is very little.
They now introduced an improved honing system with Echidna that is far better and had the chance for T4 to make it the standard system and instead it seems like both systems will exist in parallel which is definitely sad.
If you wanna hear my cope take for honing: The big problem for the old honing usually only starts at the higher levels where honing chances go down to 5% and below. Beforehand honing usually goes relatively fast and the gap between lucky and unlucky isn't that bad yet. If they increase the amount of ilvl that is available through Echidna honing in T4 there is potential that you only need to go up to +16 to +18 with old honing and can then solely engage with Echidna honing for ilvl progression and accessing new content and the remaining 20-30 ilvl from old honing system is just there for whales that wanna flex and don't have to be used by normal players.
Lets go from the biggest L to the biggest W when it comes to progression systems. Atm books are a mandatory system for engravings that are completely useless until you reach 20/20 legendary books creating a massive paywall especially for new players but also alt enjoyers. You can also only use books for 2 out of 5 engravings and the other 3 have to be bought again for each new character through stones and accessory.
With the new system you now get a massive free baseline (I use Grudge as example since we have pictures of that) of 15% from blue and purple books (since you get tons of those from events etc. and they will always be cheap on the AH). And then you get slow 0.75% increments of power for each 5 extra legendary and relic books you buy. This means new players will instantly have access to a decent amount of the power and then have a slow and steady progression instead of having to face a giant paywall for all 20 books at once.
The books now also apply to ALL 5 engravings meaning they turned engravings as a whole into a ROSTERWIDE RNG FREE SYSTEM where the investement on your main also benefits all your alts making alts much cheaper aswell as balance updates hurting way less if your class suddenly gets a new build.
Obviously in the short term it is a new gold sink with relic books and lego books you dont have yet but the gold you spent into this system has 0 RNG involved and it will benefit every single character you will ever create which to me makes it probably the best progression system they have in the game.
Atm stones are a mandatory system for your engravings that can be a massive gold and pheon sink depending on RNG since you are forced to get a 7/7 and anything below is useless on each new char which sucks for new and old players.
With the new system suddenly a 7/0 stones is also totally usable for new players and alts since the difference between 7/7 and 7/0 is only 3% dmg which nobody will ever gatekeep you for.
Yes obviously once you start maximizing your chars you wanna go for 7/7 stones again and the RNG of the whole system is the same as before but the big difference is that you aren't forced into doing it anymore to just make your char playable with engravings. It is now a minor dmg increase that you can come back to at any time once you have the ressources for it.
Everyone seems to be worried that you now have 5 new bracelets to roll and everything got worse than before but if you think about it current accessories are much worse RNG. You have base stats, quality and engravings on them and only a single shot per accessory to get a useful roll and it is again very binary where it is either completely useless or extremely good. With the new system you have multiple chances and the progression is much more linear where you can go for small dmg increases first and only once you maxed out other systems come back to improve your dmg with them.
Also the biggest change in this system compared to bracelets is that you can roll and then still sell AFTER the rolls. This means if you don't like the RNG part of this new system you can completely ignore it and buy finished accessories on the market for fixed prices.
This makes the system identical to its current form of just buying the right ones for you on the market with the difference that you now have options and can choose how much you wanna invest depending on how much power you want/how much gold you have to spare. It's again an amazing system for alts and new players who will be MUCH cheaper than before and even for your main it is a nice RNG free (unless you choose otherwise) gold sink system with more freedom compared to before.
And for anyone arguing "you are actually forced into upgrading all these systems instantly cuz of gatekeep"...no you won't. I feel like people overestimate the amount of effort people go into when it comes to gatekeeping. The order of operations for most people when it comes to gatekeeping goes: Roster Level -> Title(if asked for) -> Class(depends on the person of course) -> Ilvl -> Transendence+Elixir -> Engravings -> Gems And if there are no red flags along this path they will most likely accept. Nobody checks stuff like quality, bracelets etc. and people won't start with it here by going over every single accessory or whether someones Grudge deals 1.5% more dmg etc. And the few people that are cringe enough to go to these lengths in gatekeeping you don't wanna be in the party anyways.
Now overall all these changes give two big things: Flexibility and very cheap baseline power levels. The cheap baseline is absolutely amazing for new players who can instantly get their main and alts going without having to spend hundreds of thousands of gold on these system just to get a playable char in terms of engravings. It is also amazing for vets when it comes to trying out new alts because you don't have to wait and commit to a class with each new Express pass and instead can create a functional good alt for almost no gold and try them out in T3 raids before deciding whether or not you wanna commit to them. Your build is now much more flexible than before since you can easily swap out engravings for others and at worst loose 3-6% dmg and in most cases since books are rosterwide you loose no dmg at all. This can allow you to experiment with new builds, adjust to balance patches more easily, have PvP builds, swap between both Class engravings of your class without any extra cost and so on.
Now one limiting factor of this flexibility that I haven't adressed yet and is my 2nd L of these new systems is gems.
When you change around engravings you often also change around abilites which means you also have to change Gems in a lot of cases but it is not realistic to just have spare high lvl gems laying around for each ability but you also can't reroll with silver everytime you change around your build. I think one change they should have introduced here is that instead of getting gems like in T3 currently you unlock a gem slot of the respective level and can then apply this gem slot to any skill and change the skill around whenever you want. If you wanna be extra nice make the gem slots rosterwide progression but that would probably be too much hopium to ever happen. But in general if they somehow make gems changeable in an easy way so you can easily switch builds it would just really compliment all the other changes they seemingly made with the goal for more flexibility.
Now the whole Lvl 10 -> Lvl 8 gems for T4 I don't think is that problematic. Gems have always been an extremely solid RNG free progression system (if we exclude the Lvl 10 dmg vs CDR roll) that people don't mind investing gold into and since in Korea the system is just maxed out for a lot of players raising the ceiling is just a nice way to give these players a way to invest into this system again. For an average player in the west not much changed by them raising the ceiling of gems...you won't suddenly get gatekept because your gems are Lvl 6-8 again because guess what...everyone around you also only has Lvl 6-8 gems and very few people will instantly go back to 10 again. The same way how a year ago nobody expected you to have Lvl 10 gems in the West nobody will expect gems above Lvl 6-8 in T4 for a long time.
Those 2 systems are obviously not ideal considering how massive the power increase is for them which forces players to engage and finish them asap if they dont wanna get gatekept. I don't think just removing them in T4 would solve the problem since it would first of all just create massive short term problems of these systems being obsolete very soon while being massive powerspikes right now and since so much power is tied to them you would have to just introduce a new system that compensates for the power loss in T4 so your char isn't suddenly weaker than before so instead of hating the current Transendence/Elixir system people would hate on the new system in T4 instead.
Still the good part about these systems is that they have a clear finish point at which you are done with them and don't have to engage in them anymore and by reducing the cost and time to get there by 50% they still did quite a big improvement on those 2 systems.
Quality taps:
Only got a small change by introducing a pity system to it which is obviously a great addition to make it so even unsuccessful taps give you some form of progress in the form of pity meter. I don't think this is a problematic RNG system because getting to a solid 70-80 quality baseline is very easy and nobody will ever gatekeep you for lack of quality on your pieces so tapping above 80 is mostly something you do at your own pace whenever you got some spare gold and not something you are forced to do.
Probably the worst RNG system in the game but the good thing is that you don't really have to engage with it all the much if you dont want to. Its fairly easy to get a 6-7% dmg bracelet and nobody will ever gatekeep you for not having a 10+% bracelet. The reason why people invest so much into bracelets is mostly personal pride of wanting to have a god bracelet on your main but realistically if you dislike this system you loose at best 3-4% dmg from not going all out on it.
It's hard to say how big the changes are for the T4 bracelets...perhaps with the new options it's much easier to get good bracelets compared to before and the preview of being able to choose if you want the old or new values will definitely help too. But this system probably is still not gonna be that great but it's arguably an improvement to the current version.
So as a summary when it comes to the changes of RNG and gold sinks for T4 here nothing got worse compared to before and a lot of things just got a lot better by making the RNG cheaper or less mandatory in a lot of places while making the progression of systems much more linear compared to being a binary perfect/useless that it is right now while also giving new players and alts very cheap baseline powers in a lot of these systems.
Massive buffs:
Small/Medium buffs:
Just as bad as before:
submitted by Ryvertz to lostarkgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:36 Training_Butterfly70 Any better options for me than the peak design 35-45L travel backpack?

I admit they did a pretty good job on this backpack, especially with the magnet things and the organization layout. Below some of my complaints about the bag. I admit some of these I may be nitpicking a bit, but get quite annoying the more I use it. I compared so many bags and at the end of the day the PD annoyances didnā€™t add up to be a dealbreaker, so I bought the backpack.
I am considering giving this one back and getting the Tortuga backpack light. What do you guys think?
submitted by Training_Butterfly70 to onebag [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:36 Legitimate_Fail_5886 Time traveling fanfiction Morally Green

Time traveling fanfiction Morally Green
Hello, everyone! <3
If you're interested in romance/drama fanfiction, I'd love it if you could give my Draco x Hermione fanfic a try. And before you say you never read WIPs, I actually update pretty quickly, twice a week :D It's called 'Morally Green' and it's available on Fanfiction net and AO3, links below:
Morally Green AO3 link
Morally Green Fanfiction net link
Here's the synopsis:
What if, years later, Hermione Granger makes a wish and is transported back in time? What if she can change the past and most importantly, her future? This time, she will do things differently and look Draco Malfoy right in the eye. For once, she will pursue her true feelings, even if it means turning the whole world against her.
And here's a little teaser, just to make you familiar with my writing style and the way the story is going. The story will progress into mature little by little but I intend to keep it plot & character-centered.
ā€œYou always do this, Granger,ā€ the blonde-haired Slytherin said, dropping his arms at his sides, eyes locking with hers in a painful ache.
ā€œDo what?ā€ Hermione asked with uncertainty as her feet brought her closer to Draco, a magnetic force pulling her towards him. She could admit to it now, it didnā€™t matter. Or perhaps it mattered the most. She longed for him and she didnā€™t even need to hide it anymore. He blinked at her, as if unable to believe what was happening.
ā€œDisarm me with your words. Confuse me. Challenge me with such delusional confidence,ā€ He explained, listing the reasons one by one. ā€œCanā€™t you see what a fool you are?ā€
ā€œA fool?ā€ She asked with a laugh, now standing inches away from him. Under his disapproving gaze, she extended a hand and cupped the right side of Dracoā€™s face. Even so, he didnā€™t move her hand away. He simply clenched his jaw, unable to look away. All for the best; if Hermione could, she would have that beautiful face of his turned to her forever, issuing lies and reasons as to why they could never be together. And yet there they were, bodies pressed together, incriminatory breaths caught in their throats and hanging by a thread they were yet to sever. The road to hell was only a kiss away.
Thank you for any future support and looking forward to seeing you there! Hugs!
submitted by Legitimate_Fail_5886 to Dramione [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:35 saint_lily No support for people trying to ethically rehome their pets in Southern Ontario

TLDR: Trying to rehome my dog in Southwestern Ontario ethically has been a nightmare. Been trying to rehome my dog since January. After 6m of trying to rehome through rescues, Iā€™ve started approaching humane societies. The waitlists are over 6m. We are struggling. There is an extreme lack of support for those needing to rehome their dogs in SW Ont.
I adopted my GSD/lab mix from the local humane society when he was 7mo old. When we adopted him, the humane society shared that he would do well being placed in a home with another dog. We have another female GSD so we thought it would be a good fit.
As he got older and more confident (around 1 year old), he began resource guarding his sister. He got into a couple of fights over guarding her from other dogs. Eventually, he got into a dog fight which involved my dog sitter getting bit in the process of separating the dogs (he did not go at her. She got bit pulling him and the other dog apart by the collars). Now we had to pay for separate daycare for them when we needed care and walking them together became so stressful because other dogs would set him off, which then would set my other dog off. She began picking up behaviours she never exhibited. My partner and I decided it was not a good fit and we decided to start the process of rehoming. We never stopped attempting to train the behaviours out of him and we only stopped socializing him with other dogs when it led to safety concerns. He truly is a different dog on his own - which weā€™ve experimented with when my partner would take our other dog to his parents for the day or weekend.
I didnā€™t want him going into a shelter again. He is smart and trained and has no health issues. The resource guarding of his sister and the safety issues and stress it has caused, was the problem. I figured him needing to be the only pet in the home wouldnā€™t make it challenging to rehome him via a rescue.
I started this process in January - I contacted over 40 rescues within 3 hours of where I live, trying to get him into a foster home situation. Nothing. A friend of mine came forward offering to foster him - even after providing a foster home and offering to pay for his care, only one rescue agreed to help. Only for this to fall apart in a month due to my friend being evicted because her landlord is selling the home.
He is back in our care, we sent our other to my in laws who are in their 80s.
Iā€™m now reaching out to humane societies. Waitlists for owner surrenders are 6-8m! Iā€™ve been crying non stop the last two days. I feel horrible for my dog, I feel horrible our dog that isnā€™t home, I feel horrible for my partner. The tension in the home is high. This situation is also bringing up PTSD responses in me from growing up in foster care.
Iā€™ve made social media posts, made him a profile on Home to Home (a humane society run rehoming website) and heā€™s been posted to Facebook by the rescue he was being fostered with. We are getting nowhere.
Iā€™m being told by the rescues and shelters that although they feel for our situation, that there has been an influx of surrenders and strays, creating very long waitlists.
We are taking it day by day, reaching out to additional humane societies as rejections keep coming our way. We just want whatā€™s best for him, our other dog and our household. Our animal welfare situation is horrendous.
submitted by saint_lily to ontario [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:35 West-Captain-4875 I know there are a lot of theoryā€™s of why Maine went cyberpsycho but does anyone think the medication he was using mightā€™ve also been the trigger?

These drugs are meant to help people with problems like Maine, but what if one of the side effects is if youā€™re off the drug it makes cyber psychosis worse and you need more of the medication for the drug to work. Cyber psychosis I often felt was an allegory for addiction. Maine kept using them, but it got to were no matter how much medication he did it only got worse could these drugs be doing more harm then good? It got to the point were he was using so many syringes you can see them everywhere.
submitted by West-Captain-4875 to Edgerunners [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:35 joecoolblows Ruthlessly Unleash The Internet Detectives

Starting to think the two younger kids, Kate, and the Middleton's have all been wiped out, the only one we heard about was that Thomas dude. This shit's wild. Only George seems to have been spared, and even he doesn't seem his usual self. The AI pictures and videos make everything so much worse.
I'm starting to think that William is some sort of family annihilator, and that's exactly what happened, late that December night.
Why is he, who has mostly looked like he was miserable the last few years, now always appearing so darn happy while everyone else is freaked out? During what SHOULD be a very, very trying time if his life, what with his wife so sick?
I'm not a macabre person by nature, I've just always been a huge fan of Diana, people used to say I looked like her when I was young. I stayed up all night in seventh grade, to watch her wedding. I grieved, SOBBED, when she died, and I've followed all the Royal Stories since then, following as her boys grew to men, picked beautiful mates, and had children of their own.
How in the world is it better PR for Average Joe Me, to be strongly suspecting that William is a family annihilator at this point, than whatever else may have happened? That's PR gone horribly, awfully wrong.
They need to get this shit right, because not everyone lives in Great Britain, under their thumb. The world of Internet Detectives is having A Moment. A HUGE part of why the story of the missing, young, Van Life Vlogger, Gabby Petito went global so fast, was because of the sheer determination and innudiation of Internet Detectives, and credit to her body being found WAS because of the Internet Detectives.
Diana actually predicted her death, she was outspoken in many interviews after she had become divorced. She had escaped, was going on to live her best life, free as the sea, in love with another rich, handsome man, who's father had quite a bit of power. Yet, when they died, even he, and his millions couldn't disprove the suspicicions behind their deaths.
Like Diana, no one was more beloved, globally, than Kate, the HUGE, VAST difference between Diana and Kate, though is technology. Just as THEY have been using AI technology to deceive us, we also have technology the wild world of Internet Sleuthing.
Internet Detectives are the wild card for William, unbound to any monetary, civic or NDA discourse, deeply hidden, and ruthlessly relentless. They have access to the Dark Web, bound through a shared passion on forums and networks. William could only wish he had such devotion human bonds, IRL.
Many of these Internet Detectives were just kids when Diana was around, who knows what they are capable of digging up, though, should they start down those old, long forgotten rabbit holes that I'm sure RF wishes would stay long forgotten.
They REALLY need to get this shit right, give their people the truth. If they don't, I pray the world of Internet Detectives sets this right, for Kate, and those kids.
submitted by joecoolblows to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:35 Comfortable-Mode-972 Did the big four ever make trail/enduro focused 125s?

Did the big four ever make trail/enduro focused 125s?
This may be a stupid question, but in my recent search for a bike for my brother Iā€™ve struggled to find out what 125cc 2 stroke trail bikes exist.
KTM and Husqvarna make it easy to see which trim package is for enduro/trail vs MX.
Did Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Yamaha make trail specific 125cc two strokes or are people taking MX bikes and converting them for trail use?
If they didnā€™t and I wanted to run one on the trail, what would I need to make it easier on a beginner in the tight stuff? Flywheel weight? Rekluse? Suspension revalve? That bill is adding up real quick.
Pic is for attention. Lmk if I broke any rules, I try not to post unless I have to. Thanks in advance
submitted by Comfortable-Mode-972 to Dirtbikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:35 SriGurubhyoNamaha Positive review

I like how the game is changing all the time. The outside is not only changing from morning to night, but it also has summer, winter, spring, and autumn. The part of the map where my safehouse is located these 4 seasons are really distinct. It makes the gameplay more real when you have to take in the account what clothes to wear so you don't overheat or freeze your balls off.
The missions are difficult, but too easy game is boring as watching paint dry, so it's good to have a challenge. You need to have a strong character. Many skills are important to invest points in. You really need to use your intellect to choose what are the stats that are important for the gameplay and the missions you are partaking in.
So many hidden secrets and storylines to choose from, and the chosen storyline changes your character from the experiences acquired. The randomized character creation forces you to use the qualities you are given, and overcome the handicaps each player has. The game is so realistic that time after time I forget it is a game that I'm playing. I give it 5/5.
submitted by SriGurubhyoNamaha to outside [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:34 Limestorm_ The day Lake ran with LEADERSā€™ blood The Red Gathering, Newleaf, 90 CE AU Story, Part 1

It is the first part of my AU clan story, a loose collection of events written more in the style of a documentary than a novel, highlighting only the most important moments and quotes. Tell me what you think, I'll post more parts and allegiances soon. Here it is:
As the first glimpses of the moonlight appeared in the black sky, illuminating the travelling cats, the danger was already in the air. For some time now, the Lake Territories were being invaded by an unknown group of cats. They always appeared in number, were uninterested in talks, and ready to kill if challenged. Attempts to reconquer the land were always met by decisive action and foiled by the much more numerous enemy.
The hope of the ThunderClan leader, Brackenstar, was that the issue would be resolved at the upcoming Gathering, but events moved faster than he expected. Yesterday, after another of his clanmates was killed, he was forced to prohibit his cats from hunting north of the camp and change the route of patrols, effectively abandoning over half of his territory to the rogues.
And yet, there he was, marching towards the island. His whole clan was with him - he wouldn't dare to leave a weakened camp with cats inside. When they arrived on the island, all the remaining clans were already present. The atmosphere was tense, no one was speaking or exchanging news, only watching the approaching ThunderClan warriors.
As the Gathering begun, the first topic was that of the rogues. The cats were divided. ThunderClan and SkyClan requested the five clans join their forces to expel the enemy, ShadowClan was hesitant, while yet unaffected RiverClan and WindClan were unwilling to make a hasty decision.
"Your obstinacy may cost us our existence!" the Risingstar of SkyClan told Nightstar of RiverClan, "I know the enemy, and I know, there's nothing for us to gain from waiting. What we need is not thinking, but a decisive action to vanquish the forces that threaten us!"
Nightstar argued, but his voice was cut by a shout from the back. The words no cat would want to hear or say fell, silencing the quarrel. "They are here! The RiverClan camp has fallen!" At that moment cats flooded onto the island. First, escaping RiverClan, then Rogues.
The messy defense, which the unorganized cats provided lost them the opportunity to hold the attack at the crossing point. The Rogues quickly established a breach on the shore and started pushing clan warriors further away from the tree trunk that served as a bridge. The first to react was Brackenstar, jumping off the branch and leading his cats with a rallying cry. He ordered his freshly appointed deputy, Olivefur, to secure elders, kits and medicine cats and move them to the other side of the island. Soon the other clans joined in, but it was too late. They fought valiantly, but to no effect. They soon found themselves yielding more ground to the relentless onslaught.
Some of the RiverClan cats, led by Blackpelt, suggested fleeing by lake onto the other shore. Meanwhile Olivefur, helped by Nettleleaf and Eaglefeather managed to break a branch from one of the trees and used it to cross the lake with four medicine cats and some warriors. It is often described that Olivefur opposed the idea of fleeing and had to be dragged onto the branch by Nettleleaf, who more strategically, pointed out that after crossing the lake the medicine cats would need escort as well.
As they moved out, their clanmates' defense started collapsing. From the water they could see Brackenstar falling under the Rogue claws. On the other side, Nightstar, after overseeing the retreat of his cats, entered the water himself, carrying one of the younger ThunderClan warriors. Deprived of leadership and without hope for victory, cats of all clans fought side by side till the end or tried to save themselves by swimming in the cold early-Newleaf water. The chaotic retreat left many of the cats dead, most on the island itself, but there were many who drowned or were hunted down after reaching the mainland.
Fleeing by a wooden branch, Olivefur and her cats landed on the ThunderClan shore, and were almost immediately targeted by a Rogue patrol. Having some ten cats with them, they were a force to not be taken lightly, but even they soon found themselves outnumbered. On Eaglefeatherā€™s suggestion, they fled into the underground tunnels, planning to reach WindClan territory, the one least affected so far. The plan almost fell apart when a Rogue patrol appeared behind them.
"Go on. I'll slow them down," Nettlleaf's words sounded from the end of the escaping group. Olivefur was unwilling to abandon another one of her clanmates but moved forward. It is unknown how exactly Nettleleaf died, but her heroic sacrifice slowed the pursuit for surprisingly long, allowing the rest to reach WindClan camp unharmed. There, they found Rogue cats as well, besieging a group of defenders. They swiftly broke through and chased away the enemy with the help of a group of RiverClan cats that emerged from the other side led by Blackpelt.
Numbering now around twenty cats, they decided to look for more survivors. At first, they successfully rescued several more cats, including the RiverClan leader, Nightstar, the only one of the five to survive, as it would prove later. Yet, as they moved into the RiverClan territory they found increasing opposition and soon had to abandon the search and flee. They regrouped on the outskirts of the WindClan territory and set up a temporary camp. For the next week they found several more escapees, but then, were chased away again.
Faced by an overwhelming enemy, themselves underfed, exhausted and carrying wounded, they decided to abandon the Lake Territories. In total, of some two hundred cats that lived around the lake, only exactly forty-six set off with Olivefur's group.
Up to this day, it is unknown if and how many any other clan cats fled, never reuniting with the largest group, but it is possible such existed. Of the five clans, SkyClan suffered the worst fate, left with only two warriors and a medicine cat. Blackfeather agreed for her mate, Crackedcloud to take the role of the clan leader. In ThunderClan, that honor rightfully fell on Olivestar, who appointed Eaglefeather, her mate, to be the deputy. In WindClan, Wildstar was elected, while similarly to ThunderClan's case, the ShadowClan deputy, Greenstar, took command of his clan. The least affected was RiverClan, where the only change was Blackpelt's appointment for deputy - for his courage and quick thinking in face of danger that saved many lives.
And thus, the five clans, shadows of their former selves, set off into the unknown, a great adventure which begun a new age in the history of the clans - one of pain and suffering, but also of courage, honor, and one that forged the greatest legend in the clan's recent history, shadowed only by the great Firestar.
Context: The CE, or Clan Era, started with the events from the book S4E6 "The Last Hope". The story may not be consistent with some of the later books, thought so much time passed probably no one will notice.
submitted by Limestorm_ to thedawnpatrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:34 Limestorm_ The day Lake ran with LEADERSā€™ blood The Red Gathering, Newleaf, 90 CE AU Story, Part 1

It is the first part of my AU clan story, a loose collection of events written more in the style of a documentary than a novel, highlighting only the most important moments and quotes. Tell me what you think, I'll post more parts and allegiances soon. Here it is:
As the first glimpses of the moonlight appeared in the black sky, illuminating the travelling cats, the danger was already in the air. For some time now, the Lake Territories were being invaded by an unknown group of cats. They always appeared in number, were uninterested in talks, and ready to kill if challenged. Attempts to reconquer the land were always met by decisive action and foiled by the much more numerous enemy.
The hope of the ThunderClan leader, Brackenstar, was that the issue would be resolved at the upcoming Gathering, but events moved faster than he expected. Yesterday, after another of his clanmates was killed, he was forced to prohibit his cats from hunting north of the camp and change the route of patrols, effectively abandoning over half of his territory to the rogues.
And yet, there he was, marching towards the island. His whole clan was with him - he wouldn't dare to leave a weakened camp with cats inside. When they arrived on the island, all the remaining clans were already present. The atmosphere was tense, no one was speaking or exchanging news, only watching the approaching ThunderClan warriors.
As the Gathering begun, the first topic was that of the rogues. The cats were divided. ThunderClan and SkyClan requested the five clans join their forces to expel the enemy, ShadowClan was hesitant, while yet unaffected RiverClan and WindClan were unwilling to make a hasty decision.
"Your obstinacy may cost us our existence!" the Risingstar of SkyClan told Nightstar of RiverClan, "I know the enemy, and I know, there's nothing for us to gain from waiting. What we need is not thinking, but a decisive action to vanquish the forces that threaten us!"
Nightstar argued, but his voice was cut by a shout from the back. The words no cat would want to hear or say fell, silencing the quarrel. "They are here! The RiverClan camp has fallen!" At that moment cats flooded onto the island. First, escaping RiverClan, then Rogues.
The messy defense, which the unorganized cats provided lost them the opportunity to hold the attack at the crossing point. The Rogues quickly established a breach on the shore and started pushing clan warriors further away from the tree trunk that served as a bridge. The first to react was Brackenstar, jumping off the branch and leading his cats with a rallying cry. He ordered his freshly appointed deputy, Olivefur, to secure elders, kits and medicine cats and move them to the other side of the island. Soon the other clans joined in, but it was too late. They fought valiantly, but to no effect. They soon found themselves yielding more ground to the relentless onslaught.
Some of the RiverClan cats, led by Blackpelt, suggested fleeing by lake onto the other shore. Meanwhile Olivefur, helped by Nettleleaf and Eaglefeather managed to break a branch from one of the trees and used it to cross the lake with four medicine cats and some warriors. It is often described that Olivefur opposed the idea of fleeing and had to be dragged onto the branch by Nettleleaf, who more strategically, pointed out that after crossing the lake the medicine cats would need escort as well.
As they moved out, their clanmates' defense started collapsing. From the water they could see Brackenstar falling under the Rogue claws. On the other side, Nightstar, after overseeing the retreat of his cats, entered the water himself, carrying one of the younger ThunderClan warriors. Deprived of leadership and without hope for victory, cats of all clans fought side by side till the end or tried to save themselves by swimming in the cold early-Newleaf water. The chaotic retreat left many of the cats dead, most on the island itself, but there were many who drowned or were hunted down after reaching the mainland.
Fleeing by a wooden branch, Olivefur and her cats landed on the ThunderClan shore, and were almost immediately targeted by a Rogue patrol. Having some ten cats with them, they were a force to not be taken lightly, but even they soon found themselves outnumbered. On Eaglefeatherā€™s suggestion, they fled into the underground tunnels, planning to reach WindClan territory, the one least affected so far. The plan almost fell apart when a Rogue patrol appeared behind them.
"Go on. I'll slow them down," Nettlleaf's words sounded from the end of the escaping group. Olivefur was unwilling to abandon another one of her clanmates but moved forward. It is unknown how exactly Nettleleaf died, but her heroic sacrifice slowed the pursuit for surprisingly long, allowing the rest to reach WindClan camp unharmed. There, they found Rogue cats as well, besieging a group of defenders. They swiftly broke through and chased away the enemy with the help of a group of RiverClan cats that emerged from the other side led by Blackpelt.
Numbering now around twenty cats, they decided to look for more survivors. At first, they successfully rescued several more cats, including the RiverClan leader, Nightstar, the only one of the five to survive, as it would prove later. Yet, as they moved into the RiverClan territory they found increasing opposition and soon had to abandon the search and flee. They regrouped on the outskirts of the WindClan territory and set up a temporary camp. For the next week they found several more escapees, but then, were chased away again.
Faced by an overwhelming enemy, themselves underfed, exhausted and carrying wounded, they decided to abandon the Lake Territories. In total, of some two hundred cats that lived around the lake, only exactly forty-six set off with Olivefur's group.
Up to this day, it is unknown if and how many any other clan cats fled, never reuniting with the largest group, but it is possible such existed. Of the five clans, SkyClan suffered the worst fate, left with only two warriors and a medicine cat. Blackfeather agreed for her mate, Crackedcloud to take the role of the clan leader. In ThunderClan, that honor rightfully fell on Olivestar, who appointed Eaglefeather, her mate, to be the deputy. In WindClan, Wildstar was elected, while similarly to ThunderClan's case, the ShadowClan deputy, Greenstar, took command of his clan. The least affected was RiverClan, where the only change was Blackpelt's appointment for deputy - for his courage and quick thinking in face of danger that saved many lives.
And thus, the five clans, shadows of their former selves, set off into the unknown, a great adventure which begun a new age in the history of the clans - one of pain and suffering, but also of courage, honor, and one that forged the greatest legend in the clan's recent history, shadowed only by the great Firestar.
Context: The CE, or Clan Era, started with the events from the book S4E6 "The Last Hope". The story may not be consistent with some of the later books, thought so much time passed probably no one will notice.
submitted by Limestorm_ to WarriorCats [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:34 Creative-Gap-5605 Am I the Ahole-Final update

Final update- We are being evicted. He wasn't paying the rent for the past 3 months. He said things slowed down at his job and since there has never been financial transparency I believed him. I did some investigating and I saw his most recent pay stub and he was making less but it was still enough to cover the bills with a 500 dollar surplus each week. I looked at his total sum that he's made thus far since Jan and it's my whole take home for the year!! He's made what I make in a year in 5 months!! I am so disgusted and defeated. I'm taking my daughter and moving us in with my parents but the problem is they live 11 hours away and I have to uproot my daughter and switch schools to a district we don't know about as she enters high school and I have to leave my job. Please take this as a cautionary tale. DEMAND financial transparency if you decide to stay at home even if it's just for a few years. Any words of encouragement and prayers would be greatly appreciated right now. My heart is breaking.
Update 2 (See part 1 below for background)
I asked him to sit down with me and he said things are so far gone there's nothing to see. If I can't contribute to the big bills then I can't help. I really think we are getting evicted soon. I told him I'm going to take our daughter and stay with my parents a few states away until we can figure this out. He's now guilt tripping me saying I'm abandoning him with this mess. I told him we are possibly going to be homeless living out of a hotel and I can't have our daughter living like that. He said it would be temporary. If we face eviction he won't be able to rent it buy a house and I don't make enough to qualify. He's really making me feel bad like I took advantage of being home and working around our daughter while he held everything down and now we are facing a crisis I'm leaving. I've wanted to leave for years! Sorry if TMI but we haven't slept in the same bed for over 10 years or "anything" else because he's so stressed with work trying to provide for us. I told him if he could be more present and help with our daughter I have NO PROBLEM getting a full time job. He said no I need you to take care of her. I'm so miserable but somehow I really feel guilty for him paying all these years but I also sacrificed my independence. Thank you again for reading and all of your support and adviceā¤ļø
Part 1- I've always made great money but when I got married me and my husband agreed that I would be the one to give up my career and stay at home. Now that our child is in school I have a job but I can only work so much because I have to be there to run our child to activities and be there when she needs me. We agreed that my husband's job would come first and my job would have to be flexible because we have no family around or support system. Everything that comes to our daughter falls on me. He pays for all of the household bills and I pay for all of the groceries extra curricular's ( dance so it's really getting expensive) and all the clothes as extra stuff that comes with a teen girl. We have no joint accounts or financial transparency he just pays the bills and what ever I can make goes to groceries and our daughter. I never have anything left for me which I'm ok with but what hurts is that he makes me feel like he's doing everything and I'm just another dependent. I tell him we need to connect but he says he stressed paying bills has no time for us. I have no idea what's going on financially on his end he's so secretive. I don't even know his bank accounts. He recently said we might be getting evicted because his work slowed down but when I see our tax returns it's the same amount as last year. He started trading in Forex but claims it's not taking anyone money but now we are facing eviction. I think he lost money in forex. I'm so scared. I really want a divorce. He talks to me so degrading like I can't and I don't help. My WHOLE check goes to groceries. He makes 3x what I make. Am I the ahole? I can't support me and my daughter if I leave him. I gave up all of my earning power. PLEASE HELP!
submitted by Creative-Gap-5605 to DaveRamsey [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:34 Fast-Paint-9141 Assuming the Worst In People

Hey all,
I've seen many posts lately that have been honestly pretty heartbreaking. For example, there was a post about someone leaving a Tim Hortons cup on a shelf at Walmart. The result was a comment section filled to the brim with hate. They were diagnosing the person with things like personality disorders and insulting the person horrendously. I genuinely think we can all do so much better.
Why do we all assume the worst in someone for something as simple as leaving a coffee cup on a shelf? This could have been a COMPLETE accident... imagine if someone made the worst judgement about you for an action that you regret.
I've seen plenty of other posts that are fairly similar, with some that actually have the person making the mistake in the actual photo. Why not just talk to them? Like this would make an actual difference. It does nothing positive to post it on reddit to absolutely ridicule them. All it does is encourage cynical and hateful behaviour toward others, when the majority of people deserve the opposite: love and kindess. What happened to respecting others and seeing beyond their faults toward the GOODNESS of the person? People screw up and make mistakes. Instead of ridiculing them through posts on the internet, nudge them in the right direction in-person. If it's not recieved well by the person... well atleast you know, in your heart, that you've done something positive.
Please, everyone. I believe we can do better. Have a heart everyone. We need love regardless of political faction, religion, ideology, and the mistakes we made. We are all human. Let's act like civilized people and be kind and good to others.
submitted by Fast-Paint-9141 to ontario [link] [comments]
