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Let's fight back against student loan debt servitude

2014.09.14 12:21 daiyuesen Let's fight back against student loan debt servitude

Student Loans Defaulters

2017.07.10 12:30 mcmgmusic Music Promotion unlimted

A subreddit for music promoters, musicians, music lovers and fans to promote and showcase talented musicians and artists to the rest of the world. If you are looking for a subreddit to promote any genre of music without any restriction, this is the place for you. There's absolutely no rule here except for mutual respect of other promoters. Blog posts about music and musicians are also welcomed. Don't be biased, if it's good, give it an upvote and if it's wack give it a down vote.

2024.05.15 07:46 Parking_Goal_8525 Did ASVAB today and got 72, it was "fun"

I went to the San Jose MEPS and got 72! I felt terrible during the test for not knowing too many words. Although my score qualified for most jobs, but I am not a native speaker and I did badly at WK. The Math parts save my ass. Should I do some office jobs? I would like to learn but I am not sure if I can handle these kinds of jobs.
People there were friendly except for a dude at the front desk. He was not in uniform and wearing a Marine hoodie. I think all active military people should wear uniforms right? Maybe a veteran. Anyway, he plays drill sergeant all the time. You do anything wrong, slow, or not as he expects. He will yell at you and give you a war face. A guy was a little confused about his question. He got mad and told that guy"Yes or no, maybe? Answer the question, that's not an option and address me as sir! "(lol, I just rewatched The Rock movie and Navy BootCamp video and found it funny. Ofc I didn't show it on my face )
After finishing the regular ASVAB, I took the cyber test and didn't expect this one. Luckily I am a computer science major student and did well I guess? I didn't see the score. The personality test was odd, sometimes both answers are even bad. I am gonna do more PT for the bct, hope everything will be fine.
submitted by Parking_Goal_8525 to Militaryfaq [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:45 Parking_Goal_8525 Did ASVAB today and got 72, it was "fun"

Did ASVAB today and got 72, it was
I went to the San Jose MEPS and got 72! I felt terrible during the test for not knowing too many words. Although my score qualified for most A and G area jobs, but I am not a native speaker and u guys can see that I did badly at WK. The Math parts save my ass. Should I do something like personal or contracting? I would like to learn but I am not sure if I can handle these kinds of jobs.
People there were friendly except for a dude at the front desk. He was not in uniform and wearing a Marine hoodie. I think all active military people should wear uniforms right? Maybe a veteran. Anyway, he plays drill sergeant all the time. You do anything wrong, slow, or not as he expects. He will yell at you and give you a war face. A guy was a little confused about his question. He got mad and told that guy"Yes or no, maybe? Answer the question, that's not an option and address me as sir! "(lol, I just rewatched The Rock movie and Navy BootCamp video and found it funny. Ofc I didn't show it on my face )
After finishing the regular ASVAB, I took the cyber test and didn't expect this one. Luckily I am a computer science major student and did well I guess? I didn't see the score. The personality test was odd, sometimes both answers are even bad. I am gonna do more PT for the bct, hope everything will be fine.
submitted by Parking_Goal_8525 to AirForceRecruits [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:41 saddestfears Caught my “grandfather” masturbating while looking at me

To give context, he was married to my mom’s mother (my grandmother) for a short time, like 40+ years ago, and while he did father one child with my grandmother, my mother was NOT that child. He rejected his birth son and then years down the road he ran into my mother (after she had grown) and he just sort of stuck around and eventually things started to change. He was in the middle of getting divorced from his current wife. Lost his house. My mom started “helping him out” which lead to her then “taking care of him” and eventually it turned into him giving her every paycheck he made. It’s been like this for at least 15 years. The man works to give her all of his money. And he says he likes it this way. If he needs gas, he needs to ask her for his money to get gas, to go to a job just to get money that goes directly to her. And she gives him only enough to get there and back and freaks if he goes anywhere else. He seems fine with clothes from the thrift store. With left over food. He doesn’t ask for anything. If you ever ask him if he needs anything, he’ll tell you no and ask you if you need anything instead. I don’t want to say much else because it gets worse from here.
Anyway. I was out back having a smoke and I noticed he was sitting under the deck beneath me (he lives with us) and when I saw him through the cracks of the deck, it looked like he was aggressively touching himself. I know he was, but I still try to make excuses. Something similar happened before, around the time I was maybe 14? We were in the car waiting for my mom to come out of a store and I heard him moving around in the back of the car, the sound of a belt, grunting, and the car shaking. He was touching himself with me in the front seat. She told me she had seen him do the same thing before while she was talking to someone outside the car. That he was sitting in the back, in broad daylight, touching himself while looking at her.
When I told my grandmother about this (the deck incident), she was livid my mother didn’t get rid of him and claimed it was because she needs his money more than she cares about what he did. She (and others) have claimed for years he is in love with my mother; and she knows it. But why don’t I feel the same? Why aren’t I just as livid? Sometimes I think it bothers me, but then it really doesn’t. If it wasn’t for him, my mom wouldn’t be able to support herself. Everything my mom got from him, she gave directly to my brother and I when we were growing up. Once I matured, I stopped accepting anything from her, knowing it was coming from him. I’m not sure what she’ll do when he passes. The whole situation makes me so sick at times I can’t think about it.
submitted by saddestfears to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:40 SeekingtheTruth1115 Is it Common For Family and Friends to Abandon someone if they survive late stage diagnosis?

I was diagnosed stage 3 NSC Lung cancer almost four years ago (36 yo male). Family situation was/is My dad lives here in Ohio and so does my brother (34) . My sister (38) lives in Chicago. My mom lives in Florida it comes up here for the summers. I was always close with my family and coworkers before I was diagnosed. I had that overwhelming wave of support you get when everyone you know finds out your cancer. It was all phone calls, texts, and emails for the most part. My diagnosis wasn’t the best as the cancer had spread to my adrenal gland and lymph nodes. My dad really stepped up and he was my rock. I’m lucky I had him during that time. He drove me to chemo the first couple of treatments and sat in on the dr appointments as a second ear. I was going to be doing 5 rounds of chemo every three weeks and immunotherapy for 12. The chemo killed the tumor so they cut out the upper lobe of my right lung. Immunotherapy wasn’t great but I got through it.
I was incredibly happy that I survived it all and got back to work. However some things really bothered me such as my mom never came back home during my chemo. She came home for my lobectomy in November 2020 and visited me in the hospital and held my hand like I was her baby boy again when they removed all the breathing , catheters, and drainage tubes. When I got home I noticed phone calls and texts weren’t coming in. It also bothered me that my sister never came to see me and she’s about four hours away but not four days. My brother was in town and only came once during the year of treatment.
Another thing that bothered me is none of my coworkers would call or text during my time off. I really worried when I got a letter from my employer of ten years that I was terminated. It was a really tough time and I was on so much medication and my whole routine was sitting on the couch and watching YouTube. I slowly descended into a very dark place and became scared of going in public places because I thought people were staring at me because I looked so sickly and dying. My bank account was getting down to nothing and I asked for my old position back and luckily they hired me again. It was excruciatingly difficult physically and emotionally to sell cars that hot summer of 2021. I had heat stroke three months of being back and thought I was done. I was really sick and weak. I was miserable with so many things. When I did see my family I’m sure that attitude wore off and I soon was getting comments that I was too negative.
My kids mom hates me and was in cancer research and sent me this factoid sheet from the American Cancer Association that said my five year survival odds were 3%. She said I was wasting my time I had left. She fueled my fire to live just to prove her wrong but at this point my kid wanted me to die because he thought he’d get lots of life insurance money. Then I had to take custody unexpectedly of that same kid who wanted nothing to do with me. I was barely selling enough cars to keep my job and now had to take care of and raise a 13 year old with angst. That’s when my family truly disappeared and I think it’s because they’re worried my cancer would cone back then they’d have to care for my kid.
Fast forward to now and my son is reunited with his mom. His and my relationship has never been better after getting to spend 16 months living together. My health is I’m still alive obviously but my lungs are getting much weaker and my volume is shrinking and i also originally diagnosed late stage copd and have to take steroids to help me breathe. So my health is back on the downslope and my family is completely gone. My dad never calls or talks to me, and neither do my brother or sister. I see my mom once every couple of months when she’s home from Florida . We’ll go to Cracker Barrel and she’ll give me this half disgusted look and I get about 45 minutes of her time
I’m just sad that they’re gone but realized they’re kind of not the best family so I might be better. I truly believe they were looking at my custody and health situation as a hot potato so they all ran for the hills. Now with my breathing is getting more and more along with seizures it’s difficult and it’s real I’m going to die young and possibly soon. it’s really effecting my memory and stamina. I get confused and need naps. Its sometimes an insurmountable task for me to go greet a customer on the lot and begin the five hour process of selling a car and getting dirty looks from customers because I look like shit because well Ive been through some stuff. My sales are failing and they want me gone. I need health insurance and what little money I do make to support my son. Im worried all this financial, parental, and physical stress is going to bring back my cancer just because im stressed and just feel hopeless. I think of how I’ll die from COPD and how horrifying it seems did that way. With my family gone and my coworkers wanting me gone I know it will be alone or at a state hospital with some hospice nurse I have no clue is. I don’t look for your pity but I’d like any advice you might have to how I can find solace in this lonely isolated place I’m trapped in. I’m angry at my family but I love them.I feel like I was supposed to die and even though I didn’t die then physically I died to them mentally. Maybe it’s too tough to watch someone you love struggle and know you’ll have to do it again
The only thing besides spending time with my son that really makes me happy is painting. During all of this I somehow found out I love to paint and since a June 2022 I’ve painted a couple of hundred paintings. Painting gives me hope.
submitted by SeekingtheTruth1115 to CancerFamilySupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:38 tab_rick A Comprehensive Guide to Types of Bathroom Sinks

A Comprehensive Guide to Types of Bathroom Sinks
Bathroom sinks, formerly thought to be merely functional, have grown into a focal point of design and innovation. With so many alternatives, homeowners can now choose from a variety of sinks that not only perform their primary job but also improve the aesthetic appeal of their bathrooms. This comprehensive guide to different types of sinks will help you understand the choices you have as you tackle your bathroom remodel project. If you’re looking to equip your bathroom with usability, but also a unique edge, then a stone basin, one of the types of sinks, is your best option. The beautiful aspect of a stone basin is that they are made from a natural material, ultimately giving your bathroom a natural aura.

The Evolution of Bathroom Sink Designs

Bathroom sinks have seen significant change over time, evolving from simple practical components to intricate design components. Throughout the Victorian period, pedestal sinks were employed as an elegant accent in the bathrooms of several magnificent homes. These sinks encapsulate the elegance of the time with their complex structures and ceramic or porcelain the surfaces.
Trends in architecture and interior design have had an effect on bathroom sink design. Modern times have seen a rise in the appeal of simple, minimalist designs, and wall-mounted sinks are swiftly catching on. Both visual and functional changes were made. Contemporary sinks must be streamlined and small because space is sometimes at a premium in these houses.Due to the twin demands of function and design, a broad variety of sink solutions have been produced, each of which satisfies a specific set of needs and preferences.
Today’s homeowners have a wide range of alternatives for sink designs, materials, and methods of installation so that their bathrooms may both appropriately serve their personal tastes and critical purposes.

Drop-in Bathroom Sinks

Consider a drop-in sink, also known as a self-rimming sink, for the bathroom as a basin that you just “drop” into a hole in the bathroom counter. It is secured in place by a rim or edge that rests on top of the counter. With a drop-in sink, you don’t need to change your modern bathroom around or destroy your countertop. It’s easy to install —drop it in, and the outer rim of the sink will prevent it from falling through. You may easily find one that matches the surface of your counter, or you can select something different. Drop-in sinks are a popular option for many individuals since they are quite adaptable and simple to install.

Benefits of Choosing Drop-in Sinks

The main advantage of integrated sinks is their seamless design, which not only looks stylish but also offers practical benefits. No seams or joints mean there are fewer places for dirt and debris to accumulate, making cleaning easier. Additionally, the unified design provides a more streamlined and modern look, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the bathroom.

Undermount Bathroom Sinks

Unlike recessed sinks, undermount sinks are positioned beneath the counter. It appears as though the countertop and sink are seamlessly integrated. Wall-mounted sinks are popular for modern bathrooms because of their sleek, modern design. They are often composed of stainless steel, ceramic, and porcelain.

Advantages Over Other Sink Types

Like undermount sinks, the fundamental benefit of undermount sinks is that they are simple to clean. Cleaning becomes more efficient since there are no ledges or edges on the counter, allowing rubbish to be wiped directly into the under-mount sink. Additionally, their seamless form creates a more streamlined and contemporary appearance, improving the bathroom’s overall appeal. However, the countertop material must be water-resistant because the sink’s edges will be in contact with water.

Wall-Mounted Bathroom Sinks

Wall-mounted sinks are, as the name implies, simply fixed to the wall and don’t need a countertop or vanity. This straightforward, room-saving design, which is popular in offices, has gained popularity in restrooms.
Wall-mounted sinks, including ceramic, porcelain, and stainless steel options, are a popular choice for people who seek a minimalist design and wish to maximize floor space. These sinks mount directly to the wall with no floor support, attaching to special hanger brackets fastened to the wall and to framing members or a wall reinforcement behind the sink. Plumbing waste and supply lines may either be exposed or concealed in a “shroud” or cover fastened to the underside of the sink. Wall-mounted sinks offer a sleek and modern look, making them a great addition to any bathroom.

Key Advantages of Wall-Mounted Sinks

Space savings is the main benefit of a wall-mounted sink. These sinks are perfect for small bathrooms with constrained floor space because they lack a vanity and countertop. Additionally, the absence of storage beneath makes cleaning the bathroom floor simpler. They are an attractive choice for people seeking a contemporary and eye-catching bathroom design due to its straightforward design and appealing aesthetics.

Corner Bathroom Sinks

Because of space-saving design, corner sinks are made to tuck neatly into a bathroom corner. These sinks are often wall-mounted but can also stand alone. Corner sinks are perfect for tiny bathrooms or restrooms with limited space, including smaller bathrooms. These are available in a range of materials, such as ceramic and porcelain. They can also be perfect for big bathrooms with little counter space but enough of extra space in a vanity or closet.

Where to Best Utilize Corner Sinks

Corner sinks are best suited for bathrooms where space efficiency is vital due to their compact shape. They are ideal for powder rooms or guest bathrooms where a full-sized vanity would not fit. Additionally, their unique establishment makes it possible to make use of bathroom corners, that are generally underutilized, more efficiently.

Integrated Bathroom Sink/Countertop

A form of sink called an integrated sink, often referred to as a multipurpose sink, merges the sink and countertop into a single piece. This design gives it a seamless appearance by seamlessly blending the sink and countertop together without any cracks or connections. Undermount sinks are popular with homeowners searching for a contemporary, coordinated bathroom décor because they offer a modern appeal and are constructed of materials like quartz, granite, and solid surface. conclude.

Benefits of the Integrated Design

Integrated sinks are the pinnacle of contemporary bathroom architecture. Their immaculate, seamless appearance is a utilitarian marvel in addition to being beautiful to look at. You are freed from the tiresome chore of cleaning out hidden filth and grime because there aren’t any annoying seams or joints. It alters the course of cleansing. Additionally, the modern beauty of integrated sinks’ slim design elevates any bathroom to the status of a design marvel.

Flat Bathroom Sinks

Flat sinks are a breath of fresh air in the world of bathroom aesthetics. Eschewing the conventional deep basin, these avant-garde trough sinks, with their flat or subtly sloped surfaces, ensure water gracefully flows directly to the drain. Crafted from exquisite materials like ceramic, porcelain (also known as vitreous china), stainless steel, and copper, they radiate a contemporary charm. For homeowners with an eye for the unique, flat sinks are an undeniable statement piece.

Advantages of the Flat Sink Design

Flat sinks are revolutionary. With their sleek, modern flair, they audaciously defy the venerable conventions of sink design. They not only serve as the focal point of the bathroom, but they are also brilliantly designed in other ways. They have less curves and corners to deal with when cleaning because of their flat design. The aesthetically pleasing design and practical functionality make upkeep simple.

What are the latest trends in bathroom sink designs?

Speaking from a wealth of experience in bathroom design, it’s fascinating to witness the evolution of sinks from mere functional entities to pivotal design elements. The current design landscape is witnessing a discernible shift towards minimalist, space-efficient models, with wall-mounted and flush-mounted sinks stealing the limelight. The allure of materials like quartz, granite, and solid surfaces is on the rise, as they masterfully marry durability with aesthetic charm. The design world is also abuzz with the seamless elegance of integrated and built-in sinks, marking a trend that’s gaining considerable traction. A word to the wise for those considering these sinks – ensure your faucet boasts enough height to gracefully arch over the top of your vanity.


Drawing from my extensive experience in bathroom aesthetics, selecting the perfect sink is an art that balances functionality with design finesse. Today’s market is brimming with choices, empowering homeowners to find a sink that isn’t just about utility but also a reflection of their personal style. Whether you’re inclined towards the timeless charm of a built-in sink or the contemporary allure of a flush-mounted one, rest assured there’s a masterpiece waiting to resonate with your design sensibilities.

Sink Type Design Features Installation & Appearance Material Options Benefits Best Suited For
Pedestal Sinks Classic, often ornate designs reflecting Victorian elegance Freestanding, often with ceramic or porcelain finishes Ceramic, Porcelain Elegance, Aesthetic Appeal Stately, Victorian Homes
Drop-in Sinks Designed to “drop into” a hole in the countertop, with the rim holding it in place Top-mounted, versatile in design, compatible with most countertop materials Ceramic, Porcelain, Stainless Steel Easy Installation, Affordable, Variety in Design, Raised Rim prevents spillage Any home, especially for DIY enthusiasts
Undermount Sinks Installed from below the countertop, offering a seamless look Sleek, modern appearance, preferred for contemporary bathrooms Ceramic, Porcelain, Stainless Steel Easy Cleaning, Streamlined Look, Enhanced Aesthetics Modern, Contemporary Bathrooms
Wall-mounted Sinks Mounted directly to the wall, no need for a countertop or vanity Minimalist, space-saving, often seen with exposed plumbing for an industrial touch Ceramic, Porcelain, Stainless Steel Space Saving, Easy Floor Cleaning, Modern Look Small Bathrooms, Commercial Settings
Corner Sinks Designed to fit snugly into a corner Often wall-mounted, space-saving Ceramic, Porcelain Optimal use of limited space, Ideal for compact areas Powder Rooms, Small Bathrooms
Integrated Sinks Combine the sink and the countertop into a single piece Seamless, contemporary look, flows without breaks or joints Quartz, Granite, Solid Surface Seamless Design, Easy Cleaning, Modern Look Modern Bathrooms seeking cohesive design
Flat Sinks Rejects the traditional basin model, featuring a flat or slightly sloped surface Unique, modern look, focal point in the bathroom Ceramic, Porcelain, Stainless Steel Unique Design, Less Surface Area to Clean, Modern Look Homeowners looking for a break from tradition
Latest Trends Move towards more minimalist and space-saving designs, focus on seamless designs Wall-mounted and flat sinks gaining popularity, integrated and undermount sinks becoming more prevalent Quartz, Granite, Solid Surface Durability combined with aesthetic appeal, Enhanced Functionality and Design Modern, Contemporary Bathrooms

submitted by tab_rick to KKRsolidsurface [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:36 Total-Mastodon-6888 How to Find the Right Immigration Consultant: Choosing Your Compass

Starting your immigration journey can be exhilarating, filled with dreams of new beginnings and exciting opportunities. Yet, the path ahead can seem daunting, riddled with complex procedures and unfamiliar territory. Here at Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore
, we believe that partnering with the right immigration consultant can be the guiding compass that steers you towards a successful outcome.
This blog post empowers you with crucial knowledge to navigate the selection process and find an immigration consultant who aligns perfectly with your needs and goals.
Why Choose an Immigration Consultant?
Immigration laws are intricate and subject to frequent changes. The application process can involve meticulous documentation, strict adherence to deadlines, and navigating potential complexities. An experienced immigration consultant can offer invaluable support throughout this journey, providing:
Identifying Your Needs: Understanding Your Priorities
Before embarking on your search for an immigration consultant, take some time to introspect and define your priorities. Here are some key considerations:
Researching and Evaluating Potential Consultants
With a clear understanding of your needs, you can start researching potential immigration consultants. Here are some effective approaches:
Here are some key aspects to evaluate during your research:
Red Flags to Watch Out For
While most immigration consultants are reputable professionals, it’s important to be aware of potential red flags:
Building a Successful Partnership with Your Consultant
Once you’ve chosen a consultant, foster open communication and collaboration throughout the process. Here are some tips to ensure a successful partnership:
The Value of a Trusted Partner: Adric Immigration Consultants
At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we understand the complexities of the immigration journey. Our team of experienced and dedicated professionals possesses in-depth knowledge of global immigration regulations and a proven track record of success. We are committed to providing personalized guidance, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering support throughout your immigration process.
Why Choose Adric Immigration Consultants?
We believe in building trust and long-term relationships with our clients. Our success is measured by yours.
Contact us today for a free consultation and let Adric Immigration Consultants be your trusted partner on the path to achieving your immigration goals. Together, we can navigate the complexities of the process and transform your dream of a new beginning into a reality.
submitted by Total-Mastodon-6888 to u/Total-Mastodon-6888 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:36 Total-Mastodon-6888 How to Find the Right Immigration Consultant: Choosing Your Compass

Starting your immigration journey can be exhilarating, filled with dreams of new beginnings and exciting opportunities. Yet, the path ahead can seem daunting, riddled with complex procedures and unfamiliar territory. Here at Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore
, we believe that partnering with the right immigration consultant can be the guiding compass that steers you towards a successful outcome.
This blog post empowers you with crucial knowledge to navigate the selection process and find an immigration consultant who aligns perfectly with your needs and goals.
Why Choose an Immigration Consultant?
Immigration laws are intricate and subject to frequent changes. The application process can involve meticulous documentation, strict adherence to deadlines, and navigating potential complexities. An experienced immigration consultant can offer invaluable support throughout this journey, providing:
Identifying Your Needs: Understanding Your Priorities
Before embarking on your search for an immigration consultant, take some time to introspect and define your priorities. Here are some key considerations:
Researching and Evaluating Potential Consultants
With a clear understanding of your needs, you can start researching potential immigration consultants. Here are some effective approaches:
Here are some key aspects to evaluate during your research:
Red Flags to Watch Out For
While most immigration consultants are reputable professionals, it’s important to be aware of potential red flags:
Building a Successful Partnership with Your Consultant
Once you’ve chosen a consultant, foster open communication and collaboration throughout the process. Here are some tips to ensure a successful partnership:
The Value of a Trusted Partner: Adric Immigration Consultants
At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we understand the complexities of the immigration journey. Our team of experienced and dedicated professionals possesses in-depth knowledge of global immigration regulations and a proven track record of success. We are committed to providing personalized guidance, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering support throughout your immigration process.
Why Choose Adric Immigration Consultants?
We believe in building trust and long-term relationships with our clients. Our success is measured by yours.
Contact us today for a free consultation and let Adric Immigration Consultants be your trusted partner on the path to achieving your immigration goals. Together, we can navigate the complexities of the process and transform your dream of a new beginning into a reality.
submitted by Total-Mastodon-6888 to u/Total-Mastodon-6888 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:34 CantaloupeFearless97 Deploying two major versions of a spring boot java app with the same pod in kubernetes

We have a spring boot java application that is deployed using kubernetes . It mostly runs background jobs. We have two different groups of customers . The requirement is that when we do a major upgrade (lets say monthly) the software should be rolled out to only one group of customers.The second group gets the same version after a month. This is primarily because the second group has a different financial closing period and they do not want any instability wrt new code changes.
Today we are deploying two different versions to two different name space .This has few operational challenges . A new requirement has come to also have some customers in older release for longer.
We are exploring the option of using feature flags( release toggles) to manage the same scenario with a single deployment.
Has anyone used the release toggles to achieve this ?
what kind of challenges we may face if we go with the same approach.
I am visualising some challenges and looking for guidelines What happens if there are incompatible dependent libraries between these versions? How can this be handled .
What if at some point we upgrade java .What kind of challenges this will bring in supporting customers in older version.
submitted by CantaloupeFearless97 to featureflags [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:33 welc0met0c0stc0 I know it’s not healthy but I really distrust and lowkey hate men at this point and do not want to be around them

I found out this week that my partner, who I am now in the process of leaving, has been pursuing other women, going to strip clubs when I specifically laid that out as a boundary for me, and talking to his male friends in hella disrespectful ways about me. This is all after I found out he hadn’t disclosed having herpes and forgave him. I also found out that he was in a three year relationship when we started dating, and I have no idea what else he has been doing but I expect the worst. And I know this can all sound like “why, why were you with him?” but I swear he seemed like the perfect partner and I couldn’t believe he was real. He was kind and attentive and I felt completely safe and cared for. His close male friend who knows this stuff has been a guest in my home!
Before I met him I had a nine year relationship crumble seemingly overnight when my ex got a new and stressful job. He became secretive, suspicious, but most importantly angry to the point where I realized one day the physical violence was only going to get worse if I didn’t leave. I uprooted my entire life while beginning grad school, and my current partner knew that. He knew my trauma and fears but coaxed me into a false sense of comfort to move in together anyways, and later to adopt a dog.
Growing up my father was a serial cheater and has a bunch of different children that he has abandoned. I grew up in “the hood” and have adult men preying on me since I was a child. I have been raped multiple times by strangers and people I’ve known. I have had to experience catcalling basically all day long when I lived in California to the point that I dreaded leaving my home.
I turned to sex work at an early age because I came from poverty and I have seen committed, married men do the worst things. I feel disgusted that this is something I felt I had to do at the time to pay to survive, and I hate now that in the back of my head I know it is still an option because I will make more then I make now (it’s not an option because I could never do that again and would probably take my own life from the despair of it). I also hate this new wave of feminism talk that says sex work is empowering, it wasn’t for me and I hate that anyone even has to do this just to pay for life.
I have left jobs because of men when if I could have stayed it could have given me a boost not just in salary but working experience when misogyny or harassment became too much to handle.
I’m so tired and traumatized. Leaving my situation now has put such a financial toll on me, especially because we adopted a high needs dog that I am bringing with me. I’ve considered rehoming her but I just love her so much, I feel like she’s my rock, but also it’s not her fault that she got adopted into a disfunctional home. The emotional trauma is insane and I can’t eat or sleep. I don’t want to hate basically half of the population but at this point they have brought me nothing but pain and I really don’t feel like it’s safe to be around them. Have any of you experienced this? I shared these feelings with my mom and she’s encouraging me to follow her footsteps and embrace living a single life and treating men as threats unless they prove otherwise.
I just want to add that I’ve been reading a lot about my situation and I do realize that I may be flawed in “picking”, as in I have problems which result in me picking bad men to have closeness with. I get that but omg I don’t think I should have to be that cautious to expect decency 😭
submitted by welc0met0c0stc0 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:31 CompetitiveHunt6051 I had to stop wasting my time on wrong AI tools, here’s some genuine advice

I have tried using AI for literally everything, hoping they'd make my projects run smoother and faster. AI seemed like it would change the way we handle everyday tasks. But often, it just led to more confusion and didn't deliver what it promised. After navigating through this mess, I've learned which tools really work and which don't and this is really important to know that using the right tools can literally increase your productivity 10x.
Before you try to find any tools, there are some crucial things to keep in mind:
  1. ⁠Understand the Value of Time-Saving: The first revelation came when I realized not all AI tools are designed to save time; some complicate simple tasks under the guise of advancement. It's crucial to identify tools that genuinely optimize your workflow.
  2. ⁠Embrace Experimentation with Caution: Experimentation is vital, but it’s equally important to be critical. I learned this the hard way when an AI logo maker, despite its promises, required more manual tweaks than anticipated, turning "time-saving" into a time sink.
  3. ⁠Seek Community Feedback: I started engaging more with forums and user reviews, which opened my eyes to real-world performances of these tools, beyond the flashy demos. Using discord channels and subreddit reviews can be pretty useful in this case.
  4. ⁠Focus on Compatibility and Integration: The best tools are those that seamlessly integrate into existing workflows rather than requiring you to build around them.
  5. ⁠Prioritize Tools That Learn and Adapt: AI tools that adapt to user input and improve over time proved to be more beneficial, enhancing their utility with every use.
  6. ⁠The Simplicity Factor: Often, the simplest tool provides the most value. A straightforward interface with powerful functionality beats a complex tool that promises the world but delivers an atlas instead.
This Month’s Top AI Tools That Are Truly Useful:
And there are many more….
Top curated weekly AI tools, news and lowkey job opportunities for the AI niches. here
submitted by CompetitiveHunt6051 to AIfreakout [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:30 Classic-Jacket2403 Rant- a LONG one

I went into school right out of high school. School was awful, wasn’t taught much of anything it was a joke really, pretty much learned what I SHOULD have learned in school during clinicals, and what I SHOULD have grown to be able to do during clinicals happened more on the job. Worked at a…maybe medium sized facility? Only had ‘three months’ of orientation, but I was put on my own well before the three months were up. I was already having my job threatened at this point for not ‘learning fast enough’ aka being prepared for handling the bullshit that was to come. My mother is in the medical field as well, and got a comment from her that I ‘wouldn’t even finish the year’ (referring to even just my certification.🙄) and i have so much anxiety about giving up on it for fear of responses to just ‘get over it’. I worked at my facility for 7 months. Just quit a few weeks ago, working on getting another job now. Put up with so much there. So much overtime, extreme abuse of ‘on call’ staff, being constantly put in cases I’ve never done before and never floating or getting easy rooms because of course those should go to the techs with 30 years of experience who ‘dont wanna’ do the hard or intricate cases. I’m all for learning and growing as a tech but it was absolutely thrown around as a justification to do whatever they wanted with me. For reference, in the time I was there we had two ex-fix cases. I was the least experienced out of anyone there, most facilities have two scrubs on that case even when they’re both experienced. I was put in both of them by myself, had NO idea what was even going on the first time. It was my job to just ‘figure it out’. Even with all the not so great stuff and awful surgeons at this facility I stuck it out. It wasn’t until this last problem that I finally decided I’d had enough. So at this particular hospital, well, to be honest I’m not really sure if it’s like this everywhere or not, but there was constant ‘breaks’ according to well the ‘book world’. Surgeons backs smacking and rubbing against the mayo stands and tables no matter how many times they’re warned or me moving it out of their way constantly to the best of my ability. Those were the good ones. I’ve seen a doc clamp kochers to the drape to hold something, refused to let me change it to something non perf. I’d even get yelled at for simply putting a towel over where they had contaminated with some surgeons, like wth? It eventually just spiraled into worse problems I would notice. There was a point in time where I started getting hairs in the trays more often. One time I was even told by other techs and charge nurse to only toss off the small sub-container that one of the hairs had been in from a rep tray. Had touched it before I touched anything else but it was I’m sure some of you know what I’m talking about it had the slidey thing on top and the hair seemed to have been under that. So the rest of the table was kept and used which I’m not experienced enough to say for sure but it did sit weird with me as I had touched everything else in the casket. Anyways these ‘problems’ became more and more common and I noticed and called out more. I would get yelled at for finding these tiny hairs and things only after I had set up my table. I would get berated for wasting time and money and saw myself no repercussions or changes in spd. In fact, many of the problems I had found with the trays I stared taking up with spd myself, who oftentimes agreed and GLADLY fixed/cleaned some things. It makes me wonder how often those problems had been left. I got so much heat and in turn anxiety as I was the only ‘problem child’ with this sort of thing even with the frequency I was finding unarguable contaminants. Overall, I just have so much anxiety from my last job. Are all places like this? Should I just leave this field? I genuinely just cannot continue in this career if I’m going to be forced to either fight tooth and nail risking my job or be a part of so much negligence in my day to day, I don’t have the energy for it and it’s literally destroying my mental health and I’m not willing to sacrifice my morals. Any advice? Also I am so so sorry for the length of this post lol
submitted by Classic-Jacket2403 to scrubtech [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:30 CompetitiveHunt6051 I stopped wasting time on wrong AI tools, here’s some genuine advice!

I have tried using AI for literally everything, hoping they'd make my projects run smoother and faster. AI seemed like it would change the way we handle everyday tasks. But often, it just led to more confusion and didn't deliver what it promised. After navigating through this mess, I've learned which tools really work and which don't and this is really important to know that using the right tools can literally increase your productivity 10x.
Before you try to find any tools, there are some crucial things to keep in mind:
  1. ⁠Understand the Value of Time-Saving: The first revelation came when I realized not all AI tools are designed to save time; some complicate simple tasks under the guise of advancement. It's crucial to identify tools that genuinely optimize your workflow.
  2. ⁠Embrace Experimentation with Caution: Experimentation is vital, but it’s equally important to be critical. I learned this the hard way when an AI logo maker, despite its promises, required more manual tweaks than anticipated, turning "time-saving" into a time sink.
  3. ⁠Seek Community Feedback: I started engaging more with forums and user reviews, which opened my eyes to real-world performances of these tools, beyond the flashy demos. Using discord channels and subreddit reviews can be pretty useful in this case.
  4. ⁠Focus on Compatibility and Integration: The best tools are those that seamlessly integrate into existing workflows rather than requiring you to build around them.
  5. ⁠Prioritize Tools That Learn and Adapt: AI tools that adapt to user input and improve over time proved to be more beneficial, enhancing their utility with every use.
  6. ⁠The Simplicity Factor: Often, the simplest tool provides the most value. A straightforward interface with powerful functionality beats a complex tool that promises the world but delivers an atlas instead.
This Month’s Top AI Tools That Are Truly Useful:
And there are many more….
Top curated weekly AI tools, news and lowkey job opportunities for the AI niches. here
submitted by CompetitiveHunt6051 to WritingWithAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:29 Hybrid0ma SME vs MNC

Hello otai2, i’m a 26M, for the first time is jumping ship to another company within the same field (Healthcare). I need to communicate my decision by tomorrow. Currently, i’m working as a product specialist and i have two offers on the table (three but the third company hasn’t sent their offer but should be within this week). I apologize for the formatting as i’m writing this down using phone. Any advice on which path i should choose is greatly appreciated.
The two offers are:
Sales Represntative - Sales job, need to sell medicine/supplements to GP and bring in figure. No figure, bye-bye. A lot of figures, smiling like no tomorrow. - Salary + Allowances = RM 5,500 - Commissions based on sales - MNC - Monday office, Tuesday - Friday Hybrid - Office is near, sales region i need to cover is far away (Live in PJ, need to cover Semenyih down to Negeri Sembilan)
Business Development Executive - Name is business development, but role similar to my current job (product specialist), need to attend cases everyday to guide surgeons in OT - Salary + Allowance = RM 4,200 - On-site incentive. Each case attend, more money (RM 100-250 depending how long the case). - 13th month guaranteed bonus - SME - Office is near, but need to cover whole klang valley hospitals
  1. Is working in a MNC better than SME?
  2. Should i prioritise a bigger base salary now or better pathway (BDM in future)?
  3. Am i able to negotiate salary as they have only sent me an offer whether to accept or reject, not an offer letter? Or is it usually their final offer?
submitted by Hybrid0ma to MalaysianPF [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:29 CompetitiveHunt6051 I stopped wasting time on wrong AI tools

I have tried using AI for literally everything, hoping they'd make my projects run smoother and faster. AI seemed like it would change the way we handle everyday tasks. But often, it just led to more confusion and didn't deliver what it promised. After navigating through this mess, I've learned which tools really work and which don't and this is really important to know that using the right tools can literally increase your productivity 10x.
Before you try to find any tools, there are some crucial things to keep in mind:
  1. ⁠Understand the Value of Time-Saving: The first revelation came when I realized not all AI tools are designed to save time; some complicate simple tasks under the guise of advancement. It's crucial to identify tools that genuinely optimize your workflow.
  2. ⁠Embrace Experimentation with Caution: Experimentation is vital, but it’s equally important to be critical. I learned this the hard way when an AI logo maker, despite its promises, required more manual tweaks than anticipated, turning "time-saving" into a time sink.
  3. ⁠Seek Community Feedback: I started engaging more with forums and user reviews, which opened my eyes to real-world performances of these tools, beyond the flashy demos. Using discord channels and subreddit reviews can be pretty useful in this case.
  4. ⁠Focus on Compatibility and Integration: The best tools are those that seamlessly integrate into existing workflows rather than requiring you to build around them.
  5. ⁠Prioritize Tools That Learn and Adapt: AI tools that adapt to user input and improve over time proved to be more beneficial, enhancing their utility with every use.
  6. ⁠The Simplicity Factor: Often, the simplest tool provides the most value. A straightforward interface with powerful functionality beats a complex tool that promises the world but delivers an atlas instead.
This Month’s Top AI Tools That Are Truly Useful:
And there are many more….
Top curated weekly AI tools, news and lowkey job opportunities for the AI niches. here
submitted by CompetitiveHunt6051 to aipromptprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:28 CompetitiveHunt6051 I stopped wasting time on wrong AI tools

I have tried using AI for literally everything, hoping they'd make my projects run smoother and faster. AI seemed like it would change the way we handle everyday tasks. But often, it just led to more confusion and didn't deliver what it promised. After navigating through this mess, I've learned which tools really work and which don't and this is really important to know that using the right tools can literally increase your productivity 10x.
Before you try to find any tools, there are some crucial things to keep in mind:
  1. ⁠Understand the Value of Time-Saving: The first revelation came when I realized not all AI tools are designed to save time; some complicate simple tasks under the guise of advancement. It's crucial to identify tools that genuinely optimize your workflow.
  2. ⁠Embrace Experimentation with Caution: Experimentation is vital, but it’s equally important to be critical. I learned this the hard way when an AI logo maker, despite its promises, required more manual tweaks than anticipated, turning "time-saving" into a time sink.
  3. ⁠Seek Community Feedback: I started engaging more with forums and user reviews, which opened my eyes to real-world performances of these tools, beyond the flashy demos. Using discord channels and subreddit reviews can be pretty useful in this case.
  4. ⁠Focus on Compatibility and Integration: The best tools are those that seamlessly integrate into existing workflows rather than requiring you to build around them.
  5. ⁠Prioritize Tools That Learn and Adapt: AI tools that adapt to user input and improve over time proved to be more beneficial, enhancing their utility with every use.
  6. ⁠The Simplicity Factor: Often, the simplest tool provides the most value. A straightforward interface with powerful functionality beats a complex tool that promises the world but delivers an atlas instead.
This Month’s Top AI Tools That Are Truly Useful:
And there are many more….
Top curated weekly AI tools, news and lowkey job opportunities for the AI niches. here
submitted by CompetitiveHunt6051 to Automate [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:27 CompetitiveHunt6051 I should have stopped wasting my time on wrong AI tools, I realized later but here’s some advice!

I have tried using AI for literally everything, hoping they'd make my projects run smoother and faster. AI seemed like it would change the way we handle everyday tasks. But often, it just led to more confusion and didn't deliver what it promised. After navigating through this mess, I've learned which tools really work and which don't and this is really important to know that using the right tools can literally increase your productivity 10x.
Before you try to find any tools, there are some crucial things to keep in mind:
  1. ⁠Understand the Value of Time-Saving: The first revelation came when I realized not all AI tools are designed to save time; some complicate simple tasks under the guise of advancement. It's crucial to identify tools that genuinely optimize your workflow.
  2. ⁠Embrace Experimentation with Caution: Experimentation is vital, but it’s equally important to be critical. I learned this the hard way when an AI logo maker, despite its promises, required more manual tweaks than anticipated, turning "time-saving" into a time sink.
  3. ⁠Seek Community Feedback: I started engaging more with forums and user reviews, which opened my eyes to real-world performances of these tools, beyond the flashy demos. Using discord channels and subreddit reviews can be pretty useful in this case.
  4. ⁠Focus on Compatibility and Integration: The best tools are those that seamlessly integrate into existing workflows rather than requiring you to build around them.
  5. ⁠Prioritize Tools That Learn and Adapt: AI tools that adapt to user input and improve over time proved to be more beneficial, enhancing their utility with every use.
  6. ⁠The Simplicity Factor: Often, the simplest tool provides the most value. A straightforward interface with powerful functionality beats a complex tool that promises the world but delivers an atlas instead.
This Month’s Top AI Tools That Are Truly Useful:
And there are many more….
Top curated weekly AI tools, news and lowkey job opportunities for the AI niches. here
submitted by CompetitiveHunt6051 to aiwars [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:27 SirDifficult5866 Exploring Activities Near PGs in Bangalore's Kundalahalli and Whitefield

Welcome to Bangalore, where your corporate career has landed you in the bustling neighborhoods of Kundalahalli and Whitefield. Balancing work and leisure is essential, and we understand that. After all, there's only so much Excel you can handle before needing a breather, right? And who wants to endure the constant drone of an irate team leader without a chance to unwind? Well, fret not because we've got your back. At PrimePGs, it's our mission to ensure that young professionals like you have the opportunity to relax and rejuvenate. That's why our coliving spaces come equipped with dedicated entertainment areas, complete with board games and comfy laptop tables. In short, boredom is not on the agenda when you stay with us. https://www.primepgs.in/explore-homes
Weekend Escapes
When the weekend rolls around, and you're itching for a change of scenery, Kundalahalli and Whitefield have a multitude of options to keep you engaged. No need to limit yourself to just one or two choices; there's a wealth of possibilities at your doorstep. Gather your friends, hop into a taxi, and embark on a memorable weekend adventure. Here are some fantastic options for you:
  1. Nandi Hills: Located just a short drive away, Nandi Hills is a picturesque destination for a weekend getaway. Enjoy a scenic drive, trek to the hilltop, have a picnic, or simply bask in the beauty of nature.
  2. Bannerghatta National Park: For wildlife enthusiasts, Bannerghatta National Park is a must-visit. Explore the safari park, butterfly park, and the zoo. It's a great place for a day trip.
  3. Artjuna: If you're looking for a relaxed, artsy vibe, head to Artjuna in Whitefield. This vibrant space offers a cafe, yoga classes, an art gallery, and a boutique.
  4. E-Zone Club: Located in Marathahalli, this club offers a range of recreational activities, including swimming, gaming, and dining. It's a great place to unwind.
  5. The Windflower Prakruthi Resort: A bit farther out, but worth the journey. This tranquil resort is ideal for a serene weekend. It offers nature walks, spa treatments, and more.
  6. Innovative Film City: If you're a fan of movies, amusement parks, and interactive museums, this place is a blast for a day of fun and entertainment. Know More...,
Remember, while some of these weekend getaways may require a slightly longer commute from Bangalore Airport, others are conveniently close. So, go ahead, plan your escape, and make the most of your time in Kundalahalli and Whitefield. You've earned it!
And as for expressing gratitude—well, we're just doing our job. At PrimePGs, ensuring you have a work-life balance that includes ample leisure is our top priority. So, enjoy your stay and explore the vibrant experiences Bangalore has to offer! Here One Touch to Book Your PG Room...,
submitted by SirDifficult5866 to u/SirDifficult5866 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:27 anon_goth Damaged or error coin?

Damaged or error coin?
I found this dime while handling bank at my casino job and I noticed this dime was extremely off. It’s rather lighter than an average dime. Can anybody tell me if this is a damage or error?
submitted by anon_goth to CRH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:26 CompetitiveHunt6051 I stopped wasting time on wrong AI tools, and found some game-changers that actually work.

I have tried using AI for literally everything, hoping they'd make my projects run smoother and faster. AI seemed like it would change the way we handle everyday tasks. But often, it just led to more confusion and didn't deliver what it promised. After navigating through this mess, I've learned which tools really work and which don't and this is really important to know that using the right tools can literally increase your productivity 10x.
Before you try to find any tools, there are some crucial things to keep in mind:
  1. ⁠Understand the Value of Time-Saving: The first revelation came when I realized not all AI tools are designed to save time; some complicate simple tasks under the guise of advancement. It's crucial to identify tools that genuinely optimize your workflow.
  2. ⁠Embrace Experimentation with Caution: Experimentation is vital, but it’s equally important to be critical. I learned this the hard way when an AI logo maker, despite its promises, required more manual tweaks than anticipated, turning "time-saving" into a time sink.
  3. ⁠Seek Community Feedback: I started engaging more with forums and user reviews, which opened my eyes to real-world performances of these tools, beyond the flashy demos. Using discord channels and subreddit reviews can be pretty useful in this case.
  4. ⁠Focus on Compatibility and Integration: The best tools are those that seamlessly integrate into existing workflows rather than requiring you to build around them.
  5. ⁠Prioritize Tools That Learn and Adapt: AI tools that adapt to user input and improve over time proved to be more beneficial, enhancing their utility with every use.
  6. ⁠The Simplicity Factor: Often, the simplest tool provides the most value. A straightforward interface with powerful functionality beats a complex tool that promises the world but delivers an atlas instead.
This Month’s Top AI Tools That Are Truly Useful:
And there are many more….
Top curated weekly AI tools, news and lowkey job opportunities for the AI niches. here
submitted by CompetitiveHunt6051 to AIAssisted [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:24 intj799 What's Stopping Me?

So here goes.
I have a terrible life. I've been sexually abused, raped, physically abused, and assaulted by my father, and verbally abused by my mother. I am the scapegoat of the family. I've been bullied severely by peers and extended family members. This has happened because I'm autistic. I have been rejected by three different women romantically, one of whom laughed at me. The only person I loved in my life was my sibling who died in a freak accident. I quit my job because I found out they were bullying me there.
So, now that I have nothing to lose, and I have no love left in my heart, I have made a list of 67 people who have wronged me in some way, shape, or form. I have been thinking about buying a gun, traveling to a total of three towns where these people live, and shooting as many of them as I can before the police catch up with me, at which point I would cap myself. I know where each of them live. I was planning on starting with my family members.
I hate the world, I hate society, I hate people, and I hate the fact that I am one. I think we would all be better off if an asteroid came and wiped us from the face of existence.
So, before I start seriously considering planning this out and acting on it, I would like to hear some of your thoughts. What is stopping me? Why should I not do it?
submitted by intj799 to angry [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:22 CompetitiveHunt6051 I stopped wasting time on wrong AI tools

I have tried using AI for literally everything, hoping they'd make my projects run smoother and faster. AI seemed like it would change the way we handle everyday tasks. But often, it just led to more confusion and didn't deliver what it promised. After navigating through this mess, I've learned which tools really work and which don't and this is really important to know that using the right tools can literally increase your productivity 10x.
Before you try to find any tools, there are some crucial things to keep in mind:
  1. ⁠Understand the Value of Time-Saving: The first revelation came when I realized not all AI tools are designed to save time; some complicate simple tasks under the guise of advancement. It's crucial to identify tools that genuinely optimize your workflow.
  2. ⁠Embrace Experimentation with Caution: Experimentation is vital, but it’s equally important to be critical. I learned this the hard way when an AI logo maker, despite its promises, required more manual tweaks than anticipated, turning "time-saving" into a time sink.
  3. ⁠Seek Community Feedback: I started engaging more with forums and user reviews, which opened my eyes to real-world performances of these tools, beyond the flashy demos. Using discord channels and subreddit reviews can be pretty useful in this case.
  4. ⁠Focus on Compatibility and Integration: The best tools are those that seamlessly integrate into existing workflows rather than requiring you to build around them.
  5. ⁠Prioritize Tools That Learn and Adapt: AI tools that adapt to user input and improve over time proved to be more beneficial, enhancing their utility with every use.
  6. ⁠The Simplicity Factor: Often, the simplest tool provides the most value. A straightforward interface with powerful functionality beats a complex tool that promises the world but delivers an atlas instead.
This Month’s Top AI Tools That Are Truly Useful:
And there are many more….
Top curated weekly AI tools, news and lowkey job opportunities for the AI niches. here
submitted by CompetitiveHunt6051 to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:22 Rough-Form6212 Job market feels like the dating market?

  1. Job application = dating profile
  2. interview = first date, second date, third date
  3. Offer = long term relationship
  4. Rejected? -> "Entry level jobs have impossible standards" = " woman are delusional"
  5. Got fired -> " New grads are terrible!" = "Men are trash"
I know its odd comparison but there are so many similarities.
One thing I also think the idea of new grads being trash etc also has to do with this idea where before people were trained and being bad at the job in the beginning was the norm. Whereas now employers will more often try to pick the "perfect" candidate and have lower tolerance towards imperfection as the standards have gone up over the years.
submitted by Rough-Form6212 to Accounting [link] [comments]
