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Funny sayings, pictures, videos & memes that only Wisconsinites would understand.

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2024.06.09 21:49 allthedarkspaces it crawls

Like all haunted house stories, this took place right after I moved in. Cliché, right? My wife and I saved up enough money from our rental to finally put down on a house of our own. So we moved in and everything seemed first.
It wasn’t until later that I realized there were warning signs. The seller seemed really anxious to close, and we were offered a much cheaper price than we expected for the space we got. While there was a moment of doubt, we brushed it off as some weird circumstance that ended in a great deal for us.
How could we possibly pass that up?
The strange occurrences were small at first. I would be up late watching TV and swore I heard something. I’d pause the show and make out what sounded like dragging noises. After investigating, I wouldn’t find anything. Even stranger was that no matter where I walked in the house, the noise always sounded the same distance away. When I focused on it, I noticed the particular noise was rhythmic.
Tap, tap...sliiiiiiide.
It was like that every single time. My wife never heard it, it was only me. None of us believe in ghosts, mind you. But as I said before it was a small thing, so I brushed it off.
One night, I woke up in a startle. I listened intently but could hear nothing. I decided to grab a late night snack from the kitchen since I was awake anyway.
Halfway down the hall, I heard something. This time, it sounded like dirt being sifted und. I knelt down and swore that the sound was louder. Before I knew it, I had my ear pressed to the hardwood floor, listening intently.
Schht, schht.....sccchhhhhhh...
I jumped up from the floor. It was that same pattern of noises, but this time it sounded like someone in the dirt. Trying to ignore the chills washing over me, I took a step towards the kitchen when…
…something grabbed my ankle.
I fell forward, almost busting my chin on the floor.
“What the...”
Flipping over, I turned to face my assailant, but there was no one behind me. I brushed it off and chalked it up to poor balance from a sleep-hangover. My wife got a good chuckle out of that one.
After that, the house began to feel.....heavier. It was this weight over me that would come and go. This was accompanied by feeling cold no matter how much we turned up the heat, and this was the middle of the sumer. Even stranger, the cold seemed to only be in certain spots, particularly on the floor itself. I liked to walk around barefoot no matter what time of year it was, but it was even too cold for me.
Another night, I woke up again. My ears stood at attention, but couldn’t hear any evidence of what woke me up. I got up just like before, except I never made it to the kitchen.
I only made if halfway down our hall before I suddenly felt a horrible pain in my right leg. I had to limp to keep moving, then my other leg was wracked with a wave of pain. It was so bad I found myself face down on the ground, writhing in agony.
Then I heard it again…that awful succession of noises.
Tap, tap....sliiiiiide.
The sliding sound was coming from the hardwood floor this time, not from underneath. And the sound was getting closer and closer until...
I watched in horror as a hand came around the corner in front of me. It was soon joined by another, and they tugged at the floor. My heart hammered in my chest as a person slowly came into view.
It was a woman with long black hair, her disheveled clothing smeared with dirt and hanging off in shreds. Her mouth was crudely stitched shut. She looked up at me with empty, lost eyes and I instantly felt a lifetime of pain and misery. It took my breath away, and I had to focus on my breathing to keep myself from fainting.
Tap, tap....sliiiiiide.
That awful sound repeated as she grabbed the floor and pulled herself towards me. I was in a terrified trance, eyes locked with her as she slowly closed the distance. I could now see that she dragged herself because her legs were horribly mangled. A low moan emanated from her throat, sending ice through my veins.
Her very presence seemed to drain me, and I couldn’t move no matter how hard I tried. She made this awful gurgling sound as she got within arm’s reach. In seconds, her face was right up to mine. I tried to scream, but couldn’t make any sound.
Then...I woke up.
“AAAAHHhhh!” I shouted as I sprang up in bed.
My wife tried to console me, but it did very little. I’d never had a dream that felt so real before. Shaking, I walked out into the hallway where I had collapsed in my dream. I put a hand on the floor, expecting it to be freezing cold as usual.
But it was warm...
“Honey?” I felt the soft hand of my wife touch my shoulder.
“What’s going on? You look white as a sheet.”
“I’m okay...I just...”
On the floor in front me, I noticed the faint trace of fingernail marks.
“Was that there before?” My wife inquired.
“I’m...I’m not sure.”
“Let’s go back to bed. We’ll talk more about it tomorrow.”
I tried to hold back my stubborn expression, but she still saw it.
“C’mon, you need to rest.”
With an exasperated exhale, I went back to bed with the strange occurrence replaying incessantly in my brain.
In the morning, I told my wife about all the strange experiences. To my shock she actually believed me.
“What do you want to do, then?” She asked.
“Well...I have a theory I want to check out.”
“Theory of what?”
“Well, let’s just say that ghosts exist, and there are certain reasons why they haunt certain places. If that is true then...I think there could be a body in our crawlspace.”
“What, are you crazy?”
“I know how it sounds, but what would it hurt to look?”
“You really think there’s something down there?”
“More someone, but I’m not sure to be honest. Hopefully I can get a confirmation either way it goes.”
That afternoon, I found myself standing at the door to our crawlspace. It felt ridiculous, but so many details pointed to it. The sounds and cold spots were all related to the floor. The ghastly woman’s clothes were smeared with dirt. It was obscure, but it was all I had to go on.
I had to pry the door open with a crowbar, but I managed after a minute or two. A wave of unnatural cold air blasted me, so strong that I had to throw on a coat just to stop from shivering so badly.
I clicked on my flashlight, illuminating the eerie underbelly of our home. The dirt sifted under my feet as I crouch-walked around. After hearing it, it only confirmed what I thought I heard from under the floor.
Expecting to see more, I was almost disappointed that the crawlspace was completely bare. Not believing it entirely, I shined my light around more. The back part of the crawlspace led to concrete and it was there that I noticed one section of the wall looked different than the rest.
Hands quivering, I pushed against the section of concrete and felt it shift under the pressure. It continued to wobble around in place the more I pushed. Holding my flashlight between my teeth, I had to use both hands to pry the piece away from the wall. To my astonishment, it pulled away very easily. It was no coincidence that the section of wall fit the hole exactly, like a puzzle piece.
After leaning the piece of concrete against the wall, I found that the concrete was covering a door with a padlock.
There’s no way anything good is behind this...
Minutes later, I returned to the mysterious door with a pair of bolt cutters. I debated whether or not I’d go in. There was no reason I shouldn’t satisfy my curiosity, because if there wasn’t anything then great, but if there was something terrible, I’d simply have to deal with it. Either way, I had to know.
I clipped the metal bar off the lock and it thudded softly to the dirt floor. Taking in a deep breath, I dared to aim my beam down the opening. The crawlspace extended much further into the house, and I had a good guess where it led. I now had to crawl on my hands and knees as a knot of dread formed in my stomach.
“You always tell people not to do this in movies, why are you doing this now??!” I chastised myself.
I knew all too well how stupid this was but the part of my brain that can’t look away from a car wreck pushed me to carry along regardless.
It was difficult to navigate with the flashlight and crawl. A mild claustrophobia settled in that pushed me along with a sense of urgency. The temperature couldn’t have been any more than a meatlocker. My hands shook despite my thick jacket. Eventually, I came to a dead end.
Is this all?
I stopped for a moment and checked around with my light some more, hoping a more thorough search would bear some fruit. Yet, there was nothing.
Sighing in frustration, I decided that perhaps I was losing my mind and was just having really vivid dreams after all. How could I have been so stupid?
I made it halfway across the hidden area when I felt my legs suddenly give out. They weren’t tired or sore before this. It was as if they stopped working of their own volition. I attempted to cry out, but my mouth felt as if some force held it closed.
Just like a stitched mouth...
One of the few things I could move was my neck and I turned to the side to see...
…a tuft of a blanket?
Due to the narrow space, I must have missed it. I slowly reached for it with all the internal alarms in my body going off at once. Ignoring the warning, I pulled the cloth back to reveal a skeletal hand.
In this moment of revulsion, something turned on my motor skills again as I regained control of my legs, crawling out of there as quickly as I could muster. Heaving, I stumbled out of the crawlspace and instantly felt the rise in temperature. I sat on the porch and stayed there as I called the police and explained the situation.
It turns out that one of the previous owners of the home was a major suspect in the disappearance of a young lady fifteen years ago. There wasn’t enough evidence to conduct a home search so they were never able to find the body. And what they found was something I wish I had never known.
From examining the body, they found that her captor had broken both of her legs so she couldn’t escape and sewn her mouth shut to keep her from screaming. It was hard to tell how long she’d been locked down there before she died, but they hypothesized it was a month or two. The cause of death was unclear. This was clearly enough to pursue the former owner.
When they picked him up, the guy tried to play the ignorance card, pretending as if he didn’t know what house they were referring to. This of course made it even more suspicious.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything concrete enough to tie him to her death...until they searched his current home. Blueprints of the home showed that the crawlspace was supposed to end ten feet where the concrete wall was. No contractors were hired to do any work on the home, so someone had personally busted it up and created the door going further in. The last part of it was the padlock on the door.
When the police searched the man’s home, they found a shoebox full of seemingly innocent keepsakes. Among the keepsakes were some heirlooms, pictures of close family members, and a key. As suspected, the key matched the padlock to the crawlspace door. It was apparently enough to make him crack. It wasn’t long before he confessed to the kidnapping and murder, albeit without a hint of remorse. Turns out the bastard kept the key as a sick trophy.
They even questioned him about other possible victims since this was a trait commonly shared by serial killers. He denied it, but the police couldn’t feel any truth from it. If anything they knew that they solved one case, put a guilty man behind bars, and put a family at peace. Justice was served and he was locked away for the rest of his miserable life. Poetic justice, if you ask me. The poor girl’s parents buried her remains on a family plot.
After all this, we had serious doubts about staying in the home. Knowing something this egregious happened in our home was almost unbearable. I can’t tell you how much we cried when we heard the story of what happened to that poor girl. We were on the brink of selling the house for about a week, but one night changed all that.
I woke up from a dream, one so vivid yet it somehow escaped my thoughts like a fistful of sand. There was a strange feeling in my gut as if something was going to happen.
It was neither good nor bad, just....strange.
After drinking a small glass of milk, I meandered down the hall and stopped in my tracks. A woman stood in front of me, half-transparent with a bluish luminescence. I felt as if I knew her, although I didn’t recognize her appearance at all. She smiled, and I instantly knew who she was. Compared to her previous horrific manifestation, the woman was almost unrecognizable.
Never speaking, she motioned to her legs and I saw that they were in perfect condition. In a mild state of shock, I managed to form a smile. She beamed even wider and ran her fingers across her lips, pointing out her lack of stitches. A blanket of warmth wrapped around me, and I couldn’t resist the salty tears that streamed down my face.
Right before she waved goodbye, a voice spoke within my mind.
"It’s over now. Thank you..."
She faded away, and for the first time since we moved into that house, all hints of the oppressive energy dissipated. That was the last time I ever saw her.
It’s been 30 years now, and we’re still in that house to this day...
May she continue to rest in peace...
submitted by allthedarkspaces to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:48 OctolingMX BULKING

So Im relatively new to the gym (20yo 6ft1) and i was skinny fat and did a cut to get to 12% BF & Im 65kg / 143lbs
I’ve made some nice newbie gains im happy with and have visible abs now which is nice
But I want to gain size and know this is through a bulk
I’ve done a bulk for about 5 days now and I’ve gone from 65kg to 65.8kg (weighing in morning before eating & drinking) and think this is kinda too much?? Or is this normal
My TDEE maintenance says 2489 so I’m eating at like 2550/2600 so essentially a 100cal surplus , am I being extra or is the sudden weight gain normal as I’ve read 0.5-0.75lb a week is the ideal amount with minimal fat gain
I expect to gain body fat obviously but am I overthinking it or?
( I workout 5 days a week normally with PPL )
submitted by OctolingMX to leangains [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:46 TheGify13 Build Back My Reaction Images

Hey Y'all! Send all your hazbin/helluva related images in comments plz, I need to rebuild my collection after a factory reset. I also won't say no to other, non-hazbin Reactons as well.
submitted by TheGify13 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:46 PennsylvanianSankara Unofficial IF Opinion Poll #4: 6/2/2024-6/5/2024

Unofficial IF Opinion Poll #4: 6/2/2024-6/5/2024
Hello again everybody. Today We have the results from the 4th Unofficial IF opinion Poll by Grenada Polling™. The only polling outfit fit to poll Iffers (and anyone else). This poll was taken from Sunday June 2nd to Wed June 5th. We had 36 respondents, all IF citizens. Lets take a look at the results:
Figure 1: Political party identification
Figure 2: Chancellor election straw poll
Today we will start with the political questions. During this poll we conducted both a straw poll of citizens preferred Chancellor Candidates and asked them which political party they identified with.
As shown in figure 1, over the past 20 days the number of independents has increased becoming once again the largest grouping of citizens. The IF-ELSE party seems to have collapsed with no respondents identifying with that party. The Progressive Party seems to have shed several members with their ideological re-alignment with the center-center right of the political spectrum. The socialist/communist Working Peoples' Alliance has pulled even with the two major parties (Security Party, Progressive Party). This comes with the WPA receiving two centers, with the election of matanic1107 from Groveheart and the Senator Vulcan1776 of Withervale flipping from independent to the WBPP. The past 3 weeks have also seen the emergence of the Baller Party, a catch-all party that dominates politics in the state of Vanaheim.
For the straw poll in figure 2, newly elected Vice Chancellor former Chancellor Potato_King of the Progressive Party leads in preference for the next Chancellor Election with 18 (50%) respondents saying they would consider voting for him. He is closely followed by Former Chancellor and leader of the Communist Party ComradeSankara (yours truly) with 17 (47.2%) respondents saying they would consider him. Coming in third place is Incumbent Chancellor Gabe/Sunanic of the Progressive Party with 16 votes (44.4%).
Unlike last time this question was run, no potential candidate recieved a majority of respondents indicating they would vote for them. Several of the top choices in this poll are unlikely to run. The upcoming election could be anyone's game. Stay tuned for election betting odds next week as the field becomes clearer.
The methodology for inclusion in this straw poll is as follows: incumbent chancellor, vice chancellor, incumbent department heads, registered party leaders, active former chancellors, prominent senators, judges, and prominent former Chancellor candidates. Unfortunately this poll missed culture department head Frostwarrior, and a leader from the Baller party. This is due to the fact that the IF gov't does not keep an up to date public list of who is a department lead (or who is a senator). Private citizens (often myself and thejmqn) must collect this information.
Figure 3: Economic outlook
Figure 4: Employment rate
Figure 5: Construction rate
In figure 3 it is shown that the economic outlook is potentially looking up for the Imperial Federation. Only 16.7% of respondents thought the economy was getting worse. With half saying it has stayed about the same and a third saying it is getting better. During the last poll 44% of respondents saw the economy as getting worse.
In figure 4, respondents were asked if they were employed. Unemployment is down from 32.4% to 11.1%. All categories of employment have grown over the past 20 days.
Lastly, we have a new question in figure 5. During this poll respondents were asked if a new building, farm, or structure was built in their state or territory over the last 20 days. Grenada Polling will be experimenting with different measures of economic productivity and this is one. Around 80% of respondents had at least 1 new structure built in their state with 20% not seeing any new construction. We will keep an eye on this measure in the future!
It seems like the economic policies of Chancellor Gidein and then Chancellor Gabe/sunanic have been relatively successful in pushing down unemployment and attracting new international business. However, it still seems that most citizens view the economy as stagnating rather than growing. There is still lots of work for the newly expanded economy department under Dept head ImmediateDescent.
Figure 6: Chancellor Approval
Figure 7: Vice Chancellor Approval
Figure 8: Department Approval
Figure 9: Senate Approval
Next we have government approval ratings. During the past 3 weeks we have seen significant turnover in the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor position. Chancellor Gidein resigned halfway through his term while this poll was happening, Vice Chancellor Gabe/Sunanic moved into the position of acting chancellor before being confirmed as chancellor also during this poll. Finally, former Chancellor mat_Potato_king was also pulled into the role of Vice Chancellor after the poll closed.
Figures 6, 7, 8, and 9 respectively, shows Gideins net approval rating of 11.2 percentage points, Vice Chancellor Gabe/Sunanic's net approval of 16.6 percentage points, Department net approval of -5.6 percentage points, and Senate net approval of -5.6 percentage points.
Both the previous and current Chancellor have relatively high approval ratings compared to the former Chancellor from the Security Party. Though Chancellor Gidein resigned midway through his term due to fraying interpersonal relations with the Senate.
Senate and Department disapproval:
Interesting here is that both the Senate and the Department heads have negative net approval, with a majority disproving of their job. This is compared to every previous poll where both had high net approval.
I suspect their are two reasons for the unpopularity of department heads. One potential reason is an unpopular defense policy by an unpopular defense lead. The DoD has a current stated policy of pearling people who are not threats for minor infractions while allowing major threats to do as they will. Further, the DoD head Slothinasuit repeatedly involves himself in international controversy. Iffers generally seem to believe the best clicker should be head of defense, but this may change as the DoD leads antics continue to reflect poorly on the IF as a whole.
The second reason for department unpopularity is likely due to the fact that department heads have under the auspices of national security, embedded themselves in their positions. During the most recent constitutional convention held on the anniversary of CivMC, several heads went as far as to state that they were not replaceable. We will see if that is the case at the end of the term!
The Senate is likely unpopular due to secrecy and unpopular policy. The senate docket is not public, and many senate votes are not public. Some senators are appointed rather than elected. This has led to a situation making it very difficult to hold both individual senators, and the senate as a whole accountable.
To give an example, the senate recently tried to strip a longtime citizen of their citizenship over an obvious bit. The senate is also plagued by leaks, and has passed a number of laws of dubious constitutionality. The senate is allowed to pass a code of conduct, create a procedure, and appoint presiding officers. They have not done so thus far.
A variety of solutions have been proposed in the ongoing IF constitutional convention, including having an elected national assembly, making votes public by default, or mandating a code of conduct and parliamentary procedure. We will see if any of these become a part of the constitution!
Figure 10: Would Iffers consider a new flag?
Figure 11: Cultural Identification
Figure 12: Preferred voting method
Figure 13: IF Pronunciation
During this poll 3 questions were asked on behalf of the IF government. Grenada polling drafted the questions. As always, poll answers are fully anonymous, and 100% guaranteed not to be used to gauge your loyalty to the state.
Citizens were polled on their preferred election method. With most being amenable to voting via discord bot or via google form. A narrow majority of Iffers would consider a chance to the flag depending on options. Culturally around 64% of Iffers identify with their state or territory. With around 36% identifying with the IF as a whole.
Relatedly, I wanted to see how people pronounce IF. 86% of people pronounce it as Eye Eff. Notably one pervert pronounces it as Ife. This person should reveal themselves and face the music!!!
The IF is in flux with new political parties emerging and old political parties collapsing. The constitution is undergoing revision and the economy is improving. Next poll I will take a closer look at the ideological composition of the IF.
If you made it this far thanks for reading! If you just looked at the pictures, thanks for looking!
until next time
submitted by PennsylvanianSankara to CivMC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:45 Frizads_ Explaining my choices and under the radar picks

my team is currently:
GK 1: Lunin - Ukraine have a relatively easy group aside from Belgium, guaranteed starter and cheap 4.5M
GK 2: Verbruggen - confirmed starter and netherlands is solid defensively 4.5M
Def 1: Tah - confirmed starter, plays first and germany will have home advantage so higher chances of clean sheet aggainst a lackluster scotland side 4.5M
Def 2: Frimpong - same logic as Verbruggen, people were unsure he would start over Dumfries but i think he will + he can even play winger so even higher chance of goal 5.5M
Def 3: Cancelo - i am portuguese so i am a bit scared since our defense has been shaky in the last few qualifiers and these friendlies but cancelo is such a powerhouse offensively i cant let the opportunity slide. 6M
Def 4: Grimaldo - i am a benfica fan so i know perfectly well what grimaldo brings to the table, his set pieces are one of the best in the world. spain is solid defensively as well, if Cucurella starts ahead of him im commiting hate crimes because that would be outrageous. 5M
Def 5: Bah - this is where i get a bit spicy. like i said i am a benfica fan, bah has started both of these last 2 friendlies, he didnt play the whole match as he is splitting minutes with Kristiansen and Maehle but im fairly confident in his ability. he has space to go forward and can get a goal here and there as well as an assist, for 4.5M in such a defensively solid team as Denmark who play in a back 5 with very high likelyhood to start i think that is an absolute bargain.
Mid 1: Bruno Fernandes - Not much to say, absolute machine in goal involvements, an abolute lock for me 9M
Mid 2: Rodri - will have good ball recoveries, is on pens and can a long range goal, for 6.5M thats good value
Mid 3: Gundogan - Mostly same logic as Rodri with even more probability of goal 7M
Mid 4: Saka - i did preffer De Bruyne initially but i was 1M short and i had no intention of swapping anyone else, since i didnt have any other english player i thought why not, i think he will have a better tournament than foden and Palmer honestly as well 8.5M
Mid 5: Kokçu - another one of my rogue slightly biased shouts. his season for Benfica was sort of underwelming but not even bad by any standards, i am afraid this turkey team will flop again but i can see Kokçu having a breakout tournament to prove he is the baller he knows he is. 6M
Fwd 1: Mbappe - Not really much to say, undisputable and essential. 11M
Fwd 2: Lukaku - i think alot of people are memeeing him but in reality i think he will have a better tournament than Kane and i wouldnt be surprised if he is top scorer. a lot of people seem to have already given up on Belgium but i sneakily feel they will go out on a bang 9M
Fwd 3: Leao - i have seen every portugal game and what Leao does is amazing, singlehandedly can break a fullback 1 vs 1 with the most jawdropping ease. he will start every game for portugal and he will be one of our most important players, i think he will have more assists than goals but it will be plenty of them 8.5M
What do you guys think of my rogue shouts? am i too crazy?
submitted by Frizads_ to Euro2024Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:45 Sufficient_Onion_577 My cat acting different maybe hurt??

Sorry if nothing makes sense I’m just confused on what could have happened but she’s abt a year old short hair n not particularly big I’d actually say smaller than average I took my cat over to my moms house while I was on vacation because my grandma who was watching our house would be unable to take care of her properly, (little backstory my moms house is where my cat was born and one of my cats relatives lives there so I thought it’d be fine but my mom also has 3 cats total two are very docile and the third is the meanest most dominant cat to make this earth her own and this was my brothers cat till he moved out and stopped caring for her and my mother lives in a area where there a a bunch of strays so he figured it would be best due to the aggression to let her outside) my cat has grown up around dogs so not used to other felines so I think naturally she didn’t like her house immediately, and she came home a week later and she wont eat her dry food,and hardly the wet food we give her 2-3x a day(she will hardly lick a little bit of it up while growling which is a little normal for her but she has been doing it unusually loud and strange sounding) she won’t drink water or use the litter box and just slugs around and I’ve given her a day to acclimate back to home but she just does not seem like the same cat I left there and furthermore she won’t groom herself or lick me Which she loves to do usually, she has also been drooling either when she sleeps or sits still for a while and smacks her lips like lightly Ik there’s so many possible variables but feel free to throw suggestions, I’m worried about her
submitted by Sufficient_Onion_577 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:42 Cultural-Elk-7135 3L Remote Employment Ideas?

TLDR: I listened to my T14's Financial Aid Office, shouldn't have, and now need ideas for employment.
This is a throwaway account because I think I'll probably reveal enough about the school to out what school it is.
After doing great in undergrad at keeping my debt down, I got relative pennies in financial aid coming into law school. Like, enough that they said "we didn't forget about you, but don't you go spending this nickel in one place!"
I spoke with FA about it, and they advised me that I should focus on my grades in 1L and not worry about cost so much, and then in my 2L and 3L years, I could be a TA for an undergrad course, which comes with a full tuition waiver and a monthly stipend. Cool deal, right?
In 1L, I experienced two separate family emergencies and a medical emergency of my own. It drove my student loan debt alone from like $25,000 out of undergrad to about $120,000. In 2L, I did as they said, and got a TA gig. It was not nearly as easy as they made it out to seem, but I got one, and 2L was much easier for me. After interest, I'm hovering around $130,000 in debt and was financially stable for 2L, which I could not say for 1L.
Now, the Department that I am TAing in is firing all law students (rather, they're "not renewing our contracts") because we cost too much in our tuition waiver. Never mind the number of law students who specifically swallow the sticker price because they are told that they can just TA. So I'm now staring into the barrel of another $90,000 year, with no income, and graduating with over $200k in debt. Which I really don't want to do. Our union is grieving this, as it is a pretty clear violation of our contract, but the union seems more preoccupied with fighting for divestment from Israel (which is never going to happen) than actually helping student workers with out actual problems, so I am not holding my breath.
I'm trying to make the best out of a bad situation. I'm planning to live very cheaply next year, and I've taken an internship for credit in DC that I wouldn't have been able to do as a TA (because I would have had to be in-person). But I really need a job. It's never going to give me a tuition waiver, but it could at least bring my debt down. I'm working as a summer associate at a large firm this summer, but that money is almost all going to paying off $25k in credit card debt that I accumulated during 1L.
So I'm looking for part-time remote options that are flexible with my internship schedule. Any ideas? I've thought about tutoring, but I don't know what the remote options for that look like.
Lesson to 0Ls: don't trust financial aid.
submitted by Cultural-Elk-7135 to LawSchool [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:42 Scribblyr Help Me Find Mat Cauthon...

I initially gave up on The Wheel of Time series (the TV series, not a reader of the books) largely because I found the reveal of Rand al'Thor as the Dragon Reborn quite anti-climatic and the ending generally muddled in Season I. More recently, I decided to give the series another shot and, in doing so, learned that at least part of the awkwardness of the ending came from the actor Barney Harris, who plays Mat Cauthon, unexpectedly leaving the show early for personal reasons.
I'm now trying remind myself - piece together - how they shot around Harris's absence in the last two episodes and I'm hoping you can help.
Specifically, like a troll under the bridge, I have questions, three:
  1. I have a clear memory of a shot of someone walking out the Fal Daran Waygate towards the city. Is that Padan Fain?
  2. In the season finale, Padan Fain sheathes the ruby-hilted dagger after killing Lord Yakota, but how did he get the dagger in the first place? In the Season II premiere, Mat says he hasn't touched the dagger in six months. Given that he's in captivity, does this mean he did something bad with it? Did he give it to Fain?
  3. Is there anything else in the final two episode of Season I that explains what happened to Mat after he separated from the group, or anything related to his storyline in general, or will they simply explain this all that further along in Season II, somewhere after the scene where we see him imprisoned by the Reds?
submitted by Scribblyr to wheeloftime [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:41 acaldwell63 Electrical Issue with Windows/Sunroof

Electrical Issue with Windows/Sunroof
Hey everyone! Running into some kind of electrical issue with a 2005 Lincoln Town Car that has me stumped, wanted to see if anyone has ran into this or has any suggestions. All windows and the sunroof are not functioning. I'm not sure if its related but the radio at the same time does not turn on, however if I press the CD eject button or CD load button, the display does come on .
  • Checked all related fuses, all are good
  • Checked the Accessory Delay Relay (located in fuse box by battery, even swapped with another relay)
I checked with a very old version of AllData for pinpoint test, I pulled the driver control switch and checked the yellow/light green wire for voltage, no volts. It then had me measure the resistance between the driver window control switch and ground and between the switch and the relay, wasn't getting the values I needed so it says "Repair circuit 193 (Yellow/Light Green)". After looking at a wiring diagram, it appears that wire goes to the fuse box under the hood and also to "power distribution" Would that be the fuse box under the driver side dash?
submitted by acaldwell63 to lincolntowncar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:41 Secure_Pin_2468 I (16F) am being led on by a friend (16M) who seems to use my feelings for validation while not caring for my well-being at all.

Hi! Sorry if this is long but I need to vent!! And sorry for the cringe! Thanks in advance!!
Me and my friend are both 16 and we’ve known each othebeen friends for the past 2 years. We are classmates. I’ve considered him one of my closest friends but I don’t know anymore.
Last year I caught feelings for him. At first it wasn’t that serious, back then we would spend time together regularly and I’d just enjoy his company. He also was giving clues he might be interested in me but again, I wasn’t serious about it and I was just happy to be in love and feel the butterflies, ya know.
During summer I somewhat forgot about this crush (we didn’t text or meet) and focused on other things. But then the school year came, we met again and the feelings came back. He also started giving me some solid hints he likes me: he would tease me harder, sit closer so our legs could touch etc. Ofc I reciprocated. And because of that I fell so hard for him… I would text him about anything, try to convince him to spend time after school with me. But somehow he wasn’t enthusiastic at all. Not even in a friendly way.
Well, sadly, not long after he started showing obvious signs he became distant and would reject me on any occasion. I didn’t understand him just tossing me away, especially since we were friends and that was the official status of our relationship! BUT, dum dum, this was also temporary. After about a month of being cold he began talking to me and teasing me again (by that I mean dumb stuff like playfully taking my pen uhh). Again, I couldn’t understand but I was still in love so I was responding positively. A few times he even texted me, which has never happened before!!
Months passed, our relationship got better, he’s playful as always and recently started to reintroduce the leg-touching-leg thing, but I am hesitant and I try to pull away out of self respect and keep our relation frienship-like. Now I noticed, even though he shows these signs he doesn’t really care about me.
If I text (he rarely does) he responds dry, he never agrees to any activity I propose, he acts as if he considers me stupid (well he even said that a few times), never told me anything kind while I have complimented him, he doesn’t always bother to listen to things about myself I share with him, in a social setting he already abandoned me for another person a few times (why???).
Now the funny part, turns out at the time he pushed me aside he got a girlfriend (online or something, but they’ve met) and now they have already broken up. I didn’t know about his relationship and at some point I was really desperate and he didn’t even care enough to tell me to move on, he liked the attention I gave him. The most upsetting thing is that he did not inform me about this and led me on even when they were together. Also he damaged our friendship and broke my trust as I believed in that friendship existing regardless of my feelings.
And to clarify, in this post I only mentioned the bad things, but I do love spending time with him for a reason. He is such an interesting person and very funny, we have a similar sense of humor, similar political views. I can come up with many lovely, memorable moments with him from last year. When I first caught feelings he was a lot kinder and respectful, but we’re still young and young people tend to change.
I am fully aware he treats me awfully at times (I cried too much already to not realize this haha). A few times I was successful at getting rid of the feelings but they always come back carrying a mental breakdown. I want him out of my life but obviously I have this tiny speck of hope he’ll change and love me. Haha! Btw that is my first time being seriously in love.
I want to escape this friendship. How do I move on?? I plan on confronting him somehow so I don’t disappear the mysterious way he did.
TL;DR My male friend seems to be aware of my feelings for him and uses them to feel better about himself, while I'm left questioning the point of our friendship - I care and want it to exist, but the friend surely could just abandon it as he kinda did once.
submitted by Secure_Pin_2468 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:41 PayTheTeller Nobody Knows Nuffin. The saga of FEC filing MUR 7464

Buckle up buttercup, we're going on a wild ride following some campaign donation money intended to support a republican primary in the state of Ohio in 2018.
I originally intended on writing a post on my buddy Sean Cooksey, the crooked FEC chairman who is engaged in a conspiracy to allow any and all sorts of corruption involving campaign donations to republican candidates, in order to support yesterdays post I wrote involving creative uses of legalese to advance a pre planned determination.
Instead, I found a rabbit hole for your summer reading that is now intended to prove just how big of a fool it would take to donate to the republican party and how many hands are in the cookie jar before your hard earned dollars find their way to buy the TV ads that you thought you were buying.
The document I'm drawing from is the second General Counsels report regarding MUR 7464. Since this post is about the money trail itself, I won't get into too much about why this investigation was happening, how much money the players are dealing with outside of this narrow scope, or the results of the investigation.
So let's look at the original donations, all of which happened in 2018.
The first is a representative of assisted living communities which donated 50k on March 14
Then there is an individual directed directly by the candidate Ryan Smith to donate 100k on April 3rd.
The last is a 501c who donated 350k total, of which 150k was donated on March 27th. This company took in millions in donations from a power company called American Electric Power.
All of this money was transfered to another 501c called Ohio Works. For those playing at home, this is 300k total. Because of the murky transactions between AEP, the redacted 501c, and Ohio Works, the total disbursement is 352k
Now we move on to yet another 501c named IFN owned by a guy named Ray McVeigh. McVeigh had 2 guys working for him named Norris and Riter. On March 7th OhioWorks transferred 30k. March 28th, 200k, April 6th, 120k, and on May 5th, they transferred 2k for a total of 352k
Norris and Riter created an LLC named LZP which was treated as a disregarded entity to the IRS. You might say, hey, I create LLC's by accident all the time so why are we hassling these guys?
Well, it turns out that our boys also created the ironically named Honor PAC which is an "independent" expenditure only company. Must have had a good laugh at the independant part in that name. You should have read the assertions in the first report. The objective reader was misled by these 3 when they completely hoodwinked the investigation into thinking that IFN, LZP, and Honor PAC couldn't possibly be, in any way, related.
Ok, back to the money that now is transferred from IFN to LZP. On March 28th, 180k. On April 6th, 50k. On April 17th, 6k, and on October 17th, 35k. This is a total of 271k. Is it me, or is this pie getting smaller?
Now LZP to Honor PAC. On March 28th 175k. On April 6th, 50k. On April 18th 10k, and on October 19th, 35k, for a total of 270k. Hey, at least they only siphoned off a thousand bucks on this pass. Probably to pay for the filing fees of the company they accidentally created.
Then on finally, whew, to Target Enterprises LLC who you will find all over the republican FEC filing lists. Also SOM media LLC. The payments received from these entities were to pay for the ad campaigns, undoubtedly after, yet another round of administrative fees would be taken out of the kitty. The total amount paid to these entities was $227, 838
So there you have it. How to turn 352k into 227 and change, the republican way.
By the way, what's the dealio with our accidental LLC by McVeighs associates Norris and Riter? Well, it turns out that there are election laws in place which try to prevent obfuscation but all of this layering is effective at masking the siphoning and kick backs.
The redacted donors ponied up the 352k. They had no idea what Ohio works was doing. Ohio works had no idea what IFN was doing. IFN's McVeigh had no idea what his directors were doing when everything but his nice kickback went to their company LZP. Norris and Riter said LZP was just an oopsie when it came to reporting where their company named Honor PAC got the money. And Target doesn't care where Honor PAC got it because it appears they were the only ones actually doing any business with the money. The investigation was scuttled by the FEC because they said that this information shouldn't even be known because they were only supposed to look at the shell companies
See? Nobody knows nuffin and that's exactly how the game is played
But now you know
submitted by PayTheTeller to Defeat_Project_2025 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:41 Difficult-Surprise74 Rain Aspect Ability?

I will say this here I don't know why but I think Rain's aspect Ability will be something related to chill, cold, frozen anything ice related more likely a point 0° K ability granting insta peaceful death.
submitted by Difficult-Surprise74 to ShadowSlave [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:41 Remarkable-Mess6902 I have 3 years of experience as a financial analyst and want to shift to sales. Which sales jobs would be best for me?

As the title currently says I have been working as a financial analyst for three years for a healthcare company in South Florida even though I had a tech degree (ironic right). I like what the job taught me such as working under stress (which I know sales will involve) and meeting deadlines as well as building relationships but I feel like I can use what I know to help me in a sales positions where I can make more money. Now I know sales is not an easy job but I feel like I can adjust to it since I was able to work in finance without a finance background and adjust to it and retail experience working at Asics in college where I was the top seller for many months and caused an increase of revenue.
My main interest are in financial, healthcare/medical, and tech sales but I am open to learning of more postitons that I can get into that doesnt neccessarily have to relate to my prior experience.
What sales jobs do you suggest?
submitted by Remarkable-Mess6902 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:41 Beginning_Sun3043 Lots to unpack

Hey,, I've read a few posts and I can relate to a few bits. I'd like to get some thoughts off my chest and feedback, so thanks in advance anyone reading and commenting. Unless you're a troll then you can do one.
I'm in my 40s. Had three failed relationships with men with varying degrees of sexual trauma. Am single and very happy with that right now. I feel I've shed codependency at least. I've had sex with women in casual hookups (through swinging) and I know I liked that very much! Though looking back it felt rather performative. I did not enjoy men watching.
My childhood was bonkers, super religious nuttyness. Looking back I believe my father had schizophrenia. Childhood was neglectful.
I did find some men attractive, but it's tended to be father figure types (I'm comfortable with my psychosexual peculiarities to own this). I would have relationships with men I didn't find attractive too. Out of insecurity and to a point survival as I was forced to leave my home so young.
Anyway. I have found men attractive, but in a kinda Visceral way. I've been in limerance with men and have loved the idea of being in love. I've found women attractive in a softer, less visceral shyer way. Probably not the best words but that's what I'm saying.
Now I'm happily single I'm reflecting. And I just don't find men attractive. Maybe the odd one but that's not been for years. I also really don't like male sexuality. It's like they have a dopamine addiction. I kinda recognise it as I've a history of addictive behaviours. I've found more women I've met attractive in a very different way to how I found men attractive and it's all rather new and leaving me a little unsure. I've enough lesbian friends to know wlw relationships are not a bed of roses. But I just don't know if I'm attracted to women enough to have a relationship. I have a low key anxiety that I'd lead someone along while my head's unsure and I don't want to do that.
I've no plans to date anytime soon but wanted to get these thoughts off my chest and see if anyone's had a similar thing or not.
Thank you :-)
submitted by Beginning_Sun3043 to latebloomerlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:40 IloveKaitlyn Thank you for the transparency Mongoose Rodeo

No, this is definitely not related to anything that happened today. Not at all. Just saying thank you.
submitted by IloveKaitlyn to Crowsworn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:40 rhinehartlane 41.5, DOR, AMH 0.5, success first round with own eggs

Trigger warning: success, LC, MC
My only intent for this post is to be helpful, as I scoured this sub looking for stories like this one (with complete understanding all stories good and bad are anecdotal) during my journey. This is not medical advice. I am not a doctor. This is simply what we did that isn’t as common and worked for us.
We have a 3 year-old LC conceived unassisted when I was 38, birthed at 39. So we knew our main issue with ttc again was my age. I got pregnant at 40 unassisted and that ended in an MMC at 9 weeks. Then, crickets for a year. I did 3 rounds of IUI with stims, (one CP) before moving on to IVF at 41.5 (42 at time of birth).
The most appealing thing to me about IVF given my age was the PGT-A testing. But the doctor we ended up liking the best and going with told me at our consult, given my stats, I’d very likely never get to that stage. And based on how many stories I’ve read on here of women not getting any to blast or through the testing, I think my doctor was right. He teaches RE at UC as well as practices it, and that made me more inclined to listen to his advice. We had enough money for 3 rounds (paying out of pocket. Clinic only 6k a round). So we figured we’d start with what he suggested but also do everything else possible to improve chances.
I primed and stimmed with Omnitrope. I took DHEA, açaí, fish oil, vitamin D, baby aspirin, iodine drops (3 on the tongue a day), L arginine. Levothyroxine (my thyroid numbers were fine but slightly out of ideal range for maintaining pregnancy). I also cut out alcohol, caffeine, and instagram during my cycle. Berkey water filter. Stayed away from fragrance/phthalates as much as possible (no deodorant, lotions, used Burt’s bees baby shampoo). I intended to do keto/no sugano gluten but epically failed at that.
I had 7 follicles. 2 fertilized right away, 3 more were rescued and fertilized 1/2 a day behind.
We did a 3 day fresh transfer. My doctor said our embryos had the best chance in my uterus, can self correct, and most abnormal ones will not implant. I was terrified, but that’s what we did.
He transferred all 5. Which is acceptable to do with untested day 3 (and day 2.5). Small risk of twins. Anything beyond that he said was unheard of for my age (sigh. thanks).
One stuck.
I know this sub frowns on not PGT-A testing, especially after 40. I’m not here to argue for or against it. I’m just saying there could possibly be another option if you can’t clear that hurdle. The stat I found for my age was that once pregnant, I had a 1/29 chance of the fetus having an age-related chromosomal abnormality. I’m not sure the odds of me getting a PGT-A cleared embryo, but I decided to take my chances with the former. My pregnancy wasn’t fun at all. I kept waiting for some test to come back with devastating news. But, we just kept getting good results. And our healthy baby girl was born last week.
I’m sure I’d be singing a different tune if things had gone as feared. But I’m too relieved and grateful to not share, on the off chance this could help one person.
submitted by rhinehartlane to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:39 Artistic_Ad9779 So I have about 4 and a half hrs to think ok something for this scammer. I need ideas.

So I have about 4 and a half hrs to think ok something for this scammer. I need ideas.
So I pretty sure one of my old coworkers wife fb got hacked. Not only did she try to get me but also my fiancée to give her our number but it's funny my fiancée pointed out that she could have her husband do it. He then proceed to tell the scammer that he knows they are one and got blocked. Not even a min after he told me this I got another message. I'm looking on what to say next since I have a little over 4 hrs to figure out a plan.
submitted by Artistic_Ad9779 to scambait [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:39 Izanaginookami10 Just finished chapter 8

Just finished the highly acclaimed I suppose, to the point I looked extremely forward to it, chapter 8. Which from what I've heard, was also the last chapter that was available when the game was just released.
Starting with Lathel cursing, killing his past self in his nightmare. Ahh. AAaaAAA. Why. Why do I feel so ecstatic about it. Why. I don't understand. I think. I think it's related to something like... self-sacrifice...? No, no, this is self- harm. There's also madness, insanity in it.
Yes. I really like this new Lathel.. no. That is wrong. It's not like I like him, or rather, I actually do like him with a bit more of insanity, but looking at him like this makes me also very sad. I think the version of him that I liked the most was during chapter 6 and 7. Old but very angry Lathel.
The new Lathel... which I forgot to ask and check the community name of by the way, certainly still hits my checkboxes for insane and mad characters, as well as the 'growth' of Lathel, but mainly fills me with some... permeating sorrow.
That being said, I finally meet Lia, someone I know nothing about except being a the fire Queen DPS I believe.
So, I was most pleasantly surprised by directly meeting her. Liatris being a tad insane is just chef kiss. I like her a lot. I'm not quite certain on the reason she is yandere for Gray, but I definitely dig it.
Ah. Wait a moment. It was some weeks ago and I've already forgotten given my horrible memory that borders dementia realms (I'm actually just very busy and stressed to the point I forget what I was doing when I pass through a door...), but... wasn't there a Gray flashback with him being the youngest son of a noble family that was executing some people and he saved a girl?
Then, was that girl Liatris perhaps?
Or am I actually totally wrong and I'm remembering incorrectly? Maybe it wasn't even about Gray. I don't know. But until I get contrasting information, that will be my head canon.
Either way. I definitely like a lot Yandere Liatris. Definitely a very good additional reason to get her as soon as possible other than the Fire Queen DPS, though I heard Eris is also a great addition for that role.
But what I like the most, is of course the different flavor of madness the duo of her and Lathel give off compared to say, Teresse and Lathel.
If the latter was a sorrowful madness, Lia and Lathel feels closer to chaotic madness.
It's another type of insanity, but one I also like a lot. Actually, I think I just like insanity in general, so this is cheating as I would love any type of insanity. This highlight once more how much I love, I truly love Lathel's development and... process of becoming a broken person.
I love how the 'MC' is one of the people becoming insane.
And what to say of the Justia and Lathel relationship? The way they are... I don't know, connected perhaps? Is so... poetic. Romantic even. By that I don't mean romance as 'love', but in the, uh, sentimental sense. I'm a 'romanticist' if it wasn't clear enough, as in, I put extreme importance on deep emotions, feelings and inner thoughts rather than 'external' factors.
That is why I love so much this story, as, even though it's a classic tale of 'fighting evil to save the world', it's also very centered on the bonds, relationships and inner growth of the characters as well as their emotions and feelings.
Of course, the characters most fleshed out as of now are definitely Lathel and Justia, though as of late, it's way more prominent Lathel's change.
The way both roles got reversed, with Justia becoming a far more understanding and flexible as well as hopeful knight from the rigid, black and white evil slayer she was origially; and Lathel on the other hand, becoming more and more ruthless, almost reaching madness levels, nay, legit becoming insane, when he was a kind, naive, herbalist.... is such a romantic contrast that it almost seems poetry in my eyes.
I love the most how everyone realize and talk about his changes, Justia especially, but also Shera and to minor a degree Gray. I really love it. How everyone acknowledge, regardless of their feeling, his change, and how the narration highlight it so much.
Of course, although I admit I greatly love how he changed, I can feel this 'relaxed' because I'm aware this is by no means his 'endpoint'. This isn't his final 'version'. No. He will experience, develop much more. I'm certain of it.
I mean, I'm spoiled meta-wise due to the existence of so many more Lathel related costumes, especially 'Homunculus Lathel' and the coincidentally future story pack 'Homunculus'.
So yeah. My fondness for him will not stop growing here. I am strangely really fond of him. Strangely because it has been just a... month. Ah.
I've been in this world for a month already. I see.
I saw him as a naive herbalist.
I saw him witnessing Misha's death.
I grieved for and with him, to the point of mourning myself for Misha and still feeling sad over her death.
I saw his meeting with Shera, Gray and the whole party becoming closer.
I saw him becoming more and more unforgiving towards Cocytus acts of cruelty.
I saw him becoming berserk and reaching madness levels in the Mage Tower and alongside Teresse.
Now. I see him as a changed, disillusioned avenger or perhaps, empty man whose sole purpose is to crush evil.
And I long, to see how much more he will grow, hoping for him to find another purpose other than simply slaying evil.
It's my personal... fantasy, delusion even, that I hope Justia might bring him back on the correct? No, who am I to say what's correct and what is not, I hope she can bring him back to a less self-destructive way. Yes. That's more like it.
So. You can imagine the shock.
I would have never imagined that Lathel would... die. I didn't particularly think of what could happen, but death was certainly not an hypothesis I even contemplated for some reason.
Thus, my first reaction was... a lack of reaction. No, disbelief perhaps? Denial? That's a little to strong. Disbelief is more correct to describe it I believe. Yes. I couldn't believe what had just happened.
And I'm, after some hours, still not quite 'connected' to what just happened.
No. I lied. After few hours. Right now. Especially while glancing at the cutscenes character arts. With Lathel laying down, on the brink of death and Justia crying promising him to cook his favourite dishes when they return is making my nose and eyes feel that familiar feeling when you're about to cry.
It's hitting me hard allright. Yes. It's hitting me hard now. Very hard. Fudge.
This is honestly unexpected. I'm seriously feeling it all now. I'm tearing up.
Damn. The feelings of recalling Misha are also resurfacing. Damn it.
I teared up.
I guess taking a little time to order my thoughts, also unlocked the emotional aspect I had for this specific happening.
.......shit. I'm starting to feel my eyes burning up a little again.
It's sad. It's just sad.
Lathel's experience is just sad. The more I think about it, the more tragic it feels and the more sorrowful I feel.
I actually wanted to say I was a little disappointed by the chapter. Not because it was bad, but simply because my expectations were extremely high and although I said I didn't particularly imagine what scenario could possibly happen, as a veteran I would say in stories, I subconsciously certainly thought of few paths. But I believe what I thought would happen was closer to some, true and uninterrupted this time, emotional climax.
Like, Lathel self sacrificing and Justia barely bringing him back and crying while screaming at him that he mustn't consume himself to 'annihilate' evil. Would Misha want that for him? Would the people that hold and held him dear wish for such ending for him? I would have loved if some of her own personal feeling was spilled at that moment as well, and by that I don't specifically mean romantic feelings, but definitely some kind of affection or closeness.
However. All of that was merely a delusion on my part.
For Lathel died.
Betraying my delusion. I was about to say I was slightly disappointed due to the above fact, as well as due to the automatic preview we have for the next chapter, showing me fast forwarding a year later and Lathel or his clone, homunculus or his legacy, showing up.
But now that I'm currently hit like a truck by my own emotions and feelings of sorrow over his death the more I think about it.
I think it was just a delayed reaction.
I actually still think I love the most Chapter 7, as Teresse sorrowful rage alongside Lathel's was most... beautiful.
But this chapter is certainly very special as well.
Furthermore, now I look very, nay, extremely forward to the party, especially Justia's reaction at their reunion. Though I am uncertain on Lathel's own reaction. I imagine him having his memory wiped though, so it will be a amnesiac "Lathel" meeting Justia. That on itself is already making me long for such reunion so much I must contain myself from immediately progressing.
Yes, because I think this is a good point to take a break at. As I fear I'll consume the story too fast, risking to suffer from that nightmarish feeling of total emptyness after reading and catching up or finishing a great story. Something... I'm very familiar with given I'm a reader first and foremost. That pain, after so many years, reaching decades even, still affects me so much it's something I believe I cannot get used to.
The feeling of suddenly missing something that accompanied you for a while, for the harsh every day. Suddenly disappearing and leaving a metaphorical hole within you. That emptyness.. is seriously painful.
.....I literally just realized. Have I actually been grieving for the 'loss' of stories all this time? Damn... I suppose. They are indeed my most precious thing indeed. No wonder. Though I would like to think I'm not alone in this. I believe everyone, after finishing such great story, be it due to it being completed or because it's the last available chapter, would feel empty inside to some degree. Maybe I'm overly affected. Maybe not. But it doesn't matter.
To alleviate that inevitable, unbearable pain, I'll try to resist the temptation of starting, and finishing, the next chapter immediately.
Then again. Haven't I been saying this for like the last 3 chapters...? I hope to continue loving a lot and for long this story, as it is very precious to me for now. Stories like this are my raison d'etre.
To 'forcefully' take a break, I have half-idea to start Brave Nine to further immerse myself in this world and lore regardless of the gameply. Unless it's completely garbage, I think I can enjoy it, for I am a reader. Hence gameplay is secondary.
submitted by Izanaginookami10 to BrownDust2Official [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:39 stonk_lord_ Bears: kills for survival. Men: kills more women than bears do annually and celebrates the death of a woman.

Bears: kills for survival. Men: kills more women than bears do annually and celebrates the death of a woman. submitted by stonk_lord_ to boysarequirky [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:34 cherryteacup [M4A] The Stranger By The Harbour Pt. 9 [SFW][OC][Gothic][Vampire Speakers][No Listener][19th Century][Lore Drop][Spooky][Morning Ambience][Secret Discussion][Power Dynamic][Servant And Master][“If the human remains alive, then the fate of the Abbey may fall out of our hands.”]

You are NOT ready for this.
IMPORTANT: When copying and pasting my scripts from Google Docs to Reddit, all of the italics in the scripts vanish, which means that a lot of words lose their intended emphasis. Due to this, I highly encourage you to read the script on the original document, which can be found at the end of this post! Thank you!
Whilst melancholic tensions brew between Caspian and the human, far away, in the grass, there lies the remnants of an unfortunate affair. With clotted blood upon his brow, and a bullet lodged within his brain, Elias claws through the dirt and dew to escape the rising of the morning sun. He continues to drag his weakened body through the muck, cursing the outcast and everything he stands for, until, suddenly… he hears a voice. A cruel voice, a loving voice, a voice of authority and allure. The voice… of a master.
[The scene opens with the gentle chirping of the morning birds, alongside the staggered breaths of Elias, who is dragging himself across the ground. He claws into the dirt, attempting to pull his body towards the shade of the trees. He speaks in an irritated tone.]
[E] “That halfwit. That… That-”
[A slither of sunlight catches his leg, causing him to recoil slightly. He hisses under his breath.]
“Bastard. Why must the sun rise so hurriedly? I must retreat- I need shade.”
[There’s a small pause as he continues to drag himself across the ground.]
“That dreaded outcast… How is an embarrassment like him able to nurture such strange and useless bonds? The gunman and that beloved fishmonger of his- it’s… it’s absurd. I don’t understand.”
[A brief pause.]
“Please, Master… remain faithful, for I shall ensure that the outcast is dealt with promptly. I’ll string him up and watch with glee as he squirms and chokes, I’ll dismember him for your enjoyment, I-”
[Suddenly, a deep and commanding voice interrupts him from among the trees. Elias stops and looks around in surprise, trying to pinpoint the direction of the voice.]
[???] “Selfish fool. The words you speak are of your own fantasies, not mine.”
[E] “That voice. It cannot be.”
[???] “You test my faith, Elias Acker, for all that I have witnessed from your reckless behaviour is failure. Caspian is not the object of my interest… the human is. You are losing sight of this.”
[E] “I’m not, I swear it! Your wishes are all that I care for-”
[???] “Silence! Do not feed me such lies.”
[A dark figure emerges from between the trees and slowly approaches Elias.]
[E] “M-Master! Please, I do not wish to lie to you. I wouldn’t dream of it.”
[M] “Quit your begging. It’s repulsive.”
[The Master stops in front of Elias, who remains on the ground. Elias cranes his neck up weakly to look at his Master.]
“I gave you a task. A simple one, at that. Your job was, and still is, to retrieve the human and bring them to the Abbey, and I have yet to see the human pass through my doors. I am right to believe that you are aware of how… unsatisfactory this is, yes?”
[E] “Of course! Yes, I know perfectly well how disappointing the fruits of my labour have been so far, but-”
[The Master lets out a short and amused laugh at Elias.]
[M] “Fruits… itane est?”
[E] “Quidem est. I believe I have made progress.”
[M] “What sort of progress, pray tell?”
[E] “Hitch and that little friend of his are vulnerable. They lack the strength to fight back-”
[M] “And yet here you lie with a bullet in your head.”
[Elias falls silent.]
“Rise, my child.”
[There’s a small pause as Elias staggers up. Once he stands up, the Master reaches towards and holds the side of his head, inspecting the bullet wound.]
“Hmm. I must say, the human that shot you did a remarkable job. We may have a hunter on our hands.”
[E] “I doubt it. A real hunter would’ve sawed my head off.”
[M] “Indeed. Though, he still aimed for your head regardless. ‘Tis a killer's instinct, a hunter’s reflex. He may cause us some trouble.”
[E] “Like I said, I doubt i-”
[Before he can finish his sentence, the Master slips his fingers into Elias' bullet wound. The wound makes squishing sounds as he feels for the bullet. Elias represses a grunt as he does so.]
[M] “Calm yourself and stay still. If I am to perform one kind act today, it shall be to remove this bullet. If your body heals over it, it will surely become a nuisance. I want my children to be healthy, not irritated.”

“I would also prefer it if my children were to cease their useless fixations on those who do not serve us anymore.”
[E] “But he’s insane! You cannot reject what is innate!”
[After he speaks, the Master pulls the bullet out of Elias' head. He twiddles it between his fingers and chuckles as Elias hisses under his breath from the pain.]
[M] “I understand your irritation, but I’m afraid the outcast has made his decision. Although, I must say, these nights I see a guilt-ridden gleam about his eyes. He’s struggling, but how long will he continue to do so? That is the question.”
[Elias gently holds his hand over the bullet wound, wincing slightly from the pain.]
[E] “It’s not long now, my Master. He’s a beaten mutt who knows that his end is creeping upon the horizon. If I could just wring his neck once again, I assure you, I would put an end to his miserable life once and for a-”
[Without warning, the Master strikes Elias’ cheek with his hand. He falls silent, as the Master criticises him.]
[M] “Enough. What a weak minded fool you are. Once again, you devote your focus to the outcast, and not the human. If you continue to act like this, I will not hesitate to withdraw you from your duties and throw you to the sunlight. Do I make myself clear?”
[A brief pause passes. The Master glares at Elias.]
[E] “Yes, Master.”
[M] “Good.”
[E] “Although… May I ask a question?”
[The Master thinks for a second, his eyes still glaring down at Elias.]
[M] “You may.”
[E] “...What purpose does the human serve? Surely they are not needed for your Great Plan?”
[The Master chuckles sinisterly.]
[M] “No, no, they are not. My plan is coming along quite nicely without them.”
[E] “It is?”
[M] “Indeed. The Demeter will make port at Whitby in only three nights, and from there we shall travel down to London and claim our right to national dominance. You and the rest of my children shall soon thrive off of this land, and take your pick of the cattle that run rife within these filthy towns and cities.”

“It will all be ours, as I had promised.”
[E] “Then… Pray tell, why do you need the human?”
[A brief pause passes as the Master thinks. He takes a step towards the trees and beckons Elias with his hand.]
[M] “Walk with me.”
[Elias obeys and walks alongside the Master into the woodland.]
“Do you remember, many moons go, when a new family had taken claim of the old house by the harbour?”
[E] “I-I apologise, I don’t believe I do.”
[M] “Well, tension began to rise between the two of us. For, you see, this family had made plans to renovate the Abbey, and, as you can obviously assume, this little goal of theirs was completely out of the question.”

“I posed as the Abbey’s priest, and took it upon myself to ensure that these dirty fisher folk stayed put at the harbour, where they belonged. But, alas, they challenged me. They stated that a distant relative of theirs passed the Abbey down to them through inheritance, but I hardly believed it. A poor fishing family, gifted an Abbey out of pure relation?”
[He chuckles.]
“‘Twas positively absurd. They continued their verbal onslaught for many days and nights, squabbling about their right of ownership, until, finally, I had lost my patience.”
[E] “What did you do?”
[The Master stops walking, and so does Elias. The Master turns to face him.]
[M] “I killed them. Sucked them dry until they were nothing but piles of pruned, rotting flesh. Usually, I would be pleased about this, if it was not for the one human who managed to escape my grasp.”
[Elias mumbles to himself, realising who exactly that human is.]
[E] “Hitch’s new friend…”
[M] “This is no fixation, my child. Nor an obsession. ‘Tis simply a desire to finish what I had started long ago, to complete my delectable collection. If the human remains alive, then the fate of the Abbey may fall out of our hands.”
[E] “Surely that isn’t possible?”
[M] “I have witnessed it all. I have watched peasants wear crowns, and kings slumbering in the muck. The human must be slain, and I shall do the honours. I want that human to be bound to my altar and given up to my greed-ridden fangs, I want to smell the blood coursing through their veins, and I want most of all for their influence over my children to be put to an end.”
[E] “Hitch failed to prove his loyalty to us, and yet you still address him as one of your children? Why?”
[M] “It is true that he has become disloyal, and, I admit, his repression of my gaze is rather admirable, but he is a child of the night, regardless. He shares the same primitive desires as you and I, only he exercises control over his urges. He may pretend to be human, yes, but he knows just as well as us that he is a monster, through and through.”

“But I digress. The only being who we are concerned with, at this very moment, is the human, and the human alone. Do you understand?”
[E] “Yes, Master.”
[M] “Good. Consider yourself lucky. I do not spare this much faith for someone of the likes of you. Allowing you to see me is a privilege in itself, my child, and it would be quite irksome if one were to… betray my trust.”
[E] “I would never. Not even in my wildest dreams would I consider doing such a thing. I am, and will forever be, your most ardent servant.”
[Elias takes a bow, and a brief pause follows. The Master smiles to himself.]
[M] “Your obedience is pleasing, but it will take more than words to satisfy me.”

“Bring the human to the Abbey doors, and only then shall they open for you. Do not return empty-handed. Understood?”
[E] “Yes, Master, of course-”
[Rising from his bow, Elias realises that the Master has vanished.]
“He’s gone.”
[A brief pause. He lets out an irritated sigh and begins walking again, mumbling under his breath as he does so.]
“Curse you, Hitch. Curse. You.”
[After a short while of walking, the distant voices of Abraham and Elissia can be heard approaching.]
[A] “I shot him up, I did. Aimed for his cranium and let my bullets ring! I tell ya, doctor, you just had to be there.”
[DE] “I did not, thank you. Your… graphic retelling is more than enough.”
[Elias stops walking, realising who the voice belongs to.]
[E] “The gunman…”
[He hides behind a tree as Abraham and Elissia continue their conversation. Their voices become gradually louder.]
[A] “Graphic? I thought you were a lady of science? You doctors always have yer elbows down deep in guts and blood.”
[DE] “Well-”
[She takes on a hushed tone, like she doesn’t want anyone else to hear her.]
“Well, yes, we do…”
[Her voice returns to normal.]
“But don’t go blabbering about those details out in the open. Have you read the papers? Don’t you know that there’s still a stigma against doctors?”
[A] “Aye, I do. But no one can hear us here.”
[DE] “... I suppose you're right. Although, if there’s one thing I know for certain, it is that something is always waiting around the corner. Take my students, for example. When acquiring their cadavers for our practicals, they are, more often than not, caught by a policeman prowling in the back alleys. Things may seem easy, but, in reality, you have already failed. That is why I am so cautious, vampire hunter. Unlike you.”
[They pass Elias, who continues to keep his eyes on Abraham.]
[A] “Hey, don’t go yapping on about that stuff. There’s a stigma, ya know.”
[Realising what she had done, Elissia gasps and covers her mouth. Abraham lets out a short laugh.]
“Need not worry, doc. It’s still early hours, which means we’re alone.”
[DE] “Are you certain?”
[A] “Absolutely-”
[Abraham stops walking as he notices something… strange. Elissia takes a couple more steps before stopping and turning to face him.]
[DE] “Hm? What’s the matter?”
[A] “Uhm… Nothing. Yeah, nothing.”
[DE] “Well, let's continue then, shall we? We have lots to discuss.”
[A] “... Right.”
[Elissia continues walking, meanwhile Abraham remains still, staring at a patch of dried blood on the grass. He mumbles to himself.]
[A] “That blood… I-I shot him, but… where’s the body?”
[Elissia calls out to him.]
[DE] “Are you following, Abraham?”
[He begins to walk away, still mumbling to himself.]
[A] “Must be body snatchers.”
[He calls out to Elissia.]
“Right behind ya, doc.”
[A small pause passes as their walking grows more and more distant, leaving Elias by himself.]
[E] “Watch your back, hunter. One never knows what is lurking around the corner.”
[He chuckles. The morning ambience fades to silence.]
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Latin Translations:
“itane est?” = Roughly translates to “is that so?”. It is used to indicate surprise and/or request new information.
“Quidem est” = Roughly translates to “Indeed it is”.
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Monetisation: Also fine, as long as I’m credited and have access to the projects you use my scripts for (e.g. Youtube, Patreon, etc…).
Socials: lilacgingerteaa (X/Twitter), u/cherryteacup (Reddit, please use this when you credit me).
Commissions: Want to commission me? Take a peek at the options available on my ko-fi! (Which can be accessed via my Linktree).
NOTE: Please remember to inform me when you use my script! Whether this is through Reddit or X/Twitter doesn’t matter, just remember to tell me when you’ve completed and uploaded a fill! Thank you! :]
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2024.06.09 21:33 Adventurous-Ruin-261 Does anyone else not like their partner when they drink?

I'm just starting out on my journey to stop drinking. At first I decided to cut back. Then drink only on the weekends. I'm at the "occasionally on holiday" stage, and I feel like I'm inevitably going to decide I have to stop altogether, I'm just not there yet.
But I've noticed something. My partner, the love of my life, whom I find sweet, generous, funny, and brilliant, gets on my nerves when I drink. Not every time, but a lot of the time. They don't do anything new...but I become impatient, take things personally, and hold grudges when I drink. I don't even have to have much, like one or two. And I don't share this outwardly with them, I don't get verbally abusive or anything, but they can certainly tell I get grumpy.
I have a lot of reasons to stop but this feels like a really big one to me. I love my partner, and I don't want to feel anything but love for them. I do when I drink. Does anyone else relate? Did your relationship change for the better when you stopped? Not in the "our relationship no longer held the pressure of alcoholism" way, but just by helping you love your partner more wholly?
submitted by Adventurous-Ruin-261 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:33 biscuitmachine My current impressions on the gaming laptop market, want feedback.

My current impressions on the gaming laptop market, want feedback.
I've been doing laptop research to just have a gaming laptop that I can take around with me. Like lunch at work or similar. I have a Steam Deck, but it's just too limited for me to actually use on the go. I need the mouse and keyboard. I want something that can just play games like, say, Baldur's Gate 3 (ie modern titles) with DLSS on. Doesn't have to play it amazingly, but just be competent enough. The focus is on getting good bang for the buck, +/- other convenience features.
To that end I put together a spreadsheet for myself. I used Time Spy medians as found on NotebookCheck and then local pricing on the cheapest laptop with each chip. Based on what I've recorded, to me it seems like the 4060 is sort of the sweet spot. I don't actually have a particular budget. I have plenty of leeway. But I didn't want to feel like I just splurged on something completely unnecessary. To me the 4070 seems to be priced very badly, as is the 4080 (although it might just be that my local 4090 price is that good). The only cards that seem to be worth it are either the 4060 or the 4090. It looks to me like the main upgrades when going to a 4070 are not performance related, but screen and I/O related. Which to some might be worth it. I already have a 4090 at home, so I don't particularly need anything strong outside of being up and about.
AMD dGPUs seem to be hard to find and also have multiple reports of various software bugs.
Before I pull the trigger on a 4060 laptop, I wanted to have some thoughts. Right now I'm leaning towards this particular model:
Since for $50 more, it looks like it has a full-length hinge, which will probably last longer than the less expensive ones. Thoughts?

You probably want to make this full screen and/or zoom in on it
submitted by biscuitmachine to laptops [link] [comments]