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Defining Strong Independent FL and Other Terms

2024.06.10 03:06 NarouSou Defining Strong Independent FL and Other Terms

I've been wondering, what is everyone's definition for a strong (maybe independent) FL. I've basically seen variations of this answer bc I once asked for recs on subby MLs (which is sort of a second bonus question).
Understandimg the social standings and complexity of gender roles in asian countries and putting that to the side, do you guys have like a role model in mind for this? Has a rec ever disappointed you because that expectation was different?
When I think strong and independent FL I usually have Beware the Villainess, I Raised My Fiance With Money, and Queen Cecilia's Shorts. These are probably much more extreme than other people's references since I combine the meanings of strong and independent in my head. I literally deduct points in my mind every time an FL trips or is about to be/is slapped by someone and then the MLs have to take care of her.
Which reminds me: slapping. If they do something else besides slapping as an attack, that's a passing point. But slapping a maid don't make you strong.
Other terms I feel I differ from the masses with:
Submissive ML - Nine from Beware the Villainess is the perfect role model. He doesnt have to be shy and nervous all the time, but he NEVER does something behind Melissa's back. Faux examples I've been recommended: I raised a Tyrant and ran away, Remarried Empress.
Yuri Bait - Sorry guys, sometimes friendships feel gay. I will admit to the Exclusive Maid of the Evil Empress. That one is like pointing a big red arrow to a poster with a sticky note on it. But Beware the Villainess: Yuri's interest was one sided as hell and the romance with Nine was subtle but there.
If you have something that you felt you viewed differently from the general public, I also want to know about those too.
(I realize while writing this, I use Beware The Villainess as a reference all throughout. I promise I don't have THAT strong of options, it's just a good reference point because it's so well known)
submitted by NarouSou to OtomeIsekai [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:00 dreamed2life How Astrocartography and Relocation Astrology Can Enhance Your Painting Career

Painting is a deeply personal and expressive art form that can be significantly influenced by your surroundings. For painters seeking to enhance their creativity, inspiration, and career opportunities, astrocartography and relocation astrology offer insightful tools to find locations that resonate with their artistic soul. Let's explore how these astrological methods can help painters find their ideal creative spaces.
Relocated Chart Insights for Painters
A relocated chart can unveil new potentials and strengthen existing talents in your painting career:
Essential House Placements:
Influential Planetary Aspects:
Supportive Planetary Combinations:
Astrocartography for Painters
Astrocartography maps planetary influences in different locations, which can be pivotal for a painter’s career:
Combining Relocation Chart and Astrocartography for Artistic Success
Integrating your relocated chart with astrocartography can help you identify places that not only inspire your creativity but also align with professional growth in the art world. For example, a strong Neptune influence in your relocated chart combined with a Venus line in astrocartography can create the perfect environment for artistic inspiration and recognition.
Natal Chart Considerations
Your natal chart is the cornerstone of your inherent artistic capabilities and potential challenges. Key aspects to consider include:
For painters looking to deepen their artistic practice and advance their careers, astrocartography and relocation astrology can be invaluable resources. By understanding the astrological influences of different locations and how they interact with your natal chart, you can find environments that inspire your creativity and support your growth as an artist. Remember, while astrology provides a unique perspective, your passion, dedication, and hard work are essential in painting your own success story.
submitted by dreamed2life to ProAstrocartography [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:00 dreamed2life Finding Creative Success as a Graphic Designer: Insights from Astrocartography and Relocation Astrology

Graphic design is a field where creativity meets practicality, and for those in this dynamic profession, the environment can play a crucial role in fostering inspiration and success. Astrocartography and relocation astrology offer fascinating insights into how different locations can enhance your creative and professional prospects as a graphic designer. Let’s delve into how these astrological tools can help in finding the best places for your design career to flourish.
Relocated Chart Aspects for Graphic Designers
A relocated chart can highlight the astrological factors that support creativity and professional growth in graphic design:
Key House Positions:
Significant Planetary Aspects:
Planetary Combinations Beneficial for Design:
Astrocartography Lines for Graphic Designers
Astrocartography can guide you to locations where planetary energies support your graphic design career:
Integrating Relocation Chart and Astrocartography for Design Career
Combining the insights from your relocated chart with astrocartography can pinpoint locations that not only inspire your creativity but also offer professional growth opportunities. For example, a Mercury line may bring networking opportunities, while a strong 10th house in your relocated chart could mean greater visibility for your work in that area.
Natal Chart Considerations
Your natal chart sets the foundation for your inherent talents and challenges. Important factors include:
For graphic designers looking to maximize their creative potential and career success, astrocartography and relocation astrology can be invaluable tools. By understanding the astrological influences in different locations and how they interact with your natal chart, you can find environments that not only inspire your creativity but also support your professional growth and success in the competitive world of graphic design. Remember, while astrology can provide guidance, your personal drive, talent, and hard work are key to making the most of these cosmic influences.
submitted by dreamed2life to ProAstrocartography [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:58 Ok_Broccoli_2108 After 12 years I'm crawling out of denial and need help, but getting access to a doctor and care is so difficult (rant)

I was only fifteen years old when I started having constant diarrhea, no matter what I ate. I was always skinny, but in just under two months of going to the bathroom up to eight times a day, my parents noticed the pounds dropping off and forcibly took me to go see my pediatrician. I was 5'2 and 102 pounds before all of it, but at the doctor's I weighed in at 87 pounds. I was sent to the emergency of a Children's Hospital and they admitted me, initially in with the anorexics.
After several tests they diagnosed me with Crohn's disease and I was transferred to the gastroenterology wing. Immediately we were told about Remicade and Imuran. My parents were always somewhat health-nuts, and distrustful of doctors, so they did their own online research. The doctors would try to speak to me on my own and make these drugs seem like miraculous healing injections. "You could eat whatever you want, go out with your friends and not be left out..." etc. One lady ended that talk with "of course, there is a small risk of developing lymphoma, but you know you could eat what you want!". We once saw the pharmaceutical rep for Remicade exit the office of the head of the department, and my parents told me how the doctors get handsomely paid to prescribe certain drugs.
My mom read online that some people could control their symptoms with diets, like the Seignalet diet. So, being fifteen, I decided to go with what my parents thought was best. My Crohn's was very spread at the time, but mainly in the small intestine. At my lowest I dropped to 79 pounds, so in order to get back to a healthy weight, I followed two months on a liquid diet of Modulen and took Entocort pills. Pentasa made me sicker so I stopped that. The Entocort really helped.
I got back to a semi healthy state and cut gluten and dairy from my diet. I had to be careful what I ate and learned my trigger foods. At the age of 18 I went back for a capsule camera test, where they film the inside of your GI tract. There were still ulcers and inflammation. I couldn't be seen at the Children's Hospital anymore due to my age, and fell through the cracks of the system.
For years I never thought about Crohn's, didn't want to think about it as it triggered anxiety and denial and avoidance are my coping mechanisms. I was doing pretty fine, although the list of trigger foods grew larger every year. By 21 I became a vegan, since fish, meat and eggs all became very bad triggers. There are many random triggers too, for example cooked soy sauce (as in a stir fry) is mortal, but uncooked with vegetarian sushi is fine.
At 24 I had a rough patch and decided to seek help. I live in Canada and our healthcare system is A.B.Y.S.M.A.L. I don't have a family doctor, but I managed to get an appointment with a generalist, who referred me to a gastroenterologist. When I got there, she acted so uninterested, kept looking at her watch, and she prescribed me a huge dose of Mezavant, since Entocort isn't covered by public health insurance for adults. Each pill is pretty big, and she told me to take 4 a day. I was doubtful but thought she probably knew what she was doing.
I reacted to it like you'd react to a gastrointestinal virus. Vomited and shat myself dry for two days, dizzy, couldn't keep water down. My dad tried to call the clinic and she was supposedly out of the country, but her assigned nurse said I should take the pills again in a smaller dose "to see what it does". I obviously didn't, and she never tried to contact me again. I later learned that Mezavant has the same active ingredient as Pentasa, which I had told her I had reacted badly to. Eventually my condition improved on its own.
So for years, I avoided the topic of my diagnosis. Shut it out. My boyfriend doesn't like hearing about the symptoms too so it made it easy to keep ignoring. I could go months without it crossing my mind. My diet kept becoming more restricted. In bad phases I manage to eat very little amounts of food, because the less I eat, the less likely I am to react badly.
But about a year ago, I started having a type of pain I never had before, after reacting to something I was used to eating. It felt like a point just left and a bit below my navel. For a few weeks I couldn't lie on my front. If I had more than breakfast and went for a long walk, I would get pain there like stitch, but pretty bad to the point I had to stop if I was hiking, or wait for the bus. That got better around last September, but the stitch on a walk after lunch remained at times.
In February, on a random day at university, that central lower left pain came back with a vengeance. I went on about my life, but it was dull, growing ache as long as I was standing up. It would be better if I sat, and gone if lying down. For about a week, even just the waist of my pants rubbing on my skin there felt painful. I managed to go about my life as always though. It wasn't even linked to diarrhea. However, even if it has gotten better since, a bout of diarrhea can make that pain come, but not as bad as in February.
Went to see another doctor in March, because I have grown tired and hopeless about this issue. I was told the wait time for a consultation with a gastroenterologist is minimum 3 months, but it could be longer. Meanwhile, I am so beyond done. Tired of not being able to eat anything without heavy planning going into it and of feeling left out of social events. Even if I go to a birthday party at a restaurant and can only have a mocktail on the menu, I'm glad to be there and included, but also feel somewhat excluded by this condition. I can no longer drink alcohol either, I can't really have lunch, so I only have a snack bar and a gluten free vegan muffin for lunch usually. I am hungry almost every day, even if I often forget to eat now, but if time has taught me anything, it's that nothing is worth having to sit on the toilet with crampy diarrhea. It's the absolute worst. The thought of surgery is my worst nightmare and I would rather die.
Now at 27, I am 5'5 and weigh 106 pounds, and people, even strangers often comment on my weight and say I need to eat more. I don't really lose weight, I have been like this for about 2-3 years, but my family loves to comment on my bones when they hug me. They're all slightly overweight so maybe their perception of normality is warped though. The biggest I got was 128 pounds when I was 20 and lived abroad, then it decreased and maintained around 106-112 since.
So anyway, here I am, feeling pretty hopeless. I hope I get a callback before the fall. I'm finishing my Masters so as a student I can't afford private care yet. I think I'm at a point now where I am finally ready to explore medication, because I am sick and tired of restricting myself. I've now read all the doom and gloom, but I'd love to know that there actually is hope for someone like me to live a normal life and not always fear everything I put in my mouth that isn't one of my "safe" foods.
Sorry for the long rant.
submitted by Ok_Broccoli_2108 to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:53 ar_david_hh Holy revolution underway in Armenia to oust "anti-Russian" government \\ Lake Sevan: temp, algae, chemicals \\ Macron & Biden \\ Diaspora news: Lebanon & Turkey \\ Flood zones recovering \\ New Administrative Code \\ Bucha response \\

11 minutes of Armenia coverage by Transcaucasian Telegraph. Follow for regular updates.

just how much rain did Lori province receive last month?

About as much as the Ararat Valley gets in a year: 250-270 mm.

the heavy rains might prevent the mass growth of green algae in Lake Sevan this year: VIDEO

Experts are optimistic this year after the reported rise of water levels in Sevan. The additional water is expected to reduce the average temperature of the water, which could reduce the growth of algae.
The lake is still full of phosphorus and other pollutants that feed algae. The #1 culprit is wastewater coming from nearby communities, said an expert. That's over 100 tons of additional phosphorus per year.
When it comes to solutions against phosphorus, one expert is against using chemicals that react with phosphorus causing it to sink to the bottom of the lake; that could cause other issues at the bottom layer. They are also against banning the use of chemicals in household products. The best option is constructing a cleaning station to filter the water that pours into the lake.

PM Pashinyan visited northern Armenia struck by floods in May: VIDEO

Videos show the damage and restoration activities, PM's meetings with local residents, and ice cream parties with children.
Pashinyan said the residents will be compensated for repairs per m2 plus furniture subsidies. Separate effort will launch to address the buildings that sustained structural damage from floods.
The government will try to rebuild the area with new looks, "while preserving the local kolorit", to make them more appealing for tourism.
Karkop residents and rain, Lori, Marts, Sanahin, ice cream, Santa Claus, Chochkan residents, delimited borders on Baghanis-Kirants, destroyed Khashtarak bridge, the alternative road for Kirants, recap meeting,

dear leader so stronk he clears clouds and rains and makes us all happy and blessed with his presence

On the eve of the much-awaited revolution to get rid of Pashinyan's incompetent regime, the former governments' forces held a rally in Vanadzor:
REPORTER: Today Bagrat srbazan's movement is in Vanadzor. What are the hopes and expectations the residents of Vanadzor have from this movement? What is the mood in Vanadzor?
KYUREGHYAN (ARF MP): The residents of Vanadzor know about the lies of this government and how they gained power through lies. Literally an hour before this rally there was a downpour in Vanadzor; the entire town was covered in water and mud. Even the heavy rain gave way to Bagrat srbazan [⭐], even the clouds pulled back and srbazan entered Vanadzor. The sun came [⭐⭐] when srbazan entered Vanadzor. This is a very important message. Yes, srbazan will bring light [⭐⭐⭐] and peace [⭐⭐⭐⭐] with himself. The same happened in Yerevan at 4 pm, when the skies cleared up [⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]. Today the residents of Vanadzor once again became convinced that the holy movement will bring sun [⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐] and salvation [⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐] . // [MY BOY 7-star Gen. Bagrat, couldn't you disperse the NATO cyclone that came from the Mediterranean and caused the floods?]
During the Vanadzor rally, Galstanyan said he will remove Pashinyan if the latter doesn't agree to resign. He called for everyone to join the big rally on June 9.
It's revolution time.
full, source, source, video compilation of failed microphone incidents during holy press conference,

la grande finale - the final battle begins

The former regime and its allies will launch a new, final, and decisive wave of nonstop acts of disobedience starting tomorrow, for the duration of 4 days, to oust PM Pashinyan and his team.
That was the message by protest co-leader Bagrat Galstanyan to his followers during the massive rally on June 9. He urged participants not to go to work or school, not to rest or sleep.
Galstanyan said he is sacrificing everything he has and that he hopes others will do the same. "It's now or never," he said.
Galstanyan urged parliament MPs to hold a session to demand Pashinyan's resignation. It might overlap with a regular parliamentary session where the MPs are supposed to discuss bills, so it's unclear how it'll work.
Galstanyan said there could be "other political solutions" if Pashinyan doesn't resign. When asked to clarify what he means by that, he said snap elections are an option. Azatutyun reporter noted that Galstanyan was against snap elections in the past.
When asked to comment on the constitutional incompatibility between his candidacy as PM and his dual Canadian citizenship, Galstanyan said they will find a solution "along the way".
Galstanyan urged to abandon the anti-Russian policies and "become a predictable and reliable partner" to "restore" relations with Russia while gaining new allies and friends.
ARAM SARGSYAN (Ex-PM): Restoring friendly relations with Russia requires abandoning the Euro-integration path, handing over the control of communications to Russia, removing EU's border observer mission and replacing them with CSTO which doesn't even recognize Armenia's borders, the end of army reforms and French weapons. "Restoring" relations with Russia means being in their pocket. //
The protest leaders insist the protest is not dying down. On May 9 they claimed there were approximately 120,000 people in the Republic Square, so presumably approximately as many people must have attended on June 9. (I cannot independently verify this.)
The meeting was scheduled for 6:30 pm but began around 7:10 pm. An NGO counted around 15,400 people as of 7:10 pm. That is not the peak number but the same organization has counted the participants with a similar methodology/timing in the past, so here is the trend:
May 9 (early hours): 34,000
May 26 (early hours): 23,000
June 6 (early hours): 16,000
Here is a video slightly later, at 8 pm: video,
Here is another drone video, presumably before the arrival of hundreds of thousands of people: video,
Galstanyan then led his followers to the area near government buildings but was blocked by a police wall. Things got heated and jabs were exchanged between Galstanyan and the police commander.
They decided to split the crowd. The one led by ARF MP Garnik Danielyan remained near the parliament while Galstanyan took the rest to Proshyan to enter Demirchyan from there. His path to Demirchyan was blocked from Proshyan, too. There was a mini-kerfuffle. The protesters accused the police of protecting "Turks". Galstanyan said he will camp there.
Relatively few people remained with Galstanyan after midnight. He told his followers "we have nowhere to retreat" and said that their numbers would "increase in the morning".
Pashinyan's Deputy Chief of Staff Chakhoyan mocked Galstanyan, naming his movement as "Քոքամաշ 2024" and suggesting that the number of followers has halved since May 9. "Thank you for reaffirming the legitimacy of the government," said Chakhoyan.
source, video, source, source, source, source, source, source, source,

ex-PM Aram Sargsyan criticizes the Church leadership for "double standards"

PETROS: Why did the Church get involved in these political processes?
SARGSYAN: The Church used to be the beneficiary of the former regime and felt like being part of the elites. After 2018, when democracy took over, the Church had to return to providing religious services to the population, which was not enough for them.
PETROS: It must have been difficult for them to lose the status of the elite. They developed friendships and "resolved problems" with the help of former administrations. The Church was basically a ministry in the government. They could make phone calls to resolve issues, they were standing next to state leaders during state ceremonies, they could influence the education policy in Armenia, they could resolve business issues, etc.
After 2018 they could only serve as an intermediary between the man and God, a big downgrade. They have decided to "fix" that. This is why the Church ignored the election fraud under former administrations. Do you remember this?
SARGSYAN: Of course. From 2003 to 12 April 2004, and on 1 March 2008, the Church did not intervene in those and didn't address the police conduct.
PETROS: I remember the destruction of April 12.
SARGSYAN: ... political offices were shut down, women were taken from offices and arrested. We had a girl from our party named Ani who lives in France today. She was beaten so much that she developed serious health issues and had to seek medical treatment abroad. The excessive use of force in the past and its disproportionality was very obvious, and on March 1 it turned into murders. Four political parties were shut down and sealed off: HZhK, Artashes Geghamyan, my party, ... We were just sealed shut and our property was taken away. The Church didn't intervene. They also didn't issue criticism after March 1. After March 1, Catholicos Garegin B went to visit Levon Ter-Petrosyan but the latter didn't accept him.
PETROS: That was followed by repressions, political arrests, and propped-up charges. There was no justice.
SARGSYAN: The Church didn't care. Today they say the residents of Kirants are protesting so its representative can join the protests, yet they didn't hear the complaints of residents in the past.
PETROS: The Church was also silent when the Armenian government figures appointed their chauffeurs as generals and plundered the army, while Azerbaijan was arming itself to capture Nagorno-Karabakh.
SARGSYAN: The military balance shifted in Azerbaijan's favor in 2004. Meanwhile, our leaders were busy praising the Armenian army as the best and most combat-ready army while relying on Russia to defend them. They began to falsify elections and earn profits through army schemes. The Church should have publicly declared that it's wrong to buy voters, to buy people's voice and soul for ֏5,000. The Church should have shamed those who sold their votes. After all, the Brible says not to spread false reports, which is similar to voting under the influence of a bribe. You sell your soul in exchange for the bribe money. The Church was silent.
PETROS: Galstanyan refuses to release the names of people in his cabinet if he becomes the PM.

H1's video report on Arthur Brothers

Context and English articles in June 5 report.

Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron made a joint statement about the Armenia-Azerbaijan peace process

STATEMENT: The United States and France support the establishment of a fair and lasting peace in the South Caucasus, based on the respect of international law as well as the principles of sovereignty, inviolability of borders and territorial integrity. We support further regional integration in the South Caucasus for the benefit of all the region’s people.
other statements on Georgia, Moldova, etc.

Moscow sends a note of protest to Yerevan after the visit of an Armenian delegation to Bucha, Ukraine, the city where the Russian army committed massacres after the invasion

Context in Friday report. The delegation was led by Armenia's Ambassador to Ukraine and the leader of Yerevan's Nor-Nork district. They donated medicine to Bucha hospitals.
The head of Nor-Nork district Tigran Ter-Margaryan represents the pro-West "Republic" party led by ex-PM Aram Sargsyan. In response to Moscow's protest, he said is ready to visit Bucha again. Margaryan said he is confident Ukraine will defeat Russia and that every Ukrainian sees the war as a fight for independence and sovereignty. He also ridiculed Russia's foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova for not knowing the difference between Armenia's parliament and a Yerevan district.
Now a quick survey for our readers. Which Armenian politician spits on faces better?
(A) Alen Simonyan
(B) Tigran Ter-Margaryan
The polls close in 24 hours and will not be rigged.
source, source,

Armenia will rewrite the Code on Administrative Offences that's so old it makes references to Soviet terminologies/institutions

The only thing this Code doesn't have is praise for Lenin papi. Efforts to replace it began a decade ago but it recently underwent some changes and was introduced to the public last year.
The justice ministry says it's necessary to ensure that the punishments envisaged under the Administrative Code are more lenient than the ones under the Criminal Code.
More thorough changes will be made in the punishments for legal entities and individuals who are a flight risk, as an example. 3-hour or 48-hour arrests could be imposed to prevent the flight or the repetition of the crime. For example, if you are drunk and cannot control yourself they could arrest you for 3 hours and check your sobriety every 3 hours to see if it's safe to release you. New forms of administrative punishment include revocation or suspension of various licenses. Instead of paying a fine, you could ask the authorities to do public work.
video, source,

parts from an interview with VOMA leader Vova Vartanov

• Context: Armenia and Azerbaijan continue to control lands that belong to one other on the Tavush-Gazakh border. This allows both countries to continue to use their roads (Armenian road passing through Azeri land east of Voskepar, and Azeri road passing through Armenian lands north of Berkaber). Vartanov believes Azerbaijan will delay the return/exchange of remaining lands.
• The military positions that Azerbaijan has gained in Tavush after this delimitation could be used by Azerbaijan for psychological pressure but would not make Armenia significantly more vulnerable in the event of war because the nearby Armenian positions are more dominant and turn the Azeri positions into a peninsula in some places, said Vartanov, repeating the opinion of deputy army commander Amirkhanyan.
• Vartanov called for the construction of more roads near Tavush borders and criticized bureaucratic delays in Armenia.
• There is still a risk of resumption of hostilities, even after a delimitation of borders, and the only real guarantee for peace is a strong Armenian army, said Vartanov.
• Russia and the United States have not been and cannot be real guarantors. None can be trusted, says Vartanov.
• Vartanov believes Russia had some kind of an "agreement" with Azerbaijan at the time of Azerbaijan's attack on Nagorno-Karabakh, but he doesn't know the specifics of the agreement. He mocks Russia for denying the existence of the RU-AZ agreement.
• Vartanov does not rule out the possibility of the West betraying Armenia and agreeing to ignore the ongoing occupation of Armenian territories by Azerbaijan in exchange for favorable energy contracts with Azerbaijan.
• Vartanov believes Armenia is currently exerting intense efforts to mitigate the threats "but it's not enough" as long as the society itself is not part of a comprehensive defense system, educated with military knowledge.
• Don't be չմոшник
• ազգ-բանակ

from an interview with Bulgarian political expert Petrov

• MOD Papikyan recently visited a large international military expo held in Bulgaria. Papikyan and his Bosnian counterpart were the only two foreign Defense Ministers. Petrov believes it shows the level of Armenia's interest.
• Western HIMARs and armored vehicle Stryker were displayed, among other things. Bulgarian products were displayed.
• Bulgaria is not a manufacturer of heavy weapons but Armenia could be interested in Bulgarian-made ammunition. Bulgaria is one of the largest manufacturers of those in the European continent, said Petrov. Bulgaria has both Soviet products and lately learned to make NATO-caliber ammunition.
• MOD Papikyan met the Bulgarian MOD and President. No details.
• Petrov does not see the Bulgaria-Azerbaijan cooperation being an obstruction to a similar cooperation with Armenia.
• 90% of the Bulgaria-Azerbaijan cooperation is in the sphere of gas imports, and they don't have strong defense ties.

Armenian and Turkish organizations team up to publish a book

Yerevan's Cultural & Social Narratives Laboratory [I need to meet the person who named it] and an Istambul-based research collective published a book about the Balat District and its Armenian cultural elements.
Balat is one of the oldest and most spectacular districts of İstanbul. The second you step foot along its narrow cobbled streets and historic buildings, you sense an atmosphere unlike anywhere else in İstanbul, and indeed the world.

video report in Western-Armenian presents the economic tensions in Lebanon exasperated by millions of Syrian migrants and refugees

Many Lebanese residents who believe the Syrians are economic migrants and not refugees are concerned about the impact on the economy, culture, and safety.
BAGRATUNI (Lebanese MP): International organizations provide massive amounts of financial assistance to Syrians in Lebanon registered as refugees but they take that money and visit Syria to meet their family members before returning to Lebanon for employment. We also have 500,000 Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Almost half of the residents of Lebanon are foreigners today. //
Of the 1.5 million Syrian refugees, only 300,000 have official documents for employment, says the report.
RACHEL KARAM (reporter): Lebanon with its serious economic problems spent $49 billion in 2012-2022 for the needs of Syrian refugees. //
The report says Syrian-Armenians were relatively better off financially and have been more independent from foreign aid. They have been able to integrate into the Armenian communities of Bourj Hammoud, Antelias, and other towns. Local Armenian orgs and charities provide assistance to those in need.
Authorities are paying special attention to inter-ethnic incidents and crimes to prevent them from growing into another civil war, says the report.

top 5 countries that send remittances abroad (2022 data)

United States $81.6B
Saudi Arabia $39.3B
Switzerland $33.6B
China $18.3B
Kuwait $17.7B
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:45 H-Barbara Unofficial Transcript of SaucerSwap AMA 2024 June 08 [6th AMA of 2024]
Thank you all for joining our monthly AMA today. Next week is Father's Day here in the United States. So happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. ABFT is co-hosting today and we have two awesome guests in the house, Brady and Gaurang. Both are co-founders of Bonzo Finance, an open source, non custodial lending and borrowing protocol built on the Hedera network. So welcome to our AMA, Brady and Gaurang.
Brady (Bonzo Finance)
Hey, thanks so much for having us. Really appreciate it and excited to get the chance to chat with the SaucerSwap community.
Gaurang (Bonzo Finance)
Glad to be here.
Hey Brady. Hey Gaurang. Good to have you guys in the Bonzo Finance in the house. Happy to have you with us. I've been outside today and it's in Texas and it's a scorcher. I'm hoping some of that heat kind of passes off into the cryptosphere. I think the HBAR has a bright future. You know that most development going on in all the crypto space and I'm in it for the tech, so let's get this going. Talk to me, Peter.
Hi everyone. Welcome to our June AMA. And a very warm welcome to Brady and Gaurang from Bonzo, who will be answering some questions about their upcoming lending protocol. So super excited to welcome them up here to talk about that. So in the past, some of you may know, we've welcomed guests from projects like HeadStarter and Citadel wallet, so we are always excited to bring on builders in this space to talk about what they're building on Hedera.
Before we do jump into the questions from this week, we want to take a moment to address just the overall sentiment and roadmap. We wanna give everyone a sense of what's currently being worked on, what's coming next and our overall strategy to grow SaucerSwap.
So first of all, we have made some great progress on governance, which will provide a core utility to the SAUCE token. So for those unaware, governance is the core and sometimes exclusive utility of many DEX tokens. This includes UNI of Uniswap. With the release of governance, everyone will be able to vote with their SAUCE on proposals that align initiatives, create farms and LARI campaigns, decide token classifications, and so on and so forth. We have governance working now on Testnet and have created the UI for it. So we are looking at launching it early summer. So in the next few weeks. It could be towards the end of this month or it could go into next month but it is coming up.
Next we get to work on some features after governance that we know have been highly anticipated, namely Phase 2 and Phase 3 of Single-sided staking. We are super excited to follow through with these developments. We know that they've been a long time coming and they can contribute to some greater utility, both for the xSAUCE token and then also the Planck Epoch Collectible NFTs via kind of their redemption for Sauceling NFTs. So after we roll out governance, we'll be able to lock in the product schema for these features and move forward with their development. So we are really excited about bringing Phase 2 and Phase 3 of Single-sided staking online.
Additionally, with SAUCE having been listed on Bitget last month, we are looking forward to at least one more Centralized Exchange listing this month, with two being more likely. There is additionally a Centralized Exchange listing that is currently scheduled for July, which we are excited about as well.
We also want to just quickly bring to your attention we kicked off a major grant with the HBAR Foundation last week, providing over 20 Million HBAR in incentives for liquidity providers. At the time of receipt, that was over $2,000,000 USD an equivalent value for those tokens and those tokens are being distributed right now to SaucerSwap liquidity providers, in both Version 1 and Version 2, and we'll be live for the next few months. So if you haven't had a chance to check that out, feel free to do so on on the liquidity page. You'll see kind of the effect of those increased rewards.
The salient point we do want to make in this introduction is we understand sentiment is lower today than it was a few months ago. We think this is kind of observed across DeFi on various networks, but you know the nature of these things is cyclical and we want our users to know that we are still developing, we're shipping major features coming up with governance and more on the roadmap that I just mentioned, as well as some other integrations in the coming weeks.
Looking back at the previous month, we think we had some major wins. You know we had this grant announcement with 20 Million HBAR, a major listing on Bitget, a MoonPay integration that's been in the works for a few weeks, not to mention the work that we have accomplished behind the scenes. So there's a lot to be excited about moving forward and we are very appreciative of all of your support as we continue to grow SaucerSwap.
I will just mention as well, you know the project depends on our community as much as it depends on development. So I would like to encourage everyone to stay positive. There's a lot to look forward to. We're working hard and remember that we have a well defined roadmap and we've consistently shipped features on that roadmap since the launch of SaucerSwap Version 1 almost two years ago, and we have a clear plan going forward as well to scale.
As we scale, the ecosystem has some exciting developments as well. So this is kind of the the feature of this AMA. We have Bonzo here, so lending and borrowing going live. It's a DeFi primitive that has an established symbiotic relationship with DEXs on other networks. It's a proven model, so we're excited to see projects like Bonzo and others coming online soon. There's a few lending and borrowing. I think HLiquity, it's already live. They created a pool on SaucerSwap. Bonzo is coming right up as well. And I think Sirio is another one. But anyway, all of these developments can bring a lot more awareness and activity to Hedera DeFi.
So with that preamble out of the way, we can get into the questions for this week.
Thank you so much, Peter. Hedera DeFi, here we come. So the first question is from Rocco. With this environment being highly competitive, any project is required to have excellent marketing in order to succeed, regardless of how its tech is. What is SaucerSwap's long term plan to gain popularity and create brand awareness, especially to people outside of the Hydra ecosystem? As of my observations, current incentives don't reach far out of Hedera or SaucerSwap's community. So, for example, onboarding influential social media figures to talk about SaucerSwap, purchasing ad space or other collaborations in order to reach people that aren't already in the Hedera ecosystem. As of now, the average crypto enthusiast does not know of SaucerSwap's existence. What are your thoughts on that, Peter?
Yeah, Rocco, thanks for the question. So this kind of goes back to our overall marketing approach. And in general, it's always been to be objective and honest about the development of the platform. Reading brand awareness is a tricky thing and our philosophy is that it's linked to earning brand integrity. In our view, this comes from following through and executing on development.
So in Web3, you see a lot of marketing that focuses on hype and speculation, and in the short term that works. Our approach is different. We think that a long term, more sustainable approach that builds trust is better. It's not to say that we don't want visibility, especially to people outside the Hedera ecosystem. Quite the opposite. That's one of our main goals is to expand the challenge is accessibility. So right now there's one bridge to and from Hedera that not many people outside of Hedera know about. There is limited access to Hedera native USDC on Centralized Exchanges. The Hedera Token Service has not been integrated, full stop, on many Centralized Exchanges. These are substantial barriers to entry that that do make any marketing endeavors to users from other networks not impossible but definitely more challenging.
The silver lining to all of that is that all of these problems are being actively addressed, and when they are addressed, I think it's reasonable to expect the door to Hedera to open and because it will be so much easier to get involved by having easier access to native USDC for example, or being able to use the bridge that users are familiar with and trust, they will have less friction to get involved with Hedera and participate in the various network offerings.
So sum up our point of view, we think our marketing approach to date has been effective with a kind of high of reaching the top 25 DEXs across all networks by TVL, despite the accessibility challenges I mentioned before, and despite the lack of institutional capital on Hedera. So that is a massive achievement and we're not trying to rest on our laurels. I think it's just a good barometer of what we've achieved together. We surpassed Camelot, SpookySwap, QuickSwap, Bancor, Minswap - which is the leading DEX on Cardano - Loopring, and other very prominent DEXs, some of which had TVLs in excess of $1 billion last cycle.
So this growth we observed was not achieved by hiring influencers to create urgency or sense of hype, but just by being consistent and working hard and delivering on our roadmap. That strategy has been successful for the growth of SaucerSwap to date and that is our strategy going forward.
That was a great question Rocco, and Peter, you nailed it on the head. I couldn't agree more. Next question is for Bonzo Finance. Are there any plans to integrate SaucerSwap's API with Bonzo to enable collateral swaps directly from within the Bonzo Finance interface?
Gaurang (Bonzo Finance)
Yeah. To the question the answer is absolutely yes, but not immediately. We might be doing that in Q3 of this year. So what we are focusing on right now, Bonzo has a public Testnet live right now, which has the basic features like borrowing, lending, repaying, withdrawing and all these things, right. And we also have flash loans working right now on the Testnet. Our current main focus is to launch on the Hedera Mainnet with a basic set of features. These will include flash loans, liquidation bots, all the borrowing lending, you know, basic features of any lending protocol. Immediately after that, we want to launch the collateral swaps because our team has been using lending protocols personally and I think collateral swaps or even DEX swaps is a really nice feature, so if you see the APY for some token is more than the APY for the token that you have supplied, you can immediately switch that token without going through the whole process of withdrawing and supplying again. So yeah, it's definitely on the roadmap and that will be one of the first features that we tackle after launching on the Mainnet.
Brady (Bonzo Finance)
Yeah, and just to add to that as well. Bonzo Finances, it's based on the Aave V2 code base and so the functionalities that you're seeing on Aave V2 are all part of the roadmap. And I think we're taking a similar approach to SaucerSwap when it comes to sort of laying a a really solid and robust foundation initially. They had started with Uniswap V2 and then evolved feature sets and product offerings and eventually adopted Uniswap V3, and we're taking a very similar approach and it's sort of phased, but we want to deliver a really solid and usable product right off the bat, utilizing Aave V2 and sort of its core functionalities.
Great. Thank you so much for that Brady and Gaurang. The Bonzo testnet is found on Bonzo.Finance, so for free to check that out guys. So our next question is from an anonymous user. When is SAUCE going to be listed on another Centralized Exchange? To get a ByBit listing, you need to have 40 million marketcap. SAUCE well past 50+ Million marketcap. Why is SAUCE not on ByBit? And another question is, did the team also apply for Binance after the recent announcement? What are your thoughts, Peter?
Yeah. Thanks for this question. So as I mentioned in the introduction to the AMA, we are planning for at least one Centralized Exchange listing this month, with two potentially being on the horizon. We can't speak on kind of specific exchanges or the exact scheduling right now, but we are satisfied with the progress we have been making and we're looking forward to the coming weeks.
I will just also note that so newer projects like PACK from the HashPack team tend to get listed faster or percede the scheduling in terms of listing of other network tokens. Just being a newer project, this is kind of what Centralized Exchanges want to capitalize on, and it's great for the ecosystem. It's been really good for us and it means that HTS is integrated on exchanges. There's more precedent for it and some more token listings can follow. And we have been working with HashPack to achieve the goal for the, you know, to the benefit of the entire HTS ecosystem to have HTS more widely integrated on Centralized Exchanges. And that of course kind of culminated in the Bitget listing last month with PACK and SAUCE.
Yeah, sounds good to me. Thanks for that explanation there, Peter. Septia. Hello, Septia. How are you? Septia wants to know what risk controls will Bonzo Finance have in place to minimize liquidity crunches.
Brady (Bonzo Finance)
Yeah, it's a great question. Happy to take that one. So there's a few things that we're doing to try and minimize that risk. The first one, which is foundational to Aave, is that when you're participating in lending and borrowing, it is an overcollateralized position that you're providing. So when you supply assets to the protocol, you are only allowed to borrow a percentage of the value that is supplied and the percentage is different per asset. So based on risk parameters and a risk analysis for each asset that's supported, that over collateralization amount is going to change. Essentially the loan to value amount will change. So when users are sort of over collateralizing, there's a buffer that exists for those assets.
And then in addition, dynamic interest rates. So the interest rates for borrowing adjust based on the utilization of that particular asset. So as more of an asset was borrowed, the interest rate for that asset increases and that incentivizes the behavior of repaying and also sort of encouraging liquidity to return to the protocol. Gaurang, anything else there that I may have missed?
Gaurang (Bonzo Finance)
Yeah. So I just want to give an example of the Aave market on the Scroll network. The Scroll is another L2 on Etherium. It actually happened I think on Thursday or Friday this week. So on the Aave protocol, there's a concept called utilization rate. Essentially, it's a rate of borrowed assets against supplied assets. So let's say all the people on the on the network has supplied 10,000 USDC and all the people have borrowed 9,000 USDC. So in that case, the utilization rate is going to be 90%. So as Brady was saying, as the utilization rate goes on increasing, the interest rate goes very high. So on Scroll, what happened this week was that the USDC utilization rate was at 99%, and because of that, the borrow and the supply APY on that particular asset was very high. So it was going towards like 80% or something for the supply. And you know what happens is with the market dynamics whenever the APY goes so high, there are more people in the market for supplying that asset. So it's kind of like an equilibrium and it's a game theoretical problem. So what we have observed in the protocol in the past is that the market dynamics kind of help with this. That's number one.
We are also looking at implementing something called Borrow Caps from Aave V3. We might bring in that functionality in [our] Aave V2 [fork] now. I'm not sure whether we will be doing it, but we are trying to do it before the Mainnet launch. With the Borrow Caps, we can actually cap the utilization of any assets, so we could cap it at let's say 90% or 85% or something. Yeah, these are like a couple of things that we're looking at.
Brady (Bonzo Finance)
Yeah. And then to add in addition to that, there is a mechanism within Aave that is also being employed in Bonzo called a safety module. Essentially, a safety module is a reserve of the protocols native asset. Holders of that native asset are incentivized to lock up their tokens into this safety module and receive a interest rate, an APY for doing so. That reserve can be employed in the case of a shortfall event related to liquidity. So if there's moments of extreme volatility for supported assets and liquidations that don't take place in a timely manner or take place improperly, that reserve is also employed to ensure that accreditors are made whole. So anticipation is that we are doing everything to mitigate the chance of that from happening, but it is sort of an insurance in the case of something like that taking place. And then if it is employed, the assets that are utilized from the safety module, it's shared across anybody who is participating in that functionality.
Great. Thank you so much for that, Brady and Gaurang. So moving on to our next question, this is from a anonymous user. SaucerSwap Twitter is not very active recently and the number of followers is stagnating, which seems to indicate a lack of interest. Any plans to boost engagement, engagement and dynamism in the coming weeks?
Yeah, well, Bonzo's surely getting the fun questions. So SaucerSwap's Twitter account has grown by 3400 followers in the last 30 days, which indicates roughly a 10% increase month over month. That is an excellent growth rate. And over the next few weeks, we have several developments and integrations that we will announce and highlight right on our social media platforms, including Twitter. So in terms of recent growth, we have enjoyed a healthy rate of increase again 10% month over month is very good.
Going back to the answer from before regarding our marketing approach, we use our social media accounts to put out useful information about integrations and protocol developments, so that all the content we put out is not just fluff. We want to put out substance. Additionally, the Spring Incentives Campaign does present a unique opportunity for marketing. Looking into potentially doing a press release for this one to kind of target users from other networks. So highlighting that as an endeavor is something we're currently pursuing.
Sounds pretty good, Peter. Thank you for that. Next question is again for the Bonzo crew. Are there any integrations that will exist between SaucerSwap DEX and Bonzo Finance lending protocol?
Brady (Bonzo Finance)
Yeah, we're definitely looking into integrations between the two. I think the first thing off the bat is there are two core functionalities within the Bonzo Finance ecosystem for liquidation bots and flash loans that Gaurang mentioned earlier. And so for liquidation bots, essentially what that is, is anybody in the ecosystem who is technically savvy can operate a liquidation bot that seeks out opportunities for liquidations. Essentially when liquidation thresholds are met for users. And upon performing the liquidation, they would take the collateral that was supplied by the user and swaps would need to be performed as part of that process. And when we are building out the templates for liquidation bots in that ecosystem, it is going to heavily rely on SaucerSwap and their DEX and the liquidity in SaucerSwap to perform that action.
One thing I'm excited about that in the sense that I think that by adding lending protocols and particularly Bonzo Finance and our liquidation bot ecosystem, it should help further drive volumes that we see on the SaucerSwap DEX, which is a key health metric, and then in addition to that with flash loans.
Flash loans are essentially the ability to borrow assets from the Bonzo Protocol without providing collateral. And the way that works is it's the development of a smart contract that borrows assets or liquidity from the protocol, utilizes that liquidity for certain types of financial transactions, so it could be arbitrage between two Decentralized Exchanges or between a Centralized and a Decentralized Exchange, and then paying back that loan plus interest, all within a single transaction. And if the loan is unable to be repaid back within that single transaction, the process reverses. And so it's as if that process never happens. So flash loans are viewed as a very relatively safe way to be able to utilize larger amounts of liquidity in the protocol and earn a profit for doing so based on the various types of activities that would utilize that liquidity for in the templates that we're building out for our developer ecosystem. That includes SaucerSwap as sort of a key exchange that someone would utilize when participating in a flash loan type activities. Gaurang, anything else there to add in addition with regards to integrations?
Gaurang (Bonzo Finance)
Yeah. So we mentioned the collateral swaps earlier, so that will be another integration. Also, we are heavily relying on the WHBAR, the wrapped HBAR contracts deployed by SaucerSwap. So for us, I think for any blockchain protocol, composability is very important, right? So it's very important to be able to work with essentially all the contracts and all the things that have already been deployed on the network. That's why we are integrating with the WHBAR contract deployed by SaucerSwap. That way, there's very close tie and close relationship between Bonzo and SaucerSwap. Anyone who is kind of building liquidation bots on Bonzo or utilizing the flash loans on Bonzo will be able to use SaucerSwap very seamlessly.
Great. Thank you so much for that, Brady and Gaurang. So this next question is from a user and you guys kind of touched on this a little bit. For liquidation bots on Bonzo Finance, will there be mechanisms in place to utilize SaucerSwap's liquidity to facilitate the liquidation process efficiently?
Gaurang (Bonzo Finance)
Yeah, absolutely. So I would say it's like the keystone for any liquidation bots on Bonzo. So without SaucerSwap's liquidity, the liquidation bots and the flash loans won't really work. So just to kind of explain in short how the liquidations work, let's say I have deposited some token on Bonzo token like KARATE or DOVU or SAUCE token, and I have borrowed USDC against those tokens. Now let's say what happens is, just like what happened yesterday, the supply token value goes down by 20% because of some events in the market that happened yesterday for example. Now what happens is in this case my loan to value ratio, my LTV, could go above the liquidation threshold and in this case, the liquidation bots will kick in. So what the liquidation bots will do is they will repay my USDC loan by taking a flash loan. They will swap my USDC on SaucerSwap back to SAUCE, and then they will essentially pay back the flash loan on Bonzo. So all these actions will happen in the same block, in the same transaction on the blockchain, not the same transaction, but the same block on the blockchain. And that's why without SaucerSwap, liquidation bots might not work unless you have like a big liquidity in your own wallet. Unless you have like 10s of thousands or even millions of dollars in your wallet, it won't work.
Awesome, Gaurang. Thank you so much for that. Next question goes to Joseph, what cross chain activities will the team be participating in over the next six months to encourage new users to come to SaucerSwap?
Hi everyone. Man, I feel like a second class citizen during this far down. Well yeah, to answer the question, there are several interoperability solutions currently integrating with Hedera. So I believe Axelar has been the first to publicly announce this, and once integrated, there will be more avenues to bridge assets to and from Hedera and other chains. So SaucerSwap plans on leveraging this by allocating a portion of the 23 Million+ HBAR in THF grant money towards liquidity incentives in both V1 and V2 pools. And this would be pools containing these newly supported cross-chain assets, with an emphasis on stable coins.
On protocols like Axelar will also enable cross-chain swaps in addition to the standard bridge transactions, and this means you can access say Uniswap liquidity from within the SaucerSwap's web frontend.
Beyond this, we are continuing to assist with the onboarding of new active liquidity management or ALM providers such as Gamma and Steer protocol. These offer an alternative liquidity management strategy to Ichi. So ALMs, of course, are important for the health of SaucerSwap for V2 since concentrated liquidity positions can be a challenge to manage without the auto rebalancing. And lastly, I think it would be great for multi-chain yield aggregators like Beefy to integrate with Hedera. This would enable V1 yield farmers and potentially V2 liquidity providers to automatically compound their earnings without the need to do like a manual harvest.
Great. Thanks so much for that. Joseph, you're A1 in my book friend. So the next question is from anonymous user. Development seems relatively slow recently. Are you facing particular challenges such as technical staffing or other? When can we expect the release of the features in development visible on the roadmap? For example, improved LARI analytics, slippage optimization, Wallet Connect integration, etc.
Yeah, good question. So development is fairly cyclical, meaning we generally spend several months with our heads down working on a new product or feature. Then once it's ready to ship, we allocate more resources to marketing and just become more public facing in general. So you may have noticed this pattern with single-sided staking, SaucerSwap Version 2, most recently Autopools, and the product that we're currently working on is on-chain governance.
Also, as our protocol continues to mature, the length of these development cycles tends to increase as considerations like scaling and stability become more pertinent, and this has become especially apparent in recent times, given that we experienced a 10x increase in traffic near the beginning of the year.
There's also external considerations that are outside of our control. So for example, we are unable to release Wallet Connect despite completing our integration. This is due to several outstanding differences between Hedera wallet providers, which are currently being resolved.
So all to say, we unfortunately can't move with the same cadence as we did at the beginning of our projects life cycle. However, we are taking proactive measures, such as hiring more developers and ensuring tech debt is minimized and we have a solid foundation on which to build. I do agree that frequent communication on the status of our development is important and the hyper competitiveness of this space is acknowledged. So we will put out a development update this week, and this should bring the community up to speed on what has been achieved and what can be expected in the near term.
Thank you, Joseph. Next question is what is the plan to deepen liquidity in Bonzo and also the Hedera DeFi ecosystem as the whole? And then a follow up question is a DEX partnership like Joe, Cake or JUP coming up?
Brady (Bonzo Finance)
Yeah, it's a great question and it's something that's really top of mind for us at the end of the day. In order to create an economically sustainable protocol, we need to have TVL on Bonzo and then we need to ensure that folks are utilizing that TVL for borrowing. That's where you know majority of the fees come from for the treasury for Bonzo Finance. There's sort of three key things that that we're looking at off the bat that that seemed critical and it's the incentivization of liquidity providers, offering a wide range of assets that are supported by the protocol, and then leveraging stable coins and in particular USDC.
With the incentivization of liquidity providers, there are two programs that were looking at running. The first one is we are in discussions with HBAR Foundation around liquidity incentives for their DeFi Spring program that SaucerSwap is also partaking in. Those discussions aren't finalized yet, but the hope is to be able to provide HBAR incentives for folks that are both supplying liquidity and borrowing.
And then the second is a points program that's being employed by the protocol. So we're actually going to be using the HCS-20 point standard using the Hedera consensus service for the protocol. I think it's one of the first times that in the Hedera ecosystem, there's been an employment of this HCS-20 standard for like a real world live use case. I think the only other one might be NFTier. That points program - we were inspired by Margin Phi, Kamino, and some of these other lending protocols that you see on networks like Solana and across the Web3 space - and it's going to run in seasons.
So each season is around five to six months, and points that are accumulated throughout those seasons for participating in supplying liquidity and borrowing. Users will receive rewards at the end of each season for the accumulation of those points. So we think between those two incentive models, it's sort of strong case for folks to want to be able to supply liquidity to the protocol.
In addition and sort of tangential to that, there's a lot of liquidity in the ecosystem today that is in the treasuries of these token based projects or in large holders accounts - sometimes employees or investors or folks that have you know are large holders of these token based projects - and there hasn't been a extremely safe place for them to supply that liquidity, which unlocks it for the ecosystem that's more sort of relatively lower risk where they're able to earn rewards on it. And so with Bonzo, because when you support a specific asset, it's a single liquidity pool. It's not like a token pair similar to like a DEX. And in discussions that we've had with token based projects, looking to them as potentially unlocking some of that liquidity that is in their treasuries or by these large holders that for many reasons they're unable to sell their tokens on market, but they do want to utilize them, Bonzo is a very appealing place to be able to supply those assets.
In addition to that, in terms of a wide range of assets, one of the things that I'm most excited about that's sort of in the process of being developed is bridging infrastructure and in particular the engagement with Axelar. I think the one of the few ways that we can really drive overall TVL and the ecosystem is through the use of bridging, and providing incentives for users to drive liquidity from other networks to Hedera. So we are in the process of waiting for Axelar bridging and bridge providers that are utilizing Axelar to come online, but those wrapped assets that can be brought over are going to play a critical role in like the growth and health of Hedera's DeFi ecosystem and in particular protocols like SaucerSwap and Bonzo Finance. We certainly want to run campaigns that target users on other networks and bring them and liquidity over to the Hedera network, but again, just waiting on the development of this bridging infrastructure to take place, but it feels very promising.
Then the third thing is stable coins. There's a huge emphasis on USDC right now in Hedera ecosystem as part of HBAR foundation strategy and I think just overarching strategy. The liquidity of USDC on Hedera is quite low relative to other public networks. So as Gaurang mentioned earlier, USDC and stable coins on lending protocols are one of, if not the most highest utilized asset. We think that's going to hold true for the Hedera ecosystem. So in our discussions with market makers and liquidity providers and other folks that would be supplying that liquidity, USDC is definitely top of mind and we want to be a liquidity powerhouse when it comes to USDC and other stable coin assets.
Thank you so much for that thorough explanation, Brady. So our next question is from Maurice. Is there any consideration to use the Pyth network for better auto pools?
Yeah. So our team actually has met with Pyth and we do see value in an integration. In terms of Auto Pools, I know that Ichi uses Chainlinks transaction manager to streamline the rebalance function. So this is done by quickly identifying and confirming transactions during periods of heavy network congestion. I don't think that's particularly relevant to Hedera just due to architectural differences between Hashgraph and Blockchain, but in terms of price oracles, Ichi currently looks at SaucerSwap TWAP oracles and these price assets based on token reserves and liquidity pools. So I'm not sure if they would how they would use third party oracles such as those offered by Pyth, but if you have any ideas, feel free to drop them in our Discord.
Next question is when is stage 2 and 3 of single-sided staking going to launch and what are the use cases for the PEC NFTs?
Yeah. So Peter touched on this, but stages 2 and 3 of single-sided staking will be prioritized following the release of on-chain governance and this is planned for early summer. Our conception of how phases 2 and 3 will work has evolved since it was first announced, and we now have a better sense of how an optimal system could be developed that has product market fit within the Hedera ecosystem. So you can expect marketing and educational material on this extension of single-sided staking to become a focus once token weighted voting and a functioning DAO become live.
In terms of how Planck Epoch Collectible NFTs relate to stage 3 of single-sided staking, the idea is that holders of these NFTs will have the option of redeeming them for Sauceling NFT, and these Sauceling NFTs in turn can be staked to increase one's weight of rewards in a Community Pool.
Thank you for that, Joseph. So this next question is for Brady and Gaurang. Can developers or traders use Bonzo Finance's flash loans to execute complex arbitrage trades or liquidity provision strategies on SaucerSwap?
Brady (Bonzo Finance)
Yeah, absolutely. So as mentioned before, flash loans can be employed to be able to perform these arbitrage activities in the templates that we're creating for users who are creating flash loans, automatically incorporate SaucerSwap's DEX as part of that. The way that that process might look is a trader identifies that there's a price discrepancy between an asset that's on SaucerSwap and maybe another Decentralized Exchange, or Centralized Exchange. They configure a flash loan where the trader is able to borrow the necessary funds to be able to execute this arbitrage trade that they want to perform. All within the same single transaction, the trader would sell the borrowed assets on the exchange with the higher price and then buy them back on SaucerSwap at a lower price as an example. Then finally, the trader repays the flash loan using the profits from the arbitrage trade and then keeping the remaining profits for themselves. This is sort of one example that flash loans can be utilized for.
In terms of liquidity provisioning - you can borrow assets against your collateral on Bonzo and then you really can do anything that you want with those assets that you've borrowed. So one of the things that I could anticipate seeing is there are various APY rates on SaucerSwap for providing liquidity. Based on these different asset types, and let's say you're a large holder of HBAR, you want to be able to get exposure to these other assets to supply them as liquidity and earn interest or earn rewards for doing so, but you don't want to sell your HBAR in order to do that. So you can collateralize your HBAR using Bonzo. You can take out a loan of let's say USDC because USDC interests APY on SaucerSwap is pretty high. There is a small borrow APY that you would pay for borrowing the USDC from Bonzo, but you would supply that to SaucerSwap and you'd be earning an ideally larger APY for supplying it as liquidity to the protocol. That is one strategy where liquidity provisioning can take place where it utilizes Bonzo and it utilizes SaucerSwap. That's going to help deepen the liquidity for assets on SaucerSwap's DEX, but then also create more sort of efficient market. So with greater liquidity in SaucerSwap's DEX, there's a less likely chance of slippage and other benefits that come along with that, as well as efficiencies.
Awesome, Brady, I appreciate all that information. That's really fascinating stuff. This is where we break away from the traditional AMA and move on to the TMS because this isn't the question, this is tell me something. So Anon wants to tell us. I think it's appropriate to use AI technologies to be more inclusive of non-English speaking communities and not be attacked with so many questions afterwards. Joseph, you want to tell him something back?
Sure, take a stab. Yeah. So we actually did leverage AI to translate our gitbook documentation into, I believe, 11 different languages. I do think there's also value in translating the AMA transcripts, so I appreciate this suggestion. Slightly unrelated, but adding localization and multi-currency support to the webapp would also increase SaucerSwap's accessibility to non-English speakers. I'm not sure if automating this with AI is necessarily the right approach, as we'd want to ensure the translations are accurate, but in any case, we definitely plan on looking into this once current roadmap items are completed.
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2024.06.10 02:25 burntwafflemaker Why are they compatible? Part 1: Matching Dom and Inferior, Subconscious Aux and Tertiary

Compatibility is a hotly contested topic. Your type is the lens you see the world and the filter through which you process it. When it comes to loving another person, your experiences (and trauma) make you sensitive to receiving information a certain way WHILE trying to open yourself up to another person enough to love them back.
For example: An INFP that grew up with a toxic ESTP parent might’ve experienced a lot of yelling and constant criticism of what to do and how to do it. As a result, the INFP will become very critical and judgmental of themselves. Depending on their experience outside of the household, they will have a specific reaction to ESTPs, positive or negative. They’ll be more opinionated about that type or people that remind them of that type. This shapes who you will have as a potential partner regardless of “natural” compatibilities.
This post is about the pairing I most associate with challenging and championing your insecurities in a loving and fulfilling way. This match is very common for most types and is very balanced. The wiring for these 8 pairings are the same.
This is a balanced pairing. Where each of your functions fall in their stack is true the other way around.
How this matches function by function:
Your 1st = Their 4th
Your 2nd = Their 6th
Your 3rd = Their 7th
Your 5th = Their 8th
For example let’s take ENFJ-INTP side by side:
  1. Fe-Ti
  2. Ni-Ne
  3. Se-Si
  4. Ti-Fe
  5. Fi-Te
  6. Ne-Ni
  7. Si-Se
  8. Te-Fi
In order to break down the compatibility, let’s do it by function 1-8 and describe the relationship that exists.
(Disclaimer: you are never using one individual function; however, how you use each function is determined by your relationship with that function. That’s why we call it “type preferences”)
1st (their 4th): Your dominant function is your #1 weapon and source of confidence. When your dominant function is unneeded, you feel unneeded. You are attracted to each other because you both make up what the other lacks in their inferior (4th function) in a way you can easily translate and appreciate. When someone is there to keep you from falling into anxious loops because they are constantly using your inferior function you love to ignore, it becomes easier (albeit annoying) to avoid these comfortable but anxious loops. This very likely will be the source of many fights/disagreements. As we mature, we learn to appreciate that some people are just better at certain things than us. Who better to appreciate than your partner that displays your inferior so competently?
Example: (ENTP/ISTJ) The ENTP never stops thinking about things that need to be done, could be done, could happen, idea, idea, idea, idea. For an ISTJ, this kind of exploration is unnecessary. “50 ideas are cool I guess, let’s do one. Ok we did one, now let’s do another, not make 50 more.” Despite their ability to make and execute very creative and beautiful plans, ENTPs can overwhelm themselves with imaginary todo lists. An ISTJ partner stays grounded with what’s actually happening using Si. Likewise, ISTJs will typically stay in a routine to reinforce their competence and not realize they’ve fallen behind and missed advancements in their competencies. ENTPs help them pivot without having to reinvent.
2nd (their 6th): This is my favorite one to talk about. Your 2nd function is the #1 key to the advancement of your mental health and your 6th function is your gift that you give to your partner. Also, your 2nd function “feeds” your 6th function. Your 6th function is your most intimate function. You use it with an all-in “heck ya!” or “absolutely not.” Having a partner that you can trust with your 6th function is a constant reassurance in the validity of the relationship. Likewise, having a partner that encourages you to lead them with your 2nd function advances your mental health.
Example: (ESFJ/ISTP) The ESFJ makes decisions based on their memory and attachments (Si) to be where they are needed. The ISTP is in a constant state of improvisation (Se) trying to be where they are most useful. ESFJ’s find shared new experiences (Se) to be very intimate and do not want to do that with someone they do not trust/have familiarity with. When they do make that decision to venture into unknown territory, they try and make the most of it that they can in hopes of creating new memories for them to recreate with their partner. ISTP’s find commitment and attachment (Si) to be very intimate. When they do commit, they lock on and dive completely in more than someone might think they are capable of. Likewise, the ESFJ loves to be needed and attached to their partner. Though they will concern themselves with many relationships in their life typically, their attachment and familiarity with their partner is a constant. ISTP’s need constants in their life to be a familiar place to reset themselves. Typically they would do this on their own. Being able to do this with their partner is a huge validation.
3rd (their 7th): As fulfilling as the 2nd/6th function pairing is, the 3rd/7th is the confidence booth we need. Your 3rd function you consciously judge yourself on your competence. You will let yourself believe at times that your 3rd function has more importance than it does. Your partner is going to have almost no perception of that competence because your 7th function escapes you so often sometimes it’s as if you actually left it somewhere.
Example: (INTJ/ESTP) The ESTP, despite their “Lone Ranger” stereotype are obsessed with “togetherness” (Fe). They love to “rally the troops” and create a positive space and experience. In a relationship, they do have a present sense of duty to make sure their partner’s needs are met. They judge themselves on whether or not they are showing up and being the person their partner needs them to be and they are willing to adapt if change is needed. The INTJ is very firm and prides themselves on not changing/adapting themselves (Fi) for someone else. Quite frankly, they don’t know why someone would. This can lead to judgement and disconnect in the relationship. The ESTP will answer the question “who I am?” with something like “I’m me, idk?” because of their aloof awareness of their Fi. The INTJ says “you want to feel like I’m what? What if I’m not? Something just is or it isn’t, I’m not changing who I am based on a situation to keep everyone happy” because Fe goes over their head when connecting themselves to those around them is necessary.
5th (their 8th): Your 5th function is an extension of your dominant function. Just like any subconscious function, it’s important for there to be a secure space for you to feel comfortable using it actively. Your 8th function is your “demon” function and something that’s difficult for you to tap into and easy for you to ignore. In this pairing, these two functions are the only 2 that exist in the subconscious for both types. The 5th function for each type will be leaned on by the relationship because the other person cannot stay in the constant flow state necessary to maintain use of their 8th function effectively.
For example: (ESTJ/ISFP) The 5th and 8th functions for this pairing are Ti and Fe. The ESTJ will be charged with figuring things out. ESTJ’s prefer the familiar and do not want to have to stop and think things through and slow down their effectiveness. Still, the ISFP prefers to improvise and feel their way through things. If something breaks, the ISFP will give it one swing to try and come up with a fix (Ti) before delegating to their ESTJ. Likewise, the ISFP will be charged with establishing harmony (Fe) in the relationship. If there is a growing distance between the two, it’s on the ISFP to mend the bridge and make it a positive, happy relationship again even if neither type necessarily “feels” the rift that exists. The ISFP will bring the nurturing to the relationship.
Overall, this is a great pairing (with its challenges). I see it a lot amongst people I interview and interact with in public. This pairing does have arguments and goes through a “process” when learning to coexist after the initial attraction. As with any relationship, the key to success is learning to listen to the other person. What they say is their perspective and it’s very important to understand how valuable that is to an individual. Getting over the hump and learning to listen for this pairing results in an extremely fulfilling relationship. Never limit your dating pool based on type and always prioritize your own needs when choosing a partner no matter your type. Romantic relationships are a huge part of who you are as you open up to another individual. Choose wisely.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by burntwafflemaker to mbti [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:17 Plisskensington Is there a town which is only inhabitat by scientists?

I'm looking for a place which seeks the accumulation of knowledge and apply it to serve the convenience of their inhabitants, as well as better their direct surroundings like the environment. A town which uses the best applied sciences and implement it in things like renewable energy, public transportation, infrastructure, things like this. And invest a lot of their resources to research.
I guess I'm talking about a philanthropic place, which would also inhabit a philanthropic like-minded society.
Is there a real life place which would come close to this description? The first things I could come up with are either Silicon Valley or maybe the spaceport-town of Boca Chica, Texas.
However they don't come close to what I imagine. Would such a place be possible?
What would it take to found such a place? Let's say I would be someone like Musk, with a few hundred billion at my disposal. What would be the first Step? I guess to have your own state would be beneficial, as you'd have to make your own laws to implement something like ban of all fuel-based motors for example, which would be necessary to make such a futuristic place reality. Something like half of the size of Lichtenstein would be sufficient, I guess. Actually Lichtenstein would be perfect, as it has his own monarch, who theoretically still has the full power of the state and he is riche af, even richer than the british royalty. However I'm not the King of Lichtenstein and that fucker won't give any of his money any time soon to build such a place himself.
I'm pretty sure the whole 'create your own island state' thing is a legal haoax, as all the earth-crust land mass is already devided into states and sand islands are not considered land in that sense. So the only option is to buy land off of another country. China has been buying ports off of other countries in the recent years, mainly 3rd world counries, for obvious reasons. But they also own a portion of the 'Hamburger Hafen', Germany. Anyway, would it be possible to buy land off an afrikan state and found my own state? Would their even be a reasonable place to build the infrastructure? What about the transportation, building in the middle of a desert would be tough for example.
The first objective to get such a society rolling (right after all the buildings and ifrastructure are in place of course) would be to write out scholarships all over the world. It doesn't matter where you are from, it doesn't matter if you are poor. You even don't need to have a high degree of education up to this point. The most important thing is that you want to learn skills or research or whatever to benefit this society. All expanses like housing and food, as well as the flight to come to this place would be paid of course.
tl;dr: drunken ramble about a science-state.
submitted by Plisskensington to RandomQuestion [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:13 Sujal_Rabari Reflective Critique #2 (Question 2)

Reflective Critique #2 (Question 2)
On the other hand, one of the examples of people who lost their jobs and status because of the sampling effect of democratization is Alexi McCammond, editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue.
For instance, McCammond was swept by mass outrage in March 2021, following the revelation that she had posted several insulting and racially charged tweets in the past. The tweets, which McCammond had tweeted ten years prior when he was a teenager, were slurs aimed at Asians and other minorities.
Offensive tweets by Alexi McCammond
However, despite McCammond stating sorry and admitting to the hurt that was caused by these tweets, the globalization of social media forums enabled these tweets to go viral and attract significant followership, public reaction, and even scorn.
Less than a week later, McCammond’s appointment as the new editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue received nasty resistance from staff members and protesters online. Although the Black Power publication’s leadership initially supported the decision to hire McCammond, Condé Nast, the parent company of the magazine, finally fired her to defend its values and the readers’ trust
McCammond’s experience is a great example of how the freedom of social media can help boost misconceptions and bring them to the public's attention, resulting in dire repercussions even after several years have passed. Something as simple as difficult-to-erase tweets can become problematic as individuals are capable of digging into a person’s past and sharing such photos on social media in a matter of minutes This makes social media sites a potential public relations nightmare.
Though McCammond has provided lessons on how one should be careful with what he or she posts on social networking sites and the consequences of such posts, especially those that are considered vulgar or offending, you should take the time to think whether it is justice or injustice for people to pursue an individual in this way, especially if the said actions were done in the past and the person in question has indicated that he or she has matured and changed.
However, this is where Alexi McCammond’s story can teach a lesson about the democratization of public spaces: everyone, including those at the top, should bear responsibility for what they have done or said in the past.
People nowadays are active on social media, and there is no protection from a single post or a single action that might cause outrage, cost millions of dollars, and destroy careers. This is a good example to remember that the democratization process should be cautious, and the mission of the democratizer should be to empower people while taking into account the good and the bad as the continuation of a process.
Robertson, K. (2021, March 18). Teen vogue editor resigns after Fury over racist tweets. The New York Times.
submitted by Sujal_Rabari to u/Sujal_Rabari [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:13 Ok-Wrap-2196 (Opinion) Sometimes is seems there aren't enough non-shopping related activities in Idaho cities.

Yes, Idaho is known for being an outdoor state, and that's great.
Sometimes I wish more people set up businesses that aren't directly related to commerce, however. Besides hiking and camping, everything else in Idaho seems related to shopping. Every new public-seeving business is a restaurant or a food court.
I remember reading a study, as a Psychology major, which linked adolescent addiction to lack of opportunities in one's environment that don't involve spending money. This got me thinking..
Gyms are plentiful, but what else can we have? Nightly art classes would be a nice option for creative people. Art classes here are like 60 dollars a night and only a couple times a week. What about true artistic apprenticeships that are 10-40 hours a week (just as an example)?
Same with culinary classes. A class here is $100 an evening, but there aren't many, if any at all, full-time culinary schools that last 6 months to two years. You find them in Denver, Seattle, and Portland, but not in Boise, Moscow, or Pocatello.
Community colleges are expensive, too, honestly, and not very plentiful.
There also aren't many clubs, which would really help the adolescent crowd.
I'm not here to complain. Just maybe here to, if possible, get someone to reconsider what type of business they want to open.
If you want to open a restaurant, consider if you can open a culinary school for a similar cost. Instead of trying to compete with the thousands of people selling art online, why not open a local art school with intensive focus 10-20 hours a week rather than a one-and-done wine-sipping evening class?
The same can be done for rock climbers, people who have automotive skills, golfers, you name it. Kids can join after-school sports, but what about starting a private after-school technology club?
submitted by Ok-Wrap-2196 to Idaho [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:10 yeetlan Feels CA should buff some of the old landmark buildings

For example, if you play as an empire faction and build the imperial palace at Altdorf, you get a stunning 5% bonus to building income in the province. However, if you occupy Wei-Jin and build a palace there, all buildings in your faction gets 5% bonus income. Both provide additional levels for lords faction wide which is useful. Altdorf palace gives 2 public order faction wide and Wei-Jin palace reduce diplomatic relations with Cathay but I just don’t think those differences are comparable to the income difference.
Also I think the new landmark for black rose knights provide better bonuses than the landmarks for reiksguard and knights of the blazing sun, and the black rose knights (a dlc unit) is already stronger than the other two tier 3 knights for empire.
submitted by yeetlan to totalwar [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:48 Cowardly_Otter Looking for tips on starting a casual chill letsplay channel

Hi there!
I've been recording some gameplay for myself for a little bit, where I record a full game. No facecam. I don't edit, but I cut the videos at about 40-60 minutes (say goodbye see you next time etc) so they can be uploaded as a series.
I also record with double track, so I can remove my voice and edit it into 1 long no-commentary playthrough. I have yet to make a youtube account, but have about 80+ videos so far.
I'm sure it's niche and wont garner much of a following.
My questions are: 1. Do you think I should schedule the uploads as for example 2 videos a week, or should I upload entire games at a time?
Entire games at a time would be very choppy, or at most 1 like every month or two, but it might be a bit weird waiting for "the next episode" when there's not much editing. I also feel like people who like letsplays prefer binging.
  1. Should I have 2 different channels? One for the more regular commentary style episodes, and one for the longer non-commentary lets plays?
I originally started filming these for my girlfriend as she liked falling asleep to letsplays when we lived apart. The way I talk is of course different now that i record for the general public, but I did for a little while consider leaning into it and release videos as if I'm talking to my partner, with a channel name such as YourEpicBoyfriend or something. I know that sounds silly, but figured it might be more of a niche (and my gf would still have an archive of videos the way she prefers them). Any thoughts?
submitted by Cowardly_Otter to youtubegaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:42 Sweet-Count2557 How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?

How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?
How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?
Traveling with a 5 year old isn't easy. It can be both daunting and overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be! So How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?
With the right tips and tricks, you can make traveling with your little one an exciting adventure they won't soon forget. As parents who've traveled around the world with our children since birth, we know how difficult (and rewarding!) this experience can be. We'd like to share what we've learned about family travel – specifically when it comes to traveling with a 5-year-old – so that you too can create memories to last a lifetime.
The juxtaposition of exhaustion from planning every detail versus exhilaration from seeing new places through the eyes of a child is something all families should experience. The challenge lies in finding ways to balance these two opposing forces while keeping everyone safe and happy along the way. Being prepared for anything will go far towards ensuring your well-being as well as making sure your kiddo has the best time possible during your travels.
We'll offer up advice on everything from packing lists and snacks to entertainment options that are sure to keep them busy no matter where you're going or how long you plan on being gone. Whether you're taking a short road trip across town or exploring international destinations by plane, train, or boat - there's lots of information here that will help ease any worries and leave more room for fun! So let's get started…
Preparing For The Trip
Traveling with kids can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Planning ahead is key for any successful family vacation and will help ensure that everyone has an enjoyable time. When planning a trip with a five-year-old, there are several important things you should consider to make the experience as stress-free and fun as possible.
Before your departure, research your destination so you know what activities or attractions would best suit your child's age and interests. This will give you ideas of where to go and what to do while traveling with your little one. You may even want to look into kid-friendly restaurants or other accommodations available at your destination. It’s also wise to pack plenty of snacks and drinks, as well as toys or books they like - this way they won’t get bored during long car rides or plane trips!
Finally, when preparing for the journey, don’t forget about safety – both on land and in water. Make sure all necessary paperwork such as passports or birth certificates is up-to-date before the trip begins! Be sure to bring along appropriate swimwear (for swimming pools/beaches) and life jackets if necessary - especially if visiting oceans or lakes. Taking these precautionary steps will ensure that both parents and children feel comfortable throughout their travels together!
Choosing The Right Destination
When planning a trip with your 5-year-old, choosing the right destination is key. It's important to consider what activities they'll enjoy and whether they’re suitable for their age. To ensure everyone has an enjoyable time, think about destinations that have plenty of attractions tailored specifically toward kids. If you choose wisely, it could be one of the most memorable trips ever!
One way to select the perfect location is by looking at travel reviews from families who've already been there. They can provide detailed insights into how accommodating different places are for young children. Reading these will help you make more informed decisions on which sites are worth visiting and where to stay. This can save you lots of hassle when traveling with a 5 year old in tow!
It's also wise to research if any museums or other educational facilities offer special programs for kids. These typically involve interactive stories told through playtime activities such as puppet shows, crafts, and games. Learning about history in this manner can really capture a child's imagination- and yours too! Allowing them to explore a new place while having fun makes getting away even more worthwhile.
No matter where you decide to go, just remember that creating amazing family memories should always come first! A well-thought-out plan combined with carefree moments spent together will guarantee unforgettable experiences along the way - something both parents and children alike will treasure forever.
Packing Essentials For A 5-Year-Old
Traveling with a 5-year-old can seem like an intimidating task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right packing essentials and planning ahead of time, you can make sure your mini traveler stays happy throughout the journey.
The first thing to consider is comfort — remember that even if you're only traveling for a short period of time, kids still need their creature comforts from home. Here's what should always go in your little one's bag:
A favorite stuffed animal or blanket
A change of clothes
Snacks tailored to their tastes
Something fun (like books or games) to keep them occupied during long trips
TipsBuy a new Toy, especially for the trip, and revealed it just after Boarding the aircraft to gain 30 minutes of distraction during the most stressful phase of the flight.
It's also important not to forget about yourself! Make sure you bring items for your own comfort too so that you won't be distracted by discomfort while on the road. This will help ensure a smooth trip overall and make sure everyone enjoys themselves.At the end of the day, travel with a 5-year-old requires planning, patience, and understanding – three things that every family needs when hitting the open road together. With these tips in mind and some extra preparation before embarking on your adventure, even the most novice traveler will find success when exploring as a family unit.
Keeping Kids Occupied During Travel
Traveling with a 5-year-old can be an adventure - and it brings its own unique challenges. One of the biggest ones involves how to keep them occupied during travel, whether that's in a car or on a plane. Thankfully, there are some great strategies you can use to ensure your child stays entertained while they're en route to their destination.
ActivitySupplies NeededColoring/Activity BooksCrayons/Markers / Stickers/StampsStorytelling GamesPaper & Pencils for Drawing PicturesWord Puzzles & QuizzesNotepad for Writing Answers Down
To start off, coloring books, activity books, stickers, stamps, and crayons or markers provide hours of fun for kids (and parents!) alike. Additionally, storytelling games like playing "I Spy" or creating stories together can be very enjoyable not only for children but also for adults who may find themselves reminiscing about their own childhood days. Even something as simple as word puzzles or quizzes can help pass the time quickly - all you need is a notepad and pencil to write down any answers!
When traveling with small children, it’s important to remember that everyone has different needs when it comes to entertainment. Some may prefer more active activities such as drawing pictures or building block towers while others might enjoy quieter pursuits such as reading books or listening to audiobooks. Regardless of what type of activity works best for your family dynamic, the goal should always be to make sure everyone is having a positive experience overall. Taking into account these tips will make traveling with a 5 year old much smoother and more enjoyable!
Tips For Long Road Trips
Long road trips with a five-year-old can be an adventure, but it also requires some planning. Here are some tips to keep your family's journey smooth and enjoyable for everyone involved:
Pack plenty of snacks, drinks, and activities that will keep them entertained during the drive.
Take frequent breaks along the way - stops at parks or rest areas allow them to stretch their legs and get out all that extra energy.
Bring books, coloring pages, or other activities they can use in the car if you're stuck in traffic or waiting times. It'll help pass the time more quickly!
Invest in a tablet loaded with movies, TV shows, or educational games they can play while on the go. This helps make long drives much less stressful for both parent and child alike.
Have fun together - sing songs, tell stories, and create memories as you travel down the highway together!
Remember to take it slow when possible too; there’s no need to rush through any part of this precious experience with your little one. Give yourself permission to savor every moment of quality time spent bonding with each other—you won't regret it! To ensure a stress-free journey from start to finish, bring everything you need so that those inevitable bumps in the road don't turn into major detours from your destination.
Staying Healthy And Safe On Vacation
It's like packing for the ultimate game of survival: you want to make sure your family has everything they need to remain healthy and safe during their travels. Taking a vacation with kids can be an adventure, but it can also bring stress if you don't plan ahead. Here are some tips on how to keep your little ones in good health while away from home:
Pre-Vacation Planning During Vacation Post-Vacation CareGet immunizations up-to-dateBring hand sanitizer & wipesCheck for bed bug bites after returning homePack medications & medical suppliesClean hotel room upon arrivalThrow away used items that may carry germs (towels, pillows)Research any special vaccinations needed at the destinationKeep hydratingWash clothes when back homeVisit a doctor before departureAvoid public pools/lakes without supervisionWatch out for signs of jet lag
Preparation is key! Before leaving, make sure all necessary vaccines or boosters are taken care of - especially if traveling abroad - as well as gather any essential medicines or medical supplies needed. This includes sunscreen and insect repellent – two must-haves when exploring new places! Doing research on what kind of illnesses might be found in certain areas will help inform the kinds of precautions you should take too. Once you arrive at your destination, ensure that everyone washes their hands regularly and uses hand sanitizer often; this is particularly important when visiting unfamiliar places such as museums or amusement parks. It’s also wise to clean surfaces in the hotel room immediately following check-in; many people forget about this step which can lead to bacteria accumulating over time. Lastly, staying hydrated throughout the trip is paramount because dehydration can quickly put a damper on fun activities planned for each day.
When returning from vacation, pay attention to those telltale signs of illness caused by exposure to different environments such as joint pain, fever, rash or stomach issues. Additionally, inspect all luggage carefully upon arriving back home since bed bugs have become increasingly common among travelers these days - yikes! Throw away any items that were used while traveling and wash all clothing pieces thoroughly once inside the house again– no one wants unwanted visitors tagging along post-vacation! Finally, due to possible changes in sleeping patterns experienced while flying between time zones, parents should be mindful of potential side effects associated with jet lag so kids get enough rest until they're adjusted again.
Staying safe and healthy on vacation doesn’t require much effort considering there are plenty of resources available online plus accredited travel agents who specialize in family trips – use them! Knowing what vigilance steps to take prior to departure pays off because nothing beats having peace of mind knowing that everyone stays comfortable and protected during their journey together.
Dealing With Jet Lag
Traveling with a 5 year old can be an exciting experience, but it's not without its challenges. Jet lag is one of them! It doesn't have to ruin your trip though - here are some tips for helping your family cope:
Start adjusting their sleep schedule in the days leading up to your departure. This will make it easier when you arrive at your destination.
Once you’re there, let your little one take short naps during the day and keep them active during the daylight hours as much as possible. This can also help adjust their body clock more quickly.
Avoid sugary snacks or caffeine right before bedtime, which can disrupt their sleep cycle.
By following these simple steps, your kiddo should start feeling better soon after landing in their new time zone. With patience and understanding from everyone involved, jetlag won’t prevent you from having an amazing adventure together!
Making Kids Feel At Home Away From Home
Ah, the joys of traveling with a 5 year old. No matter how much we plan and prepare for our family trip, there's no denying that it can be quite daunting! But let me tell you: if you put in the effort to make sure they feel at home away from home, your little one will thank you later - and so will you!
First things first: pack some familiar items from their bedroom or playroom. This may include favorite toys, books, and blankets - whatever makes them comfortable and helps them settle into unfamiliar surroundings. We often forget about the mundane but necessary things such as nightlights and sound machines too; these are invaluable when it comes to soothing children who don't sleep well on holiday. Don't forget to encourage them to bring along any special souvenirs they've collected over the years too; nothing says 'I'm home' like being surrounded by cherished keepsakes.
Next up are activities: look into what attractions are available nearby that cater specifically towards young travelers – chances are, they'll love exploring new places just as much as adults do (maybe even more!). Activities should be age-appropriate yet still fun enough to keep kids entertained throughout the day. Scheduling regular meals together also ensures everyone stays happy during meal times and builds an atmosphere of familiarity within your group dynamic; something which always feels comforting after a long day out sightseeing.
In short? Traveling with a 5 year old doesn't have to be scary; all it takes is a little bit of planning ahead to ensure that your child knows where they stand in this new place - making sure they feel welcomed, safe, and secure before anything else. With this kind of preparation, your whole family should enjoy a wonderful holiday experience!
Exploring The Local Area With Kids
Once you've arrived at your destination and made the kids feel comfortable in their new environment, it's time to explore! Traveling with a five-year-old can be daunting if you don't know where to start - but fear not. Here are some great tips for exploring the local area with kids:
First of all, plan ahead. Research kid-friendly attractions nearby such as parks or museums before leaving home so that you have an idea of what activities are available once you arrive. Make sure to check opening times and any restrictions on age limits, entry fees, etc., so that everyone is prepared once they hit the ground running.
Secondly, make it fun! Kids learn best when they're having fun - so why not turn your exploration into a game? Set small challenges like finding certain landmarks or collecting interesting items along the way; this will help keep them engaged while also teaching them about their surroundings. Finally, take plenty of breaks throughout the day. Letting your five-year-old rest and refuel regularly will ensure that they stay energized for the whole adventure!
Exploring the local area doesn't have to be stressful; with a little bit of planning and some creative ideas, there's no limit to how much fun you can have together! So take a deep breath and get ready for an unforgettable experience – one that both parent and child won't soon forget.
Building Memories Together On Vacation
Taking a trip with your five-year-old is an exciting adventure that can create lasting memories. It's the perfect time to explore new places and experiences together. To make sure you have a successful vacation, there are some tips for ensuring a great experience for both of you:
First, plan activities ahead of time. Make sure they're age-appropriate and include something each of you will enjoy doing. Don’t forget to research local attractions — museums, theme parks, zoos, etc. — in advance so your child has plenty of options once you arrive at your destination. Consider booking tickets or making reservations beforehand as well; it'll save you from long lines later!
Second, involve your child in the planning process. Let them help choose where to go and what sights to see on the way there. This allows them to take ownership of their vacation and also builds excitement leading up to departure day. Plus, when kids know what to expect each day they feel more secure and engaged throughout the trip.
Finally, be flexible during travel days and while out exploring new places together. Leave room in the schedule for spontaneity since anything can happen when traveling with children — especially young ones! And remember that small moments often become treasured memories down the road — like stopping for ice cream after dinner or taking a detour just because it looks interesting — so don't be afraid to embrace unexpected surprises along the way!
Planning Age-Appropriate Activities
Traveling with a five-year-old can be both rewarding and challenging. Before you go on your family vacation, research age-appropriate activities that will keep your little one engaged while also sparking curiosity in new places. Here are some tips for planning an itinerary full of fun activities for the whole family!
First, plan activities based on what interests your child. For example, if they're into dinosaurs, search for attractions like museums or parks where they'll get to learn about them. Or if they love animals, look for zoos or farms nearby. This way you can make sure everyone enjoys themselves without compromising on quality time together as a family.
Second, consider the physical aspect of activities when choosing things to do on vacation. Five-year-olds have boundless energy and need outlets for it - so opt for things like hiking trails, swimming pools, or playgrounds where they can burn off some steam in a safe environment. You could even plan days at amusement parks or waterparks where they'll explore games and rides tailored specifically to kids their age.
Finally, invest in experiences over material objects during vacations with children this age. That means making memories through interactive exhibits rather than buying souvenirs that may just end up collecting dust at home later on down the road. Your little one will appreciate being able to relive the excitement of these adventures years after the trip has come to an end!
Navigating Different Time Zones
Navigating different time zones within a 5 year old can be tricky, but it doesn't have to ruin your travel experience. The key is to make sure you understand how the time zone shifts will affect them and plan accordingly. First and foremost, try to stay on the same schedule as much as possible throughout your travels. This means that if you are in an area where daylight savings changes occur frequently during the summer months, you should pass this information on to your child so they know when their body clock needs to adjust for these changes.
Second, keep track of what day it is wherever you are - even if it's not the same date at home! Keeping track of which days we had traveled through was a great way for my daughter to recognize our progress while away from home; she felt more connected by knowing just exactly where we were. This gave her security that she won’t get lost or left behind somewhere along the journey – especially important since kids tend to feel insecure in unfamiliar surroundings. It also made her curious about all things new and exciting around us!
Finally, try breaking up long flights into smaller segments whenever possible. If there's no other option than taking a direct flight then break it up mentally by doing activities together like reading books, playing games or watching movies (especially age-appropriate ones!). Explaining the concept of flying across multiple time zones helped her understand why sometimes we arrive at our destination earlier than expected and reassured her that everything else would eventually fall back into place. With a little knowledge and preparation ahead of your trip, navigating different time zones with a 5 year old can be done seamlessly and enhance everyone's overall experience greatly!
Documenting Your Journey Through Photos And Videos
Preserving precious memories of your travels with a five-year-old is easy. With the right tools and techniques, you can document your journey in photos and videos that will last for years to come.
First off, be sure to pack enough memory cards and extra batteries so you’ll never miss an opportunity to capture special moments throughout your trip. This might seem like an obvious tip, but it’s worth repeating! Making sure you have plenty of space available on your camera or phone ensures that each moment is documented without worrying about running out of storage.
Next up – practice patience while shooting pictures and videos with your child. You won't get those perfect shots every time, but don't despair – take lots of different angles and perspectives when capturing images with kids involved; this way you can pick and choose which ones turn out best. Taking the time to place yourself low down at their level often gives the most natural results as well – plus it helps create more meaningful connections between parent and child during photo-taking sessions!
Capture candid memories too – not just posed family portraits! Focus on everyday life experiences along the way: conversations being had around meals, funny faces they make while exploring new places, or even small details like footprints in sand or sunsets reflecting off the water. These small details are what make all the difference when documenting a story from start to finish - these little glimpses into daily life become lasting reminders of how far we've traveled together as a family.
Finding Kid-Friendly Accommodations
When traveling with a 5-year-old, finding the right accommodation can make all the difference. You want to be sure that your little one is comfortable and safe during your trip. Fortunately, there are plenty of kid-friendly accommodations available to choose from.
The first option you may consider is a hotel or resort that caters specifically to families with young children. These establishments typically offer larger rooms equipped with cribs and other amenities for kids such as play areas, swimming pools, and game rooms. Many also provide special activities like arts and crafts classes just for kids, making it easy for parents to relax while their children stay entertained.
Another great way to ensure a family-friendly experience is by booking a Vacation rental. With thousands of properties listed across most major cities in the world, you’re likely to find something suitable for your needs. Not only do these rentals usually come fully furnished but many owners will even supply helpful extras like toys, books, games, and more to keep your child engaged throughout your stay. Plus they often have access to communal spaces where you can meet other travelers who share similar interests - perfect if you're looking for some travel companionship!
Wherever you decide to stay on your next vacation with the kids, remember that having fun together is what matters most! A good night's rest and quality time spent exploring new places makes memories that last a lifetime - so go ahead and get out there!
Post-Vacation Reflection
Traveling with a five-year-old is both an adventure and a challenge, but the rewards are great. Now that our holiday has come to an end, there's much to reflect on about our experience.
The first thing we've realized is that preparation is key for any successful family vacation. We spent time researching destinations, discussing expectations, and packing everything from books to snacks before departure. This helped us avoid surprises during our trip and gave us peace of mind.
We also learned the importance of planning activities in advance. Knowing what activities were available near where we stayed meant no stressful moments trying to figure out what to do next; all we had to do was find something suitable for everyone, including our 5 year old!
As parents, it was wonderful seeing how excited and engaged our daughter became during this journey. She experienced new places, foods, and cultures alongside us - all while broadening her horizons. It made us realize that travel should be a regular part of family life if possible - so it’s already time to start thinking about our next destination!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Way To Keep My 5 Year Old Entertained During A Flight?
Traveling with a five-year-old can be quite a challenge! You want your little one to have an enjoyable experience, but being stuck on a plane for hours isn't always fun. So how do you ensure that your trip is pleasant and entertaining? The answer lies in finding the best way to keep your five-year-old entertained during a flight.
When it comes to keeping a five-year-old occupied midair, there are lots of great ideas out there! From coloring books and puzzles to podcasts and movies, there’s no shortage of options. One thing I highly recommend is making sure they bring their own backpack full of goodies. This will give them something to explore while also providing them with the opportunity to choose what activities they'd like to participate in throughout the journey.
Another important tip when traveling with children is planning ahead. Try researching different games or activities that might work well during long flights so you're prepared before take off. If possible, download some shows or games onto your device - this will help avoid any buffering issues due to spotty internet connection. Additionally, break up the time by having snack breaks or walking around if allowed on board – anything that keeps them engaged and stimulated during those long hours of travel!
It's key to remember that every child is unique and may require different kinds of activities depending on their age group and interests. With proper preparation and creative thinking, though, parents can make flying with their kids as stress-free as possible; allowing everyone involved to truly enjoy the adventure together!
How Can I Keep My 5 Year Old Safe When Visiting A New Destination?
When travelling to a new destination, safety is of utmost importance for any family. For those with young children, this means being extra vigilant and taking steps to ensure their child's safety in an unfamiliar place. When it comes to five-year-olds, parents must be particularly mindful about the risks associated with visiting a new location - from simple things like crossing roads safely to more complex challenges such as communicating language barriers. But there are ways that families can protect their kids while still enjoying their holiday experience.
One way to make sure your 5 year old is safe during travel is by researching the destination ahead of time. Make sure you know the local customs and laws so you can do all you can to prevent any potential hazards they may encounter at your chosen destination. Talk to your child before leaving home and explain what kind of behaviour is expected when out and about in public, especially if you’re going somewhere where English isn't widely spoken. It’s also important to stay aware of your surroundings – always keep a close eye on your little one or designate someone else who will look after them whilst you explore other areas.
For added peace of mind, check whether the hotels or accommodation options have age restrictions for each room type that would apply to your child; some places don't allow unaccompanied minors under certain ages into specific rooms or facilities – not only for legal reasons but for practical ones too (such as pool access). You should also take into consideration how far away attractions are from where you're staying - long journeys could become tiring very quickly! The last thing anyone wants is an exhausted 5 year old running around in unfamiliar territory! Ultimately, planning ahead and doing research can save stress throughout the journey and help create lasting memories that everyone can treasure forever.
By following these simple tips, families with young children will feel safer venturing off into unknown lands together knowing they have taken every precaution necessary – allowing both adults and kids alike to have fun without worrying about unnecessary danger looming over them like a cloud!
What Are Some Tips For Preventing Jet Lag In A 5 Year Old?
Traveling with young kids can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. A big one is dealing with jet lag in a 5 year old. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your family travel adventures:
Have them adjust their sleep schedule before traveling by going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night for 6-7 days prior to departure.
During the flight, have them wear loose clothes and encourage naps if possible. Give them snacks throughout the day that are high in protein such as nuts or hummus instead of sugar filled treats like candy bars.
Try not to plan too many activities when you first arrive at your destination; allow everyone time for rest so they can acclimate more easily to the new environment.
These strategies will help ensure that your little ones - and you! - don't suffer from jet lag while on vacation. You'll want your family trip to be fun, memorable, and stress free so follow these tips and make sure your whole crew arrives feeling rested and ready for adventure. Keeping up with these guidelines will also provide parents with peace of mind knowing their children are well taken care of during long trips. With all this in mind, you're now equipped to tackle jet lag head-on!
What Should I Do If My 5 Year Old Gets Homesick When Traveling?
Traveling with children can be a challenge, and when kids are young it’s especially difficult. For parents that have to travel with a 5 year old, dealing with homesickness may be one of the biggest obstacles they face. Fortunately, there are ways to manage this inevitable emotion so your child has an enjoyable trip!
First off, it's important to remember that homesickness is normal and expected –everyone experiences it at some point in their lives and it doesn't mean anything is wrong. To help make sure your little one feels comfortable while on vacation, here are four tips:
Comfort objects: Pack something from home like a stuffed animal or blanket that will remind them of home and provide comfort during unfamiliar situations.
Talk about home: Letting your child talk about what they miss back home will often reduce feelings of being overwhelmed by everything new around them.
Keep routines consistent: If possible try to keep as many familiar routines intact (bedtime stories for example) as these moments of familiarity can go a long way in helping your child feel more secure away from home.
Show patience and understanding: Homesickness usually passes quickly if you pay attention to how your child is feeling without overreacting or worrying too much yourself; they should sense that you understand their emotional needs before any other concerns come into play.
It’s also helpful to plan activities ahead of time such as museums, parks, playgrounds etc., and involve your 5 year old when planning out the itinerary so they have something exciting to look forward to each day - this will take their mind off missing home for awhile! Be sure not to overwhelm them however; having too many attractions packed into one day could result in exhaustion which won't do anyone any favors!
At the end of the day though, sometimes all it takes is a hug from mom or dad (or both!) for those feelings of homesickness to disappear completely- no matter where you are in the world! With just a bit of extra preparation, traveling with your five year old should still be full of fun memories rather than ones filled with sadness due to being away from home.
What Are Some Activities I Can Do With My 5 Year Old That Are Both Age-Appropriate And Fun?
Traveling with a 5 year old can be both an exciting and challenging experience. To ensure that the journey is enjoyable for everyone, it’s important to plan activities that are both age-appropriate and fun for your young traveler. So what kind of activities should you do?
Take nature walks – A great way to get outside and explore! Nature walks provide lots of opportunities for learning about the environment, spotting wildlife, and discovering new things. Plus, they're easy on the budget too. Pack some snacks or even a lunch so you can make a day out of it.
Visit museums - A visit to a museum can be an educational adventure full of discovery and exploration. Many museums offer interactive exhibits tailored specifically towards children which makes them ideal places to spend quality time together while learning something new. You may even find special programs geared toward younger kids like story times or craft classes.
Check out local attractions - Whether it's going on a ride at an amusement park or exploring a nearby landmark such as a cave or aquarium, there's no shortage of interesting things to do in most cities around the world. The best part is many attractions offer discounts or free admission days making them more affordable than ever before. And don't forget all those photo ops along the way!
No matter where life takes you and your little one, there are plenty of ways to keep them entertained while also having meaningful experiences during your travels together. From nature walks to visiting local attractions, these activities will let your child discover their world in an age-appropriate manner without sacrificing any fun!
Traveling with a five year old can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. With just a bit of planning and organization, you can make the experience both safe and fun for your little one! From selecting age-appropriate activities to finding ways to prevent jet lag, there are plenty of strategies that will ensure your family vacation is nothing short of amazing – so incredible you'll think time itself stopped as soon as you stepped off the plane.
The best part about traveling with kids? Seeing their eyes light up when they try something new or discover a place for the first time. It's truly magical! And if your five year old does get homesick or overwhelmed during your travels, don't forget: from unexpected detours on the way home to packing extra snacks in case of emergencies, being prepared is key for any parent who wants an unforgettable adventure.
So what are you waiting for? Grab your suitcase and pack those bags – it's time to show your adventurous little traveler how exciting the world outside can be! After all, life is too short not to explore…so let’s go see what this big beautiful planet has in store!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:37 ke6rji Terrified Trump Plots Desperate Moves as Consequences Hit Him

If Trump is elected he has publicly declared he will DESTROY THE DOJ, capture it to do his bidding, and use the Attorney General (think indicted Jeff Clark) and other prosecutors of has choosing to retaliate against his political enemies, and not just President Biden. Michael Popok explores what will happen to DOJ independence and the Supreme Court if Trump is elected —think Supreme Court Justice, AILEEN CANNON, for example
submitted by ke6rji to AntiTrumpAlliance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:36 RetroBenn Spoon Theory or A Quick Guide of Little Things You Can Do To Help the Planet Every Day

Hey all. Wanted to import a little discussion from DailyKos that has helped me considerably.
The Spoon Theory is a metaphor used to explain the limited amount of energy or resources that someone has at their disposal. Your energy or resources are “spoons,” with each spoon representing a specific amount of energy or effort required to complete a task.
The more spoons you have, the more things you can accomplish during a day. However, you have a finite number of spoons, and when you run out, you’re done for the day.
One blogger on DailyKos provided a list of these "spoons" that people can choose to save for the cause of environmentalism. Obviously this just can't be the number one concern for everyone, so the goal of this list is to provide genuine small bits of good that anybody can do and will make an impact, no matter how small.
A) 10 super easy things to do for the earth every day. PICK ONE! (Something new)
Stop buying things you don’t really need.
Buy recycled or used items instead of buying new.
Donate or recycle your own used items rather than throwing them away.
Pick up a piece of trash (in public) and throw it away. Every day.
Use less water. Shorter showers. Less often. Turn off the spigot when brushing teeth.
Use the minimum of paper towels, buy or make dishrags.
Become a part-time vegetarian.
Replace your old incandescent or CFL light bulbs with efficient LEDS.
Walk more. Drive less.
Educate yourself.
B) 10 easy household changes that make a difference. PICK ONE or TWO!
Stop junk mail from being delivered to your home
Only use the clothes washer for FULL loads
Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks
Start a compost pile as an alternative to using a garbage disposal. There is a lot of conflicting information regarding the negative impacts of garbage disposals vs throwing food waste into landfills (BOTH are destructive but a COMPOST PILE is the ideal solution. Win, win.)
Grow a forest in your yard instead of a lawn.
Reusable bags! Never use a plastic bag again! Buy them once and use them as gift bags, grocery bags, pool bags, totes, storage. Wash, rinse, repeat!
Never buy bottled water again! If water quality is poor in your area, filters have a much longer shelf life.
Use power strips to eliminate phantom power
Clean the condenser coils of your fridge (by simply unplugging it, pulling it away from the wall, and vacuuming the coils on the back or underneath it, you can keep it running on less energy.)
Sign up for Community Solar. Even if you can’t have solar on your own home!
C) 10 ways to enlist others in this critical rescue effort. PICK ONE!
Write your commitment down and ask someone else to sign on to it.
Offer someone one of your spoons. Explain why.
Share practical examples and uplifting inspirational stories of positive change.
Organize a CLOTHING SWAP in your neighborhood or community.
Organize a COMMUNITY CLEAN UP in your neighborhood or a community in need. (It’s easier than you think!)
Write a diary and talk about your own experiences, your fears for the future, your ideas...suggest solutions
Make a poster or give a speech — explain the problem and ask for solutions! Save a spoon for the earth!
Being agreeable to making an effort (using a spoon) to do something for the good of the planet in whatever opportunity next presents itself to you.
Hope this helps somebody out there. Even if it's just a slight feeling of control.
submitted by RetroBenn to OptimistsUnite [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:32 NoJeweler490 Notary Public

Hello, how much po yung price range nung pagpa-notary of Memorandum of Agreement? Saka po mga Off Campus papers with parent's consent. Also, babayaran ba yun per copy ng document? Or isahang bayad lang and kahit gano karami copies na yun?
submitted by NoJeweler490 to LawPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:24 Chainsaw_Locksmith Very excited for a trip later this week with my little, confused by a repeated phrase in the FAQ.

"Driving Over Trail Ridge Road" is a phrase used repeatedly on the FAQ page in reference to timed entry. Are you allowed to use the road during the hours of timed entry, if you entered before timed entry began? Does the idea of "Driving OVER" differ from 'driving on/accessing/using" the road. It's never spelled out.
I think that they are talking about people who want to traverse the park, using US-34 as a public highway, and claim they are not visiting the park. This would not apply to me as I will be using the park for the day. What I hope it doesn't mean is that early arriving guests cannot use the road during the peak times as they expect people to drive to trailheads and park for many hours. That road use of expressly for driving to a location, and then leaving. That would be dumb, IMO, but in what I would consider common parlance that is what they're saying.
For background, we will be arriving early (7am at Pine River Entr if I cannot get a Bear Lake Timed Pass {if I get the pass, obviously ignore the rest of this}) to drive around the park with a focus on seeing Pika and vistas, and my little earning a first Junior Ranger badge. I don't plan on a huge amount of hiking. Though I am an experienced backwoods camper, the 5-year-old I'm bringing isn't, AND she's from an elevation of 700ft, so the alpine portions of the park are two miles higher than her lungs are used to.
I plan (again, if I fail to secure a BLTE+ permit) to drive a loop of Trail Ridge Rd with stops along the way at centers and Sheep Lake, plenty of water and no strenuous hiking. It seems that Alluvian Fan and places around the currently closed Alpine Center are our main focus for foot travel, but I'm going to be very very conservative on how far she can walk and what ground conditions are too much.
I want to set an example of following the rules, leaving no trace, and all the good ethical stuff, but how I'm reading these highway use rules makes me think I might be in line for a hefty ticket if I'm doing it wrong, forget maybe getting kicked out and ruining the scenic part of the trip.
submitted by Chainsaw_Locksmith to RMNP [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:22 Many-Director3375 Basic Spring Data "persist" operation doesn't CASCADE when JoinColumn(nullable=false)

Here is the public GitHub project I can't manage to persist an entity when using JoinColumn(nullable=false).
JoinColumn(nullable=true) causes no issue though.
I have two entities : MyEntity and MyProduct.
@Entity @Table(name="myentity") public class MyEntity { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; private String name; private String email; private String password; @OneToMany(mappedBy="myentity", cascade=CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval=true) private List products; // getters & setters } @Entity @Table(name="myentity") public class MyProduct { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="myentity_id", nullable=false) private MyEntity myentity; // getters & setters } 
With Cascade, I should be able to persist an instance of MyEntity and MyProduct at the same time.
In my class I tried persisting an object of MyEntity
 public MyEntity pushEntity() { // Create the MyEntity instance MyEntity entity = new MyEntity(); entity.setEmail("email"); entity.setName("name"); entity.setPassword("password"); // Create the MyProduct instance and set the myentity reference MyProduct mp = new MyProduct(); mp.setMyentity(entity); // Set the products list with the new product entity.setProducts(Arrays.asList(mp)); // Save the entity along with its products return; } 
However, it returns an error. I think it's due to the CASCADE not working correctly. If the persist operation was CASCADED properly, I think JoinColumn(name="myentity_id", nullable=false) wouldn't be raising an exception.
The error is :
2024-06-09T22:57:59.236Z ERROR 28232 --- [demo-data] [nio-8000-exec-1] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper : NULL not allowed for column "MYENTITY_ID"; SQL statement: insert into myentity (email,name,password,id) values (?,?,?,default) [23502-224] 2024-06-09T22:57:59.254Z DEBUG 28232 --- [demo-data] [nio-8000-exec-1] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : Failed to complete request: org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: could not execute statement [NULL not allowed for column "MYENTITY_ID"; SQL statement: insert into myentity (email,name,password,id) values (?,?,?,default) [23502-224]] [insert into myentity (email,name,password,id) values (?,?,?,default)]; SQL [insert into myentity (email,name,password,id) values (?,?,?,default)]; constraint [null] 2024-06-09T22:57:59.255Z ERROR 28232 --- [demo-data] [nio-8000-exec-1] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/].[dispatcherServlet] : Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed: org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: could not execute statement [NULL not allowed for column "MYENTITY_ID"; SQL statement: insert into myentity (email,name,password,id) values (?,?,?,default) [23502-224]] [insert into myentity (email,name,password,id) values (?,?,?,default)]; SQL [insert into myentity (email,name,password,id) values (?,?,?,default)]; constraint [null]] with root cause org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: NULL not allowed for column "MYENTITY_ID"; SQL statement: insert into myentity (email,name,password,id) values (?,?,?,default) [23502-224] at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at org.h2.message.DbException.get( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at org.h2.message.DbException.get( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at org.h2.table.Column.validateConvertUpdateSequence( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at org.h2.table.Table.convertInsertRow( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at org.h2.command.dml.Insert.insertRows( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at org.h2.command.dml.Insert.update( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at org.h2.command.CommandContainer.executeUpdateWithGeneratedKeys( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at org.h2.command.CommandContainer.update( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at org.h2.command.Command.executeUpdate( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcPreparedStatement.executeUpdateInternal( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcPreparedStatement.executeUpdate( ~[h2-2.2.224.jar:2.2.224] at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.ProxyPreparedStatement.executeUpdate( ~[HikariCP-5.1.0.jar:na] at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariProxyPreparedStatement.executeUpdate( ~[HikariCP-5.1.0.jar:na] at org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.ResultSetReturnImpl.executeUpdate( ~[hibernate-core-6.5.2.Final.jar:6.5.2.Final] 
Any idea how to persist an object of type MyEntity ? Did I forget anything obvious ?
submitted by Many-Director3375 to javahelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:21 juicy_scooby Keeping up with predicted hours during the cycle

With the new addition of "anticipated hours" in the activities section, and a handful of secondaries explicitly asking about your plans during the application cycle, I feel kind of obligated to keep up with these activities even if they no longer are beneficial to me. For example, I work in a lab which has given me good research experience and an LOR, but I'm no where near putting out a publication, and it's unclear if I could get to an abstract within the year. The work is very heavy on engineering, math, and physics which is not my strong suit and frankly I'm just not interested in it. I feel obligated to keep it up in case I need to reapply, and to fulfill my anticipated hours, but it also feels disingenuous to slog through something that won't benefit me in any other way than resume shine.
I guess conventional wisdom would say never close a door especially so early in the cycle. It was also very difficult to get this kind of a position and I'm reluctant to let it go. Still, I would rather spend my time doing something else.
What's the take premed? Keep slogging on or look for opportunities I can get more out of elsewhere this year.
submitted by juicy_scooby to premed [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:18 Ikhor_Pendragon Help typing based on my perceived relationship to functions?

I think I understand how processes flow through time for history, current events, for people: the way causality is woven into events creating new events, etc... but I'm absolutely unable to do that for me. I'm totally at a loss when it's about seeing how a project should unwind over time, how the project can grow, and how to build some kind of growth timeframe: I need the result now. I'll eat more than I can chew, systematically. Waiting for time to "hatch" is just boring and foreign to me. I've always lost a LOT of time by being very impatient and mocking things up going too fast. On the other hand, I'm very aware of fate, glory, a sense of history and eternity and that it redeems our useless materialistic life down here. Something higher, some piece of immortality, greatness. And I aspire to it.
I'm described as narrow-minded and stubborn about staying on the path I've chosen, not seeing alternatives. Just one way, one vision. I do see alternatives, I just don't care about them. I'm not really interested in random things/accessory things derailing me.
I have no taste whatsoever for stability or harmony. It's akin to the problem I have with Ni, my difficulty managing the stability of a process including me: I can't just let a process run stable and not touch it. I can't just chill and relax. I can't let go. In relationships I'm very quarrelsome. I'm neither calm or calming. I can't have peace or I need to switch things up so I can feel something. Just chilling on a beach is bland. Just having the same stable peaceful life is bland. I get bored and want something more. Making things harder. Chewing more than I can chew often, crashing, repeat. Like hurting your head against a wall. I feel rapidly If I'm sick of if something is wrong but it's like I don't feel when I'm doing too much or I feel it too late, like I can't adjust smoothly: like trying to adjust the accelerator and the cluch smoothly simultaneously, it's all go or all stop.
I can be quite forceful . I tend to see myself as some abtract will which just need to want something and force it to get it. "Yes I can. I just need to get serious about it". Like I'm able to go from 0 to 100 instantly and sustainably. I bite more than I can chew. I'm very territorial, but I won't invade your territory, just get off mine. If you get in mine I will push back strong, it can be you being physically here, it can be noise, it can be other things. I tend to see the world as a jungle with some polish on it, therefore I'm very protective of my loved ones. I tend to feel like I'm against the world. I value respect and I have my own brand of integrity but most people don't. I'm in favor or very extreme or radical solutions for many topics, coming back to ni and si I don't really understand gradual changes/evolutions. I have huge appetites. I practice boxing. I think you need to be strong both mentally and physically and that strength is an all-encompassing virtue: it's the core of most other things, strength (not necessarily physical, but as a person overall) rules everything and people try to hide that. Power relationships rule everything. I'm all or nothing. End justifies the means, but again, I have my own brand of integrity. I've always been able to orient myself well in immediate space (like playing catch etc...), but I'm not really seeking thrills or whatnot. I have big objectives, overly ambitious not really realistic.
I systematize things, but coming back to the Si/Ni problem, I don't stay with a system very long. I tend to change it rapidly. I don't know why, on the moment I see a problem which makes me change it, but it can be just unconscious boredom. I want to get things uniformized. I'm good at seeing the internal coherence or lack thereof in speech, in systems. How one system influences another, like how the school system is influenced by the economy and how it influences every other systems in society, creating certain trends. I'm known for my strong logical prowess, in mathematics, in debates etc... I always have the last word.I'm "always right". I'm not easily swayed.
I'm very good at absorbing knowledge and tend to proof check my Ti reasoning with Te facts. To ground my Ti in Te, if you may. I always have a factual example to illustrate an argument. Sometimes I get arguments and understanding through factual examples. I'm interested in optimizing things but get quite bored at data collection and just want to change the whole system instead of efficiently improving it. "blank slate". We learn then blank slate.
I don't keep in touch with people much. It's hard for me to know who I like and who I dislike. I think I recently ended a 1 year relationship with someone whose character I didn't like, but I had affection for her. Everything she is I find despicable thinking about it, but I don't really judge or care in the moment. She was fun to be around so I didn't take her character into much consideration. I tend to think I don't need relationships, friends or So. That I need to be self-sufficient because you are alone in life and when you are not it's just an illusion. Also, people tend to try to take advantage of you. I don't believe in (selfless) love except in very specific conditions, like a mother for her children. I think it's mostly all lies. You tell others and yourself. I'm not sure I was ever in love myself. It's like I have a strong safeguard. I can get foolish with SO out of affection, but I just can never buy the whole "man of my life" "can't live without you" narrative. It just feels dishonest or very misguided.
I don't really care about emotional displays. I can be very emotionally animated, but more on the negative side: anger. My negative emotions are mostly visible from the outside even when I don't say anything. I want glory and prestige. I lack empathy but I know when something is up with someone based on this person's facial expression. I don't really like emotional display in public except anger. In a group I'm rather silent emotionally.
Test results and personal thoughts about my type:
I type myself and get test results mostly as SLE, LSI, LIE. In MBTI I relate to NTJs and STPs. In the "enneagram" according to my ex I'm a 1, according to my mother an 8. I relate to sexual 6 too, and 3 in some capacity...
systematically gives me SLE. I've done the 734 me LIE mostly.
Thanks for reading
submitted by Ikhor_Pendragon to Socionics [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:14 1xXFEDEXx1 Unity Mixer with slider in uxml, Audio volume values ​not persisting after scene reload despite using PlayerPrefs

In Unity, I'm using an Audio Mixer to manage audio volume including Music and SFX. I've implemented UI sliders via UXML and I'm using PlayerPrefs to save and load volume values ​​between sessions. over time I encountered a problem: although the slider values ​​are correctly imported and displayed, the audio volume does not persist after reloading the scene. For example, if I set the music volume to 50% and restart the scene, the volume returns to the default value. I have verified that the values ​​are correctly saved via PlayerPrefs, but it seems that the audio mixer does not apply these values ​​after reloading the scene. I have tried several solutions, but so far without success. How can I solve this problem?
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Audio; using UnityEngine.UIElements; public class VolumeController : MonoBehaviour { public string sliderTemplateName = "MySlider"; public AudioMixer musicMixer; public AudioMixer sfxMixer; private const string musicPrefsKey = "MusicVolume"; private const string sfxPrefsKey = "SFXVolume"; private const float minVolumeDB = -80f; private const float maxVolumeDB = 0f; private Slider musicSlider; private Slider sfxSlider; private void Awake() { Debug.Log("Awake called"); LoadVolumeSettings(); } private void OnEnable() { Debug.Log("OnEnable called"); var uiDocument = GetComponent(); if (uiDocument != null) { var root = uiDocument.rootVisualElement; var sliders = root.Query(sliderTemplateName).ToList(); if (sliders.Count >= 2) { musicSlider = sliders[0]; sfxSlider = sliders[1]; musicSlider.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => OnMusicVolumeSliderChanged(evt.newValue)); sfxSlider.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => OnSFXVolumeSliderChanged(evt.newValue)); // Initializing sliders with PlayerPrefs values float savedMusicVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(musicPrefsKey, 0.5f); float savedSfxVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(sfxPrefsKey, 0.5f); musicSlider.SetValueWithoutNotify(savedMusicVolume); ApplyMusicVolume(savedMusicVolume); sfxSlider.SetValueWithoutNotify(savedSfxVolume); ApplySFXVolume(savedSfxVolume); Debug.Log($"OnEnable: Loaded music volume: {savedMusicVolume}, SFX volume: {savedSfxVolume}"); } else { Debug.LogError("Insufficient sliders found in UXML."); } } else { Debug.LogError("UIDocument not found on the GameObject."); } } private void OnDisable() { Debug.Log("OnDisable called"); if (musicSlider != null) { musicSlider.UnregisterValueChangedCallback(evt => OnMusicVolumeSliderChanged(evt.newValue)); } if (sfxSlider != null) { sfxSlider.UnregisterValueChangedCallback(evt => OnSFXVolumeSliderChanged(evt.newValue)); } } private void LoadVolumeSettings() { Debug.Log("LoadVolumeSettings called"); float musicVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(musicPrefsKey, 0.5f); float sfxVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(sfxPrefsKey, 0.5f); ApplyMusicVolume(musicVolume); ApplySFXVolume(sfxVolume); Debug.Log($"LoadVolumeSettings: Loaded music volume: {musicVolume}, SFX volume: {sfxVolume}"); } private void OnMusicVolumeSliderChanged(float volume) { Debug.Log($"OnMusicVolumeSliderChanged: Volume changed to {volume}"); SetMusicVolume(volume); } private void OnSFXVolumeSliderChanged(float volume) { Debug.Log($"OnSFXVolumeSliderChanged: Volume changed to {volume}"); SetSFXVolume(volume); } private void SetMusicVolume(float volume) { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(musicPrefsKey, volume); PlayerPrefs.Save(); ApplyMusicVolume(volume); Debug.Log($"SetMusicVolume: Music volume saved and applied: {volume}"); } private void SetSFXVolume(float volume) { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(sfxPrefsKey, volume); PlayerPrefs.Save(); ApplySFXVolume(volume); Debug.Log($"SetSFXVolume: SFX volume saved and applied: {volume}"); } private void ApplyMusicVolume(float volume) { float musicVolumeDB = Mathf.Lerp(minVolumeDB, maxVolumeDB, volume); musicMixer.SetFloat("MusicVolume", musicVolumeDB); Debug.Log($"ApplyMusicVolume: Applied music volume: {volume} ({musicVolumeDB} dB)"); } private void ApplySFXVolume(float volume) { float sfxVolumeDB = Mathf.Lerp(minVolumeDB, maxVolumeDB, volume); sfxMixer.SetFloat("SFXVolume", sfxVolumeDB); Debug.Log($"ApplySFXVolume: Applied SFX volume: {volume} ({sfxVolumeDB} dB)"); } [ContextMenu("Reset PlayerPrefs")] private void ResetPlayerPrefs() { PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(musicPrefsKey); PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(sfxPrefsKey); PlayerPrefs.Save(); Debug.Log("ResetPlayerPrefs: PlayerPrefs for music and SFX volumes have been reset."); } } using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Audio; using UnityEngine.UIElements; public class VolumeController : MonoBehaviour { public string sliderTemplateName = "MySlider"; public AudioMixer musicMixer; public AudioMixer sfxMixer; private const string musicPrefsKey = "MusicVolume"; private const string sfxPrefsKey = "SFXVolume"; private const float minVolumeDB = -80f; private const float maxVolumeDB = 0f; private Slider musicSlider; private Slider sfxSlider; private void Awake() { Debug.Log("Awake called"); LoadVolumeSettings(); } private void OnEnable() { Debug.Log("OnEnable called"); var uiDocument = GetComponent(); if (uiDocument != null) { var root = uiDocument.rootVisualElement; var sliders = root.Query(sliderTemplateName).ToList(); if (sliders.Count >= 2) { musicSlider = sliders[0]; sfxSlider = sliders[1]; musicSlider.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => OnMusicVolumeSliderChanged(evt.newValue)); sfxSlider.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => OnSFXVolumeSliderChanged(evt.newValue)); // Initializing sliders with PlayerPrefs values float savedMusicVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(musicPrefsKey, 0.5f); float savedSfxVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(sfxPrefsKey, 0.5f); musicSlider.SetValueWithoutNotify(savedMusicVolume); ApplyMusicVolume(savedMusicVolume); sfxSlider.SetValueWithoutNotify(savedSfxVolume); ApplySFXVolume(savedSfxVolume); Debug.Log($"OnEnable: Loaded music volume: {savedMusicVolume}, SFX volume: {savedSfxVolume}"); } else { Debug.LogError("Insufficient sliders found in UXML."); } } else { Debug.LogError("UIDocument not found on the GameObject."); } } private void OnDisable() { Debug.Log("OnDisable called"); if (musicSlider != null) { musicSlider.UnregisterValueChangedCallback(evt => OnMusicVolumeSliderChanged(evt.newValue)); } if (sfxSlider != null) { sfxSlider.UnregisterValueChangedCallback(evt => OnSFXVolumeSliderChanged(evt.newValue)); } } private void LoadVolumeSettings() { Debug.Log("LoadVolumeSettings called"); float musicVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(musicPrefsKey, 0.5f); float sfxVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(sfxPrefsKey, 0.5f); ApplyMusicVolume(musicVolume); ApplySFXVolume(sfxVolume); Debug.Log($"LoadVolumeSettings: Loaded music volume: {musicVolume}, SFX volume: {sfxVolume}"); } private void OnMusicVolumeSliderChanged(float volume) { Debug.Log($"OnMusicVolumeSliderChanged: Volume changed to {volume}"); SetMusicVolume(volume); } private void OnSFXVolumeSliderChanged(float volume) { Debug.Log($"OnSFXVolumeSliderChanged: Volume changed to {volume}"); SetSFXVolume(volume); } private void SetMusicVolume(float volume) { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(musicPrefsKey, volume); PlayerPrefs.Save(); ApplyMusicVolume(volume); Debug.Log($"SetMusicVolume: Music volume saved and applied: {volume}"); } private void SetSFXVolume(float volume) { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(sfxPrefsKey, volume); PlayerPrefs.Save(); ApplySFXVolume(volume); Debug.Log($"SetSFXVolume: SFX volume saved and applied: {volume}"); } private void ApplyMusicVolume(float volume) { float musicVolumeDB = Mathf.Lerp(minVolumeDB, maxVolumeDB, volume); musicMixer.SetFloat("MusicVolume", musicVolumeDB); Debug.Log($"ApplyMusicVolume: Applied music volume: {volume} ({musicVolumeDB} dB)"); } private void ApplySFXVolume(float volume) { float sfxVolumeDB = Mathf.Lerp(minVolumeDB, maxVolumeDB, volume); sfxMixer.SetFloat("SFXVolume", sfxVolumeDB); Debug.Log($"ApplySFXVolume: Applied SFX volume: {volume} ({sfxVolumeDB} dB)"); } [ContextMenu("Reset PlayerPrefs")] private void ResetPlayerPrefs() { PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(musicPrefsKey); PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(sfxPrefsKey); PlayerPrefs.Save(); Debug.Log("ResetPlayerPrefs: PlayerPrefs for music and SFX volumes have been reset."); } } 
submitted by 1xXFEDEXx1 to unity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:12 John-Sedgewick-Hyde Kids abused at MO boarding school have long sought justice. He's determined to bring it

Kids abused at MO boarding school have long sought justice. He's determined to bring it
PIEDMONT, Mo. -- His voice gets heavy and even starts to crack when he talks about the abuse claims that have engulfed an unlicensed boarding school in his southeast Missouri county.
“I didn’t know,” Wayne County Sheriff Dean Finch says, referring to former students’ yearslong allegations of physical and mental abuse at the school. “I didn’t.”
When in 2014 Finch scooped up a runaway from Lighthouse Christian Academy, the skin on his feet starting to peel away from frostbite, the teen didn’t divulge any abuse. Neither did a boy who ran away from the Wayne County boarding school three years later, the sheriff said. Same thing with the boy who ran away two years ago.
“Kids didn’t say a word,” said Finch, who has been the sheriff since 2013. “I tried to get it out of them, why they were running away. But they never said anything.”
Boys would tell him, the sheriff said, that they were forced to do jumping jacks, intense exercises and stand at the wall for hours as punishment. Or they just didn’t like the school run by ABM Ministries because staff members were mean. But nothing they shared with him, he said, led him to believe a Missouri law had been broken.
Until earlier this year.
After five boys ran away from the secluded boarding school near Piedmont over a three-week period in January, one boy told him something “I could sink my teeth into,” Finch said. And once the sheriff spoke to a former student from more than 15 years ago, “all the dominos started to fall,” he said.
Since March, he’s traveled to 10 states, interviewed about 25 former students and spoken to many others on the phone. In the coming days, he plans to speak with dozens more. Now in their 20s and 30s, many of these men and women are telling the sheriff what they’ve told The Star. They said staff members put them in headlocks and at times hit them, that food and water were withheld and they were made to exercise for hours and work in extreme temperatures.
Others described what they call “emotional torture” at the school owned by Larry and Carmen Musgrave.
“I’m going to investigate this thoroughly,” Finch told The Star in a series of interviews over the past two months. “Every victim will be interviewed. Every victim will have their say, they will be able to tell their story.
“Until the end, I am here. And if there’s charges there, those charges will be filed.”
In early March, Larry and Carmen Musgrave were charged with kidnapping and another staffer faces one count of physical abuse of a student. The sheriff said he expects additional charges.
The couple pleaded not guilty and their attorney did not respond to multiple calls for comment.
Larry Musgrave denied that students were mistreated or abused at the school, Finch said.
“Whenever we interviewed him, he laughed about it,” Finch said. “And he said, ‘That is not going on. That never happened.’”
Soon after the Musgraves were arrested, Lighthouse closed. The husband and wife were released on their own recognizance and required to wear GPS monitoring devices.
“We’re very happy and proud that (the sheriff) is standing up and saying this is wrong,” said Rebecca Randles, a Kansas City attorney who has handled many boarding school abuse cases. “We’ve never had that response from any law enforcement before.”
Indeed, when it comes to boarding schools, many say Missouri hasn’t seen a sheriff like Finch. And they hope his actions will spur real, lasting change in a state that had become a haven for unlicensed boarding schools during the past few decades.
Robert Knodell, director of the Missouri Department of Social Services, said his agency embraces the partnership with Wayne County authorities.
“It’s not always been the case everywhere we’ve had these cases,” Knodell said. “Sometimes local law enforcement is cooperative, and sometimes they’re not. … The ability to address ongoing issues is much greater when there’s full cooperation across the spectrum.”
The Star began investigating Missouri’s unlicensed boarding schools and abuse allegations at Circle of Hope Girls Ranch and Agape Boarding School — located in southwest Missouri’s Cedar County and now closed —in late summer of 2020. Former students at those schools said they had told local authorities for years about the abuse, but nothing ever happened.
Those who attended Lighthouse Christian Academy, most of whom were there before Finch became sheriff, said they hoped to draw attention to the school years ago by posting testimonials on social media. They urged families online to not send their kids there, but the pleas never gained much traction.
Until Finch started investigating.
“We’ve never had anyone pull so hard for us,” said Michael McCarthy, who attended Lighthouse Christian Academy from August 2010 to August 2012. “It feels surreal because we had tried. It’s almost like why now? … It’s almost hard to believe.”
Child advocates have also been surprised by the actions in Wayne County.
“It’s a complete 180 from what we experienced when the schools in Cedar County were revealed,” said Jessica Seitz, executive director of the Missouri Network Against Child Abuse, formerly known as Missouri KidsFirst. “The response of seeking out justice and believing kids is exactly what we would hope for.
“Law enforcement is one of the parties responsible for protecting kids from abuse.”
Concerns of conflict had surrounded the investigation at Agape Boarding School in Cedar County because the son-in-law of the late founder, James Clemensen, was a deputy with the sheriff’s department. That deputy, a former Agape student, had also worked at the school for years and on multiple occasions was sent there to respond to a call, The Star found.
When asked what motivates him in Wayne County, Finch, 62, pauses and speaks slowly.
“Because they’re victims,” the sheriff says, his voice breaking before he apologizes for getting emotional. “Because they were mistreated and because it happened in my county.
“I feel like my department let these kids down, although it wasn’t me. … They deserve better than what they got in the past. They deserve to have their story heard. And it’s just like any victim — they deserve their day in court.
“These kids, dammit, they deserve justice.”
‘Liable to freeze to death’
Finch’s cellphone rang late one frigid night in early February 2014. A call had just come in from ABM Ministries, a dispatcher told him.
A teen boy at the boarding school had run away and been gone 3 ½ hours.
The grandfather of five at the time, who had been sheriff for about a year, called in deputies and alerted the fire department. Search dogs were brought in. The frigid temperatures outside filled him and others with a rising sense of urgency.
“I got a kid out here, that’s run off, out in the middle of the woods and it’s subzero weather,” Finch said of what was going through his mind that night. “He didn’t have a coat. He didn’t have anything. We got to find this boy because he’s liable to freeze to death.”
The sheriff also alerted Union Pacific Railroad, telling officials they had a missing child and “to be on the lookout.” Finch worried the boy could be on the tracks between Piedmont and Williamsville and wanted to make sure the train wasn’t “going to come flying through.”
As the railroad crew moved slowly through the area and looked for the boy, so did Finch and all those he called to help with the search.
“I had search teams in the woods all over,” the sheriff said. “We were all over. Running the roads, running through the woods, looking in the woods.”
A couple of hours into the search, Union Pacific let the sheriff know that a crew had found the boy and was transporting him to a nearby crossing. Finch was waiting with an ambulance.
The sheriff lifted the teen, who was wearing pajamas and a fleece jacket, off the train. He didn’t have any socks on and had lost his flip flops they wore at the school. He had used his jacket to wave down the train, the sheriff said.
“His feet were, in all reality, black,” Finch said. “And the skin had peeled off of them from frostbite.”
When the sheriff first encountered the young teen, he asked why he ran away. He just shook his head, the sheriff said.
“I’m assuming he was just so cold and disoriented that he didn’t talk,” Finch said.
He would try again later at the landing zone with a helicopter waiting, and as first responders tended to the teen’s injuries.
“I was trying to get him to say, ‘Why did you run away?’” Finch said. “‘Just don’t like it. Just don’t like it.’ That’s all he would say. ‘Just don’t like it.’”
The teen was airlifted to St. Louis Children’s Hospital where he was treated for severe frostbite, and according to a news article at the time, his family was told he would face a slow recovery. That article, in the Wayne County Journal Banner on Feb. 13, 2014, quoted the mother as saying she believed her son was mistreated at the school.
“She told the newspaper that her son said the physical and mental abuse was unbearable and that he felt running away was his only alternative,” the article stated.
The teen didn’t speak to the sheriff again. But his mother told a reporter that he had given a full report to the Missouri Department of Social Services.
The sheriff’s office also reported the incident to DSS, Finch said.
In the years since, other students at ABM Ministries have run. In 2017, the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department was called out again. Then again two years ago.
That’s when Finch started to look deeper and have unanswered questions.
“Something is going on here,” he said he thought about two years ago. “Something isn’t right. These kids, there is no reason for these kids to be running away. … But I had nothing to go on. I literally had nothing to go on.”
Until, he said, late January of this year.
Former students tell their stories
After Julianna Davis, of Alabama, heard about the boys who had run away from ABM Ministries earlier this year, she called the Missouri Highway Patrol.
For years, she and other former students had tried to let the public know about what they say they experienced at the school. Now, she thought, maybe someone in authority would listen.
At the southeast Missouri school, Davis said that she had been told not to trust law enforcement, that authorities wouldn’t believe her and other students because they were just troubled kids.
“We’ve tried this for 15 years plus,” she said. “I already kind of had the impression that nobody was gonna listen to us.”
But the patrol sergeant she spoke to did. And then he referred her to Finch.
Something Davis told the sheriff matched what a current student had told him. Because he doesn’t want to jeopardize the case, Finch won’t say what that is. But it did cause the dominos to fall and prompt the investigation that continues today.
“I knew that something had happened there,” he said. “I knew something illegal had happened to a child who was defenseless, who had been sent to this home for rehabilitation, so to speak, or whatever you want to call it. She was sent there by the parents to be helped.”
Davis also told Finch that Carmen Musgrave locked her in a room on her 18th birthday and she was kept at the school for months after. It was Davis’ experience that led to the kidnapping charges against the Musgraves.
“I’ve just been continuously impressed at how hard he’s trying to help,” Davis said of Finch. “But at the same time, surprised in the sense that like, we’ve tried this before, you know, and it just never got anywhere.”
After talking with Davis, the sheriff knew that more former students would reach out. He told dispatchers to expect a few. That grew to 10 or 15. Then 25 to 30.
“I got my 81st call this morning,” Finch said in early May. By the end of that month, he received another six or seven calls.
In-person interviews have lasted anywhere from minutes to hours, he said. A few of the former students attended the school in recent years, but the majority he’s talked with have been gone from ABM for 15 or so years.
“Now I know, looking back at the runaways that we had in the past, and doing this investigation, I now know why they didn’t say anything,” Finch said. “Because they were scared.
“It was instilled in them and drilled in their heads that unfortunately, I didn’t care about them, that they (boarding school leaders) have law enforcement in their back pocket. Well, that pocket has a big hole, and I slipped out of that pocket.”
The sheriff drove to Oklahoma in March to speak with Aralysa Baker, who went to ABM in 2005 when she was 13 and stayed for two years.
For seven hours, over two days, Baker told the sheriff what she was unable to tell an investigator who went to the school during her last year. Her great-grandparents had called Wayne County and asked authorities to do a welfare check. She told the officer she was OK because she feared what would happen if she said more.
Baker told Finch how her life had been impacted because of the school. The nightmares. The flashbacks. And the anxiety over food.
For all of her adult life, she’s feared that there wouldn’t be enough to eat. First, just for herself. And now that she’s a wife and mom, for her family.
While at ABM, she said the owners and staff used food as a punishment. When in trouble, she and other former students said staff would withhold food and sometimes they would go to bed hungry. Several students said they would have to sneak food or water at times.
Baker told the sheriff and The Star that she now hoards food. There are chips and cookies stashed behind her pots and pans. Stacks of canned goods, boxes of pasta, and macaroni and cheese in the garage. The trunk of an old Honda that doesn’t run is full of snacks.
“I always want something stashed away, squirreled away,” she said. “I need to be able to get to it quickly.”
Baker and Davis want people, especially lawmakers, to realize that Missouri must do more to keep abuse, both physical and mental, out of boarding schools in their state.
“I hope they take it seriously and change the laws to make it harder for people to abuse children and not have any consequences whatsoever,” Davis said. “And then, of course, I hope that there’s some sort of justice or closure for all of us. I have been hurt for so long. But I’ll be happy as long as it doesn’t happen again.”
‘They’re just being bull-headed’
Hours before Finch served the arrest warrants on the Musgraves, someone issued him a warning about the past.
Don’t forget about Heartland Christian Academy, he was told, a reference to a decades-old case that to this day haunts those who have tried to place regulations on religious-based boarding schools in Missouri.
Operated by the late millionaire Charles Sharpe, a prominent Republican who made his fortune after founding Kansas City-based Ozark National Life Insurance Co., the Christian school for troubled youth drew national attention in 2001. A call to the state hotline reported students were being forced to stand in ankle-to chest-deep cow manure as a punishment.
Several months later, after receiving two more allegations of abuse, authorities raided the northeast Missouri school and removed 115 children, prompting a series of lawsuits and challenges that took years to wind through the courts.
In the end, felony child abuse charges against five employees were either dropped or the staffers were acquitted. Sharpe and his school also were cleared of any wrongdoing and the state settled with Heartland, agreeing to pay extensive attorney fees and court costs.
Ever since, the Heartland case has cast a shadow over attempts to address concerns inside boarding schools — especially proposals that would require them to be licensed. A law passed in 1982 allows religious-based schools to claim an exemption from Missouri’s licensing requirement.
Randles, the Kansas City attorney who has represented the families of abused children, said the arguments against licensing don’t hold water.
“They’re just being bull-headed over this particular issue,” she said. “We’re not asking them to change their religious affiliation or to change the manner in which they teach their religion. As a matter of fact, I’m a graduate of Southwest Baptist University, and Southwest Baptist University is accredited, it’s licensed, it goes through all of the processes that are required.
“And it doesn’t change the way that Southwest Baptist University delivers its teaching. It’s still a faith-based Christian education university. It can be done.”
In response to abuse allegations at Cedar County schools, lawmakers passed legislation in 2021 to implement some oversight over religious boarding schools but shied away from requiring them to be licensed.
Boarding schools that are abusing children, Randles said, are not Christian institutions.
“That has nothing to do with Christianity,” she said. “And so there’s no reason that the state can’t act on these individuals who are acting well outside the law. Because they’re claiming and cloaking themselves under religious authority. There’s no religious authority that says you can beat children and make them eat their own vomit. There is nothing in the Bible that says anything of the sort.”
Carmen and Larry Musgrave moved their boarding school from the Tennessee and Kentucky area to Patterson in southeast Missouri in 2004, corporation records show. One former student said that the Musgraves loaded students into a blue 15-passenger van and drove them to the Show-Me State.
The Patterson site had previously been home to another controversial boarding school — Mountain Park Baptist Boarding Academy.
That school’s owners, Bob and Betty Wills, were running the Bethesda Home for Girls in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, when a former student sued Bethesda in federal court in 1982. Child welfare officials conducted an investigation, and the Willses closed the school in 1987 after a judge ordered authorities to remove students.
They headed to southeast Missouri and opened Mountain Park Baptist Boarding Academy. The school gained notoriety in 1996 when two students murdered another student because they feared he would reveal their plot to take over the school and escape.
In 2003, the school was sued in federal court by five former students and two sets of parents. They accused school officials of abusing and falsely imprisoning students. The school closed in 2004, and the Musgraves then opened Lighthouse Christian Academy on that property. Lighthouse later moved to its current location near Piedmont, and former students say they were forced to do much of the construction work.
Ginger Koller Joyner, the Wayne County prosecutor who formerly served as the Guardian Ad Litem for the 42nd Judicial Circuit, said seeing what’s happened at Lighthouse has convinced her that a licensing law is necessary to keep children safe in these schools.
“I think both my background in the juvenile system and this experience has strengthened my opinion that there really needs to be a legislative push to regulate these types of places to ensure that there’s uniformity and consistency of care across our state,” Joyner said. “I don’t think we want this anywhere in our state.”
The key, she said, will be for legislators to get involved.
“We can have every sheriff on board, we can have every prosecutor on board, but the bottom line is until we change the legislation about how these facilities are licensed, we’re not going to see the depth of change that’s needed to protect the vulnerable people,” she said.
DSS’ Knodell said he anticipates that Missouri lawmakers will “continue to consider whether they want to go down that road and take that approach.”
“Many other states have,” he said. “I think it’s time to take a close look at it. Absolutely.”
‘Trying to get them justice’
Before the runaways and subsequent investigation, Finch said he didn’t know much about other boarding schools in Missouri. He didn’t follow what happened across the state with Circle of Hope and Agape.
In his decade as sheriff, Finch’s department has called the state’s child abuse and neglect hotline multiple times, he said. And in January, after the runaways, several residents who live near ABM also reported the school. At least two of them said they were told they didn’t provide enough information to warrant an investigation.
After The Star reported that, Knodell said in March that DSS was looking into whether hotline calls about the school were properly handled over the years.
When asked the status of that internal inquiry and what, if anything, came of it, DSS said it was ongoing.
Finch hopes to eventually go to Jefferson City and talk with legislators and share his opinion that “every one of these schools should be licensed.” But first, he said he needs to remain focused on the case in his county.
The sheriff often meets with Joyner, the county prosecutor, to make sure the two are on the same page. He keeps her updated after new interviews with former students.
Joyner praised Finch for his dedication in making sure former students have the opportunity to report what they say happened to them. And she shares that motivation.
“Our law enforcement is committed, I am committed,” said Joyner, who first filled in as the county prosecutor in 2021 and took office in early 2023. “I realized that some of these students aren’t necessarily residents of our county, but they were in our county and we’re dedicated to protecting them and trying to get them justice.”
Many of the students who have come forward alleging physical and emotional abuse attended the school years ago, and their cases may no longer be inside Missouri’s statute of limitations.
“The prosecution piece is going to be, in some cases, difficult,” Joyner said. “That doesn’t mean that we’re not going to try, but you know, I have to abide by the ethics in terms of what I can prosecute. And if I can prosecute it, and believe that I can prove it, then I absolutely will.”
Early last month, Finch was preparing for another week of travel, driving to several states in his Ford F-150 to interview more former students of ABM.
“I’m headed for Colorado Springs, Vail, Colorado,” he told The Star. “And then I’m going to shoot up into Montana, Wyoming (and) come back across into Nebraska, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois and there’s one other one that I’m gonna hit.”
All while he’s in the middle of running for reelection.
On that trip early last month, Finch stopped in a Chicago suburb and interviewed Inesa Kolberg, who attended ABM from late 2005 to June 2007.
“He gave one of the best hugs,” she said. “His hug was so tight, and it was just full of compassion. I didn’t cry during the interview, but (at the end) it brought me to tears because it felt so comforting.
“He has a heart of gold. He is doing God’s work. He is a true example of what a Christian is.”
Finch said what fuels him on the long days and long weeks is knowing that for so long students at ABM were told they couldn’t trust law enforcement, that he and his department were on the school’s side.
“I’m going to tell you something — that’s not me,” the sheriff said. “I don’t give a damn who you are or what your last name is. If you break the law, you break the law and I’m going to come after you.
“Now, in the end, it’s up to the jury and the system. But I am going to do my job. And I am going to bring these people to justice for these kids.”
Laura Bauer, Judy L. Thomas, The Kansas City Star on Jun 9, 2024
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