Auto mechanic receipt template

Mechanic has had my car over a year and lies about multiple things

2024.05.16 01:45 Zealousideal-Check90 Mechanic has had my car over a year and lies about multiple things

My car a 2017 Audi started having transmission troubles last February and so I took it to a mechanic in town who is the only shop certified to work on European cars. I live in a small area and we have no Audi dealerships so I would have to tow it around 200 miles to the nearest one. When I took it in one of the workers took a look at it asked some questions and gave me a copy of a form stating the issues and a quote for the inspection on the issue. I gave it a few weeks followed up got a runaround and that’s what it has essentially been ever since. I know it’s pretty bad on me to leave it but at the time I was in a bad spot financially so didn’t have many options to take it elsewhere. About 7 months after the runarounds and getting into arguments with the owner I filed complaints with the BAR and Better business bureau which were settled when the owner and I agreed he would get it fixed and I would only pay for parts. About a month after that I get a call saying he has to just replace the whole transmission. Ok no problem he asked for a deposit which I sent and asked for a receipt which he never gave. Now he claims he just has little parts he has to replace but that he was waiting on them to arrive tells me he’ll get on it when they arrive that was two weeks ago he already told me he has the parts but when I go to check in since he no longer answers the phone my car hasn’t moved from the spot outside his shop. I plan on towing it to Audi but is there any grounds to sue or is it worth it? I’m still making payments on the car to make it worse. Sorry for the lengthy explanation just looking for advice before I take my car and possibly contact a lawyer.
submitted by Zealousideal-Check90 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:27 afriquee are there any private auto body mechanics that work on vehicles for fun? or somewhere i can buy parts & bring my vehicle to for repair?

are there any private auto body mechanics that work on vehicles for fun? or somewhere i can buy parts & bring my vehicle to for repair?
in a bit of situation! i got into a car accident on mothers day that ended with my car without a headlight, a broken bumper and a broken fender. the shop i went to estimates $6-7k and thats how much i have left on my finance, i cant afford to drop it on that right now? im 22 and i dont know which way to go? insurance is no help too.
submitted by afriquee to everett [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:03 TaraJo Good auto mechanic

Can anyone refer us to a good auto mechanic? The day his car died, my rooommate called a mobile mechanic and mobile mechanic king is absolutely a conman. I can’t keep driving him to work every day, either, so he needs to get his car running again and I’m hoping someone can tell us where to go for repairs that aren’t too expensive and reliable.
submitted by TaraJo to tulsa [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:42 alexdagreatimposter Mysterious Hard To Debug Issues With Format Printer.

I decided to make a format printer, using "{}" as generic placements for values. It kinda works, and doesn't at the same time. I was having a massive headache dealing with recursively collecting all the args, parsing the string, ordering streams right, only for it to break in ways completely unexplainable, and extremely inconsistently when I got really frustrated was where it couldn't print the last part of the string or it would crash, and something changed I don't know but it just crashing either way.
The really mindboggling part is that it would sometimes, and sometimes it would crash without printing, and I couldn't figure out why.
I posted this in a discord server but no one was able to help.
 template  void FormatPrint(std::string_view string, Args... args) { constexpr int8_t format_num = VArgsLen(); std::string_view printRanges[format_num]; int16_t format_count = 0; bool formater_first = false; auto lastInsert = string.begin(); for (auto i = lastInsert; i < string.end() && format_count < format_num; i++) { if (*(i+1) == '}' && *i == '{') { if (i == string.begin()) formater_first = true; printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(lastInsert, i-lastInsert); lastInsert = i++ +2; } if (i == string.end()-1) printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(lastInsert, string.end()-lastInsert); } if (format_count == 0) printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(string); std::stringstream stream; std::vector args_vec = vectorize_variadics(args_param(args)); int8_t f_index = 0, s_index = 0; if (formater_first && args_vec.size() > 0) { stream << args_vec[f_index++]; } for (; f_index < args_vec.size() s_index < format_count; f_index++, s_index++) { if (s_index < format_count) stream << printRanges[s_index]; if (f_index < args_vec.size()) stream << args_vec[f_index]; stream << '\n'; } std::cout << stream.str(); } 
So I go to bed and try to refactor the parsing loop, as I think that's where the issue would be, so the new loop looks like this:
 auto lastInsert = string.begin(); for (auto i = lastInsert; i < string.end(); i++) { if (*i == '{' && string.end() - i > 1 && lastInsert < string.end()) { if (*(i+1) == '}') { if (i == string.begin()) formater_first = true; printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(lastInsert, i-lastInsert); lastInsert = ++i+1; } } if (string.end() - i == 1) { printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(lastInsert, string.end()-lastInsert); } } 
Now this solution did format the code right and printing, but it still ended up crashing the program, so at the very end I added this debug message.
Now I had the following string in main.
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { FormatPrint("Hello, I'm {}.\n My age is {}. My first initial {}.\n It took me a few hours, about {}, to write this formatter.\n", "Alex", 14, "c", 2); return 0; } 
Now if I were to run it I would get.
❯ ./main Hello, I'm Alex. My age is 14. My first initial c. It took me a few hours, about 2, to write this formatter. FILE : ./utils.hpp LINE : 136 STACK UNWIND ISSUE [1] 46034 abort ./main 
So great. It was a stack unwind issue my vscode debugger was completely useless for, (Don't even know if it works with templates at all). I begin to suspect that maybe an array of string_views was breaking something with some niche c++ compatibility mishap, so I replaced it with an std::array
std::array printRanges
Now it didn't crash, just produced unintelligible garbage in the formated areas, extremely weird considering this array handles the strings. Now I decided to switch some params, and it crashed without printing anything. The change from a c array to a standard array just fucked up the program in a stupidly frustrating way I could not comprehend, just awful.
At this point I am done trying to save this thing. It changes how it wants to break every change I make, it does not work with a debugger, and it spits out ever changing, undocumented error codes I can't do anything with. So instead, here is all the relevant code. I will admit gen_to_string is a bit of a mess but that was because std::to_string did not mesh well with strings are chars, and chars are also super broken and inconsistent to top things off, just not as important.
template  constexpr integral VArgsLen() { return 0; } template  constexpr integral VArgsLen() { return 1 + VArgsLen(); } template  requires std::same_as std::string gen_to_string(const T& str) { return str; } std::string gen_to_string(const char * str) { return str; } template  std::string gen_to_string(const T& obj) { return std::to_string(obj); } template <> std::string gen_to_string(const char& c) { return std::string(c, 1); } #define args_param(x) std::forward(x)... std::vector vectorize_variadics() { return std::vector(); } template  std::vector vectorize_variadics(const T& obj, Args... args) { std::vector new_vec = {gen_to_string(obj)}; auto new_args = vectorize_variadics(args_param(args)); new_vec.insert(new_vec.end(), new_args.begin(), new_args.end()); return new_vec; } template  void FormatPrint(std::string_view string, Args... args) { constexpr int8_t format_num = VArgsLen(); std::string_view printRanges[format_num]; int16_t format_count = 0; bool formater_first = false; auto lastInsert = string.begin(); for (auto i = lastInsert; i < string.end(); i++) { if (*i == '{' && string.end() - i > 1 && lastInsert < string.end()) { if (*(i+1) == '}') { if (i == string.begin()) formater_first = true; printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(lastInsert, i-lastInsert); lastInsert = ++i+1; } } if (string.end() - i == 1) { printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(lastInsert, string.end()-lastInsert); } } if (format_count == 0) printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(string); std::stringstream stream; std::vector args_vec = vectorize_variadics(args_param(args)); int8_t f_index = 0, s_index = 0; if (formater_first && args_vec.size() > 0) { stream << args_vec[f_index++]; } for (; f_index < args_vec.size() s_index < format_count; f_index++, s_index++) { if (s_index < format_count) stream << printRanges[s_index]; if (f_index < args_vec.size()) stream << args_vec[f_index]; } std::cout << stream.str(); DEBUG_LOG("STACK UNWIND ISSUE"); } 
If you can help me find the issue, thank you, and I will accept the skill issue.
submitted by alexdagreatimposter to cpp_questions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:18 aliajmal082 Marketing cloud

I'm using client's account the start edition of Salesforce for small business. So when I create email template in content tab of marketing clouds during scheduling email campaign I choose the email message to send in the flow. So when the emails are sending using that segment flow, the from address auto rewriting and it becomes something how can I stop it to rewrite the from address email? As my client wants to send it from it's orginial address which is related to his domain website. Kindly please guide me on that thanks All!
Best regards, Ali
submitted by aliajmal082 to salesforce [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:12 Snushy_101 LearnWorlds Pricing: Find Your Ideal Plan Now!

LearnWorlds Pricing: Find Your Ideal Plan Now!
Curious about LearnWorlds pricing? Wondering how to make the most of your investment? Dive into this guide for all the insights you need. Uncover the different pricing plans, features, and benefits tailored to suit your specific needs. Ready to take your online learning journey to the next level with LearnWorlds, instructors, schools, learners, and academy? Let's explore what awaits you!
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  • Understand LearnWorlds Pricing: Familiarize yourself with the different pricing plans offered by LearnWorlds to choose the one that best suits your needs.
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  • Clarify Pricing Doubts: Find answers to common pricing FAQs to make informed decisions when selecting a plan.
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Explore LearnWorlds Pricing Plans: Monthly vs. Yearly Subscriptions: Save Up to 20%

When considering LearnWorlds, you're presented with two subscription options: monthly and yearly. Opting for the yearly subscription not only provides you with consistent access to the platform but also offers substantial savings of up to 20%. Now, let's explore the intricacies of each pricing tier.

1. Starter Plan: Initiating Your E-Learning Journey

At $24 per month, the Starter plan serves as an ideal entry point for budding educators. With the ability to start for free, this plan offers an array of features to kickstart your e-learning venture:
  • Create Courses: Craft engaging courses with ease.
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2. Pro Trainer Plan: Elevate Your E-Learning Experience

Priced at $79 per month with no transaction fees, the Pro Trainer plan offers enhanced features to take your e-learning initiatives to new heights. Here's what it includes:
  • Starter Features Plus: Enjoy all features of the Starter plan.
  • Increase Engagement: Foster interactive learning experiences.
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For enterprises and high-volume users, LearnWorlds offers custom solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Here's what you can expect:
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Features Across All Plans

Standard Tools

LearnWorlds pricing plans come with a range of integrations to enhance functionality, making it easy to connect with other platforms. The home page customization feature allows users to create a personalized landing space. Users have seamless access to essential tools across all plans, ensuring a smooth experience.

Basic Features

In all plans, users benefit from unlimited courses, enabling them to diversify their content and offerings. The video library feature facilitates the storage and organization of videos for easy access and management. The branding & theme editor allows for customization to add and maintain brand consistency.

Importance of Multilingual UI and Mobile Readiness

The inclusion of a multilingual user interface ensures accessibility for a global audience, catering to diverse language preferences. Moreover, mobile & tablet readiness guarantees that content is optimized for various devices, enhancing user experience and engagement.

Special Offers and Discounts

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Pricing FAQs Answered

Common Questions

What are the pricing options available on LearnWorlds? LearnWorlds offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different needs. The options include monthly and annual subscriptions, each with varying features and benefits.
How can I determine the best plan for my requirements? Assess your needs based on factors such as the number of courses you plan to create, the level of customization required, and the expected number of students. This evaluation will guide you in selecting the most suitable plan.

Additional Costs

  • Custom Domain: Opting for a custom domain may involve an additional cost but can enhance your brand's credibility and professionalism.
  • Transaction Fees: Keep in mind that transaction fees may apply depending on the payment gateway you choose. Consider this when calculating your overall costs.

Optimization Tips

  • Utilize Essential Features: Make the most of essential features included in your chosen plan to maximize its value.
  • Prompt Engineering: Regularly review your course content and engagement strategies. Prompt engineering can help boost student retention and satisfaction.

Choosing the Right Plan

Assess Requirements

Before selecting a plan, learners should evaluate their needs to find an alternative that suits them best. Consider factors like the number of users, desired features, and budget constraints.

Match Features

To align with business or educational goals, match specific features to your requirements. Evaluate if the plan offers support team assistance, easy way to create engaging courses, and tools for enhancing the learning experience.

Closing Thoughts

You've delved into LearnWorlds pricing plans, uncovered features, snagged special offers, and clarified any doubts. Now, armed with this knowledge, you're ready to select the ideal plan for your needs. Remember, it's not just about the cost but also about what each plan offers you in return. Make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and aspirations.
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In the vast world of online learning, every detail counts. So, take the time to pick wisely. Your choice today can shape your e-learning journey tomorrow by adding valuable skills. Act now and embark on a learning adventure tailored just for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does LearnWorlds pricing work?

LearnWorlds offers different pricing plans to cater to various needs. You can choose from monthly or annual subscriptions based on the features you require. Each plan provides unique benefits, such as unlimited courses, custom domains, and marketing tools.

What are the key features included in all LearnWorlds pricing plans?

All LearnWorlds pricing plans include essential features like unlimited video hosting, interactive videos, drip-feed courses, quizzes, certificates, and integrated payment gateways. You get access to 24/7 customer support and the ability to create your branded online school.

Are there any special offers or discounts available for LearnWorlds pricing plans?

LearnWorlds frequently runs promotions offering discounts on their pricing plans. Keep an eye out for seasonal sales or special events where you can save on your subscription. They provide exclusive discounts for educational institutions and non-profits.

Can I switch between LearnWorlds pricing plans if my needs change?

Yes, LearnWorlds allows you to upgrade or downgrade your pricing plan at any time to accommodate your changing requirements. Whether you need more advanced features or want to scale back temporarily, you have the flexibility to adjust your subscription accordingly.

How do I determine the right LearnWorlds pricing plan for my online course business?

Choosing the right LearnWorlds pricing plan depends on factors like the number of courses you offer, expected student enrollment, desired customization options, and marketing needs. Evaluate your specific requirements against the features included in each plan to make an informed decision.
Useful Links:
  1. LearnWorlds LifeTime Deal
  2. LearnWorlds Free Trial
submitted by Snushy_101 to Hairfortin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:43 trampled93 HRX217K4 HYA transmission seal

HRX217K4 HYA transmission seal
Last fall I picked up a year 2014 HYA for $30 because the transmission drove really slow with a growling noise. I noticed it was leaking hydrostatic fluid from the top oil seal and maybe the top fill port. Does anyone have any tips for replacing this seal? Can this be done without having to take the entire case apart and pull all the innards of the trans apart? I plan to flush and fill with new fluid after. Also another question, I have a surging carb while hot. It starts just fine cold or hot. While pulling the trans I put the mower on its left side for a little bit with empty fuel tank and noticed engine oil dripping out of the carb (oops). Anyways, I plan to replace with new carb and seals. Do I also need to replace the auto choke mechanism and the thermowax pellet also or will the new carb fix the surging problem?
submitted by trampled93 to HondaMowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:35 eidlhope EIDL - $330K - Sent To Treasury, Coming Back To SBA, Hardship Application Sent

I have lurked on here for months now and this sub has provided me with a great amount of resources that are beginning to help me out of the situation I have long been in, finally able to see some progress.
Back in February, I received notification that my loan had been transferred to Treasury for collection. Despite my repeated attempts to reach out, contacting them proved futile. Even regular conversations with the SBA yielded no solution to reclaim my loan.
Recent posts here mentioned successfully moving loans back to the SBA using the EIDL Dispute template
Personalizing it with assistance from both Chatgpt and Gemini, I crafted what I thought was a good enough letter. I sent it to [](), among other suggested emails. Only this particular email acknowledged receipt through Mailtrack and responded.
It took 9 days to receive the response. It included the hardship application and instructions to send it back to the email above. The application also requires to include your YTD P&L for loans over $200. Both were provided the same day. One hour later, I received this auto response
"Thank you for contacting the U.S. Small Business Administration Covid EIDL Servicing Center. We have received your request and forwarded it to the appropriate department for review. Please allow 7 -10 business days to process your request. Repeat submissions to []( may result in a delay in your request being processed.

This email box is not currently providing status updates. If you have questions regarding the status of your request or require further assistance, please call 1-833-853-5638 (Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Time) or, if you are hearing impaired, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services.

The MySBA Loan Portal is now live! The MySBA Loan Portal is a new portal where borrowers can view their loan balance, make payments, view statement, and contact customer support in one place. Borrowers can visit to login or enroll."
Though I'm not one to frequently engage in comments or posts, having experienced firsthand the anxiety and hardship this situation can induce, I felt compelled to share my experience. I hope it offers a ray of guidance to those facing similar challenges.
submitted by eidlhope to EIDLPPP [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:27 SSGOldschool A three day review of the M7 Spear

At the small post we were on, the 25m zero range and qual range SDZ's did not allow for firing these rifles. Something we only learned after confirming our zeros on the 25m range.
It's still heavy, but after a day or so you stop noticing it until you have to shoot from a standing position or doing are doing CQB. then you are painfully reminded how off balance the rifle is.
The two sample rifles we had were consistently 3 MOA guns.
The non-reciprocating charging handle on the left side is not as cool as I initially thought, and it ruins the whole "truly ambidextrous" feel that the Sig MCX line has.
The folding buttstock can go fuck itself.
A review of the 277 Fury rounds is here and you may need to read it for some context, but I have endeavored to make this review stand alone as much as possible.
Over the course of three days, a friend of mine and I lived with the M7 Spear. We spent time at various ranges, doing "tactical stuff", getting in and out of HMMWV's and GSA's, while trying to figure out the ins-and-outs of the rifle.
My sample, #087, had between 8K and 10K round rounds through it. The number of combat vs training rounds was not tracked, but given the expected barrel life is 10K combat rounds we ran a borescope through the barrel and the chamber to see what we could see.
His sample, #529, had between 6K and 8K of an unknown mix combat and training rounds through it. We ran the borescope through it as well.
There was no real difference in the wear between the two rifles.
We spent the morning of the first day playing around with the ammunition and doing comparisons against 308 168gr SMK, while the ultrasonic cleaner did Gods work on the various bits and bobs of our sample rifles.
Note when we did the ammo comparison we used a Remington 700PSS with 24" barrel. It quickly became apparent when we were testing the rifles, that was a poor benchmark, as the Remington outperformed both rifles in everything but rate of fire. Its a sniper rifle, granted its your Grandfather's sniper rifle, but its still a fucking sniper rifle. The Spear is not, its a battlerifle, and so I won't be including the comparisons here.
We tried cleaning them without the ultrasonic cleaner...but I'm not sure these rifles had ever been properly cleaned before.
I've got mixed feelings about the MCX system. It ticks a lot of boxes, short stroke gas piston, no need for a buffer tube or spring, superior handling of gas when suppressed and so on.
However, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of the maintenance? I absolutely despise it. Despite owning a MCX in 300 blackout myself, every cleaning session feels overly complex and time consuming.
We kicked off the afternoon with both rifles, setting up for grouping and zeroing—my rig was outfitted with the Tango 6T sporting the "Hellfire" reticle in MOA, resembling your standard rifle scope setup. His, on the other hand, featured the same Tango 6T but with Hellfire in MILS, decked out with the Christmas tree reticle.
Some time back, I made a comment after my initial rounds with the Spear, labeling it a "tack driver." In hindsight, I probably should have clarified that bit. Typically, when shooting a new rifle, if I land three out of five shots within a 1 to 1.5 MOA spread, I chalk up any outliers to user error rather than blaming the rifle or the ammunition.
However, it appears that assumption was a bit off.
Our zeroing and grouping efforts at 100 yards turned into quite the saga. We found ourselves mostly hitting 3 rounds within the 1 to 1.5 MOA range, but occasionally, one or two shots would balloon the group size to between 2.5 and 3 MOA.
Instead of descending into frustration and stubborn attempts to tighten these groups, we opted to settle for anything under three MOA as acceptable for our purposes and proceeded to finalize our zero.
Side note, my last zero group was my best of the day coming it at just over 2 MOA. My friends best group came in at 1.8, and quite honestly he's a better shot than I am.
Research shows that the original specs for the NGSW called for a 4 MOA battle rifle. Despite some noticeable barrel wear on our two test models, both rifles still performed beyond this requirement.
Following our grouping and zeroing session, we spent the remainder of the afternoon plinking with training rounds at 100 yards.
During this, I learned a hard lesson about the non-reciprocating charging handle—it needs to be firmly locked forward before hitting the bolt release on the left side. After a couple of painful mishaps and a few close calls, I finally caught on and made it a routine to ensure the handle was properly set before engaging the bolt release.
I really wanted to get on board with the side charging handle, but after three days, I'm just not a fan. It tended to snag on my gear (Eagle MARCRIS plate carrier) when maneuvering or positioning the rifle to fire, making it less convenient than I had hoped.
Interestingly, I found myself using it more during offhand shooting. I'd instinctively remove my left hand from the pistol grip to work the side charging handle, rather than using my right hand on the traditional top charging handle. Yes, I'm aware this breaks the cardinal rule of keeping your firing hand on the grip, but this method felt more intuitive, similar to operating a bolt-action rifle.
When shooting offhand, the rifle scores highly. I don't often shoot this way, but I encountered none of the usual drawbacks associated with traditional AM platforms. Aside from the tricky side charging handle, the rifle seemed inherently designed for ambidextrous use, which I particularly appreciated when firing left-handed.
I was tempted to launch into a tirade about the ridiculously designed folding stock, but you deserve a more structured critique. Here are the three major gripes:
The stock's release mechanism is a convoluted affair involving an awkward dance of pushing down on the rifle while yanking up on the buttstock just to get it to close.
Once "closed," the stock doesn't truly secure—it juts out at a precarious 20-degree angle, seemingly relying on mere friction to stay in place, which neither of our samples managed successfully.
The overall build felt flimsy and loose, perhaps a consequence of the extensive wear from firing 8,000 to 10,000 rounds.
After wrestling with these issues, we wrapped up with a quick cleaning session for the rifles before heading out to the range we’d "camping" at.
The next day, we arrived ready to group, zero, and qualify with a local unit. We had informed them of our visit and assumed everything was squared away with range control.
However, that assumption fell flat. Turns out, the range’s surface danger zones weren’t set up for the 277 Fury. Just as we finished dialing in our zero (.75 inches low at 25m), range control showed up, questioning our activities.
Following an awkward exchange and the diplomatic offering of a case of beer, they agreed to let us continue and even served as OIC and RSO for the KD range. We proceeded with the old KD qualification, alternating between marking and raising targets, and both of us qualified without any issues.
With some extra time on our hands, and much to the amusement of range control, the session evolved into a lively mix of burpees and sprinting between shooting positions. We experimented with various firing positions and sequences, such as starting from standing unsupported at 100 yards and moving down to kneeling unsupported. This exercise underscored the rifle’s heft yet manageability, while also highlighting how the forward-heavy balance made extended unsupported shooting particularly taxing on the arms and upper back.
The afternoon unfolded with battledrills and land navigation alongside the unit we were scheduled to qualify with. Given the theoretical roles and limited numbers, the platoon leader assigned us to the designated marksman/squad designated marksman roles, which was logical considering we were the only ones equipped with the new rifles while the rest of the squad used M4s.
This setup sparked an intense discussion among the officers about how tactical deployment might shift once the rifle was fully integrated into service. There was plenty of speculation on how military tactics and doctrines would need to adapt to leverage the new capabilities offered by this rifle.
However, I'm somewhat skeptical. I don't see this rifle as the revolutionary game-changer it’s touted to be. While it's undoubtedly suited for the designated marksman role, I doubt the Army will invest the necessary time, money, and resources to train every soldier to this level of proficiency. Consider that there are reserve units that only qualify every four years, often just to help "point-needy" soldiers piggyback for qualification. This rifle won’t alter that reality.
As for the night qualification, we were slated to test that as well, but circumstances didn’t allow for it, so I can’t comment on how the rifle performs at night with night vision devices.
On the third morning, we headed to the LMG range, ready to go full-auto from a bipod, gearing up to tackle the 249 qualification.
Honestly, this was the most amazing shooting experience I've had in ages. The only snag was the 20-round magazine capacity, which felt limiting amid the thrill—it was the only moment of frustration in an otherwise splendid session.
We ran a practice session with the training rounds, followed by a qualification shoot with both the training and combat rounds. By lunchtime, our shoulders were thoroughly sore, but I can't remember the last time I'd grinned that much in a long while.
Post-lunch, we dropped in on some local law enforcement officers who were operating a shoot house. Initially, we navigated the course with M4s to familiarize ourselves with the layout and safety protocols. After getting a handle on things, we switched to the M7s, running through the course using the last of our training rounds, having depleted our combat rounds earlier on the machine gun range.
Both of us found ourselves moving significantly slower with the M7s. Reviewing the footage, it was clear that I was painfully slow to get on target with the M7. It wasn't just about slower movements, but also a delayed response in engagement. Initially, I chalked it up to age, I'm over 50 and a bit heavier than ideal, but the reality struck when I saw I wasn’t this slow with the M4. In fact, I was quicker than some of the officers.
Similarly, my buddy was slower than usual, not lagging behind me, but certainly off his usual pace with the M4.
Interesting side note: We're no longer welcome at that shoot house. The staff was fully aware of our arrival and what we brought along, and everything seemed fine until the exercise wrapped up and we faced some "constructively harsh feedback" about 277 and damage done to the tire and sandbag walls as well as the plywood target backers.
That's rant for another time.
Regarding the suppressor:
It's really more of an enhanced flash hider than a true suppressor. I'm probably a bit biased—shooting a 300 Blackout through a Sig TI suppressor spoils you with its movie hitman silence.
By comparison, the M7 setup was louder than my suppressed .308 shooting 175gr SMK.
On the topic of the optic:
The Tango6 was decent.
The clarity was impressive, and its brightness and MOA configuration were points in its favor.
However, achieving a consistent cheek weld and finding the right optic position for proper eye relief across magnifications 1 through 6, especially from unsupported positions, proved challenging.
The issue could be me, the stock, or the optic itself. While it was somewhat bothersome, it wasn't enough to cause significant frustration.
submitted by SSGOldschool to army [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:00 coinfeeds-bot Today's Top #2: IOTA 2.0 (decentralized) Testnet Goes Live

tldr; The IOTA Foundation has launched the IOTA 2.0 public testnet, introducing a decentralized Proof of Stake mechanism to replace the old Coordinator-driven system and eliminating conventional Proof of Work. This update aims to make the network more secure, scalable, and environmentally friendly by reducing its environmental impact and enhancing its efficiency. The launch marks a significant step towards full decentralization, inviting community participation to test and refine the new system.
*This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.
submitted by coinfeeds-bot to u/coinfeeds-bot [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:51 serumsamukha Is Php 500 rate per 45-90 secs reel enough?

Length of raw video is 2-3 mins.
Meron na template na gagayahin sa Capcut account ni client tapos with detailed information anong font style, color etc. gagamitin.
Basic edit lang gagawin - Trimming - Putting captions (Syncing captions with auto sync on Capcut)
Is Php500 too low or too expensive? Please let me know.
submitted by serumsamukha to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:39 bortsimpson22 Is there anything to do about LL harassment other than wait for a hearing?

I was displaced due to disruptive maintenance for a month last year, so I filed a T6 after my landlord wouldn’t remedy the situation, and he absolutely lost his mind. He started threatening to sell, threatening eviction, threatened police action, sent fake notices of showings, tried increasing my rent without notice, won’t provide rental receipts, and exhibits very contemptuous and rude conduct towards me. We surprisingly had a good working relationship before I filed the application.
Most recently, he changed his auto deposit settings so now I have to enter a security question and passcode. I messaged him letting him know the code and said that would be the code going forward. He msged back saying it wouldn’t work and accusing me of doing “something differently this time”. Followed by an interact request for additional money. He threatened eviction based on late payment, called me immature and 40 mins after I stopped trying to explain how autodeposit settings worked, he accepted the transfer and said it was resolved with his bank. He warned me not to do the “same thing” next month.
This month, I sent payment and again, needed to enter a passcode. I used the same one as the time before. He has not accepted the transfer and it is the 15th.
I need a new parking garage fob because mine died, and the management office requires owner approval. He denied the request so now I’m unable to get to my parking spot unless I wait for someone else to access it with their fob.
I do not want to move out just because he doesn’t respect me exercising my legal rights. But I also don’t want to endure this harassment any longer, I feel like I’m constantly anticipating his next form of harassment. I’ve called the RHEU and they can’t help. It seems like all I can do is sit and wait for a LTB hearing, but with the garage fob and any other maintenance issues that may arise, he’s going to similarly ignore my rights as some form of retaliation because I simply filed an application.
Any advice for this situation? I’m at my wits end, so any advice is appreciated.
submitted by bortsimpson22 to OntarioLandlord [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:32 Cpnbro Jiffy Lube Ruined My Skid Plate

Long post / rant incoming. Got an oil change over the weekend at Jiffy Lube. About 100 yards down the road after, I hear a terrible scraping noise. I pull over and check things out, my front skid plate is hanging on my a single zip tie. I return (everyone stares as I scrape into the lot) and the mechanic tells me it was already on with zip ties when I came in. Okay, that’s fine but the previous guy had his zip tie certs apparently and yall don’t. They put some more ties on and send me on my way. Fine whatever. If it is in place, no big deal. Until I get on the highway and I can hear the scraping again. The skid plate is tucked on the wrong side of the front plastics and is catching wind at high speed to hit the ground (plus every little bump in the road). So I call the jiffy lube back and explain. I want a new skid plate because at this point that thing is fucked. They tell me to call the GM the next day so I do. He asks what I want to do, I tell him I want a new skid plate - it was fine when I came in and fucked when I left, idk what else to tell him. This GM tells me to go to Honda and get a new plate and bring him the receipt and he will reimburse me. Sounded fine at the time, but I realize now… what’s he gonna do? Write me a check? Give me a wad of cash? I’m so pissed off right now yall.
TLDR: Jiffy Lube fucked up my front skid plate and told me to fix it myself and they will pay me back (yeah, fat chance).
submitted by Cpnbro to civic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:29 vppencilsharpening What does Beanstalk use to deploy applications?

We are looking at streamlining a few of our processes. One of our pain points is maintaining our the AMIs we build for versions of our applications. Those AMIs are ultimately used in an Auto Scaling Group.
I'm looking to be able to deliver a package to S3 and then trigger whatever process creates a new "version" of our application. That trigger CAN be manual (we are already doing it this way) or it could be automated (directly or through Lambda is fine).
I'm looking at Beanstalk because it looks like it's based on an AMI that AWS manages (patching, etc.) and that would eliminate one of our pain points.
I'm also poking at EC2 Image Builder but deploying the application to the template instance is still a necessary piece that might have a similar answer.
submitted by vppencilsharpening to aws [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:58 External_Side_7063 Just wanted to point out to my fellow technicians the general public still seem to have an Earl Scheib mentality! When it comes to autobody repair..

If you younger technicians that don’t know who Earl Scheib is the original. I’ll paint any car for 99.95😂 I am a retired disabled technician with over 35 years experience in the business. I’ve done everything from dealer work to frame off restorations cars that were sold in famous auctions for a phenomenal amount of money..
The only time I made a good living in this business was doing flat rate dealer work the high-end cars and restoration jobs. I have worked on were owned by multi millionaires and the money that trickle down to the people that actually had the talent experience and know how was minimal.
I have seen how horrible the business has become with inexperienced people writing the estimates for the work that we do and the insurance companies want it that way !
People that need work done on their car get sticker, shocked when we tell them how much it’s going to cost to do it right not realizing the minimal amount a technician makes out of the job Most people with no experience I speak with seem to have a $500 deductible on their brain constantly they think they can have a $3000 job done for under $500 so they don’t have to claim it on their insurance I tell them when your engine blows up you have to pay a mechanic who makes much more than I do an hour to repair or replace the engine and whatever the prices it is, we are controlled by the insurance companies. We are told this is what you get it is what it is.
I would love for one of these auto body restoration. Shows to be in real time. One repair would take 10 episodes to show how much time effort skill goes into a repair not just a year worth restoration is magically done in an hour episode !!
Sorry for the ramblings of a bitter, broken old technician, but I have witnessed the downfall of our business and it absolutely discussed me.. just want to hear it from my peeps that understand what I’m talking about..
submitted by External_Side_7063 to Autobody [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:53 sookfong A Week In Vancouver Island on a $92,000 Salary (Original Submission)

Please note this is the original submission I sent Refinery29. In the current post,they have given me a second credit card with a 100$ balance, as well as generational trauma from World War II and cut context for other things. I am trying to get that fixed.
Per previous discussion in comments here: The espresso machine is a Bezzera, which ranges from 2-5K. We got ours on sale for 1.7K, it’s a work house and we use it everyday, still hurts that we spent that money on a coffee maker.
I do understand mortgage is debt but when you compare it to rent to a lesser value condo in Vancouver it feels like not debt at all, which is how I tend to think of it. Yes I owe my mortgage but also I get my house instead of renting-which may not have become clear.
Please see in full the diary, below (edit for formatting via mobile)
Occupation: Sr Business Analyst
Industry: Tech
Age: 30
Location: Vancouver Island, BC
Salary: 92,000$ (Spouse makes 60,000$ for a combined income of 152,000$ before tax)
Net Worth: ~ 1.2 Million ( house is valued at 989,000$ currently, we have a combined 150,000 in pension, and ~60,000 in various company stocks, and GICs)
Debt: 3,000$ in a zero interest credit card for a 10 month period. We balanced transferred and pay 400$/month. Debt was acquired in Q4 2023 when we had to buy Snow Tires, and do a full break replacement as well as Christmas. 480,000$ in a mortgage, we refinanced in September 2023 for five years fixed rate at accelerated biweekly, however I don’t consider our mortgage debt due to the equity we are gaining, and that our mortgage for a five bedroom, 3 bath single family home is less than rent for a two bedroom condo in Vancouver
Paycheck Amount (Every 2 Weeks): 2,555$ after taxes. (Just mine). Spouse makes 2,308$ after taxes. Our pay periods are alternating.
Pronouns: She/her
Monthly Expenses Mortgage: 1450$ biweekly (100$ extra to the principal).
Utilities: ~200$ (includes water [paid quarterly], hydro [paid bimonthly], gas, sewetrash [paid quarterly] phone [highly discounted due to work plans for spouse and myself] and car gas) Loan Payments: 400$/Credit Card
Car Insurance: 84$
Life Insurance: 167$ combined (67$ me, 100$ spouse)
Health & Dental Insurance: 60$ deducted from pay (coverage for myself and spouse from my employer. Spouse also has coverage for both of us deducted from pay)
Retirement Contribution: 400$ (Employee matches me), (Spouse has a defined pension through work and contributes ~200$ month)
Union fees: 70$ Spouse
Subscriptions: Crave 22$/month (Recent splurge for Binge watching the Rookie), Playstation Plus 100$ (annual bought on Black Friday Deal), Amazon Prime 80$ (Annual), BCAA 120$ (annual) Gym 30$/month (we both have one so 15$/pp)
Note: My spouse and I have completely commingled finances. I will be tracking both as it’s essentially I spent whatever they spent
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
There was always the expectation. My father was very clear, we were very smart. There was no way we’d be wasting our potential. He wanted me to be a lawyer, but unlike other immigrant parents, I got to choose my major and went into social sciences and got my masters in history. I deferred my PhD too much so I got dropped by the program.
I chose my university by where I got a full first year scholarship and then after that took about 15k in student loans for my undergraduate. My parents paid my rent and I got a part time job for food.
For my masters, I had a student line of credit and 5 k student loans otherwise it was all my savings and scholarships. With the line of credit, I had a total of 30K in student loans and paid it off in about four years.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent(s)/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
Save. We talked about how you get a dollar allowance and half of it goes into long term saving with 25% in short term and 25% in spend.
Investing came after I was eighteen. Family would like us to invest in property, however I don’t really want to be a landlord, but also we wouldn’t get to really enjoy profit of owning a rental property due to other family circumstances.
What was your first job and why did you get it?
Ice cream parlour I was twelve and my parents made me get it for responsibility. I lasted three weeks because I hated it.
Did you worry about money growing up?
I grew up thinking we were not rich, because we didn’t get big plane vacations (I didn’t count flying from Toronto to Vancouver every summer as a vacation since we were just seeing family but staying in a house my parents owned) and I had only been to Disney twice.
But we had a big new build house in the rich end of town, my mom stayed home to raise all of us. We had to work for things (like going to see a movie opening night or a new CD) but we always had money and got what we wanted. In retrospect, my family was/is fairly well off.
Both my parents grew up poor, with parents working multiple jobs and different shifts to make ends meet, the strive/drive to not have that childhood, and for my father to be able to retire his parents really impacted mine and my siblings and cousins lives. My father showed me the apartment he grew up in Chinatown a few years back. It’s light years away from the house my grandparents owned when I was a kid and how I grew up.
Do you worry about money now?
Of course. Inflation is real and we are actively planning a wedding for the next year, as well as a baby in the next few years. We also need to buy a second car, so we’re saving for that.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
Fully financially responsible? Twenty five. I lived in a family property where I didn’t pay rent in one of the most expensive cities in Canada, so even though I paid all my bills (food and phone), I didn’t have to pay rent. I in fact made money, as I rented rooms out and used the income for house utilities, and paying my student loans down faster. When I moved in with my spouse, I just paid condo fees until we bought our house two years ago which gave me plenty of time to save.
Our financial safety net is family, and our savings. I know my family would bail us out. My spouse’s father would as well. Conversely, we are my spouse’s mother's safety net and we have to keep all our plans in mind that we will be subsidising her.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain. Yes, I received 50K from my parents once they sold my childhood home, as did both of my siblings. I have also received 10K from one set of grandparents which paid off my car and part of my student loans when I was 21. I will be receiving another inheritance when probate is done for around ~100K. My spouse also has received inheritance which allowed them to buy their first condo in their early twenties when the market was much better. That condo, 50k, and the subsequent upgrading helped us afford our house.
Day 1
10 AM: I drive to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription. Not how I want to start my Sunday morning but y’know. Normally I’d walk since it’s about 20 minutes but I have a UTI. I’m “lucky” that despite not having a dr because of the health care shortage, my work pays for the Maple app so I could get a dr to write the prescription and order the lab work at 1 am. I’ll do the lab work later this week when I can get an appointment but will take the relief now. Insurance makes the antibiotics free, but I also buy hydrogen peroxide because we’re out and we have a dog that thinks everything is meant to be in her mouth. We’ll buy a bigger one at Costco later. I also bought some oral wound mouthwash because we were out. I come home and my spouse made us breakfast.
Total: 15.90$ paid with debit.
1-2:30 PM: We do our taxes. I have a mini meltdown when I realize the part time bakery job I had for a few months didn’t take off income tax last year, so I owe 800$. Luckily, my partner is getting a refund so we net out positive 400$. The bakery took off income tax in 2022, so unsure why they didn’t in 2023. I made us lunch.
3-6:30 PM: We walk the dog, and watch the Rookie. Some time during that time period, a venue emails us back and is surprisingly affordable at 3k. I also get told that the tattoo artist I want to book with, has not chosen me.
6:30-7:30 PM: I explain what lazy girl dinner is to my spouse and make a lazy girl dinner. After not really grocery shopping since Feb for things besides fresh veg, we need to do a big pantry shop and neither of us want that. We debate about buying a food saver and if we should wait for a sale. My spouse is more frugal than me and has determined we should.
8-9:30 PM: We start season 3 of The Rookie, and then after two episodes we go to bed
Day One Total: 15.90$
Day Two
5:45-8 AM: Wake up and start work. I get up to date with what’s happened on the weekend and check that my automated reports. Sometime before 6:30, I get the kettle on for my spouse’s pour over before I go back to my meetings. There’s a twenty minute gap where I get changed and do my skin care and brush my teeth. I’d love to be a skin care person but honestly I’ve spent too much money on product that I don’t use and that just goes bad. Washing my face and using sun screen is a win.
I also make sure that Spouse’s lunch is in his bag and I get our travel mugs ready. Before, we used to go to Starbucks every day. Starbucks used to do free refills on coffee and tea if you were a rewards member if you bought a coffee or tea so it would cost us $5/day (2.5/pp), and we could get refills all day. While that’s 20$/week, 80$/a month and yes, we could have saved it but back then, that 80$ wasn’t turning the dial anywhere significantly for us—a privileged view.
But now, after COVID where I stopped drinking tea after one day working from home having like 10 cups and thinking I was dying, and Spouse has bought a good grinder and we recently splurged on a stupidly expensive espresso machine we call his Engagement Espresso since it costs the same price as my stupidly expensive ring, we bring our coffees.
8-8:30 AM: We drive to work. Prior to buying our house, we were both work from home and lived in a city with amazing transit. We only needed the one car. Since buying the house and moving to a city where public transit is a joke (the one bus goes past our house every 1.5h), Spouse changed jobs and is in office every day and I have to go in 3 days a week. We need a second car or the e-bike rebate to come through. We debate this in the car, since I’m done at 1 pm, and Spouse works normal hours, I either have to take the bus home, or go to the gym for three hours. Today though, I drop Spouse off. I will pick him up later as he has a half day because of the dentist
8:30-12:30 AM/PM: Work. I find a tech manager and ask them to get me more triple a batteries. Work won’t provide or let me expense batteries for my mouse, despite them replacing my usb mouse with a battery one. The poor admin had to tell me the decision is that we’ll all supply our own batteries. Luckily the tech managers have to have batteries on hand and give them out freely.
I ask my boss how the work from home tax forms work, and he is going to find out.
I run more meetings and work on a request for a dashboard and a business case for a new feature that I have to convince leadership to spend money on.
12:30-1 PM: I drive back to my Spouse because he has a dentist appointment.
While I wait for a spouse, I am incredibly hungry. I’m usually not hungry/don’t eat a proper meal until around 1 in the afternoon and my two granola bars I already ate at the office. I go to the bakery by Spouse’s work and buy a cheese bun for me (3.65$), and an apple pie scone (2.55$) for Spouse as a snack. Spouse points out he won’t be able to eat until after his appointment.
Total: 6.20$ debit
1-1:30 PM: I drop Spouse off, and the car stops working. The engine won’t catch. I try multiple times and then run into the dentist to dramatically announce to Spouse and the receptionists that the car won’t start. Spouse asks me what he wants me to do about this, since he’s about to go into an appointment. A very kind receptionist tells me it might be the alternator. I don’t know what that is.
I go back to the car to Facetime my father. He also asks what I think he can do to help since he lives 3000 km away. Weirdly, and sexistly, I thought a man who grew up at race tracks, in a racing family, or the man who has collected and worked on sports cars for forty years might be able to help.
Spouse texts me to remind me we have BCAA while my father also tells me that. I finally get the engine to catch and drive the very long way home, going the speed limit and getting stuck in traffic, construction and a bus. It takes me 20 minutes to get home instead of 10.
1:30-2:30 PM: I walk the dog, mail a (late) birthday card and then start researching what an alternator is. The car is over a decade old and until the house, the most expensive thing I ever bought at 12K back in 2015. We have the funds for the cost, but it’s my first car and the fact it might be the end of its life is scary.
Alternators can cost between 400-800$ repair with labour, so that’s fun.
My dad calls me back and apologises for asking me what he could do away. He advises me that there’s probably a bald spot on the alternator and advises me to go to the mechanic to check or replace it, if the car doesn’t start again.
I call the mechanic to book an appointment, and to also get the snow tires off and to buy new rims for the snow tires. The mechanic lets me know that the alternator part is 500$, and an hour of labour so with taxes we’re looking at around 700$
That future appointment next week (we’re going down a highway this weekend which requires snow tires) will cost ~1.5K, assuming we replace the alternator.
I make lunch and sigh.
2:30 PM: The car starts thankfully. I drive incredibly slow. I pick up Spouse by idling the car. We get an email back from a venue saying they cost 75,000$ minimum. The timing is hysterical.
Due to the nature of the dentist, Spouse owes 618$, as they haven’t flipped it under my insurance. They split it in half, as he has a follow up in two weeks. After the next appointment they will flip the whole amount under me and we’ll get reimbursed for the whole amount.
Total 309$/credit card.
3-10 PM: We walk the dog, make dinner (Spouse makes white sauce pasta, with chicken and peas) and watch The Rookie. There are thirteen episodes in season three, and we will be busy every night this week besides Friday and Sunday, and I would like to finish season three so we can start season 4 next Monday. I don’t want to pay for more than one month of Crave. We have five episodes left
Day Two Total: 315.2$
Day Three
1 AM: 100$ is automatically transferred from our account to the credit card debit. We have an auto transfer of 100$/every Tuesday to a Visa where we balance transferred both our cards. We have an offer for 0 interest for 10 months, so we did that for some of the bigger expenses (snow tires, break replacement and general Christmas) and are on track to pay it back within the next 6 months. That visa is our emergency card that we just have in the back end and utilise for promos like this. It allows us to keep our two cards balances manageable and lets us pay in an easier way than taking big chunks out of our various savings.
Total: 100$/direct deposit
5:45-9 AM: Work. Meetings, reports, trying to convince a colleague that the process does include them and refusal to follow it means that their requests won’t be done. Spouse has another half day so I can go into the office at my leisure—if the car starts
9-9:20 AM: The car starts, I get into the office and refresh a data flow before a meeting with a new stake holder. It takes longer to drive into work today because the tourists are starting to come and their van builds or campers are not exactly highway speed and with a two lane highway, if you don’t merge over fast enough you’re stuck.
10:05-10:20 AM: Meeting done, car starts again and I drive home for more meetings. The least amount of time in the office is preferable for me.
10:30-11AM : Meeting with my manager where we discuss future salary and promotion. I am due for a promotion in the start of Q2, which would push me to six figures. I’ll believe it when I see it but, I’m really excited at that possibility for my family.
11:15 AM: Spouse leaves for work, we discuss what groceries are needed, as well if he’ll go to Home Depot tonight to buy more clover seeds for the yard, as we need to reseed before it starts raining. I eat a muffin and my dog and cat decide to try and eat each other.
11:15-1:30 PM: Work runs late. There’s some issues with the data and we can’t figure it out. We call it a night, and I’ll record the video presentations tomorrow, once we fix the data.
1:30-4 PM: Nap time! It’s bad for me, but honestly I don’t sleep well during the night so naps are what keep me alive.
4-6 PM I prep dinner (smash burgers and fries), and get chores done and walk the dog.
6-7:30 PM: Spouse comes home, we eat dinner. Groceries come to 96.83 for two 7 pound pork loins, two packs of bacon, chicken nuggets, coffee, pop, 8 pack of peppers, milk, tomato, pickles, rice, avocado, mushrooms, sour cream and lettuce.
Not too bad, we average about 300$/month in groceries because we can buy bulk and have a second freezer.
For the month of March we are currently at 123.61$ for groceries and there is twelve days left. We went on a small weekend away, so we ate out a fair bit but even then our current food budget is 272.27$ today.
Total: 96.83/ debit
7:30-10 PM: Spouse makes a coffee and plays video games with his friends. They do it every week. I have a shower, fold and put away laundry and read in bed.
Day Three Total: 196.83
Day Four
1AM: Our biweekly accelerated mortgage payment comes out of 1450$. I’m tracking it here to be honest on our spending but I tend not to think of it as money spent because in my head it’s already money gone. To pay for a house equivalent in Vancouver, the mortgage would be over 6k. Renting a two bedroom condo would be 3K. It feels like the mortgage is just cheaper rent, even though each time I own more of my house.
5:45-9 AM: Work. I find out the limits of how many people I can invite to a Teams Meeting as well as that the Thursday before Good Friday is a catholic holiday when a few people ask me to reschedule a training forum for over a thousand people. Sometime in there I make us coffee, make sure Spouse has lunch packed (leftovers). Spouse has walked the dog and has the recycling and compost out for pick up. I drop Spouse off at work.
10-11:45 AM: I leave the office for home and more meetings. I walk the dog and go record training videos. I get an email that Amazon is doing their big spring sale. I send a link to a robot mop and vaccum that’s on a big discount to Spouse. We want one, but I’m not in charge of the research on it. I send links to play grounds to my friends with toddlers
11:45-12:30 PM : I shove lunch in my mouth, last night’s left overs. I’m running late, and decide to get myself later by collecting all the random dishes and mugs that just show up places and start the dishwasher. I get to the lab ten minutes early but need to buy gas on the way home.
I tell my team I’ll be MIA for a bit and leave the work phone in the car.
I buy 15.6L of gas for 30$ at 1.879/l it sucks. I don’t fill up because we’re going to my in laws this weekend and there’s a Costco Gas Bar there.
Total: 30$/credit card
12:30-1:30 PM: Work goes long again.
1:30-2:30 PM: Nap!
2:30-4:30 PM: Walk the dog and drive to the gym. I usually go three times a week but with last week’s weekend away and this week’s weird half days from Spouse, today’s the only day. I make it up by doing both upper and lower body and a 30 minute circuit.
4:30-7:30 PM: I pick up Spouse and we go to Costco. We pick up nachos, ham, cheese buns and some other items. We debate buying our friend’s kid a toddler set of clothes and decide no. We end up buying work pants for Spouse, and a garden hose. It comes out to 116.90
I order our Costco dinner of hot dogs and fries for a grand total date night of 6.41$
Total: 123.31/ credit card
8-9 PM: Dance class! We bought a series of six lessons of introduction to ballroom back in December for a new date night idea. We paid 60$/pp and this is the fifth lesson tonight.
9 pm: We’re home, we let the dog out. Spouse spends an undetermined amount of time watching ballroom videos while I sleep.
Day Four Total: 1603.31$ or 153.31 excluding the mortgage payment.
Day Five
5:45-9 AM: Work. All the meetings. Thursday is the meeting day. I debate with a friend what’s the earliest call we’ve had. 4:30 am still wins. I pack lunch for Spouse and his coffee and he leaves. I end up cleaning up cat puke as the cat decides to drink milk from Spouse’s cereal and vomit it up on camera in a meeting.
9-9:30 AM: I make myself a matcha and walk the dog.
9:30-1 PM: Work and I treat myself to a lunch of a cheese bun and ham sandwhich. We used to eat it every Sunday while growing up but the cost of ham has been outrageous. The deal at Costco yesterday was 1.5$/100 g which is really good.
1-1:30 PM: I seal the wooden deer Christmas decoration we bought last year. It sits outside our front door and needs to be weather proofed, and I’ve been putting it off for five months. But the weather is good and we have newspapers. We have left over wood sealer after the sign we bought a year ago so I use that. The dog and the cat both don’t like my wooden deer.
1:30-4 PM: Nap!
4-5 PM: I basically just watch youtube and drink a root beer. I have no energy.
5-6:30 PM: Spouse comes home, we walk the dog and I make dinner (Kraft Dinner and nuggets–I swear we eat veggies but today is not that day). We discuss the possibility of our dog at our wedding as a flower girl, and if she’ll be in a tutu or a cheongsam like me. I am now researching if they make dog cheongsams and if she can match us. The cat, despite all my heart wanting it, won’t physically be there because he will have an anxiety attack and probably die.
6:30-10:30 PM: Board game night! We go to a friend’s to repeat the same scenario we’ve lost two weeks in a row.
10:30-11 PM: I pack Spouse’s breakfast (oatmeal and frozen berries), lunch (spicy tuna and mayo) since he’s trying to go to the gym before work, and feed the animals before we go to bed.
Day Five Total: 0$
Day Six Friday
5:45-9 AM: Work. I have a deep focus block which means I can get the script for the training I have to run. Public speaking is not my strong suit and it’s a group of a thousand people so I’m not looking forward to it. Spouse almost makes it to the gym. I get an email that my new work phone has shipped. I’m surprised because they wouldn’t order us any for the past four years, but I guess my new iPhone will show up next week. I might give my old work phone to my mother in law, since she smashed the camera on the phone we bought her last year.
9-9:30 AM: I walk the dog, make a matcha and make a todo list for what we have to get done before we leave to my in laws tomorrow. I text my mother in law happy birthday, and hope that she got the card in time. She did.
9:30-11:30 AM: My last meeting for the week ends and I’m debating calling it a day so I can nap. Instead I make lunch (cheese bun and ham), text my other mother in law our plan for Saturday, and unload and reload the dishwasher and go back to work for at least another hour.
12:30-1 PM: I shower and do skin care
1-3 PM: Nap! Somewhere in this time FedEx comes and since I’m sleeping, we have to pick up on Monday. I’m not too sure what it is, I assume it’s our custom address stamp from Etsy because that’s the only thing I’ve bought recently but not too sure. I just realized in retrospect, this might be my new work phone.
3-5 PM: I prep dinner (nachos), unload the dishwasher, pack my overnight bag and confirm all our venue tours by email. I start a load of laundry and do a quick clean. I feel like this is not the best image of our diet. I swear we generally eat healthy but we both have been feeling really blah over the past two weeks so have been going for quick and easy over healthy and balanced. I do have three whole peppers and two whole avocados in the nachos though.
5-7 PM: Spouse comes home, we walk the dog, have dinner, and plan out next week. We have a big Wednesday next week (mechanic, I have a nails appointment, dance class), and we are having our friends over for Easter so we need to prep for that. We pack the car so tomorrow is a very easy start.
Spouse also gets paid today. We’re lucky that we’re on alternating pay periods, we used to be on the same and it always felt stressful. Spouse also lets me know his union has secured a 3% cost of living raise to start in Q3. I really like his union for negotiating a base 2% year of cost of living raise, with potential addition raises depending on inflation. It’s a bit away but that’s still good news.
7:30-10:30 PM: We finish The Rookie Season 3 and head to bed. Crave reminds me that I have 10 days until I’m charged again. Sadly, I think we’ll have to pay for 2 months.
Day Six Total: 0
Day Seven Saturday
8:30-9:30 AM: Wake up. No one (except the dog) slept well so we’re not in a morning mood. Spouse makes coffee and walks the dog, while I finish packing the car and give the cat a lot of attention. Our first venue tour is at 11 and the one that is the most expensive (8-10K), but also the one we probably want the most. We live about an hour away but the highway is two lanes and one accident can back everything up for hours.
10:40-1 PM: We visit our dream venue. We stay way longer than expected. Basically if the quote is under 10K, we’ll get it. Just waiting now.
1-2 PM: We get to our in-laws and have a lunch of egg salad sandwhichs. We need to buy gas. My in laws drive us to a pottery painting store.
2-4 PM: We paint pottery. My mother in law only wanted to do this for her birthday. They’ll pick it up in a week after it’s been thrown. I paint a vase (28$), Spouse paints an Easter egg (18$), father in law paints a mug (30$), and mother in law paints a plate (50$)
Total:143.36/credit card
4-5 Pm: We see another venue. It’s an instant no. My in laws decide they want to try Korean fried chicken. We call ahead for take out to get two fries and 16 pieces of half and half. It comes to 50.83$ that my in laws pay for.
5-10 PM: We come back and see that our dog has pooped in their house and also has gotten into their pantry and eaten an entire bag of dog food. It is not a fun night.
We spend the night drinking wine and discussing the wedding and watching TV.
10PM: We go to bed. That’s the end of this week, but tomorrow we will be buying gas and probably lunch for my other mother in law as we will be touring another venue.
Day Seven Total: 143.36$
submitted by sookfong to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:44 Available-Rise-4877 Need your Car advice

I am planning to buy a car and are torn on choosing which car suits me. I am not a car person so I wouldnt know anything about the engine, horsepower etc. Having the technology of the car like Apple Carplay and rear camera is important to me as a new driver and added features like auto light, fog light, parking sensors and etc. But its not so required its just added value to me.
I have been to showrooms and so far Suzuki Fronx is within the budget but I have doubts about its engine/mechanical things and reliability. So I looked for other options within 50k-60k budget which I suppose I can get a Pre-owned car without the technology I am looking for.
Please let me know your thoughts on this to help me decide.
submitted by Available-Rise-4877 to WhatCarShouldIBuyGULF [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:39 dg005583 Disappointed

Purchased a monthly fitness/nutrition coaching program. Within 15 minutes of purchase, I realized this particular regiment included the use of PED’s. That was not something I wanted to partake in, so I reached out to the owner of “Get Slanked LLC” speaking directly to the owner, Seth Shaw, to cancel. After some back and forth I finally got him to cancel the subscription. Payment was not made in a P2P format. During this 15 minute period, there were no services rendered but a refund was refused. I was not sent a payment receipt at all. NFCU denied the claim stating “We did not find any record that the purchase was canceled or that your cancellation resulted in a refund.” Neither of which are accurate. While this dispute was open the owner contacted me and was extremely hostile over the phone. While speaking to a NFCU representative, she advised me to “contact the merchant for a cancellation receipt.” Which of course was of no luck. I’m extremely displeased as I have been banking with Navy Federal for years and have multiple auto loans with them, and they just hang me out to dry.
submitted by dg005583 to NavyFederal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:34 iwilliams806 Help with autotext and macros

Help with macros and auto text
Hello! I am trying to create a document for my job that I can share with my colleagues to use. Essentially, l would want the doc to have the ability to choose specific things and it autofills corresponding paragraphs. For example, if I am deciding “accept”, I want the document to have certain paragraphs. But if I’m deciding “deny”, it needs to read differently. Right now, I have several word docs that correspond to each specific “decision”. But I would love if I can condense that into one document with drop downs or auto text or something.
In a perfect world, clicking “accept” in a drop down would auto-generate several paragraphs of text, and clicking “deny” would generate its own applicable paragraphs.
How can I get that capability into a document that is shareable? I understand auto text and how to make that work for me, but since it would be saved in my templates, it wouldn’t work for others.
I hope that made sense! Nothing I’ve found googling has been helpful thus far.
submitted by iwilliams806 to MicrosoftWord [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:29 iwilliams806 Help with macros and auto text

Hello! I am trying to create a document for my job that I can share with my colleagues to use. Essentially, l would want the doc to have the ability to choose specific things and it autofills corresponding paragraphs. For example, if I am deciding “accept”, I want the document to have certain paragraphs. But if I’m deciding “deny”, it needs to read differently. Right now, I have several word docs that correspond to each specific “decision”. But I would love if I can condense that into one document with drop downs or auto text or something.
In a perfect world, clicking “accept” in a drop down would auto-generate several paragraphs of text, and clicking “deny” would generate its own applicable paragraphs.
How can I get that capability into a document that is shareable? I understand auto text and how to make that work for me, but since it would be saved in my templates, it wouldn’t work for others.
I hope that made sense! Nothing I’ve found googling has been helpful thus far.
submitted by iwilliams806 to word [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:14 Many_Studio_3393 SOS!! New pool owner Desperate for help on a fix for our cleaner

SOS!! New pool owner Desperate for help on a fix for our cleaner
Dramatic title but how I’m feeling … we bought a house in Pennsylvania with a pool and moved in late august, so had a few weeks with the pool but really our only maintenance we did was adding some chlorine before we had it closed for the season.
Our suction side vacuum (Polaris) left by prior owners was in the whole time and running well and strong.
We had our pool opened by a company a week ago and cleaned a week ago and they plugged in the cleaner for us. When we went to turn it on it really wasn’t running at all - we could tell water was flowing through it but the pressure seemed less and it wasn’t moving. We called the company that opened the pool for us and they said it was most likely mechanical within the Polaris, so we brought it and and they kept it for a week and fixed it (per our receipt they did a hose sweep and replaced the clamp).
Come home and it is still not working (since I can’t add video adding a picture - you can see it a floating and the wheels are turning slightly but the unit is barely moving). We called the company who “fixed” it for us and they said they can only get someone out here end of next week to take a look at what’s going on - as an aside, we have generally been disappointed with this company, we even paid them for a new pool owner orientation, which frankly sucked, it was like pulling teeth to get the person who gave us the orientation to share info in a way that was helpful.
Anyway, I’ve called around our area to other companies and because it’s peak season they are all saying it is a week plus before someone can help us. Meanwhile, our pool is getting rained down on with leaves, etc. and causing chlorine to burn off really fast, especially since we are having colder weather here…
Does anyone have ideas for us or obvious things we should check based on this picture? We are pure newbies and literally have no ideas about pool maintenance- any and all advice is welcome!
submitted by Many_Studio_3393 to pools [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:09 XxCONMAN37xX Alternator Nightmare ...

The basis of the story is this...
Alternator dies 1 year ago.
I go to AutoZone and buy a new one.
It lasts about 10 months. Dies again.
I get a replacement alternator. ... I replace it myself. Doesnt fix the problem..
I have to tow car to mechanic and pay them $200 to do diagnostics to find out the alternator is shorting out.
I know Autozone will replace the part.... But if I throw a fit will the manager do anything?
Will they offer any labor reimbursement/ store credit?
How should I move forward?
submitted by XxCONMAN37xX to AutoZone [link] [comments]