Free hipaa guidelines posters

FreeCompliments: we won't let you leave without a smile! 😃

2013.03.15 04:51 IGiveFreeCompliments FreeCompliments: we won't let you leave without a smile! 😃

A SFW subreddit created specifically for giving out free compliments! Want to contribute to the happiness of random humans? Come here and give out a few compliments! Feeling all right but just want a compliment? You're totally welcome here as well! Important disclaimer: this subreddit is not for dishing out advice! We're here to give out compliments and bring smiles - don't expect more! :)

2012.10.14 15:05 SurvivorType R4R30Plus: Meet fellow redditors over 30

Come in & meet people over 30! Whether you're looking for friends, a partner, buddies, pals or friends with benefits, this is the place. This is a space for Redditors 30 or older to make connections, and maybe meet in real life. This is a safe for work subreddit, so NO NSFW material. You don't have to be 30+ to engage with the community, but you MUST be 30 or older to post. Please check the tagging guide and rules for further information. Be excellent to each other.

2012.12.04 02:18 cloudedsky Animal Crossing Turnip Exchange

A place to post your daily Animal Crossing turnip price. Include your details in your submission. If you don't think you'll be around to let people into your town, please don't post that day.

2024.05.16 22:40 tablife Triptans and WPW

I suffer from migraines and have WPW. It was my understanding that triptans were contraindicated for my condition. I asked the electrophysiologist today to confirm, and at first, he didn't know what I was referring to and thought it was some kind of protein, and then said no, it was fine. A quick Bing search shows the following, so I still don't know what to believe?
  1. Acute Migraine Treatment:
submitted by tablife to wolffparkinsonwhite [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:26 Vicksin r/afkarena Post Flairs

Greetings Adventurers!

Along with our updated Rules and Guidelines, we wanted to take a moment to explain our Post Flairs.


This can be any discussion about the game, mechanics, features, and so on. This is the broadest flair for a reason, use it as needed as a catch-all.


Literally any question post you have about the game, whether that's in-game or on a larger scale. Please keep in mind that account-specific questions will be removed as per Rule 6, and belong in our weekly Questions/Advice Megathread.


A new feature to our Subreddit as of this post, if you make a Question post with the Question flair, you can type "!solved" or "!Solved" in the comments once you've received an answer to your question that you are satisfied with, and the Post Flair will automatically update to "Resolved" instead of "Question"


Memes are memes, straightforward enough!


The "Art" flair should be reserved for fanart of the game, it's characters, or otherwise. Posts are subject to removal if they do not credit the original artist as per Rule 9.

Test Server

AFK Arena's Test Server is about 5 days ahead of Global Servers, and offers insight regarding content that is not yet available on Global. This can include heroes and their skills, upcoming events and features, or otherwise.


This flair should be reserved for posts that provide new or not commonly known information, or research/studies pertaining to the game in some way. This does not include asking for information, which should be under the Question flair.
We have removed the "PSA" flair due to it being too similar to Info, and confusing players on what the difference is. Posts that could previously fall under PSA, such as reminders of long-term events ending or Redemption Codes can be posted under the Info flair going forward.


If you've made a guide, text-based, video-based, or visual, use this flair. If you're sharing a guide that isn't yours, be sure to credit the creator as per Rule 9. Again, this does not include asking for a guide - use the Search bar or Question flair for this purpose.


The Showcase flair can be used to show off your account when reaching notable milestones (x amount of time played, x chapter beat, etc), maxing specific heroes, or any other in-game achievement.
This does not permit the showcasing of RNG/Pulls, which should be posted in our monthly RNG/Pulls Megathread as per Rule 6.


Replays are screen recordings of in-game content, whether that's a normal battle or other game modes.


AFK Arena Staff actively monitors this flair - do not abuse it.
This is specifically for showing in-game bugs, whether it's a visual bug, potential gameplay bug, typos or mistranslations, or otherwise.

Dev Feedback/Suggestion

AFK Arena Staff actively monitors this flair - do not abuse it.
If you have suggestions or feedback for the Developers to see, please share it here. We cannot promise implementation in the near or distant future, but we guarantee that the devs will see whatever is posted in this flair.
Historically, we have had several instances of Devs taking note and implementing suggestions from this flair, even as soon as the very next patch, based on various factors such as difficulty to implement and shared community sentiment.

AFK Journey

This flair is exclusively for posts primarily relating to our sister game, AFK Journey, within the context of and still relating to AFK Arena in any way. For example, "This hero from AFK Journey is really cool, I want them added to AFK Arena!"
This Subreddit and flair is not for posts entirely about AFK Journey with no relation to AFK Arena - please see our sister Subreddit AFKJourney for such posts.


Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with our post flairs!
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to voice your thoughts in the comments below.
As always, have a great day, and be good people!
submitted by Vicksin to afkarena [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:25 Vicksin r/afkarena Rules and Guidelines

Greetings Adventurers!

We've just restructured and consolidated our previous Rules page to be more straightforward and cohesive. Due to the character limit in a rule's description, this post will go more in-depth regarding what these rules mean, provide examples of what is and isn't acceptable under these rules, and aims to clear any confusion or misconception regarding our rules.
By participating in our Subreddit, you are committing to honor and abide by our rules.

1) Be respectful and civil

As straightforward as it gets, the number one rule for a reason. Be kind to others, be good people.
Please don't hesitate to contact Modmail if you are feeling unsafe for any reason.

2) No targeted harassment or personal attacks

In tandem with Rule 1, this rule more specifically refers to direct attacks on individuals. Under no circumstances should any individual feel like they are being unjustly targeted, attacked, or under the threats of malicious intent by any other individual(s).
Do not make anyone feel unsafe or unwelcome. We do not take these situations lightly.

3) Submissions must be relevant to AFK

Keep posts relevant to AFK Arena or AFK Journey in some nature. Any discussion of clones will be removed. There must be a direct link to AFK in some form to constitute relevance.

4) External links and self-promotion must be approved

Any form of self-promotion, such as links to YouTube or other social media platforms, must be approved via Modmail.
Posts regarding submissions to official AFK Arena contests, such as artwork contests, do not need approval.

5) No Misleading Information

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to express their (unharmful) opinions, but the outright spread of misinformation, especially when presented as factual information, can be very misleading and harmful to the community.
If you are UNSURE if the information you are presenting is a fact, preface it with something to the effect of, "I think" to prevent misconception.

6) Use our designated Megathreads

To reduce clutter, our Subreddit implements the use of Megathreads to keep things organized.

7) Check for recurrent/duplicate topics before creating a new post

8) Submissions that involve explicit NSFW content are prohibited

Another simple and straightforward rule - posts or comments of explicit NSFW nature are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:

9) Credit(s) must be given to the creator(s), even if it is your own work

Any post or comment which shares artwork, digital media, or content of any kind must credit the creator(s).

10) Poll posts must have an additional option for users to view the results of the poll

When making a "poll"-type post, an option must be included that allows users to simply see the results of the poll without impacting the results.

11) Properly title and flair your posts

See a detailed explanation of our Post Flairs here
Misleading, incorrect, irrelevant, or otherwise non-specific post titles about a specific subject may be removed.
Using incorrect or intentionally misleading flairs for your post may result in post removal.

Report content that breaks our rules

While not a rule nor obligation by any means, we greatly appreciate users who do their due diligence and report comments or posts that break our rules.
Intentionally submitting false reports with any negative intent may be subject to disciplinary action.

Disciplinary actions

Disciplinary action for breaking these rules may vary based on severity, and may include warnings, temporary bans, or permanent bans with repeated instances or escalation.


If you have any questions or clarifications regarding our rules, or anything stated in this post, please feel free to comment below, or contact us via Modmail.
Thank you all, have a great day, and be good people!
submitted by Vicksin to afkarena [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:11 scumbag_teachers Programmed by Media: NPR Host Suggests Women's Freely Made Choices Are from the Patriarchy

I just listened to NPR's It's Been A Minute, and the host's discussion on women choosing traditional roles was incredibly biased. She cherry-picked an easy target, dismissing the "tradwife" lifestyle as "cosplay" and suggesting that these choices are simply perpetuating the patriarchy.
Here’s a breakdown of the issues with her commentary:
Cherry-Picking and Broader Implications: The host targeted the "tradwife" phenomenon, a small subset of women who choose traditional roles, as a means to criticize any woman who doesn't conform to her version of feminism. By attacking this specific group, she indirectly dismissed all women who freely choose similar lifestyles, implying their choices are invalid or misguided.
Straw Man Fallacy: By portraying "tradwives" as outdated or regressive, she created a straw man argument. This misrepresentation makes it easier to attack and dismiss their choices without addressing the valid reasons many women might choose traditional roles.
False Dichotomy: The host implied that women have to choose between embracing modern feminist ideals or being labeled as perpetuating the patriarchy. This false dichotomy ignores the reality that women can make diverse choices based on personal beliefs and circumstances. Dismissive Language: Referring to the tradwife lifestyle as "cosplay" diminishes its legitimacy and undermines the genuine fulfillment some women find in these roles. It’s a tactic to delegitimize and mock those who don’t conform to a specific worldview.
Ignoring Positive Aspects: The host failed to acknowledge any positive outcomes of choosing traditional roles, such as strong family bonds and personal satisfaction. Instead, she focused solely on negative stereotypes.
Underlying Bias: The entire segment seemed programmed to suggest that any choice outside of modern feminist ideals is not truly a free choice but rather one imposed by the patriarchy. This narrative is both patronizing and dismissive of women's autonomy.
This kind of commentary reflects a broader societal issue where non-conforming choices, especially those aligned with traditional values, are unfairly judged and dismissed. It’s crucial to respect and support all women’s choices, whether they align with modern feminist ideals or not.
TL;DR: NPR host attacks women who choose traditional roles, implying their choices are invalid unless they align with feminist ideals. This perspective awards women only if they follow feminist guidelines and blames men and the patriarchy for any deviation from these ideals.
submitted by scumbag_teachers to MensRights [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:09 ballsjumpman User-Created Markets on SX Bet

The biggest decentralized betting platform (+$450M in volume), SX Bet is now offering user-created markets, which opens up the opportunity for betting markets on almost anything you can imagine, so long as it has resolution source and settles within 30 days (according to their guidelines).
So what is SX Bet?
SX Bet is usually known for the extremely tight sports betting odds you can find on their P2P exchange, and have amassed a large user base of big bettors as they don’t limit winners and users can stay in control of their funds with a non-custodial wallet. They’re now dabbling into a wider range of markets and giving the opportunity for users who are more focused on prediction markets outside of sports to get involved with the platform.
What does this mean for prediction market enjooyors?
You can now submit a request through their form and as long as it meets the guidelines and you’re willing to offer some liquidity on the market, they’ll put the market up. Whether it’s politics, pop culture, economics, obscure statistics or just about anything in the world you can imagine betting on, there’s now a place to do it. Opportunities are endless
The other huge bonus here is that 0.25% of the market volume goes to the original creator in the form of $USDC bet credits (free bet on anything, they pay the stake for you), so there’s a chance to earn quite a lot if you create a popular market(s).
submitted by ballsjumpman to predictionmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:00 LedMyPlaceca Shedding Light on the Pros and Cons of LED Vanity Lights !!!

LED vanity lights have become a staple in modern homes and commercial spaces, known for their energy efficiency, bright illumination, and sleek designs. However, like any technology, they have advantages and disadvantages. In this comprehensive, we'll delve into the pros and cons of LED vanity lights, helping you decide whether they are the right choice for your lighting needs.

Pros of LED Vanity Lights

  1. Energy Efficiency
One of the most significant advantages of LED vanity lights is their energy efficiency. LEDs consume significantly less power compared to traditional incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. They convert a higher percentage of electricity into light, meaning less energy is wasted as heat. This results in lower electricity bills and a reduced carbon footprint, making LED vanity lights an environmentally friendly choice.
  1. Longevity
LED bulbs have an impressive lifespan, often 25,000 to 50,000 hours. This is far longer than traditional lighting options, such as incandescent bulbs, typically lasting around 1,000 hours. The extended lifespan of LEDs means fewer replacements, reducing waste and maintenance costs over time.
  1. Bright and Uniform Illumination
LED vanity lights provide bright and uniform illumination, essential for tasks requiring precision, such as makeup application, shaving, and grooming. Unlike traditional bulbs that can create shadows and uneven lighting, LEDs offer consistent brightness across the entire surface, ensuring every detail is visible.
  1. Customizable Lighting Options
Many LED vanity lights come with adjustable color temperatures and brightness settings, allowing users to customize the lighting to suit their needs. Whether you prefer warm, ambient lighting for relaxation or cool, bright light for detailed tasks, LED vanity lights can be tailored to create the perfect environment.
  1. Eco-Friendly
LED lights are free from hazardous materials such as mercury, commonly found in fluorescent bulbs. This makes LEDs a safer and more eco-friendly option. Additionally, their energy efficiency and long lifespan contribute to a reduction in overall environmental impact.
  1. Versatile Design Options
LED vanity lights are available in a wide range of designs, shapes, and sizes, making it easy to find a style that complements your decor. From minimalist frameless mirrors to ornate backlit designs, LED vanity lights can enhance the aesthetic appeal of any space.
  1. Instant Lighting
Unlike traditional lighting options that take a few moments to reach full brightness, LED vanity lights provide instant illumination. This is particularly beneficial in areas where immediate lighting is needed, such as bathrooms and dressing rooms.
  1. Low Heat Emission
LEDs emit very little heat compared to incandescent and halogen bulbs. This makes them safer to use, especially near flammable materials but also helps keep the surrounding area cooler, which can be particularly advantageous in small or enclosed spaces.

Cons of LED Vanity Lights

  1. Initial Cost
One of the main drawbacks of LED vanity lights is the initial cost. LED bulbs and fixtures are more expensive upfront than traditional lighting options. However, the long-term savings on energy bills and replacement costs can offset the initial investment over time.
  1. Dimming Compatibility
While many LED vanity lights come with dimmable options, not all LED bulbs are compatible with existing dimmer switches. If the bulbs are not paired with compatible dimmers, this can result in flickering or inconsistent lighting, which may require additional investment in new dimmer switches designed for LED compatibility.
  1. Light Quality Variation
Although LED technology has advanced significantly, there can still be variations in light quality between different LED products. Some LEDs may produce a cooler, harsher light that can be unflattering for makeup application or create an undesirable atmosphere. Choosing high-quality LEDs with the desired color temperature and CRI (Color Rendering Index) is essential for the best results.
  1. Potential for Glare
The bright and intense light produced by some LED vanity lights can cause glare, particularly if the lights are not diffused or positioned correctly. This can be uncomfortable for the eyes and may require additional accessories, such as diffusers or frosted covers, to soften the light.
  1. Disposal Concerns
While LEDs are free from hazardous materials like mercury, they contain electronic components that must be disposed of properly. Improper disposal of LED bulbs can contribute to electronic waste. Following local guidelines for recycling and disposing of LED lighting products is important to minimize environmental impact.
  1. Sensitivity to Temperature
LEDs can be sensitive to extreme temperatures, affecting their performance and lifespan. LED bulbs may not operate as efficiently or experience reduced longevity in environments with very high or low temperatures. It's important to choose LEDs rated for the specific temperature range of the installation location.
  1. Limited Light Spread
Some LED vanity lights may have a more directional light spread compared to traditional bulbs, which can result in less overall coverage. This can be a disadvantage in larger spaces or when uniform lighting is needed across a wide area. Multiple LED fixtures or strategically placed lights may be required to mitigate this.


LED vanity lights offer many benefits, including energy efficiency, longevity, bright and uniform illumination, and customizable lighting options. They are eco-friendly and versatile, making them popular for modern homes and commercial spaces. However, it's essential to consider the initial cost, dimming compatibility, light quality variation, potential for glare, disposal concerns, temperature sensitivity, and light spread limitations when deciding if LED vanity lights are the right choice for your needs.
By weighing the pros and cons, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your aesthetic preferences, functional requirements, and environmental values. As LED technology advances, the future of vanity lighting looks bright, promising even more innovative and efficient solutions to illuminate our lives.
submitted by LedMyPlaceca to u/LedMyPlaceca [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:51 Distinct_Gazelle_175 Connecting gear: cables, devices, and electrical considerations


Guitars are high impedance (high-Z) which mean 10,000+ Ohms. Everything else is not. This means whatever you plug a guitar into must be able to accept high-Z, so read the manual for the device. Some audio equipment has a high-Z switch that must be enabled when you plug in a guitar.
Equipment, like guitar pedals and guitar amplifiers are designed for high-Z on its input. If you want to plug a non-high-Z device, like a synthesizer, into one of these devices, you will need a reamp box. However, some guitar pedals accept both high-Z and low-Z on their input, in this case you can plug a synthesizer directly to the pedal without the need for a reamp box. Read the owner's manual for the pedal.
You can plug the output of a guitar pedal into a high-Z device like a guitar amp or another pedal, or even into a low-Z device like a mixer. That's because most modern guitar pedals support both high- and low- Z on their outputs.
Most modern audio equipment automatically adjusts for the different ohms and voltages of various equipment that you plug in, which means you don't have to match ohms unless you are attaching amplifiers to passive speakers.

Audio signal level

There are several different strengths of audio signal: very low-level microphone (0.001 volt), instrument level (0.1 volt), consumer line level (0.3 volt), and pro line level (1+ volt). Most modern equipment, such as mixers, are designed to automatically recognize and adjust for the signal level that they are receiving. Which means you don't have to worry about it unless your device has knobs and buttons specifically for the different levels. If your device does not have specific settings for levels, then you can plug anything in. Furthermore, mismatching levels is not the end of the world, and in many cases won't have any discernible impact.
The headphone jack on audio equipment such as synthesizers is less than 4 volts which means it is the equivalent of a line level signal and therefore can be used just like the mono and stereo output jacks. In other words you can plug an instrument cable from the headphone jack into your effects pedals and mixers.
Some keyboards have a weaker signal compared to others. You don't need to do anything special, just run it into a DI box and from there to the mixer and turn up the gain.

Gain and Preamp

The function of the preamp is the same as that of the gain/trim. Its purpose is to match the input voltage. Many devices with a preamp will automatically disengage the preamp if the input signal is strong enough to where it is not needed. Which means you can plug anything into a preamp. However some preamps are only designed for microphone level, so read the manual to confirm the behavior.
Setting the gain/trim is one of the most important things to do because it ensures the cleanest, strongest possible signal. To set the gain, start from 0 and turn it up until it starts to register the signal. It will start to flash when this happens.

DI box

Instrument cables are unbalanced 1/4" TS cables. Connect these to your guitars, keyboards, and pedals.
A DI box is designed to convert a high- or low-Z instrument or line level signal into a balanced low-Z signal transmitted on an XLR cable. There's a couple advantages to using a DI box plus XLR cable for the final run to the soundboard:

General Guidelines

  1. Connect XLR cables directly from the microphones to the Mic preamp on the soundboard
  2. Use a DI box with XLR cables to connect synthesizers to the soundboard
  3. Use a DI box with XLR cables to connect the Line (Through) Outs of Guitar and Bass Amps to the soundboard

Ground Loop Hum

Ground loop hum happens when you have devices connected to different grounds that are separated by a distance because there is a small voltage potential across the distance and when this potential is amplified it becomes hum. To fix it plug all devices into the same outlet. This will fix most ground hum problems. There is no danger of overloading the circuit, see my Power post for a discussion of this. Additionally feel free to use the Ground Lift button that is available on certain audio devices like DI boxes - this makes sure the reference line for the audio signal isn't tied to earth. Also make sure the high-Z switch is disabled for devices that are not high-Z. Additionally try to use shielded equipment whose shield is grounded to earth.
For details:
submitted by Distinct_Gazelle_175 to giggingrockmusicians [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:48 CartridgeCrusader23 Richey V Sullivan Supplemental Information Regarding SAFE Act Reporting

Richey V Sullivan Supplemental Information Regarding SAFE Act Reporting
Hey everyone,
I don't have much of a lawsuit update at the moment since we're mostly just waiting for the judge, but I wanted to share some information with the subreddit that I think you might find interesting.
Various FOIA requests were submitted from my group to the New York Office of Mental Health, the office that handles the reporting scheme under the mental health portion of the SAFE Act – you know, the folks responsible for stripping away my gun rights.
One specific request we made was for a list of all applications for certificates of relief, as well as the number of approvals and denials. For those unfamiliar, this certificate is required to get your gun rights back if you've been "involuntarily committed." I use that term loosely because it's clear that New York has broadened the definition significantly.
From our litigation, we know that the state doesn't provide any due process or notification when your rights are taken away. So, the biggest margin of error in our data is that it only includes those who realized their gun rights were stripped and managed to find out. Who knows how many people have been reported under the SAFE Act without knowing it?
We found that the state approves roughly 50-60% of the certificates of relief. So, if you submit an application, you've got about a coin flip's chance of approval. We also discovered that the state lacks any documented policies or procedures for approving or denying applications. This means we don't have information on the types of reports, like whether they're for a 9.39 emergency observation or a 9.17 involuntary commitment.
Interestingly, certificate of relief applications nearly tripled from 2013 to 2014. Why? Because the SAFE Act was created in 2013. This suggests that before the SAFE Act, the state used federal guidelines for involuntary commitments. After the SAFE Act, the definition expanded significantly, likely leading to tens of thousands of people being incorrectly reported and applying for relief to get their gun rights back.
I thought you all might find this information useful. Feel free to interpret it as you see fit. I'll keep you updated as best I can, and thank you all for your support.
submitted by CartridgeCrusader23 to NYguns [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:47 downtownnhv New Haven Night Market TOMORROW! (Friday, May 17th)

Hi everyone! The next New Haven Night Market is here! Join us TOMORROW, Friday, May 17th from 5-10PM in the 9th Square neighborhood for a big ol' Night Market with 100 street vendors, tons of participating businesses, art, music, and a generally good time:
Some Night Market highlights include:
- Flash tattoos on-site in Pitkin Plaza with Showoff Ink Artistry
- Queer Artist Pop-Up Market inside the new New Haven Pride Center
- Night Market poster & tote bag merchandise available created by 3 local artists (see website for merch tab; pickup at Night Market blue Welcome Tent; most of proceeds go to artist who created each poster)
- DIY Button-Making Station with NHFPL's makerspace, Ives Squared
- A glowing surprise by the Us (check the Market Map)
- Jazz listening party & art gallery at The Institute Library, upstairs
The Night Market is... family-friendly, (leashed) pet-friendly and an inclusive space for all. FREE to enter. Food, drink and retail items available for purchase. Must be 21+ with ID to purchase and consume alcohol. No BYOB permitted.
We hope to see you there!
submitted by downtownnhv to newhaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:44 beeeeeeeeeeeey I(27f) think my ex is an attempted murderer.

I've come to a dark, and difficult realization this last week, and ever since I've been really tired and operating on autopilot. I don't feel safe talking to anyone I know about this, so I'm coming to you, internet strangers. Every second of downtime that I get, I go back to this thought, and it's weighing on me.
But first, some back story. This is going to seem totally unrelated, but just take the ride with me real quick.
Although in many ways I lived a privileged life growing up, my parents and younger brother were all emotionally, verbally, financially, and often times physically abusive. There were times when I feared for my life. But perhaps the worst of it was that they were careful. They carefully built a reputation for me--clumsy, strong-willed, dishonest. It was a reputation that I internalized and grew to think was true, up until I had my daughter. Now, she's nearly three, and I am finally breaking my family's hold on me. Permanently.
Like most abuse victims, I tried to leave them several times. It was my baby's father who taught me how to leave for good, and who taught me the importance of severing ties permanently. When I first left him, I needed financial support from my parents, and was grateful to have it. I know so many victims don't have that and can't get out because of it. And, while they were the lesser of two evils, they've proved in the last few years over and over that they are still, in fact, an evil. And one I need out of my life. My dad got me a job when I was well enough to work again after I left, but it only gave him more access to me. And I let him. I'm a grown adult woman. At any moment I could have had the courage and the strength to just walk away. No amount of perceived financial security (because relying on them is not financial security) is worth what I've gone through emotionally on behalf of him and this 'job'. But now, after years of moving over and over again and not feeling safe or secure, my daughter and I have housing that I won't have to worry about losing for the foreseeable future.
I have provided for her a roof over her head, but more than that, a place to grow in and call her own. A place where she can put posters on her wall and have a playground in the back yard and raise a puppy. It's beautiful, and it means that I know that I can now pursue a career that better aligns with the schedule, work-life balance, and emotional fulfillment that she and I need to better our lives. In other words, I've put in my two weeks' at that job so that I can find something more sustainable and sever my ties with my family closer to for-good.
I think that this is why I've had this sudden realization about my daughter's dad. It has been an incredibly emotional time. The universe seems to be throwing tests at me left and right, as if to say, are you sure? Will you really go through with it this time?
And I will. I have faith in myself as a mother more so than I have ever had faith in myself as a person. I know what my daughter needs me to do, so I'll do it. I know where I want to be so that she can grow and thrive, so I will go there.
But it has reminded me of the person I was, who did not know this, and who did not feel so sure.
When I first met my ex, he said and did all of the right things. I was a newly appointed executive in a male-dominated industry, and I was young and single in a conservative area where any indication that I was not wearing a chastity belt read as an invitation to pursue to every man I worked with or around. I was fresh out of another abusive relationship, still repeating the cycle my family had taught me, and was vulnerable.
And he played the part of my savior very well. We were together two years, and I supported him through COVID and losing his high-paying engineer job only to one day, suddenly, discover that virtually everything about him was a lie. Not only was he cheating on me--heavily, while I was at work and he was pretending to freelance, with several women including some I thought were my friends--but he had no college degree, much less a master's degree in engineering, and he had never had the job he allegedly lost. He was a con-artist with two children by two different women, a separate fiancee he'd been with since high school and kept trying to bring into our lives, and so much more. He was using his older, disabled brother's ssn at the job I had gotten him to avoid paying child support. He had even lied about how his parents died.
I'm not even sure I knew his legal name.
To be clear, I found out about the cheating first. That was it. The rest of it, I'm sure I had vague suspicions of. But I had trusted him. If something was off, then he probably had a sound explanation and it wasn't my business. I was young and stupid, and he was still acting perfectly normal.
I broke up with him, then, just to find out a month later that despite using birth control and condoms religiously, and despite having more than one prognosis that I would never conceive let alone carry a child, I was pregnant. At the time, I was no contact with my entire family and had been further isolated from my friends by my then-boyfriend. Plus, the company I worked for was showing signs of selling--my job was by no means secure, and especially not so because they had a history of firing pregnant women in my position exactly two months after their return from maternity leave.
The point was, I was desperate, and I was scared, and I didn't know that the father of my child was a monster, so I tried to make it work, thinking that my daughter, surely, needed a father figure. And for his part, he seemed remorseful. He promised to go to counseling and agreed to certain conditions and, again, said all of the right things.
And then he started drinking. And screaming. And demanding. And...threatening, and then doing.
But at that point, I was alone. I was halfway through a complicated pregnancy that made me incredibly ill with small town doctors who were gaslighting me and not helping me, the writing was on the wall at work and I was enduring slander and drama there, and I had no one and nowhere else to turn. So I pushed through. I tried to leave him when I was about 22 weeks along. I enlisted the help of my friend, who supported me, and I thought I was home free.
But that night was one of the most horrific nights of my life. The only person I've been able to tell about it was my lawyer, a year later, when I went in to make sure my daughter was protected. By the way, he's not in either of our lives at all and will never be. I have and will continue to do everything in my power to keep him away from us. Not that he could find us if he tried.
Things only got worse after that night. and at some point. I told a trusted friend and my mom (breaking no contact) that I intended to leave. Safely, and in time. I started freelancing again and looking for other jobs, and I played house the best I could to keep myself and baby safe. I ended up being ordered to go on bed rest two weeks early, And then I gave birth, and my daughter and I both almost died.
It was horrific, and traumatic, and sent me into a terrible spiral. It was all I could do to care for my daughter. But it became very quickly apparent that I was running out of time to get her out. And this is where the realization comes in.
His alcoholism and verbal and emotional abuse were increasing in frequency and intensity. He was also growing more violent--even if he was just punching holes in doors. But he was also...weird with our daughter. I did everything I could not to have to leave him alone with her, and she was only left with him twice.
Once, for an hour, because I had to go into work and handle something in the middle of the day. He left my 1mo infant daughter lying, asleep, on her belly, on a very high bed with loose blankets and pillows, alone in our apartment while he moved something from one apartment to another. I have no idea for how long.
I tried to breastfeed, at first, and there were issues with that so she was waking up often and hard to put back to sleep. We later found out she wasn't getting enough milk because of a tongue tie and started supplementing with formula at two weeks. I have heavy suspicions that I was also underproducing because of stress and emotional duress. One night, he was frustrated because even though I was sleeping in the living room and taking care of the baby while he slept in the bed, he couldn't sleep, and blamed me for being an incompetent mother. He took her from me, and put her to sleep with him in bed. I knew he was drunk. I went in to check on her--I was anxious, I had done tons of research on safe sleep. He saw me, screamed at me, and then blamed me for waking her up.
Later, he would try to put rice cereal in her bottle and make those "knockout bottles" that are incredibly dangerous when I wasn't looking. There were a number of weird incidents like this which he chalked up to being older than me, and being the way he'd raised his other two babies. And back then I really thought it was just all apart of the abuse--targeted at me.
We got out when she was five months old and today she's a sweet, happy, healthy kid.
But, and honestly maybe this should have occurred to me before, I can not shake the heaviness of the conclusion that remembering all of these incidents has brought me to; he wanted her to die. I mean, I guess in a roundabout way he expressed this. He started berating me for not getting an abortion almost immediately after I passed the legal time to get one done where I'm from (they're completely illegal now but were not at the time). I'm not anti-abortion, by any means, but it felt like it came out of nowhere. He also refused to have any part in naming her or preparing for her arrival--even in raising her. I always thought that these were just manipulation tactics. That he was just saying malicious things to get under my skin.
Now that I'm writing this, I also remember one of the last texts he sent to me over a year ago, alleging that he had shot and killed someone before. It wasn't an active threat to me. It was just part of a psychosis spiral where he was trying to explain that we could live safely with him in his new apartment even though it wasn't in a safe area or something, and so I really just discarded it. I didn't see him anymore. He didn't know where we lived. He was only allowed to contact me still because I was building a case against him. It didn't seem like it mattered.
Now? Today? I think that if I hadn't left with her when I did, we might both be dead already. More than that, I think that if I had not had her and I had ended up back with him--or back in another abusive relationship with anyone else--that I would certainly be dead. I might have been the one to physically take us both and leave, but she saved me first.
So that's it. That's what I've been struggling with. And I haven't really fully processed what that means for me, yet, except that I've made another appointment with my lawyer to take additional safety measures for my daughter. But emotionally? I'm not sure. I'll have to sit with this, and I just needed to say it somewhere. If you read all of this, thank you.
tldr; i left my ex when my daughter by him was 5 months old, and now she's nearly 3 years old and we are no contact with him, but i've recently been hit with memories of actions he took when she was an infant that lead me to believe he may have been subconsciously or even actively trying to take her life
submitted by beeeeeeeeeeeey to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:32 perfectfootwearguide How to Choose the Best Running Shoes for You: A Complete Guide

Choosing the best running shoes involves:
Stick to reputable brands, balance your budget, and replace shoes every 300-500 miles. Always listen to your body for signs of discomfort. This guide helps you find the perfect pair to enhance performance and prevent injuries.

Understanding Your Foot Type

Know Your Arch

First things first, understand your foot arch type. There are three main types:

Pronation Patterns

Pronation refers to how your foot rolls inward upon landing. Knowing your pronation type helps you choose shoes that offer the right support.

Consider Your Running Terrain

Where you run plays a big role in choosing your shoes.

Road Running

If you run primarily on pavements, look for:

Trail Running

For off-road running, consider:

Track Running

If you hit the track:

Comfort and Fit

Size Matters

Your running shoes should fit snugly but not too tight. Ensure enough room in the toe box, about a thumb's width from your longest toe to the shoe's end.

Try Them On

Always try on shoes later in the day when your feet are more swollen. Wear the socks you intend to run in to get the best fit.

Break-In Period

Remember, running shoes don't usually require a break-in period. If they feel uncomfortable initially, they are likely not the right shoes for you.

Support and Cushioning

Cushioning Levels

Choose the cushioning based on your comfort and running style:

Support Features

Depending on your pronation type, you might need additional support:

Brand and Budget

Reputable Brands

Stick to well-known brands like Nike, Adidas, Asics, Brooks, and New Balance. These brands often offer a range of shoes tailored to different needs and offer reliable quality.

Budget Considerations

Investing in a good pair of running shoes is crucial. Prices typically range from $50 to $200. While higher-end shoes offer advanced technology, mid-range shoes can also provide excellent support and durability.

Additional Tips

Replace Regularly

Running shoes typically last 300 to 500 miles. Tracking your mileage can help you know when it's time for a new pair.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to any discomfort or pain during or after running. It might be a sign that your shoes are not the right fit.

Final Thought

Choosing the best running shoes involves:
Following these guidelines, you can find a pair that enhances your performance and keeps you comfortable and injury-free. Happy running!
Choosing the best running shoes involves:
Stick to reputable brands, balance your budget, and replace shoes every 300-500 miles. Always listen to your body for signs of discomfort. This guide helps you find the perfect pair to enhance performance and prevent injuries.

Understanding Your Foot Type

Know Your Arch

First things first, understand your foot arch type. There are three main types:

Pronation Patterns

Pronation refers to how your foot rolls inward upon landing. Knowing your pronation type helps you choose shoes that offer the right support.

Consider Your Running Terrain

Where you run plays a big role in choosing your shoes.

Road Running

If you run primarily on pavements, look for:

Trail Running

For off-road running, consider:

Track Running

If you hit the track:

Comfort and Fit

Size Matters

Your running shoes should fit snugly but not too tight. Ensure enough room in the toe box, about a thumb's width from your longest toe to the shoe's end.

Try Them On

Always try on shoes later in the day when your feet are more swollen. Wear the socks you intend to run in to get the best fit.

Break-In Period

Remember, running shoes don't usually require a break-in period. If they feel uncomfortable initially, they are likely not the right shoes for you.

Support and Cushioning

Cushioning Levels

Choose the cushioning based on your comfort and running style:

Support Features

Depending on your pronation type, you might need additional support:

Brand and Budget

Reputable Brands

Stick to well-known brands like Nike, Adidas, Asics, Brooks, and New Balance. These brands often offer a range of shoes tailored to different needs and offer reliable quality.

Budget Considerations

Investing in a good pair of running shoes is crucial. Prices typically range from $50 to $200. While higher-end shoes offer advanced technology, mid-range shoes can also provide excellent support and durability.

Additional Tips

Replace Regularly

Running shoes typically last 300 to 500 miles. Tracking your mileage can help you know when it's time for a new pair.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to any discomfort or pain during or after running. It might be a sign that your shoes are not the right fit.

Final Thought

Choosing the best running shoes involves:
Following these guidelines, you can find a pair that enhances your performance and keeps you comfortable and injury-free. Happy running!
submitted by perfectfootwearguide to u/perfectfootwearguide [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:01 EvolutionRPGTAV Evolution RP Community Meeting tonight at 9pm EST

Open Community Meeting tonight at 9pm EST in discord. Everyone is welcome to stop by even if you’re not whitelisted yet, we just ask that you adhere to the meeting guidelines and be respectful.
We are an 18+ inclusive FiveM roleplay server staffed by experienced RPers who share the common goal of creating and maintaining the best city we can by balancing fun, fairness, and uniqueness. We are constantly improving and welcome you to join our growing community. We are looking for serious roleplayers to come experience our city and hopefully make it their home. As part of our push for high quality RP, Evolution RP is now a whitelisted server. Join our discord to apply!
We offer a range of scripts to help facilitate your roleplay. Whether your character is a hardened criminal, bubbly socialite, no nonsense cop, or anything in between you can find a place in our community.
If you’re interested feel free to join our discord: or check out our website:
submitted by EvolutionRPGTAV to gtarphub [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:00 EvolutionRPGTAV Evolution RP Community Meeting tonight at 9pm EST

Open Community Meeting tonight at 9pm EST in discord. Everyone is welcome to stop by even if you’re not whitelisted yet, we just ask that you adhere to the meeting guidelines and be respectful.
We are an 18+ inclusive FiveM roleplay server staffed by experienced RPers who share the common goal of creating and maintaining the best city we can by balancing fun, fairness, and uniqueness. We are constantly improving and welcome you to join our growing community. We are looking for serious roleplayers to come experience our city and hopefully make it their home. As part of our push for high quality RP, Evolution RP is now a whitelisted server. Join our discord to apply!
We offer a range of scripts to help facilitate your roleplay. Whether your character is a hardened criminal, bubbly socialite, no nonsense cop, or anything in between you can find a place in our community.
If you’re interested feel free to join our discord: or check out our website:
submitted by EvolutionRPGTAV to GTAVRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:57 Ev3puo Is giving each character in a party one Relic, one Artifact and one Apex item too much?

I've never had the honour of seeing a level 20 character in action and I recentely started a campaign at level 3. However, I like too look around AoN during my free time and fantasize about the future of the party, hoping no one dies too soon. It all started when I gave one of the PCs a Relic item with a Minor Gift. Around the same time, I gave another PC an Artifact (an Archetype Artifact, actually, but can we consider these two the same thing?). Then I thought to myself that throughout the whole campaign I should give everyone an Artifact and a Relic item, so that no one would feel left behind both in terms of importance and strenght of their character. During my research about which items to give, still fantasizing about all the cool stuff they could do once they get them, I thought that a level 18-20 PC should probably have an Apex item, too. So now I'm searching/creating these items for each of my players, mainly for fun, but looking around I quickly realised that there are no actual guidelines for these things - or maybe I haven't searched hard enough - and I'm afraid that the whole party would get too powerful if they were to get all of those items.
I've seen a lot of cool items that I would really like to give to the PCs, yet I don't want them to get so strong that they would no issue at all fighting for their last 3 or 2 levels (if they even get there). I also don't want to give those items to just one or some PCs, while making the others feel less useful. My feeling is that among those three categories, the most essential type of item that a PC should have at level 20 is an Apex item, to max their strenght. If I'm right, then would a PC with an Apex item, a Relic and also an Artifact be too powerful? Would an entire party be invincible? I've read that one artifact could be the main objective of a whole campaign, so I probably should not give one to each player, but how can I avoid the issue of making just one of them the "protagonist", once they obtain an Artifact? What are your suggestions?
submitted by Ev3puo to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:56 BaldBoi96 Passed Security + 701

Yesterday I passed with a score of 832 and I can honestly say that exam was way easier than I thought it was going to be.
Tips for studying: Do not buy any practice exams when you first start, Andrew Ramdayal has a free youtube video of 50 questions that I started with to test my knowledge, and some of these questions are extremely similar to the ones found on test. Use all of your free resources and then buy Messer's practice exams and some other form on Udemy to further assist you. Never consolidate your studying to one place and do not gage your knowledge on how much you got on a Jason Dion exam, they are so far off that they're only good to fully exhaust your knowledge and most of his questions are not close to the exam. In my opinion do Andrew Ramdayal and Messer's exams, they are great sources of learning and understanding how the concepts can be applied in real life scenarios.
Learning: Do not go through and watch every Professor Messer video from start to finish, do not waste your time studying on topics you already know and are familiar with. I skipped about 70% of his course on youtube because I knew most of it I only needed to cover specific acronyms and other things I was shaky on. If you have trouble on a topic go back and watch the video take notes and try to describe real life scenarios that you can equate with that topic. This will help not only teach you the definitions but the concept as well. This reduces the amount of time taken up by just taking notes.
Don't just know the definitions to the words on the test or the acronyms, you need to be able to apply them to real life scenarios/spot when something is happening. This might sound a little weird or complex but the more practice exams you take the more you will be able to understand this.
Exam tips: PBQ's might seem intimidating at first but I promise they are simpler than you think, unfortunately I cannot say the ones I got due to CompTIA's guidelines. However, a lot of the times the answer is easier than you realize, you just need to read carefully, be confident, and if you're unsure of something come back to it later. Your nerves often cause you to overthink and make it so you're confused on what the task is.
The multiple choice questions often have 1 or 2 key words that determine what the correct answer is, slow down and READ it literally. When you spot the key words in the questions the answers are most of the time dead giveaways. Use process of elimination to quickly weed out answers that make no logical sense in that question/scenario.
Know your acronyms: Other people have said this but the test is full of acronyms and it can mean the difference between knowing the answer and completely guessing,
If anyone is wondering of my experience: I have 5 years total experience in IT
submitted by BaldBoi96 to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:55 throwaway1231390 Help with school list

I’m having trouble with my school list. I’m an older, non-trad, re-applicant with a kind of strange application. Since my application in 2022 I did a DIY post-bac while working full time and spent more time volunteering and shadowing. My main issue is that my research is the strength of my application but the schools that care about research will likely not even look at my application due to my undergrad GPA. I have a strong narrative of wanting to go into primary care to treat chronic illness. I’m a WA resident. Random X factor, worked as a mountain guide before clinical research. Any insight or help would be much appreciated. I have FAP so 20 apps will be free.
Research and work experience
UW WSU Emory SOM OHSU CU Colorado Tufts University of Michigan University of Vermont Lerner SOM Dartmouth (Giesel) Tulane George Washington University of Buffalo University of Cincinnati New York Medical College Iowa Loyola University Chicago Stritch SOM VCU Eastern Virginia Medical School University of Arizona Pheonix USC Wayne state Georgetown DO PNWU DMU KCU MSUCOM PCOM UNECOM UNTHSC Rowan virtua Chicago
submitted by throwaway1231390 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Pizza in Manchester Nh

Best Pizza in Manchester Nh
Best Pizza in Manchester Nh Are you ready to embark on a mouthwatering pizza adventure in Manchester, NH?Well, buckle up because we've got the inside scoop on the absolute best pizza spots in town. From crispy thin-crust wonders to flavor-packed deep-dish delights, we've curated a list that will make your taste buds dance with joy.Get ready to indulge in the finest ingredients, innovative toppings, and expertly crafted crusts that will leave you craving more. Trust us, these pizzerias are the real deal.Let's dive in and satisfy those pizza cravings!Key TakeawaysAnnulas Pizza & Deli is famous for its best-tasting calzones and delicious pizzas with a non-greasy crust. It has a family-friendly atmosphere and attentive staff, making it recommended for post-theater dining.Elm House of Pizza, formerly known as Theos Pizza and Restaurant, offers creative premium pies with regular pan pies and thin-crust pizzas available. It provides comfy booths for leisurely conversations.Vintage Pizza, founded by Kristopher and Dimitrios Kostakis in 2014, may have a run-down facade but serves top pizza in Manchester. It uses high-quality ingredients to craft unique and consistently delicious pies at a reasonable price, creating a homey ambiance.Clementos Pizzeria & Brew, owned by Gregg Joseph and opened in 2022, offers tasty crust with delicious toppings. It has a lively atmosphere for hanging out with friends and hosts entertainment nights with comedy, music, trivia, and open mic events. The owner is known for being accommodating and friendly.Alley Cat Pizzeria is an award-winning pizza place with over 25 years of operation. It specializes in pies closest to New York style, featuring a thin, airy, and crispy crust with charred edges. The savory sauce, exceptional cheese blends, and tasty toppings make it suitable for large eaters or big families.Venice Old Style Pizza serves delicious thin-crust pizzas and Italian staples in a traditional style. Its thin-crust pies have a crispy yet soft and chewy crust, and the restaurant uses high-quality ingredients and housemade sauce. The homey atmosphere is perfect for a comfortable and long catching up with friends or family.900 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria, established by Priscilla Lane-Rondeau in 2007, offers Neapolitan pizzas baked in a wood-fired oven. It has a full bar serving great wines, cocktails, and beers. The industrial setting with a cozy atmosphere and a lovely patio for al fresco dining adds to the experience.Charlies, located at 1B Pinard St., offers a diverse menu with pizzas, subs, salads, burgers, chicken, and seafood. It provides a cozy and inviting atmosphere for hanging out with family, friends, or a special someone.Sals Pizza, established in Salem in 1990 by Salvatore and Nick Lupoli and located at 296 S Willow St, is one of the go-to pizza places in the city. It offers signature pizzasAnnulas Pizza & DeliWe've heard that Annulas Pizza & Deli is famous for their best-tasting calzones. As experienced pizza connoisseurs, we can attest to the fact that Annulas truly lives up to its reputation. Located in Manchester, NH, this pizzeria is a must-visit for all pizza lovers in the area.When it comes to safety, Annulas Pizza & Deli goes above and beyond. From the moment you step inside, you'll notice the clean and inviting atmosphere. The attentive staff ensures that all safety protocols are followed, giving you peace of mind while enjoying your meal.Now, let's talk about the star of the show: their pizzas. Annulas offers a wide variety of options, from classic cheese to specialty toppings. But what sets them apart is their non-greasy crust. We all know that a greasy pizza can be a safety hazard, but Annulas manages to strike the perfect balance between flavor and healthiness.Whether you're looking for a quick bite or a family-friendly dining experience, Annulas Pizza & Deli is the place to go. Their dedication to safety, combined with their delicious pizzas, make them one of the best pizza places in Manchester, NH. So, don't miss out on the opportunity to indulge in their mouthwatering calzones and experience the true taste of Annulas.Elm House of PizzaLet's head over to Elm House of Pizza for some delicious pies after we finish discussing our favorite pizzerias. Elm House of Pizza, located at 102 Elm St. in Manchester, NH, is a renowned pizzeria that has been satisfying pizza lovers for years. Formerly known as Theos Pizza and Restaurant, Elm House of Pizza offers a wide variety of creative premium pies that are sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.What sets Elm House of Pizza apart from other pizzerias in Manchester is their commitment to quality and taste. They offer both regular pan pies and thin-crust pizzas, allowing customers to choose their preferred style. The pizzas are made with high-quality ingredients and the crust is always cooked to perfection, resulting in a delicious and satisfying pizza experience.In terms of safety, Elm House of Pizza takes the well-being of their customers seriously. They ensure that their staff follows strict hygiene practices and maintain a clean and sanitized environment. Additionally, they offer contactless delivery and takeout options for those who prefer to enjoy their pizzas in the comfort of their own homes.When it comes to finding the best pizza in Manchester, NH, Elm House of Pizza is definitely a top contender. Their delicious and unique pies, combined with their commitment to safety, make them a favorite among pizza enthusiasts. So why not give them a try and indulge in some mouthwatering pizza goodness?Vintage PizzaVintage Pizza, founded by Kristopher and Dimitrios Kostakis in 2014, may have a run-down facade, but don't let that fool you – they serve some of the best pizza in Manchester. With their commitment to using high-quality ingredients, Vintage Pizza creates unique and consistently delicious pies that are reasonably priced.The homey ambiance adds to the overall dining experience, making it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.Quality Ingredients and FlavorsAmong the pizzerias discussed, Vintage Pizza stands out for its use of high-quality ingredients and consistently delicious flavors. We, as experienced pizza enthusiasts, can confidently say that Vintage Pizza knows how to create a pizza that satisfies both the taste buds and the desire for safety. Here are four reasons why Vintage Pizza excels in delivering a safe and flavorful pizza experience:Fresh Ingredients: Vintage Pizza sources its ingredients from trusted suppliers, ensuring that only the highest quality produce, meats, and cheeses are used. This commitment to freshness and quality minimizes any potential health risks.Attention to Food Safety: The staff at Vintage Pizza is well-trained in food safety protocols, ensuring that all pizzas are prepared in a clean and hygienic environment. From proper handwashing to temperature control, Vintage Pizza prioritizes the safety of its customers.Consistent Flavor Profiles: Vintage Pizza has mastered the art of creating consistently delicious pizzas. Each bite is bursting with flavor, thanks to the carefully selected ingredients and the skillful craftsmanship of the pizzaiolos.Customer Satisfaction: Vintage Pizza has built a loyal customer base by consistently delivering on its promise of tasty and safe pizzas. The positive reviews and repeat business speak volumes about the trust and satisfaction that customers have in Vintage Pizza.When it comes to enjoying a pizza that combines quality ingredients and delicious flavors, Vintage Pizza is the clear winner. You can indulge in their mouthwatering pizzas with the peace of mind that your safety is a top priority.Homey Ambiance and AtmosphereWe thoroughly enjoyed the homey ambiance and atmosphere at Vintage Pizza, creating a cozy and inviting space for us to savor our delicious pizzas.The restaurant may have a run-down facade, but don't let that deter you from experiencing their top-notch pizza. Vintage Pizza, founded by Kristopher and Dimitrios Kostakis in 2014, uses high-quality ingredients to craft unique and consistently delicious pies.Not only is the food reasonably priced, but the welcoming atmosphere adds an extra layer of comfort and safety. The staff at Vintage Pizza is attentive and friendly, ensuring a pleasant dining experience.Whether you're looking for a casual family outing or a night out with friends, Vintage Pizza provides a warm and inviting environment where you can enjoy great food and good company.Clementos Pizzeria & BrewI've heard that Clementos Pizzeria & Brew offers a wide variety of delicious pizzas and an entertaining atmosphere for hanging out with friends. Here are a few things that make Clementos stand out from other pizzerias in Manchester:Safety measures: Clementos takes safety seriously. They've implemented strict sanitation protocols to ensure a clean and hygienic environment for their customers. From regular cleaning and sanitizing to enforcing social distancing guidelines, they prioritize the well-being of their guests.Extensive menu options: Whether you're a meat lover, a vegetarian, or have specific dietary preferences, Clementos has got you covered. From classic cheese and pepperoni to unique and creative toppings, you'll find a pizza that suits your taste buds. They also offer gluten-free and vegan options for those with special dietary needs.Entertainment nights: Clementos goes beyond just serving great pizza. They host entertainment nights featuring comedy shows, live music, trivia, and open mic events. This adds an extra layer of fun and excitement to your dining experience.Friendly and accommodating owner: One of the best things about Clementos is the owner, Gregg Joseph. He's known for his warm and welcoming nature, always making sure that his customers feel valued and satisfied. Gregg goes the extra mile to ensure that everyone has a great time at Clementos.Pizza By Rocco ManchesterPizza By Rocco Manchester offers a wide variety of delicious pizzas with flavor-filled toppings and exceptional customer service. Our pizzeria, located at 210 Lowell St. in Manchester, NH, originated in Natick in 2018. We take pride in our thin crispy crust, which serves as the perfect base for our flavorful creations. We use only the finest ingredients, including whole milk mozzarella and homemade pizza sauce, to ensure that every bite is bursting with taste.At Pizza By Rocco Manchester, the safety and well-being of our customers are of utmost importance to us. We understand that our audience desires safety, and we take the necessary precautions to ensure a clean and hygienic environment. Our staff is trained in proper sanitation practices, and we adhere to all health and safety guidelines.When you visit Pizza By Rocco Manchester, you can expect quick and friendly service from our knowledgeable staff. We strive to provide an exceptional customer experience, making sure that every visit is enjoyable and satisfying. Whether you're dining in or ordering for takeout, we prioritize your comfort and satisfaction.Alley Cat PizzeriaLet's explore the award-winning Alley Cat Pizzeria, known for its specialty pies closest to New York style with thin, airy, and crispy crust and savory sauce. At Alley Cat Pizzeria, you can expect an exceptional dining experience with their delicious pizzas.Here are four reasons why Alley Cat Pizzeria stands out among the rest:Quality Ingredients: Alley Cat Pizzeria takes pride in using high-quality ingredients to craft their pizzas. From the fresh dough to the flavorful sauce and exceptional cheese blends, each bite is a delight for your taste buds.Variety of Toppings: Whether you're a meat lover or a vegetarian, Alley Cat Pizzeria offers a wide selection of toppings to satisfy every palate. From classic pepperoni and sausage to unique combinations like BBQ chicken and caramelized onions, there's something for everyone.Safe and Clean Environment: Alley Cat Pizzeria prioritizes the safety and cleanliness of their establishment. They adhere to strict hygiene protocols to ensure a worry-free dining experience for their customers.Attentive Staff: The friendly and attentive staff at Alley Cat Pizzeria will make you feel welcome and ensure that your dining experience is enjoyable. They're knowledgeable about the menu and can provide recommendations based on your preferences.When it comes to pizza in Manchester, Alley Cat Pizzeria is a top contender. Their dedication to quality, variety, cleanliness, and customer service sets them apart from the rest.Venice Old Style PizzaVenice Old Style Pizza, located at 610 Front St. in Manchester, NH, offers delicious thin-crust pizzas and traditional Italian staples.With their crispy yet soft and chewy crust, their traditional thin-crust pies are a treat for pizza enthusiasts.Using high-quality ingredients and housemade sauce, Venice Old Style Pizza creates a homey atmosphere perfect for enjoying a comfortable and long catching up with friends and family.Crispy Vs. Chewy CrustWhen it comes to the crust, we can't decide whether we prefer the crispy or chewy texture at Venice Old Style Pizza. The debate has been ongoing among our group of friends, as we all have different preferences when it comes to pizza crust.However, after numerous visits to Venice Old Style Pizza, we've come to appreciate both styles for their unique qualities. Here are four reasons why the crispy and chewy crust at Venice Old Style Pizza are equally delicious:Crispy crust: The thin, crispy crust offers a satisfying crunch with every bite. It provides a firm base for the toppings and adds an extra layer of texture to the pizza.Chewy crust: On the other hand, the chewy crust at Venice Old Style Pizza has a delightful elasticity that makes each slice a joy to eat. It allows for a more substantial bite and enhances the overall eating experience.Quality ingredients: Regardless of the crust texture, Venice Old Style Pizza uses high-quality ingredients, from the housemade sauce to the fresh toppings. This commitment to quality ensures that every pizza is delicious and safe to consume.Consistency: Whether you choose the crispy or chewy crust, you can expect the same level of quality and consistency at Venice Old Style Pizza. The skilled pizzaiolos work with precision to achieve the desired texture for every pizza they serve.Traditional Italian FlavorsWe can't help but reminisce about the traditional Italian flavors we experienced at Venice Old Style Pizza. Their mouthwatering pizzas feature fresh ingredients and authentic seasonings. As seasoned pizza connoisseurs, we've tasted our fair share of pizzas. However, Venice Old Style Pizza truly stands out with their commitment to quality and authenticity.From the moment we took a bite of their thin-crust pies, we were transported to the streets of Italy. The crispy yet soft and chewy crust perfectly complemented the high-quality ingredients and housemade sauce. It's evident that Venice Old Style Pizza takes great pride in their Italian heritage and their dedication to providing a safe dining experience.900 Degrees Neapolitan PizzeriaOne of our favorite pizzerias, Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria, offers delicious Neapolitan pizzas baked in a wood-fired oven. Here are four reasons why we highly recommend this pizzeria:Authentic Neapolitan Pizzas: At Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria, you'll find pizzas that stay true to their Neapolitan roots. The dough is made using traditional techniques and high-quality ingredients, resulting in a light and airy crust with a slightly charred flavor. Topped with fresh ingredients and cooked in a wood-fired oven, these pizzas deliver an authentic and mouthwatering experience.Cozy and Safe Atmosphere: Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria provides a cozy and welcoming atmosphere where you can enjoy your meal with peace of mind. The staff ensures that safety measures are in place, including proper sanitation and social distancing protocols. Whether you choose to dine in or take your pizza to go, you can feel confident in their commitment to your well-being.Extensive Menu Options: While Neapolitan pizzas are the main highlight, Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria offers a variety of options to satisfy everyone's taste buds. From classic Margherita to creative specialty pizzas, there's something for everyone. They also have a full bar serving great wines, cocktails, and beers, making it the perfect place to relax and unwind.Attention to Quality: Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria takes pride in using high-quality ingredients to deliver exceptional flavors. From the fresh toppings to the homemade sauce, every component of their pizzas is carefully selected and prepared. You can taste the dedication and passion in every bite.When it comes to Neapolitan pizzas, Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria is a top-notch choice. With their commitment to authenticity, cozy atmosphere, diverse menu options, and attention to quality, they truly stand out in the Manchester pizza scene. So, gather your loved ones and head over to Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria for a delicious and safe dining experience.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some Unique and Creative Pizza Toppings Offered at These Pizzerias?Some unique and creative pizza toppings offered at these pizzerias include teriyaki chicken with pineapple, caramelized onions, and peppers at Luisas Italian Pizzeria.Annulas Pizza & Deli is famous for their best-tasting calzones, while Elm House of Pizza offers creative premium pies.Vintage Pizza uses high-quality ingredients for their consistently delicious pizzas, and Pizza By Rocco Manchester uses whole milk mozzarella and homemade pizza sauce.These pizzerias provide a diverse range of toppings that cater to various tastes and preferences.Are There Any Gluten-Free or Vegan Pizza Options Available at These Pizzerias?Yes, there are gluten-free and vegan pizza options available at these pizzerias. We understand the importance of catering to different dietary needs and preferences.Pizzerias like Annulas Pizza & Deli, Elm House of Pizza, and Vintage Pizza offer gluten-free crust options for their pizzas.Additionally, establishments like Luisas Italian Pizzeria and Sals Pizza provide vegan cheese and vegetable toppings for their vegan pizza options.Do Any of These Pizzerias Offer Delivery or Take-Out Services?Yes, many of these pizzerias offer delivery or take-out services. Whether you're craving a unique and delicious pizza, a traditional and authentic pie, or a diverse menu option, you can enjoy these tasty offerings from the comfort of your own home.From Annulas Pizza & Deli to Luisas Italian Pizzeria, these establishments understand the importance of convenience and are happy to provide delivery or take-out options for their customers.Are There Any Special Promotions or Discounts Available for Customers at These Pizzerias?There are special promotions and discounts available for customers at these pizzerias. They offer various deals like buy-one-get-one-free, happy hour discounts, and combo meal offers.Additionally, some pizzerias have loyalty programs where you can earn points for every purchase and redeem them for free pizzas or other rewards.It's always a good idea to check their websites or social media pages for the latest promotions and discounts.Don't miss out on these great deals while enjoying the best pizza in Manchester, NH!Can Customers Make Reservations or Book Private Events at Any of These Pizzerias?Yes, customers can make reservations or book private events at some of these pizzerias. Each establishment has its own policies, so it's best to contact them directly for more information.Some pizzerias may have private event spaces available, while others may require advance reservations for large parties. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply want to ensure a table for your group, it's always a good idea to check with the pizzeria beforehand to make arrangements.ConclusionJust like a perfectly baked pizza, the journey through Manchester, NH's best pizzerias has been a delight for the senses.Each establishment has its own unique flavor and charm, offering a slice of pizza heaven to all who enter.From the classic and comforting to the bold and innovative, these pizzerias have proven themselves as culinary artists, crafting masterpieces that satisfy both the stomach and the soul.So, grab a slice and savor the delectable flavors of Manchester's pizza scene. Your taste buds will thank you.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:40 EvolutionRPGTAV Evolution RP Community Meeting tonight at 9pm EST Whitelist 18+ Serious Roleplay Player Driven Economy Custom Scripts Player Owned Businesses

Open Community Meeting tonight at 9pm EST in discord. Everyone is welcome to stop by even if you’re not whitelisted yet, we just ask that you adhere to the meeting guidelines and be respectful.
We are an 18+ inclusive FiveM roleplay server staffed by experienced RPers who share the common goal of creating and maintaining the best city we can by balancing fun, fairness, and uniqueness. We are constantly improving and welcome you to join our growing community. We are looking for serious roleplayers to come experience our city and hopefully make it their home. As part of our push for high quality RP, Evolution RP is now a whitelisted server. Join our discord to apply!
We offer a range of scripts to help facilitate your roleplay. Whether your character is a hardened criminal, bubbly socialite, no nonsense cop, or anything in between you can find a place in our community.
If you’re interested feel free to join our discord: or check out our website:
submitted by EvolutionRPGTAV to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:39 EvolutionRPGTAV Evolution RP Community Meeting tonight at 9pm EST

Open Community Meeting tonight at 9pm EST in discord. Everyone is welcome to stop by even if you’re not whitelisted yet, we just ask that you adhere to the meeting guidelines and be respectful.
We are an 18+ inclusive FiveM roleplay server staffed by experienced RPers who share the common goal of creating and maintaining the best city we can by balancing fun, fairness, and uniqueness. We are constantly improving and welcome you to join our growing community. We are looking for serious roleplayers to come experience our city and hopefully make it their home. As part of our push for high quality RP, Evolution RP is now a whitelisted server. Join our discord to apply!
We offer a range of scripts to help facilitate your roleplay. Whether your character is a hardened criminal, bubbly socialite, no nonsense cop, or anything in between you can find a place in our community.
If you’re interested feel free to join our discord: or check out our website:
submitted by EvolutionRPGTAV to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:35 cyborg_degree 1940s Zionism movement posters with the slogan "free palestine"

1940s Zionism movement posters with the slogan submitted by cyborg_degree to PropagandaPosters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:35 DumbMoneyMedia Google CEO Pichai says Company to Address OpenAI's AI YouTube Use

Google CEO Pichai says Company to Address OpenAI's AI YouTube Use
Recently, Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai noted Google's stand on OpenAI using YouTube content to train AI models. He spoke with CNBC’s Deirdre Bosa about Google’s strong focus on AI ethics. Pichai mentioned that there are specific ways Google handles violations of its terms.
OpenAI's Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati had earlier mentioned the vast amount of YouTube content used. This raised concerns about how this might affect OpenAI's AI training.
Google, OpenAI, and Reddit are a Power house Team!

Key Takeaways

  • Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai is focused on AI ethics and appropriate response mechanisms.
  • Google is prepared to handle non-compliance issues related to YouTube content usage.
  • Pichai discussed potential actions but did not specify legal procedures.
  • The revelation by OpenAI's Mira Murati raised questions about YouTube content usage in AI training.
  • Google aims to uphold its terms of service and address any misuse of its content.

Overview of Pichai's Statements on OpenAI and YouTube

During Pichai's interview, Sundar Pichai shared Google's view on OpenAI's Sora model and YouTube content use for AI technology developments. He pointed out the importance of following Google's rules. This includes making sure organizations understand and stick to these rules. This helps keep everyone on the same page.
Pichai also said OpenAI needs to deal with copyright concerns and AI rules. He discussed how these issues match Google's way of doing things. While not talking about legal steps, he stated it's critical for OpenAI to explain how they use data. This is important with the growing focus on how data is used and recent tech advances.
His words come when AI technology developments get a lot of notice. Pichai highlighted Google’s work to check that everyone plays by the rules. This way, they protect YouTube's content. These talks show the big talking points in the tech world. It's about ethics, protecting data, and how AI keeps changing things.
Pichai stated, "It's imperative for organizations like OpenAI to maintain transparency surrounding their data usage. Ensuring compliance with established guidelines is not just about legal adherence but about fostering trust and ethical integrity in AI technology."
Pichai's discussion during Pichai's interview reminds us that leading AI technology developments means a lot of work. With tech growing fast, Google and OpenAI deal with finding new ways to innovate. But they also have to keep doing things right by the law and morally.
Aspect Pichai's Focus
Compliance Emphasized the importance of adhering to terms of service
Legal Stance Non-specific but highlighted the necessity for transparency from OpenAI
Data Usage Need for OpenAI to clarify the use of YouTube content
Ethical Integrity AI complianceFostering trust around and ethical standards

Concerns About OpenAI's YouTube Data Usage

OpenAI has gained attention for using lots of YouTube videos to train their Sora model. This news has many people worried. They are questioning how much data AI systems like OpenAI should be allowed to use. They're also thinking about the impact on people who own the content and its licensing rights.

Potential Copyright Violations

People are worried that OpenAI might be breaking copyright laws. They say that training their Sora model with lots of OpenAI YouTube data could be wrong. This brings up a big question: how can we make sure AI projects follow copyright laws?

Publicly Available Data and Licensing Issues

A person from OpenAI named Mira Murati has talked about their dataset. She said it has data that's out there for everyone and data that's under licenses. But she didn't directly say if the dataset has YouTube data too. This issue makes us think more about licensing in AI development. It also raises important questions about using free public data for making money with AI.

Industry Reactions and Legal Implications

Stories in The New York Times have criticized OpenAI's data practices. This conversation is about more than just copyright. It's about how these cases could affect AI's future. The legal consequences OpenAI faces stress the need for clearer content creators' rights in light of fast technological progress.

Google CEO Pichai, will ‘sort it out’, if OpenAI misused YouTube for AI training

Sundar Pichai is focused on solving any misuse of YouTube data by OpenAI. He wants to enforce strong rules to protect important content. This is to keep Google's info safe and make sure AI technology advances properly.
He stresses following Google's service terms and the need for tech rules. The misuse issue is tricky and could raise big legal and ethical questions. Google is ready to deal with this to promote fair platform use.

Google's Terms of Service and Compliance Mechanisms

Google's terms of service are vital for keeping ethical standards high, especially with YouTube. The company has strong policies to protect content. It makes sure everyone, including users and third parties, follows these rules clearly.

Clarity and Enforcement of Terms

Google’s terms focus on clear rules and their strict enforcement. They help protect YouTube content. Every party knows and sticks to these rules. This stops conflicts and keeps Google running smoothly.

Engagement with Companies on Compliance

Google engages with companies, like OpenAI, to ensure they follow its content protection policies. This teamwork improves understanding. It also helps companies work with Google, avoiding content misuse.

Processes to Address Non-Compliance

When rules are not followed, Google acts quickly to solve the issue. There are clear steps for handling rule breakers, enforcing copyright. This protects content and keeps Google's platforms safe and trustworthy.

Comparison Between Google and OpenAI's AI Capabilities

In the world of artificial intelligence (AI), Google and OpenAI lead the way. They introduce new AI technologies that amaze us. Their work not only shows what's possible but also sets a high standard for the future of AI.

Google's AI Overview and Project Astra

Google is always pushing technology forward with its AI projects. Project Astra, for example, plans to change how we chat with multimedia. Google aims to launch these features this year, showing how they're always looking ahead in AI.
Dolly Varden Silver Corp

OpenAI's GPT-4o and Voice Mode Features

OpenAI, on the other hand, is making waves with its ChatGPT app. The app, with its GPT-4 tech, can now have more natural voice chats and understand images. AI's ability to talk and understand us better is getting more advanced, thanks to OpenAI.
Both Google and OpenAI play key roles in AI's future. They focus on making conversations with AI more intuitive and powerful for everyone.

Industry Impact: Google's and OpenAI's AI Innovations

Tech giants like Google and OpenAI have introduced new innovations. These innovations are set to change the AI development scene. Thanks to these companies, the AI industry is evolving quickly in both what it can do and how it is used.

Impacts on AI Development Landscape

Google's Project Astra and OpenAI’s GPT-4 are leading to big changes in AI. They show us what's possible and what might come next. These new AI technologies are creating trends that make work better, boost productivity, and introduce new ways to use AI in business.

Competitiveness in AI Solutions

Google and OpenAI are in a close race to win the AI market. This battle to be the best is pushing the AI sector forward. It shows that the AI market is always changing, and having the best AI solutions is key.
Company Recent AI Innovations Market Impact
Google Project Astra AI development trends
OpenAI GPT-4 advancements AI industry influence
This race between Google and OpenAI is very important. It brings about constant improvements and high standards in the AI field. This is changing how developers, businesses, and people use AI tech.

Google's Strategic Partnerships and Ecosystem

Google has made key partnerships to boost its tech ecosystem. These collaborations help make AI tech more accessible. This includes a big link up with Apple, making Google's AI like Gemini AI work smoothly on Apple's iOS.

Collaboration with Apple

Google and Apple work together for mutual growth. Alphabet’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, highlights how this partnership is key. They aim to create tech that benefits users in both ecosystems.

Integration into iOS and Other Platforms

Putting Google's AI into iOS shows smart planning by both Google and Apple. With Gemini AI on board, iOS users get more from their tech. It also pushes others to connect their systems better, making tech life smarter for everyone.
submitted by DumbMoneyMedia to aidailynewsupdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:00 nbvalkyrie Meal planning guidance needed pls

Someone mentioned a book called "Nourishing Yourself Through Eating Disorder Recovery" or something to that effect. It was like, the "plate-by-plate" approach or something similar.
I'm broke as hell and can't buy the book right now, but I was wondering if anyone on here could explain some of the main guidelines to me. Or if you could point me to any free resources that would guide me in a similar way.
I also recently asked my psych NP to request samples from Kate Farms, which is like, supercharged Ensure that's also vegan and made of pea protein. It's for medical nutrition. They sent two boxes containing a dozen each of the vanilla 1.0 and plain 1.5, which surprised both of us to no end. I figured I might get one or two and a coupon for my next order or something. She's a nurse practitioner, not a doctor or psychiatrist or nutrition specialist, nor is she an eating disorder specialist of any kind. I'm guessing a therapist could also make the request; it just has to come from some type of medical provider. Oh and she has another client with similar issues who has Medicaid and got them to pay for a YEAR SUPPLY of the stuff. Completely covered.
I got them yesterday. My first thought was, wow, I have to tell other people about this. I mean, I can't imagine I'm the only broke bitch who also has food problems like this. I'm barely functional, but I still want to help make things better for others. And I think it's good to be reminded that some things in this world aren't awful and unfair. Sometimes you can still be surprised by generosity, and it's nice to know that this exists, that several people went out of their way to not just make and sell the product, but recognized that there was a need that wasn't being addressed: some folks with EDs or other eating and feeding issues don't have money, but they still need a product like this. They saw that, and they actually DID SOMETHING: they created a form for providers to request samples, and the samples are incredibly generous.
I'm just saying, it's good to remind yourself that not everything in the world is brutally unfair. I have to do it often in the last several months. But that is another story for another subreddit lol
My second thought was, wait, now what? Because I have these things and should probably try to use them. But I have no idea how to incorporate them into my diet. So I'm doing what any broke bitch with an internet connection would do in this day and age: I'm asking Reddit. And a few other places, but this is one of my go-to sites for certain things.
How do you all incorporate supplements like this in your recovery efforts? And I'll take all the meal planning info I can get. I'm also vegan, but that predates and exists apart from the ED shenanigans, at least for me. I recognize that some folks use that kind of diet as a mask for disordered eating, but I'm 34 and went vegan at 16. My food weirdness existed before that, but it didn't reach ED levels until I was nearly 18. Veganism has always been a matter of ethics for me, but I'm way past the point where I could be bothered to harass others about it. Inform, sure, but I think it would be pretty bonkers for me to try to tell anyone how to live and eat, when I can barely get myself to do those things lately.
Y'all, I hate this. Eating is literally a basic biological function. Plenty of idiots do it with no problem, and I can't. Bigots and other generally awful people do it all the time, zero issues, but it's my fucking kryptonite. I want to do so many things in this world and yet all my energy is going towards anorexia. I hate that I even care.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk lol
submitted by nbvalkyrie to AnorexiaRecovery [link] [comments]