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2012.02.01 20:57 brucial WTF Stock Photos

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2011.12.17 22:21 Teesra India Cricket

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2012.12.22 15:04 osirisx11 Pretty Women

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2024.06.09 22:57 yaz_yaz_yaz My Aunt still treats me like a child

Okay, for context I'm 18, so obviously I'm not fully grown, but I'm in college with a part time job, and a license, so I'm also not an unreliable helpless kid anymore. My Aunt and Uncle have acted as parents since I was 4 years old, because my biological parents were deadbeats who had me as young teenagers. I mention this because this is probably why my Aunt treats me the way that she does.
For as long as I can remember, my Aunt has been incredibly strict, and hard on me. She's set high expectations, at least higher than my peers, and expects no protesting to her decisions. Her word is law, and final. Because of this, I've always had to earn my privileges, and would easily get them taken away (believe me, they were always taken away), and this doesn't change as I've inched closer to my adulthood. My first job(15), my paychecks did not go to my own checking account, but HER account, so I actually lost a couple hundred dollars because she never gave me those checks. Every phone I've had, it's been monitored, she checks my photos, my messages, what apps I have. At one point she put parent restrictions on my phone, so I have to ask to download apps and whatnot. (This is still on my phone, but I don't fight her on it because she pays for my phone.) My second job(17), I had to fight with her to let me have my own debit card and checking account. She agreed on one condition, she was allowed to check on my account weekly and oversee all of my transactions. To this day, not a single week goes by where she doesn't judge me and lecture me for what I spend my money on.
Which brings me to my final note. I recently started online college classes, so I had to purchase a new PC. The PC I purchased entirely on my own. Monitor, pc, keyboard, mouse, I spent close to 1,000 dollars on it. I love it, it's my first time owning something so significant and expensive that I paid for with my hard earned money. Though, as soon as I get it, she says to me. "Let's make an agreement, only use the PC for school, don't play games on it or use to message your friends." At the time, I agreed, because I was genuinely under the impression that she was just saying that as advice.
Then as I'm setting my PC up, she demands that I only use my PC for school, and nothing else.And she demanded I verbally I did. Because protesting on it with only meet more aggression, knowing my Aunt, agreeance was the only way she'd leave me alone. Well, surprise surprise, I downloaded a game. Just one game, I thought "it couldn't hurt, it's a steam game, my friend bought me an account, might as well use it, right?" I didn't tell her, I knew she wouldn't agree to it, so last night I downloaded a game. I know I'm capable of focusing on my classes when I need do, and can push aside games for free time, like night time and weekends, but she's not convinced of that. She screamed at me for an hour, asking me "How dare you go behind my back and download games when we had an agreement." While the entire time in my head I'm thinking "It's my PC, though, I'm an adult, why do you have a say over what goes on my PC?" I'd understand if SHE bought it, I'd understand if I was 17! But I'm 18, I bought this PC without her financial help..why can't I do what I like on it and enjoy it? Maybe I'm just immature, I tried explaining my point of view, how I genuinely thought ONE game wouldn't hurt, that it wouldn't distract me from my classes, that I'd promise I'd do well. I know she's just trying to look out for me, give me the guidance my parents were never given, I know she wants me to be responsible and focus on my classes. Is having a game or few irresponsible on my PC in this context?
submitted by yaz_yaz_yaz to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:55 amadaonee Problem with my husband and in-laws after giving birth

I am going through an extremely difficult period with my husband and I desperately need help and advice.
It all started in my postpartum period when he insisted on having visits from his family, something I absolutely did not want.
When our daughter was born, I allowed his family to visit at the hospital because I wanted him to be able to introduce the baby to his family and to avoid the constant barrage of messages asking, "When can we visit the baby?"
As soon as we got home from the hospital, we didn’t even have two hours of peace before his mother and sister were back. That day, I thought the visit would be short, but they stayed until late at night. My husband made dinner for them, and they only left around 10 PM. I felt invaded and disrespected, but I still thought that would be the end of the constant visits and that we would finally have some time just for us, me, him, and our daughter.
I desperately needed that time. I had a vaginal delivery, better than expected, but still resulted in a 1st-degree tear requiring 11 internal stitches. I needed time to rest and heal, but also to get to know my daughter without interruptions, to adapt to this new and challenging phase of motherhood.
However, I was completely wrong. In the weeks that followed, his family wanted to come to our house every week. I tried to say no to my husband, but he simply wouldn’t respect me. I was in despair.
It’s important to note that neither his mother nor his sister are the type to come over to help. Every time, even when I was pregnant, we had to cook for them, and they didn’t even wash the dishes. They would sit on the couch, waiting for us to serve them coffee, tea, or dinner. They never offered to help with my daughter’s clothes or any other household task, and I never asked because, honestly, I didn’t want them here.
When my daughter was 8 days old, they wanted to come over at 9 PM. From that point on, the disagreements became unbearable. That day, I stood my ground and said it wasn’t a time for visits, that I was resting on the couch with my sleeping daughter, and I didn’t want anyone there. My husband didn’t respect me and even told me to go to the bedroom because they were coming anyway. That was the last straw for me. I tried to explain to him what I was going through, that even though our baby was waking up 2-3 times a night, I was exhausted, my breasts were full of milk, and he saw the whole process of my stitches.
Even so, he didn’t respect me. The following weeks were a real hell, and I started making excuses, but he always argued with me. Once, he even cursed at me, and his mother came over anyway. That day, I was already drained, exhausted, and couldn’t take it anymore. On top of all that, when our daughter was born, I didn’t post any pictures on social media and asked no one else to. I informed my family, who understood immediately, but his mother posted personal pictures of our daughter on Facebook without our permission. She said she tried to call us, but since we didn’t answer, she just posted them.
I felt tremendously disrespected and invaded again. The inconvenient visits, the smell of cigarette smoke, passing my baby from hand to hand without asking me how I felt, it was all too much. My husband said he talked to his mother, but I never received an apology and the photos were never removed.
I didn’t want to see her anymore. We never had a good relationship. When I got pregnant, it took her weeks to congratulate me, and she even sent messages to my husband calling me horrible things. She said he was raised to take care of needy people, and that’s why he was attracted to me.
She showed up, and we had already been arguing for two days about her visit. When I saw her car pull into the driveway, I simply snapped and told him, "I don’t want her here, and I don’t want her staying late as she always does. Tell her, or I will. Enough!"
She arrived at 2 PM, my baby was sleeping, and I was lying on the couch. I didn’t want any dialogue with her, I couldn’t even look at her. She made comments like, “You’re not tired, right? She sleeps well at night.” “You’re very lucky, the second one is never this calm.” Hours passed, she started bringing up her problems, began to cry. It was already 7 PM, and I hadn’t eaten all day, refusing to use my rest time to prepare any meal for her.
I told my husband it was time for her to leave, that I needed to rest. He started making dinner, but at the same time, he had to console his mother outside, who was smoking and crying about problems from over 10 years ago.
At 9 PM, my daughter woke up crying, they were outside smoking, dinner hadn’t even started, and I decided to make dinner with my 20-day-old daughter crying in my arms. I called him in front of his mother, handed him our daughter to soothe, and told his mother that I wanted her to leave, that it wasn’t the time or place for this, that I needed to rest. I even mentioned the Facebook photo, exploding with rage and exhaustion. All I heard was, “Thank you for letting me know.”
She left. I made some pasta, gulped it down, and put my daughter to sleep. I couldn’t look at my husband’s face.
After that, he began to understand because he had never seen me lose my temper like that. But at that moment, any respect for him started to die inside me. When I thought they would finally understand and give me some space, I was wrong again. The next week, they started messaging me directly, asking about visits. I made countless excuses because I didn’t want to deal with them. My baby wasn’t even two months old...
They came over other times, all horrible. They would take my daughter without permission, doing it quickly out of fear of my reaction. When his sister brought her 3-year-old son over, without asking, she placed my 1-month-old daughter in his lap. I watched, feeling like dying inside, asking my husband to intervene, and he simply did nothing. He just asked them to put a pillow in his lap. It was extremely distressing.
So many violations seriously affected my relationship with him and his family, which was already not good. I told him I was feeling bad and didn’t want any more visits, that I was almost falling into postpartum depression and needed rest. That’s when he started to respect me. A friend of mine said she would visit me for a weekend, coincidentally on my husband’s birthday weekend.
I asked him not to have a celebration at home because our daughter would be only two months old, and I thought it would be too much to handle a party at home with her. Once again, zero understanding. He arranged a family lunch. He worked a few days before his birthday and couldn’t buy anything, so there I was with a two-month-old baby buying everything for his birthday. As if buying everything wasn’t enough, I also had to cook on the day. I woke up early, and thank God my friend was here to help me cook and take care of my daughter, while he cleaned the house to receive his family.
Detail: He scheduled the family to come at 12 PM and woke up at 10 AM when I called him, I was already completely stressed out.
After cooking all morning, with no time to shower and get ready, the family arrived. My daughter’s naps were totally messed up, and I was desperate because I didn’t want anyone from his family holding her. Unable to escape, his sister took her, passed her to his mother, who started with comments like, “I think she’s too hot.” “I think she’s not feeling well.” I was losing my patience.
He noticed, took our daughter and tried to put her to sleep. She slept, we set the food on the table, and she woke up. I went to get her, try to put her back to sleep, and everyone started eating without waiting for me, celebrating his birthday without me and our daughter. My friend, embarrassed, got up from the table and said she would wait for me to eat and came to keep me company.
I was hurt, as if all that wasn’t enough. When I went to eat, I exploded, saying that it was incredibly disrespectful. I told him in front of everyone, causing a huge argument and ruining his birthday.
After that, it became clear that I was at my limit. He stopped forcing the situation. Now, instead of receiving messages about them coming to our house, they started messaging me to go to their house. I had already made enough excuses, I told him I didn’t want to go anywhere, I just wanted peace.
And yet, here we are, in this cycle of disrespect, sadness, anger, and disappointment, trying to find a solution to a problem that seems never-ending.
When things finally started to settle down and our daughter turned 3 months old, he came with another demand: he wanted his sister and nephew to sleep at our house. Detail: they live only 30 minutes away. I said no, suggesting he go sleep over there with them, since our daughter was starting to establish a routine and I didn’t want to disrupt that. I can't stand serving his family anymore, and it gives me chills to think about doing it for an entire weekend, with no need, and still having to take care of our daughter and maintain her routine.
The arguments continue. Now, with our daughter 3 months and 3 weeks old, he still insists on asking if they can come over two weeks ago, we went to my sister-in-law’s house to celebrate my nephew’s birthday, just us, because the party wouldn’t be appropriate for a 3-month-old baby.) Even so, I suggested that he visit them instead of bringing them here, because I didn’t want to deal with this situation anymore.
I am completely traumatized. My mother even quit her job to come help me and meet her granddaughter, but I can’t have a civilized conversation with him anymore. I am full of anger and can’t forgive him for not respecting my time with our daughter.
There is much more to this story, but this is just a summary. I am at my limit. The only solution I can see is asking for a divorce.
Please, I need some advice. Am I overreacting? I am completely alone and desperate. My support network is zero, and I don’t know what to do.
submitted by amadaonee to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:54 RustGuitar Will playing this CD ruin my car stereo?

Will playing this CD ruin my car stereo?
Hi, everyone, a new member here. I'll be more than happy to share my collection with you, but I've got a tech question first (sorry if this is off-topic). I found an old burned copy of Kill 'Em All by Metallica that was my introduction to the album 17 years ago, and was wondering if it would work despite the damage you see in the attached photo. Turns out it works, so I thought to check whether it would be fine for me to use it in my car stereo without damaging it or the other CDs that I usually play in it. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by RustGuitar to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:53 IAmAloneTomorrow Silent block on Romeo?

I tried to post this on grindr but I guess their moderation is unforgiving (I am not enough on Reddit).
So yeah, obviously not Grindr related, but not too far away.
Anyways I was chatting with two unrelated guys that I've seen for a long time on Romeo. I highly doubt they are fake, maybe just a pinch over my league. I sent them my photos, they sent me theirs, showed some interest. But ever since that chat, they weren't online, or at least it seems so. One of them is now 5 and the other 2 days without being online. So I don't know if they can block me so I am unaware of it, or maybe it's just a coincidence.
submitted by IAmAloneTomorrow to AskGaybrosOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:52 Ireland7719 Does anyone else think QVC is going downhill fast

My Mom has watched QVC forever, and I used to make fun of her big time for it. Then I’d see Valerie Parr Hill Christmas stuff and started ordering. Then I started ordering Isaac and then Kim, etc. Soon I became a QVC regular and my Mom and i regularly watch it together now.
I’ve noticed that a few things seem to have changed recently and not for the better, which honestly makes me sad because QVC time with my Mom had become a real comfort.
On QVC 2….they don’t even seem to bother having hosts half the time now. I turn it on and the brand ambassador etc from the Vendors are the ones presenting on zoom with no host at all. It’s boring and there is no fun in it. Do they really need to save on talent costs that badly?
The products…. I feel like things that used to be reasonable are now very overpriced. From designers to food, the prices seem outrageous. I know there is inflation but it seems excessive.
The Age of Possibility….. I’m seriously bored by this now. I think that giving women over 50 the chance to feel good is a nice idea. But I kind of feel like QVC already catered to a slightly older audience. And I can’t get through a show now without it being mentioned or Mally shrieking about it.
Jennifer Coffey’s wedding….This was the jumping the shark moment for me. I am not a fan of Jenn’s ersonally but I wish her well and am happy that someone found love later in life.bit But her wedding shower was for me, over the top, tacky and embarrassing. The other hosts besides Kirsten seemed mortified to be there and the groom looked uncomfortable. It was awkward tv.
I don’t know if there are new producers or decisions have made to go in a new direction but it’s losing its charm to me.
submitted by Ireland7719 to QVC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:50 peeweeprincess Update on hating being single

Walked home crying after a party mainly because I had been drinking all day but also because I felt sad about not having a boyfriend
I also found out recently that my second boyfriend in a row was having a tawdry affair. This time there was plenty of trashy photo evidence that I found when going through his phone. Last time one of the other women messaged me on instagram with the details
Thankfully when I woke up so hungover today and remembered my desperate plea to the sub, my DMs had some pretty funny selfies and messages from others suffering with prangs of horniness and loneliness
submitted by peeweeprincess to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:50 FearlessGiraffe2265 I don’t know what to do anymore

Sorry for my errors, English in not MY first language. My(15f) dad(44m) is making my life miserable. For a background I come from Albania but we decided to move to Italy because life back then in Albania wasn’t one of the best, but this thing as gotten in my fathers head in the wrong way.
My father who was born in Albania had a very difficult life with problems and 0 chances of success, but he always managed to bring something home by busting his ass for him and his parents. He never had a good life until he moved here to Italy where he found a job that makes him earn a lot and therefore money is no longer a problem, the real problem is his mentality. Having had a disgusting childhood and having married a woman introduced by his parents, he always thought that: 1. Women are beneath everyone and they have to be supported by a man and that they can't do much. 2.Without studying you are a donkey and have no future in life and will be destined to live like a homeless person. 3. the fact that he got married to the first woman he came across and had no experiences of having girls before her, he thinks that (in this case being female is even worse) someone must only have a person who can love and take things with them to the end(which i also Thank it like this if i have to be honest).
The fact is that I found the best boy (16m) in the world, we understand each other and he respects me in every way possible and soon we will be together for 8 months, but my dad discovered us and dragged me home with force, the Moment we arrived he told me how much I disgusted him and that I get with the first random guy and that I will ruin my life and he doesn't give a damn because only money is important to him. Another negative aspect is the fact that I failed this year but I know I worked hard but not enough and for this reason I already feel like crap but I also recognize the fact that this school was not suitable for me. I felt bad about it for days but I always told myself that life doesn't end here right? Well, when my dad found out, my point of view changed a lot. He told me that for him I'm rubbish who doesn't know what I'm doing, that for him I'm also someone who would give to the first Albanian man who wants to marry, that someone like me now that she's a year behind doesn't deserve to live and that I am simply a disgrace in his eyes and that he would prefer not to have me around anymore (just to say, here there are schools for those who are a little more fortunate financially where they make you do two years in one, basically me who failed in my first year of high school I would make up this year and the second both together and then once I have completed this study round I will start directly with the third and therefore I will be able to pass like all my friends). I always put up with everything he said to me because at the end of the day we are a family right? This time I don't know if I will be able to get over it though, I don't understand why I always have to live under the pressure of being judged or the fact that I can get in trouble by being happy. I just want to be a normal 15 year old girl who has fun with her friends, who has someone who loves her and if I may say I think I'm a good girl. I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't go out partying , I simply have a circle of friends, a boyfriend and a bike with which I go around and have fun while we eat ice cream. The desire to disappear is really high and I don't understand if I really did something so wrong and if I suck so bad, I really have to understand if my dad was right in telling me those things. In the end of the day I always have to put MY feelings away be cause for my dad I can’t have problems and if i am sad i better do something to make it stop, i just want to be happy, sincerely. Do I deserve all of this?
submitted by FearlessGiraffe2265 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:49 PassengerEvery9333 45 [M4F] #Nottingham - Your little secret

As you walk apprehensively down my road, you can hardly believe you’re really going through with this. Your heart is pounding, and you’re trembling uncontrollably with a mixture of nerves and excitement. Part of you wants to back out, but the thought of how proud you’ll feel afterwards for overcoming your trepidation and fulfilling such a naughty fantasy keeps you walking until you reach my front door.
Summoning up every last drop of courage, you knock tentatively, and after what feels like an interminable wait, I open the door and our eyes meet for the first time. As you step inside, I close the door gently behind you and, without a word, you take a deep breath and drop to your knees. The realisation that you’re already past the point of no return gives you a sudden feeling of liberation, so, gazing up at me and biting your lip, you start unbuckling my belt…
Within seconds my jeans are round my ankles and there’s a noticeable bulge in my boxer shorts. You murmur in appreciation as you impatiently yank them down, springing my rapidly-stiffening cock free. A couple of strokes with your hands ensures that it’s rock hard as you take it into your wet mouth.
It sudden dawns on you that you’re finally really doing it - giving a complete stranger a blowjob. The blood courses through your veins and your nipples harden as you warm to your task, slipping my cock in and out of your mouth, polishing the end with your tongue as you wank the shaft like in those videos you watch. You’re determined to seize the opportunity to showcase all your talents, and you undo a few more of the buttons on your blouse so that I can see your bra and flushed chest.
Before long your skills begin to have the desired effect on me, and you can feel my cock and balls start to pulse. You take my cock out of your mouth and look up at me, smiling, as you prepare for the inevitable, hoping that you’ve succeeded in summoning up a big load…
As you walk back down the street afterwards, you’re almost skipping with the thrill of knowing what you’ve just done. What would your friends, family and colleagues say if they found out? But you know that this is your slutty little secret.

Thanks to Reddit I've been lucky enough to fulfil variations on this fantasy in the past (happy to discuss if you're interested), but I'm always looking to meet new people so I'm posting again!
I have my own place in Nottingham (West Bridgford) so I can host, or happy to travel a reasonable distance (Derby, Leicester, Sheffield, etc.). Also happy to meet in public first if that makes you feel more comfortable.
I'm white, 45, 6'1", average build, clean, discreet, easy-going and respectful.
I particularly enjoy meeting up with women who are inexperienced, shy, etc., so if that's you then please get in touch. Uni students/young professionals to the front of the queue!
submitted by PassengerEvery9333 to MidlandsUK_r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:46 ASongOf-Ice-Fire-and TWOW Prologue Theory and Fan-Fic, 2 of 3

Hi, I am new here and I am posting for the first time. Please let me know if I am breaking any rules here so I can re-do it. It is one full chapter, but because it is so long, I broke into three parts.
This is a theory for the actual Prologue of The Winds of Winter. Please enjoy. This is Part 2 of 3.
The Winds of Winter
[Part 1]
My king. The sad memories faded into blurred flashbacks.
Olyvar cherished the sweet time as his grace’s squire. Though two years older, it made no matter. A warrior king was training Olyvar the way of knighthood, almost any boy’s dream. He remembered on slow days, Robb Stark would spend time with him, teaching the art of the long sword and shield. He can still remember the cloudy day at the Crag’s courtyard and his Northern accent as he swung his blade at the squire. “Keep your shield up Olyvar. Keep it up.”
“It’s too heavy.” Olyvar replied as Robb swung on.
“If it wasn’t heavy, it wouldn’t stop a sword. So get it up.”
They sparred and sparred in the courtyard. Robb Stark was dancing with him, hilts in hands. After he knocked Olyvar to the dirt for the twentieth time, he lifted him back up.
“Come, drive at me.” Robb then grabbed Olyvar gently by the back of his neck. “Look Olly, keep your shield up or I’ll ring your head like a bell.”
Olyvar never forgot that moment, his Grace’s right-hand touch, the way Robb looked into his eyes and called him ‘Olly’. No one has ever called him that and he liked it very much. They continued to dance. Rain began to fall, turning dirt into mud. Olyvar darted at him. Robb stepped aside, deflecting the stab off his shield and twirled around forward in a natural motion, his cloak spinning in the air. Before Olyvar knew it, Robb had his rear, his sword ready to thrust or slash any part of him. He glanced back and knew he was lost. The dance paused there and Olyvar turned around to meet Robb’s beautiful blue eyes. He could melt in them.
“You had me your Grace.”
“Come Olly, it’s your turn.” A winter wind came blowing in from across the sea. A breeze lingered there, brushed Robb’s auburn hair. “Now, dance with me!”
It almost felt like a sin to be as excited as Olly was at that moment.
“I’ll drive to you now. Try to do what I just did. In mud like this, don’t forget to plant your foot before each movement. And remember, you have to keep your shield up.”
As Olyvar and Robb got into their positions, his older half-nephew Ser Ryman Frey suddenly appeared and intervened. He grabbed Olyvar like a little green boy and pulled him towards the exit. NO! Olyvar’s word caught in his mouth.
Robb spoke up for him. “What are you doing? Olyvar is my squire and a grown man. He can do what he wants and speaks for himself.”
“My grandfather has declared a suspension of your alliance with House Frey,” Ryman said. “You have broken a sacred vow. If you would not have his daughter or granddaughter as your queen, you certainly cannot have his son as your squire.”
Robb was expecting Olyvar to say something, but the squire froze. More Frey guardsmen came in and dragged him away from the courtyard, his heels lifeless on the ground, leaving twin mud tracks on his departure. Robb stared at him sweet, sad, and silent. A bolt of lightning flashed across the rainy skies, its reflection off the King’s sword blinding Olyvar. That was the last time he saw Robb alive.
When news of his King returning to the Twins for the wedding between Lord Edmure Tully and his sister Roslin, Olyvar could not contain his excitement, to hear the voice of his call.
Since that rainy courtyard day, Olyvar had been on his own for long enough. He hoped maybe Robb could show him again that dance that he loved. Maybe. Olyvar had been going through withdrawals. Not seeing his Grace was just too much. He could turn me on with the slightest touch. But since the Red Wedding, Olyvar’s courtyard has been cold and empty. F\ck anyone who judges me. He couldn’t see clearly now that Robb was forever gone. Olyvar was still blinded by Robb’s last light. He couldn’t sleep, still yearning for his touch. In his heart, rain constantly fell, drowning him in the nights. I was his squire, Olyvar cried as his soul twisted. And I failed him. I was the only one that night he could trust.*
After the slaughter, Merrett Frey, a kin of his, greeted him as he released Olyvar from the dungeons. “I’m sorry Olyvar that we had to lock you up, Perwyn and Alesander too. But you must do your duty for your family. You are a Frey, a man of an honorable house. This stain left by Robb Stark and his b*tch mother Catelyn Tully should not go unpunished. Lady Catelyn also killed Jinglebells. She even japed ‘a son for a son to our Lord father as she slit his throat.”
A son for a son. Olyvar Frey looked at Merrett sullenly, his voice choking up, “I must go for a walk.” Olyvar walked and walked … passing the burnt tents, passing the dead soldiers with Northern and Riverland sigils sewn on their garments, and passing Grey Wind’s headless body. He was far enough from home, but he could still hear the cheap cheers of the Frey and Bolton soldiers.
He fell to his knees and began to cry. My king. My sweet king. Olyvar swore vengeance. Though he will never consider kinslaying as it was a curse among the gods, it would not stop him from facilitating others who seek revenge against his own family, the ones who were directly involved.
Suddenly at the side of the river, a dying man was crawling towards him. Soaked in water, mud and blood, he cried out in a ghastly voice “Olyvar!”
“Who, who are you?” Olyvar sprinted to aid and for recognition. “Raynald?” Without hesitation Olyvar replied, “My brother!” He placed himself under Raynald’s shoulder and lifted him up. “We need to find a maester.”
On the way back to camp, Olyvar and Raynald encountered two sentries of his Frey household guards, far from any other eyes can see.
“So what do you have here my Lord Olyvar?” one asked.
“A dying lone wolf? Let us put him out of his misery,” the other replied as they stared at Ser Raynald Westerling’s dampened seashell surcoat.
Olyvar lowered himself and laid Ser Raynald on the ground, and arose in a tone cold as stone. “No. Not a lone wolf.”
Olyvar unsheathed his sword and killed both Frey guards before they could reach their weapons. He then swapped Raynald’s wet Westerling clothing for one of the dead men, and found a maester.
Ser Raynald Westerling stayed with Olyvar at the Twins under disguise. He even trimmed off his brushy moustache. Weeks later after Ray had fully healed, he asked Olyvar to go with him to look for Maege Mormont and Galbart Glover at their secret hideout, as per the original plan before the wedding.
One night, Olyvar Frey simply walked out of the Twins again, this time with Ray. No one would care where Olyvar was going. Truth be told, his Frey family would be more content if more spawnlings of their lord father would leave the castle to find their own destiny, especially if they were unlikely heirs deep behind the line of succession.
Aboard one of the Northern galleys floating outside of Seagard, the Seashell Knight had to explain how this son of Walder Frey earned his trust, as Lady Mormont held Olyvar by the throat with a dagger. The skin around her eyes had been raked and blackened with tears and nails, her teeth bit with furious anger. She had been like this for weeks. Olyvar stared at her face and he felt like he could die here and now, if that was what it meant for Lady Mormont to forgive him, as he knows no gold would ever substitute for her grief. “I am sorry about your daughter Dacey. I lost my brother too. Benfred was a good man, I swear to you by all the gods old and new, that he did not have a part in the slaughter. Benfred would have done everything he could to grab an innocent woman like Dacey, and bring her safe from harm.” Olyvar meant it.
Mormont sheathed her dagger, her hands still shaking. “I’ll kill them all! Anyone who was a part of this!”
“No.” Olyvar replied. “We have to get the girls back. And then you can kill them all.”
At the siege of Riverrun, Olyvar Frey freely roamed Ryman’s uncoordinated camp. No one cared. One night alone, he swam across the moat and climbed up the castle with spikes. Only thirty feet up, the Tully guards had heard him clanking and aimed their crossbows from above. “Identify yourself!”
He whispered, “I am Olyvar Frey, son of Walder Frey, former squire to his King, Robb Stark. I come unarmed and offer myself as a hostage. I know the Blackfish, please let him know I am here.”
“Stay where you are.”
Olyvar clung to the castle’s wall half way down to death and half way up to forgiveness. Finally Ser Brynden Tully appeared and told Olyvar to come up quietly. As Olyvar threw himself over the parapet and onto the floor, the Blackfish kicked away his spikes and immediately kneed his body to the ground, holding a dagger at his throat. Shit, not again! Damn this mayhaps, why was I unblessed to be born a Frey?
“What are you doing here, Olyvar Frey?” Ser Tully demanded.
Olyvar told them the truth and handed him Lady Maege’s letter from a waterproof compartment in his garment. The letter was coded with secret words that he and she only knew. The Blackfish cracked the seal, unrolled the parchment and read. Afterwards he released the grip from the bottom and the message curled up on its own, eager to protect the secrets.
“The paper curls, at least you didn’t try to deceive me with the age of the parchment.” He then asked Olyvar, “So, you killed some of your own men did you?”
“To save Ser Westerling, yes.” The Blackfish looked at his eyes and nodded in approval. “May I see her now?” Olyvar inquired.
The Tully guards led Olyvar to her room. Some left the area, but others stayed and watched, still suspicious of the unarmed Frey. She was in her solar, knitting her needle works. He fell down to one knee towards his niece-in-law (by Olyvar’s brother-in-law, Lord Edmure Tully), “My Queen.”
“Olyvar!” Without a hint of hesitation or mistrust, she dropped her needle, ran towards him, and wrapped her loose skinny arms strongly under his’. She poured her heart, soul and grief-filled life into a Rose By the name of Olyvar Frey. He reciprocated, placing his arms around her shoulders as Jeyne Westerling-Stark continued to hold tight. Her orange sized breasts pushed against his chest, as the Queen’s chestnut mop of brown hair sat below Olyvar’s clean-shaven chin.
“Robb.” It was all she needed to say as they shared a sob. Nothing hurt more than that moment when he shared the same pain with Jeyne. Olyvar dipped his head to hers, their salty tears finally uniting and slowly dancing together as their faces pressed cheek to cheek.
“He is in the heavens now, I believe, singing from above.” Olyvar prayed. “He will be waiting for us. No doubt we will see him again some day, but we must make him wait.”
“I miss him so much,” Jeyne cried. She was always cheerful with Olyvar since they first met. Though he was curious whether she truly loved Robb or just wanted to be a queen, she has repeatedly been kind to him, so sweet. She never intervened when Robb trained Olyvar at swordplay and he was grateful for that. When they wed, Olyvar knew Robb could never be his brother, but Jeyne did not seem to mind letting him continue to squire beside her much younger brother, Rollam Westerling. Robb had allowed Olyvar to protect the queen sometimes, along with the other household guards, though he was still training at arms. Olyvar and Jeyne would talk constantly, mostly about their King. Even when Jeyne rambles about him, she would always shy away from talking about Robb’s bed manners. But Olyvar insisted he did not mind hearing it. Jeyne felt like a sister to him, just as much or more as Roslin.
“I miss him too,” Olyvar replied. “Did you really love him?”
She cried a little bit louder and squeezed Olyvar even harder. “With all my heart.”
Olyvar wanted to confess too, but he could not do it here, not with everyone watching. He only hoped Jeyne would ask him the same, and she did. “Did you really love him, Olyvar?”
He tightened his grip on Jeyne’s shoulders. “More than you ever know.”
She gently reached for his hands and lowered them. “Olyvar, you were his squire. He is gone now. But you still have a duty to us. You must protect us. We must never separate again. Promise me Olyvar. Promise me.”
“No. I cannot. Not yet. I must leave you, just this one last time, for your safety and your family’s.”
“You are part of my family,” the Queen proclaimed. Tears rolled down again, their hands still held together at their hips.
“I need to leave Riverrun tonight. And I promise you, we will reunite again and I will keep you safe.”
They talked for hours about the good times, the horror, and what the future lies. They talked about Robb, crying to the sadness of him, exulting at his bravery and his glories, laughing at the silly juvenile things the teenager king did to entertain them, and about falling in love with him all over again. And then they cried some more.
Later on that night, Ser Brynden visited Jeyne and Olyvar, with Lady Eleyna and Lady Sybell watching. “Olyvar, you were the King’s squire and though he is no longer with us, you are still owed a knighthood. Let the gods curse me if I ever knighted a Frey, but you are no Frey I have ever known. What you are about to do would be considered treason to your family.”
“But my lord father was treasonous to my King. I do not get to choose my father or which family I was born into. But here right now, is the family I want to be with.”
“Will you honor your new family? Will you honor your duty to your late King, his Queen and his House, the Starks of Winterfell?”
“I do,” Olyvar replied with pride.
The Blackfish unsheathed his sword, the blade alive with moonlight gleaming from the window balcony. “Shit I think I’m doing this wrong. I was supposed to say that later. Anyways, kneel Olyvar Frey.”
Olyvar got to one knee as Queen Stark and all the others watched. Ser Brynden Tully, the legendary warrior Blackfish, placed the flat of his sword on Olyvar’s shoulder.
“I charge you to be brave and … aww shit the knighting words escape me. I’m embarrassing myself. Anyways um. Family! Honor! Duty!” He placed the blade on the other shoulder. “Shit, I forgot the rest of the speech. Forgive me. But Olyvar of House Frey, I name you a knight! Now rise!”
And arose the new knight stood, and proud he was. King Robb Stark could have never fulfilled his promise of a knighthood, but it was his father that took it away from him. But being knighted by the Blackfish was more than anything Olyvar wanted right now, besides keeping Queen Jeyne and his family safe. To him, it was forgiveness.
The Queen approached him with a longsword in scabbard, flat on both hands. “Our late King had a gift for you Ser Olyvar Frey, at least he would have wanted you to have it.”
Before Ser Olyvar received it, he already knew what it was. Robb’s sword. “No, I cannot. I am unworthy of this gift, his Grace’s sword.”
“This is King Robb Stark’s sword, and I am his Queen wife. I charge you to protect your family with his own sword.”
Queen Jeyne Stark made an offer that Ser Olyvar cannot refuse. He took the sword from her forgiving hands.
“What will you call it?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
“A name. Robb never named his sword. But a good sword should have a good name.”
“I was told by my half-brothers that only cun–, I mean only women name their swords. I will let you name it, my Grace. How should we honor our late King Robb Stark?”
“It is honor,” Jeyne replied.
Confused, Olyvar asked, “What is honor?”
“A sword. This sword.”
Before the sun had dawned, Ser Olyvar Frey with Honor slung on his back, climbed down the castle walls with rope, swam under the moat again, and departed the birthplace of his King, Robb Stark, as a knight.
He returned to the Twins, keeping his knighthood a secret. When Riverrun had fallen to Ser Jaime Lannister, Edmure Tully had agreed to be a prisoner at Casterly Rock. Roslin Tully volunteered to join her husband, giving them a chance to raise a family together, even as hostages. Olyvar, their brother Perwyn and half-nephew Alesander all agreed to escort Lady Tully to the Westerlands. Although they told their half-family they would take the land-route for their journey; Olyvar, Perwyn, Alesander and Roslin had a different Frey destiny in mind. After the Kingslayer’s threat to Roslin’s unborn child, there was no day they would ever stay at Casterly Rock nor return to the Twins. They departed for the coast and reunited with Ser Brynden Tully, Lady Maege Mormont and Lord Galbart Glover aboard the Motherfunker.
Before Ser Brynden escaped Riverrun alone, he and Lord Tully reviewed all their options during Edmure’s short visit. An escape on land had many risks to be recaptured or killed, but at sea it was far fewer … and having a faster ship helped. They would allow Edmure and Jeyne to be peacefully escorted by their captors to Casterly Rock as hostages, only to be rescued from the shoreline. Lady Sybell Spicer swore her brother Ser Rolph would lead the way inside the caves. “Honor, not honors,” were House Westerling’s words. And Robb Stark showed more honor to Lady Sybell’s family than any of the other Westermen could. King Robb made her daughter a Queen, while King Tommen gifted Ser Rolph with the cursed ruins of Castamere from the notorious Lannister song. This honor was more of an insult than a reward.
One night aboard the Motherfunker, Olyvar took out a fresh new flat parchment to write a letter that was meant for his father. He held his feathered quill upright, but did not know how to start. He was fidgeting as he stared up around his cabin. He began to tap the pointy end of the quill and pricked his other hand by chance. Frey blood began to trickle from the wound along with a stinging pain. Cashing in on the moment, he then knew what to say. He dipped the blood smeared quill into the black inkpot, and began to pour his soul & anger onto the kin he no longer wanted.
Father, I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that is real. The needle tears a hole. This old familiar family sting. I try to forget it all the way. But I remember everything. I find myself asking … “What have I become? My sweetest King? Will everyone I love go away in the end?” And Father, you can have it all. My empire of dirt. I will let you down. I will make it hurt. If I could start again, many miles back at home that night. To save my King, I would sacrifice myself. I would find a way. Your son Olyvar.
He rolled the parchment and laid a tablespoon of wax from his tallow candle at the edge. Olyvar pressed the button with his bleeding thumb, filling the stamp in a marble of white, red and pink; sealing it with his own blood. He placed the rolled parchment in his breast pocket, hoping to leave it somewhere in Casterly Rock and eventually reaching his father’s hands.
On the deck of the Motherfunker a few nights before … crewmen, Riverlands and Northern loyalists sang, drank, and cheered to the music of the masterplan. Though most wanted to spill blood to avenge the Red Wedding, humiliating their enemies would be the sweeter revenge: the story that sings in songs. But not all were there for vengeance. Some were just there for the adventure.
The Captain of the Motherfunker was there for the honor of joining their song. He wanted to look into the eyes of the lion, be a part of the thrill of the fight, rising up against our rivals. He also owed Ser Rolph Spicer a favor from their long smuggling history together at sea. If he helped rescue his niece Jeyne from the rocky castle, he would consider the debt paid, and the Black Sparrow was happy to oblige.
“So we are here to rescue this princess? No?” Samullu spoke in the broken Common Tongue
“No, not a princess, she is a queen,” Olyvar chatted.
“In the Summer Isles, a princess and a widowed queen is the same person. My father was king, but he died when I was a babe. My princess mother was the one who raised me after my uncle took the throne. I loved my mother. I named my swanship for her after she died a few years ago.”
“Motherfunker?” Olyvar asked. “What is a funker?”
“Where I am from, fighting and dancing is called the same thing. We call it funk. We funk to fight, we funk to dance, and we also funk to love. And the skill of our funk we always inherit from our mother’s side. I got it from my mama.” The black single-eyed captain pleaded. “Yo got yo from yo mama too. ‘Motherfunker’ is just a homage to one’s mother for giving us this art of our body’s motions.”
Olyvar never knew his mother, but he was very intrigued to hear more about Samullu’s and their culture. They chatted for quite a while.
Olyvar thanked him for helping them. But Samullu insisted it was the right thing to do after hearing about the horrors of the Red Wedding. “The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers! And yo will know I am the Captain when I lay my vengeance upon thee!”
Olyvar never knew the Black Sparrow was so pious to the gods of avengers.
Sharing rum together, Olyvar sung to him about his own story in depth. Captain Black Sparrow was impressed about his journey so far and he gave Olyvar a small jar of dirt. “This is soil from my empire back in the Summer Isle. I have a whole barrel of it to remind me of home. Here, take this other small gift as well.” He then took out a bird’s feather, long as a flute, bright and colorful. “We Summer Isle people have feathered cloaks, yo see it on all of us. But feathers like this one were meant for some of the bravest and baddest motherfunkers out there. I want yo to take it Ser Olyvar. Let it be yo warrior’s funk.”
Olyvar took it with his hand and gave it a warm stare. The feather was colored like a fading rainbow top to bottom, but the stem was yellow like a lemon. “Thank you.” The gifts were quite odd. By value it was not much, but it seemed like it meant a lot to the exiled prince, the type of gifts worth remembering.
“So what do yo need besides a miracle?” Samullu asked.
“Weapons. Bows and arrows. Lots of arrows.” Olyvar was serious.
“Aye, and I have a lot. Yo know, no one has ever done anything like what yo and the Blackfish’s men are about to do.”
“And that is why it will work.”
The plan was to allow Lord Edmure Tully and Queen Jeyne Stark to safely travel to Casterly Rock unmolested, under the command of Ser Forley Prester and his four hundred men. Lord Gawen Westerling and his son Rollam were to return to the Crag, but Lady Sybell was to stay with Jeyne, maintaining what deceptions she can conjure. Her bluff with Ser Jaime Lannister worked, earning the slightest trust from them before their escape at Casterly Rock. An attempt to rescue them on their path down the River Road would invite the Lannisters to execute the hostages on the spot, failing the objective’s purpose. To stealthily hunt down each soldier one by one would have proven even then, a mission of the impossible. Stirring fear in the hearts of the Lannister soldiers was the only solution, the effective psychological weapon. Ser Prester’s men have been haunted by the ghosts of the Brotherhood without Banners throughout the Riverlands, and the Blackfish would use that to his advantage. With the help of their fastest horse, Bubbles, mounted by Justin Smallister, a distant cousin to House Mallister of Seagard, he would tie empty nooses on trees ahead of Ser Forley’s route. The hope of the hoax would keep the Lannisters on edge, making it difficult to rest. Only when they reached the castle of Casterly Rock, they would drop their guards down, thinking the hard part was over. But on the exact evenfall on the day of their arrival, Lord Gawen Westerling and our small land forces, hidden in the eastern woods outside, would sound the trumpets and drums, drawing the weary soldiers to arms again. But the Blackfish was to infiltrate Casterly Rock from the western sea. Ser Rolph Spicer, our secret agent inside, will bond with Jeyne’s guards, drinking with them throughout their journey. Only on the hour of the escape, Ser Spicer would drug the guards’ ale, allowing them to fall asleep during the diversionary music. The Blackfish and his squad would provide armed escort, if needed. Ser Spicer would also help them navigate inside the caves, rescuing his niece Jeyne and their family back to the Motherfunker. By then, it would be too dark for the Lannisters to give chase into the ocean, if they even realized Queen Stark had flown off.
“I need twenty good men,” the Blackfish had demanded. A few hundreds of the remaining Stark loyalists and outlaws gathered at the docks, where the Motherfunker was anchored.
“And one more woman too!” the She-Bear crone proclaimed.
The men laughed in agreement as Ser Brynden continued. “I need volunteers only. Soldiers who want this fate to f*ck them from behind in their arses! For the twenty one of us, we will be in harm’s way, make no mistake about it. I do not expect us to be discovered, but if we were, our escape will not be easy like our brothers working the diversion in the woods. I need men quick on their feet, proficient with the bow, and skilled at close-quarter hand-to-hand combat. Who are my brave men that will be knocking on the Lannister’s doors?”
Ser Olyvar Frey thundered in first and raised his hand. Jeyne’s words echoed in his thoughts, Promise me Olyvar, promise me.
Alesander Frey surprised him. “No you fool! You are not a skilled fighter. Put your hand down!” Olyvar told his nephew.
“I am a grown man, and I will not miss this adventure for nothing,” Alesander protested to his uncle.
“You are just a singer.”
“Then I want to be a witness to this great deed and be the first singer of our new song.”
Olyvar could not stop his brother & nephew from doing something so stupid.
Ser Raynald Westerling the Seashell Knight raised his hand too, eager to save his sisters Jeyne and Eleyna, and his mother Sybell.
Others began to join. Some had their reasons, some had their vengeance, some just wanted to try something new.
Fess stepped up. He was a long lost uncle to Ser Addam Marbrand after a lengthy voyage at sea. But Ser Addam refused to believe him, denying him a small chunk of land near Ashemark that Fess was entitled to own. He called his uncle an imposter and casted him out of the region. Fess swore he was a Marbrand, and swore he would unleash a storm on their household if they did not give his piece of land back. To the future of reclaiming his name by shaming theirs, Fess Marbrand was recruited into our efforts against the Lannisters and their bannermen.
The Summer Islander, Ben, and his Westerosi-born son, Benjen, were farmers from the Neck. Years ago, Lord Rickard Stark had welcomed the immigrant and his wife, granting them farm lands to flourish in. They grew rice in the marsh and exported it from White Harbor. They were so grateful to House Stark that they quite frankly named their son “Benjen” for Lord Stark’s youngest child of similar age. Since then, their hard earned work with their rough black hands in the cold had paid off in prosperity. After being widowed, Ben and his son ran the farm, just the two of them … until a few Ironborn men took Moat Cailin and all their harvest this past year. Their will and pride refused to let them take it again. So instead of growing new rice, they let it wither away and left the land … trapping the jaws of the Ironborn to hunger. Now Ben and Benjen were reborn into Ser Brynden’s band, for the honor of House Stark. “With great honor comes a great ass whooping!” Ben had declared.
Jess and Jory were two brothers that served House Westerling as guards at the Crag, personally protecting the Westerling sisters, Jeyne and Eleyna. They had watched them grow up since birth. Participating in their rescue was their duty, a duty they took without hesitation for the girls who were like nieces to them.
Phyl was a crewmate of royal blood on the Motherfunker. Back on another Summer Isle kingdom, his older king brother passed away as his young prince nephew took fresh rule. After Phyl forbade his nephew-king to order an attack on a rival neighboring island, he screamed at him, “You are not my father!” and flew out of the throne room, slamming its double doors. Soon after, the boy-king ordered for his uncle’s exile. Free like a bird, Phyl flew away himself to a ship with his friend, the Black Sparrow, looking for a new adventure.
Sam, June, and Rico were all hard loyal Tully soldiers that were ready to follow the Blackfish to the end of the world. Sam used to be a tall fat leviathan of a man, until one day June told Sam, “You never had the making of a first-class athlete like Rico here.” From then on, Sam, offended, lost several stones over the years as the three served patriotically together to House Tully. Now tall, lean and muscular, Sam was a force not to be reckoned with. They nicknamed him Sam the Shredder, but for shredding his fat as his body was now packed with muscular meat.
The hedge knight Ser Barnabus the Goose volunteered along with his new squire Leo, a boy of fourteen, whom he met that same day. Goose was a tall man, big shoulders, wide hips with greying blond hair. Though he grew up as an orphan, Ser Barnabus often boasted about being the grandson of some legendary tall hedge knight that he never chanced to meet. The other orphans used to laugh at him, calling him the Useless Goose. But ever since he suited up in his knightly armor decades ago, Ser Barnabus assured he was a useful Goose helping the small folks around the Riverlands. Olyvar wondered if Barnabus was his real name, or if he was even a knight.
Leo’s older brothers wanted to join the action as well … so Mikkal, Raff, and Donal stepped forward. Their uncle Scrooge, a man in his fifties, will chip in his services too. The four brothers and uncle were known as the Pissa family. They once owned a tavern serving their mother’s recipe of baked thin crispy bread, spun circular into a flat pie, served with tomato sauce and cheese above. Their uncle Scrooge improved his sister’s recipe by adding sliced duck sausages on top of the cheese, and charging customers extra for the option. Olyvar and the men on the Motherfunker had sampled and enjoyed the cuisine they baked aboard. Captain Samullu claimed that pissa was indeed a tasty dish, and suggested adding slices of pineapples on top of it too. The Pissa brothers gave Samullu Jaqenssen a cold stare as if the gesture was treason to the recipe. Back when they owned the tavern with their mother, the family often boasted about their food to the point where their competitors despised them. Their opponents would try to mimic cooking the same dish, but others would complain it tasted no different than bread. Afraid of losing their revenue, they insulted their mother’s crispy dish by calling it “pissa,” slandering it by saying it tasted like piss. But the brothers took the name their enemies gave them and wore it like armor, never allowing it to hurt them. Raff returned their insult by calling their adversary’s food being something that comes out of a cow’s bung hole. That humiliation stuck. For a while, men and women from all over the Riverlands continued to rallied in long lines to the Pissa tavern for a delicious slice of pissa. Sadly one day, the Mountain and his men came to destroy their tavern during the war, and took their mother. They never saw her again. Despite the sad drama, the Pissa family were a cheerful bunch, save for their pessimistic uncle. Olyvar could only hope they would find their mother safe and sound some day.
On the first day aboard the Motherfunker, Leo had never been on a ship his entire life. He bolted to the stern of the galley, stood on the middle rail with his arms spread out and screamed, “I’m the king of the world!”
Olyvar had to grab the blond teen down before he fell overboard. “Nice try Leo,” Olyvar said. “But you are too lowborn to be royalty. You are better off marrying a queen to be a king, or at least start with a princess.”
Ser Barnabus the Goose appeared and offered his help. He was in need of a squire for some reason, and Leo was quite eager. “Leo, I’m going to teach you how to live.” Goose swung his arm around the teenager’s neck and rested it there. “You want to be a king and win the ladies? Learn how to squire for a knight first. Unchain and fetch me my stallion from the docks, I’ll show you a trick. I’ll show you how to ride it on this rocking ship!” Leo did as he was ordered.
“And when will I ever need that skill?” Leo questioned as he brought the horse up to the deck from the ramp.
“What was it you were looking for again on this journey? Your destiny? Your death?” Goose mounted.
“Naked princesses,” Leo said.
“Well this move would make any maiden, royal or lowborn, shed their clothes off for you.” The knight pulled down the reins as the stallion stood tall on its two hind legs, looking like a work of art meant for eternal statues of the gods.
Samullu appeared and asked Leo, “Is that Goose on a horse? On my boat? Why is Goose on a horse on my boat?!” The stallion came down, hooves thundering the top of the deck.
“Aye Captain, Ser Goose was teaching me how to pick up women.”
“Shiitt Leo, that’s all you had to say.” Samullu wrapped his right arm around the neck of the youth and offered his counsel, his left hand danced in the air as he spoke to solidify his argument. “If yo want naked women, f*ck land. Don’t be a knight. Be a captain of a galley. The best pick up line to catch any woman yo can, is ‘I own a ship’.” Samullu raised his bearded chin. “After this mission is over, come with me and we’ll sail the seas. Meet women from all over the world. And they love a captain. Do yo concur? Leo, each lady is just a flower, another rose by another name that smell just as sweet, waiting to be plucked.”
Goose winced at the word and protested. “The only maids you meet sailing seas are mermaids. Don’t be fooled by the Black Sparrow. Some of them may be pretty on the top half, but you won’t like what they got below. It probably stinks down there too. But the captain doesn’t mind, he seems to enjoy bedding mermaids!”
Whether sea, air or land … the Black Sparrow or Goose … Leo will probably have to fly with one of them after the mission, Olyvar thought.
The night before the rescue, the raiders and the crewmen drunkenly sang and cheered to music, rum, ale and pissa. Drowning in the glory of their task on the morrow, they reminisce about the harsh archery and lethal weapons training Lord Glover had given them over the past weeks back on land … while questioning how large Lady Mormont’s sacs truly were. Lady Roslin Tully, approached everyone and asked if they would write their names on the book she held. “It’s for the memories,” she said. They all did. A signature on each page for each man and Maege. Some drew their own personal coat of arms. When it was Olyvar’s turn, he hesitated about sketching the two towers. He wanted to separate himself from the murderous lore of House Frey. He decided to draw his towers, with a Stark wolf running on top of the bridge, and a Tully trout jumping below it. He signed his name, Ser Olyvar of House Frey, squire to the late King Robb Stark, knighted by Ser Brynden Tully.
He wondered if he will be written into history as a great knight some day. A knight that could not save his king, Olyvar thought sadly. He would not be the only one though. Word had travelled for Ser Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers, and his gallant assault at Dragonstone. He was gravely wounded, but no word on this brave knight’s final fate. Like Olyvar, Ser Loras had failed to protect his first King, Renly Baratheon, a man that the Knight of Flower was rumored to have truly loved. Though his King was gone, he continued to be bathe in the glory of battle. Despite being on the opposing side of the war, Ser Olyvar would be gay if he had the chance to meet Ser Loras, if he still lives, chatting with him about the kings they loved and lost.
Later on that night, Captain Samullu Jaqenssen shared a drunken game of cvyasse with Ser Barnabus for a golden dragon. When Goose doubled down after his first loss, he fell again, owing the Black Sparrow a pair of golden dragons by the end of it. When Samullu demanded Goose to pay up his reward immediately, Goose pretended not to understand his loose Summer Isle accent, giving him a wild chase.
“Yo loose Goose, yo owe me the gold,” the Captain demanded in his queer Common Tongue.
“The gold yo fool. The gold! Yo pay me.”
“Wat country yo from?”
“Do they not speak the Common Tongue in Wat?”
“Common Tongue mother Goose!”
“Say wat again! I dare yo, I double dare yo! I’ll throw yo overboard off the Motherfunker!”
Goose paused for a moment, until his pride could not resist. “Wat? Wat? Wat? Wat? Wat?” Goose said ‘what‘ so many times, it sounded like he was quacking, each one louder than before. “Wat? Wat? Wat? Wat? Wat?”
In a nick of fury, Samullu Jaqenssen flipped over the cyvasse table, stood up and drew his short blade. His remaining good eye raged like a storm, as steam seeped through the black leather patch of the other. “Yo cold ass honking Goose! Yo son o’ a wh*re! Yo bandit! I will gut yo from balls to brains to see what gooses is made of. I better find yo sacs golden before I take yo skull to gild gold! Either way, I will have my gold from yo!”
Goose suddenly comprehended everything, stood up with all his height and threatened. “Goodness gracious, do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Go ahead and try, but you will only find below me great balls of fire!” He grabbed his own crotch and pumped it once into the air. “And after your failed attempt, I will claw out your last remaining eye, leaving you blind for the rest of your sorry life!”
The others flocked towards the scene, holding the two back as they inched towards each other.
Jess tried to stop them. “Gods, have mercy!”
Sam the Shredder intervened as well. “That is enough! I want you two to stop!”
Jory said, “Cut it out!”
“Will yo shut up!” screamed Phyl, who had hustled a wager on the game.
Mikkal grabbed the drunken Goose, threw him to the floor, and told him to just beat it.
At the end, they all just laugh it off like all drunk men do. Smiling, spilling ale out of their cups, retching out into the sea the rum they drank, before drinking some more again. They were having one last good time before the mission. But today they had a job to do.
The twenty men, Lady Maege, and Ser Rolph continued up the paths in the lightless caves of Casterly Rock, huffing and puffing, but still silent as much as they could hold. One loud word at the wrong place at the wrong time may be their doom. In single file, the group followed Ser Spicer’s point with one lit torch. The stench was terrible and the dampness made it worse. Guarding the rear, Olyvar’s eyes were clouded in darkness at times where the torchlight was too far ahead to shine back. He relied on Ser Goose in front of him to lead the way, as Goose relied on Leo for the same.
submitted by ASongOf-Ice-Fire-and to TheCitadel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:46 Yunnaya Me 27(F) her 57(F) LDR not romance, but she still tries for romance. Is it worth being friends?

It is a friendship LDR not romance, but she tried romance...
I was 21 (girl) when I met this woman online on Facebook (she was 51), even the 30 years age gap we shared several interests about multiple things, movies, stories, religion, interests, books, animals cause... The first years in our friendship she was very shy, she had no friends at all, she always posted photos not looking at camera, she was EXTREMELY introverted and shy.
But we did voice calls, video calls (you could see she was a TRUE introverted), it was like we were soulmates, we shared so many multiple things. And I started to encourage her to "break her shell" and meet new people. It worked a little, I saw she little by little having small talks to other people, and I was so happy for her!
For context, she lives in her parents house downstairs, she is kind of poor, she works as a cleaner in a place, she never married, she never dated, she likes women, she hates men because of a childhood trauma I can't talk about, but she kissed one guy once in her teens.
So, hmm, somehow she fell in love with me, she confessed and stuff. I am very open to any kind of sexual orientation but I told her our age gap was too large and I was young, also I wanted to be with a guy, marry and get kids? Even so, she told she understood me, but would keep loving me forever. Well, well... This was about when I was 22-23 and her 52-53.
We kept our friendship relationship in our own way, everything was perfect, she HELPED so much with some of my traumas, when I was sad, when I was lonely, she was my refugee... In 2020 it was the worst period of my life, I had a terrible trauma, she helped me in a way that no simple friend or therapist could help, she was one of my salvations and for me being alive, she helped me with my depression and my suicidal thoughts, she encouraged me to go to a psychiatrist, she was basically an angel in my life. We are from different countries (she is from the United States) she even offered to pay for a ticket and passport for me, even if it was just to visit and cool off...
She still continued the romance story with me, when I was 24-25 years old. And I told her I started dating a guy from my country (we are in a LDR) but this isn't about him, he is very great to me! Well, she cried a lot, she even sent me naked photos and videos with her face!!!! (Which I told her to NEVER EVER do this to someone because some people can post on internet!!!) She was devastated, but she ended up understanding... Even so, she didn't stop making statements... She stills calls me "baby" and she says she loves me deeply and also says I am the only one who understands her soul.
But there is a problem, her communication is terrible, she can't express herself correctly, if you say you don't want to talk to her for a week she will obediently obey and don't even ask why! She says this is called respect for others. She takes everything literally, you can't write anything without it literally and she will take it extremely seriously. No joke, if you say you like eating ants, she will take it seriously and say something like "oh, ok, how does it taste? Don't you hurt yourself?" She doesn't take anything as a joke, everything is extremely serious.
Since December 2023 our communication has decreased a lot. She always says that no one understands her, that her parents don't understand her, that she is alone in this world and only has me. I was very busy with personal projects and college so I didn't have much time to communicate Her mother recently died in February, She only informed me 5 days later, even though I spoke to her before, I offered all my support and compassion. I tried to talk to her several times but she seemed a little out of touch with the world. I tried to send her messages, but she didn't respond until 3 in the morning. But I saw her on Instagram online and on Facebook all day... I told her about it and she just said "I was doing research" and I said I wanted her to talk to me, if she needed time alone I would understand but I wanted to be there to give my support.
That was in February, now we are in June, in the meantime I confess that I didn't try to talk to her anymore (maybe I did it wrong?) she just sent me a message every month at 3-4 am saying how sad she is and out of this world. In May, I saw she normally talking to people on Facebook posts so I angrily told her I needed some time apart from her because while I was so deeply worried about her, she was just having fun on random Facebook posts? She started being sad but accepted it. Two weeks after she told me her cat died, again I told her she could message me and i would give her my full support. She told she would talk to me next day because it was 3am! She did not. This was in May.
Today, She sent me a message saying she was sad, and I was really upset and I said, "are you sad? So why do you live all the time on Instagram and Facebook talking to other people instead of communicate with your faithful friend which you tell you love all the time (me) and when you do, you send me a message once a month at 3 in the morning?" More excuses came, she said she was looking for new friends this time. And I replied "Is this serious? While I was worried to death about you, hoping to communicate with you and find out everything that happened you were trying to have new friends now?!" I was so upset that I called her mean.
I tried several times to make her to see a therapist or a psychiatrist. I tried several, multiple times, she never listened to me. She has severe anxiety, panic attacks and ADHD. I talked to her mother once, and her brother a few times.
Nowadays she is 57 and I am 27.
My question is, is it worth to keep this friendship? I am feeling so hurt because she chose random strangers to be talking besides her "eternal loved friend". She helped me so much and I am attached to her somehow because I will be forever grateful how she helped me through my trauma.
Here are some of her messages about this:
I need you to talk with me, because they don't understand anything I go through! And they don't really even have time to~ I have panic attacks sometimes... But they don't know how to offer compassion~ Our whole family is like that, including my aunt, who is coming here next week... 😭🙏 I want to talk with you, Baby Loooo!! You can still talk to me, whenever you need to... 🙏 It makes me sad to see you so cold... 🥲❤‍🩹🦮🐕‍🦺🐕🐈🐢 It is heartbreaking enough to lose my mother, then her cat name... I prayed you would also stay by my side... 😿💌🧚🏻‍♀️🧚‍♂️ ~ I will always forgive you and stand by you~ 🙏👩🏻‍⚕️🕉️ I would never desecrate the Precious Gift that God has given us ... And it was a mistake, because you know how compassionate and sensitive I am! ~ It hurts me to see any peson or animal hurt~~ ESPECIALLY YOU!! ❤‍🩹💓 🙏🥲~ The grief I would have over losing you, would be even deeper than my grief about my mother passing... Because you always saw my Soul, and you have been closer than my own sister or brother...🧚‍♂️💌🧚🏻‍♀️ I'm also sorry for not understanding how deep your worry has been, for me... 🙏😔
Here are some of my messages:
I tried, her name. You pushed me away in every possible way By talking to other people while I was deadly worried about you. All I just wanted was to communicate to you, help you, understand what was going on... And now you don't even want me talking to your family to understand how you are You were truly mean. You were so mean to someone who truly cares for you. You were mean in every possible way You will make a million excuses now because you never admit that your mistakes have consequences I'm not a spare part for whenever you want me to be there, I have feelings, I waited 6 months for you to talk to me. When you didn't find anyone to connect with you came after me, that's horrible . You weren't in a shell, you were looking to other people to be friends with while you had the most faithful friend by your side You were deeply mean to me and my feelings You took me for granted
submitted by Yunnaya to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:37 BootyWarrior918 [WTS/WTT] - Send it Sunday, iPhone 13 Pro and AirPods x 2

Good afternoon and happy Sunday. I’m looking to sell or trade my iPhone 13 Pro 128GB Gold, AirPods Pro 1 with MagSafe, and AirPods Pro 1. I’ll put what I’m looking for trade wise down below. Any questions or offers shoot me a PM.
Prices (Shipped)
Trade Items
The iPhone is in great condition with no scratches on the screen, and very little wear marks along the metal edges. Comes in the original box with accessories. I left the screen protector on, but I can remove and send pictures upon request. I’ll also throw in the green leather case.
The AirPods with MagSafe work as they should. There are scratches on the case. As well as dirt in the cracks of the case. I wiped everything down with a brush and alcohol swabs as best I could. The photos show the amount of wear. I’m selling both sets of AirPods as a pair right now.
The AirPods without MagSafe are in similar condition physically. However, it makes a scratchy noise when you turn on transparency or noise cancelling mode. When I leave them in the normal mode I don’t hear the noise. Probably something to do with the microphones on the outside.
submitted by BootyWarrior918 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:36 drink-fast I hate my life

If I could add two flairs I’d put retransitioning too, but here goes, in 2015 at the age of 12 I came out as transgender (FtM) and socially lived as male for 7-8 years. I detransitioned because I was so unhappy with my life as a man, I felt worthless as a man, and still felt worthless as a female when I tried to detransition. I’ve chalked up that to living with narcissistic and unsupportive family. It doesn’t matter which way I go, they will never truly love me. I’ve been treated as nothing but an obstacle since the age of 12 when I had to move in with my narcissistic grandmother.
All of my needs were inconveniences and dismissed entirely. My grandpa was the one that helped me get testosterone, he drove me to all of my appointments (they never let me get my drivers license either because I’m “too immature”) and now they only want me to get it because me not having a license inconveniences them, which I understand but they should’ve let me go to driving school when I asked them about it on my 15th birthday. I’m 21 now with no real accomplishments in life.
I have a shitty job but that’s it. I’ve spent the past 6 years dependent on smoking weed because when I’m sober the emotions that come up are way too much for me to handle, I get extremely suicidal and angry and it lasts for weeks until I get high again.
I started testosterone in November of 2018 and had to stop in December of 2021 because I aged out of my pediatric endo’s system. Wouldn’t even refill my prescription or anything, didn’t give me any referrals either. I thought maybe I’d be happier if I just tried living as a woman as an adult, it made me a lot worse mentally so i restarted testosterone in 2022 with plume. Now, the doctor I had for plume let me do whatever the crap I wanted with my dose and me being stupid I kept asking for him to raise it. My dose winded up being way too high and I had a chronic yeast infection that wouldn’t go away so I stopped the high dose testosterone cold turkey in October of 2022.
This was extremely hard on my body and I feel like it damaged my heart (I have weird palpitations sometimes) and I went sort of crazy for a few months afterward. I laid off the weed for the most part during this time too because my brain was just so fucked up from the massive shift in hormones so suddenly.
My family found out I stopped the testosterone and went back to calling me my deadname and she/her. They haven’t stopped despite my requests. My grandma called me crazy yesterday for “going back and forth” and made all sorts of comments about me not shaving my legs and asking me about me and my boyfriend’s sex life. Luckily my boyfriend is okay with me being trans and calls me by my correct name, but his family doesn’t know and he doesn’t want to tell them because he doesn’t want them to look at him a certain way. This hurts me deeply and I don’t know how to bring it up to him because when he told me, I said it was fine because I didn’t want to start any problems. Almost everyone at my job knows I’m trans because I guess my caller ID shows my deadname… so every time I’ve called the store it pops up with my old name. So most managers have seen it. My phone and number is on my grandparents account and I’m not sure if they’d change it, as me simply asking to not be called my deadname is too much now.
I’ve been trying to stay positive and eat healthy and go to the gym but it’s so fucking hard when my body physically feels so wrong. It feels like an ill fitting outfit.. so moving around a ton and shit like cardio feels horrible. I focus more on weightlifting because of this.
Every aspect of my life feels so incredibly difficult. I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders all of the time, no wonder I went back in the closet. I thought my family would love me if I just tried being a girl again but surprise surprise that didn’t change anything. They’re still abusive. I wish I didn’t exist. I want to go back on hormones, but I want to do it with a doctor that actually knows what they’re doing and not some plume doctor I have to pay hundreds of dollars a month, for the subscription and the medication.
I’m supposed to be getting ready for work right now but I can’t stop crying. At least the couple of trans women at my job are nice and have my back. I’m so tired of being an embarrassment to my boyfriend and being labeled as crazy by my family for struggling with staying transitioning. Who the fuck would want to continue transitioning when almost everyone in their life is against it? I never feel like I can just be myself without dealing with more emotional abuse.
submitted by drink-fast to actual_detrans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:35 basikmess It’s Been Over 4 Years and It Still Feels Like Yesterday- When Will It Stop?

I (26F) was in an abusive relationship from the age of 19-21, and it carried on a bit until I was 24.
Here are some key things that happened in the relationship:
I blacked out one day, he made up a story that I actively tried to fuck his best friend in front of him. It was confirmed that I never did that an entire year later when I was able to speak with his friend about it. I fell asleep on the way home in the back seat and he left me there to go home and meet his ex girlfriend to hookup before I woke up. This was also confirmed by text messages I was shown from his friend between the two.
For our entire relationship he cheated on me, CONSTANTLY. His excuse was always “You cheated on me, so why can’t I cheat on you? I forgave you for it, you should forgive me.” I felt guilty and that the troubles to the relationship were my fault, so I always apologized and told him I was sorry for doing what I did but it was hurting me for him to do what he was doing. He didn’t care, in fact he began recording himself having sex with other girls and would leave the videos for me to find- he’d encourage me to look through his photos and when I’d find the videos, he’d laugh and just tell me he thought he deleted them, and that I should mind my business??
This was by far the worst psychological abuse he did, but wasn’t the only thing.
He constantly told me that I do everything wrong and no matter how much I cooked, cleaned, or tried to be a good girlfriend, I wasn’t. I would spend hours cleaning his house to surprise him when he’d get home from work- one time he screamed at me for not immediately moving the clothes in the washer to the dryer, and told me to never do his laundry or touch his shit because I didn’t know what I was doing.
It even got so bad one night he disconnected the washer and dryer so I couldn’t use it, and told me he would shut off the electricity while he was gone so I couldn’t use it, because “he paid for it and I waste it not doing my job right.”
The physical abuse started shortly after three months and it was all bad. I was constantly being told he would kill me and bury me in the backyard, one night he held me hostage with a gun and told me my body would twitch as I bled out, and he’d bury me face down. This wasn’t the first time I thought he would kill me. The next day he reached out to tell me I was overreacting because the gun wasn’t even loaded and laughed, mind you my face was bruised, lip busted, and several other marks and bruises on my body.
Still, I blamed myself. I thought I wasn’t trying hard enough, so I tried harder and harder to do everything right.
For a few days he was nice to me, would bring me flowers, buy me things, cook for me, and I thought he realized how much I loved him.
Then he was mean again, threatening to go sleep with another girl and replace me with a better housewife .
I’d beg, plead, cry, and sob for him to stay, but he’d go. And I’d be there waiting for him to get back just for him to tell me he didn’t do anything only to find evidence a few days later.
There was always another girl. ALWAYS. And it was constantly forced on me that if I left, he’d replace her and give her everything I wanted.
There were times he did, but he’d always come back to tell me he couldn’t replace me and he loved me, and I believed him.
There is a lot more than this.
He broke me. Internally, I still haven’t healed. I cry often when I’m alone because these things that happened to me replay in my head.
I’ve ruined two relationships since because all I can think about is never letting it happen again. I can’t communicate without feeling this intense urge to defend myself. I’ve become physically abusive because there is this rage in me that once again feels like I have to defend myself. I’ve become overprotective of myself, and I simply can’t let anyone in.
I’m drowning in this. I’m having constant nightmares again of him killing me. And I’m scared.
I’m paranoid everyone in my life is out to get me now. I don’t believe anything anyone tells me.
It’s been like this for awhile, and I’ll admit the last two years I sought out men who reminded me of my son’s dad and treated them how he treated me…just trying to understand why, in the end it’s left me feeling like a bad person, and I still don’t understand why.
Did someone hurt him enough to make him that way? Like he made me?
All I can say is it’s been years and everyday I wake up and feel like it’s still happening.
submitted by basikmess to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 Alert_Print3027 So you wanna upgrade those taillights huh? Ridding your car of the flimsy green circuit board is easier than you think…

So you wanna upgrade those taillights huh? Ridding your car of the flimsy green circuit board is easier than you think…
Read through all the instructions before you even start. These instructions are written for the complete noob (like me). Literal step by step instructions…
Materials Required:
  1. A Dremel is good but fairly fine WISE tin snips will work too. I used a diamond grinding disk on my dremel.
  2. The items pictured in the diagram.
  3. A voltmeter set to DC volts
  4. Red/black wire (similarly gauged to existing wire. Any color wire will do really…. Probably need 5-8ft total.
  5. Wire strippers and crimps
  6. A buddy (buddy with a beer or child with an attitude or spouse that begrudgingly volunteers; any of these will work.)
  7. Label maker or stickers. (Optional)
The Process
  1. Remove light protective cap (if you’re lucky to still have one).
  2. Label each light socket to each light hole.
  3. Take out each light socket, place on table in visual order as they are on the light housing.
  4. Unplug white plastic wire connection.
  5. Remove green flimsy crappy circuit board.
  6. Destroy flimsy crappy circuit board so you’re not tempted to put it back on and postpone this job for another time.
  7. Remove light housing (4 bolts)
  8. Inspect rubber gasket around light. Clean if necessary. Do the same for the area on the car that the gasket presses against. Remove the gasket from the light housing. Remember to put this back on and note the orientation of the gasket and also note the sequence in how it is installed. This is put onto the light housing prior to putting it back onto the car.
  9. At this time, you should have a wide open hole where your taillight housing used to be and when you look down into the trunk, you should just see the white connection clip that was once attached to the flimsy crappy circuit board.
  10. Cut the wires from the plastic connection plug.
  11. Wire colors are different for each side of the car and vary by year too. Wire colors should not intimidate you. There are many sites that can tell you which color wires support which bulb socket but it’s just as easy to use a voltmeter to determine this.
  12. Once you’ve cut the wires from the plug, strip the ends of the wires.
  13. Install the female end of the snap plug connectors I have pictured to all wires. Don’t get caught up in plug connector colors unless you are a super organized electrician or network engineer. I used red on all of these as they are all hot. I used a black connector on the ground. You can use whatever color you want or have available.
  14. If you cannot find reliable information online and you need to determine which color wire serves which bulb. Using a voltmeter, have buddy activate each bulb. With the car on and lights on, a wire that is always showing power, these are likely your running lights. Make sure your fog light switch is off. A wire that only comes on when the brake is depressed is obviously your brake wire ( on my passenger side, this wire was yellow). A wire that pulsates power delivery when you have your blinker on…that’s obviously your blinker (this wire was blue on mine). Use your buddy, kid or spouse to test and identify all of your wires. Running lights, ground (black), backup lights, blinker and brake are all I had. I do d not have fog lights (so one wire of mine is actually unused. Find your backup lights by turning the car on and sliding the car into reverse. Have the buddy slide it in and out of reverse…this will let you see which wire is being activated as they do this. Both my purple/white and brown/white are essentially running lights, one is only on when your fog light switch is on. Again, I did not have a bulb socket in this spot so I just kept the extra wire tied off and dipped the end in jb-weld to ensure it would not come in contact with anything. You can put a crimped female connector on this to terminate it as well. I just hate using electrical tape as it eventually unwraps. Overall, identifying the wires is a pretty simple process but having a friend does help.
  15. With your light housing lying in front of you, identify which holes represent your brake and blinker. See my diagram. This is how I laid the housing in front of me when I was working on it.
  16. Before going any further, compare your spade connectors to the connector tabs on your bulb sockets. The bulb socket electrical connection tabs are super wide. These were wider than the spade connectors I had available. Might want to see if you can find one that will fit them. This will alleviate the need for grinding down the size of the tabs on the bulb socket. If you cannot find it, spend 30 mins grinding down each socket tab to the size of the spade connector you have. You can use a dremel for this or you can try to use small tin snips. Just don’t take the tab down too small or you’ll be ordering a new socket which are not cheap.
  17. Some of the sockets have plastic immediately under the metal connector tab. Grind or cut away a little bit of the plastic socket housing that is immediately under the connector. This will allow you to bend the connector in an upward angle (mentioned in a following step)
  18. I actually shaved down all my connectors and slid the spade connectors onto all of the terminals.
  19. For those who want to color code everything…the terminal connector that is pointing upward, when the bulb socket is installed in the housing, that one is your ground terminal…use black or green on that one if you have it. Bulb socket tabs that are facing down or the other two wires in the brake socket are all hot.
  20. Once you have the spade connectors connected to the terminals of all the bulb sockets, you are going to GENTLY bend the terminal upward as far as you can without stressing it. Why? This makes installing the bulb socket easier so the terminal connectors don’t touch each other and most importantly they don’t come into contact with the frame of the car.
  21. Cut two appropriately length red wires that will go from your brake bulb socket to the identified brake wire female socket you’ve already connected to your positive wires. Note, one of these wires is also going to be connected to your running light wire using the splicing connector and the other to your brake light wire (yellow on my 91, 240 passenger side). These are going to be your longest wires (along with the blinker wire).
  22. Essentially your next step is to cut all your wires to the appropriate length and then attach and crimp the wires to the spade connector you’ve attached to the bulb sockets. You can choose to do this in whatever order you want or remove the spade connectors from the sockets if it’s easier. Crimp the wire onto them and then reconnect them to the bulb sockets. For best results, put the flat side of the spade connector facing down to ensure the rounded side doesn’t mess with your ability to plug the socket back into the housing. It really shouldn’t since you’re bending the connection tabs upward.
  23. Repeat these steps and add the ground wires to the other connection tabs on the bulb sockets.
  24. For the hot wires (non ground), on the other ends of the wires you’ve attached to the spade connectors and to the bulb sockets, connect your male snap plug end that will plug into the female snap plug connectors you’ve already installed on the hot wires in the trunk.
  25. Your grounding solution: I took all of my ground wires into a single junction plug. You can see this as it is a yellow multi-wire input type “thingy”. If you don’t have one of these, you can install ring terminals on all of the grounds and take them all over to the grounding termination area. You need to make sure the length of your grounding wires are all sufficient to do this. I just found it easier and cleaner to use the junction device. I will say that these devices are not made for braided wire but for solid copper wires. I popped the device apart and manually inserted my wires and then snapped it back together. This results in only needing one ring terminal to add to the grounding spot on the car. I also slathered the wires (where they enter into the junction) with jb-weld just to ensure none of them come out of this connector.
  26. At this time you should have all of your hot and ground wires connected to all bulb sockets. Now is the time to plug them all into the taillight housing (still sitting on your table) to make sure you can get them plugged in and you’ve cut all of your wires appropriately and everything can reach where it needs to. It’s also a good time to zip tie all your wires if you want to be super neat about it. It is also a good time to label which socket goes into which housing hole, but you should have done this already. I used a label maker for this…but using colored stickers would work too.
  27. Once the previous step is done, once again, unplug the sockets from the housing.
  28. Install your new LED bulbs into the sockets.
  29. Install the gasket back onto the housing.
  30. Install the housing back into the car.
  31. Install the mess of sockets you’ve just made.
  32. Plug the snap plug terminals into their respective hot wires.
  33. NOTE: for the brake light…you will take the second hot wire and daisy chain it to the running light wire. I used these splicing connector crimps that can be seen in my photo.
  34. If you want to have a “stacked” running light effect, to where both of the inside lights closest to the license plate are always on, you would daisy chain a short wire from the positive terminal of that above socket, down to the positive wire of the lower running light and then just make sure you’ve added a ground to that bulb socket as well.
  35. With all of your bulbs in place and all of your connections made, get your buddy to help you test it out.
  36. Please note that the type of bulbs you buy cannot have offset installation posts. See the photo I’ve included for guidance. These are not the bulb types I purchased, the picture is just for showing the post type you need. I purchased a few cheap four packs for about $16 each.
My results were very good and everything worked as it should on the first test. Yes, even though I didn’t disconnect the battery for this project. Scary, I know…
If something is missing or you’ve hit a “brick” wall in this process and you have questions, ask and I’ll do my best to sound like a knowledgeable pro.
Hopefully this has been helpful to someone who needs to fix their taillights and/or doesn’t want to live under the tyranny of the crappy flimsy green circuit board.
Good day!
submitted by Alert_Print3027 to Volvo240 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 Rebeckananana Friendships with cis women are so difficult

Ever since after coming out 2 1/2 yrs. ago I lost pretty much every cordial person/friend in my life (men and women), and predominately, most of my women "friends" acted all "I'm so happy for you", but would ignore me, I have to initiate conversations, they never talk about "feminine things" w me, they make me feel excluded, outing me without permission, and would only talk about me to MY PARTNER. Like they will literally physically orient themselves away from me and only make eye contact and initiate convos with my partner. It's like a performed niceness. They treat me like a woman. I see so many people her with good "sisterhood" experiences, but my experience has been constant othering and subtle jabs. My friendships with my male friends, (mostly all gone) while not as close as we used to be, they still treat me the same as a any cis woman. My partner says that I'm just seeing things that aren't there and all the female friends have other trans friends, so why would they be mean to me. But still, it gives me "I have a couple black friends/gay friends/etc. energy...".
submitted by Rebeckananana to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:28 Sweet-Count2557 Best Pizza in Mansfield Tx

Best Pizza in Mansfield Tx
Best Pizza in Mansfield Tx Are you ready to embark on a delicious journey through the pizza paradise of Mansfield, TX? Look no further, for we have scoured the city to bring you the crème de la crème of pizza joints.From the cozy charm of Palios Pizza to the mouthwatering creations at Trio Pizza & Pasta, we've got it all covered.So buckle up and get ready to indulge in a symphony of flavors that will leave you craving for more. Mansfield's best pizza awaits you!Key TakeawaysLocals recommend Palios Pizza as the best pizza place in Mansfield.Trio Pizza & Pasta offers a cozy atmosphere and serves New York-style pizzas, calzones, pasta, and desserts.Jets Pizza is known for its warm and family-friendly atmosphere, fresh ingredients, and signature brick oven.Cicis Pizza is a great pizzeria to visit on a random Tuesday night, offering all-you-can-eat options, fresh salads, desserts, and a game room for kids.Palios PizzaWe love going to Palios Pizza for their delicious Italian-style pizzas. Located in Mansfield, Texas, Palios is a local favorite known for its authentic flavors and cozy atmosphere. As soon as you step inside, you're greeted with Italian artwork adorning the walls, creating a warm and inviting ambiance.One of the highlights of Palios Pizza is their live music and full bar. On weekends, talented musicians perform live, adding a vibrant and enjoyable element to your dining experience. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply enjoying a night out with friends and family, Palios Pizza offers a lively and entertaining atmosphere.When it comes to the food, Palios doesn't disappoint. Their menu features a variety of Italian-style pizzas, each bursting with flavor and made with fresh ingredients. From classic Margherita to unique combinations like the Palios Deluxe, there's something to satisfy every pizza lover's cravings.If you're in the mood for a different style of pizza, we also recommend checking out Trio Pizza & Pasta. This family-owned restaurant offers a cozy atmosphere and specializes in New York-style pizzas, calzones, pasta, and delectable desserts. With their simple yet flavorful dishes, Trio Pizza & Pasta is another excellent option for pizza enthusiasts in Mansfield.Trio Pizza & PastaSometimes, Trio Pizza & Pasta serves the most delicious New York-style pizzas in Mansfield. When you step into Trio Pizza & Pasta, you're immediately greeted with a cozy atmosphere that makes you feel right at home. The dark wood furniture and vintage photos on the walls create a warm and inviting space. As you peruse the menu, you'll find a variety of Italian American dishes to choose from.Here are four reasons why Trio Pizza & Pasta is a must-visit for pizza lovers in Mansfield:The New York-style pizzas are made with fresh ingredients and cooked to perfection in a brick oven, creating a crispy crust and gooey cheese that will leave you craving for more.In addition to the pizzas, Trio Pizza & Pasta also offers mouthwatering calzones, pasta dishes, and decadent desserts, ensuring there's something for everyone.The simple and cozy atmosphere of the restaurant makes it a safe and comfortable place to enjoy a meal with family and friends.The friendly and attentive staff at Trio Pizza & Pasta will ensure that your dining experience is top-notch, providing excellent service and making you feel like a valued guest.Now, let's transition to our discussion about Jets Pizza, another popular pizza place in Mansfield.Jets PizzaJets Pizza offers a wide variety of specialty and classic pizzas that satisfy every craving. With their signature brick oven, they create pizzas that are cooked to perfection, ensuring a delicious and crispy crust. The restaurant boasts a warm and family-friendly atmosphere, making it a great place to gather with loved ones and enjoy a tasty meal. Jets Pizza uses only the freshest ingredients, ensuring the highest quality and safety standards. From their classic pepperoni pizza to their unique BBQ chicken pizza, there's something for everyone to enjoy.The cozy booths add to the inviting ambiance, providing a comfortable and safe dining experience. Whether you're looking for a quick bite or a leisurely meal, Jets Pizza has you covered.Now, let's transition to the next topic and explore what Cicis Pizza has to offer.Cicis PizzaCicis Pizza is a popular Italian restaurant chain that offers a buffet-style dining experience with an all-you-can-eat pizza option.They also have a family-friendly game room, making it a great place for kids to enjoy while parents indulge in their favorite pizzas.With a wide variety of specialty pizzas, fresh salads, and desserts, Cicis Pizza is a go-to spot for casual dining and a fun night out.All-You-Can-Eat Pizza OptionHave you ever tried the all-you-can-eat pizza option at any of the pizza places in Mansfield? It's a popular choice for pizza lovers who want to indulge in unlimited slices of their favorite pies.Here are a few things to consider when it comes to all-you-can-eat pizza buffets:Pros:You can try a variety of pizza flavors without committing to a whole pie.It's a great option for big appetites and those who love to eat.The buffet style allows you to customize your own slices with different toppings.It's an affordable option for families or large groups.Cons:The quality of the pizza may not be as high as ordering a fresh, made-to-order pie.The buffet area can get crowded, especially during peak hours.There might be limited options for those with dietary restrictions.Some people may find it difficult to control their portions and overeat.If you're planning to visit Cicis Pizza for the all-you-can-eat option, the best time would be during non-peak hours, such as weekdays before dinner rush. This way, you can enjoy a more relaxed dining experience and have a better chance of getting a table without waiting. Remember to pace yourself and enjoy the experience responsibly.Family-Friendly Game RoomWhile we were discussing the best pizza places in Mansfield, we learned that Cicis Pizza has a family-friendly game room. Cicis Pizza is an Italian restaurant chain that offers a buffet-style dining experience.Along with their all-you-can-eat pizza and fresh salad options, they also provide a fun and entertaining atmosphere for families. Their game room is a great addition to their establishment, offering entertainment options for children while parents enjoy their meal.The family-friendly game room ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. It's a perfect place to bring the whole family for a night out. Cicis Pizza understands the importance of providing a family-friendly atmosphere and entertainment options, making it a top choice for those seeking a fun and delicious dining experience.Papa Johns PizzaPapa Johns Pizza has a diverse menu offering a variety of pizza options, including classic flavors and unique toppings.They pride themselves on using fresh ingredients that result in delicious and high-quality pizzas.With numerous locations nationwide, Papa Johns Pizza is a convenient and accessible choice for those looking for a straightforward and affordable pizza option.Menu Offerings and VarietyWe recently discovered that Papa Johns Pizza offers a variety of menu offerings, including their famous garlic knots and specialty pizzas. Here are some reasons why you should try out their menu:Their garlic knots are a perfect blend of soft, buttery bread and savory garlic seasoning. They're the ideal appetizer to start your pizza feast.Papa Johns offers a wide range of specialty pizzas, from classic favorites like pepperoni and cheese to unique creations like BBQ chicken and Hawaiian. There's something for everyone's taste buds.You can customize your pizza with a variety of toppings, ensuring that you get exactly what you want. Whether you prefer a veggie-packed pie or a meat lover's dream, Papa Johns has got you covered.Papa Johns Pizza is committed to using fresh ingredients and ensuring high-quality standards. You can have peace of mind knowing that you're enjoying a delicious meal made with care.With their menu offerings, Papa Johns Pizza provides a satisfying and customizable dining experience while prioritizing the use of fresh ingredients and quality.Fresh Ingredients and QualityOne of the reasons we love Papa Johns Pizza is because they consistently use fresh ingredients to ensure the quality of their pizzas. When it comes to freshness vs. taste, Papa Johns strikes a perfect balance. Their locally sourced ingredients not only enhance the flavor of the pizzas but also give us peace of mind knowing that we're consuming safe and high-quality food. Whether it's the ripe tomatoes for their sauce or the premium cheese that melts perfectly on top, Papa Johns prioritizes freshness in every bite.While some may argue that local pizzerias offer a more authentic experience, Papa Johns, as a nationwide chain, has established a reputation for both taste and quality. With their commitment to using fresh ingredients, Papa Johns delivers a consistently delicious pizza every time.Now let's shift our focus to the convenience and accessibility of Papa Johns Pizza.Convenience and AccessibilityPizza lovers, let's talk about the convenience and accessibility of ordering from Papa Johns Pizza through their user-friendly website or mobile app. Ordering your favorite pizza has never been easier.Here are a few reasons why Papa Johns Pizza stands out when it comes to convenient online ordering and delivery options:Quick and easy: With just a few clicks, you can customize your pizza and have it delivered right to your doorstep.Wide range of options: Papa Johns Pizza offers a variety of toppings, crusts, and sizes to cater to everyone's taste.Tracking feature: You can track your order in real-time, giving you peace of mind and ensuring a safe delivery.Special promotions: Papa Johns Pizza frequently offers exclusive deals and discounts, making it even more convenient and affordable.Pizza HutLet's head to Pizza Hut for dinner tonight and enjoy their hot and fresh pizzas. Pizza Hut is a family-friendly pizza chain that has been serving delicious food since 1982. They're known for their unique pizza flavors and have a menu that has evolved over the years.Pizza Hut offers a wide variety of pizza options to cater to different tastes. From classic pepperoni to specialty pizzas like BBQ chicken and supreme, there's something for everyone. They also have a selection of wings and sides to complement your meal.The history of Pizza Hut's menu goes back to its early days when they introduced the iconic Pan Pizza. This deep-dish style pizza became a hit and remains a favorite among customers. Over the years, Pizza Hut has continued to innovate and introduce new flavors and toppings to keep their menu fresh and exciting.When dining at Pizza Hut, you can expect a charming atmosphere and a focus on safety. The restaurant takes cleanliness and hygiene seriously, ensuring a comfortable dining experience for all.Now, let's transition into the next section and explore another fantastic pizza place in town, Mamas Pizza.Mamas PizzaWe should definitely try out Mamas Pizza because they're known for their big pizzas that can take up a whole table. Here are four reasons why you should give Mamas Pizza a try:Best pizza toppings at Mamas Pizza: Mamas Pizza offers a wide variety of delicious toppings to choose from. Whether you prefer classic options like pepperoni and mushrooms or more unique toppings like artichoke hearts and feta cheese, Mamas Pizza has got you covered. Their toppings are always fresh and of the highest quality, ensuring a tasty and satisfying pizza experience.Specials and deals at Mamas Pizza: Mamas Pizza understands the value of a good deal. They regularly offer specials and discounts that make their already delicious pizzas even more affordable. Whether it's a buy-one-get-one-free deal or a discounted price on a large pizza, Mamas Pizza ensures that you can enjoy their mouthwatering pizzas without breaking the bank.Safety precautions at Mamas Pizza: Mamas Pizza prioritizes the safety and well-being of their customers. They've implemented strict hygiene protocols to ensure a clean and safe dining experience. From regular sanitization of high-touch surfaces to enforcing social distancing measures, Mamas Pizza goes above and beyond to create a safe environment for their customers.Friendly and attentive staff at Mamas Pizza: The staff at Mamas Pizza are known for their warm and friendly service. They're always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Whether you need recommendations for pizza toppings or assistance with dietary restrictions, the staff at Mamas Pizza will make sure you have a pleasant and enjoyable dining experience.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow Many Locations Does Palios Pizza Have in Mansfield?Palio's Pizza in Mansfield has multiple locations, but the specific number is unclear without further research. However, it's worth noting that Palio's is highly recommended by locals as one of the best pizza places in Mansfield.As for Trio Pizza & Pasta, they do offer gluten-free options on their menu. The exact variety of gluten-free options can be confirmed by contacting the restaurant directly.What Are the Gluten-Free Options Available at Trio Pizza & Pasta?At Trio Pizza & Pasta, we understand the importance of catering to different dietary needs. We offer a variety of gluten-free crust options for our customers. These crusts are made from alternative flours, ensuring a safe and delicious dining experience for individuals with celiac disease.A gluten-free diet can provide numerous benefits for those with this condition, such as improved digestion and reduced inflammation. We take pride in accommodating our customers' needs and providing a safe and enjoyable dining experience for all.Does Jets Pizza Offer Any Vegan Pizza Options?Yes, Jets Pizza does offer vegan pizza options.Vegan pizza is a great choice for those who follow a plant-based diet or have dietary restrictions. It provides a healthier alternative to traditional pizza by using plant-based ingredients and skipping animal products.Jets Pizza uses fresh ingredients and cooks their pizzas in a signature brick oven, ensuring a delicious and satisfying experience.Enjoy the benefits of vegan pizza at Jets Pizza in Mansfield, TX.What Is the Most Popular Specialty Pizza at Cicis Pizza?The most popular specialty pizza at Cicis Pizza is their Supreme Pizza. It's loaded with a variety of delicious toppings, including pepperoni, sausage, bell peppers, onions, and black olives.Ordering a specialty pizza at Cicis Pizza has several benefits. First, you get to enjoy a unique combination of flavors that are carefully crafted to satisfy your taste buds. Additionally, Cicis Pizza offers an all-you-can-eat option, so you can indulge in as much of their specialty pizza as you desire.Does Mamas Pizza Offer Delivery Service in Mansfield?Mamas Pizza, a beloved pizzeria, does offer delivery service in Mansfield. With their mouthwatering Italian cuisine and retro pizzeria look, Mamas Pizza is the go-to spot for pizza lovers.But what about Trio Pizza? Well, they not only serve delicious pizzas but also cater to those with gluten-free dietary needs. With their family-friendly atmosphere and cozy space, Trio Pizza is the perfect place to enjoy a worry-free, gluten-free pizza experience.ConclusionIn conclusion, Mansfield, TX is home to a variety of pizza joints that will satisfy any pizza lover's cravings. Whether you're in the mood for a classic Italian-style pie or a unique specialty creation, there's a pizza place in Mansfield that will deliver.From the cozy atmosphere of Palios Pizza to the nationwide chains like Pizza Hut and Papa Johns, you can expect delicious, hot, and fresh pizzas that will leave you wanting more.Don't miss out on these mouth-watering slices of heaven in Mansfield, TX.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:26 Potential_Problem672 Should I break up with my boyfriend over this?

Me and my boyfriend have been together for just over a year. He’s perfect in every way possible and incredibly patient (so this has absolutely nothing to do with him). We started dating by hooking up and then catching real feelings but he was always my best friend first. In Oct, I had an abortion which he fully supported and then later decided to have an iud put in. All in all, it failed and was the most pain ive ever been in and then I got another with the same result. Eventually it all settled and its not so bad now just very painful on my period. During the second time the doctor was very inappropriate and did a lot to me without warning. This has led to some form of vaginismus so I cant have anything go up there without excruciating pain. Sex was a big deal in our relationship and ive always loved sex but he was the first guy ive ever enjoyed it with. Also im ‘bisexual’ forgot to mention that. Ive only ever had emotional connections with women before him and only ever been attracted to women. My boyfriend is very tall (im 5’8 so thats a flex) and very masculine presenting which i found very attractive until recently. I love him to peices but I dont know if its just as a friend now bc ive enjoyed our time together not having sex. I dont know if I ever want to have sex with men again. I’ve been thinking about women a lot more and intrusively, reminiscing. Ive spoken to him about it and hes 100% sure he’ll stay by my side no matter what and i believe him. I just think I should be taking more action and I dont know what to do. Let me know if you have any questions.
submitted by Potential_Problem672 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:25 pullupinthemonstA End treatment of braces getting worse than before?

So I’ve been on braces since May 2021. Since getting them I have always had days where I thought I looked nice and days where I thought I looked worse however I still would see improvement ervery few months.
My face in general has always had one side looking a bit different however I noticed that by symmetry started to improve with the braces on… UNTIL this year. It all started when my orthodontist was not in so another orthodontist decided to do my adjustments. After that my entire face just relapsed and got worse each adjustment even when my orthodontist came back the appointment after. That new orthodontist at the time always started telling me how “my teeth were ready for the braces to be off the next appointment” when in reality that was not the case at all as my bite still needed to be adjusted. Luckily my braces didn’t get removed as my regular orthodontist was back in however he still did book the next 3 appointments after that as the “final” check until he saw that my bite was just taking time to adjust. But to be honest I’m not seeing any more improvement at all. In fact it feels like my results are starting to relapse and some teeth are starting to become crooked again… My face and smile also looks like it started to go more crooked as well. Prior to braces, I had a smile that looked like a “smirk” however that was going away and I actually never saw my smirk smile again until this year !! And this time it looks even worse that every time I smile, one side is visibly more higher than the other. The asymmetry is even evident when I eat or talk now and I have no idea why this is all happening now. I haven’t gotten any extractions and only got 1 elastic but nothing else. I do have extra 5 wisdom teeth however was told I can get them out at anytime. I’m not sure if it may be that ? I also have a deviated septum which is getting worse so I’m not sure if that be it either? And lastly I am grinding my teeth allot of more which may also be a contributor
Photos of me look absolutely horrendous now and less soft. It’s like my face I had prior braces but worse except my teeth are just straighter (with an uneven bite). I’m not sure if I’m overthinking as I have the tendency to do that but my mum did notice my smile looking more “smirkier” again however she is also someone that is paranoid and likes my “crooked” teeth better so I don’t think I can even count on her word. No one else has noticed anything and say they still see the same improvements I started getting when I first started. I even went to a aesthetician who said my asymmetry was not noticeable at all until looked at from a aesthetician point of view as that’s her job and only very closely but other wise no but I swear I’m seeing soo much worse!!
I feel so sad because this is all happening towards the end of my treatment where I’ve paid most of the money already. I hate that this is happening all at the end as well , especially after I was having improvements. My orthodontist did assure he wouldn’t take the braces off until I’m happy and until he’s satisfied as well but I feel like he would definitely disregard any facial changes. I know without photos, it’s not gonna be much help but just wondering if anyone has gone through this ?
submitted by pullupinthemonstA to orthodontics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:23 Maleficent-Candy7102 So is show David bi, or just straight up gay and in the closet

When we first meet him, show Daniel is embittered about a lot of things: he’s old, he’s alone, he’s sick and fragile. And now he has to talk to these to hot, eternally young vampires who sit there all Lovey dovey and claim to be the loves of each others lives. But does he have yet another reason to be bitter?
When we first met him I just assumed he was straight, cause, ya know, the veteran of two straight marriages. But throughout season one it becomes clear that a. He was (is) attracted to Louis and b. He was in that gay bar for more than just to score drugs. So, since he’s been married to two different women, and also shows attraction to men, in season one I just assumed he’s bi.
But his season things have gotten… interesting. A few issues: 1. Daniel’s marriages to women seem more and more like a cover; like something he did because of crushing social expectations rather than something he did because he was sincerely in love (or even in lust) with either of his wives.
  1. Alice. Woooo, Alice! His lasting affection for her, shown during season one, was the primary reasons I assumed Daniel was bi, rather than exclusively gay (after all, it is solely men he is shown to be lusting after / implied to be attracted to on the show.)
But with season two, an even more intriguing issue has arisen: there seem to be two Alice’s.
The first Alice is the wife of convenience; the woman Daniel married to meet pressing social expectations and/ or for the pragmatic reason that he got her pregnant. This is the woman whom Daniel speaks of in a few scenes— with regret and guilt, but also apparently without any real love or feeling. The Alice to whom he replied “ya” to when she announced he was pregnant, for instance.
But then there is the other Alice. The one whom Daniel speaks of with such longing, affection and regret that the love in the room is palpable when he does so. This is the Alice whom he walked through Paris with, hand in hand (more on that in a moment); this is the Alice whom, far from saying “ya” to in indifference, Daniel was heartbroken when she refused him.
Increasingly, I have trouble believing theses are the same woman— or that the second Alice is actually a woman at all. Like, how much sense does the whole “when she told me she was pregnant with my child I said “ya”, then indifferently left to finish my book; but now I’m going to cry sincere tears because she wouldn’t marry me.” Again— seems like two different people— one whom he was merely kind of fond of/ tolerating; the other whom he lived wholeheartedly.
And then there’s the whole “you finally felt free to hold Alice’s hand in Paris.” Um… huh? He felt reluctant to hold his fiancés hand in public? Even in puritanical America, it seems unlikely that anyone would take issue with an engaged couple holding hands.
IMO, there really are two Alice’s. First is actual Alice, for whom Daniel feels sorry but never truly loved. Second is his memories of another (male) person grafted onto the memories of Alice. This is the one he felt such joy at holding hands in public; whose rejection broke his heart. And perhaps this is the one who’s rejection broke him, leading him into two fake marriages to maintain appearances, rather than pursuing his true desires, with men.
Here’s why this is important: it adds another layer to Daniel’s character, to his sorrow and bitterness. He is not just resentful of Louis because the latter lied to him, or because David is old and sick, Louis healthy. But because as vampires, Louis and Armand got to be openly gay and live as they wanted to without fear of repercussions (being all powerful beings.)
unlike David, who may well have wanted to date other dudes and express his affection for them in public, but could not,for fears of public beatings and other hate crimes against gay men in 1970s America. So he had to enter into two loveless, sham marriage, and, while enjoying a fruitful professional life, always had to “fake it” in his personal life. From David’s POV,Louis and Armand are two punks who really don’t appreciate what they’ve been given, or how good they have it.
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2024.06.09 22:23 Ok_Grapefruit_46 Looking for Advice: weird situation with my brother in law and sister

2 years ago I caught my brother in law taking pictures of me in my bikini. We were hanging out as families (My sisters family , My brothers family and my husband and I). The day plan was to go boating, dinner at my sisters and then for my husband and I to stay over. On the boat My brother in law usually takes lots of photos so it wasn’t strange that he had his phone out snapping pictures. But he was leaning strange and seemingly taking photos of me beside him ( aimed at my boobs). At one point on the boat my sister said “ it looks like ( name of brother in law) is taking photos of your boobs”. I had felt that he was so her saying this confirmed it for me. But in the moment I brushed it off. I noticed many separate times that he was doing this. After we got off the boat and were packing up , I pulled my sister aside and briefly said to her that I felt like he was and her saying it confirmed it for me. It was a quick convo because we were packing up. On the drive to dinner I told my husband and he was shocked. We both agreed this was incredibly strange and out of character for my BIL. My husband said if my gut feeling was that he had done it, then it was probably true that he did and to trust my gut. We got to their place and my sister had asked her husband if he had taken pictures of me (she did this privately with just him). He denied it. I was feeling sick at this point because it was so uncomfortable for me. I liked my BIL and although we’re not super close , I’m extremely close with my sister. He had never put me in a position like this and it was hard for me to believe that he had sexualized me like this. The next day she had asked him again and he denied it. He let her go through his phone and she didn’t see anything. Fast forward a year and my sister found photos on his phone of their daughter’s soccer coaches boobs. She was extremely upset about it. She confronted him about it and then also brought up me on the boat. He admitted to it and said he was embarrassed and deleted them right away. She asked why he did it and he didn’t give a reason. My sister asked how I felt about it and I told her that I would support her however she wanted to deal with this because it is her husband and her marriage. They were already in couples therapy because he had given one of his female coworkers money ( something like $800). He said he had done this because she was in tough times and had a young child. The coworker had threatened my BIL to give her more money or would tell my sister “everything”. He said there wasn’t anything to tell and so the co worker started messaging my sister on Facebook ( that they had a sexual relationship) and commenting on her pictures (“ what a nice family”). The female coworker was apparently threatening another male coworker but was going to call child services on him if he didn’t give her money. Apparently thier HR was made aware of these threats but she was later fired because of her active cocaine use on the job. Anyway. They stopped going to therapy because they felt that this issue had been resolved between them. When I asked my sister what the therapist said about the photos she said that they didn’t talk about it before they stopped. Because they were already in therapy I had assumed my sister would work through this issue but she/ they haven’t… The visits after my sister found the photos- my BIL would barely make eye contact with me nor conversation. It felt to me like he was embarrassed. It was just awkward for me. I love my sister deeply. I do not want to do anything to hurt her and keeping this a secret is a way I feel like I am protecting her and giving her space to deal with this without having any social pressures from others. We are coming up on 2 years and I need closure. I told my sister this and we agreed to have a group conversation about it ( us and our husbands). She admitted she was ignoring this issue between all of us and would talk to her husband about it. She asked for some time and I agreed- I told her I’d give her a couple months ( end of summer). We are at the start of summer now and am feeling nervous for this conversation. My husband and I have talked about it lots. He thinks I should be blatantly honest about my feelings. I worry if I do this it will drive a huge wedge between my sister and I. My current thoughts: 1. I do not want him alone with my daughter. She is a baby but even now my husband and I both currently feel uncomfortable when he holds her. 2. I am his only “sister” . He has always said that he loves me like a little sister and was so happy to get one when he married into the family. But for him to sexualize me like this makes me never want to trust him again. 3. I think that he is / has done more than what he has been caught with ( ex. The co worker). And my sister deserves the full truth from him. When we all hang out as families , we act like nothing is wrong and it can be really nice! I love my sister and her family and it feels so much easier to just slightly recognize that this happened ( cause I haven’t acknowledged this with my BIL yet) and move on. Selfishly I want to be super honest to hurt my BIL. It currently feels like he is getting away with his weird selfish behaviour and I want him to hear how his actions have impacts. But I also feel like it won’t go well?
Any alternative advice for moving forward? Should we have the meeting? Should I put this story to my other siblings and their significant others?
TLDR; My BIL got caught taking weird sexualized pictures of myself and his daughter’s soccer coach. Trying to move forward with my relationship with my sister who I adore but cannot trust him anymore because of his behaviour and looking for advice.
submitted by Ok_Grapefruit_46 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:22 Working-Spirit-3721 Monkey D luffy DD U DONT WANT TO MISS

Good afternoon anybody, somebody, nobody, & everybody
all evidence DM ME
My name is Jain Kunwar
I am a retail trader for 3.5 years.
I am not an ape, I am not an institutional investor, I am not a hedge fund.
Nor do I have any clients.
I do not provide personalised investment advice for fees or commissions or tax purposes.
I'm just an individual investor who did my own research like Detective Columbo/Pikachu.
I come from a broken family, I have been to prison, I have been homeless even at 15 for many years.
I am not a good person, but I am seeking salvation from God.
I been doing Heroin since the age of 13, sober 8 years since the day I pleaded out to God in Merton station London at 1 am asking God to save me.
Which I believe in myself he did because shortly…….
Soon after, I went prison by confessing all my crimes and the judge let me run it concurrently for being honest that I need help and I had no foundation and healed a bit moving forwards in life.
I was born on May 10th, 1994, in Nepal Butwal. Home of the Gurkhas
I came to England 2002 November & have lived here since.
I class my self as Asian British A9
I have been repenting for my sins happily, paying off my debts and learning to be a good human being for I was a sinner till I met Jesus in Church of England.
My one and only father Jesus.
I have been following and invested in Game stop for a long time.
I started educating myself about the stock market since then.
I have been buying shares of GameStop Since 2021 But since 2021 June been incurring losses through market manipulation techniques I.E.
I had been denied withdrawals/ buying or selling options, leveraging options from Capital.NLY

Which incurred me 6 Grand losses on June 2021 and God knows how much/many other investors BIG or small in all exchanges that this effected.
I also have evidence of numerous times the trading app has halted its trade for more then 30 minutes to an hour in a single day! But for these I have videos more then images
I am happy to hand it over if you tell me where to send it.
They kept ignoring me until a month ago in May the 10th 2024 will touch base here later(miracle)
I have what’s app records of me trying to make complaints throughout the years with no redemption or straight answers.
I once spoke to an employee male & female one said, “We are experiencing some technical difficulties” this was about 1-2 years ago.
The Craziest thing was the ticker was moving in other exchanges just not in the one I was trading from.
Once it didn’t even open for 1.5 hours when it was open everywhere else
It finally opened at 10:49 how I know? I experienced this.
Under the FCA regulations all registered Trading Companies have a duty to protect investors from glitches and “technical difficulties”
Which They failed to do so for me I speak for myself and only what I have experienced.
The company even has glitched my leveraging system of 5-1 which was the setting since joining the company.
where, even if you pick 5-1 you only receive 2-1.
I have evidence of this as well & it’s not the first time either.
I know this has been done 100x of times if you take a Deeper Dive in the company’s own trading platform.
You won’t be able to find in other exchanges as other exchanges are working well so you cannot see the reason as its all “inter- linked”.
“Inter-linked “exchanges one falls apart whilst others are moving causing direct market manipulation.
Quoting blade runner “inter-linked”

Since then, I have been sent death threats anonymously.
Which also I can prove It was sent by him by connecting some dots with you
I met the owner in Wembley stadium in Corporate Box I was invited by Mr Stephen O
He contacted me and invited me to his corporate box on 8/6/24 I went there to find clarity as hackers have been going through my phones and social media with death threats.
Currently he is getting his hackers to find out where my siblings are and such as those are the type of questions I am getting in my social media platforms.
I call it phsing, smishing and vhising all 3 were used on my network.
Using carefully relaying questions in segment to build a definitive answer by narrowing down the wrong answers.
Like how it asks me what horoscope I am, Questions like use your initials to create a Japanese name.
Narrowing down an answer what every analytical mind would do.
I have been going through this since May 10th after he contacted me.
I have said my name is J to every one of these questions should be in my social media history.
Notice how it says JJ DEAD MAN COVER
Notice how I met the Owner at 8/6/24 1 pm corporate box …there are plenty cameras there.
I like to be clear here I do not know this person or have his number for him to be coming to my social media as people “whom I know”.
I believe it was the vhising technique of his goons on hire you can see my history for the past month in call history I been getting scam calls left right and centre.
I will also give a copy of screen recording on request.
Then I went home and put a video of his trading app chart not moving like other exchanges for example having a 1-minute ticker symbol does not move for 30 minutes in graph line on my social media suddenly,
I see a people “whom you might know” soon after I posted the video.
I only went to the corporate box because he told me he has over 300 people retail traders coming which I was the only retail there apart from 5 millionaires 4 of which I believe they own the company only speculation whom others are currently.
But I felt an eerily vibe So I did not eat their food or take their hospitality which was probably funded by investors like me getting robbed blind because he thought no one would notice.
I also met a man there I spoke to him he told me His trading account was transferred to their platform.
The clue is there which accounts have been moved without consent or choice?
He will plan to bring all in one to have more control and doing this also erases all traces of manipulation in the trading platform it moved from a very sly way to delete history.
Should not affect me though I joined ticker symbol. NLY as my first and only trading app.
I have lost all history of my trade’s funds and even portfolios deleted without notice of consent why is he observing my account and why is he deleting everything without my consent? He knows he did me wrong that’s why because he uses to manipulate the market into his interest.
I can identify all 4 of them even though I only spoke to Mr S.O over the phone and only know their name.
I ended up being the only retail trader there, A poor man in a Billionaires Club
So out of place
I just can’t figure out why, Can you?
The ticker symbol has to be moving according to the time even if the price does not fluctuate the time has to keep moving like kinetic energy.
It has to be moving unless halted which can be only 35 minutes per day but I have counted over 1 hour gone in some days

I have been through mental trauma with hackers trying to hypnotize me with flashing lights and other spiral colour techniques mind you.
I am an epileptic which I grew out of when I was 15 which is highly reactive to epileptic people.
Miracle indeed, as many don't, certainly not after adult hood.

Also, they have tried to ask me questions to figure out whom I am on my social media,
I got closer to their crimes and my truth and they wanted to know what I know or make me join them as per the invitation I believe bribing me to survive another few years maybe?
Hope you Enjoyed the Corporate box Kenny it was from the money you stole from me!
Steal from the poor how dare you?
pushing pornographic and other Hypno/flashing light techniques to my social media platforms
also using racial harassment by calling me Paki Psycho
At least get the country right! Originally from Nepal BITCH Gurkhas Salute!
We both know whom we are now S.O
Which over the past 3 years have also caused me to lose everything…..
money, love, joy, sanity & dreams.
I have been Robbed constantly from these techniques they use also the withdrawal rejection from 10000 to even 100 this was very recently too. Have some images to reference this too.
I log almost everything I do.
That’s just how I found healing/clarity by writing it down.
I spoke to a person named Emma who told me to withdraw,
I have to show all my cards even the bank card “HSBC” which was bankrupt and stopped without consent.
Jokes on them I still had it Q.Q ahahaaha even after I showed them it didn’t work.
Until 3 days later after I lost 65% of my investment.
I like to point out, I mentioned to HSBC many times I am currently struggling and am willing to pay in an instalment plan.
What I can because I did not want my account to close ever as it would effect my credit score most indefinitely.
Also, the weirdest request was they asked me to show them a picture of the different Barclays Cards I have with the same account number.
saying it must be the same card but it’s the same account number same card basically so why?
I replied, I put the money from my apple pay send it back to my apple pay card he said please send us an email of all your cards indirectly refusing to let me withdraw whilst I am in profit.

So, I sent them by email which I should have on my email “for reference”.
He also mentioned he will be my account manager and watch my account after the first time he called me because I am a “premium” account.
I still am a premium account with minimum 5-1 leveraging glitched to 2-1 with only 400 pounds left in my account and still watches where and when as my judgement has been good when to buy.
Buy low sell high! Or just hold but I couldn’t do any of these.
I believe it took him this long for many years the issue was my real name and my social media are not the same people.
As I do not have a social media account anywhere with my real name.

He started taking control of my account and portfolios since the day he contacted me on 2024 May 5-15 around the same time I started losing again drastically.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide you how much money I had made in profits or losses because “My account manager of a premium account less then 50 grand had deleted all my portfolios and trade history to clear his name”.
My account portfolio was called Bullish-CFD
Glory CFD and 3 gbps cfds I ended up with one named GBP usd
How the name changed I do not know
I suspect he closed my shared and opened it in a different portfolio causing 8888 amc share sale in my account 1112 GME shares.
As these most of these shares were bought months ago which I believe he has to pay for borrowing he doesn’t have to pay if it was new trades, I suspect this happened here.
Why else would I not the Portfolio I had designated names on.
This can also explain why my trade history has been wiped.
I did not do this I did not consent this nor was I notified.
Let me make this clear I do not have any controls or jurisdiction to wipe my history of trades if you could compare with other users to see if they have been wiped out and why it has been wiped out as its detrimental for Securities Agency to have correct data of everything that is going on with trading exchanges.
Which makes me believe more in the investment of AMC & GME.
I also believe Mr S.O prior to 2 years ago before all these new rules started coming, he was using his trading account to artificially increase profits by making a profit/gain.
I.E you open a position in a stock that is about to split in the market or going through one.
Let’s say its 2 5-1 reverse split now its 10 he made 8 decimal gains instead of changing the shares according to the split.
This crime trick he used to manipulate the market ended when sundial went for a share split reverse.
I came to realise this when I ventured in a demo account, and it worked but I didn’t do it with real money as that is not the right way.
I am trying to be good doing it the right way.

I have worked physically demanding jobs for many years working 6 days -7 days per week doing 55-65 hours per week, killed my joy in life and even went without food to invest in this company as I believe in the Company board, company outlook and company fundamentals all 3 checks out as a great investment to my eyes a hat trick to a quad trick now.
Putting money in it almost every month in the past 3-4 years.
My journey ends here with my Losses from market manipulation but I will reveal the truth!!!
They have robbed us again and again even the government has been robbed.
just for their benefit ruined many people’s lives all over the world.
Especially now that the company managed to be stable and grow profits.
But the issue here is not my losses it’s the market manipulation.
the company is doing all they can to not close their losing trade which is the
THE BOX everyone is talking about, but no one is knowing about somebody may know though.
Maybe investigate their wives’ accounts and you might find it on a marginal line red line in this account.
The blonde lady. Wearing navy blue jeans. Bingo!
Mr Stephen O has tried bribing me in social media sending women over my home to seduce me but my dog did her job right! And sensed the intentions I know this because I had a media pushed through my social media saying do you want me to send you two women to seduce me in hiding his criminal behaviours but this is not about me
He has robbed millions of people .

I have evidence of this as well to turn it in his favour as I believe he is short on GameStop which is a direct Conflict of interest “the reasons why I am been having these trading technical issues “
Trying to turn you into a gambler not investor! By taking away the withdraw, buy or sell!!!
You see,
The universe spoke to me, and I am becoming the voice for everybody who are being robbed by this man.
Call it a sign, a cohencidence or just dumb luck!
I am not a messiah though I just uncovered the truth!
2 weeks before my birthday on May 10th,, a stray kitten gave birth to 4 kittens and left only one behind. The squeeze began on my Birthday no fucking way!!!!!!!!
I/we have since, been taking care of her.
Meet My Newborn Kitten.

At 2 weeks old.

I also have a conspiracy theory on this as an attempt to harm my kitten.
To destroy me and make me stop trading.
I have frozen the medication Dr Elliot not a regular vet from that practice.
Well not the ones we see anyways 2 out 3 times.
My kitten was very ill shortly after taking the medication was also recommended to euthanised my kitten.
If you see her now you won’t believe why they would ever recommend this.
Of course, I argued and took control of the situation and saved her.
When I am back on my feet, I am going to a professional to check it out completely.
I like to remind you I already have a dog in this house for that cat to dare to come in my yard and give birth its like it was meant to be here cats? get it?
She is about 2.2 times her size now! Growing strong !!! just like GAMESTOP
In Jesus name can I get AMEN!
b4 I continue...
I currently work as a civil engineer and am on the quest to turn my life around in my Pursuit of Happiness.
Thank heavens as I do not even hold a GCSE another miracle!
That I have this job.
I am a troubled child, but I still have dreams... of making it in life.
Which is providing my future wife and kids with everything I did not receive,
love, attention, guidance and more importantly a home they can sleep comfortably knowing they will have a place to sleep again tomorrow.
But I do not blame anyone as it was a first time for everyone being a father... a mother...even me a son just as guilty.
But I want you to keep reading this story… as it is very important if you have lost in the stock market as there are many other stocks that are missing in chart it was probably getting diluted for someone’s benefit to maybe stabilise their losing trading account.
I get the desperation that’s how I felt scrounging, borrowing money when I felt like I was about to be margin called totally human reaction.
The way he gained the money to stabilise it was totally criminal though.
I feel like he is digging himself a bigger and bigger hole and that hole is up some skunks arse hole by now.
I also like to point out Mr S.O has notified me that capital is a British company, but I have seen it being registered in the state of
This is the Final frontier.

My judgement was clouded by addiction made me do bad things...
I apologise to everyone I caused harm/inconvenience in the past and now.
I really am.
From the bottom of my heart.
my actions were clouded by addiction it took me more than a decade to defeat my heroin addiction.
At this sober state, now If you ask me anything; I’ll tell you even if it gets me in trouble
without a second thought.
I like to point out through out my columbo detective move I came across various information some even I should not know.
All I’m seeking is justice and peace right now and I hope someone can help me get this as I have proof for most of these speculations.
But I believe Mr S.O has been sending his hackers to feed numbers into my head by keep pushing it into my feed.
Because of this I purposely lost all my trades as I will not participate in insider trading sent by Mr S.O to convict me to silence.
Realising I was being watched by numerous people.
I went into a state of hallucinations, insanity.
It was hard but I crawled back out of the hackers infiltrating my device to corrupt my mind and decisions.
I suffer with anxiety and depression already too and have been suffering further since Mr S.O has called me.
I just didn’t know this before he called me, and all the pieces started to connect.

As this type of speculations and claims are only for the wealthy and privileged.
I know I am neither.
I am a very poor man with no land no inheritance no support.
Everything I earn is from these hands that push tools and this mind that tries to learn investing.
At my day job I give my 110% physically
at home
I work my mind 110% to try being an experienced smart investotrader as I know once I have knowledge and skill, I can make money easily after.
Currently, I am sharpening my day trading skills to further increase my knowledge from investor to a trader.
I earning ends meet living pay-check to pay-check and I will continue doing so to save earn invest and one day have a place, which my future family can call our home proudly safely.
But I still see the deep value in a growing company as the more room for growth the more gains the investment will make.
I learnt this from reading and following great investors of this decade I.E DFV videos of GameStop 3 years ago.
I especially like the one where we roll the 8 ball and just find a random ticker and analyse it you never know what dumb luck can bring you.
A school dropout like me to GameStop and I have learnt more things than I did in my lifetime.
You can learn anything in YouTube now amazing really we should use technology to assist us not work for us I strongly believe not use it for our own personal gain just because you have coders.
If you look through their trading app they chart doesn’t even revert the history into split prices SUPER MANIPULATION.

1 I love the stock/I believe in the stock.
2 the company has board members who doesn’t even get salary.
For this they have my trust of my investment and that they will do everything in their knowledge and power to make this company successful as toys brings “JOY” even to adults.

I kept putting more and more invested in this company, but the stock is being manipulated so it doesn’t work everyone will lose as how the conflict-of-interest person wants it he has survived until now because of this but there were no major leads of this I believe.
[Again, I am here to speak about GameStop and the TRUTH]()
I still see GameStop as a great investment.
The company survived Covid 19, also is profitable and stable currently.
With all the current market price fluctuations
Also the price has not dropped below 40! pre split price.
which further strengthens my speculation,
I currently own only 18 shares of GameStop I did have over a thousand.
But the company owners of; ticker symbol NLY.
Have done everything they can to make me lose a winning investment.
They took my buy button my sell button and even stopped trading for more than 30 mins and hid it from none trading eyes in the bigger picture.
He also took my shares and diluted it I have incurred about 61 grand losses from my history of trading because of these market manipulation techniques over the past 3-4 years.
I as an investor a client of capital trading app was not treated fairly.
1 Even when I have raised complaints numerous time over the past 3-4 years was shrugged off because I am just well a NOBODY.
I call it a poor man's privileges.
2 Under FCA regulations Glitches or technical failures that cause financial harm to customers is a breach of this rule.
3 I am formally writing a complaint here and raising awareness with evidence of market manipulation!
would like support regarding the Law side of things and what i can recover from being ridiculed and robbed.
Using my food & leisure money to invest in this company.
I sacrificed my Joy for this investment with my hard earned money by working 50-60 hours a week labour 52 weeks per year non stop you can check my work rota records sometimes even 70 per week in physically demanding jobs.
1He has sent me Death threats today of what I am revealing now since meeting him in Wembley Stadium 8/6/26 (have a image of sending me death threats after meeting him today using paid hackers)
1 3/half weeks ago he called me to say I am in a premium account there are 300 of you and I would like to invite you to meet him today
which was really weird why is he putting my account on premium and saying He is going to look after it I am retail trader I have barely any money in account!
and deleted all my portfolio and trade history everything wiped clean!
+I suspect this was getting rid of evidence as I am right at the heart of the Griffin
I know why he took ownership from me without my consent and sold it without me knowing by derivatives and decreased the market value for his personal benefits.
Because he is already manipulating using this trading platform to control the prices elsewhere.
I have evidence of this you can only see it just DM me
if you look at the charts in their trading platform you can see it yourself to say it’s not photo shop.
no one else can notice it if you are not using the same app!!
2 Mr Stephen and his goons have been manipulating the stock since gamestop! 2021
+prior to 2 years ago his app would increase profits even from a split share!
I came across this information on 2022 You should recheck all files that are linked to him and splitting shares tickers as he has robbed them blind too.
I was the only retail investor, there alongside his corporate buddies which I am happy to identify and stand as witness.
I felt safe though as I don't even Fear the Darkest Night as I always walked by faith and believed in God has a purpose for me too..
A nobody like me maybe could be somebody one day!

(all hail great DFV) got to pay your respects !
I learnt trading since 2021
“Once there was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to a baker every week.
After several weeks of purchasing butter from the farmer the baker decided to weigh it. To insure it was indeed a full pound.
When he weighed it, he discovered the butter felt short of a pound which enraged him and made him feel cheated and decided to take the farmer to court.
The judge asked the farmer what his method is of weighing the butter.
the farmer replied “your honour, I am poor I do not own any exact measuring tool.
How ever I do have a Scale.
The judge then inquired if the farmer uses the scale to measure the butter the farmer explained.
“Your honour I have been buying a 1 pound of loaf from the baker Long before he began purchasing butter from me,
When ever he brings the bread, I place it on the scale and measure out the same weight to give him in return.
So, if the baker is not receiving a pound of butter he is also not delivering a pound of bread as promised.
The moral you get what you give if you try to cheat others of what they promised them.
You will be cheated in return.

submitted by Working-Spirit-3721 to u/Working-Spirit-3721 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:22 ThrowRAaloenee He 32M slapped me 26F and I think I am too attached to him?

I told myself I will stop talking about this, but I am so miserable. I started therapy, it doesn't help yet. He kept texting me, sometimes nice, sometimes mean, sometimes telling me I will end up with a fat truck driver. After a few good days without contact, he texted me a very painful message, that made me cry for hours. He said my life is boring, that I never travel anywhere because I got no money, that all women want to date someone in his profession and of course I chickened out because his career made my life even sadder and empty. I ignored. Then, after 10 minutes, wrote me that he has a layover for one night in the city and he can fck my brains out and that will make up for everything.
I didn't answer, I spent my night crying because I do feel my life is more boring than his and just sad in general because I have so many emotional and a bit of financial issues. And finally yesterday he texted me a very long message in which he said he apologise for everything he said and done. He said we don't have to meet, or talk, or anything, just he wants me to know he is sorry.
Of course I will not forgive him but I think I have some feelings for him, otherwise he would have been blocked. I do feel lesser than him due to his social status (although a friend told me a lot of his great status is in my head, that if I wanted to learn how to fly a plane, with hard work and determination, I would). It just that I am a total mess
My original post:
I am 26 and work in a airport coffee shop. I started sleeping with a guy who is an airline pilot. He is 32. I also found the job so cool since I was a kid. He is good looking too, so many reasons to give it a try, although I am not into hook up culture. We did it once, then it happened again after like 3 weeks later. At that point he asked me for my number, so we could be in touch. I was happy. It's been already 4 months that we see each other when he can. Usually when he is off it is for a few days.
I am sure I am not a side chick, because last time we met, he also put a photo of us on social media. He made me feel good. He is funny and intelligent too. Lately though he has been different. At first he made me feel bad for working in an airport coffee shop, like it's a not a good enough job. Then, he also raised his voice at me for waking him up by accident. I went to bathroom and the door woke him up.
And 2 days ago he slapped me. Very bad. I fell to the floor. We had a fight about the way he treats me and how he looks down on me for not having a better job, not being ambitious enough. I am not the kind of person to tolerate such things and I called him an arrogant a$$hole. He hit me, walked out of my apartment and after 3 hours he texted me to apologise. He said he was tired, he had a long flight, stressed. I told him I cannot forgive him and I will stop seeing him. He said fine, that he understands this but he wants to talk to me tomorrow, after I am done with my shift.
NO, I did not go with him, we didn't meet at all since that slap (that was just the post)
submitted by ThrowRAaloenee to relationship_advice [link] [comments]