Rash on legs and arms starting to burn


2015.03.27 02:21 oom23 Sploot

Welcome to /Sploot! We are a community dedicated to animals posing with their arms/legs stretched out, which is also referred to as "frogging" by some people.

2014.01.14 19:28 Information and support for those affected by Restless Legs Syndrome

Welcome to the community of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease. PLEASE VISIT OUR FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/RestlessLegs/comments/tnphkq/faq/ This is a place to connect with others, discuss treatment options, and kick around ideas. There is help and hope for RLS!

2015.04.14 16:43 Shower Orange an Enlightenment of the Soul

Shower Orange. We are dedicated to the consumption of various citrus fruits whilst taking a shower. I know, I know it sounds weird. Just give it a try. and post about your Experiences

2024.06.09 19:32 nkufrfbhh Java Burn Reviews Safe Weight Loss Coffee Powder or Over Hype? MUST READ!

Java Burn Reviews: Can You Lose Weight with This Coffee Supplement?
~Java Burn is designed with convenience and simplicity in mind.~ Imagine starting your day with your usual cup of coffee, but on this occasion it helps you lose weight. Java Burn delivers on this promise.
This supplement promises to speed up your metabolism, give you more energy, and improve the way your body burns fat.
The best part is that it doesn't change the flavor of your coffee, making it easy to use.
What is Java Burn Coffee?
~Java Burn is a natural weight loss supplement made from professionally sourced and tested ingredients.~ The formula targets the underlying causes of weight gain and a slow and non-habit-forming metabolism.
Objective third-party laboratories test powder to ensure it is free of impurities, including artificial colors, additives, preservatives, gluten and GMOs. Java Burn ensures overall health although weight loss is considered the main benefit.
It improves your energy and mental clarity, while keeping your blood pressure, diabetes, and digestion at healthy levels.
The manufacturer of the dietary supplement states that it is manufactured in an FDA registered facility in the United States under strict, hygienic, GMP certified procedures.
Java Burn is a coffee supplement that comes in a bottle containing 60 easy-to-swallow capsules, enough for a month's supply.
submitted by nkufrfbhh to nflstreamsbaltv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 bbymutha22 Bad headache after accident??

I was in a pretty bad accident yesterday all the airbags in my car deployed. I am 12 weeks pregnant and had my 4 year old in the car. Luckily we are all okay I am the only one with minor injuries including airbag burns on my face and just overall body soreness. I started getting a pretty severe headache last night on the left side of my head. I can only take Tylenol due to the pregnancy and it’s really not going away at all. I can’t remember all the instructions they told me at the hospital no one was there with me to help me and I was a managing my 4 year old while still being in shock. I also woke up with bad neck pain on my right side. Should I go in or is this expected the day after an accident and go in if it’s not better tomorrow? I’ve never been in an accident before and feel lost
submitted by bbymutha22 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 GulnarLjerka Black spot? Rust?

Black spot? Rust?
Hello everyone,
I've noticed some issues with my roses and could use some help. The new growth started showing some brown spots, but there are no yellow margins. On the other hand, a few leaves at the base of the plant has yellowing in the interior. Otherwise the rest of the looks good and there are no flowering issues.
What's going on?
For additional context, I recently moved my potted roses from an area where the petals were getting burned to a spot with partial shade... that's when I noticed the black spots.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
submitted by GulnarLjerka to Roses [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:31 jadezona I’m(23F) fantasizing about cheating on my boyfriend(23M). How to make it stop?

My boyfriend has been in his mandatory military service for a month now, and because he’s in bootcamp, he only gets his phone for 2 hours a week. The rest of the time he has no contact with the outside world. I’m struggling a bit with missing him, but I’m trying my best to get over it and not burden him with it, since he’s having a harder time being in the military.
Before he left we had a bit of a relationship problem: he went on a trip abroad and when he came back, somebody saw him on tinder. i assumed he had cheated abroad, but he insisted and swore he did not, that he only used it to find travel buddies. i knew he was using “an app” to find travel buddies, but he never mentioned it was tinder. i went through his entire phone and found nothing strange, it seemed that he had really been using it for travel buddies. he swore up and down that he did nothing wrong, cried and begged that he cannot live without me. but i still thought that it was a weird choice of app, and thought that he could’ve deleted the suspicious stuff before i found out.
i’ve been having a hard time trusting him since then. i can’t stop thinking about it. my suspicion is that he did cheat, but regretted it, and chose to delete everything and pretend it never happened. we’ve been together for a year and I love him a lot, thought we were gonna get married, he even introduced me to his entire family before he left. but cheating is something that i’m very sensitive to and absolutely despise, and i cannot erase the image of his tinder profile off my mind.
because I despise cheating, I used to believe I would never cheat myself under any circumstances. however, this weekend, my roommate and i went clubbing with our friends and i met this guy who was quite handsome. we got to talking in kinda close proximity, because otherwise you can’t hear anything in the club. he smelled so good and he was so funny. it was very crowded and at one point some dude was pushing me while trying to pass by, so this guy kind of put his arm around my waist to create some distance between that dude and I. as soon as he touched me like that, i had this thought of making out with him. i thought, if my boyfriend felt free to be on tinder, why can’t i do this? i had to walk away from him to collect my thoughts. i had thoughts like that about him throughout the entire night.
then yesterday, i suddenly started thinking about a man i had a situationship with before i met my boyfriend, and before I knew it, i went and unblocked him on social media. i made no attempt to contact him or anything like that, but i kind of thought “well, i wouldn’t mind if he hit me up first, since my boyfriend was matching and talking to women on tinder, why can’t I do this…”
I am hating myself for these thoughts and I want to stop them immediately. I would hate to ever be a cheater, even if I’ve been cheated on first, I think it’s disgusting and weak-minded to cheat. I love my boyfriend a lot and I want to wait for him well and get married after he comes back.
Please, how to make these thoughts stop?
submitted by jadezona to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:31 New_Specialist6771 Newbie here. Where should I start?!

Help me out please. Im totally new to reading and the genre.
My experience with fantasy is The name of the wind by Patrick Rothfuss... that's it! And I really love the book but wished there was a little more on the romance there.
I know I like slow burning love stories. I don't know where my tolerance stands on the spice meter thou...
I'm been watching tiktokers recommend different series. ACOTAR is the one that keeps popping up. But I am unsure if it is the best one to start with... Specially on how many books are. I don't want to read three whole books to reach the really good parts...
So I guess what I'm looking for is a stand alone book, or short series, with really nice story and character development, with just enough romance to get me going (not so much I would feel uncomfortable, not so little is just plain fantasy)
Other kind of related tv shows and movies I like are: Harry Potter, Outlander, and Bridgerton!
Thanks! :)
submitted by New_Specialist6771 to fantasyromance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 volgensmij520 My experience so far getting Botox in my armpits

TLDR: loving the Botox right now. 40ish year old female.
I got Botox in my armpits about 2 weeks ago for hyperhidrosis. First time treatment. So far, this is my experience. I'll break it down by my treatment experience first. Then I'll break it down on how the outcomes affect my life.
Treatment Experience
Outcome Experience First take:
It is almost hard to have known how badly my sweating affected me until after the procedure. Some of my own reflections:
Overall, 10 out of 10 will get the procedure done again when the effects have worn off.
submitted by volgensmij520 to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 sdpodfg23 Additional character backstories

I have some players who struggle to imagine new characters so I've created some additional backstories to help them having something to RP from for the first few sessions.
I'd appreciate some feedback before I implement this in our upcoming campaign.
The idea is that the characters have just been through some very tumultuous events (their villages being invaded and destroyed) and are not entirely whole as a result.
Players make a choice from the first list on how their character reacted to these traumatic experiences, and then get the corresponding backstory + hindrance from the second list. Eg., if they choose "The Road to Hell", they get "Insecure".
The hindrances they get are not meant to be permanent, and I'll encourage them to roleplay them to a conclusion, after which I'll come up with a reward that fits.
Player choice:
  1. THE ROAD TO HELL You are righteous and confident in your abilities. You gather a group of followers, train with them… and then lead them to their deaths. The sole survivor sticks around, though you aren’t sure why.
  2. MOST FRIENDSHIP IS FEIGNING You are confused, lonely and hungry. A group of survivors share their meal with you and invite you to sit by their campfire. You travel with them, and over time, they start to demand favours to prove your friendship.
  3. FLUSTER’D WITH FLOWING CUPS You find solace in drink, and it slowly takes over your life. You isolate yourself from the friends and family who remain, and get drunk. Every day.
  4. AND RAPT IN SECRET STUDIES Faced with the undoing of your way of life, community, and world, you react… by focusing even harder on your work. Ongoing events all seem so distant and irrelevant, compared to honing this one particular talent...
  5. WITH GAIN SO FOND You become obsessed with the village smith’s family heirloom, a famous weapon. During the final attack on your village, instead of facing the invaders, you sneak into the smithy but are discovered mid-theft. You leave the place with the weapon in hand, covered in blood.
  6. BLUNT NOT THE HEART As the indignities and deprivations pile on, something finally snaps. In response to a perceived insult, you viscously attack a close friend and leave them seriously injured. You are chased away from your village.
  7. GOD HATH GIVEN YOU ONE FACE A practicing member of your religion, you react to the events by deepening your devotional activities. Those around you are inspired by your faith. Yet under the surface, not all is as it seems.
  8. NEVER TASTE OF DEATH BUT ONCE When bandits waylay the refugees you are traveling with, you stride forward to stop them. Surprised by your ferocity, they run away, leaving one of their own dying on the ground, and yourself seriously injured.
  9. O, WHAT PORTENTS ARE THESE? You did what you had to do to survive the disaster. You did things—questionable, unsettling things—that you will never forget, though the only witness left is yourself.
  10. IT IS A TALE SIGNIFYING NOTHING The events passed by in a blur. You don’t recall taking any actions to survive, and it must be by sheer good—or bad?—fortune that you do. You dust yourself off and carry on, but can’t shake the feeling that life is passing you by.
  11. LOSE THE GOOD WE MIGHT OFT WIN Throughout the crisis you do your best to help those around you, sharing the little you have and sparing no energy in the defence of others. Your efforts make hardly any difference at all, but you can't shake the feeling you should have done more.
  12. TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE You navigate the crisis by trusting your instincts. Never mind that you leave behind you a trail of wrecked friendships, resentment and destruction… you’re still here, and that’s thanks to following your gut.
  13. HE HATH EATEN ME OUT OF HOUSE AND HOME You turn to the contents of your larder to deal with your deep sense of despair… a larder that is supposed to feed several others during the crisis.
  14. THAT SOMETIMES SAVOURS NOBLY Your limited resources are spent increasingly on just surviving… when you see others who have managed to hold on to their precious objects, you feel a deep, dark jealousy.
  15. WILL AS TENDERLY BE LED The events you witness reawaken an instinct that has been suppressed since and a period when small village animals turned up decapitated, flayed or dismembered.
  16. MY DULL BRAIN WROUGHT Your reaction to the events… what events?

  1. INSECURE Your self-confidence is broken and you constantly doubt your own abilities. Lose 1 Empathy. Your Pride dice is a d6, not a d12. Gain a follower who does not require pay, but who you feel is always watching your actions... judging you silently?
  2. GULLIBLE The crisis has accentuated your trust in others, to a fault. -3 to Insight (this can be a negative number). Lose your starting money. You can ask your new 'friends’ for favours, but they’ll expect more in return.
  3. ADDICTED When your village is burned down you are so drunk you don’t notice, and wake up in a smouldering ruin. You must drink wine, mead or similar every day, otherwise you take 1 agility damage when waking up for every day missed. You also struggle to drink moderately, becoming drunk unless you succeed an Empathy roll.
  4. INDIFFERENT You view events around you with impatience, thinking only to return to your life’s work. Lose 1 Wits. Increase one of your starting professional talents to rank 2.
  5. COVETOUS You acquire the object of your desires, but at what cost? Gain a d8 artifact weapon or helmet; you must describe it's origin, as you understand it. All remaining members of the village will recognise it. Anytime you leave it behind or it gets damaged, and for every Quarter you are separated from it, suffer 1 Empathy damage.
  6. ANGRY Fueled by rage, you set about your work with new intensity, but it threatens at all times to boil over. Add a red d6 to all your rolls. On a 6 it counts as a success (X) but on a 1, you attack the nearest person until you, or they, are unconscious. Gain the Berserker talent.
  7. FRAUD The heights of your religious performance are matched only by the depths of your doubt. Everyone looks to you as an example, and you cannot admit to them--or yourself--that you no longer believe. Maintain the trappings of devotion: 1. gain a Heavy religious icon you must carry at all times, 2. pray for a quarter every day, 3. give half of your earnings to the poor and 4. always help those in need. Every time someone sees you fail to do one of these, take an Empathy damage you can only heal by carrying out that action.
  8. MAIMED Your right knee has never been the same and moving too quickly becomes agony. You must succeed an Agility roll to run as a Fast action. The refugees you saved idolise you and will always take you in.
  9. TRAUMATISED Your nights are haunted by your actions, though they may have been justified. Every quarter you sleep, make an Empathy roll. If you fail, take one Empathy damage and become Sleepy.
  10. LISTLESS You struggle to find the will to care or even continue. Earn 1 fewer Experience Point per session.
  11. INADEQUATE Your efforts are never enough, and you set yourself unrealistic standards you invariably fail to meet. Whenever you fail a roll, take a stress dice. Whenever you roll, roll your stress dice too—on a 1, take 1 Empathy damage for every stress dice you have. Sixes counts as a success (max 1). Sleeping reduces stress dice by 1.
  12. IMPULSIVE You would describe your behaviour as ‘instinctual’ or ‘spontaneous’, but the people around you—and those who know you keep a distance—use words like ‘impulsive’ or ‘unpredictable’. You must use Willpower points in the game session where you gain them; you cannot store them between sessions.
  13. GLUTTONOUS Food becomes a comfort for you, then a hobby, then an obsession. Decrease your Agility by 1. You must consume two Food per day. If you do not, you become Hungry.
  14. JEALOUS You cannot bear to see others receive more than you. Any time another player receives greater benefit or reward than you, take 1 Empathy damage. At the start of every day, if another player has something nicer than you (eg., better armor, an artifact when you don’t have one, etc), take 1 Empathy damage.
  15. SADISTIC You are obsessed with harming other beings. Gain one fewer experience point per session. Each time you harm another being, you gain an experience point (max of 2 per session). To qualify for the experience point, the harm inflicted has to be greater than the previous times (this counts within a session as well as across sessions)
  16. AMNESIAC Your memory and sense of self have been scattered to the four winds. Can you piece yourself back together? You get -1 to all skill rolls. Each time you succeed in pushing a skill roll in reaction to a real danger, you remove the penalty from future rolls for that skill, and you recover a piece of your memory that you may choose to narrate to the group.
submitted by sdpodfg23 to ForbiddenLands [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 Othoric Ramblings on the Samsung G80SD vs Asus PG32UCDM (As well as the other 4K QD-OLEDs)

So I've been using the Samsung G80SD the past few days and have been wanting share my opinions of it compared to the PG32UCDM I had previously, as well as ask others here who have compared some of the different 4K QD-OLEDs their thoughts as well.
So to start with, the 2 biggest issues I had with the PG32UCDM was the HDR performance compared to other QD-OLEDs (Like the Gigabyte model, which has brighter HDR), and also I have a small desk space and no monitor arm, so I had to rely on the included stand. While the included stand is sturdy and well-built, it takes up a lot of space and since my desk is a little higher than most, I wasn't able to lower the monitor enough to be comfortable to use. At the time of returning the Asus for the Samsung, I had also been using the Beta 104 firmware that included an improved Console HDR mode. While the new firmware helped, I still felt it was more of a temporary fix, and with no word of when the next firmware was coming (at the time, I have now heard the new firmware that includes Dolby Vision will be coming before the end of the month), I decided to take a risk on the Samsung which had just launched.
Well I've been using the Samsung for the past few days, and it definitely solved both of the issues I had with the Asus. The stand doesn't take up much space, and it lowers the monitor enough that I find it more comfortable to use. In regards to HDR, I can say that at least to my untrained eye, in seems a lot brighter than the Asus when using it's Peak 1000 mode, which is setting Peak Brightness to High. I also don't find the coating to be as bad as other matte coatings either, and it seems to do a good job with lighting (although I never had a problem with lighting with the Asus either). So now let me move on to some of the annoyances/issues I have noticed the past few days in no particular order.
Now I know it seems like I'm putting a lot of hate on the Samsung, but like I said previously, it does do some things better I feel, like HDR and ergonomics. I'm also quite impressed with the OSD. Despite being a "smart" monitor, it feels snappy, although it seems getting to some settings takes longer than it should. Using apps also seem very responsive as well. I have also noticed that the "upscaling" seems to work ok, but it only works on streaming apps and not on external devices. I am not a fan of all the extra Samsung bloat apps. I have also heard that supposedly there may be a way to increase brightness via the service menu, but even after reaching the menu with a service remote it seems to be hiding under the advanced settings that I haven't figured out how to access.
I guess in conclusion it seems that none of two are perfect, and I guess I am still a little torn on which to finally choose. Should I go and get the Asus back and hope the upcoming firmware fixes everything? I was able to try the Gigabyte through a friend but wasn't able to test it extensively, so should I give that one a shot? Should I keep the Samsung and hope that an upcoming firmware fixes the issues I have with it? That actually brings me to another point. Say what you want about Asus (gods know they deserve it) but it seems they do keep somewhat good engagement with community through the forums (where the beta firmware was provided for example). As far as I know, there is no way to engage with Samsung through a forum or the like.
I would really like to here any thoughts and opinions from you here who have compared some of the 4K QD-OLEDs. Like which one have you ended up with, or what pros and cons you've noticed from the different models? And for those of you who are using the Samsung, how do you like it so far and have you noticed any of the issues with it that I have? Thanks everyone!
submitted by Othoric to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 Puzzleheaded-Grab-36 Arena God, how many games it took??

Previous post
To reference my latest post, i will provide a list of champions i won with and how many games it took with each. Before they reduced number of champions to 60 i started form A - Z, then went to win with whatever i felt like playing. Here is the full list:
  1. Aatrox, 1 game: Dragonheart + Dragon soul;
  2. Ahri, 4 games: Spellwake + Big brain;
  3. Akali, 1 game: Spatula;
  4. Akshan, 10 games: Gambler blade into 25 anvils;
  5. Alistar, 4 games: Slow cooker + Quest: steal your heart;
  6. Amumu, 3 games: Cruelty + Center of the universe, full tank;
  7. Anivia, 2 games: Jeweled gauntlet, full ap;
  8. Annie, 3 games: Full support, E ability haste;
  9. Aphelios, 6 games: Serve beyond death, normal adc build;
  10. Ashe, 5 games: Skilled sniper, accelerating sorcery, spam W build, full lethality;
  11. Aurelion sol, 2 games: Omnisoul + dragonheart;
  12. Azir, 7 games: Minionmancer, tap dancer, Q ability haste, Spellwake;
  13. Bard, 1 game: Phenomenal evil, full ap;
  14. Brand, 1 game: Magic missile;
  15. Briar, 12 games: Dragonheart + Dragon soul;
  16. Cait, 5 games: Scopiest weapons, normal build;
  17. Cho'gath, 7 games: Goliath, full tank, 20 stacks;
  18. Ekko, 1 game: Wisdom of ages, marksmage;
  19. Elise, 1 game: Quest, steel your heart, full tank build, e ability haste, summoner roulette;
  20. Fiora, 3 games: Hemomancer, goredrink, 70% omnivamp game;
  21. Galio, 6 games: Full tank, summoner roulette;
  22. Gragas, 3 games: Flashbang, full ap;
  23. Hecarim, 2 games: Spatula, hemomancer, eleisa's miracle;
  24. Hwei, 1 game: Skilled sniper, perma qe;
  25. Ivern, 1 game: /w rengar, feel the burn aug;
  26. Janna, 1 game: normal supp, nothing broken;
  27. Kalista, 2 games: Feel the burn, Earthwake, it procs on every dash, op;
  28. Karma, 1 game: Spirit link, chauffer;
  29. Kayle, 1 game: Normal build, nothing broken;
  30. Kindred, 1 game: Symphony of war, lighting strike;
  31. Lillia, 3 games: Back to basics;
  32. Lulu, 5 games: Marksmage, Q ability haste;
  33. Lux, 1 game: Spellwake;
  34. Maokai, 1 game: Courage of the colossus, slow cooker;
  35. Master yi, 3 games: Scopiest weapons, fallen angel;
  36. Milio, 6 games: Feel the burn;
  37. Miss fortune, 1 game: Eureka, full ap build;
  38. Nami, 1 game: Normal supp build;
  39. Nilah, 1 game: Full crit. ultimate unstoppable;
  40. Renata, 4 games: Spirit link;
  41. Senna, 2 games: Normal build;
  42. Seraphine, 1 game: Infernal conduit, Accelerating sorcery, Spellwake, full ap;
  43. Singed, 8 games: Vulnerability, spatula;
  44. Smolder, 2 games: Normal build;
  45. Sona, 4 games: Spirit link;
  46. Soraka, 4 games: normal build;
  47. Swain, 1 game: infernal conduit;
  48. Teemo, 5 games: spellwake, infernal conduit;
  49. Thresh, 1 game: courage of the colossus, q ability haste;
  50. Tristana, 3 games: Spatula;
  51. Tryndamere, 1 game: Apex inventor, full tank, 5000 heartsteel stacks, and spirit link;
  52. Twisted fate, 2 games: Omni soul + dragonheart;
  53. Udyr, 1 game: ad crit lethality;
  54. Urgot, 4 games: full healing build, sword of blossoming down;
  55. Veigar, 1 game: big brain;
  56. Vladimir, 4 games: quest, steal your heart, goliath, dragonheart, 15k hp;
  57. Yasuo, 1 game: mythic punch;
  58. Yuumi, 5 games: orbital laser + leona;
  59. Zac, 1 game: full tank + phenomenal evil + accelerating sorcery;
  60. Zyra, 3 games: Trueshot prodigy;
In total it has been 158 games, If you want more details about matches, go to leagueofgraphs search rinkutemo#prime, and look up the champion, you can see build and augments in details.
Good luck grinding!
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Grab-36 to LeagueArena [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:24 Kvtlii is anyone else constantly in pain?

I have some health issues and I knew pregnancy wasn’t a walk in the park from the get go, but this is so much worse than I imagined.
I’m only 8 weeks 2 days and my legs literally feel like they’re being pulled from my hip sockets whenever I walk more than a few feet. My sciatic is constantly bothering me, my feet are already starting to swell a little, and if I lay down for more than ten minutes I start cramping in my back and stomach.
Like!!! This is a lot! A lot more than I thought it was gonna be. I’ve given up on bras completely because my boobs hurt so bad, and they’ve already gone up a cup and a half so none of mine even fit anymore 💀
This isn’t even getting into the constant morning sickness and food aversions. I just now am able to drink water again. I hurled in a walmart aisle yesterday and still want to curl up in a closet over it.
submitted by Kvtlii to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:24 Upper-Cost-7373 [spoiler discussion] So Subaru is the Main Villain, right?

So this is just a slow burn theory I’ve had that’s developed over the course of things, and I’ve no idea if anyone else has come up with this prior but…
Everyone named after something from Earth related to the stars or space was named by either Subaru, or “The Sage”, and it just so happens that most of the things related to “The Sage” share Subaru’s color scheme.
Then there’s the whole constant plot bombs regarding Echidna and the Sage working together on body transference and a bunch of other things, and last but not least that whole thing with a certain dragon coming from Flanders, being named after “a dog from Flanders” despite current Subaru having no apparent way of knowing that.
Then the name of the show itself; Starting over from zero in another world.
Subaru was clearly “The Sage” who’s transferred his soul into a new body at the expense of most of his memories, right?
Right. We can at least agree on that, hopefully.
But here’s where my real theory comes in;
Pandora. Pandora is clearly named by Subaru, right? The original, Subaru, that is. She’s named after an earth celestial body, and like all his names it also serves as a tongue in cheek reference. Pandora’s purpose seems to be freeing Satella from her prison, or “Opening the Box containing all the world’s evils” in the “Witch of Envy” and then also Satella herself, “hope”.
Furthermore, the Cult she controls has access to the powers that used to belong to him, and uses books that are clearly based off of the knock offs of Echidna’s ability, someone who very clearly was working with and very likely used to be in love with, and possibly still is, Subaru OG. Cool? Cool.
So I guess my very paranoid question is; Is this entire story just a game of chess Subaru is unknowingly playing against himself?
And the even more terrifying question; Is Pandora just a good girl who’s doing what her Papa told her to do?!
submitted by Upper-Cost-7373 to Re_Zero [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 CountryInevitable545 A question only this group will truly get.

I broke my leg 6 months ago. Luckily it identified some other treatable(ish) problems, like lipadema, lymohadema, apnea and a aortic aneurism. A whole lot to take on on top of my already taxing pain and other crap. I wasn't able to drive so a neighbor drives me in my car to places, extremely nice, we have a lot of fun. Today we went out of town to get a doughnut. Sounds weird, totally worth it.
I couldn't understand what he was saying because sounds all mix together and it's hard to identify just a voice. I explained it to him, but he said agh! Another one! I get it, I have lots of rules I hate, but I didn't ask for them. My legs started swelling, and I was glad we were headed back home. He wanted to stop and sit at the park, but I was afraid to say i need to get home. He wanted to stop and sit in the head so I could put my feet up, and yep, contact allergies with grass. He said agh, of course....
Now he wants to go grilling this afternoon but I'm just not wanting to go. He's a great guy, I don't understand the feelings here. Anyone know what they are?
submitted by CountryInevitable545 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 Yurii_S_Kh Melangell With A Thousand Angels

Melangell With A Thousand Angels
Nun Nectaria (McLees)
Little known outside Wales and Great Britain, the secluded Welsh shrine of St. Melangel, deep in the Berwyn Mountains, is dedicated to a sixth-century Irishwoman, an anchorite who lived here for many years, alone and unknown. An early Christian treasure, it is the oldest existing Romanesque shrine in northern Europe. When the church was restored in the 1960’s, Melangell’s relics were discovered under the chapel floor, and now more than 10,000 pilgrims a year come to ask for her intercession.
St. Melangell
The shrine of Pennant Melangell, consisting of the church and a few small houses, is situated in a place of great natural beauty deep in the Berwyn Mountains. The small river, Tanat, runs by a narrow lane from the nearby village of Llangynog into a quiet green valley surrounded by high hills and the rugged promontory of Moel Ddu Maw (Moel Dimoel). For most of the year, powerful waterfalls cascade down the cliff-sides.
A Christian church and pilgrimage site for over 1200 years, the former Bronze Age site is ringed by ancient yew trees estimated to be over two thousand years old. A Bronze Age pre-Christian community erected a wall in the midst of the oak forest, which covered the valley, and they found safety hidden in this remote place.
Little is known about St. Melangell beyond the bare tradition that she was a daughter of the royal house of Strathclyde, and came from Ireland at the beginning of the 7th century to convert the Welsh and set up a small religious settlement. Such fragmentary information, however, only makes it apparent that her presence and her prayer must have been quite extraordinary, as attested to by the devotion the Welsh people have always paid her, even following the Reformation.
The Norman church, parts of which date from the twelfth century, is dedicated to St. Melangell (in Latin, Monacella), and incorporates materials of an even older shrine. The present stone church and reliquary-shrine, replacing older wooden structures, were built c. 1100 by order of the king in thanksgiving for peace in his lands and because, by that time, the saint herself had become extremely important in Welsh life.1 In 1450, an oak screen was installed, separating the nave from the chancel, and elaborately carved with the traditional account of the meeting of Melangell and Prince Brychwel. A great oak carving of Christ on the cross was also installed, although this cross was later destroyed and a replacement in bronze now hangs in its place. One of the two medieval effigies near the rebuilt shrine is thought to represent St. Melangell herself. The original Norman font was later joined by a Georgian pulpit, a chandelier, a commandment board, and a series of stone carvings of Melangell’s hare by the sculptor Meical Watts.
The entrance to the shrine bears the inscription, Perindod Melangell, “Melan- gell’s Pilgrimage,” and above the gate is a poem inscribed in Welsh: “Lean purely towards prayer in your heart. Take care when praising God; God only is good, and it is good to give Him honor here.”
In 1537, during the Reformation, the shrine and reliquary were removed by local Christians and hidden in the three-foot exterior walls of the church to prevent destruction. In 1630, the western tower was added, along with a square room (possibly a hermitage) against the exterior east end of the church’s sturdy three-foot thick walls. 1876 saw the tower rebuilt, a new roof, and some interior work. Another restoration followed in 1958 and part of the shrine was removed from the outer walls and badly erected in the interior of the former church—then the village school room. From 1989 to 1992, the church was fully and faithfully restored under the guidance of architects, historians, archivists, and builders. Saint Melangell’s Romanesque reliquary-shrine, beneath which her relics are laid, wasalso restored along with the church. This is the oldest Romanesque shrine in northern Europe. In the Middle Ages, pilgrims in search of healing were laid beneath the stone reliquary canopy.
Church of St. Melangell in Pennant Melangell, Powys, Wales
At the start of the restoration, Rev. Paul and Evelyn Davies moved into a tiny cottage beside the church to oversee the work and Evelyn organized the appeals campaign that eventually raised £300,000. The church was rededicated on July 28, 1992 by the Anglican Archbishop of Wales and has since been an important site for pilgrims— approximately 10,000 a year come for prayer. In 1994, Evelyn built the Cancer Help Centre in the garden and many healings have taken place at the shrine. Anglican, Catholic, and Orthodox pilgrims come to venerate the relics and to pray; the ministry continues today for all Christians.
Dr. William Morgan, translator of the Bible into Welsh, was the rector of Pennant Melangell from 1588-1595. Nearby Llangynog was later a well-known centre of harp-making. Both Thomas Lloyd, an early-20th-century quarry worker at Llangynog and winner of competitions for both harp-making and playing, and internationally-famous Welsh harpist Nancy Richards, are buried at Pennant Melangell.
The well-known story of Melangell and the hare comes down to us from the Welsh oral tradition through carvings, songs, and poetry, some only recently discovered and translated.
St. Melangell and the Hare
In early 7th-century Wales (Powys), there lived in the town of Pengwern Powys (now Shrewsbury), Prince Brychwel Ysgithrog, also Earl of Chester, whose dwellings were located where the later College of St. Chad would stand, nine miles from today’s Welsh border. The prince was known to give generous alms for the service of God and the poor.
One day in 604 AD, Brychwel went hunting in a remote area of his principality called Pennant. When his dogs started a hare, the prince, shouting encouragement, pursued it on horseback into a thorny bramble thicket, but instead of retrieving the hare, the dogs fled howling. In the midst of the brambles he came upon a clearing in which a beautiful woman stood deep in prayer, the hare lying boldly under the hem of her garment. Seeing the woman, the astonished prince asked how long she had lived alone in such a wilderness. According to the medieval Latin sources, she replied, “For the past fifteen years, I have not looked on the face of a man.” “But whose daughter art thou, and from where hast thou come? “I am from Ireland,” she replied, “the daughter of a king, and because my father decreed that I was to be given as wife to a nobleman of Ireland, by God’s leading, I came here instead, to serve God and the spotless Virgin with a pure body and heart for as long as I remain on earth.”
The prince asked the woman’s name, to which she replied, “Melangell.”2 After considering her state of life, her well-being, and her solitude, the prince replied, “Most worthy Melangell, I perceive that thou art a handmaid of the true God. Because it hath pleased Him for thy merits to give protection to this little wild hare from the attack and pursuit of the hounds, I give and present to thee with willing mind these my lands for the service of God, to be a perpetual asylum and refuge. If any men or women flee hither to seek thy protection, provided they do not pollute thy sanctuary, let no prince or chieftain be so rash towards God as to attempt to drag them forth.”3 Another version adds, “If, on the other hand, any guilty person enjoying your sanctuary shall go out to do any kind of wrong, then let those governing your sanctuary who know of these wrongs, deliver them to the officials of Powys.”
St. Melangell
Melangell continued her solitary life near Pennant for over thirty-seven years. The wild hares befriended her throughout her life, and were ever after called Wyn Melangell (St. Melangell’s lambs). Other chaste women settled nearby [who may have come with her from Ireland], to live together out of love of God, intent upon prayer and divine services.
After the death of the illustrious Prince Brychwel, his son Tysilio held the principality of Powys; then Cynan, Tysilio’s brother, and afterwards, Tambryd, Curmylk, and Durres the Lame. All of these decreed that the place of Pennant Melangell should remain a perpetual sanctuary for those devoted to God and the needy, confirming the acts of the prince.
After Melangell departed from this life in 607,4 a nobleman by the name of Elise came to Pennent Melangel, who, desiring to ravish and defile the virgins, came to a wretched end and perished suddenly. From that time on, whoever violated the liberty or holy order of this place rarely escaped divine vengeance.
So strong a tradition of her influence prevailed that, until this day, no one in the parish of Cwm Pennant will kill a hare, and for centuries, if a hare was pursued by dogs, it was firmly believed that if anyone cried, Duw A Melangell A’th Gadwo (“God and Melangell preserve thee!”), the hare was sure to escape.
Her festival is May 27.
The following play on her name was ancient even when it was recorded in Welsh in the registry of the church in 1723:
Mil engyl a Melangell Trechant lu fyddin y fall.
Melangell with a thousand angels Triumphs over all the powers of evil.
From: Road to Emmaus #36.
Nun Nectaria (McLees)
1 From the inaugural lecture of Rev’d Canon A.M. Allchin, Director of St. Theosevia’s Centre, oxford, and Hon. Professor of Celtic Spirituality at Univ. of Wales, Bangor.
2 Early versions of her story all record her name with the Latin Monacella, by which she was known for centuries. Melangell, (roughly pronounced “Meh-lan-ghekh”) is the Welsh variant.
3 Translated from a 17th-century manuscript by Professor Oliver Davies of St. David’s College, Lampeter. St. Melangell and St. Winifred of Holywell are the only two Welsh female saints with a medieval Latin hagiography.
4 670 AD is the traditionally accepted date of Melangell’s death, although one source puts it at 590.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 SleepCoachJacob The sound design in this game has some flaws, especially when it comes to silent hazards and AoE effects

First of all, I really enjoy this latest season, feel like Blizzard really pulled the plane out of a nosedive. Let's get that out of the way, I'm not trying to be a hater, I just have some pain points with the game that maybe other people can relate to.
Second, I'm not a sound engineer, nor a sound expert. My theories on this come from me racking my brain trying to understand my own pain points as a player. So take whatever I say with a grain of salt.
Ok, so how did this inquiry even start for me? Well, it came out of days of frustration wondering why oh why, I die to elites with the "Frozen (Shattering)" affix so often. For those who need a visual reminder, I'm talking about the guys who create these ice pools below:
Here's what's interesting about these ice pools: they have a distinct visual effect that actually, usually has contrast with the environment (I SHOULD be able to see them) and also, they don't one shot me (I SHOULD be able to react to them and get away from them). And yet, so often, in the chaos of battle, I will find myself wondering why my health sphere is gradually draining away rapidly. Before I know it, I'm dead and realize after the fact I was standing in the pool. Learning from this experience, I try to be EXTRA vigilant for them, and yet, they get me again and again in a way that similar effects don't seem to in other games.
It was really bothering me, why the hell am I so bad at avoiding this game mechanic in particular? Then it hit me: these pools make like zero noise. And I don't mean they make no noise when you're standing in it (that would be nice too), I mean, they are like the most silent thing in the game. They provide no audio clue that something really bad is happening ON THE SCREEN. And I just had this epiphany that years of gaming have conditioned my brain unconsciously to respond to the COMBINATION of audio and visual effects when it comes to registering hazards; a visual cue is necessary but insufficient as a signal. When accompanying audio is absent, something happens and it's like...I just can't SEE it for some reason.
Once this epiphany hit me, I started noticing other oddly silent effects in this game. I'll give you just one more example because this post is getting long. The "barbarian" Pit boss fight will eventually spawn a red demon apparition that joins the fight and tries to pound you into the ground. It's main attack is to slam the ground as hard as it can in your direction dealing direct damage and also spawning red vaporous pools of death. Now, I know this thing is a ghost, but the sound for POUNDING ON THE GROUND is so so faint and subtle. Like, it just doesn't FIT with what my eyes are seeing on the screen. So, not only do I feel like the audio experience doesn't provide the correct signals to player's brains sometimes, but also, there's a mismatch esthetically with the visual content. Like, the game would also just be better artistically if the gaps in sound design were filled.
Probably nobody will ever read all this, but I seriously think Blizzard needs to do a thorough audit of visual effects that lack sufficient punch in the audio department. To be clear, the stuff that DOES have sufficient sound is GREAT. I love bashing, slashing, shooting, zapping, burning, freezing, and crushing monsters because the sound is great. The sounds mobs make when they die and attack are often great. But there appear to be some clear gaps here that are at least affecting me and maybe other players adversely.
TL;DR: Blizzard should do an audit of visual effects in this game to identify effects that need a better sound design.
submitted by SleepCoachJacob to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 PieWeary9100 My first week, how am I doing?

My first week, how am I doing?
Spontaneously booted up MyFitnessPal and decided to take it seriously for a change to see if I could lose a couple stone, the exercise is either walking or BeatSaber, my lunches are often 100-200 calories and everything else goes into dinner, I don't smack at all and drinks are either black coffee, water or pepsi max.
Don't really feel much different although my arms and legs are dead at the moment haha, I'm hoping I'm on the right track
submitted by PieWeary9100 to 1200isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:20 ProbablyNotAThing How to Use Your Dual Fuel Cooker in the UK

Dual fuel cookers offer the best of both worlds, combining a gas hob with an electric oven, for UK kitchens. Here's a breakdown on using yours effectively:
Getting Started:
  1. Familiarize Yourself: Consult the user manual that came with your dual fuel cooker. It will provide specific instructions and safety information for your model.
  2. Gas Hob:
    • Ensure the gas supply is turned on at the control valve (usually located near the floor). There might be a separate isolation switch for the hob as well.
    • Light the gas hobs using the knobs and the built-in ignition system (refer to the manual for specific instructions). Most models use a twist and press motion to ignite while simultaneously depressing a safety button.
    • Adjust the flame size using the knobs for low, medium, and high heat settings.
  3. Electric Oven:
    • Turn the oven control knob to select the desired function (bake, roast, grill, etc.).
    • Set the temperature using the separate temperature control knob.
    • The oven light will usually turn on automatically, allowing you to monitor your food.
    • Most ovens have a timer function you can set for automatic shut-off.
General Cooking Tips:
Additional Features:
Cleaning and Maintenance:
With a little practice, you'll be a dual fuel cooking pro! Remember to prioritize safety by following the user manual and exercising caution when using the gas hobs.
submitted by ProbablyNotAThing to UKDealsFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 Alternative-Arm7981 How do I (20f) stop feeling guilty over my bf’s (20m) background?

This is a throwaway account. To start he is literally the man of my dreams. We’ve been together almost a year and I know that I want to be with him forever. He is literally the sweetest person I know and I am so grateful that he is in my life. The one thing I can’t seem to waver is the background of his family life. Both of his parents died due to opioid addiction. He has been raised by his grandparents his whole life along with his 2 siblings. He also has a half-sister who is in primary school. Her mother is also an addict. If anything were to happen to his grandparents, he would be the sole provider for his siblings. His grandparents are in poor health, as his grandmother is an avid smoker and has lymphedema in both legs. His grandfather fared better health-wise but its clear time is of the essence. They cannot continue to work. They are in poverty. They are barely scraping by. Without him helping out financially, it seems they would be unable to get by. It’s obvious that all families have their issues, It just scares me knowing that they do depend on him to get by. He has sworn to never get addicted to any substance. He has worked as hard as he can. He goes to college while working full-time. He has his own apartment in his college town. I moved in with him recently. I come from a relatively stable household, I transferred colleges to be with him, (I also got a really good scholarship from the University) note, this is something I would never do if it were anybody else. I love his family a lot, they are really nice people. The issue is, I feel immensely bad for him and his family. I am afraid I am being mean by comparing my own background with his. Although I am also a college student working as much as I can, I try to help them out with going out to eat or whatever is needed. I realize that there is nothing I can do to “fix” their situation, but I just I feel as though I have to place clear boundaries. I feel guilt for having to do this. Any advice?
submitted by Alternative-Arm7981 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 Kjeldur What are the best budget cards from Modern Horizons III? [Article]

Modern Horizons III is selling for twice the price of regular sets, with a ton of very strong cards that cost an arm and a leg. But there's a lot of strong cards in the common and uncommon slots as well, that shouldn't run over five bucks. Here's the best budget cards from Modern Horizons III.
I'm sure all the modern players are going to be whining about how this set is going to ruin modern. But that's your fault for spending $1000 dollars on a quickly outdated deck, pal. Why don't we enjoy the cheap cards together?
submitted by Kjeldur to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:18 PostRunNap Hip pain from running

Hi, around a month ago (after a trail run) I started feeling a pretty bad pain in my left hip. The pain is located mostly on my anterior and medial sides (I think where my tfl, gluteus minimus & adductors are located) - it’s at its worst (anterior) when standing and crossing my right leg over my left then pushing my left hip forward, but it is also painful when I sit in butterfly pose (medial) and lean back, pushing my left shoulder toward my right side. If I lay on my back with my right leg out straight and pull my left knee (bent) toward my chest or if I am in a lunge pose it also feels quite uncomfortable (anterior). Also, if when laying on my back with my right leg flat & my left leg above me - knee bent at 90* - and I externally rotate my left leg it hurts in the area of my gluteus minimus. When I’m in lunge pose with my left leg in front & I push my torso toward to the ground there is a slight popping (for lack of better words) around the top of my IT band and gluteus minimus. Going down stairs can be difficult (up stairs is fine).
To try and help this I’ve taken four weeks off (so far) from running, done a fair amount of heat & ice, stretch (iso & dynamic), strength train (hip specific with resistance bands), roll (also just put a lax ball on a tender spot and lay), massage, and have seen a chiropractor and acupuncturist. I’ve also worked doing hip impingement exercises. The pain is still pretty much the same as it was 4 weeks ago. It is not painful when sitting/laying/standing or walking and cycling (only running, going down stairs, and the stretches listed above).
I am kinda thinking this may be an IT issue effecting my gluteus minimus & tfl, which is in turn creating an imbalance in the rest of my hip, but I really don’t know. I am unscientifically blaming this pain on going downhill too hard on the trail run.
Just for background - I’ve run for 5+ years and average 50-60mpw mostly in the city but a fair bit on trails, as well. Ive had minor injuries but nothing like this. This has fully sidelined me and it’s quite upsetting. Thank you :)
submitted by PostRunNap to ultrarunning [link] [comments]


Science magician Zayn summons a little girl after cursing his perceived failure. He wants to destroy a floating town. The girl a demon and instead of compensation wants him take her round their settlement El Tiz. She plays with his daughter Zaina. Destroying a town really it? Is he playing a dangerous game with demons? When it comes to the mighty primordial demon Violet he and his daughter have consequences they can't imagine.
Genre - action, fantasy.
Based on the FUSE light novel

"A mysterious form performs a summoning on the flat ground beside a large rock formation. They the summoner.
Doing all that ritual, making a big sacrifice and nothing well, summoned. Cursed the result. The hour under night’s cloak, the moon’s majesty partially cloud obscured.
Disappointment and anger aside, couldn’t stand around at the summoning site. A loved one is depending on care. This morning she’s eating breakfast at the table because the summoner got up and prepared their child’s food.
A few knocks on the door takes the child’s mind off her reverie eating to get up and skip walk playfully towards it.
The summoner stood in their gallery’s edge, hands gripping the rail. Agitation written on their face. They’d have to be pretending at another species to not twist about last night. The mind swirling deep in what ifs, a voice takes some moments to register.
‘…papa, papa, PAPA!’
Jolted, snaps around to lay eyes on two girls about the same age.
To utter astonishment, ‘Who would you be?’ They’d expected to see just their daughter who called out to them.
‘Hardly what I’d call a strong summoner.’
Zayn gasps.
‘Despair is reserved for your offenders, not you.’
‘Cannot be!’ Zayn’s voice box wanted to fly out their throat. Their daughter none the wiser.
‘Told me she came to you.’
The purple haired human child can pass for 10. Cuteness in abundance, tied into a side ponytail her middle length hair by a ribbon, accentuating the hair, the fingernails are purple, a like colored choker round the neck. Her small statured body adorned in a pretty dress except bare arms; finally short, cute boots.
‘Thought I’d failed.’ Failure could also refer to when the summoned finds a summoner weak and turn on them. Things considered, last night didn’t count as the worst outcome. ‘Found me how?’
‘Tracked a magicule trail. The tension from your brainwaves is nothing to sense either while we’re on that point.’
For privacy or perhaps more apt, sanity, the two are in the study. The little girl ensconced on the sofa swinging the legs playfully. The summoner sat in their great chair – staring, lost in thought again.
The girl smiles sweetly at them as though responding."
submitted by tikudz to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:15 ethereal1412 18 year old female. What is this exactly? How can I treat it?

18 year old female. What is this exactly? How can I treat it?
This huge bump has been on my leg for weeks, and recently it has become quite painful and pressure has been building up. I've tried to pop it to no avail, but the place where my skin has broken when I tried to pop the bump started oozing so I squeezed out it's contents. It's a mixture of thick blood and pus. Now it's a gaping hole that I can feel the emptiness under the entire bump. I'm pretty sure it has to do with some ingrown hair as I've been having lots of ingrown hairs recently from shaving, but I'm not sure. Is it infected? What is it? Will it heal with time or do I need to see a doctor? I've covered it with ointment and bandage, and it keeps oozing body fluids. Now that I've used out it's contents, it doesn't hurt anymore but I'm scared that it will develop into something bigger.
submitted by ethereal1412 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 JoelMahon 17 games of Slark radiance in turbo

I'm only a 4.3k EUW player, so please stop reading if you don't care about the game at my humble MMR, especially given turbo
Feels good, as someone who had like 300 ranked games of Slark but could not enjoy him after the map was enlarged this felt good again.
The winrate is not anything to brag about, if I played one more game it could easily drop to 50% but it felt very impactful, even on the games I lost I felt like I contributed a lot. and ofc I did end up going offlane a couple times which matters a little, although much less in turbo.
I hadn't played Slark more than one or twice in months leading up to this so I was mechanically rusty for a few games. I also played more turbo shown here than all other turbo I've played since the mode was released combined, so I was also rusty on how to play turbo. And experimenting with the build. I learnt a few things. Shroud doesn't feel good except very situationally. If I was against enough mana burn, or a 90% magic damage line up that I cannot avoid through ulti I'd consider it, but otherwise I found it was not as good as Octarine, aghs, or s&y.
After some refinement I have basically settled on the build:
4111 by level 7 as normal.
Bracer situationally (remember to hide and backpack bracer for faster regen ironically)
Usually like to rush boots and windlace to weave in and out of vision to maximise regen before 6 and get more hits off. Especially vs ranged heroes and their harass the gloves of haste matter less.
Always finish lane with at least treads + null talisman + wand + windlace. then "rush" radiance.
Then after that you have lots of options. If the game is slow or you are ahead then Octarine is easily the best farm accelerator. Some games you just want an early shard (counter duel, chrono, dismember, etc). S&Y if you want more immediate survivability against blinkers and/or ground target stuns like axe, tiny, pudge, SS, lion, LC, etc.
Then you usually want aghs, your essence shift is maxing out at this point and/or getting your 15/20 talents and you want to capitalise on that.
You can go back for Octarine after aghs if you didn't get it in the above step.
Likewise very few games do you not want S&Y eventually, the entire item synergies with Slark quite well. problem is slots, e.g. if you need abyssal badly then you may have to give up the slot.
With radiance, octarine, aghs, s&y, treads you can consider disassembling radiance into blfy and nullifer, or you can get blink first, depends on the game.
very few games do you want BKB with this build imo, you don't burst people in a 6 second window, you just spam 9s cd pounces, swinging 32 stats EVERY TIME, hitting them, and wearing them down, and getting absurdly high armour. but sometimes BKB is too important. you are very hard to kill without bkb because every item you build increases your survivability, as opposed to orchid/diffusal which doesn't.
ofc some games you need linkens but it is rarer with this build.
silver edge has 100% uptime with octarine so that can be fun.
you rarely initiate but you want to be deep in the backline but close to the whole enemy team to attract as much focus as you can, with a 22.5s cd ulti you can usually ulti twice per fight, but only if you use the first one earlyish which may not be a good idea every game. shroud is still too long cd to use twice so account for that, pounce early and often, even if the enemy isn't moving you want the stats steal and if you're sitting on 2 charges then you're "wasting" casts.
with octarine I don't think about dark pact much and just spam the button almost constantly, still tread switching, you're not made of mana even with this.
You basically play like a lifestealer, you take kills if you can but farm up dangerous areas and apply pressure that way instead of being fixated on kills like a riki.
some tips, none really specific to this build but whatever:
  1. set cl_dota_alt_unit_movetodirection "1" in your autoexec.cfg, this allows you to directional move (no path finding just face+walk the direction you click directly) with just alt+right click. for pounces
  2. when you get low hp and hide to regen backpack your aghs octarine for a moment to basically double your regen or more, don't backpack s&y though
  3. run mid ASAP at the very start with a sentry, 80% of games you can find an observer ward and help your midlaner so much
  4. really try to avoid missing pounces, as I said, 32 stat swing each time you land one, that's like 2k gold value minimum, hard to quantify ofc because branches are 50g but it's also more than an eaglesong, so at bare minimum it's 600g, but branches are really unfair to use because they're slot inefficient. anyway, the point is it's a massive deal, it's like fighting with a eaglesong in your backpack instead of your inventory and feeling like an idiot after the fight ends and you realise. hence why blink is usually in the lategame items. try to not use pounce to escape, with these items you should be tanky enough to just run away without pounce, better to use some of your ulti than a pounce to escape if possible.
  5. you can effectively farm triangle after you finish radi, normally slark SUCKs at farming ancients. you take too much damage and deal too little damage. this doubles your dps if not more and stops ancient camps killing you so quickly.
  6. people will cry, even in turbo, even if you're doing well, just mute and play
oh and it goes without saying, always take the pounce facet, this hero doesn't exist without it.
this is not an amazing build by any means, but I think it's more viable than diffusal, and often better than orchid. those two being by far the most commonly built on d2pt. and I think there are several better carry heroes this patch (although it is better vs TA and CK than normal Slark). But if you like Slark but stopped playing him due to his weakness then consider trying it, even in just turbo, to enjoy it again. In none of these games did I feel "helpless", which was a VERY common feeling the last several losses I had on slark in ranked.
next up is ranked, going to stick to playing it with my five stack at first though, don't want to grief strangers nor get mass reported when it turns out it falls apart outside turbo.
There's still more room for optimisation, I wasn't using pounce much for moving from camp to camp because I have muscle memory of running out mana doing that with diffusal builds. But I should have been.
submitted by JoelMahon to TrueDoTA2 [link] [comments]
