Where to watch two men and a hammer

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2015.06.08 03:50 Jozarin Be the men's issues conversation you want to see in the world.

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2013.02.11 17:26 Apple Watch

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2016.05.03 06:14 indiangrill92 A safe space for Indian Women

Welcome to TwoXIndia, (TwoxChromosomes meets India). A safe community to discuss and share both serious and silly content - for and about Indian women. This is a space for Women/nb . Men are not allowed to post or comment. See sub rules and FAQ

2024.06.09 13:49 OxyRP Places to play online

Hello everyone! I am new in MHA game. I have the starter dual deck (the one with Midoriya and Bakugo) and willing to play more. Next step I took (don't know if the best one) is the pre-release of Girl Power next Wednesday. To be honest, I am pretty excited although I have been playing since two weeks ago.
Unfortunately, this is not an extended game in my LGS, so I am right now watching a lot of videos to learn and see how others play this. I've read in this reddit that the best way to play online with others is through TableTop. For others tcg I play, there are other options as webcam play through discord. Is there any Discord for this - official or unofficial - where I can ask other players to play, and then learn and enjoy this game more?
Also, any advice for the pre-release?
Thank you all!
submitted by OxyRP to universus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:47 snookumsayling Rewatch marathon finished!

I decided to watch the entire series again and my thoughts and opinions really changed from when I first (and second and third, etc.) watched it.
-I was a kid when I first watched this and I was never bothered with what they did and how the narrative went. One thing that didn't change was I didn't like Billie and everything that had to do with her - which erases most of S8. It would've been fine for an episode or two of her but the entire season??? I know it was addressed in the "S9" comics, but she and Christy being more powerful than the Charmed ones?
-I agree with some threads here that Constance M. Burge's focus on the girls' wiccan journey and being sisters should've been the focus and not the introduction of most of the fantasy elements in later seasons (which I have an opinion about). But just having demon of the week will not cut it; so I liked Brad Kern's take on having an overarching plot in a season.
-I liked the ColexPhoebe pairing before but now? Definitely not. I couldn't feel the chemistry anymore, if it was there in the first place. If I would rewrite it it would be : early detection of Cole as Belthazor, Cole trying to be good but ultimately giving in. It would've been also a journey for Phoebe to develop/awaken her empath powers (instead of getting empath powers out of nowhere - which I'm talking about later), since she definitely had issues after that relationship.
-Speaking of pairings, I actually wanted Phoebe to get with Dan instead of Piper getting with Dan. Because, to me, Dan had this maturity but enough fun for free-spirited Phoebe. And I felt they had chemistry more that ColexPhoebe or CoopxPhoebe.
-And I agree with some, that episode where Prue and Cole teamed up to go into that ghost town? You. Can. Definitely. Feel. The. Sizzle. between them. The development would have been more interesting. Here is this straight-laced witch and she falls for a demon.
-I didn't mind Piper and Leo's journey but it got dragged so much that they were repeating storylines.
-Coop and Henry should've been introduced earlier than the slapdash they did in S8. It would've been a better narrative than the baby/baby-daddy frenzy Phoebe had in S6 and S7. After Phoebe's experience with Cole, she could've had the "barrier on love" thing going, especially after Miles and Jason.
-Paige would have met Henry when she was in a slump in her career and "did I mention I had no life" in S5 & S6, when she was discovering the duties of her whitelighter half. What a team they could've been as a whitelighter and parole officer.
-The thing with the fantasy elements that were added in, I just didn't like most of them at all. I liked the Fairy Tales one but the existing myths, lore, and traditional culture? There's such a thing as own interpretation but come on! The existing ones have compelling backgrounds already why change them at all? It just irked me!
-Power progression. Piper's and Paige's made sense but Prue's and Phoebe's didn't. Prue would've been telekinesis, levitation, telekinetic strikes, flight, etc. Phoebe's were really random and they weren't related at all to me, despite the writers' explanations. Her progression could be precognition, chrono vision, astral premonition, astral projection, chronoskimming etc.
-The plot holes and continuity issues are strong in this series. Timeline, too. Oh the time travels and what was supposedly going to change or not drove me !!!
-Wyatt being OP *squints* Why? The S9 comics tried to address this as well as Chris's and Melinda's statuses.
-I know they stated that San Francisco was a nexus or something but it just occurred to me in my later rewatches that the Charmed Ones are limited in their operations. If they were the ultimate force of good, shouldn't they be traveling all over the world to address the major evils? Or were they outsourcing it? Was the Source of All Evil even headquartered in the US? The show was centric on The Charmed Ones lives... in San Francisco. What? It gave the impression that the demons traveled there for the sole purpose of being conveniently vanquished there.
-I wish Daryl was more prominent throughout the series and stayed throughout. I liked him. A mortal balance to the sisters' more paranormal activities.
-What else? So many others but overall I still liked the show despite my realizations later and the downhill run in the latter seasons. Defnitely something that made an impression on me since I'm still watching it now.
submitted by snookumsayling to charmed [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:46 Not-an-apatosaurus To the King K Rool I played against in the AU championship qualifiers…

FUCK YOU. YOU PIECE OF SHIT FUCKING SPAMMING CANNON AND CROWN THE WHOLE GAME AND THEN T-BAGGING THE SHIT OUT OF ME FOR NO REASON. I play fucking Game and Watch but I don’t try and do the kind of bullshit braindead stuff you do. You struggled to kill the LIGHTEST CHARACTER IN THE FUCKING GAME for most of the match. You were on 141 FUCKING PERCENT. A single hit would’ve obliterated you. Honestly, I wouldn’t have minded you that much if you DIDN’T FUCKING T-BAG after performing the same move over and over fucking again. I used Game and Watch’s bucket too against you and you still fell for it EVERYFUCKONG TIME, except for ONE time where I missed and got sent flying. I don’t even really care about the championship at all. I know I have no chance at getting in. I’m only doing it because everybody’s online and I can get constant matches for two hours straight and I want to have FUN. Fuck you
submitted by Not-an-apatosaurus to SmashRage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:43 new_herelol333 My (23F) long distance boyfriend (24M) of 2,5 years doesn't talk to me much when we are apart but we have the best time when we are together. I've told him I don't like it but he says he is busy or can't change this. What should I do?

I have been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years after meeting when I spent a semester abroad in his city. The first year was absolutely perfect. We would meet for 5-6 days every 2 weeks or even less so the time spent apart was minimal and not enough to make me feel like I want more of his attention.
However, after a year his uni situation got harder (he's an athlete and a perfectionist) and we couldn't meet that often. We started meeting every month basically and if he had an important exam coming up it could even take longer. In the meantime, we wouldn't do anything together. We just texted a few things about our days and that's it. Whenever I would ask for a call, he wasn't available. We didn't do any movie nights or date nights online because he didn't have the energy nor time for these.
This resulted in me feeling very neglected and rejected in a way and I was complaining about it a lot. His response was usually that he can't change the situation, it's not in his control, life is hard, I should be patient. I was explaining to him that I was already patient and one call or date every 10 days isn't too much and that there should be some time for us in his schedule. I was worried about the future too, how it will be with us when he starts working or when something uni- or work-related comes up with a deadline. He was only telling me that I put too much pressure on him, I need to understand him and be patient and that's life and we will meet in 3 weeks and it'll be better.
A month ago this issue arose again and he felt too pressured and said to break up (I had suggested that like 10 times earlier in the conversation, I have to say this is my toxic trait in fights and I am not proud of it). 15 minutes later he is calling me and telling me he doesn't really want to break up and that he physically felt awful in such little time and realised this was a mistake and that I'm not overreacting or asking for too much when I ask for a call or a date night in 2 weeks or something. So we pick up from where we stopped. A few days later we met in person and I have to say this break refreshened the relationship, we were more in love than before and when I was back he suggested we watch the rest of a movie we had left which was a huge surprise and step for him. In general, when we meet in person even for longer (like 3 weeks 24/7 together) its amazing and we even tried to live together in his city, but it didn't work because we couldn't find an apartment how we wanted it on time.
Now, he's on vacation with his parents. For two weeks we have only been texting a bit, not much because he had too much studying and work to do. I was understanding and didn't ask for anything too. The first days of the vacation he would send me lots of pictures and I wasn't replying to him too often to not bother him or take up too much of his time. Yesterday, he only sent me at noon a good morning message and didn't send anything for 9 hours. No pictures, no replies to my texts, I called him and he didn't pick it up, just texted me that he will respond to me soon. He started replying to my messages and sending me pictures of his day at 23:30. I felt awful and told him I really felt ignored and to please not do that again. Today at 14:36 and he still hasn't texted me anything. I have sent him a good morning message but hasn't read it.
Probably the fact that the distance has continued for so long has made me very tired, so I really might be overreacting.
I feel like I am losing my mind. I don't know how it is for other couples, whether I am asking for too much. I don't want to sound controlling, I really feel like he's disrespecting me like that. I also feel like I'm too much and pressuring him. But when we are together it's amazing. He is great. But when we are apart it is not the best. I am not happy nor feeling loved and I'm scared to ask for what I want cause every time he gets mad and makes it seem like I make this whole thing too hard and I could be easier. Please tell me what should I do? I want to know whether I'm crazy or whether it's normal to ask for these things. I want to fight for the relationship I remember we have when we are physically together. This is my first relationship. I don't know how it's supposed to be.
submitted by new_herelol333 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:32 LameChad 2 months of changing symptoms and no doctor can figure it out

27M 5'8" 150lbs
Only prior health issue was a mucosil tumor they found in my appendix by chance while doing a colonoscopy; they took out the appendix and part of the cecum.
Current issue:
Began 2 months ago. Started as something with my chest, pains in the left side under the pec and higher on the left side, aching that'd last minutes multiple times a day. Later added smaller pains on the upper right of chest.
Went to my new primary care provider about it, they ran bloodwork and an ekg, said I had an arythmia and that my cholesterol was a little high which is weird because I'm very active. I rock climb, teach dance, lift weights, go on walks often; probably just my diet. So cut out caffeine, alcohol, sweets and red meat and they referred me to a cardiologist who said I was probably fine
THEN, a month ago, I was teaching dance and suddenly got this sinking feeling in my chest and got very weak and felt horrible, not pain, but I almost passed out.
Muscled through the lesson, then sat down for an hour to catch myself. Went home and my girlfriend came over because she was worried. That night, still feeling bad, I had this VERY weird sensation in my left arm up to my head. Not pain, but a hyperawareness of the area? It freaked me out enough to go the the ER. They watched me, gave me muscle relaxers and NSAIDs and told me I was perfectly healthy
Whatever that sinking feeling and arm-thing were, since then my chest has mostly been fine, but it began the awful part two of my symptoms
A lot of pain, frequently, in the front upper abdomin/lower chest on the left side where the ribcage is. I was layed up and the episodes started.
The episodes. I would get pain in that left front area, then I'd feel pain in my left elbow and my hand would clench up, then, my left arm muscle would get extremely tight andId get pain in my fingertips. Then very slight pain in my toes, then the same thing with my right arm; clenched hand, extreme muscled tightness that I'd have to stretch and flex out.
These episodes happened frequently, triggered randomly, or when I bent over onto my left side, and ESPECIALLY when I tried to lay down, I had to start sleeping in a recliner.
I had these episodes for two weeks, within a few days the stiffness made it to my chest. Then my neck and throat which seized up with this stiffness and made it very hard to breathe. I had to swallow and flex and stretch repeatedly to get it working again, I couldn't swallow anything but water. I got my throat free, but purposefully didn't stretch the sides of my neck as an experiment and partly out of fear that whatever was causing it might get to my brian, that stiffness lasted 3 days before I stretched it away.
These episodes hit my face, and I felt my eyes burn, not very painful just irritated; and I'm sure they got to my head but I couldn't feel that I guess.
Two weeks of these episodes, my girlfriend and I had been avoiding sex. We caved once and it had started one of my episodes, and I'd tried to spend the night but laying down caused me to wake up with all arms and legs very stiff and pretty numb.
Doctor ordered me a CT scan. Results said I'm perfectly healthy except for a fatty liver, which my dad had too I guess
Two weeks ago my girlfriend and I had sex again and after that I felt better than I had in a month and a half, literally born again, like something had dislodged in my left side where the pain had been. That spot was a little tender, still is, but I could lay down an move much more freely.
This started the third and current phase of my symptoms.
I still have the episodes, though much less painful in that front left side. But, now my arms feel like they've lost something, especially the left one where the episodes always start. I guess floppy or loose are good words? And if I lay down sometimes they still go numb, especially if I'm laying on them.
Two days ago I was at a bar with my girlfriend's friends. I tried a 0.0% alcohol beer and had some water. About an hour later my throat muscles seize up. Almost like before, but this time i can't stretch it away. I walked around for half an hour trying to stretch them out but it got worse. I told the girlfriend and she met me in the parking lot where I was struggling to breath. We drove to the ER. It resolved itself while we were waiting, came back for a second, then was gone. ER diagnosed me with Esophageal Spasms and referred me to a Gastroenterologist, waiting for Monday to call them
They told me to start tracking my food, meds, and the episodes and tightness. Started yesterday, all day I had booth the stiffness episodes and slight to moderate throat tightness that would abate and return
Neurologist and Gastroenterologist are the next moves. Every doctor, especially my primary, has said I'm perfectly fine; except for this very last ER doc who I talked to for all of 5 minutes
I'm very not fine, I'm kind of better, but I'm very worried that some serious long term shit is happening with me right now and my doctor is asleep at the wheel
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thank you if you read this far, sincerely
Other facts:
submitted by LameChad to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:30 readingrachelx Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - June 9th, 2024

Links to this week's episode discussion posts:
submitted by readingrachelx to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:29 thomaslanghorst Product idea: Thumbnail Voter. Asking for your advice.

Dear fellow YouTubers,
tl;dr: I want to create a YouTube thumbnail voter for content creators. What do you think?
I think I speak for every YouTuber when I say, that they want to grow their channel. And the best way, according to Mr Beast, is to get more views. Also, according to Mr. Beast thumbnails play a huge (if not the most important) role in wether a video gets clicked and watched or not.
Many YouTubers I know change their thumbnail multiple times AFTER a video has been released to get more clicks and more views. This also happened to me several times, while I was actively creating youtube videos. After testing 3 to four different thumbnails for weeks, I knew which performed the best. But this costed me weeks!!!
So I thought to myself: what if we can find a way to pick the best thumbnail BEFORE I release the video. This way, I can make sure to maximise clicks, views and channel growth.
I am thinking about building a solution, where content creators can upload their thumbnail ideas, get a link, share it with the world and let them pick the one they like the most.
As of right now, I know that many people create X posts asking which thumbnail their audience prefers, or create community posts and ask their youtube audience directly. But this has two major flaws:
1) it's way more complicated than simply uploading pictures and clicking a few times.
2) You only reach your audience (which would probably watch your videos anyways)
So what do you guys think about that idea? Would you use something like that? Do you have more questions?
submitted by thomaslanghorst to YouTube_startups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:28 weirdgirl16 Day program lady upset me?

I was looking into this day program and it looks amazing because of the activities they run there and the pictures of the building look cool. My developmental educator told me to put in an enquiry which I did- the information they asked for was: My name, my email address, my phone number, if I am an ndis participant, what activities I was interested in, and where I heard about their company.
A woman called me later that day and asked me if there was anything she could help me with and I was kind of confused and didn’t know what to say so I didn’t say much I just said I had to talk to my support coordinator but I was wondering about pricing (I did not say it that eloquently either- she basically had to ask me questions to prompt me to even say stuff because I was quite confused). The woman told me ‘I can tell from just talking to you, you don’t have a significant a disability as the people who come to these programs’. I didn’t know what to say so I just said okay. But it really upset me because I don’t know how she can know how significant my disability is just from me saying like 5 words or so. It didn’t even ask me my disability on the enquiry form. I could have been a quadriplegic for all she knew. I have level 2/3 autism (2 social communication, 3 RRBs), and I have been recommended to go to a day program by two people in my care team and I have been to a day program once before (I just didn’t like this particular program because everyone was way older than me and I didn’t like most of the activities).
And there is nothing on their website that says they are only for people with high support needs. They offer 1:1-1:5 support ratios, and it says they support people with varying ability levels.
Their activities also seem more suited to me- with activities like art activities, life skills classes (about taking care of personal hygiene, friendships and relationships, money and budgeting skills, emotional regulation), cooking which includes shopping for ingredients preparing and making food, social outings, wellbeing activities like bike riding yoga etc, as well as free choices on Fridays like they can watch movies do board games puzzles etc.
Now I’m upset and don’t know if I want to maybe go there because of that lady. My mum says maybe she was just having a bad day and that was why she was mean. I will talk to my OT when I see her because she will probably sort it out for me but I just keep fixating on it and getting upset and it makes me want to cry.
submitted by weirdgirl16 to SpicyAutism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:27 1000andonenites I'm a retired English teacher, and reading online stories used to be my favourite hobby. But now I need a new hobby.

Bringing my evening stroll to an end due to a haze of early summer rain, I turned the corner into my street.
She was waiting for me, right outside my front yard. I thought it was a new neighbour dropping round to complain about something. Something about her tense stance made me realise that she was not good news.
Her eyes widened when she saw me. “You’re Adder_at_Night999?”
I frowned. “How do you know my reddit username?”
She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter- listen- I’m not here to hurt you-“
What? I looked around- my street set in a greater London borough that still had a quaint village feel was quiet in the early wet evening lull.
She was still talking “-I just want to know why. I just came to talk to you- Why do you always downvote my stories? Everyone loves my stories- everyone- you know that – you know that! but you always downvote them- you’re always the first downvote, sometimes the only one - I just had to know why-“ she was babbling at me in a strong accent I can only describe as “typical American”.
“please- let’s go to a coffee shop and talk- I came a long way to visit you, just to know why-, to understand- “ she reached out and gripped my sleeve.
I stood stock still. None of the few people I knew real life knew my reddit account, or my fondness for the scary stories that people post on Reddit. I stared at the middle-aged woman confronting me. She was wearing a glossy new-looking cream-colored mac and lipstick.
Her other hand moved in her pocket. In an instant, the fright that had been gathering since she said my Reddit username broke over me like a splash of cold water from a bucket. I ripped my hand loose, turned and ran to my front door, frantically scrabbling for my keys.
She followed me, reached out, opened the door that was unlocked, and somehow pushed me in. I am not a large strong woman, simply a retired Eng Lit teacher with a weakness for Reddit, and no match for this agitated American Redditor.
We both stood in the dark hallway, her back to the front door. Hands slippery from sweat, I tried to pull out my mobile.
She repeated “I only want to talk to you. Please. I know you have time- you spend all your time on Reddit!” her voice rose slightly, now audibly tinged with madness.
She must have heard it too. She gulped hard, and then said calmly “Aren’t you going to offer me a cup of tea? That’s what you British folk do, right? I travelled a long way to see you! Where’s those famous British manners?” she aimed for a jokey tone.
“Let me put the kettle on” I said mechanically.
Her hand moved in her pocket again. “Okay”.
I went to the kitchen, filled the kettle and turned it on. She stood in the doorway, watching me get out two mugs.
“I’m not here to hurt you” she repeated. I nodded, staring at the kettle. “It’s just, I had to find out who you were, why you downvote my stories. You don’t look anything like I imagined- I thought you were some neckbeard basement troll and you were downvoting me because most my stories are about women’s issues. But then I did some digging, and found out- you’re just an old woman, just a few years older than me- that kinda makes it worse - don’t you have any female solidarity? I just had to come and speak to you, see what the problem was-”
The kettle was still cold and silent.
“It doesn’t work like that, you know” I said cautiously, willing the kettle to boil.
“And you have this nice place”, she said, looking around appreciatively “Looks like a house right from Midsomer Murders!” The jokey tone again. The kettle began making very tiny noises.
“What’s your Reddit name?” I asked, hoping I sounded friendly.
“Oh come on hun, you must know me. I’m WitchSea1994!” She said it quite proudly.
I remembered her stories. It was beyond me how anyone could upvote her cliché jumble of gory fantasy. But there was no doubt she was very popular. I nodded. “I quite like your stories” I said. The noises from the kettle were becoming a tiny bit louder.
She frowned. “Then why do you always downvote them?” she snapped, and took a step towards me. "Always!"
I took a step back. The kettle was now boiling. “I don’t always downvote them” I muttered.
Her eyes sparked. “Every one! Every single one, you downvote. And you’re often the first. I monitor all my stories- I chart the upvotes and downvotes in excel- and you’re always dragging me down! I even know you make fake accounts just to downvote stories!!” she was howling now, and she lunged towards me.
I grabbed the kettle and splashed the boiling water right into her distorted face. She screamed in agony, and I was able to push past, run through the open door into the street, dialling 999. I have never felt so comforted by hearing the sirens and then seeing the blue flashing lights only moments later.
I haven’t been on Reddit since. But I know I need a new hobby, one that doesn't involve cyberspace and scary stories as much.

submitted by 1000andonenites to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:24 Crafty-Ad9595 Narcissistic superior

I work on a vessel. I have to basically live with him 24x7 for atleast 2 months more. I've spent 3 months now with him. To be honest, I had little to no clue as to what narcissism means till I met him and things he would do and say had just one explanation that's that he's one. On the first day itself he was extremely angry over something I didn't mean (I told him that I would be coming down for some work he asked me to do which he took as yes I am coming down as if I'm trying to treat him inferiorly) about what I said but thats how he took it. And for that I apologised to him atleast a 100 times that day. He's extremely sensitive when it comes to feeling disrespected by even a small gesture like raising eyebrows or bringing them closer. Since that day he had a personal grudge on me and every single small mistake (most times others won't even consider that a mistake but he would call out) was highlighted as something grave and he would constantly tell me he's going to sack me. Initially I used to feel sad but I started noticing patterns. Apart from this the rest of the crew also noticed unfair treatment and he somehow guaged that and would then shout when I'm alone and as soon as someone is near his voice tone and face would change. His anger when something goes wrong in things I'm not even a part of would be directed at me saying things like I'm responsible for the stress he's having, making me the scapegoat for his inability to handle stress and emotions. He won't help me when I need help in matters that are out of my rank jurisdiction and requiring his interference, would ask me questions related to issues I'm facing, would misdirect me and only when his superior (main boss) is around would budge in to show how great he is, by just temporarily solving something while he's there. As far as knowledge goes he's not very knowledgeable. Demeaning me every morning is something that his day wouldn't start without. When others are around he would act as if he's nice to me and won't retaliate if I counter question genuinely about something he said but when we're alone if I even open my mouth he would say I have a lot of attitude. In his long lectures each day he would ask me rhetorical questions which I have to say what he wants to hear and even if I did that would just make him say more things, basically everything I say prompts something I've done wrong at that instant to talk about more. From what I've read they need a reaction a positive or negative or neutral and then they provoke on the basis of that.. this is exactly what he does. There have been times when he's called me on the phone late at night just to abuse me and make some small issue which only he finds wrong something that must be dealt with with stringent action. He called me to his cabin just to abuse me and accuse me of things which are very naive and petty two times. And what prompted him to do that was completely unrelated like I asked him if I can call the other guy whos responsible for that machinery when he got an alarm during his watch and that made him feel disrespected. He coerced me to write a letter saying what I am doing wrong and I wrote it the way I wanted to which he further read and abused on that as well saying what I have written is "soap wash" of what he's telling me to write. Constant threats of ruining my career are a regular thing he would indulge in. I made a letter but did not submit because I felt nothing would happen and things might get even worse. When things started circulating about his behaviour he became extremely concerned and started talking to me nicely when it felt convenient to him as to show others he's being good to me. He lies a lot and would even make me lie by asking rhetorical questions in front of the main boss which he's done with another of my colleague too (who doesn't interfere much about what going on at work). Anything wrong that happens happens because of me and if something I did went well credit would be given to some other guy or circumstance or mostly himself even he wasn't physically present and didn't troubleshoot correctly and the confidence with which he does that time and time again makes me question my own competency because it's got to that now he's gas lighted me so much and chipped my confidence day in and day out that I've started feeling worthless. He would also try to be nice all of the sudden from nowhere and I think it's just to see how I react and how he could use that to his personal advantage by manipulating it in the long term. I have recorded his voice when he used to call me to his room and would continue to do this in case it gets to that. There are so many things Im not remembering right now but life is as close to hell as it can get. Also tried grey rocking and it would help to some extent but he would go out of his way to get a reaction out me. His lectures are really long like atleast 20 minutes in which he would also show how great he is and ask me if I agree with what he just said. Etc etc. Also it got to a point where I didn't give a fuck and I was ok with him reporting me. But as soon as I gave him a reaction where I was like ok let's go let's go to higher ranks to report me he would chicken out and tell me to sit back. Hopefully some of you would be able to help me out. Thanks.
submitted by Crafty-Ad9595 to ManagedByNarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:24 iamkingsleyf 24 Different Types of Can Openers

Opening cans can be a hassle without the right tool. Having a can opener that is easy to use and reliable at home or on the go.
In this blog post, we’ll explore different types of can openers that will make your life easier.
From manual openers to electric versions, there are plenty of options for everyone.
Read on to learn about the different types of can openers and which one is right for you.

1. Bunker Can Opener

The Bunker can openers are different types of can openers and reliable can openers on the market.
They have a simple, easy design, making them an ideal choice for those who don’t want to bother with more complex models.
These can openers come in two parts: one blade and one handle. To use them, you attach the blade to the top of the can and then grip the handle firmly as you rotate it around the lid.
The blade will puncture the can and then peel away the metal lid.
The handle has a large knob on it, which helps you control the speed at which you turn the opener.
The bunker can openers come in manual and electric models, making them extremely versatile.
Electric models are slightly more expensive than their manual counterparts but are usually much faster and easier to use.
No matter which type of Bunker can opener you choose, it’s sure to make your life easier when it comes time to open cans.
They are durable and will provide years of service, so they are definitely worth the investment.

2. Butterfly Can Opener

The butterfly can opener is an incredibly useful kitchen tool that is perfect for any home cook.
This type of can opener is one of the different types of can openers, with a small, hand-held device with two blades that look like a butterfly's wings.
To use a butterfly can opener, place the top of the can between the two blades and twist the handle in a circular motion to cut open the lid.
The blade will then be able to grab onto the rim of the lid and lift it off.
One of the best things about the butterfly can opener is its size and portability. Because it's so small, it fits easily into a kitchen drawer or utensil caddy.
Additionally, the butterfly can opener does not require much effort to operate, making it great for people with weakened hands or those with arthritis.
The butterfly can opener is also very safe to use, as it doesn't leave sharp edges on the can. This prevents you from getting cuts while you're handling your cans.
Overall, the butterfly can opener is a great tool in your kitchen. It's lightweight, compact, and easy to use, and it provides a safe way to open cans without leaving sharp edges behind.

3. Camp Can Opener

Camp can openers are great for campers and other outdoor enthusiasts who need a reliable tool to open cans.
These openers are lightweight, compact, and easy to store, making them ideal for camping trips.
Camp can openers usually have a folding design that allows them to fit inside a backpack or glove box.
They also come with a carabiner, which can easily be attached to the outside of a bag or belt loop.
The blades on these openers are usually made of stainless steel and are designed to resist corrosion and rust.
Some even feature a magnet to help you store them conveniently on the side of a refrigerator or other metal surface.
These types of can openers are easy to use and require no electricity, making them perfect for outdoor adventures where power isn’t available.

4. Church Key Can Opener

The church key can opener is a traditional, hand-held device used to open cans.
This type of can opener has been around since and is still popular today.
The design of a church key opener consists of two pointed metal prongs attached to a metal handle, which allows you to puncture the top of a can and pull off the lid.
The church key opener is among different types of can openers, with no special skills required.
All you need to do is puncture the metal lid of the can with the sharp prongs and then pull off the lid using the attached handle.
This type of opener also makes it easy to open jars and bottles with narrow openings.
The church key can opener is an affordable and reliable option for those who don’t want to invest in an electric can opener or have limited space in their kitchen.
They are relatively small and lightweight, making them easy to store when not in use.
However, because of the design, these types of openers require a bit of strength and may be difficult to use if you have arthritis or weak hands.

5. Claw-Type Opener

The claw-type can opener is one of the most versatile and widely used can openers in existence.
This style of can opener is so popular because it is easy to use, lightweight, and affordable.
It consists of a small handle and a pointed claw that hooks onto the lid of the can and rotates around it.
The claw will easily puncture the lid of the can, allowing you to easily and safely remove it.
The claw-type opener is ideal for opening both cans and jars. It is also great for people with limited hand strength or dexterity, requiring minimal effort.
This type of opener is also great for those short on space, as it can easily be stored in a drawer or cupboard when not in use.
One of the main drawbacks of the claw-type opener is that it tends to produce sharp edges when the can is opened.
To prevent this, you should always use a cloth or other soft material to hold the can while opening it, as this will protect your hands from any potential injuries.
Overall, the claw-type opener is special among different types of can openers, a choice for anyone looking for a simple, inexpensive, and efficient way to open cans or jars.

6. Countertop Can Opener

Countertop can openers are some of the most common types of can openers and can be found in almost any kitchen.
These are usually electric can openers that are designed to sit on a countertop. Countertop can openers are easy to use and typically come with a detachable cord for convenience.
Many models offer additional features such as built-in bottle openers and knife sharpeners; some even have a magnetic holder for storing the can opener when not in use.
The countertop can openers are often lightweight, making them great for people who need to take their can opener with them on trips.
They are different types of can openers used for clean-cutting cans, making them ideal for those who want to enjoy smooth edges on their canned goods.

7. Key Can Opener

The Key Can Opener is one of the different types of can openers used for opening cans.
It's very simple and straightforward to use – insert the blade into the can and turn it clockwise until it is open. It's made of durable steel and has a comfortable plastic handle.
However, It's one of the most efficient types of can openers since you don't need to worry about adjusting the blade to fit the size of the can.
The key can opener also comes with a magnet, making retrieving small objects inside the can easy.
Unlike other can openers, the key can opener does not leave sharp edges behind, which makes it safe for children to use.
It's also great for those who are short on space, as it takes up much less room than a traditional can opener.
The only drawback of the key can opener is that it won't work on cans with a larger diameter, such as paint cans or large jars.
However, it's still one of the different types of can openers tool to have around in case you ever need to open a small can.

8. Lever-Type Can Opener

The lever-type can opener is a very useful tool for opening cans. It uses a simple lever mechanism to open cans quickly and easily.
It has an ergonomic design that makes it comfortable to use and easy to grip.
The handle allows for more leverage, which means it is great for opening cans with difficult lids.
It is also small and lightweight, making it convenient for storage and transport. The lever-type can opener is perfect for opening smaller cans with difficult lids.
This can opener is great for those needing to open multiple cans quickly.
It is also great for people with limited arm strength because its design requires minimal force.
The lever-type can opener is a great tool for those needing to open multiple cans quickly.
It is also great for those with limited arm strength, as its ergonomic design requires minimal effort to use.
These are different types of can openers, perfect for anyone looking for an easy and efficient way to open cans.

9. Manual Can Openers

Manual can openers are different types of can openers, and they are often the least expensive option.
These can openers are easy to use and require no additional power source, making them ideal for anyone who wants a quick and efficient way to open cans.
Manual can openers come in two basic varieties: wheel-style and lever-style.
Wheel-style can openers use a sharp wheel or blade to cut around the circumference of the can’s lid. This type of can opener is easy to use and relatively inexpensive.
On the other hand, Lever-style openers use a sharp cutting tool operated by a lever.
These openers tend to be more expensive but offer more precise control over the cutting process.
Manual can openers are durable and typically handle heavier-duty tasks than electric or battery-operated can openers.
Additionally, these openers require very little maintenance and will last for years if properly cared for.
However, manual can openers can be tiring to use for larger cans, as they require some physical effort.

10. Magnetic Can Opener

A magnetic can opener is one of the different types of can openers simple and easy way to open cans.
It works by attaching itself magnetically to the side of a can lid and lifting it off easily.
These openers are ideal for those with limited hand strength or arthritis, as they require minimal effort to operate.
They also allow users to keep their hands away from sharp edges, making them safer to use.
Magnetic openers come in various sizes and styles, so you can find one that works for your needs.
When using this type of opener, make sure to read the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure proper use.

11. One-Touch Can Opener

One-touch can openers are a convenient and efficient way to open cans quickly and easily.
These different types of can openers are useful for people with limited hand strength or those who suffer from arthritis or other conditions that make it difficult to use a traditional manual can openers.
The one-touch can opener is a device that automatically opens cans of all sizes, shapes, and materials with the push of a single button.
It works by using powerful magnets to grip the can lid and then using a lever system to remove the lid without leaving sharp edges.
It also has an internal blade guard to keep hands and fingers safe while operating it.
The one-touch can opener is great for people who find it difficult to use a manual can opener, and it's also an ideal choice for busy households who need to get their food opened quickly and efficiently.

12. Electric Can Openers

Electric can openers are a great option for those looking for an easy and convenient way to open cans.
These different types of can openers use electric power to operate, meaning that you don’t need to exert any physical effort to open a can.
Electric can openers are very versatile and can be used on almost any size of the can.
Using an electric can opener is quite easy; all you need to do is to place the device on the top of the can, press the button, and it will start to cut through the lid.
Most electric can openers have an automatic stop feature that prevents the blade from cutting too deep into the can.
Additionally, these devices usually come with a magnetized top that can hold onto the lid as it’s being cut off, making it much easier to retrieve and discard the lid without making a mess.
When choosing an electric can opener, it’s important to ensure that it’s the right size for the type of cans you’ll be opening.
It should also have a strong motor, making opening stubborn lids easier and keeping the device operating for a long time.
Additionally, it’s important to check that the device is made from sturdy materials so it doesn’t break or rust over time.
Electric can openers are an excellent choice for those who want an easy and convenient way to open cans. With their powerful motors, these devices can easily handle even the toughest lids.

13. Pneumatic Can Openers

Pneumatic can openers are different types of can openers great for commercial kitchens and food service establishments where speed and efficiency are a must.
These devices use compressed air to open cans quickly and with minimal effort.
They also have the advantage of being safer than manual or electric can openers since they don't require sharp blades.
Unlike other types of can openers, pneumatic models use a hose to attach to an external compressed air source.
You'll need a reliable compressed air source to use these openers.
The upside is that these can openers are much faster and more efficient than their manual or electric counterparts, allowing you to open several cans simultaneously with minimal effort.
Pneumatic can openers are also much quieter than other types, making them ideal for areas where noise is a concern.
They’re also highly efficient, meaning they don’t require as much energy to operate as manual or electric can openers.
The downside of pneumatic can openers is that they’re not as portable as manual or electric models since you’ll need to carry around the external source of compressed air.
Additionally, these devices can be more expensive than manual or electric models.
However, if you’re looking for speed and efficiency in a commercial kitchen, pneumatic can openers are definitely worth the investment.

14. Battery-operated Can Openers

Battery-operated can openers are perfect for people who want to avoid the mess of manual openers and need a reliable, easy-to-use opener for their daily use.
These openers are generally lightweight, handheld devices that can be used with just one hand and require no manual effort.
These openers are different types of can openers in various shapes and sizes, so you can find one that fits your needs perfectly.
They typically require either battery, and they are usually quite affordable.
The benefit of these openers is that they work quickly and easily, which makes them great for busy households.
In addition, they are generally quiet, meaning you won’t have to worry about disturbing anyone while using them.
The downside to battery-operated openers is that you will need to replace the batteries frequently.
Additionally, some models may not work as well on larger cans.
Overall, battery-operated can openers are a great option for those looking for an efficient way to open cans without relying on manual methods.
With their easy-to-use design and convenience, these openers easily and safely open cans.

15. Solar Powered Can Openers

For those looking to reduce their energy consumption and their carbon footprint, solar-powered can openers are different types of can openers good for you.
These devices utilize the sun’s energy to open cans and provide a clean and green alternative to manual and electric can openers.
Solar-powered can openers generally comprise the solar panel and the opener itself.
The solar panel captures energy from the sun, which is then converted into power and sent to the opener.
Once the energy has been stored, it can then be used to power the can opener whenever needed.
The opener itself is designed to be simple and efficient. It consists of a wheel or blade rotated around the can's rim to cut through the metal lid and make opening easier.
Some models even feature automatic locking mechanisms to ensure that the can does not move while it is being opened.
These devices are great for anyone looking for an eco-friendly solution to their can opening needs.
They also make a great gift for those caring about the environment, as they can save time and energy.
However, solar-powered can openers should only be used when the sun is out and are unsuitable for long-term storage due to the reliance on natural light.

16. Ring Pull Can Opener

Ring pull can openers are one of the different types of can openers, the most convenient tools you can have in your kitchen.
This type of can opener is designed to puncture through metal lids, allowing you to easily open cans without putting much effort into it.
It’s the perfect tool for those who don’t want to deal with the hassle of manual can openers or electric ones requiring power and technical know-how.
The ring pull can opener has two parts: the lid-piercing head and the handle.
The head is composed of sharp, stainless steel prongs that are used to puncture the lid of the can and create a hole.
The handle is typically made from plastic and allows you to firmly grip and twist the lid, which breaks the seal and allows you to open the can easily.
When using a ring-pull can opener, it’s important to ensure that you’re gripping the handle tightly and twisting in a counterclockwise motion.
If you’re not careful, you could damage the edges of the can or cut yourself on the prongs.
This type of can opener is particularly useful if you’re dealing with canned goods with a hard-to-pierce lid, such as tuna cans or other items with strong metal lids.
It’s also great for people with limited strength or mobility, requiring very little effort and force to use.
Overall, the ring pull can opener is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a simple, easy-to-use can opener that won’t take up too much space in the kitchen.

17. Side Can Opener

Side can openers are different types of can openers that do not require using your hands.
This type of can opener features two handles that are placed along the sides of the can.
To use this type of opener, place the handles around the circumference of the can and then squeeze the handles together.
This forces the blades on either side of the handle to cut through the top of the can.
Side can openers are easy to use and provide quick access to the can without using any additional tools.
The handles also help to keep your hands away from the sharp edges of the can lid.
Additionally, this type of can opener is often very lightweight and easy to store, making it a great option for those with limited kitchen space.
However, one downside to the side can openers is that they may not be as strong as other types of openers.
If you are dealing with particularly stubborn cans, using an electric or manual can opener might be better.
Additionally, side can openers may not work on all types of cans and lids, so it's important to ensure they will be compatible with your particular cans before purchasing.

18. Single Wheel Can Opener

Single Wheel Can Openers are ideal for those who prefer a manual, no-fuss approach.
These openers feature a single wheel that is attached to a handle. To use the opener, you insert the blade into the top of the can and then turn the wheel typically.
These different types of can openers are designed to be easy to use and require minimal effort and no special tools. They are typically made of stainless steel and are very durable.
This type of can opener is also very cost-effective, as they are generally inexpensive to purchase.
If you are looking for an efficient and easy-to-use can opener, then the Single Wheel Can Opener is the perfect choice for you!

19. Smooth Edge Can Opener

A Smooth Edge Can Opener is an efficient and easy way to open cans without sharp edges.
This type of can opener is a different type of can opener designed with a wheel that cuts along the top of the can and leaves behind a smooth, flat edge.
It eliminates the need for a manual can opener and requires no additional steps. This is ideal for anyone looking for a quick, hassle-free can-opening solution.

20. Tin Can Key Can Opener

The Tin Can Key Can Opener is a simple and inexpensive tool designed to open tin cans.
It is composed of a metal blade attached to a handle that is turned to cut through the metal lid of a can.
These different can openers are very popular in households and restaurants, as they are easy to use and take up minimal space.
The Tin Can Key Can Opener is often found at local stores, grocery stores, and even online.
It is ideal for those who do not want to invest in a more expensive electric or battery-powered can opener.
With this type of can opener, you can quickly and easily open canned goods without mess or fuss.
The metal blade is durable and sharp, allowing for effortless cutting through the metal lid of cans.
To use a Tin Can Key Can Opener, place the blade on top of the lid and turn the handle until the blade has cut through the metal.
Be sure to place the blade directly in the lid's center so it will cut evenly.
When finished, carefully remove the lid and discard it in the trash. A Tin Can Key Can Opener can last many years with proper care and maintenance.
The Tin Can Key Can Opener is an affordable and easy-to-use kitchen tool that makes opening canned goods quick and simple.
It is an excellent choice for those looking for an inexpensive option to open cans easily.

21. Topless Can Opener

A topless can opener is one of the oldest types of can opener and was probably the first type ever made.
It is a simple device consisting of two serrated wheels, with one wheel fixed and the other wheel turning.
It’s relatively easy to use: Place the can on a stable surface and grip the can opener so the wheel with the serrated edge is closest to you.
Put the wheel with the serrated edge around the lip of the can and turn it in a circular motion.
The wheel will cut into the metal and pierce through it as you turn, leaving a round opening in the top.
This can opener requires more effort than other types, and it can be difficult for someone with weak hands or wrists to use.
But this type is worth considering if you’re looking for a cost-effective, reliable way to open cans.

22. Twist Key Can Opener

The twist key can opener is one of the different types of can opener used in the kitchen.
It is the simplest and most convenient way to open cans of any size.
This type of can opener requires only a simple twist of a metal key.
The twist key is inserted into the top of the can, then twisted in a circular motion until the top is detached.
This type of can opener is especially useful for canned goods that are difficult to open, such as those with tightly-sealed lids.
Additionally, it can be used to open cans that have rusted shut or corroded lids.
The twist key can opener is also very easy to store, as it only takes up a small amount of space.
The twist key can opener is available in both manual and electric models.
Manual models require some physical strength and effort to twist the key, but electric models use a motorized system to rotate the key even easier.
Electric models are more expensive than manual models, but they are often worth the investment if you regularly open a lot of cans.
No matter which type you choose, the twist key can opener is a great kitchen tool for opening cans quickly and easily.
It's reliable, efficient, and inexpensive—a must-have for any home cook!

23. Multi-use Can Openers

Multi-use can openers are incredibly versatile and can be used for more than just opening cans.
They can be used to open glass jars, crack walnuts, loosen lids, and even pop tops off of bottles.
Many multi-use can openers are different types with multiple attachments that allow you to customize your device for different tasks.

24. Knife Can Opener

The knife can opener is a simple device that uses a sharp blade to cut through the metal lid of a can.
These different can openers are very popular because they are easy to use and affordable.
It is important to note that this type of can opener is not designed to open cans with a plastic lid.
This Can Opener is one of the most different types of can openers available on the market. It is designed to make opening cans as easy as possible.
The opener consists of a handle with a sharp blade on the end that is used to cut through the lid of the can.
It works best with thinner cans, such as soup cans, vegetable cans, etc.
This type of opener requires a bit more effort than the other types since you need to press the blade down into the can lid to cut through it.
However, it is great for those who don’t have access to an electric or manual can opener. It is also very easy to store since it takes up minimal space.
Knife Can Openers are also incredibly affordable, making them a great option for those on a budget.
They come in various shapes, sizes, and styles, so you can find one that fits your needs perfectly.
Plus, because they are so simple to use, they are great for beginners and experienced can openers alike.
Can openers have been around for more than a century, and with good reason - they make opening cans of food easy and convenient.
But there are different types of can openers, each designed for different tasks.
This blog post has explored the different types of can openers and their various uses, from the traditional manual can opener to the electric can opener.
We have also looked at the best can opener for your particular needs.
So, this is the place to start if you're looking to buy a new can opener or want to learn more about them.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:12 elladilemma420 The Lost Chronicles of Asanaka

Maggi had always been fascinated by the ancient chronicles of Asanaka, the legendary sword said to hold the power of the gods. She had spent countless hours pouring over the dusty tomes in the academy's library, searching for any mention of the sword's origins.
But it wasn't until she stumbled upon a hidden chamber deep in the library's basement that she finally found what she was looking for. The chamber was filled with ancient artifacts and relics, and in the center of the room, Maggi found a single, leather-bound book.
The book was old and worn, its pages yellowed with age. But as Maggi opened it, she felt a strange energy emanating from the pages. The book was the lost chronicle of Asanaka, and it told the story of the sword's creation.
According to the chronicle, Asanaka was forged in the depths of the earth by the ancient gods themselves. It was said to hold the power of the elements, and was wielded by the greatest heroes of old.
But as Maggi delved deeper into the chronicle, she began to realize that there was more to the story than she had initially thought. The chronicle spoke of a great calamity that had befallen the world, one that had been brought about by the sword's power.
Maggi was determined to learn more, and so she set out on a journey to uncover the truth about Asanaka's past. She traveled to the farthest reaches of the realm, seeking out ancient wise men and legendary warriors.
Along the way, she encountered fierce monsters and treacherous landscapes, but she persevered, driven by her determination to uncover the truth.
Finally, after many long months of travel, Maggi arrived at the foot of a great mountain. The mountain was said to be the resting place of the ancient gods, and Maggi knew that she had to climb to the top in order to find the answers she sought.
The climb was treacherous, but Maggi pressed on, using all of her skills and cunning to overcome the obstacles in her path. At last, she reached the top of the mountain, where she found a great temple dedicated to the ancient gods.
Inside the temple, Maggi found a series of ancient artifacts, each one more powerful than the last. But it was the final artifact that held the greatest surprise. It was a small, crystal orb, and as Maggi touched it, she was flooded with visions of the past.
She saw the ancient gods, forging Asanaka in the depths of the earth. She saw the great heroes of old, wielding the sword in battle. And she saw the calamity that had befallen the world, brought about by the sword's power.
But most surprising of all, Maggi saw her own destiny. She saw herself, wielding Asanaka in a final, desperate battle to save the world. And she saw the outcome, a world redeemed and at peace.
Maggi knew that she had to return to the academy, to share her discovery with the others. But as she turned to leave, she was confronted by a figure from her past. It was Kaito, her rival and fellow student.
Kaito had also been seeking the truth about Asanaka, and he had followed Maggi to the top of the mountain. But his intentions were not pure, and Maggi knew that she had to stop him.
The two engaged in a fierce battle, their swords clashing in a flurry of steel and sparks. But in the end, it was Maggi who emerged victorious, her bond with Asanaka stronger than ever.
As she stood victorious, Maggi knew that she had finally found her true purpose. She was the chosen one, destined to wield Asanaka in the final battle to save the world. And with that knowledge, she returned to the academy, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
submitted by elladilemma420 to maggislife [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:07 Efficient_Fudge3010 i(19f) think my sister(20f)'s married best friend(22m) is in love with her

my sister, em (fake name), talks about her best friend, let's call him matt, a lot. i never thought much of it given the fact that they do really understand each otheare close in a way that i think is really great in a friendship and em was also in a pretty long term relationship up until about 2 weeks ago. PLUS matt is married and very clearly cares about his wife endlessly so i didn't see anything necessarily romantic there.. until this weekend.
for a little context i live in a different state than my sister so i didn't meet matt in person until this weekend at em & matt's graduation. matt got married to his wife, becca, a little over 6 months ago (i think), but they've been together about 3 years. becca was at his & em's show (theater school so they had performances/shows and graduation this weekend) so i met matt & becca there. they were both super sweet so, again, i didn't think much of it as it was a pretty quick meeting before we had to head out.
graduation was early the next day and i didn't notice anything too crazy at the ceremony. there was one moment when they were taking pictures together (just matt & em) and it was very... touchy, but again i think physical touch is a really nice thing to have in fully platonic relationships so, yet again, i didn't think much.
me, em, becca, and matt decided to go get lunch. we had a pretty good conversation flow, very comfortable energy, making jokes, being normal young adult stupid. it was chill, but, as much as i adore becca as a person, she seemed to be a little disapproving of a lot of matt's "quirks". and when i say quirks i just mean stuff like forgetting little things or singing the same song on repeat around the house (the smallest things yknow) and just reading it i realize it could come off as normal relationship banter, but it did feel a little strange in the moment (and you'll understand fully why i wanted to mention the "banter" in a second).
at this point i was realizing how connected matt & em really were. potential romantic interest aside, they really mean a lot to each other and you can absolutely see it.
while the 4 of us were walking to matt's car, my shoe came untied so i jokingly told em to fix it and she responded with something about only ever untying them (kinda an inside joke with friends, but she just unties everyone's shoes when they're not looking lol). i tied my shoe and me and matt ended up walking a little ahead of becca and em. matt immediately starts talking about how em always does it to him and how she did it when they went to the park (he was chasing her around and shit. idk). and AGAIN, whatever, it's none of my business how you categorize your feelings/relationships and i have no place to tell you what your standards and wants should be in a friendship... so whatever.
but the interaction wasn't what peaked my curiosity. it was the way he was talking. and the fact that every time the conversation naturally shifted he would change the subject back to em.
he cares so deeply for his wife. really cares. but i have never felt so much fondness in someone's voice, i have never seen so much light in someone's eyes, i have NEVER seen ANYONE speak with so much adoration for someone the way i did when matt spoke about my sister.
me and em went for ice cream alone a little later and she told me some things.
i'm not gonna say much about it because A) i don't know much anyways and B) it's not my place to say or try to connect dots, but she told me there are some pretty concerning relationship conflicts between becca & matt and matt is (from what i can tell) already questioning whether marriage was a smart decision.
hearing that i didn't immediately go "oh well ig i was right and he actually might be in love with you". i was more so realizing the little "quirks" becca seemed to not be a fan of were actually things they were seriously arguing about behind closed doors.
the reason i bring that up is because every time they fight it (from what i can tell) ends with matt being a "problem" and he fully caters to his wife, which, i can understand to an extent because she is disabled and has some mental struggles as well so there's a lot of fear on his part, but it's not an great situation regardless. i also bring it up because my sister said there was one instance where he had been down because of an argument/arguments and he told em "i've had more fun with you tonight than i've had with my wife in weeks"
he's also said stuff along the lines of "i love you so much i think it's unhealthy". and there was an occasion where em played matt & another mutual friend (calling him franklin) some songs she'd written. matt was like embarrassingly stunned and said he wanted to listen to her play (piano) forever and listen to her (not surprising tbh i've heard my sisters songs and she's wildly talented). franklin made a comment about how em "broke matt" and it kinda seems right because he brought up wanting to hear more of her songs completely unprompted (unless i wasn't paying attention lmao) today/yesterday
now i mentioned earlier em just recently left a long term relationship. she broke up with him, it wasn't messy or anything, they were just on very different paths in life, and she didn't feel very connected to him. em said she didn't really notice how "touchy" she and matt were until after the breakup. well, she did, but she thought "we're both in relationships so obviously nothings gonna happen".
after the break up she started to realize the closeness. said there been multiple instances where they're inches from each others face and just staring. definitely could be innocent, right? well yes! but also not when you can't stop looking at my sisters lips, bucko.
and then today happened. or yesterday, i guess.
they had their final show after graduation(it was amazing), everyone's crying through goodbyes, and the 4 of us (matt, becca, em, and i) plus franklin decided to hang out to stall the goodbyes.
there were a lot of moments that were very "holy shit whoever said soulmates aren't real never met you guys"
there were a lot of "fuck why am i happy just watching two idiots high-five"
and there was absolutely zero moments where i felt like matt would do any less than go to the ends of the earth for em and enjoy doing it
in fact matt quite literally said he would drive the entire way back to our hometown just to make sure em still talks to him
friendly kinda thing? sure! but not when you're laying with your heads together and while everyone staring at stars in the sky you are LOOKING AT EMS LIPS and ur WIFE is on the other side of her head.
i honestly don't think he knows he's in love with my sister. or at least he definitely wouldn't admit it until it's not considered fucked up. but i know.
and i really want to stress that i know people have different standards for what they want/need in romantic vs platonic relationships, but i can say with 100% certainty that matt is perfectly, undoubtedly, wholly, and unconditionally, in love with my sister. intentions aside.
i am a little scared for what happens when em moves in with matt (& becca) starting later this summeearly fall. as i said i don't think either of them would purposely do anything that could hurt becca, but i know "heat of the moment" impulses and i really hope it doesn't go that way.
she's not a homewrecker. he's not a cheater. i'm not worried about a full on side chick situation. but trying to diminish feelings is only gonna make them bubble over in a way that might have a not so fun aftermath.
god, they're both so perfect for each other and annoyingly good people. they deserve something good.
bec & matt will probably be visiting em (and me i guess) in our hometown at some point before then so maybe ill update this if i feel the need to say more then.
i'm not "rooting" for them to get together necessarily, but i really hope this doesn't get messy because whether it's platonic, romantic, anything in between, or anything beyond, they are the most supportive and gratifying pair of friends. they seriously deserve each other.
in whatever way life lets them love the other. i'm sure they will.
i'm not allowed to talk to anyone about this so i decided to go to reddit (as any normal chronically online kid does) and im realizing after typing this that there is a potential my sisters friend finds this
hey man. if you're reading this please know i understand i have no place categorizing your feelings (i know i already said it but i really can't tell you how to feel) but i can see how much my sister means to you. and no matter what you decide you feel, my sister just wants you to be happy. and i don't mean she'll "suffer in silence" and she'll always wish you'd have given her a chance, i mean she genuinely doesn't care whether you're friends or dating or scene partners or work spouses. she just wants to be around. she will love you in every way she can.
TLDR; my sisters friend is in love with her. maybe it'll never become romantic, but god i hope whatever happens they always have each other.
submitted by Efficient_Fudge3010 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:06 FlyByTieDye Another way of looking at the written part of the chunin exams, i.e. why Ten Ten didn't fail

So I've noticed a lot of people when discussing the written test in the chunin exams will make some incorrect assumptions about what that test is actually testing. I think a lot of that has to do with taking what a lot of characters say at face value, forgetting that some characters can be deceptive, and not mean what they say (e.g. Ibiki and the other proctors), or else be naive or incorrect (e.g. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura). So, I wanted to take some time to read into the test further to come to a new perspective on it, and maybe explain how some students (like Ten Ten) managed to pass, despite having really obvious cheating techniques.
Ok, so let's look at the test from the perspective of the test takers: they sit down to take a test, thinking they have to pass it (which is their first incorrect assumption), then realise they are absolutely out of their depth. But, they still notice some people making progress on the test (e.g. the two planted chunin ninja, maybe some other rare cases like Sakura, or ninja older than immediate Academy grads), and the idea of cheating has already been planted in their minds by Ibiki's rules. But with the idea that they have 10 points, and lose two points when they are caught cheating, and fail if they reach 0, many assume (like Sasuke) that the point is to cheat without getting caught. I've noticed, many fans take on this perspective too, and so find it ridiculous how Ten Ten, Kiba, etc. were never caught, despite that mirror contraptions and dogs barking would be obvious to anyone in the room. But I think it's because even someone like Sasuke has an incomplete perspective (i.e. this is still an incorrect assumption about the test), and so we should look at the test from a different perspective.
Now, let's look at it from the perspective of Ibiki and the proctors. They have engineered a situation where the exam entrants will have to cheat. Despite the rules implying that the students would be punished for cheating, they've actually designed a scenario to force or encourage students to cheat and thus display their ninjutsu techniques, which the examiners are looking out for. Not only that, the examiners know who the students will be cheating off (there were only 2 plants with all the knowledge), so the proctors would know where to look for cheating. Also, as this YouTuber pointed out, given that most of the applicants are from the leaf village, and the proctors themselves are also from the leaf village, they'd know exactly what cheating methods to look out for, for more than half of the entrants (i.e. watch for if that Uchiha kids eyes glow red, or the two Hyuga kids eyes start wrinkling, watch out for bugs because that Aburame kid is taking the test this year, etc.) Just like in the bell test though, there's nothing really a genin could think of that an elite level Jonin couldn't already be prepared for, so I'd say it's not about using techniques the exam proctors are unaware of, it's using the techniques you do have well enough for this constructed situation of information retrieval (and transfer).
So, that is this new perspective I am proposing. The idea wasn't actually to use Ninjutsu and not get caught, it was actually a display ninjutsu (the proctors actually wanted to see you using ninjutsu), but you had to do so competently (there's also a component of team work to it, but I'll get to that later). Let's take it back a few steps, how does one become a genin? To learn one or two basic ninjutsu (shadow clone or transformation jutsu), and perform so on test day. And how does one become eligible to enter the chunin exam? To be a genin (obviously) but also complete at least 8 missions. Now, the missions that Academy grads can take on can be quite low level (capture the Daimyo's wife's cat, to baby sit for the council of elder's, to dig up sweet potatoes, etc.) so obviously they don't just want to graduate someone who has only ever caught cats and dug up yams, you wouldn't even need the Academy level Ninjutsu to do so. I guess it could be assumed that a diligent enough ninja, with enough time and missions, could learn new jutsu in that time, and in my read, the "written" part of the exam is to select for the students who have trained and learned more than the Academy level techniques, or really select out the students who have been dragging their feet, not learning new techniques and not progressing past Academy level.
So looking at it this way, the chunin exams have several levels of filtration, so that only the competent ninjas make it through. For the first example, Kotetsu and Izumo were filtering out ninja who weren't even competent in detecting genjutsu from even applying to the exams. Next, Ibiki's test heavily leans towards filtering students with good ninjutsu techniques (and team work), and both the Forrest of Death and combat rounds half the number of entrants with each round, and heavily leans towards combat, taijutsu and survivial. Now, the reason why I say the exam proctors actually wanted to see ninjutsu is because, if it was really about not cheating, they could have lowered the threshold for not getting caught (e.g. three chances, or immediate failure for cheating), or else they wouldn't have allowed e.g. Kankuro to take a puppet in, Kiba to take a dog in, etc. They actually wanted to see the genin's use these techniques to their disposal, but to do so competently.
Let's go back to the example of an Academy grad that has learned no other ninjutsu. They not only have to pass the exam, but ensure their team mates do, all without losing 10 points. Another way of phrasing that is thay they have to complete the exam (gather information and pass it to their team mates) within 5 moves. Surely, if they do use both a shadow clone, and a transformation jutsu like they learned at the Academy, they could disguise the clone to look like a proctor (just like Kankuro's puppet did) to gather test information, but that would be 2 moves instead of Kankuro's one move. But then, to make sure your whole team passes, you'd have to do so twice again to send that information you found to each team member (i.e. another 4 moves, which would be a fail). Kankuro's puppets were detected by Ibiki, sure, but he wasn't failed, as he used fewer moves to both gather test information and pass it to Temari than this hypothetical Academy grad example. Also, as I've said, the proctors know the techniques of the famous clans of Konoha. They know the Yamanaka clan's mind transfer jutsu, they know about the Aburame clan and Inuzuka clan bug and dog rearing, they know the Uchiha and Hyuga clan dojutsus, and they want to make sure those select students have been diligent enough to learn those family techniques to pass.
So, knowing that the Byakugan, the Sharingan, ninja hounds or chakra beetles exist, the proctors know enough students will be able to complete all 10 questions on their own, but that's where the caveat comes in that if any student fails individually, their whole team fails. Techniques that only advantage yourself (Sharingan, Byakugan) mean nothing if you can't also advance your team (which is where Ino, Ten Ten and Kankuro, despite being obvious/getting caught, were actually in the right and got a pass). So just like the bell tests, they're not just looking for students who can advance themselves individually, but also those who can use techniques to advance their whole team (and again, it was the Konoha ninja that arranged these teams, they know what techniques these teams should use to pass together, they just want to make sure the students realise that on their own too.) So Neji's Byakugan allows him to pass on his own, but does nothing to advance his team. Neji does initially have a lot of the same self-serving arrogance of Sasuke, but Ten Ten looks out for Rock Lee (who would be heavily disadvantaged for not knowing any ninjutsu). And as ridiculous as her mirrors are, with them she is able to obtain an entire test's worth of information and transfer it to Rock Lee all in one move, which is why she didn't fail (and note: I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with Ten Ten, or even Kishimoto's efforts here. I do find her ridiculous mirror contraption funny, but I can also find reason why Kishimoto could show us something as ridiculous as this, yet still pass Ten Ten to the next round). That's why she wasn't failed, because she was able to show the examiners how she can use her techniques with ninja tools effectively to both gather and transfer information. Same as Ino, the Yamanaka clan mind transfer jutsu is well known in Konoha, and the hand signs are obvious, but within only 3 moves, she was able to gather a full test worth of information, and transfer it to both Shikamaru and Choji. Team Kurenei at least each had the means to pass individually (Hinata's Byakugan, Kiba's Akamaru and Shino's beetles), and they also had trust in each other to do so.
Yet this test really was to show us how unprepared team 7 truly was. By some fluke, Sakura knew enough to pass the test on her own, and Sasuke could pass with the Sharingan, but neither had any techniques or the team work necessary to pass this information to Naruto, like Ten Ten, Ino or Kankuro had for Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Choji and Temari. In fact, they were both essentially just gambling on the chance that Naruto wouldn't screw it up for them, which is not good team work at all. The last test question Ibiki posed was specifically designed to weed out teams that had no trust in each other (and I guess Naruto had enough trust in Sakura and Sasuke to pass, even if they didn't have trust in him. He was also confident enough to make the first move in his team before Sakura quit on his behalf). At this point in part 1, Kishimoto was still stressing the importance of team work. I.e. in the bell test, despite Sasuke's competence in Ninjutsu, he couldn't pass without trusting his other team mates (hence the following "lunch test"). In the Land of Waves, he started to trust Naruto's abilities with e.g. the Windmill Shuriken technique, but we also see he doesn't really trust Sakura either, even saying she is as bad as/worse than Naruto. It takes the Forrest of Death arc for him to forcibly rely on Sakura before he starts trusting her.
So getting back to the written part of the Chunin exams, it wasn't about completing the test, it wasn't even really about not getting caught, it was about displaying competency in more advanced level Ninjutsu, and also showing effective team work/trust in your team, which is why it was an effective test for team 7 at this part of the series. They had enough technical knowledge at this part of the series (or at least Sasuke and Sakura did), but they still were failing at team work. And so easily could have failed the whole test.
Tl:dr - the point of the written exam wasn't to "not get caught using ninjutsu/cheating" as Sasuke assumes, it was actually a display of using the right type of ninjutsu and team work (something Sasuke had a blind spot for) in as few moves as possible. Ten Ten was obvious, but passed because of this distinction, being able to pass herself and Lee on the test with her techniques. Yet Team 7, despite Sasuke and Sakura being discrete in their methods, almost failed because Naruto didn't have the sufficient ninjutsu on his own, and neither of his team mates had the sufficient ninjutsu or team work to transfer their answers to Naruto.
submitted by FlyByTieDye to Naruto [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:06 lemonsaltwater Colin + Pen = Swans: A Deep Dive

Colin + Pen = Swans: A Deep Dive
A joint research effort of u/sc127 and u/lemonsaltwater
Throughout Seasons 2 and 3, swans are a recurring theme in Colin and Pen’s story, both in terms of explicit imagery/sound and allusions to swan behavior and stories. There are so many allusions that it is clear the showrunners, and Julia Quinn,* want us to make these associations, as every detail is intentional.
(\while neither of us have read the books, but based on character names, as well as references to the books on this sub, we can assume this. If you've read the books, please comment with more swan references! We do not present this as something hidden/new but rather for the fun of finding all of the references.)*
The biggest allusion to swans is how swans mate for life and form into bonding pairs quite young, well before mating age. Trumpeter swans bond as young as 20 months — but then wait several years and don’t mate until at least the age of 4-7. Colin and Pen meet at a young age and form a friendship but it then takes several years for it to become romantic.
Let’s plunge our beaks underwater and dive into how these associations play out for Colin and Pen individually and then as a couple.

Colin’s character as a swan

Colin has always been a swan, even if he didn’t lean into it. It shows up in a variety of character traits throughout the seasons.
Male swans are fiercely protective of their partners. We see Colin’s protectiveness over Pen show up multiple times. I did a longer post on the evolution of Colin's protectiveness a few weeks ago, but here are some scene highlights:
  • Ep 1x01: After Penelope beams at how happy she is to be wearing a pink dress, Cressida then spills her drink on her. Colin feels defensive of her, and rejects Cressida's bid to dance (big social no-no!) and dances with Penelope instead
  • Ep 2x07, 2x08 (Cousin Jack’s scam): He not only gets angry at Mondrich for insulting the Featherington family, but also at Cousin Jack for taking advantage of the Featherington women
  • Season 3 has multiple examples of Colin protecting Pen: after his dating help is revealed, balloon, protecting her from a mistake. It is notable that the few times we see Colin angry, they are all related to Pen’s feelings.
We'll likely see more of this in Part 2 (and various book spoilers indicate this as well).
Male swans are also one of the few species of waterfowl that take an active role in rearing children. Male swans will sit on the eggs and protect them, unlike other waterfowl. In Seasons 1 and 2, Colin is often seen playing with his younger siblings. We see the male swan’s interest in child rearing most obviously in 2x02 when Eloise recoils from Daphne’s baby and Colin swoops in to tenderly and lovingly hold him.
Swans are known for mating for life and for being dedicated partners, unlike other species of waterfowl. Colin “My Wife” Bridgerton, hello. But even before Season 3, we see this in Season 2 when Colin is the only one in the front row who appears happy at Anthony and Edwina’s wedding, and according to Luke, Colin is actually crying because he loves love so much. He delights in love.
Afterwards, Colin finds himself somewhat depressed and “searching for answers at the bottom of his flask” after their “bungled nuptials.” For someone who sees love as "the one thing in life that holds genuine meaning," to see an engagement broken off at that point is deeply distressing. (We'll return to Anthony's wedding later.)
His recurring appearance changes after his extended travels: Swans shed all of their feathers during their annual summer migration period. After his travels between S1 and S2, he returns with facial hair. After his travels between S2 and S3, he returns with new clothing.

Penelope: Duck => Swan

Penelope, meanwhile, needs to go through a transformation in order to become a swan.
(There are a lot of motifs used for Penelope throughout the show: butterflies, cake, etc, but here we’re going to focus on ducks and swans.)
Let’s start with her name. To get all Colin-season-2 for a moment, “Penelope” is believed to derive from the Ancient Greek word penelops, which means “duck.” In modern language, “pen” is the official name for a female swan. And her last name is Featherington.
Something that starts as a duck and becomes a swan… that sounds a lot like the HC Andersen short story The Ugly Duckling, which is about a duck who is cast aside by society for being ugly, only to later learn that the reason it looked different was because it was actually a swan.
While Colin and Pen are more likely to quote Byron than Danish fairy tales, the allusions to The Ugly Duckling are quite strong throughout Penelope’s character arc. (And indeed, fantasy plays a huge role in their worldviews.)
This is directly referenced in the book:
“I thought you believed in me," she said, "that you saw beyond the ugly duckling.”
For a brief refresher on The Ugly Duckling, let’s take Wikipedia’s summary and annotate it:
After a mother duck's eggs hatch, one of the ducklings takes longer to hatch and is bigger and perceived by the other animals as an ugly little creature. It suffers much verbal and physical abuse from its mother and siblings, and has an absent father.
Penelope is the youngest of three children. From the first episode, it is clear that her mother regards her as less desirable and less beautiful than her sisters. Her father is neglectful and largely absent. She is repeatedly subject to unkind comments and treatment by her mother and sisters. To take just one example, when suitors come over to meet Marina, and her mother closes courting hour, she says “Please feel free to bid farewell to Phillipa or Prudence, or even Penelope.” (Colin is the only one to take her up on this.)
Portia also insists that Penelope wear bright yellow dresses even though she herself prefers pink. Yellow is the color of baby ducks. Portia tends towards green, often in iridescent fabrics, which roughly maps to the coloring of several types of adult ducks (even females). (In the Ugly Duckling, the ugly duckling is gray rather than yellow like it’s siblings. However, they’ve taken a bit of artistic license here to reinforce the duck imagery.)
It wanders from the barnyard and lives with wild ducks and geese until hunters slaughter the flocks. It finds a home with an old woman, but her cat and hen tease and taunt him mercilessly, and once again he sets off alone.
We don’t have a direct literal correlation to the cats and hens, but we can interpret “leaving the barnyard” as Penelope being too early presented in society, and the “cats and hens” being the multitude of catty comments and “clucking hens” (judgmental, gossipy mothers) of society.
It’s also interesting how Cousin Jack is presented quite clearly as a hunter in Season 2, and the gun rack on the wall clearly makes Portia uncomfortable. There aren’t direct references to duck hunting, yet that was a common hobby. (We admittedly don’t know anything about rifles and can’t figure out if any of them he displays on the wall are specifically for duck hunting, but would love it if someone knew!) Cousin Jack, of course, nearly destroys their family.
The duckling sees a flock of migrating wild swans. It is delighted and excited but cannot join them because he is too young, ugly, and unable to fly. When winter arrives, a farmer finds and carries the freezing duckling home but he is frightened by the farmer's noisy children and flees the house. The duckling spends a miserable winter alone outdoors, mostly hiding in a cave on the lake that partly freezes over.
We can read this as being when Pen watches Colin leave for Greece, and when she looks at the happy Bridgerton household. She is also too young and immature to fervently declare her feelings as she states one should. Nicola plays her as immature (the little hop when she speaks, high voice), and she is trapped in her mother’s house.
The allusion of the migrating swans is also interesting as one could see all of the Bridgertons as swans who glide gracefully on the surface of society (“pretty Bridgertons”). While not all of the Bridgertons exhibit swan-like behavior, Violet and Edmund do (but more on that below). Note how in 3x02 Penelope says the place she feels the most comfortable is/was the Bridgerton Drawing Room at Sunday tea -- surrounded by the flock of swans.
We could be a bit literal with our interpretation here and say that Colin’s protection of Pen with the Ruby scam is equivalent to the farmer’s care, and then is scared off not by children but his own friends. But I think we can look at it more broadly to say that Penelope goes from thinking she will be cared for — as Colin says during their dance in 2x08 — but then feels cast aside.
She then spends a miserable summer alone, without Eloise or Colin. We know she was miserable by how she is dressed and carries herself in the beginning of 301: hunched over and back in an old gown with her protective helmet of curls.
The duckling, now having fully grown and matured, cannot endure a life of solitude and hardship anymore. It decides to throw himself at a flock of swans, feeling that it is better to be killed by such beautiful birds than to live a life of ugliness.
When we first meet her in 3x01, it is clear she has had an awful, lonely summer. She is shown in her old clothing -- notably more pink but still yellow, a sign of the impending transition -- and looking shy and hunched over.
But she resolves to fully break free of her family and marry. Her first dress is iridescent emerald green — the color of peacocks, which is likely the most direct motif given she hides behind a peacock in the garden, but it is also the color of adult mallards and several other duck species.
She throws herself into the fray at great personal risk rather than having to continue to live with her family of ducks that reject her. However, she is still awkward and unsure of herself. While she walks down the stairs with confidence, once she's on the floor, she's isn't fully carrying herself with confidence, and sort of slides her feet along the floor in a slouchy manner. She then proceeds to bungle her conversation with the lords who approach her. In other words, she still sees herself as an ugly duckling -- or perhaps ugly duck since she's grown. But Colin is able to see beyond that and has the first glimmers of starting to notice her as something different than everyone else.
Part 2 speculation:
The Ugly Duckling is shocked when the swans welcome and accept it, only to realize by looking at his reflection in the water that it had been not a duckling but a swan all this time. The flock takes to the air, and it spreads its wings to take flight with the rest of its new family.
Penelope is shocked when Colin has feelings for her, and according to the trailer, is welcomed with open arms by Violet and the rest of the swan’s family (except Eloise, who does not exhibit swan-like behaviors herself, but that's a different topic). Given the focus on mirrors so far this season, perhaps this combined mirrougly duckling/swan theme will reappear. Penelope will then integrate herself into the Bridgerton family and identify more with them, rather than her family of birth. She thus gets both self-acceptance, a husband, a loving family, and freedom all at the same time.
Given the use of mirrors this season, I expect Colin will literally and figuratively help Penelope see herself in the mirror the way he sees her, in a parallel to what Colin says in S2 E2 about her letters:
Your letters were so encouraging. I thought, if Penelope can see me this way, then surely I can too.
A brief note on Penelope's clothing
We can see hints of this in her clothing. Over Season 3 Part 1, Penelope’s clothing changes from Featherington green to Bridgerton blue. Yet in the kiss scene and Colin’s dream, she’s wearing dresses that are such light blue/green that they almost appear to be white, and she doesn't seem to wear these dresses in other scenes. (The dream one is similar to the market scene, but the sleeve detailing is different -- it's much more feathery. Hmmm.) While white dresses can imply wedding, perhaps another thread to pull here is their swan-like whiteness. The moment when they kiss is the first time it occurs to him to see her romantically, and it is also the first time he sees her in a white dress. That she is in white in his dream reinforces the idea that he sees her a swan.
(Yet they aren't fully white — so there is still evolution to happen.)
Colin calling her Pen — "swan" — from the very beginning
And lastly, back to her nickname. The first time we ever see Colin talk to Penelope is in S1 E1 after Colin visits the Featherington house during courting hour for Marina, he refers to her as Pen. He refers to her again as Pen when they dance later in that episode. The viewer thus sees her transition from Penelope, a duck, and then becomes Pen, a swan. Colin has thus always seen her as a swan, even if he didn’t realize it.
(We have not done a full analysis of the times he calls her Penelope vs the times he calls her Pen, nor of other people using her nickname.)

Audio and visual swan motifs

So, Colin is always a swan, and Pen transitions from duck to swan. Several times throughout the seasons, we see direct and indirect nods to swans in terms of imagery, dialogue, and other scene elements when Colin and Pen are together.
It’s notable that, as far as we can tell, swans and swan noises largely only show up when Colin and Pen are together. (There is one exception, discussed in the next section.)
The most obvious is in 2x05:
COLIN: After all, everyone else is finding some purpose to their lives. Anthony is to be married. Benedict has his artistic pursuits. And, well, here I am... feeding the ducks. [Looks at a swan as he says this]
PENELOPE: I am sure the ducks are most grateful.
The implication being, of course, is that Colin does not realize he's not looking at a duck but at a swan. His feelings for her aren't romantic yet. But he is really looking at a swan — Pen. And that she, not the ducks, is grateful for his company and conversation.
Interestingly, quacking is heard in the background. It’s hard to say whether it’s ducks or swans — perhaps it’s intentionally ambiguous.
Singing swans = courting activities? Or a shift in feelings for Colin?
But let’s pull that thread a bit, as swans singing comes up several more times. Swan songs have historically had an association with death, yet “their sounds are more distinguishable during courting rituals and not correlated with death.” We could then interpret hearing swan songs as times that are courting-esque, or perhaps moments when Colin’s perspective on Penelope is starting to shift.
In 2x06, Penelope has a heated conversation with Eloise about Eloise’s feelings about Theo. Eloise asks her if she’s ever felt the torment of feelings for someone, and Penelope says she could only imagine it. She then looks over at Colin and swans are heard in the background.
A few moments later, when Penelope walks over to Colin for the “purpose” conversation, swans are again heard in the background. (Listen very closely as she walks over to him.)
In 3x01, when Colin and Penelope talk in the garden after the presentation, swans are heard in the background as Colin looks at her while she looks away. In this scene, Colin is wearing his beautiful embroidered vest, which features a duck near the collar. It also features a parrot. (Shout out to u/EverEarthling for this amazing deep dive on the vest!) Perhaps when Colin bought this vest in Paris, he still viewed Penelope as a duck, and himself as a parrot (i.e. one who parrots the behaviors of what society expects). Given this, we might not see this vest again, as gorgeous as it is.
While we might think these were coincidences because they happened to be near water, it seems unlikely, as there are a lot of garden/park/outdoor scenes where no swans are seen or heard.
In 303, at the end of the Willow scene, swans are heard in the background as Penelope leaves. Swans then re-appear the Hawkins Balloon Fair. There is a giant wicker statue of a swan, decked in lilacs and light pink roses, off to the side of the balloon. (Lilacs being the favorite flower of the Bridgertons and light pink being the Bridgerton color of first love.) While we don’t get an obvious camera angle of this, based on body positions, Penelope would have been looking at this swan statue the entire time while talking to Debling.
Here's Nicola goofing around with said swan statue.
In 3x04, the Queen has dancing swans in her wig. And, this is the first time in the season when Colin and Penelope dance together.
We also have a small wink in terms of grass. Swans who have not yet begun mating, even if they are paired, will gather in flocks in fields of grass. Paired swans who are too young to mate will move throughout the flock socially yet still be paired — much like the environment of a ball. In 2x03, Colin mentions how he once spent meditating for hours on a single blade of grass, and in 3x03, when trying to impress Debling and looking directly at a swan, Penelope says how she likes grass.
(Perhaps we can also interpret this to mean that Eloise is not a swan: she says she’d rather watch grass grow than talk to other debutantes. But, again, that’s for another post on Eloise being different than her siblings.)
Interestingly, at these swan social gatherings, “some individuals will have several courtships with other members of the flock, whilst others, tend to stay away from densely populated parts of the herd and do their own thing.” Sounds like Colin and Pen!
From the book, there's a mention of a "swan song:" (credit to u/leadwithlovealways)

Colin + Pen = Swans

Let’s talk for a moment about the behaviors of bonded swan pairs and their mating behaviors, as there are a lot of parallels.
One important part of the beginning of the swan courting ritual is that both will drop their wings completely to their sides, and not puff themselves up at all. We can see this literally in terms of Colin and Pen in the carriage (both have their arms down at their sides), but also metaphorically: they are both at their most vulnerable, their least puffed-up, in the entire season.
When swans are bonded, they will press their chests together and bend their necks together and rest their foreheads against one another, forming a heart shape. In their first kiss, we see Colin rest his forehead against Penelope’s ever so slightly — somewhat tentatively, almost, and his chest is not pressed to hers. (It is in his dream, though.). We see the forehead-resting and chests pressed together more times in the carriage scene.
Mating dances
First, watch this video of swans doing a mating dance. (Or read, if you prefer.) Note how look away from each other and then back with intense eye contact.
They will stare at each other during the up and down motions of the necks and will sometimes raise both heads together at the same time to look at each other with sideways glances as they turn their heads from side to side.
Now, let's pivot back to Bridgerton -- and to another couple. In 2x05, Anthony and Kate’s pivotal dance when they can no longer ignore their feelings for one another resembles the courting dance of swans, with their arms interconnected and circling around another. While one could say that’s true of most dancing, this one is particularly striking, and perhaps it's when Anthony drops his rakishness or ability to think about others and starts to accept his committed, swan nature (though it takes him some time). You can also see echoes of the swan mating dance in how they pass one another side-by-side in Simon & Daphne's dance when they're truly in love, though the Kate/Anthony dance is much clearer.
The closest we’ve seen to Colin and Pen dance like this is 2x08, yet that dance is much more tentative than Kate and Anthony’s, and only bears a very faint resemblance to the swan mating dance. They make eye contact, but it is not intense or focused. Colin also refers to her as "Penelope", not "Pen," during that dance, and they barely touch. Distance is implied in multiple ways. But back to the topic of this post, one has to wonder whether we’ll see Colin and Pen dance in a way similar to a swan mating dance in Part 2.
Swan mating rituals
Now we're going to dive a bit deep in terms of parallels between swans and intimacy. Yes, this is completely fucking unhinged on an already unhinged post. I’m sorry if you will never be able to look at swans the same again.
  • Swans will keep intense eye contact during courting and mating. Yup, check.
  • While mating for most birds lasts only a few seconds, for swans it can be at least 20 minutes if not up to an hour. Seems fitting given the mentions of a 10-minute long intimacy scene in Episode 5!
  • Right before swans engage in the act, the male swan will drape his neck over the female swan’s. We seem to be getting hints of this in the trailer, with Colin standing behind her in the mirror.
  • We're going to skip over specifics of swan sex positions. That would simply be too unhinged.
  • Right after mating, swans stay close together and echo the head turning/tilting of the courting ritual. We get a glimpse of this after the carriage scene is interrupted, and one can hope this means we get lots of after-sex cuddling. If not, it’s totally in headcanon now.
  • After mating, swans will clean one another. We can see this in how Colin lovingly puts Pen’s dress and hair back in place before straightening his own clothes in the carriage scene.
  • Swans also tend to mate many more times than is necessary in order to fertilize eggs. Based on this, and based on what we’ve heard about Part 2, we’re probably going to see this parallel, too.
  • Male swans eagerly build a nest once they’ve decided to mate. This matches what we’ve heard about Colin quickly buying a house for him and Pen.
  • Swan couples that are new to a territory/nest usually don’t lay any eggs for the first year, so maybe they’ll wait a bit before having children. But that seems unlikely with these two given that birth control didn’t exist…

Looking forward

Given that swans mate for life, we can be guaranteed a happy ending here.
As the show goes on, one can predict that swans will represent the two of them in various ways, and that we might expect to see swan motifs in the decoration of their new home. (In the Part 2 trailer, in the wedding scene, the walls are decorated with a swan motif.)
In terms of children, swans keep their children close to them during their early life. We therefore might be able to predict that both Colin and Pen will likely be very attached to their children, and we will be unlikely to see them without their children once their children are in the picture. Even though Colin loves to travel, we could also predict he’ll quickly want to settle down and delight in being at home with their children, just like a swan.
Since male swans actively participate in child rearing, we also hope we’ll get to see lots of heart-warmingly adorable scenes of Colin bouncing their babies on his knees and taking care of them in future seasons. Maybe we’ll be lucky and even get a Regency-ified version of baby wearing with Colin wearing their baby wrapped around him with a shawl!

Bonus: Press tour Easter eggs!

In the Netflix India Bollywood/Bridgerton video, Luke wore a duck sweater. u/sc127's read on this:
Black Swan theory regarding Nicola's outfit: Do you think it's alluding to Colin and Pen getting married? In the eyes of the Ton, they would consider the Polin relationship as a Black Swan. It fits the criteria of being a surprise, having a major effect, and can be rationalized in hindsight.
Pink Ducks on Luke: I think the symbolism is more straight forward compared to Nicola's outfit. Pink is Pen's favorite color and it is the Bridgerton color of first love. Colin is in love with a duck named Pen :)
submitted by lemonsaltwater to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:04 shakugan_tsukaima [29] Sciency and Goofy!! [M] IDK. Physics, Chem, Engineer? Fill the title IG

I work from home and it gets a little lonely sometimes, so I'm looking for someone I can chat and text regularly. I have a Masters in engineering; I work in the Electrical and Hydraulic field.
I have 4 older sisters and it's always been easier for me to be friends w girls, but any wholesome guys are very welcome.
I don't game much. I basically only play LoL and know my only firrst 2nd gen pokemon lol. My fave shows include South Park (best show eveeeeeer); Superstore; How I met your mother, Two and a half men; The office, Everybody hates Chris; Community; and such. I'd like some recommendations also, I'm starting to watch Modern family for the first time (I'm on season 2). As for music I like most things as long as it's not too girly (i.e. T. Swift and A. Grande) I bet I like it.
Hummm, as for hobbies I like quite some stuff but am not too invested on them 🤷🏽‍♂️ I like jigsaw puzzles. I have a small collection of Rubik's Cubes, I like Lego and 3D puzzles also. Lately I've been trying to start coloring (like children coloring books lmao I found some Dragon Ball coloring books and I liked them haha)
So anyways, I swear I am very goofy and energetic, despite what this post might look like 😭 and I do use a lot of emojis and faces when I text haha I've been told many times it's borderline cringe 💀 so if you hate or don't like emojis am not the person for u :x lol Like any normal person, I looooooooooooooooooooove pet photos and memes, so I swear we have at least that in common :D hit me up!!
submitted by shakugan_tsukaima to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:03 strange_serenity21 I still miss my ex after 4 years since breakup

I don't necessarily like venting to my family or the little friends I have anymore about this since I don't want them to know how weak of a person I am because this breakup killed me back when it first happened. This all basically starts in 2019, I had just graduated highschool, started college in the fall and was heading into 3 years of being with my at the time highschool bf, now ex, and things were kind of weird. Maybe it was the high emotions of being launched into adulthood or maybe I was going insane who knows, either way I started getting really depressed that summer. So many things were happening all at the same time like my cat dying/running away, losing friends, health issues, etc. and it felt like the order of my world was crashing down. I felt crazy because I also felt like a child with so much on my plate and to be quite honest I still do. I loved my ex boyfriend I really did and I still have some love for him present day but we had already had some tensions built up from previous matters that I started just piling and piling up in my head and there was only so much more I could take honestly. The first time he really broke a piece of me was when I had to go to a scholarship acceptance banquet and they completely fucked me over so I left crying and since I went there expecting to eat I left hungry so I went to get food and drove to see him after his shift and we ate in my car or more like he ate in my car while I cried and he kind of listened because in the middle of ranting he turned up the music in the car because "it was a good song", mind you I was still crying. After this anything he did that slightly pissed me off started getting added into my pile of grievances. Also in my eyes after we graduated from Highschool he did start to seem distant at times, one of the habits he grew was constantly being on his phone while on dates, sometimes even texting a girl I told him to block because I felt insecure. I know what you are probably thinking, another girl that just won't let her boyfriend have a chick friend. You know yea basically but one thing that got me really insecure is he would constantly play games with girls and be all chummy with them but when I asked to play it was always "maybe later" and well later never came except for one time when he asked me to play minecraft with him so I bought minecraft just to play,even though I know it gives me severe motion sickness, and we played for maybe 30 minutes until he was tired left and we never played again even when I asked for it. After a couple more incidents of him just not caring about my feelings I won't lie my eyes did start to wander off of him a little, I never acted on this because this really scared me due to being with my ex for so long and only knowing him and all I could think of was how could I possibly be so cruel and just leave him like that, so I continued to stay and at this time I still had the motivation to work things out. A couple months pass and I am still pretty depressed and suddenly I start having this feeling of no emotion at all. I feel like maybe this is what some might call desensitization but I haven't looked into it all that much. I felt like I couldn't feel happiness, sadness, anger, anxiety, basically any emotion I had ever encountered was now gone out of nowhere even love was gone. This loss of emotion affected everyone around me not just my ex, I literally didn't even love my parents, that is how bad it was. Our anniversary passes and I'm going through out it but we make it to 2020. Of course like most people this is where shit starts going south because well 2020 was the year of the pandemic. I'm in my second semester of freshman year and I'm still struggling internally without telling anyone about what I am going through mentally. Worst thing about this was that I could barely tell my ex about it because he in the past made fun of his best friend for having to be in a psych ward, which was another addition to the pile might I add. Due to the nature of him casting me and my emotions aside once the pandemic was in full swing I slowly implemented my way of casting him aside slowly but surely to give him a taste of his own medicine. Was this petty yea but did I do it... yea. So during the pandemic of course we would talk but I spent more time playing games, doing exercise/losing weight, and getting back into my hobbies. At this time I don't think it bothered him that much because I was still giving him his doses of attention and he was giving me mine so like whatever I suppose. But then at some point during this shift I remember being on snapchat after hours after he said he had gone to bed and checking where all my friends were on snapmaps, and thats when I see him in the middle of a parking lot alone around 2-3am in the morning. I start trying to make rational thoughts like maybe thats the last place he was when he opened snapchat before going home to bed so I just snap him out of curiosity and I can't remember what I said but it was something along the lines of "i cant sleep miss you send a pic" and he opens it right away and I really couldn't tell where he was in the picture. I open the snap map again and he's still in the parking lot and I ask him what he is doing and he just says trying to sleep. Obviously not.... To this day I don't know what was up with that, sometimes I want to think he was maybe getting weed or something late at night but lying to me because neither of us did substances of any kind at that time but I suspect he was cheating maybe. This was like a huge break in my sanity and after this I became even more distant and sometimes I wouldn't even text him during the day and sometimes he would do the same for me too. Something completely snapped in me a couple of weeks later and when he was hanging out with his friends I decided I needed to call a break. I think this is truly where I messed up and where things could've gone positively for me if I didn't do what I did next. We met up a day later and he was crying while I explained to him everything I had/was going through and how all the things he did were finally getting to me and I remember looking at him crying and feeling nothing but telling him it was a break and that I just needed time to think and that we would more than likely get back together. The beginning of this break was like heaven to me. I felt pure bliss and it felt like everything that was wrong had washed away in an instance. I remember sunbathing outside with my cousins maybe a day or two after that meet up and just being so happy about just breathing outside. I don't remember texting my ex that first week much as my dad had also gone through emergency surgery and I was dealing with that. Second week we started just checking up on eachother a little and third week I think is when we met up and I once again told him we would get back together soon and it didn't feel like a bad idea anymore to be honest. I genuinely think I just needed a little time and space. After that we saw eachother once a week and we'd just chill and talk and at some point we started getting physical with eachother again and genuinely I felt pretty good about getting back together this time around. One of the last times I spoke to him in a loving way I remember him not having his glasses on and telling him how glad I was to be able to see his eyes without glasses on and how pretty his green eyes were... Then the next week we broke up because I found him, in my opinion, emotionally cheating on me with someone over the internet, which he denied. The way I reacted to finding this out was crazy, I felt so insane and don't even understand all the things I said and did but I did them. I was pissed off at myself because there was no way I had let myself get vulnerable all over again with him and regaining my emotions just for him to fuck me over like that. I was utterly devastated, especially thinking that I couldve broken up with him and ended up emotionally okay but then I let him break up with me. This breakup was a huge rift in our circles, my friends hated him, his friends hated him and some of them even asked me out after this, which was weird and still is considering these people are still friends with him but I digress. Although at the time of our breakup he acted like there was potential for us dating again and how he would always have a place in his heart for me he actually moved on rather quickly to the person I caught him texting. Felt like I gave him so many chances but he gave me zero. If anyones gone through a breakup they know that deep sinking feeling straight in the chest. I felt that shit from June to November nonstop everyday. I was going insane being in my own body. I became anemic and developed an ED because of how little I was eating. My mom tells me about how when I slept in her and my dads room the first month she would watch me sleep because she could see how much of a toll the breakup took on me, she said it looked like my eyes had completely sunken in and that my collar bone looked like it was cutting through me. Basically I looked like a walking lifeless corpse was how bad I took it. I won't lie I stalked my ex hardcore the next couple months because I couldn't fathom him being so happy when I was in so much pain. Thankfully once my birthday arrived I didn't feel as bad anymore and I was able to celebrate with a smile on my face with my family. Once 2021 hit I vowed to let go and stop checking up on him and start living my life and it was honestly going really good... at first. Because once I stopped stalking him he decided to make multiple accounts to stalk me. I immediately knew it was him and I won't lie I entertained it, I enjoyed the attention I received from someone who now probably regretted his decision. I let it go on a little until I sabotaged it, because in my mind if I exposed him to his partner at the time maybe just maybe he would come back to me. WRONG COMPLETELY WRONG. He lied his way out of getting into trouble somehow after I confronted him and his partner at the time and it left me feeling more drained than ever. This time it started a downward spiral for me so bad that I had to start antidepressants and to this day I still take. Yet after all of this I still miss him. I know I am weak and stupid and everything else inbetween but that's just who I am. I hate myself for wasting my early twenties to being depressed over this but I can't do anything about it now. I've been single ever since and he's on his second partner now since me. I didn't start finding people attractive again until the middle of 2023 and since then I have entertained the idea of bumble and tinder but I cannot fathom it. I want an organic relationship with some new but sometimes I want lovers to enemies to lovers again with me ex idk. The only reason I'm venting about this was because I went on facebook and one of my friends memories had him in middle school in it and I lost it. Hope someone can be entertained by my stupid love story or maybe someone can feel not so alone in this evil love filled world.
also I kept some things out because I don't want to embarrass myself more than I already have
submitted by strange_serenity21 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:00 shakugan_tsukaima [29] Sciency and Goofy!! [M]

I work from home and it gets a little lonely sometimes, so I'm looking for someone I can chat and text regularly. I have a Masters in engineering; I work in the Electrical and Hydraulic field.
I have 4 older sisters and it's always been easier for me to be friends w girls, but any wholesome guys are very welcome.
I don't game much. I basically only play LoL and know my only firrst 2nd gen pokemon lol. My fave shows include South Park (best show eveeeeeer); Superstore; How I met your mother, Two and a half men; The office, Everybody hates Chris; Community; and such. I'd like some recommendations also, I'm starting to watch Modern family for the first time (I'm on season 2). As for music I like most things as long as it's not too girly (i.e. T. Swift and A. Grande) I bet I like it.
Hummm, as for hobbies I like quite some stuff but am not too invested on them 🤷🏽‍♂️ I like jigsaw puzzles. I have a small collection of Rubik's Cubes, I like Lego and 3D puzzles also. Lately I've been trying to start coloring (like children coloring books lmao I found some Dragon Ball coloring books and I liked them haha)
So anyways, I swear I am very goofy and energetic, despite what this post might look like 😭 and I do use a lot of emojis and faces when I text haha I've been told many times it's borderline cringe 💀 so if you hate or don't like emojis am not the person for u :x lol Like any normal person, I looooooooooooooooooooove pet photos and memes, so I swear we have at least that in common :D hit me up!!
submitted by shakugan_tsukaima to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:59 lunatic-fringe84 London was 🔥

London was 🔥
SP absolutely smashed it last night.
The 2018 shows at Wembley were stunning for their visuals and proficiency, but last night felt more like SP today rather than a tribute night...and you could feel the difference on the floor. There was bopping and surfing like I haven't seen at a show for YEARS.
Zoo Station was really great - check it out (from Birmingham) if you haven't already https://www.stereogum.com/2267054/watch-the-smashing-pumpkins-cover-u2s-zoo-station-at-european-tour-openenews/
Kiki being so new seemed to add something...there was a mild uncertainty or unfamiliarity which in a weird way made them feel rawer and like a much younger band. Can't explain it but I enjoyed the dynamic.
Jack Bates and Katie Cole are absolute heroes and their contributions are so underappreciated often but they really shone last night. Jack in particular was absolute dynamite on Ruby (!), TWATS and Jellybelly.
Loads of questions about how to "get to the front" on this sub the last few days so, if other shows have a similar layout to the O2 I'm happy to tell you...half the folks on the floor went to the bathroom straight after Weezer. We had timed our bathroom break to be just before the end of Weezer 's set (I was there for SP, if you're a huge Weezer fan this might not work) and simply walked straight into a nice gap in front of Kiki just about two rows back, such a great view.
It was impossible to take a decent photo with all the moshing
There were a lot of older men actually crying at Disarm and Mayonaise, which was quite touching. Mayonaise in particular was just beautiful.
The number of kids about 21 and under at this show was the most I have seen at any SP show for maybe 16 years and some of them were about 16 so that's actually madness but also great!
Everyone knows Gossamer was great...but it really was. And I loved hearing Shame and Birch Grove.
Billy was having the time of his LIFE during Ava Adore, literally doing his moves from the video.
If you are going to any of these shows you are in for a treat!
submitted by lunatic-fringe84 to SmashingPumpkins [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:57 maxlll Lost For Swords - MaxBytes - roguelike dungeon crawler with high decision density and no busywork

I'm Max, working on Lost For Swords, a tactical roguelike dungeon crawler... with cards... I know, I know, there's lots of those ^^ But I believe Lost For Swords stands out!
Everything in the game happens on a 5x5 board, where the cards of your deck are placed together with monsters, traps and loot. There's no hand, no card dragging, no inventory management, no menus, no busywork. Just pure turn based strategy and tactics! All in a roguelike wrapping!
Watch The Trailer! - fast-paced trailer, for a quick visual intro to the game!
Demo on Steam! - play one of two heroes, each with a 70+ card pool. The demo can be beat in ~2-3 hours, but some people have played for 20+ hours already!
There's bi-weekly updates and patches to the demo too, so new stuff is coming all the time!
Lost For Swords is also part of the Steam Next Festival starting tomorrow (June 10)!
If you enjoy the game, feel free to visit our Discord Server for tips, strategies and general feedback! You also gain access to the preview version with the latest updates and developments, including a level editor for building, sharing and playing user-created challenge rooms :)
submitted by maxlll to Games [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:52 Desperate-Strategy10 I'm so lonely in my marriage. (No Advice Wanted)

I (31f) have been with my husband for 5+ years now. (37m). I had just gotten out of a miserable, abusive relationship a year before I met him, and in the beginning, I had no idea if it was a good relationship at all. At the time, I just wanted to be with someone who wouldn't hit me or scream at me. I wanted my young son to have a normal family, and this guy had two happy, healthy boys if his own, a car, an apartment...the bare minimum maybe, but he just seemed so stable and safe.
He had undiagnosed Bipolar disorder at the time, but I helped him find a doctor, get on the right meds, and by the end of year one he was emotionally stable and things felt almost perfect. We worked so fucking hard the first three years to build ourselves to be better people; we both went into the relationship broken and afraid, but you'd never know it looking at us today. Our children love each other, they're well-adjusted all things considered, I regularly tell people that this is the happiest I've ever been. And it's true.
But the relationship isn't perfect; they never are, of course. We both work at the same place right now, and I take pride in doing a good job and trying to learn and improve myself regularly. He is terribly burnt out, though. He goes in and does the bare minimum, then tells people how indispensable he is; they could never fire him, the whole store would fall apart in days. He does work a shift that is difficult to replace, and in the beginning he was absolutely irreplaceable, but he's let his work slide for a while now. My co-workers don't understand our relationship, but I laugh and say they don't know him like I do. They don't know what we've been through.
At home, I do 99.9% of the childcare. Every middle of the night wakeup, every meal (his included), all the shopping and laundry and cleaning. He got me a puppy recently despite being to them, just because he knew how happy it would make me. I adore this little fellow, but it's a ton of work caring for him. We have a soon to be three year old son, and I think his dad has changed his diaper just a handful of times. Every now and then he plays with him for a bit, but he's usually "too tired" or simply doesn't want to.
He plays a dinosaur game Ark. His friends play too, so he talks to them through his headset and tunes the real world out, from the time he gets home from work until bedtime. He gets off work at 11 am, for context. The kids and I try to interact with him sometimes, but he'll usually ignore us, sometimes get annoyed that we want to spend time with him. We're gradually learning it's easier not to bother him.
I read stories about happy families with equal workloads and parents invested in each other and their children and I wonder where I went wrong. I could never leave him; I can't afford to live on my own, and I don't want to break up my boys from the family they've grown to love. I've had to do that once to my oldest son, and we're still carefully managing the psychological damage that entire situation did.
I always wanted to be a mother, and a wife. I wanted to care for my family, work to support us, everything I'm doing now...but I wanted a partner, too. Someone who gets excited to see me, who helps me with our children, helps maintain our home, listens when I need to talk. I worked so hard to make him into that person in my mind, and to make myself a person worthy of such a good partner, but I can't change who my husband is.
I'm worried what it's teaching my sons; I don't want them to put any other people through what I'm going through. I try to teach them to be helpful, grateful, attentive, but what they observe in their day to day lives flies directly in the face of what I try to encourage. Their dad has no interest in parenting, or cleaning, or supporting a family beyond monetarily.
He tells anyone who will listen that he's the greatest dad ever, much better than his dad who abandoned him as a baby then strung him along throughout his childhood. He is better than that, I'll give him credit there. He tells people what an excellent partner he is, and they assure him I'm lucky to have a husband as devoted as he. If my coworkers ask, I have nothing but wonderful things to say about him - he buys very thoughtful gifts, for example. He loves giving gifts to people and he really is great at it. But every relevant holiday, I just ask him to get me a card and write something nice, something I can look back at on hard days, or in the future when he's gone. I've recently just asked him to pick one with a prewritten message he thinks I'll like, and I'd accept that just as happily. But he doesn't like to write, doesn't know how to express himself that way, doesn't want to read through a bunch of cards...I don't know. I guess since it's not important to him, it's not important enough for me.
I ask him to do simple things at home while I'm at work - take out the trash (his and only responsibility), play with the baby, check on my 11 year old periodically, make sure everybody is fed. More often than not, these things do not get done. I try to make plans for the whole family to go out and do things, make memories, bond...but he's got stuff to do in his game, he's tired from working so hard to support us (this shouldn't matter, but I actually work more hours than he does nowadays), the stuff I suggest sounds boring to him.
I just wish he could see it from my point of view. I love him dearly. I would do anything for him. I simply want similar in return. I want to be loved and appreciated, I want a partner who cares about our home and family the way I do, I don't want to feel like I'm a burden ever time I ask him a question or try to tell a story or point out something cute the puppy/baby/boys are doing.
I feel like I'm just alone in my relationship. I've talked to him about it dozens of times, tried different approaches...none of it seems to help. He writes me off as emotional (I'll be fine tomorrow, just sleep it off) or spending too much time fantasizing about perfect relationships that don't actually exist. He thinks my standards are unrealistic, and I'm ungrateful because he provides for us. Even when I started working more hours than him and making more money than he does, he kept with that idea that he's the main breadwinner and I'm the one who runs the day to day stuff.
I just wish things had turned out differently. I wish this wasn't my life, or that of our children. I put in so much time and effort maintaining healthy relationships with the boys so they'll come and see me after they grow up, but he assures me it's unnecessary and they'll come just because they love him so much. I'm not so sure. They feel lonely and angry and hurt, and a lot of that is on him.
We're about to celebrate Father's Day. I bought him nice gifts, I've written a lovely card, I'll take him to his favorite restaurant and he'll have everything a dad could want. I do want him to feel special and appreciated. He'll probably still spend most of the day on his game, or phone, or watching movies way too grown up for our children at a deafening volume so nobody can bother him. Maybe I'll take the boys to the park then, we'll see what my schedule looks like...
I don't know that I want anything from this. Maybe just recognition that this is hard, or commiseration if someone's going through this. I don't expect it to magically improve, but if anyone has any comforting words or even just takes the time to read this, it would mean the world to me. I'm feeling so run down and sad. I just want to get it off my chest, I suppose.
Thank you for reading if you did. I hope your life is filled with love, and that you never have to feel like an inconvenience in your own home. I hope we all find peace someday, maybe just in working to be the best we can and trying to put a little good out into the world. That's all I try to do, at least. Maybe one day I'll find the joy I wish for others. I hope so, I'm tired.
submitted by Desperate-Strategy10 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:50 ClickOk7182 I’m a bit lost, struggling with escort addiction

So I’m abit lost, I wouldn’t say I’m in denial about things, I wouldnt be here if I didnt have an idea of what’s going on but to give a brief run down:
the problem
-i am in no major debt, but it’s more that I can’t save money, and it’s so frustrating because I cant travel or do anything.
where I am at today:
what I need help with:
i am lost, this week I have checked websites nearly every night, I haven’t seen anyone but I came close. I wake up every day with new resolve but also I fail when I can’t sleep and realise how lonely I am.
does Anyone have any advice on next steps? I am perfectly open to retrying Saa I would hope there’s other solutions as well though.
also excuse the formatting of this post, i was struggling to articulate my thoughts ( adhd) and I needed a loose template to write to.
thank you
submitted by ClickOk7182 to SexAddiction [link] [comments]
