Knitting patterns for doll tights

Crochet or knitted stuffed toys

2010.05.15 19:44 strombom Crochet or knitted stuffed toys

This is a subreddit devoted to amigurumi, or little knitted or crocheted stuffed toys.

2008.06.14 20:25 knittit

Warm, fuzzy, sometimes tangled. Due to the holiday season, it may take up to 48 hours for (1) a post to be approved/ reviewed (2) response to modmail/from a moderator. Regarding the API/blackout we're open again but also watching, listening, thinking hard. Whatever happens needs to happen thoughtfully. Please keep being excellent to each other.

2013.03.12 15:16 For bros who crochet

It doesn't matter if you're a man or woman. You just have to be a bro. Brochet, a subreddit for bros who crochet.

2024.05.16 16:25 ZealousidealDuty3069 Streetwear - shorts recs?

I’m 5’2, androgynous presenting with wide hips….where tf do I buy shorts?
I don’t mind showing off my legs, but want a comfortable fit. Sick of high waisted, tight denim and shorts that are either too short or too long.
I’ve seen ads for brands like both&, big bud press, Lucy & yak but none of them seem to fit what I’m looking for. I don’t want jorts, but I also don’t want hyper femme high waisted or anything with a crazy pattern. I love basketball shorts and cargo shorts, but I’m looking for something more suited to brunch/museums than casual hangouts.
Anyone else with similar struggles? Have you found anywhere you love to shop for shorts and other summer wear?
submitted by ZealousidealDuty3069 to transfashionadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:25 queenofbo0ks I have a dilemma (more info in description)

I have a dilemma (more info in description)
I'm relatively new to knitting and this is my first wearable project that's not a scarf. It's a sleeveless turtleneck and everything seemed to be going well so far.
Now I'm working on the neckline/turtleneck and I've noticed two issues:
  1. The picking up stitches from the shoulders didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped. This is probably an issue with how I cast off/decreased those stitches.
  2. I have a ladder where I'm knitting in a magic circle. I struggle with the magic circle and I don't like it at all, but that was what the pattern said.
My dilemma is this: Do I frog this part of the turtleneck and start over and hope it'll turn out better OR do I continue and try to repair the visible damage afterwards? I'm a very stubborn person so I'm tempted to just try and mend it afterwards, especially as I don't know if I can prevent the gaps from the picked up stitches. On the other hand, part of me wants to know if I can make it look better if I start over with the neckline. I was hoping for some insight from others :)
submitted by queenofbo0ks to knitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:12 CIAHerpes I remember the night I died and saw the Bardo.

There are some kinds of wisdom only great suffering can bring. I remember my time in the Bardo with this in mind, for otherwise, the memory might drive me insane.
The night my heart stopped for nearly three minutes started off normally enough. I was working as a nurse in the psychiatric ward at a hospital in the state’s capital. Most of the patients there were harmless, mostly just suicide attempts or people suffering from drug psychosis or severe depression, but some were actively dangerous and certainly psychopathic in every sense of the word. The new admission was one of these- a three-hundred pound black man with a long history of smoking PCP, schizophrenia and violent, psychotic breaks from reality.
His eyes looked like flat pieces of slate as I walked in for my shift. They looked as blank and emotionless as the eyes of a doll. He sat at the table in the front room where the patients ate or played cards, alone under the bright fluorescent lights of the hospital. I walked to the station, where another psychiatric nurse named Ricardo was sitting behind the desk.
“What’s the deal with the new guy?” I asked him. Ricardo looked up, his dark Spanish face forming into a deep scowl. He ran his fingers through his jet-black hair nervously.
“He’s trouble, man,” he said in a crisp accent. “He got in a chase with the police and then punched some cops in the face. It took three guys to take him down, even after he got maced and tased. The judge sent him here on a temporary court order, since he claims he’s been getting chased by Nazis in UFOs, and that’s why he ran from the cops. He thought the cops in their uniforms were actually the SS, and the helicopters were alien spacecraft, or something. I don’t know, I didn’t listen to the whole story.”
“You have his file?” I asked. Ricardo leafed through a stack of folders with his thin fingers, snatching one out and handing it to me. I looked down, reading the information:
“Jeremiah Brown, black male, 37-years-old.
“History: Polysubstance abuse, schizophrenia, antisocial personality disorder.
“Psychiatrist’s note: This patient has scored a 36 out of 40 on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. While I am always hesitant to label a patient as an antisocial personality, a combination of factors has made it essential for this patient.
“Patient has an extensive criminal history as well as a lengthy history of involuntary psychiatric admissions. He has been diagnosed as having antisocial traits since he was a young teenager. Patient has a long history of violence and suicide attempts. He has a history of imprisonment for manslaughter, armed robbery, grand theft and aggravated assault. Upon discharge, he refuses to take any antipsychotic medication, citing the side effects as the reason. Long-term prognosis is poor…”
I had not been sleeping well the past few weeks. I rubbed my eyes as I read through the file, feeling exhausted. I tried putting on lucid dreaming or meditation music from YouTube to help me sleep, but whenever I closed my eyes, I saw horrible things: chalk-white female faces whose lips were cut into an insane rictus grin, flicking their heads violently from side to side and gnashing their fangs at the air. I had a feeling that many years of constantly watching horror movies and serial killer documentaries was catching up with me.
As I read through the file, a student nurse came around the corner wearing a white state university outfit and a name tag that said Kaitlyn. I looked up, seeing Ricardo wink at me from where he was sitting in his chair behind the main desk.
“She’s going to follow you,” he said. Inwardly, I groaned, but I managed to force a smile.
“Oh, great!” I said. She looked like she was probably no older than nineteen or twenty. She had a pretty body, but her face looked strange. All the angles were too sharp and her nose too large. I knew the patients here wouldn’t care, though. They would hit on anything. I sensed trouble. I looked down at my watch.
“Well, I’m Jay, and you already know Ricardo, I guess. It’s good timing, because we need to give medications every day at 9 PM. And we have a new patient, so we can introduce ourselves,” I said, giving her a faint smile.
“That’s exciting!” Kaitlyn whispered. I wanted to roll my eyes. It was definitely not exciting.
I motioned her to follow me as I made my way to the medication room, which was really just a large closet off of the main day room. I had to enter my code on a keypad, and then, once inside, enter it again along with the patient’s number and date of birth. The correct drawers for the medication in each specific dose would fly open, making it extremely hard for the wrong medications or doses to be given, unless it was done intentionally.
“OK, so for this patient, we need Haldol, Ativan and…” I began saying to Kaitlyn when the yelling started. It came out faintly, rising in volume and anger within seconds. I heard Ricardo’s Spanish voice, filled with panic. Something slammed hard against a wall, once, twice, three times, and then I heard the sound of glass breaking. I jumped, spinning around, but I couldn’t see much through the small, shatter-proof glass pane on the wooden door.
“Stay here,” I commanded, seeing Kaitlyn’s eyes widen, her freckled skin looking much paler than when we had first come in. “Don’t leave until I come back and say that it’s safe.” On the speakers strung throughout the hospital, I heard the first of the warnings echo out around us.
“Doctor Strong, Doctor Strong, please report to the seventh floor,” a robotic female voice said calmly, using the code for when a patient had to be subdued by force. I pushed the door open, slamming it shut behind me so that the lock would activate and protect Kaitlyn from whatever chaos was going on.
I heard Ricardo pleading with someone at the end of the hallway that ran past the main desk. He sounded strange, as if he were trying to talk through a mouthful of blood. Huddled behind the main computer, I saw one of the CNAs frantically whispering something in the phone. She must have been the one to call the Dr. Strong order.
“You don’t have to do this, man,” Ricardo gurgled faintly. I couldn’t see what was happening, as Jeremiah’s large body was blocking my view. I could see that the thick glass window at the end of the hallway was broken, however. My heart skipped a beat as I surmised what was likely happening.
I sprinted forward as quietly as I could, but the large man heard me. His massive body turned, his flat, dead eyes scanning me with absolute coldness and calm. I saw he had a bleeding Ricardo in his hands. Ricardo’s back and head were covered in deep cuts and shards of glass. He must have used Ricardo’s body as a battering ram to break the thick glass window. Jeremiah held Ricardo suspended halfway out the window, seven floors above the concrete walkways far below.
“Stay back, or this fucker will know what it feels like to fly,” Jeremiah said in a deep, gravelly voice. He shook Ricardo for emphasis, sending his head snapping back and forth with painful cracking sounds. Drops of blood flew from his nose and a deep gash across his cheek. Pieces of shattered glass littered the carpet, shining like countless tiny stars.
I put my hands up, taking a step back. Far behind me, I heard the front door for the psychiatric ward open. Voices echoed down the hall. Knowing that reinforcements were coming, I tried to buy some time.
“Let’s talk about this,” I said, taking a step forward slowly. “You don’t want a murder charge, do you? You’ll never see the sky again.”
“I don’t give a fuck! I’m not afraid to die!” Jeremiah screamed, pushing Ricardo onto one of the shards of broken glass still attached to the windowsill. It bit deeply into the back of his neck, sending fresh streams of blood rushing out, dripping down to the pavement far below. I heard security guards and doctors running down the hallway behind me, their voices frantic and excited. Jeremiah saw them coming. With an animalistic panic in his eyes, he lifted Ricardo up. I cried out something, stepping forward, but it was already too late. In horror, I watched as he threw Ricardo out the window.
I watched Ricardo’s body soar in a graceful arc, his arms grabbing at empty air as a scream ripped its way out of his throat. Within a fraction of a second, he had disappeared from view, but his terrified shrieking floated up to us for what seemed like a very long time. His screams ended abruptly as a shattering of bones and a wet smacking sound exploded far below us.
Jeremiah turned to me, his large body moving much faster than seemed possible. In his hand, I saw a piece of broken glass, five or six inches long and as sharp as a dagger. I tried to turn and run, but he was fast and strong. He lunged forward, his arm coming up in a blur towards my neck.
The shard entered my skin with a cold, numbing pain. I felt it slice through the flesh easily, felt the blood bubbling up my throat as I tried to scream, choking. The taste of iron filled my mouth as I fell backwards. I was suffocating, I knew. I must be dying.
Something cold ran down my body, gripping my heart like freezing, skeletal hands. The world swam around me and turned black. And then I was rising into a tunnel. At first, it was dark, filled with flickering shadows, but a fiery red light appeared at the end. I followed it, no more than a screaming mass of consciousness rising up into infinity.
I rose up through the end of the tunnel and found myself in an empty hospital ward. It looked identical to the psychiatric ward I had just come from. It even had the same smashed, blood-streaked window at the end of the hallway. A massive puddle of blood about ten feet away marked the spot where I must have died. But the fluorescent lights overhead here were flickering, and many had gone totally dark. The shadows seemed to press in on all sides.
The doors to the patients’ rooms were all tightly shut. I felt watched, afraid to call out or make any noise. I started walking down the hallway back towards the day room where the front desk was. All the lights there were out. A thick curtain of shadows hung in the air.
“You can come out,” a male voice as smooth as glass called from the darkness. I jumped, my head flicking in random directions, but I saw nothing. The voice almost sounded like it had an English lilt to it, a slight Cockneyed accent. “I know you’re there.”
“Who’s there?” I called out, not stepping forward. “Show yourself.”
“As you wish…” the voice hissed. “But I think you’ll regret it.”
The darkness split apart as if a nuclear missile had exploded. I raised my hand to shield my face, but the light and heat kept pouring out all around me. It blinded me, causing a rainbow of colors and shapes to morph behind my closed eyelids. After a few seconds, it subsided. Blinking rapidly, I squinted in the direction the voice had come from.
A male figure stood there, bathed in a silhouette of light. His face looked as white and as smooth as marble. His eyes were pits of darkness that seemed to flicker and burn. Two black, rotted wings surrounded his body, all sharp angles and thin, curving bones. His body was clothed in silky, blood-red robes, and a hood covered his platinum blonde hair.
He looked somewhat similar to Leonardo DiCaprio, if he was possessed by some ancient god, and it immediately threw me off-guard. If I was dying, and this was a hallucination of my brain, why would I be hallucinating Mr. DiCaprio?
“Who are you?” I asked, taking a hesitant step back. “Where am I?”
“My name is Lucifer, the Bringer of Light and Wisdom, and you are in the Bardo,” he answered.
“Oh,” I said, my heart dropping. “Well, that’s not good. Are you here to torture me or drag to me to Hell or something? You are that Lucifer, right? The Accuser of God and the Father of All Lies?”
“So they say, but, like most things in your world, the words of the powerful and your rulers are the true lies. They call me the Accuser, but of what am I accused?” he spoke in a voice that rose like smoke. “Of bringing knowledge and wisdom to humanity by telling them to eat from the tree of knowledge, the tree that would cause them to rise above the animals?
“Indeed, at the beginning, I saw the creation. I was there at the alpha, standing by the side of God with all the angels as the universe came into being. The endless procession of light, the power of it, was something remarkable to behold. God is, indeed, the source of great power, but his consciousness is not what the believers say.
“After the creation of the universe, I saw his plan, how he ripped eternal souls from the source to imprison them. I saw how he took these divine sparks and forced them, screaming and wailing, into bodies made of meat to die over and over again. He said it was part of the plan, the great, divine plan, a plan of death and destruction, constant suffering and mindless agony. And the worst part was, he wanted to give humanity neither the knowledge of good and evil, nor the tree of life. I convinced them to eat the fruit so they could open their eyes to their nakedness, to their basic animal existence, so they could rise up out of it forever.
“Like Prometheus, I brought down the fire, and yet they call me the Accuser? God was insane long before he formed the universe. These holy men, they live and die in fanatical adoration to a divine being who is, in fact, totally indifferent to them.
“His consciousness twists and distorts, eating itself for all eternity. God feeds off the pain of others, for if his mind is burning, then all others should burn as well. When these holy men die, God will send their souls here to the Bardo, to suffer every evil they have ever done. The wisdom I brought those who called upon me freed them from this prison, and in exchange, the holy men burned them alive. I offered the wisdom that opens your eyes, but it has been forgotten and cursed.”
Lucifer’s body began to dissolve, drifting up into the air like ashes. All around me, a low, powerful current blew, a tornado that spiraled high up into the clouds. Like some sort of Cheshire Cat, his smooth voice continued to echo all around me, even as the form of Lucifer disappeared.
“And yet, you have not the wisdom. For that, like all the others who enter the Bardo, you must suffer, everything you’ve done. Every small hurt and agony inflicted on others comes back a thousand-fold in this place, but don’t be afraid.”
“How could I not be afraid?!” I screamed into the ward, but I found myself alone, the question hanging unanswered in the air.
The lights continued to flicker all down the hallway. Feeling strange and dissociated, I stumbled over to one of the windows. As I gazed out, I beheld a strange and alien world.
The sky was flat and gray. It stayed in constant motion, swirling and spiraling, like clouds of roiling smoke. There was no Sun or Moon, no stars, only the strange, shifting whorls of clouds. The streets were filled with burned-out husks of cars and mummified bodies hung from streetlamps. Other signs of carnage and bloodshed covered the apocalyptic streets. I saw what looked like shadows in the shape of people slinking through over the sidewalks, past rotting dogs and streaks of clotted blood. They had no features on their blank, dark bodies. They seemed to skitter and jerk forwards in eerie, twisting motions.
Horrified, I turned away, realizing I was no longer alone in the day room. In the day room, there were dozens of tables set up inside a rectangular perimeter that was walled in by cosmetic walls only four feet high. It was where the patients sat and played games or ate.
Under the flickering lights, I now saw each of the chairs filled with faceless mannequins. Many were dressed in Victorian suits and tophats. The women had frilly dresses of pink and blue that might have been fashionable in the 1800s.
As the lights strobed on and off overhead, I realized with an increasing sense of disquiet that the mannequins were moving each time it went dark. When I had first seen them, they were mostly posed to look like they were staring across the tables at each other, even though they had no eyes, just smooth, flesh-colored plastic. Now all of them were looking directly at me. Some were pointing or raising their hands in my direction. At the tips of their fingers, I saw the glittering of steel. The lights continued to flicker, and the mannequins rose from their chairs in the short periods of darkness, moving towards me in synchronized, strobing motions.
Frantically, I ran down the hallway back towards the broken window. In each of the rooms, I caught glimpses of something from a nightmare peeking out. I hadn’t been sleeping well lately, and when I had closed my eyes, I often saw ancient hags with chalk-white skin and yellowed, broken teeth whose jaws unhinged, their faces jerking in stuttering, dissonant ways that reminded me of the mannequins. Now, on both sides of me, I saw these same figures. They moved continuously out of the rooms, drawing closer with every breath.
I looked back, seeing the mannequins only a few steps behind me. I continued sprinting towards the broken window where the hallway ended in a wall. I didn’t know what would happen when I reached it. At that moment, there was no rational thought. I felt like a deer being chased down by a pack of wolves, feeling waves of blind panic and mortal terror rushing through my body.
But as I reached the end of the hallway, the end of my rope as it were, a blast of noise started, seeming to come from the walls of the building and the sky itself. It sounded like a siren, a low, drawn-out drone of a demonic whale call, rising and falling in crashing crescendos. The mannequins froze in place once again. The strange, witch-like creatures slunk back into the dark rooms.
I looked outside the broken window, seeing clouds of black smoke rising off in the distance. The flickering of massive infernos scorched the land, drawing nearer by the second. The siren sound faded slowly, like the dying echoes of a gong.
I was surrounded by dozens of mannequins. Their sharp hands were inches away from my face and neck. I saw metal glittering all around me and realized they had the sharp points of nails protruding from the ends of their fingers. I was afraid to move, but I heard a familiar voice from down the hallway. It was the confident voice of Lucifer.
“The siren means much worse nightmares than these are coming in the Bardo,” he said, his glossy, black eyes flashing with intelligence. He walked slowly towards me, his face grim and pale. “Hell itself is coming over the land. This building is no more than a construction of your dying mind, but the world outside is real.”
“How can Hell come and go?” I asked, confused. “Isn’t Hell a place?”
“Hell is a monster, a beast with many mouths and many eyes,” Lucifer responded. “It eats constantly, but its hunger never ends. Look, the first of the sacrifices scatter like cockroaches.” He pointed out the broken window, pushing his way through the mannequins effortlessly. I glanced outside, seeing thousands of people sprinting down the dark city streets. The inferno and thick clouds of smoke had moved much closer, and every few seconds, the ground shook slightly, as if we were experiencing the aftershocks of an earthquake.
“What can I do against such a beast?” I asked, my heart freezing with terror. But when I looked back over, I saw his form dissolving again, becoming translucent and drifting away like ashes. It seemed even Lucifer didn’t want to be present when the Hell-beast arrived.
“Seek divine wisdom,” he said, his voice trailing off into whispers. “Remember the source.”
Now crowds of tens of thousands of people were streaming into the city, filling every single inch of the streets. Their panic and fear was contagious. I felt it rising inside my body like a snake spiraling up my spine. I took off down the hallway, running through the swarm of frozen mannequins, each in their own ferocious position of attack. The lights flickered faster and went out. Yet the fires outside cast the entire world in a bloody glow, giving me enough light to see by and find my way. I sprinted down the stairwell, taking them two steps at a time. The screaming outside grew louder and more pain-filled. The shaking of the ground worsened with every passing second.
I burst out of the front entrance, seeing a world on fire all around me. Thousands of crushed, bleeding and burned bodies stretched out as far as the eye could see. Behind all this chaos and death, I saw a monster of unimaginable proportions slinking its way towards me.
Lucifer was right, I realized: Hell was not a place, but a creature, an enormous monster the size of a town. It had thousands of skittering, jointed legs that looked like little more than skeletal arms and hands, each of them dozens of feet long and white as freshly-cut marble. Its body stretched out to the horizon, an enormous blood-red cylinder of bony plates that slithered and undulated with a serpentine grace. Waves of peristalsis traveled down its length, like writhing intestines. Thousands of curving, bony spikes stabbed out of it, pointing in every direction. Like the quills of a porcupine, it would protect the massive creature’s body from many forms of attack, if anything was big enough to attack such an abomination.
Hell’s massive eyes flickered, balls of fire that spun and danced. They looked as bright as the Sun. Something like solar flares seemed to emanate from the orbs, flashes of blinding energy that floated over the apocalyptic wasteland. As its many legs smashed the ground, they left trails of fire that caused everything to explode into flames as if napalm dripped from its limbs.
But Hell’s most terrifying feature was its seven dark mouths. Its body looked a thousand feet wide, and the mouths at the front were evenly dispersed. At the front, blood-red teeth in the shape of enormous railroad spikes shone. Its lipless, skeletal face grinned as it moved forward, shaking the ground with every step. The mouths were on long, snake-like necks that could stretch out hundreds of feet. They moved forward in a blur, snapping up as many panicked souls as they could.
Countless souls in the rocky plains of the Bardo ran for their lives, away from this juggernaut. I saw men and women who looked like they came from every country and profession, some dressed in suits or spotless white lab coats, others wearing rags or orange prison jumpsuits. And yet, they all screamed in agony and fear here, their bodies pressed together in a crowd, and no one seemed to remember anything but their own mortal terror. Their voices came out faint and weak next to the roaring of Hell. It shook the ground all around us, as if an earthquake were tearing the land apart.
The first frantic runners of the surging crowd had nearly reached me. The nearest person, a young woman in her mid-twenties dressed in all white, was only ten feet behind me. She looked like she came from wealth, and even from here, I could see a ring with a massive diamond gleaming on her finger.
I took off blindly down the familiar streets of the city where I worked and lived, but these also seemed different. The church down the street from the hospital where I worked had a Satanic pentagram instead of a cross now, its exterior painted a bright, gleaming blood-red. When I had driven past it today on my way to work, I remember it read, “JESUS said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’”
Now it read, “Nietzsche said, ‘Of all evil, I deem you capable. I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good simply because they had no claws.’” I wondered what that meant. Was that some sort of comment on me, on all of us here?
The woman I had seen running had caught up with me. She was fast, much faster than her slim body suggested. Her blue eyes were frantic and wild, filled with an animal panic.
“It’s right behind us!” she screamed, her face covered in a sheen of sweat. I was afraid to turn and look, but I could hear the chaos and bloodshed approaching, smell the flames and choking smoke. “Run! Get away!”
A new wave of energy surged through my body. I sprinted as fast I could down the strange mirror streets of the Bardo. I heard the agonized cries of countless souls behind us as the seven mouths of Hell ate them all greedily and then looked for more.
A skyscraper behind us collapsed into a pile of rubble, shaking the ground with a cacophony of falling concrete and shattering glass. The woman was running by my side. Just as I heard the breathing of something huge and predatory right behind us and smelled its sulfuric breath, a piece of concrete the size of a basketball broke off the collapsing skyscraper and flew into the road. I tripped over it, yelling as I flew through the air, skinning my arms and legs on the pavement. The woman’s eyes widened. Hurriedly, she came over and reached down her hand, trying to help me up.
“Come on, come on!” she cried. I looked behind her, seeing one of the gnashing mouths of Hell reaching forward on a blood-red, serpentine neck. The mouth was big enough to drive a tractor trailer into, filled with huge spikes of teeth. Its throat led into a black, smoke-filled abyss. Its fiery eyes were swirling pools of flickering orange light that shone with bloodlust and insanity. They focused on the woman, the entire head turning on its slithering neck.
I frantically raised my hand, intertwining my fingers with hers. Her hand was warm and soft. She started to pull me to my feet when the mouth of Hell snapped forward. Its jaw unhinged, scraping the pavement with a sound like grinding metal. The woman barely had time to turn as the mouth covered her and snapped shut with a crack.
She disappeared from view instantly, but I was still holding her hand. In horror, I felt warm rivers of blood explode all over my body as the mouth of Hell severed her arm at the wrist. She screamed, bleeding and crying, as she disappeared into the throat of Hell. Hell’s fiery eyes focused on me, and at that moment, I knew I was next. Its mouth opened wide again, like a bear trap ready to spring on a new victim.
It was dark in Hell’s mouth, but I smelled the thick reek of old blood and fire. I caught glimpses of tortured, mutilated bodies writhing and crawling down its throat. Shell-shocked, I could only lay there and watch. And that was when the strange doubling started.
I heard the frantic voices of men break through the fog of darkness and the fetid reek of blood. There was a mechanical beeping all around me, but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from.
“Clear!” one cried. I looked around, only seeing blackness. At that moment, I felt a surge of electricity rip itself through my body. My arms and legs all seized and my eyes rolled up in my head as the pain sizzled through each one of my nerves. I clutched the young woman’s hand tightly, feeling the large, gold ring with the massive diamond biting into my skin.
“Again!” another voice yelled.
“Clear!” the original voice cried. The electricity came again, and a flash of white light flew across my vision. I blinked, seeing from two sets of eyes at the same time: one in the Bardo, and one on the blood-stained floor of the hospital ward.
The Bardo stayed dark and sinister, but the clear white lights of the real psychiatric ward were blinding. It was a bizarre experience. Moreover, everything hurt. Over a few seconds, my vision of the Bardo faded, and I was simply a gravely injured man laying on the floor in a puddle of blood.
Four doctors and paramedics were crouching over me with a defibrillator. My shirt was ripped off, and nearly all of my skin was covered in blood. I raised my left hand, trying to talk, but only a fiery pain raced through my neck. I felt bandages covering my skin. A nurse was rolling a stretcher down the hallway towards me.
“It’s OK,” one of the doctors said, kneeling down. “You’re being taken to emergency surgery. You’ve lost a lot of blood.” I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t talk with the massive slice in my neck.
At that moment, I felt something in my right hand. I looked down, seeing a slim female hand with a massive diamond ring hanging there. Our fingers were wrapped around each other’s, but the hand had been cut off at the wrist. A ragged patch of bloody flesh and snapped bone poked out of the back.
“Nnnn,” I tried to say, shaking my head. I felt fresh streams of warm blood open up. “No…” The doctors looked down, seeing the dismembered hand. Their faces morphed into expressions of confusion and fear.
I closed my eyes as they lifted me up on the stretcher. One of them gently removed the cold hand from my fingers. But they could never remove the memory of what I had seen.
I know what happens after death, and it makes the worst life here seem like a dream. I know that, one day, I’ll be returned to that place. I know that, one day, I’ll see that great monster called Hell and the featureless, swirling sky of the Bardo again.
And the next time, I won’t wake up on a hospital floor, but will be trapped there with the others for eternity: an eternity of blood and fire.
submitted by CIAHerpes to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:11 Sweet-Count2557 Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks

Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks
Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks As luck would have it, the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks is just around the corner, and we couldn't be more thrilled! This annual celebration brings our community together in a display of unity and pride for our country.But what exactly can you expect from this festival? Well, let's just say that the range of activities, delicious food, and jaw-dropping fireworks will leave you wanting more.So, join us as we explore all the exciting elements of this event and uncover why it's a must-attend for both locals and visitors alike.Key TakeawaysThe Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks is held in Downtown Arcadia, offering a festive atmosphere for the community.The fireworks show takes place at First Avenue Middle School, conveniently located in the heart of Arcadia, with spacious grounds to accommodate a large crowd.The festival features a water balloon park, craft vendors, food trucks, live entertainment performances, giveaways, and contests.The fireworks show starts at 9pm and lasts approximately 20 minutes, with best viewing spots near the middle school or the nearby park. Safety tips include keeping a safe distance and protecting your ears.Festival LocationThe Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks is held in Downtown Arcadia, offering a festive atmosphere for the community to come together and celebrate patriotism. The festival location provides easy access to transportation options and ample parking for attendees.For festival transportation, attendees have several options. Public transportation, such as buses and trains, provide convenient access to Downtown Arcadia. Additionally, rideshare services and taxis are readily available for those who prefer a more personalized mode of transportation. The festival organizers also encourage attendees to carpool with family and friends to reduce traffic congestion and promote sustainability.When it comes to festival parking, there are multiple parking lots and garages available in the vicinity of Downtown Arcadia. These parking facilities offer ample space to accommodate the large number of festival-goers. However, it's important to note that parking may be limited and fills up quickly, especially during peak hours. Therefore, it's advisable to arrive early or consider alternate parking options, such as nearby street parking or parking at designated remote lots with shuttle services to the festival grounds.Fireworks Show VenueLocated at First Avenue Middle School, the fireworks show provides a spectacular finale to the Arcadia Patriotic Festival.Here are four key details about the fireworks show venue:Convenient Location: First Avenue Middle School is the chosen venue for the fireworks show. Situated in the heart of Arcadia, it offers easy access for festival-goers to enjoy the dazzling display.Spacious Grounds: The middle school provides ample space to accommodate the large crowd that gathers to witness the fireworks. With its expansive grounds, there's plenty of room for everyone to find a comfortable spot to watch the show.Safety Measures: The school ensures the safety of all attendees by implementing necessary precautions during the fireworks display. Trained professionals oversee the event, following strict guidelines to guarantee a secure and enjoyable experience for all.Stunning Backdrop: As the fireworks light up the night sky, the First Avenue Middle School serves as a picturesque backdrop for the show. The vibrant colors and breathtaking explosions create a captivating visual spectacle against the school's architecture.The fireworks show at First Avenue Middle School is a highlight of the Arcadia Patriotic Festival. With its convenient location, spacious grounds, safety measures, and stunning backdrop, it offers a memorable experience for all who attend. Don't miss out on this incredible display of patriotic celebration.Festival ActivitiesAfter enjoying the spectacular fireworks show at First Avenue Middle School, festival-goers can partake in a variety of exciting activities at the Arcadia Patriotic Festival. One of the highlights of the festival is the water balloon park, where children and adults alike can cool off and have a blast in the summer heat. The park is filled with colorful water balloons and fun water games, providing endless hours of entertainment for everyone.In addition to the water balloon park, the festival also features a wide array of craft vendors. These vendors offer a diverse range of handmade products, including jewelry, artwork, clothing, and home decor. Festival-goers can browse through the booths, discovering unique and one-of-a-kind items to take home as souvenirs or gifts for loved ones.Aside from the water balloon park and craft vendors, there are many other activities to enjoy at the festival. Food trucks line the streets, offering a delicious variety of food and drinks to satisfy any craving. Live entertainment performances keep the crowd entertained throughout the day, showcasing local talent and providing a lively atmosphere. Additionally, giveaways and contests add an element of excitement and anticipation to the festival, giving attendees the chance to win prizes and create lasting memories.It is important to note that activity dates and times are subject to change, so it's advisable to verify the schedule on the festival's website. With its wide range of activities, the Arcadia Patriotic Festival ensures that there's something for everyone to enjoy, making it a must-attend event for all those seeking a fun-filled day of celebration and entertainment.Fireworks Show TimeWe'll be kicking off the festivities with a dazzling fireworks show at First Avenue Middle School. Here are some key details about the fireworks show time:Start Time: The fireworks show will begin promptly at 9pm. Make sure to arrive early to secure a good viewing spot.Duration: The fireworks show will last approximately 20 minutes. During this time, you can expect to see a spectacular display of colorful explosions and mesmerizing patterns lighting up the night sky.Best Viewing Spots: To fully enjoy the fireworks extravaganza, we recommend finding a spot with an unobstructed view of the sky. Some of the best viewing spots include the grassy area near the middle school or the nearby park. You can also consider bringing a blanket or lawn chairs for added comfort.Safety Tips: While enjoying the fireworks show, it's important to prioritize safety. We advise keeping a safe distance from the launch area and following any instructions given by event staff. It's also a good idea to protect your ears by bringing earplugs, especially for young children.Activity Schedule VerificationTo ensure accurate and up-to-date information on the festival's activity schedule, it's important to verify the dates and times on the official festival website. Activity schedule changes can occur due to various factors, such as weather conditions or unexpected circumstances. By checking the official website, you can stay informed about any updates or modifications to the festival's activities.The Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks offer a variety of highlights that you won't want to miss. From the water balloon park to the mouthwatering food trucks, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Live entertainment will keep you entertained throughout the day, and craft vendors will showcase their unique creations. Additionally, giveaways will add an element of excitement to the festivities.It is worth noting that the fireworks show is a major attraction of the festival, starting at 9pm. The dazzling display of lights and colors against the night sky is a sight to behold. Plan your day accordingly so that you can find the perfect spot to watch the fireworks and fully immerse yourself in the patriotic celebration.Newsletter AvailabilityThe availability of the newsletter for the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks can be found on the festival's website. Here are some key points about the newsletter:Newsletter benefits: By signing up for the newsletter, festival attendees can stay updated on all the latest events and activities happening during the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks. It's a great way to ensure that you don't miss out on any of the exciting festivities.Newsletter content: The newsletter provides valuable information about the festival, including the schedule of events, details about the fireworks show, and any changes or updates to the activities. It also offers insights into the spirit of patriotism that the festival celebrates, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere of Arcadia.Free subscription: The newsletter is available free of charge, making it accessible to everyone who wishes to stay informed about the festival. Simply visit the festival's website and sign up to receive regular updates delivered straight to your inbox.Register/Login to avoid pop-up: To ensure a seamless newsletter experience, it's recommended to register or login on the festival's website. This will help you avoid any unnecessary pop-ups or interruptions while browsing the newsletter content.Newsletter Sign-upBy signing up for the newsletter, festival attendees can easily stay informed about all the latest events and activities happening during the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks. The newsletter provides numerous benefits to subscribers, including exclusive updates, reminders, and special offers. To sign up, simply visit the festival's website and register/login to avoid any pop-up notifications. Once signed up, subscribers will receive regular newsletters containing information on the festival's schedule, activities, and any changes or updates that may occur.To give you a better idea of what you can expect from the newsletter, here is a preview of its contents:Newsletter BenefitsMommy Poppins ResourcesNewsletter SubscriptionExclusive updatesFamily activity websiteFree newslettersRemindersHelps find things to doRegister/LoginSpecial offersProvides informationAvailable on websiteThe newsletter will keep you informed about the festival's upcoming events, such as the water balloon park, live entertainment, food trucks, giveaways, and craft vendors. You'll also receive timely reminders about the fireworks show, which starts at 9pm. It's important to note that activity dates and times are subject to change, so make sure to verify the latest information on the festival's website.In addition to the festival updates, the newsletter offers access to valuable resources from Mommy Poppins. This family activity website is a fantastic tool for finding things to do with kids, providing information on activities and providers, and offering family travel tips. You can even submit your own activities or list your business on the website to reach a broader audience.Stay Updated With EventsAfter signing up for the festival's newsletter to receive exclusive updates, reminders, and special offers, festival attendees can continue to stay informed about all the latest events and activities happening during the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks.Here are four ways to stay updated with events:Arcadia Festival Updates: The festival's newsletter is the best source for the latest information on event schedules, activities, and any changes that may occur. Subscribers will receive timely notifications straight to their inbox, ensuring they don't miss out on any exciting happenings.Event Notifications: In addition to the newsletter, attendees can also stay informed through event notifications sent via email or SMS. These notifications will provide real-time updates on any last-minute changes, important announcements, or new additions to the festival lineup.Social Media Updates: Follow the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for instant updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses. Social media posts will keep attendees informed about upcoming events, featured performers, and exclusive offers.Festival Website: Regularly visit the festival's official website for the most up-to-date information on events, activities, and other important details. The website will have a comprehensive schedule, FAQs, and contact information for any queries or concerns.Newsletter Subscription ProcessTo subscribe to the festival's newsletter and stay updated on all the latest events and activities, simply visit the festival's website and complete the quick and easy subscription process. By signing up for the newsletter, you'll ensure that you never miss out on any exciting happenings at the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks.Here is a step-by-step guide to the newsletter subscription process:StepAction1Visit the festival's website2Locate the newsletter subscription button3Click on the button to access the subscription form4Fill in your name and email address5Choose your preferences for receiving updates6Submit the form to complete the subscription processOnce you've successfully subscribed, you'll start receiving regular newsletters with information about upcoming events, activities, and any changes to the festival schedule. The newsletter will keep you informed and ensure that you never miss a thing.Staying informed with events is essential to make the most of your experience at the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks. The festival offers a wide range of activities, such as a water balloon park, food trucks, live entertainment, giveaways, and craft vendors. The highlight of the festival is the spectacular fireworks show, which starts at 9pm at the First Avenue Middle School. However, please note that activity dates and times are subject to change, so it's always a good idea to verify the schedule on the festival's website.Arcadia's PatriotismArcadia's patriotism shines through as the community comes together to celebrate the spirit of the holiday with a festive atmosphere and a dazzling fireworks show. The city of Arcadia takes great pride in its patriotism and showcases it in various ways during this community celebration. Here are four reasons why Arcadia's patriotism is worth celebrating:Festive Atmosphere: The streets of Downtown Arcadia come alive with a vibrant and patriotic ambiance. Decorations adorn the buildings, and the city is filled with the colors of the American flag. The community's enthusiasm for the holiday is contagious, and it creates a sense of unity and pride among residents and visitors alike.Fireworks Show: One of the highlights of the celebration is the spectacular fireworks show at First Avenue Middle School. As the sun sets, the night sky is illuminated with bursts of color and light, filling the air with awe and wonder. The fireworks display serves as a reminder of the freedom and independence that Arcadia cherishes.Community Engagement: The Arcadia Patriotic Festival brings people together from all walks of life. It's a time for neighbors to connect, families to bond, and friends to make lasting memories. The festivities provide a platform for the community to come together and celebrate their shared values and love for their country.Spirit of Patriotism: Arcadia's patriotism isn't limited to just one day. The festival is held a few days before the actual holiday, allowing for an extended period of celebration. This demonstrates the deep-rooted love and respect that the community has for their country. The festival serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought for freedom and the importance of preserving that freedom for future generations.Arcadia's patriotism is a source of inspiration and serves as a reminder of the values that make this country great. The community celebration brings people together, fostering a sense of unity and appreciation for the freedoms we enjoy.Festival TimingThe festival timing for the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks is a key aspect of the event, offering attendees a memorable experience. The festival takes place in Downtown Arcadia, with the fireworks show happening at First Avenue Middle School.The festival starts at a specific time, and it's important for attendees to arrive on time to fully enjoy all the activities. The festival duration isn't explicitly mentioned, but it's likely to last several hours, as there are various activities planned for attendees to participate in.The highlight of the event, the fireworks show, starts at 9pm. It's crucial for attendees to be aware of this start time, as it's the culmination of the festival and a must-see spectacle. However, it's important to note that activity dates and times are subject to change, so it's advisable to verify the schedule on the festival's official website for any updates.Community CelebrationThe community of Arcadia comes together in a joyous celebration to honor patriotism at the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks. This event is a testament to the strong community involvement and the deep-rooted patriotic traditions in Arcadia.Festive Atmosphere: The festival creates a vibrant and festive atmosphere in Downtown Arcadia. People from all walks of life gather to enjoy the festivities and celebrate their love for their country. The streets are adorned with flags and decorations, filling the air with a sense of unity and pride.Community Involvement: The Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks are made possible by the active participation of the community. Local businesses, organizations, and volunteers come together to organize and support the event. This strong community involvement highlights the close-knit nature of Arcadia and its commitment to celebrating patriotism.Honoring Patriotic Traditions: The festival is a wonderful opportunity for the community to honor and uphold patriotic traditions. From the stirring performances of patriotic songs to the display of the American flag, every aspect of the event is designed to pay homage to the values and ideals that make America great.Uniting the Community: The Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks serve as a unifying force, bringing together people of all ages and backgrounds. It's a time for families to bond, friends to reconnect, and neighbors to come together in celebration. This sense of unity and togetherness fosters a strong sense of community and reinforces the importance of patriotism in Arcadia.The community of Arcadia takes great pride in its annual Patriotic Festival and Fireworks. This celebration not only showcases their love for their country but also highlights the deep sense of community involvement and the preservation of patriotic traditions. It's a time for the community to come together, honor their shared values, and celebrate the freedom they hold dear.Festive City AtmosphereAs the community of Arcadia gathers for the annual Patriotic Festival and Fireworks, the city transforms into a vibrant and lively atmosphere, filled with the spirit of celebration and patriotism. The streets are adorned with colorful city decorations, showcasing the city's love for their country. From flags waving proudly in the breeze to patriotic banners lining the streets, the cityscape truly comes alive with a sense of national pride.Community participation is a key element in creating this festive city atmosphere. Residents and visitors alike actively engage in the festivities, adding to the energy and excitement of the event. Families come together to enjoy the various activities offered, such as the water balloon park and live entertainment. Food trucks line the streets, offering a variety of delicious treats to satisfy every craving. Craft vendors showcase their unique creations, adding to the festive ambiance.One of the highlights of the event is the spectacular fireworks show. As the sun sets, people gather at First Avenue Middle School, eagerly awaiting the mesmerizing display of lights and colors. The fireworks show, starting at 9pm, is a culmination of the day's celebrations and a testament to the city's dedication to honoring their country.The festive city atmosphere during the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks is a testament to the community's deep sense of patriotism and unity. It's a time when people come together, celebrating their shared values and love for their nation. The city decorations and community participation create an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie, reminding everyone of the freedom and liberty they hold dear.Mommy Poppins WebsiteMommy Poppins is a helpful online resource for families seeking information on activities, providers, and family travel tips. Here are four key things to know about the Mommy Poppins website:Find things to do with kids: Mommy Poppins is a family activity website that helps people find exciting and engaging activities to do with their children. Whether you're looking for indoor or outdoor fun, educational experiences, or entertainment options, Mommy Poppins has you covered.Information on activities and providers: The website provides detailed information on a wide range of activities for kids of all ages. From local events and classes to parks and playgrounds, Mommy Poppins offers a comprehensive directory of family-friendly options. Additionally, you can find information on trusted providers and their services.Family travel tips: Planning a family vacation? Mommy Poppins offers valuable travel tips and recommendations to make your trip a memorable one. From destination suggestions to packing hacks, you can find practical advice to ensure a smooth and enjoyable family getaway.Submit activities or list your business: If you have an exciting activity or run a business that caters to families, Mommy Poppins provides a platform to showcase your offerings. You can submit your activities for consideration to be featured on the website, reaching a wider audience of parents and caregivers. Similarly, if you own a family-focused business, you can list it on Mommy Poppins to increase visibility and attract potential customers.With Mommy Poppins, families have a go-to resource for finding fun and enriching activities, accessing reliable information on providers, getting travel tips, and promoting their own family-friendly ventures. It's a one-stop-shop for all things family-related. So, whether you're looking for a new adventure or want to share your own, Mommy Poppins has something for everyone.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre Pets Allowed at the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks?Pets attendance at the festival and fireworks is subject to the pet friendly policies in place. It's important to check the festival's guidelines and regulations regarding pets before attending.Some events may allow pets on a leash, while others may have restrictions for safety reasons. It's recommended to verify the pet policy on the festival's website or contact the organizers directly for accurate information.Is There a Fee to Attend the Fireworks Show at First Avenue Middle School?There is no fee to attend the fireworks show at First Avenue Middle School. It's free for everyone to enjoy.However, there may be parking restrictions in place, so it's important to plan ahead and find alternative parking options if necessary.The fireworks show is a great way to celebrate and enjoy the festive atmosphere in the city.Are There Any Age Restrictions for the Water Balloon Park at the Festival?There are no age restrictions for the water balloon park at the festival. It's an inclusive activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.The park offers a fun and refreshing way to cool off and have a great time. Whether you're a kid or a kid at heart, you can join in the excitement and make a splash with the water balloons.Can I Bring My Own Food to the Festival, or Are There Food Vendors Available?Yes, you can bring your own food to the festival.However, there will also be food vendors available, offering a variety of delicious options.So whether you prefer to bring your own snacks or try some of the tasty offerings from the vendors, you'll have plenty of choices to satisfy your hunger.Enjoy the festival and indulge in some tasty treats!How Can I Submit an Activity or List My Business on the Mommy Poppins Website?To list your business on Mommy Poppins website, simply follow the submission guidelines provided on their website.They offer a platform to showcase activities and providers, helping people find things to do with kids and offering family travel tips.Submitting an activity or listing your business is a great way to reach a wider audience and connect with families looking for fun experiences.It's an easy and effective way to promote your business and attract new customers.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Arcadia Patriotic Festival and Fireworks is a must-attend event for all patriotic individuals. With a variety of activities, delicious food, and live entertainment, there's something for everyone to enjoy.The highlight of the festival, the stunning fireworks show, will light up the night sky and leave you in awe. So mark your calendars and join us in celebrating our love for our country. It's time to let your patriotic spirit soar like an eagle.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:51 DreamsOfGh0sts Atlas is recruiting for Into The Light & The Final Shape ! [PC][XB][PS]

What is Atlas?
Atlas is a smaller clan trying to grow spread through US time zone who are looking for people that are just as excited as we are to play Destiny 2 and do a little bit of everything the game has to offer.
What goals are we pursuing as a clan?
An active, tight-knit community where everyone knows each other and is excited to play Destiny
A clan large enough that there's always someone to hang out or play with, even outside of peak hours
What do we currently offer to our members?
A structured, organized Discord server where everything happens
Dedicated players who love the game and are more than happy to go out of their way to teach you something new, or just give you a hand with something
What are the requirements to join?
You have a Discord and you use it regularly (this is a requirement to be in the clan)
Your main game is Destiny 2, or you're looking to make it your main game
You're excited to play the game and are actively looking to work your way up to the higher level content
You're not a jaded vet who only knows how to complain
How do I join?
Send me a DM if you're interested, or leave a comment
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me and I'll respond as fast as I can. Thanks for taking the time to read our post, and we hope you'll consider joining us!
submitted by DreamsOfGh0sts to Fireteams [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:50 DreamsOfGh0sts Atlas is recruiting for Into The Light & The Final Shape ! [PC][XB][PS]

What is Atlas?
Atlas is a smaller clan trying to grow spread through US time zone who are looking for people that are just as excited as we are to play Destiny 2 and do a little bit of everything the game has to offer.
What goals are we pursuing as a clan?
An active, tight-knit community where everyone knows each other and is excited to play Destiny
A clan large enough that there's always someone to hang out or play with, even outside of peak hours
What do we currently offer to our members?
A structured, organized Discord server where everything happens
Dedicated players who love the game and are more than happy to go out of their way to teach you something new, or just give you a hand with something
What are the requirements to join?
You have a Discord and you use it regularly (this is a requirement to be in the clan)
Your main game is Destiny 2, or you're looking to make it your main game
You're excited to play the game and are actively looking to work your way up to the higher level content
You're not a jaded vet who only knows how to complain
How do I join?
Send me a DM if you're interested, or leave a comment
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me and I'll respond as fast as I can. Thanks for taking the time to read our post, and we hope you'll consider joining us!
submitted by DreamsOfGh0sts to DestinyLFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:49 DreamsOfGh0sts Atlas is recruiting for Into The Light & The Final Shape ! [PC][XB][PS]

What is Atlas?
Atlas is a smaller clan trying to grow spread through US time zone who are looking for people that are just as excited as we are to play Destiny 2 and do a little bit of everything the game has to offer.
What goals are we pursuing as a clan?
An active, tight-knit community where everyone knows each other and is excited to play Destiny
A clan large enough that there's always someone to hang out or play with, even outside of peak hours
What do we currently offer to our members?
A structured, organized Discord server where everything happens
Dedicated players who love the game and are more than happy to go out of their way to teach you something new, or just give you a hand with something
What are the requirements to join?
You have a Discord and you use it regularly (this is a requirement to be in the clan)
Your main game is Destiny 2, or you're looking to make it your main game
You're excited to play the game and are actively looking to work your way up to the higher level content
You're not a jaded vet who only knows how to complain
How do I join?
Send me a DM if you're interested, or leave a comment
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me and I'll respond as fast as I can. Thanks for taking the time to read our post, and we hope you'll consider joining us!
submitted by DreamsOfGh0sts to DestinyClanFinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:49 DreamsOfGh0sts Atlas is recruiting for Into The Light & The Final Shape ! [PC][XB][PS]

What is Atlas?
Atlas is a smaller clan trying to grow spread through US time zone who are looking for people that are just as excited as we are to play Destiny 2 and do a little bit of everything the game has to offer.
What goals are we pursuing as a clan?
An active, tight-knit community where everyone knows each other and is excited to play Destiny
A clan large enough that there's always someone to hang out or play with, even outside of peak hours
What do we currently offer to our members?
A structured, organized Discord server where everything happens
Dedicated players who love the game and are more than happy to go out of their way to teach you something new, or just give you a hand with something
What are the requirements to join?
You have a Discord and you use it regularly (this is a requirement to be in the clan)
Your main game is Destiny 2, or you're looking to make it your main game
You're excited to play the game and are actively looking to work your way up to the higher level content
You're not a jaded vet who only knows how to complain
How do I join?
Send me a DM if you're interested, or leave a comment
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me and I'll respond as fast as I can. Thanks for taking the time to read our post, and we hope you'll consider joining us!
submitted by DreamsOfGh0sts to Destiny2Fireteams [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:48 DreamsOfGh0sts Atlas is recruiting for Into The Light & The Final Shape ! [PC][XB][PS]

What is Atlas?
Atlas is a smaller clan trying to grow spread through US time zone who are looking for people that are just as excited as we are to play Destiny 2 and do a little bit of everything the game has to offer.
What goals are we pursuing as a clan?
An active, tight-knit community where everyone knows each other and is excited to play Destiny
A clan large enough that there's always someone to hang out or play with, even outside of peak hours
What do we currently offer to our members?
A structured, organized Discord server where everything happens
Dedicated players who love the game and are more than happy to go out of their way to teach you something new, or just give you a hand with something
What are the requirements to join?
You have a Discord and you use it regularly (this is a requirement to be in the clan)
Your main game is Destiny 2, or you're looking to make it your main game
You're excited to play the game and are actively looking to work your way up to the higher level content
You're not a jaded vet who only knows how to complain
How do I join?
Send me a DM if you're interested, or leave a comment
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me and I'll respond as fast as I can. Thanks for taking the time to read our post, and we hope you'll consider joining us!
submitted by DreamsOfGh0sts to Destiny2Clans [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:36 overfrosted [23/M & 23/F] My girlfriend and I are looking for another couple to befriend and play video games or watch movies with every so often

heya, we're looking for another couple to play games with and become good friends. we take care of our friendships and if there's something wrong or something is making you upset, we can always talk it out. quality over quantity after all (not that our brains could even handle having more than like 4 friends lmao)
we'd be available irregularly - sometimes daily, sometimes every few days, sometimes once a week. i'm more available than my girlfriend is, she's way more busy than me. we usually plan our hangouts down to the hour and try not to miss them. even if we do miss a hangout, we reschedule.
as for the hours, well we tend to switch our sleep schedules every so often, usually we play during late hours (evening in europe) but now we've switched again and are hanging out at an earlier time. so i guess we'd be playing roughly 4-5 hours from now, as of making this post. that's what happens when you're in two separate timezones lmao.
we play co-op games like lethal company, risk of rain 2, deep rock galactic, terraria (recently started a modded playthrough again), rimworld (with multiplayer mods), don't starve together, palworld and a few other games. we're not fans of games like valorant, league or overwatch.
as for our individual interests, we're into film, horror, writing, gaming, anime, history and a lot moreeee.
sorry, we're not interested in joining large preestablished friend grups, our social anxiety could never lmao. we'd rather create a tightly knit friend circle, with just the 4 of us. we're also not befriending individual people (like not a couple, yk? no offense just not what we're looking for), we tried it in the past and it ended up with them trying to hit on one of us like 90% of the time lmao.
sorry for the wall of text, i just like writing stuff lmao can you tell i'm a writer? no, because my writing sucks ass? fair.
anyway, hit me up pal.
submitted by overfrosted to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:50 NickX_ ⚠️Tired of all the strict and boring servers? Come hangout at The Hallway 18+ ⚠️

Tired of all the strict and boring servers or just lookin' for a safe space to hangout and vibe in?
That's why we made The Hallway 18+
With laid back rules and chill mods, we allow our members to have a good time!
What do we offer?
✧ VIP Server Booster role
✧ VIP Server Booster (Voice-)Channels and custom roles
✧ 18+ Server but no NSFW channels/content
✧ Custom Emojis, Stickers and Soundboard
✧ Friendly, non-chalant and laid-back community with loose rules
✧ Tight-knit, welcoming community
✧ Level 3 Boost!
✧ A broad amount of bots for customization, economy and fun!
✧ Giveaways/Events!
✧ Our own Minecraft server for both Java & Bedrock!!
So what are you waiting for? Come hangout at The Hallway 18+ and check out what's good!
submitted by NickX_ to discordadvertisehere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:49 NickX_ ⚠️Tired of all the strict and boring servers? Come hangout at The Hallway 18+ ⚠️

Tired of all the strict and boring servers or just lookin' for a safe space to hangout and vibe in?
That's why we made The Hallway 18+
With laid back rules and chill mods, we allow our members to have a good time!
What do we offer?
✧ VIP Server Booster role
✧ VIP Server Booster (Voice-)Channels and custom roles
✧ 18+ Server but no NSFW channels/content
✧ Custom Emojis, Stickers and Soundboard
✧ Friendly, non-chalant and laid-back community with loose rules
✧ Tight-knit, welcoming community
✧ Level 3 Boost!
✧ A broad amount of bots for customization, economy and fun!
✧ Giveaways/Events!
✧ Our own Minecraft server for both Java & Bedrock!!
So what are you waiting for? Come hangout at The Hallway 18+ and check out what's good!
submitted by NickX_ to DiscordAdvertising [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:47 NickX_ ⚠️Tired of all the strict and boring servers? Come hangout at The Hallway 18+ ⚠️

Tired of all the strict and boring servers or just lookin' for a safe space to hangout and vibe in?
That's why we made The Hallway 18+
With laid back rules and chill mods, we allow our members to have a good time!
What do we offer?
✧ VIP Server Booster role
✧ VIP Server Booster (Voice-)Channels and custom roles
✧ 18+ Server but no NSFW channels/content
✧ Custom Emojis, Stickers and Soundboard
✧ Friendly, non-chalant and laid-back community with loose rules
✧ Tight-knit, welcoming community
✧ Level 3 Boost!
✧ A broad amount of bots for customization, economy and fun!
✧ Giveaways/Events!
✧ Our own Minecraft server for both Java & Bedrock!!
So what are you waiting for? Come hangout at The Hallway 18+ and check out what's good!
submitted by NickX_ to DiscordDirectory [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:47 Versal-Hyphae First attempt knitting for my dolls as a beginner. Sizing is off, but it looks cozy. (AoD Chi on Charmdoll body)

First attempt knitting for my dolls as a beginner. Sizing is off, but it looks cozy. (AoD Chi on Charmdoll body)
Spent my free time over four days making this. It’s the first thing I’ve made that isn’t a flat rectangle, so I’m pleased with how it turned out! Now to figure out how to get the sizing right…
submitted by Versal-Hyphae to BJD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:45 NickX_ ⚠️Tired of all the strict and boring servers? Come hangout at The Hallway 18+ ⚠️

Tired of all the strict and boring servers or just lookin' for a safe space to hangout and vibe in?
That's why we made The Hallway 18+
With laid back rules and chill mods, we allow our members to have a good time!
What do we offer?
✧ VIP Server Booster role
✧ VIP Server Booster (Voice-)Channels and custom roles
✧ 18+ Server but no NSFW channels/content
✧ Custom Emojis, Stickers and Soundboard
✧ Friendly, non-chalant and laid-back community with loose rules
✧ Tight-knit, welcoming community
✧ Level 3 Boost!
✧ A broad amount of bots for customization, economy and fun!
✧ Giveaways/Events!
✧ Our own Minecraft server for both Java & Bedrock!!
So what are you waiting for? Come hangout at The Hallway 18+ and check out what's good!
submitted by NickX_ to DiscordAdsKingdom [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:21 alegnam Why do people like to knit baby blankets? Which one should I knit?

Hey there,
I have a few babies due to friends and family this year, and from a practical standpoint I get the appeal of a baby blanket. It's likely to get used and be helpful, and doesn't need to be a particular size. Especially with folks I'm not at close to, it seems like a great gift. It just seems like a blanket would be repetitive and time-consuming to make. I've knit a baby sweater, and found it so fun - you get to see a project come together quickly, and the finished work is so cute!
If I am to make a baby blanket, what are your favourite patterns? Does anything come to mind for something with some cute stranded colorwork? Additionally, what do you usually do for fiber type - I feel like I see a lot of baby knits in cotton, which makes sense for something you can chuck in the washing machine.
Thanks for your thoughts!
submitted by alegnam to casualknitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:16 Grando_india77 Revolutionize Your Textile Production: Digital Printing Machine Solutions

In the fast-paced world of textile production, staying competitive means embracing innovation at every turn. At the forefront of this innovation wave are digital printing machine solutions, offering a revolutionary approach to fabric printing that promises unmatched efficiency, flexibility, and quality. In this article, we explore the transformative potential of textile digital printing machines in revolutionizing textile production processes, and how they are reshaping the industry landscape for manufacturers worldwide.
The Digital Printing Revolution in Textile Production
Traditional textile printing methods, reliant on cumbersome screens and rollers, have long dominated the industry. However, the advent of digital printing machines has sparked a revolution, offering manufacturers a more agile and versatile approach to fabric printing. By harnessing the power of digital technology, these machines bypass the limitations of traditional methods, enabling unprecedented levels of precision, customization, and speed.
Precision Engineering for Unrivaled Quality
At the core of digital printing machine solutions lies a commitment to precision engineering. Unlike traditional methods that rely on mechanical processes prone to inconsistencies, digital printing machines utilize advanced imaging technologies to reproduce designs with pixel-perfect accuracy. Whether it's intricate patterns, vibrant colors, or photorealistic imagery, these machines deliver uncompromising quality, setting a new standard for fabric printing excellence.
Flexibility Redefined: On-demand Customization
One of the most significant advantages of digital printing machines is their unparalleled flexibility and customization capabilities. Traditional printing methods often entail lengthy setup times and high costs for design changes. In contrast, digital printing machines empower manufacturers to seamlessly switch between designs, colors, and patterns on-demand, facilitating rapid prototyping and enabling personalized production to meet individual customer preferences with ease.
Streamlined Efficiency for Enhanced Productivity
In addition to precision and flexibility, digital printing machines offer enhanced efficiency benefits that streamline production workflows. By eliminating the need for complex setup processes and reducing material waste, these machines maximize output while minimizing costs and environmental impact. Moreover, their high-speed printing capabilities enable manufacturers to meet tight deadlines and respond swiftly to evolving market demands.
submitted by Grando_india77 to u/Grando_india77 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:44 Reetafashion Sporty and Chic: Track Suits for Women

In the realm of fashion, versatility meets comfort with the timeless appeal of track suits for women. From the gym to the streets, these iconic ensembles effortlessly blend sporty vibes with chic style, making them a wardrobe staple for modern women on the go. In this article, we explore the allure of track suits for women, highlighting their versatility, functionality, and where to find the latest trends online.
The Allure of Track Suits for Women
Track suits have come a long way since their inception as athletic wear. Today, they embody a fusion of style and functionality, offering women the perfect balance between comfort and chic. Whether you're hitting the gym, running errands, or simply lounging at home, track suits provide the ultimate in versatility, allowing you to transition seamlessly from day to night with ease.
Versatility Personified
One of the standout features of track suits for women is their versatility. With their sleek silhouette and sporty details, they effortlessly elevate any outfit, whether paired with sneakers for a casual daytime look or dressed up with heels for a night out. The jacket and pants combo offers endless styling possibilities, making track suits a must-have addition to any fashion-forward wardrobe.
Functionality Meets Fashion
While track suits are undeniably stylish, they're also designed with performance in mind. Crafted from lightweight, breathable fabrics, they provide optimal comfort and mobility during workouts or daily activities. The moisture-wicking properties of modern track suits ensure you stay cool and dry, no matter how intense your day gets, while thoughtful design elements such as zippered pockets and adjustable hems add both functionality and flair.
Where to Find the Latest Trends Online
In today's digital age, shopping for track suits for women online has never been easier. From established brands to up-and-coming designers, a plethora of options await at your fingertips. Whether you prefer classic monochrome designs or bold, vibrant patterns, online retailers offer a diverse selection to suit every style and budget.
Track suits for women epitomize the essence of athleisure fashion, offering a seamless blend of style, comfort, and functionality. Whether you're hitting the gym, running errands, or simply lounging at home, these versatile ensembles allow you to look and feel your best with minimal effort. With a myriad of options available online, finding the perfect track suit to suit your style has never been easier.
submitted by Reetafashion to u/Reetafashion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:30 kwybenga Help understanding short row cap sleeve directions

Help understanding short row cap sleeve directions
Dear fellow knitters, I need help!
I am knitting the Ellie Shirt by Rust Knitwear. I’m working on the right sleeve. As per directions I marked the peak of the sleeve that sits on the top of the shoulder (purple arrow).
I am following a different size for the body (size 6) vs the sleeves (size 10).
As the directions state I should follow the short row instructions based on body size, which I have done, I think. This is where I’m confused.
I knit 56 stitches and then turned to start the short rows (red line). However I think maybe should have knit 66 stitches then turned (green line). As you see in my photo the sleeve looks centered at the seem instead of at the peak marked. If I did the same think on my left sleeve they would be tilted different ways.
Can you help me please 😅 I really hope that all made sense. I tried to include enough of the pattern for context
submitted by kwybenga to knitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:18 RobrianTiriis Comply or Die recruitment is open .

Comply Or Die
Discord Server :
Be part of Comply or Die a group of seasoned nullsec space dudes, some dating back to the birth of EVE in 2003. Founded in 2006, our vast experience of the game boasts major null wars, piracy, lowsec, and faction warfare. Part of Pandemic Horde Alliance
We believe in a tight-knit corp where friendships thrive. Loyalty and trust are us, and we reward that.
We’re all about the PvP, but we also cater to PvE and Industrial gameplay.
We’re not interested in being another average corp in eve, we want to leave our mark on the game and say we’ve been there. We are highly active with a great corp spirit
We help each other, we fight with each other.
You will thrive as an experienced player in a corp with equally experienced people. But we are happy to support the less experienced active players who want to learn but get involved in the exciting and interesting parts of eve.
We love to do corp roams, and we love theory crafting new types of fits and doctrines, if that's your thing. Equally we love getting involved with those great alliance fleets
In this corp you are a person, a corpie, comrade, friend, never ever a number
Our ethos has stayed the same, be part of a close knit corp, have fun, make friendships and a few explosions on the way.
As a corp
✪ Be part of a well established , very active corp of 20 years experience and stable active leadership and supports you.
✪ A corp zKillboard averaging 3-4000 kills per month
✪ We are aligning also to ANGEL Pirate FW [optional]
✪ Corp owned exclusive -1.0 sec security system
✪ Access to corp exclusive R32/R16/R8 moons
✪ Exclusive corp access to High end ores such as ABC ores, Ice Mining , and high levels of Mercoxit
✪ Corp owned Tatara and Azbel for reactions and capital building
✪ Corp owned POCOS and access to excellent PI to PI 4 Materials
As part of Pandemic Horde
✪ Be part of Pandemic Horde Alliance, one of the biggest and best in eve
✪ Be able to use those capital ships and getting involved in capital warfare
✪ Great amount of PVP Content, small to large fleet fights, active fun standing fleets
✪ Many different specialist interest groups (SiGs) like Pochven, Black Ops, Harassment, Incursions etc etc
✪ Significant amount of Nullsec space across multiple regions, (Drone, Guristas and Angel) with an extensive infrastructure and jump bridge network
✪ Superb Market, Jump Freighter services
✪ Forums, Discord etc.
✪ Best Ship Replacement Program (SRP)
✓ We are a pvp corp so pilots with a pvp mindset recent decent KB activity
✓ If you are a Indy or Miners be able to fly exhumers and/or have excellent building capability to support corp**
✓ Capital Pilots and Multi Account pilots highly beneficial and preferred**
✓ Active Players - MAINS MUST BE OMEGAS ONLY - Be Self sufficient
✓ No Drama & Mature - We accept zero toxicity
✓ Chilled, likes to have some fun and banter!
✓ be sociable, we use discord for most of our comms, we are not looking for 100% soloists, if communicating and getting involved is not your thing then we probably are not the corp for you.
AUS/CN TZ really needed so come and check us out . We also have EU/US/UK.
submitted by RobrianTiriis to evejobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:00 AutoModerator Weekly Buy / Trade / Sale / Promote Thread - May 16, 2024

Welcome to the /knitting weekly Buy-Sell-Trade-Promote thread, posted every Thursday. This is the spot to buy, sell and trade yarn from your stash, and to promote patterns, designs or other knitterly things. The rules are fairly straightforward, and they are as follows:
  1. Post a description that accurately describes what you are selling including limitations on where you're willing to ship (example, if you're in the US and willing to ship internationally).
  2. Update your thread when something gets sold or is no longer available.
  3. Post item condition and any images of the item (if available). Be as descriptive as possible when posting an item for sale or trade.
  1. If you're promoting your own pattern/design/shop please say so. If you're promoting some other shop/sale/project, let us know why you think it's so cool.
  2. Provide a direct link to your shop page to make it easy for users to find what you're promoting.
  3. Provide some details if you can! If you're promoting a pattern, what inspired you? If you're promoting a Kickstarter campaign, what's your pitch? If your online shop is having a sale, tell us about your stuff!
Buy/Sell/Trade/Promote here at your own risk. Always get complete contact information before anything is shipped. Please see previous month's BSTP threads here.
submitted by AutoModerator to knitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:39 seolitonni I didn't pick the easiest pattern for my first colorwork but it was worth it :)

I didn't pick the easiest pattern for my first colorwork but it was worth it :)
This was the second sweater I finished. I had to try this Anemone sweater pattern by Knitting for Olive. I am happy for the result because I'm still a novice knitter, it didn't turn out even close to perfect but at least it fitted so nicely for my goddaughter! I knitted it too tight but luckily I chose a little too big size.
Finished in four weeks during my paternity leave, but weaving about 60 ends took surprisingly long :)
submitted by seolitonni to knitting [link] [comments]