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Archean is now on Steam - The New Multiplayer Engineering Sandbox (and Space Sim)

2024.05.16 21:46 x3DCoder Archean is now on Steam - The New Multiplayer Engineering Sandbox (and Space Sim)

Hello, I am the developer of Archean, which just released on Steam today, in Early Access. I've been sent here by u/RMuldoun to make a detailed post about this new game for you guys :)
Archean is an immersive Engineering Sandbox and Space Sim. The game is set on Earth, 3 billion years in the past, in the Archean eon.
This is a challenging sandbox that can be played solo or multiplayer with dedicated servers. It also happens to be a full scale Space Sim but it doesn't force you to do space stuff.

This game (and custom engine) is developed by a single programmer (myself) in a small team of two.

This project is my baby, I've been working on it for more than 13 years, starting over many times, until the technology got to where it needed to actually make it happen.
It's priced at USD 19.99 but there is a 25% discount at the moment for the release!
NOTE: You require an NVIDIA RTX graphics card to be able to play it. It won't run on a GTX or an AMD gpu.
Current Features

Future Updates

Immersive Engineering Sandbox

We offer a very advanced, high precision build and engineering system with small resizable blocks from 25 cm to 4 meters. In this game, you have to connect components with actual cables/pipes for power, data and fluids. Build in-game live in an immersive way, not in an editor. Code your own logic in virtual computers, using pure code or a node-based visual programming system.


We have developed a new programming language designed to be easy to learn and optimal for in-game virtual computers. The game has a built-in cooperative editor with syntax highlighting and multi-cursor support, as well as a node-based visual editor to facilitate scripting.

Adventure Mode

In this mode, you begin with nothing in your backpack. You have to gather resources and craft everything you need. You start by hand, picking up rocks, build mining rigs, build automated machines and so on. Some resources are underwater, some are at the highest mountain peaks. It's up to you to build vehicles that can get there. The ultimate goal is to reach the Moon.

Native Ray-Tracing

Our innovative renderer is fully ray-traced with a great performance. This is not a eye-candy, it's actually a necessary feature for this game to even exist, because of its dynamic nature. Since the content will be mostly user-created and it's set to be moddable out-of-the-box, we cannot afford any artist-driven baked lighting, and with the full scale aspects with customizable solar system, we need the sun(s) lighting to be completely dynamic based on the real-time scenario, instead of tweaking shadow maps and reflection probes manually like other games do. The entire scene is rendered in a single ray-tracing pass with many recursive light bounces. This allows for realistic hard shadows, perfectly reflective mirrors and physically correct refractions. Just make sure you have an NVIDIA RTX graphics card and you're good to go.

Space Sim

The final goal of this game is to be a Full Scale Space Sim with the entire solar system. At the moment we have the Earth and the Moon, Orbital Mechanics and Re-Entry effects based on velocity. There is no artificial speed limit, so you can actually orbit realistically at 8 km/s. You can also dock with your friend's ship while in orbit, if you're good.
We have great plans for this game, and we swear by our 5 commandments:

1. Thou shall obey physics

It's NOT arcade-style and we do not underestimate our players. You must understand science or be willing to learn some physics. The game features realistic 6-dof space physics without any artificial speed limit. As far as we know, it's the only multiplayer space sim where you can dock with your friend's space station while in space at Full Orbital Velocity. This game is NOT meant to be a dogfight-style space shooter because that would not be practical with realistic physics.

2. Thou shall not see "Loading..."

Seamless transitions, no loading screens, EVER! From ground to orbit to another planet... it's all seamless. The game also happens to "load" pretty much instantly... For reference, in our Quadcopter video, the recording started BEFORE the game's executable was launched.

3. Thou shall not hit a wall

No fake boundaries. No skyboxes. No predefined paths. IT's a true Open World game, and it's all full scale. If you see a mountain, it's not a texture... You can just walk there and climb it if you have the courage... But I would just build a Rover or some kind of aircraft to get there faster. The moon that you see from the surface of Earth is the actual moon's terrain that you will land on, if you manage to build a good enough rocket, that is. The stars you see are individually rendered points in 3D space. It's not a skybox. But let's be honest you won't ever be able to reach another star.

4. Thou shall not be Thee

Immersive, first person controls and no cutscenes. There will NEVER be a point where the player loses control of their avatar to a cutscene or to some long animation. This game will keep a focus on First Person Immersion. Even though there is a 3rd person view available, it's mostly for taking screenshots, the game is not meant to be played this way.

5: Thou shall make sense

Everything has a realistic purpose based on science. Nothing should be fake, and in-game technologies must be at least plausible with some math behind it. This means that there is no such thing as magical artificial gravity. There are only two ways to have gravity in your spaceship when you're in space:
Also, there will be no Faster Than Light space travel. The math for a plausible Warp Drive would not allow that, but will let you multiply your acceleration quite a bit, in a way that you can travel up to 99% the speed of light.
I sincerely hope you'll enjoy this game a lot, as I did developing it and will keep enjoying working on it for years to come.
submitted by x3DCoder to BaseBuildingGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:41 DansLP SteamDeck Oled glossy vs etched

Moin meine Jungs,
Im about to buy a SteamDeck. Buut, I can’t decide. It’s not about the 512 gb or 1TB. I can upgrade this for sure. It’s not about the money, but sure saving a 100€ isn’t that bad. It’s just about the etched or glossy Glas
I hate scratches or dents in my device so for sure I’m gonna add a screen protector and a cover.
Now does it really matter with a screen protector Glas. Is the etched glass even worth it. I red a lot about the etched kills the colors or give a grayish look. But the light reflections on the glossy could bother me. But does it really matter when I use a screen protector anyway? Does it kill the „Oled“-vibe when I use the etched? Is the etched useless when there is a glossy screen protection ?
I hope u can give me some advise Thank you meine Jungs
submitted by DansLP to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:30 dlschindler Humans Crush Bugs, Don't Cry Little Alien

Conner sat listening to music while the history class droned on endlessly. What is the point of learning history? War never changes, right? It seemed tedious. What does history have to do with how powerful and cool a mech is, or how sweet it is to be a mech knight?
"When the darkness came from outside, only the humans knew what was happening. It was war, war from outside the peaceful galaxy. War that had started when the Milky Way first showed the twinkling signs of life. One insane intelligence, old as time, would not tolerate another living galaxy. Each must be consumed by its own weight, and only death may prevail.
Humans instinctively knew this, as the chosen ones, the T-Cells of the galaxy. When their alien friends started getting ravaged and marauded by the scouts of the Dark Beings, humans responded, retaliating with unbridled ferocity and driving the otherwise unstoppable enemies back into the darkness.
It was a frightening time, and it only got worse when the massive cloud of shade was identified as the locust fleet that had sailed for billions of years, the Silent Empty Eternal Darkness Sailors, as they called themselves. They were nothing but dormant hives, sleeping forever, ready to wake and kill and self-destruct, make the galaxy dead. They could have done so, but humans stood in their way, an unpredictable enemy, capable of war.
That is why human worlds were directly targeted by their commandos. Massive singular monsters of ungodly visage were deployed to human worlds, spawning armies of miniature satraps of the horrors, to pillage and assault human worlds, turning them into hellscapes of death and destruction. The alien friends of the humans did not sit entirely idle, they helped by selling powerful new weapons and armor to the humans who kept retaliating against the Dark Beings with ever more powerful and vengeful mech."
Conner perked up at the part about the mech. Various famous chassis flashed across the screen in cool paint and poses with alien worlds in their backdrop and accounting for their neatly colored camouflage plates. He paid attention to the famous battles, where humans had defeated the Dark Beings in honorable combat.
"Conner, do you know what made your clan's father and mother such great mech knights?" his teacher asked.
"They learned from their mistakes." Conner sighed.
"They learned from other people's mistakes. They studied all of our defeats, all the times the Dark Beings annihilated entire battalions or overwhelmed our defenses. It is a much heavier volume. We learn little from victory except that now the enemy will try to better themselves again. When they win, they use the same tactics again - that's when we win. We don't use the same tactics again, for they will be ready when we try. We conceptualize and learn their thoughts, through their actions. They do not understand us. It is our only advantage, for each progression of our tech is met by another evolution of their monsters. Someday we will not be able to make a stronger bullet to match their stronger armor. We must anticipate a limit to this war, and fight accordingly."
"I can only anticipate getting into a mech and fighting bugs!" Conner had said. His teacher had given him that look. Nobody else got that look. Conner got it everywhere. He thought back to those days, he'd really thought he'd see action, in a mech, fighting bugs.
The rest of his class went on to become mech knights. All of them had seen action. Of course, none of them were left alive, and few of their mech were salvaged. Except, Pharlie.
Her mech was the third in a row of ones hit by a single plasma beam of the enemy. While the first two were instantly blown to atomic dust, her mech was only knocked over and set on fire. The ejection seat in the cockpit had the one and a half seconds needed to egress the mech knight safely.
She'd spent some time in relieved-of-duty status on Maranda Beach before she insisted they give her something to do. They quickly evaluated her and decided she wasn't fit for duty in a mech. Something about 'shutting down the Berserker Program' and 'protocols preventing reinstating anyone who qualifies to pilot a Berserker Mech'. Not happening under Admiral Khaspa.
"How's getting into a mech and fighting bugs, Conner? Still anticipating it?" Pharlie asked her old classmate.
"You are under my command. Watch your tone, I run a cruel shift." Conner grumbled.
"Aye, Skipper." Pharlie cringed, realizing the bureaucrat Conner had no sense of humor anymore. She decided to make it her personal mission to work on that. Conner with no humor didn't sound fun.
That scene in the classroom was a long time ago, but it was with Conner like it just happened. He hated Pharlie, because she stood for his humiliation, and wanted to humiliate her, but then he hated himself for feeling that way. He resolved to leave her be because he didn't want to feed his own calloused resentments.
"We've got work to do. We are reassigned to military surplus salvage. This job just keeps getting better. I used to think I would somehow be tested on a battlefield to save the galaxy, but out here I just get tested by boredom. I don't even feel the shame of these janitorial jobs anymore, I'm numb to it." Conner said to Pharlie, the next time they spoke. Pharlie realized he was trying to be nice to her and asked him:
"You'd rather be dead, or be me?" She wondered.
"Yeah. You don't know what it is like flying around delivering stuff and counting crap. I hate it. I could've made an actual difference." Conner complained personally.
Pharlie smiled and said: "You'd have made no more difference than the rest of us did. You don't know what a victory against the bugs costs, do you? You think you just have to stand there bravely shooting back and if you die, oh well, otherwise it's all glory. It's never like that. It hurts, it hurts a lot, because you don't die. Everyone else does. And for what? We just play the same game again next weekend, and it never changes."
"That's war." Conner nodded. "What am I doing? I bring supplies to remote outposts. It's pointless."
"Not anymore, they reassigned us to go pick up supplies, remember?" Pharlie pointed out.
"Oh yeah - don't remind me, just when I though my life couldn't be more tedious or pointless." Conner fell silent, realizing he sounded weak and small, complaining so much. He wished he was stoic, but he had a chance to confide in Pharlie, and he had taken it. Pharlie said:
"You're right. But let's make the most of it." And she smiled, so Conner decided that letting someone know just how miserable he was wasn't entirely a bad thing. He just wished he could somehow just be good with it, without having to use drugs or somesuch. He really felt like his combat skills were going to waste, sitting on a ship for long years, asleep and going around picking up supplies. As Pharlie had pointed out, they weren't even delivering them anymore, new mission, go get all that stuff the aliens made over the centuries for the war effort.
Rhema loomed in the distance. "We are picking up artwork on this world. Are you kidding me? The manifest shows it is categorized as artwork. So this community of variety-hour aliens have compiled some kind of treasure trove of fine art. This is asinine." Pharlie offered.
"That's enough of that." Conner chastised her formally on the deck, but he was smiling as he said it. He loved having her there stating his real feelings. "The mission is to acquire this propaganda, it is deemed useful to the war effort."
The world was like melted orange-cream covered in brown fog, a desolate radiated landscape below testified to the destructive power of the Unknown. The same Dark Beings had taken shots from the darkness with precise aim and killed some of the older aliens, such as the Frendsikeel. Long ago the peaceful otter people had lived happily on Rhema, inviting trade via broadcast.
After meeting an assortment of artist-aliens wearing shimmering dark-colored robes and cowls, the human delegate collecting military surplus accepted the crates of fine art, packed for their shipping across the stars, trusted to nobody except the human military to safely transport it.
"Conner." A call came in from Supply Command Unk Gheldin, Conner's commander. "You just earned me a promotion. The patrons of Rhema have instituted a check as a downpayment on our services. It's enough to build an entire warship. These aliens are loaded and just became our daddy. You're doing good work out there, the war effort thanks you!"
"I'll be sure and handle with care." Conner saluted diligently.
The next world was Arienta, populated by what was left of aliens who looked like huge anthropomorphic tarantulas.
"We've perfected a drug that can induce Star Sleep in humans. They said it was not possible for such belligerent minds to Star Sleep, but our colony of volunteers have allowed us to test every kind of euphoria and pleasure-inducing drug we could on them. Most species wouldn't have such a supply of volunteers, but humans come from far and wide to live as our guests, accepting our hospitality for their entire lives, saying they don't ever want to leave." The high priestess of the Blue Light Watchers, Rhoxa Billi, explained the doped humans lounging around everywhere.
"They look like slackers, sir." Pharlie said loudly.
"That's enough of that." Conner admonished her, but was smiling, glad she said what he was thinking. He faced the high priestess formally and said:
"We'll take this drug, and thank you for your hard work." Conner waved his fingers in the spiritual way to show he knew the sacred gratitude of the Blue Light Watchers. He'd studied how to do it on the way over, practicing it for days until he was confident he could do it right.
The next stop was Basilik, an industrialized wasteland where the Sunder had hundreds of thousands of giant humanoid machines, in loincloths, working tirelessly to drag massive monolithic super metal beams across rollers, up ramps to assemble indestructible mech chassis to sell to the humans.
"Sir, we take shipments from here all the time. What are we here for?" Pharlie asked.
"Not a what, a whom." Conner said.
The casket of the revered Exalted Inquisitor Eshka Layenna was loaded on board, but it was not made by Sunder. No, it was tech from some other society, preserving her eternally in a state of dormancy, a kind of molecular stasis.
"We're taking her back to the ones who put her in there. They have a gift for us. She is our gift for them. The Sunder have agreed to this, in the name of the war effort."
The Desperado star sailed to the nearby Kriesene system where an old gravity cloud that looked like a planet had hundreds of planet-sized moons dancing around it like an insane ballroom.
"The shoals around their world will make this somewhat dangerous to traverse. We have a map, given to us by the Sunder, so we should be fine." Conner told Pharlie.
"Danger, eh? Kinda like it, don't you?" Pharlie teased.
"That's enough of that." Conner said without any real command in it, smiling.
The Skiesene had a moon-sized space station named Thoughtfulness where they conducted much of their trade with each other. They looked like dark-shelled nightmare creatures, some kind of H.R. Giger prophecy had remembered these creatures long before humans had met them.
Conner witnessed their massed warriors, in stasis, embroidered stole draped over them, crouched motionless atop pedestals with twenty-yard tall tapestries depicting their many victories in bloody combat. They sat there in a great hall in their various forms and armors, but always hideous monsters, reminding him of the Dark Beings vaguely, except devoid of insectoid features.
The Skiesene were delighted by the delivery of their goddess, Eshka Layenna. A time without bloodshed was declared, and the Skiesene offered a shipment of their finest warriors, in egg form.
The Skiesene Khan grinned with uncannily human-looking teeth, but in its grin was a sharpened beak that could pierce the solid dome that was their head, with no eyes or ears, at least not in one place, for they had sensory all over their bodies.
"Uh, thanks. We could always use some special, uh, special forces." Conner accepted the eggs, as he was under orders to do. They were preserved until called, using a key to deactivate the stasis they were in. Then they would serve the orders in their minds, to obey their human commanders.
"I hope they don't have to facehug us and chest burst us." Pharlie chuckled.
"That's enough of that." Conner told her, smiling.
The last stop was the world of the Beebee, aliens who looked like cats wearing incredibly fancy clothing.
"We've tailored new uniforms for the human armies. You'll like them." The Master of Design, top official of the Beebee, told Conner, purring as he went.
Conner put one hand on his elbow and one holding his chin, trying to keep a straight face, when he saw the uniforms.
"They are a little small, don't you think?" Conner looked at the feline models in the uniforms meant for human soldiers.
"And kinda derpy with all those frills and colors?" Pharlie offered further criticism.
The Master of Design seemed to think the uniforms were being complimented, anticipating no other response. It took a moment to sink in that the humans were mocking all their hard work.
"All of the specifications for armored clothing were met. These uniforms will preserve your body temperature in very extreme conditions and will slow ballistic projectiles so that they cannot penetrate the cloth, but instead have their kinetics splattered outward and also the colors shift to the mood of the wearer. You can make it camouflage if you like. We worried that human sizes made dispensing millions of these uniforms impractical compared to making an adjustable size. Try one on." The Master of Design was not offended, but stood his ground, his hair puffing up making him look sophisticated and official. His whiskers twitched handsomely at the end and he gave a prolonged blink.
"They still look silly, why so many frills?" Pharlie chuckled.
"That's enough of that." Conner sighed.
The humans were about to leave and board their ship when Conner spotted an ancient mech standing next to the star port.
"What's that?" he asked.
"The tomb of Drastic Conner Mcfarley, the mech knight who defended our world, surprising a lone scout of the Dark Beings and engaging it in single one-on-one combat, saving our world. Drastic Conner Mcfarley died in his mech during the battle. The scout retreated and left us unharmed." The Master of Design said.
"Why'd it leave?" Conner asked, but recalled what his clan father had done. He awaited the answer he knew:
"Drastic Conner Mcfarley disarmed it, but left its capacity to retreat intact. It is believed he deliberately used this measure of engagement, in order to ensure the enemy would not retaliate by bombarding our world. When one of them dies, the world they die on gets destroyed. He might have survived the battle if he'd just killed it when he had the chance. We know this. He sacrificed himself to save us."
"That's right." Conner nodded. He and Pharlie felt solemn, realizing how far their journey had taken them, all the way to where it had began for them. "We're him, and we won't let you down."
submitted by dlschindler to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:24 CommentaryIsMagic CiM Presents “A New Generation of Archetypes” this Sunday, May 19th at 7:00 PM Pacific!

Good evening everypony!
With Set 14 starting a new block and forcing a Core rotation, there’s a lot that will change, including many cards that have been staples in decks for years no longer being available. So, what do our well-established archetypes even look like now? What will aggro look like without cards such as Thorax and Swinging Wonders? Does Control have enough tools to adequately slow the opponent down? Does Farm even exist anymore?
Well, with the help of a few new spoilers, we’re going to show you what these archetypes can still do!
Join us this Sunday, May 19th at 7:00 PM Pacific as we take a closer look at a new generation of archetypes!
submitted by CommentaryIsMagic to MLPCCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:24 Pokey-Porky Is the RGB2COMP the right choice for you?

Is the RGB2COMP the right choice for you?
TL;DR: I was trying to find if the difference between S-Video and RGB2COMP was great enough to make the financial decision to change all my cables and buy new/more equipment. I found that there is a noticeable difference in quality, and the decision if it’s worth it is up to you!
For more context on photos and videos please read the painfully long description LOL (sorry I just wanted to be thorough):

Before I got my PVM, I was heavily considering the RGB2COMP as an option for my WEGA Tv. With the WEGA, I was limited to S-Video for most of the consoles that also supported RGB. When I tried to do research, I had a very hard time (and actually could not) find a video that directly compared the improvement that using an RGB2COMP makes as opposed to S-Video. All of the videos and posts I found really didn’t do direct comparisons, and only compared it to composite, in which case the RGB2COMP would obviously provide a huge improvement. What I was trying to find though was if the difference between S-Video and RGB2COMP was great enough to make the financial decision to change all my cables and buy new/more equipment.
My personal need for the RGB2COMP went away when I got my PVM but I still was curious of the difference and now, using the Extron Crosspoint, I also had the ability to compare native RGB to RGB2COMP. So I decided to get everything I needed to do a comparison in-depth enough (given the equipment I have) to have some solid findings, and for others that may have the same question I did to see if RGB2COMP is the upgrade you are looking for.
To get some thoughts and points I would like to state/make out of the way: I was really happy with the improvement S-Video makes over composite, and feel it’s an improvement enough to make the investment for the consoles that support it. I was/still am perfectly pleased with the way that S-Video looks, but given that I now have a PVM and an RGB capable setup I do prefer RGB (there is no denying the jump in quality). I am also aware that the HD Retrovision Component Cables exist, but for the purpose of this comparison, its strictly trying to answer the question “is the RGB2COMP the right choice for me, in comparison to S-Video and keeping native RGB in mind?”
Equipment Used:
For this comparison I am using the following displays:
· PVM 1953MD
· Sony KD-27FS120
For this Comparison I am using the following Consoles+ Video output
· PS1- S-Video
· PS1- RGB (Two separate consoles)
For this comparison I am using the following Cables/equipment
· Retro Access RGB SCART- CSYNC Cable
· Wookieewin SCART to BNC Breakout Adapter
· Extron Crosspoint 300 series 12:8 model
· RetroTink RGB2COMP
· Onn Brand (Walmart) RCA cables (for component)
· OEM PS1 S-Video Cable
Main Games used in the comparison:
· Final Fantasy VII
· Metal Gear Solid
Final things to note in this comparison:
· The way that this is hooked up is RGB PS1 input into the Crosspoint, output to the PVM (Native RGB signal) and output to the RGB2COMP (Converted RGB signal). The RGB2COMP then outputs component to the Sony Wega Tv. A separate PS1 is hooked up directly to the Sony Wega Tv with an OEM PS1 S-Video cable.
· PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU ARE USING A CROSSPOINT AND AN RGB SIGNAL, IF YOU OUTPUT TO SCART OR CONSUMER SPEC EQUIPMENT YOU NEED A 470 Ohm RESISTOR ON THE SYNC LINE FOR IT TO BE SAFLEY USED. The crosspoint outputs TTL level sync and if it is unattenuated it can permanently damage your tv or equipment over time. You can solve this by messaging Wookieewin and asking them to include the 470 Ohm resistor onto your order.
· I originally intended to directly compare the RGB2COMP converted component signal to the Native RGB, both on my PVM switching back and forth simultaneously. I quickly realized that this would not be as feasible as I hoped as the PVM processes component brightness differently. It would be very impractical to turn the brightness knob up and down each time I switched, so I ruled this comparison option out, and placed a greater focus on the RGB2COMP VS S-Video comparison.
· I chose Metal Gear and Final Fantasy as they have multiple discs and focused my comparisons mainly on their intro screens to keep the photos as similar as possible. I decided not to compare gameplay too much because of its variability given that this is two different consoles running the same game at the same time.
· The Native RGB and RGB2COMP comparisons are running at the same time (they are the same signal, one is just converted to component) on two different screens (the WEGA consumer TV and the PVM).
· The S-Video and RGB2COMP comparisons are strictly on the consumer WEGA Tv.
· The WEGA Tv is set to “MOVIE” Mode and the PVM is dialed to what I feel is the “appropriate brightness” for the PVM (note this is subjective).
End Findings and Final thoughts:
· Starting with the comparison of RGB2COMP on the consumer WEGA Tv and Native RGB on the PVM, it is very evident that there is what I would call a blue-ish/green-ish hue to the consumer WEGA TV. It is also interesting and important to note that the WEGA and PVM draw the images slightly differently. I don’t think (and cannot say for certain) that the RGB2COMP is what is causing this hue-change, and I strongly believe that it is the Wega Tv as I have found that it provides a very “Super Saturated” look as opposed to the more “Natural” Look of the PVM. This is very color pallet subjective and it’s very possible that someone else’s PVM will not have the same look and hue as my PVM, same with the WEGA Tv. Other than these differences the signal is very similar and picture quality is equally good on both. Chances are that you wouldn’t even notice the hue difference if you were only looking at one or the other.
· For the S-Video comparison I started with the Final Fantasy intro screen comparison to mainly show the color difference, which is very slight but very noticeable. The biggest difference that I found overall is the difference in brightness. I would also like to point out that when looking at this comparison S-Video has what I can best describe as a “white dot effect” in some images, and this is most noticeable in the closeup of the Final Fantasy letters. Now as previously stated the biggest difference is the brightness, I chose and put a greater focus on the intro of Metal Gear to show off how significant it is, as Metal Gears intro is already dark in nature. I feel that the images speak for themselves in terms of brightness, and would like to say that to me brightness makes a huge difference in gameplay. I played Halo to completion on composite video, and I felt that some areas were unbearably dark! It felt like I could not see where I was going or looking at all! I later made the upgrade to original competent cables for the Xbox, and right away noticed the brightness difference. The areas that felt pitch black on composite, had a faint outline in component, allowing me to have an idea of where I was going while still keeping that dark atmosphere intact. All of this to say that brightness makes a big difference in how you experience the game (at least for me). To answer the main question, there is a noticeable difference and upgrade in using the RGB2COMP over S-Video, but if its worth the financial expense for the upgrade is for you to decide. I hope you enjoyed this in-depth analysis and Hope it helps someone out there trying to make the decision as I was faced with.
(Sony KD-27FS120 RGB2COMP) (PVM 1953MD RGB)
(Sony KD-27FS120 RGB2COMP) (PVM 1953MD RGB)
(Sony KD-27FS120 RGB2COMP) (PVM 1953MD RGB)
Sony KD-27FS120
Sony KD-27FS120
Sony KD-27FS120
Sony KD-27FS120
Sony KD-27FS120
Sony KD-27FS120
Zoomed in for a better look
Sony KD-27FS120
Sony KD-27FS120
Zoomed in for a better look
submitted by Pokey-Porky to crtgaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:23 Run_Rabbit5 Technopaganism and it's troubles

I have long been intrigued by the ideas of technopaganism, I first heard the term over 10 years ago, led to it by a terrible film called "The Manitou" (1978). I don't recall if they used the word, but they did address the innate spirit of technology the way we more commonly acknowledge the spirit of animals, plants, or natural wonders. In the time since my initial research it seems that the movement has hit a roadblock of some kind. in an era where more and more we exist and interact through a digital space we have a failure of spreading the ideology. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that this is simply because those inclined to paganism in the first place would recognize the inherit goodness of nature, and see around them the harm that technology does to people. While this harm is hardly debatable I argue, in the tradition of absurdism, that this is simply how it is going to be. We can cry and scream about anti-social behavior, and poor interpersonal skills, all valid issues, but the equally undeniable fact is that technology and the internet is here and it is not going away.
I have come to see the internet not simply as a wonderous tool with a spirit of its own but the new commons of humanity. The new global village. Technopaganism seems poorly defined and rather aimless in its practice. I feel that a worthy pursuit of technopagans is to make this village worth living in.
The internet must be moderated, not necessarily through bans, and suspensions, but through the same acts that would make a village a pleasing place to live. We should strive to spread uncynical positivity, support, and even aid in the form of labor to people on the internet. We don't have to treat each other with such suspicion behind the anonymity of the screen.
Maybe all of this is old hat and I am late to the party, naive, foolish, or simply ignorant of modern technopaganism, but it feels like this is the age for it. This is the time, and we need something to believe in. I hope you understand my earnestness, if you do not understand my prescriptions.
submitted by Run_Rabbit5 to pagan [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:19 Commercial-Recipe-90 E-account Bank of Khartoum 00249111196617

Opening a Bank of Khartoum Account Online: A Comprehensive Guide


In today's digital age, the convenience of online banking has become increasingly sought after. Bank of Khartoum, a leading financial institution in Sudan, recognizes this trend and offers a seamless online account opening process for its customers. Whether you're a tech-savvy individual or a first-time online banking user, this guide will walk you through the steps involved in opening a Bank of Khartoum account online, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.


Before embarking on the online account opening journey, it's crucial to ensure you have the necessary prerequisites in place:
Personal Email Address: A valid email address is essential for receiving account notifications, transaction alerts, and important updates from the bank.
Original Proof of Identity: You will need to provide an original copy of your passport or national ID card to verify your identity. Ensure the document is clear, undamaged, and has not expired.
Initial Deposit: A minimum initial deposit of 10,000 Sudanese pounds is required to activate your account. This amount will cover account opening fees and stamps.
No Existing Bank of Khartoum Account: To proceed with online account opening, you must not have an existing account with Bank of Khartoum.

Opening an Account Using the Bankak App

The Bankak app, developed by Bank of Khartoum, provides a convenient platform for opening an account online. Follow these steps to get started:
Download the Bankak App: Visit the app store on your mobile device and search for "Bankak". Download and install the official Bankak app developed by Bank of Khartoum.
Launch the Bankak App: Once the app is installed, open it on your mobile device.
Initiate New Registration: Locate the "New Registration" option on the app's main menu. Click on it to begin the account opening process.
Select Account Type: Choose the type of account you wish to open from the available options. Common choices include savings accounts, current accounts, and salary accounts.
Complete Registration Form: Carefully fill out the registration form, providing accurate and up-to-date personal information. This includes your name, address, contact details, and employment information.
Attach Required Documents: Use the app's secure document uploading feature to attach clear copies of your original proof of identity and any other supporting documents.
Initial Deposit: Select the "Initial Deposit" option and follow the on-screen instructions to transfer the required 10,000 Sudanese pounds into your new account.
Submit Application: Once all information and documents have been uploaded and the initial deposit has been made, review the details carefully and submit your application.
Review and Verification: Bank of Khartoum will review your application and verify the submitted information. This process may take a few business days.
Account Activation: Upon successful verification, you will receive a notification via email and within the Bankak app informing you that your account has been activated.

Opening an Account Through the Bank of Khartoum Website

For those who prefer a web-based approach, Bank of Khartoum also offers an online account opening option through its official website. Follow these steps to proceed:
Access Bank of Khartoum Website: Open a web browser and navigate to the Bank of Khartoum website:
Locate Account Opening Page: On the website's main menu, find and click on the "Open Account" option. This will redirect you to the dedicated account opening page.
Choose Account Type: Select the type of account you wish to open from the available options, similar to the Bankak app process.
Initiate Online Registration: Click on the "Start Online Registration" button to begin the online account opening process.
Complete Registration Form: Fill out the online registration form with accurate and up-to-date personal information, including your name, address, contact details, and employment information.
Attach Required Documents: Upload clear copies of your original proof of identity and any other supporting documents using the secure file upload feature.
Initial Deposit: Select the "Initial Deposit" option and follow the on-screen instructions to transfer the required 10,000 Sudanese pounds into your new account.
Submit Application: Once all information and documents have been uploaded and the initial deposit has been made, review the details carefully and submit your application.
Review and Verification: Bank of Khartoum will review your application and verify the submitted information. This process may take a few business days.
Account Activation: Upon successful verification, you will receive an email notification and a message within
submitted by Commercial-Recipe-90 to BankakmBOK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:14 snaggletoothloppy Wildermyth: Omenroad is Available NOW!!!

Wildermyth: Omenroad is Available NOW!!!
Wildermyth: Omenroad is now available for purchase! Alternatively, we have a bundle with the base game, Armors and Skins DLC, and Omenroad available at 15% off.
A note: the French translation is not quite complete yet. We'll be pushing a patch with the translation as soon as it's ready!
A little bonus- we're on sale for Steam's Endless Replayability Fest! You can get Wildermyth for 30% off until May 20th. It's the perfect time to pick up the main game and our DLCs if you haven't already!

Wildermyth: Omenroad

The Omenroad DLC gives you a new way to play Wildermyth. For the fighters, we have a roguelike ​​tactical challenge mode with progression across runs. And for the lovers, we have A Walk in the Unlight, a huge new story campaign that uses the Omenroad format to take your heroes past the edge of the Yondering Lands and into worlds beyond.

Challenge Modes

Legacy Heroes and Greenhorns alike run a gauntlet of battles, each increasing in difficulty. A node map replaces the Overland map and your party chooses a path by following your appetite for risk and reward.
Transformations, pets, and other rewards are present within the fights themselves, making it a tactical choice which ones to pick up. As a challenge mode, Omenroad runs don’t take place within a larger story and you won’t encounter random story events.
At the end of a run, promote your favorite heroes and bring them back into the base game. In between runs, increase Peril for more of a challenge and equip Odes to make your party stronger.
You’ll get:
  • 20 new boss fights
  • 20 new unlockable artifacts and augments
  • New Shadow spirit and Shadow weapons to discover in both Omenroad and the base game
  • 75 new battle maps with new objectives
  • A “Wall of Fame” with twelve challenge-based titles for heroes to earn
And for those hungry for another Wildermyth campaign…

You Are Invited to the Neverbefore Ball!

Our new campaign uses the Omenroad format to tell a Wildermyth story, following two adventurers into Netherflare, the land of the lost. There they encounter faces both fresh and familiar, crossing the phantom-lands of a thousand Yonderings to arrive at a mystical ballroom in a dragon’s castle.
As in the challenge modes, a node map will replace the Overland map and no random story events will occur. Instead, all the stories you’ll encounter have been written specifically for this campaign, making it our [b]most extensively written campaign[/b], by [i]far[/i].
Expect to find:
  • A sprawling story that touches on the lore of all our previous campaigns
  • A new biome: Netherflare!
  • More than 25 new battle maps!
Come see what weird wonders will upend you, and who might wander at your side, as you take A Walk in the Unlight.

1.16+533 Omenroad

Added sfx for bird legs, volley of arrows, drauvenBirdMarkPrey,
Adjusted tile range feedback for barrage and stunning barrage
Drauven Wingbeat and Bird Debuff now deal Physical Damage instead of True Damage
Adjusted Ulstryx chapter 1 objective text to clarify that other
sites must be cleared before doing the capstone fight
Double-hyphens replaced with em-dashes
Screen edge pan no longer happens while in controller mode
(fixes issue where sometimes the screen would scroll to the
top-left if the mouse position was there)
Legacy saving now happens less often in certain cases, resulting in
less hitches during gameplay
Save file note dialog is now a single-line text input
Shred sound no longer plays when shredding warding
Various translation fixes
Fix a bug where dreamsOfIcarus could happen multiple times per campaign
Fix a bug with ambient audio often being silent when it shouldn't be
(You may hear more nature noises now during battles than you used to)
Fix a bug where set pieces that were very close to the camera
would be visible, blocking the player's view
Fix a bug where loredump could happen through walls
Fix a bug where Stalwart+ prevented Crystal Chrysalis
Fix a bug where sometimes enemies would visually hover over their ending tile
Fixed issue with mysticF mythic vines theme skin
Fix a bug with burning arrow not being able to shoot at as
long a range with elemental bows
Fixed bug where scenery with >20 health couldn't be splinterblasted
Friendly Fire warning no longer shows damage dealt to scenery
"Refresh" editor button now does a better job of actually refreshing mods
Combat Lab can now show any mission plan, even without a scenario
Added "ignoreRestrictions" option to ApplyTheme Outcome
Added "ifChoiceNumLessThanOrEquals" and "sortByScore" fields to
AbilityTarget Options
Added NUM_ENEMIES expression variable, which will get the number
of enemies in the current mission
Added isMatchText expression, useful for checking parameter text
Added "particleNumData_V" particle function, which can be used to
get data from a given particle number
Can now match ONE_FURTHEST relative to a role with multiple matches
Added "CAN_ROMANCE_LOOSE" variable, which checks family and forbidden
romance (e.g. skeleton), but ignores existing relationships,
forbidRandomRomances, and attraction.
Particles: adjusted and e.time to not reset when done looping
Particles: added tileIsVisible variable, which returns 1 if the mission
tile is not in fog of war, and 0 otherwise
Particles: Added vx, vy, vz, and velocity particle vars
Added "useExistingEmitter" option to particle animation outcomes
Added alwaysShow and forbidMonsterDestroy options to CountScenery objective
Added animationCustom field for movement animations
Can now spawn a random card of a monster type via Spawn Outcome
Fixed bug where rigOverridePriority aspect was deleted
Added "For" outcome, which can be used to execute an outcome
a certain number of times
Added WAS_ATTACKED_DELAYED effect trigger
Added MISSION_VICTORY hero trigger
Added POSITION_X and POSITION_Y expression variables
Fixed bug where Loop Next Action checkbox in combat lab would
sometimes use a previous action
Added grant random gear cheat (Shift+Ctrl+G) that grants some gear
based on class and randomness
Added EQUAL_TO Test
submitted by snaggletoothloppy to wildermyth [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:02 ArtistsResist Gen AI in Music: Insights from a Year of Pro-Artist Advocacy

This is in response to a couple of posts from the past week regarding generative AI but long and late enough I figured a separate post makes sense.
I'm a songwritemusic producer who has been pretty deeply involved in these conversations for the past year. Below are insights I've gleaned. You can also join me at where you will find my more or less monthly articles on generative AI and techsploitation. You can subscribe for free or (if you’re able to and want to support this work) support Artists Resisting Exploitation (ARE) at various tiers.
That said, we don’t actually need a single leader. The scope and reach of Big Tech is so great that no single person can seriously take this issue on and win. Moreover, elected officials like Senator Chuck Schumer have too much of a vested interest in our failure (including too many personal ties to Big Tech). Therefore, despite the fact that most people think stealing from artists to train generative AI on copyrighted work is wrong, the government continues to delay real regulation and to cater to Silicon Valley and Wall Street (fintech).
What’s working, nonetheless, are the efforts of and solidarity between many artists, including visual artists affiliated with the Concept Art Association and Create Don’t Scrape, writers with the Authors Guild, well-known musicians with the Artists Right Alliance, the Recording Academy, the Human Artistry Campaign, and (I like to think) the very grassroots work of Artists Resisting Exploitation (ARE). All of these groups fight for artists’ copyrights.
Note that there are groups like Fight for the Future (which is affiliated with Union of Musicians and Allied Workers (UMAW)), which are actively anti-copyrights but not always upfront about this. (Creative Commons and Electronic Frontier Foundation are also anti-copyrights and have aligned with Big Tech corporations’ “fair use” defense of scraping copyrighted work to train generative AI models.) However, for self-serving reasons, these anti-copyrights organizations are the groups academia (full of pro-scraping, Big Tech-funded researchers), the government, and tech policy groups and think tanks often turn to for “artists’ perspectives.”
In general, I suggest avoiding AI bros and focusing on uniting with likeminded artists. I think this is a better use of time and has more of an impact than attempting to convince those who put profits over people, including those who are paid to promote generative AI, invested in generative AI stocks, or employed by exploitative gen AI companies, to do what is right.
I firmly believe that if the vast majority of artists, who tend to care about protecting copyrights, band together, we can and will get through this. Popular generative AI models could not exist without us. In essence, these corporations and their users are dependent on us. But oppressors have historically (and possibly as a defense mechanism) long disrespected and despised those they’ve exploited. This is no different. Still, they only win if we give them our power by being complacent. I personally love art and artists too much to stand by while something that is so precious to my existence and to that of humanity is grossly devalued. No art form that can be digitized, however unique or innovative, is safe. Groundbreaking work that an artist has devoted years to creating can be pilfered, increasingly, in a matter of minutes.
We need solidarity between artists of all disciplines. For musicians, this means not using AI models that were created by exploiting visual artists (for example, for album art), writers, voice actors, etc. Fairly Trained has ethically created alternatives, and we should use those if we use gen AI at all. We also need to consider ways we, like visual artists, can poison models by supporting the development of tools similar to Glaze and Nightshade.
In the short term, we must speak up on social media, leave comments on articles and videos, and (most importantly) contact elected officials. In-person advocacy is especially effective. You can find your state arts advocacy group and get involved by meeting with or, if that’s not possible, calling or emailing your local and state elected officials. For Californians, these would be Californians for the Arts and its lobbying arm California Arts Advocates. In April, ARE joined other arts groups in meeting with the offices of seven elected officials in Sacramento. Remember, elected officials want to be re-elected.
Californians for the Arts’ and California Art Advocates’ rallying cry this year is #ArtWorkIsRealWork. Spread the word and post this everywhere, please. There is nothing wrong with wanting to make a living from work that you love and that you have devoted years to studying. Moreover, the fact that AI companies need and profit from your work is evidence of its value. There is something wrong with seeking to profit from another human being’s nonconsensual, unpaid, and (therefore) coerced labor.
Again, although there are advocacy groups, this is an all-hands-on-deck moment. Fighting Big Tech corporations that have seemingly unlimited wealth to throw at corrupt government officials all over the world—much of it, ironically, gleaned through exploiting artists—is exhausting extra work nobody asked for. They hope we will tire of it and give up. Those at the forefront of this struggle need to know that there are others who can take the baton when we need a break. I think I can safely say nearly all artists doing advocacy work on this issue would rather be making art. But we see a world in which that will be, increasingly, difficult as our works are stolen to line the pockets of the wealthy and then used against us to force us out of creative industries. So, if you love your art and art, in general, please do your part.
submitted by ArtistsResist to musicians [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:51 spellhelper BeReal has so many bugs

Phone: Oppo Find X3 Pro So I have been using BeReal for about a year, and recently so many bugs have been popping up. First off, if I open BeReal from any notification, the app is a black screen and I get a popup after a few seconds saying that it isn't responding. I then have to close it and open from the app drawer. Secondly, the first BeReal I take never gets posted, it just vanishes and prompts me to take a BeReal, then when I tap on the button to take one, the timer is in negative numbers - as example, "-1:-23". Thirdly, when I tap to go to the custom RealMoji unlock screen, it doesn't show the requirements, hence I can't invite friends to unlock it. Last, scrolling through my feed is laggy and glitchy, and sometimes it just stops scrolling and I have to wait several seconds. Thank you for listening to my rant, and hopefully these get fixed in the future. P.S. none of these bugs existed when I first installed the app, they have all popped up since.
submitted by spellhelper to bereal_app [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:45 deckquestions24 Repair estimate

I need to have the vertical supports under the roof/awning over the enclosed portion of my deck replaced due to rot as well as the horizontal pieces (that connect to the vertical supports) that help to hold the screens in place. The deck is probably about 12x10 with screens that go about 8 feet high. I realize this isn’t all the information you might need to provide a precise estimate, but what would you estimate it would cost to replace this wood and re-creen the porch? I’m just trying to get a very rough sense of what to expect before I reach out to contractors. For reference, I’m in NC and not the Bay Area or somewhere else with an astronomical cost of living.
submitted by deckquestions24 to Decks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:22 ChromeSF Update 2.8.0 - Melee Fixes, Other QoL improvements & A New Barrel!
We are hosting a community event in honor of our last week of Terminal Attack! If everyone in the community can pull together to achieve a total of 7 MILLION eliminations in TA this week, everyone who contributed will earn a sweet prize: canvas shoes to add to your cute-mmunity look!
We’ll also host a leaderboard for the event so you can see the top contributors! As always, we’ll give out prizes on Discord during the event.
This update focused on many quality-of-life changes and improvements. Most notably, we have made changes to melee weapons, hoping to improve how they feel to play with in the game. We’ll need your feedback on these changes!
Let’s get into the nitty-gritty:

Content and Bug Fixes

Anti-gravity Cube
Dome Shield
All Maps
Terminal Attack
All Melee Weapons
Riot Shield


Known Issues

Heads up! There is an issue with all gamepad presets (except for “Modifier Button Equipping”) which causes players to equip weapons when pressing the “Interact and Equip Weapon” button, which is not intended. This will be resolved in the next patch, but until then, please go into the controller settings and fix it by clearing the “Weapon” bind. Sorry for the inconvenience!
submitted by ChromeSF to TheFinalsAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:20 Dependent-Eye2892 Is there any other picosure than cynosure?

I have been going to a clinic for removal that has been going nicely but that had only Q-switched laser. Nearly all black disappeared from my tattoo so I decided to switch clinics and travel 2 hours for the one that advertised use of a picosure laser. I have only blue and teal left in my tattoo so it was very important that the clinic had that laser. I went for my first meeting and the mashine looked strange, it was much smaller that picosure that I saw in the pictures and had no cynosure logo. The screen also looked different. Since it was my first visit I wasn’t sure about my observations and proceeded with removal. I didn’t see much change in 8 weeks since that session and recently came back for another one. I now focused on the mashine and I am absolutely sure that it is not cynosure. I asked the clinic and they responded that it’s just picosure, not picosure cynosure. Hence my question - does another picosure laser exists or are they falsely adevertising. Of course I’m switching the clinic anyway, just wanted to know if I should be mad at them or myself.
submitted by Dependent-Eye2892 to TattooRemoval [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:19 Bizzlecopter Most Robust Handheld

Wondering if anyone can give me advice on a device for a specific use case. I'd like a handheld that I can shove in the pocket of my jeans and carry all the time. It needs to be small, but also robust enough to take a few knocks: I want to put a screen protector on it and nothing else, definitely no case. Weight is also a big factor.
I've got a few devices at the moment (Steam Deck, Miyoo Mini, Anbernic RG351MP, Vita, 3DS) but none of them fit the bill. The size of the MM is perfect but it's so fragile I feel the need to put it in its case and then it's too bulky. All the others are too big. The RG351MP is a little chunky and definitely too heavy
I only really want up to PS1, I'll mostly be playing GBA anyway. I'm leaning towards either an RG280V or an RG351P but both are pretty pricey still for such old machines with relatively poor performance to cost ratio. The RG Nano is too small I think
Is there anything out there that'll take a few knocks without being metal?
submitted by Bizzlecopter to SBCGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:17 Legitimate_Class180 How to Achieve Optimal Health: A Comprehensive Guide


In today's fast-paced world, prioritizing health has become more crucial than ever. Achieving optimal health encompasses various aspects of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to embark on a journey toward a healthier lifestyle.

Define the Concept of Optimal Health

Optimal health refers to a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It encompasses lifestyle choices, preventive measures, and proactive healthcare practices aimed at enhancing overall quality of life.

Importance of Prioritizing Health

Incorporating healthy habits into daily routines can lead to numerous benefits, including increased energy levels, improved mood, enhanced productivity, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. Prioritizing health not only benefits individuals but also contributes to a healthier society as a whole.
Types and Categories of Health
Understanding the different classifications and types of health conditions is essential for developing tailored approaches to maintaining well-being.
Physical Health
Physical health relates to the proper functioning of the body and its organs. It involves aspects such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, and regular medical check-ups.
Mental Health
Mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It involves coping with stress, maintaining positive relationships, and seeking support when needed.
Emotional Health
Emotional health refers to the ability to recognize, express, and manage one's emotions effectively. It involves self-awareness, resilience, and healthy coping mechanisms.
Social Health
Social health pertains to the quality of relationships and interactions with others. It involves communication skills, empathy, and a sense of belonging within a community.

Symptoms and Signs of Poor Health

Recognizing the symptoms and signs of poor health is the first step toward addressing underlying issues and implementing necessary interventions.
Physical Symptoms
Physical symptoms may include fatigue, persistent pain, changes in appetite or weight, and frequent illnesses or infections.
Mental and Emotional Symptoms
Mental and emotional symptoms may manifest as mood swings, persistent sadness or anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and social withdrawal.
Behavioral Signs
Behavioral signs of poor health can include unhealthy coping mechanisms such as substance abuse, excessive screen time, and avoidance of social interactions.

Causes and Risk Factors Contributing to Poor Health

Identifying the underlying causes and risk factors associated with poor health empowers individuals to make informed decisions and adopt preventive measures.
Biological Factors
Biological factors such as genetics, age, and pre-existing medical conditions can influence an individual's susceptibility to certain health issues.
Environmental Factors
Environmental factors including pollution, toxins, and access to healthcare resources can impact overall health outcomes.
Lifestyle Choices
Lifestyle choices such as diet, physical activity, smoking, and alcohol consumption play a significant role in determining one's health status.

Diagnosis and Tests for Health Conditions

Timely diagnosis and appropriate testing are essential for identifying health conditions early and initiating timely interventions.
Medical Tests and Screenings
Medical tests and screenings may include blood tests, imaging studies, physical examinations, and specialized assessments tailored to specific health concerns.
Diagnostic Tools
Diagnostic tools such as medical history evaluations, symptom assessments, and diagnostic criteria are used by healthcare professionals to formulate accurate diagnoses.

Treatment Options for Various Health Conditions

Treatment options for health conditions vary depending on the nature and severity of the issue. They may include medical interventions, therapeutic modalities, and lifestyle modifications.
Medical Treatments
Medical treatments may involve medications, surgeries, or other procedures aimed at addressing underlying health issues and alleviating symptoms.
Therapeutic Interventions
Therapeutic interventions such as physical therapy, psychotherapy, and counseling can help individuals manage symptoms and improve overall well-being.
Lifestyle Adjustments
Lifestyle adjustments encompass changes in diet, exercise routines, stress management techniques, and sleep hygiene practices aimed at promoting optimal health outcomes.


In conclusion, achieving optimal health is a multifaceted journey that requires dedication, commitment, and informed decision-making. By prioritizing physical, mental, and emotional well-being, individuals can enhance their quality of life and thrive in all aspects. Remember to consult with healthcare professionals and prioritize self-care practices to embark on a path toward lifelong health and wellness.
Ready to prioritize your health and embark on a journey toward optimal well-being? Start implementing the strategies outlined in this guide today and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you!
submitted by Legitimate_Class180 to productreview895 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:14 johnpharrell Add an edit card field button in Ankidroid template?

Is it possible to add an edit card button directly to a card template?
I like to use Ankidroid in full screen mode but I add images and notes to my language deck as I study.
To reach the card editor button I have to swipe down from the top of the phone screen. This often results in the phone notifications screen to come down from instead which is a pain.
The ability to add my own edit card button directly on the card would be nice but any other fix to the above problem would help.
The ability to paste images directly into a placeholder on Ankidroid would also be fantastic – I imagine this would involve a similar limitation(?)
submitted by johnpharrell to Anki [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:02 brate52 Dedicated write-up: 244 --> 279 in 5 weeks.

Hi Everyone! I've been getting some DM's after the score release thread yesterday, and it seems like it might be helpful for some to hear my experience with the test, so here we go.
BACKGROUND: I'm a US MD student at a T20 who is not top of the class in anything.
THIRD YEAR: Throughout clerkships, I used a pretty standard way for studying for every shelf exam. I would do all of the anki found within the most up-to-date version of the AnKing step 2 deck, did all the Uworld for the clerkship once, re-did all of my wrongs on uworld, then took as many CMS's for that subject as I could. I'd throw in a couple review videos from Emma Holliday and Divine here and there, but overall this was the setup. Generally scored about 85th percentile or so on those, and ended up scoring 74% on this first pass of uworld.
DEDICATED: Gave myself 5 weeks to study for it just to have a little more flexibility in how hard I went each day. On average I bet I spent around 8 hours studying each day, except for practice test days where it was more like 12ish.
Anki: I reset the step 2 AnKing deck at the very beginning of dedicated and set the due date for two days before my test. This came out to ~800-1200 review cards/day, which I mainly did at the gym while on the treadmill or in between sets. I also made anki cards for my wrong answers on Uworld and NBME's, which came out to about 800 cards total.
Practice Questions: Uworld is still king. I did around 80-120 questions/day on timed testing mode nearly every day that I was not taking a practice test. I would do all of these questions in a row in the morning and review them later in the afternoon at lunch. For reviews, I would honestly skim through the ones I got correct unless there was a knowledge gap, and read through everything on those I got wrong + make an anki card. Ended up getting through 45% and scoring 85% on this. Only other practice questions I relied on were the AMBOSS high yield risk factors, ethics, 200 concepts, and vaccine/screening blocks, which I did during my first week of dedicated.
Practice Tests: Do as many of these as you can. Both UWSA's and NBME's are great, but if you're in a bind and can't do both, I would focus on the NBME's since questions seem more alike to those seen on the test. I also tried my best to take and review the tests on the same day so I had a better recolleciton of my thinking during questions, but idk if this helped that much and it was brutal getting through on some days. Here's the order I did them and my scores:
NBME 9: 244 (35 days out), NBME10: 253 (28 days out), NBME11: 260 (21 days out), UWSA 1: 260 (18 days out), UWSA 3: 255 (13 days out), Old New Free 120: 91% (11 days out), NMBE13: 264 (10 days out), NBME14: 261 (7 days out), UWSA 2: 268 (5 days out).
I did these in this order based off the recommendation of some friends who had taken the exam previously, but I don't think there's a right answer. I also didn't take NBME 12 because I heard horror stories (I'm just a scared little guy) or the old old Free 120 since I heard it wasn't super representative at this point. SUPER IMPORTANT BOLDED POINT - I would normally take 1-2 days following my practice tests doing uworld specifically on the areas that were weaker based on my test result. I think doing this really helped keep things efficient.
Podcasts: Divine Intervention and Emma Holliday are the truth. For DI I listened to the rapid review series (there's a good spotify playlist if you type in "divine intervention rapid review") and the QI episodes. I also listened to all the Emma Holliday episodes by the end of dedicated. I mostly did this passively while exercising or cooking.
Day before test: This video right here (\_To) is sweet. I followed a lot of the tips and found them helpful. Waking up early at 5 am and exercising helped a lot in terms of sleeping and calming my nerves. I also did NOTHING to study that day and recommend you do too. If you have to do something, try to keep it relatively light.
Day of Test: Got to the testing center half an hour early. I also had plenty of water with me and tons of different protein bars (shoutout kirkland brand protein bars) which I ate from during each break. The video I linked recommends having just a small cup of coffee before the exam to keep nerves stable, but if you're like me and a straight up caffeine junky you can do what I did and take caffeine pills before and during the test. I ended up taking one (200 mg) right before, another (200 mg) after three blocks, and a final (200 mg) after six blocks. Yeah I know that's a lot stop looking at me like that. For breaks I took my first after two blocks, one after the third, a longer one after the fourth, one after the sixth, and a final short one after the seventh. I will bold the following because I think this is what gives people an edge on test day, try to poop before the test begins. Nothing worse than thinking about that while trying to perform. Other than that, just be nice to the testing center folks.
OTHER STUFF: Try your best not to burn yourself out studying. Only you know what your capacity is, so strive towards maxing that out and no more than that no matter what those around you say. Also, try your best to eat healthy and exercise at least 3 days a week. Doesn't matter how you exercise, but just getting some movement is super helpful. I found going to the gym and mixing in anki was effective and efficient, but you do what's best for you. Last thing, try to find a hobby you can do at night after you're done studying. Mine was video games and seeing friends, but you do whatever makes you happy.
FINAL THOUGHTS: This test sucks man. It's long, the questions can be vague, and its stressful. That said it's also doable (especially compared to Step 1). The most important part is just doing your studying consistently and keeping yourself sane. That's easier said than done, but its definitely possible to do it. In the end, a lot of what happened in my case was just the form I got falling into my strengths, but being consistent with your studying and working on your weak areas through Uworld sets you up to be lucky.
tl;dr: 80-120 uworld questions/day, reset step 2 anking and set due date to near test date, take NBME's and UWSA's, hit weak areas, find a stress reliever, be cool to yourself, poop before test.
Put the word out that we all back up. Hope this helps someone.
submitted by brate52 to Step2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:55 SciFiTime Humans Send Just One Ship (Chapter 2)

Grax stared out the viewing screen as the massive Phoenix darted among the drifting debris that was all the remained of his once mighty armada. Dozens of Vrax ships, some still with atmosphere and artificial gravity, drifted listlessly like tombstones under the broken moon's pale light.
Despite his rage, Grax felt a cold sense of finality steal over him. The battle was truly lost. His subcommander stepped up trembling, awaiting orders. But Grax knew the only choice left. With a furious growl, he slammed a claw onto the comm panel. "All ships, power down weapons and cease hostilities."
The bridge crew looked on cautiously as Grax straightened. "Human vessels, this is Ambassador Grax of the Vrax Empire. You have destroyed our armada and made your power clear. We...surrender unconditionally." The words burned like acid on his tongue, but Grax had sworn an oath to protect his people above all else.
Moments dragged by in tense silence before a female voice replied. "This is Commander Aoki of the ESN Phoenix. Your surrender is accepted, Ambassador Grax. Stand down all weapons and prepare to be boarded. No further harm will come to you or your crew."
Aoki's promise of mercy did little to console Grax as he watched sensor readings show Phoenix launching shuttles towards the nearest hulks. His officers moved nervously, eyeing their restraints with trepidation. Boarding parties would no doubt confiscate any means of resistance or escape.
The arrival of human soldiers aboard the cruiser sent a hush over the crew on the command deck. Towering in unfamiliar powered armor, the soldiers spread out efficiently while keeping weapons trained. Though outmatched, a proud Vrax snarled as energy cuffs bound his wrists.
Grax stared coldly at the humans, meeting their impassive gaze through polarized visors. "Your victory is absolute, but know that the Empire will not forget this humiliation. One day, we will return with power enough to repay this debt tenfold." A soldier laughed derisively. "Save your threats, insect. You're prisoners now."
The insult made Grax bristle, but further defiance was pointless. As if realizing this, the soldier deactivated her mask to reveal brown eyes that studied the aliens with detached curiosity. "We mean your kind no harm. Cooperate, and you'll be treated fairly." Her promise did little to reassure Grax's raging pride, but he submitted silently.
Transporting the surviving crew took hours under the watchful eyes of armed escorts. Grax watched through viewports as the immense Phoenix loomed ahead, eclipsing the pockmarked moonscape. How did these creatures command such power while his Empire spanned worlds? The questions ate at him during processing into separate holding bays.
Finally, Grax was brought before a sealed hatch where a human stood calmly awaiting, jet black hair cut short in strange angles. Recognition dawned as her intense gaze met his. "Commander Aoki, I presume. You have robbed me of victory and left my Empire wounded. What purpose have you brought us here?"
To his frustration, Aoki merely nodded. "All will be explained. For now, know that your lives and citizenship remain intact, so long as peaceful relations are established. The past is regretted, but a new future can be forged." Her tone allowed no argument as soldiers led Grax's delegation away, sealing him in metallic solitude with only his swirling thoughts for company.
Hours passed before the hatch slid open once more to admit a familiar figure. Ambassador Jonah surveyed Grax and the others pensively. "I have argued for leniency and understanding. Your people will be safely returned to your territory once arrangements are made." The human's calm manner surprised Grax, who had expected condemnation after all that had occurred.
"Why show mercy to those who came to conquer?" Grax asked cautiously, probing for the alien mindset. Jonah softened slightly. "We wish no escalation, only peace. Though power dynamics have shifted, cooperation benefits all." His optimism sounded foolish to Grax's bitter pride, but some practical logic prevailed as well. War offered no guarantee of victory on either side now.
Jonah took Grax's contemplative silence as acceptance. "Rest now, Ambassador. Tomorrow we will convene talks to forge a new understanding between our peoples." The human departed, leaving Grax to sit brooding as the stale manufactured air cycled endlessly. His fleet had fought bravely if not wisely, and now their lives were forfeit to human whims. Yet Grax knew defiance would solve nothing - for the Vrax to recover their honor, new strategies must be devised.
As night cycle began, Grax stared into the darkness, filtering Jonah's idealistic words. The human clearly underestimated his Empire's will to restore lost pride by any means. And while open war invite mutually assured destruction now, subtler methods remained. Given time, opportunities would arise, and the Vrax would reap a bitter harvest from the seeds this defeat had sown... The shuttle trembled as magnetic clamps disengaged from the Phoenix. Through clouded windows, Grax glared at the blue-green orb growing ahead, pondering the fate that awaited him and his people on the human home world.
Beside him, Jonah reviewed incoming messages, worrying his lip. The victory celebrations had tapered off as reality set in. An alien invasion force had assaulted Earth's doorstep and needed to be dealt with. Harsh retribution versus rehabilitation would dominate the emergency session.
The shuttle touched down with a jolt, airlocks pressurizing. Security escorted Grax and the Vrax commanders off, mag-cuffs binding their movements. A bristling crowd had gathered, shouting varied insults and demands for justice. Grax saw fear, anger, but hope glimmering in some eyes as well.
World leaders' holograms flickered within the expansive Lunar chamber. Emotions ran high as each delegation demanded to be heard. "These creatures attacked our sovereign soil and people!" bellowed China's Premier. Nods and cries of agreement followed.
"Revenge breeds only further conflict," spoke India's Prime Minister more delicately. "If they pose no future threat, wisdom says deal with them constructively."
Hours dragged on. At every turn, Jonah presented rehabilitation programs emphasizing education, limited communications and oversight. "Showing mercy where possible could yield long term cooperation, not further enmity."
Russia's President countered harshly. "We cannot appease an imperialist power so willing to use brute force. They understand only strength."
The heated debate raged without resolution. Then the elderly Secretary General spoke. "While security remains paramount, reacting from anger helps no one. I say we craft safeguards ensuring accountability on all sides, then we negotiate over imprisonment."
Reluctantly, a compromise took shape - the Vrax would face oversight on a secure facility, with strict controls on information and technologies. If proving genuinely willing to negotiate, some leniency would follow in time. But any breach meant permanent incarceration.
That evening, Jonah met privately with Grax within the detention center. "This was the sole agreement preventing worse outcomes. I will continue advocating on your behalf, but changes must come from within as well."
Grax replied coldly. "You speak of mercy, yet we are prisoners. Do not forget - my people's pride and strength are far from broken. This conflict is only beginning." His frigid eyes sent a chill through Jonah's core as he departed, doubtful any understanding could overcome such enmity.
submitted by SciFiTime to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:54 SciFiTime Humans Send Just One Ship (Chapter 2)

Grax stared out the viewing screen as the massive Phoenix darted among the drifting debris that was all the remained of his once mighty armada. Dozens of Vrax ships, some still with atmosphere and artificial gravity, drifted listlessly like tombstones under the broken moon's pale light.
Despite his rage, Grax felt a cold sense of finality steal over him. The battle was truly lost. His subcommander stepped up trembling, awaiting orders. But Grax knew the only choice left. With a furious growl, he slammed a claw onto the comm panel. "All ships, power down weapons and cease hostilities."
The bridge crew looked on cautiously as Grax straightened. "Human vessels, this is Ambassador Grax of the Vrax Empire. You have destroyed our armada and made your power clear. We...surrender unconditionally." The words burned like acid on his tongue, but Grax had sworn an oath to protect his people above all else.
Moments dragged by in tense silence before a female voice replied. "This is Commander Aoki of the ESN Phoenix. Your surrender is accepted, Ambassador Grax. Stand down all weapons and prepare to be boarded. No further harm will come to you or your crew."
Aoki's promise of mercy did little to console Grax as he watched sensor readings show Phoenix launching shuttles towards the nearest hulks. His officers moved nervously, eyeing their restraints with trepidation. Boarding parties would no doubt confiscate any means of resistance or escape.
The arrival of human soldiers aboard the cruiser sent a hush over the crew on the command deck. Towering in unfamiliar powered armor, the soldiers spread out efficiently while keeping weapons trained. Though outmatched, a proud Vrax snarled as energy cuffs bound his wrists.
Grax stared coldly at the humans, meeting their impassive gaze through polarized visors. "Your victory is absolute, but know that the Empire will not forget this humiliation. One day, we will return with power enough to repay this debt tenfold." A soldier laughed derisively. "Save your threats, insect. You're prisoners now."
The insult made Grax bristle, but further defiance was pointless. As if realizing this, the soldier deactivated her mask to reveal brown eyes that studied the aliens with detached curiosity. "We mean your kind no harm. Cooperate, and you'll be treated fairly." Her promise did little to reassure Grax's raging pride, but he submitted silently.
Transporting the surviving crew took hours under the watchful eyes of armed escorts. Grax watched through viewports as the immense Phoenix loomed ahead, eclipsing the pockmarked moonscape. How did these creatures command such power while his Empire spanned worlds? The questions ate at him during processing into separate holding bays.
Finally, Grax was brought before a sealed hatch where a human stood calmly awaiting, jet black hair cut short in strange angles. Recognition dawned as her intense gaze met his. "Commander Aoki, I presume. You have robbed me of victory and left my Empire wounded. What purpose have you brought us here?"
To his frustration, Aoki merely nodded. "All will be explained. For now, know that your lives and citizenship remain intact, so long as peaceful relations are established. The past is regretted, but a new future can be forged." Her tone allowed no argument as soldiers led Grax's delegation away, sealing him in metallic solitude with only his swirling thoughts for company.
Hours passed before the hatch slid open once more to admit a familiar figure. Ambassador Jonah surveyed Grax and the others pensively. "I have argued for leniency and understanding. Your people will be safely returned to your territory once arrangements are made." The human's calm manner surprised Grax, who had expected condemnation after all that had occurred.
"Why show mercy to those who came to conquer?" Grax asked cautiously, probing for the alien mindset. Jonah softened slightly. "We wish no escalation, only peace. Though power dynamics have shifted, cooperation benefits all." His optimism sounded foolish to Grax's bitter pride, but some practical logic prevailed as well. War offered no guarantee of victory on either side now.
Jonah took Grax's contemplative silence as acceptance. "Rest now, Ambassador. Tomorrow we will convene talks to forge a new understanding between our peoples." The human departed, leaving Grax to sit brooding as the stale manufactured air cycled endlessly. His fleet had fought bravely if not wisely, and now their lives were forfeit to human whims. Yet Grax knew defiance would solve nothing - for the Vrax to recover their honor, new strategies must be devised.
As night cycle began, Grax stared into the darkness, filtering Jonah's idealistic words. The human clearly underestimated his Empire's will to restore lost pride by any means. And while open war invite mutually assured destruction now, subtler methods remained. Given time, opportunities would arise, and the Vrax would reap a bitter harvest from the seeds this defeat had sown... The shuttle trembled as magnetic clamps disengaged from the Phoenix. Through clouded windows, Grax glared at the blue-green orb growing ahead, pondering the fate that awaited him and his people on the human home world.
Beside him, Jonah reviewed incoming messages, worrying his lip. The victory celebrations had tapered off as reality set in. An alien invasion force had assaulted Earth's doorstep and needed to be dealt with. Harsh retribution versus rehabilitation would dominate the emergency session.
The shuttle touched down with a jolt, airlocks pressurizing. Security escorted Grax and the Vrax commanders off, mag-cuffs binding their movements. A bristling crowd had gathered, shouting varied insults and demands for justice. Grax saw fear, anger, but hope glimmering in some eyes as well.
World leaders' holograms flickered within the expansive Lunar chamber. Emotions ran high as each delegation demanded to be heard. "These creatures attacked our sovereign soil and people!" bellowed China's Premier. Nods and cries of agreement followed.
"Revenge breeds only further conflict," spoke India's Prime Minister more delicately. "If they pose no future threat, wisdom says deal with them constructively."
Hours dragged on. At every turn, Jonah presented rehabilitation programs emphasizing education, limited communications and oversight. "Showing mercy where possible could yield long term cooperation, not further enmity."
Russia's President countered harshly. "We cannot appease an imperialist power so willing to use brute force. They understand only strength."
The heated debate raged without resolution. Then the elderly Secretary General spoke. "While security remains paramount, reacting from anger helps no one. I say we craft safeguards ensuring accountability on all sides, then we negotiate over imprisonment."
Reluctantly, a compromise took shape - the Vrax would face oversight on a secure facility, with strict controls on information and technologies. If proving genuinely willing to negotiate, some leniency would follow in time. But any breach meant permanent incarceration.
That evening, Jonah met privately with Grax within the detention center. "This was the sole agreement preventing worse outcomes. I will continue advocating on your behalf, but changes must come from within as well."
Grax replied coldly. "You speak of mercy, yet we are prisoners. Do not forget - my people's pride and strength are far from broken. This conflict is only beginning." His frigid eyes sent a chill through Jonah's core as he departed, doubtful any understanding could overcome such enmity.
submitted by SciFiTime to u/SciFiTime [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:54 BOfficeStats Domestic BOT Presale Tracking (May 16). Total previews comp/predictions: Back to Black ($0.35M/$0.37M), IF ($1.72M/$1.80M), Strangers ($1.49M/$1.37M), Furiosa ($4.31M), Garfield ($2.24M), and Inside Out 2 ($8.14M)

BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking
USA Showtimes As of May 10
Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)
BoxOfficeReport Previews
Back to Black Thursday Comps/Predictions: $0.35M/$0.37M
IF Thursday Comps/Predictions: $1.72M/$1.80M
The Strangers: Chapter 1 Thursday Comps/Predictions: $1.49M/$1.37M
Furiosa Thursday Comp: $4.31M
Hit Man
The Garfield Movie EA+Thursday Comp: $2.24M
The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)
Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp: $8.14M
Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated May 3):
Presale Tracking Posts:
April 23
April 25
April 27
April 30
May 2
May 4
May 7
May 9
May 11
May 14
Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.
submitted by BOfficeStats to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:52 yadavvenugopal Science Fiction Inspired Designs and Inventions

Science Fiction Inspired Designs and Inventions
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - Arthur C Clarke
Science fiction has always been a precursor to science fact, especially when it comes to Science fiction-inspired designs and inventions. Most complex technologies begin with the germ of an idea in the mind of a creative person and more often than not, it's a science fiction writer.
Ideation is the first and most important and often the most complex part of any invention. This is why science fiction writers are always ahead of scientists when it comes to the conceptualization of future tech.
After envisioning a technology in detail you can bring the engineers to map out what needs doing and what can't be done. The next step would be building a prototype that is sufficient for testing and making it suitable for commercial production.

Science Fiction-Inspired Designs and Inventions

Here we will go through technologies that we take for granted today, but just a few decades ago were purely in the realm of science fiction.

1. Transparent Screen from The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone by Rod Serling was truly ahead of its time in terms of its sci-fi concepts, dense storylines, and amazing execution. This meant that great episodes used hi-tech concepts judiciously and presented them folded into a larger reality that blew the socks off the viewers.
The reason why it seemed so ahead of its time was that most episodes of this series were inspired by key science fiction authors such as Ray Bradbury, Arthur C Clarke, and Isaac Asimov.
One such awesome storyline involved a society with unique standards of beauty far in the future that had amazing tech gadgets. The episode is named Eye of the Beholder and is fantastically done.
The best piece of tech that stood out in this episode was the transparent screen that slid down from the ceiling and turned opaque during display.
Such screens are available only in 2024 ( and showcased in 2023), showcased widely only in the latest installment of Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024. The LG Transparent screen in 2024 grabbed a lot of eyeballs and was the belle of the ball in the display section.
Check out Star Trek: Lower Decks Animated Series: Cracking Jokes with Easter Eggs
The Twilight Zone series got everything right, from the form factor to the actual function of such an amazing invention decades ahead of its time!
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2. Flat screen from Star Trek

The Star Trek TOS episode Requiem for Methuselah (Season 3, Episode 19) has a flat-screen LED TV that is complete in its design with the stand and thin bezels exactly as it is commercially available today.
Reyna, Flint's companion watches their guests on their video surveillance system on a Flat Screen TV that is amazingly identical to the ones in production today.
What I loved about this is that, just like the transparent screen mentioned above, it is decades ahead of its time and is perfect in how it has been visualized by the propmasters of the time.
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3. Geostationary orbit - Arthur C Clarke

Genre-defining science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke proposed the idea of satellites that could take a Geo-stationary orbit serving the purpose of a radio relay station. This way a third of the Earth's surface could be covered for communication purposes by a single satellite.
This idea was first published in the Wireless World October 1945 issue authored by Arthur C Clarke.
Most of our communications networks across the globe today depend on such geostationary satellites, whether it's a smartphone network or a weather station. Considering that the first communications satellite using this tech was launched in Syncom 2 in 1963, Clarke was decades ahead of his time when he came up with this vital concept.
Check out The Original Lost in Space Series (1965-68) by Irwin Allen

4. The Cellphone - Star Trek Communicator

One of the most iconic symbols of science fiction is the communicator from Star Trek TOS. The unmistakable sound of flipping the communicator open followed by the distinct bird chirp will remind anyone interested in sci-fi of the brilliant device.
It probably inspired the design of the flip phone that was suddenly back in fashion after the introduction of flexible displays. Nothing was closer to this design than the Motorola flip phone or the Sony Ericsson flip phones of the '90s and noughties.
You can easily get a functioning replica online from a few stores.
Check out Upload Series: Are we Inching Toward this Dystopian Reality with Metaverse?

5. Transparent Aluminium - Star Trek

Star Trek IV: The Journey Home was an amazing movie with a lot of the cast from Star Trek TOS. The plot revolves around a bit of time travel and a whole lot of science- fictional or otherwise.
James Doohan as Scotty reprises his role as a close friend of Jim Kirk and a brilliant engineer in this movie and solves the problem of transporting marine creatures back to the enterprise. As payment, Scotty offers a unique form of payment to a manufacturing firm on Earth in the past - the formula for transparent Aluminium.
Star Trek introduced the world to transparent aluminum, a concept that was science fiction at the time. However, today, it is known as aluminum oxynitride (AlON), a material that reflects the very prediction of the film, the prediction of quality content.
As of today, transparent aluminum is available commercially across the world and used in applications ranging from armored glass to construction and drone tech.
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Wrapping Up

An invention takes a creative mind and every legendary science fiction writer is blessed with one. This is why most of their writing contains futuristic technologies fleshed out in amazing detail, sometimes right down to the production details.
So if you are looking for a high-tech solution to a problem you can always look to the all-time great science fiction writers for inspiration and invent your way out of your problem!
Like this review? Subscribe to for more!
submitted by yadavvenugopal to themoviejunkiedotcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:45 SplitCryptic How well does the on screen keyboard work in games?

Hello, I don't have a steam deck (yet), but I am curious how well the on screen keyboard works for using it in something like an ingame chatbox? or when you gotta give something a name?
I already have lots of experience making custom configs with Steam Input so I know how I would set it up, and I know I'll definitely enjoy the dual trackpad typing.
However I've read people having problems using the on screen keyboard sometimes. They tend to say it's laggy/buggy and that sometimes they can't get it to pop out when needed. I've also read something about the virtual keyboard itself having its fps locked to 24 fps?
I am curious how using it has really been for anyone.
submitted by SplitCryptic to SteamDeck [link] [comments]