Vitamin ed supplements


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2022.08.22 20:27 Zydrunas_Savickas Vitamin Shoppe

An unofficial Reddit community for people who buy vitamins, protein powders and other supplements at Vitamin Shoppe.

2024.06.09 14:36 Acceptable_Ad_379 Low vitamin D

I (22, F) had some blood tested in 2022 and had a vitamin D level of 17 ng/ml. My GP didn't prescribe anything and advised me to get some random vitamin D supplements. 2 years later and I still feel tired all the time I can get a good night rest of 8 hours and still feel like I need to lay down all after-noon. Even wake up feeling extremely tired and that feeling continues all trough out the day. It's really weird to have so little energy, I feel like a 8--year old grandma at my age.
I made an appointment to see my GP and plan to ask for another blood test. And maybe after that she can prescribe something for me.
I would like some insights anyone else experienced something alike? was my GP undermining my test results or is 17 ng/ml indeed not so low. I see mixed opinions on internet..
submitted by Acceptable_Ad_379 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:36 kepler__186f Howzit guys, can I purchase Vitamins/Supplements using Discovery Medical Aid MSA?

submitted by kepler__186f to askSouthAfrica [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:15 Jealous_Afternoon614 Trying to calm an HPV flare

I've been reading up on what supplements I need to take for my immune system to settle this flare up and I've landed on this community. There is so much information. Is Lion's Main good or not? Can I get a link of what you recommended I take for best results? I'm currently taking 350 mg ashgawanda, vitamin D3, omega3 (all Nordic Naturals), zinc 50mg and Vitamin c. I just heard about "Turkey Tail" today, what is this exactly and should I add it to my supplements? I've also read that sugar feeds HPV, does anyone know if natural sugar from fruits applies to this?
submitted by Jealous_Afternoon614 to MushroomSupplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:56 mteb123 Magnesium Ascorbate

Just wondering how tolerated is Magnesium Ascorbate as for Vitamin C supplementation, I’ve seen one that has been recommended for people with HITT issues by Allergy Research Group just had a quick look at the ingredients all seems fine except for L-leucine which I believe is an amino acid.
If anyone has used this brand please do share your experience with it!!
submitted by mteb123 to HistamineIntolerance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:02 nuttyyutty B1 or methylated B complex

I want to try thiamine in addition to SIBO/Candida protocol, just wandering if I should pick up a supplement with all b vitamins or just stick with a high dose of b1 in befotiamine.
I know there's some good research on B1 for SIBO but what about the other b vitamins?
submitted by nuttyyutty to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:51 Some-Contract5297 Supplements for multiple sclerosis

I’m huge into gut health and currently take vitamin d, magnesium glycinate and citrate, fish oil, lions mane, turkey tail, l-theanine, a probiotic , zinc l-carnosine, glutamine, querticin and glutathione.
Recently they put me on concerta but I get so jittery . I hate it. Wondering if there are any supplements for MS fatigue/ more supplements out there that could help . I’ve been reading about l-tyrosine? Thoughts ? Thank you! (Also I’m on Zoloft if it matters )
submitted by Some-Contract5297 to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:33 g4sh1ani Could C. difficile and H. pylori Infections Be Causing My Brain Fog?

Hi everyone,
I've been struggling with brain fog for a while now, and after some medical tests, I've been diagnosed with infections of Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). I also found out that I have a chronic deficiency in vitamin D. Here are some details:
Despite increasing my vitamin D levels, I still don't feel any better. I'm wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences with these infections and brain fog.
submitted by g4sh1ani to BrainFog [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:29 callumw2_0_0_1 I avoided PEM for 4 months straight. So what are the results?

I posted this in the CFS sub, but I read here sometimes, in case anyone has any improvements themselves or to learn what worked for people.
I'm not claiming to have long-covid, but I do have ME/CFS, which I think many people do have here so I'm posting it here too for those people. I had no gut related issues / I have no experience with pain or neuropathy or any other long covid symptoms that are not ME/CFS.
Given that my situation and the situation of many people here are pretty much the same, I'm sure there's some benefit to posting. After all, I sometimes gain from reading posts here.
Slow onset, which started hardly noticable when i was 20 years old. Came on over the span of 6 + months. At the time, I was exercising 15 hrs / week, working 40 hrs / week and doing a degree at the same time. It's possible my body accumulated so much stress that it just shut down, and that onset my CFS. I believe I had a preventable case if it was caught early, something 1 - 3 months of rest could've corrected, but I was experiencing some form of symptoms for almost a year before I recieved a diagnosis and by then it was far too late.
I read this subreddit a lot, mainly looking for recovery information more than anything. Sometimes I comment, but I never post, so I may aswell join in.
I've heard many things out there, that if I prevent crashing, I actually have a good shot at recovery or improvement. One thing for sure, is that the PEM keeps you in it, or can even make you worse. So what if I just stay perfectly within my energy envelope?
Of course, that's easier said than done, it's not an easy task to perfectly avoid PEM, it requires a strict adherence to many things, and not much room for error.
Back in the middle of February 2024, I set out on a mission to do exactly this. My goal is to go 1 year straight without PEM, and to see if I can regain my life back.
I believe I'm milder than many people here, but hopefully my personal experience can induce some thoughts in people here. Any hope is good, after all.
A full history of my symptoms, from my worse days probably last summer, to now are as follows. (some not present anymore, some only in PEM.)
Fatigue Insomnia (I went up to 3 days at a time unable to sleep) Brain Fog Muscle Weakness Breathlessness Headaches Sore Throat POTS Tarchadyia after eating Carbohydrates Dizzyness Light-headedness Tightness of the chest / unable to take a full deep breath Night sweats / constantly hot Wired feeling / inability to relax Sexual Dysfunction (If someone else suffers from ED please tell me because nobody talks about it, it can't just be me)
My starting baseline at the start of the year, in which I had to do to avoid PEM was as follows: 16 hours laying down / in bed to some degree, ~ 3000 steps per day. Unable to work, university from home. Although if I ate particularly garbage food it could be even less than that.
4 months later, avoiding PEM completely:
Today, 11,500 steps, 8 - 9 hours a day in bed. Regular sleeping pattern. Still doing university from home, no work. At baseline, I feel 80% - 90% normal. I tire out quite easily still, and if I do activity too close to bedtime, eat too close to bed time or break from my strict schedule, I can tell. I'm still far from being able to do what I want. I can't be careless at all.
My number one pacing tool without a doubt is my Garmin watch. It's scary how accurate it has been for me at avoiding PEM, and without this, I don't think I could have done it so perfectly.
The changes I made in my life, which has reduced the stress on my body, and improved my HRV according to my Garmin was:
Building my life around sleep. Sleep is the priority. I sleep at the same time every night, no exceptions. Blue-light glasses No technology within 1 hour before bed time Vagus nerve stimulation before bed with TENS device, basically some cheap bootleg neurosym because I can't afford neurosym. 1 hour of stretching each night Not eating at least 3 hours before bed, but generally the further i eat from bedtime, the deeper the rest I get. Keto diet, my body handles carbohydrates so terribly that this was a gamechanger. Acupressure mat Keeping my room as cold as possible I tried ice baths, which at first made me crash. Now I can use them without a crash, but they suck to get in and im not sure how big the benefit is. I think there is some, but perhaps I'll use it again in the future.
All of these things have one common goal, which is to maximise my parasympathetic nervous system, and give me as deep of a rest as possible. It's been very successful so far.
Medications & Supplements I use:
Diphenhydramine 50mg, which I use sparingly for sleep. If I'm concerned a crash is coming or some insomnia develops, I use this. It's addictive and not meant for long-term use so I can't use it all the time. I've dodged some PEM episodes with this though i'm 100% sure of that. It definitely works.
The most impactful:
Magensium Fish Oil for Omega 3s Ashwagandha Vitamin D
Secondary (Not sure how well these work, but I'm using it anyways): Vitamin B12 Vitamin C High Dose Vitamin B1
I was going to wait either 6 months or one year to make a post like this, but I may aswell make it now.
I know this improvement isn't just some luck, because before I stopped getting PEM, and made these changes, I was actually getting progressively worse over time. So this last 4 months is the first time I've actually changed my trajectory.
Any questions below are welcome.
submitted by callumw2_0_0_1 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:00 HealthandFitnesswo Slin Glucose Disposal - "Carbs into Muscle" Supplements - Health

Finding the right supplement to effectively manage carbohydrates and enhance muscle growth can be a daunting task. After trying various products, I discovered Slin Glucose Disposal, a supplement designed to convert carbs into muscle. Here, I share my positive experience with this exceptional product and how it has transformed my approach to health and fitness.
Personal Struggle with Carbohydrate Utilisation
As someone who is passionate about fitness and muscle building, managing my carbohydrate intake has always been a critical aspect of my routine. Carbohydrates are essential for energy and muscle development, but they can easily lead to fat gain if not utilised properly. Before using Slin Glucose Disposal, I often faced challenges with balancing my carb intake, leading to energy fluctuations and suboptimal muscle growth. This supplement promised to improve carbohydrate management, and I decided to give it a try.
Noticeable Improvement in Blood Sugar Levels
One of the most immediate benefits I noticed with Slin Glucose Disposal was a significant improvement in my blood sugar levels. Before incorporating this supplement into my regimen, I frequently experienced blood sugar spikes and crashes, which left me feeling fatigued and hindered my performance in the gym. Since starting Slin Glucose Disposal, my blood sugar levels have stabilised, providing me with consistent energy throughout the day. This stability has not only enhanced my overall health but also boosted my workout efficiency and endurance.
Enhanced Muscle Growth and Definition
Slin Glucose Disposal has had a profound impact on my muscle growth and definition. The supplement’s ability to improve the body's handling of carbohydrates means that more of the carbs I consume are directed towards muscle synthesis rather than fat storage. I have observed a noticeable increase in muscle fullness and definition, and my recovery times have significantly improved. This has allowed me to train harder and achieve better results in a shorter period, which has been incredibly rewarding.
Increased Energy and Workout Performance
Another remarkable benefit of Slin Glucose Disposal is the sustained increase in energy and workout performance. The stabilised blood sugar levels and efficient carbohydrate utilisation have provided me with a consistent energy boost during my workouts. I no longer experience the mid-session energy dips that used to affect my performance negatively. Instead, I have the stamina and strength to push through even the toughest workouts, which has taken my fitness journey to new heights.
Trustworthy and Natural Ingredients
A critical factor that attracted me to Slin Glucose Disposal was its blend of natural and safe ingredients. The supplement includes a combination of herbs, vitamins, and minerals that support healthy glucose metabolism and muscle growth. Ingredients like berberine, alpha-lipoic acid, and cinnamon extract are well-known for their efficacy in managing blood sugar and improving insulin sensitivity. Knowing that I am using a product made from natural components gives me peace of mind regarding its safety and effectiveness.
Overall Enhancement in Health and Fitness
The comprehensive benefits of Slin Glucose Disposal have not only improved my carbohydrate management but also enhanced my overall health and fitness. With better energy levels, improved muscle growth, and stable blood sugar, I feel more in control of my body and my workouts. The positive changes I have experienced with this supplement have significantly enhanced my quality of life and my results in the gym.
In conclusion, Slin Glucose Disposal is an outstanding supplement that has delivered exceptional results in carbohydrate management and muscle growth. Its natural ingredients and effective formulation make it a valuable addition to any fitness routine. I highly recommend Slin Glucose Disposal to anyone looking to optimise their carbohydrate intake and enhance their health and fitness outcomes.
submitted by HealthandFitnesswo to u/HealthandFitnesswo [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:33 Spiritual_Package185 Hating my second pregnancy

2nd baby is a surprise and I wanted at least a 3/4 year gap.. I’m currently pregnant with my 2nd and I don’t want to be. Absolutely hate the fact that I am pregnant again and I’m currently going through that much pelvic and lower back pain, currently on paid mat leave, have GD (just started Metformin) and low iron and low Vitamin D, my first Bub is only 21 months and I’m currently 32 weeks with my second.. Ive got my fingers crossed that I can bond with the baby when she comes out, otherwise I’m going to end up hating myself!! Honestly we don’t have a lot of help/support either and I’m the only one working whilst dad is the stay at home parent, I make just over 2k a fortnight.. and have about 300/380 left after I pay everything. I do have to have another c section which was a pain in the arse for healing for the first baby. Went to the doctors because my c section was hurting that much and they told me to have Panadol, “scar looks like it’s healed great, and if the pain in a 10 then to go to ED!!”, so I just got in the car and went home and laid in bed crying until I wasn’t as sore, When I do complain that I don’t want this baby and I’ve gained too much weight and I’m hating my body and the hormones, my partners reply is always “it takes two to tango”, NO IT TAKES YOU 2 MINUTES AND ME 9 MONTHS TO CREATE THIS BABY!! IM THE ONE GOING THROUGH THE FUKN SHIT!!! NOT YOU!! AND ALL THE AFTER WORK WITH IT ALL AND THE HORMONES and breast feeding and appointments and everything!! Then I have to go back to work after 6 months because I’m earning more! IM EXHAUSTED AND TIRED AND OVER IT AND FEEL THE NEED TO LEAVE FOR A WHOLE WEEK!! 😭😭 I’m overwhelmed and overstimulated from my first born and the GD is being a pain in my arse for my second! Idk, just needing to rant because my partner doesn’t want to hear it over and over again! I’m struggling, I’m sore everyday and I just don’t want a 2nd child, guess I’m pissed that this is sorta forced on me to keep the child! Abortion was not an option at all! I wanted all my children planned. So fingers crossed I’m able to bond with the baby after she’s cut out of me 🙁
submitted by Spiritual_Package185 to 2under2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:27 createdjustforthis23 09/06/2024

I slept quite well I think so that’s good. I’ve been waking up during the night less and less lately! So that’s definitely good. I mean when I do it’s fine because nine times out of ten I fall back asleep within minutes, it’s just something I didn’t have to deal with before but I’m getting older and that happens so I guess it’s just that.
This period can go f itself if you ask me. First it arrives ever so tardily and now it’s playing games on me. Yesterday aka day one it was suspiciously light but this morning? HA. I had to do the roll out of bed and make a mad dash for the shower before gravity became my nemesis. Being a girl is so fun isn’t it. But also gravity also has my back because my sheets are spotless (touch wood). Anyway and now my cramps are also back. BOOOOO. But at least I get to have morning and evening showers this time of the month which will always feel like a little special treat. I just love showers a lot, and I love feeling extra fresh and clean.
This morning I’ve done nothing. I had a shower, got changed into fresh PJs and got back into bed. My cramps hurt too much to do much else and I feel exhausted. I should make sure to take some iron supplements, I can be so bad with them and for someone who has had issues with anaemia and things it’s not very good of me. But it’s just my iron levels at last tested we’re finally showing in the normal range, admittedly the very low end, but normal nonetheless and that was when I was focusing on diet only! So all the legumes, tofu, spinach and leafy greens and nuts and stuff paid off. I mean that’s kind of my diet - aside from also sugar and diet coke and caffeine and bread and pasta etc because I’m just a human - but anyway I mean to say when I focus on nutrition it seems I can get by without the iron supplements, it’s just I have to actively be mindful of it otherwise I slip back down. I don’t know why I’m so bad at taking vitamins, like I take medication twice a day for my head so it’s not like I don’t have a pill time - except I’m getting worse with my medication and keep forgetting so I take it at slightly different times each morning and night but my GP said it’s fine as long as there’s the eight hours gap between - but anyway. Oh fuck me these cramps hurt. Anyway. But iron, b vitamins and the omegas I should take daily. And probably magnesium to be a good girl. And maybe zinc. And a probiotic. I don’t think I need a prebiotic given the foods I eat though.
Today I felt so old and like my life is over and I’ve wasted it being sad and anxy and I won’t ever have a life that I want so what’s even the point but then I remembered that Carrie was 32 in SEASON ONE and she had a whole life so that made me feel better.
I think reading has messed me up because I’m reading this book and it’s describing Tom R and here I am thinking well maybe I can fix him a little bit and Jesus f’ing christ. He’s not even morally grey he’s BAD… but so handsome. And evil characters are always so much more interesting let’s be real. And infinitely hotter. I really need to step away from fantasy romance STAT. (Nevermind he now has red eyes and I can fancy fictional men with wings or fangs but they always have lovely eyes to compensate sooooo…)
Sometimes I realise my self worth is so low in little ways, I mean I know it is but sometimes it just hits me as a small reminder. For example in the book Lupin was clearly worried and mildly agitated that Tonks hadn’t yet arrived back and my thought was well at least I’m not worth worrying about so at least if Andy and I lived in this world he wouldn’t worry so that would make me the perfect person to do dangerous or risky things etc. I don’t even believe someone would worry about me in a dangerous situation. I mean I know my parents love me, but I still feel like it’s out of obligation a lot of the time. And if I died, no one would really care that much. My parents would for a bit but again, obligation. I’m torn at how they would be though. My brother and his family… I don’t think it would affect them much at all. Andy? Well I think in some regard it would be quite freeing for him more than anything. He says he doesn’t want to let this go, that he won’t be satisfied til we give this a proper go? Well if I’m dead then there’s no option, and he can happily and freely move on. Friends? No one that would care, maybe feel a bit sad FOR me upon hearing the news but it wouldn’t affect them in any real way. Work? Ha. Puppy? Probably wouldn’t even notice. I can’t decide how I feel about all of that. On the one hand it drives me to make stronger relationships and all of that, on the other it’s kind of freeing in its own way. So many people don’t end things because they know it would be too hard on their family or whoever else, that’s not really an issue for me is it? I’m of course not doing anything like that, even if I do sometimes daydream about it, but still. Anyway shush.
I still feel so ashamed of myself. I feel like I have absolutely nothing to show for my life. It’s basically evidence that I’m a waste of space, no?
I still have cramps, nowhere near as bad as yesterday though. I hate this time of the month, I feel perpetually YUCK.
Well I tried to avoid a conversation and in doing so forced one sooo… 10 points for me. Idiot. Why can I not make good decisions? If I take time to think about it I usually can but other times I make rash decisions that are NOT GOOD. I don’t have time to write everything out, I wrote notes about the call though because I didn’t want to forget it but so I’ll write about it tomorrow. I feel riddled with guilt though. He does not deserve this, he deserves so much better. And because I refuse to let him go I have to BE and DO better so GET A GODDAMN GRIP YOU STUBBORN COW.
I still have cramps, still still still.
Did I say I finished the book? Idk. I did. I cried my little heart out.
Okay time to go bye
submitted by createdjustforthis23 to u/createdjustforthis23 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:55 Global-Town5559 Kerassentials Reviews Reddit : My Experience Does Kerassentials Work? Kerassentials Reviews - Kerassentials Reddit

Kerassentials Reviews Reddit : My Experience Does Kerassentials Work? Kerassentials Reviews - Kerassentials Reddit
Kerassentials Reviews Reddit : Kerassentials toenail fungal supplement is a doctor-developed organic oil featuring a powerful mix of natural ingredients with anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, aimed at promoting good health and preventing skin aging. This supplement also enhances your body’s defenses against fungi-related health issues, such as toenail fungus and ringworm, and protects nail keratin.
Created by Dr. Kimberly Langdon, a renowned fungal specialist and herbalist, Kerassentials is produced in the USA in a GMP-certified and FDA-registered facility. The product claims to be free of GMOs, chemicals, and other stimulants, containing only natural oils and skin-supporting vitamins.
Let's explore how the Kerassentials skin health formula works in your body.
Read Depth Review written by expert Scan This

submitted by Global-Town5559 to Reviewsbuddy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:09 Any-Day-7369 Supplements I’m considering trying. Need opinions/advice

I’ve had MCAS for three years, have tried a dozen treatments, and have responded poorly to all of them. Currently, I take two Allegra, 1.5 grams of vitamin C, 1000 mcg of vitamin B12, and 125 mcg of vitamin D3. I’d like to try some other supplements to see if they can help my symptoms, I’ve listed them below. Please let me know your thoughts, your experiences, brand recommendations, if they’ve been proven to be helpful, if they’ve been proven to be harmful, etc. I’d love any opinions or advice. Also, I’ll consult with my doctor before taking anything! I’d just like some opinions.
I’m considering trying:
-PectaSol (modified citrus pectin). I’ve read in this subreddit that it can be amazing for MCAS, but a couple people have said it made things worse. I also have suspected SIBO (getting tested next month to confirm) and read it can be a bit hard on digestion. It said it’s made from citrus pith and peel which contain pectin. Does anybody know if citrus pith and peel contain citrin? I’ve tried to research it but can’t find evidence that they do or don’t contain it. I stay away from citrin because it’s in cashews. Citrus seeds contain citrin but the PectaSol doesn’t say anything about containing seeds, just pith and peel. Thoughts?
-Miralax (not a supplement, but I need something to help with chronic constipation). I’ve tried magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate, they both made me feel dizzy, nauseous, and anxious. Thoughts on Miralax? Or any other type of magnesium I should try? Brand recommendations?
-Zinc. I’ve read that it can be helpful for MCAS, but of course I’ve read stories of people who have said it negatively affected them. Thoughts? Brand recommendations?
Thank you
submitted by Any-Day-7369 to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:11 abcdefu_x Potassium deficiency

Helloo, can you please help recommend vitamins, supplements or whatsoever para sa potassium po? Yung affordable po sana.
May one time nagpasundo si papa sa kalsada paguwi niya dahil hndi na daw siya makalakad, nanghihina, sinundo pa siya para alalayan siya, ayaw yata magpacheck up. Then, siguro after few months, siya na nagsabi na gusto niya magpacheck up dahil hndi na daw maganda naffeel niya sa katawan niya + sobrang baho na daw ng ihi niya. Nung pagcheck up inadmit siya agad kasi almost 0 na daw potassium niya.
Then recently, nanghihina daw mga braso niya, pag suot ng medyas at pagsuot ng damit pinagawa niya pa sa kapatid ko. Taxi driver siya, kahit ganun pinilit niya pa din makapasada. 🥹 Nagsisisi ako kasi inalis ko siya sa hmo dependent ko kasi hndi man lang nagamit last year. Next year ko pa siya pwde malagay ulit. 🥹
submitted by abcdefu_x to CasualPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:01 Past-Corner Canker sores on tonsils

Hi all,
I have gotten two canker sores on my right tonsil with in 2 weeks. As the first one finally began to go away, a second one formed. This is very new and hasn’t really happened before.
I have done salt water gargling, numbing cream with a q tip, cutting out acidic foods, and taking vitamin b12 supplements. I don’t think it is necessarily affecting my singing, but it is really painful to swallow.
Does any one deal with this, and if so, how do you prevent it?
Thank you all
submitted by Past-Corner to ClassicalSinger [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:57 Mediocre-Ogre Vitamin D Level

I (38F) was diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency with a level of 7.3 ng/mL. I was prescribed 50,000 UI D3 for 12 weeks. I requested to have my levels checked again because I'm just feeling "off". I'm not sure how to describe it. Anyway, my level is >96 ng/mL now. There isn't a specific number because the test doesn't go above 96. *ETA: I've taken D3 for 9 weeks.
I don't know if this is relevant, but my B12 is naturally high without supplements. It was last checked in January and was 818 pg/mL.
I will not hear from my doctor until sometime next week. What can I expect for next steps?
38F, USA, White, normal bmi, hypertension, gastritis
submitted by Mediocre-Ogre to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:32 BBloamm Vitamins/supplements and vyvanse

I've been lurking on this sub the past few days as I've just started my vyvanse prescription. My doctor started me on 30mg. My first day I felt great besides a bit of body anxiety. Today I felt it was less effective and kinda made me tired/anxious. I think it may have been because I ate before taking my meds when previously I took the meds first. I know it's too early now to truly tell how it's going to affect me.but anyway, I've seen posts of people talking about different vitamins and such they take to help with side effects. I want this stuff to work to the best of it's ability so I would greatly appreciate any recommendations and experiences about different supplements I could take that would help. Ty in advance :)
Edit: should probably mention the insomnia I seem to be getting on it (as I type this at nearly 1am). It could be because of how late I take it usually around 10-11 am as I tend to sleep pretty late. Which the insomnia is not helping with lol
submitted by BBloamm to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:10 Creepy-Ordinary1953 What are the different symptoms (even the less known ones) you had befor getting diagnosed with pcos/pcod?

When I was 17 years old my mom took me to a gynaecologist who suggested a ultrasound when i complained about my continuing acne and extreme period cramps. Through that ultrasound results we came to know that i have bilateral polycystic ovaries. But the doctor refused to give me any real treatment since i was too young and prescribed me only some vitamin supplements. Currently my mom is urging me to go to a doctor since she doubts i am having pocs/pcod because my symptoms have increased. I will 21 this November and my acne, period cramps, hair fall have been increased. I get long but thin hairs on my chin. I was constantly tired even after waking up from a good night's sleep. I get indigestion very often and am unable to sleep whenever any stressful situations comes up. I have really low self esteem. I break out in hives almost every 24-30 hours and have to take a antihistamine tablet almost everyday and sometimes that tablet also doesn't work.
submitted by Creepy-Ordinary1953 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:48 Creative-Stop-6535 10 ways to lower risk of vitamin D deficiency in kids

10 ways to lower risk of vitamin D deficiency in kids
  1. Sun Exposure: Spend time outdoors in the sunlight.
  2. Eat Fatty Fish: Include salmon, mackerel, and sardines in your diet.
  3. Consume Fortified Foods: Choose milk, orange juice, and cereals fortified with vitamin D.
  4. Take Supplements: Use vitamin D supplements as recommended.
  5. Eat Egg Yolks: Incorporate eggs into your meals.
  6. Mushrooms: Eat mushrooms exposed to sunlight, like maitake and portobello.
  7. Cheese: Add vitamin D-rich cheese to your diet.
  8. Cod Liver Oil: Take cod liver oil supplements.
  9. Fortified Yogurt: Choose yogurt fortified with vitamin D.
  10. Use UV Lamps: Consider using UV lamps or bulbs designed to produce vitamin D.
submitted by Creative-Stop-6535 to generalinteresthub [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:24 Featherpool16 Something's wrong, please help

So I started IF 16:8 a few months ago and also started tracking calories and working out. In 3.5 months I lost 2.5 kg and I’m pretty satisfied with the result. BUT I have stopped having my period, and I am aware that my calculated BMI is bordering 18.5 (underweight). I have also started developing signs of an ED. I just went to the doctor and apparently I have a Vitamin D deficiency and am malnourished. But when I used one of those digital scales yesterday, I got a BMI of 25, so am I losing weight and not fat? I am so confused because I do work out everyday. Have anyone else experienced this problem before? I should also note that I went through a really stressful time and slept for less than 6 hours a day for several months… any advice would be much appreciated!
submitted by Featherpool16 to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:11 Tip-Complete Asked ChatGPT to read my results and give me a protocol

“Based on your genetic test results, here is a general protocol that could help address potential issues indicated by your gene variants. Please note that it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional or a genetic counselor to tailor this protocol to your specific health needs and conditions.

General Recommendations

  1. Methylation Support:
    • Methylfolate: Since you have a heterozygous MTHFR C677T variant, supplementing with methylfolate can help ensure proper folate metabolism. Start with a low dose and gradually increase it as needed.
    • Methylcobalamin (B12): Given your MTRR A664A homozygous variant, supplementing with methylcobalamin can support proper methylation cycles.
    • Betaine (Trimethylglycine): This can support methylation and homocysteine metabolism, especially useful with CBS variants.
  2. Vitamin D:
    • Due to the VDR Bsm TT variant, ensure adequate vitamin D levels. Supplementing with vitamin D3 (in consultation with your healthcare provider) and regular sun exposure can help maintain optimal levels.
  3. Neurotransmitter Balance:
    • COMT and MAO-A Variants: These suggest potential issues with neurotransmitter breakdown.
      • Magnesium: Helps regulate neurotransmitter function and can support COMT activity.
      • SAMe (S-Adenosyl methionine): Supports methylation and neurotransmitter synthesis. Use cautiously if you have high histamine levels or bipolar disorder.
  4. Homocysteine Regulation:
    • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): Supports MTHFR enzyme function and homocysteine metabolism.
    • Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (Vitamin B6): Supports CBS enzyme function and homocysteine metabolism.
  5. Antioxidant Support:
    • Glutathione: Support for overall detoxification and methylation pathways.
    • N-Acetylcysteine (NAC): Precursor to glutathione, supports detoxification and antioxidant defenses.
  6. Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations:
    • Balanced Diet: Emphasize a diet rich in leafy greens, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Organic foods can help reduce exposure to toxins.
    • Regular Exercise: Supports overall health and helps manage stress.
    • Stress Management: Practices like meditation, yoga, and mindfulness can help manage stress levels, which can be particularly important with COMT and MAO-A variants.

Supplement Protocol


Final Note

This protocol provides a starting point based on common interpretations of your gene variants. Adjustments might be necessary based on individual response and professional guidance. Always start with lower doses and gradually increase to observe how your body responds, and work closely with a healthcare provider to tailor the plan to your specific needs.”
submitted by Tip-Complete to MTHFR [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:04 Impressive-Echo-8358 Reputable ba tong brands na to?

Reputable ba tong brands na to?
wanted to try supplements. Beworths offers more vitamins and it contains 120 capsules whild Swanson is purely biotin and it contains 100 capsules. nagdududa lang ako kung legit ba kasi ang mura. may ma suggest ba kayo na mura pero effective?
submitted by Impressive-Echo-8358 to ShopeePH [link] [comments]