Jose luis sin censura tickets

'23 Chrome Platinum Hobby Box

2024.05.29 04:46 msw1984 '23 Chrome Platinum Hobby Box

'23 Chrome Platinum Hobby Box
Was my 2nd hobby box. Also bought four blasters previously (two autos, one of which was a /50 Caleb Kilian RC auto and the other a base Mark Vientos RC auto). First hobby box had a Kerry Carpenter base auto AND a Riley Greene image variation.
This box's highlights are:
  • Jim Edmonds Blue Prism refractor auto /99
  • Tanner Bibee Gold Refractor RC /50
  • Hunter Greene Toile Cream/Rose Gold Refractor /75
  • Jose Altuve Toile Cream/Fuchsia Lava Refractor /100
  • Jose Abreu Blue Mini-Diamond Refractor /199
  • Luis Medina Blue Mini-Diamond Refractor RC /199
  • Logan Allen xfractor RC
  • Rest are base refractors
submitted by msw1984 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:09 just_another-potato Voltaje en ascenso

En 2017, me dejaron una tarea: Hacer un comic basado en el Cantar del Mio Cid. Esa historia poco tenía que ver con lo que me pidieron, sin embargo, impulsó mi deseo por escribir y continúe haciéndolo hasta crear una precuela para ese comic que hice hace tanto. Durante estos últimos 7 años he escrito unas 6 versiones de la historia y esta ha sido la última y, espero, versión final. Le he pedido a amigos, familiares y a mi pareja que la lean, sin embargo no siempre les interesa :c ¿Tal vez sea una señal para tirar la toalla? ¡Qué sé yo! Denme su opinion de mi proyecto personal por favor ^^
Preambulo: Este es un mundo donde las personas tienen superpoderes, se dividen en "Altior" personas con poderes y "humanos" gente común y corriente. A pesar de ser de la misma especie, se les cataloga de manera diferente. La historia toma lugar en el país de Littchman (nombre pendiente por confirmar xD), un país latinoamericano que se ha destacado, principalmente, por su irrelevancia ante el mundo. Pero eso está por cambiar...
Juan corrió intentando no pisar el agua, sus pasos resonaban en los muros a su alrededor, podía escuchar a sus perseguidores a sus espaldas, - 100 metros. Tal vez menos - pensó. El recuerdo aún lo mantenía lo suficientemente cuerdo como para continuar corriendo. El frío que sentía a pesar de la huida fue algo que no esperaba y los efectos aún no se mostraban. "300" aún no lo sabe, se dijo a sí mismo con anhelo - si llego a los túneles…-mmmm
Ladridos interrumpieron sus pensamientos, habían traído a los perros. Únicamente usados para perseguir a los desertores, "los perros no dudarán en atacar a cualquiera que se les indicase, no importando si estos habían sido sus amos antes" Juan estaba seguro haber oído decir eso a los criadores.
¿Acaso los efectos finalmente se empezaron a manifestar? Las voces y ladridos se oían cada vez más lejos y para terminar de perder su rastro decidió saltar y nadar en el pequeño río de porquería que había en las alcantarillas, no sabía si lograría ocultar su olor como había visto en las películas (a pesar de llevar años en el “negocio”, había olvidado todo por el pánico), pero la energía adicional y la distancia que había obtenido parecían lo suficientemente amplias como para arriesgarse a perderlas, "quienquiera que limpie los túneles, lo siento" se dijo mientras se lanzaba.
Después de nadar lo que pensó eran 200 metros (nunca había sido un nadador particularmente decente) salió del río de porquería que había sido lo suficientemente profundo como para nadar en él y entró en uno de los túneles caminando e intentando controlar su respiración, las voces volvían a escucharse cerca otra vez.
TAP… TAP… alcanzaron a escuchar sus perseguidores entre gritos, ladridos y jadeos. Habían perdido. El traidor había escapado, habían estado lo suficientemente cerca como para ver su silueta salir del agua entre toda la oscuridad; los perros se habían calmado, no tenían nada más que hacer que buscar si había dejado algo para intentar rastrearlo en donde sea que los túneles lo hayan llevado una vez "486" les indique a dónde fue lanzado antes de ser descubierto… eso si queda algo que rastrear para entonces.
En su viaje por el túnel, su reloj sonó, 4:50 minutos, se quedó sin tiempo. Volvió a golpear su pie derecho 2 veces en una de las paredes del túnel "espero estar cerca del centro" se dijo antes de ser zarandeado y expulsado al exterior.
Al levantar la mirada alcanzó a ver la estatua de la independencia
"La suerte sigue de mi lado" se confortó mientras revisaba el olor de su nuevo abrigo, apestaba a alcohol y suciedad, lo suficiente como para esconder el olor a alcantarilla que cargaba. Se recompuso mientras caminaba hacia la parte fea de la ciudad, adyacente de donde había huido en busca de un lugar donde dormir y esconderse. Mientras entraba a un hotel de mal estado, sacó un billete de la bolsa con sus cosas. Por su aspecto, cualquiera pensaría que lo habría robado.
Capítulo 1
Este héroe sin nombre tomó a un aprendiz, a quién cuidó y entrenó, enseñándole a controlar su habilidad, que era similar a la suya. Sin embargo, con todo el poder nuevo adquirido, pero sin la misma moral de su maestro, el aprendiz se corrompió. Decidió utilizar las enseñanzas de su maestro para satisfacer sus propios deseos, sin importar el costo. Usó los secretos más oscuros de los gobernantes para obtener todo el poder posible; se encargó de crear caos en varias ciudades conocidas por tener la protección del héroe sin nombre.
Desconsolado, el maestro se enfrentó a su discípulo quien, en ese punto, había combinado sus propias ideas con las enseñanzas de su maestro. Ambos lucharon ferozmente y el maestro logró detener a su aprendiz. Sin embargo, incapaz de terminar con la vida de su discípulo, lo encerró en las montañas y regresó a reparar los males que había causado. Durante los meses siguientes, el héroe sin nombre se dedicó a cazar a cada uno de los aliados de su aprendiz. Sin embargo, uno de ellos logró eludirle; quien, aprovechando el caos, liberó a su líder y ambos huyeron quien sabe a dónde. A sabiendas que su aprendiz regresaría, decidió viajar por el país y crear un equipo de 12 personas más para detenerlo por si algo le pasase a él.
Cuando el aprendiz regresó, después de 3 años, buscó y asesinó a 9 de los nuevos aprendices, apenas escapando de su maestro cada vez que este le alcanzaba. En el momento en el que el aprendiz se descuidó, el héroe sin nombre, lo encontró y, se enfrentaron nuevamente junto la ayuda de 2 de los 3 aprendices restantes, el maestro salió victorioso y volvió a encerrarlo en las montañas, esta vez con la intención de deshacerse de él. Sin embargo, en su confinamiento, el aprendiz logró iniciar un incendio que se descontroló rápidamente consumiendo parte de la montaña. Esto desencadenó en su última batalla y destruyó cada rastro de información sobre sus aprendices, aliados o suya.
Meses después de la desaparición del héroe sin nombre, otros países enviaron apoyo para poner orden en el país e instaurar a la Agencia de Heroísmo en 1964. 8 años después, la organización de héroes estatales que trabajaba junto con la policía los dividió en 3 categorías:
Héroes Raso: son los que tienen el nivel más bajo del campo de héroes, así mismo son los más débiles del grupo; son los más numerosos y algunos de sus miembros logran codearse con los héroes más poderosos del país.
Héroes Profesionales: Son aquellos que, asisten a la universidad. Estas personas no se dedican únicamente al heroísmo, sino que también se preparan para el uso de sus habilidades y su aplicación en la vida común, por lo que son los únicos que pueden utilizar sus habilidades en el momento que crean conveniente. Este es el cuerpo menos numeroso de todos, con alrededor de 150 mil miembros en todo el país.
Héroes militantes: son los que conforman al ejército y tienen el rango de comandante dentro de él; se les considera el grupo más poderoso en el uso de sus habilidades, sin embargo, son los menos aceptados de parte de la población por lo que su actuar se ve bastante limitado.
Vigilantes o sin licencia: Inspirados por las acciones del héroe sin nombre, son una organización no autorizada por la AHE*. Sin embargo, gracias a la inefectividad de los demás cuerpos, son aceptados y apoyados por la población. Los vigilantes tienden a trabajar en parejas o en grupos de hasta 4 integrantes, este es el grupo más amplio de héroes ya que no se requiere de ningún entrenamiento para entrar, por lo que la calidad de sus miembros tiende a ser baja, pero encuentran su fuerza en sus números ya que superan a los héroes raso en una relación 3:1; se cree que algunos de sus altos mandos son tan fuertes como los héroes más poderosos del país.
Julie volteó a verlo confundida.
– Yo no quiero participar en eso – cortó Daniela
El silencio fue interrumpido por la profesora Olivia quien exclamó: - El grupito de allá, haga silencio. Aún faltan 3 personas por presentar su ensayo –
Sus palabras desconcertaron a Julie, acaso mis ideas son únicamente superficiales, pensó mientras intentaba despejar su cabeza.
Julie se molestó. Sabía que para detener el hostigamiento de su amigo tendría que entrar a las interaulas, no importando si ganaba o perdía (incluso podía salirse al siguiente día), él dejaría de fastidiarla. "Pero, ¿cómo podría ganar? ¿Y si me lastimo? ¿Y si todo sale mal?" Esos pensamientos la mantuvieron en su lugar sin emitir sonido.
Pedro se dirigió a recoger la nota. Mientras caminaba volteó a ver a Julie, retándola y antes que ella pudiera pensar en algo, Luis lo siguió. "¿¡Él también?!" Pensó "¡Ni siquiera le gustan las interaulas!"
Mientras otros chicos los seguían (casi un cuarto de la clase), Daniela intentaba tranquilizar a su amiga.
Julie se mantuvo callada, ignorando todo lo que su amiga le decía, "¿Es esta la clase de héroe que quiero ser? ¿Alguien que no puede moverse ante el miedo?" Pasaron algunos segundos, pero ella lo sintió como una eternidad.
Una vez se había decidido, motivada por el valor – o la estupidez – se dirigió a la fila de chicos que terminaban de apuntar sus nombres. Algunos de los que no habían decidido participar la vieron atentamente, otros pasaron de ella completamente.
"No. Esto no es como en las películas" se dijo a sí misma. "La oportunidad no te caerá del cielo, debes buscarla tú."
Julie tomó valor y actuó como creyó que lo haría el protagonista de una de las películas que le gustan a Pedro – De quienes se debe preocupar será de ellos, maestra – dijo con nerviosismo que intentaba hacer pasar como altanería – He estado entrenando y logré desarrollar una nueva técnica, lo llamo… ¡Carga centella! – exclamó con una sonrisa, sintiéndose tonta por como sonaba lo que acababa de decir, ¿Pedro se sentirá así cuando habla sobre sus propias "técnicas"?
El silencio cubrió la sala, Julie vio a su amigo tanto sorprendido como molesto por haber robado el nombre de su “ataque final”, Venganza, pensó.
Si Pedro y Luis no hubieran regresado en ese momento, seguramente Daniela hubiera hecho entrar a su amiga “entrar en razón”.
Demonios. Pensó ella.
“Jamás la hubiera tenido”, esas palabras resonaron su cabeza, aún incapaz de creer lo que había hecho. – Sabes qué – dijo mientras se erguía enorgullecida por su pequeña acción – Voy a ganar y vencerlos a ambos por hacerme entrar –
Mientras sus amigos reían, Julie recordó otro obstáculo. Sus padres. "Si fuera mi hermano, seguramente me dejarían..." pensó "...tal vez si supiera lo básico me dejarían participar". Esos pensamientos la persiguieron mientras salía de su clase.
submitted by just_another-potato to escribir [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:26 Mindfreak365 I have 2 tickets for tomorrows show in san jose, lmk if you or someone you know needs a ticket!

Doors open at 6:30 pm amd show starts at 8!
submitted by Mindfreak365 to TanaMongeauPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:12 OceanMaste93 Ayuda con una vecina negligente

Les cuento un poco la situacion, la forra de mi vecina tiene dos perritos (que la verdad no entiendo para que tienen animales), totalmente desnutridos y delgados los pobres animales, se suben en el tacho de basura fuera de mi casa para comer algo, y en el verano los dejan afuera encadenados, sin agua y desmayados por las olas de calor
hago el post porque hace rato queria hacer algo por los pobres animales, pero nunca me anime y no tenia idea que hacer para ayudarlos (ademas de dejarles agua y comida), conocen alguna asociacion o refugio que pueda hacer algo por ellos? soy de Luis Guillon, asi que si conocen alguna data que quede cerca me ayudaria mucho che
Espero que se entienda mi post y que no me lo borren porque no sabia en que subreddit subirlo
submitted by OceanMaste93 to argentina [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:56 NaTrave [Post-Match Thread] Taça Conmebol Libertadores: Junior Barranquilla 0 x 0 Botafogo

[Encerrado] Junior Barranquilla 0 x 0 Botafogo

Gols Junior Barranquilla: N/D Gols Botafogo: N/D
Junior Barranquilla (4-5-1) Botafogo (4-4-2)
Santiago Mele, Edwin Herrera, Mena, Emanuel Olivera, Gabriel Fuentes, Didier Moreno, Víctor Cantillo (Luis González (Hinojosa)), Déiber Caicedo (Vladimir Hernández), Enamorado, Homer Martínez (Jhon Vélez), Bacca (Steven Rodríguez) Gatito Fernández, Damián Suárez, Alexander Barboza, Bastos, Hugo (Mateo Ponte), Gregore, Tchê Tchê (Marlon Freitas), Diego Hernández, Óscar Romero (Luiz Henrique), Yarlen (Fabiano), Júnior Santos (Tiquinho Soares)
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Jefersson Martínez, Walmer Pacheco, Zalazar, Berrío, Carlos Cantillo, Chará, Castrillón John Victor, Raul, Lucas Halter, Segovia, Patrick de Paula, Kauê, Jacob Montes
Técnico: Arturo Reyes Técnico: Artur Jorge
Arbitragem: Jesús Valenzuela (Árbitro Principal), Jorge Urrego Martínez (Assistente 1), Tulio Moreno (Assistente 2), Jose Uzcategui (Quarto Árbitro)
Junior Barranquilla Estatística Botafogo
58% Posse de Bola 42%
0.71 Gols Esperados (xG) 0.54
1/9 (11%) Finalizações Certas/Total 0/10 (0%)
6 Finalizações Erradas 7
2 Chutes Bloqueados 3
0 Defesas de Goleiro 1
1 Chances Claras 1
355/411 (86%) Passes Certos/Total 240/292 (82%)
4 Escanteios 4
13 Cruzamentos 15
3 Impedimentos 0
8 Tiro Livre 10
16 Arremessos Laterais 16
75 Ataques 74
11 Faltas 9
17 Desarmes 13
12 Tiro de Meta 8
3 Cartões Amarelos 2
0 Cartões Vermelhos 1


Match Thread:ça_conmebol_libertadores_junio
submitted by NaTrave to botafogo [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:56 NaTrave [Post-Match Thread] Taça Conmebol Libertadores: Junior Barranquilla 0 x 0 Botafogo

[Encerrado] Junior Barranquilla 0 x 0 Botafogo

Gols Junior Barranquilla: N/D Gols Botafogo: N/D
Junior Barranquilla (4-5-1) Botafogo (4-4-2)
Santiago Mele, Edwin Herrera, Mena, Emanuel Olivera, Gabriel Fuentes, Didier Moreno, Víctor Cantillo (Luis González (Hinojosa)), Déiber Caicedo (Vladimir Hernández), Enamorado, Homer Martínez (Jhon Vélez), Bacca (Steven Rodríguez) Gatito Fernández, Damián Suárez, Alexander Barboza, Bastos, Hugo (Mateo Ponte), Gregore, Tchê Tchê (Marlon Freitas), Diego Hernández, Óscar Romero (Luiz Henrique), Yarlen (Fabiano), Júnior Santos (Tiquinho Soares)
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Jefersson Martínez, Walmer Pacheco, Zalazar, Berrío, Carlos Cantillo, Chará, Castrillón John Victor, Raul, Lucas Halter, Segovia, Patrick de Paula, Kauê, Jacob Montes
Técnico: Arturo Reyes Técnico: Artur Jorge
Arbitragem: Jesús Valenzuela (Árbitro Principal), Jorge Urrego Martínez (Assistente 1), Tulio Moreno (Assistente 2), Jose Uzcategui (Quarto Árbitro)
Junior Barranquilla Estatística Botafogo
58% Posse de Bola 42%
0.71 Gols Esperados (xG) 0.54
1/9 (11%) Finalizações Certas/Total 0/10 (0%)
6 Finalizações Erradas 7
2 Chutes Bloqueados 3
0 Defesas de Goleiro 1
1 Chances Claras 1
355/411 (86%) Passes Certos/Total 240/292 (82%)
4 Escanteios 4
13 Cruzamentos 15
3 Impedimentos 0
8 Tiro Livre 10
16 Arremessos Laterais 16
75 Ataques 74
11 Faltas 9
17 Desarmes 13
12 Tiro de Meta 8
3 Cartões Amarelos 2
0 Cartões Vermelhos 1


Match Thread:ça_conmebol_libertadores_junio
submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:03 CharloutteSometimes Tickets for tomorrow’s Show

Would anyone be interested in buying tickets for tomorrow’s show for San jose?! My friend fell through and now I have 3 tickets and was wondering if its too late or worth putting them up
submitted by CharloutteSometimes to TanaMongeauPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:51 Epik2007 Superman and Lois Lane by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Jeff Albrecht (1998)

Superman and Lois Lane by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Jeff Albrecht (1998) submitted by Epik2007 to 90sBabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:44 lafc88 MLS 2024 Season Match #15, Wednesday @ 7:54pm: Los Angeles FC vs. Minnesota United FC

After the 100th win in all regular season games, Los Angeles FC return to the Banc to face Minnesota United FC.
Match thread will be on the Reddit Live Score thread. The Pre-Match Thread link will be stickied in the comments.
Los Angeles FC vs. Minnesota United FC
MLS Season 2024 - Match #15
Please do not sell, advertise, give away or buy tickets on this sub.
Wednesday May 29th 2024
Approx. 7:54 p.m. PT (9:54 p.m. CT) via MLS Kickoff Times
Location: BMO stadium, 3939 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90037
Outdoor Weather: 🌙 64 Degrees, Precipitation 0%, Winds Northeast @ 7mph, 70% Humidity. During Game: Weather will be the same throughout the game. Temps will fall by two degrees.
MLS Season Pass on Apple TV - Free
English: ESPN 710AM, ESPN LA App with Dave Denholm
Español: 980 AM La Mera Mera con Armando Aguayo
General Information
BMO A-Z & Info
Stats & Summary
MUFC Away Section 217
Ticketmaster Tickets
Watch Parties & Bar Locations
Los Angeles FC Preview
Minnesota United FC Preview
Position Name
Main Timothy Ford
AR1 Jeremy Hanson
AR2 Jose Da Silva
4TH Brandon Stevis
VAR Jose Carlos Rivero
AVAR Eric Weisbrod
Player Availability
Per LAFC, MLS and MNUFC Injury Reports not updated yet.
Player Injury Team
Player Injury/Other Team
Eduard Atuesta 🟥 LAFC
Recent Results
Most recent result on right.
LAFC: W - W - W - W - W
MNUFC: W - W - D - W - D
submitted by lafc88 to LAFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:17 allouttabvbblegum Can’t wait for this!! 🤘🏼🔥

Can’t wait for this!! 🤘🏼🔥
Someone buy me tix! 😭😭😭
submitted by allouttabvbblegum to rock [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:14 allouttabvbblegum OMG! So excited for this!!🤘🏼🔥

OMG! So excited for this!!🤘🏼🔥 submitted by allouttabvbblegum to hairmetal [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:30 bot_painani México: Resumen del Diario Oficial de la Federación 28/05/202408

Convenio de Coordinación y Adhesión que celebran la Secretaría de Gobernación y el Estado de Nayarit, que tiene por objeto el otorgamiento de subsidio para el Proyecto AVGM/NAY/AC02/IMN/075, que permita dar cumplimiento a la aplicación de recursos destinados a las acciones de coadyuvancia para las declaratorias de Alerta de Violencia de Género contra las Mujeres en Estados y Municipios para el ejercicio fiscal 2024.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Convenio de Coordinación y Adhesión que celebran la Secretaría de Gobernación y el Estado de Puebla, que tiene por objeto el otorgamiento de subsidio para el Proyecto AVGM/PUE/AC01/CEEAV/092, que permita dar cumplimiento a la aplicación de recursos destinados a las acciones de coadyuvancia para las declaratorias de Alerta de Violencia de Género contra las Mujeres en Estados y Municipios para el ejercicio fiscal 2024.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Convenio de Coordinación y Adhesión que celebran la Secretaría de Gobernación y el Estado de Quintana Roo, que tiene por objeto el otorgamiento de subsidio para el Proyecto AVGM/QROO/AC02/IQM/081, que permita dar cumplimiento a la aplicación de recursos destinados a las acciones de coadyuvancia para las declaratorias de Alerta de Violencia de Género contra las Mujeres en Estados y Municipios para el ejercicio fiscal 2024.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Convenio de Coordinación y Adhesión que celebran la Secretaría de Gobernación y el Estado de San Luis Potosí, que tiene por objeto el otorgamiento de subsidio para el Proyecto AVGM/SLP/AC02/IM/127, que permita dar cumplimiento a la aplicación de recursos destinados a las acciones de coadyuvancia para las declaratorias de Alerta de Violencia de Género contra las Mujeres en Estados y Municipios para el ejercicio fiscal 2024.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Anexo de asignación y transferencia de recursos para el Programa de Registro e Identificación de Población, para el ejercicio fiscal 2024, que celebran la Secretaría de Gobernación y el Estado de Michoacán de Ocampo.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Anexo de asignación y transferencia de recursos para el Programa de Registro e Identificación de Población, para el ejercicio fiscal 2024, que celebran la Secretaría de Gobernación y el Estado de Nuevo León.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Anexo de asignación y transferencia de recursos para el Programa de Registro e Identificación de Población, para el ejercicio fiscal 2024, que celebran la Secretaría de Gobernación y el Estado de Quintana Roo.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Cancelación del Exequátur número ocho, expedido al señor Emilio Zilli Debernardi, Cónsul Honorario de la República Italiana, en la ciudad de Veracruz.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Cancelación de la Autorización Definitiva número cinco, expedida a la señora María Elí López Reyes, Cónsul Honoraria de la República de Finlandia, en la ciudad de Cancún.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Primera Modificación al Título de Concesión para la Administración Portuaria Integral del Puerto de Veracruz, que otorga la Secretaría de Marina, a favor de la Administración del Sistema Portuario Nacional Veracruz, S.A. de C.V.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Circular por la que se comunica a las dependencias y entidades de la Administración Pública Federal, a las entidades federativas, municipios, entes públicos de unas y otros, así como a las alcaldías de la Ciudad de México, que deberán abstenerse de aceptar propuestas o celebrar contratos con la empresa Corporativo MS Sistemas Médicos, S.A. de C.V.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Circular por la que se comunica a las dependencias y entidades de la Administración Pública Federal, a las entidades federativas, municipios, entes públicos de unas y otros, así como a las alcaldías de la Ciudad de México, que deberán abstenerse de aceptar propuestas o celebrar contratos con la empresa Inmesur Insumos y Equipamiento Médico, S.A. de C.V.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Primer Convenio Modificatorio al Convenio Específico en materia de transferencia de insumos y ministración de recursos presupuestarios federales para realizar acciones en materia de salud pública en las entidades federativas, que celebran la Secretaría de Salud y el Estado de México.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Convenio de Coordinación para la operación del Programa de Apoyo al Empleo que, en el marco del Servicio Nacional de Empleo, celebran la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social y el Estado de Baja California Sur.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Convenio de Coordinación para la operación del Programa de Apoyo al Empleo que, en el marco del Servicio Nacional de Empleo, celebran la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social y el Estado de Michoacán de Ocampo.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Convenio de Coordinación para la operación del Programa de Apoyo al Empleo que, en el marco del Servicio Nacional de Empleo, celebran la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social y el Estado de Sinaloa.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Convenio Marco de Coordinación para la distribución y ejercicio de subsidios de la Vertiente Mejoramiento Integral de Barrios del Programa de Mejoramiento Urbano, correspondiente al ejercicio fiscal 2023, que celebran la Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano, el Estado de Sonora y el Municipio de Nogales.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Convenio Marco de Coordinación para la distribución y ejercicio de subsidios de la Vertiente Mejoramiento Integral de Barrios del Programa de Mejoramiento Urbano, correspondiente al ejercicio fiscal 2023, que celebran la Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano, el Estado de Tabasco y el Municipio de Macuspana.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Convenio Marco de Coordinación para la distribución y ejercicio de subsidios de la Vertiente Mejoramiento Integral de Barrios del Programa de Mejoramiento Urbano, correspondiente al ejercicio fiscal 2023, que celebran la Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano, el Estado de Tabasco y el Municipio de Nacajuca.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Convenio Marco de Coordinación para la distribución y ejercicio de subsidios de la Vertiente Mejoramiento Integral de Barrios del Programa de Mejoramiento Urbano, correspondiente al ejercicio fiscal 2023, que celebran la Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano, el Estado de Tlaxcala y el municipio del mismo nombre.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Aviso de medición y deslinde del predio denominado TN1-PAL- 019 también denominado TN1-PAL-019 (SUP. 015), con una superficie aproximada de 30,951.05 metros cuadrados, ubicado en el Municipio de Palenque, Estado de Chiapas.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Aviso de medición y deslinde del predio denominado TN1-PAL- 020 también denominado TN1-PAL-020 (SUP. 016), con una superficie aproximada de 25,106.37 metros cuadrados, ubicado en el Municipio de Palenque, Estado de Chiapas.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Aviso de medición y deslinde del predio denominado TN1-PAL- 021, TN1-PAL-022 también denominado TN1-PAL-021 (SUP. 017), con una superficie aproximada de 16,492.95 metros cuadrados, ubicado en el Municipio de Palenque, Estado de Chiapas.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Resumen del Acuerdo por el que se da inicio al procedimiento para la emisión de la Declaratoria como Zona de Monumentos Históricos, de la superficie de 126-35-91.5 hectáreas, en la localidad de Salvatierra, Municipio de Salvatierra, Estado de Guanajuato (Segunda publicación).

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Acuerdo número ACDO.AS2.HCT.300424/82.P.DIR, dictado por el H. Consejo Técnico del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social en sesión ordinaria celebrada el 30 de abril de 2024, por el que se aprobaron las Reglas de carácter general para la incorporación voluntaria al Régimen Obligatorio del Seguro Social de las personas trabajadoras independientes o por cuenta propia, así como su Anexo Único; que entrarán en vigor el 29 de mayo de 2024.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Sentencia dictada por el Tribunal Pleno de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación en la Acción de Inconstitucionalidad 76/2023 y sus acumuladas 80/2023 y 83/2023, así como los Votos Concurrente de la señora Ministra Presidenta Norma Lucía Piña Hernández y Particular del señor Ministro Javier Laynez Potisek.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Tipo de cambio para solventar obligaciones denominadas en moneda extranjera pagaderas en la República Mexicana.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Tasas de interés interbancarias de equilibrio.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Tasa de interés interbancaria de equilibrio de fondeo a un día hábil bancario.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00

Circular por la que el Órgano Interno de Control de la Fiscalía General de la República comunica a las dependencias y entidades de la Administración Pública Federal, a las empresas productivas del Estado, Órganos Autónomos, así como a las entidades federativas, municipios y alcaldías de la Ciudad de México, que la sanción impuesta a la empresa GE de México, Sociedad Anónima de Capital Variable, consistente en inhabilitación temporal por un periodo de doce meses, para participar de manera directa o por interpósita persona en procedimientos de contratación o celebrar contratos regulados por la Ley de Obras Públicas y Servicios Relacionados con las Mismas, determinada en la resolución de dieciocho de octubre de dos mil veintitrés, emitida en el procedimiento de sanción a proveedores 0003/2023, publicada el nueve de noviembre de dos mil veintitrés, ha quedado sin efectos.

Enlace DOFFecha:2024-05-28-01:00
La siguiente información es con fines informativos y sin garantía.
submitted by bot_painani to mexico_politics [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:00 NaTrave [Match Thread] Taça Conmebol Libertadores: Junior Barranquilla x Botafogo

[Encerrado] Junior Barranquilla 0 x 0 Botafogo

Gols Junior Barranquilla: N/D Gols Botafogo: N/D
Taça Conmebol Libertadores - Fase de grupos Estádio: Metropolitano Barranquilla Data: 28 de Maio de 2024, 19:00 Transmissão: STAR+, ESPN 4 Link para Live Match Thread Post-Match Thread:ça_conmebol_libertadores/
Junior Barranquilla (4-5-1) Botafogo (4-4-2)
Santiago Mele, Edwin Herrera, Mena, Emanuel Olivera, Gabriel Fuentes, Didier Moreno, Víctor Cantillo (Luis González (Hinojosa)), Déiber Caicedo (Vladimir Hernández), Enamorado, Homer Martínez (Jhon Vélez), Bacca (Steven Rodríguez) Gatito Fernández, Damián Suárez, Alexander Barboza, Bastos, Hugo (Mateo Ponte), Gregore, Tchê Tchê (Marlon Freitas), Diego Hernández, Óscar Romero (Luiz Henrique), Yarlen (Fabiano), Júnior Santos (Tiquinho Soares)
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Jefersson Martínez, Walmer Pacheco, Zalazar, Berrío, Carlos Cantillo, Chará, Castrillón John Victor, Raul, Lucas Halter, Segovia, Patrick de Paula, Kauê, Jacob Montes
Técnico: Arturo Reyes Técnico: Artur Jorge
Arbitragem: Jesús Valenzuela (Árbitro Principal), Jorge Urrego Martínez (Assistente 1), Tulio Moreno (Assistente 2), Jose Uzcategui (Quarto Árbitro)


Começa o Primeiro Tempo! 10/1T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Bastos por falta em Bacca, na saída do campo defensivo. 18/1T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Edwin Herrera por falta dura, com a perna elevada, impedindo a passagem de Yarlen ainda no campo defensivo. 23/1T 🔃 Substituição no Junior Barranquilla: SAIU: Víctor Cantillo, ENTROU: Luis González. 27/1T Forçou, mas tentou! Damián cruza na área, Júnior Santos tenta o domínio na área, é desarmado e bola sobra para Yarlen. O garoto domina no alto e arrisca a bicicleta, mas a bola vai fraco pra fora. 29/1T Quaaaase! Diego Hernández tem dobradinha com Yarlen na entrada da área, e vê Tchê Tchê chegando por trás. Ele escora e o volante chuta. A bola passa perto, mas vai para fora. 47/1T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Alexander Barboza por falta em Moreno com pisão. 48/1T ⏱️ Termina o Primeiro Tempo!   Começa o Segundo Tempo! 02/2T Cobrança de escanteio de Óscar Romero, que Bastos sobre e faz o cabeceio. A bola passa muito perto. Zagueiro fica caído no gramado depois de sentir dores no braço direito, mas já está de pé e no jogo. 10/2T 🔃 Substituição no Botafogo: SAIU: Tchê Tchê, ENTROU: Marlon Freitas. 11/2T 🔃 Substituição no Botafogo: SAIU: Yarlen, ENTROU: Fabiano. 15/2T 🟥 Cartão vermelho para Diego Hernández, que entrou de sola na canela de Enamorado. 21/2T 🔃 Substituição no Botafogo: SAIU: Óscar Romero, ENTROU: Luiz Henrique. 23/2T PRA FORA! Caicedo perde a melhor chance do jogo. Ceicedo inicia jogada pelo meio, na intermediária, passa para González, que segura a bola e espera a passagem do meia. Ele chuta de cavadinha, mas Gatito toca na bola e ela vai para fora. Escanteio para o time da casa. 26/2T 🔃 Substituição no Junior Barranquilla: SAIU: Déiber Caicedo, ENTROU: Vladimir Hernández. 26/2T 🔃 Substituição no Junior Barranquilla: SAIU: Bacca, ENTROU: Steven Rodríguez. 32/2T 🔃 Substituição no Botafogo: SAIU: Júnior Santos, ENTROU: Tiquinho Soares. 33/2T 🔃 Substituição no Botafogo: SAIU: Hugo, ENTROU: Mateo Ponte. 36/2T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Gabriel Fuentes por falta em Luiz Henrique. 41/2T 🔃 Substituição no Junior Barranquilla: SAIU: Luis González, ENTROU: Hinojosa. 41/2T 🔃 Substituição no Junior Barranquilla: SAIU: Homer Martínez, ENTROU: Jhon Vélez. 42/2T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Mena por falta nas costas de Fabiano. 47/2T ⏱️ Termina o Segundo Tempo!   Fim de Jogo!
submitted by NaTrave to botafogo [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:00 NaTrave [Match Thread] Taça Conmebol Libertadores: Junior Barranquilla x Botafogo

[Encerrado] Junior Barranquilla 0 x 0 Botafogo

Gols Junior Barranquilla: N/D Gols Botafogo: N/D
Taça Conmebol Libertadores - Fase de grupos Estádio: Metropolitano Barranquilla Data: 28 de Maio de 2024, 19:00 Transmissão: STAR+, ESPN 4 Link para Live Match Thread Post-Match Thread:ça_conmebol_libertadores/
Junior Barranquilla (4-5-1) Botafogo (4-4-2)
Santiago Mele, Edwin Herrera, Mena, Emanuel Olivera, Gabriel Fuentes, Didier Moreno, Víctor Cantillo (Luis González (Hinojosa)), Déiber Caicedo (Vladimir Hernández), Enamorado, Homer Martínez (Jhon Vélez), Bacca (Steven Rodríguez) Gatito Fernández, Damián Suárez, Alexander Barboza, Bastos, Hugo (Mateo Ponte), Gregore, Tchê Tchê (Marlon Freitas), Diego Hernández, Óscar Romero (Luiz Henrique), Yarlen (Fabiano), Júnior Santos (Tiquinho Soares)
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Jefersson Martínez, Walmer Pacheco, Zalazar, Berrío, Carlos Cantillo, Chará, Castrillón John Victor, Raul, Lucas Halter, Segovia, Patrick de Paula, Kauê, Jacob Montes
Técnico: Arturo Reyes Técnico: Artur Jorge
Arbitragem: Jesús Valenzuela (Árbitro Principal), Jorge Urrego Martínez (Assistente 1), Tulio Moreno (Assistente 2), Jose Uzcategui (Quarto Árbitro)


Começa o Primeiro Tempo! 10/1T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Bastos por falta em Bacca, na saída do campo defensivo. 18/1T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Edwin Herrera por falta dura, com a perna elevada, impedindo a passagem de Yarlen ainda no campo defensivo. 23/1T 🔃 Substituição no Junior Barranquilla: SAIU: Víctor Cantillo, ENTROU: Luis González. 27/1T Forçou, mas tentou! Damián cruza na área, Júnior Santos tenta o domínio na área, é desarmado e bola sobra para Yarlen. O garoto domina no alto e arrisca a bicicleta, mas a bola vai fraco pra fora. 29/1T Quaaaase! Diego Hernández tem dobradinha com Yarlen na entrada da área, e vê Tchê Tchê chegando por trás. Ele escora e o volante chuta. A bola passa perto, mas vai para fora. 47/1T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Alexander Barboza por falta em Moreno com pisão. 48/1T ⏱️ Termina o Primeiro Tempo!   Começa o Segundo Tempo! 02/2T Cobrança de escanteio de Óscar Romero, que Bastos sobre e faz o cabeceio. A bola passa muito perto. Zagueiro fica caído no gramado depois de sentir dores no braço direito, mas já está de pé e no jogo. 10/2T 🔃 Substituição no Botafogo: SAIU: Tchê Tchê, ENTROU: Marlon Freitas. 11/2T 🔃 Substituição no Botafogo: SAIU: Yarlen, ENTROU: Fabiano. 15/2T 🟥 Cartão vermelho para Diego Hernández, que entrou de sola na canela de Enamorado. 21/2T 🔃 Substituição no Botafogo: SAIU: Óscar Romero, ENTROU: Luiz Henrique. 23/2T PRA FORA! Caicedo perde a melhor chance do jogo. Ceicedo inicia jogada pelo meio, na intermediária, passa para González, que segura a bola e espera a passagem do meia. Ele chuta de cavadinha, mas Gatito toca na bola e ela vai para fora. Escanteio para o time da casa. 26/2T 🔃 Substituição no Junior Barranquilla: SAIU: Déiber Caicedo, ENTROU: Vladimir Hernández. 26/2T 🔃 Substituição no Junior Barranquilla: SAIU: Bacca, ENTROU: Steven Rodríguez. 32/2T 🔃 Substituição no Botafogo: SAIU: Júnior Santos, ENTROU: Tiquinho Soares. 33/2T 🔃 Substituição no Botafogo: SAIU: Hugo, ENTROU: Mateo Ponte. 36/2T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Gabriel Fuentes por falta em Luiz Henrique. 41/2T 🔃 Substituição no Junior Barranquilla: SAIU: Luis González, ENTROU: Hinojosa. 41/2T 🔃 Substituição no Junior Barranquilla: SAIU: Homer Martínez, ENTROU: Jhon Vélez. 42/2T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Mena por falta nas costas de Fabiano. 47/2T ⏱️ Termina o Segundo Tempo!   Fim de Jogo!
submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:58 ImSoMetal Feelings toward W.A.S.P?

Feelings toward W.A.S.P?
They’re touring their debut album in the US this year. Never listened to anything but their first album so it works out for me lol
submitted by ImSoMetal to MetalForTheMasses [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:38 greebnist Un ami m'a fait une playlist il y a quelques années

Je suis retombée il y a quelques temps sur la playlist Spotify qu'un ami m'a fait il y a quelques années. On s'est perdu de vue depuis un moment, on échange encore rapidement de temps en temps mais j'ose pas lui faire part de mon interrogation. On n'a jamais vraiment filtré ensemble (de mon pdv) mais je me demandais s'il avait pu faire cette playlist dans le but de me plaire ou de témoigner une affection plus singulière envers moi Je sais que ça fait hyper clichés "films pour ados" et je me demande si ça se fait vraiment irl ? Est-ce que vous l'avez déjà fait pour quelqu'un ? Certains sons ont des titres explicites genre "Fall in love with me", ce qui me laisse d'autant plus perplexe aujourd'hui (genre est-ce que je suis vraiment passée à côté des signaux ou bien je me fais des films ?)
Hâte d'avoir votre avis et/ou lire vos histoires si vous l'avez déjà fait pour quelqu'un (parce que je trouve ça cool quand même).
submitted by greebnist to AskMec [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:44 SparkyNest [H] River City Girls + Doom 64 +160 Steam Games [W] Want List or Paypal (from 0.80$ each)

Steam profile
IGSRep +119 trades confirmed
SGS Flair +237 trades confirmed
GameTradeREP +24 trades confirmed
Payment through Paypal (USD) using Good & Services option. Not accepting other type of payment (bitcoin, Venmo, etc). If you want to pay using F&F option fees are on your own (I'm from EU).
Press Ctrl + F to search games in the list
  Want List
  • Huntdown
  • We Were Here Forever
SPECIAL PACK This 15 games for 1$
  • Western Press Mk Cans II Character DLC
  • Western Press
  • Kholat
  • 140
  • MirrorMoon EP
  • Contraption Maker
  • Air Guardians
  • Gentlemen!
  • Gravity Badgers
  • Ignite
  • Tank Operations - European Campaign
  • McGuffin Curse
  • Age of Steel: Recharge
  • Combat Wings: Battle of Britain
  • Battlesloths 2025: The Great Pizza Wars
5$ * Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair + a ton of DLC * DLC list here
Game deslisted from Steam
0.80$ each one
OFFER Buy 5 games of the this list for 3$
OFFER Buy 10 games of the this list for 4$
submitted by SparkyNest to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:44 SparkyNest [H] River City Girls + Doom 64 +160 Steam Games [W] Want List or Paypal (from 0.80$ each)

Steam profile
IGSRep +119 trades confirmed
SGS Flair +237 trades confirmed
GameTradeREP +24 trades confirmed
Payment through Paypal (USD) using Good & Services option. Not accepting other type of payment (bitcoin, Venmo, etc). If you want to pay using F&F option fees are on your own (I'm from EU).
Press Ctrl + F to search games in the list
  Want List
  • Huntdown
  • We Were Here Forever
SPECIAL PACK This 15 games for 1$
  • Western Press Mk Cans II Character DLC
  • Western Press
  • Kholat
  • 140
  • MirrorMoon EP
  • Contraption Maker
  • Air Guardians
  • Gentlemen!
  • Gravity Badgers
  • Ignite
  • Tank Operations - European Campaign
  • McGuffin Curse
  • Age of Steel: Recharge
  • Combat Wings: Battle of Britain
  • Battlesloths 2025: The Great Pizza Wars
5$ * Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair + a ton of DLC * DLC list here
Game deslisted from Steam
0.80$ each one
OFFER Buy 5 games of the this list for 3$
OFFER Buy 10 games of the this list for 4$
submitted by SparkyNest to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:18 rubberduckey305 Qbittorrent - DHT protocol not working on some servers

I have an Ephemeral port enabled. Qbittorrent shows that I'm visible. However for some locations, DHT protocol is not working. See below for a list of locations tested. This may be related to this post from two days ago.
Windows 10 & 11, current version of WindScribe, Pro user, qBittorent v4.6.4,
I've opened support ticket #4424421
Tested as of 28 May 20204
Status Server
OK Atlanta, Mountain
OK Atlanta, Peidmont
X Bend, Oregon Trail
OK Boston, Harvard
X Boston, MIT
OK Buffalo, Bill
X Charlotte, Earnhardt
OK Chicago, Club
OK Chicago, The L
OK Chicago, Wrigley
OK Cleavland, Brown
OK Dallas, Ammo
OK Dallas, BBQ
OK Dallas, Trinity
OK Dallas, Ranch
OK Denver, Barley
OK Detroit, Coney Dog
OK Kansas City, Glinda
OK Las Vegas, Casino
OK Los Angeles, Cube
OK Los Angeles, Dogg
OK Los Angeles, Easy
OK Los Angeles, Lamar
OK Los Angeles, Pac
OK Miami, Florida Man
OK Miami, Snow
OK Miami, Vice
OK New Jersey, Situation
OK New York, Grand Central
OK New York, Empire
OK New York, Insomnia
OK New York, RadioHall
OK Orlando, Tofu Driver
X Philadelphia, Fresh Prince
X Philadelphia, Sunny
OK Phoenix, Floatie
OK San Jose, Santana
OK San Francisco, Sanitation
X Santa Clara, Inside
OK Seattle, Cornell
OK Seattle, Cobain
OK Seattle, Hendrix
X Santa Clara, Inside
OK South Bend, Hawkins
X Tampa, Cuban Sandwich
OK Fake Antartica, Troll Station
OK Washington DC, Precedent
submitted by rubberduckey305 to Windscribe [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:33 According-Cup8674 Alright... full send from here

Alright... full send from here
We going after the heat now boys....
submitted by According-Cup8674 to yeezys [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:29 Peacock-Shah-III The New Order of Cincinnatus National Convention of 1952 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

The New Order of Cincinnatus National Convention of 1952 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections
“We must all hang together or we shall all hang separately.”
Thus quipped Benjamin Franklin as the American colonies joined against the tyranny of George III, the phrase hangs heavy in the imaginations of today’s political opposition. Laden with fears of violence, Chairman Osro Cobb of the Progressive-Federalist National Committee announced the cancellation of the party’s presidential primaries and the formal acquiescence of the party to the Committee for the Preservation of the Republic’s call for a joint presidential nominating convention with the American Liberty League. Yet, with the organization’s President Thomas Schall, once seen as the nearly prohibitive favorite for the nomination, dying in an unforeseen car accident and populist contender Eduardo Chibas taking his own life on live radio, the attempt to unite the opposition must find a candidate able to carry both banners in the face of Philip La Follette’s campaign for a third term.

Clare Boothe Luce waves to her supporters.
Major Candidates:
The following candidates are seen as frontrunners for the nomination.
Clare Boothe Luce: 49 year old Clare Boothe Luce of Connecticut rose to prominence as Henry Luce’s scandal-ridden yet massively popular First Lady, whose charisma would lead to a popular joke that every Luce voter wished they had voted for Clare despite widely known allegations of mutual marital infidelity. Marrying Henry after divorcing her first husband and entering high society as the author of an all-female play, Luce would become First Lady at the young age of 38 and soon emerge as a face of the American home front amidst the Third Pacific War. Describing the nation as having become a “dictatorial bumbledom,” Luce has echoed the anti-New State ethos of the party and is seen as the candidate of establishment conservatives. Criticizing the very slogan of President La Follette, she has argued that the United States cannot “win the peace” as it has not truly won the war until the defeat of international communism. Clare has supported the Zionist project in Alaska, a unified military command to replace the Department of Peace, and the creation of a defense pact among American allies in the Pacific as the centerpiece of an aggressively interventionist foreign policy declaring “if we are no longer willing to fight for it, our Christian democracy is finished." Yet, Luce has also opposed the creation of a stronger international United Nations to replace the powerless Parliament of Nations.
Driven to Catholicism in 1946 following the death of her daughter, even as her ex-president husband gallivanted about with a girlfriend a thousand miles from his wife’s baptism, Luce has emerged as a changed woman, reportedly abandoning her affairs and entering a career in electoral politics with her 1946 election to the Senate. Though Aaron Burr Houston maintained a private devotion to the Church of Rome, Clare has taken her faith with a zeal heretofore unseen in American politics, using the Senate as a pulpit to preach against “materialism” and a spiritual decline as the root of both communism and fascism, slyly suggesting that the rise of the Pentecostal, Immannuelite, and Mormon faiths has come hand-in-hand with the nation’s fascist surge as she has publicly wished that “the whole world would be Catholic.” Despite defenses from Presbyterian former President Luce, Clare’s faith has weakened her amongst convention delegates fearing the alienation of firmly Protestant voters. Yet her charm, wealth, and ability to attract millions in funding from backers such as Henry Ford II while winning key endorsements such as that of Richard Nixon has catapulted her to the front of the field.
W. Lee O’Daniel: 62 year old Senator W. Lee O’Daniel, better known as Pappy, rose to prominence in his late 20s as an architect of domestic policy during Aaron Burr Houston’s third term, being largely credited with the introduction of an old age pension system funded by a consumption tax. After making his way to the fore of Texas politics on his own through the integration of musical numbers and a widely popular radio show with his political antics, O’Daniel would turn from an upset gubernatorial defeat in the 1938 midterms to organizing Aaron Burr Houston’s campaign for a fourth term in the White House as the nation’s last hope against Charles Lindbergh. Accused by critics of puppeteering a dementia ridden 86 year old out of his own lust for power, O’Daniel would serve as Secretary of the Treasury for a year before being unceremoniously removed from the cabinet by Henry Luce for his critique of the American attack on Pearl Harbor and opposition to the draft, leaving him in political isolation as the Texan distinguished himself by demanding the execution of striking laborers as crucial to the war effort over his radio show.
A steadfast isolationist, O’Daniel’s foreign policy views have made him a favorite among Liberty League libertarians. Depicting himself as nearly as conservative as Luce on domestic issues with an isolationist foreign policy able to appeal to the Midwest, O’Daniel has emphasized ties to the legendary ABH and anti-alcohol views he claims can over the rural South. O’Daniel has also sought to use Luce’s Catholicism into an issue, seeking the support of Ben Gitlow through their shared membership in the Evangelical Christian Right. Yet, O’Daniel has been seen as the least committed among the candidates to the Committee’s pro-democracy ideals, while others question his fitness for office based on his eccentric manners as a cabinet Secretary and Senator, with Eleanor B. Roosevelt’s 1936 running mate Dan Moody remarking that “Pappy is as lost at the Treasury as I would be in a circus trapeze.
Lucius D. Clay: A distant relative of former President Henry Clay, 54 year old General of the Army turned banker Lucius D. Clay of Georgia has been the subject of a draft movement seeking to secure a candidate with the allure of a war hero after an attack on right wing generals such as Harold George, “some of whom are my own classmates,” accusing them of leading the party astray with the nomination of the ultra-conservative Benjamin Gitlow. Clay has portrayed himself as the candidate of order, supporting, as the others do, the prosecution of Blackshirts and the freeing of prosecuted opposition politicians. However, Clay, a former administrator of Lindbergh-era public works programs, is the only candidate to stop short of supporting the abolition of the New State, with backers instead focusing on the renowned administrative talent that led Douglas MacArthur to quip that Clay “could run General Motors or General Bradley’s army.” Despite his reticence to campaign at the convention, Clay’s moderation, vague platform, connections, and war hero status have won over a significant segment of delegates.
John Sampson Cooper: Named for martyred Admiral William T. Sampson not long after the First Pacific War dramatically ended with the Second Battle of Hawai’i, 50 year old Kentucky Senator John Sampson Cooper has led an underdog campaign of moderate liberals led by young activists Mark Hatfield and Chuck Mathias and Tannenbaum territorial delegate Jacob Javits. Returning home from Yale to find his father on his deathbed and his beloved Pulaski County burned to the ground amidst the Revolution, Cooper would be elected to county leadership at age 24, famously responding to a legal requirement that he evict the impoverished by personally paying their debts, earning the moniker “the poor man’s judge” as he emerged as a major figure in post-Revolutionary reconciliation in Kentucky. Returning home once more from service as a military attache in the Third Pacific War, Cooper would oust incumbent Farmer-Laborite Jerry Spencer in a 1944 upset, delaying taking his seat to serve as a legal advisor to hundreds of thousands of displaced Indonesians before emerging as a Senate leader in bringing the United States closer to India and other nations newly liberated from colonialism.
While eschewing the isolationism of O’Daniel, Cooper has demonstrated a far more relaxed stand on foreign policy than Luce, opposing aggressive anti-communism abroad while depicting the United States as a great mediator of peace in situations such as the violence in Palestine or partition of India. The reported favorite of Fulgencio Batista despite Cooper’s criticism of Batista as insufficiently committed to democracy, the Kentuckian has managed to maintain a widespread popularity with labor that has led many to speculate that Cooper would be the only candidate able to win the endorsement of organized labor and an imprisoned John L. Lewis. Lacking the celebrity draw of Senator Luce, Cooper has countered with a far more detailed platform, calling for the opening of American borders to the world’s refugees, massively increased federal aid to education, and, in stances that have left him anathema to many party conservatives, support for universal health insurance, coal subsidies, and public housing. A self admitted “truly terrible public speaker," Cooper’s political independence has won him the support of Will Rogers Jr. and made him a favorite of the modern liberal wing of the Liberty League.

Roy Acuff strikes up the band.
Minor Candidates:
The following have significant support, but lag behind the frontrunner candidates.
Luis A. Ferre: Among the most grim results of the 1948 elections emerged from the Caribbean, where states once considered the most loyally anti-Farmer-Labor in America crossed the aisle for the first time in history. With strategists seeing the path to the presidency running through the island states, many among the electorally minded have flocked to 48 year old Puerto Rico Senator Luis A. Ferre, publisher of the nation’s largest Spanish language newspaper, El Nuevo Dia. A classically trained pianist who has focused his senatorial career on securing funding for the arts, Ferre has referred to the United States as the “moral summit of the world,” while aligning himself in the middle on economic policy, calling for “addressing the inequalities of society” by selling off public land at a low price and supporting federal public housing with an emphasis on rural revitalization, in addition to a call for a 4% Christmas bonus on the grounds of the Jesus Amendment.
James A. Rhodes: "Every time I take a position on an issue, I lose two percent of the people. If I do that 50 times, I have everybody mad at me," the quip encapsulates the philosophy of 43 year old Ohio Governor James A. “Jim” Rhodes and his backers. Emerging as the favorite of many convention delegates who have argued that the best path forward for a united campaign is a steadfast focus on bread and butter issues, Rhodes has remarked that “there are only three issues in this campaign: jobs, jobs, and jobs,” and has argued that any anti-La Follette campaign must focus on people’s lives and the economy, not vague notions of democracy and American ideals. Born in the hills of Appalachia, Rhodes would be forced out of college after failing every class, only to work his way into the Mayoralty of Columbus, before unexpectedly catapulting himself to the Ohio Governorship before the age of 40, where he has governed with a moderate conservatism focused on local issues such as water rights and a program to "put a college education within 25 miles of every boy and girl” that has been praised as a national model.
Roy Acuff: 49 year old Roy Acuff of Tennessee was christened “The King of Country Music” for smash hits such as Wabash Cannonball, leading fellow musician Hank Williams to quip “book him and you don’t worry about crowds…for drawing power in the South, it’s Roy Acuff, then God.” Yet, after a rumor that Governor Buford Elington had labeled his music “disgraceful,” Acuff would embrace the label “king of the Hillbillies” in the 1948 election cycle to trade his acoustic throne for the Governor’s chair. Declaring that “any business must be put on a business plan, and so must a state government,” Acuff has cut the budget while requiring the Ten Commandments to be posted in government buildings, increasing state pensions, instituting a free school textbook program, cooperating with the La Follette Administration on the hydroelectric Tennessee Valley Authority, and has controversially called for additional restrictions on firearm ownership. Widely considered a possible frontrunner for his celebrity status if a primary were to have been held, Acuff has supported O’Daniel at the convention, yet has evasively refused to disavow a draft movement arising from his pro-union sympathies that many suspect could bring Fulgencio Batista into the fold alongside John L. Lewis, Jimmy Hoffa, and the opposition Farmer-Laborites.
Henry S. Breckinridge: The only member of the Liberty League at the fore of presidential consideration, 66 year old New York Congressman Henry Skillman Breckinridge ran alongside Al Capone in 1936 in the campaign that doomed the Commonwealth alliance, but has reinvented his career since by working to ally Federalist and Liberty League causes against La Follette and serving as the organization’s House leader. Advocating a heavily internationalist vision in line somewhere between that of Cooper and Luce, Breckinridge’s commitment to small government classical liberalism and a strict construction of the constitution has made him the favorite of Liberty League loyalists and some party conservatives. However, it is considered unlikely for a Liberty League member to win outright due to Progressive-Federalists comprising a majority of convention delegates.
Eleanor Butler Roosevelt: 63 year old former President Eleanor Butler Roosevelt was promoted for the nomination for months by her former counsel turned the “voice of impeachment,” Richard Nixon, who has noted that her re-election would have stopped the rise of fascism in its tracks. However, content with retirement, the writing of her memoirs, and the promotion of Nixon’s career, Roosevelt has categorically refused to seek the presidency. Nonetheless, she is expected to receive votes on the convention’s opening ballot from admirers.

Richard Nixon with the California delegation.
The Convention:
District of Columbia police scattered the Immanuelites, holding fliers declaring that their savior had prophesied nuclear armageddon on October 3rd of 1952, but they did not touch the Blackshirts. Ominously, they milled about in the blocks surrounding the convention, brandishing small arms and chants for Phil, as, within, the national convention of the Committee for the Preservation of the Republic proceeded without the pomp and circumstance conventions thrive in, a veil of despair lying over the nearly two thousand delegates in the plaza as they longed from their windows for days past. Further, a rule requiring two thirds of the convention for nomination, instituted by Liberty Leaguers fearful of a tyranny of the majority, would practically guarantee balloting periods stretching long into the night.
The first ballot would open with a surprise, as Roy Acuff rose to rebuff the acolytes of Fulgencio Batista. Pointing to the imprisoned Cuba Governor’s permissive policies towards gambling and prostitution, Acuff would draw a firm line between his pro-labor Christian conservatism and the “moral and political corruption” of Governor Batista. With the vociferousness of the singer’s vituperations and an unexpected willingness to attack Batista personally where other candidates stood largely silent, Acuff would find himself winning extensive support. With the rise of Roy Acuff splintering Pappy O’Daniel’s support, the former Secretary of the Treasury would find himself performing unexpectedly weakly, the beginning of a hemorrhage that would see his support move to Acuff in the first several rounds of balloting. Meanwhile, Clare Boothe Luce would take a lead out of the gate, but soon find that the collapse of Pappy O'Daniel's campaign following a wholesale defection to Acuff would lead other O'Daniel backers to rally behind Clay as an electable alternative. With Luce's lead dwindling, Cooper would swiftly capture her momentum, driving her to second place as a draft movement for Eleanor Butler Roosevelt peeled off dozens more Luce votes.

Ballot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lucius D. Clay 512 513 549 601 632 637 656
Clare Boothe Luce 646 641 619 599 529 515 514
John Sampson Cooper 277 282 308 310 366 368 369
Roy Acuff 46 101 112 165 187 188 170
Pappy O'Daniel 351 299 247 143 89 88 87
James A. Rhodes 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
Luis A. Ferre 42 42 43 42 43 44 46
Eleanor B. Roosevelt 1 1 1 19 31 38 38
Henry Skillman Breckinri-dge 21 21 21 21 19 17 15
With 1,310 delegates necessary to win the nomination, another half dozen rounds of balloting would bring no candidate anywhere near the necessary supermajority. Luce delegates would fiercely resist the rise of Lucius D. Clay, with Luce's manager Walter Judd and friend Anna Chennault illicitly spreading pamphlets accusing the General of being a plant of the regime to take control of the opposition. Yet, with his eyes on leading a reformed State Department, Pappy O'Daniel would stand back as his collapsing campaign gave its strength to Lucius D. Clay. Flatlining after several ballots with delegates consternated at the unwillingness of their chieftain to actively rally them, Roy Acuff's support would soon begin to bolt to Cooper and Clay, leaving Cooper to peak on the 11th ballot. However, a core of loyalist Acuff delegates would hold back the Kentuckian's momentum, as Lucius D. Clay covered ever closer to a majority. Yet, Clay would find himself having exhausted every avenue, with Acuff delegates reluctant to switch, and the block of Cooper and Luceites unwilling to come to the table. Further, a movement would begin to circumvent the squabbles of the major candidates and nominate General Curtis LeMay, the young face of the Pacific War. Yet, LeMay's role in the atomic bombings of millions of Japanese civilians would leave Senator Will Rogers Jr. to implore the convention not to proceed with the General as a compromise.

Ballot 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Lucius D. Clay 659 661 692 712 739 744 744
Clare Boothe Luce 514 513 512 512 513 516 516
John Sampson Cooper 368 392 397 439 438 435 433
Roy Acuff 168 144 141 99 71 61 61
Pappy O'Daniel 83 81 28 8 2 2 3
James A. Rhodes 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
Luis A. Ferre 46 47 61 61 61 61 65
Eleanor B. Roosevelt 45 45 45 45 48 48 47
Henry Skillman Breckinri-dge 10 9 7 6 5 4 2
Curtis LeMay 1 2 12 13 13 13 13
The Convention would lock itself in deadlock as three ballots passed. The night as black as the shirts of the threatening bystanders, it would become clear that, with neither's supporters willing to concede to the other, neither Clay nor Luce would prevail. From Haitian Senator Elie Lescot to Convention Chair S.I. Hayakawa and General Claire Chennault, delegates would attempt to draft a compromise. On friendly terms with Luce and Clay alike, Chennault would nearly prevail, yet his dogged loyalty to the Liberalism of his youth would hold back his chances. The Liberals could veto a candidate, but they could never nominate one. Yet, Chennault would telegraph his wife Anna with a suggestion, a protege of his whose famed dogfights over the Pacific and haughty demeanor had bought him fame. A protege drummed out of his beloved Air Force for opposing the "Bomber Mafia" consensus of Curtis LeMay only to purchase a baseball team. A protege who survived eight airplaine crashes. A protege who had once been an aid to Hugh S. Johnson and who counts Charles Lindbergh among his friends, but who donated to the re-election campaign of "the voice of impeachment," Representative Nixon. A protege married to the heir to the Pulitzer fortune and media empire. A protege by the name of Elwood R. Quesada, but better known to friend and foe alike as "Pete." Bankers Fred Akers and George Garrett, friends of the dashing commander, would throw themselves in pre-organizing on his behalf, hiring demonstrators to spark what seemed an almost spontaneous movement.
Kate Quesada, once the young Kate Pulitzer who had defied high society to marry a hot tempered Major League Baseball player turned fighter pilot, would awake her husband before dawn to inform him that Professor Chennault from his Academy days had entered his name to be nominated for President of the United States, with delegate Milton Eisenhower casting the first vote. In the Convention's recess between the 16th and 17th ballots, Anna would go about printing hundreds of "Can't Beat Pete!" buttons, while working behind the scenes among those such as the Ohio delegation, long loyal to Jim Rhodes, winning second choice. Most importantly, she would win over Richard Nixon among the Luce delegates and Jimmie Davis among the supporters of Clay, portraying Quesada as capturing the party platform while holding the war hero's mystique. Taking things a step further, Chennault would pitch the ex-General as a moderate, a liberal, and a conservative at variance, refusing to let policy distract her from her central argument: the 48-year-old Quesada could win, Clay and Luce had proven they couldn't. The 18th ballot would see the deadlock broken as hundreds of supporters abandoned Luce and Clay alike for Quesada, by the 19th, Clay and Luce themselves would step back from their campaigns. With Luce admiring tales of Quesada's pre-flight rosaries and Clay on friendly terms, both would accept the compromise as supporters of the minor candidates such as Ferre and Rhodes rallied behind him. On the 20th ballot, with other candidates excepting Cooper falling behind Quesada, he would win the nomination, narrowly surpassing the 2/3 requirement before a motion to declare his nomination unanimous on the 21st ballot.
Ballot 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Pete Quesada 0 0 1 368 734 1,379 1,954
Lucius D. Clay 744 744 743 503 402 98 0
Clare Boothe Luce 519 517 513 489 365 101 0
John Sampson Cooper 430 427 407 387 354 355 0
Roy Acuff 57 57 56 49 49 11 0
Pappy O'Daniel 3 3 3 3 3 3 0
James A. Rhodes 58 58 58 58 0 0 0
Luis A. Ferre 65 69 86 46 46 0 0
Eleanor B. Roosevelt 47 46 49 48 3 0 0
Henry Skillman Breckinri-dge 2 2 3 3 3 1 0
Curtis LeMay 13 12 12 1 0 0 0
Claire Chenault 2 3 3 1 0 0 0
S.I. Hayakawa 1 1 3 3 1 1 0
Elie Lescot 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
Louisiana Governor and former country musician Jimmie Davis, famous for "You Are My Sunshine," would come in third to S.I. Hayakawa, with California Senator Will Rogers a narrow second. Yet, many would worry that Hayakawa's Japanese ancestry would risk racist attacks so soon after the Third Pacific War, even as Americans reconciled with the now fallen sun across the ocean. Hayakawa's chances would be further weakened with the remark that “I would encourage insurrection in those poor crushed countries that have been under tyranny all these years.” Further, the death of Rogers' father by a fascist bomb and his military service would be contrasted with Davis's lack of either to paint Rogers as more compatible with the theme of a heroic ticket to rescue the nation from fascism. With the eccentric linguist's support set back, Hayakawa would endorse Rogers in the name of party unity, securing the Senator a third ballot victory despite significant support for Jimmie Davis across the South. Thus, at four o'clock in the morning on August 14th of 1952, the Committee for the Preservation of the Republic would adjourn its first national convention.
Senator Will Rogers Jr. of California, Cincinnatus nominee for the Vice Presidency.
Ballot 1 2 3
Will Rogers Jr. 838 947 1,329
S.I. Hayakawa 906 801 4
Jimmie Davis 209 208 523
Happy Chandler 1 1 1

A DC native, Pete Quesada would be in the convention hall at ten as it convened anew, meeting kingmakers and strutting through mobs of delegates as the party considered a series of resolutions on names. With a breakaway group led by legal Chairman Frank Chodorov suing the merger faction of the Liberty League, affiliated delegates would vote near unanimously to drop the title in favor of christening themselves anew with the old moniker of Liberal. Further, in an attempt to stress the status of the Preservationist nominee as a military hero, the convention would vote to adopt for its presidential ticket, and presidential ticket only, the partisan line of "Cincinnatus," after the New Order of Cincinnatus operating among oppositionists in Washington state and Alabama, and, of course, the Roman statesman who transformed his swords into plowshares after a brief tenure as leader of his republic in a time of crisis. With every delegate declared a member, the New Order of Cincinnatus would go national as the campaign vehicle of the Quesada and Rogers ticket.
A narrower vote would approve the use of the name "Law Preservation Party" for those candidates running without Progressive or Liberal affiliation.
Further, the party would approve a short platform, rejecting a suggestion from Quesada to enshrine an age limit for holding office while vowing:
  • First and foremost, to recognize no political principle other than the Constitution of the country, the Union of the states, and the enforcement of the law.
    • To bring about a renaissance in politics and to promote a Spartan-like devotion to honesty, cleanliness, efficiency, and economy in government.
    • To clean out graft, corruption, and hypocrisy in our public offices.
    • To modernize state, county, and local government and to eliminate all duplicating phases thereof.
    • To eliminate waste in governmental machinery and to work for a substantial reduction in the tax burden the average taxpayer is forced to bear.

Elwood R. \"Pete\" Quesada in flight gear after a demonstration of his aeronautical prowess to eager delegates.
With the end of procedural matters, Pete Quesada would rise to the stage for the first time, a handful of cheers greeting him. Omar Bradley once wrote that the dashing young Air Force General "could have passed for a prototype of the hot pilot, with his shiny green trousers, broad easy smile, and crumpled yet jaunty hat, but he was a brilliant, hard, and daring air-support commander on the ground," and his youthful smile upheld that characterization today, yet his face would soon turn grave as he began.
I think a military officer, regardless of what service he’s in, is improved if he handles unusual assignments...I look forward to being assigned by the American people to the White House! I believe every person has been put on this Earth for just one purpose—to serve his fellow man. It doesn’t matter how he does this. He can build a bridge, paint a picture, invent a labor-saving gadget, or run a gas station. The point is, he should try to leave the Earth a better place than he found it. If he does, his life will have been worthwhile. If he doesn’t do what he can within his own limitations, he is destined to be unhappy.” Comparing himself to his longtime friend Lindbergh, Quesada would continue with a chuckle, saying that “I'll have something to bounce off Lindy whenever he boasts too much about that little term he served.”
Promising without elaboration to defend “integrity, Americanism, fiscal responsibility, and courage,” Quesada would speak on foreign policy, declaring that the United States had won a war on tyranny, and that “Korea remembers. Indonesia remembers. The Philippines abandon them is to tell the Free World that they cannot depend on the United States.” Further, he would note that while "“I abhor war," he stands firm in a belief that "we can maintain peace only through strength.
Moving to domestic matters, Quesada would claim that “a government is the servant, not the master,” declaring that “Fascism has been wasted effort...middle class, sincere decent people, need to regain the influence they’ve lost over the past decades," while arguing that “there are too many intellectuals in government who have no experience in management in which the majority’s will is to be followed.” Quesada would accuse the government of being led by “men of limited imagination" and “those who postponed making decisions," promising to “weed out the incapable and inefficient." Then, in a tacit move of comparison between the man the convention styled as a latter day Cincinnatus and the incumbent dynamo who had energized so many Blackshirts, Quesada would declare that "the more I see the more I realize there is a difference between men.
Quesada would turn to the party's past failures and shock many delegates by placing them directly at the feet of the opposition itself, claiming that "an examination of these failures reveals contributory negligence on the part of ourselves, discord and a lack of confidence in our forces.” The convention looked on with bated breath as Pete Quesada, infuriated by the fear among the delegates assembled, raised his voice for the shouted words that have entered immortality as the most famous words of his campaign, screaming from his microphone into millions of American homes and newspaper headlines that:
"Our whole country is stopped by a tinpot dictator that tossed a few dozen of us into jail! Follow the light which leads to truth and we will prevail, history will show we saved the day...

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2024.05.28 17:06 Wolverinen W.A.S.P. announce US tour

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