Cute names for photo albums on facebook


2010.02.12 20:07 TypoTat BadTattoos


2013.02.01 18:52 jellybeans


2009.07.07 15:00 noroom I Took a Picture: Give and get feedback on photography

A subreddit about photography techniques and styles. Post your work here to ask for critique, or browse the submissions and learn how photography techniques are achieved.

2024.05.15 07:10 RelevantDragonflies Keeping or changing old petpet

Keeping or changing old petpet
I'm debating changing my pet's old petpet.
My Faerie Shoyru has had this Disco Angelpuss since June 2005 - almost 19 years.
I remember trying to name this petpet "Pussy" when I was 12 years old and being confused why the censors blocked it. So it's name is Pi.
My Shoyru was painted Disco at the time and they coordinated nicely (and it was a petpet that I could afford).
Now I don't particularly love the Disco Angelpuss look but I feel a little sentimental about removing this petpet after so long. These pixel pets must be best buds! Also I think this Angelpuss would be a shoe-in for the PPL if Disco Angelpuss is ever chosen.
On the other hand, I really love Faerie Djutis. I think they look so cheerful and happy, and the colouring looks great with Faerie Shoyrus, which I think are hard to petpet match. Plus with petpetpets in the weekly prize pool it finally feels feasible to get a cute Rainblug to match too.
(I also love the Woodland Blobikins and must give one to one of my pets but I'm thinking my Faerie Xweetok instead)
So would you keep an old non-matching petpet? Or rip the bandaid off despite the age and choose a new one?
submitted by RelevantDragonflies to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:04 Gdm_SilverLotus OCs I made awhile ago

OCs I made awhile ago
So these OCs I made was before NIKKE came out, like in 2021-early 2022, I believe? Anyway, these characters were made for a completely different story I made up but never really got around it. Originally, their names were just designation numbers, again, never really got around. I was really influenced by Titanfall, Girls’ Frontline, and a bit of NieR. (Note: I did trace a bit, only on the legs as that’s the one area I horribly at).
Fast forward, NIKKE came out and it reminds me of this old art. I feel like this team would fit into NIKKE?
I had a few new repurpose ideas for these characters. This team is now called “Caged Nest”, and all of them will be named after different types of birds and most are manufactured by Elysion.
(006)- Name: Oriole. Weapon: SMG. Medic. Youngest and often panicking in battle because she’s not used to it. An Ex-Tetra NIKKE transferred and repurposed to Elysion. Sometimes likes to talk about new pop songs or idols.
(167)- Name: Raven. Weapon: AR. Leader of Caged Nest and the oldest. Battle experienced, but has traumatic memories in the past of losing comrades. Prefers to drink coffee alone and stares off in the distance.
(210)- Name: Corvus. Weapon: SMG (might change it to RL). EOD specialist. Chatty and the voice of the squad. Acts like the big sister of the team. Becomes crazed lunatic when given explosives.
(555)- Name: Vulture. Weapon: SR. Recon and sniper. Very quiet and always wears that mask. She does not blink which makes it very uncomfortable for other NIKKEs and commanders (she’s actually sleeping with her eyes open). Like it when it rains.
(954)- Name: Owl. Weapon: MG. Heavy. The muscle of the team. Often communicates in grunts or growls. When she does talk, she speaks very softly. Very imitating, but actually very sweet and likes small cute animals.
Idk, what do you guys think? I know it’s lazy to bring old art, but I wanted to repurpose them into NIKKE.
submitted by Gdm_SilverLotus to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:03 Dapper-Alfalfa1918 Bf M(26) Gf F (25) what should I do? Any suggestions.

Any suggestions
Before I explain the situation. I know a lot of people have different boundaries so please respect. I want to break up with my boyfriend because I don’t trust him anymore. I have my reasons to why. On the 3rd month of dating I let him know that I didn’t feel comfortable him having half naked women on his social media, and he told me he don’t pay any mind attention to that. & I just suggested him to erase them when he comes across them and he agreed. I asked him to why he don’t just erase them he said cus he don’t care for it. Anyways second issue, I used to see a lot of girls Snapchat him and when I mentioned it he said he spoke to his girl- friend that is married and I have met before and his guy friend, although I didn’t believe it I chose to give benefit of the doubt. Only reason why I didn’t believe is cus I saw a recurrent snap emoji of a girl. But I thought to myself it’s just a friend. Everything went down hill as time went by, he in fact commented on the girl snap story “ sexy” on her photo & mentioned to me it’s a girl he used to like/talk back in hs. I didn’t see their conversations but, she was sending heart emojis. Anyways, I chose to stay in the relationship bc I thought to myself it’s just a comment. Even tho it was eating me up that he did that. So that triggered me to check his following and the pictures he be liking on instagram , he was following soooo many girls and liking half naked pictures of women. I was so confused cus he told me don’t pay mind attention and more confused to where he was finding these random girls and following them. I mentioned to him about liking half naked women and told him that I would move on if he continues and he said , okay I understand there’s no excuse for my actions ….. he mentioned it’s a habit. W.e anyways I then asked him to show me his IG DMs bc he was following so many girls I thought to myself what if he’s messaging them , well he showed me and nothing. I asked him nicely brought the concern calmly. Anyways, he felt like I was accusing him. But I just wanted to make sure. Then, I kept on seeing his followers and my last straw was when he followed a stripper. Anyways I mentioned his following at the wrong time when we were in vacation. And he said it’s to get inspiration to take pictures of me that’s why he followed women. Anyways, we left it there and then I brought it up again he got so defensive and tired that I was bringing up this issue again and to why I’m bringing social media. I told him how it made me feel and he said he’ll stop and that it’s a habit. Anyways, yesterday I looked through his following and saw he liked a half naked picture of women after we had that conversation. He told me he was erasing women that was showing ass on Facebook , & instagram & that just showed me bs. Thing is right now he’s in basic training for the army so I can’t do much about it now. But I don’t want to be with him, I feel like there was never a solution and was just slapped with a band aid and he told me he’s only doing the unfollowing and stuff just out of “courtesy”. I’m not sure when and how to break up with him. He’s in basic now and then I see him on his ceremony .We been together for 7 months and this issue has been recurring…. And I’m afraid it will. I see no point of working it out cus it’ll be a long distance relationship. My trust has been broken many times. Also he has wandering eyes . I mentioned to him on the 4th month of dating that he has wandering eyes again he told me it’s a habit and he don’t be noticing that… I told him it’s okay to find other people attractive it’s natural but to break a neck it’s where it becomes an issue and staring . Before he left to basic we went to a concert and I saw him staring at a girl and when she walked by he looked back . Right at front of me. What should I do? Is it really a habit ?
submitted by Dapper-Alfalfa1918 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:01 SharkEva My Step Dad purposefully ruined my $900 prom dress by washing it! Is there anything I can do such as take legal?

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/This_Musician7165 posting in TwoHotTakes
User account has since been deleted
Concluded as per OOP
2 updates - Medium
Original - 15th January 2024
Update in a comment - 16th January 2024
Final Update (Link no longer accessible)- 16th January 2024

My Step Dad purposefully ruined my $900 prom dress by washing it! Is there anything I can do such as take legal?

Edit: Sorry for some reason Reddit took my original post down. This is my first time using Reddit
’ve never posted on here, but I really need advice because I’m so distraught and have no clue what I should do I’m only 17 and don’t know if there’s any legal action I can take. So for a little background I live with my bio mom and her husband since my dad and mom separated and were never married. I originally lived with my dad since I was 2 he won custody during the custody battle. However he later lost custody of me after having a bad work accident that made him paralysed and he wouldn’t be able to take care of me but I still see him every weekend and the whole summer. I moved in with my mom and her husband and their two sons ,1 stepbrother and 1 half brother, when I was 10. And ever since then my stepdad basically directly and indirectly says that I’ve disrupted their lives by coming back into my mother’s life, because I’m an extra person they have to take care of.
I’ve been working since I was in 10th grade and saving up for my senior yeacollege since last year with the money from my job since my mom and her husband let me know that only my mom would only help me with the basics such as my graduation cap and gown, senior dues, and senior class photo. Anything else I would have to pay for myself such as prom.
I get paid about $400 every two weeks from my job which Ive been saving in full, and then making extra money doing nails about $100 a week plus tip which I use as my spending money. Since it’s my senior and last year of high school I’ve been wanting to go all out for prom so I set a $800 budget for my prom dress. My prom is in April and I wanted to get my prom dress early since most of the actual cute ones sell out quick. So I went prom dress shopping in December and found a beautiful dress that’s costed $890. It’s dark green with a long train with rhinestone imbedded into it with glitter in the dress.
When I first showed my mom and stepdad the dress they asked how much it was, which I told them the amount and my mom said that she wouldn’t be paying for a dress that expensive which I replied it’s okay because I have more than enough money saved up to buy it, and I’ll still have a lot of money left over (23k to be exact but only my mom knows that) mom said I could get the dress and that it was very pretty, however my stepdad said that it’s irresponsible and a waste of money and I should use it for better things like helping out the family and paying some of the bills. And get a dress cheaper that’s max $300. Mind you both his son’s own PS5 and multiple $200+ shoes.
Long story short my mom disagreed with him and I ended up getting the dress in the end and she even put $150 toward it.
However ever since then he constantly brings up that I help pay for things around the house since I have so much money to throw away but my mom always shuts it down saying that I work hard for my money to save it and I already help about with paying the Netflix, Amazon prime, and Hulu bills while my step brother (18) don’t pay anything.
Anyway last Saturday we got into a really big disagreement because my stepdad suggested I should help my step brother pay for his prom to which I responded with no. He later called me selfish and said that it’s not fair that I get an expensive outfit while he doesn’t. And I guess I said with in a snarky way I responded with that’s not my child or my problem. He later tried to complain to my mom and she said that I was right and that if anything he should pay for his own prom.
Well today when I woke up from a nap I noticed my prom dress was missing from my closet since it’s in the very front of my closet and looked around for it. I then asked my stepdad if he has seen it since my mother was at work. And he said he had, and in fact he was washing it, while giving me a condescending smile. I immediately ran downstairs and saw my dress being washed on the heavy duty cycle I immediately cancel it and it was ruined. Majority of my rhinestones came out and the glitter was washed out the whole dress had been mangled.
I took one look at it and then threw it a trash bag and left for my friends house with the dress. I texted my mom and sent her pictures but I’m currently at my friends house and laying on her bed. My friends parent hanged it outside to allow it to air dry so my stepdad can’t put the blame on them if the dried it in the dryer. What makes me know he did to spite me because he never washes clothes, cooks or anything since “he’s the man of the house so he shouldn’t have to”, so there was no viable reason he could have for washing it, even if it needed washing.
Is there anything I can do? I know neither of them can replace being they are tough financial situation? I’ll update you guys when mom gets home. So far my stepdad has called 2x but I haven’t answered him. And my mom’s at work and can’t receive calls.


My heart hurts for you. Get him to admit it over text then file small claims court.
OOP: He’s not gonna admit I don’t think imma try to get audio but we also have cameras with audio imma try and use them when my mom gets off

I didn’t see this suggested, but since you’re paying for the streaming services, change your passwords and log out all devices. Giant toddlers don’t get their tanties rewarded with their stepkid’s Netflix.

It would be a dastardly shame if Step Dad's favorite shoes were accidentally left on the porch in the snow all night.

Update - 1 day later

Edit 1:I don't know how to add updates so imma just add an edit but my mom and me just got off the phone and she's pissed and otw home. She's currently otw home so me and my friend and her dad are otw to my house and my mom said she was gonna call the cops as soon as she get off the phone so they may be there by the time I get there. We've taken pictures and the uncle (my mom brother) will be over there by 8 bc I contacted him while at work. I've listened to all your suggestions about withdrawing my money out of my account so I thinking and I talked to my dad about that as well and told me I can stay with him
Edit/Update 2:When I got home my friend stayed in the car while her dad walked me in, and my step dad was already gone. However police were at the house. As of now police said they can’t really arrest him because it’s not like he broke the law of stealing (I don’t know how to explain it basically this theft isn’t breaking the law bc he washed it and didn’t keep it) they suggested I can get a confession and get him to pay or take him to small claims court. Also the dress is non refundable if damaged so I can’t return it or anything. While explaining to my mom what happened I kinda fumbled my words and started crying and she hugged me as I cried. And she said that he’s gonna pay for this, this financial issue has actually been a on going disagreement and I think he just pulled the last straw bc she is PISSED. Also I talked to my uncle and he’s actually off work and over his way over here.
Him and my stepdad apparently have a rough history since my dad has had a smart mouth towards him in the past. While explaining to my uncle what happened he said that it would be alright and if anything he’ll buy back the dress before it sells out, so I’ll have my dress by prom but he does expect my step dad to pay me back one way or another so I’m basically probably gonna get my dress for free. Maybe that’s a little win. I’ll update more probably later tonight. But things seem to be good.
Edit: Also to clear up some confusion I pay the streaming service bills bc I really want to watch the shows on those services and my mom works hard but doesn’t make enough to have those services on top so I’ve offer to pay them so we could have them. She not a horrible “I’ll pick my husband over you” mother and she always defend me and he’s never pulled a stunt like this just tries to convince her to control my money and savings. And she’s never spent my saving either. I feel like thats why they always clash because he has a mindset of we have all these financial troubles and your daughter could solve them with her savings and you have access to them.
Edit/Update 4: Okay so my uncle came over and he and my mom had a little argument bc he blamed her for enabling my stepdads behaviour by not leaving him and thats why he felt comfortable to do what he did. And she argued back saying she always defended me against him and has never taken any of my money (which is true). We all talked about it a bit and she revealed that last night they had actually had a argument about paying off a car payment because she made a comment about how all these bills are taking a toll on her, and he made a comment about how it wouldn’t be that much of a toll if she used my savings and didn’t allow me to spend it on foolishness and she got mad and defensive bc he keeps bringing it up.
He also said that the $900 I spent could’ve payed off that car payment for the next 2 months. Btw he only know about my savings because he know how’s much I get paid and that I’ve been saving all of it. So we think that’s what triggered him to throw my dress in the washer.
My mom and stepdad has also been texting back and fourth and he admitted that he washed it to teach me a lesson that I shouldn’t spend that much money on a dress that can be destroyed that easily but he put the setting on heavy duty so he obviously intended to destroy it. My uncle has also offered to replace the dress so I don’t need to worry about not getting to wear my special dress. We called the boutique and explained it to them and they say they can order another dress although it won’t be there until Feb 23 which fine tbh.
My mother sent my step dad a long threatening message basically calling him out shes kinda heated rn so imma try and ask for a screenshot later. Her and my father also spoke and decided that it’d be best that I get my own bank account so that my step dad can’t use the excuse that she has access to my account so that’s also great. My mom and I had a talk about what gonna happen after this and she said shes not sure as of just yet bc it’s all a little too much for her bc she seriously contemplating leaving him, but i guess she don’t wanna actively discuss that right now. Also my stepdad is currently at a friends house. I’ll continue to update possibly may get one tomorrow. My friends parent are gonna keep the dress over their house and imma pick it up tomorrow to have as proof.
Edit:I apologise for not being to update since Reddit took down my post because of a “no walls text rule” that I was unaware of but it’s all good now
Edit/Update 5: My uncle has transferred me $1000 for my prom dress and I’m actually planning on using the money for replace the dress and buy new shoes. He’s very well off, which was one reason I contacted him in the first place.
So I plan on just calling the boutique and seeing if they can reorder it and I’ll just pick it up from there sometime in February. However my step-dad still must pay in some form, or at least we are trying to get him to. My uncle has called my other uncles and aunts (with my permission) to basically vent about the situation.
So majority of my mom side who all live in GA knows about what happened. I woke up to a lot of text about the situation given sympathy, as well as money to have for prom which have totalled to about $300. So this is great. My mom has also contacted my step-in-laws who then spread the news with pictures and I guess most of them are shocked as well other than his mother his is buying his claim that it’s just a dress and it was a accident despite evidence. I got a call from my step-dad sister sympathising for me.
And through conversations with I learned that my step-dad has also been asking a lot of his family to help him with his finances. Because for some reason the dude has bought so many things to pay off he can’t keep up with them.
My mom called my step-dad for answers which we recorded. And he’s basically trying to blame her bc if she didn’t piss him off last night then he wouldn’t have done it. And that he was trying to show me why I shouldn’t be irresponsible with money bc I guess he planned to lecture afterwards.
Also my mom has broken up with him bc he blamed her for caring more about me than him, which is weird. Which ensured in a argument with her saying “you think i care about her more than you, your gonna see just how much I do”
Also they’ve been on a rocky relationship since he can’t manage money and this was her breaking point.


Just saw this update!! Now that you have the text, please show the police as confession as destruction of property and/or take him to court to pay for it. It’s not fair to your uncle. Once you get your step dad to pay up, you can pay your uncle back. Girl Good luck!

What your step-dad did is called malicious mischief and is a crime. With the confessions and proof, there probably is a case. Just know that because of the monetary value, it's most likely just a misdemeanor charge. Regardless, you definitely have a small claims case against him. Sadly, by the sounds of his financial affairs, you'll be lucky if he ever pays, but it's still worth pursuing. Good luck!

Update - same day later

Edit/Update 6: Sorry to post on here Reddit keep telling me to try again later so sorry again
Okay so a lot of bs has transpired. Firstly we’ve place an order for my dress, and they are shipping it now and it should be at the boutique by Feb 23 so all that is taken care of. My SD and mom are officially broken up and my mom said she doesn’t now if she’ll move on with divorce proceedings yet bc everything is still fresh and lawyer are expensive and she can’t afford it rn.
Also they have a prenup so they don’t share assent and the house is my mother dad house she inherited (she had a different dad than all her siblings and all her siblings share a dad).
So my step father showed back up with his brother after a while and my step father decided to do and buy me a new dress from Macy that looks similar to dress in color and length but it’s very tacky and ugly. And look nothing like the original.
He then tried to apologise and said it wasn’t his intention to ruin the dress. he said that he was simply gonna wash it and say “see this is why you don’t buy things like this” and then he would’ve bought me another dress…. But that’s make absolutely no sense.
Also my uncle came back to my house after I texted him my step dad came back (he was at the store) and they got into a big argument where basically my uncle demanded to know why he destroyed the dress
And my step dad said he not gonna walk up in his house demanding shit, and my uncle called him a bitch. And then my SD said to call him a bitch again which he did and they ended up fighting. (My SD lost) he threatened to call the cops but we reminded him that he swung first
After that my step dad went on a tirade and cussed us out and left and took the dress with him.
We are actually planning on taking y’all advice and taking him to small claims court given the evidence and the damage. And hopefully we win. Also my SD is staying at his parents house currently.
Lastly for all curious about my brothers they are 15 (half) and 18 (step) .The 15 was at his girlfriend house since Friday so he wasn’t home for any of the commotion but did reach out to me today, I love him so much. And the 18 year basically sided with his dad so that all there is to say.
Also those who suggested changing the streaming’s passwords I have change them. And me and my mom are gonna get me my own bank account later today. Thank you guys for all the support I’ll continue to update as thing come and our plans of action and the verdict and all


I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:00 Ok_Contest_569 am i wrong for not wanting to be around my stepmom

Hi to give some back story me female 18 and my dad 57 have always had a rocky relationship but still see each other every so often, my dad got married in 2018 to my stepmom 55 i didn’t find out until 2020, found out though facebook this was the beginning of all this i didn’t know this woman first time i met her was around late 2021 when she moved into my dads home we had an okay relationship wasn’t anything too crazy always respectful and nice to each other since i wasn’t there too often. my mom 38 and dad got married very young and divorced before i even tuned one in 2007 so everyone is nice to each other we went on vacation with his new wife and my mom side of the family and dads ,so i thought everything was okay that was dec of 2022. in nov of 2023 i ended up in the hospital and my mom was trying to reach my dad since i was in pain i didn’t want to call and we find out my mom is blocked which is weird because they don’t communicate if it’s not about me which is not often i ended up calling him and asking him and he said he didn’t know why my mom blocked but it had to stay that way which me realize it was her who blocked my mom so i told him i was not going to him nothing about my surgery until he unblocked my mom because i found it dumb honestly the next day my step mom post on instagram saying to not blackmail because the only person who loses is me , this wasn’t the first time something like this happened one time me and my dad got into a argument at his home and she had posted don’t bring drama to my door so i told my dad about it and all she had to say was the internet is public and she can post what she wants so i took a step back from them 3 months had gone where i hadn’t seen or talked to my dad and he called me telling me she wanted to apologize and talk so i went to his house the conversation started by her telling me that my bad adttide is why the people who love can’t love me she was talking about my dad like i said before we have a rocky relationship because of stuff that’s happened in the past which she wasn’t around for so it’s not her business so i got up to leave and she followed me out telling me not to go and then we get into a argument basically me telling her to mind her own business when it came to mine and my fathers relationship and her saying as his wife that she can say what she pleases then we get outside and it gets heated me and her are going back and forth ( all while my dad was just standing there ) and then she said if we’re in her home contry i would have all my teeth knocked out so i called my mom since my dad wasn’t defending me and her my mom got into it ended up finding out that my quince photo was never hung up because i look like my mom ( i am a spitting image of my mom ) so basically this is all because i look like MY mother and the after that she locked m dad in the house and didn’t let him out so i left. it’s been 1 month since then and and she sent me a paragraph apologize and i honestly don’t care for it and ain’t want her apology but everyone on my dad side of the family thinks i should accept it and move on but i just can’t see past what she said
submitted by Ok_Contest_569 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:00 Ok_Contest_569 AITAfor not wanting to be around my stepmom

Hi to give some back story me female 18 and my dad 57 have always had a rocky relationship but still see each other every so often, my dad got married in 2018 to my stepmom 55 i didn’t find out until 2020, found out though facebook this was the beginning of all this i didn’t know this woman first time i met her was around late 2021 when she moved into my dads home we had an okay relationship wasn’t anything too crazy always respectful and nice to each other since i wasn’t there too often. my mom 38 and dad got married very young and divorced before i even tuned one in 2007 so everyone is nice to each other we went on vacation with his new wife and my mom side of the family and dads ,so i thought everything was okay that was dec of 2022. in nov of 2023 i ended up in the hospital and my mom was trying to reach my dad since i was in pain i didn’t want to call and we find out my mom is blocked which is weird because they don’t communicate if it’s not about me which is not often i ended up calling him and asking him and he said he didn’t know why my mom blocked but it had to stay that way which me realize it was her who blocked my mom so i told him i was not going to him nothing about my surgery until he unblocked my mom because i found it dumb honestly the next day my step mom post on instagram saying to not blackmail because the only person who loses is me , this wasn’t the first time something like this happened one time me and my dad got into a argument at his home and she had posted don’t bring drama to my door so i told my dad about it and all she had to say was the internet is public and she can post what she wants so i took a step back from them 3 months had gone where i hadn’t seen or talked to my dad and he called me telling me she wanted to apologize and talk so i went to his house the conversation started by her telling me that my bad adttide is why the people who love can’t love me she was talking about my dad like i said before we have a rocky relationship because of stuff that’s happened in the past which she wasn’t around for so it’s not her business so i got up to leave and she followed me out telling me not to go and then we get into a argument basically me telling her to mind her own business when it came to mine and my fathers relationship and her saying as his wife that she can say what she pleases then we get outside and it gets heated me and her are going back and forth ( all while my dad was just standing there ) and then she said if we’re in her home contry i would have all my teeth knocked out so i called my mom since my dad wasn’t defending me and her my mom got into it ended up finding out that my quince photo was never hung up because i look like my mom ( i am a spitting image of my mom ) so basically this is all because i look like MY mother and the after that she locked m dad in the house and didn’t let him out so i left. it’s been 1 month since then and and she sent me a paragraph apologize and i honestly don’t care for it and ain’t want her apology but everyone on my dad side of the family thinks i should accept it and move on but i just can’t see past what she said
submitted by Ok_Contest_569 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:54 Real_Cranberry847 My dad is using my Social Security number.

Hi, I’m 22F and my freakin dad is still using my social security number and I don’t know what to do!
For a couple months now I’ve been ready to move out on my own. Yesterday I found this really cute studio that I fell in love with and immediately submitted an application.
Today, I’ve received a rental report (this is all new to me. I don’t know what this is for) but looking through this document I saw some additional addresses that I never seen before. I quickly searched these addresses and recognized them as being my dad’s previous and current address. I then see there a credit card account that was created in 2012, I was 10/11 years old in 2012. How that heck are they opening a credit account for a child??? How do they not know that my name on the social security number doesn’t match with his name!?
I’m beyond frustrated and conflicted, I don’t know what to do. This isn’t the first time my dad did this. When i started my first job, I received a strange package that I was being sued by a bank. I had no idea what was happening. The defendants were me and my dad so I gave the paperwork to him to deal with. I never saw something like it again. I thought this was super weird so I went to social security administration to check if any accounts had been open under my social and they told me there are no active accounts. Now, that I saw this documents, they freakin lied to me!
I’m trying to open my wings, I’m realizing now that that was a bigger deal than it is. I’m afraid this will affect the chances of approval for the studio and for the long run.
I have no freakin idea what to do. I’m going to be so sad if I don’t get approved for that appointment.
submitted by Real_Cranberry847 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:46 Mishcloud Where to buy official merch?

I really wanna buy the Disc: Mizisua book and the CD/ Album but I cant find them being sold anywhere online (Out of stock for the mizisua, and the cd/album was only sold in person at seoul) 😭 Does anyone know the KR names for these items so I can look them up on those markets
submitted by Mishcloud to AlienStage [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:44 HallowBandit Help me find this man

Help me find this man
I love getting these kind of fake DM’s and finding the real person behind the photo! I was apart of an old group on Facebook where this guys dad was getting catfished by someone pretending to be a supermodel from Italy. I actually got her to respond to me somehow through instagram, maybe because she felt bad, that this old man had sent “her” over $200,000! 😭 it felt good and also really bad as that was damaging to their family, but it nonetheless was resolved.
I cannot, for the life of me, find this man. Lol. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, but this is a fun one! 😅 idk why it’s bothering me so much that I can’t find the original poster. Please help!
submitted by HallowBandit to internetsleuths [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:33 MiniLover08 16F, looking to meet new people :)

Hii! My name is Sophia and I’m a 16 year old girl looking to exchange stylish letters/small packages with a penpal :D I also don’t mind just sending messages to each other here on Reddit, or a different platform you may be comfortable with!
Let’s set one thing straight… I am extremely lonely! I haven’t had a real connection or conversation with anyone for a long time and I’m need of someone to talk to! I don’t mind any conversation, wether it’s deep and personal or if it’s just something about your day. We can talk about anything!! I have a great personality and just looking for a real human connection.
I’ve been homeschooled for a long time, since the past 8 years! So I’m not very social, and I have zero friends, and I mean that literally 😅 Unless you count my journal as one! But just because I don’t have friends, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to make a great conversation 😉 I have so much to talk about, our conversations could go on for a long time with white I have stored in here 🧠
I’m not very focused on school, I just do the assigned work and go to classes and that’s it, nothing extra! It’s just really hard for me to focus on it, I don’t feel happy doing it and doesn’t have anything to do with what my future career is going to be 🎤 Being a singesongwriter is my goal for the future, and yes to most people it probably sounds silly and think it’s not possible, but if it was then would be have any musicians today? I like to think that almost anything is possible!! 🌟💭 I honestly can’t say if I’m good or bad. I’ve been singing almost non stop for the past six years. Of course there are some things I need to improve on though. The thing is.. I’ve never sang in front of anyone before! Not even my own parents. I sing in front of my brother, but he’s really young so he can’t criticize me 😣
I love watching shows and movies! My favorite genres are romance and comedy the most but I like others too. I also watch crime/investigation shows, it’s always interesting and I have so many recommendations! I have been watching many different shows for the past couple of weeks, it’s very entertaining. I’m always open to recommendations as I usually stick to watching the same things in rotation…which can get boring 😓 My favorite show (anime), is One Piece!! If you don’t like One Piece, then I’m not sure I can talk to you… just kidding 😂 It’s something my entire family likes watching together, we’re currently starting the Whole Cake Island Arc! No spoilers please, I’ve already seen too many 😭
I like drawing, coloring, doodling. I have a journal that I like to decorate with stickers and cute little designs, which is what I plan to do in our letters!! I’m not the best, but I’m not the worst either 😄📝
I have an “online business.” I sell here on Reddit and other platforms as well. I sell miniature toys and have been doing so for over a year. I make a decent amount of money from it! 🤑😅
I love cats, flowers/plants/nature 💐, both my parents are amazing cooks so it’s hard to choose a favorite dish 😬, one of my favorite colors is blue, and I can describe what I look like in a private chat if you’re interested in knowing!
I’m very serious about skincare, I had really horrible acne and after all these years I’ve finally been able to clear it up completely 🤩 My skin has never been more radiant :D Still needs work in some places though, I am always open to hearing what you think are the best products, or products that you’ve used that you feel are amazing! Im half Korean, and have always wanted to try Korean/Japanese skincare products. Im not very big on makeup, I don’t wear any. I’m working on showing my natural beauty, and also because I don’t want my skin to break out 😅 I like wearing lipgloss and that’s about it :o
I’ve been through some really dark times and I’ve found the easiest way to let your feelings out is by writing it out in a journal, which is what I’ve been doing recently! My young brain is still growing so it’s hard to process what I see and hear sometimes, and I talk inside my head a lot to try and process it, but the best way to make sense of it all is by writing out what you really feel ❤️‍🩹 But, just know that even if you may be going through something terrible, that it will eventually come to an end, because life is not that cruel and has to balance negative and positive. It’s what I’ve learned and seen, that’s why we have so many emotions because we can’t just be happy all the time, and life can’t just give you happy moments every day, sometimes you need sad/bad days in order to appreciate the good ones! I realized that the past few years I haven’t done anything productive or tried to make myself feel better. But that’s changing! I’ve starting exercising, journaling, upgraded skincare routine, eating healthier and more nutritious hearty foods, and hoping to keep it up! Remember to love yourself and don’t neglect your body, and always take care of yourself 😙 And hopefully once we start chatting, you’ll feel comfortable sharing any dark times you’ve been through!
I’m looking for a penpal from anywhere, male or female!! And hopefully also around my age (16-25), but age doesn’t really matter to me, it’s just a number after all! 💌 We can send letters, chat here on Reddit (or somewhere else if you’d like) or little packages with things each of us like ours letters inside! I’ll be sure to design the letters in an aesthetic you like ✨ I really just want to talk about anything and everything, whatever we want!! Hopefully it can turn into a long lasting friendship 💝
Message me if you’re interested in becoming my penpal! There’s still so much you haven’t learned about me yet <3
submitted by MiniLover08 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:33 DC_Legend1 Truecaller Gold v14.5.5 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)

Truecaller Gold v14.5.5 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)
Name Truecaller: Identify Caller ID
Publisher Truecaller
Genre Communication
Size 80MB
Version 14.5.5
MOD Premium Unlocked
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
Also Join us on telegram
Truecaller MOD APK
In today’s world, where spam calls and messages are on the rise, Truecaller has emerged as a game-changer for mobile users. Truecaller is a comprehensive Android app that provides a powerful Caller ID, Dialer, and Spam Detector. With this app, you can stay protected from robocallers and scammers and identify unknown phone numbers. In this article, we will explore the different features of Truecaller that make it one of the most popular Android apps worldwide.

Advanced Caller ID

Truecaller’s advanced Caller ID feature is one of the most powerful aspects of the app. With this feature, you can identify unknown callers and determine whether to pick up the call or not. The app also tells you the reason for the call, so you can decide whether to answer it or not. This is especially helpful when you receive calls from unknown numbers, telemarketers, and fraudsters. The Caller ID is regularly updated by millions of users worldwide, so you can block unwanted numbers in real-time.

Reverse Number Lookup

The app’s Dialer provides a powerful reverse number lookup feature that allows you to search for phone numbers to find the name of the person. This helps you avoid the guesswork before you call and ensures that you’re calling the right person. Additionally, you can use Truecaller’s VOIP calling to talk to your friends on Truecaller for free. This feature allows you to stay in touch with your loved ones without incurring high phone bills.

World-Class Spam Detector and Blocker

Truecaller’s advanced spam detector and blocker is another standout feature of the app. The app automatically blocks and protects you from unwanted calls and SMS, including telemarketers, robocallers, scammers, fraudsters, and more. Additionally, the phone numbers on the spam list are updated in real-time by millions of users worldwide. This ensures that you’re always protected from the latest spam and scam calls.

Truecaller Assistant

The app’s AI-powered Assistant is a smart call screening and voice-based virtual assistant that helps you save time and add a new level of spam detection. The Assistant uses machine learning and speech to text technology to ask questions to the caller, helping you find out who they are and the reason for the call. The Assistant can tell with more than 90% accuracy if the call is spam, scam, robocaller or not, helping you decide whether to answer or reject the call.


Truecaller can also serve as your main text messaging app. With this feature, you can send and receive messages, schedule future messages, and more. Additionally, the app can automatically identify and block every unknown, spam, scam, or telemarketing SMS. The messages are automatically organized into different tabs, including Personal, Important, Other, and Spam.

Truecaller Premium

Truecaller offers a premium version that provides users with access to additional features. The premium version comes with no ads, advanced blocking and filtering options, a ghost call feature, and the ability to know who viewed your profile. Additionally, you can set any name, number, and photo to make it appear as if you are getting a call from that person. The app also provides an Incognito mode, which allows you to view profiles privately. With the Premium badge on your profile, you can stand out among the millions of users worldwide. The premium version also provides 30 contact requests a month.


Truecaller is a powerful Android app that provides a comprehensive Caller ID, Dialer, and Spam Detector. With this app, you can stay protected from robocallers and scammers and identify unknown phone numbers. The app’s features include advanced Caller ID, reverse number lookup, a world-class spam detector and blocker,
submitted by DC_Legend1 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:30 poggoboi Maybe I'm just coping hard but...

I was scrolling through UNIS GLOBAL in Facebook and came across this post:
And this post made me realize something. Their What is Love performance was sort of the amalgamation of their constant hardwork (in a sense). This performance showed the following:
  1. Gehlee's dancing improved significantly. She's always been more of a smooth dancer, shining especially on more slower tracks like Beautiful back in UT. But on more faster tracks she seems to always struggle or at the very least have a hard time, her moves often times looks stiff, which is not a good compliment to her usual smooth dancing. So often times, she ends up looking sloppy, but in this performance we can clearly see that she improved her dancing ability to faster tracks. And maybe this is just out of pure love from TWICE, but her expression the entire performance is just a massive improvement from her usual somewhat awkward smile, she looks genuinely elated throughout the performance and her expression showed it. It gave of this starry-eyed, curious teen impression, which is necessary in performing a TWICE song like What is Love.
  2. Kotoko's promising vocals. One of the main criticism about Kotoko back in UT days was that she's very weak vocally, and I used to agree to that (looking at it constructively, of course). But her “I'm gOoOoOoOoOd” part in SUPEREWOMAN, showed massive promise. No offense, but I think that the J-Line along with Gehlee are the most handful members to be distributed a line to, not because they're bad vocalist, but rather because of they're unique vocal quality. In the sense that if you put them in specific parts of a song, it sounds extremely good and invokes the necessary feeling, but at the same time, putting them in other specific parts could feel out of place. The way I could describe those three is that: Nana's voice is breathy, perfect for conveying emotion and should be preferably used in more lower register, best example is Dream of Girls. Gehlee's voice is low registered, best utilized for highlighting low register killing parts and being second or last chorus like in Dopamine to switch things up and make their songs sonically dynamic. And lastly, Kotoko's voice is more on the high pitch side, should preferably be used in stylish parts like a falsetto with preferably Elisia adlibbing (more on this later) and also probably the rap parts too, because her rapping tone is a good contrast to Yoona's rapping. Sorry for the long unrelated yapping, but overall, I think that they're doing a good job improving Kotoko's unique voice and it shows in this performance.
  3. And lastly Elisia's ad-libbing. My personal favourite UT performance is Beautiful, because of the absolute god-sent of a performance that was, vocally. And a huge reason to that, is because of Elisa's ad-libs, her ad-libs adds that necessary emotional and vocal depth. And even way back in her Red Flavor performance, she was already trying to adlib although she was discouraged to do so. The biggest reason on why I think Elisia is arguably one of the best vocalist in 5th gen is because of her ability to impact and add to a song, regardless of whether is sing or being a back up vocal. And although it is subtle, I think this performance is a great practice for her to expand her vocal abilities by essentially playing backseat and still adding something to the song (although I do hope that they start giving her more lines in their CB).
Overall, there was a lot, and I mean A LOT of things wrong with the performance but we can't just ignore that positives and undeservedly write the performance off. I, for one, am also immensely disappointed in the distribution of this performance and their album but we can only hope that FNF will listen to our pleas and distribute the lines to the girls more fairly, but in the mean time, let's just focus on the goods and not let the negatives affects us too much.
submitted by poggoboi to unis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:29 Longjumping-Run3493 Help me with my MOH speech!

Please let me know how this sounds 💚 I am terrible with words and terrified of public speaking sooooo I need it to sound good while I try not to pass out as I give this speech 💀
-Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining us to celebrate these two amazing individuals. Bride, you look absolutely stunning, and groom, you clean up quite nicely too!
submitted by Longjumping-Run3493 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:28 IllustratorOk7613 Weekly SQL Interview Question - Marketing Attribution

Hi all - new weekly SQL question is up and ready.

Q. First-touch marketing attribution

Difficulty - Hard
First-touch marketing attribution is a model for assigning credit to the marketing channel that initiated a user's first interaction with a brand/product. In this model, only the first touchpoint a user interacts with will receive credit for any subsequent conversions.
For example, if a user clicks on a Facebook ad, then later clicks on a Google search ad and makes a purchase of a product, the Facebook ad would be credited with the conversion because it was the first marketing touchpoint the user interacted with.
You have a table named user_event that contains data on user interactions with a marketing campaign (e.g., impressions, clicks), and a table with user purchases called user_purchase.
Write a SQL query that calculates the conversion rate of each channel based on the first-touch attribution model. The output should have channel & conversion_rate (rounded to 3 decimal points) in the descending order of the conversion_rate.
Conversion Rate = # of users who made a purchase using first-touch attribution / # of users who interacted with the channel

Table: user_event

user_id INTEGER
event_type TEXT
channel TEXT
product_id INTEGER
date DATE

Table: user_purchase

user_id INTEGER
product_id INTEGER
date DATE
You can try solving it for free at:
submitted by IllustratorOk7613 to SQL [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:28 LetterheadOk9669 AITAH For blowing up on my friend for saying I look like her?

Context I Avery 19 year old female and Lucy (Not her real name) 18 year old female have been friends for a year. I am a grade above her and we are in the same fine art activity. We are both on the colorguard team at my school.
Our team isn’t necessarily good, but we aren’t bad. (To the people who know Scholastic AA). For some reason Lucy is obsessed with the idea she looks like me. All because of a comment someone made to her. They walked up to her thinking it was me from a far. She has made it her life mission to make herself me.
She was a primary flag on my team and I am a primary rifle. Since I am a senior in school I’m not getting ready for next season. However, my director is making all members who have done at least one season try rifle. Lucy was excited to try rifle saying she can be like me. I thought this was sweet cause she looked up to me, but I was very wrong.
Lucy happened to be really good at rifle. Nothing against her she’s a great person to have on the team, but her ego has gone way up. She’s been making fun of people who drop their rifle or use the wrong technique and she always comes in for reassurance saying things like “Right Avery she needs to slow down her toss or right Avery she needs to put her left hand completely to the side.” It puts me in a position that makes me uncomfortable and i’ve told her to stop.
Lately she’s been dressing like me. She always used to wear a Tee shirt, shorts, and her hair down to rehearsal, but lately she’s been wearing Sports bras, leggings, and pulls her hair into a braid. Just like me. She used to march around saying she hates the color pink (She’s a major tom boy), but now she wears it saying it suits her. She even bought my perfume. I thought it was weird, but I didn’t say anything cause I’ll be gone within a week anyways because of Graduation.
She was starting to really piss me off when she would make comments like “Avery look we both have a pimple on our cheek.” I’m extremely insecure about acne. She knows this. She would say things like “our cycles are synced it’s like our bodies are the same person.” “We’re both on our 15th set of invisalign. Our teeth are getting straighter together.”
Yesterday I was getting ready for a banquet with Lucy and some other girls from the team. It’s all fun and games till Lucy pulls out almost the exact same dress as me. There is no way she wasn’t trying to copy. I was going for a Audrey Hepburn look with a black dress, gloves, pearls, and Prada sunglasses. Lucy pulls out a shorter black dress, gloves, pearls, black sunglasses. She then exclaimed “Omg twin we’re gonna look so good. It’s almost like great minds think alike or something. People won’t even be able to tell us apart.”
I was livid to say the least. She knew I had been planing on that outfit since last banquet. I let it go it was my senior banquet it was fine. I take photos with everyone and she’s doing her thing when she puts her arm around my boyfriend’s shoulder. I immediately stand up from our banquet table and grab her arm swinging it off him. She said “Sorry I thought it would be a cute picture cause he’s dressed to match us.” I cut her off and said “No Lucy he’s dressed to match me. I’m not sure what you think your doing wanting to become me and comparing yourself to me, but it needs to stop.” She then rolls her eyes and slumps in her chair. She mumbled under her breath “I don’t look like you. You look like me. Get it right. You’re so obsessed.”
I started to yell at her “You don’t look like me. Not even a little bit. Your eyes are blue and mine are green. Your hair is brown while mine is blonde. Your nose slopes down and mine slopes up at the end. Your chin is slightly pointed and my sticks out. My eyes are almond while yours are hooded. I’m 5’11 and you’re 5’3. Your boobs are bigger than mine. My feet are bigger than yours. We do not look alike.”
At this point everyone is looking at us. Most people know what i’m getting at cause they asked me days ago why she was copying me. Lucy starts to cry called me some names and ran off. I cut the night short and went home. I told my mom in the morning and she told me I should’ve let Lucy live out her fantasy for a week till I graduate. A couple of friends of Lucy have texted me and called me an Asshole. But I don’t think I am.
Am I the Asshole?
submitted by LetterheadOk9669 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:26 Flowerwindd Canadian slowburn

West coast Canadian 🇨🇦🇨🇦
~Heya ~
I'm 23 femme 5'4 from Canada / west coast looking for love the sailor Uranus to my Neptune 💛💚 The Amity to my Luz 🩶💜
I really miss getting a text from that special someone and it making my whole day and Someone who I can text all day and then call and the hours just fly by
I miss the cute pet names and I miss giving cute pet names I miss having someone to love and I have a lot of it for the right person and time and attention.
~Now for my hobbies and interests ~
I'm a huggee weeb I love animes and mangas I'll probably talk your ear off about current animes I'm watching
I'm also always looking for new recommendations trying to get out of my comfort zone ( as long as their not too bloody or gory ✖️✖️)
I love playing video games I'm not very good that them I'm not hardcore but I enjoy having a good time
~Some of my other hobbies are ~
Reading and writing Traveling 🗾 Hiking 🥾 cooking and baking
Crocheting I love gardening Photography
I'm also a cat parent to three cats and a dog Their really my best friends 🐈🐕 so this is a must please do not be allergic And please do not be scared of dogs
I love nature 🌄
My dream is to travel up the west coast seeing all the national parks and trails and national forests Oceans and lakes and rivers If I can do that my dream would be near complete
And eventually I would love see the northern lights and visit Japan to see the cherry blossoms 🌸🌸
While I do believe opposites attract I'd love to get to know someone with at least 4 common interests as me so we aren't too drastically different
I'd like to meet someone who's also preferably in Canada as it makes traveling slightly more easier But I'm okay with the US as long as it's not too far and on the west coast away And please be between the age of 22-28
✨✨✨And please oh please be emotionally mature I'm looking dating and having a relationship I'm also monogamous
I'm not into flings or just hanging out or friends ✨✨
Here are some icebreaker questions
⭐ Top 5 favorite animes ⭐ favorite way to relax ⭐ Favorite color ⭐ Favorite wlw ship ⭐ Top 3 travel destinations
Thanks for reading hope to hear you soon 🧡🩷🤍💛
submitted by Flowerwindd to lesbianr4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:26 Longjumping-Run3493 How’s my MOH speech??

Please let me know how this sounds 💚 I am terrible with words and terrified of public speaking sooooo I need it to sound good while I try not to pass out as I give this speech 💀
-Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining us to celebrate these two amazing individuals. Bride, you look absolutely stunning, and groom, you clean up quite nicely too!
submitted by Longjumping-Run3493 to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:21 LuciferSam19 Scammer sent me $500 to buy Apple Gift cards

So I was looking for a job, Found a person advertising a customer service agent job on Facebook. This person referred me to a Telegram Chat of the Restaurant that has the job opening. A basic af Q&A was conducted, HR Person asked me to write 5 apology emails on their behalf and send it via a newly created email ID. I did that. Then he said for some "special customers" they want to compensate by buying Apple Gift cards, 5 of them and $100 each. Said they'll send me the money and I'll have to buy the cards. Emailed me a $500 cheque, I encashed it. Money is now in my account. I said I would need a letter of authorisation/ Appointment letter to use these funds, now he started panicking and msgs started seeming very bot-like. Refuses to send the letter, the Email used by him also is a typo-filled name of the Restaurant. Now he's asked me to eTransfer the money to a "supplier" who can buy the gift cards, but I'm sort of leading him on for the day. Told him I can mail the money by cheque to the actual Restaurant owners, he's denying it profusely. What do I do? Should I keep the money or return it? Has anyone dealt with this sort of scam where you get the money first??
P.S. Chat is on Telegram so can be deleted forever for both parties. And he only has my Full name and email address. Thats it.
submitted by LuciferSam19 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:19 Living-Print4871 My essay On Arie s

Aries, the enigmatic musical artist, born in 1992, has carved a unique niche in the realm of alternative and experimental music. His real name is Travis Miller, and he hails from Maryland, United States. Aries emerged onto the music scene in the late 2010s, captivating audiences with his distinct blend of genres, including hip-hop, emo rap, and pop punk, infused with electronic elements. Through his music, Aries explores themes of love, heartbreak, existentialism, and self-discovery, resonating with a generation grappling with the complexities of modern life.
Aries' musical journey began with his early experimentation with production software, crafting beats in his bedroom and honing his skills as a producer. Drawing inspiration from a diverse range of influences, including Kanye West, Blink-182, and The Neighbourhood, Aries developed a unique sonic palette characterized by catchy melodies, intricate rhythms, and emotive lyrics.
In 2016, Aries gained widespread recognition with the release of his debut single, "Carousel," which showcased his eclectic musical style and introspective lyricism. The track quickly garnered attention on SoundCloud, amassing millions of streams and establishing Aries as a promising newcomer in the music industry.
Following the success of "Carousel," Aries continued to build momentum with a string of singles and EPs, including "RACECAR" and "WELCOME HOME." Each release further showcased his versatility as an artist, seamlessly blending elements of rap, punk, and electronic music to create a sound that defied categorization.
Aries' breakthrough moment came with the release of his debut album, "WELCOME HOME," in 2019. The album received widespread critical acclaim for its innovative production, poignant lyrics, and infectious hooks. Tracks like "SAYONARA," "SANTA MONICA," and "DEITY" resonated with listeners around the world, earning Aries a dedicated fanbase and cementing his reputation as a rising star in the alternative music scene.
In 2020, Aries followed up with his highly anticipated sophomore album, "JULY," further solidifying his position as one of the most exciting talents in contemporary music. With tracks like "FOOL'S GOLD," "DITTO," and "CONVERSATIONS," Aries continued to push boundaries and defy expectations, delivering a cohesive and compelling body of work that showcased his growth as an artist.
Beyond his music, Aries has also cultivated a distinct visual aesthetic, characterized by surreal imagery, vibrant colors, and nostalgic references. From his album artwork to his music videos, Aries demonstrates a keen attention to detail and a commitment to creating immersive multimedia experiences that complement his sonic creations.
In addition to his solo work, Aries has collaborated with a diverse array of artists, producers, and creatives, further expanding his artistic horizons and pushing the boundaries of his craft. Whether he's teaming up with fellow musicians on collaborative tracks or collaborating with visual artists on innovative visual projects, Aries continues to explore new avenues of creativity and expression.
As Aries continues to evolve as an artist, one thing remains certain: his music transcends genre labels and defies easy categorization. With his boundary-pushing sound, introspective lyricism, and captivating visuals, Aries has established himself as a true innovator in the world of contemporary music, inspiring a new generation of artists and listeners alike. As he continues to push the boundaries of his creativity, the future looks bright for this visionary artist, and his impact on the music landscape is sure to be felt for years to come.
submitted by Living-Print4871 to aries_is_online [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:19 LuciferSam19 Scammer sent me 500$ to buy Gift Cards

So I was looking for a job, Found a person advertising a customer service agent job on Facebook. This person referred me to a Telegram Chat of the Restaurant that has the job opening. A basic af Q&A was conducted, HR Person asked me to write 5 apology emails on their behalf and send it via a newly created email ID. I did that. Then he said for some “special customers” they want to compensate by buying Apple Gift cards, 5 of them and $100 each. Said they’ll send me the money and I’ll have to buy the cards. Emailed me a $500 cheque, I encashed it. Money is now in my account. I said I would need a letter of authorisation/Appointment letter to use these funds, now he started panicking and msgs started seeming very bot-like. Refuses to send the letter, the Email used by him also is a typo-filled name of the Restaurant. Now he’s asked me to eTransfer the money to a “supplier” who can buy the gift cards, but I’m sort of leading him on for the day. Told him I can mail the money by cheque to the actual Restaurant owners, he’s denying it profusely. What do I do? Should I keep the money or return it?
P.S. Chat is on Telegram so can be deleted forever for both parties. And he only has my Full name and email address. Thats it.
submitted by LuciferSam19 to scambaiting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:16 ka1ji Liv and Maddie (Maddie is soooo messy...)

SPOLIERS FOR SEASON 3:Hii, other Liv and Maddie fans! i used to watch the show as a kid and i am now revisiting it as a teen and I'm on season 3. If some of you remember Liv and Holden had to break up because he felt like the relationship was kind've one sided when it came to his feelings which is valid but the way it happened irks me. So Maddie and Josh go on a date at goofy Gary's (I think that's the name) and an interviewer takes a photo of them together thinking it's Liv because when that interviewer talked to live on tv earlier in the episode Liv said she didn't have time for a relationship. The interviewer makes an update on that and "exposes" them by posting the photo saying that Liv lied and she actually does have a bf. Now Liv is very calm about the situation but Holden is upset because he doesn't want to hide their relationship and now everyone thinks she's with another guy so he asks her to fix it. But when Liv tells Maddie the situation Maddie tells Liv not to fix it because she doesn't want her ex bf Diggie (they broke up cause he went to Australia) to know she's with another guy through the internet. Liv listens to her and Holden is even more upset which leads to their breakup and its really sad, BUT, what irked me was that in the very next episode Diggie comes back to surprise Maddie and take her back after seeing the video and Maddie tries to play it off and say its Liv and not her but Diggie has always been able to differentiate Maddie and Liv from literally the first episode. Why would Maddie make Liv make that sacrifice if she knew (I know logically its for plot). Like she sabotaged Liv's relationship and if it weren't for what she did they'd probs still be together tbh.(or at least longer then they were) Sorry for the rant but if anybody else watches the show pls give feedback!! ((And also who do you think was the better twin?(in terms of sacrifices and understandings and stuff))
submitted by ka1ji to DisneyChannel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:15 Abject-Sentence-7420 Obsessive and unwarranted hatred

I find that when I randomly split on someone (for no particular reason) I become angry to an insanely unreasonable degree. I'm not talking about the reactive kind of anger that drives my impulsive reactions to conflict and is caused by my lack of emotional regulation, I'm referring to a simmering anger that's more long-term and less explosive, and is often caused by nothing at all. I just start to absolutely despise people practically overnight. Every single thing that the person does sends me into a rage, no matter how minor it actually is. The hatred lasts months, and has even lasted years in some cases. Sometimes I feel a very strong urge to hurt the person, though I'm confident that I can control these urges, thankfully.
For example, I currently despise my former FP, despite the fact that nothing's changed in her behaviour. She's always treated me slightly poorly, but I never really minded, and have distanced myself from her anyways, so her behaviour no longer affects me. That said, every time she posts on social media, or sends me a text, or does ANYTHING, I am filled with rage. Like, today she posted a random photo of herself on her story and I instantly felt a sense of all-consuming disgust and anger just by looking at her. Honestly, she could literally post a picture of a wall and I'd still find a way to get angry about it. Even the mention of her name pisses me off. Idrk how to describe it honestly, she just can't do anything right in my eyes at the moment, and I genuinely think I might need to block her for the sake of my own sanity.
Ik this all sounds pretty ridiculous and silly, but does anyone have any recommendations on how to deal with this unreasonable anger?
submitted by Abject-Sentence-7420 to BPD [link] [comments]