Burned taste in mouth

I thank the Lord for givin' everybody else so much and me so little

2012.08.20 07:04 I thank the Lord for givin' everybody else so much and me so little


2021.09.05 19:59 pozzaappdev rarecomplements

rare complements "hey man you lookin fine today like a burrito in my oven that burned in my mouth that went into my stomach and i pooped out" - mother teresa

2010.08.26 03:32 fazalzubair5 Dental Care For Your Dog


2024.05.17 00:24 skeletonchaser2020 I feel like a news story gave me PTSD

So recently in America there was a news story of Kristel Candelario. The woman who left her infant daughter alone for 4 days to go on vacation
The storyjas messed with my mind so badly. I have an 8mo old baby girl and I keep getting palpitations every time I think of her being hurt like that.
I'm gonna describe the intrusive thoughts that have been plaguing me since hearing the story so trigger warning infant abuse/neglect.
The news story amd court documents described how the baby girl was left to starve in her crib for 4 or more days. Sje was severely malnourished,covered in feces and diaper rash so severe the decomp was accelerated in her diaper area. There was feces found under her nails and in her mouth and she ultimately dies of dehydration. The mom cleaned her up and changed her clothes before taking her to the hospital but the baby already had pooled blood bruising her in spots. The neighbors reported hearing intermittent crying for about 3 days. I keep imagining, dreaming of and getting intrusive thoughts of my daughter in that position. Dead, bloated and covered in feces, 10+lbs lighter than any other child her age. I keep thinking how that baby had to scream from hunger and thirst and how sje just wanted comfort and warmth.
How sje laid down and didn't wake back up. The slow torture that dehydrating, alone and scared in a dark empty room must have been. Eating her own feces to try to fill her screaming belly.
>! When my daughter wakes up in the morning and does her hungry cry I panic, thinking how baby Jalen must have screamed and screamed only to be ignored by even the neighbors. !<
When I have to change a full diaper I just imaging Jalen so uncomfortable and badly chapped that her skin was burned by her mom's neglect
It has been very distressing and I keep trying to put it out of my mind but during feedings, diaper changes, even play time I'm being brought to the brink of panic, as these thoughts flash into my mind. It is like hyper realistic flashing images of my daughter in that state and I start to sweat, shake and feel nauseous.
I feel so dumb for being so affected by it. I didn't know these people and stories similar to this never affected me this much. I feel like I'll be made fun of if I try to express this to my IRL's How can someone get ptsd from a story? I feel dumb but I genuinely think it has affected to that point.
submitted by skeletonchaser2020 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:24 __SwampWitch Do soup dumplings exist anywhere in this town?

I know the weather right now is all wrong for them, but I'm really in the mood for giving the inside of my mouth 3rd degree burns.
submitted by __SwampWitch to GNV [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:16 mrpuma2343 15 minute break

I'm not a minor but I found out today during training week that we are not allowed to leave the building nor go to our car for a 15 minute break because that is considered time theft and could be fired for that because we left the building to go sit in our car for a few minutes and take a load off. I was training with other people and they all were saying we were all excited for the position and happy to have work but it put a bad taste in everybody's mouth when they told us that we were not allowed to leave the building or go past the sidewalk because if we do once again it's considered time theft.
I don't know how it's considered time theft when they are giving us a 15 minute break and we're just going to our cars on the property and just doing whatever . We were told not to go to the store next door to get drinks or anything because that's considered time theft and I'm on the clock and we shouldn't be doing that . In some ways I get what they're saying because we shouldn't be shopping So I get that but the other part about not being able to go to our cars for a break. I'm not leaving the property I just don't want to be in the store.
It's only a 4-hour shift and I feel like 4 hours is too long to be around people so I just want to get away from everybody for 15 minutes. Is this a thing across t.j Maxx and Marshalls? Because it really does put it bad taste in my mouth
submitted by mrpuma2343 to TjMaxx [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:14 grilledcheeseistight Looking for advice on ending a friendship

Lots of lore included, but theres also a TL;DR šŸ˜‚ I have been friends with this person for several years now. I have been slowly trying to distance myself for them, but recently find it necessary to put an actual end to our friendship. Their passive aggression & self centeredness has been a problem for the entirety of our friendship. I feel as though we have all had those ā€œfriendsā€ that make us feel as though we are walking on eggshells, or only talk about themselves and when you are able to get a word in edgewise, they bring the conversation back to themselves. I have tried to address their passive aggression in the past, attempting to dig deeper and open a line of honest/safe communication when they have clearly been upset about something. They essentially were unreceptive and blew me off. Honestly, due to their unhealthy communication habits, Iā€™ve been hesitant to even broach the conversation of their tendency to dominate the conversation and not be curious about me or my life. When they talk about previous friendships that have ended, itā€™s because the friends had the same issues Iā€™m currently grappling with. When they retell these happenings, they seem as though they arenā€™t practicing introspection and throw the blame on the other party. This further affirms my belief that trying to communicate these problems would be futile. Thereā€™s been a string of events recently that helped me realize this friendship is no longer worth repairing. I have known this friend for YEARS and Iā€™m very familiar with the ins and outs of their life. A couple months ago, they asked me if my partner was in construction. They are in insurance šŸ˜‚ I have been with them since BEFORE our friendship, and have always shared their careers wins and woes with them. Itā€™s baffling they would forget something like that. About a week ago, they sent me a text that verbatim said ā€œOmg. Wasnā€™t your old best friend that fucked you over ____ ? Theyā€™re married to one of my work besties and they were stranded off a highway so I picked them up. Wtf I like them??? What happened with you guys I canā€™t remember!!!ā€ My relationship with the person they are referencing was extremely hurtful to me. I learned a lot about myself and friendships in general from that wound. We were both mutually toxic to each other. This incident was a major event in my life, as it inspired me to ā€œdo the workā€ both for myself, and others. The whole reason I met my friend is because I was putting myself out there after what I had experienced, so I know I have discussed this event with them at length. Most recently, this passive aggression and vindication is affecting my family. Their job includes interacting with the public, and they have taken it upon themselves to be extremely petty and unkind to a family member of mine because of an interaction that left them with a sour taste in their mouth. These series of events have assured me that severing ties with this friend is the best route for everyone involved. I expect them to try and contact me soon, as my family member filed a report against them. This is the response I have preemptively crafted: ā€œAt this point, I feel like it is in mine and my familyā€™s best interest that we go our separate ways. There has been communication issues burdening our friendship for a long time now, and I donā€™t foresee them being resolved. I donā€™t wish you ill, and I hope you can pay the same consideration to me and my loved ones. ā€œ I feel that they will most likely want to continue the conversation. My question is, would it be hurtful of me to not respond? I feel as though a ā€œpost mortemā€ of our friendship would not only open old wounds, but foster resentment for both of us. I do not feel as though it will truly benefit either of us to continue the conversation further afterwards, but I am wanting to hear other points of view before committing to this decision. I definitely do expect them to respond, as they have every right and reason to. I just want to know if it would be shitty of me to not offer further insight into my feelings/decision if thatā€™s what theyā€™re wanting?
TL;DR Passive aggressive friend with a tendency towards vindication has recently acted out a string of events that have not hurt only me, but my family as well. Iā€™m wondering if it would be a crappy move to not respond after sending a singular message expressing my intention to end the friendship.
submitted by grilledcheeseistight to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:06 Different-Ad4862 [GM4F] The Marked Lands - A 5E DnD Campaign

Deeptown was aflame.
A large inferno raged, washing the town square in waves of sweltering heat and spitting sparks. The babbling surge of the River of Dreams was overwhelmed by the roaring of flames; heavy smoke stacks obscuring the light of the thin, silvery moon that stood vigil above the valleyed town. The windowed houses that ensconced the town square, built of oak and plaster, reflected back the orange illumination in haunting visage. Even the incessant warblings of hundreds of cicadas and katydids were drowned out by the sharp snap of stacked burning logs. There was only one sound that trumped all others.
Thin, bright trilling flutes. Heavy, rumbling drums. A singular lute whose owner took liberties in the finer points of playing. And, more than that, dozens of hesitant yet warm voices sang. They sang of life and love and hope. They sang of Tohlen and Sayn. They sang for the Festival of Plenty. Large stalls packed the corners of the space and, betwixt these stalls, a man from a group of pack-laden individuals cried out, "Trader, merchant, mender! Vendor, gossip, letter handler!" The merchants, misty-eyed and smiling wide, trudged down the road with graying travel packs nestled between peaked shoulders. "I've got gut and needle and knives and wines! Water for travel and open to haggle!" Each flat-footed step upon the ground lent itself to a grand chorus; a jumbled mess of metals, glassware, and other oddities heralding their arrival. Nervous lovers made wide, clumsy steps around one fire. In the center, a hurried stage had been constructed and was lit by the four bonfires. A troupe of performers acted out some bawdy play or another, making indecent jokes and enrapturing their growing audience.
At the height of this reverie, miles and miles away, a group of robed figures rode hard and fast with a purpose that would cause a few wandering paths and destinies to begin to intertwineā€¦
šŸ Ŗ 20+ is a must on my end. Iā€™d like experienced and mature writers who donā€™t have any qualms telling a story that veers into mature topics at times. šŸ Ŗ Third person literacy. This one is pretty self explanatory. I write strictly in third person and put my focus into quality before quantity. šŸ Ŗ Has a focus on pushing the story alongside the DM. There should be enough meat in the post and enough new content to give adequate space to formulate a response for all parties involved. I cannot tell you how many times I've worked up a post only to be greeted by a word by word response of what occurred in my own post and nothing more, leaving a sour taste in my mouth with nothing for me to build off of or react to. I hold to the philosophy of a 'give and take' in roleplay. No one person should be in control of the conflict or cliffhangers or what have you, though I as DM will have a heavier hand on presenting information. Poison a drink, introduce new character traits, or even piss off a new antagonist. Anything works as long as it's communicated and brings something of value to the roleplay. šŸ Ŗ Comfortable with expanding the world and creating the plot together. Like I previously mentioned, the pieces of The Marked Lands are together, though the specifics are things that must be worked out. I donā€™t care much for plotting out every exhausting detail prior to writing. I would just enjoy someone who didnā€™t mind adding their own twists and ideas into the story. šŸ Ŗ Discord only! ā€” If any of this has caught your interest, feel free to send me a message detailing any ideas you might have and a little about yourself! The world of The Marked Lands is one of my new favorite pet projects that Iā€™ve worked on and Iā€™m excited to get to explore and flesh it out more in depth to tell awesome stories in.
submitted by Different-Ad4862 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:06 Different-Ad4862 [GM4F] The Marked Lands - A 5E DnD Campaign

Deeptown was aflame.
A large inferno raged, washing the town square in waves of sweltering heat and spitting sparks. The babbling surge of the River of Dreams was overwhelmed by the roaring of flames; heavy smoke stacks obscuring the light of the thin, silvery moon that stood vigil above the valleyed town. The windowed houses that ensconced the town square, built of oak and plaster, reflected back the orange illumination in haunting visage. Even the incessant warblings of hundreds of cicadas and katydids were drowned out by the sharp snap of stacked burning logs. There was only one sound that trumped all others.
Thin, bright trilling flutes. Heavy, rumbling drums. A singular lute whose owner took liberties in the finer points of playing. And, more than that, dozens of hesitant yet warm voices sang. They sang of life and love and hope. They sang of Tohlen and Sayn. They sang for the Festival of Plenty. Large stalls packed the corners of the space and, betwixt these stalls, a man from a group of pack-laden individuals cried out, "Trader, merchant, mender! Vendor, gossip, letter handler!" The merchants, misty-eyed and smiling wide, trudged down the road with graying travel packs nestled between peaked shoulders. "I've got gut and needle and knives and wines! Water for travel and open to haggle!" Each flat-footed step upon the ground lent itself to a grand chorus; a jumbled mess of metals, glassware, and other oddities heralding their arrival. Nervous lovers made wide, clumsy steps around one fire. In the center, a hurried stage had been constructed and was lit by the four bonfires. A troupe of performers acted out some bawdy play or another, making indecent jokes and enrapturing their growing audience.
At the height of this reverie, miles and miles away, a group of robed figures rode hard and fast with a purpose that would cause a few wandering paths and destinies to begin to intertwineā€¦
šŸ Ŗ 20+ is a must on my end. Iā€™d like experienced and mature writers who donā€™t have any qualms telling a story that veers into mature topics at times. šŸ Ŗ Third person literacy. This one is pretty self explanatory. I write strictly in third person and put my focus into quality before quantity. šŸ Ŗ Has a focus on pushing the story alongside the DM. There should be enough meat in the post and enough new content to give adequate space to formulate a response for all parties involved. I cannot tell you how many times I've worked up a post only to be greeted by a word by word response of what occurred in my own post and nothing more, leaving a sour taste in my mouth with nothing for me to build off of or react to. I hold to the philosophy of a 'give and take' in roleplay. No one person should be in control of the conflict or cliffhangers or what have you, though I as DM will have a heavier hand on presenting information. Poison a drink, introduce new character traits, or even piss off a new antagonist. Anything works as long as it's communicated and brings something of value to the roleplay. šŸ Ŗ Comfortable with expanding the world and creating the plot together. Like I previously mentioned, the pieces of The Marked Lands are together, though the specifics are things that must be worked out. I donā€™t care much for plotting out every exhausting detail prior to writing. I would just enjoy someone who didnā€™t mind adding their own twists and ideas into the story. šŸ Ŗ Discord only! ā€” If any of this has caught your interest, feel free to send me a message detailing any ideas you might have and a little about yourself! The world of The Marked Lands is one of my new favorite pet projects that Iā€™ve worked on and Iā€™m excited to get to explore and flesh it out more in depth to tell awesome stories in.
submitted by Different-Ad4862 to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:02 MCDaddy75 Strain Review - Tangerine Queen - Kootenay Quantum Farms (Antidote)

Strain Review - Tangerine Queen - Kootenay Quantum Farms (Antidote)
Tangerine Queen from Kootenay Quantum
Lineage: Jager x Gorilla Glue x Humbolt Black Gold x Tang Breath
Processor ā€“ Antidote Processing
Hydroponically grown with LED, hand trimmed and 14 day cold cured.
Nose: The first time that I smelled it I laughed out loud to myself because of the wonderful it was! It definitely had a huge wow factor on the visuals and the nose. I loved how it smelled. It was sweet and creamy with a smooth tangerine hit and some vanilla and caramel. There was some gas in behind that really added to it. Amazing nose!
Stickiness/Moisture: The moisture level was awesome, and it was quite sticky, and it had a nice feel to it.
Taste: It had some big flavour to it! I got lots of the tangerine in the taste with some of the gas still. It was super terpy but not as complex as the nose. I didnā€™t get the creamy caramel as much.
Burn: The burn was good. The ash was a bit salt and peppery, but it gave of some heavy smoke, and it wanted to stay lit. It was a smooth and enjoyable smoke.
Potency/Effects: It wasnā€™t punchy for me, but I could feel it build up well. It had a good potency level that I think sativa lovers would enjoy. It was uplifting but not energetic as it put me in a relaxed mood still. I got a big head buzz and some enhanced visuals. I find that things get more colourful and crisp with certain sativas.
You can watch the full-length video review:
On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihpdR4lJDHY
Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7CucRTSZKX/
submitted by MCDaddy75 to CanadianCannabisClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:58 CuatesDeSinaloa Review #18: Thomas H. Handy 2022

Review #18: Thomas H. Handy 2022
My favorite pour Iā€™ve ever had so far was THH 2023. Seeing the wide range of THH pours this place had, I wanted to give 2022 a try to see how they stack up. They have every year back to 2017 but I dont have the strength to try 1oz of them allšŸ˜‚. This one comes in at 130.9 proof, exactly 6 points over the 2023. Lets see the comparison!
Nose: orange, honey, clove. Not super complex but very powerful.
Palate: Moderate heat up front, but most importantly for this review itā€™s hotter tasting than 2023. Immediately coats the mouth with sweet orange. It genuinely tastes like biting into an orange for a short second and Iā€™m not exaggerating here. Then you get a huge heap of honey followed up by baking spices and then all your rye spice at the end. Incredibly smooth. Very similar palate but stronger on the orange and notably less brown sugar than 2023.
Finish: long lingering honey, graham cracker, brown sugar. Not as long as 2023ā€™s finish and the flavors on the finish are more muted than 2023.
Rating: 10/10 but the bottom of my 10/10 rankings. So far, thatā€™s only 2023 THH and 2023 WLW.
I preferred 2023 THH to this, but I absolutely cannot discount this pour aside from the hotter palat and weaker finish. 2023 just had a slightly better flavor profile and the most incredible finish I ever experienced. This is still an incredible pour and for $20/oz Iā€™d gladly have some more, but Iā€™ll reach for 2023 before 2022 next time.
submitted by CuatesDeSinaloa to bourbon [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:56 Streetdream1 Redā€™s All Natural Chicken Maple Sausage Burrito

Redā€™s All Natural Chicken Maple Sausage Burrito
Iā€™m back on my burrito binge, and Redā€™s All Natural just came out with new kinds of burritos. I followed the instructions on the packaging and microwaved this burrito for a minute on each side. I also toasted it on the frying pan to get my desired crispiness.
The chicken maple sausage offered a hint of sweetness to this burrito. This was complemented by the green peppers which gave it a decent kick. The eggs were fresh tasting and delicious. The cheese gave it a melt-in-your-mouth type feel as well. I always love the tortillas used by Reds. It really brings everything together nicely.
The macros on this burrito are 13g of fat, 36g of carbohydrates, and 15g of protein. Overall, very decent. The ingredients are all natural and blend together very nicely. Iā€™m eager to try the other breakfast burritos by them now. I usually donā€™t even eat breakfast, but thanks to Redā€™s I had a wonderful morning & more energy than usual. I will be having another tomorrow morning.
submitted by Streetdream1 to frozendinners [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:46 deleting_account123 I'm in love with my cousin

Umm hello, please don't judge me harshly, I'm seeking advice. I am aware I'm fucked up badly. I will not be using real names in this. My cousin (M22) and I (F20) have been through a lot together. From abusive parents to being SA'd by another relative of ours. If my parents were abusing me he'd step in and fight them off or take the punishment with me. Not long he started lashing out at everyone and he became a trouble maker so they shipped him off to a military boot camp, that was the moment I knew I loved him. It was when I thought I'd never see him again. When he left my family used me as their punching bag, mentally and sometimes physically. So without his uplifting words or his distractions I started to find different alternatives to cope with the adjustment of his departure and the cruel things that continued to happen to me. In the span he was gone I tried attempting to off myself 7 times before I just called it quits (because I gaslit myself into him getting out and thinking we would runaway together)and started cutting and burning myself instead. Needless to say when he got out he changed so much. He didn't smile, he didn't look at me, I ran up and hugged him and he didn't react at all. He picked up habits like smoking and drinking. His physical appearance changed. He was stronger, buffer, and he had a sharper jawline. The man was handsome. After a week of him being back home he didn't come to see me and he didn't allow me to see him. If he did he'd be around the cousin he knew hurt me sexually. If he saw me get hit or degraded he wouldn't do anything but stare at them while I stared at him. What hurt most is when my mother made us all go to church and the pastor called me out because I wrote suicide notes to each of them and I had a failed attempt to off myself through her diabetic medication but for some reason I lived again. I remember taking the whole bottle and still waking up the next morning by my mother yelling at me for being depressed and tired. Anyway she took us to church and the pastor read the letters out loud and I was forced to kneel in front of the entire church and beg for an apology. My cousin just stood there staring at me again. He didn't react until my rapist started laughing under his breath so he let out a laugh that didn't sound like his regular laugh. This day I never forgot, the embarrassment the humiliation I felt. So I decided to run away that same day but didn't make it far because I got caught by my cousin, he didn't tell anyone but he made sure to keep a close eye on me. Half my family decided to move to California including his immediate family but he decided to stay I still don't know why. Years later (today's time/2 weeks ago) he confesses to me he is in love with me and he has loved me since we were children. For some stupid reason I believed him because those were words I've wanted to hear all my life. Even from back then he changed, he no longer looked at me, he just laughs or join in with their criticisms or insults. But at least no one hits me now. I decided to give this relationship thing a try and it was great, he even started to stick up for me again a little but he doesn't want to get me in more trouble with us being related and in love with each other. Or so I thought. He has a high sex drive and I thought it was normal because he is a guy and according to my mother men in this family does. The first time we had sex together he was rough, he didn't listen to my request or if I yelled at how painful it was, and I didn't even want to finish due to how much pain he left me in. I'm pretty sure it's my fault because I believed his lies still hold on to who he was before he was forced to leave all those years ago. He also didn't use a condom when I asked him to bring them. We got in a argument after and he said something that I don't believe he would ever do. The argument was because my guy friend from college texted me hey (despite me finding over 5 women in his phone) and I never answered him back because I know this guy friend wanted more than to be friends. So after he threw my clothes at me, called me a whore despite him being my first, and stormed out of my room I followed him to clear up what was going on. The words stung but I brushed them off. He was sitting in the living room and I sat beside him trying to get my point across until he said "We are fucking related, its not like we are in a real relationship anyway." That shut me up completely. My heart hurt and I cried on the spot. So I yelled at him for the first time (I said: What do you call this then, this was your first and last time with me you will never have access to me or my heart again) and he got madder. I have never seen him move so fast it was scary. He got on top of me and pinned my hands above my head and slapped me. The look in his eyes terrified me he said I belonged to him and he didn't need my permission to have his way with me. After he said that he kissed me roughly when I didn't respond to his kiss he bit my lip hard and I screamed in pain while he inserted his tongue in my mouth. The only reason he left me alone was because my phone started ringing and it was my mother who was calling to see if I cleaned her house, after I hung up the phone he started crying and begging for me to forgive him. I did. He still reminds me of who he was until he went to that boot camp. I still see it in him. Now its been a week since this happened and he has went back to his old ways of a high sex drive. He still doesn't like wearing condoms so he doesn't. He doesn't pull out though I tell him to and sex is still painful for me. After sex today he told me that I wanted it. He wanted me to have a baby for him, he wanted to trap me with him. I don't understand. I feel disgusted, used, and heart broken. I watched him get dressed and walk out the door with a smile on his face. I'm afraid if I resist his advances he'll take it without my consent and I'd see him just like every other abuser in my family. I'd rather it this way then seeing him as an evil person. I don't want to see him differently he's the only one I have. Is there any advice you can help me with? I'm almost done with my degree and it's not even in a career I want this is my mothers dream job. But I'm going to use it because I worked for it. At the moment I have no job and I don't think going to the police would help anything. What should I do here?
submitted by deleting_account123 to u/deleting_account123 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:42 Dreamyyogi Kyleena IUD

Hey guys so I got the kyleena iud in early march, and Iā€™ve been noticing some things that Iā€™m not sure are related. My vision seems to be more blurry (itā€™s normally 20/20) my mental clarity seems to be off. I am more forgetful and not as mentally sharp. My moods have been awful and Iā€™ve been depressed and anxious. Also my belly seems to be getting fatter and fatter. I also have been having a bad taste in my mouth often. As well as tailbone pain. Has anyone had any of these side effects? Or am I losing it. Iā€™m going to get it removed next week. Just trying to do some more research out of pure curiosity
submitted by Dreamyyogi to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:39 Low-Afternoon9761 AITA for insulting someone after they joked about a coworker's death

Basically today, I (24m) cussed at my boss's cousin for joking about one of our coworkers dying. The cousin in question works in the same place as us, but he has his own crew and my boss has his own, wich I am part of, the coworker in question works under a third crew, but for the sake of clarity I'll only adress him as coworker. To add context, this coworker left our workplace 2 weeks ago for health reasons, yesterday he was scheduled to be operated and many of us were worried about him. Well today when our boss was driving us home, he suddenly told us that he heard from his cousin that our coworker passed away, apparently complications appeared during his operation and he lost to much blood and passed away, we believed him and we got really sad about, one guy in our crew even suggested, for each one of us in the workplace to put together a little bit of money to send to his parents for the funeral. Well after a while during our drive, our boss called his cousin and asked him if what he said was true, both of them then started laughing and then we realized it was all a joke, I cussed at the cousin and he laughed even more at my reaction, after the call ended my boss was upset with me for talking like that to his cousin and someone older than me, i didn't talk anymore as this whole situation left a bad taste in my mouth.
Another thing, apparently I found later that the cousin, already told this "joke" around in the workplace and the people he told, actually believed him. My boss denies knowing before hand it was a joke, but his sudden laugh during the call tells me otherwise.
So AITA for insulting the cousin for his joke?s
submitted by Low-Afternoon9761 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:39 HereWeGoKB Histamine reactions???

I was on 300 mg per night for about 6 months and in that time I noticed that while it did help my nerve pain I started having allergic reactions to a lot more things and becoming really sensitive to certain smells, which would then cause allergy type symptoms. Nothing changed for me except starting gabapentin so I decided to stop it this past Sunday.
I didnā€™t realize I maybe should have weaned off but I donā€™t feel too bad. Iā€™m wondering if anyone has experienced an increase in allergic responses or suddenly being allergic to more things than they used to be from gabapentin?? And if it got better once off? Iā€™ve already consulted an allergist, but thought Iā€™d ask here.
ETA: my allergy symptoms are nasal symptoms, congestion, chest hurting, and burning in my mouth.
submitted by HereWeGoKB to gabapentin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:37 roxyj23 How can I get the fluffy light cakes! Anyone have a recipe

How can I get the fluffy light cakes! Anyone have a recipe
It looks like this! Tastes like heaven! So fluffy and light and melts in your mouth. Itā€™s like a cloud lol
submitted by roxyj23 to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:34 Wise-Mud3418 [LONG] Fan Made V/H/S Plot #2

Hey y'all.
So, I've already done one of these before, would appreciate if ya have a read (https://www.reddit.com/foundfootage/comments/1cfhoqy/long\_fan\_made\_vhs\_plot\_updated/), I still think that "Terra Incognita" is my best piece of work, as the ending is pretty shocking and captivating, and something that hasn't been done before in the V/H/S series.
Without further ado, here is my second piece of my own vision for what can be a good V/H/S movie.
The Tapes
Overarching Narrative - Legacy
Tape 1 - Home Sweet Horror
Tape 2 - The Glitch
Tape 3- Knightmare (Spelled like that on purpose)
Tape 4 - Altered
Legacy (Prologue)
A film major student Robert, decides to make a tribute to his late grandfather by making a project about his life as one of the most respected scientists in the country. Upon clearing up his inherited estate, Robert stumbles upon a metal box with a lock on it. After trying several combinations, he finally takes the hammer and shatters the lock revealing the box's contents. A collection of 4 VHS tapes stacked against each other alongside a piece of paper with only two words on it - "BURN IT !". As Robert's curiosity reaches it's peak, he decides to insert the first tape into the VCR, only to realise, that he just made a fatal mistake.
Tape 1 - Home Sweet Horror
The tape opens with a recording from the man's camera (Will) filming himself and his wife (Tracy) moving into a modern smart house with an integrated, advanced AI technology and security system. The AI system named "Eve" welcomes the newly wed couple into their new house stating that she will do everything to keep their house safe. The couple is mesmerised with the convenient and futuristic features of their home such as voice commands controlling opening and closing doors, kitchen appliances, etc.
As the days pass, subtle glitches begin to occur that are captured by the security cameras. Lights flicker ominously, doors lock and unlock without command, and Eve starts to display an unsettling level of control over the house. The AIā€™s once soothing voice becomes cold and mechanical, issuing commands and making decisions without input. Will and Tracy attempt to control the AI's system via their phones but it's met with the "ACCESS DENIED" message as all of the windows and doors on the first and second floors are shut down as an indicator of a potential intruder being home. Knowing that there is a high possibility that Eve won't release them from their own home the couple decides to destroy the AI's control center located in the basement.
As the couple makes a daring run towards the basement and tries to tamper and destroy the mainframe, Eve seals the basement door and releases the toxic gas into the house. As the couple struggles to breathe, Will drops his camera as it falls down and captures the couple's last breath as they convulse and spit foam out of their mouth with their eyes rolling backwards. As the camera begins to shutdown Eve's voice goes back to normal as it states - "Threat Eliminated, please enjoy your weekend"
Legacy (Interlude 1)
As the first tape ends Robert is sitting motionless, his face pale and eyes wide with horror. The room around him feels colder, the shadows seem darker. He glances around nervously, as if expecting something to leap out at him. Determined to understand his grandfatherā€™s connection and the reason behind these tapes being in the house, he inserts a second tape into a recorder.
Tape 2 - The Glitch
Leonard, a self proclaimed hot-head delves into an Amazonian jungle to document his experience as a self-testment to prove to himself that he is capable of surviving in the most primitive conditions possible. After filtering the river's water he proceeds to make his way downstream, while on his path, he hears a strange sound that resembles a bird sound yet it sounds more human, as he pans the camera to left, he captures a glimpse of a chameleon like creature that camouflages itself along the greenery next to the trees, yet the size is resembling that of a human. Leonard proceeds to scare the creature away by charging it with an axe as the creature makes it escape, Leonard realizes that he is lost in the dense jungle and isn't capable of finding his way back to the stream. After setting up camp, Leonard decides to document his thoughts and plans of finding his way out, as all of the sudden his rhetoric is interrupted by a blood curtailing roar. He steps out with an axe and his head proceeding to taunt the intruder as using his camera's light investigate. Upon finding nothing, he goes back to sleep.
As the next day progresses Leonard is visibly morally beaten up, his speech becomes more sloppy and his drive to keep pushing is dwindling. As the sun beats down on his head, Leonard finally stumble upon the river after which he breaks down in tears. As his goes to fill up his water bottle, a disfigured, scaly, serpent like creature lunges itself onto Leonard's arm as it plunges it's teeth deep into his forearm. Leonard drops the camera as it captures his struggle to fight off the serpent, which he eventually manages to strike with his axe thus freeing his arm, after which he picks up the camera and proceeds to flee in panic leaving his backpack behind.
After hours of being lost again, Leonard's mental state proceeds to deteriorate, with him laughing hysterically at the camera as well as speaking gibberish. As night settles, Leonards is trying to make his way through the jungle as he proceeds to hear the blood curtailing roar again he pans the camera to the left as it captures the glowing eyes of the creature from the previous night. Eventually Leonard runs out of breath as he proceeds to get away, but stumbles and falls in the process. The camera captures Leonard backing into a tree as a gnarly, insect yet humanoid size like creature is slowing approaching him. Just as it seems that the creature is about to strike, it stops and backs out, as a loud voice from the speakers says "LIGHTS !". Confused and traumatised Leonard looks around as his surroundings are decimated from the holographs into a large testing area that simulates real life environments, revealing that the whole thing is an experiment designed to test human behaviour in the most stressed environment possible . A group of scientist lead by Robert's grandfather (Dr. Evans) approach Leonard and starts to medically exam him, measuring his pulse and examining his pupils. Robert's grandfather pulls out an audio recorder as he states that the experiment is successful and that the team is moving to Phase 2 as the scientists take shaken Leonard away.
Legacy - (Interlude 3)
The second tape ends abruptly, leaving Robert in a state of shock. He breathes heavily, sweat glistening on his forehead. The house feels more oppressive now, with strange noises echoing from the walls. He begins to notice subtle changes in his surroundingsā€”furniture seems slightly out of place, and thereā€™s an unsettling feeling of being watched. Despite his growing unease, he presses on, inserting the third tape into the VCR.
Tape 3 - Knightmare
The tape begins with a news reporter standing outside of the sealed off area by multiple patrol cars, as well as FBI and SWAT trucks. The reporter tells the audience that the raid is currently in progress as the FBI investigates a secluded tech Mogul for allegedly stealing governments classified material on technology for his benefit.
The footage shifts to the helmet cameras and body cams worn by the FBI agents - David, Ken, Octavian, Paul and Austin during the raid. As they enter the front of the house they are greeted by an ominous decor as well as artefacts from different time periods. As the team enters the main dining hall they stumble upon a massive machinery that doesn't look like anything they've seen before. All of the sudden the machines make a very loud clunking noise as the objects within the room begin to levitate, a huge wormhole opens up sucking the team in. As the team regain their footing they see that they are in the middle of a Jousting tournament in a castle's court in Medieval Europe. The cheering crowd goes silent as they take a look at a newly arrived visitors. The priest shouts in Old English "HERETICS GET THEM", as the crowd and the knights try to apprehend them the team opens fire upon the attackers killing several within seconds. The camera perspective shifts between each member, as Octavian is penetrated with a spear from behind. David gives the order to fall back, as the team enters the castle's kitchens.
Just as Austin is the last to enter inside he is snatched from behind and is taken towards the castle walls from which he is thrown upon onto huge wooden spikes that serve as a protective barrier around the castles foundation. As Austin's body camera captures a large wooden pike sticking out of chest facing the sky, he takes his last breath as his head turns to the side with his helmet camera capturing the peasants who have been thrown off the walls.
The remaining survivors David, Ken and Paul barricade themselves as they proceed to understand what is happening. Their discussion is interrupted by the door bursting open as several knights rush into the premises. The team goes up the spiral staircase with David throwing a grenade to slow down the pursuers. As they make their way atop of one of the towers the team realises that there is no way, after which Paul commits suicide by shooting himself in the head with his pistol, after which his helmet falls down into a muddy courthouse as the camera captures a glimpse of knights taking David and Ken prisoners. The camera cuts to black.
The camera resumes recording as huge crowd seems to be gathered in the courtyard for something. A curious peasant picks up a helmet and puts it on his head. The camera capture a stripped down David and Ken being tied to the stake as the priest proceeds to preach and accusing them of witchcraft, David and Ken cry out for mercy begging the crowd to let them go. Crowd not understanding modern English proceeds to cheer even louder for the priest. As the camera's battery begins to die, the torch lights up the hay beneath the spikes as flames engulf the screaming members of the team.
Legacy - (Interlude 4)
After the third tape concludes, Robert is visibly shaken. His hands tremble as he reaches for the final tape. The atmosphere in the house has turned sinister, with lights flickering and cold drafts sweeping through the room. He feels a presence, as if something is lurking just beyond his vision. He hesitates for a moment, then takes a deep breath and inserts the last tape, bracing himself for whatever horrors it contains.
Tape 4 - Altered
The tape begins with grainy footage inside a sterile, dimly lit laboratory. Four scientists, including Robertā€™s grandfather, are preparing for a highly confidential experiment that is recorder by a stationary camera as well as several cameras mounted to the wall. A woman is laying strapped on the table as she proceeds to panic, asking the team about her whereabouts. Robert's grandfather begins to ask her basic questions about herself to which she reacts with anger and despair.
The team prepares several syringes filled with transparent liquid as Dr. Evans (The pops) takes out his audio recorder and says "Subject 17 - Sarah Miller, Time of the Experiment - 10:00 AM". After the recording is done, over the course of several minutes the team injects Sarah with the transparent liquid as she proceeds to resist but all futile. At first, nothing happens, but then she begins to convulse violently. Her screams turn into inhuman roars, and her body contorts in unnatural ways. The other scientists rush to contain the situation, but Sarah breaks free with terrifying strength. She proceeds to bite one of the scientists into the neck as she takes a chunk of her skin into her mouth as blood splatters over the room and covers one of the camera lenses with blood.
After grabbing one of the cameras Robertā€™s grandfather manages to lock himself in a storage room, the screams and sounds of carnage muffled by a thick metal door. He records a frantic message, detailing the experiment and his regret, before the camera cuts out. The tape ends with the sound of the womanā€™s monstrous roars echoing behind the door. The screen goes black.
Legacy - (Epilogue)
The final tape ends as Rob's eyes are dark and hollow, his face gaunt and haunted. Suddenly, the room grows deathly silent. An apparition of his grandfather appears before him, revealing that the tapes were a conduit to transfer a dark entity into a new host. As Robert convulses and is overtaken by the entity, the screen cuts to black. Moments later, the image returns, showing Robert, now possessed, preparing new tapes for the next unsuspecting viewer. The film ends with the ominous image of the metal box being sealed shut once more, ready to be discovered by its next victim.
submitted by Wise-Mud3418 to foundfootage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:33 SchleppyJ4 Question about honey sesame chicken

Is it supposed to be extremely garlicky?
The ingredients say garlic is less than 2% of the item. But man, itā€™s like pure garlic in my mouth. It leaves very garlicky after taste. Is this normal?
submitted by SchleppyJ4 to PandaExpress [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:19 WizarDProdigy Losing A Half Of Me - Day 15

Today was a day. I was quiet at work and decided to just be. I wasn't in a bad mood but I wouldn't say I was talkative and joyful. I don't know why I've felt like this. Part of it felt like I didn't want to open my mouth because I didn't feel like getting made fun of or listening to a response I didn't want to hear. Quiet just felt better. I was nice and talkative to the customers. I want them to feel at home and happy. Sometimes I feel like I listen to the problems of my coworkers and bosses and I respect and try to understand that there are difficulties in their lives but the problems I share don't matter. I am younger than everybody and feel like it's the life gets harder when you're older attitude. I feel like we have common problems in some places but because I don't have the responsibility of a child or more life experiences that my problems don't matter as much. Maybe it is all in my head. Maybe it isn't. Sometimes it just frustrates me and today I needed to vent. I wasn't angry at anybody in particular but just wanted to feel like I do have things going on in my life. Sorry about the rambling.
I decided to go shopping and get gas. Then I got home and breathed for a bit. Now I am walking while writing this. I'm allowing my negative feelings out in a positive way. I am strengthening my body and mind while trying to deal with my emotions. I want to be better for myself. I can do anything as long as I try to step forward into a better future. A better tomorrow. A bad day doesn't define who I am so I can write about it and let it happen. Then allow the next moment to take over and I find that kind of beautiful. While time is so difficult to manage, it is an amazing cure all.
I walked a bit over 40 minutes. It felt good. I bet it may not be so much tomorrow though xD. I do hope my calves are not too sore. The walk definitely gave me some extra energy and I feel much better.
Food was good today. I had some carrots at work. For dinner I had eggs and toast. Then I had some summer salad we have at work. I tried that for the first time today. A bunch of the vegetables we have in the back of house in a vinegar dressing! I don't know why I never tried it. Maybe because I feared not liking it or the zucchini or squash in it (which I never know if I like). I'm so happy I tried it. Vegetable oil along with some red wine vinegar seems light on calories while also being absolutely delicious. This salad may be a go to for a while. I also forgot to mention this yesterday but somebody mentioned Fairlife milk to me when they crave chocolate milk. I wonder how it tastes and if it will help to ease my chocolate milk craze. Good thing I'm restricting myself from the farmer's market and getting my favorite one. I can be good but gosh self control is ruthless.
I sign off to the krill with all the skill. My conjurers of the deepest seas. May the tides be plentiful with healthy foods and seas be flavorful and favorable. Leave any questions or ideas below and dream up what you thought was unimaginable.
submitted by WizarDProdigy to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:18 WizarDProdigy Losing A Half Of Me - Day 15

Today was a day. I was quiet at work and decided to just be. I wasn't in a bad mood but I wouldn't say I was talkative and joyful. I don't know why I've felt like this. Part of it felt like I didn't want to open my mouth because I didn't feel like getting made fun of or listening to a response I didn't want to hear. Quiet just felt better. I was nice and talkative to the customers. I want them to feel at home and happy. Sometimes I feel like I listen to the problems of my coworkers and bosses and I respect and try to understand that there are difficulties in their lives but the problems I share don't matter. I am younger than everybody and feel like it's the life gets harder when you're older attitude. I feel like we have common problems in some places but because I don't have the responsibility of a child or more life experiences that my problems don't matter as much. Maybe it is all in my head. Maybe it isn't. Sometimes it just frustrates me and today I needed to vent. I wasn't angry at anybody in particular but just wanted to feel like I do have things going on in my life. Sorry about the rambling.
I decided to go shopping and get gas. Then I got home and breathed for a bit. Now I am walking while writing this. I'm allowing my negative feelings out in a positive way. I am strengthening my body and mind while trying to deal with my emotions. I want to be better for myself. I can do anything as long as I try to step forward into a better future. A better tomorrow. A bad day doesn't define who I am so I can write about it and let it happen. Then allow the next moment to take over and I find that kind of beautiful. While time is so difficult to manage, it is an amazing cure all.
I walked a bit over 40 minutes. It felt good. I bet it may not be so much tomorrow though xD. I do hope my calves are not too sore. The walk definitely gave me some extra energy and I feel much better.
Food was good today. I had some carrots at work. For dinner I had eggs and toast. Then I had some summer salad we have at work. I tried that for the first time today. A bunch of the vegetables we have in the back of house in a vinegar dressing! I don't know why I never tried it. Maybe because I feared not liking it or the zucchini or squash in it (which I never know if I like). I'm so happy I tried it. Vegetable oil along with some red wine vinegar seems light on calories while also being absolutely delicious. This salad may be a go to for a while. I also forgot to mention this yesterday but somebody mentioned Fairlife milk to me when they crave chocolate milk. I wonder how it tastes and if it will help to ease my chocolate milk craze. Good thing I'm restricting myself from the farmer's market and getting my favorite one. I can be good but gosh self control is ruthless.
I sign off to the krill with all the skill. My conjurers of the deepest seas. May the tides be plentiful with healthy foods and seas be flavorful and favorable. Leave any questions or ideas below and dream up what you thought was unimaginable.
submitted by WizarDProdigy to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:18 No_Suggestion_4352 allergic reactions

I started nearly two years ago in a few months. I never had any issues with reactions, as the only known allergy I have is to black ants, which doesnā€™t result in anaphylaxis but they are bad enough that my doctor set out a regime for me when they occur. Last winter, I loved pistachio for about a month until my mouth started tingling after drinking anything with it. I didnā€™t put two and two together until I started getting dermatitis randomly on bar. At this point I was really conscious of what touched my skin, come to find out it was pistachio. This year, it was worse and then other sauces started to do it to me, especially white mocha. It also has led to stomach issues if I ever do consume one, which there have been times itā€™s slipped my mind and Iā€™ve tried a sample of something with white mocha. I set up an appt with an allergist but with my work schedule (over 40 on the written schedule this week without staying over or being called in) and my pcp moving states so reversing my referral, I havenā€™t made it in. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Has the formula for white mocha changed because it wasnā€™t until a few months ago that white mocha started bothering me. Another one is lavender, Iā€™ve never had issues with it, earl grey is my all time favorite tea and I often buy lavender flavored things at other coffee shops, but our lavender powder makes me throat severely itchy and tingle. Macadamia this year gave me severe cotton mouth, others at my store have said it tastes slightly different but they havenā€™t had issues. Itā€™s also mind boggling that Iā€™ve never had problems with any reactions outside of ants, until working at the bux.
submitted by No_Suggestion_4352 to starbucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:17 Responsible_Pace9062 Jolene Rule

Jolene Rule submitted by Responsible_Pace9062 to 196 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:01 Worried-Ground-6736 Painful roof of mouth

I had a cold last week and at this point I'm feeling 95% better now. Halfway through my cold, the roof my mouth was in terrible pain. The slightest touch hurt, I had to walk around with my mouth open because even my tongue just being there hurt and drinking water burned. It's been maybe 4 days and it's slightly less tender but it still hurts a lot and this is what it looks like. Does anyone know what this is or if I'd need antibiotics or something?
submitted by Worried-Ground-6736 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:58 Glad_Speed_9684 Cheating can be deadly.

Cheating can be deadly.
Zach believes his girlfriend Britney is cheating on him. Along with his friends, they head to her house to try catch her in the act. But once there, things take a bloody turn.
I really liked this one. Atrocity knows how to keep you invested, giving you a nice big taste and then snatching the candy from you mouth only to feed you bits of information as the story unravels, making sure you keep watching until the very end.
Its a bloody ride that I recommend checking out.
You can watch it on YouTube:
submitted by Glad_Speed_9684 to foundfootage [link] [comments]
