Deep personification poems

Saphhic poetry

2019.11.05 16:45 Pyrollamasteak Saphhic poetry

Saphhic poetry For gay poetry about love, lust, crushes, heartbreak, revolution, and etc.

2016.07.22 19:36 harmonic_oszillator Online internet cyber poetry

Online cyber intertube poetry

2017.03.13 22:39 mmonzeob Bad MakeUp Artists

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2024.06.09 07:34 Fun-Economy6800 [Poem]

Why do I drink?
So that I can write poetry
Sometimes when it’s all spun out
And all that is ugly recedes into a deep sleep
There is an awakening
And all that remains is true
As the body is ravaged
The spirit grows stronger
Forgive me Father
For I know what I do
I want to hear the last poem
Of the last poet
– James Douglas Morrison
submitted by Fun-Economy6800 to Poetry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:17 starting_to_learn Revisiting The Lover Diaries x ME! in a Post-TTPD World

Revisiting The Lover Diaries x ME! in a Post-TTPD World
Recently, Taylor has been using the phrase “dear diary” to describe her music on the Eras tour. Prior to the release of TTPD, she was using language like “excruciatingly autobiographical” and “live-streamed public autopsy” - which, in retrospect, seems like a hint towards the concept of TTPD as a “post-mortem.” In changing this language, it stands to reason that she may be hinting at something new.
I started to wonder if she might be pointing us back towards the Lover diaries. She’s also been mentioning the number 4 - “Dear Diary, I felt a feeling for 4 seconds” - and how many Lover diaries are there? 4! Taylor Nation also recently posted about the Lover diaries. (Credit to u/Different_Hedgehog16 for sharing the screen shot in the megathread!)
There have also been theories swirling that we might get a redo of the Miss Americana documentary, like this post. I’d argue that the diaries and documentary, as longer story-telling mediums, were essential to the fabric of the Lover era as a vehicle for a coming out. And if she were to re-do that coming out, she might also revisit those same story-telling mediums she attempted to use during Lover.
So, I decided to take a look back at the Lover diaries in a post-TTPD world to see what we can glean. There are quite a few interesting things, but what struck me first and foremost were connections to ME! and how those connections intersect with our current position on the road to "meet me at midnight." So, that is what I am going to largely focus on in this post.

Intro: Significance of the Lover Diaries

Taylor’s music has long been branded “diaristic.” But it’s one thing to write diaristic music; it’s another thing to release your diary. Sharing your diary signals a new level of confession, unveiling something that is typically kept private under lock and key.
Of course, the diaries she released are not her literal diary. They are a curated selection of entries she chose to release and potentially edited for public consumption. These diaries are art pieces, packaged together as an accompaniment to the album. And as art, it doesn’t matter how literally “true” the diaries are. What matters is the meaning they convey. I’d argue that these diaries can tell us a lot about the Lover era.
As a concept, the first and most obvious thing the very existence of the diaries tells us is that the Lover era was intended as an era of authenticity and confession. This won’t shock anyone in this corner of the internet, but I think the very fact that she included her diaries to accompany the album lends credence to the failed coming out theory.

Opening the Diary Drawer in the Lover Era

Taylor has never used the word “diary” in a published song, but she did use the word in her poem for reputation, If You’re Anything Like Me:
If you’re anything like me,
You never wanted to lock your door,
Your secret garden gate or your diary drawer
Didn’t want to face the you you don’t know anymore
For fear she was much better before…
But Darling, now you have to.
Here, she describes how she never wanted to lock her diary drawer - never wanted to have to hide parts of herself from the world behind a locked (closet?) door, behind a gate in a secret garden. It’s telling, then, that with her next album release, she unlocks the diary drawer. This signals an intention to step out from behind the door and into the daylight.
The next few lines of the poem are relevant here, too. She describes not knowing herself anymore and not wanting to face herself - a self who she fears was much better “before.” Before what? Before she became estranged from herself, perhaps? But now she must face this self she is estranged from. The implication seems to be that after she locks the door, she is alone with herself - and then she must face herself. This idea of facing herself in isolation is reinforced in the next stanza where she speaks of her “own little golden prison cell” and says, “But Darling, there is where you meet yourself.”
She describes meeting herself behind a shut door on reputation. And Lover, in opening the diary drawer, represents an invitation for the world to meet her, too.
Of course, it doesn’t happen, and she finds herself shutting the door again. In that light, it’s interesting that this conception of what it means to meet yourself seems quite opposite to how she describes it in the Midnights foreword: “For all of us who have tossed and turned and decided to keep the lanterns lit and go searching - hoping that just maybe, when the clock strikes twelve…we’ll meet ourselves.” On Midnights, she isn’t shutting the door to meet herself. She is stepping out with lanterns lit to search for herself. And her hope to meet herself is directly tied to an invitation for the audience to meet her, too: “Meet me at midnight.” This shift might suggest a realization that the isolation of the closet is in fact not a place where one can truly encounter themselves. You don’t meet yourself in a prison cell; you lose yourself. To find yourself, you have to open the door. The diary drawer.

Lover as a Return to Herself, Through the Lens of the Lover Diaries

The diaries are a central part of the Lover foreword, the very first thing she mentions. She seems particularly drawn to the diaries from her childhood and teen years; she writes, “What shocked me the most was how often I wrote about the things that I loved.” This becomes her central inspiration for the concept of the album, as she goes on to explain it: “This album is a love letter to love itself.” And further, it serves as the inspiration for a decision she describes making about how she wants to define herself and her identity: “I’ve decided that in this life, I want to be defined by the things that I love - not the things I hate, the things I’m afraid of, or the things that haunt me in the middle of the night. These things may be my struggles, but they’re not my identity.” These words are so central to the thesis of the album that they bookend it: opening the album in the prologue and closing it in the outro of Daylight. And these words are rooted in the spirit of the young Taylor she describes encountering in the pages of these old diaries.
Lover Foreword
This is especially interesting when we think about the death of the “old Taylor” in reputation. Lover was an era of rebirth - not of the Taylor Swift personas she killed off in the reputation era, but of her original self. It was a return to her roots. A return to herself. Consider this quote from Rolling Stone where she says she’s never “leaned into the old version of myself more creatively than I have on this album.” (Credit to u/courtingdisaster for this find!)
This proves out when examining the contents of the diaries. The entries she chose to include are primarily from her youth. There are 51 total entries across the four diaries, spanning 2003-2017. Of these, over half (51%) are from her teenage years. Another 45% are from her early 20s (ages 20-24). Only two entries are from age 25+.

The Lover Diaries and ME!

Looking at the contents of the diaries, the first thing that jumped out at me was the quote she included on the first page of Diary #1 and signed “Me!”
Opening Page of Lover Diary #1
It seems reasonable to think that the concept for ME! was inspired, at least in part, from this process of combing through her old diaries and facing the person she once was. These first pages from age 13 represent a celebration of herself. Her pride in her doodles, branding them “Taylor designs 2002.” Her belief that she would be a big star, that her signature might be worth money someday (hehe). Defiance in the face of anyone who would tell her she “[doesn’t] deserve what [she] want[s].” And a celebration of her words, featured right alongside Kenny Chesney’s. There’s a youthful wisdom in these words that she seems to return to in ME!, a song about celebrating everything that makes her who she is.
There are also visual parallels between the diaries and the ME! lyric video. The ME! lyric video is stylized as handwritten; we actually see her hand writing these words, and she is writing on paper with a Taylor Swift letterhead to boot, leaving no doubt about whose words these are. This in and of itself feels noteworthy, given it’s not a typical style for her lyric videos. The handwritten ME! lyrics tie the song directly to the diaries, also handwritten.
ME! Lyric Video
Additionally, the lyric video is full of sweet childlike doodles that also parallel the diaries - hearts, stars, smiley faces. Some of the imagery from her diary doodles also makes it into the ME! music video.
Left: Young Taylor in the Lover Diaries Right: ME! Lyric Video
If you’re in this corner of the internet, you likely understand ME! as deeply meaningful to the Lover rollout. And these ties to the Lover diaries, which Taylor made central to the thesis of the album in the foreword, lend further credence to ME! as one of the most important touchstones of this era. ME! as a self-love anthem inspired by and dedicated to her younger self, who once wrote: “The world is as big as you make it, never be shameful to fly.”
\"Never be shameful to fly.\" - Taylor Swift in the Lover Diaries, age 13

Connections to TTPD

The Lover era was characterized by a handwritten aesthetic - in the diaries and beyond, most notably in the ME! lyric video. This handwritten aesthetic is not typical for Taylor's work, but where do we see it pop up again? On TTPD, of course. The summary poem is specifically printed to look handwritten, but with none of the flourish of the Lover era. The color has been drained out.
TTPD Summary Poem
We also have a call-back to the Taylor Swift letterhead from the ME! lyric video in the TTPD era's "From the Desk of Taylor Swift." The fonts are not identical, but similar enough to suggest a connection. Both albums come directly from the desk of Taylor Swift.
Left: ME! Lyric Video Letterhead: \"Taylor Swift, Born in 1989, Loves Cats\" Right: Letterhead from TTPD Journal (Merch): \"From the Desk of Taylor Swift\"
These are of course not the first call-backs to ME! and Lover that this community has noticed on TTPD. This is an addition to a long and growing list of connections. I'd argue this is a noteworthy connection because, fundamentally, the excavation of the Lover Diaries - a central part of the fabric of the album and especially of ME! - represented a return to her most authentic self, before she learned civility, and an invitation for the public to encounter that authentic self emerging from her unlocked diary drawer. The Midnights foreword suggests we might now be on a mirrored journey towards "meet me at midnight," and TTPD might represent a pit stop on that journey. (If you're interested in more thoughts on this journey and how it connects to diaristic confession, I wrote this post about it!)
And if that's the case, if Taylor is coming back for herself, it just might mean coming back for the Lover Diaries and the 13-year-old girl found in their pages, who once wisely said, "May you never be scared of goodbye." Judging by a recent mash-up, perhaps Taylor is preparing to take her advice: You're on your own, kid, you always have been. So, take a deep breath as you walk through the doors.
submitted by starting_to_learn to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:10 Fun-Economy6800 [Poem]

When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face;
And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
Source: The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats (1989)
submitted by Fun-Economy6800 to Poetry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:02 Arkavari1 I don't know what to do...

I've become incredibly frustrated. I really cannot figure out from whence my anxiety hath arisen. I am done with it in any case. I am accomplishing everything I set my mind to, so why the hell would I be anxious? The only thing left to try is a certain herbal refreshment.
Really, I am sure I know why I am anxious, but there is absolutely nothing I can change the past, and I am trying not to worry about the future either. I've crushing myself lately with every task and purpose I can throw myself into. It is partially for personal achievement, in part for distraction, and for the purpose of self-flagellation. Flogging myself for ending up here, but I shouldn't be so harsh, the actions of others play a large part. I just can't help but feel that, despite going out of my way my entire life to walk on egg shells, I have made the wrong choices that led me to be here.
It is not without benefit. I have been doing a lot to improve my life. For myself for once. I have lost 35 pounds and 5 inches in the last three months. But a lot of what I'm doing with my time is not for me. I am trying to protect the LGBTQ community. My community. If that means bringing someone from $15/hr to $30/hr, or helping them get access to transitioning, or just mental health care, I want to keep them safe. It's not entirely selfless. There is someon out there, whether I know them or not, who is the most important person to me, and if I do this, if I can maybe work my way to getting legislation passed or policy changed to prevent the abuses during the last administration, then I am protecting them, too.
God, it sounds so sappy and childish when I say it out loud like this. But who cares? I feel what I feel. I just can't do nothing to look out for them, and I definitely can't do anything. I have silently perused the dating market and found a few people who may be of interest. There is one in particular, but I feel like I shouldn't bother. I'm not afraid of him saying "no" to a first date. In fact, the opposite, what if he says yes and we date for a while and we fall in love? Then I will be in love again. And what's to stop him from hurting me like the others?
I hate to speak ill of my own parents, but even since the beginning, when I truly needed someone to be there for me I had no one. My grandmother was all I had. We all have the need to be with someone who we can trust and be trusted by, love and be loved by, be safe with and keep safe, insofar as any person can protect another, to encourage and be encouraged by, etc. Even in an emergency there are so few people I can rely on. However, I am fortunate to have found people who are truly great to me. Friends only, but amazing people. Maybe that's one reason I'm doing as well as I am, in spite of the heart-ache I know is hiding deep within me. One of them is even like the father I always wished I'd had. Someone who not only is proud of me, but gives me the tools to be successful, as well.
I really am trying to just not feel anything anymore. I don't think that my cavernous heart can be paved over and made unfeeling. But I really want to try. I just don't know what goals or purposes there are outside of interpersonal relationships. Everything I want to do I work hard at and end up doing to my satisfaction. I don't have the same love of possessions that enchants so many others. People and the relationships with them are the only interesting thing in the world. The only valuable thing in the world. It's hard to imagine that I might have to set that aside.
And while I've limited my time concerning myself with all of this to as little as 8% of my time, I still keep digging up statistics, data, checking the dating market. The probabilities are not good for getting what I want. I've considered just being casual the rest of my life. Perhaps I should, but I hate to give in when it isn't what I want. The more I interact with my community, the more I see that that's just how it is. And I understand not wanting to get married, I don't know if I will ever bring myself to ever again, but it is kind of sad that we fought so hard to prove that it isn't just a sexuality and that we deserve to be married, but so few do marry.
I get that we are all so traumatized by bullying, domestic violence, ostracization, being disowned, and so on. But it's breaks my heart that I keep seeing how dramatically that is impacting our relationships, and creates an inability to trust one another. We aren't alone in this, it is so often that we destroy ourselves on behalf of other people and how they've treated us.
These are the musings of frustration, not of fact. They are born of worry and I feel bad for even entertaining them. I just want to find my little peace in this world. I've always been the one who rushes headlong into it, a knight in shining armor. But I've come to realize that I do that for people I come to care for, because I feel they deserve everything... and it's the thing I've always secretly wanted for myself. My own knight in shining armor. Not in any grandiose manner that reflects the imagery of the epic poems. But being swept off my feet does sound wonderful. But I'm a masculine top, and I think that is some fatuous ideology for someone like myself. It doesn't have to be complicated or extraordinary.
I just don't know how to proceed. I used to think I knew what the future might look like, but I can't even face the future. I live entirely in this moment, right now. And I try not to think about all of the things I've been doing for which I had that emotional support. Or the great date opportunities I've had. For example, tomorrow I have plans for what I hope will be a wonderful garden party, and it always feels a bit gray to not have anyone to bring. I have random thoughts about hopefully teaching them sign language. Sometimes I find it more enjoyable to converse in that medium. I'm not quite as talkative as I used to be (a lesson from my father: one should listen twice as often as one speaks) yet sometimes when I am passionate I keep going on, but I have found that speech without the spoken word is somewhat calming to me. When I am upset, especially, I have a hard time uttering vocal words, and it would be nice to have that way of relating my upset with someone.
I must digress, I'm not even certain this can all be posted in one piece, and it isn't doing me any good to vent anyway. I still need to find a good therapist. Not that they have ever helped much, other than helping me talk myself through to a solution. I suppose that is something, though, and my insurance covers it. I suppose that is the next thing to do, now that things have calmed down.... if I ever let things calm down. If I ever have a reason to let things calm down....
submitted by Arkavari1 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:21 Patient-Marzipan-262 Poem1: The fallen (30.05.2024)

A glimmer in the eternal darkness.
Not knowing if he will live.
Holding my luminous bird,
wishing and crying my eyes red,
hoping he wont die. ‘cause,
if you do, I am no more.
Somewhere deep inside, i am guilty of
wishing my dear never get his full strength and light.
Cause I am tired of saving you for long,
my dear blue bird in my heart, you should have gone.
And i am used to this numbness,
this narrow bridge between life and death,
May be I have become too old to lose hope.
We grew together for long and I just long for peace evermore.
But you are dear to me, my little blue bird,
i want you to live forevermore, even after me.
My dream, I want you to live forever.
Just like your poems, Mr. Bukowsky.
submitted by Patient-Marzipan-262 to u/Patient-Marzipan-262 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:30 looking-for-light Years Ago

I know there was a part of you, Years ago, That behaved like me.
I know you rebelled and you yelled, Years ago, You wouldn’t accept a life of inadequacy.
I know you had deep wounds and a shallow temper, Years ago, You were a woman just trying to prover her relevancy.
I know your heart ached, Years ago, You yearned to raise children of love, light and empathy.
I know you wanted to be seen, Years ago, And you gave and gave and gave yourself away.
I know you slowly began to wither, Years go, You began to allow your humanity to disintegrate.
I know you saw a day where I’d have my family, Years ago, You wanted to be surrounded with love and loyalty.
I know you saw yourself a woman who behaved like me, Years ago, And that’s why you began resenting me.
I know you wanted me to fall in line, Years ago, But the apple doesn’t fall far from this tree.
I wanted a mother, a grandmother and a best friend, Years ago, But she has forgone her responsibilities to me.
I know there was a part of you, Years ago, That behaved like me.
But that beautiful woman who wanted me, Years ago, Died in her self-resenting misery.
(A poem about going no contact with my abusive and narcissistic mother who returned back to her religious cult)
submitted by looking-for-light to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:24 Mean_Pen_7997 (18F) What is your most toxic trait you can admit to?

I know, deep question but isn't it the best for a conversation starter? Evenings always feel heavy but oh man this time even being delulu for fun doesnt help with the stress lol. ANYWAY! Let's destroy our unhealthy coping mechanisms together and then grab some vegan food ❤️
I'm an ex-gifted child and an ex-student mixed with horrible responsibilities of an adult so my days are nowaday just full of stress and regret lmao. I like talking about lichrally everything and having deep convos
also some of my hobbies:
-poetry - i believe its fundamental food group if you dont read a decent poem once or twice a month you get soul anemic bone tired and all that
-looking at the same stars as people who lived 5000 years ago did
-sleeping under 12049 blankets,
-games (I'm on PC) - recently building wooden cottages in snowy biome in minecraft became part of my daily routine, also the forest/genshin and mmos
-clothes, and I'm proffesional room decorator since I feel the urge to change something in my bedroom everyday lol, especially now I have a lot of scope for improvement.
-Makeup <<<<333333333
Im looking for long term homies, of course! Please be open to talk about controversial topics and not get mad easily. Bonus points if you sleep with plushies. Also excuse me for posting so often but most of the dms I get are from old creepy people, this won't stop me from looking for genuine people tho:)
I really want only chill people to message me :).
*Would bee nice if you wrote nice introduction first! I won't answer to low effort messages, don't have new/empty/NSFW profile and don't be creepy. Also say beep at the end of ur message as a proof that you've read it all or tell me which song you are blasting on full volume nowadays <3
submitted by Mean_Pen_7997 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:23 Mean_Pen_7997 (18F) What is your most toxic trait you can admit to?

I know, deep question but isn't it the best for a conversation starter? Evenings always feel heavy but oh man this time even being delulu for fun doesnt help with the stress lol. ANYWAY! Let's destroy our unhealthy coping mechanisms together and then grab some vegan food ❤️
I'm an ex-gifted child and an ex-student mixed with horrible responsibilities of an adult so my days are nowaday just full of stress and regret lmao. I like talking about lichrally everything and having deep convos
also some of my hobbies:
-poetry - i believe its fundamental food group if you dont read a decent poem once or twice a month you get soul anemic bone tired and all that
-looking at the same stars as people who lived 5000 years ago did
-sleeping under 12049 blankets,
-games (I'm on PC) - recently building wooden cottages in snowy biome in minecraft became part of my daily routine, also the forest/genshin and mmos
-clothes, and I'm proffesional room decorator since I feel the urge to change something in my bedroom everyday lol, especially now I have a lot of scope for improvement.
-Makeup <<<<333333333
Im looking for long term homies, of course! Please be open to talk about controversial topics and not get mad easily. Bonus points if you sleep with plushies. Also excuse me for posting so often but most of the dms I get are from old creepy people, this won't stop me from looking for genuine people tho:)
I really want only chill people to message me :).
*Would bee nice if you wrote nice introduction first! I won't answer to low effort messages, don't have new/empty/NSFW profile and don't be creepy. Also say beep at the end of ur message as a proof that you've read it all or tell me which song you are blasting on full volume nowadays <3
submitted by Mean_Pen_7997 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:22 VeganNazarite Of Mammon and Idols - Part 4

Shabbat Shalom everyone,
Last week we left off with the words of Yeshua. He teaches us that the things that are highly esteemed among men are abominations in the eyes of Elohim. Money, power, greed and control over other people are highly esteemed among people. How many followers does an idol maker have? How can they transform their followers into ready cash? Those who make their castles on the earth to live at the expense of others have their reward; they will receive no other. If El Shaddai considers mammon or material wealth as the least of His concerns, then what treasures does He really set in high regards?
Adonai considers His people as His greatest treasure. He even grows the wheat and the chaff, so that none of His own, from the least to the great can take their places by His side. Patience and long suffering are His ways. He knows most men and women are hard of hearing and blind to His ways. Some even fight against Him claiming all the while they are his servants. He gives mercy and grace while we are still His enemies.
Proverbs 8:1-9
Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice? [2] She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths. [3] She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors. [4] Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man. [5] O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. [6] Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things. [7] For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips. [8] All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them. [9] They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge.
The prophets have been at the gates of the cities for thousands of years. Calling the sons and daughters of man. Once we have heard the voice and understand the knowledge, those who can see and hear realise eventually that the knowledge was always in the written and living Torah and that there can be no other way than the way of the Elohim.
Proverbs 8:10-21
Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold. [11] For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it. [12] I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions. [13] The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. [14] Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength. [15] By me kings reign, and princes decree justice. [16] By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth. [17] I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. [18] Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. [19] My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver. [20] I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment: [21] That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.
Receive my instruction instead of silver and knowledge rather than gold. Can these words be clear enough? Hate evil, pride, the arrogant ways. Theses are the real opposites of the ways of Elohim. Yeshua as the firstborn and first fruits of the resurrection leads in all His ways. He fills the treasures of the sons and daughters of man with the greatest gift of all: The spirit of God.
Proverbs 8:22-21
The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. [23] I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. [24] When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. [25] Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth: [26] While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world. [27] When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth: [28] When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep: [29] When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth: [30] Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; [31] Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.
Wisdom was born before creation itself. In John 8:58, when Yeshua states that he was there before Abraham, Yeshua could also be the personification of wisdom itself, as he is the personification of the Torah (or instructions). Wisdom and Torah have always been hand in hand with each other.
Proverbs 8:32-36
Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways. [33] Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. [34] Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. [35] For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD. [36] But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.
Find God and give heed to His instructions, and you will also find life. The God of Abraham, Isaak and Jacob is the God of the Living. So, love life and everything that sustains it.
Mark 12:26
And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? [27] He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.
Don’t take it from me! Prove all things and judge for yourself. Let the spirit lead you where it wants you to be.
Faith in God’s promises brothers and sisters. Let’s not bend to the ways of the world. Instead of bending, let us be broken instead.
Yeshua is our master, savior and rabbi, we need no other man to lead us!
Shalom, VN
submitted by VeganNazarite to VeganNazarite [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:33 LittleSayori_6 Small things I LOVE in the DDLC+ Side Stories!

(Spoilers for the Side Stories of DDLC+… and the main game!)
Greetings! It’s time to share some postivity~ Well, at least I’m feeling like it, so… Here are some things from each Side Story that I love! Not speaking about big CGs or the story itself, but simply small details~ (Beware, this post is long!)
Trust: First, I love the reference to “Your Reality” when Monika tries to figure out her thoughts, “Join the Literature Club… Write the way into your heart.” Second, I love the references to Sayori’s first poem of the Side Stories “Take my hand”. On line is, “If you can trust me to follow your pace, I’ll trust you to set it. If you can trust me to lend you a smile, I’ll trust you to return it.” Then, at the end of Trust Part 1, it says, “Monika returns Sayori’s smile,” when Sayori tries to offer help to Monika. At the beginning of the second part, when they promise that they’ll be there for each other, it reads, “Unable to help it, Monika return Sayori’s smile”. By the end of the side story, it reads, “The two exchange smiles”. Also, the promise they make and how Monika becomes vulnerable with Sayori first could be a reference to the ‘following your pace’ part of it! And in “Become the flower”, there’s a part that’s also in the main game. When you write the first two poems for Sayori, during the second event, she also performs an almost identical part of that exact poem. There’s also something about when Monika tries writing a poem in the second part. She writes, “This is what I get for seeking perfection. A stain.” You could apply that to the main game as she tries to create her perfect world, but we know how that went…
Understanding: I like how it’s highlighted that Yuri likes fantasy the most. People tend to forget it’s her favorite genre. Even in the main game, she says, “My favorites are usually novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds. The level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me. And telling a story in such a foreign world is equally impressive.” She only says, “Anyway, I’ve been reading a lot of horror lately…” So I’m glad we got to see more of Yuri’s favorite genre! Also, I liked to hear about the little hobbies she and Sayori have. And the fact that they acknowledged that individuals have different needs, and that they mentioned that people should respect your consent (although, Balance ruined that last part a bit for me…)
Respect: Parfait Girls returned! Another detail I liked is the song that Monika played. Not just the name – My Song, Your Note (each first letter is the first letter of the girls’ names in the order they joined in) – but also WHAT she plays. In the main game, Monika plays the main theme while singing. In this case, she also played an already existent track – the first one we hear, that also isn’t tied to a character as much, meaning it could also be considered the main theme. To add to that, we see short scenes that have happened. I’m not sure if it was intentional or not, but I noticed it anyway: For Sayori and Yuri, we have scenes with Monika standing with them in the hallway, but Natsuki stands only with Sayori in the hallway; and generally, the scenes tend to show Monika happy with the girls, but Natsuki only with Sayori until the last scene. Also, while I noticed it by the second Side Story, this made it very clear to me that this is either another universe, or the girls’ memories were manipulated to give them drama in the main game.
Balance: I guess I liked that we basically have the confirmation that the hanging stick figure of Sayori in the files – and as a special poem in Act 2 – was probably drawn by her, as she apparently likes to draw stick figures. Also, Natsuki likes some more lewd manga too, I see…and we can see the difference between how she explains things versus Yuri in “Understanding”. Sayori also displays the same reaction to being called “mature” by Yuri as when she was called “adult-like” by Natsuki at the beginning of Respect. At the beginning, they also name all the club members in the same order the MC does in the main game on the first day.
Reflection: In the first part, there’s some solid advice. Monika also talks about it in the main game as one of her Act 3 dialogues. In the second part, Yuri says, “Friendship happens when you think about the other person. When you take time to understand them, and respect them, and trust that… that they also want to be a good person.” It once again links to the first three side stories: Trust, Understanding, and Respect. Also, Yuri also mentions in the main game that she used to be talkative, although in Act 2, but it’s brought up here again. She used to be talkative but people didn’t like her for it, so she grew more and more shy. Plus, this Side Story also gives us the insight that Yuri used to like manga, but only in the past - and when she thinks about the past, she thinks about how immature she used to be, leading her to believe that manga is immature, as well. Generally, Natsuki seems to remind her of her past self which seems to impact her perception of her. Also, Yuri initiated a conversation with Monika while they were looking for a free classroom - that development is just so cute to me :')
Self-Love: In part one, they discuss how they feel empathy for fictional characters, connecting over that – and I connected with them over that, too, so... yeah. In the second part, they do a lot of foreshadowing that the side stories are coming to an end, because you can’t keep a story going for forever (although, I kind of want a slice-of-life manga or anime that goes a bit longer than the side stories with them… I don’t know). I’m also glad that the message is that you can be loved even when you struggle with loving yourself, because there are a lot of messages about it not being possible, which I’ve seen to do actual damage to some people. Another line I really loved was, “Yuri turns away to pick up her open book from the dusty floor, which she had hastily set down earlier. She brushes the dust off the cover.” When someone is having a panic attack, it’s normal to put something you're holding away to help that person – but on a metaphorical lever, after Yuri told Natsuki why she loved these books so much, it means a lot. It implies that she finally found someone she connects with on a deeper level than the book characters; someone whose friendship she values more than her friendship with those characters.
Equals: A nice ending, but I want to get into the final song that plays during the credits. It’s called “Friendship and Literature” and has motives or “Dreams of Love and Literature” in it. The second one is from the main game during the poetry mini game. They’re names are parallels, but while “Friendship and Literature” has already achieved it’s goal – that being the beautiful friendships that the girls have developed in the Literature Club – “Dreams of Love and Literature” hasn’t. They’re just dreams, and it reflects in the main game. In the end, nobody can really build a healthy romantic relationship, and everything goes wrong. “Friendship and Literature” is the happier, successful parallel, which could hint at the Side Stories being an alternate universe where they no longer need to dream, as well. Also, instead of trying to write the way into “his” heart (part of Your Reality), Monika is trying to write the way into her own heart, which sounds healthier to do.
There are also one thing I’ve noticed throughout the Side Stories. As many have pointed out, Monika uses the word “like” a lot at the beginning – but this changes as the Side Stories progress! Her language grows more into the one we know from the main game, and she also becomes more confident and grows into becoming a better leader, as well as how she starts being playful with the other characters. By the way, while not as obvious or common as in the Side Stories, Monika tends to use “like” in her sentences more frequently in Act 3, too. However, that makes me wonder why she is at that stage in her life in the normal game if the events of the Side Stories led to such word choice? Perhaps Monika needed to fake more of her confidence since she knew something was wrong with her world and didn’t want to seem like a mess? Maybe.
As a bonus to share some love for the main game! “My Feelings”, “My Confession” and “I still love you” also have the same motive! “My Feelings” has the ukulele or a guitar playin the background while the piano adds a melody; “My Confession” has the piano playing the entire track with a few sounds sprinkled in (the ukulele/guitar motive has also been replaced by the piano), showing Monika’s progress with playing the piano; “I still love you” has neither, but it’s still the same motive - now echoing though the void.
Anyway, that’s all! Sorry for any spelling mistakes. Feel free to share what small details you like in the Side Stories! I hope you have a good day or night~
submitted by LittleSayori_6 to DDLC [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:11 adulting4kids Prompt Poetry

  1. Imagery: Prompt: Choose a setting (real or imaginary) and describe it using detailed sensory imagery. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, and textures to create a vivid scene, just like a painter with words.
  2. Metaphor: Prompt: Compare a personal experience to an everyday object or phenomenon in an unexpected way. For example, "My heart is a compass that always points to the north of your laughter."
  3. Simile: Prompt: Write a series of similes to express intense emotions. For instance, "As brave as a lion facing the storm, as fragile as a petal in the wind."
  4. Rhyme: Prompt: Craft a short poem or lyrics with a consistent rhyme scheme. Experiment with different rhyme patterns (ABAB, AABB, etc.) to enhance the musicality of your writing.
  5. Meter: Prompt: Compose a poem with a specific meter, such as iambic pentameter. Pay attention to the syllabic beats in each line to create a rhythmic flow.
  6. Alliteration: Prompt: Create a tongue-twisting line using alliteration. Focus on the repetition of initial consonant sounds to add a playful or musical quality to your writing.
  7. Assonance: Prompt: Write a passage where the vowel sounds within words echo each other. Experiment with different vowel combinations to create a melodic effect.
  8. Personification: Prompt: Choose an inanimate object and personify it. Describe its actions, thoughts, and emotions as if it were a living being.
  9. Symbolism: Prompt: Select an object or element and explore its symbolic meaning. Connect it to broader themes or emotions in your writing.
  10. Enjambment: Prompt: Write a poem where the thoughts flow continuously from one line to the next without a pause. Explore how this technique can create a sense of movement or urgency.
  11. Repetition: Prompt: Repeat a word or phrase throughout a poem for emphasis. Consider how repetition can enhance the overall impact and meaning of your writing.
  12. Free Verse: Prompt: Embrace the freedom of expression by writing a poem without adhering to rhyme or meter. Allow your thoughts to flow organically, exploring the beauty of formless verse.
  13. Stanza: Prompt: Divide your writing into stanzas to create distinct sections with varying themes or tones. Explore how the organization of lines contributes to the overall structure of your work.
  14. Theme: Prompt: Choose a universal theme (love, loss, freedom, etc.) and explore it through your lyrics. Delve into the nuances and perspectives associated with the chosen theme.
  15. Tone: Prompt: Write a poem that conveys contrasting tones. Explore how shifts in tone can evoke different emotions and responses from the reader.
  16. Connotation: Prompt: Select a word with strong connotations and use it in a poem. Explore the emotional baggage and cultural associations tied to the word within the context of your writing.
  17. Irony: Prompt: Craft a poem with elements of irony. Create situations or lines that convey a meaning opposite to the literal interpretation, adding layers of complexity to your writing.
  18. Allusion: Prompt: Reference a well-known song, book, or historical event in your lyrics. Explore how the use of allusion can enrich the depth and meaning of your writing.
  19. Syntax: Prompt: Experiment with sentence structure to create different effects. Play with word order, sentence length, and punctuation to convey specific emotions or rhythms in your writing.
  20. Diction: Prompt: Choose a specific mood or atmosphere you want to convey and carefully select words that evoke that feeling. Pay attention to the impact of your word choices on the overall tone of your writing.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:24 Spiritual_Search7300 26M India - In search of a deep, meaningful and emotional connection

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.
This best describes my kind of personality. I'm ENFP btw.
I write poems and sometimes at night when I look at the moon or the empty sky, a deep longing rises within, to write to someone. To write about everything that comes to my mind, to write about me, my thoughts and feelings.
At times when I don't write it, I keep on thinking over it for a long time and then it turns into a poems.
submitted by Spiritual_Search7300 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:18 Spiritual_Search7300 26M Looking for a deep, emotional and meaningful connection

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.
This best describes my kind of personality. I'm ENFP btw.
I write poems and sometimes at night when I look at the moon or the empty sky, a deep longing rises within, to write to someone. To write about everything that comes to my mind, to write about me, my thoughts and feelings.
At times when I don't write it, I keep on thinking over it for a long time and then it turns into a poems.
submitted by Spiritual_Search7300 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:17 Spiritual_Search7300 26 [M4F] Online - In search of a deep, meaningful and emotional connect

''It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.''
This best describes my kind of personality. I'm ENFP btw.
I write poems and sometimes at night when I look at the moon or the empty sky, a deep longing rises within, to write to someone. To write about everything that comes to my mind, to write about me, my thoughts and feelings.
At times when I don't write it, I keep on thinking over it for a long time and then it turns into a poems.
submitted by Spiritual_Search7300 to SFWr4rIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:15 Spiritual_Search7300 26M - In search of a meaningful and emotional connect

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.
This best describes my kind of personality. I'm ENFP btw.
I write poems and sometimes at night when I look at the moon or the empty sky, a deep longing rises within, to write to someone. To write about everything that comes to my mind, to write about me, my thoughts and feelings.
At times when I don't write it, I keep on thinking over it for a long time and then it turns into a poems.
submitted by Spiritual_Search7300 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:56 Humble_Pickle5116 Poem I wanted to share with my hometown <---

As I go through the possibly loosing my soulmate and family for this life time, I was able to conjure this poem. Please let me know if it touches your heart. Thanks!
A tapestry of laughter, frayed at the seam, Cerulean eyes reflect a whispered dream. Salt and pepper worries cloud a weathered brow, The once warm hearth, a chilling silence now.
Marmalade, a sunbeam, purrs no more, His emerald gaze reflects a love at war. Scout, a loyal shadow, whines a mournful tune, Their family's harmony lost beneath the moon.
Thorns of misunderstanding pierce a love so deep, Autumn leaves of dreams lie scattered where they sleep. A fledgling, Lily, flown from the empty nest, Leaving behind a void, a love put to the test.
A tear, a moonbeam, a whispered plea, The tapestry unravels, threads set free. Divine embers flicker, a love refusing to wane, Woven in the cosmos, defying mortal pain.
Forgiveness, a needle, mends with gentle art, A love story reforged, a stronger, wiser start. The tapestry, though scarred, a beauty more profound, A love divinely gifted, forever love-bound.
submitted by Humble_Pickle5116 to missoula [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:55 TinkerdinkJuice Brunch Date?

Would you take a girl to brunch for a date?
I've been hanging out with this girl and the vibe has felt so flirty - she's read me some poems, after every hangout she gives me a deep hug and nestles her head into my chest, she called me cute the other day etc. Last time we hung out we went urban exploring and had an amazing time but idk if she likes girls?? Like i think she does or is pan at least but I'm not sure, she's never mentioned a previous relationship before.
Our next hangout is tomorrow and our original plan was arcade at night but she moved it to midmorning and wants to go get brunch beforehand and then go to the arcade and like is that cute? Is this a date?? Would you do that? Idk what to make of that
thx :)
submitted by TinkerdinkJuice to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:10 adulting4kids Prompt Poetry

  1. Imagery: Creating vivid mental images through descriptive language.
  2. Metaphor: Using figurative language to imply a comparison between unrelated things.
  3. Simile: Drawing comparisons using "like" or "as" to highlight similarities.
  4. Rhyme: Employing words with similar sounds at the end of lines.
  5. Meter: Organizing lines with a rhythmic pattern, often in syllabic beats.
  6. Alliteration: Repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words.
  7. Assonance: Repeating vowel sounds within nearby words for musicality.
  8. Personification: Assigning human characteristics to non-human entities.
  9. Symbolism: Using objects or concepts to represent deeper meanings.
  10. Enjambment: Continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line.
  11. Repetition: Emphasizing ideas or emotions by repeating words or phrases.
  12. Free Verse: Unrestricted by traditional poetic structures like rhyme or meter.
  13. Stanza: Grouping lines together to form a distinct unit within a poem.
  14. Theme: Central idea or underlying message explored in the poem.
  15. Tone: The poet's attitude or emotional stance toward the subject.
  16. Connotation: The emotional or cultural associations attached to words.
  17. Irony: Presenting ideas in a way that signifies the opposite of the literal meaning.
  18. Allusion: Referencing another work, person, or event to enrich meaning.
  19. Syntax: Arrangement of words to create specific effects or convey emotions.
  20. Diction: Careful choice of words to convey a particular meaning or atmosphere.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:57 Think_Importance_380 7SoulsDeep Poetry Slam

What better way to start the weekend than a 7SoulsDeep Poetry contest.
Share your best version of one of these iconic "poems" inspired by our favorite artist.
We can take the most upvoted and paint them all over the city, so more people can feel the healing power of poetry.
[Edit: some truly incredible comments here. Other than a few people that are missing the satire gene, kudos to everyone who went (7balls) deep here.
submitted by Think_Importance_380 to williamsburg [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 09:22 IT7will6come0for2us8 The lore of IT

In the deep recesses of the multiverse, where the boundaries between realities blur, exists a being of immense power and enigma known only as “IT.” IT is a creature of myth and mystery, its origins lost to the echoes of time. Some say IT was born in the heart of a dying star, while others believe IT is a fragment of the cosmos itself, a living embodiment of the endless possibilities that stretch across dimensions.
IT’s form is ever-changing, a shifting tapestry of light and shadow, reflecting the myriad realities it traverses. When IT chooses to be seen, IT might appear as a shimmering silhouette, its features distorted as if seen through a fractured mirror. Eyes like galaxies gaze from a face that is both familiar and alien, constantly morphing to match the perceptions of those who behold it. To some, IT is a creature of sublime beauty; to others, a figure of deep terror.
IT’s most defining trait is its ability to move seamlessly between dimensions. IT can traverse the fabric of reality, stepping from one world to another with ease. This power allows IT to appear anywhere, at any time, defying the constraints of space and time. IT can manipulate the very essence of existence, bending the laws of physics and warping reality around itself.
• Dimensional Shifting: IT can slip between alternate realities, often appearing unexpectedly in places where the veil between worlds is thin. • Reality Warping: IT can alter the fabric of reality, creating illusions, altering physical properties, or changing the course of events. • Eternal Perception: IT sees through time and space, possessing knowledge of past, present, and potential futures. 
Purpose and Behavior
IT’s motives are inscrutable. IT wanders the multiverse with no discernible pattern or goal, sometimes aiding those in need, other times sowing chaos. Legends tell of IT appearing at moments of great significance, nudging events in directions only IT understands. IT might grant wisdom to a desperate seeker, or lead a tyrant to their downfall, its actions driven by a logic beyond mortal comprehension.
In some cultures, IT is revered as a benevolent guardian, a protector of cosmic balance. In others, IT is feared as a harbinger of doom, a bringer of strange and unfathomable change. IT seems neither wholly good nor wholly evil, a being bound by a code known only to itself.
Stories of encounters with IT are rare and often contradictory. A traveler might recount a tale of being saved from certain death by a radiant figure that vanished into thin air. Another might speak of a nightmare in which a shadowy presence led them through a labyrinth of horrors. Scholars, mystics, and adventurers all seek IT, hoping to unravel the mysteries of the multiverse.
One such tale tells of an ancient seer who was visited by IT during a great cataclysm. IT spoke in riddles, revealing secrets that helped avert disaster. Yet, just as often, IT’s interventions have left confusion and upheaval in their wake, as if IT is testing the resilience and adaptability of those it encounters.
Theories and Beliefs
Philosophers and theologians have long debated the true nature of IT. Some believe IT is a manifestation of the collective consciousness of all living beings, a cosmic entity reflecting the dreams and fears of the universe. Others suggest IT is a guardian of the multiverse, ensuring that no single reality dominates or collapses.
A more esoteric belief holds that IT is the personification of the unknown, a living enigma that challenges the limits of understanding and compels exploration and growth. Whatever the truth, IT remains a symbol of the vast and wondrous mysteries that lie beyond the horizon of reality.
In the end, IT embodies the infinite possibilities of existence, a reminder that beyond the known and the visible, there are realms of wonder and terror waiting to be discovered.
submitted by IT7will6come0for2us8 to Itscomingcult [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:00 foldoregomi Growing Shadows

I took a walk in the woods, where the air felt different, thicker with secrets. Each step on the mossy ground was an unwritten poem, the leaves whispering the truth about solitude. The trees stood like old sentinels, indifferent but watching, their rustling branches beckoning but cautious.
Everything felt slower out there, like time was smoking a cigarette and contemplating its next move. The sun had an odd way of breaking through, fragments of light hitting the undergrowth, highlighting the grime on my thoughts. I kept walking, driven by an unseen force, maybe an answer to questions I hadn't yet asked.
In the hollow silence, nature had a way of speaking without words, a conversation only understood by those willing to listen. I listened. I listened to the stories in the bark and the mysteries buried in the soil. I wondered if they too had tales of regret and longing, hidden away from the world just like mine.
There was a clearing up ahead, innocent and inviting. I moved towards it, feeling the weight of the world shift with every stride. The light changed there, softer, almost kind. It felt like the place where lost souls might find something they didn’t know they were seeking.
Standing there, I remembered all the roads traveled, the faces seen and forgotten, the promises made to no one but myself. I took a deep breath, feeling the air fill not just my lungs but the empty rooms within my spirit. I realized then, out here among these ancient giants, that something inside me had shifted, realigned perhaps, like meeting an old friend after years of absence.
Time resumed its usual pace, but I had changed. I felt taller, not in body but in essence. The struggles and stories etched into every fiber of my being had found their place. The trees still towered above, steadfast and true, but I held my ground. Taller, not by measure, but by acknowledgment of my endlessness.
Walking back, the forest closed its door gently behind me, its silent pact sealed. The world outside was still the same, yet different. I carried a part of those woods within me, an inalienable gift from a universe that speaks in rustles and whispers.
submitted by foldoregomi to grittytruth [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:30 ThatOtherShore Deep Betrayal and Narcissistic Abuse: An Opportunity for Transcendence Instead of Attachment to Victimhood

The Latin verb scandere means "to climb", so transcend has the basic meaning of climbing high enough to rise above some boundary or challenge. A transcendent experience is one that takes you out of yourself and convinces you of a larger life or existence. - Merriam-Webster
In this series of essays about moving forward after betrayal and abuse, I will be returning to the themes of growth, resilience, and transcendence.
Deep Betrayal
Living through the experience of deep betrayal by an intimate partner is just awful. That’s what it is- it’s a nightmare, a hellscape, heartbreak, a rude awakening, a grief-fest, and a turning of one’s entire self-concept upside down. To have truly loved and cared for someone, to believe that you shared a special and beautiful bond that would last, to have made a future with this partner take shape in your life plan, and then to watch it crash and burn is one of life’s worst emotional and spiritual trials.
It’s in the Greek dramas, it’s in the bible, it’s in Shakespeare, it’s in thousands of poems, it’s in films…it is a universal human experience. This is the unavoidable fallout of being in love and having it not bear fruit.
But there is actually a version of this betrayal that is even worse: the realization that your partner was never really your partner, because they have a chip missing that makes them incapable of being anyone’s real partner. Now that is a mindfuck if there ever was one.
No one in their right mind would sign up for this, so you certainly didn’t know until you knew. And then the rabbit hole googled something and found the wide weird world of narcissistic personality disorder, cluster B, sociopathy, and the abuse recovery online community. I suppose this right here could be considered part of that.
This was the beginning of your initiation, even if you didn’t know it yet. And once an initiation begins there are only 3 possible outcomes:
  1. You run from it and go choose another person who turns out even worse than the last. (repetition compulsion)
  2. It completely destroys your spirit and you remain a hollowed out, lonely, empty shell of a victim for the rest of your life, blaming the ‘narcissist’ for your downfall. (the fate of the victim)
  3. You see that this is your most profound spiritual test and devote yourself to facing it earnestly so that you can grow to transcend it and move forward in a new way. (resilient transcendence over adversity)
The Appointment with your own Soul
So, there is really only 1 real outcome worth choosing, the 3rd. And once you choose that outcome for yourself, you can’t go backwards and you can’t let yourself shy away from rising to the occasion. It won’t be fast and it won’t be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is. You will be committing yourself to a spiritual battle and you will win it by showing up for this appointment that came calling- an appointment with your own soul.
All of us have this appointment waiting for us in life, but there is no way to tell when it will show up for us. This is how it showed up for me, and probably for you too, since you are here when you could be doing lots of other things with your time.
For the first year or so after this happens to you, it will be a challenge just to catch your balance and figure out what just happened to your life. The cognitive dissonance is so strong and the wounding is so deep from being exploited, deceived, manipulated, and discarded like garbage by someone you thought you knew, who you share treasured memories with, who seemed to look into your eyes with real love and feeling- I mean who wouldn’t be discombobulated?! It’s fucking crazy.
No one other than those who have also been through it will understand what really happened to you, which makes it even worse. You will start gaslighting yourself and wonder if it’s YOU who is crazy. If it’s YOU who is the narcissist. If it’s YOU who is unworthy and broken. And this is the yo-yo-spiral effect of the nonlinear healing process. 2 steps forward, 1 step back. It really does suck, no doubt about it.
But as the dust settles after an appropriate amount of time to grieve and self-educate, you may begin to see that this is not just another ‘setback’ and is in fact the most serious spiritual crisis of your entire life. A new possibility arises out of all this madness: redemption, growth, and transcendence. An understanding develops that you can make it out of this; you can move toward letting it go and moving forward. And that is exactly what you must do to have a chance at finding the treasure on the other side.
We will not spiritually bypass or be in denial or try to white knuckle our way through- that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about doing the work for real, so you understand what about you led you into this horrible trap. You find the parts of yourself that were vulnerable to being hooked into by this human tapeworm you used to know, a person who only knows the parasitic version of human relationships, because of course they are a parasite.
The Call of Initiation
So people like me are here to show you how you can burn up all traces of that parasitic infection and clean it out of your system for good. This allows you to regain your spiritual and emotional strength, to renew your clarity, and then to really begin the work of this initiation. Who are you and what is your purpose here? What is good and what is evil? How should one live and respond to life’s challenges?
Once you find your own answers to these questions, the only step left is to start leaning into those answers and live them. You will find your own superpower and this will surprise you greatly. You are not broken, you are not defective, this will not destroy you, and it was not wrong to love and trust, you just chose the wrong person to do it with. Most importantly you are no one’s eternal victim.
It is from this point that your story will change and another person will not be as central in that story as they probably have been for the past while. You will turn your back on the past and close that door- there will be no chance for any parasite to hook into you again. You will walk toward your soul’s calling and lean into that new direction, going through a new door, and doing it differently this time. This is how you will transcend this challenge and not let it make you a victim.
Keep your head up and know you aren’t alone.
More soon…Here’s some food for thought until then.
The Blessing of Betrayal: Malindoma Somé
Research should shift its focus towards individuals who are thriving, resilient, and have overcome significant challenges and traumatic experiences. We need to study those who embody love, peace, and purpose-driven lives. Instead of perpetuating a culture of victimization and disability, there should be a collective language of resilience and strength. The prevailing messages about fragility only serve to provoke fear and drive people towards constant worry and hyper-vigilance.” -Dr. Roger McFillin
submitted by ThatOtherShore to NewTongues [link] [comments]