Character letter to court

AskOuija: Get your answers one letter at a time

2016.05.03 00:32 tacobellscannon AskOuija: Get your answers one letter at a time

AskReddit, Ouija-style.

2021.04.22 14:10 anon43v3r Squeakycleancarts

This community is a group for people who don’t wanna deal with sgt dickhead over in clean carts feel free to post carts without worry of a ban or 2000 character letter explaining why ur a crayon chewer just cause you asked for help and didn’t wanna scroll thru his neck beard circle jerk

2011.05.02 11:40 Exodan Exalted


2024.05.17 00:34 EmpireOfTheDawn Ronnel Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Guarded Domains, the Last King


Discord Tag: 7up
Name and House: Ronnel Arryn
Age: 33
Cultural Group: Valeman
Appearance: Cheekbones poised like a falcon perched, an aquiline nose after a raptor's beak, a stature rivalling a mountain's (if it were the size of a tall man), and blue eyes the same color as the sky. Aside from a propagandist's parallels to whatever sigil their patron displays, Ronnel Arryn errs from the example of the aloof falcon. Once possessed of a heedless will, a brashness and an impatience, those qualities have been tamed in turn by fatherhood, husbandhood, and rulership—though those traits still persist, merely tinged by the manner that an elder brother might take with the younger. His hair has shifted from dirty blond to sandy brown with age, and a trimmed beard covers his jaw.
Trait: Inspiring
Skill(s): Blunt Weapons, Cavalryman, Tactician, Cunning (e)
Talent(s): Falconry, hunting (non-mechanical 🤫🧏‍♂️), dragonriding
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Lord of the Eyrie, Lord of the Vale, Defender of the Guarded Domains of Arryn, Warden of the East, Warden of the Green Fork, First and Last of His Name, the King Who Flew, Rider of Vhagar (sometimes), and the Last King in Westeros
Starting Location: Feast
Family Tree


Name and House: Marq Hardyng
Age: 32
Cultural Group: Valeman
Appearance: A broad and ruddy man, blonde, brown-eyed, and bearded. Marq Hardyng wears his duty on his sleeve; that duty mostly being hunting with his milk brother.
Trait: Hale
Skill(s): Swords, Investigator (e)
Talent(s): Tourney lore x3
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Scion of House Hardyng
Starting Location: Feast


Little of the Last King’s early years are of much import; Ronnel Arryn was born to King Joffrey I and Queen Sharra Arryn. His few memories of his father were that of a pallid man, wan and sickly but still a king who bloody well fought the illness that plagued him.
Or perhaps those were just fanciful tales, an imagined story that supplanted the truth of the matter.
Joffrey Arryn did at least survive, if he did not fight. Ronnel’s siblings, Jonos and Roland, would be born in succession. The falcons grew in number, Joffrey’s ailment ceased, and—the gods took him away and brought Arwen Arryn into the world.
Shortly after his sister’s birth, Sharra Arryn dressed her son in royal regalia and placed a crown on his head, assuming rule as sole regent while the boy distracted himself with toys and games. He would be nursed with Marq Hardyng, and he and his milk brother grew to be quick friends.
The Queen Sharra could not rest. There were new contenders on the horizon, greater than what meager assaults the Hoares could occasionally muster against the Bloody Gate: the threefold conquerors atop their dragons. Where the ravens sent by Aegon were met with scorn by Durrandon and hubris by the Hoares, Sharra offered alliance. Her hand in marriage and the left bank of the Green Fork to be annexed into the Guarded Domains.
The dragons rejected the offer, and instead, a Velaryon fleet was sent to take Gulltown and establish a foothold. They were repelled and the Targaryen ships were sunk for that transgression, but Vhagar’s fire consumed the Grafton fleet with them.
Ronnel knew what war was. It was like those tales in storybooks, that of the Griffin King and the Winged Knight, the legends of the Battle of Sevenstars. He, Jonos, and Marq fashioned themselves as Jaime Corbray or Luceon Templeton and fought each other over who could best live up to Artys Arryn’s example. When the Gates of the Moon swelled with men-at-arms, knights, and levied smallfolk, the three would find the most fearsome looking of them and challenge them to duels. Once he heard of dragons, though, Ronnel was consumed. He begged his mother to let him lead a parlay under a peace banner just so that he could see them, but Sharra sent him off to the nurses or left him to kick rocks in the courtyard.
The banners gathered, and the defenses were headed by Lord Rodrik Hardyng. Orders were given, the soldiers were drilled. And Vhagar’s wings cast a shadow so large that it engulfed the Bloody Gate whole. Shouting on the ramparts and in the valleys, but high above in the Eyrie? Ronnel, then just eight, was in awe at the sight.
Sharra could only muster a smile when she returned to find her son on Visenya’s lap. An accord was struck, on Ronnel’s terms this time: he asked to fly on Vhagar and his mother would surrender the crown to the Targaryen Queen. The mercy that Visenya afforded was well-taken, though in Sharra’s mind, the threat of dragonfire crystallized.
A marked shift came then. There were no battles to be won, no politicking to be done that outweighed the import of her sons and her daughter. The Queen-Regent, now the Lady-Regent, empowered her son’s advisors and devoted her time to looking after her children. When Visenya returned after burning House Sunderland whole and gave reprimands, Sharra frowned and offered blunt words in turn, which the Queen acquiesced to. Their relationship thawed hence, though Ronnel had never wavered in his admiration of the Targaryen. A Winged-Knight-Come-Again. Perhaps he could ride a dragon of his own one day.
Ronnel was a rowdy lad and by the time he was of squiring age, he was content to leave the rule of his lands to his mother and whoever she picked as an advisor. Lords such as Lyn Egen, Willem Ryger, and Rodrik Templeton would come to advise the young lord or hawk with him. Lord Mathos Grafton became the most prominent of that cadre, his wisdom in old age allowing him more room for criticism. Ronnel wanted to while his time away with falconry and training, while the old lord reminded him of the issues that Targaryen reign brought.
At four-and-ten, Ronnel stole away from the Eyrie and gathered what boys and knights he could to face the mountain clans. He knew what war was; it was the Root Father and his savages, stealing and laying waste to the lands he was sworn to protect. It was in the throes of battle that Ronnel would be dubbed as a knight by some unknown dying man. The knighthood was left unmentioned, though the purpose he found for his rule—no, his guardianship—lingered.
In his victorious return to the Eyrie, Ronnel would be clouted on the ear for the stunt then barred from leaving for months. Visenya Targaryen landed once more in the Vale. This time, she took it as a home, and she was welcomed with open arms. Aegon’s heir was born in the Eyrie that year, dubbed as Laenor Targaryen and soon practically adopted by the Arryns as their younger sibling. Sharra would grow close to the dragon queen in the years to come.
A year later, Ronnel was sent to King’s Landing to squire for Orys Baratheon. Only a few months elapsed before he grew incensed with the Hand over one thing or another, and the squireship ended when the Arryn came to blows with his knight-master. Ronnel was sent back to the Vale, where he earned his spurs once more. Publicly this time, before a crowd of tourneygoers and then holding a vigil with oaths modeled after those of the Winged Knights.
Though he gave off the impression of a true knight by that time, he was more preoccupied with wine and women and the hunt than statecraft. In any room he entered, he laughed the loudest, boasted the loudest, fought the hardest, always with Marq at his side. Nothing but a scolding from his mother Sharra or a clout on the ear from his second mother Visenya could fetter him. He was a falcon, and he flew high and bright.
Such a lofty stature is bound to attract envy. As any elder brother would, he butted heads with his siblings often. His rivalry with his brother Jonos was much more than a sibling spat, however, though the nature and root of their rivalry is unknown to all but a select few. In later years, their quarrels grew louder and their rifts deeper, with Jonos having been sent thrice to play second fiddle to the Knight of the Bloody Gate, and threatened with taking the black twice as many times. Still, their early quarrels proved to be mere distractions, and they wreaked what havoc boy-lords would in taverns and winesinks.
But his lip had to become stiff the day his mother died, just a few months after he came of age and assumed power. Sharra Arryn's last words of advice ate away at his spirit.
"Kill the boy."
So he was offered at the altar, and so did Rhaenys Targaryen seize the opportunity. Ronnel Arryn would be wed to the Queen’s lady-in-waiting, Serena Stark, and that match was confirmed by Sharra’s will. Yet numb, he received his wife to be in Gulltown with courtesy, and they were wedded with haste. Once a Princess of the North and now the Lady of the Vale, Serena found no home in the Eyrie. Ronnel came to avoid her; going on hunts, staying at the Moongates or even the Bloody Gate, and offering only short conversation in their rare meetings.
It came to a head when Serena stated her intention to return to Winterfell. Ronnel gave a shrug in response, and asked when she wanted to depart. Jonos could be his heir if need be, and his mother’s death still dragged his thoughts, so why bother at all?
The intervention of one dragon queen then another halted the split: Visenya reminded Ronnel that Aegon made two marriages work at once. A raven carrying a letter from Queen Rhaenys arrived, affixed with a ring wrought of Valyrian steel. Ronnel gave it to Serena as a peace offering.
There was no parting from the Targaryens’ grand plans, it seemed. So Ronnel’s marriage with Serena began anew. She would be introduced to the Vale and its customs with feasts and tourneys, sitting on councils and holding court as the Lady of the Vale. In the same vein, more familiar items and furnishings were brought in from the North, and Ronnel would journey to the weirwood tree that the mountain clans held sacred to try to pray with his wife. He did not hear the old gods’ whispers and could not bear the stillness, but the two came to understand one another, and their marriage grew warm. Their first child, Robar Arryn, was born a year later, and the Tourney by the Maiden’s Bay would be held in his honor.
Ronnel settled into his reign. His liveliness returned, though boyish pursuits were restrained with fatherhood. He replaced the Keeper of the Gates of the Moon after the Cavaliers proved more competent, sent tax collector after tax collector when Witch Isle grew silent (and nearly called the banners before being dissuaded), and ensured that the mountain clans and any other would-be invaders were quelled while Lae Targaryen was raised to be a greater king than their father. The Brotherhood of the Winged Knights, once decrepit, grew stronger after pieces of the Winged Knight’s armor were found.
His second child, a daughter, would be born then. Faced with the choice of naming her after Sharra or Visenya, she would instead be named after her great-grandmother Cynthea. Artos Arryn would follow four years later, his name chosen by the Lady Arryn.
Another day in the Eyrie. Five-and-twenty years after Aegon's Conquest, and near thirty years into Ronnel's reign. He slides a razor over his cheek and coughs once into a fist. Ronnel opens his palm to see droplets of blood. He wipes his cheek. A shaving cut, no doubt and no matter.
The next week while he sups with his family, the coughs come back. He excuses himself, blames his trip to the valleys with a chuckle, and Jonos meets his gaze with a sidelong glance before shirking away.
He sees his maester without telling anyone. And once more after a hunt. Soon, he is left sitting on his bed with grains of sweetsleep in hand and a warning: he would die. And soon.
Ronnel Arryn is honorable. He is just, or at least just enough. But when he bounces his son on his knee and looks into smiling grey eyes where his Stark mother's are oft stern, he wonders whether the next Targaryen to come to the Eyrie would let little Artos fly or burn him and his family whole.
It is not enough. Ronnel Arryn is not just enough. As the last king yet walking on the earth of this damnable regent's kingdom, he needs to ensure that the next monarch in Laenor Targaryen sits firmly on the Iron Throne before he dies—honor be damned if need be, by any means fucking necessary. That is his duty to the realm. That is his duty to his wife and children, and that will be his legacy.


Sup porting Characters

submitted by EmpireOfTheDawn to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:34 TraditionalSong9079 Legal Assistant to Paralegal

When did you feel ready to make the jump?
For context: I’ve been working as a legal assistant for a year and a half, I have my Associates and paralegal certificate, I’m working on my Bachelors. I live/work in a state that allows apprenticeship as qualification to sit for the bar, in lieu of law school, and that is the eventual goal. My boss is aware and supportive of my goals, and encourages all the attorneys/paralegals in the office to send work my way.
For additional context: I work in family law, intend to stay in family law.
When I think of the work our paralegals do the list of what I feel confident doing is far longer than the list of things I don’t feel confident doing. There are a few things that I can’t say I’m 100% confident on because of attorney personal preferences. And then there’s really only two things I don’t feel confident on at all.
I can confidently: Draft discovery, both requests and client answers (though I sometimes ask the attorney for input on questions related to DV/parenting plans, but so do our senior paralegals) Draft petitions/responses to petitions Draft most motions File/Note motions Calendar (hearings, pre-hearing deadlines, case schedules, pre-trial orders, and discovery response deadlines) Draft mediation letters, I’ve never done a settlement offer letter, but know they’re quite similar and feel confident in my ability to figure it out I’m also pretty confident in reaching out to outside entities for information (calling clerks for counties we’re unfamiliar with, calling to find out procedure to get documents we want, etc) Some of these I lack some confidence with some of our attorneys due to not knowing their preferences. Also, I’m probably missing some things here, but these are what really stick out to me.
Things I don’t feel confident on: Drafting declarations Correspondence (generally I feel like clients like me when they interact with me, I just have anxiety)
Despite all this, I still feel anxious, and like I wouldn’t be ready to make the jump, if the opportunity arose. But I’m not sure if I’d ever feel “ready”
(Also, to toot my own horn, I took a family law course for my associates, for our final project we had to make a desk book, and my professor (who was/is a family law court commissioner) said I would make a family law attorney very happy one day. At the time I never thought I’d work in family law, but here I am)
submitted by TraditionalSong9079 to paralegal [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:27 vandrivingman Need advice on debt collections

So today I received a letter from a law firm titled "Notice of Court Proceeding to Collect a Debt".
This all stems from credit debt I accrued over 25 years ago when I was barely an adult. Back then it was approximately $1300. They are saying I owe close to $5000.
Over 15 years ago this letter states that a judgement was settled against me in court.
They are threatening to sue to garnish my wages if I do not respond.
I am thinking I better go consult with an attorney.
Do they have a case after all this time? I am in Ohio.
submitted by vandrivingman to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:06 Different-Ad4862 [GM4F] The Marked Lands - A 5E DnD Campaign

Deeptown was aflame.
A large inferno raged, washing the town square in waves of sweltering heat and spitting sparks. The babbling surge of the River of Dreams was overwhelmed by the roaring of flames; heavy smoke stacks obscuring the light of the thin, silvery moon that stood vigil above the valleyed town. The windowed houses that ensconced the town square, built of oak and plaster, reflected back the orange illumination in haunting visage. Even the incessant warblings of hundreds of cicadas and katydids were drowned out by the sharp snap of stacked burning logs. There was only one sound that trumped all others.
Thin, bright trilling flutes. Heavy, rumbling drums. A singular lute whose owner took liberties in the finer points of playing. And, more than that, dozens of hesitant yet warm voices sang. They sang of life and love and hope. They sang of Tohlen and Sayn. They sang for the Festival of Plenty. Large stalls packed the corners of the space and, betwixt these stalls, a man from a group of pack-laden individuals cried out, "Trader, merchant, mender! Vendor, gossip, letter handler!" The merchants, misty-eyed and smiling wide, trudged down the road with graying travel packs nestled between peaked shoulders. "I've got gut and needle and knives and wines! Water for travel and open to haggle!" Each flat-footed step upon the ground lent itself to a grand chorus; a jumbled mess of metals, glassware, and other oddities heralding their arrival. Nervous lovers made wide, clumsy steps around one fire. In the center, a hurried stage had been constructed and was lit by the four bonfires. A troupe of performers acted out some bawdy play or another, making indecent jokes and enrapturing their growing audience.
At the height of this reverie, miles and miles away, a group of robed figures rode hard and fast with a purpose that would cause a few wandering paths and destinies to begin to intertwine…

🠪 20+ is a must on my end. I’d like experienced and mature writers who don’t have any qualms telling a story that veers into mature topics at times. 🠪 Third person literacy. This one is pretty self explanatory. I write strictly in third person and put my focus into quality before quantity. 🠪 Has a focus on pushing the story alongside the DM. There should be enough meat in the post and enough new content to give adequate space to formulate a response for all parties involved. I cannot tell you how many times I've worked up a post only to be greeted by a word by word response of what occurred in my own post and nothing more, leaving a sour taste in my mouth with nothing for me to build off of or react to. I hold to the philosophy of a 'give and take' in roleplay. No one person should be in control of the conflict or cliffhangers or what have you, though I as DM will have a heavier hand on presenting information. Poison a drink, introduce new character traits, or even piss off a new antagonist. Anything works as long as it's communicated and brings something of value to the roleplay. 🠪 Comfortable with expanding the world and creating the plot together. Like I previously mentioned, the pieces of The Marked Lands are together, though the specifics are things that must be worked out. I don’t care much for plotting out every exhausting detail prior to writing. I would just enjoy someone who didn’t mind adding their own twists and ideas into the story. 🠪 Discord only! — If any of this has caught your interest, feel free to send me a message detailing any ideas you might have and a little about yourself! The world of The Marked Lands is one of my new favorite pet projects that I’ve worked on and I’m excited to get to explore and flesh it out more in depth to tell awesome stories in.
submitted by Different-Ad4862 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:06 Different-Ad4862 [GM4F] The Marked Lands - A 5E DnD Campaign

Deeptown was aflame.
A large inferno raged, washing the town square in waves of sweltering heat and spitting sparks. The babbling surge of the River of Dreams was overwhelmed by the roaring of flames; heavy smoke stacks obscuring the light of the thin, silvery moon that stood vigil above the valleyed town. The windowed houses that ensconced the town square, built of oak and plaster, reflected back the orange illumination in haunting visage. Even the incessant warblings of hundreds of cicadas and katydids were drowned out by the sharp snap of stacked burning logs. There was only one sound that trumped all others.
Thin, bright trilling flutes. Heavy, rumbling drums. A singular lute whose owner took liberties in the finer points of playing. And, more than that, dozens of hesitant yet warm voices sang. They sang of life and love and hope. They sang of Tohlen and Sayn. They sang for the Festival of Plenty. Large stalls packed the corners of the space and, betwixt these stalls, a man from a group of pack-laden individuals cried out, "Trader, merchant, mender! Vendor, gossip, letter handler!" The merchants, misty-eyed and smiling wide, trudged down the road with graying travel packs nestled between peaked shoulders. "I've got gut and needle and knives and wines! Water for travel and open to haggle!" Each flat-footed step upon the ground lent itself to a grand chorus; a jumbled mess of metals, glassware, and other oddities heralding their arrival. Nervous lovers made wide, clumsy steps around one fire. In the center, a hurried stage had been constructed and was lit by the four bonfires. A troupe of performers acted out some bawdy play or another, making indecent jokes and enrapturing their growing audience.
At the height of this reverie, miles and miles away, a group of robed figures rode hard and fast with a purpose that would cause a few wandering paths and destinies to begin to intertwine…

🠪 20+ is a must on my end. I’d like experienced and mature writers who don’t have any qualms telling a story that veers into mature topics at times. 🠪 Third person literacy. This one is pretty self explanatory. I write strictly in third person and put my focus into quality before quantity. 🠪 Has a focus on pushing the story alongside the DM. There should be enough meat in the post and enough new content to give adequate space to formulate a response for all parties involved. I cannot tell you how many times I've worked up a post only to be greeted by a word by word response of what occurred in my own post and nothing more, leaving a sour taste in my mouth with nothing for me to build off of or react to. I hold to the philosophy of a 'give and take' in roleplay. No one person should be in control of the conflict or cliffhangers or what have you, though I as DM will have a heavier hand on presenting information. Poison a drink, introduce new character traits, or even piss off a new antagonist. Anything works as long as it's communicated and brings something of value to the roleplay. 🠪 Comfortable with expanding the world and creating the plot together. Like I previously mentioned, the pieces of The Marked Lands are together, though the specifics are things that must be worked out. I don’t care much for plotting out every exhausting detail prior to writing. I would just enjoy someone who didn’t mind adding their own twists and ideas into the story. 🠪 Discord only! — If any of this has caught your interest, feel free to send me a message detailing any ideas you might have and a little about yourself! The world of The Marked Lands is one of my new favorite pet projects that I’ve worked on and I’m excited to get to explore and flesh it out more in depth to tell awesome stories in.
submitted by Different-Ad4862 to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:59 Throw11awayy Will this be a disqualification? DV related

Looking to become a Deputy/Officer in California. In 2020 I called the police on my ex because she hit me and wouldn't leave my home. When the police arrived they spoke with her first and she stated that I was actually the attacker (Which isn't true). The officer then spoke with me and said my story didn't match with hers and that he believed her over me. She also had marks on her arm which she said came from me. (Which is also untrue. She bruises extremely easily and she often wrestled with our kids, so her having bruises on her legs/arms is kind of normal. She also has a history of self harm. Slapping herself and hitting her arm against a desk or wall) The marks she gave me were barely visible but I had them photograph them anyways. I was arrested and charged with felony demostic violence & corporal injury. Hours later I paid bail and was released. The next day my ex told me she felt bad about what happened. She contacted the arresting officer and also the DA's office to tell them what really happened. At least thats what she told me.. I never received a court date, I was never convicted and I also later received a "Certificate of Release/Detention" letter from the police stating that taking me into custody was a detention only, not an arrest pursuant of California penal codes 849, 849.5 & 851.6. Is this something that would DQ me? When the BI speaks with my ex I’m almost certain she will say I have never hit her. We have a decent co-parenting relationship now. I passed the written and physical test. I’m currently about to start the BI process.
submitted by Throw11awayy to AskLEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:59 shaneka69 NUMEROLOGY OF CAUREY ROLLINS


Caurey Rollins was arrested for molesting children. Not sure the level of intensity besides what went viral which was him putting a young boy's toe in his mouth at a trampoline park which is beyond absurd. I am going to point out the significance of the possibility of this act based on the numeric ENERGIES in his name. Not sure what his middle name is because that would help to gain full insight into his full character, but will put a focus on his first name at least since this energy is most important on a daily basis.
Was able to get his full name which is Caurey Verlon Rollins. We are going to be applying the energies in a way where it is based on an individual and match up the actions with the energies.
First name DECODE
C - The energy of 3 vibrates at 3 which is a known number when it comes to communication, expression, creativity, and social activity on a main scale. In addition to those basics, it is a number and energy connected to Gemini(the twins) and connected to versatility which can apply in a sense where someone is into men and women or even the same gender. C and 3 energy is very childlike, more childlike than the energy of 5 and Leo.
A - The energy of 1 is what the letter A represents in Numerology. This represents action and quick impulse. Think of a child doing something impulsively without thinking. That is what A and 1 can represent.
U - The energy of U being the 21st letter of the alphabet and vibrating at a matured energy and level of the # 3 is merged with the energy of 2 and 1. 2 being the number connected to cooperation, compassion, and sensitivity and 1 being action-oriented. This energy combo can point to someone(1) who is fruity(2) = 3.
R - 18th letter of the alphabet vibrating at the energy of 9. A matured version of 9 so it is beyond being experimental. It's being experimental with things on a dedicated basis or from a place of history(8). 8 is representing time being put in a situation. It wasn't a one time thing type of energy. 9 is the number of experience and mastery. In this case, in a not so good way.
E - 5th letter of the alphabet which I mentioned is connected to childlike energy whether it is humor based, or childish actions. I mentioned in another post that 5 is also connected to crimes.
Y- 25th letter of the alphabet. Vibrating at the energy 7 which is a number connected to strategy and wisdom. The number of being calculating and thoughtful. 2 as I mentioned is a number associated with cooperating with other or just any 1 on 1 interaction and the number 5 is creative, inappropriate, joyful, childlike,etc. Numerology speaks about 7 being associated with Neptune which is the planet connected to illusions and deceit.
As you can see, this name as a lot of energies connected to numbers and energies of immaturity such as 3 two times, 1, and 5. The name CAUREY radiates a strong energy and influence of 1 which is self-motivated or self-focused with the destiny and personality number being 1 and the soul urge being 9. This all equates to doing something for the benefit of self and NOT thinking it through.
Now looking at his full name
CAUREY VERLON ROLLINS has the energy of 3 five times throughout his name. This repetitions brings forth the energy and influence of 8. 8 can be taboo! Motivated by taboo urges (8) and taking action on it (1).
3 childlike energy,5 times (kids are connected to 5)
9 is throughout his name 4 times. 9x4=36/9 9 as I mentioned is connected to mastery, teaching, success, and power. 4 is self when it isn't about responsibility and work demands.
3 and 9 are connected to teaching, learning, intelligence -- He was working with the kids before he did such an act. I guess the taboo was more important.
His full name has the personality number 7 which is the Neptune ruled number in Numerology. His soul urge is 8 and destiny number is 6 so he was strategic(7) in his taboo actions(8) while working with innocent kids (6). 6 is the number of hospitality, service, and care. 8 is the number connected to change, dark experiences/taboo, and ambition. 7 is strategy, wisdom, and deceit,.
caurey verlon rollins
corey verlon rollins
corey rollins
vern b. carruthers
vernon carroll
bo carrington duke
bo carrington duke lacrosse
carey vernon
c rollins hanlon
d'arcy carden veep
errol leroy vangsness
errol cvern
earl carroll vanities
e carroll
vern carroll
v. f. calverton
h rollins
vernon rollins iowa
j.r. verlin
vernon carey miami
vernon cardwell
o'carroll of ely
p roy vagelos
ray carroll richmond
vernon rollins
svu rollins carisi
ty rollins
u roy version galore
verlon brown
xavier rollins
1 carol drive vernon ct
vernon carey 247
2 carol dr vernon ct
2 carol drive vernon ct
2 carey lane pittston pa
3 curlew hilton head
7 curlew hilton head
8 caryl lane philadelphia pa
submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:51 AnonOmeese3 Royal Scandal Discord Group RP

In the realm of Asmonia, four kingdoms—Armatius Empire, Mavia, Otarenth Dynasty, and Pruzodora—vie for power and control over the lands. For centuries, Armatius and Mavia have been locked in a bitter feud, each seeking dominance over the other. Meanwhile, Otarenth and Pruzodora have remained neutral, harboring ancient secrets and treasures within their borders.
As tensions escalate between Armatius and Mavia, rumors spread of an ancient kingdom hidden deep within the enchanted waters of Pruzodora. It's said that this kingdom holds immeasurable riches and mystical artifacts, capable of shifting the balance of power in the ongoing conflict.
To uncover the truth and claim the treasures for themselves, emissaries from Otarenth, Mavia and Pruzodora, along with their entourages, are invited to a grand ball hosted by the rulers of Armatius. The ball is intended to be a diplomatic affair, but beneath the surface, alliances are formed and betrayals plotted.
Is there poison in the wine? Should you dance with that adversary? Who’s listening to the whispers between you and your friend? Are they even friend, could they be foe all along?
The rules are simple;
➤ No Bigotry Of Any Kind ➤ Don’t be a Creep or you will be Kicked ➤ Drama in RP Only! ➤ Every reply must be semi-literate and contain at least 100 words, NO ONE LINERS! That means 100 words minimum for every character you play! ➤ No Killing Characters! (unless permitted) ➤ 18+ ONLY
These are the open positions for the royal families, once those are filled we can open up nobility and workers within the royal courts.
♡ Armatius; ► Queen(43+)
♢ Mavia; ►Queen (43+)
♤ Otarenth; All Royal Roles Taken Other roles opening soon
Pruzodora; All Royal Roles Taken Other roles opening soon
Join the discord if you’re interested! I’ll be DMing you personally for some details, you’ll need to provide a writing sample to ensure you can keep up
Royal Scandal Server
Stay tuned for role list updates!! Also doubling is allowed, you’re welcome to take a Royal role and another role later!
submitted by AnonOmeese3 to Group_Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:49 Freeze_Tyler Didnt know there are greater affixes on uniques too

Didnt know there are greater affixes on uniques too submitted by Freeze_Tyler to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:47 Brian_In_Chicago N-400 Timeline and Ceremony Details (Chicago)

Hi everyone - I used this sub to track down some information related to my N-400 application, and wanted to make sure I shared my timeline in case others may find it helpful.
3/4/24 - Submitted my N-400 application 3/4/24 - Notified of the biometric re-use 3/11/24 - Interview scheduled 4/29/24 - Interview/recommendation for approval/placed in line for oath ceremony 4/30/24 - Oath ceremony scheduled 5/16/24 - Oath ceremony
This was all through the Chicago office.
Interview was probably 25-30 minutes, of which 10 of that was spent answering questions and the tests. Most of the time the agent was completing paperwork on their computer, and trying to get around a glitch in the system.
Oath ceremony was today. 12:30 appointment time. 98 people from 32 countries. I'm sure it might be different from time to time, but the event went down like this. Elevator to the 25th floor and met at the courtroom by an employee. Guests asked to wait outside, 'candidates' allowed inside and sat down on one side of the room. One of the people would send row by row of people to get in line at the front of the courtroom; that line led to 3 USCIS employees. One checked me off a list and took my green card. Person in the middle took my paperwork and confirmed it was all there (for me that was my letter and the form for the day of attesting that I'm still not a habitual drunkard). Last person got my certificate and asked me to check the photo, name, country of birth, and birth date. Then asked to sit down in another section of the courtroom while everyone went through that process. This went from 12:30 until 1:15. At 1:15 they allowed guests in the room. Judge entered around 1:35 or so. USCIS agent addressed the court on everyone's behalf for the applications, judge accepted the order, and we're asked to stand and take the oath. We all sit down and the judge spent maybe 7-10 minutes talking through her family's immigration story and the roles and responsibilities of being American. I appreciated the fact it was sincere and not boilerplate. Judge left the room, USCIS employees handed out certificates.
There were some people there to take your completed voter registration application if you wanted. A lot of people mingled and you could go down a few floors for photos.
They asked several times at the beginning of the proceedings, and signs were posted outside the courtroom, that no photos or videos were allowed. All the new citizens complied but there were a handful of guests that did not. You could tell the USCIS employees were bothered by this but they didn't say anything.
submitted by Brian_In_Chicago to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:31 Faithhal Unveiling the Dynamics of Dog Names

In the intricate dance of human-canine relationships, the act of naming a dog is akin to selecting the first brushstroke on a canvas—it sets the tone for the masterpiece of companionship that will unfold. From the whimsical "Rover" to the dignified "Lady," each name holds a key to understanding not just the dog, but also the intricate bond shared with their human counterpart.
The process of christening our furry friends is a blend of art and science, infused with personal anecdotes and cultural influences. It's a decision that carries weight, as it shapes not only how we perceive our dogs but also how they perceive themselves within the family unit. For some, the name reflects the dog's physical attributes or breed lineage, while for others, it's a nod to a cherished memory or a beloved fictional character.
But what's in a name? More than letters strung together, a dog's name becomes a beacon of identity—a verbal fingerprint that distinguishes them in the vast sea of barks and tail wags. It's a tool of communication, enabling owners to summon their companions with a single syllable and forge connections through shared experiences and adventures.
Moreover, the significance of dog names transcends the boundaries of the home, infiltrating public spaces and social circles. In dog parks and neighborhood sidewalks, names serve as icebreakers, sparking conversations among strangers bonded by their shared love for canine companionship. Whether it's a playful "Fido" or a sophisticated "Sophie," each name carries with it a narrative—a window into the unique personalities and quirks of our furry confidants.
In recent years, the art of naming dogs has undergone a renaissance, with owners opting for increasingly creative and unconventional monikers. From pop culture references to puns and wordplay, the possibilities are as endless as the wag of a tail. Yet, amidst the sea of trendy names and Instagram-worthy hashtags, the essence of naming remains unchanged—a testament to the enduring bond between humans and their faithful canine companions.
Related>> Dogs and names
As we embark on this journey of companionship with our dogs, let us remember the significance of the names we bestow upon them. Let us cherish the stories behind each syllable, for they are not just labels but chapters in the tale of love, loyalty, and laughter that we share with our four-legged friends. So, the next time you call out to your furry companion, take a moment to savor the magic of their name—a melody that resonates with the echoes of countless memories and the promise of countless adventures yet to come.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:12 circuitislife AFK Journey Cost Analysis of Units + Essences

AFK Journey Cost Analysis of Units + Essences
I thought it would be interesting to analyze how much things actually cost in this game. The devs use "dragon crystals" to make it difficult for us to really see how much things cost us. So instead of relying on "1200%" or "800%" values advertisement.... hopefully this short guide can help you appreciate how much things are, and whether something is a good deal or not (some may argue that nothing here is a good deal.. but you get my point). I did some calculations to see if what I am buying is making sense, and whether these 2-hour fomo packs were worth buying. I'll use these numbers to analyze a deal the next time I see one.
We have to start somewhere, and the most obvious place to start for me was the biweekly shop as it had items and its individual price in dragon crystal. In this guide, we'll assume 3000 dragon crystals = $100 USD going forward.
Biweekly Bundle
We can take a look at "Hero Recruitment Bundle I & II" to find the price of normal and epic letters. Rate up Recruit Bundle III was used to determine the price of "rate-up" letter, and then Rate-Up Recruit Bundle I and II were then used to calculate the price of Soulstones.
Unit Price based on the Biweekly Bundle
With Soulstone prices, we can determine how much is an S-tier and an A-tier hero.
Price of S & A-tier heroes based on the price of the Soulstones
Now, we find the probability of getting an S-tier hero for each type of summons:You can find out what the expected number of pulls needed for pulling an S-tier hero given a pity of n (google binomial distribution with pity timer).
Use the pity-adjusted probability to find the "value" of each letter:Stargazer heroes can't be bought elsewhere with money (yet) and we're forced to just draw the units (there's no soulstone for these heroes to base their values of).
Based on the price of Stellar Crystal, each hypo/cele hero is worth $37.45.
Summary & Conclusion:
  1. The best "value" is actually with normal letter when you consider both S-tier and A-tier heroes. The worst "value" is epic letter as they are the most expensive. Rate-up is the second best.
  2. It's not worth putting A-tier heroes in place of S-tier heroes when you are doing "epic" summons. However, it'll take you far longer to max out an A-tier hero compared to a S-tier hero if you only rely on epic / rate-up summons. Fortunately, you can buy A-tier heroes from dream realm shop.
  3. The monthly 45 Scamgazer Crystal for 3000 dragon crystals is a scam (worth $74.7 but costs $100).
  4. You can use this table and analyze the value of the "2-hour limited time" bundles for yourself.
  5. Red essences aren't available to purchase in weekly/biweekly shop and therefore, I couldn't really price them accurately.
  6. Each supreme+ unit is about $120.88 for S-tier, $138.88 for A-tier, and $524 for hypo/celestial.
If you were to rely on letters to obtain them, an S-tier hero will take roughly 33 rate-up summon, 48 normal summon, or 19 epic summons
Hopefully this helps. Cheers.
Other Guides: Honor Duel: Character Priorities:
submitted by circuitislife to AFKJourney [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:07 meganb7292 Rental Question

Here is what's happening, my fiance found a leak in our hot water, he found the leak by our heating element going out on our hot water heater. Well we called maintenance. We made them aware of the problem along with a few others such as, mold on the roof, and the tile around the shower needing a seal and molding. It was never sealed properly upon moving in. Also we wanted him to take a look at the roof because we had also noticed water in the wall one day after a hard rain. While checking the roof he stated the roof has absoulty no screw screwed down so basically we had tin just sitting on our roof for God only knows how long. So the work he did all together was 1.fix heating element (left a mess) 2. Corrected the bathroom wall to ceiling with caulk and some pieces of molding. 3. Put screws in our roof. He replaced the extremely outdated panel in the home as well. We have been at this address for 4 years and we barely ever call and bother them unless it's an emergency. If it's an easy fix my fiance will do it properly. Sidenote: this company never checked on our property after hutricane Sally. We have told them about a leak in the past they came to check and blew it off saying it was the condensation from our dryer, we have texts to prove. Also the hot water heater is outdated and I know is as old as four years for sure don't know how long it was there before us. They never check on the property and we have made the property value go up for sure with clearing of land and also landscape work and now a few weeks after they finally fix repairs, they sent us a letter stating because of the severity of the issues THEY ARE CHARGING US OVER 900 DOLLARS!? CAN THEY DO THAT? Please give me any advice. I won't be able to find another spot at what I pay here for what I get but this doesn't seem right or legal but I don't have money to take them to court I just want things to be fair and it doesn't feel like that's what's happening.
submitted by meganb7292 to MobileAL [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:02 scsresearch SCS - strategy for interacting with your SCS MD

I offer the same research feedback to a Reddit user commenting on this post.
The text below is a strategy for interacting with your PM MD for SCS.
Some PM MDs receive a kickback from the SCS manufacturer. It is legal but
not ethical. Their strategy is SCS or NO pain medication.
SCS is generally agreed to be effective for neuropathic pain(NP), but I am
not convinced. NP is post-surgical nerve injury pain, and treatment options
are challenging. NP will be high on the PM MD recommendation list for
post-surgical patients.
You want the PM practice supplying evidence to justify your SCS implant.
I suggest that you send two portal messages. The first to the PM practice,
requesting for not-industry-sponsored publication supporting SCS for your
pain condition. The other portal message to your PCP explains your portal
message to the PM practice. The one to your PCP is important because your PCP
is your protector! A practice without a portal requires a certified letter.
Your not-industry-sponsored publication request is for unbiased research.
The industry is SCS manufacturers. Studies are biased when industry-funded,
industry-contracted researcher(s), researchers with stock in the industry, etc.
The portal character count is frustrating. I use a PDF attachment when
exceeding the character count.
The PM practice might not respond, but the portal post is part of your medical
record. I recommend printing the information on your computer from the portal;
it is a backup strategy.
The publication might not be free, but do not worry. You want the title and
digital object identifier(DOI). The DOI is guaranteed unique, but the title
is not. Please post one or both as a reply to this Tweet. A friend can Tweet
the information to protect your identity.
I will review the publication and reply with a summary when Google Scholar
provides ten+ citations by SCS research publications. I will purchase your
not-freely accessible publication when it meets the citation count condition;
a freely accessible one is terrific.
A few words of caution. Your PM practice might react harshly vocally.
Feel free to use any part of the above in your portal messages.
submitted by scsresearch to u/scsresearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:00 RTT8519 NYS Records Without a Court Order - Success Summary

Sharing for awareness here. If I am late to the game sharing this process please disregard. I've seen a lot of people posting lately RE court order issues for NYS and want to share my experience. Many insisting a court order is required for any request, period.
I was recently able to obtain vital records for ancestors outside of NYC without a court order. Records were held by two different jurisdictions.
I called both clerks directly and advised of my situation. They instructed to do the following:
Submit their jurisdictions standard mail-in request form with supporting documents. Include the JS requirements documentation from the consulate. Include a cover letter indicating my reason for certfied copies, citing the specific category in which I was applying.
Both requests processed without issue and records received in less than 3 weeks. No court order needed.
submitted by RTT8519 to juresanguinis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:56 Pure-Leg-966 Finally watched the movie, should I read the books

Hey everyone, finally got around to watching the movie. I really liked it. Good action sequences and I feel Ryan Gosling did a lot to differentiate himself from the James Bond Jason Bourne, archetypes. I especially enjoyed Gentry’s backstory and off beat / dry humour that Ryan infused into the character.
I am now looking into diving into the books but was just curious if Court Gentry in the movie is very different from how he is represented the movie? Or is he a completely different can worms?
Thanks for your time ! Cheers !
submitted by Pure-Leg-966 to theGrayMan [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:48 Melomeda AITAH for having a mental breakdown and unleashing my “evil” side on my friends?

Hi. I am a kid with probably OSDD1-b (DID but I can remember what my alts did). I have multiple people in my head and one of them is someone named Cyan. She is a bit of a bitch, and caused havoc when she was in control. Mainly, she bullied people and there was a big fight in our shared mental mindscape (aka GMAIL) where eventually she was forced into the Cyan Vault, a high security area in my mind designed specifically for her in mind.
I really didn’t approve of what Cyan did and I felt awful about it, but after a while I saw how much Cyan had improved. I was going through some mental hassle regarding a plane flight (unrelated) and we decided to take one of my friends to ”court” to decide what we should do with him since he had been mean and we wanted to figure out if his actions were bad enough to tell a teacher.
So I started making a court in Google docs and tried assigning people to different roles, but everyone got out of control and I got really stressed. I couldn’t handle it and I wanted one of my alts to help me but none of them would, so (regretfully) I turned to Cyan. I knew that she would probably not be super nice but she had improved so much, I decided to trust her.
When some people came to yell at me for their roles in the court, I lost it and Cyan shoved one of them as me, so now everyone is mad at me/Cyan. Cyan is handling it pretty well but one of my friends doesn’t believe Cyan is real, but I don’t know at this point. I don’t know what gender I am, what species I am, what my purpose is, anything. I just couldn’t handle my friends and at least Cyan hasn’t killed any characters yet!
So, AITAH for unleashing Cyan on my friends when I just couldn’t handle them anymore?
submitted by Melomeda to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:48 Far-War-3804 A04 GENERAL SMITH Issues STERN WARNING to WHITE HAT OFFICERS MAY10, 2024

The White Hats are inextricably linked to both President Donald J. Trump and the United States Constitution, and their commander, Marine Corps General Eric M. Smith, has said he will not tolerate officers who endorse or collaborate with the Red Hat movement, a source in the general’s office told Real Raw News.
Following an uncomfortable face-to-face encounter with Red Hat leader Col. Kurtz, Gen. Smith issued a decree. He firmly stated that officers under his command could not have dual or split allegiances. Their duties as White Hat officers, he wrote, were fundamentally incompatible with the Red Hat’s agenda.
“Any officer under my charge who espouses support for the Red Hats is violating the Constitution and the UCMJ and is as deceptive as any Deep Stater ever was,” the general wrote in a memorandum sent to thousands of Armed Forces officers in the U.S. and abroad.
As reported yesterday, Gen. Smith got blindsided at Friday’s meeting when his aide—a Marine Corps captain who had attended countless White Hat council assemblies—revealed himself to be a Red Hat and an ally of Col. Kurtz, a revelation that must have demoralized the general. Why he exposed himself instead of staying covert is a mystery, but Gen. Smith postulated that Kurtz orchestrated the deception to rattle him and to prove that Red Hats had infiltrated the White Hat command structure.
In his memo, Gen. Smith called Kurtz “recklessly dangerous” and said that officers obeying Kurtz’s commands were acting in contravention of Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, which states, “The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.”
“President Trump has not sanctioned Red Hat operations against our Deep State adversaries, and neither have I. As you well know, President Trump ceded provisional authority to General David H. Berger when he left Washington, D.C., and when Gen. Berger retired, his responsibilities became my own. I have discharged those duties to the best of my ability. The man calling himself Colonel Kurtz, the fictional antagonist in the film Apocalypse Now, is a civilian. He resigned because he wanted to fight the Deep State his way instead of according to the commander-in-chief’s plan. Some of you might be frustrated, but you are dutybound to uphold the Constitution. Not follow some disgruntled Marine’s interpretation of it.”
Gen. Smith concluded his letter with a stern warning: “If you privately sympathize with Red Hats, that’s your prerogative. However, if you identify as a Red Hat or are sharing our intelligence with them, you’re as dishonorable as a Deep Stater and should resign your commission. Any among us caught sharing classified info risks a court-martial.”
submitted by Far-War-3804 to CourtofAges [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:29 lotsofcache Two separate letters of representation AZ

Arizona. Parent passed so I hired an attorney who submitted the will to the court. I received a personal representative letter to start collecting assets. Another will dated after ours was submitted. This other will is problematic for many legal reasons. Their side requested an emergency hearing. At the hearing the judge asked if I understood that all assets were to be handled according to the probate process. I said yes and a scheduling order was due in 30 days.
My question, is it possible for the courts to issue them a personal representative letter as well? I can ask attorney but I’m trying to keep my retainer from disappearing with all my questions.
submitted by lotsofcache to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:22 punkbish Baby Lawyer Clerkship Ending Soon... Encouragement / Advice?

So I passed the bar last July (on my third try god help me) and I've been working as a superior court judicial law clerk in the northwest for the last two years. I feel like failing the bar two times absolutely throttled my self-confidence and now I'm interviewing for associate positions and trying to figure out where to live and how to get back to the confident person I was before taking the bar. This process is brutal.
I've been applying for jobs, interviewing, practicing answers, perfecting cover letters, etc., and I've been rejected twice for applicants with years of litigation experience. I wanted to work for the government or a non-profit but it's looking like I'm just going to have to take a job from any firm willing to invest in me. I thought that a clerkship would make me a more desirable candidate but it doesn't feel like it's helping. I also worry the rejection is because I didn't go to a good enough school, but I went to Idaho, which is fine in the northwest.
But also, maybe this is hard for everyone and I just need to be patient. I'm first generation and I have no idea what I'm doing here.
Any encouragement / suggestions / tips for a baby lawyer seeking her first attorney job?

submitted by punkbish to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:13 CursedLemon Question for anyone with experience on pulling permits, Clinton Township specifically

Okay so I just need to know if I'm going insane here.
I embarked on a basement remodel project a while ago, I've never remodeled a space before so it's taking some time to complete. I had the rough inspection done some months ago for building and electrical permits and that passed without issue, since then I've been slowly working on completing it as I've taken a couple design choices that have necessitated quite a lot of work and it's hard to find time to sink into it during the week.
I received a notification from the Clinton Township building department a couple of weeks ago, the notice was somewhat unclear for its purpose and I assumed it was a follow-up to see if I needed final inspection done, which I don't yet as I haven't completed the remodel. Obviously being ignorant of how this process usually goes as this is the first time I've pulled a permit for anything, I was just intent on letting the permit expire and initiating the process again at some point, paying what I have to pay, etc.
I received another notification yesterday. This letter basically said I have an ordinance violation and lack of resolution will result in criminal proceedings. I'm thinking to myself, did I forget to make a payment for the rough inspection or something? I wouldn't shirk a payment and I couldn't remember specifically if I'd done so, so I called the building department.
No no, I'm literally being threatened with being taken to court because my remodel is going slow and the guy will "talk to his boss and see what he can do because we can't have an open permit".
Am I wrong for being a little flabbergasted here? I'm going to be criminally pursued because I'm slow to work?
submitted by CursedLemon to Michigan [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:11 Inorai [Menagerie of Dreams] Ch. 18: Your Customer Service Sucks pt 1

[Menagerie of Dreams] Ch. 18: Your Customer Service Sucks pt 1
Cover Art First Chapter Playlist Character sheets
The Story:
Keeping her store on Earth was supposed to keep her out of trouble, but when a human walks through her wards like they weren't there, Aloe finds herself with a mystery on her hands. Unfortunately for the human, her people love mysteries - and if she doesn't intervene, no one will. With old enemies sniffing around after her new charge, the clock is ticking to find their answers.
Hey, Miss Kanna.
Aloe showed me how to do this letterbox thing a little bit ago. Hopefully this gets to you. Otherwise, I mean, I guess you’ll never read this?
Rowen grimaced down at the page. Get to the point. Stop faffing about.
Anyway. We’ve been traveling, so I didn’t get a chance to write earlier. Thanks for all your help with the magic kit stuff, again. We still haven’t found an actual answer. We found out I can open the Heartgates, though. That seems pretty big. Just going to assume you know about all that stuff. Aloe doesn’t think it’ll be enough, but
He hesitated, pen hovering over the page. Was he just being naive? He didn’t doubt that Aloe was right, it just…seemed cruel. Surely the whole world couldn’t operate like that.
but I don’t know. It feels like it’d be pretty hard to wave something like that off? Are the Children of Ora or whatever really that single-minded about themselves?
We’re in Emerald Hills now, with that Lord Dilmat guy Aloe knows. If I can be honest a sec? I really don’t know how much I buy that he’ll help me. The lord guy seemed pretty disinterested once Aloe said he couldn’t keep me. Is staying here really a good idea? I do trust Aloe, but I don’t know. I don’t have that much time left. This feels like a gamble.
Not much time at all, now that they’d blown a few days traveling and getting set up. His all-too-short deadline was staring him down every time he closed his eyes. Could he really risk hanging around with some dude who visibly didn’t give even a single shit?
But what else could he do?
I guess it’s whatever, he wrote, shaking his head. I’m going to try and work the shop a little more. People here seem to speak English, but it’s not their go-to. It’s getting a little weird. They keep giving me looks. I need to find some sort of language textbook for Ereliit, but I’m a little worried. If there’s never been a human with magic before, you guys have probably never tried to teach a human before either. Right? So do I even have a chance in hell of learning? Would there even be anything in English?
He took a long, shaky breath. Just a worry. Do you have any ideas? I just don’t know what’s out there. But I’d like to try learning.
There. He’d talked about where they were, and he’d talked about Eswit, and he’d talked about his language battles. That just left…
His lips tightened. That just left the bit he really, really didn’t want to get into. But there was no getting around it.
I’m worried about Aloe. When we were heading into the Deeproads she started having this weird…attack. Glowy eyes, spouting nonsense, wouldn’t respond. She told me it’s because of her magic poisoning her, and she said it was a one-off thing from some kind of magic shock from coming back down here, but then it happened again last night.
She’s fine. I don’t mean to scare you or anything. She’s got that nightsbane stuff, and now that I know this is going to keep happening I can try and watch for it more. Or something like that. But she’s always a bit weird after she takes those potions. I just don’t really know what to do with all this. I just want someone else to know. Getting a little nervous.
Rowen took a shaky breath, closing his eyes for a moment. He hated tattling on her. If he was sick, the last thing he’d want was his friends spreading it around. But…someone needed to know. Someone that wasn’t him. What if last night happened again? What if she fell into another trance like at the aviary and he couldn’t wake her up?
No. Kanna needed to know.
The floor creaked overhead. “Rowen?” Aloe called. “Are you up?”
“I’m down here,” Rowen called back. Well. She was up early. The sky outside was still dark. He’d figured he had at least another half hour before she wandered out.
Quickly, he turned back to the paper laid out on the counter.
I’ve got to go. Aloe’s up and around, and I’ve got to get back to Emerald Hills for more testing. Lucky me. Fingers crossed they actually tell me something useful this time. It wouldn’t be down to luck. This time he’d make them listen. Thanks for listening, Kanna. Hopefully you actually get this.
He stood as the hallway above started to creak, hastily folding the letter up. She’d pointed everything out to him and run through a quick explanation. He just had to take this stamp, marked with a hastily-applied KANNA label, smack it onto the paper, and then put it in that wooden box. Close the lid, and-
Rowen jerked back as a flash of light erupted from beneath the so-recently-closed lid. Slowly he lifted the edge back up.
The box was empty.
“W-Well, that was easy,” Rowen said, grinning. Either the letter was on its way to Kanna, or he’d found a new handy-dandy trash can. All he could do was trust it was the former.
As he put the stamp back into the rack, though, his hand lingered on the wood.
He’d carried Aloe back to her room last night, was all. She’d been utterly passed out, and he wasn’t so frigid as to leave her out in the cold by herself. He’d felt weird about barging into her room unasked, yeah, but…well, he just hadn’t been able to come up with an alternative. She certainly wasn’t about to wake up.
Her bed had been rock-hard. He could remember it clearly, like someone had taken wooden planks and covered them in a few layers of comforter. He’d almost felt bad putting her down on it and walking away. Even the thought of it gave him a sore back.
As he’d turned, he’d caught a glimpse of a writing desk in her otherwise-barren room. There’d been a violin on it. And…a stamp, just like this. There hadn’t been a handy English label, so…he didn’t have a clue who it’d send a letter to. But there alongside it had been a pile of crumpled-up letters.
Someone Aloe wanted to write to, then—but couldn’t? But who? It would’ve been absurdly rude to pry further, so he’d just…walked away.
And now he found himself oddly curious.
The stairs creaked. Rowen glanced up, then gave a quick wave when he saw Aloe descending. “Morning. You’re up early.”
“Couldn’t sleep for shit,” Aloe mumbled. “Are you off?”
“Yeah.” Rowen grimaced. “Eswit wants me back bright and early. I’ve got to keep him happy for now.”
“Good kid.” Aloe gave him a quick smile, patting his shoulder as she passed. “Just stick with it. We’ll figure this out, I promise.”
He was sure she wanted them to figure this out. She might even believe that they’d do it. But belief in a thing didn’t make it reality. He needed to keep pushing. This was no time to sit back and take things easy. He smiled back, nodding, and stood. “I’m off, then.”
“Be safe,” Aloe murmured as he strode by.
He just kept walking, head held as high as he could, until he was out of the Dragon and alone again.
Aloe turned on her heel, giving the floor a long look. The sun was up and Rowen was off. The scholars would be able to help him. The question was, how fast? Would they be able to make a breakthrough soon?
She tried to keep her mind from scrolling through the calendar left to them. It wasn’t enough for them to solve Rowen’s mystery by the deadline—if they didn’t get back to Windscour in time to declare their progress to Envoy Jaian, she’d run a real risk of getting herself in trouble with the crown. She could defend herself, but…she didn’t want to give them any excuse to declare the deal null and void.
Which meant she really, really needed Eswit to get to work, fast.
Sighing, she straightened. A trilling whistle slipped from her lips. All around the Dragon, candles ignited, turning the morning glow into a comfortable brightness. The shutters on the front windows flew open, and through them, she saw the sign out front drop into place.
Well, they were open for business. Overhead, the sunbirds raised their heads, starting to trill amongst themselves.
“Don’t make yourselves trouble,” she said, giving the big guy at the group’s center a warning look and a pointed finger.
He only chirped at her, hopping to the side. She heard one of the eaves windows creak open, followed by the flapping of wings. Several of the others followed suit, vanishing into the outside world.
“Fine,” Aloe muttered, shaking her head. “Come back in time for dinner or you’re not getting any.” It didn’t worry her too much. Most of the dens had access to an exit if they wanted it, and all of them knew the signal for when she was packing up. There shouldn’t be too much danger toward them in a deeproads town like this.
She was just reaching her chair behind the counter when the door swung open again. “Forget something?” she said, turning back.
Her eyes widened at the sight of a woman striding through, short and sturdy with thick, curly red hair and a wide-brimmed hat whose colors had been bleached with too many hours in the sunlight. Pouches ringed the belt on her waist, hanging down almost to her knees.
“Pardon me,” the new woman said, her voice gruff. “Had a lad all but pounding down my door ‘bout some new shop in town.” She leaned her head back, fixing a look on Aloe from beneath the brim of her hat, and grinned. “Thinkin’ it’s ‘round the time I should see the place for myself.”
Just as she’d thought, then—this was Lanioch’s apothecary. Exactly the sort who might be interested in the goods she sold. Aloe smiled right back, bowing with careful, deliberate respect.
“Madam Healer, I believe I have exactly what you need,” she said. “Whatever that is.”
“We’ll see about that,” the apothecary said, turning toward the Dragon’s shelves with a brisk step.
Aloe’s grin only widened. She wasn’t put off by the woman’s air and attitude, no. She’d expected this. The bargaining was the best part—and out of everyone in the town, this was likely to be her primary customer.
The game had just begun.
It was early enough in the morning for there to still be dew on the grass when he crossed over into Emerald Hills, but the lab was already bustling. The secretary Aloe had talked to before perked up at the sight of him, beckoning him over. She didn’t try to speak to him, though. Maybe she was too busy. Maybe he was just the human and didn’t rate a little morning chitchat. Hell, maybe she didn’t even speak English.
He let her usher him into the same lab room he’d been in before. It was just like he remembered it—but this time, there’d been a huge magic circle like something out of Fullmetal Alchemist scrawled all over the floor. There were tiny detailed elements throughout it that looked like someone had painted in with a tiny, hair-thin brush. “Paint, hopefully,” he whispered, giving the thing a contemplative tap with his foot as the secretary walked across the room atop it. If he messed up all their hard work they just might kill him after all.
The circle didn’t budge. With one last shrug, Rowen steeled himself and followed after.
Note-Taker and Box-Holder were there, he saw with a grimace. Both lit up at the sight of him—but as they hurried toward him, he saw Note-Taker pull something from his pocket. A vial, filled with clear liquid.
“No,” Rowen said, taking a step back as the pair charged him. The rest of the researchers scattered around the lab looked up at the firmness in his voice, but he refused to let himself back down. “I’m not going to drug myself. It’s not necessary.”
“You must hold still,” Note-Taker said. “It will…” He scowled, chewing on his lips. “Difficult,” he said at last—and held the vial out again. “Take.”
“I’ll hold still,” Rowen said, shoving his hands resolutely in the pockets of his jeans. God, he felt out of place here dressed like a normal person when they were all wearing their fantasy getups. “I’m not taking it.”
Note-Taker grimaced. He glanced to Box-holder, who shrugged.
Rowen stiffened as the two started talking in Ereliit. “And you can’t keep everything secret from me this time,” he said. “You have to tell me what you’re figuring out about me. That was the deal.”
The two erelin men looked back to him, and now the disdain in Note-Taker’s expression was clear. “No time,” he said. “We will handle. Sit.”
“Yes, there damn well is time,” Rowen snapped. “Look, you’ve got two choices here. You can either tell me what you’re learning or I’m not going to cooperate. Okay?”
He watched Note-Taker’s nostrils flare. The man was positively glaring down the length of his nose at Rowen now. “You are not-”
“We had a deal,” Rowen said. “With your boss. D’you think that Lord Eswit guy is going to like it if you drive me and Aloe away?” He jerked his chin higher, matching the asshole glare for glare. “All I’m asking is for you to talk to me.”
Box-Holder muttered something under his breath, still in that stupid language of theirs. But before Rowen could launch into them again, Note-Taker let out a groan. “Agreed,” he said, sounding like he didn’t agree at all.
He’d at least said the word, though. And he did still need their help to get some answers. So Rowen just nodded, letting the two men guide him to the center of the magic circle, and steeled himself for what came next.
By the end of it, Rowen understood why Note-Taker had wanted to drug him.
He didn’t have a clue what they were doing. He’d tried to watch and pay attention, but there was only so much he could do. He was plunked down cross-legged at the very center of the whole arrangement, with Eswit’s mages around the outer ring with their wands and staves. Every time they raised their implements, the circle under his ass started to glow with a frankly-worrying intensity.
And then the deluge would begin. Fireballs. Lightning bolts. Whirlwinds that whipped around him and blew his hair all astray. Bits of free energy, and shrieking rips of pure noise, and gouts of water that drenched his sweatshirt. He tried to stay still through all of it, gripping the insides of his sweatshirt pocket and closing his eyes against the worst of the onslaught. He’d promised Note-Taker he could manage.
But Christ it was hard. Sweat drenched his undershirt, and however strong his resolve had been at the start, he was mortified to find he was starting to shake a little.
All of the fear vanished when, with one last crackle of energy, the latest barrage faded—and the mages all turned away from him. “Is that it?” Rowen whispered.
Note-Taker was in the back of the room, scrawling away madly on a clipboard. The other mages were starting to encircle him, Rowen saw. And they looked excited. Bingo.
Legs still quivering beneath him, Rowen stood, banging his fists into his thighs until the tingling went away. “What is it? What did you find?”
The scholar closest to him glanced over, but turned back to the others just as quickly. None of the rest even bothered to look.
Note-Taker was beaming, though, and Box-Holder’s eyes damn near sparkled. Rowen’s anger deepened. They’d found something.
“Hey,” he snapped, striding closer. “What’d you-”
Note-Taker raised a hand, gesturing dismissively in his direction. A pair of the scholars turned, moving to block his way, but Rowen had expected that. Darting to the side, he ducked between a pair of Orran women—and snatched the clipboard out of Note-Taker’s hands.
You’d think the guy had never been bullied in school. He was slow to react, hands closing around open air for a second before he lunged. “Fucking-”
“Oh, so you do know some actual words,” Rowen said. He kept backstepping, circling the room until the exit was square behind him. “Look. You told me you’d talk. That’s all I want here.”
Note-Taker’s face contorted with anger. “Give it-”
“No,” Rowen said, holding the clipboard up and away from the Orran’s reach. “Just tell me what you guys found out, and I’ll give it back.”
Otherwise,” Rowen said, taking another step backward, “I’m going to take this back to Aloe to see what it says. And I won’t be coming back tomorrow.”
He waited, counting the seconds. The scholars had all frozen somewhere in the middle of his escapade, glancing at each other with worried eyes.
This was all a risk. He knew that. He needed these guys as much as they needed him—but maybe a little reminder that he could just pick up and go if they refused to play ball would do the trick. So he waited, eyes glued to Note-Taker’s face and nerves twitching for the slightest sign of counterattack.
Finally, the man scowled, letting out an irritated grunt. “Testing passive resonance,” he said gruffly.
“And?” Rowen said. “What’d you find?”
“Response value of five,” Note-Taker said. He spat the words out, then thrust his hand toward Rowen. “Give.”
“What’s that mean?” Rowen said. “Passive resonance. What is that? And what’s it mean that-”
“Did not promise tutoring,” the man hissed. He jabbed his hand forward again. “Give.
“Okay,” Rowen said. “Fine.” He’d gotten the important bits. Passive resonance, and it spat back a five. Passive resonance, five. Passive resonance, five. As long as he could get that back to Aloe, she’d be able to translate.
He slapped the clipboard down into Note-Taker’s outstretched hand. “Here. That’s all I wanted. Are we done for the day?”
The pair of head researchers glared at him, lips tight, but turned almost immediately back to their own work. One by one heads around the room swiveled away from him.
Guess that was his answer. Rowen shook his head, grumbling a little to himself, but made for the door.
Time to figure out what all the fuss was about.
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